View Full Version : [Completed] Startling Revelation (NC-17) *Epilogue part 2 updated 5/21/07*

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24th May 2006, 06:00
EEK!! :eek I am so sacred for Chloe. I am glad Lex will be helping her solve this. And I actually like Chlois in this one.

Hope :)

24th May 2006, 08:55
wow this is a great story, and the last update was amazing. I cant wait for more :D

24th May 2006, 14:13
A really really great update. Wonder what Lex will do....

Kit Merlot
24th May 2006, 15:38
The Chlex smuttyness was truly wonderful, but I'm worried about Chloe's safety. Who is threatending her life, and will Chloe discover who it is before Lex "takes care of it" for her?

And I have to say, your version of Lois is just excellent!

24th May 2006, 17:09
That update had everything: crazy Lois, Chlex smut, and protective Lex. All things that add up to the perfect story. Like Chloe, I don't want too much about Lois and Clark's crazy sex life. But the little tidbits are just too funny to miss. I love how comfortable Lex and Chloe are with each other and how Lex had no problems being there for her. I'm all for Lex having to do whatever is necessary to protect Chloe. Update soon please.

24th May 2006, 21:55
I'm so glad that Chloe told Lex about being threatened!! Thank goodness he was there for her!! I also liked the part about Lois' fear of her feelings for Clark!! I think loving Clark would scare anyone!! Thank you so much for the wonderful update!! Can't wait to find out what Lex will do!!

25th May 2006, 13:48
Thank you for this update!! i really love your fic!!

The chlois is always very funny and it is how i like Chloe and Lois :) Lois always makes me laughed! hehe
I really love how Lex came immediately to Chloe

Generally i love how you write the feeling of them who didnt say 'i love you' yet, I mean it is normal to make time to express your feeling to your bf/gf :)
Oh i lve how Lex teased Chloe :-P

And please update soon!!!

26th May 2006, 01:41
Great update Kimbo I loved the conversation between Lois and Chloe at the beginning :) The romance that is building with Lex and Chloe is lovely to read I can't wait for more.

26th May 2006, 15:05
Awww, somebody's in love and it's not just Chloe, and I don't mean Lois. great part.

26th May 2006, 20:57
Great story.
Continue forever, please.

star del mar
31st May 2006, 06:58
Well things seem to be going pretty well between Lex and Chloe and some freaking death threat had to go and screw it all up! Man, I’m sure that Lex will get to the bottom of things… I doubt that he’s going to let something like that go so easily. And I enjoyed Lois and Chloe’s conversation, another one bites the dust when it comes to Clark Kent :) Too funny. Great update!

1st June 2006, 09:12
Ohhhhh, Lex is gonna kill someone. Or at least, have the vanished. : ) Can't wait to read more, loving Lois, shes such a hoot.

Haven't heard to much from Lana. I can't believe shes sitting this one out.

): )

1st June 2006, 09:58
this just wouldn't be a chlex fic w/o someone threatening to kill someone. nice work...i loved the angsty / wild smut after lex accidentally killed a man. looking forward to more updates : )

4th June 2006, 08:30
i love this. I can't wait until you update.

8th June 2006, 21:25
Fantastic updates, can't wait for more !!

9th June 2006, 03:59
Next part should be up tommorrow :) :) been away on vaca now i'm back!

9th June 2006, 05:55
greeat work, can't wait to read the next chapter

9th June 2006, 07:09
I am so in love with this fic. Please hurry back with an update! :)

9th June 2006, 09:41
I just finished reading through the fic and I really loved it. Besides the obvious adoration for your Chloe and Lex characters, I'm really enjoying your developing Clark and Lois relationship. Lois is a really fun character. I love the way she's constantly prodding, coaxing and ordering Chloe to keep moving forward in her personal life in rapid-fire drill sergeant fashion. It is really fun and funny watching Lois expertly weaving her way through someone else's relationship issues, and be such a fumbling klutz at her own emotional needs :D

And Clark is so sweet. Its really great to see him step up to take the initiative in a difficult relationship. Canon Clark has always been such a procrastinator in his personal life, its great to see him give it all he's got for his latest love-interest.

Also excellent work on the Chloe chasing Lex angle in the fic. Many, MANY fics deal with Lex finding ways to chase, manipulate, stalk and wear down Chloe into a coupling. It was really fun to see Chloe plotting out plans and strategies to 'Get Lex'. And Lois made an excellent partner in crime :D

I'm looking forward to the next update. It seems like both of them are right on the verge of saying their 'I wuv youse' to each other. Looking forward to it.

oh yeah, and your smut scenes are really hot!!! Real fun to read, pleasewritemore :D

11th June 2006, 22:02
I just started reading your story last night and it is really good. Please update soon. I love how Lex is so controling. The Louis and Clark story is also a nice addition. Please update soon, I needt ot see more.

12th June 2006, 00:11
I really like your story and i hope you'll update soon! i miss to knw what they will do after!
please please give us a new part soon!

13th June 2006, 02:50
Wow its been a while since I’ve updated. Hope you all haven’t forgotten about me. I’ve been on vacation and now I’m back. I’m going to try and start updating more regularly. Thanks for the FB once again!

Chapter 12 (Part 1)

Lex Luthor is a Workaholic. At least that’s what Chloe believes. He had shown up at her apartment early Saturday morning, and she had been surprised and all too eager to accept his invitation to spend the weekend at his penthouse, thankful it was her weekend off from work, and wanting nothing more than to spend time alone with him. She had spent most of the morning distracting herself from her disappointment at Lex choosing to work instead of spending it with her. She had took her own little tour of his penthouse, noting to herself it was as big as putting three versions of her apartment together. Then she decided to work on an article she had to do for work, but finished that one quickly. She had been hoping for a lazy afternoon filled with sex, but instead she sat alone on his very large sofa, her thumb furiously flicking the buttons on the remote control.

“Over eight hundred channels, and nothing on.” She mumbled annoyed, throwing the remote down with a huff. She crossed her arms in front of her chest and pouted. Her pout turned into an annoyed frown as she realized she was not the type to pout. Her frown turned into a glare. Lex turned her into a pouter.

She stood up the glare still on her face as she made her way to his office. She would have none of that. It was bad enough he turned her into a love sick sometimes whiny thing. Now she was pouting? Two years and she still wasn’t use to the way being in love made you feel. The way it changed you. “Stupid Lex.” She muttered. She would have none of that. She was going to march in there and demand his attention. Demand he entertain her. Demand he…

Her thoughts of rebellion suddenly stopped as she gazed at him from the doorway. He sat at his desk, typing quickly on his lap top. The sun shone down on him from the window, the image bringing some horrible clichéd poem to her mind that makes her cringe. She wondered how someone can look so infuriatingly good looking wrapped in a crisp black shirt and dark pants. Barefoot. The longer she gazed at him the more turned on and annoyed she became. Turned on because well look at him. Annoyed because of her inability to stay angry at him. She was seriously going to start investigating this phenomenon, but something was telling her it had something to do with that thing called love.

“You’re a serious social retard.”

Lex paused in his typing and slowly looked up at her. “What?”

“You,” She said walking further into the room until she was in front of his desk. “Are a social retard.”

“Oh,” He said, sitting back in his chair. “And just how did you come to this opinion of yours?”

She shook her head, and walked around his desk to stand in front of him. “Not an opinion,” She corrected. “Fact.”

Lex nodded, giving her an amused look. “Oh, okay. And how is it a fact exactly?”

She raised an eyebrow at him. “You’re asking me this? You and I both know you’re socially retarded. You’ve proven it to me time and again.”

The amused glint in his eyes faded as he studied her closely. “Chloe?” He started slowly. “What’s wrong?”

She sighed and stepped closer, lifting her leg and sliding into his lap, ignoring his slightly startled look at her move. “Why did you ask me to spend the weekend with you?”

Again with the startled look that was quickly recovered and replaced with a more casual gaze. “Because we‘ve never spent one together.”

Chloe’s eyebrow raised even higher.

He cleared his throat. “I enjoy your company.”

“Hmm.” Was all she said.

He squirmed In his seat as he muttered. “Because I wanted to spend some time with you.”

She nodded, choosing her next words carefully. Tossing the question out so it sounded more casual than anything. “Those are all very good reasons, and I’m sure very true, but what was your intentions?”

Lex smiled shaking his head. “Do I always have to have other intentions?”

Chloe raised her eyebrow as an answer.

He sighed. “I’m not that transparent am I?”

She smiled with a shrug. “Not really. Well, only to me, but I kind of don’t count. Don’t worry Lex, an aura of mysteriousness still surrounds you.”

“In case you’ve forgotten, your life was threatened…” He trailed off, and she stared at him, silently urging him to continue. “And I’m worried about you. I worry - -I thought-well I figured if I have you around me-in my sight that you wouldn’t- -well, that I wouldn’t have to worry as much.”

She had never seen Lex so flustered before. So nervous with his own words. So embarrassed. It was cute. Really really cute, and extremely attractive. It had been two weeks since she received that horrible threat to her own life, and now that she thought about it. Lex had been strangely protective in the past two weeks. Taking her to lunch every afternoon. Driving her home after work every evening and walking her to her door, sometimes spending the night. Calling her the next morning if he didn’t. She didn’t call it being protective at first. Hadn’t thought the word. She was too busy enjoying all the extra attention he was giving her. But now, now she understood. She was touched that he wanted to protect her so much, and well a little annoyed.

She noticed he was still watching her silently obviously trying to gauge her reaction to his admission. She just smiled, and slowly lowered her head to give his lips a small lingering kiss before sliding her lips onto his throat, gently kissing and nipping at his Adams apple. “Why didn’t you tell me this before?” She asked, her voice muffled by his throat.

He took a second to answer. “I knew it would probably annoy you.”

She nibbled below his ear. “You’re right.”

Lex leaned his head back and sighed. “Chloe?”

Her mouth continued its exploring. “If you say you have to get back to work I’m going to kill you.”

He chuckled and shuddered when she bit a rough patch of skin particularly hard. “I was going to say bite harder, but you read my mind.”

She moved her attention back to his mouth. “Don’t I always?” She didn’t wait for an answer, instead opting to grab his bottom lip between her teeth and pulled gently, humming to herself as she pressed a gentle kiss to soothe the sting. She glanced up into his eyes, noticing they were darker than usual, and lowering by the second. She smiled, and pulled away from his mouth, ignoring the surprised look he gave her when she turned away from him, facing the computer. “What are you working on anyway?”

“The last month’s profit margin for LuthorCorp.” He sounded breathless.

“Oh.” She wriggled in his lap, smiling at his intake of breath. “Wow, that’s a lot of money.” She could feel his hardness already pushing into her butt through the thin fabric of the pants she wore.

Lex moved one hand to clamp down on Chloe’s hip. He undulated beneath her, moving himself in the slowest of movements. “It could be better.”

She turned to look at him over her shoulder. “One hundred million dollars could be better?”

Her wriggling increased, and she felt his grip on her waist increased.

“My company could’ve made that much in a week.”

She smiled and leaned back against his chest, tilting her head to the side as she felt his breath tickle the side of her neck. She felt as though they were playing some sort of a silent game. Who will give in first. “Your confidence is refreshing. How will you make it better hmm?” She grasped both his hands in her own and slid them up her body until they rested on her breast.

Lex squeezed her heavy flesh on reflex. “More projects. Increased productivity. Chloe-”

“You’ve been working all morning,” She cut in, knowing what he was going to say. “And afternoon. Why don’t you increase my productivity hmm?”

“That was a horrible play on words.” He murmured into her ear.

She laughed. “I can’t think straight right now.” She lifted her head too look up at him. “Are we going to dry hump in this chair forever or are we actually going to--” She trailed off, and he was already lifting up from the chair, a hand around her waist so she wouldn’t stumble.

He ushered her across the hall, and into his bedroom. His arms wrapped themselves around her wais, and he wasted no time in pulling her head sideways, lowering his mouth toward her own. Their lips moved against each other in a hungry kiss, his tongue sliding against hers, fighting for dominance.

She turned, gripping his shoulders so she could pull him closer. His hands slid to the bottom of her silk peasant top. She pulled away from his lips and lifted her arms so he could slide it off. They stared at each other silently, and she noticed how his gray eyes had suddenly turned even darker as they slid to her bra covered breasts. She suddenly giggled.

Lex raised an eyebrow.

“What?” She asked, still laughing.

He didn’t answer, just stepped forward, causing her to step backward, the back of her legs hitting his bed. She fell backward with a surprised thump, her back hitting so hard she began to laugh even harder.

Lex followed, climbing onto the bed and between her opened thighs with an amused glint in his eyes. “Why do you always laugh?” He asked before bending his head, giving her a small kiss.

She smiled up at him, and she could feel her cheeks grow warm. “The prelude to sex always makes me giddy.”

He chuckled. “I’ll be sure to remember that. You have amazing breasts Chloe.”

She raised an eyebrow. “Nice change of subject.”

He shrugged slightly. “Just keeping us on track.”

She nodded and pulled him down fully on top of her, once again attacking his mouth with her own, smiling at his low groan when she expertly sucked on his tongue. She arched her neck when he began kissing her there. She couldn’t stop the movements of her hips thrusting upward against his hard cock, which was even more prominent than before.

“Shit.” She hissed when he sucked hard on her neck. She knew there was going to be a large bruise left after he was finished, and she also knew next week was wearing her hair down week at the planet. Although it slightly annoyed her when he did that, because she had an inkling that he did it purposely, but the knowledge that Lex Luthor still like to give hickeys amused her to no end. Not to mention how good it felt. She moaned when he pulled away, already feeling the blood rushing under to skin on her neck. She turned her head as his mouth smashed against her own again, her hands running down his back as she felt the moisture growing between her thighs. She still, and suddenly pulled away a confused frown on her face.

Lex hadn’t noticed, just went back to kissing her throat.

“You’re vibrating.” She mumbled.

His hand lifted her thigh and he squeezed rubbing his cock against her.



“You’re vibrating.”

He paused, and slowly pulled away, his brows creased in confusion. “What?” He paused in thought, the frown disappearing as he reached down into his pocket and pulled out his phone. He stared down at the phone for a moment before sighing in frustration. He flipped open the phone, put it to his ear. “What?!” he barked angrily.

She lifted her head to kiss his throat, but he suddenly sat up.


She stared up at him, noticing how his facial expression went from calm to deadly in a matter of seconds.

“I told you that’s not what I wanted.”

Uh oh. He was using that calm dead tone he used whenever he was really pissed about something. She caressed the side of his arm, noticing how tense he was.

“Dammit Taylor! Why is it that you can’t get something so fucking simple done?”

Her eyes widened in surprise at his sudden outburst of anger. It took a lot for him to loose his composure, and she hoped one day to never be on the receiving end of one of those.

He stood up suddenly, the phone clenched tightly in his hand, his jaw set angrily. “No,” He said shaking his head. “Just keep him there. I’ll be there shortly.”

He’ll be there shortly? Chloe sat up onto her elbows, her eyes wide in surprise.

“Fine, just keep him there!” He closed the phone, and his face softened as he glanced down at Chloe.

“Let me guess,” She said quietly. “You have to go.”

He gave her a pained look. “I’m sorry. I have to handle this. Its-”

“Important. I know.” she cut in with a sigh. She slowly sat up, trying with all her might to not let the disappointment show on her face. She must of failed because he was leaning down in front of her with a small apologetic smile.

He touched her knee. “You have no idea how much I’d rather be here.”

She could still feel the moisture between her legs. She snorted. “I think I do.” She caressed the side of his face. “Go on.”

He stood up. “You’ll be okay while I’m gone?”

She nodded with a small smile. “Of course.”

He nodded, and kissed her. “Try to stay out of trouble while I’m gone.’

She watched as he walked into his closet to retrieve his shoes. He emerged two minutes later, jacket in hand.

He paused in front of her, running his fingers through her hair. “I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

She bit her lip as she watched him go then sighed as she heard the front door close. She lay back with a loud huff. “This sucks.” She lay there for quite some time, noticing how small she felt in such a large quiet apartment. The scent of his cologne still lingered, and she suddenly felt even more lonelier than before. She considered her situation, thinking she should just get dressed and go for a walk, but she wasn’t really up to doing much of anything for today. She felt annoyed. She felt repressed and extremely bored.

She stood up and bent to pick up her blouse so she could put it back on before walking back into the living room. Once into the living room, she grabbed her cell phone so she could call the one person who could cheer her up.

“Special Agent Lane speaking,”

Chloe frowned. “Lois?”

“Oh, hey cousin, what’s up?”

“Special agent Lane?”

“Oh don’t mind that, I just sort of told someone I was a-- well never mind that. What’s up?”

“Remind me to ask about that later. I was just calling to see what you were up to today.”

“Oh you know the usual, nothing.”

Chloe laughed. “Sounds fun.”

“It is. What about you?”

“I’m at Lex’s.”

“Ahh, okay. Which brings the question as to what are you doing on the phone with me instead of being hot and sweaty with Lex?”

Chloe sighed deeply. “He had to go.”

“Ohh. Don’t tell me he left before inserting Slot A into Slot B?”

“Is the repression that obvious in my voice?”

“Yep,” Lois answered. “Pretty heavy on the sexual repression.”

“Do you want to come over? This place is really huge, and I’m kind of bored, and there’s lots of alcohol.”

“You had me at the word alcohol. What’s the address?”


“Oh my god these sell for eight hundred dollars jar. Chloe, its so good you’ve gotta try it.”

Chloe scrunched her face up as Lois held the beluga caviar in her face. “I think I’ll stick to the pizza, and away from the fish eggs--” She trailed off, and opened her mouth anyway, letting Lois stuff the small spoon into her mouth. She chewed experimentally, her eyebrow raising as she realized how good it was.

Lois smiled. “Good?” She handed Chloe the small jar, and reached for another one.

“So,” Chloe put the small jar down with a small smile. She reached for her glass and poured herself another drink. “Who’s turn is it?”

“Oh god,” Lois sighed. “Yours.”

Chloe squealed with a smiled. “Okay, my question is: who did you loose your virginity to?”

Lois rolled her head. “Could your question be any more immature?”

Chloe raised an eyebrow. “And yours was?”

“Hey, wanting to know whether or not Lex is hairless everywhere was very vital to my curiosity.”

“Just answer the question Lo.”

Lois sighed. “Fine. Okay, you remember when my dad and I lived on that base in Texas right?”

Chloe nodded.

“And you would come by every summer to visit for two weeks?”

Chloe nodded again.

“Well, you remember the carnival that always would visit, and I’m sure you remember who operated the Ferris wheel.”

Chloe thought for a long moment, trying to remember the name of the boy who operated the Ferris wheel. Denny? Donald? Don? “Donnie Ratcliff. Rat-boy?”

Lois slowly nodded with a roll of her eyes. “Okay first of all, they only called him rat-boy because of his last name. He asked me out on a date one day, and I always thought he was kind of cute so I said yes. Then we went out every night until the week was over and the carnival had to go out to the next town. Then the next year I turned sixteen and we did the same thing again, but this time on the last night before he had to go we went down to the docks, and we you know. It was weird, and for the rest of the summers I avoided him until we had to move.”

Chloe shook her head as she took a sip of her drink. “Wow,” she said. “I can’t believe I didn’t know all of this.”

Lois nodded. “I hid it pretty well. Didn’t go out with him during the daytime. Only at night, and where there was little to no people around.”

“Wow,” Chloe said again, then she began to giggle. “I can’t believe you slept with a Carni.”

Lois huffed. “Shut up! Besides that was just a part-time thing for him. He said his family owned a farm-- oh god I’m sensing a pattern here.”

Chloe nodded. “You like farmers.”

“Ha ha, and besides this time I like well hung farmers.”

“I’m so not listening to you. You know you could refrain from trying to traumatize me anytime.”

Lois just shrugged. “Sorry. Anyway, speaking of farmers, why is smallville so freakishly strong?”

Chloe choked on her champagne. “What?”

“Clark, he lifted my whole sofa by himself when I asked him to move it for me.”

Chloe just shrugged. “So?”

Lois raised an eyebrow. “With one arm.”

“Oh.” Chloe said and Lois nodded.

“He said it was adrenaline, but whatever. Did you know he had the nerve to say I was his girlfriend?”

Chloe frowned in confusion, surprised at the change of subject. “But, aren’t you?”

“Yeah, but he doesn’t know that. I didn’t even say anything to him about. He can’t just assume I’m his girlfriend just because I happen to go out with him in public from time to time.”

Chloe laughed shaking her head. “You’re so weird. It doesn’t matter if you confirm it or not, its an unspoken thing.”

“Hmm, like you and Lex?”

“What?” Chloe sputtered. “What’s that mean?”

Lois gave her an amused smile. “Don’t try and deny it any longer Chlo. You’re officially the girlfriend of Lex Luthor.”

Chloe shook her head. “No, I don’t think so.”

Lois looked at her as if she were crazy. She hated when Chloe questioned her value. “You don’t think so? What are you two then friends with benefits?”

Chloe shrugged. “Well--”

Lois shook her head. “Chloe I’m two seconds away from smacking you. Why do you question your worth?”

Chloe shrugged. “I don’t. Its just, I’ve learned not to assume things when it comes to relationships with men.”

Lois smiled. “Well, I’ll tell you this. Whenever a guy drives halfway across town in the middle of the night for you pretty much means you’re his girlfriend. Even if he doesn’t say it. He’s yours girl.”

Chloe sat back in thought. She cast a glance towards Lois. “You think so?”

Lois sat back as well. “I know so. So anyway, now that you’re his girlfriend, you think he’d let me borrow a couple thousand?”

Chloe giggled shaking her head. “Not a chance.”

“I tried.” Lois murmured, standing up. “I better get going.”

Chloe frowned. “Now?’

“Yeah. I kind of told Clark I’d come over his place for some--” She trailed off, and sighed wistfully.

Chloe looked at Lois strangely. “I don’t want to know do I?”

“Nope.” Lois said, reaching for her purse.

Chloe stood up, walking Lois toward the door. “Go and get laid or whatever the hell it is you two do.”

“I’ll see you later.” Lois said turning to leave.

“Tell Clark I said hi!” Chloe called and Lois waved her off.


Soft lips kissed the inside of her thighs, and she sighed softly in her sleep, spreading her legs wider as she felt those lips kiss her hip bone. This was some dream she was having. Those lips, which were very familiar, now kissed toward the place she so desperately needed to be kissed. The lips suddenly disappeared, and her eyes fluttered open, and she sleepily smiled down at Lex who was kneeling between her open thighs, his warm hand wandering up and down her thigh.

By the looks of it, it seemed he wanted to pick up from where they last left off. She had no problem with that, neither did her body, which seemed to be pulsing with desire, her sex already moist from just the feel of his lips on her thighs.

He didn’t say anything, just continued caressing her, watching her with a small smile. Chloe wished he would touch her where she needed it already, and she complained with a whimper, which turned into a moan when he suddenly slid his hand between her legs and pushed two fingers up inside of her cunt. Her sex clung to his fingers as he pushed them in and out of her going slowly then faster when she started panting.

His thumb moved back and forth over her swollen clit, rubbing the slick flesh slowly.

“Harder..” She moaned, placing her hand over his so he could press her clit harder. Her eyes widened in surprise as her orgasm began to build. Her hand still rested on top of his, and she could feel her fluids making everything down there slippery and hot. She lifted her hips as he continued thrusting his fingers, and she moaned in surprise when she felt another climax, this one much shorter, not the slow waves she felt rippling through her body from the first one.

“Wait,” She panted when he continued moving his fingers. She could feel her muscles fluttering around his fingers. She felt too sensitive down there to try and come again. She was proven wrong when his fingers suddenly curled upward against the little bundle of flesh that is her G-spot. He pressed forward, increasing the pressure each time.
“Oh..Shit..Lex..” Chloe’s eyes widened, and cries poured from her lips as she was blinded by pleasure. She arched her hips against his fingers, trying to match his movements, and screamed out loudly while shudders wracked her body. Her hips slowly lowered as he withdrew his fingers. She stared up at him surprised as he put both of his fingers into his mouth and sucked them clean, keeping his eyes on her the whole time. She swallowed, The slightly predatory gleam in his eyes made her feel as though she were a target.

She froze when he reached out and gripped her thighs in his hands. “Oh, wait,” She moaned when he suddenly lowered his head. “I can’t Lex…” She trailed off and moaned when he took her clit in his mouth and sucked hard. His tongue released her clit, licking her clit up and down in smooth slow motions. She wanted it to stop and continue. She didn’t know if she could take this much with her increased sensitivity.

“Coming..I’m oh fuck!” Her hips lifted up with out her control, and her hands gripped his head, pushing his mouth harder against her cunt as she came again, a rush of hot liquid flowing onto his exploring tongue.

His hands removed her hands from his head, and he sat up, lying his body next to hers. Her muscles felt boneless and fluid, and she turned her head, watching as he wiped his glistening mouth with the back of his hand. She turned slightly and yanked on his shirt, catching his mouth in a kiss, smiling when he parted her mouth with his tongue. She moaned when she tasted the tangy flavor of herself. He slowly pulled away, and she smiled up at him.


“Hi yourself.”

She stretched and ran a hand down his arm. “What time is it?”

“Nine Thirty.” He said, removing a wet strand of her hair from her forehead. “I’m sorry for not coming back sooner. Things got sidetracked.”

She shrugged with a smile. “It wasn’t your fault. Besides, you made up for it with the four orgasms.” She ran her hand down his stomach toward the belt on his pants. “Maybe I can give you more hmm?”

Lex chuckled, and caught her hand in his own. He shook his head. “I don’t think I can have even one. You were okay being alone here by yourself?”

“No,” she admitted. “But I invited Lois over for a little while. I hope you don’t mind.”

He shook his head. “No, I’m glad you enjoyed yourself. Just one question though?”

“What’s that?”

“Why are you wearing my tie on your head?”

“Huh?” Her hand flew to her head and sure enough there was a piece of cloth tied tightly around her head. She thought back to earlier in the evening, and smiled. She had finished off the rest of that champagne she had been drinking with Lois, and went exploring in his closet, trying on different shirts until she found one she liked. Then she had tied a tie around her head thinking it funny before passing out on the bed and falling asleep. “Oh,” She laughed, swiping the tie off of her head. “Too much champagne mixed with boredom I think. I went snooping In your closet. That thing is huge.”

He smiled, amused by her antics. “Find any skeletons?”

“No,” she sighed with a fake pout. “I did find some dead bodies though. You should tell Helga to clean up a little bit better after you.”

He chuckled. “You’re funny.”

She sat up with a smile. “Aren’t I?” They were both silent for a long moment, and she noticed for the first time how exhausted he looked. She reached for his hand. “You should-- what happened to your hand?” She asked when she noticed the cuts and bruises on his swollen hand.

“I just hurt it,” He explained. “Its nothing.” He tried pulling it away, but she held on.

“Nothing? It looks like you punched a wall. What happened?”

He shook his head. “Nothing. Its nothing really.”

She could tell it was something, and she had a hunch that something intense happened tonight. Something that he obviously didn’t want to discuss with him. She forced her reporter instincts away. She wouldn’t pry. She gently placed his hand down and scooted off of the bed. “Stay there, I’m gonna get some stuff for it.”

“I’m fine Chloe!” He called after her retreating form, but she ignored him.

She emerged from the bathroom, A small first aid kit in one hand, and a small bottle of peroxide in the other. “Okay, here we go.” She said, settling back onto the bed next to him.

“It’ll be healed tomorrow.” He explained with a sigh as she reached for his hand.

She wet the cloth with the peroxide, and began to clean the cuts. “Of course it will Mr. invincible. But it isn’t healed now, so shut up and let me do this.” Thankfully he stayed quiet as she finished bandaging him up. “There.” she said when she was finished. “That wasn’t so bad was it?” She looked up at him, surprised to see him staring at her his eyes incredibly soft. She cleared her throat. “Does it hurt?” She asked quietly.

He silently shook his head.

She leaned over and kissed him before bending her head and placing everything in the first aid kit. The way he was staring at her unnerved her. “I’m going to use the bathroom.”

She scooted up the bed again and toward the bathroom, closing the door quietly. As soon as she closed the door she leaned back against it, and let out the breath she’d been holding, her heart beating so fast against her chest for reasons she couldn’t understand. She used the bathroom then washed her hands and face. When she emerged from the bathroom ten minutes later, she paused in the doorway at the sight she saw.

Lex lying back on the pillows his eyes closed and fast asleep. His face was so relaxed that she had to smile. She quietly walked toward him, and reached for his foot to slowly slide his shoe off. She paused before reaching for his other foot, surprised he didn’t wake up when she slowly slid that one off. He must really be exhausted because he was not a deep sleeper at all. She tossed both shoes onto the floor, and reached for the covers, bringing it up his body before switching his bedside lamp off. She walked around to her side of the bed and climbed in. She reached for the lamp on her side and switched it off before turning back to face his sleeping form.

She leaned over, and kissed his cheek before pulling away. “I love you.” She whispered before snuggling down into the pillows. She closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep, not noticing Lex had opened his own eyes.

TBC-Part 2 of this chapter up tomorrow!

13th June 2006, 04:13
I love this story so. I would quote parts I like but there are so many.

Who is after Chloe? Grrr.. I must know. Damn it Lex leaving her high and dry but he made up for it when he got back. :yeahbaby:

I love Lois in this she cracks my up so. Here question about Clark was well placed. I hope he tells her the truth and not make the some mistakes twice.

The tie on CHloe's head. :rofl: I couldn't read for a few seconds I was laughing so hard.

She leaned over, and kissed his cheek before pulling away. “I love you.” She whispered before snuggling down into the pillows. She closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep, not noticing Lex had opened his own eyes.
You can't just leave it there. I'll be back tomorrow and this better be right.

13th June 2006, 04:49
Really glad you updated! Can't believe you left it there. Well, yes I can. Can't wait for part 2 tomorrow.

Why do I get the feeling whatever Lex went to take care of was somehow connected to Chloe?

13th June 2006, 05:14
I'm so glad you updated. Love this story. I'm not sure if Lex hearing Chloe say she loves him will freak him out or not. I hope not. Can't wait for the next chapter!!

13th June 2006, 05:24
I'm sooo happy about the update. And it seems like they are FINALLY on the verge of admitting the true extent of their feelings towards each other...but I'm jumping ahead of myself...

the chapter started out in SUCH a cute fashion. Chloe enjoying her own irrational silent ranting session was just so friggin *cute*... And the cuteness was very quickly followed up the sheer sweetness of Lex's stuttering, flustered explanation as to why he actually invited her over for the week-end. They really are such an adorable couple :D

And I adore Lois. Your version of Lois Lane is so much fun, I seriously cannot get enough of her. I keep going back chapters to re-read all the Lois conversations/rants. This new rant about Chlark introducing her as his girlfriend without consulting her about the relationship status... I'm so happy that Chlark is finally getting his act together when it comes to chasing down women he has an interest in. It seems like Lois is really making him suffer, but he's wearing her down. Again soooo cute.

Adrenaline? LOL

Please say there will be some more Lois scenes in the few remaining chapters. I suppose it really would be too much to ask for another fantastic Chloe-Lois drinking session/slumber party interaction (really, REALLY loved that!)... but perhaps there will be more ranting and snarky arguments in future chapters? Perhaps we'll even get to see the after-effects of Lois finding out about Chlark's super-powers :D

Of course the Chlex sex was as hot as always, but what I really enjoyed was the quiet caring afterglow. Chloe taking care of Lex's hand, and then taking off his shoes and socks after he fell asleep... so sweeet... But I have to ask, was he awake the whole time? Or did he just wake up in time to hear Chloe telling him that she loves him?

Looking really forward to the next chapter. Keep up the great work :D

13th June 2006, 06:25
Oh wow that was good. I can't wait to see what Lex says to the I love You. More please... :beg:

Hope :)

13th June 2006, 06:26
I don't care how important the business was, Lex should not have left Chloe. But he did manage to make up for it, so I guess I can forgive him a little. I love it when Lois is around for girl talk. Oh and Lexy heard Chloe, wonder what he's going to do now? Hopefully he won't be a chicken shit and get scared.

star del mar
13th June 2006, 06:29
Uh oh, Lex heard the I love you. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing. But they seem to be in a pretty good place with each other right now so I'm going to keep my fingers crossed in hopes that Lex won't freak. They're just too cute together. Great update!


13th June 2006, 06:37
I love how you describe Lex and Chloe's relationship; Lex trying to protect Chloe and Chloe trying to not demand answers from him!! Chloe and Lois' little party was cute too, I love Lois eating the expensive caviar!! Lex is going to be worried to leave Chloe alone though if she continues to raid his closet and wear his ties as headbands!! Isn't there therapy for that?!! Thanks for the great update!! Can't wait for your update tomorrow!!

13th June 2006, 07:22
Lol! The tie around Chloe's head was soo funny, and this story is really neatoe cool. Cannot wait for the update :D

13th June 2006, 08:51
She leaned over, and kissed his cheek before pulling away. “I love you.” She whispered before snuggling down into the pillows. She closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep, not noticing Lex had opened his own eyes.

oh...oh..oh.....Lex has to say something eventually....right?

15th June 2006, 04:45
I'm still catching up with fics I've missed over the past few months. I stayed up late reading this one and I was laughing my ass off and disturbing Mr. NBG to no end.

- The Clois subplot in this is a damn riot. Written this way, you can totaly see how they fit together. Plus the fact that Lois has the Farm Boy doing all kinds of kinky sex just kills me.

- The Chloe/Lois dialogue/relationship rocks. You illustrate their similiarities while still showing their differences. They are totally written as cousins who grew up together and know each other inside out. The scene in the dressing room at the boutique made me laugh so hard, I was crying.

- The Chlex relationship is sexy, fun and touching all at the same time. I really dug the idea of Chloe and Lois appOaching this as a mission. I loved the period od friendship/UST you built up and I ADORED how you showed Chloe slowly bringing Lex out of his shell. The glimpses of Lex's sardonic sense of Humor are well done. This is truly the Lex I love to see in fanfic. Loved the Xmas scene.

- I like the way you showed Lana to be shallow and self-centered, then quickly disposed of her. My one quibble was that there was not a Mack truck involved. Maybe in your next fic? :)

Can't wait to read more.

17th June 2006, 13:31
Thats all I can stands, and I can't stands no more (5 bucks to everyone who gets this reference)...
But seriously, I have been waiting SO patiently and quietly (well quietly anway) for part two of this tantalizing chapter, and I'm about ready to rip the head off my Kimbo voodoo doll...

oh no.. no nonono... don't run away. I didn't mean it *proceeds to soothe, pet and sing lullubies to the Kimbo doll*

please update :P

18th June 2006, 03:58
please update :P
I 2nd this. :D

18th June 2006, 06:24
uhm, you said that the next update would be "tomorrow" and it's a few days past "tomorrow!" I can't wait to find out what Lex does now that he's heard Chloe say that she loves him, it's going to be interesting! Please, please pretty please update!

18th June 2006, 09:48
I love this story! I think it's an absolutely amazing take on what should have happened this season instead and I love Lex and Chloe's relationship and history. I can't wait for another update!

18th June 2006, 14:02
That was cool!
Chlex has wonderful relationship and liked the party Chloe and Lois had!

19th June 2006, 07:17
Thanks for the fb! Sorry this took so long. RL got me tied up in some stuff. This is for Somethingeasy and Letia84. Please put down the voodoo doll!


Chapter 12 part 2

Chloe woke the next morning, surprised to see Lex watching her as if she were a bug under a microscope. She tried not to flinch back the moment she opened her eyes. He was just there, leaning on his elbow watching her. She idly wondered if he knew how much that freaked her out. She also wondered if she snored in her sleep. Or even worse, drooled. She really hoped she wasn’t drooling. She’s seen herself in the morning. More importantly, she’s seen herself after drinking in the morning. She knew she didn’t look like on television when the women would wake up with every hair brushed perfectly in place with makeup on their faces. She knew she had to have serious bed head going on.

She cleared her throat before covering a yawn with her mouth. “Morning.”

He smiled. “Morning.”

She stretched as she eyed him suspiciously. “Were you watching me sleep?”

He shook his head. “No.”

She narrowed her eyes. “Liar. I wasn’t drooling was I?”

He shook his head still smiling. “Not more than usual.”

“Oh.” She sighed then her eyes widened in horror. “More than usual?” She looked at his smiling face. “I’ve drooled in my sleep? You’ve watched me drool before?”

Lex chuckled and Chloe’s glare turned even deadlier. “I’m kidding.”

She gave him a strange look. Lex Luthor using the word ‘Kidding’ was a little strange to her. He was still staring at her with that look she hadn’t quite come up with a word for. She tried not to squirm under his scrutiny. “Well,” She said casually, “I bet all the other women who woke up next to you looked like they never slept at all.”

“Hmm,” He said, looking up as if he was in thought. “Actually, yes. Pretty much.”

She rolled her eyes at him while sitting up and stretching. “You’re a real jokester this morning aren’t you. What time is it anyway?”

He was still smiling. “About nine thirty.”

She lay back with a loud groan. “I can’t believe I’m up at nine thirty on a Sunday.”

“I know what you mean,” He said softly. He leaned over and picked his mug up from off of the night stand. “I made coffee.”

“Yum,” She said with a smile, then she eyed him suspiciously. “How long have you been awake exactly?”

“Since seven.” He answered with a shrug, and she raised an eyebrow.

“Yeah, you really know what I mean.” She said wryly.

“You know Chloe,” He said, taking a sip of his coffee. “I’m getting a vague sense that you’re not exactly a morning person.”

She smiled. “You think?” She turned her head sideways, and watched as Lex placed his coffee down then leaned over toward her for a kiss. “No.” she said putting her hand to her mouth, and his lips connected with her fingers. He raised an eyebrow. “Let me brush my teeth first.” She explained, her voice muffled by her hand. Lex sat back with an amused smile as she slid out of bed and hurried into the bathroom.

God she looked like a train wreck. Her hair was sticking up in every direction. The right side of her face was all red from sleeping there for that long amount of time. Not to mention that the inside of her mouth tasted like someone stuck a sock in there. She looked in one word, horrible. She ran a hand down her face as she turned on the faucet. She splashed water on her face, and reached for her toothbrush. She put a dab of toothpaste onto her brush and quickly went to work. As she brushed, her thoughts drifted back to the previous night. If she closed her eyes, and thought really hard, she could still feel Lex’s very long and talented fingers inside of her. She hadn’t known her body could come so many times in such a short amount of times. Then again her body seemed to do a lot of things when it came to Lex.

She shook her crazy sex hazed thoughts as she bent to rinse and spit. She let out a surprised yelp when a hand came into contact with her shirt covered butt. She stood up, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand as her eyes met Lex’s in the mirror. “You scared me.”

“Sorry,” He apologized, but the smile on his face says otherwise. His right arm wrapped around her waist as he held up a cup of coffee in his hand. “Coffee?”

“All is forgiven.” she said, as she snatched the cup out of his hand and took a small sip. She smiled as the familiar taste of French vanilla awoke her taste buds and warmed her belly. “Yum.”

Lex chuckled. “I’ve never met someone who likes coffee almost as much as you do Chloe.”

She shrugged, this time taking a large gulp before she spoke. “Its like my life’s blood. I need it to survive the rest of the day- what are you doing?” She asked, changing the subject as Lex’s fingers began to slowly unbutton his shirt she wore.

“Well, I believe they call it undressing.” He answered softly.

She nodded, glancing down at his fingers as they undid the last button. “Oh, okay. Why?”

He didn’t answer. Just slowly opened the shirt with his hands like a curtain. “No underwear.” He commented in a soft silky voice. His hands squeezed her bare butt. “Very nice.”

Chloe shivered, Noticing he hadn’t answered her question. “Lex?”

His hands moved from her butt up her stomach and toward her chest. He gently squeezed her breast. “I think we should start preserving water in Metropolis. What do you think Chloe?”

She smiled understanding his meaning. “I think I agree with you.”

He seemed pleased with her reply by the smirk he gave her. “Shower or bath?”


Chloe was sure you could fit at least two more people inside Lex’s marble tub. The water steamed around the both of them, the bubbles covering most of their naughty bits. Chloe had no idea why she felt so shy all of a sudden. It wasn’t as though Lex hadn’t seen her naked a handful of times. Well two handfuls. It was just, he was acting so--weird. Not Lex weird, but weird as in, he seemed almost--happy. Uncharacteristically happy. The way he was smiling at her as if he knew something she didn’t. It was freaking her out.

Lex reached for her foot and started massaging it. “Tell me a secret.”

She could swear his hands were magical. Her eyes fluttered open and shut as she sunk further into the water. “You’re acting weird.”

He raised an eyebrow as he continued rubbing her foot. “Am I?”

She nodded. “Mmhmm, smiling and everything. it’s a little un-Lex like.”

He just shrugged, running his fingers up the instep of her foot. “I’m just enjoying my day off.”

“Oh, okay. I just thought you were planning on killing me or something.”

Lex chuckled, and she raised an eyebrow. “See, you’re acting weird again.”

“Okay,” He said softly. “I’ll just go back to repressing my feelings for the day.”

“Sarcasm. Refreshing.” She said with a smile. “Now you’re getting it. Oh, god.” she breathed as a jolt of pleasure raced up her spine. “What was that?”

Lex grinned as he continued massaging. “That was your kidneys.”

She shoved her left foot into his hands. “Do my spleen again.”

He chuckled and his hand closed around her ankle. “I want to fuck you Chloe.”

“Well when you put it like that.” She whispered as she let him pull her toward him so she could straddle his thighs. “But I must warn you, I’ve never had sex in a tub before. Much less water.”

“Okay,” He said with a slight shrug. “I’ve never taken a bath with anyone before.”

She paused raising an eyebrow. “I’m marveling at how different your statement is than mine.”

“Come here,” He said, pulling her breast toward his mouth.

Her eyes fluttered closed as his lips settled over her nipple and sucked hard. “Oh, shit.” She muttered as her eyes glanced down at him and watched as his long tongue licked up her nipple before he pulled away and blew on it, the cold air making it puff up and harden. “I owe you-- four orgasms don’t I?”

Lex glanced up at her amused. “You owe me no such thing.”

She ignored him as she began to lip his neck. “I promise you, Lex Luthor that I Chloe Sullivan will make you come four times today.”

Lex chuckled. “Okay.”

She nodded with a giggle. “This is your mission if you choose to accept it. God I’m wet already.”

Lex gripped her hips in his hands so she was hovering directly over his cock.. “That’s great,” He breathed. “Because I’m hard already.”

Chloe gripped his shoulders as she slowly slid down his cock, inch by pleasurable inch filling her until she sat fully on his lap. She let out a shuddering breath. “This is good.”

His hands slid from her waist toward her ass and squeezed while thrusting his hips up. “Yeah,” He breathed, grunting as her tight muscles squeezed his cock. “I have to tell you Chloe, I don’t think I’m going to last that long.”

She knew he still must’ve been feeling it from the previous day when he had to leave. “Good,” She panted, and leaned down for a quick kiss. She rode him steadily. “I want you to come.”

“Fuck.” He groaned, his head falling back as she rode him faster. “I want you to come too.”

She kissed his exposed throat. “Don’t know if that’ll happen.” She moaned, riding him so fast and hard, water sloshed from the tub onto the floor. She knew she wasn’t going to come. Not this time. She felt good, but it wasn’t the strong familiar tingling she usually felt. She opened her eyes unsurprised to Lex holding back, trying in vain to stave off his climax. She leaned forward and kissed his throat again before leaning up and nipping his ear. “Come for me Lex,” She whispered as she squeezed her muscles, tightening her precious hold on him. “Come on.”

His eyes widened, and he groaned and he wrapped his arms around her as his hips thrust themselves upward, driving into her faster and faster on each thrust “Fuck!”

Chloe smiled in satisfaction as she felt his warmth spill inside of her. She continued moving, milking him for all he could give her. She loved watching him come. Loved that little vein on the side of his head that would protrude as his face contorted in pleasure. She kissed him twice before she pulled away and ran a hand down the side of his face. He lifted his head to look at her and she smiled.

“Orgasm number one.”

“I’m starving.” Chloe breathed as she rummaged through the cabinets for something to eat. For a guy who had everything, he barely had anything worth her eating. “Please be something good in this one.” She muttered as she opened it. “Bingo.” Her stomach grumbled loudly as she stared at all the sugary and salty goodness of treats. This must be his junk cabinet. She licked her lips. She didn’t know what to take, it was just so much. She smiled and reached for a package of double stuffed Oreos, a box of blueberry pie and a large bag of Doritos. She placed all of her goodies onto the counter and opened the freezer. “Oh god,” She groaned, reaching inside and pulling out her treasure. “Coffee ice cream! A man after my own heart.” She paused before reaching for two spoons. She gathered her goodies into her arms, and made her way back to the bedroom.

“I’m back.” She said, dropping the stuff onto the bed next to Lex who lay there, cell phone in his hand.

“I see you’ve found the junk food cabinet.”

“I sure did.” She said, as she climbed back onto the bed. “Here,” She said passing Lex a spoon as she picked up the coffee ice cream. She noticed he had his phone in his hand and scowled.

“I was just checking my messages.” He explained, reading her thoughts.

“Well,” She said as she dug into the ice cream. “The deal was no using the phone at all.”

“But you stated nothing about checking my messages.” He said with a smile.

“But you stated nothing about checking my messages.” She mocked with a small glare. “Well, now I am.” She reached for his phone and shut it off then tossed it over her shoulder.

He sighed as he picked up in own spoon, and dug it into the ice cream. “Only you could get away with that.”

She grinned at him as she settled herself next to him. “I know. Isn’t it great?” she reached for the bag of Oreos and opened them. “Really Lex, you have got to get the meaning of being slothful. It means laying in bed all day. Watching TV, while you eat junk until you can’t stand it.”

Lex watched with an amused expression as she scooped some ice cream up with the Oreo and stuffed it into her mouth. “Is that right?”

“Yures,” She mumbled with a full mouth. “Ifts the American way.”

Lex leaned over and licked some ice cream from the corner of her mouth. “Apparently, so is talking with your mouth full.”

She swallowed the rest of the Oreo, and moaned in satisfaction. She reached for another Oreo, and dipped that one into the ice cream as well, this time holding toward Lex’s mouth. “Come on, try it.”

He shook his head. “No thank you.”

She rolled her eyes. “Come on Lex. Gluttonize with me. It tastes great.” She smiled up at him, and he slowly opened her mouth so that she could shove the cookie in there. She watched as he chewed experimentally before smiling softly. “Good?” She asked, and he nodded.

“Good.” He agreed.

She handed him the ice cream, and reached for the pie. “Welcome to the dark side.” She said, and he chuckled while reaching for the remote.

She watched as he pressed a button, and a large flat screen television slowly slid up from a chest at the foot of the bed. “I was going to ask if you had one of those.”

He turned the channels until he settled on the cartoon network.

Chloe glanced at him with a small smile. “No longer ashamed I see.”

He scooped up some ice cream and shoved it into his mouth. “This is Dexter’s laboratory. it’s a very mature show.”

“Mm-hmm.” was all she said as she began digging into the pie. She scooped up a large spoonful and stuffed it into her mouth. “Oh, God. This is so good.” she moaned.

Lex just chuckled.

They sat in companionable silence, eating ice cream and pie.



Chloe’s hand ran up and down his exposed thigh. “Are you ready for number two?”

He paused. “I don’t know if you should be asking me such a personal question.”

Chloe giggled. “You know what I meant.”

“Oh well,” He said with a smile. “Do your worst.”

She raised an eyebrow as she sat up. “My worst meaning my best?”

He lifted his hips so she could slide down his boxers. “You know what I meant.”

She wrapped her hand firmly around his cock and squeezed. She glanced up to see he was watching her intently, his lip between his teeth. She slipped her hand up and down the swollen length of his cock, going very slowly. She watched amazed as it seemed to come to attention.

“Faster,” he breathed, but she ignored him, teasing him with her slow pace.

“Chloe,” He warned, but it turned into a gasp when she suddenly squeezed him harder, and started moving faster. She could feel him growing even harder even longer in her hand. She moved faster, the change in her speed bringing a soft groan from him. His hips started thrusting upward, meeting her hard strokes, and she glanced up again, this time noticing his eyes were closed, a look of intense concentration on his face.

She lowered her head and took him into her mouth, sliding herself down as far as she could take him. She stopped when she felt him touch the back of her throat. She pulled back slightly, then down again. His hand buried itself in her hair as her head started the steady movement of up and down.

“Ohh, fuck,” He choked out when she sucked harder. She drew upward, letting his head slip out of her mouth with an audible pop. She licked him with hard strokes, swirling her tongue around the reddened head while she stroked harder, listening as his breathing changed to sharp gasps for breath. She took him back down, and moaned when she tasted the saltiness of his pre-come. She moaned and took him down even more. She slid her tongue up and down, and brought both her hands up to grip his cock and stroke him so she could increase his pleasure.

His fingers squeezed her hair tighter as he guided her up and down at a fast pace. His hips jerked forward slowly, groaning as he felt the onslaught of his climax. She sucked him hard before releasing him again so she could lick all the way up from his sac to the head. She sucked hard on it again before swallowing him down, bringing her hand up to fondle and squeeze his sac.

“Oh, Fuck. Chloe-Chloe-- I’m coming,” he warned, indicating she should remove her mouth, but she ignored him. She rested her hand on his thigh and squeezed, watching as he began to thrust inside her mouth, the saliva making his cock wet and shiny. Chloe sucked lower, pulling at him faster and harder, feeling pleasure at the groans and grunts emanating from his lips.

“Uhh!” He groaned pumping himself into her mouth as his cock pulsed and contracted. His come spilled out of him, spilling with deep throbs into her mouth. She took it all, sucking and swallowing it before pulling away and licking him clean all the while moaning.

He soon softened, and she let him slide out of her mouth, and she sat back on her kneels smiling. She felt very pleased at how amazingly drained he looked.

He watched her through lowered lids, and a small smile. “That was-”

“Number two.” She said her eyes shining with feminine pride.

“How’s your hand?”

Lex held up his hand for inspection. “All healed.”

She rubbed her fingers across the perfectly held skin. “Wow,” She said. “Do you think you’re a meteor mutant?”

“Yes.” He answered simply.

She stared at him for a long moment. “Does that bother you?”

He shrugged. “Not anymore.” He glanced at her briefly. “Does it bother you?”

She rolled her eyes. “Of course it doesn’t. I think its kind of cool. Hey if you had super strength you could be an X-men or a some sort of superhero.”

He laughed and shook his head. “I’ll leave the saving to Clark.”

“Are you going to tell me how that happened to your hand?” She asked changing the subject.

“No.” He answered, and she sighed.


“I don’t want to lie Chloe, and I can’t tell you the truth so-- don’t ask.”

The tone in his voice told her to back off. “Fine, I won‘t mention it again.” She said with a deep sigh, but then she smiled and cuddled up next to him while reaching for the remote. “Hand me those chips,” She ordered switching the channel. “ Sponge Bob is coming on.”


She walked back from the bathroom, her bare feet making no sound on the bedroom floor. She paused to watch Lex sleep, flat on his back, his arms flung out as if he were on a cross. He was a bed hog, no two ways about it.

She had woken up to the feeling of her right leg half asleep because of Lex, practically laying on it. She had to roll out of bed, after nearly fighting with his arm to let her loose, then went into the bathroom to relieve herself and rub the feeling back into her leg.

She watched him for a few more moments before she brushed her hand over his silky hairless chest. Of course, she smiled, he was exhausted. They had stayed in bed all day, not before exhausting themselves with physical activity. She did owe him two more orgasms. The third one she owed him, she taught him about that article she read on combing food with sex. He enjoyed that. A lot. Then they had gotten into the shower to where he proceeded to fuck her until she could barely stand. She really enjoyed that part. All in All it was a non productive day.

A perfect Sunday.

She watched him for a few more moments before turning away. She climbed under the sheets and turned on her side to look at him as she remembered those three words she had whispered to him the night before. It felt good saying it out loud to him for the first time. Too bad he was unconscious. She felt like a coward that she couldn’t say it again. She couldn’t. Not now anyway.

She glanced at the television which. was on mute before sitting up quickly, her eyes wide. She reached for the remote, fumbling with the mute button. She glanced over at Lex, and turned it up slightly to hear the channel twelve news caster’s report.

“A man named Richard Monticello’s body was in a dumpster early this morning. The police says that he was apparently shot two times, once in the head, and once in the chest before being thrown in a dumpster outside of an abandoned warehouse on mantrice avenue. Monticello was employed by Lucas deliveries which is owned by one Daniel Lucas the third, the mayor of Metropolis’s son. The police currently has no leads, and if anyone has seen anything then call this number at the-”

Chloe switched the television off with a deep sigh. She remembered that face. She remembered that face from one of her pictures she had taken during one of her investigations. He had been delivering something to that suited man at Platman industries warehouse. She wanted to know what the mayor’s son had to do with this. Although it could just be Monticello making money on the side. She shook her head. She also knew LuthorCorp had been bidding for some of the controlling interest of Lucas deliveries for the past year.

She glanced down at Lex who was still sleeping soundly. She hoped and prayed it was a coincidence with this Monticello being murdered, and Lex leaving so abruptly Saturday afternoon. It had to be. It better be.

She lay back, nearly jumping out of her skin when Lex’s warm arm snaked around her waist. She turned her body, letting him hug her body towards his chest as he mumbled something she didn’t understand while he kissed her forehead before settling down.

She snuggled up against his body, her mind a jumbled mess. Tomorrow she’ll ask him questions about Lucas deliveries. Then she’ll ask him about Richard Monticello. For now she’ll just snuggle and let him lay on her whole right side until it was numb again.

A perfect Sunday.


19th June 2006, 08:29
Glad to see Lex doesn't have any problem admitting his a little 'more' then human, at least in some departments. Hes like a slower Wolverine, which I think is kinda cool.

Though, it does seem like he may have killed someone last night. But if it was the guy threatening to murder Chloe, you wont see me complaining.

There day in bed was very sweet, glad to see Lex relishing in the sin of sloth. I hope to hear more soon.

): )

19th June 2006, 13:16
Look at that- Lex Luthor knows the meaning of "kidding":D
Next part please, Lex still has to tell the three little words.

19th June 2006, 15:36
That was great! :clapclap: I loved it and the smut was first rate. :drool2: I hope Lex had nothing to do with that murder eek. :eek: Or Chloe and him are going to get into some serious trouble. ;)

Hope :)

19th June 2006, 16:16
WOW and...well....WOW!!!! I don't think Lex had anything to do with that murder. At least, I hope he didn't. Can't wait for more.

19th June 2006, 17:18
aaaarrrggh!!! And there is STILL no sign of 'I lurve youse' from Lex. Sneaky, underhanded coward!!! I was fully expecting him to admit it in part 2 of this chapter... AFTER tricking Chloe into admitting that she said it to him while she thought he was sleeping of course :P

But otherwise I really enjoyed this chapter. Lex spending a whole lazy, fun-filled Sunday doing absolutely nothing productive, constructive or profitable. I'm surprised Chloe didn't start scanning the skies for signs of the impending apocylypse.

I loved the way Lex was acting so... well GIDDY is the only word that comes to mind. It was really amusing that he was exhibiting so many signs of playfulness and happiness that he was actually freaking Chloe out.

oooohhh, and besides the playfulness, Lex was acting so darned romantic. Bringing Chloe coffee in bed, jumping her at very given opportunity (including her toothbrushing and morning shower session), AND giving her foot-massages. *sigh* even that cute addition of watching and sharing his favourite Sunday Cartoons with her was sooo sweet. WHY didn't the damned bastard just tell her he loved her??!!!

No worries about the Kimbo voodoo doll. Its been coddled, cuddled, petted, walked and fed and is currently enjoying tucked into its little voodoo doll cot. And then later, its going to be chained to a tiny little voodoo typewriter :D


ahem, please update soon :)

19th June 2006, 18:20
You're right, that was the "perfect Sunday" and I can't wait to find out how they make the perfect Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday...

19th June 2006, 20:02
Thanks for the fb! Sorry this took so long. RL got me tied up in some stuff. This is for Somethingeasy and Letia84. Please put down the voodoo doll!
YEAH! A new chapter all for me.

*runs off to read*

ETA: Okay I'm back now. I will admit I took a look at this morning but wanted to reread some parts before I gave FB

She nodded with a giggle. “This is your mission if you choose to accept it. God I’m wet already.”

Lex gripped her hips in his hands so she was hovering directly over his cock.. “That’s great,” He breathed. “Because I’m hard already.”

This made me giggle. I don't why but there banter before sex is so fun and relaxed.

She rubbed her fingers across the perfectly held skin. “Wow,” She said. “Do you think you’re a meteor mutant?”

“Yes.” He answered simply.

She stared at him for a long moment. “Does that bother you?”

He shrugged. “Not anymore.” He glanced at her briefly. “Does it bother you?”

She rolled her eyes. “Of course it doesn’t. I think its kind of cool. Hey if you had super strength you could be an X-men or a some sort of superhero.”
I always think about Lex and what happen to him during the meteor shower. The show brushes it off but I like that you had this little comment in here about it.

A perfect Sunday.
Almost perfect. First only two orgams and two I hope Lex didn't kill that guy. I would think he would just rough him up and tell to stay away from Chloe first.

Great update. Wonderful story and more soon.:grin3:

20th June 2006, 02:09
Okay have you been reading my mind? Because lounging around, watching tv, eating junk food, and sex with Lex is my idea of a perfect Sunday too. Doesn't even have to be a Sunday for it to be perfect. As for the murder, well even that wouldn't ruin my day if it was preceded by all this. What can I say, I'm pretty easy going. Lex seems more open now that he knows Chloe loves him, but I'm still going to need him to say the words.

20th June 2006, 03:21
I hope that Chloe doesn't ruin what she and Lex has by asking too many questions!! Will she be able to accept Lex not being able to tell her the truth? Love your update!! Hope the RL slows down enough for you to update again soon!!

20th June 2006, 21:32
I started reading this story last night and stayed up -way- too late. Awesome story; I love that you worked from a strong friendship to this relationship. I also love your over-protective, "socially retarded", yet trying so hard Lex. He seems so genuinely confused and sweetly amazed by Chloe's presence in his life. Can't wait for the next chapter!

20th June 2006, 22:33
i love how lex so casually admitted that he was a 'meteor mutant' but can't tell chloe what he was up to. tisk tisk lex. don't you know that chloe will eventually find out?

28th June 2006, 03:20
Should I even ask when you are going to update this? Will my request fall upon deaf ears. How much longer will you make me suffer before I find out who is aftter Chloe and if Lex killed them for her.

PLease end my pain and give me an update. :(

I must say I'm being a bit over the top but what do you want for and update. I got ice cream. I can offer you ice cream.:P

28th June 2006, 04:04
Should I even ask when you are going to update this? Will my request fall upon deaf ears. How much longer will you make me suffer before I find out who is aftter Chloe and if Lex killed them for her.

PLease end my pain and give me an update. :(

I must say I'm being a bit over the top but what do you want for and update. I got ice cream. I can offer you ice cream.:P
loll sorry but no its not falling onto deaf ears!! its coming up Letia84 tommorrow..i've been working on chapter 13 and 14. sorry for not updating as often as i think i should! RL is just busy, but its slowed down some!! so forgive me please??

28th June 2006, 04:29
Awesome chapter (12 part 2) You're going places with this story girl ;) You know I love it!!

28th June 2006, 09:24
tomorrow, it's tomorrow now... to early shoot, I want some story ;)

28th June 2006, 10:00
oops i forgot to give yu feedback! i m sorry! i LOVE your fic and please dont stop here pretty please !!! We need some update!!!
please update soon!!!

29th June 2006, 21:24
I hope Chloe doesn't 'blame' him for the whole 'murder' thing. I mean, the guy had it coming. I can't wait to read more.

You don't find too many fics were Lex's 'freak statis' is mentioned.

): )

2nd July 2006, 20:44
I just don't understand why ALL my favourite fics have suddenly gone to sleep. Is it a huge writer's conspiracy. All my favourites are being held hostage. Whatever you want is yours!! Just please release the poor innocent chapter updates trapped inside your head, and we'll send a helicopter to spirit you away from the country with your ill-gotten gains

ahem. I'm feeling a little more coherent now, please update. i really, REALLY need to see who admits to their feelings first in this Chlex relationship. I suppose technically Chloe has already admitted her feelings, but its not really a victory for Lex unless he gets her to openly admit her feelings huh? Sneaky bastard... love him! ;)

Not to mention the trials and tribulations of poor Lois... suffering at the insistent attentions of well-hung smallville farmboy :D

please update soon

4th July 2006, 13:00
Thanks for the feedback! Sorry this took so long. I redid this chapter over so many times. This is for something easy and letia84 because they’re good with their threats. Creative.

Chapter 13


Chloe nearly jumped out of her skin at the sound of Clark’s booming voice in her apartment hallway. A loud whoosh of air, and she was in the arms of a six foot three grinning goofball.

She squirmed in his embrace. “Clark, I need to breathe.”

“Sorry.” He said, placing her back onto her feet. “Its just I haven’t seen you in a while.”

Chloe gave him an odd look as she unlocked her apartment door. “Clark, I saw you five days ago.”

He frowned as he followed her into her apartment. “Really? Well, it seemed longer. I just came from your job because I was visiting you, but they said you just left so I raced over here to see you. I need your help Chloe.”

Chloe smiled wryly as she placed her bags down. “Let me guess, it starts with a Lois and ends with a Lane?”

Clark smiled sheepishly. “Pretty much.”

She laughed as she flopped down onto her couch and patted the seat next to her. “Sit down and tell Dr. Chloe all about your Lois troubles.”

“Well,” Clark started. “Well, we’re getting closer everyday--” He trailed off and frowned. “Well at least I think we are. She‘s stopped glaring at me when I call her my girlfriend.”

Chloe smiled. “That’s always a good thing with Lois.”

Clark sighed with a small smile. “Yeah I know.”

Chloe slowly raised an eyebrow. “But?”

“But, I’ve thought about what you said, and I’ve decided to tell Lois--” He trailed again and glanced at her, a hesitant smile on his face.

“About the big A?” She asked, and he nodded. She grinned happily. “Really? that’s great Clark!”

His smile faded a bit. “Yeah, its great.”

“Hmm,” She said softly. “You don’t sound too I don’t know excited about it.”

He shrugged. “I am,” He replied demurely. “I’m just so frustrated!”

Chloe held up her hand, surprised at his outburst. “Whoa there cowboy. What’s wrong?”

He stood up with a huff, and began to pace. “I’ve tried almost everything for her to notice I was a little bit different. Dropping subtle hints. Lifting extremely heavy things in front of her at any chance I’d get. I’d even call her from my house to tell her I was coming to see her, then I’d speed over and show up one minute later. She doesn’t ask me any questions.” He flopped down on the couch with a forlorn expression. “She doesn’t even blink.”

Chloe blinked. Then blinked again.

Clark stared at Chloe expectantly. “Well?”

She bit her lip. “Well, what about the x-ray vision? Or the flying? Or the-”

“I didn’t want to scare her off.” He cut in solemnly.

Chloe rolled her eyes. “Look Clark first of all, you’re more than a little bit different. Secondly, the only reason Lois doesn’t say anything is because she thinks its just apart of your weirdness already. Thirdly, have you ever thought of actually sitting her down and telling her?”

His frown deepened. “And how am I suppose to do that? I can‘t just blurt out that I‘m an alien to her.”

Chloe laughed. “Knowing Lois you pretty much can.”

Clark gave her a pained look. “But-”

“No buts Clark,” She cut in. “Trust me on this one, I know Lois. She will not freak out.”

Clark didn’t look convinced. “How do you know?”

She gave him an all knowing smile. “Because she’s almost as weird as you are.”


Chloe thought she saw everything when it came to Lois. Apparently, she was wrong. “Why are we in here again?”

Lois glanced back at Chloe with a frown. “Because I need some stuff.”

“Couldn’t you have ordered this stuff off of the internet?” Chloe asked as she stared at all the merchandise feeling sudden embarrassment.

Lois placed another item into her basket. “Heck no. Besides Naughty-N- Nice is the best adult toy store in Metropolis. I need to see these things up close.” She gave Chloe a look. “What’s up with you?”

“Nothing,” She answered, watching as a women picked up a very large dildo. “This place is just a little weird.”

Lois paused and rolled her eyes. “You know for someone who has regular sex with Lex Luthor, you can be awfully prude at times.”

“I am not prude!” Chloe sputtered as she eyed Lois incredulously. Lois raised an eyebrow at her and she sighed. “I just like to keep my interests… private.”

“Ahh,” Lois said as she nodded. “You’re a closet freak. I get that.” She sighed as she put another item into her basket. “Not me though. I like to let it all hang out--” She paused before continuing. “Let that be stricken from the record.”

Chloe nodded with a small smile. “Stricken. Got it.”

Lois nodded before continuing down the aisle. “So, anyway. Did you ask Lex about the--” She trailed off and made a slashing motion with her finger toward her throat.

Chloe sighed, and she felt her stomach twist into knots at the broach of this particular subject. “No, I didn’t. Every time I think of bringing it up I just get sick to my stomach and chicken out.”

“Oh,” Lois said. “Well you could always bring it up during sex. Guys will answer anything during sex.”

Chloe giggled as she shook her head. “Nah, I think Lex is a bit too sharp for that. Besides, I think bringing something up such as murder would definitely put a damper on the mood.”

Lois paused in the aisle again as she turned to face Chloe with a caring smile. “You know you have to ask him sometime right?”

“Yes.” Chloe sighed. “But I don’t want I don’t want him to think I’m blaming him of anything. Because I’m not. I know Lex is better than that.” But she knew Lex wanted to protect her, and she knew he would do anything to protect his friends.

“Yeah well, if he did do it he certainly did it to protect you. And if he did then its kind of romantic--” She winced at the horrified look Chloe gave her. “In a creepy Luthor sort of way.”

Chloe eyed Lois wryly. “You’re so good at making me feel better.”

“Hmm,” Lois grunted. “The sarcasm in your voice has been noted.” She glanced at Chloe again. “How are you going to go about this then?”

Chloe bit her lip as she answered. “Well, I’m going to do a little investigating first. I‘ve already researched Richard Monticello‘s background which was purely criminal. He’s been arrested more than ten times. He was suppose to be serving five year term in prison but then he was suddenly released, and got a job for Lucas deliveries- ”

Lois gave her a slightly reproachful look as she cut in. “Investigating huh? You’re just a regular danger seeker aren’t you?”

Chloe couldn’t help feeling guilty. “It’s the call of the reporter in me?”

Lois raised an eyebrow. “That sounds awfully like a question. You were threatened Chloe,” she chided gently. “And you’re lucky I didn’t tell Clark. You know how annoying he- ooh edible cherry massage oil. This is good!” She held up the bottle in front of Chloe’s face. “This stuff is so good. It gets warm when you put it on the skin.”

Chloe raised an eyebrow. “You’re strangely excited about this.”

Lois reached for another bottle and shoved it into Chloe’s hands. . “Here, try the banana flavor. You can use it to lick it off of Lex’s bald head while you ask him about that delivery man.”

Chloe snorted while shaking her head. “There’s no way I’m doing that Lo.”

Lois rolled her eyes. “You’re no fun. And all prude. Just at least try the bottle. I’m sure Lex will enjoy it. The licking part I’m talking about.”

Chloe started to frown. “This is getting strangely personal. And I am not prude!” She said softly.

Lois snorted clearly not believing her. “Says you.” She said, shoving the bottle into Chloe’s hands. “Here, take it.”

Chloe sighed as she took the bottle. “Lois, I’m not--” She trailed off and sniffed the bottle before smiling. “Wait, this does smell good.”

Lois grinned as she took the bottle from Chloe and dropped it into her cart. “Told you so. You‘ll be a freak yet.” they continued down the aisle. “What were we talking about? Oh yeah, Smallville.”

Chloe frowned confused. They were most certainly talking about her. “We weren’t-”

“Have you noticed how weird Smallville’s been acting?” Lois cut in with a raised eyebrow. “I mean, not his usual annoying weird, but really weird. Almost like he’s keeping something from me.”

Chloe had to control the urge to roll her eyes. She knew Lois wasn’t exactly dense. She knew she had to know something. What with Clark dropping such stupid physical hints in front of her. She knew how paranoid Lois could be, so there was no way she didn’t suspect Clark of not being on the normal scale. She also had a sneaking suspicion that her cousin was being dense on purpose. Lois really liked doing that sometimes.

Chloe bit her lip considering her options. She could play innocent as well, and pretend she had no clue what Lois was talking about. Or she could just blurt out that Clark was an alien. End this ridiculousness once and for all. But then she knew Clark would be angry at her, and she didn’t want that. Even though he was being annoyingly slow about it. She shook her head as she glanced back at Lois, who was studying a set of fuzzy handcuffs. “Nope,” She said softly. “Haven’t noticed.”

“Hmm,” was all Lois said as she glanced briefly at her cousin. “It seemed like you were having a serious brain argument there.” She dangled the handcuffs in front of Chloe. “Do you think these are pretty strong? Clark’s broke my last two pairs I had.”

Chloe smiled slightly. “I’m not really a handcuff expert.”

“Oh yeah,” Lois said rolling her eyes. “I forgot I was talking to a prude.”

Chloe narrowed her eyes. “I’m not-”

“Excuse me?” Lois said to a passing employee. “Do you by chance have any stronger handcuffs?”

Chloe couldn’t help but stare in fascination at all of the piercings Mary had on her face.

“Sure,” Mary said pointing to the back. “The steel ones are back there.”

Lois grinned. “Great!” She turned to face Chloe and smiled before following Mary toward the back of the store. “Do those have fur on them also?”

Chloe fought the urge to point out that steel will definitely not work on Clark. She paused before reaching for a pair of handcuffs for herself, and followed Lois to the back of the store. “Hey, Lo, put these in your basket for me?”


Breaking into Monticello’s apartment with a hair pin prove to be extremely easy for Chloe. It made her feel a little like Macgyver, and she was glad she didn’t have to start climbing up fire escapes and climbing through windows like she thought she would have to. She could already hear Lex’s disapproving voice telling her she was putting herself in danger. She couldn’t listen to that voice now. Just like she didn’t all those other times. She had to do this.

She stared in disgust at the apartment, noting two things. One, the police hadn’t come searching yet. Two, this delivery guy must’ve missed the memo on cleanliness. She stepped further into the strange smelling living room, stepping over a bunch of empty pizza boxes and old cartons of Chinese food. Trudged through a bunch of trash and clothing, wincing when she stepped on something squishy. “Ew.”

“Okay,” She breathed softly as she looked around. She had to pause and thinking, wondering what she was looking for exactly. She honestly had no idea, and she cursed herself for such a rookie move. “Address book,” She muttered softly. “Or a date book. Maybe a planner.” She paused with a frown. Did habitual offenders even have those things? She shook her confused thoughts and went to work. She rummaged through the mess on the kitchen table, picking up anything that seemed of valued information.

“Bill, bills and more bills.” She muttered. She threw those down as her eyes caught sight of a stack of invoices. Seems he’s made a bunch of deliveries to Platman Industries. She folded those up and stuffed that into her bag. She turned again, her eyes catching sight of a black book that fell onto the floor. She tilted her head as she picked it up with a small smile. “They do have date books.” She quickly leafed through it noting to herself the number of times he’s met someone named Phillip Creasy even though the name didn’t ring a bell.

She sighed to herself as she felt sudden frustration. She wasn’t finding anything. “Fucking useless,” She muttered. “This is getting me-” She trailed off, and her eyes widened in surprised as a picture of herself dropped out of the book. She slowly bent to pick it up with a deep frown. Fear embedded itself inside of her as she realized this was taken while she was coming out of the daily planet. She threw that one down, went searching for more, sweeping the papers off of the table until she spotted a small stack of photos. One of her shopping. Another one of her eating lunch with Lois. She stuff those into her bag with a shake of her head. They were close. So close. Too close. The knowledge that she had been followed. She felt violated. She felt frightened. Most of all she felt angry.

She nearly jumped out of her skin when the phone started ringing. She turned towards the sound, her heart thudding in her chest so loudly she could hear it in her ears.

“Hey this is Monticello, you know what to do…”

The answering machine picked up on the fourth ring, and she froze at the sound of that familiar voice echoing through the apartment. The tone of that voice. The flow of it. Eight simple words and she could recognize it. She stepped back as she remembered the angry violent threats that voice had spit at her. She shivered, and stepped back again, her hand tightening on the photos of herself. This was the man who threatened her life. Lex had said he would find out who it was and “deal” with them.

This man was now dead.

She backed all the way out of the apartment, closing the door with a quiet click.


It had taken Chloe about one block of walking to realize she was being followed. She knew it wasn’t paranoia. She certainly knew it wasn’t the sudden fear she felt from her discovery of the man who owned the voice that threatened her. First she thought this was her punishment for walking into the seedy part of down. But as she crossed the street, glancing over her shoulder to look at the tall suited man whom was currently failing at being inconspicuous, she knew it was more than just her run of the mill paranoia. She starts to panic when she crosses the street and realizes the man following her does the same.
Panic gripped her, and she hastened her pace. He was going to catch her and grab her and there was nothing she could do about it. All she wanted to do was post her article. Reveal the truth, and they were trying to keep her from it. Suddenly angry, she slowed her pace. Why should she run away? Why should she be afraid? She hated feeling this way. Hated being afraid. She shouldn’t have to run. As a matter of fact, she wasn’t going to run. She was a brave girl. She had pride. More importantly, she had pepper spray.

She slowly reached into her bag, and stopped walking completely. She glanced behind her, frowning when she noticed the man had stopped as well, keeping a small distance behind her. Her anger sharpened, and before she could fully think about what she was doing, her feet was quickly walking towards her stalker. She gripped her pepper spray tighter into her hands, not noticing the way he seemed surprised at the way she was coming at him, her face twisted with fury.

“Ahh! My eyes!”

Those three words had given Chloe the adrenaline rush of her life. She watched as stalker guy raised his hands to his eyes, and she raised her foot, kicking him in the stomach as hard as she could. She praised herself for wearing her very pointy shoes today, and she felt strange satisfaction at the way he yelped and gripped his stomach in obvious pain.

As soon as he removed his hands from his face, she sprayed him again.

“Ahh!” He screamed, raising his hands to his eyes again, and she reached out to kick him again, this time aiming much lower than his stomach.

He fell onto his knees, panting and grasping himself between the legs in obvious pain. “Why are you following me?” She asked, not waiting for an answer. She aimed and sprayed him again.

“Ahh! My eyes! Please stop doing that!”

“Why were you following me?” She shouted shoving him on the shoulder. She ignored the stares they were receiving as she lifted her arm again. “I’m going to spray you again if you don’t tell me.” She felt all powerful. She felt tough. At that very moment she held stalker guy’s well being in the palm of her hands. It was a good feeling.

“No!” He begged holding one hand up. “Please don’t do that. God, please don’t!”

She pressed down on the button. “Why are you f-”

“I wasn’t!” He explained, his red eyes beginning to tear. “Luthor hired me.”

Chloe slowly lowered the pepper spray with a deep frown. Luthor hired him? Which Luthor? And hired him for what? “What?”

“Lex,” He coughed while trying to rub at his eyes. “Lex Luthor hired me to protect you. I was suppose to follow you around wherever you went. You weren’t suppose to know.”

She wasn’t suppose to know? Lex had hired someone to protect her. A bodyguard, and she wasn’t suppose to know. How long had he been following her around? Days? Weeks? Months even? Lex hired her own personal security guard and didn’t even bother to let her know. She felt her eyes narrow from annoyance.

“Just whatever you do please don’t spray me again,” Stalker guy said pitifully. “God, I think I need a doctor. I think I may go blind.”

A small crowd was beginning to gather around them, and she never felt more guilty than she did at that very moment. “Oh my god.” She breathed reaching for stalker guy’s shoulder. “Umm, I’m so sorry, but what’s your name?”

“Mike.” He panted, and she nodded.

“Well, Mike, I’m sorry for attacking you, but you scared me. Do you happen to have a cell phone? Because if you do you might want to call the ambulance to take you to the hospital for your eyes. You know, to get them washed out. That’ll stop the burning.” She began backing up. “I would stay but I kind of have to go.”

She turned, and quickly hurried down the street. She was going to kill Lex.


She ignored the secretary’s assertive voice telling her that she had to sit and wait. That she couldn’t barge into Lex’s office like she was doing right now. She burst through the doors of his office, making sure to keep the angry scowl on her face as she looks across the room at him.

He was sitting behind his desk, phone in his hand, looking as good as he wants to as always. The smile he gives her as he puts the phone down makes her stomach quiver. “Chloe?”

“Mr. Luthor,” his secretary said, and Chloe realized that she followed her in here for the first time. “I’m sorry for this I told her she couldn’t barge in--” She trailed off when Lex held up his hand.

“That’s all right Maggie.”

Chloe smiled at Maggie who glared at her before leaving. She turned back to Lex who was standing up and walking around the front of his desk. “You don’t seem surprised to see me.” She said softly. He just smiled.

“I’m not.”

Chloe stepped forward until she was standing in front of him. “Did you murder Richard Monticello?” She blurted, before continuing with a babbling mess of words. “I- I know you’ve been trying to get shares of the company Lucas deliveries for the past year.”


“But that’s another topic. I also know Monticello was the one threatening me because I broke into his apartment and found pictures of myself-”

Lex frowned at her. “You broke into his apartment?”

“then I heard his answering machine message and recognized his voice from the person who had called me that night at the planet-”


“-and I know you said you would find out who threatened me and deal with them and now that person is dead. And I know you’re better than that, but then that weekend I was with you, you had to leave and you came back with a bruised hand, and you wouldn’t tell me why and then the next day he was dead and it was too much of a coincidence. I just-” She was cut off by Lex’s hand over her mouth.

He stared at her for a long moment, his face holding an expression she didn’t understand. He slowly removed his hand from her mouth. “I don’t know how you can breathe when you talk that fast.” He put a piece of her hair behind her ear as he answered her question. “I didn’t murder anyone.”

Chloe never thought she’d feel more relief on anything than she did at that moment. “Really?”

Lex nodded as explained. “I did find out it was Monticello who had threatened you. He wasn’t a very bright man, called you right from his apartment. His number was quite easy to trace. Anyway, I personally showed up at his apartment and beat the crap out of him.”

Chloe smiled at that. “I’m okay with that.”

He smiled slightly. “Monticello was a lackey, hired by someone to kill you.”

Chloe felt herself shiver at that. “He didn’t tell you by whom?”

He shook his head. “No, he wouldn’t. And he said he wouldn’t back off of you unless I pay him. So I did.”

Chloe bit her lip knowing Lex would never pay. “How much?”

He smiled slightly. “Two hundred thousand. Cash. After that I told him I never wanted to hear from him again.”

Chloe nodded in understand. “But you did didn’t you? He was the problem you had at work.”

He sighed nodding. “Yes, he was. Believe it or not he wanted my protection. Whoever he worked for found out that he had taken money from me. He told me they were going to kill him, and I told him I didn’t care. He said some unsavory things about you and well, I lost my temper.”

Chloe smiled at that. That would explain the bruised hand. “Okay. Why didn‘t you tell me all of this before. ”

He shrugged. “I didn‘t want you to worry Chloe.” Lex said in a serious tone. “Now he’s dead, and I’m gathering that you’re still in danger.”

She nodded as she crossed her arms in front of her chest. “Which is why you hired me the body guard?”

Lex smiled at that. “You’ve put Mike in a rather unhealthy state.” He raised an eyebrow. “By the look in your eyes I’m sensing you’re annoyed with me.”

She raised her chin. “I can take care of myself.”

He gave her a reproachful look. “I have no doubt you can Chloe. But, you have to think to yourself for a moment, what if Mike wasn’t someone I hired to protect you. He surely wouldn’t have stood there and let you pepper spray him until he could barely stand it.”

She hadn’t really thought about that. But now that she did she was sure had it been what she thought mike was she wouldn’t be standing here talking to Lex. She shivered for the third time that day. “I--No more body guards Lex. Its weird.”

She was surprised when he grasped her hand in his own. “Not if its for protecting you.” he sighed. “At least let me put security outside of your apartment.”

She shook her head. “No.” She sighed at the look he gave her. “Fine. But just at night, and if I see anyone of them following me around I’ll use the pepper spray again.”

He chuckled. “You’ve made a good enough example of Mike.”

Chloe smiled slightly. “Well he did let himself get beat up by a girl,” She teased, “What does that say about your security Lex?”

He raised an eyebrow. “That its no better than Smallville?”

Chloe giggled, and she felt good. Good because they were on safe grounds again. Good because they were back to easy conversation. She pulled him into a hug, smiling at the way he hugged her back. “I’m not scared.”

“I know.” He said quietly.

“And I’m still going to post the rest of that article very soon.”

He sighed, his arms tightening around her a bit. “I expect nothing else from you. I could teach you how to defend yourself.”

“Hmm,” She said. “I think I should be a little offended by that.”

He chuckled again. “I mean so you won’t have to use pepper spray.”

She nodded. “Oh, okay then. I’d be like Xena. Except without the muscles and the lesbian overtones.”

Lex pulled away from her embrace with an amused smile. “You’re a very strange woman Chloe.”

She grinned at him. “Thank you.”


“So what time is lex picking you up tonight?”

Chloe glanced at her watch as she sat next to her cousin. “In about twenty minutes. He said he’s running a late meeting.”

“Cool. Hey you think I should ask those guys out there if they want something to eat? Maybe some cookies or something?”

Chloe laughed shaking her head. “I really wish you’d leave them alone.”

Lois smiled. “I mean you have your very own security. Bodyguards. Guarding you. They just seem a little bit uptight.”

Chloe shrugged. “They aren’t that bad. And besides Lex says they’re ‘highly trained.’”

“Hmm,” Lois smiled. “Tell that to the one you pepper sprayed.”

Chloe giggled. “Please let that go already. Even though it was somewhat funny.”

“Mmhmm,” Lois said with a small smile. “Soo-”

“So?” Chloe asked glancing back at her cousin frowning at the look she was giving her. “What?”

“Did you tell him yet?”

“Yes, I did.” She answered and Lois’s eyes lit up.

“Really? Well what’d he say? Did he say it back.”

Chloe shook her head. “Actually, no.”

Lois frowned deeply. “Why not?”

Chloe mumbled something as she turned away.

Lois sat forward. “What was that? I couldn’t quite pick up on it.”

“I said he was unconscious,” She huffed. “He was sleeping.”

Lois stared at her cousin for a long moment before groaning. “My god, stop the insanity. Prude and a wuss.”

Chloe glared at her. “I am neither. Its just not the right time yet. I’ll know when it’s the right time.”

“Right time. Got it. Two and a half years and its still not enough time. I swear I’m about to blurt it out for the both of you.”

Chloe sighed. “Lois-”

“You two don’t even see how you look at each other. Its so obvious to me, and probably a perfect stranger how you two feel.”

Chloe frowned. “How can we not see if we’re looking at each other?”

Lois frowned. “Okay so that made no sense, but you get what I mean. I was speaking metaphorically.”

Chloe nodded, turning back to the mirror as she struggled into her shoes. “Okay, well that makes much more sense. Its time for a subject change.”

Lois pouted. “Fine.” She grinned. “Smallville and I are going to try and give mile high club a whole new meaning.”

Chloe shook her head. “I swear you two are-” She trailed off, and her eyes widened as she turned to face her cousin. “He told you!”

Lois grinned. “He sure did.”

Chloe was stunned. “Wow, that’s surprising. I mean how’d he do it?”

Lois shrugged. “Right during sex. He just sort of blurted it out. I thought he was playing some kind of a game. You know how freaky we can get.”

“Uh huh. Weirdly freaky, but continue.”

Lois rolled her eyes. “Yes, well, afterward. He said it again. All serious this time, and then he showed me a few things. Like his giant Igloo for instance.”

Chloe giggled. “Giant Igloo?”

Lois shrugged. “Well what else was I going to call it? Its large and full of ice.”

Chloe shook her head. Leave to Lois to simplify something so magnificent. “So, does it bother you at all?”

Lois shook her head. “Not really. He’s still annoying Smallville, but I think its pretty--” Her face scrunched up as she struggled to say her next words. “Amazing. I always thought he was a little off, but I didn’t think he was that off. But still, any guy that sweet must be an alien.”

Chloe laughed. Happy for her cousin. Happy that Clark finally got it right this time. “Pretty much. You’re pretty impressed huh?”

Lois snorted. “No,” She said. “Not at all. So what if he could fly or shoot lasers out of his eyes or- okay some I’m impressed! I mean wow, and don’t tell anyone I used the word wow or I swear I’ll tell everyone about that yellow crayon incident you had when you were six.”

Chloe ignored the threat still grinning. An impressed Lois was hard to come by. “You always said the only way you’d have a steady relationship with a guy was if he wasn’t from earth.”

Lois shook her head with a wry smile. “The Irony alone makes my head spin. And thanks for telling me by the way.”

Chloe just smiled. “You know it wasn’t my place to.” She grinned. “Welcome to the Clark Kent’s secret club. You get a shiny new secret decoder ring, and the risk of getting kidnapped and tortured by the government.”

Lois smiled in delight. “I've always wanted to be apart of one of those clubs.”


There was something about the opera that made Chloe feel ten times more sophisticated than she already was. Especially by being surrounded by all of the other sophisticates, who smelled like nothing but money. There were two reasons why she’d agreed to attend this event. First was she’d never been to the opera, and Lex had seem strangely excited about seeing L’ Incoronazione di Poppea. Secondly , the main reason, was because she quite enjoyed seeing Lex in a tuxedo.

Although she was enjoying herself, there was a part of her, a small part, where she’d really rather be at home, in her less binding clothing, watching television. She suspected that was the small part of Smallville in her. She wouldn’t voice that though. Because there was no way she would trade in the way Lex held her hand, his thumb gently stroking between her index finger and thumb. The way he would lean over and whisper into her ear to tell her what was going on in the show, his warm breath tickling her ear in a made that made her insides shiver. It was all very stimulating in a way that made the sensation between her thighs increase tenfold.

Somewhere around the second Aria she had laid her head against his shoulder. He didn’t seem to mind that much. But somewhere around the fourth aria, combined with the soft lighting and soft music, she was drifting off to dreamland before she could stop herself.

Startled awake by loud applause, she sat up, applauding herself. “Bravo.” She muttered, turning her head slightly to see Lex watching her with an amused smile.

“Its just the intermission.” He explained softly, and she nodded.

“Oh,” She stood up. “I wasn’t drooling again was I?”

He chuckled as he reached for her hand, and together they walked into the lobby. “No, you’ve controlled your saliva tonight.”

“Oh that’s wonderful.” She said, reaching for the glass of champagne he handed to her “I’m sorry for falling asleep.”

He shrugged with a small smile. “Don’t worry about it. I usually fall asleep during the second act.”

Chloe smiled, comforted by that. “That’s very good to know.” She took a sip of her drink frowning at the way Lex’s face suddenly froze before an expression of slight panic crossed his features. “Lex?”

“Lex Luthor? Is that you?”

Chloe turned to see an attractive older women, probably old enough to be her grandmother, amble her way towards them. Particularly towards Lex who looked like he wanted to go run and hide. It was cute. The closer she moved towards them seemed to trigger something Lex because the panic stricken look was gone in its place a cool awareness and charming smile.

“Hello, Mrs. Denshire.”

The older woman smiled as she reached for Lex. Placing both of her hands on his cheeks and squeezing. “Look at you. All grown up you are. Still bald though.”

Chloe could tell Lex was fighting hard to keep the smile on his face. “Yes, still bald.”

“No, matter.” the woman tsked. “You’re still the handsome boy I remember. You have your mother’s eyes. You’re going to make someone a very happy lady.”

Chloe had to hold back her laugh as the woman squeezed and pinched Lex’s cheeks with her hands before letting go.

“I better get back to my husband before he throws a fit.”

Lex looked as though god himself revealed the meaning of life to him. “Nice seeing you Mrs. Denshire.”

The older woman grinned before patting Lex on the cheek. “You too sweetie.”

Chloe watched the women go before turning to face Lex with an amused smile. “And who was that?”

Lex didn’t bother to hide his discomfort. “A very old friend of my mother’s. She spends half of her die high on diazepam, and the other half high on vicodin. She’s odd and annoying, and she still manages to make me feel like I’m eight years old. Its-- disconcerting.”

Chloe smiled as she wrapped her arm around his own. “Poor Lex,” She murmured. “I won’t laugh at you although seeing you lose your cool is very laughable.”

He glanced down at her with a wry smile. “And here I was going to kiss you.”

Chloe raised an eyebrow at that. Lex kiss her in public? She knew he wasn’t too big on public displays of affection all that much. “I said I won’t laugh. And you wouldn‘t want to disappoint Mrs. Denshire on that making someone a very happy lady.”

He smiled. “No, don’t want to disappoint.” He leaned down, and her eyes fluttered closed as soon as his lips touched hers. It wasn’t a full kiss, just a faint brush of his lips, but enough pressure to still make her go weak in the knees.

Lex pulled away from her mouth, his eyes dark. “What do you say we get out of here?”

She smiled up at him. “You read my mind.”


Lex’s mouth was hotter than usual. Softer than usual. At least that’s what Chloe thinks as she slowly lowered herself onto his cock. It was all so good. Kissing Lex, sliding down on him all at the same time. She moved on him slowly, and boy it was slow. So slow and hot, and Lex seemed to have no problem with the slow motion in which she moved on top of him, his hands not directing her motion, just resting there while she shivered from the pleasure of his cock being inside.

She shifted, and the movement sent a hot jolt of pleasure up her spine. “Oh..yeah.” She gasped. She kissed him for a moment before puling away, noticing the way his hands tightened reflexively on her hips as she started to rise and fall with slow precise movements. She never imagined going this slow could feel so achingly good, and she moved her hands to rest at the back of his as she finally settled into a steady slow hot motion.

God it was so good. Achingly slow pull out, then even slower hot pull in, with mewls she’s never made before falling from her lips. Her eyes slid open to look down at him, and she was surprised to see him watching her so intently, his face contorting slightly from pleasure each time she move downward. She leaned forward, and kissed him, once then twice. Sweet lips and busy tongues moved against each other slowly before she pulled away. “Tell me a secret.”

His hands slid up her back and down again. “You’re beautiful Chloe.”

Her eyes closed at those words, and she sat up, resting her hands on his chest as she swiveled her hips against him. Those words, the way she was moving so slowly against him. She realized, they were making love. Making love like they were characters in a cheap romance novel. It made her feel good and silly and giddy. So giddy it made her laugh.

Her laughter made Lex smile, then he too suddenly began to laugh, and the sound was so startling wonderful to Chloe she felt herself began to laugh harder. Her laughter turned into a gasp and a moan, and she leaned forward, gripping his shoulders as she rode Lex slow and steady, bubbles of laughter still erupting from her belly.

“Ugh! Fuck!” He suddenly groaned and thrust upward when she involuntarily tightened her muscles around his cock.

“Ohh, god!” She breathed, increasing her pace a bit. She was feeling it, The tingling sensation inside her increased with each upward thrust of his hips and downward of her own.

“Yeah..” he panted as an answer. “Yeah..” He repeated, his hips thrusting up just as slow, and it was all so good. The constant in and out stab of his cock hitting that special spot inside of her. “Come for me Chloe,” He whispered. “Come on, baby.”

Baby? Her eyes slid open, surprised from the sentiment. He was looking up at her, his face so open, so tender and unbearably sweet that she came right then, her hips moving at their own accord as the first shivers of her orgasm hit her. She cried out loudly, embarrassingly loud, and her legs shook as she arched her back before collapsing forward onto his chest.

His arms wrapped tight around her as he continued pushing into her still, grunting with each thrust until she felt him go completely still, and her eyes fluttered closed as she felt nothing but warmth spill inside her. His hands still caressed her back carefully slow, and she felt light headed, so light headed from her climax, the type where you just want to drift away to sleep afterward.

She couldn’t drift off to sleep just yet though. Her hazy mind had a few things to process first. The way he had looked at her. He had called her beautiful. Called her baby. She smiled slightly. She has a sudden sneaking suspicion that Lex Luthor was in love with her.

“Chloe?” He mumbled, his voice sounding half asleep already. “Tell me a secret.”

She bit her lip as she snuggled closer. “I can’t move.”

“Neither can I.” He sighed. “Lets just stay like this until morning. Or until one of us has to use the bathroom.”

“Morning or pee. Got it. Hey Lex?”

His voice sounded suddenly clear. “Yes, Chloe?”

“Do you- like handcuffs?”

A long pause then. “Yes. Yes I do.”

She smiled, and snuggled even closer. “Good. We’ll try those tomorrow. I’m going to sleep now, so just wake me if you have to pee. Okay?”

His fingers played with her hair as he answered. “Okay. Chloe?”

He glanced down at her and sighed when he realized she was already asleep, softly snoring on his chest.


4th July 2006, 13:53
WOW!!! Great update. So glad that Lex didn't have Monticello murdered. Poor Mike though. Loved Lois & Chloe in the adult toy store & the smut scene was hot. I was sure Chloe was gonna tell Lex she loved him. Can't wait for the handcuffs (lol). Can't wait for more.

4th July 2006, 15:28
Oh my goodness that was great! I love this update so much. Thank goodness Lex didn't kill the guy. But the guy is still out there eek!!! The smut was :drool2: and loving and sweet. :wub: I hope next time the secret is I love you.

Hope :)

4th July 2006, 15:44
Thanks for the feedback! Sorry this took so long. I redid this chapter over so many times. This is for something easy and letia84 because they’re good with their threats. Creative.
WOOHOO another update just for me. You say threat as if you life was in danger?:P Your life was never in danger. I offered ice cream remember. :grin3:

She was cut off by Lex’s hand over her mouth.
I love this image of Lex stopping her rant with his hand.

Lois rolled her eyes. “Yes, well, afterward. He said it again. All serious this time, and then he showed me a few things. Like his giant Igloo for instance.”

Chloe giggled. “Giant Igloo?”
:rofl: Lois never fails to make me laugh out loud during this. I'm so glad Clark told her and is learning from his big mistake that is Lana. Can I also say that I'm glad Lana has not been part of this story since the start. Its nice not seeing her around messing things up for people. How it should be on the show.

Chloe ignored the threat still grinning. An impressed Lois was hard to come by. “You always said the only way you’d have a steady relationship with a guy was if he wasn’t from earth.”

Lois shook her head with a wry smile. “The Irony alone makes my head spin. And thanks for telling me by the way.”
Again :rofl:

She shifted, and the movement sent a hot jolt of pleasure up her spine. “Oh..yeah.” She gasped. She kissed him for a moment before puling away, noticing the way his hands tightened reflexively on her hips as she started to rise and fall with slow precise movements. She never imagined going this slow could feel so achingly good, and she moved her hands to rest at the back of his as she finally settled into a steady slow hot motion.
This is a HOT, HOT, visual. Makes me go Mmmmm...:yeahbaby:

“Morning or pee. Got it. Hey Lex?”

His voice sounded suddenly clear. “Yes, Chloe?”

“Do you- like handcuffs?”

A long pause then. “Yes. Yes I do.”
They are so cute. I was wondering what Lex would say about the handcuffs and I can't wait for them to put them to use.

I love this story oh so much. I love have you included people in Lex's life that have worked for his family and knew his mother. We never see much about his past other then the bad. Lois and Clark are great in this. You putting them together seems so natural and sweet and silly. I gotta say I'm glad Lex didn't kill that guy and he was protecting Chloe. Who ever could still be after her she will need help with. I loved her kicking that guys butt.

I'm sure there is more and somethingeasy will cover it. But this is a great, great, story and I can't wait for more. :D

ETA: They have to say I love you already. Stop bottling things up people.:rules:

4th July 2006, 16:03
I agree with Hope on this. I do hope that the secret is 'I love you" eventually but take your time because I'm loving this story.

I nearly peed myself when Clark was describing his "subtle" alien hints to Lois. Reminds me of the "how dumb was she" thing from Lois and Clark. And the kinky Clois sex subplot here never. gets. old. At least not to me.

Great update.

4th July 2006, 19:40
So incredibly happy!!! :D
I hate to admit it, and I'm probably encouraging bad habits (involving slow updates by certain fanfic authors) by saying it... But this was completely worth the long wait. In fact I'll go a step further and admit to being very happy, pleased and satisfied that Kimbo decided to keep re-working this chapter until it came just 'just right' :D
Excellent work!

I loved the Clark introduction, he is just SUCH an adorable doofus. One of those silly guys that everyone would just adore having as a best friend. Soemtimes all the Clark-bashing that goes on in Chlex fic gets out of hand, and most people forget what a genuinely nice person Clark is. He has to be right? After all, he managed to win the complete loyalties and affections of two highly intelligent and paranoid people with barely a smile (I'm talking about Lex and Chloe of course).

And you really write him so sweetly, it rings quite true to character :D

He stood up with a huff, and began to pace. “I’ve tried almost everything for her to notice I was a little bit different. Dropping subtle hints. Lifting extremely heavy things in front of her at any chance I’d get. I’d even call her from my house to tell her I was coming to see her, then I’d speed over and show up one minute later. She doesn’t ask me any questions.” He flopped down on the couch with a forlorn expression. “She doesn’t even blink.”

Chloe blinked. Then blinked again.

Clark stared at Chloe expectantly. “Well?”

She bit her lip. “Well, what about the x-ray vision? Or the flying? Or the-”

“I didn’t want to scare her off.” He cut in solemnly.

This whole dialogue exchange nearly made me fall off my chair with irrepressible laughter. I actually remember Lois making a comment in some earlier chapter (I forget where exactly) about Clark's unusual displays of strength... Something about lifting an entire couch? This would finally explains why Clark got so 'careless' around Lois... LOL

And then Lois taking her little cousin out for a bit of kinky-toy shopping. SO hilarious. Especially the part where Lois actually accuses Chloe of being a prude. Although, now that I think about it, the Chlex couple definitely need to experiment with some toys in the bedroom... That's my not-very-subtle way of asking for handcuff-sex in the next chapter... pretty please??!!!

“Yeah well, if he did do it he certainly did it to protect you. And if he did then its kind of romantic--” She winced at the horrified look Chloe gave her. “In a creepy Luthor sort of way.”

Did I mention how much I LOVE Lois's comments. I couldn't really cut and paste every single one of my favourite lines, I'll just have to settle for the ones that really jump out in the paragraph :P

“Do you think these are pretty strong? Clark’s broke my last two pairs I had.”

heh heh heh... Why do I get the feeling that this was one of those rare moments when Clark didn't actually mean to display his strength... ooooh I have one filthy mind. Don't worry, I'll be bleaching it right after I finish the review ;)

That whole scene with Chloe acting like the tough investigative reporter that she is was just fantastic, but even more fun was the scene of Chloe acting out as a tough pepperspray-wielding maniac. A very nice way to poke fun at the consistent level of the quality of security Lex keeps hiring :D

“No!” He begged holding one hand up. “Please don’t do that. God, please don’t!”

“Just whatever you do please don’t spray me again,” Stalker guy said pitifully. “God, I think I need a doctor. I think I may go blind.”


not to mention the subsequent making fun of Mike...

Chloe smiled slightly. “Well he did let himself get beat up by a girl,” She teased, “What does that say about your security Lex?”

He raised an eyebrow. “That its no better than Smallville?”

Again... more LOL :D

I'm really so glad that Lex didn't turn out to be a murdered... But am I the only one who got really turned on by the fact that Lex beat up the guy who was threatening his beloved (not that the bastard has ADMITTED any emotions pertaining to love yet, but we aallll know, don't weeee) ;)

And finally, finally, FINALLY Lois is let in on the big Kent Family Secret...

Chloe just smiled. “You know it wasn’t my place to.” She grinned. “Welcome to the Clark Kent’s secret club. You get a shiny new secret decoder ring, and the risk of getting kidnapped and tortured by the government.”

Lois smiled in delight. “I've always wanted to be apart of one of those clubs.”

I'm SO glad to see Lois and Clark's relationship (in this fic) get to this level. I was rooting for them practically as hard and ferociously as I was rooting for Lex and Chloe. It's amazing how you managed to make your readers empathize with even the usually neglected, unpopular, ignored and even hated members of the Smallville universe. And it is all due to your incredible dialogue...

I even enjoyed a seemingly pointless, but ever so fun scene of Lex hiding away from a little ol' gramma lady. The mental image was enough to send me into new and higher convulsions of laughter. My tummy hurts :(

(sigh) and that whole BEAU-ti-FUL love-making scene was enough to make me melt away into nothingness (or at least into a very sticky messy puddle of nothingness). For some reason, this phrase really set off my internal temperature...

Lex’s mouth was hotter than usual. Softer than usual. At least that’s what Chloe thinks as she slowly lowered herself onto his cock.

So breathtakingly beautiful (sigh)... I WANT LEX in my bed RIGHT NOW!!!

ahem... And then just when your readers were getting uncomfortably mushy, you pulled the rug right out from under us with the 'cute mention' of possible hand-cuff sex (looking SO forward to that by the way!)

phew... I left one really tediously long review. I do hope I didn't send poor Kimbo into a stupor here. WAKE UP! the review is finished, now get to writing chapter 14 (pretty please?) :D

4th July 2006, 19:56
Oh, I wish that Chloe had told Lex she loved him before she fell asleep!! Excellent update!! Please post your next chapter soon!!

4th July 2006, 21:08
he was going to tell her that he loves her right?!

Kit Merlot
4th July 2006, 21:16
Excellent update!

I just adore your version of Lois, and I wished that the SV version could be this cool.

The Chlex smut was superb, but I'm very concerned about this person trying to kill Chloe. Lex and Chloe are going to have to find him and stop him.

Great work on this story;)

4th July 2006, 23:36
Absolutely loved it, especially seeing the cool and sophisicated lex turned into an eight year old Chloe's eyes. Please update soon.

5th July 2006, 01:05
I'm really enjoying this fic. Great dialogue between all of the characters. I love a little humor with my smut!

:rofl: + :hankpank: = a happy Shanna

I agree, though, the secret they tell each other toward the end should definitely be that they love each other. It would be too perfectly adorable. And if it were done when there were handcuffs and banana massage oil involved...well, then it may be sweet and kinky.

Can't wait for the next update!


5th July 2006, 02:58
this is great...i just love chlex!!!!!

5th July 2006, 03:21
Lex was going to say he loved her wasn't he? Hopefully he'll do it eventually. They can say it to each other this time preferably when they are both awake. I love that he is protective of her.

So Clark finally told Lois the truth. And he did it during sex, so typical of him. But I still love how crazy Lois is, and it's great that she's handling this so well.

Need more please, I have to know that whoever is after Chloe will not succeed.

5th July 2006, 04:00
Please more!!! I need more!!!! It's so addictive!!!!! I am the addict and this story is my drug...u must give me more!!!!!

5th July 2006, 09:30
Great update :D I'm glad Lex only beat up Monticello and he and Chloe got that out in the open. Absolutely love this fic. Can't wait to read more.

“Hmm,” was all Lois said as she glanced briefly at her cousin. “It seemed like you were having a serious brain argument there.” She dangled the handcuffs in front of Lois. “Do you think these are pretty strong? Clark’s broke my last two pairs I had.”

Chloe smiled slightly. “I’m not really a handcuff expert.”

“Oh yeah,” Lois said rolling her eyes. “I forgot I was talking to a prude.”

Chloe narrowed her eyes. “I’m not-”

“Excuse me?” Lois said to a passing employee. “Do you by chance have any stronger handcuffs?”

Chloe couldn’t help but stare in fascination at all of the piercings Mary had on her face.

“Sure,” Mary said pointing to the back. “The steel ones are back there.”

Lois grinned. “Great!” She turned to face Chloe and smiled before following Mary toward the back of the store. “Do those have fur on them also?”

:rofl: I absolutely adore Lois in this fic.

5th July 2006, 20:28
That was so great!! Yarrr you stopped and I am sad >.> hehe but I can totally wait for the next part :) I loved the part with the older grandmother sort of lady it was funny, and the lois and chloe interaction was good and really funny :D

10th July 2006, 23:46
Like i said before i love your story and how your characters are! Lois is great and lex who is in love but afraid t say it... i like it!!!
please update soon!!!
it's been long enough and now i m 'needy' :-D
so please please, write more soon!!!

12th July 2006, 03:08
I hate to do this to you but where is my update?

I was looking foward to one on the weekend but nope there was none. I can't talk seeing as how I haven't updated my own fics but we are not talking about me, so HA!:P

When are we getting an update? :puppydog:

24th July 2006, 09:23
Oh thanks so much for all of the great feedback! Sorry for taking so long with the update. Letia84 and somethingeasy. I am not worthy! I hope you all enjoy this chapter. Its Chloe’s birthday, and it’s a nice interlude from the story.

Chapter 14

Birthday Interlude

“Hey, this is Chloe, I’m not available right now so you know what to do…”

“Hey, sweetie. This is your father wishing you a very happy birthday! Twenty one already? Geez, I remember when you were just turning twelve, and you had those cute little-” *Beep*

Chloe groaned, and stuffed her head deeper into the pillows.

*beep* “Hey this is Chloe, I’m not available right now, so you know what to do..”

“Its me again sweetie. Listen you really have to put a longer time limit for your messages. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that I’ve sent your presents through the mail and it should arrive today. I hope you like it. I love you Chloe. Call me later okay?”

*beep* “Hey, this is Chloe, I’m not available right now, so you know what to do..”

“Hey Chloe its Clark, happy birthday! Twenty one-hey! Lois, stop that! Just give me the damn phone yah dork! Geez, anyway Chloe this is your cousin, I can’t let Clark deliver the birthday message because he just sucks at it and-” *Beep*

*beep* “Hey, this is Chloe, I’m not available right now, so you know what to do.”

“You know Chloe you can have a better time limit on this damn machine of yours. Anyway, Lois again, and as I was saying, Clark is so lame at delivering the birthday message-”


“Twenty one huh? Feels good? Feels great? Well just enjoy it because its closer to twenty five! Which is closer to thirty! Happy birthday bitch!” *Beep*

*beep* “Hey, this is Chloe, I’m not available right now, so you know what to do…”

“What a bitch.” Chloe mumbled sleepily. Sighing loudly, she turned onto her back.

“Good morning Chloe,” Chloe opened one eye as Lex’s soft smooth voice echoed through her apartment. “You’re probably sleeping, but try and call me before you go into work. It’s a bit important.”

“He didn’t even wish me a happy birthday.” She muttered just as there was a firm knock at her door. She groaned. She despised her birthdays. Not because of the getting older, but because every one of her birthdays, something weird happens to her. Something goes wrong.

“Go away.” She muttered, but the knocking continued. Sighing loudly, she sat up, and glanced at the time, seeing it was only 9:30. “So much for sleeping in late.” She muttered, pulling away the covers. She stumbled out of bed and out of her room. Hurrying to the door as the knocking still continued. “Hang on a sec!”

“Who is it?” She asked while she peeked through the peephole.

“Delivery for Ms. Chloe Sullivan! I need you to sign for these Ma’am.”

She opened the door, surprised to see the delivery man standing there with a large vase of purple lilacs. “Wow.” She murmured as he handed her the flowers. She turned and placed them on her living room table before turning back to the door, and signing for them.

“Have a good day ma’am.” He said turning to go.

“Thanks!” Chloe called. She smiled at Lex’s hired security guard standing outside her door. “Good morning Joseph.”

Joseph nodded. “Good morning Ms. Sullivan.” He said, like he did every morning. Chloe was beginning to believe he never smiled.

“Would you like some coffee?” She asked, and he shook his head like always.

“No, Thank you.”

“Just, knock if you change your mind.” She said, before closing her door. She shook her head. She still found it weird that Lex had hired that man to stand outside her door all night, but according to Lex he was “Highly trained” and he didn’t have to worry as much knowing Joseph was there.

It just annoyed her.

Shaking her head, she picked up the card from her flowers and smiled as she read the card.

‘I’m trying to ignore the fact that when I was 21, you were just 15 years old. Happy birthday Chloe.’

Chloe felt the silly grin on her face widen as she read the card again. She placed the card down and turned to go into her bathroom for a shower. Maybe it won’t be such a bad birthday after all.

“Okay,” Chloe murmured as she hopped into her shoe. She glanced at the time noting she was all ready ten minutes late for work. “Shit! I have my keys and bag.” She paused in the doorway as her phone rang. “Sorry Lois.” She muttered, already knowing who it was. Her answering machine went off just as she shut the door.

*Beep* “Hey, This is Chloe, I’m not available right now, so you know what to do..”

“Uh, hi, Chloe, this is Lois. I’m just calling you to let you know that you might not want to go to work right now. As a matter of fact, you might not want to leave your apartment. But you’ve obviously did those things already so I’ll-” *Beep*


Chloe admits she’s always been a little bit slow on the uptake when it came to the subject of whether Lex was her boyfriend or not. He’s never mentioned it, and although Lois has always said it’s a thing that doesn’t need to be said, it just happened. Chloe’s always learned not to assume things. What with there being no actual clues that they were a couple.

Not the fact that he had his own closet space or his own drawer in her bedroom. Or that he had his own key to her apartment. Or even the fact that he has his own toiletries in her bathroom. Or that his laundry and dry cleaning sometimes gets mixed in with her own and vice versa. Or that he sometimes stays the night at her place for days at a time. She’s always learned never to assume things.

There was, however, one thing that might’ve clued her in on the answer to the question at hand.


‘Lex Luthor met the love of his life, Chloe Sullivan, when she was just seventeen years old. Ms Sullivan, who is a investigative journalist for the Daily Planet, helped Lex Luthor in the conviction of his father Lionel Luthor. Out of a harrowing tale these two find love…’

Besides the fact that the article was complete bullshit. It was totally convincing what with the very large pictures of the two of them sharing a kiss, and another picture of her staring all lovingly in his eyes. She hadn’t even spotted a fucking photographer at that opera.

But, Still, it was just an article. Even though the longer she stared at her photo, she looked absolutely smitten. And Lex, well, she’s never seen him look that happy before. There was no assuming though.

“Ms. Sullivan?”

Chloe looked up at the photographer just as the camera’s flash flashed in her eyes.

“How does it feel to be Lex Luthor’s love interest?”

Another Flash. Then Another, and instead of giving in the urge to pepper spray the stalker photographer, she opted for turning and quickly walking away.

“The public has a right to know!”

She winced as words she always used were thrown at her.

Maybe she should assume things. Maybe, just maybe Lois was right. She was suffering from a big healthy dose of denial.

“Oh Crap!”


By the time Chloe reached the Daily Planet, she cursed herself for not mentally preparing herself before she walked through the doors and into her office.

It was as though someone shined a spot lot onto her. All of the office’s eyes staring at her as if she were bug under a microscope. It freaked her out and annoyed her even more when the eyeballs followed her steps all the way to her desk. She paused before sitting down, turning to glare at all of her co-workers. “What?” She snapped, and they quickly averted their eyes, going back to their work as if they weren’t just staring her down.

This day could not get any stranger.

“Sullivan get in here!”

Spoke too soon.

Chloe had the strange feeling that she was a dead woman walking, which she knew was silly, but the way everyone stared at her as she made her way into Harrower’s office did not do anything good for her nerves.

“Yes Mr. Harrower?”

“Have a seat Sullivan.”

Chloe slowly sat down in her chair.

Harrower leaned against his desk. “Firstly, let me say that I don’t give a crap what you do in your personal life.”

“That’s, good to know.” Chloe said slowly.

“That first article you wrote on Luthor, it wasn’t-”

“I meant every word,” She cut in softly. “We weren’t even together at the time.”

He raised an eyebrow. “So that inquisitor article-”

“Was crap.” She said, and he nodded.

“I figured as much. That’s just like the inquisitor. Took a few pictures of you two then made up a story.” He eyed Chloe before shaking his head. “Look Sullivan, I’ve already told Victoria and the rest of them up there in gossip not to hound you.”

Well that answers that question. “Thank you.”

Harrower shrugged. “You’re a good writer and I don’t’ need my reporters distracted. I hope this doesn’t interfere with your job Sullivan.”

She shook her head. “Of course not.”

“Good,” He said, slapping two folders into her hand. “I want you to look at those, and I need the second part of that Platman Industries article soon.”

He didn’t seemed moved at all that her life was threatened because of that article. “Yes, Sir.”

“Get to work Sullivan.”


By the time Chloe got back to her desk, she realized she left her cell phone off. Groaning to herself she switched it on to see she had eight missed calls. Four from her father, Four from Lois and non from Lex. She frowned at that.

Just as she was about to check her messages, her phone rang. “Hello Lois.”

“Chloe! Oh my god, this article is the funniest thing.”


“Your father already called me three times. Says he can’t get in touch with you. I’ve tried calming him down, but I think he’s a little worried so you better call him back. Clark thinks you’ve gone insane, and did I mention that this article is hilarious!”

Chloe rolled her eyes. “Did my father sound angry?”

“Not really. Just a little wary. Can you blame him though? Lex’s father did try to have him killed.”

Oh God. “You aren’t really helping Lois.”

“Sorry. Sorry. Hey look on the bright side, I’ve already dealt with Clark for you. You know how annoying he can be. He is the most clueless person on the planet. I just don’t understand how he didn’t know about you and Lex, how obvious could you two be? I think he was in as much of denial as you were.”

Chloe snorted. “You’re a real bitch Lo. I’m hanging up.”

“Okay,” She said snickering. “Harrowing tale of love. Just hilarious!”

“Good bye Lois.”

“Happy birthday!”

Chloe couldn’t stop the smile from forming on her lips as she dialed her father’s work phone number. It picked up on the second ring. “Hi daddy.” She said, knowing the endearment will soften him up.

There was a long sigh on the other end. “Chloe,” Gabe started slowly. “Just when did you think you were going to tell your father that you were dating Lex Luthor.”


“And why didn’t you tell me in the first place?”

“It slipped my mind?”


“I wasn’t hiding it from you or anyone. It wasn’t a secret.”

“Of course not,” He said lamely. “Instead of hearing it from you. I have to read it in the inquisitor, and please tell me that story isn’t true.”

“Of course not dad, and why are you reading the inquisitor in the first place?”

Gabe paused before answering. “I like reading about aliens okay? And don’t try and change the subject!”

Chloe sighed. “You aren’t angry are you?”

“At first I was, and I thought I’m going to kill Lex, and that you’ve gone insane. But then I saw your face in those photos. Your smile, and you looked so happy Chloe.” He sighed. “Are you?”

Chloe smiled. “I am.”

“Then that’s all I want.” He murmured. “I just hope you’re making the right decision Chlo, you know we don’t have a great past with Luthors.”

“Lex isn’t like that,” She explained firmly. “He’s a good man.”

Gabe sighed again. “He must be if you’re with him.”

Chloe grinned at that. “He is.”

There was a long pause on the other end then. “You’re in love with him aren’t you?”

Her father knew her too well. “Yes.”

“Just don’t take forever in telling him. It took me forever to tell your mother, I was scared to death.”

Chloe knew the feeling. “Okay.”

“Well now that that’s settled. When am I going to have dinner with you two?”

Chloe frowned. “Dinner?”

“Yes, Honey. Its standard parenting. I’m suppose to have dinner with the man my daughter’s fell for. How about this weekend? Or next weekend?”

Chloe blanched. “Dad-”

“Well, we’ll figure it out.” he said sounding amused. “I’ve got to go sweetheart. I hope you like the present I sent you.”

Chloe smiled. “Yes, Thank you for the book dad, and thank Shelia for the bracelet she brought me its lovely.”

“Will do sweetie. I love you and happy birthday.”

“I love you too.”

Maybe this was a good birthday after all.


Four-thirty rolled around, with Chloe halfway done with her work for the day because of being distracted by the fact that she’s called Lex three times, and his phone’s gone straight to voicemail. Secondly she was distracted by the lingering presence of gossip columnist Victoria Chase who was slowly making her way toward Chloe.

She wasn’t in the mood. She really wasn’t. She just wanted to get through with her work and go home. “What is it Victoria?”

“Okay,” Victoria said, kneeling down in front of Chloe. “I know Harrower told me to leave you alone, but I just have to know is that article is true?”

Chloe paused In her typing. “What do you think?”

Victoria frowned. “The truth mixed in with lies? Well that doesn’t matter I just want to know what’s he like? I mean your relationship?”

Chloe frowned. “We do what normal couples do Vicky.”

Victoria rolled her eyes. “Boring,” She whispered. “and I’m totally not believing it. I mean its Lex Luthor for goodness sake!”

Chloe frowned again. What does that mean anyway? “Okay. Fine, you know, its great. The sex is fabulous. We have Sex on a giant pile of money every night.”

Victoria frowned at her before slowly standing up with a smile. “I guess I deserved that.”

Chloe nodded. “Mhmm.”

“I’ll leave you to your work.”

Chloe smiled at her. “You do that.”


“Ms. Sullivan, are you the reason Lex Luthor hasn’t dated in the past two and a half years?”

Chloe will not start hating reporters.

“Are you just going to ignore my questions?”

She will not hate them, because she is one, and that would be against her grain. Even though most inquisitor reporters were nothing but leeching assholes. She will, however, shove that camera down this man’s throat if he blinded her with another picture.

“I’m sure you understand that Ms. Sullivan doesn’t want to answer you Jeffrey.”

Both Chloe and Jeffery turned to see an impeccably dressed Lex leaning against a very expensive looking Lexus. He had dark sunglasses on, a small smile on his face. She had no idea how he could appear out of thin air that way.

“Come on Luthor, I’m just doing my job you know that.”

Lex smiled at Chloe before sliding his eyes back to Jeffery. “Yes, as long as you remember what you were told. We wouldn’t want to lose any important journalists at the inquisitor would we?”

“No,” Jeffery sighed reluctantly. “Come on Dave,” He said to the photographer. “That’s enough for today.”

“Have a good evening Jeff.” Lex said as the man passed. He turned to face Chloe who didn’t look amused. “What?”

Chloe didn’t answer, just walked down the steps, around him, toward the passenger side. Opening the door she slid inside, slamming the door for good measure.

Lex slowly slid inside the car, shutting ht door softly. He glanced over at her, and Chloe could tell he was seemingly measuring her anger level. She wasn’t angry at him.

She glanced at Lex, and he smiled at her before starting up the car, and gliding smoothly into evening traffic.

She was just extremely annoyed.

“I’m sorry I didn’t call you earlier. I’ve been tied in meetings all day.”

“Mmm.” Was all she said.

He glanced at her again before clearing his throat. “Chloe, that article-”

“You know I could’ve handled that… Jeffery myself.” She cut in softly.

Lex paused, obviously surprised. “I’m aware of that, but he was practically stalking you.”

She snorted. “As disgustingly annoying he may have been, he was just doing his job. And besides I’ve stalked people.”

He frowned at that comment and she rolled her eyes.

“You know what I meant.”

He sighed heavily. “This is different Chloe.”

She rolled her eyes. “How is it so different? Because you’re in the public eye? Because you’re Lex Luthor?”

“Yes,” He answered simply. “And it’ll only get worse. They’ll always be there Chloe.”

She gave him a look. “I’m aware of the inner workings of the media.”

He shook his head. Glancing over at her, and even though she couldn’t see his eyes, she could see the serious frown lines formed on his forehead. “Not like this. You’ve never been on the other side. They’ll ask you questions Chloe, personal questions. They’ll dig up your past, and post erroneous claims about you. They’ll even try and talk to your family members. It won’t always be good. I can‘t stop the other papers from posting anything, not even The Inquisitor.”

Chloe frowned deeply at him, utterly confused as to why he was telling her things she knew already. Why he was treating her as if she were weak little victim who couldn’t protect herself. She eyed him curiously. What was he trying to do? Her eyes widened slightly. “Are you trying to scare me off?”

The tightening of his hands on the steering wheel signaled his surprise. “No,” He answered slowly as he weaved around a stalled car. “No.” He repeated more firmly. “I just want you to understand that it won’t be easy.” He glanced at her. “You know?”

Her face softened and she sighed. “I know.” She said with a nod. “But, I don’t care.” She smiled at him. “They can dig all they want, they won’t find anything interesting. And as for personal questions, I can deal with those. Besides you and I both know they’ll get bored with us after a while.” She patted his hand reassuringly . “You don’t have to worry about me.”

Lex glanced at her with a small smile. “I know I don’t have to.”

She eyed him suspiciously. “You aren’t going to hire more security are you?”

He snorted. “You wouldn’t know if I did.”

Chloe’s eyes widened. “Oh. God.”


Chloe hadn’t expected this. A candle light dinner, along with white tulips and lilacs covering every available surface of the dining room. It was terribly romantic. Horribly clichéd. Disgustingly sweet. But Chloe couldn’t help but love it.

“Tell me a secret?”

Chloe grinned at him over her glass of wine. “Thank you for the flowers earlier.” She murmured.

He smiled, leaning over to pour himself more wine. “It was my pleasure.”

Still smiling, she continued. “And the flowers are very pretty.”

She could tell the way he dropped his eyes he was becoming slightly uncomfortable. “That was Helga’s-”

“And the dinner was delicious. And the cake.” She cut in still smiling.

“Yes,” He cleared his throat. “That was Helga’s doing also.”

She raised an eyebrow. “Mmhm. But, it was your idea right?”

He shrugged slightly. Definitely looking even more uncomfortable. “I figured you wouldn’t want to go out tonight.”

Her smile widened. “You’re such a romantic.” She teased.

She held her in her laugh at the slightly alarmed look on his face. “Chloe-”

“Don’t worry,” She cut in. “I won’t tell anyone. Your harsh exterior along with your aura of Luthor Mysteriousness is safe.”

He nodded, holding a serious expression. “Good. Lets just, keep this to ourselves.”

She smiled again. “Not a problem. I’ll just file this away for blackmail use at a later date.”

He couldn’t help but smile. “Blackmail? You’re starting to use one of my tactics Chloe.”

“Well,” She said with a shrug. “You are a bad influence.”

He held up his glass. “Now you’re getting it.”

“So,” she sat forward. “Is that nicely wrapped box with the holes on the side by your feet for me?”

“Of course,” He said, bending to pick it up. He gently placed it onto the table, and slid it over to her. “Don’t shake it.” He advised softly.

Chloe slowly pulled the box toward her, her fingers twitching in anticipation. She slowly took the lid off of the box, and stared, her eyes widening in surprise. “Oh, my-”

“I was going to buy you a car,” He cut in slowly. “But I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t have taken it.”

“Oh, my god!” She breathed. It was a small kitten with cream colored fur and white paws, but its face was darker, along with its ears and tail. Delightfully cute, but its eyes were what caught her attention first. A startling blue that she’s never seen before. She looked up at Lex to see him watching her intently. “Its so small.” She said, picking it up.

“She’s six weeks old,” He explained. “It’s a Birman, originated in Burma, where it was considered sacred to their companions, Kittah priests…So, do you like it?”

She held the kitten up, and her smile widened when it blinked and meowed at her. “Only you know such obscure useless facts, and I love her.” She looked up, catching the look of relief on his face. She glanced back down at the kitten, smiling as it buried its little claws into her blouse. “What do we name her?” She asked, and he shook his head.

“Getting her is as far as I go. She already peed on me twice since I’ve had her this morning.”

She ran her fingers between the kittens ears. “Well she’s a nice surprise. Thank you Lex,” She paused. “ Are you sure you don’t want anyone to know you’re a closet romantic? Because it could be-”

“No.” He cut in quickly, and she pouted.

“Fine,” She sighed. “But let me just warn you, if you read something about us always having sex on giant piles of money don’t ask why.”

He gave her a slightly alarmed look, and she grinned. “Lets go give the kitten milk!”


“…God, Chloe, fuck!”

Lex’s verbal foreplay was turning Chloe on as much as her mouth on his cock was arousing Lex. He was just so good at it. So Fluent in this language. Not to mention how attuned she was becoming with what he liked best because of it. She knew just the right way to hold him. To stroke him. To suck him.

Like now for instance, the way she dragged her tongue up and down his hardness, teasing him with light touches before sucking him down as far as her throat would allow her without gagging.

He raised his hips, thrusting himself into her hot mouth slowly, watching her movements intently. “Oh fuck! Chloe, you’re killing me…ah shit..suck harder, yeah like that Chloe, god you’re good at this.”

Wow he was really in a babbling mood tonight, which means she must be doing an excellent job. She knew it took a lot of work to make Lex lose control the way he was doing right now. He usually just moaned or groaned really loudly, somehow managing to keep himself carefully composed in the process. But, not tonight. Tonight he was letting it all hang out so to speak. Maybe it was something in the air, or maybe it was the fact that he was handcuffed to the brass headboard.

The handcuffs rattled as he gripped the bars tighter, and she glanced up at him from her work, noticing his eyes were closed as he bit his lip, his hips thrusting up in time with her mouth’s downward slide on his cock.

“Oh ,yeah..Fuck!”

She could feel the beginnings of his orgasm and she slid off of him with an audible pop, ignoring his loud protests. She sat back onto her knees, watching him with a small smile. She couldn’t help the feminine pride she felt welling up inside of her the longer she stare at him. Arms high stretched above his head, oil slicked chest heaving, and face flushed. He looked well and truly fucked. Her grin widened. She put that look on his face, that glare in his eyes.

“You told me not to let you come.” She reminded.

He rolled his eyes. “And now you decide to listen to me?”

She giggled. “Isn’t it funny?”

The handcuffs rattled again as he lifted his arms. “Are you going to uncuff me now?”

She titled her head to the side with a small smile. Her eyes slid down toward his still hard cock, lying heavily on his stomach, a small pearl of semen leaking from the tip. She ran her finger down his chest then placed it into her mouth for a taste.

More rattling. “Chloe?”

Handcuffed banana flavored Lex. “Yum.” She sighed glancing at Lex who was watching her warily. “I kind of like you like this.”


Well, he can only take giving up so much control. “All right, fine.” She said, reaching over toward the nightstand for the key. As soon as she uncuffed him, he grabbed her up in his arms. “Ow.” She complained.

He kissed her slowly, his tongue sliding against her own briefly. “You’re a tease.” He murmured against her lips.

She laughed. “You know you love it.”

He pulled away from her mouth with a raised eyebrow. "Chloe?”

“Hmm?” She asked, bending to kiss his neck.

“Arms up,” He demanded softly. “And on your stomach.”

Chloe felt a shiver of anticipation as she complied without complaint. He shifted behind her, leaning over her to grab one of her wrists in his hand.

“Tell me if its too tight.” He said, quietly clicking the handcuff closed before reaching for her right wrist and doing the same thing.

Of all the freaky things, Chloe never thought she’d be doing this. She could feel him shifting around behind her, staring down at her, and just the feeling of not knowing what he’ll do next already had fresh wetness flowing from between her legs. She shivered when she felt his fingers slid down the middle of her back, and she tightened her hold on the bars.

She could already hear Lois’s snickering ‘I told you so.’

She turned her head when his hand came into view, and she could see he was reaching for the banana scented edible massage oil. She jumped in surprise when he poured a line down her back. She shifted when he placed a hand on her hips. “I spoke to my father today.”

She felt him pause before bending to kiss the back of her neck. “Oh yeah? Shall I make funeral arrangements now?”

“No,” She said with a breathy laugh. Her eyes fluttered closed, and she moaned when his tongue slowly licked down her back. “He thinks I’ve gone insane and he’s a little worried, but I’ve assured him that you only debauch me once a week.”

He kissed the spot he licked as he chuckled wryly. “I’d like my ashes spread out in a lake in Montana.”

She giggled. “Oh well you-you can- oh my god!” She didn’t know how he could move that fast. One minute he was leaning over her shoulder, and the next his head was buried between her legs, giving her a long hard swipe of his tongue. “Maybe this isn’t a good time to talk about my father.”

He slid back up her body, lying his body fully against her, pressing her into the mattress. “You’re always so wet Chloe.” He murmured, easily changing the subject.

She could feel his hardness pressing into her butt, and she squirmed. “Fuck me already.”

“All you had to do was ask.” He breathed, gently nudging her legs apart with his knee. He slid inside of her easily, his eyes closing tightly as he tried to hold onto his control.

“Oh yeah,” She breathed when he was completely buried inside. “Wait,” she breathed. “Don’t move yet. Just stay still.” She needed to feel this. This feeling of his cock pulsing inside of her, growing harder each time she tightened her muscles around him.

He waited patiently for her permission to start moving. He gently kissed the back of her neck. “I’ve come up with a name for the kitten.”

Chloe raised an eyebrow. “I thought you weren’t interested.”

He kissed each shoulder blade. “Consider me inspired.”

“Okay,” She laughed. “What is this inspiring name of yours?”

He kissed the back of her neck again. “Virginia Woolf.”

The name surprised her, and she began to giggle. “I like it. And here I was going to name her Ghengis Khan .”

They both laughed, Her laughter turning into a gasp as the jerking movement of their bodies caused him to slide even deeper inside. Lex let out a puff of air against her throat, and he slowly turned her face to the side , dipping his head down to catch her mouth in a hot kiss.

She sighed against his mouth, her sigh quickly turning into a moan as he slowly sucked her tongue into his mouth in a way that was slowly driving her mad. He slowly pulled away from her.

“Chloe,” He said in a strained voice. “I really need to move or else I might explode.”

“That’s an interesting concept.” She murmured, spreading her legs wider so she could get more comfortable. She closed her eyes as he began to thrust slowly, slowly in then slowly out. “Faster,” She moaned. “Go faster…please.”

He complied easily, gripping her hip and lifted her lower body, holding it in place as he moved faster, pounding into her with abandon.

She wasn’t going to last long. She could already feel the strong pull between her legs every time he thrust forward. The handcuffs rattled loudly as her body was thrusted forward. “Unh Yeah,” She grunted with each slam of his pelvis against her own. “Uhn..uhn..Lex.” She couldn’t breathe. His body lying fully on top of her own, his harsh forward thrusts were all knocking the breath of her, but she didn’t care. All she cared about was satisfying that itch. That need she felt building higher and higher to the point she could no longer stand. He turned her head and kissed her, and she caught his tongue in her mouth, sucking on it as hard as she could.

She pulled away her mouth and eyes wide. “Lex!”

“Chloe,” He choked thrusting faster, harder. “Chloe you have to come. I can’t-”

“Coming,” She panted her eyes widening even more. “Oh, god!” Her eyes blurred and her body shook from her orgasm as he pumped faster than ever, his own climax chasing her own.

Lex stilled behind her, straining as he came, and he collapsed onto her back, panting his warm breath into her ear.

She gently nudged him. “Lex, can’t breathe, and my arms feel weird.”

He moved, the both of them groaning as he slow slid out of her. “I didn’t put them on too tight did I?”

“Uh uh.” She mumbled, watching as he uncuffed her, and gently rubbed her wrist. She slowly lowered her arms, and turned onto her side. “I feel really sticky.”

“Me too.” He murmured lying behind her. He wrapped his arm loosely around her waist. “Perhaps we should take a shower.”

“Okay,” She said trying to stretch, but failing to do so. “I’ll be getting up any minute now.”

Lex nodded. “I just need a minute or two.”

“Or three or four.” Chloe sighed then she smiled. “My father wants to have dinner with us.” She said, continuing their earlier conversation.

She could actually feel Lex go still beside her, and she turned her head to glance over at him. “I told him I’d get back to him on that.”

“Hmm,” He said softly. “I better wear a bullet proof vest then.”

She laughed. “Dad, doesn’t like guns. He may poison you though.”

He sighed shaking his head. “Just great. That’s more painful than being shot. He wasn’t angry with you was he?”

She shook her head. “No, Not really. Surprised. Really surprised, you know I don’t even know what the big deal is.”

He gave her a disbelieving look. “You don’t?”

She shook her head.

He leaned onto his elbow to look down at her. “You really don’t?”

She shook her head. “Am I suppose to know why?”

He shrugged. “I don’t know. Its just, I find that hard to believe.”

She frowned. “Why?”

“Because,” He started slowly as if he were having trouble explaining. “Because of who I am.”

Her frown deepened. “I don’t understand.”

He let out a loud breath of frustration. “I don’t see how you can’t.”

She turned away from him. “But I don’t understand Lex. I don’t because I don’t see what other people see when I look at you.”

She felt him shifting onto his side, and his hand caressed her arm as he leaned over her. “What do you mean?”

She sighed. “I don’t see Lex Luthor, bald billionaire. I just see Lex. The guy who likes to hog the covers and watch cartoons. The guy who makes jokes that only I understand. The guy who beats me at Uno and Scrabble. It’s the little things that I see, and that matters the most. It’s the little things that are real and deep. Everyone else looks at you and they think they see the real you, but they don’t. They just see the surface. I see the things that matter.” She swallowed, long speeches always made her feel strangely winded and thirsty.

The room was silent, and Chloe never hated silence more than she did at that very moment. She was glad she had her back to him. It was easier saying these things if she weren’t looking at him.

“Chloe?” he questioned, sounding confused and very un-lex like.

She cleared her throat before continuing. “I see you,” She repeated with emphasis. “Not the really nice suits or the stoic expression. Just you. You let me see those things, and no one else. I really appreciate that.”

She chanced a glance at him, unsurprised to see a look on his face she’s never saw before. She couldn’t care about that. She wouldn’t be frightened anymore. “I really care about you Lex.” She turned to really look at him. “I really love you. I have for a very long time now.”

The words seemed to shake him out of his daze, and he blinked. “Chloe,” he breathed, but she shook her head.

“You don’t have to say it back. Not if you aren‘t ready to.” She said softly. She ran her fingers down his arm. “I just, thought you should know. That it was time for you to know that.”

He looked away from her for a long moment before turning back to face her, his eyes soft. “Okay.” He said quietly.

She nodded with a small smile. “Now that I’ve spilled my guts, and gone completely mushy, lets get some rest.”

He pulled her closer. “What about that shower?”

“Too tired.” She yawned. “You know this was one of the best birthdays I’ve had in a very long time.”

He was already arranging the covers around them with a small smile. “I’m glad to hear that.”

“Maybe I should check on Virginia.” She mumbled sleepily.

Lex shook his head. “I’m sure she’s all right.” His arm squeezed her waist. “Chloe?”


He paused. “Goodnight.”

“Night.” she mumbled. She was sure he was going to say something else. She snickered.

Lex frowned. “What is it?”

She lifted her head to look at him. “I just remembered you own the inquisitor right?”

He nodded. “Yeah.”

Her head flopped back onto the pillow. “You’re sleeping with the enemy.”

He shook his head. “Happy birthday Chloe.”

She smiled into her pillow.

Great birthday after all.


24th July 2006, 10:39
OK I still love Lois, she's so much fun. And I love Gabe too because he is just the best dad, and really Chloe should have told him.

Well so now the world knows about them. And the Inquisitor was the one who broke the story, and Lex owns the Inquisitor, so does that mean he leaked it on purpose? Was this his way of making sure everyone knew? Or can he just not control everything his paper writes? Oh and the sex on piles of money is too funny.

I love that Lex is a romantic and doesn't want anyone to know. That's his personal side that only Chloe sees. And I love that he got her a kitten. My sister had one of those cats and they are very beautiful.

And the smut was fantastic as always. I loved the total 'Awww' moment when Chloe mentioned that she liked the little things about Lex and said she loved him. But when is Lex going to admit his feelings? This is like the third or fourth time that he's had the chance and chickened out. Get a move on Lex!

Love the work, please continue!

24th July 2006, 11:31
just got caught up with this fic. it's wonderful can't wait for more.

24th July 2006, 11:52
I seriously loved this update :D Can't wait for another, and I just wanted to say I love the fact that he got her a kitten *sigh* so cute

24th July 2006, 13:19
That was so nice and romantic! I loved it Lex is so sweet buying her the kitten, very domesticated, they have their own little family now! I really wish that Lex had told her he love her but I guess he just needs time he's not your average man and even if he can't say it at least he shows her how he feels! I liked Chloe's joke about having sex on piles of money and that would be really funny if it ended up in the paper! i think it would be great to see how Lex and Gabe interact with each other over dinner as I doubt that Lex has really had to deal with that many doting fathers! Oh and I adore Lois!

Update again really soon!


24th July 2006, 15:56
Oh my goodness that was just so Awwww romantic. I love this chapter so much and how she said I love you. But lex come on gets some balls and tell her you idiot. :rolleyes: I hope the next chapter he can finally tell her. :)

Hope :)

24th July 2006, 16:49
Can't waut for anoyher amazing update. I love your lois, she's so much fun. And lex and chloe are just perfect together.

24th July 2006, 20:08
That was so romantic ! I loved it and can't wait until the next update !!

24th July 2006, 20:26
I loved this update. Hell, I'm jealous. How romantic. I really did think Lex would tell Chloe he loved her. Can't wait for the next chapter.

24th July 2006, 21:13
VERY VERY VERY GOOD! I'm sorry it took me so long to review but you know me always 50 steps behind the rest of the world. *WINKS*

24th July 2006, 22:46
Absolutely love this chapter. Lois continues to be hilarious. Harrowing tale of love. :rofl: Gabe is the best dad and dinner is going to be fun.

Virginia Woolf! Love it.

Aww I like that Chloe is the only one that knows Lex is a romantic. Hee hee. Nice to see the banana scented edible massage oil and handcuffs get some use. Although I am a little curious to know why the Inquisitor would risk running a story on it's owner.

25th July 2006, 01:33
Adorable. It's great that she told him, but he did already know so I'm kinda surprised he didn't say it back. I'm sure you have something great up your sleeve for the next update though(perhaps an embarrassing dinner with daddy), so I can't wait.

25th July 2006, 05:31
It sucks that every one knows about them but it had to happen.

25th July 2006, 13:24
this was a great update. i can't wait to see what happens next.

26th July 2006, 13:25
Just read the story and love it and can not wait for update:blinkkiss

26th July 2006, 23:42
I'm so glad that Lex made Chloe's birthday so special!! His present was just perfect, I love kittens!! Thank you so much for the update!! Can't wait for more!!

27th July 2006, 00:43
[I]Oh thanks so much for all of the great feedback! Sorry for taking so long with the update. Letia84 and somethingeasy. I am not worthy! I hope you all enjoy this chapter. Its Chloe’s birthday, and it’s a nice interlude from the story.
Kimbo this is such a treat to get home after a hell of a two days and see and update for this. :blinkkiss

“Twenty one huh? Feels good? Feels great? Well just enjoy it because its closer to twenty five! Which is closer to thirty! Happy birthday bitch!” *Beep*
HA! Lois is so crazy. :P

‘I’m trying to ignore the fact that when I was 21, you were just 15 years old. Happy birthday Chloe.’
I love this card. Its sounds so much like something he would say. I must say I forget the age difference with these two all the time.

“Uh, hi, Chloe, this is Lois. I’m just calling you to let you know that you might not want to go to work right now. As a matter of fact, you might not want to leave your apartment. But you’ve obviously did those things already so I’ll-” *Beep*
Oh crap this can't be good.


Chloe frowned again. What does that mean anyway? “Okay. Fine, you know, its great. The sex is fabulous. We have Sex on a giant pile of money every night.”

Victoria frowned at her before slowly standing up with a smile. “I guess I deserved that.”
HA!:rofl: What was she expecting her to say? Well put Sullivan.

She could feel the beginnings of his orgasm and she slid off of him with an audible pop, ignoring his loud protests. She sat back onto her knees, watching him with a small smile. She couldn’t help the feminine pride she felt welling up inside of her the longer she stare at him. Arms high stretched above his head, oil slicked chest heaving, and face flushed. He looked well and truly fucked. Her grin widened. She put that look on his face, that glare in his eyes.
Yum. This was a great image to think about. :yeahbaby: Hot, sticky, sexy, Lexy

She chanced a glance at him, unsurprised to see a look on his face she’s never saw before. She couldn’t care about that. She wouldn’t be frightened anymore. “I really care about you Lex.” She turned to really look at him. “I really love you. I have for a very long time now.”

The words seemed to shake him out of his daze, and he blinked. “Chloe,” he breathed, but she shook her head.

“You don’t have to say it back. Not if you aren‘t ready to.” She said softly. She ran her fingers down his arm. “I just, thought you should know. That it was time for you to know that.”

He looked away from her for a long moment before turning back to face her, his eyes soft. “Okay.” He said quietly.

I love that she told him but I was hoping he would say it back or give us a bit of insight in to wanting to say it back.

The little touches in this keep getting better. I love the kittens name. Clark's reaction was to be expected since he was so worried about Lois and didn't even see Lex macking on Chloe all the time.

I can't wait to see how thing unfold with the guy after Chloe and how Lex handle it. I hope he tells her he loves her soon. More when you can, great update. :grin3:

27th July 2006, 04:10
more, please!
the progression of this story is great. and i was so excited that you had lex give chloe a cat instead of a car for her birthday. it was sweet.
cant wait for more


27th July 2006, 08:10
Loved the Birthday stuff, very sweet. And I can't believe I missed a few chapters before that. Sigh......

Can't wait to read more. See what Clark has to say about things, others then saying shes insane. lol

): )

27th July 2006, 09:29
Hi Kimbo. This new update was just the thing I needed to welcome me back properly after my short break away from NS Forum... Trying to survive 10 days without checking for updates can get a little nerve wracking, but its worth the wait if I'm 'welcomed home' by gems like yours :D

It was however annoying how the entire update seemed to be in italics. Was that just one my computer, or did lots of people have the same problem?

The beginning was just hilarious. I just loved the exasperated sense of care and consideration that tried to get through to Chloe's answering machine. It was adorable how each person was actually trying to fight their impulse to fit their birthday greeting in the 'short n sweet' category, and complaining about how difficult it was to do so.

Except for Lex of course... Lex was as quick and efficient as possible, and I wouldn't have expected anything less from an extreme case of emotional denseness like him ;)

‘I’m trying to ignore the fact that when I was 21, you were just 15 years old. Happy birthday Chloe.’

Despite his problems of reaching out to people, Lex manages romance and relationship just fine. That card was so sweet :)
Not to mention the guard (Joseph) that he had posted outside Chloe's apartment door. Just another one of those typical 'possessive/protective Lex manuevers' that tug my heart-strings every time

Chloe admits she’s always been a little bit slow on the uptake when it came to the subject of whether Lex was her boyfriend or not. He’s never mentioned it, and although Lois has always said it’s a thing that doesn’t need to be said, it just happened. Chloe’s always learned not to assume things. What with there being no actual clues that they were a couple.

Not the fact that he had his own closet space or his own drawer in her bedroom. Or that he had his own key to her apartment. Or even the fact that he has his own toiletries in her bathroom. Or that his laundry and dry cleaning sometimes gets mixed in with her own and vice versa. Or that he sometimes stays the night at her place for days at a time. She’s always learned never to assume things.

I really loved this whole tongue-in-cheek observation here. So funny. It seems like Lex wasn't the only emotionally dense one in this relationship. Its miraculous how the two of them have managed such a strong sense of coupledom and committment without even admitting it.

That whole 'cat falling out of the bag' about the Chlexy love affair was handled beautifully. I never realized before how much of a secret the relationship was... Even Gabe didn't know about it??!! I suppose it's a side-effect of the silly lack of assurance Chloe has about how Lex feels about her, and how committed he is to her. In that case, I'm glad getting the relationship out in the open helped establish the fact that she actually was Lex Luthor's girlfriend. ;)

“Sorry. Sorry. Hey look on the bright side, I’ve already dealt with Clark for you. You know how annoying he can be. He is the most clueless person on the planet. I just don’t understand how he didn’t know about you and Lex, how obvious could you two be? I think he was in as much of denial as you were.”

Chloe snorted. “You’re a real bitch Lo. I’m hanging up.”

“Okay,” She said snickering. “Harrowing tale of love. Just hilarious!”

My sentiments exactly... I adore Lois. She always manages to say exactly what Chloe needs to hear in the most basic and easy-to-understand syllables possible. And her brashness and sense of humour makes it really difficult to ignore her or take offence when she's telling you how to run your life. I want a best friend like her!!

There was a long sigh on the other end. “Chloe,” Gabe started slowly. “Just when did you think you were going to tell your father that you were dating Lex Luthor.”


“And why didn’t you tell me in the first place?”

“It slipped my mind?”


“I wasn’t hiding it from you or anyone. It wasn’t a secret.”

“Of course not,” He said lamely. “Instead of hearing it from you. I have to read it in the inquisitor, and please tell me that story isn’t true.”

“Of course not dad, and why are you reading the inquisitor in the first place?”

Gabe paused before answering. “I like reading about aliens okay? And don’t try and change the subject!”

heh heh heh. I always love sweetly snarky Sullivan family conversation. Its always great fun, and the love and affection that usually flows in such conversations usually balances out my obsession with the viciousness of Luthor Family conversations ;)
Gabe was so sweet, understanding and supportive. If I could choose to have a second father alongside the magnificient one who raised me, I would have chosen Gabe in a heart-beat :)

Victoria rolled her eyes. “Boring,” She whispered. “and I’m totally not believing it. I mean its Lex Luthor for goodness sake!”

Chloe frowned again. What does that mean anyway? “Okay. Fine, you know, its great. The sex is fabulous. We have Sex on a giant pile of money every night.”

heh heh heh... I wonder if Victoria was asking about handcuffs in bed :D

She will not hate them, because she is one, and that would be against her grain. Even though most inquisitor reporters were nothing but leeching assholes. She will, however, shove that camera down this man’s throat if he blinded her with another picture.

“I’m sure you understand that Ms. Sullivan doesn’t want to answer you Jeffrey.”

LOLLex to the rescue. Of course it doesn't really count if the person Lex 'rescued' was actually poor 'about to experience horrible pain' Jeffrey.
So funny. Loved the smooth way Lex strolled into this chapter ;)

The tightening of his hands on the steering wheel signaled his surprise. “No,” He answered slowly as he weaved around a stalled car. “No.” He repeated more firmly. “I just want you to understand that it won’t be easy.” He glanced at her. “You know?”

This part really got to me. I've already mentioned how emotionally guarded Lexis supposed to be, the result being that authors usually have to 'hide' Lex's emotional state while giving hints and clues through little gestures and 'emotions conveyed through the eyes'. So I loved the way you conveyed how terrified Lex must have felt at the possibility of Chloe being scared out of being his 'significant other' because of this horrible (but very integral) part of his life.

She eyed him suspiciously. “You aren’t going to hire more security are you?”

He snorted. “You wouldn’t know if I did.”

Chloe’s eyes widened. “Oh. God.”

LOL. The old possessive/protective brand of love. Makes me laugh and melt all the time. And all that followed by the VERY romantic birthday dinner that Lex had carefully planned out... (sigh) makes me just wanna cuddle him like a tall, bald teddy-bear.

“Getting her is as far as I go. She already peed on me twice since I’ve had her this morning.”

awww, the kitty was such an adorable touch. I actually believe its an unbelievably arrogant and presumptious move to go about choosing pets for other people, but this case was so sweet and romantic, I'm more than willing to make an exception...
Even if the darned kitty is not potty-trained :P

Wow he was really in a babbling mood tonight, which means she must be doing an excellent job. She knew it took a lot of work to make Lex lose control the way he was doing right now. He usually just moaned or groaned really loudly, somehow managing to keep himself carefully composed in the process. But, not tonight. Tonight he was letting it all hang out so to speak. Maybe it was something in the air, or maybe it was the fact that he was handcuffed to the brass headboard.

This was without a doubt one of the hottest smut scenes I have read. And you didn't even have to make it too explicit. I always enjoy hearing about Lex losing his iron-control over himself because of extreme desire towards Chloe... Adding in a pair of handcuffs to the situation was doubly hot icing on a really yummy cake :D

And I loved the rest of the smut that followed afterwards...but more than that, I loved the conversation that followed the smutty goodness. Chloe giving such a sweet and heartfelt speech to Lex... Its just not very often that CHLOE makes me want to melt. And all that followed by a sweet, brave and generous 'I Love You'... It made me want to weep as I was melting... I ended up quite a mushy gooey mess by the end of this chapter.

Aaaargh. I am so frustrated that Lex still has not admitted he loves her. But I understand that this one declaration was strong enough to be a stand alone tonight. But I do hope that emotionally retentive bastard doesn't wait too long... I'm about ready to explode here!

But one thing I am curious about. Is Chloe ever going to tell Lex about her long ago operation plan 'Get Lex'. I'm really not sure how he would react to such knowledge. They should have moved past the stage of such a thing making a huge difference, but Lex has always had an extreme distaste for anyone lying to or manipulating him... Even if the manipulation turned out in his favour..

I'm really looking forward to future updates. Please write quickly!

27th July 2006, 17:30
Good you are back, great chapter!!

30th July 2006, 21:12
thank u, thank u ! it is so great that you write an update!!
u know i love your story! and i like how your lex and your chloe and ... virginia ;)

Susan S
2nd August 2006, 21:48
I just found this story and I love it. The interaction between Chloe and lex is very nice. I liked the slow progression of their relationship. The kitten was a very cute birthday gift.

The interaction between Chloe and Lois and Chloe and Clark is also very nice. It's nice to see both of them being written as friend's of Chloe's and not being very judgemental or harsh.

I almost wish Lana would come back so she could be tortured by seeing Chloe and Lex together. I might just be in the mood for some mild Lana torture, though.

Can't wait to see what happens at the dinner with Gabe.

Susan S

3rd August 2006, 02:56
Thanks so much for all the nice feedback! Glad you guys like this story so much. It really keeps me going.

Chapter 15

“Lois, why do you have that article framed on your wall?”

Lois looked up at the Inquisitor article framed nicely on her living room wall. “Oh, well, because you look so beautiful in it.” She smiled at her cousin brightly.

Chloe, however, wasn’t smiling. “Uh huh, why else?”

Lois rolled her eyes with a loud sigh. “Geez, you’re so paranoid lately. Like I said you’re beautiful and-”

Chloe sat forward pursing her lips. “And?”

Lois glared at her cousin. “And, Its your first appearance of many more to come.”

“Uh huh,” She said slowly. “That would be nice and all, except that I’m in the newspaper almost everyday.”

Lois sat forward with a grin. “Yeah, but not like this! it’s the gossip columns, hello? You’re picture is going to be everywhere.”

Chloe just raised an eyebrow, clearly not believing her.

“Fine,” Lois said her false excitement deflating. “I put it up there to annoy Clark. He‘s just bursting full of melodrama.” She grinned. “You should see his face whenever he looks at that article. It gets all weird and contorted like he has bad heartburn or something.”

Chloe giggled. “You’re horrible.”

Lois’s grin widened. “Aren’t I?” She sat back in her seat. “I mean seriously, he needs to accept it. He was still in a bit of a denial about you two.”

“That’s our Clark.” She sighed while shaking her head. “You’d think he’d gotten over it already--Hand me that index card?”

Lois snorted derisively, handing Chloe the card. “You know I think he actually has. I just think he’s trying to come to terms with realizing that you’re actually a grown woman who has sex.”

Both women laughed.

Chloe shook her head still giggling. “That sounds strangely logical,” She murmured. “It explains all of the times I’ve tried to come on to Clark. I like to call those years ‘my years of unexplainable brain damage’. Even though most times it was because I was under the influence of some weird happening here in Smallville. Embarrassingly, I nearly threw myself at him, but he just looked shell shocked and highly uncomfortable.” She shook her head again. “It did nothing good for my confidence.”

Lois nodded in understanding. “Now you know the real reason.”

Chloe snorted. “Yes, he’s the one with the brain damage.”


Lois rolled her eyes. “Chloe, if you don’t get that kitten off of my nice sofa, we’ll be having Virginia Birman soup later on.”

Chloe huffed as she picked up tiny Virginia, making cooing noises and ignoring Lois’s loud obnoxious gagging. “Don’t listen to auntie Lois,” She murmured kissing the top of Virginia’s head. “She’s just strangely insensitive and tactless sometimes.” Virgnia meowed and she grinned. “Isn’t she? Yes she is. Yes--”

Lois shook her head. “The fact that you’re even talking to that stupid kitten as if she could understand you is seriously making me question your sanity.”

Chloe laughed. “Tell me about it. Its worse when I’m alone-- and she’s not stupid.” She stood in front of Lois, holding Virginia up in her cousin’s unsmiling face. Virginia meowed at Lois. “See?”

Lois just scowled. “That thing peed on my new shoes--”

Chloe pouted, still holding Virginia out in front of her cousin. “It was a mistake, and I don’t even know why she pees on things over here. She doesn’t do that at home.”

Lois grumbled as she took the kitten anyway. “I can’t believe you didn’t want a car instead.”

Chloe took a seat, noting the faint smile on Lois’s face as she rubbed between Virginia’s ears. “I don’t want a car. My car is perfectly fine.”

“Your car is a bug,” Lois pointed out as if that explained everything. “Also, not very adult. Or hip. Or trendy in any way.”

Chloe frowned deeply. “You know Lex says the same thing.”

Lois snorted. “For once I agree with him on something.” She grinned. “I’m surprised he’s tainting his Luthorness by being with someone who drives a Volkswagen beetle.”

Chloe glared at her. “Shut up!” She huffed.

“I’m surprised he hadn’t secretly hired someone to steal it then turn it into a cube.” Lois snickered.

Chloe shook her head. “Lex wouldn’t do that--” She trailed off, her eyes widening slightly. “I think.”

“You don’t sound so sure, but anyway,” Lois said, changing the subject. “You and Lex are totally up to the pet ownership level of your relationship.”

Chloe‘s fingers paused in her typing. “What?” She asked confused. “There’s no such thing.”

Lois nodded. “There is to. Its in the dating guide 101 handbook. Chapter 12, Joint pet ownership. That’s like ten levels away from marriage.” Lois grinned smugly. “Next thing you’ll be doing is playing board games like scrabble and monopoly.”

Chloe frowned at her computer and Lois’s grin widened.

“Oh, man, you guys-- nine levels from marriage.”

Chloe felt like banging her head against her keyboard. “What is it with these levels?”

Lois sat forward. “I told you. Dating guide 101. It’s a great read.”

“Weirdo. I won‘t even say how wrong it is that you‘re reading a dating book.” Chloe sighed, although she couldn’t help but smile. She knew Lex buying her Virginia had been very important. Had brought a changing to their relationship, and she felt horribly mushy every time she thought about the implications of the wonderful birthday gift. “Oh, I told Lex I was in love with him.”

There was a long pause, and for the first time Lois seemed to be at a loss of words. Chloe kept her head down, continued typing on her lap top as if she just announced what the weather would be for the day. She glanced up when there was odd clicking noise.

The odd clicking noise was Lois, trying to get the words, that was currently stuck in her throat, out. “Really?” She asked excitedly, gently placing Virginia onto the table while sitting forward. “What did you say? No wait, what did he say? Did he say it back?”

“Well,” Chloe sighed. “Not really. No he didn’t.”

Lois’s smile faded. “Why the heck not?”

Chloe shrugged slightly. “Because I told him he didn’t have to say the words to me. Just as long as he knew how I felt.”

“Oh!” Lois huffed as she stared at her cousin incredulously. “Why’d you do a dumb thing like that?”

“Because,” She explained slowly. “I know Lex, and you can’t just expect someone like him to say it back so easily. He’ll do it when he’s ready.” ‘If he’s ready.’ She added to herself.

Lois sat back in her seat. “Mmhm.” Was all she said, and Chloe rolled her eyes.

“I’m serious. And besides, I’m still getting over the fact that I even said it. You know I don’t go handing out I love yous like that.” And it was the truth, no longer was she the young Chloe Sullivan, who wore her heart on her sleeve. She’d very smartly stuffed it back into her chest with all of its blood and guts, right where it belong.

Lois seemed to accept this. “Well,” She said softly. “At least he didn’t run screaming from the room like I did when Clark told me he was in love with me.”

Chloe giggled.


“You’ve reached the Sprint voice mail box of--”

Chloe shut her phone with a small sigh, not bothering to leave a message because of her hate for talking to answering machines. She hadn’t spoken to Lex since the day before yesterday. She knew he had been on a very short business trip to New York, but she also knew that he had returned back home this morning, and he hadn’t called her yet. That was very unusual for him.

Now that she thought about it, she and Lex hadn’t really seen each other for the past week. Lex being busy with the construction and funding of LuthoMed and Chloe being busy following leads for her article. She bit her lip and called again.

“You’ve reached the Sprint voice mail box of--”

She rolled her eyes and hung up again, ignoring Lois’s small smile when she glanced over at her.

“I’ll be a bitch and mention that this is the forth time in a row you’ve called your stud muffin.”

Chloe grimaced. All she really wanted was to just hear his voice. She grimaced again at that thought. God, this whole love thing was really doing a number on her. “I really wish you wouldn’t call him that.”

“Please,” Lois snickered, as she stopped at the red light. “You know you call him that.”

Chloe glared at her, while she mentally fought the urge to call him again. “I do not. Turn left here.”

Lois did as asked, parking across the street from the building they were going to investigate. “So,” Lois said cheerfully. “Ready for some top notch breaking and entering?”

Chloe nodded, glancing behind herself. “We weren’t followed or anything were we?”

Lois shook her head. “Nope, no annoying paparazzi asking for pictures or other things. So, lets go!”

Chloe didn’t bother to mention that the paparazzi rarely bothered her, but she kept it to herself. “You’re awfully excited about this.”

Lois grinned. “It’s the breaking in part that I love the most. It makes me feel like I’m on Alias.”

Chloe shook her head, while handing Lois her bag. “Come on, Weirdo.”


Lois leaned to peek over Chloe‘s shoulder. “Did you find anything?”

Chloe shook her head as she looked into the next file. “No, but this guy has a lot of Doogie Howser fan fiction on here.” She glanced over her shoulder to see Lois holding a bag of Twizzlers in her hand. “What about you?”

Lois shook her head. “Nothing but Twizzler goodness.” She said shaking the bag in front of Chloe. “We should hurry up, we’ve been in here too long.”

“No,” Chloe said shaking her head. She clicked on another file. “I just need something. Anything.” She couldn’t give up now. She wouldn’t. It was totally against her investigative instincts. She could feel she was so close. So close to the break in her investigation. So close to tying all the lose strings together so that they’d make a neat little bow.

“I don’t understand how the police didn’t break this ring yet.” Lois said biting into a twizzler.

Chloe clicked on another file. “Because they keep moving their operations all over the city,” She explained clicking on another file. “I think whoever is running this, has a lot of influence if the police isn’t really doing that great of an investigation.” She sighed and clicked on another file. “They were suppose to break this case months and months ago.” She clicked onto the next to last file and smiled. “Got it.”

Lois leaned closer and frowned. “That says RodStein factory.”

Chloe nodded as she pulled out her notepad and began to quickly write down the address. “It’s a code. Joseph Rodstein started Platman Industries in 1948.” She pointed to the screen. “See this? Lucas deliveries delivers packages six times a month to this address.”

Lois nodded following her. “And since the guy who was making the other deliveries, working for Platman is dead, then that mean--”

“That he had a partner,” Chloe finished for her. “Or the owner of this service is in on the whole thing who is obviously--”

“Daniel Lucas the third,” Lois cut in. “The mayor’s son.” She shrugged. “Sounds way far fetched.”

Chloe nodded while she switched off the computer. “He could’ve just hired a bunch of scumbags or have no knowledge of this whole scam. He obviously has to have people working under him. Not to mention we have no evidence, but it’s the news and I have to investigate the truth.”

Lois grinned, and took another bite out of her stolen twizzlers. “Lets go do some investigating then.”


This was ridiculous. It was a nightmare. It was as if they sensed her getting so close to the truth that they had to pack up and move everything. “Dammit!”

“Well,” Lois sighed as she looked around the empty warehouse. “This is a bust.”

Chloe fought her growl of frustration. “Dammit!” She stomped her foot. “I was so close.”

Lois glanced at Chloe with sympathy. “Look,” she sighed, wrapping her arm around Chloe’s shoulders. “There must be something around here we can snoop in. We can’t give up this quickly.”

Chloe shook her head. “There’s nothing.” She said miserably. “I’ll have to do more research, follow more leads. Do you have any clue how annoying this is getting?”

Lois paused in thought. “Clark annoying or I have a enormous wedgie annoying?”

Chloe gave her a funny look but answering anyway. “Both.”

Lois winced. “Ouch,” She murmured. “Lethal combination.” She waited until Chloe smiled. “Now stop being a little whiner. We’ll find something. The truth is out there.”

“What’s with this sudden excitement for investigative reporting?” Chloe asked with a raised eyebrow. “If I remember correctly you so strongly agreed with Lex on breaking and entering.”

Lois shrugged with a smile. “I’m with you this time, and well, I know karate.” She pulled Chloe in the direction of the bathroom. “Come on, I seriously have to pee.”

Chloe let herself be dragged across the room towards the bathroom, pausing in the doorway with a slight look of horror. “I’m not walking in there.”

“Its not that bad.” Lois whined. She frowned as she shuffled on her feet. “Come on, I don’t want to go in there by myself. It smells, and something creepy might jump out.”

Chloe crossed her arms in front of her chest. “Well then use karate on it.” She sighed at the pitiful pout her cousin gave her. “I thought you said it wasn’t that--” She trailed off as Lois yanked her into the bathroom. The bathroom was by far the most disgusting bathroom she’s ever seen. It wasn’t dirty, per se, just the smell itself was overwhelming. The distinct scent of piss and something else she couldn’t name. “It smells in here Lo, couldn’t you have just waited until we got out of here?”

“No,” Lois huffed. “I have a weak bladder you know that.” She kicked open the stall door with her foot and her nose scrunched up. “Oh my god. That’s- that’s disgusting!” She turned away from the toilet. “I’ll use the urinal.”

“Hurry up.” Chloe groaned in annoyance, turning away to give her cousin some semblance of privacy.

“You know this is a first for me, peeing in a men’s urinal.”

Chloe snorted. “Leave it to you to do the impossible. Are you done yet?”

Lois shuffled her feet. “I’m trying to not pee on my hand here. Just give me a few more seconds.”

Chloe tightened her jacket around herself as she stared at a squished bug on the wall. “You drink water like a camel.”

“All done!” Lois announced cheerfully. She reached for a napkin and placed it over the handle so she could flush. She pulled and frowned. “Its not flushing. Its stuck.”

“What?” Chloe asked, turning to face her cousin. She frowned as she watched Lois yank on the handle. “Just leave it.”

Lois shook her head, with a frown on concentration. “No! Its unsanitary. I‘ll flush this thing if it’s the last thing I do.”

“Are you kidding me?” She asked incredulously “The whole place smells like pee.” Lois ignored her, and continued to yank on the handle. She sighed annoyed with Lois’s stupid determination that was so much like her own. “This is really stupid by the way.” She commented. She gripped the handle anyway. “On three.” she said and Lois nodded.

“One. Two. Three!” They both pulled as hard as they could.

There was a loud hiss and a pop. Then a loud whine of metal pipes before a blast of water exploded onto them both.

“Ah! Lois!” Chloe screamed as the force of the water made both women fall and slide across the tiled floor. Both women struggled to stand, screeching at the top of their lungs as the pressure of the water stinging them. Chloe rolled away until she was away from the water’s blast, all the while laughing loudly at the strangeness of it all.


“Can you believe that?” Lois asked still giggling. “We practically flew across that room!”

Chloe couldn’t keep the grin off of her face. “Yes, it was oddly hilarious.”

Lois grinned at her, taking a bite of the chicken she’d ordered. “You’re just lucky I had a change of clothes in the trunk of my car.”

Chloe raised an eyebrow. “I’m lucky? You’re lucky little miss ‘I have to flush my own urine.’”

Lois raised and eyebrow at her. “I’m going to pretend that statement makes sense, and besides I just was trying to cheer you up.”

Chloe knew that, and for that she was grateful. The setback in her story will most likely cost her greatly, and the last thing she wanted was Harrower on her ass. He wanted something and he wanted it now. She just hoped she could convince him to give her the extension that she needed. It was upsetting. Annoying, and she was glad Lois was smart enough to try and calm her frazzled nerves with her strange behaving antics. “I think we flooded the place.” She murmured with a smile.

Lois took a sip of her wine with a small grin. “I’m pretty positive we did. It’s so much fun causing property damage don’t you think?”

“Mmhm,” Chloe said with a smile. “So are you gonna tell me the real reason for your sudden interest in my job?”

“Well,” Lois sighed. “If you must know, I’ve decided to start taking classes at Met U this upcoming semester.”

Chloe smiled in excitement. “Really?”

Lois nodded. “Yeah. I’m thinking about taking up Communication arts. Journalism, creative writing that sort of thing.”

Chloe couldn’t stop smiling. “I always told you you’re a great writer Lois. I’m so excited. We’ll be in the same school.”

Lois cleared her throat. “Yeah, Clark too.”

Chloe’s grin widened. “He’s coming back?”

Lois’s smile faltered a bit. “Uh huh. The whole thing was sort of his idea-- This chicken is great how’s the shellfish?”

“Wait,” Chloe said, holding up her hand. “Clark’s idea? It was his suggestion?”

Lois sighed as she nodded. “Yes, it was.”

“Well,” Chloe said sitting back in her chair with a smug smile. “Guess that means you guys are on the partner career suggestions level.”

Lois rolled her eyes. “Please, that isn’t even a level, and besides you’ve never even read the book.”

Chloe shook her head. “It doesn’t matter if I read it or not. Its all common knowledge. Soon you won’t be Just Lois who goes out with Clark. Soon you’ll be Lois and Clark. Combined names. Clois!”

Lois glared at her. “You’re a bitch.”

Chloe smiled still giggling. “Its genetic.” Her laughter slowly faded at the look on her cousin’s face. “Hey, I was just kidding you know. Like you do with me all the time.”

“What?” Lois asked glancing back at her cousin. She shook her head. “No, not you. There’s a guy behind us, at the bar there, he’s been watching us since we came in here.”

“What?” Chloe said, moving to turn around, but Lois stopped her.

“Don’t look!” She hissed, and Chloe sighed.

“You can’t say don’t look when you tell me someone watching us.” She tried to turn again but Lois stopped her. “Lois, maybe he just likes the way we look.”

“No,” Lois said shaking her head. “This guy is creepy. Watching us in a creepy way I mean.”

“Would you at least let me glance quickly at him?”

Lois lessened her grip on Chloe’s arm. “He’s turned away for now, you can look, but do it quickly.”

Chloe did as told, and she quickly glanced over her shoulder before doing another double take. Her eyes widened, and she turned away. “Lois?”

“What is it?” She asked, becoming slightly alarmed at the look of panic on her cousin’s face.

Chloe sat forward. “Do you remember that night that I walked in on you and Clark?”

“Yeah,” Lois said slowly. “What does that have to do with--”

“That’s the guy that was chasing me.”

“Oh,” Lois said then her eyes widened as realization dawned on her. “That’s scary suit man?”

Chloe nodded. “Is he still looking over here?”

Lois shook her head. “No, not right now. Maybe it’s a coincidence.”

“I highly doubt it,” Chloe sighed. “What with my life being threatened and all. We have to get out of here.”

“Okay,” Lois held her hand up. “I’ll throw some money on the table while you get up and pretend you’re going to the bathroom, but really go out the side door okay?”

Chloe was already standing up, trying very hard not to look in the direction of scary suit man. “Hurry.” She mumbled before walking in the direction of the bathroom, turning left and through the side door instead of right toward the bathroom. The two minutes she waited for Lois seemed like an eternity, and just as she was going to go back inside, Lois burst through the doors.

“Lets go!” She called running towards her car.

Chloe hurried to catch up. “What happened?”

Lois jumped into the file, waiting for her cousin to do the same before peeling off of the curb. “I kicked him in the face!”

Chloe glanced into the rearview mirror, shocked to see scary suit man running out the restaurant waving his fists. So much for her promise to Lex on not bringing attention to herself. “I’m dead.”

“You have reached the sprint voice mailbox of--”

Chloe groaned to herself as she clicked her phone closed. Nine in the evening and she still hadn’t heard from Lex. It was really making her depressed with how many times she’s called him. Making her even more depressed that each time she called it went straight to voicemail. This wasn’t like him. He always called her, even when he was busy, he’d make an effort to call her at least once.

“He really needs to read a common courtesy book.” She muttered, trying to ignore the fact that she was currently pouting. Pouting because she was annoyed and worried and because she had the biggest headache ever.

She held her head in both of her hands. Biggest headache ever was an understatement of the year. Her head was pounding. Pounding so hard it made her eyes hurt. She turned onto her side, wincing at the way her ears rang as she reached to switch her lamp off. Now with her room cloaked in darkness, the pressure in her head alleviated enough for her to actually lie down. She pulled the covers up to her chin and closed her eyes, her last thoughts on whether or not she fed Virginia, and on how pathetic being in love has made her.


“Chloe?” A very deep familiar voice murmured into her ear. Her eyes fluttered open when she felt lips brush faintly against her forehead.

Lex smiled down at her softly. “Hey.”

She blinked up at him, wincing at the light from the lamp by her bed. He was sitting next to her, his dress shirt unbuttoned and rolled u at the sleeves. He even somehow managed to make being exhausted look good. “Hi.” She tried to sit up, but failed to do so when she noticed her room started to spin. “Where were you?” She asked, wincing at how whiny she sounded.

He smiled apologetically. “In Smallville. There was an emergency at the plant, and I had to go straight there from my flight after it touched down,” He sighed tiredly. “I’m sorry I couldn’t take any calls.” He frowned down at her. “Chloe, are you all right? You aren’t looking very well, and you’re burning up--”

She blinked up at him. Her throat felt incredibly dry. Her head was still pounding, not the mention the way her stomach was cramping up. “Now that you mention it.” She tried to sit up, and her world tilted sideways. “Whoa,” She mumbled, wincing as another cramp seized her stomach. “I feel like I’m gonna puke.”

Lex muttered a curse, and pulled the covers off of her. “Chloe?” He said in a strange voice. “You’re clothes are all soaked!”

Her whole body started shivering. “I peed in my sleep?” She mumbled, her teeth chattering “God I’m freezing.” She glanced up at Lex, surprised to see the worry etched on her face.

“You’re sweating,” He explained. He bent, and gathered her into his arms, wrapping the sheet around her as he did. “I’m taking you to the hospital.”

“No-” She shook her head, and immediately regretted it. It felt as though something was set lose in her brain, or as if someone slammed her head in with a bat. She wrapped her arms around his neck, trying in vain to fight the sudden urge to vomit . It would be really wrong if she vomited on Lex.

“I’m going to move slow.” He explained softly. He must’ve been reading her mind about the vomiting.

He seemed to have no trouble, carrying her as if she weighed nothing at all. “You’re so strong.” she mumbled weakly. “I don’t have any shoes on.”

“That’s all right,” he said, reaching out to unlock and open the front door. “Don’t worry about those now.”

She could only nod. Couldn’t even open her eyes because if she did then her head would surely explode. She could feel whatever it was doing this to her getting steadily worse. She could do nothing but whimper as she felt another cramp squeezed her stomach.

“Sir?” Chloe heard someone’s deep voice say. It could only be Joseph.

“Stay here,” She heard Lex order in a strange voice. “I’m taking miss Sullivan to the hospital.”

“Is she all right sir?”

Their voices were sounding so far away to Chloe. She couldn’t concentrate, not with the roaring in her ears.

Chloe doesn’t know how she lost the time between walking down the hallway to the elevator and the actual elevator ride, because the next thing she knew she was being carefully placed in Lex’s car by Lex, who was gently buckling her seatbelt all the while murmuring its going to be all right.

She really wished she could agree with him, but her body wouldn’t let her. Not the way her heart was pounding. Not the way her head was feeling as though it would explode all over his nice car interior any second. Not the way she was going to vomit up the tasty shellfish sandwich she had for dinner. “Your voice sounds funny.” She mumbled.

The movement of the car wasn’t helping any. Lex’s crazy driving wasn’t helping matters. She could feel the vomit making its way up her throat. “Lex?” She rasped.

Lex glanced at her briefly, the worry on his face even more pronounced. “Its okay Chloe,” he murmured. “If you want--” he trailed off and winced as she vomited on the dashboard.

She whimpered pitifully as she lay her head back against the headrest. “Sorry,” she mumbled. Her head was spinning, and she closed her eyes.

“That’s all right Chloe,” Lex repeated for the thousandth time. “We’re almost there okay?”

“Chloe?” He glanced in her direction again, frowning when he noticed she had fainted.



“Mild case of food poisoning? Do you see her?!” Chloe woke up to hear Lex’s loud angry voice say.

The doctor sighed heavily. “Well she did have Shellfish, but fortunately enough for her she only had a little bit, so we didn’t have to pump her stomach.”

Lex glanced back at Chloe with a small frown. “Right.”

The doctor nodded. “Now we gave her something to break the fever so you can take her home tonight. She’ll most likely only be vomiting mostly through the night which is good so she can get rid of the toxins in her body. You’ll just have to keep giving her lots fluids so that she doesn’t get dehydrated. She should be fine in the morning, but If the symptoms continue just bring her back here for observation.”

“Right.” Lex repeated while still keeping his eyes on Chloe.

“I’ll go and get her release papers.” The doctor smiled briefly at him before leaving them alone.

“At least we know I’m not dying.” Chloe rasped, opening her eyes to look up at Lex.

Lex smiled running his fingers through her hair. “How are you feeling?”

She smiled wryly. “Do you want me or the vomit to answer that for you?” She sighed tiredly. “I feel like crap and I probably look like zombie girl.”

He laughed. “I hear that’s the new look. Ready to go?”

She nodded slowly. “Lets go before whatever they gave me wears off.”


The trip back to her apartment wasn’t as bad as the trip to the hospital, and Chloe bothered not to comment on the fact that he had a limo waiting for them at the entrance. She was thankful he was resourceful that way. She really didn’t want to have to ride back in his vomit mobile.

She was already starting to feel the affects of whatever they gave her start to wear off by the time he had her settled in the bathroom, undressing her out of her soiled pajamas so he could give her a nice soothing bath.

“I’m sorry I vomited in your car.” She murmured, lifting her arms so he could slide her shirt off.

“Don’t worry about that,” He said, leaning over to start the water. He noticed her eyes were still closed and frowned. “Is the light too much for you?”

She nodded silently.

He reached over and turned the lights down. “Better?” He asked when she opened her eyes.

“Better.” She murmured, letting him help her into the tub. She slowly sat down and sighed as the hot water touched her aching muscles. “I’m never eating again.” She whispered, leaning her head back against the tile wall.

Lex smiled. “I’m not sure that’s entirely possible.” He leaned over to switch the water off. “Will you be all right alone for a few minutes while I go change the sheets on the bed?”

“I’ll be fine.” She assured sleepily. “I’ll try not to vomit while you’re gone.”

“Good,” He said, bending to kiss her forehead. “Be right back.”

Chloe didn’t think her night could go any worse. First her article’s setback, then being stalked by scary suit man. Now this. This food poisoning business was seriously kicking her ass. She could feel her headache coming back strong, and she winced at the way her stomach suddenly clenched. It was coming. She could feel it, and she placed her hand over her mouth.

“Come on.” Lex said, suddenly appearing out of nowhere. He grasped her hand in his own, and gently pulled so the upper half of her body was leaning over the tub.

She let go, vomiting inside the small garbage can that appeared out of nowhere. Her head pounded even more as her insides contracted as she vomited a second time. She could feel the tears in her eyes before she could even stop them.

“Its okay.” He murmured patiently when she whimpered and squeezed his arm. He held her damp hair from her face as she vomited a third time. “I’m sorry you’re like this Chloe. I’m going to turn that whole fucking restaurant into a parking garage.”

The wave of nausea slowly passed, and she slowly settled back into the tub. “Turn it into a Starbucks.” She mumbled, smiling slightly when Lex chuckled.

“It’ll be my gift to you.” He said, gently wiping her face with a washcloth.

She sighed, feeling the tightness in her chest loosen, allowing her to breathe. “I’ve always wanted my own coffee shop.”


The rest of the night she spent between sleeping fitfully, only waking when her stomach clenched with pain, letting her know it was time for more vomiting. It was hell, and she never imagined she could feel so much pain from different parts of her body all at once. It felt as though someone had taken her stomach and wrung it out like a wet rag. Each time she woke, Lex was there, holding back her hair from her face as she vomited up the lining of her stomach, making sure she had a glass of water after each time.

He was taking care of her such good care of her.

“What time is it?” She asked as she snuggled closer toward him, burying her face into his chest.

“Seven Thirty. How are you feeling?”

“Better,” She sighed. “My head doesn’t hurt anymore. And I don’t think I’ll vomit anymore.”

“That’s good.” He murmured. “I’ll admit I was worried for a second there.”

“I really am sorry about your car.”

He only shrugged. “It doesn’t matter. I’ve had it hosed already.”

“You’re not driving that again huh?”

“No way.” He said, and she didn’t have to look at him to see the smile on his face.

“I guess I should tell you that we’re suppose to have dinner with my father next weekend.”

He paused before sighing. “Don’t forget about what I told you about my ashes.”

She laughed. “You have nothing to worry about Lex.”

“I’ll believe that when I live through the night.”

“I’m serious.” she said, pulling out of his arms so she could look at him. He had on the same wrinkled clothes from the night before. He looked exhausted. Had slightly dark circles under his eyes, and she was beginning to suspect that he hadn’t slept at all last night. He had taken care of her. Had been so patient and calm with the whole situation that it made her feel grateful and incredibly mushy all at the same time. She touched his cheek. “You really don’t have to worry you know.”

He squeezed her hand in his own. “Okay.” He repeated with a small smile of his own. He slid a piece of her hair behind her ear. “You should rest.”

She nodded, suddenly feeling exhaustion creep in again. She squeezed his hand, already moving to snuggle down against him. “You should too.”

His arm wrapped around her waist. “Okay--Chloe?”

“Hmm?” She mumbled, already halfway asleep.

“Never mind.” he sighed heavily.

She pulled the covers up to her neck. “M’kay.” She whispered. “Love you.” She drifted off, Lex’s lips on her ear, whispering something that sounded suspiciously like me too.


3rd August 2006, 03:27
I was so scared that Lex had dumped Chloe, then he ends up being so wonderful!! Thank goodness he was there for her and was able to take care of her without getting sick himself!! Thank you so much for the excellent update!! I can't wait for more of this wonderful story!!

3rd August 2006, 03:42
. “I’m sorry you’re like this Chloe. I’m going to turn that whole fucking restaurant into a parking garage.”

The wave of nausea slowly passed, and she slowly settled back into the tub. “Turn it into a Starbucks.” She mumbled, smiling slightly when Lex chuckled.

“It’ll be my gift to you.” He said, gently wiping her face with a washcloth.

Is it wrong that I can see him actually closing the place down because of what happened to Chloe? ;) I just love how wicked sweet Lex is being. More, please.

3rd August 2006, 03:54
“I’m surprised he hadn’t secretly hired someone to steal it then turn it into a cube.” Lois snickered.

Chloe shook her head. “Lex wouldn’t do that--” She trailed off, her eyes widening slightly. “I think.”
:rofl: That would be a site to see. Lex playing dumb and Chloe car a cube. The cat was nice but I would have taken the car.:P

Lois just scowled. “That thing peed on my new shoes--”

Chloe pouted, still holding Virginia out in front of her cousin. “It was a mistake, and I don’t even know why she pees on things over here. She doesn’t do that at home."
She knows you don't like her so little V is giving back what she gets. HA!

Chloe shook her head as she looked into the next file. “No, but this guy has a lot of Doogie Howser fan fiction on here.” She glanced over her shoulder to see Lois holding a bag of Twizzlers in her hand. “What about you?”
:rofl: I had to stop reading I was laughing so hard at the Doogie Howser fan fic. I use to love Doogie. :love2:

“Ah! Lois!” Chloe screamed as the force of the water made both women fall and slide across the tiled floor. Both women struggled to stand, screeching at the top of their lungs as the pressure of the water stinging them. Chloe rolled away until she was away from the water’s blast, all the while laughing loudly at the strangeness of it all.
Gross. Yuk. :nono:

Lois jumped into the file, waiting for her cousin to do the same before peeling off of the curb. “I kicked him in the face!”

HA! Way to use that karate Lois.

“Its okay.” He murmured patiently when she whimpered and squeezed his arm. He held her damp hair from her face as she vomited a third time. “I’m sorry you’re like this Chloe. I’m going to turn that whole fucking restaurant into a parking garage.”

The wave of nausea slowly passed, and she slowly settled back into the tub. “Turn it into a Starbucks.” She mumbled, smiling slightly when Lex chuckled.

“It’ll be my gift to you.” He said, gently wiping her face with a washcloth.

She sighed, feeling the tightness in her chest loosen, allowing her to breathe. “I’ve always wanted my own coffee shop.”

I like that Lex was going to have the place shut down but I didn't like Chloe wanting her own coffee shop. Any trait that is close to Lana should be far away from my dear sweet Chloe.

She pulled the covers up to her neck. “M’kay.” She whispered. “Love you.” She drifted off, Lex’s lips on her ear, whispering something that sounded suspiciously like me too.
Just say it already. :wth:

OH kimbo how I love this story. Lois and Chloe working together is great. I like how your trying to get Lois back on track as compared to SV portrayal of her all over the place. Poor Clark should get over it, Chloe ahs moved on and she is happy.

I hate the idea of Chloe vomiting in the car but I do love when Lex takes care of her. He was so tired already but put all of it aside to make sure she was all right. Sure sign of love when you can vomit in a man's car.

I love this story and again you always fill the chapters with so much good stuff. Can't wait for more. :grin3:

3rd August 2006, 04:38
so my question is does this storys representation of food poisoning reflect on your own personal experence with it, cause I've had that and though my experience was different I concure with Chloes estimation about looking (and feeling) like the living dead.

anyway loved that he took care of her even if he did freak out a little after finding out about the love thing

3rd August 2006, 04:52
so my question is does this storys representation of food poisoning reflect on your own personal experence with it, cause I've had that and though my experience was different I concure with Chloes estimation about looking (and feeling) like the living dead.

anyway loved that he took care of her even if he did freak out a little after finding out about the love thing

Actually yes, it is my representation. Last month i had a mild case of food poisoning from some hotdogs that i ate. and it was the worse experience of my life!

3rd August 2006, 05:05
That was so romantical :wub: I love how he took care of her. He is so sweet and loving. He almost said it damn it. He has to tell her already. More please...

Hope :)

3rd August 2006, 05:07
hot dogs hunh, I got mine from cream of broccoli soup, and it was also my worst experience at the time though I have now wurpased it by haveing jaundice and dehydration at the same time, also very disgusting things to have.

3rd August 2006, 05:28
i love the fact that Lex took care of Chloe

3rd August 2006, 05:33
Great chapter!!!! Chloe & Lois were excellent together but I would have kicked Lois ass if I got doused by a urinal just because she had to flush. EEEWW. Poor Chloe on getting food poisoning. Lex really took care of her though. Can't wait for more.

3rd August 2006, 05:47
Glad to see Chloe and Lois have each others back. How sweet is Lex? :wub:
Oh and now you're just torturing us :wth:. You just know Lex is dying to say I love you back. Great update :D .

3rd August 2006, 06:29
I kinda want to kick Lex for not saying I love you, but the urge dissolves every time I think about how incredibly sweet he was when she was sick with food poisoning. hours of vomitage and a ruined car--it is true love.

3rd August 2006, 07:46
Lois is so freaking crazy but I love her. And Lex is so amazingly sweet and proves he loves Chloe all the time, but I just wish he had the guts to say it. What is his problem? It's not like he has to worry that she doesn't love him because he already knows that she does.

3rd August 2006, 19:11
Ahhhhhhhhh I love this... Lex really does love Chloe, if he takes care of her when shes puking....


3rd August 2006, 21:04
Awww I loved it, especially the scene in the bathroom with lois :rofl: very funny. Loved thatLex is taking care of Chloe in her hour of need :clapclap:

Please update soon, need more. :)


4th August 2006, 03:30
This chapter was cute. I love it.

4th August 2006, 15:32
I can't wait for the next update. I hope you update soon and this time Lex will finally admit that he is as crazy for her as she is for him:)

Kit Merlot
4th August 2006, 19:21
This was an excellent chapter!

Lois truly cracks me up--she understands both Chloe and Clark--she gets that Clark is over-protective of Chloe, but she also knows that Chloe is a grown woman, capable of making her own choices. Nice.

But Lex's taking care of Chloe when she was sick has to be the best part of the update. He was wonderful with her--Good man:D

6th August 2006, 15:52
Wow! This fic is amazing!
I just started reading it yesterday and I couldn`t stop myself.
PLZ update soon. I just can`t wait.
See you!

6th August 2006, 19:06
I just love that fic ! It's really great ! And I love Chloe vomitting in Lex car lol I hope he'll tell her soon that he loves her ^^

7th August 2006, 11:26
AWwww what an amazingly wonderful update!!! There were so many good parts i couldn't possibly quote any it would be all.. hehe

but i did like how lex took care of chloe like that :)

8th August 2006, 01:21
Fantastic update ! I wish I had a lex to look after me when I was sick, that was so sweet !! I Can't wait for next instalment !!

8th August 2006, 02:56
I love this story!! And Chloe and Lex are way purrfect for each other

8th August 2006, 06:10
Loving this story...


8th August 2006, 23:58
Again what a great story!!
please update it soon!!!!!!!!

i think chlex are so great together i like how you made lex shy with his feelings :)

16th August 2006, 01:30
I have finally got caught up and I have to say WOW I am absolutely loving this story. I love all the characters, I love how Lois likes to torment Clark and the sweet and caring side to Lex is to die for.

Please, please update soon :D

P.S oh and let Lex turn that resturant into a coffee shop called Chloes!!!

23rd August 2006, 05:19
Awww... Lex is so sweet.

24th August 2006, 15:58
Absolutely brilliant writing. I can't wait for Lex to finally say those three all important words. Please update soon

24th August 2006, 16:07
Welll I have been waiting and I was hoping for an update soon on this.

Please! Please! Lex has to tell Chloe he loves her back. :beg:

25th August 2006, 01:43
awww Letia84 i'm sooo sorry for keeping you waiting. I've just started my new Job as a CPS worker and i've been swampped with training lol, but good news i've already have most of the whole chapter done because i was working on it a while ago...just have to finish a few things. So i'll have it in either today or tommorrow or ASAP.

Sorry for the wait. thanks for still loving it!!!

26th August 2006, 04:13
We need more!

): )

29th August 2006, 05:54
Thanks for all of the feedback! Glad you all enjoyed such a mushy chapter. This chapter is for Letia84 who's been so very patient, and for everyone else who's been just as patient with me and my slow updates!


Chapter 16

“Will you stop pacing for goodness sake. You’re making me dizzy.”

Chloe glared at her cousin. “I can’t help it okay? I’m nervous.”

Lois rolled her eyes. “You’re being overly dramatic.”

Chloe paused in her fidgeting. “Overly dramatic? Do you know what could happen tonight?”

Lois thought for a moment before shaking her head slowly. “No,” She answered. “Oh wait, you could have a nervous breakdown?”

Chloe frowned. “That isn’t funny. What time is it?”

Lois glanced at her watch. “Ten to eight, which means that’s my cue to hit the road.”

Chloe turned to face Lois her eyes wide. “You aren’t staying? I thought Clark was going to come over?”

Lois snorted as she gathered her jacket and bag. “Yeah right. Putting Lex, Clark and Uncle Gabe in the same room? Are you trying to cause a nuclear explosion?’

Chloe grabbed Lois’s arm. “Okay. So why don’t you stay then? There will be dinner.”

Lois sighed. “While you know I’m not one to turn down a nice free meal,” She pulled her arm out of Chloe’s grasp. “I don’t want to get caught in a hail of bullets.”

Chloe narrowed her eyes. “My father doesn’t even like guns.”

“Uh huh,” Lois nodded. “You must’ve forgotten about the Smith and Wesson my dad gave your dad for his last birthday.”

Her eyes widened in surprise. “Oh, crap I did forget. Lois, now you really have to stay.”

Lois rolled her eyes. “I was just teasing you,” She patted Chloe’s hand. “Now just relax. I’m sure everything is going to be fine.” She turned, and opened the door, surprised to see Lex standing there. Her smile widened, and she placed her hand on his shoulder, ignoring the way he flinched. “Hey, Lex. I just want you to know that it was nice knowing you. I’m sure you’re going to have a very nice funeral.”

She turned and flashed a smile at Chloe before leaving.

Lex shut the door behind him with a small frown. “You should really take me up on that getting her special help offer.”

Chloe sighed as his arms wrapped themselves around her waist. She wrapped her own arms around his waist. Burying her head into the hollow of his throat, she breathed in deep, taking in the familiar scent of his cologne and pure Lex skin. She tried to let it calm her, but it was a lost hope. She tightened her hold around him.

“You’re all tense.” He ran his hands across her back, frowning at her deep sigh.

“I’m all right.” She said, her voice muffled from being buried by his throat.

“You sure?” He asked, and she nodded.

She didn’t answer, instead, she pushed away from him, her eyes wide. “My pie!”

Lex watched her hurry off toward the kitchen with a confused frown. “Pie?”


“I didn’t know you could bake.”

Chloe ignored the amusement in Lex’s voice as she fanned the smoke from the oven. “I can‘t.” She picked up the half burnt blueberry pie and placed it onto the counter with a frown. “I tried.” She took her apron off with a sigh. “This is what I get for trying to be Betty Crocker.”

Lex chuckled. “I’m sure you’re far more attractive than Betty Crocker.”

She smiled at that. The tightness in her chest loosening a bit. “Flatterer.” She looked at the cluttered mess on her counter then at the pie. “I don’t have time to make another one.” She scrunched up her nose. “I don’t think I want to make another one. I’m still trying to stop myself from washing off all of the domesticity seeping through my skin.”

Lex shrugged. “We could still eat it--” He trailed off at the look on her face. “What’s wrong?”

She shrugged and shook her head. “Nothing.” She muttered. “I’m nervous for reasons known and unknown.” She glanced at him, watching as he stood up straighter, that same soft strange smile on his face.

“It’ll be okay.”

“Oh yeah,” She said wryly. “So says the man who was planning his own funeral.”

He shrugged. “Can never be too cautious.”

She shot him a worried glance.

“It’ll be all right Chloe.” He assured.

She looked at him again, noting his relaxed stance and easy smile, she scowled. “How can you be so relaxed?”

He shrugged. “With great practice.”

She stared at him.

“I had a few drinks before I came over here.” He relented.

She shook her head at him. “Oh, it’ll be fine Chloe.” She mimicked. “You’re just as nervous as I am.”

“No.” He scoffed, grabbing her into his arms again. “Nothing makes me nervous.”

Chloe only smirked, knowing he was lying by the way he tensed when her doorbell rang.

“I guess you’re hearing a sudden death march.” She muttered when neither of them moved.

He sighed. “Perhaps we could pretend we aren’t here.”

Chloe grimaced when the knocking continued. “I think my father would go into dramatics and kick the door down. He seemed all too eager to have dinner with us all week.”

“You Sullivans and your dramatics.” Lex said. He squeezed her again before releasing her. “Lets go face our judgment call.”

Chloe nodded, forcing a small smile onto her lips. “Its going to be fine.”


“Dad!” Chloe threw her arms around her father as soon as he stepped through the doorway.

Gabe grinned as he wrapped his arms tightly around his daughter. “Chloe,” He breathed happily. “Its so good to see you again.” He pulled away from her with a smile. “Look my little girl’s all grown up.”

Chloe blushed and frowned in embarrassment. “I’m not a little girl anymore.”

Gabe waved her off. “Oh please, sweetie, you’ve been saying that since you were five years old.”

“Dad!” Chloe giggled even more embarrassed. She hugged him back though. She hadn’t seen her father in so long that she had forced herself to try and not think about how much she missed Gabe, but seeing him now has forced all of those feelings to the forefront. “I’ve missed you so much.” She whispered tightening her grip on him.

“Me too Chloe.” He pulled away.

“You can’t hog up all of the hugging Gabe.” Shelia said standing in the doorway.

Chloe grinned at her father’s girlfriend. “Hi Shelia.” She said, letting herself be pulled into the older woman’s arms.

“It is so good to see you again Chloe.” She pulled away from Chloe with a large smile. “You’ve grown your hair longer.”

Chloe smiled glancing over at her father. “Yes, I was hoping someone would notice.”

“Hey I noticed.” Her father said with a frown.

Shelia ignored him as she glanced over Chloe’s shoulder toward Lex who was standing in the doorway of the kitchen. “And you must be Lex.” She said, walking over toward him taking the hand in extended.

“Yes,” He said smoothly. “It’s a pleasure to meet you miss--”

“Shelia,” The older woman cut in with a kind smile. “Just call me Shelia please.” She glanced back towards Gabe with a raised eyebrow.

Gabe seemed to grumbled something before walking towards Lex with an outstretched hand. “Lex.” He said shaking the younger man’s hand.

Lex ignored the way Gabe’s hand tightened around his own. “Gabe. A pleasure to see you again.”

Gabe’s smile didn’t reach his eyes. “Yes, I’m sure.” He murmured.

Both men stared at each other silently, and Chloe was at Lex’s side instantly, wrapping her hand around his arm. She smiled up at him when he turned to look down at her, his face a blank mask. She squeezed his arm, trying to break the tension that suddenly broke into the room. “Well,” She said sweetly. “Lets sit and eat dinner shall we?”

Without a word, Gabe turned away from them and walked towards the dinner table. Chloe sighed, and smile apologetically up at Lex before pulling on his hand.

This was going to be a long night.


Chloe supposes she should be relieved about this. Happy that her father seemed to finally relaxed and back to his normal silly self. Ecstatic that he and Lex seemed to be getting along fine. She know she should be, but she couldn’t. Not with overwhelming fact that she felt both annoyed and extremely embarrassed at the same time.

“…..So she came home covered in chocolate from head to toe! I didn’t even ground her, it was embarrassing enough for her!”

Lex glanced over at Chloe with a small smile. “I’m sure it was.”

Chloe rolled her eyes at him and sighed loudly. “While my early years of investigative reporting follies are hilariously embarrassing can we move onto another subject?”

Gabe smiled. “Oh sweet heart stop it. We all know how curious your mind is.”

“Yes.” Lex nodded. “We also all know how exciting you wish your life to be.”

Chloe glared at Lex, and he smiled.

“Yes,” Gabe agreed. “Exciting and dangerous.”

“Especially dangerous.” Lex cut in.

“Which you try and tell her but--”

“She never listens.” Lex cut in again.

“Because she’s stubborn.” Gabe said.

“And hard headed.”

“And she’s sitting right here.” Chloe said, shooting a glare at the both of them. “Hello?” She said raising her hand. “Remember me. It is rude to talk about someone while they’re sitting right there.”

“I’m sorry sweetheart.” Gabe said, his smile fading when he noticed his daughter’s glare.

Chloe ignored him. “How about some pie?” She asked standing up to grab their empty plates.

“I’ll help you.” Shelia said standing, but Lex waved her off.

“Nonsense you sit, I’ll help.” He reached for his and Chloe’s plate, and followed her into the kitchen.

Chloe didn’t turn to face him as he entered the kitchen. “Did you enjoy my stories of embarrassment.”

Lex smirked. “Actually I did. Very much in fact.”

“Yes, well just don’t think of using them as black mail.”

“I wouldn’t dare.”

She turned to face him with a glare that vanished at the look of relief on his face. She put the plates she held onto the counter, and wrapped her arms around his waist. “You okay?”

“Yes.” He took a deep breath. “Guess I blew my perfect Luthor calm cover huh?”

She smirked. “That’s all right. It makes you seem more human than robotic.”

He frowned. “I think I’ll take that as a compliment or shall I be offended?”

She grinned. “Both.” She pulled him down for a short kiss before pulling away. “Now lets go have some burnt pie.”


“Chloe this pie is--”

“Awful.” Gabe cut in, wincing at the glare Shelia gave him. He put his fork down and pushed his plate away.

“I was going to say a little overcooked.”

Chloe shrugged pushing her own uneaten piece of pie away. “That’s all right. It's terrible I know.” Her smile brightened. “At least I got the coffee right.”

“Well, I enjoyed it.” Lex commented and everyone looked at his empty plate surprised.

Chloe raised an eyebrow at him. “It was horrible.”

Lex shrugged. “I enjoyed it.”

Chloe felt a silly smile slowly appear on her face the longer she gazed at Lex. She knew the pie tasted horrible. No one else touched their piece. Except Lex of course. He spared her feelings and ate every last disgusting piece without complaint. It made her feel all love sick and mushy inside.

Shelia watched the two of them with a small secret smile of her own. “Yes.” she cleared her throat. “The coffee is just perfect.”

“Yes.” Gabe said. “Lex, would you mind talking to me in the kitchen?”

Chloe’s head shot up, and she looked at her father. “Why?” She asked, but Lex shook his head.

“Of course Gabe.” He smiled, and stood up.


Chloe’s stomach twisted into knot after knot with each minute that passed with Lex talking to her father about god knows what. She hadn’t heard any raised voices, so that was a voice. Raised voices meant possible bloodshed, and she certainly didn’t want that.

“Don’t worry dear,” Shelia said with a smile. “I’ve already warned your father to behave tonight.”

Chloe smiled gratefully. “That’s good.” She glanced back at the kitchen door. “What are they talking about in there?”

“Well your father is probably doing most of the talking. Lex is probably just nodding his head in agreement a lot.”

Chloe winced. “He’s not--threatening Lex is he?”

“Probably.” Shelia said with a small smile. “You two really have it bad for each other. Its so cute.”

Chloe blushed as she looked back at Shelia. “Well, I-- I--He--Its that obvious huh?”

Shelia nodded. “If only you could see the smile on your face when he ate that piece of pie for you. Silly as it sounds, that was probably the sweetest thing he’s ever done for you.”

Chloe nodded. “Its pathetically mushy.”

Shelia grinned. “Its just love sweetie.”

Chloe laughed shaking her head. “Does it always make you feel all--”

“Embarrassingly mushy on the inside?” Shelia nodded. “Pretty much sweetheart. You just accept it and get use to it because you’ll be feeling and having thoughts you thought you’d never have.”

Chloe nodded. “Yes.”

“And I’m sure Lex is feeling the same things.”

Chloe paused, her cup of coffee halfway to her lips. “Uh--I don’t--”

“Honey a man who would eat such a disgusting pie to save your feelings from being hurt is completely smitten with you.”

Chloe shook her head. “But its just pie.”

Shelia shook her head. “Its more than the pie. It’s the way he’s been looking at you all night when he thought no one was watching.”

Chloe looked down at her glass before looking back up at Shelia. “Like how?”

Shelia smiled at Chloe. “The same way your father looks at me.”

Chloe opened her mouth to reply, but she closed it as soon as Lex and her father emerged from the kitchen. She stood up, glancing from her father who was smiling, then back to Lex who held no expression at all. “Is everything all right?” She asked slowly.

Gabe just nodded, walking over toward his daughter to kiss her cheek. “Everything is wonderful sweetheart.”

Chloe eyed her father suspiciously as he grabbed for he and Shelia’s jacket.

“It was a wonderful dinner sweetheart, just next time don’t try and make a pie.”

“Gabe!” Shelia chided. She smiled at Chloe as she was ushered out of the door. “Don’t listen to him. You just keep trying and I’ll sure it’ll turn out fine.”

Chloe held her door open, leaning over to kiss her father on the cheek. “Take good care of her dad. She’s good for you.”

Gabe hugged his daughter, glancing over her shoulder at Lex. “You too sweetie.”

Chloe’s eyes widened in surprise as her father kissed her forehead, turned and left. “Love you!” She called as they walked down the hall toward the elevator.

“Well,” She said with a small smile. “And you thought you were going to be shot.”


“Tell me why I let you talk me into helping you wash the dishes?” Lex asked as he sat down onto the couch with a loud sigh.

Chloe toed her shoes off before joining Lex on the couch, resting her feet in his lap so that he could massage them. “Because of the wonderful sex I offered in exchange for your manly duties.”

Lex only smiled.

“Hey.” Chloe nudged his knee with her toe. “What did my father say to you?”

He smiled again. “Something that I can’t talk to you about.”

“Dammit,” She sighed. “I tried.”

He nodded. “And you failed wonderfully.” He gave her an odd look. “Chloe?”

“Hmm?” She asked, stretching her arms above her head.

“You know I care about you don’t you?”

Chloe paused in her stretching, and slowly lifted her head to stare at Lex. “Of course.” She frowned. “Why?”

He shrugged, looking away to stare at the television. “I just--thought you should know that.”

Chloe sat up, scooting closer toward him. “Okay.” She smiled and reached over for the remote.

“Because,” He continued. “Its good to know that. I have--feelings for you.” She looked at him. “Chloe, I--” He trailed off and shook his head with a wry smile. “This sounded much less complicated in my head.”

Chloe only stared at him, her heart pounding so hard in her chest it felt as though it was going to explode. “Yes?”

He gave her a painful look. “I--Chloe I really--I’m--” He trailed off when Chloe shook her head with a small smile.

“Its okay.” She said softly.

The pain expression he held turned into a relieved one, and she was surprised at how relieved she felt herself. “Is it?”

She nodded with a small smile. “It is. You don’t have to do that right now. Not if you aren’t ready.” She grasped his hand in her own, and leaned over to kiss him on the cheek. She knew it had to be torture for him to not be able to say those words. Torture for him to say those words. She didn’t want it forced out of him. She honestly didn’t think she was ready to hear those words herself. It was quite different for her when someone she was in love with said it back.

It scared the hell out of her.



“So,” Chloe turned to glanced over her shoulder at Lex as he read her finished article. “What do you think?” She watched his blank expression with rapt attention, trying to decipher what it was he was thinking exactly. Her excited smile faltered a bit when he didn’t answer right away. Usually after reading one of her articles, he would always smile and praise her on such a fine written piece of work. But, now, he wasn’t doing any of that. He was just sort of, staring at her article, face still blank. “Lex?” She repeated slowly.

That seemed to take him out of his quiet trance, and he blinked. “Well--”

Her face fell. “You don‘t like it.” She glanced back at her laptop with a sour expression.

He blinked again. “I didn’t--”

“Is it the content?” She cut in. “Does it sound wrong or…” She trailed off when Lex shook his head.

“It isn’t that. Its perfectly written. I just don’t think you should have this posted.”

She raised an eyebrow at him, an amused smile on her face because of the oddness of the question. “Of course I’m going to have this posted. It’s the truth isn’t it?”

He didn’t answer, only straightened to his full length and walked across the room toward his dresser. He reached for his cufflinks.

“Lex?” Chloe frowned. She stood up, and touched his shoulder to get his attention. He looked at her seriously. “ It’s the truth Lex. You know I can’t ignore that. We both know the mayor’s son is--”

“Dangerous.” He cut in quietly. He looked up at her with a look she hasn‘t seen before. “Chloe, he’s dangerous. Very dangerous and kind of powerful. Now I know how you’ve been sneaking into places going on your little adventures--”

She looked at him contritely. “I haven’t--”

He held his hand up. “And I haven’t said anything. Even though I know you could’ve very well gotten yourself hurt.”

She rolled her eyes, already tired with this same conversation. “But I didn’t get hurt Lex.”

“You always say that.” He gave her a frustrated glare. “You’ve never listen to me on this Chloe. You have no clue what it is you’re getting yourself into when you go off doing those things.”

She glared back. “I do understand!”

He laughed hollowly. “You certainly don’t act like you do.” He shook his head. “If you only knew how much I--” He trailed off with a shake of his head. “We’ll be late.” He turned and walked away from her into the living room.

“No,” She said, closely following behind him. “Lets finish this nice conversation shall we? What is it Lex? What is it that I don’t know?”

He sighed heavily. “Nothing Chloe. It doesn’t matter now. Just post the article if you want.”

She eyed him angrily. “Are you mocking me?”

He smiled. “Of course I’m not.”

She felt her level of anger rise at the smug smile on his face. “Why do you even care anyway?” She glared at him harder when he just stared back at her unmoved. “Is it because of the fact that you’re trying to buy Lucas incorporated?”

He looked at her surprised. She just nodded. “I know all about that. I know everything. So why don’t you tell me what it is I don’t understand?” She narrowed her eyes. “Or what is it that you aren’t telling me? What do you know that I don’t know Lex?”

They stared at each other silently for a long moment, and Chloe could feel the tension in the room grow very thick. “What is it exactly Lex?” She taunted. “Are you involved in this in some way, and you don’t want my little article screwing it up for you?”

She tried and failed at not trying to shrink away from the very cold look he gave her. As soon as the look passed across his face, it was gone, in place his usual blank mask he hadn’t used around her in a very long time. He silently turned away from her and toward the door. “Lets go,” He said over his shoulder, his tone flat. “ The limo is waiting for us.”


They were having their first fight she realized. If it weren’t for the circumstances, she would feel oddly amused about this. But she couldn’t. Not with the awkward silence and tension hanging heavily between them in the limo as they made their way to a banquet that she didn’t even want to go to in the first place. She chanced a glance at him, frowning when she noticed how relaxed he seemed. She didn’t know how he could be so relaxed when she herself felt as though she had ten bricks on her shoulders.

Although now that she thought about it, she didn’t have to wonder at all. This was Lex. This was just the way he was. What bothered her the most was, this wasn’t the usual, exploding with loud angry words and angry glares. That she could at least deal with. He was silent. Giving her nothing but curt tones and dismissive glances. He was being cold as ice to her, and she could feel herself freezing with every second that passed.

She sighed heavily, running her hand up her arm in order to mentally warm herself up. She chanced another glance at him. There was mere inches between them, but it felt as though he were miles and miles away.

She cleared her throat. “Are we having a fight?”

“Of course.” He answered curtly, not bothering to look at her.

She sighed again, unconsciously pushing herself closer toward the door, distancing herself from him even more. He made her feel like a scolded child, and she hated it. She didn’t even know what he was so angry at her about, besides her accusing him of being a drug dealer to his face, she couldn’t understand why he didn’t see her point. They both knew the mayor’s son always evaded being punishing by the law. Practically, literally gotten away with murder. She knew posting this article would reveal the truth for what it was. He knew that her and the truth went hand and hand, and she had no but to print that story out. It was her job for goodness sake, and dangerous or not, he had no right to tell her she couldn’t do it.

She glared at him, now suddenly angry that he would even ask her to do something like that. He seemed to be sensing her heat because he chose that very moment to glance over in her direction. Her anger went up a few notches when he simply raised an eyebrow at her.

She crossed her arms tightly in front of her chest as the limo pulled up in front of Pespheron ballroom. “Maybe I should’ve stayed home.”

His eyebrow arched even higher, and the smile he gave her didn’t reach his eyes. “Why not?” he asked mockingly. “They’ll be plenty of stories here for you to write about.”

She glared at him, ignoring the hand he held out to her as she climbed out of the limo. She paused as she caught sight of all of the photographers surrounding the two of them. The cameras flashes blinded her, and she blinked, turning her head every which way in a slight panic. She stiffened when she felt Lex grip her hand tightly in his own.

He leaned down to murmur in her ear. “Don’t be that way sweetheart. Smile for the cameras. You don’t want to end up in the joke of the week in The Inquisitor do you?”

A slow plastic smile slowly made its way onto her face as she squeezed his hand as tight as she could. This was going to be a long night.


Chloe hated being right.

She had never felt more uncomfortable than she did at this very moment. Lex, on the other hand, seemed to be enjoying himself quite well. Taking it upon himself to purposely introducing her to those who had a certain disdain for reporters of any kind. Not wanting to be rude, she could only smile politely each time he introduced her as “Chloe Sullivan, the reporter for the daily planet.” But, on the inside, she was burning with anger. Burning with even more anger because of the sly yet biting remarks she was given from every jerk she met.

Lex seemed to enjoy torturing her. Seemed to enjoy it more each time she was somehow pulled into a heated discussion about one topic or another. It was all she could take, and now Lex must’ve given up on trying to annoy her because now he disappeared to god knows where, leaving her to her own devices.

She sighed to herself as her eyes scanned the room, watching with great disinterest as everyone mingled. She would just trick some unsuspecting soul into an interview, but then she knew she couldn’t do that because most of everyone attending this lame banquet were entertainers, and that wasn’t even in her area of expertise. The few people of importance here were a few CEO’s and government officials, she’d rather stab herself In the ears than talk to them again.

She could either leave or get drunk. She made her decision as she placed her empty glass onto a passing waiter’s tray and reached for another glass of champagne. “Stay close,” She muttered to him, and he nodded. “I’m going to need a few more glasses to hold me over.”

“Actually if you want the full effect of drunkenness you might want to try the harder liquor.”

Chloe’s eyes closed. She really hated being right. She turned to face her fellow co-worker with a small smile. “Hello Victoria.”

Victoria smiled at Chloe as she took a sip of her own drink. “Hi Chloe.”

Chloe glanced around with a sigh hating the fact that she was going to make small talk. She was really grouchy. “So, what are you doing here?”

Victoria’s pretty smile widened. “Oh ,you know. My job.”

“Ahh,” Chloe nodded pretending that she cared. “Get any good interviews?”

“Well,” Victoria shrugged. “Just a few. You know, the regular gossip boring stuff.” She stepped closer toward Chloe with a feral smile. “I was wondering--”

Chloe really wasn’t drunk enough to be having this conversation. “Uh huh.” She placed her glass onto another passing waiter’s tray, and reached for another glass. “You wondered?” She took a sip of her drink and sighed happily. Vodka, yummy.

Victoria nodded, still keeping the weird smile on her face. “If I could get an interview with your boyfriend. It’d be great for my column.”

Of course. Chloe shrugged taking a healthy sip of her drink. “Sure. Of course you can. When you find him, you let me know.”

Victoria studied Chloe closely, her eyebrow raising slightly a small smile on her face as if she’s discovered something. “You know, I’ve been sort of watching you two all night--”

Journalism 102. Body language. She eyed her co-worker over the rim of her glass. “Really?”

“Yeah, and I’m not the kind to start throwing around accusations but it seemed to me you two were, I don’t know, having a little lovers quarrel?”

‘If by lovers quarrel you meant my boyfriend acting like a total asshole then sure.’ She shook her head, already feeling slightly tingly from the alcohol. Mixing champagne and vodka was a great idea. “Oh well, no quarreling, whatsoever.”

“Oh.” Victoria said with a tone clearing stating she didn‘t believe her. “Well, are you sure you don’t know where he’s gone off to? I’m sure his interview will help me come up with a great byline.”

“Well, now I’m always happy to provide an influence for a byline.”

Both women turned, Victoria with a large smile on her face, and Chloe with a frown on her own.

Chloe took another sip of her drink. “I thought you fell down a rabbit hole.” Oh now the vodka was really getting to her. She grinned at Lex when his eyes slid toward her own. He eyed her with the same detached expression he’d been eyeing her with all night before turning back to Victoria who was grinning at him from ear to ear.

“Mr. Luthor,” Victoria gushed.

Lex smiled. “Lex, please, Miss Chase.”

Chloe rolled her eyes with a loud sigh.

It seemed impossible for Victoria’s smile to grow even wider, but she somehow managed it. “You know who I am?”

Lex nodded, the same plastic smile on his face. “Of course I do. You don’t get by without knowing about Metropolis’s greatest gossip and entertainment columnist now do you?”

Chloe fought the urge to hurl as she listened to Victoria practically squeal in happiness. Sure enough she got her interview which was just ridiculous because Lex never gave impromptu interviews, so she suspected it was just another part of his annoy Chloe plan. She just settled on enjoying her drink while she half listened to Lex answer her co-worker’s stupid unimportant questions about double knit sweaters and the opera.

“I think La Boheme is --”

It annoyed her that they were talking about the opera. Annoyed her because she hated the opera, and she had no clue what they were talking about as they suddenly laughed at a joke he made. She realized that was the first time she didn’t get a joke Lex made and that Victoria Chase did. She frowned as she also realized just how beautiful Victoria was. All 5’9 of her. With her perfect hair and perfect body, and it wasn’t fair that Lex smiled at her while all he did was treated her like crap for the whole night.

Those were her smiles she should be getting. It should be her conversation about the opera that she hated. It wasn’t fair at all that he’d ask her to not post that article! She frowned again when they laughed at something else. She glared at the both of them while taking another sip of her drink, frowning when she noticed her glass was empty. That also wasn’t fair.

She watched as Victoria laughed again, her head falling back to reveal her long perfect neck. Lex laughed right along with her, and Chloe saw red. Their laughter ceased when the glass she held suddenly shattered onto the floor.

Chloe stared down at her hand, then at the floor, suddenly realizing she just might be a tad bit drunker than she had originally planned. She glanced up at Lex and Victoria’s surprised faces. She shrugged. “The glass was empty.” She explained to them slowly, before turning in a huff, shouldering a passing waiter out of the way before hightailing it toward the exit.

She turned right, and started walking. She had no clue where she was walking to, and she silently cursed herself for drinking so much.


She glanced behind her, surprised to see Lex following her. She tried to hurry her steps. “Get away from me!”

He caught up to her easily, grasping her elbow In his hand. “Wait a minute.” He ushered the both of them into the coat check room.

As soon as they were inside, she snatched her elbow out of his grip. “I told you to get away.” She mumbled.

He shook his head at her. “Smashing that glass was a very dramatic.”

She shrugged. “Well that’s the effect I was going for.”

“You’re drunk.”

“Just a little.” She said softly. “You thought I couldn’t handle myself against those stupid fat cats?”

He raised an eyebrow. “Fat cats?”

She glared at him.

He sighed. “I knew you could.”

She glared at him. “Well you were crummy to me all night.”


“And you made me feel this small.” she said, holding up her fingers to indicate the size.


“You made me feel really bad.” She cut in softly. “I mean, really bad like, unwanted step child bad.”

He gave her a funny look before grabbing her into his arms. He squeezed her tighter when she tried to resist. “Hey,” He said softly. “I’m sorry.”

She only shrugged. “You were flirting with Victoria.”

He frowned. “I was not.”

She nodded. “You were too. I think all the talk about double knit sweaters was actually code talk for sex.”

He smiled his first real smile of the night, and she noticed how much it lit up his face. “You really are drunk.”

She shook her head. “Just really buzzed. Lex?”

His eyes were trained on his hand which slowly rubbed her hip. “What?”

“The next time we fight could we do it like a normal couple? With yelling and everything?”

He glanced up at her with a small smile. “Of course.”

“Good because of the other stuff was confusing--”

“Is this a new dress?” He asked, and she looked down confused by the sudden change of subject.

“Yeah, and now that you mention it you didn’t even tell me how great I look in it.”

His hands were already hitching up the bottom of her dress. “You look great in anything.”

She pursed her lips. “Even a potato sack?”

He smiled again, and she found herself smiling back at him before it faded. “I’m still angry with you.”

He nodded again, still smiling. “And I you.”

She tried hard to ignore the fact that his hands were still inching the bottom of her dress up her thighs. Or the fact that he smelled so very good. “So, is this make up sex?”

He smiled, stepping backward and away from the entrance doorway further into the room.

She let him guide her, a small smile coming to her face. “Is this make up sex?”

“Of course it is.” He answered before he shoved her roughly up against the wall. His mouth descended down on hers with harsh bruising force, parting her lips to slip his tongue in past the barrier her teeth made. He didn’t bother to bite back the moan when she sucked hard on her tongue.

Chloe wasted no time with wrestling his belt open and had his pants unzipped. She shoved her hands into the opening, smiling at his gasp of surprise as her fingers tightened around his hard cock. Lex’s hands gathered up the material of he dress, pulling it up around her waist. He gripped the elastic of her black lace thong, yanking them down around her knees, lifting her legs to help them all the way off.

She pushed his pants down his waist, giggling when he lifted her up by her by her ass and squeezed. She wrapped her legs around his waist. “Fuck me now please.”

“Try not to scream too loudly.” He murmured quietly. “Don’t want anyone walking in here. I didn’t even bother locking the door.” Before she could respond, he slid all the way inside of her, catching her moan with his mouth.

Chloe tightened her arms around him, holding on as he ground himself against her as fast as he could. A hard, pounding thrust of his flesh into her wet cunt, again and again, not showing any signs of tiring, his expression tense with concentration as he gave her what she needed.

The loud sound of his grunts combined with the slick sounds of their bodies coming together and apart and back again was nothing but arousing to her. Add that to the fact that anyone could walk in at any minute catching them was driving her need to come to an extreme need. “Yes, yes--” She panted heavily, her legs tightening around his waist, she began thrusting forward, driving her body up and down to meet his thrusts.

“Fuck, Chloe.” He grunted quietly. His hands slid around her waist, and he squeezed, holding her in place as he thrust harder.

She could feel the familiar tingle in her stomach, could feel the steady climb of her climax and she clutched at him closely, tightening her arms around him as her mewls turned into small crying grunts.

She kissed him as he moved, harder and faster and deeper, groaning into her mouth at the way her tongue pushed against his.

She bit his lip as her orgasm suddenly hit her, making her whimper as he slammed into her even harder, until with one long groan, he came inside of her.

Still trying to catch his breath, he gently let her feet touch the floor. He bent to pick her underwear up, and she held onto his shoulders as he lifted each leg to slide them on. He slowly slid them up, his fingers caressing her thighs along their journey. He stared down at her briefly before kissing her forehead.

Chloe silently watched as he fixed his clothing. She bit her lip knowing this was probably a bad mistake to bring this up again. “I’m still going to post that article Lex.”

Lex paused in his ministrations before shrugging. “I already assumed that.” He buttoned his jacket smoothing down the non existent wrinkles before looking up at her, his face an expressionless mask. “I can’t stop you from doing what you think you need to do.”

She opened her mouth to respond, but closed it when he suddenly turned away from her. “Lets get out of here shall we?”


Chloe watched as Lex prepared for bed. It was always so meticulous and time consuming in which the way carefully folded his pants and shirt before laying it carefully onto the chair next to her bed. She didn’t get it. Didn’t get why he couldn’t just leave his clothes in a trail onto the floor like she does.

These questions were the farthest from her mind. He hadn’t said a word to her since they left the part, and it was beginning to make her nervous. She had been sure things were okay between them what with the great make-up sex.

She should’ve known it would never be that easy when it came to Lex and the subject of her “dangerous” job. She just couldn’t understand what the big deal was. Couldn’t see why he was so upset about it.

The longer his silence went on, the more she worried.

She watched him for a few more moments before following his lead by crawling into bed. Not giving a damn about his personal space, she snuggled up to his side, ignoring the way his body tensed. He slowly turned onto his back shooting her a questioning gaze. She smiled innocently at him.

“I’m cold.” She explained, rubbing her bare foot up and down his leg, knowing he hates when she does that.

He sighed loudly, scooting away from her, glaring at her when she followed. “Chloe--”

“Are you still angry at me?”

“No.” He answered without hesitation.

“You don’t sound very convincing.” She said reaching for his arm when he tried to turn away from her. “What is it?”

His gaze hardened. “You know what it is Chloe.”

She glared back at him ignoring the fact that she started this discussion. “You can’t just ask me to do something like that.”

“Of course I can’t.” He said blandly. “Its your job and its important to you. I had no right.”

Chloe glared at him. “You don’t have to be such a condescending dick.” She lied down, putting her back to him. She wasn’t going to cry. She wasn’t. She had never felt more conflicted in her entire life. She just wanted him to understand how much this meant to her.

“I wasn’t being condescending.” Lex said, his voice breaking the tense silence. “I am aware of how important this is to you.”

Chloe turned back to face him again, confusion written all on her face. “Then why? I don’t understand.”

He snorted. “Yes, you do.”

She rolled her eyes. “Okay. The danger, but its always dangerous for me. I have to--would you put a stop to something that I found wrong at your job just because I asked?”

“Yes, I would.” He answered without hesitation.

She frowned. “Well that certainly wasn’t the answer I was looking for.”

He gave her an odd look. “It’s the truth.”

“Why would you do that for me?”

He raised an eyebrow. “Why wouldn’t I?”

For once she was at a loss of words. “I-”

He smiled slowly at her. “Chloe, you have no idea just what I’d do for you.”

“Why?” She repeated.

His smile faded as he eyed her seriously. “Because Chloe, this is how it goes right? This closeness. When you’re with someone you care greatly about you’d do--anything to ensure their safety. Their happiness.” He cleared his throat and looked away from her. Discomfort written clearly on his features. “A compromise.” He continued. “Its what this is right?”

Chloe felt her insides tighten. Never before had she seen Lex look so confused, so addlebrained. “This?” She asked, and he slowly nodded.

“Yes. This. Us.” He cleared his throat. “Love.”

Chloe stared at Lex for a long moment. Unable to move or say anything.

Lex stared back, and she could see by the way his jaw tightened closed harder and harder that he was uncomfortable with her silence. “Love?” She repeated.

“Yes.” He said very slowly.

She shook her head. “You mean you--”

“Yes.” he cut in.


He sighed. “Once again yes.”

She was feeling giddy. So very giddy. “You love me?” She asked ignoring the way he tensed.

“I love you.” He said softly. “Now please don’t make me repeat it again.”

She grasped her hand in his own and crawled on top of him. “That must’ve been very hard for you.”

His hands grasped her hips. “You have no idea.” He said, although his eyes held a softness he only preserved for her.

For her.

She realized now what it was Shelia was trying to convey to her. Only she gets to see this side of Lex. No one else. She was inside of him. This complex man who wasn’t all that hard to figure out once you got past all of the years and years of baggage. This man who held his heart locked up in a lead box where no one could get to it. Not even him. This same man who had given her said heart probably unknowingly. Probably just realizing it for the first time.

She grinned.

“Chloe?” He asked warily.

“I love you too you know.”

He looked startled before silently nodding his head.

She entwined his other hand with her own. “And since you’re so all of a sudden huge on compromises, I’ll let you hire more security.”

His mood seemed to lighten at the mention of more security. “You will?”

She nodded. “Uh huh. They can even follow me to work.”

Lex grinned before pulling her mouth down on top of hers for a short kiss.

Chloe pulled away from him with a small smile. “Can you just say it one more--”


“Okay, I know I’m pushing it.”


29th August 2006, 11:58
what a great update :clapclap:

29th August 2006, 13:07
Wow great update :) Gabe didn't kill Lex that was a blessing, and Lex ate all of her disgusting pie that was soooo sweet.
The make up sex was hot too and then to top it off he finally said he loved her!! :wub: it was a fantastic chapter I can't wait for more :D

29th August 2006, 14:03
Great update!!!!!!! So glad that Lex said he loved Chloe ( even after eating that pie). More please.

29th August 2006, 19:09
OK Lois and the dinner was great. Lex is so cute for eating the pie. And I want to know what he and Gabe talked about. And Lex was being an ass at the party but I knew that he was just reacting to Chloe's assumption that he was mad at her reporting because it was getting in the way of his business. When really he was upset with her reporting because it's dangerous and he's in love with her and doesn't want her hurt. I'm so happy that he finally built up the courage to say it. That was such a vulnerable moment for Lex and he so incredibly cute when he does say it. I love this story so much.

29th August 2006, 19:42
Great update...keep it coming.

29th August 2006, 22:56
he ate her pie *sigh* I only wish he would eat my pie. in the euphemistic or literal sense. I'm so glad that they love each other and even though they had to fight, they did get to have make-up sex. Looking forward to more.

29th August 2006, 23:38
Oh dear, that was a bit heart wrenching! NO MORE FIGHTING! Loved the love bit though! Yay he finally said it to her!! Oh mush, mush that was great.

Can't wait for more!!

30th August 2006, 00:16
“Chloe this pie is--”

“Awful.” Gabe cut in, wincing at the glare Shelia gave him. He put his fork down and pushed his plate away.

“I was going to say a little overcooked.”

Chloe shrugged pushing her own uneaten piece of pie away. “That’s all right. It's terrible I know.” Her smile brightened. “At least I got the coffee right.”

“Well, I enjoyed it.” Lex commented and everyone looked at his empty plate surprised.

Chloe raised an eyebrow at him. “It was horrible.”

Lex shrugged. “I enjoyed it.”

Chloe felt a silly smile slowly appear on her face the longer she gazed at Lex. She knew the pie tasted horrible. No one else touched their piece. Except Lex of course. He spared her feelings and ate every last disgusting piece without complaint.

As always a great chapter. And the part above is my favourite. I think it's one of the best admisions of love ever. It just shows you how actions speak louder than words. I just adore how sweet Lex and Chloe are together and I can't stop grining after I read this chapter.

30th August 2006, 00:44
That was a fabulous update. He said it finally. !! :clapclap: :nsparty:

Hope :)

30th August 2006, 07:20
Awwww he ate her pie :D *sigh* even though it was horrible tasting he ate all of it... I loved that part, and I'm still wondering what Gabe and Lex were talking about after they ate.

31st August 2006, 04:42
Alright and update just for me. I have to say I have been rather lazy with reading. I saw this and got excited but didn't have time to read it till now. Thank you for the post and it was a wonderful update.

He shrugged. “With great practice.”

She stared at him.

“I had a few drinks before I came over here.” He relented.
:drinkin: So Lex knocked back a few before meeting Gabe. Nice. :rofl:

I love how Gabe and Lex ganged up on her. Even better that she had some stories told about her after I’m sure Helga told some about Lex in chapters past.

I really hope that Gabe gave him what is what, Chloe is his only daughter and there last dealing with Lex almost got her killed, no reason for him to be worried about Chloe.

“I love you.” He said softly. “Now please don’t make me repeat it again.”
About damn time:wth: So gald he said this already. He did eat all the pie, he had to love her.

She entwined his other hand with her own. “And since you’re so all of a sudden huge on compromises, I’ll let you hire more security.”

His mood seemed to lighten at the mention of more security. “You will?”

She nodded. “Uh huh. They can even follow me to work.”

Lex grinned before pulling her mouth down on top of hers for a short kiss.

HA! Chloe just made his night.

Nice update. I was glad that they had the little make up sex. I was wondering what Chloe was going to do when he was getting that interview from who I will now call nosy. I must say her getting drunk seems like something I would do to past the time till I could get the hell out of there.

More soon please. Like maybe this weekend :beg:

1st September 2006, 21:50
Loved that little end part, "I know I'm pushing it." Very cute. Most read more.

): )

4th September 2006, 23:45
I love this story! It's funny and thoughtful and well-done... just one small, picky little thing: watch your tenses. Once in a while you'll throw in a present tense word when you've been writing in past-tense the whole time. Other than that, it's fabulous!

5th September 2006, 00:15
I'd like to throw in a quick *squee* here just to let you know how much I am enjoying the Chlex-love. Wonderful! Keep going with this great story!

9th September 2006, 10:43
Very very sweet! He said I love you! I wonder if he'll work out soon that the more he says it, the easier its gonig to get to say. Well, very nice update and update soon please :)

11th September 2006, 23:29
This is a really awesome fic! You rock Kimbo

13th September 2006, 16:46
AWw, that last scene was so sweet, he finnally said he loved her! Great update.

14th September 2006, 04:08
i loved it! the end was so sweet.

more soon


14th September 2006, 17:53
love this story!!!i just read the whole thing in one hit and cant wait for the next part......lois cracks me up and your Lex is so real just love it

18th September 2006, 06:01
Thanks for the Feedback! Sorry for taking soo long to update this. My job has been kicking my butt! This is part 1 of this chapter which has 2 parts, so this is a little bit shorter than I do usually. Well, enjoy!

Chapter 17 (Part 1)

Weeks passed and the summer break was over. Chloe had published her article, much to Lex’s displeasure, but it had amended his displeasure by her agreeing to allow him to go through with the measures to “insure” her safety. It was annoying at best. Annoying to have two strange men following her around everywhere she went. Escorting her places. Lois couldn’t get enough of it of course, taking every opportunity to comment on her cousin’s sudden extra baggage.

The mayor’s son, and a number of men to be named later were arrested, but to much of Chloe’s dismay, was allowed to post bail. Lex, however, had not been surprised at all, and it took the wonderful liberty of telling her I told you so that entire week.

That had been an interesting fight.

Still, between going to work and school, and the media’s sudden disinterest in her, things had been relatively quiet. Well, almost quiet what with her trying to find interesting ways for ditching the “goon patrol” As Lois liked to call them.

It was no surprise that Lex always found out. Those were interesting fights as well. He never stayed angry too long though, what with the amazing sex that followed quickly after.

Beside the little disagreement there between them, their relationship was stronger than ever before. With Lex finally admitting his love for her, it felt as though there was no other block between the two of them. Things were open between them. More open than before, and Chloe made it her business to make sure she told Lex she loved him every day. Whenever she would say the words, she would always catch this look of shocked awe on his face. It amused her to no end to see such an unusual look on his face. He never said it back of course, he’d soon have an aneurysm than say those words out loud to her. That didn’t bother her though. Even though he didn’t say the words out loud to her, he said it in other ways. Like telling her he’d never been this happy since his mother was alive. She knew those words held a great deal of weight when he said it, because for him, Lex Luthor and happiness are two things that aren’t usually said in the same sentence.

Not only did he say things like that, he also did little things, and like her father said, it’s the little things that counted the most. Like the way he would always eat her horrible cooking without complaint. That always made her particularly embarrassingly mushy on the inside. Or he would sometimes leave her a flower by the coffee pot, and a vase of flowers would always be suspiciously waiting for her on her desk when she walked into work. It was a complete romantic, and she had no qualms about teasing him about it every chance she could get. Not to mention it made for good blackmail threats in the near future.

He even stopped hogging the covers. Well, on most nights anyway. Now, he was currently wrapped around her, their limbs mixed together almost in the shape of a pretzel. He was nearly glued to her side, his face buried in her hair, quietly snoring away in dreamland. She, however, was awakened by the sound of the loud insistent beeping of her alarm clock telling her she had twenty minutes before her first class for the morning.

“Lex?” She murmured sleepily. “Your cell phone. Its beeping again.”

Lex sighed and mumbled something unintelligible before he settled back down.

She tried to move, but his arms around her waist stopped her from doing so. She sighed. “Lex.” She whined. “Answer your phone.”

“It’s not my phone,” He said, his voice muffled by her hair. “It’s your alarm clock.”

“What?” Her eyes shot open, and she lifted her head, her eyes widening as she noticed the red numbers on her clock blinking ten thirty at her. “Shit!” She cursed, elbowing Lex on the shoulder so he could let her go. His arms unwounded themselves from around her, and she rolled out of bed.

She hurried around the room, gathering her clothing for the day from her closet so that she could jump into the shower.

“Chloe, just get back into bed.”

She turned with a raised eyebrow, her stomach unconsciously tightening when she looked at him, lying there all sleepy eyed and bare-chested. “As appealing as that sounds, I’ll have to decline.” She narrowed her eyes at him. “This is all your fault.”

“And how is this my fault exactly?” He asked in a serious tone, although the amusement he held in his eyes told her he wasn’t taking her serious at all.

“Oh, its okay Chloe,” she mocked as she reached inside her drawer for a new pair of underwear. “I’ll wake you up before nine. It was your idea to fool around before bed, and you know how exhausted I get after sex.”

Lex raised an eyebrow at her. “I seem to remember not having to convince you that much.”

She glared even harder at him and he sighed. “I’m late for work too you know.”

“Oh yes,” she said sarcastically. “Did you happen to forget you owned the company?”

He blinked at her. “That doesn’t mean I don't have to show up on time. You know, to make a good impression for my employees. Its very important that I do that.” Even as he said the words, he was already lying back down, pulling the covers up over him.

She turned to go into the bathroom. “You’re a jerk.” She called over her shoulder.


She emerged from her bathroom, fully dressed and ready for her day, unsurprised to see Lex still lying in bed, the morning’s paper and a cup of coffee in his hand. “Aren’t you suppose to be getting ready for work?”

He glanced up at her before shrugging. “I own the company. Your coffee is by your bag in the living room.”

Because he prepared her coffee, she would forgive him a little bit for that. “Thanks.”

“Oh, and Lois just called. She told me to tell you she’s going to kill you when she sees you.”

She winced. “I forgot I told her I was meeting her for our first class! She‘s probably swearing that threat on her Jimmy Choos.” She hurried around the room, looking for her books. “Where are my-”

“In the living room.” He cut in calmly. He cleared his throat, which meant whatever he was going to say next was probably going to grate on her nerves. “You know, you could just move in with me. That way you wouldn’t have to get up an hour early every morning.”

Chloe paused before placing her sunglasses on her face. “Mmhmm,” She said sweetly. “While I do that, why don’t I just give up my autonomy completely?”

Lex grimaced before smiling. “I tried.”

“Yes, you did.” She leaned over and kissed him softly on the lips. “I love you and lock the door on your way out kay?”


Chloe knew she would be regretting her acquiescence for Lex to hire more security for her. She had no problem in telling him just how annoying it was for her to have to go through this, and he had no problem in telling her just how much he didn’t care.

“Ms. Sullivan has left the home base.”

Chloe winced to herself, and she turned to face one of Lex’s goons with a sweet smile of her own. “Do you have to mention my name on those walkie talkie things?”

The guard blinked at her. “Its standard protocol ma’am.”

“Protocol,” She said softly. “Right.” They walked onto the elevator, and Chloe was already plotting on ways on trying to lose them for the day.

“I’m going to drive myself to school today.” She said to them. They already drove her to work a few times, she drew the line on letting them chauffer her to school.

“Of course ma’am. You’ll understand if we follow closely behind and in front of you?”

In front of her? She was going to kill Lex. “Of course.”


“Give me two reasons why I shouldn’t shove my Jimmy Choo down your throat?”

Chloe winced as she walked across the great lawn with her cousin. “Uh, two reasons?”

Lois rolled her eyes. “Do you know how much torture it was to sit in that class alone was?”


“Let me guess,” Lois said, the glare in her eyes gone. “You and your love button--”


“Got a little hot and dirty last night and you couldn’t get up this morning.”

Chloe opened her mouth to respond before closing it. “He’s not my love button.” She muttered, and Lois smiled. She glared at her. “How do you know these things?”

Lois grinned as her face took on a wistful look. “Personal experience.” Both women sat on the bench in front of the quad.

“Too much information.” Chloe cut in, not interested in hearing about Lois and Clark sex time.

“Anyway, so how is the big L announcement going for the two of you?”

Chloe grinned. “Good.” She smiled at her cousin.

Lois grinned. “You remember that Get Lex plan of ours?”

“Oh yeah. I forgot all about that.”

Lois snorted. “I didn’t. If you only knew how dead set I was into you getting with him. If only you knew about my Plan B, C, and D.”

Chloe giggled as she shook her head. “I can only imagine.”

Lois grinned. “Lets just say that Plan D involved a rocket launcher and some duct tape.”

“Oh god.” Chloe giggled. “You’re a weirdo.”

Lois raised an eyebrow. “Yeah, well don’t forget we’re related. Speaking of weirdo--”

“Uh huh?”

“What’s with the goon GI Joes? Do they have to follow us around everywhere?”

Chloe glanced over her shoulder to see three suited men standing and looking very conspicuous a few feet away.

“Talk about subtle.” Lois commented.

“Well technically they’re following me, and they’re specially trained.”

Lois raised an eyebrow. “Of course. Lex only wants the best for his pookie bear.”


“That one standing next to the tulips is kind of cute. Maybe even in a Kevin Costner sort of way.”

“Lois,” Chloe gently chided. “What would Clark say?”

Lois shrugged. “Probably something idiotic.” She answered. “Oh no,” She said softly. “Pink patrol twelve o’ clock.”

Chloe frowned confused. “What?” She turned in the direction Lois was looking in and her eyes widened slightly. Lana Lang was quickly making her way over to them. “I guess its not safe to say she didn’t see us.”

“Hey guys!” Lana said cheerfully.

“Hi Lana.” They both intoned.

Lana’s big eyes shined as she turned her gaze to Chloe. “I haven’t seen you in so long.” She said softly. “Its just been so weird seeing you in all of the papers. I mean you and Lex--”

“Are together.” Lois cut in with a smile. “And are very happily in-”

“So how have you been Lana?” Chloe cut in quickly. She glanced at her cousin with a glare.

Lana’s frown turned into a bright smile. “Oh I’ve been great! I just finished up an internship at the Metropolis City Science Center.”

Chloe nodded. “That’s great. And are you still seeing Trevor?”

Lana’s bright smile faded. “No, He said I was moving too fast, but I’m just in the dating scene now. I’m not looking for anything serious.” Her gaze slid to Lois. “I hear you’re dating Clark.”

“I am?” Lois asked, and Chloe elbowed her. “Oh, yes. I am.”

“That’s--” Lana trailed off, and her smile looked as though it was going to break. “Great. For you, and Clark.”

All three women were quiet for a long moment, and Chloe could feel the heavy tension cloud hanging over them.

“Awkward.” Lois muttered under her breath.

“Well I better get to class.” Lana said hitching her bag up onto her shoulder. “You guys don’t be strangers.” She waved and quickly walked away.

“Well that wasn’t odd.” Lois commented as they both watched Lana walk into Union Hall. She glanced at her watch and stood up. “I better go, I told Smallville I’d meet him after his class.”

Chloe nodded. “Tell Clark I said hi, and don’t forget you guys promised you’d come over for dinner tomorrow.”

Lois paused, her eyes wide. “You aren’t cooking again are you?”

Chloe glared at her. “Ha ha and no. I won’t subject you to my poison this time.”

“I’m numb with relief. I‘ll see you in Philosophy.” Lois said before turning and walking back toward Spencer hall.

Chloe sat back onto the bench, thinking about how odd it had been seeing Lana again when her phone rang. “You’re calling earlier than usual.”

“Just calling to make sure Lois didn’t keep her promise of death.”

Chloe smiled as his smooth voice sounded over the phone. “No, she wouldn't dare.”

He sighed heavily. “Well, you know how unstable she can be at times.”

“I’m going to tell her you said that.”

“I’m shaking like a leaf.”

Chloe smiled. “Smart ass.”

“Thank you.”


“Yes Chloe?”

“Can you call off your goo-security now? I mean its been weeks and I haven’t received so much as a threat.”

“We already talked about this Chloe.”

“I know I know, but I already have people on campus giving me odd looks because I’m with you. Now that I have security watching me like I’m the president, its--”

“People give you odd looks?” He asked softly. “Like who?”

She rolled her eyes, already hearing his take action plot. “It doesn’t matter who, and it doesn’t bother me its just too much.”

Lex was silent for a long moment. She could practically hear his wheels turning. “Just a little more time. Until I know you’re safe.”

She sighed in annoyance. “Lex--”

“You promised Chloe.”

She knew this was a losing argument, and she could feel her heart twist from the tone of his voice. “Okay.” She said softly. “I better go.”

“I love you Chloe.”

Chloe paused in surprise before she hung up, a large smile coming to her lips and the wave of frustration she currently felt disappeared at hearing those four little words. “I love you too.”

“I’ll see you later tonight. I’ll order pizza.”

Chloe’s grin widened. Lex rarely wanted to eat Pizza, so he must be really wanting to make it up to her. “All right.”
“I’ll meet you later tonight at your place.”

“All right. Bye.”


Chloe noticed it was already turning five while she hurriedly made her way toward the library across campus. She had two papers due in two weeks and she had to check out two books, and an old newspaper article before she could leave and meet Lex at his apartment.

She paused at the entrance way and turned to the three men following her. “You guys can wait out here.” She said in a strong voice.

The three goons looked at each other then back at her. “But ma’am we aren’t--”

“I’ll only just be a second.” She said shaking her head. “Just give me ten minutes and if I’m not back then you can come in and swarm the place. How about that?”

They hesitated for a moment before nodding vigorously.

Chloe flashed them a smile. “Be right back.” She said before she pushed the doors opened and hurried inside.

5:06 with four minutes to spare. Chloe grinned to herself as she hurriedly placed her research in her bag. Working at the planet had made her research time quick fast. Her hip vibrated, and she reached for her phone, smiling as she noticed Lex’s Id. He must be calling to see where she was.

“I’m leaving the library now.” She said as she answered.

“Oh good, I’ve just gotten home. I’ll order the pizza now and it should be here by the time you get home. Extra cheese?”

She smiled. “Yes.”

He paused for a moment. “I’m sorry for putting you through this Chloe.”

“I love you too Lex.”

“Hurry home.” He said softly, and she could practically hear the smile in his voice.

Chloe hung up the phone and sighed wistfully, thinking she couldn’t wait until she got home. However, it wasn’t until she felt the pain of someone yanking her backwards by her hair, and a cloth being put over her mouth, that her last thoughts, before losing consciousness, had been how pissed Lex was going to be at her for ditching the security.


Part 2 up Later today!

18th September 2006, 06:19
NOOOO!!!! See that Chloe...Miss Smarty Pants...Lex was right . You should've kept the security guards with you. Great chapter & I can 't wait for the next part.

18th September 2006, 06:44
so today's my bday, and this has been an amazing present, even though i'm sure you had no intention of making this one. I was sooooo excited to see you had finally updated. I had just spent the entire weekend reading all 16 chapters and was soooo upset to see that is had been awhile since you last updated.

so, to make this short, amazing update. I love Lois and how funny, and as Lex said, unstable she is. She really brings a lot of humor into this fic. The relationship between Lex and Chloe is, for lack of a better word, beautiful. It's sooo realistic and romantic. I love in this chapter how he finally said 'I love you' to Chloe. And I love how even though she has said it countless times to him, it still amazes him that she loves him. That really shows the depth of both their feelings and their relationship. I also like a lot how Lex eats all of her bad food, just to make her feel good. I wish my boyfriend would do things like that for me.

Anyways, I cannot wait for later this afternoon to read the second part. This really is turning out to be a great bday, and your writing it wonderful.


18th September 2006, 07:39
I love that Lex is a closet romantic and apparently a little lazy. Yeah, setting an example for the employees be damned, if I own the company, I'm sleeping in. They are just so great together and Lex should do a better job of convincing Chloe to move in.

Lois is a blast as always. I love her quips, Lex better thank God they didn't use any of the other plans.

Great so now Chloe is in trouble, am I a little paranoid and crazy if I think it's Lana. I'm mean she just happens to show up, sounds odd to me. Yes I am crazy and paranoid, but only because I know Chloe can kick Lana's ass so I don't want it to be any really big trouble.

Love this story, I know we just got an update but can we have another?

Kit Merlot
18th September 2006, 13:32
Oh man, I just knew something bad was going to happen--there was too much fun and goodness in this chapter: Lois was hysterically fubny with her plan B, C, and D, and Lana got it rubbed in her face that both Clark and Lex were in happy, loving relationships, while she was alone. HAHA!!

But now Chloe is in danger again. YIKES!!

19th September 2006, 04:13
NOOOO!!! It was going so well. WHY????? :puppydog:

Hope :(

19th September 2006, 04:44
Can I squee on behalf of everyone for the "I love you"s? :) Please don't hurt Chloe, or Lex--he really doesn't need anymore head injuries.

19th September 2006, 05:22
Why don't they ever learn? Extra security is always good, no matter how inconvenient!
Lazy, cuddly Lex is so cute!

20th September 2006, 02:46
I don't like reading parts of update but I just couldn't wait for the next part. Sorry work has been getting you down but I hope you update soon.

He even stopped hogging the covers. Well, on most nights anyway. Now, he was currently wrapped around her, their limbs mixed together almost in the shape of a pretzel. He was nearly glued to her side, his face buried in her hair, quietly snoring away in dreamland.
Geez Lex move over. I like to cuddle but man he really his all over her. But it is Lex so I guess I wouldn't complain. :yeahbaby:

“Ms. Sullivan has left the home base.”
HA! This line made be laugh. I wonder if Chloe will move in with Lex. I hope sooner rather then later because they don't seem to be sleeping at apart anymore.

“Awkward.” Lois muttered under her breath.
That's putting it lightly Lois. Lana is such a downer. So damn happy all the time. I can her the condescending tone of her voice as she spoke to Lois about Clark.

Chloe hung up the phone and sighed wistfully, thinking she couldn’t wait until she got home. However, it wasn’t until she felt the pain of someone yanking her backwards by her hair, and a cloth being put over her mouth, that her last thoughts, before losing consciousness, had been how pissed Lex was going to be at her for ditching the security.
Damn it all Chloe. The reason no one attacked was b/c you had goons following you around.

Great update. I hope Lex can find her fast. He won't be pleased at all she ditched the garuds but I think he'll be happier that she is safe.

20th September 2006, 09:20
dangit!! i saw that coming a mile away. CHLOEEE, when will you learn?

22nd September 2006, 02:25
damnit chloe, you're supposed keep the security...lex is gonna be pissed!

totally loved this chapter and im waiting for more


23rd September 2006, 00:19
Ah! I knew it was gonna happen. Chloe just can't help it, she has to have her way. I wonder what Lex is gonna do about who ever took her, come to think of it I wonder what hes gonna do about those failed bodyguards.

Can't wait to read more.

): )

23rd September 2006, 00:51
Nooooo! This is sooo not good grrrrr, I hope she will be ok!! UPdate soon please

24th September 2006, 05:45
I just finished reading this and this story is fantastic!!!! Can't wait to read more!!!!

Chloe Queen
25th September 2006, 01:14
Wonder what is going to happen with chloe, please update.

27th September 2006, 06:54
uh yea, so I do believe that you promised to have part 2 posted by the end of monday.... it's now like a week later and there's still no update!!! you're killing me here!!! what's going to happen to chloe!!! i need to know so you need to hurry up and post!!!! please!!!

30th September 2006, 15:45
OMG ! that wasn't suppost to happen, It was going so well !! Can't wait to find out what happens next.Please update soon !

2nd October 2006, 05:44
I love this story. Cant wait to find out what happens to Chloe. More please soon!

2nd October 2006, 06:24
Chapter 17 (part 2)

Gosh sorry I took so very long for the second part. Once again work is killing me, but anyway. Here’s the second part…

Chloe’s head pounded painfully as she slowly awoke from her trip into unconsciousness. Panic seized her as she realized her hands were tied and she was blindfolded. Her body jarred painfully as the moving vehicle she was in went over three large bumps.

She could feel herself sweating as she tried unsuccessfully to break the bonds that held her wrists. She paused and tried to stretch her les out, yelping in pain at the stiffness she felt there.

She was in the trunk.

It didn’t take a rocket scientist to know that she was being kidnapped. She wondered how long she was out for. It had to have been for quite some time, judging by the way her arms and legs were numb.

She once again struggled against the bonds, holding back a whimper as the bonds rubbed painfully against her skin. She froze as the car came to a sudden stop. She heard two car doors slam shut, and her ears strained to hear what the voices were saying as they neared closer.

Her heart pounded and slammed her eyes shut as the trunk suddenly swung open.

“We know you’re awake girly.” The voice said as she was violently yanked out of the trunk by her arms. She stumbled, her knees painfully hitting the ground. She cried out, and bit her lip hard to stop the tears that sprung to her eyes.

“What do we do with her?”

Her ears perked slightly. They sounded very uncertain.

“Boss says we can’t kill the reporter bitch.”

She frowned, deeply offended. She could hear the silent “Yet” on the edge of that sentence.

“Even though she’s caused us all of this trouble?” The other kidnapper asked.

“No, man. He said its too hot right now.”

Chloe tried to think quick. Trouble? She had caused many people trouble this past summer. “Hey!” She yelped as she was yanked up off of her knees painfully. She stumbled over her feet as she was shoved to walk ahead.

“Hurry up.” The man growled, the painful grip on her arm tightened and she was shoved again.

“Its kind of hard to walk what with being blindfolded.” She complained and immediately regretted it when her hair was nearly yanked out of her scalp.

“Shut your trap bitch.” They paused in their walking, and the hands that held her untied the bonds around her wrist and snatched the blindfold off of her head. “In you go.” He said, and pushed her into a dark room.

She stumbled forward, letting out a yelp of surprise as her hands and knees scraped against the concrete painfully.

“Try not to scream too loudly, don’t want to scare those rats away.”

“Wait!” She stood up, rushing toward the door that was slammed shut, leaving her in complete darkness. “Hey!” She banged on the door screaming as loud as she could. She gave up with a sigh and slowly turned, trying to adjust her eyes to the darkness.

She slowly slid to the ground. Trying very hard not to cry. Trying very hard not to lose hope. She closed her eyes, hoping that Lex was looking for her.


There was something crawling on her thigh when she opened her eyes. She bit her lip, something inside her telling her it was a rat. She screamed, and quickly swiped the offending rodent off of her. She scrambled backwards, her back hitting the wall hard with a loud thump.

Her head swam. Pound painfully as she looking around confused. How long had she been lying there? Her throat felt dry and scratchy from crying so hard. Was anyone looking for her? Was Lex looking for her?

Lex. She felt her stomach tighten painfully at the thought of him. He had to have been missing for hours. Maybe even a whole day. He had to be looking for her. Going out of his mind trying to find her. Cursing to the high heavens for not listening to him. She smiled at that despite herself. Her smile slowly faded as she realized just how scared she was. She didn’t want to die. She wasn’t ready to die, and she wasn’t going to give up on trying to find a way to get out of here.

She wanted to move, but she only sat there paralyzed. She sighed heavily. “Good going Sullivan. Just, get up and look around. Ignore that fact that its pitch black. Ignore the fact that their was just a rat crawling on your thigh and that said rat was probably going to come back at you with a vengeance.”

She laughed, noting to herself that she had to have been here for quite some time what with the being delirious already.

She nearly jumped out of her skin as the door suddenly opened. She turned her head, wincing at the light that penetrated her eyes.

She scrambled backwards as the two of them came toward her, and yanked her up by the arms.

“Hello Ms. Sullivan.”

That voice was very familiar and Chloe stared at the man standing in front of her. She could only see the outline of his body, the light only allowing her that. She tried hard to see the man’s face, her eyes widening slightly as she realizes who it is.

The man smiled to himself. “You know who I am.” He said.

“Daniel Lucas the third.” She answered, her heart beat picking up. She hated when Lex was right.

Daniel folded his hands in front of himself. “It seems I’m quite famous. Its seem unfortunate enough for you that you’ve gotten yourself into this situation.”

“I didn’t know the mayor’s son was involved with kidnapping as an extra curricular activity.” The blow to the side of her face was quick and unexpected. Pain blossomed quickly, and she could feel the blood trickle out of the side of her mouth.

“I had to close down all of my operations because you bitch!” He spat angrily. “You’ve cost me millions moving all around the city trying to dodge you and millions more with closing down my operations.”

“I’m persistent.” She commented, immediately regretting the words as they spilled out of her mouth.

One of the men holding her yanked her hair hard. “Shut your trap bitch!”

“You’re all over the news.” Daniel explained calmly. He smiled. “Your little boyfriend is so very distraught. There are so many looking for you.” He paused letting his words sink in.

Chloe closed her eyes as the pain resurfaced. “You aren’t going to get away with this.”

Daniel slowly smiled at her. “I already have.” He reached for her arm and pulled her close. “You see Ms. Sullivan, no one will ever touch me, and as for you, no one is going to hear from you ever again.”

Chloe’s eyes narrowed despite the ball of dread she felt growing by the seconds. “Fuck you.” This time she expected the blow to her stomach, and she doubled over in pain as the wind was knocked out of her.

“I’m going back into the city. Take care of her.” Daniel ordered, fixing his tie.

She was going to die, she realized. She was going to die, and the only thing she could think about was who was going to take care of Lex?

A loud bang was sounded, so loud it shook the whole building. Someone screamed, and one of the men let her go.

“Take care of her!” He called from over his shoulder while running out of the room.

Chloe acted on instinct, and she kicked her foot out, rejoicing to herself when it connected with her captor’s stomach.

“Bitch!” He swung out and slapped her hard in the face.

She fell backwards, her butt hitting the ground with a loud thud. She looked up at him, just in time to see him pulling out a gun. She scrambled backwards, her head swimming from the blows she received. Her eyes widened as he pulled the trigger.

The last thing she felt before passing out was the pain of the bullet connecting with her shoulder.



She was dead. She was sure of it.

“Chloe, can you hear me?”

Her eyes fluttered open, and immediately noticed the burning pain in her shoulder.


She turned her head, an image of Lois’s head swimming above her. “Lois?” She croaked.

“She’s awake!” Lois called over her shoulder. She turned back her cousin with a worried smile. “You’re gonna be okay Chlo.”

“How’d you find me?”

Lois smiled. “Clark. Just don’t, move okay? The ambulance is almost here.”

Her head hurt. She felt dizzy. Her eyes were growing so heavy. “Where’s Lex?” She asked quietly, but didn’t get an answer because of the fact that she had passed out.


The bullet entered her shoulder, and came out through the other end. She had lost a lot of blood, had to get three stitches under her eye, and bruised ribs. Strangely enough that didn’t matter to her. She was just glad she was alive.

“We finally got in touch with Gabe. He’s on his way from California.”

Chloe smiled softly. “Is he going to kill me?”

Lois smiled, she removed a piece of Chloe’s hair from her forehead. “Well, he probably plans on cuddling and coddling you then go in for the killing.”

“How did you find me Clark?”

Clark smiled with a shrug. “Lex came to me and told me what happened. I just followed around Lucas until he led me to you. It wasn’t easy what with all the security.”

“Lex?” Chloe asked.

“He knows Chloe.” Clark explained. “Everything.”

“Clark, I didn’t--”

“He kind of saw what with Clark ripping the door of its hinges in front of him.” Lois explained. “It was kind of hard to cover up. Clark isn’t that great of a liar.”

Chloe smiled. “He wasn’t a good liar to begin with.”

“I am standing right here you know?”

“Clark,” Chloe started slowly. “You know Lex wouldn’t--”

“I know.” Clark cut in, looking over at the doorway Lex now occupied. “Lois lets go and get some coffee.”

Lois frowned. “What? And ruin this sad sappy moment?” She glanced in the direction Clark was looking and sighed. “Fine, but you’re buying.” She patted Chloe’s hand before following Clark out of the room.

She tried to sit up, but changed her mind as a wave of nausea hit her.

Lex was at her side in an instant, gently taking her hand and adjusting the pillows from her. “It’s the drugs they gave you,” He explained softly. “It makes you a little nauseous for a while. You’ll get use to it.”

Of course he would know that being an expert on getting shot. “Okay.” She let him settle her back onto the pillows, lying back with a deep sigh. She glanced at him, noticing for the first time at how tired and out of it he seemed.

She felt guilt. Knowing she was the cause of his distress. She didn’t know what to say to him. Where to begin. How to express how horrible she felt. “Hi.” she said softly.

“Hi yourself.”

For the first time in a very long time, she couldn’t tell what he was thinking. For the first time in a very long time, he was using that face with her. That blank mask he put on when he didn’t want to let on what was bothering him. She hated that because that meant that he was pushing her away, whether he knew it or not.

“I probably look like zombie girl right now.”

His face softened a little, and she felt her stomach contract. “You look beautiful.”

She smiled at him. “Careful,” She said softly. “Your romance slip is showing.”

He shrugged, “No one is around to hear.”

She tilted her head to the side. “You never know.”

“Your boss says you can take off as long as you need,” Lex explained. “I think he said something about you setting a precedent.”

Chloe snorted. “Yeah, First reporter at the Daily Planet to be kidnapped.” She frowned. “Or to survive a kidnapping.”

Something about her statement seemed to cause the earlier diffused tension rise back between them. Lex looked away from her for a moment. Chloe looked down at the hand that held hers, and frowned when she noticed it was bandaged. “What happened?”

His eyes darkened slightly as he answered. “My fist ran into Daniel’s face.”

“Oh,” She said softly, unsurprised. “Is he--”

“He’ll live.” Lex cut in, his voice flat.

Chloe knew by the look on his face that he would’ve gone further. He would’ve killed Daniel Lucas without guilt. “What stopped you?” she asked softly and he smiled.

“Clark.” He answered wryly.

She smiled slightly. “He never minds his own business huh?”

“That’s Clark for you.” He turned away from her to stand by the window.

They were both silent for a long moment, and Chloe stared at his back, biting her lip. “At least you’re only one up on me on the getting shot thing.” She knew it was a bad joke by the way he glanced over his shoulder to glare at her. “You can get to the I told you so now.”

He sighed heavily. “I’m not going to do that, and surprisingly enough, I’m not angry at you.”

She let out the breath she’d been holding. “That’s strangely alarming.” She stared at his back once again, his silence making her very uncomfortable. “Lex?”

His voice was quiet as he answered. “You didn’t show up home and I knew something was wrong. I just knew it.”

She closed her eyes against the guilt that flooded her. “Lex--”

“A whole day and a half Chloe. You were missing, and I thought you were--” He trailed off.

“I’m sorry.” She said softly.

He shook his head. “I couldn’t function,” He said softly. “I couldn’t. All I could think that if something had happened to you I--When I couldn’t find you, when I felt I couldn’t think straight any longer, I had to turn to Clark.”

“That’s okay.” She said softly. “Getting help isn’t always bad.”

He turned to face her, his face a blank mask. “I felt helpless Chloe. Completely helpless at the knowledge that you could be dead. That I could lose you. I can’t feel that way again. I can’t go through that Chloe.”

She frowned at him confused. “What are you saying Lex?”

He stared at her. “I’m saying I can’t be with you anymore.”

The words were so very clear, and Chloe stared at his blank face, hoping he was playing a cruel joke on her. “Lex--”

“I’m sorry.” He said softly. He quickly turned away from her, but not fast enough. She had already saw the misery creep into his eyes.

She could only stare at him in shock. Unable to speak. She wondered if this was really happening.

“Hey, Chloe,” Lois said coming back into her room. “Your dad just called me. He said he’ll be here in twenty minutes.” She paused as she noticed the tears in Chloe’s eyes. She frowned and glared up at Lex. “What-”

“I have to go.” Lex interrupted. He turned and quickly left the room.

“He promised he wouldn’t say anything to upset you until after you were fully healed. I tell you he’s-” She trailed off when she noticed the despondent look on her cousin’s face. “Chloe,” She started slowly. “What happened?”

Chloe turned away from the direction Lex had gone in. “I think Lex just broke up with me.”


2nd October 2006, 06:54
WTF!!!????!!! After all that just happened to Chloe, Lex is so afraid of his feelings that he'd rather dump her than feel them. OMG, if I was her I'd make myself get out of that bed & kick his ass. I hope he realizes what an idiot he's being & that Chloe makes his suffer before taking hism back. Please update soon , need to know what happens next.

2nd October 2006, 07:30
I can't decide if I need to hug Lex or throttle him. I can understand his response, but I don't like it. At all. Wonderful update, but please come back and fix it. Please.

2nd October 2006, 10:16
OMG noooooo this is soo not good, and again! Noooooo!!!! Oh gosh, I know poor Lex was very distraught but this should just mean he needs to stick even closer to Chloe not lose her altogether! Yarrrr please update soon! I soo need to know whats gonna happen next, I feel so sad right now :(

2nd October 2006, 10:52
YES! Now we're talking!!

ok, I know that might have been a wierd response to the HORRIBLE thing that just happened. But all that mushy sappiness was getting to me, and it's good to see some real and proper angst and conflict enter the picture.

*ducks down as the more sensitive Chlex fans start throwing things*

This turn of events came as a complete surprise, but in retrospect made perfect sense. Lex has always been deathly afraid of intimacy and dependance on other people, and he has good reason to be afraid. But that being said it is an incredibly cowardly move fo him to give in to his worst fears and try to 'protect' himself by distancing himself from all human emotion and contact.

Do continue soon, I want to see how long it takes before Lex realizes that there really isn't any difference between 'losing Chloe' and forcing himself away from her. Either way, she's not there for him anymore.

2nd October 2006, 12:08
Ok, Someone slap Lex! I understand what he's doing but that doesn't mean I have to like it!

Come back and fix this...please!!!


Kit Merlot
2nd October 2006, 13:31
Excellent update!

So much happened this update: Chloe got shot and then rescued, and Clark revealed his powers in front of Lex, which was awesome.

BUt then Lex admits that he can't live without CHloe. and then he breaks up with her.


I can ubderstand his feeling powerless, but to just throw his love for Chloe away because he's scared? Damn, but that sucks!

Please come back soon, and let us know that Lex has begged for forgiveness:D

2nd October 2006, 18:45
Damn Lex and his damn need to hide his emotions. If I wasn't devoted to Chlex, I would say that Chloe not take him back no matter how much groveling he'll have to do to get her back. But I love this damn ship, so Lex do the begging and get Chloe back. That shit head needs to learn that emotion is a good thing and letting your feelings take over you is fine occasionally. And that when you are in love, nothing else matters. And I'm a walking book of cliches but whatever I want my happy Chlex back. So give Lex a good kick in the ass, Lois will do it I'm sure, and get him back to Chloe. I swear if he doesn't realize in 5 seconds after he walks out of that room that he's an idiot, then I'm going to lose faith in this guy. Sorry, I'm a little emotional right now, my internet is having problems and I want to cry.

2nd October 2006, 18:59
YES! Now we're talking!!

ok, I know that might have been a wierd response to the HORRIBLE thing that just happened. But all that mushy sappiness was getting to me, and it's good to see some real and proper angst and conflict enter the picture.

*ducks down as the more sensitive Chlex fans start throwing things*

Oh somethingeasy i know exactly what you mean. believe you me all the sappiness was getting to me myself! and i wrote the stuff. I just had to make them all happy sappy before smashing the dream back to reality that is Lex. Thanks for the comment!

2nd October 2006, 20:28
Well I like my sappy and I don't care for Lex right now. :mad: I can understand but he is stupid. :wth:

Hope ;)

2nd October 2006, 21:32
so great update. really, and it was well worth the wait.

“I didn’t know the mayor’s son was involved with kidnapping as an extra curricular activity.” The blow to the side of her face was quick and unexpected. Pain blossomed quickly, and she could feel the blood trickle out of the side of her mouth.

“I had to close down all of my operations because you bitch!” He spat angrily. “You’ve cost me millions moving all around the city trying to dodge you and millions more with closing down my operations.”

“I’m persistent.” She commented, immediately regretting the words as they spilled out of her mouth.

Just like Chloe, she knows she shouldn't be mouthing off to them and yet she'll do it anyway, and more than once.

His eyes darkened slightly as he answered. “My fist ran into Daniel’s face.”

“Oh,” She said softly, unsurprised. “Is he--”

“He’ll live.” Lex cut in, his voice flat.

I wouldn't have expected anything less. In fact I would have been disappointed had Lex not beaten Daniel Lucas up some way or another.

He shook his head. “I couldn’t function,” He said softly. “I couldn’t. All I could think that if something had happened to you I--When I couldn’t find you, when I felt I couldn’t think straight any longer, I had to turn to Clark.”

“That’s okay.” She said softly. “Getting help isn’t always bad.”

He turned to face her, his face a blank mask. “I felt helpless Chloe. Completely helpless at the knowledge that you could be dead. That I could lose you. I can’t feel that way again. I can’t go through that Chloe.”

She frowned at him confused. “What are you saying Lex?”

He stared at her. “I’m saying I can’t be with you anymore.”

Oh man, why can't he realize that feeling the way he was is all what being in love is all about. You're supposed to feel helpless when the person you love is missing, or in danger. Getting hurt and feeling that pain is part of the risk you take. For a genius, he certainly is an idiot.

Chloe turned away from the direction Lex had gone in. “I think Lex just broke up with me.”

Poor Chloe. As if she hasn't been through enough, now she has to fight to get Lex back. She will fight for him, right? She's gonna try and make him see that he's wrong, and that they do need to be together, right??

well, anyway, great update, as already stated. I hope you update soon. Don't work too hard!!


2nd October 2006, 22:15
Great update ! Damn stupid Lex, I understand why he acted the way he did but still Stupid stupid Lex !!
Can't wait for the next update !!

3rd October 2006, 00:39
woohoo lex! way to be a bitch.

3rd October 2006, 02:05
“We know you’re awake girly.” The voice said as she was violently yanked out of the trunk by her arms. She stumbled, her knees painfully hitting the ground. She cried out, and bit her lip hard to stop the tears that sprung to her eyes.
I love it when bad guys say things like "girly" it just makes me giggle:P

The last thing she felt before passing out was the pain of the bullet connecting with her shoulder.
Oh shit. She better be okay but then again when has anyone died on SV from a gun shot if there aren't the freak of the week so I know she will be okay.

“Lex?” Chloe asked.

“He knows Chloe.” Clark explained. “Everything.”

“Clark, I didn’t--”

“He kind of saw what with Clark ripping the door of its hinges in front of him.” Lois explained. “It was kind of hard to cover up. Clark isn’t that great of a liar.”
OH my goodness. This has to be really hard for Lex. Chloe his missing then he has to turn to Clark whom he doesn't trust and knows he can find Chloe better then he can. I can't think of anything worse then Lex learning Clark's screct and Chloe knowing the whole time and what he would think about it. A lot has to be on his mind at this moment.

His eyes darkened slightly as he answered. “My fist ran into Daniel’s face.”

“Oh,” She said softly, unsurprised. “Is he--”

“He’ll live.” Lex cut in, his voice flat.
HA! I'm glad Lex didn't kill him but he got his punch. :grin3:

He stared at her. “I’m saying I can’t be with you anymore.”
:wth: What are doing?

Lex left one time already and he saw how well that worked out for him. I guess it was bound to end sooner or later but now they will have to work so hard get back to before all that mess. I can't wait for the next update and for you two fix this mess.

3rd October 2006, 03:42
ok that just wasn't cool. lex can not just dump chloe when she is in the hospital. it just can not happen.

3rd October 2006, 22:14
Oh man! I love this story! The plot is especially fantastic! I can't wait to read what's next. Lex better not be serious!

4th October 2006, 01:01
I can't believe I missed both updates!! Poor Chloe, I can't believe that Lex is going to leave her like that!! I can understand how scared he must have been, but does he really think he'll stop caring about her if he doesn't date her? He had better not start dating Lana!! That would be just sick and wrong!! Great updates!! Can't wait to read more!! Hope work starts going better for you!!

4th October 2006, 03:16
What????!!!!!! He can't break up with Chloe. That's a coward's way out. You must update!!! Loved the chapter.

12th October 2006, 00:09
I love this story and Lex---boy howdy, I wanna smack him upside the head. Oh, that hospital scene just broke my heart!! Please, update soon?

13th October 2006, 07:05
ahhhhhhhhhh what???? no no no! ok fix it please more soon xoxoxox

14th October 2006, 01:20
No Lex, nooooo! Get your butt back here Lex, stop being a dumbass!

Write more soon!

): )

14th October 2006, 01:36
*frustrated groan* It's as if all my favourite authors have gone into hibernation for the incoming winter. What's going on here??!! Was there a 'special hiatus week' memo that I missed out on the NS Forum?

Please do get to posting up the next chapter. I know that this fic deals mostly (if not only) with Chloe's POV, which means that we 'probably' will not get to see how much Lex is suffering from his cowardly decision. But I WOULD like to see him immersed in hurt and regret in some way or another.

heh... but I'm guessing next chapter we will be dealing with plenty of Chloe-tears and Chloe applying lots of self-therapy-through-chocolate. Not to mention all the new and interesting Lois ranting that's going to be happening.

ooohh. Is Lois going to go after Lex with a bazooka? It seems like a very 'Kimbo-Lois' type of thing to do ;)

Please update soon.

14th October 2006, 03:36
A part of me understands that Lex is acting this way because this is the only option , he sees, of how to protect himself, how to be able to function again. Of course it won't work and I hope he realizes this before both of them get hurt to much. Although on the other hand I do hope he suffers at least a bit because he's acting like a scared little kid, and hurting Chloe [ who really could use a little break after everything that happened]. I hope there is an update soon. :yeahbaby:

15th October 2006, 18:51
I have to agree with somethingeasy...

Where is the update for this one?http://www.p2p-zone.com/underground/images/smilies/piratecaptain.gif

15th October 2006, 20:39
I have to agree with somethingeasy...

Where is the update for this one?http://www.p2p-zone.com/underground/images/smilies/piratecaptain.gif

hmmm. If only Letia could be a little more specific about what part of my review she agrees with. I'm still holding out for the 'Lois going after Lex with a bazooka'.

but I would be willing to settle for remorseful recriminations as Chloe very tearfully starts packing up all the stuff she might have stowed away at Lex's penthouse. Or would Lex simply fed-ex all her belongings to her? It sounds so cruel, underhanded and cowardly... of COURSE that's what Lex is going to do... I'm looking SO forward to it.

We've already covered the fact that I'm one sick angst-freak puppy :P

15th October 2006, 20:48
hmmm. If only Letia could be a little more specific about what part of my review she agrees with. I'm still holding out for the 'Lois going after Lex with a bazooka'.

but I would be willing to settle for remorseful recriminations as Chloe very tearfully starts packing up all the stuff she might have stowed away at Lex's penthouse. Or would Lex simply fed-ex all her belongings to her? It sounds so cruel, underhanded and cowardly... of COURSE that's what Lex is going to do... I'm looking SO forward to it.

We've already covered the fact that I'm one sick angst-freak puppy :P
I'm agreeing with this point.

*frustrated groan* It's as if all my favourite authors have gone into hibernation for the incoming winter. What's going on here??!! Was there a 'special hiatus week' memo that I missed out on the NS Forum?
I'd liked somebody to update something.

15th October 2006, 21:01
I'm agreeing with this point.

I'd liked somebody to update something.

I'm sorrry. work is killing me but i'm trying to update three of my stories today. I'm going to update one then i'll be working on this one! bear with me pleaseee :) :)

trixie mcbimbo
16th October 2006, 02:04
Oh. No. He. Di - idn't. Seriously? He broke up with her for that? Oh I hope Lois does more than just go after him with a bazooka.

18th October 2006, 07:07
Sorry for taking forever to update this. Forgive me. Work is still killing me and will continue to kick my ass. Anyway thanks for the patience, and here’s the next part! Sorry if they're errors. Its one in the morning and i should be in bed. *passes out*


Chapter 18

Chloe had been released from the hospital three days after Lex had decided to break her heart. Unsurprisingly, the press had been there as she was wheeled out of the hospital, by her father, toward the waiting car. They had asked her how she was. What her ordeal was like. Most importantly, why Lex wasn’t with her. She had ignored all questions, especially the last one because she had been asking herself that question over and over again.

Its been seven days since Chloe had last seen and heard from Lex. It was as though he had gone into seclusion. Disappeared off of the face of Metropolis. Chloe didn’t bother contacting him, figuring she’d give him enough time alone to cool off before talking to him again. Still, his words had broken her heart. Broken her heart because she knew how serious he was when he said he didn’t want to be with her.

She knew she had made him feel vulnerable. Almost weak. She knew those things frightened him. A frightened Lex is a Lex who will run away without looking back.

To make things worse, Lois took no hesitation into telling her father what Lex did. She had to practically beg him not to find Lex and keep his promise of death for hurting his daughter. After many attempts at finding Lex, annoying Chloe, and more threats of death for Lex, She sent her father home. Much to Lois’s dismay.

“I don’t know why you sent Uncle Gabe home,” Lois said with a huff. “I’m sure he would’ve skinned Lex alive with great pleasure.”

Chloe only sighed. “For the last time Lois, I don’t want dad doing that. Besides, this is my problem I can handle it.”

“Whatever.” Lois said, sliding into bed next to her cousin. “Why would he break up with you anyway?”

Chloe looked down at her hands and shrugged. “Lex is a complicated man,” She said quietly. “Sometimes he doesn’t even know why he does the things he does. I think I scared him. Made him feel vulnerable.”

Lois shook her head. “But he loves you doesn’t he? Why would he ruin a good thing for nothing?”

Chloe sighed heavily. “Most times, for Lex, voluntarily giving something up before he lost it was better.” She shrugged. “When I was kidnapped, he hated the way that made him feel, so he decided to--”

“Get rid of you?” Lois cut in harshly. She shook her head. “Seems pretty cowardly to me. Weird to. He breaks up with you, but yet he marries the crazy homicidal maniacs.”

Chloe just shrugged again. “I’ll just give him time. Then I’ll go talk to him.”

Both women were quiet for a long moment, each in their own thoughts. Lois glanced over at her cousin, knowing how much pain she was in. “How’s the shoulder?”

“A little sore.”

“You want something for it?”

Chloe shook her head. “I already took something.”

“Okay.” Lois glanced over at Chloe again. “You sure you don’t want me to convert to plan D? I got the rocket launcher waiting for me in my closet.”

Chloe gave a half smile. “That’s okay. I don’t want you to get arrested for me.”

Lois shrugged. “Oh well. You sure you don’t want me to get Clark to punch a hole through his head? You and I both know he can do it. Plus he can run us out of the country before Lex even hit’s the ground.”

Chloe smiled sadly. “I like his head.”

Lois snorted. “How pathetically sappy of you.”

Chloe rolled her eyes.

“How about this, Clark kidnaps Lex, flies to the Artic and leave him there for a month until he decides to take him back.”

Chloe paused in though before shaking her head. “Naa, that wouldn’t work.”

Lois tucked the covers around Chloe. “Well cousin, we’ll figure something out.”

Chloe nodded sleepily, already feeling the effects of the pills she had taken. “Yes, and then we can discuss why you insist on tucking me in bed.”

Lois smirked. “Enjoy it while you can.”

Chloe’s smile faded. “I never even thanked you for helping me all this time Lois.”

Lois waved her off. “You’re my cousin I’m suppose to take care of you. Now lets forget this Full House moment and go to sleep.”



“You have reached the sprint voice mail box of--”

Chloe closed her cell phone with a sigh. She’d lost count on how many times she called Lex’s cell phone. His house phone. She knew she wouldn’t get an answer. Didn’t know why she was even torturing herself. She idly wondered if he knew what he was doing to her. If he even thought about her anymore.

“Okay Sulky lady,” Lois said plopping next to Chloe. “Throw down the phone.”

Chloe pouted. “I’m not sulking, and if I was sulking I have a good reason to.”

Lois raised an eyebrow. “You Miss Sullivan, are not the sulking type.”

Chloe glared at her. “I sulk in private.”

Lois ignored her. “Matrix two or three?” she asked holding up the Movies in front of Chloe’s face.

Chloe sighed. “I’m already confused enough, I’m not that in the mood to be even more confused.”

Lois just smiled. “Come on,” She said dangling the movies in Chloe face. “Its Keanu. Your favorite.”

Chloe took the movies in her hands. “Don’t you want to spend the night with Clark alone for once?”

Lois placed a gentle arm around Chloe’s shoulder. “Clark’s coming over too.”

Chloe smiled but didn’t comment. She knew what Lois was doing. She knew Lois was worried about her. For the past few days, she’s become a sort of involuntary third wheel. Lois and Clark taking it upon themselves to drag her around everywhere they went. They never left her alone. Always found some excuse to be around her. She knew they were trying to protect her. She knew they were trying to be there for her as best as they could.

She appreciated that, but it annoyed her to no end. She wondered if they knew they were smothering her.

She glanced at her cousin, unsurprised at the wide smile plastered on her face. She was sure Lois knew she was heavy on the smothering. “You’re a bitch.”

Lois’s grin widened. “You love me.”

Chloe rolled her eyes. “Unfortunately. The second one.”

“All right,” Lois said softly. “Keanu number two it is. Have some popcorn. Order a pizza and--”

“I’m going to see him tomorrow Lois.”

Lois paused for a long moment before glancing over her shoulder. “You sure that’s a good idea?”

Chloe shook her head. “It probably isn’t, but he’s been dodging my phone calls, and I need to see him.”

Lois looked as though she wanted to say something smart, but she kept it to herself. “What will you say to him?”

Chloe shrugged. “I’ve no clue.”

“Sure you don’t want that rocket launcher?”

Chloe smiled softly. “You can put that on standby but I‘m pretty sure I won‘t need it.”

Lois shrugged. “All right, but I’ll have on standby just in case.”


“Mr. Luthor is in a meeting.”

Chloe ignore Josephine, Lex’s secretary, as she barged into his conference room.

“Ms. Sullivan please!”

Chloe paused in the doorway, her eyes meeting Lex’s surprised gaze. She raised an eyebrow.

“I’m sorry Mr. Luthor,” Josephine said. “I tried telling her but she--” She trailed off when he raised his hand.

“Its quite all right Josephine.” Lex said, placing the laser pointer he held down onto the table. “This meeting is adjourned gentlemen.”

Chloe watched as everyone piled out of the conference room, leaving the two of them alone. She turned to face him, her heart suddenly pounding in her chest as she realized just what she was doing exactly. Its been two weeks. Fourteen days since she last saw him. Two weeks of time for him to realize what he lost.

She looked at him, noting how good he looked dressed in a fitted gray suit with a purple tie. She could tell he was trying to keep his facial expression blank, but she caught the way his eyes slid to the sling that held her arm. She caught the flash of pain and concern in his eyes.

“Chloe,” He started softly. “How are you?”

The fear and hesitation she felt suddenly disappeared and anger took its place. How dare he use such a flat nonchalant tone. She glared at him, stepping closer and feeling certain glee at the way his hand tightened on the pen he held.

“You can’t tell someone you love them then just break their heart for no reason.” Not the most Chloeesque thing to say but it was the first thing to fly out of her mouth.

Lex blinked, clearly unable to respond.

“You can’t do that Lex. Don’t you remember you promised we would talk about something like this?”

He sighed heavily. “Chloe-”

“And you didn’t Lex. You broke my heart, and that’s something I thought you’d never do.”

The pained expression on his face intensified. “Chloe, please.”

She stepped closer toward him, the pain she felt disabling her ability to hold back any words. “I want You Lex,” She said with emphasis. “Do you know what this is diong to me? Having to practically beg you to take me back?”

“Yes.” He answered sadly.

She shook her head. “I don’t think you do.” She stared at him for a long moment before looking away. “If you only knew what I’d do to get--” She trailed off and turned face him again, her face angry. “What is it that I have to do to get you back Lex? Huh? Do I have to plot to kill you? I mean I can slip poison into your morning coffee if that would help.”

Now he looked at her confused. “Chloe, its not--”

She rested her hand on top of his shoulder, Her chest tightening at the way his body stiffened.

“I know.” He said flatly.

“You love me.” She said, hating the way her voice had suddenly became desperate.

He looked away from her. “I do.” He admitted softly. “We could still--”

“If you say we could be friends I swear I’ll have Clark really punch a hole through your head.”

They stared at one another silently. His expression was so closed off. Giving away nothing, and for once in a very long time Chloe was unable to figure out what it was he was thinking. She could feel the knot forming in her throat the longer she stared at him. Could feel the tears start to form in her eyes. She hated the fact that she was going to cry. Hated how weak she felt. “Why are you doing this?” She asked quietly.

Instead of answering, he turned his back to her. “I think you should go Chloe.”

She shook her head angrily. “Not until you answer my question.”

Minutes ticked by before he answered, breaking the silence that enveloped between them. “Because I can.”

The cruelty in those words had hit her so hard she stumbled backwards, her eyes wide with pain. She could only stare at the back of his head in astonishment, hating the fact that she could retort nothing back. He had rendered her speechless.

“I think you should go now Chloe.”

“You’re coward.”

“Maybe,” He said quietly. “Now please go.”

Unable to take much more, she turned to go, walking blindly out of his office and down the hall, fighting the rise of tears.

She hurried into a nearby bathroom and locked herself into a stall. One tear slid down her cheek and landed on her hand. She looked down, watching as more tears spilled out of her eyes, blurring her vision. She fucking hated this. Hated crying. She covered her mouth with her hand as silent sobs wracked her body.




Lois was worried.

Lois sighed heavily as she glanced over at her cousin. Its been three days, and she still wouldn’t talk about what happened with Lex when she went to see him. Lois didn’t know what happened, but she could guess. She could notice the change in Chloe’s behavior. Could see how different she was acting. Could see the way Chloe wore her sadness on her sleeve.

“I can’t believe he had the fucking nerve to have someone hand deliver your things in a box.”

Chloe only shrugged. “That’s just the way he is.”

Lois frowned. “An asshole?”

Chloe smiled for the first time in three days.

“Chlo,” Lois started slowly. “What did he say to you?”

“It doesn’t matter,” Chloe answered softly. “Its over between us.”

Lois frowned in confusion. “Just like that? After everything you’ve two been through?”

Chloe shrugged again. “Just like that. Its his choice Lois. He doesn’t want me anymore and there’s nothing I can do about it.”

“Well,” Lois sighed. “Since I can’t kidnap, shoot, maim, blow up, or disfigure him, can I at least destroy some of his things?”

Chloe smiled again. “No, but you can help me pack them.”

Lois glared at her. “You just like to take away all of my fun don’t you?”


“Chloe, sweetie?” Lois called through the closed bedroom door. “Come on open up.” She glared at Clark before hitting him in the shoulder.

She glared at him. “Why’d you say something so stupid?”

Clark winced. “I didn’t mean to say it.”

Lois rolled her eyes at him. “Yes you did you alien idiot! You and your big mouth. I specifically told you not to mention anything about Lex, and there you go yapping your big mouth.”

Clark frowned down at her. “You said that already.” He looked away from her at the death glare she shot him. “What do we do?”

Lois threw her hands up. “Why don’t you just use your X-ray vision and tell me what she’s doing.”

Clark sighed, the guilt he felt showing clearly on his face. “I don’t have to. I can hear her, she’s crying.”

Lois frowned with worry. “I’m going to kill Lex.”


“Wow, I didn’t know cowards wore Versace.”

Lex glanced up from his laptop unsurprised to see Lois Lane standing in the doorway of his office. He sighed heavily. “Ms. Lane, this is an unpleasant surprise.”

Lois gave him a smile that didn’t reach her eyes. “Isn’t it though?”

Lex closed his laptop and sat back in his chair. “Allow me to give you two minutes before I call security to remove you from my building.”

Lois glared at him. “That’s fine. Because I’m not in the mood to go to jail today, but I’ll tell you this,” She leaned over his desk so that she was eye level with him. “I don’t know what Chloe sees in you, and frankly, I think deserves someone who won‘t break her heart and run away like a little scaredy cat when the going gets tough. Unfortunately enough, she wants you. Now I don’t know what you’re going through, and frankly I don’t give a damn, but I’m here to tell you to get over yourself.”

Lex glared at her. “I think this is the point where I tell you to mind your own business.”

Lois stood up straight with a small smile. “Chloe is my business, and she’s hurting because of you. Now you can sit in your big stupid chair behind your ridiculously large desk, pretending to be heartless, and continuing to be a coward--” Lois paused with a sigh. “Or you can realize what you gave up and go and see her.”

Lois turned to go and paused. “A little word of advice Lex, don’t be a pussy.”


18th October 2006, 07:39
I LOVED the new update :D hehehe especially this part:
Lois turned to go and paused. “A little word of advice Lex, don’t be a pussy."
Way to go Lois... Lex is being an awful butt... I totally understand but still, not fun for either him or Chloe.. not fair at all!

18th October 2006, 11:51
heh... Now this was a nice chapter. All the suffering and angst that the major characters were going through were very satisfying to read. Yes! I AM a sadistic freak who loves watching fictional characters suffer as much as possible before getting to a happy ending... You got a problem with that, say it to my face... I know Jujitsu! ;)

Even more fun than seeing Chloe wallowing in the depths of despair was watching Gabe and Lois fuss around her, trying so desperately to find ways to cheer her up.

Gabe was lovely as the outraged father who wanted to seriously HURT Lex for making his baby girl cry. *sigh* there is something so fundamentally sweet about the image of over-zealously protective fathers that speaks to the little girl present in all of us.

Not that we would ever ADMIT such a thing to our dads of course :P

Lois was really fun as the incensed cousin who wanted to kill on behalf of her blood-kin. And (SCORE!) there were several mentions of a rocket launcher. LOL!

“Why are you doing this?” She asked quietly.

Instead of answering, he turned his back to her. “I think you should go Chloe.”

She shook her head angrily. “Not until you answer my question.”

Minutes ticked by before he answered, breaking the silence that enveloped between them. “Because I can.”

That whole part with Chloe actually BEGGING Lex to take her back was so heartbreaking... a real treat to read through :P

And Lex's reply to Chloe's demand for a simply 'Why is this happening?'. It WAS the most cruel response she could have gotten. It's just a way of saying 'there IS no why... I don't care enough for there to be a valid reason'. It was the most horrible thing Lex could have said, and I understand why this one thing broke Chloe's heart, hope and resolve completely.

I don't know how Lex is going to react to Lois's outraged statements, but somehow it doesn't seem like it's going to be THAT simple to get the stubborn, cowardly idiot to change his mind. Probably another horrible emergency involving a threat to Chloe's life that will make Lex realize that he's going to be hurt by a threat to her well-being whether he happens to be with her or not.

Or, better still, Chloe manages to get enough time away to be ready to move on... and the moment she starts dating, Lex realizes that he cannot tolerate the image of some OTHER man/men getting a chance to enjoy Chloe's conversations, snark and body.

Or... I'm not an author, and I'm sure that Kimbo will come up with something that makes my suggestions sound like the complete 'crap from the top of my head' that they are :P

I look forward to incoming chapters. please update soon.

Kit Merlot
18th October 2006, 13:34
Excellent update!

Good for Chloe for trying to talk to Lex, but I hate that he's making her cry. Yes, he's scared of losing her, but now he's deliberately hurting her, and I'm finding it hard to forgive him for that.

And I think that is why I love Lois as much as I do--good for her for telling him off for hurting Chloe--she truly is a great big sister:D

18th October 2006, 13:34
LOVE THIS CHAPTER!!!!!! Love Lois being there for Chloe , giving her advice on what to do with Lex & then having enough guts to go confront him. I hope Lex sees what an ass he's being & BEGS Chloe to take him back. Can't wait for more.

18th October 2006, 17:48
Chloe was so brave to go to Lex!! I wish he would have opened up to her, but he is Lex!! Hopefully Lois will be able to get through to him!! If not, maybe Clark could leave Lex in the Artic!! Then Chloe could make him talk to her!! Thanks for the update!! I just hope they can work it out!!

18th October 2006, 23:41
I'm so glad to see Lois and Gabe sticking up for Chloe. And I loved the moment where Lois hit Clark. The best part was Lois bitching out Lex. That stupid, horrible, [fill in your own curseword, I'm using every one imaginable] bastard. I want to see Lex suffer in realizing how much he needs and misses Chloe. And then I want to see him beg her to take him back. And then I think Chloe should make him earn his way back into her good graces so she can be sure that he won't do anything this stupid again. I understand that Lex has emotional problems but that doesn't excuse him from behaving like a jackass.

19th October 2006, 00:33
I agree with Lois stop being a pussy Lex. :nono:

Hope ;)

19th October 2006, 04:09
Freaking fantastic update!! Ooh, it broke my heart reading about the pain that both are going through, but man--I still wanna smack a new one into Lex. WOW, and Lois? LOVE HER!! Great job and can't wait for another!!

19th October 2006, 18:05
yay you updated!!!!

Lois turned to go and paused. “A little word of advice Lex, don’t be a pussy.”

this was by far my favorite line throughout the entire update. and i can totally understaand where lois is coming from, because lex really is acting like a freakin pussy.

i hope in ur next update (which i hope will be really really soon...) lex will realize what an idiot he is and will go to chloe and beg for her forgiveness and beg for her to take him back. and i hope she makes him jump through hoops!!

with all that said and done, excellent update and i hope to see another soon


20th October 2006, 05:34
I hope you know I'm actually crying and depressed over their breakup...

How dare you damage my poor psyche like that!?!?!


*Literally, I'm sniffling*




You must update!!!!!!


20th October 2006, 09:17
Lex is an asshat. And I'm afraid that it will take more that a little rant from Lois to compel Lex to give up his asshatery. The only remedy: another update. I hope your work situation gets better. And I am willing to wait patiently(-ish) for the next chapter.

21st October 2006, 02:37
lois the inforcer. i can't wait to see if lex finally gets the stick out of his butt. he really needs to crawl back to chole on his stomach.

21st October 2006, 10:42
i love this story and I hope Lex and Chloe get back to gether Update soon

21st October 2006, 19:44
Lois turned to go and paused. “A little word of advice Lex, don’t be a pussy.”

That's right Lois. You tell him!!! Great chapter. Update real, real, soon...like in the next 10 minutes.

24th October 2006, 12:51
Hey Imnew here and I just spent all night reading your fic, it was soo good that I just couldnt stop reading. I hope you update soon.
I loved when Lois told Lex he was being pussy, that is just what I would have told him.

26th October 2006, 08:46
great work, loved it, i hope that lex gets over himself and goes to see her, can't wait for the next one

27th October 2006, 00:48
love it!! ( that's in a sing-song voice, of course)


29th October 2006, 04:08
I'm so sorry it took me ages to get time to read this update and it was wonderful.

I was cracking up a bit when Gabe was threating to kill Lex. He wasn't kidding. Love Lois and Clark being there for but she should have said something if she felt like they were crushing her. Not sure what Clark said but I'm sure it was rather dumb.

I'm glad Chloe tried to stand up for her self shoving her way in to Lex's office but the encounter was so hard to read. Him being so cold and then this line.

Minutes ticked by before he answered, breaking the silence that enveloped between them. “Because I can.”
Sure he can do this but can he really want. After having the love he's longed for in his life can Lex really throw it away. I don't think so but we will have to wait and see.

Lois turned to go and paused. “A little word of advice Lex, don’t be a pussy.”
:rofl: That Lois. She has a way with words.

30th October 2006, 00:00
it's been a while since the last update. The story line is getting angsty and compelling, and the need to know what happens next is overwhelming enough to interfere with my school work. I'm not going to be passing this semester if 'certain' people don't update soon :(

please update.

30th October 2006, 05:38
it's been a while since the last update. The story line is getting angsty and compelling, and the need to know what happens next is overwhelming enough to interfere with my school work. I'm not going to be passing this semester if 'certain' people don't update soon :(

please update.

Oh somethingeasy you really know how to get my ass in gear huh?? i'm sorry i haven't been updating anything lately. I've just been having a hard time with my new job *I hate it* i'm currently in transition while getting a second interview with this other job that i want so much. It looks like i got it all i have to do is give in my two weeks. Anyway, enough about my personal life...i'll try and update by the end of this week! *crosses fingers* hopefully i can because i know my life is at stake here.

*Thanks for being patient!*

30th October 2006, 11:23
i'll try and update by the end of this week! *crosses fingers* hopefully i can because i know my life is at stake here.

*Thanks for being patient!*

Hey Kimbo,
Good luck and Congratulations on the switching over to a new job. And THANKS for the little note about the upcoming chapter. It really made my morning :D

And I meant my little 'prodding post' on the thread to be more of a guilt-trip rather than a threat on your physical person... But whatever works ;)

I'm looking forward to the weekend.

6th November 2006, 05:26
Glad you all enjoyed this chapter. Sorry I haven’t updated in a while. As promised to Something easy here’s the next part.

A/N: This chapter is mostly a Lex POV chapter…Enjoy

Chapter 19

Lex did what he does best. He went halfway across the world. First it was a trip to England. From there it was Geneva. From there it was Japan and then back to England. Now, two months later, he was back from his escape from Metropolis. Back from his escape from his troubles. Lex wouldn’t exactly call it running away, or as Lois had so rudely and vulgarly put it became a pussy, he really had been planning a month long trip to Europe. He had business concerning Luthormed, and he had been planning on taking Chloe along.

Chloe. Just the thought of her name, still sent that horrible painful feeling through his chest. He his long absence was enough to at least dull the pain, but to no avail. He still felt the pain. Still felt that longing to be near her. He remembered a time when it was easy for him to disregard his feelings. When it was easier to give up a relationship with someone without guilt or seconds thoughts. This time was not the case.

He knew being involved with Chloe, loving her and being loved in return had irrevocably changed him. Changed him in a way that, in all truth, frightened him in more ways than he was willing to admit. He now knew he had no concept whatsoever of what love was until he met Chloe. It made him do things he thought he would never do. Think things he thought he would never think.

He honestly hadn’t realized the change in himself until the night she was kidnapped. He shuddered when he thought about it. He had been unlike himself. When Chloe hadn’t shown up at his penthouse, he knew something was wrong. He knew they had gotten her. The thought of loosing her had sent him into an uncontrollable rage. A deep sadness. So deep he could barely think of a plan. He couldn’t even function. He had to turn and ask for help. Help from Clark of all people. He hated asked for help. He hated feeling so vulnerable.

He had felt weak.

So he did the best thing he knew he could do. He pulled away and gave up. For a very short time he had been able to think that maybe he could have what he really wanted. Maybe he could have that normality of truly being with someone. He was a fool to think such a thing. A fool to think he was cut out for such a thing. He wasn’t. He wasn’t any of those things Chloe wanted him to be nor will he ever be.

It still didn’t hurt less though.

So, now, he just buries himself in his work. Since he’s returned to work, things have been relatively normal. Normal for him anyway. Now he just did the same thing everyday. Go into work, go into meetings, avoid the press, and come home. He figured if he did the same thing every day, the days would start going by with a blur.

Maybe soon he wouldn’t feel a thing.


Monday morning

He was beginning to think that Helga was angry at him.

He had been tipped off when he noticed his hamper started getting fuller and fuller with dirty clothes, or his morning coffee was no longer waiting for him when he walked into the kitchen. She even stopped making his favorite cinnamon rolls. That had hurt the most.

Now, getting ready for work, he realized he had absolutely nothing to wear. He frowned up at his empty shirt rack. That had never happened before. He glanced back at the dirty hamper, raising his eyebrow at the overflowing clothing, half of the dirty clothes already on the floor. Sighing to himself, he slipped his shoes on and turned, ready to put a stop to this slacking off.

He walked down the hall and into the living room, pausing when he noticed Helga sitting on his couch knitting. He cleared his throat.

She ignored him.

He sighed loudly. “Helga?”

“What?” She finally snapped.

He winced and frowned. Okay, so she was really angry. “Can you tell me why I have no shirts to wear to work today?”

Helga sighed in obvious annoyance. “Because they’re dirty.”

Lex stared at her for a long moment. “Might I ask why they are dirty?”

“Because I didn’t send them to the cleaners.”

He sighed again. “Helga why-”

“I’m on strike Lex.”

He raised an eyebrow. “Excuse me?”

Helga reached for another ball of yarn and sighed. “I’m on strike,” She repeated. “I’m not doing anything for you or this home until you get your damn act together.”

Lex’s fists tightened at his sides. “Helga, I pay you a great deal of money to do your job and now I advise you--”

Helga threw the yarn down and stood up angrily. “Don’t you dare speak to me that way young man.”

Lex’s mouth closed in surprise at the calm angry tone she used on him.

Helga crossed her arms in front of her chest. “Now I’ve kept quiet for as long as I could, but I won’t anymore. For years I’ve watched you try and destroy yourself. For years I’ve watched you walk alone and now that you’ve finally find someone. You go and ruin the best thing that has ever happened to you Lex without good merit.”

Lex shook his head. “I don’t think that’s any of your business.”

Helga stepped forward with grim determination. “You are my business--” She trailed off at the bewildered look on Lex’s face. “I’ve been taking care of you for quite some time Lex, and you had someone to take over for me--” She trailed off again. “Chloe didn’t deserve the way you treated her. The way you’re still treating her. You don’t deserve to be alone.” She said with emphasis. “You don’t deserve to be unhappy.” She turned away from him and reached for her bag, stuffing her yarns and needles inside. “Now I’m going to go home,” she explained softly. “And I’m not coming back until you find a way to fix this.” She pulled on her jacket and walked towards the door before pausing. “Your mother never wanted you this unhappy.”

Lex stared at the closed door with a blank expression. His shoulders slumped after he was suddenly hit with a wave of exhaustion.

What the fuck was the number to the dry cleaners?


Tuesday Morning

He supposes he just likes to torture himself. He did this every morning. Watched her every morning. He took a sip of his coffee as he glanced at his watch. One more minute. He stared unblinkingly at the apartment building, feeling he familiar anticipation of seeing her.

There she was, long hair flowing in the breeze as she hurried down the steps towards her car.

His eyes followed her, all the way toward her car, his heart pounding in that familiar way. He watched her get into her car, and watched as she drove away. He sighed to himself feeling like a stalker and a little pathetic, but not really caring. He just needed to see her, if only for five minutes it was enough to get him through the rest of his day.


Wednesday Night

There was something very bleak about coming home to an empty apartment. He stood in the kitchen, holding a plate of homemade chicken salad that may or may not be spoiled. He walked into the living room and switched on the television. He turned the channels pausing on Sponge Bob square pants with a grim smile. Chloe would be watching this right now, the volume up high, annoying him to no end. He groaned to himself and switched the channel to CNN.

God now he was becoming sentimental. He lifted the fork of chicken salad to his mouth and took a bite and promptly spit it out, his face turning up in disgust. “Dammit!” He cursed placing the plate of spoiled food onto the table in front of him. He wiped his mouth with the napkin and stood up.

He was hungry, he still hadn’t found that number to the dry cleaners and therefore still had no shirts to wear to work. Now he had to buy new shirts, and he hadn’t had a descent cup of coffee since forever. He sat down with a frown. He needed a drink. More importantly, he needed to get Helga back in his good graces.


Thursday Night

Lex threw the burning pot of food into the sink and turned the water on. He frowned down at what use to be spaghetti.

He really needed a fucking drink.


Friday Night

He sighed as he took a sip of his brandy he held, and stared at the empty bottle on his table. Lex was really really drunk. He still didn’t have Helga back and his clothes were still in the hamper.


Saturday Night

He had run into her on complete coincidence, wanting to get out of the apartment on the account that he felt that the walls were closing in on him, and that was quite impossible with an apartment like his own.

He hadn’t expected to run into her in this bar. Especially not with Lois and Clark in tow. Especially not with another unnamed gentlemen who was obviously her date. He had turned, in the hopes of an escape, but to once again his bad luck had decided to greet him before he left.

He paused with a curse, already hearing the “Hey guys its Lex!”

“Lex!” Lois’s annoying smiling face greeted him, Clark glued closely to her side. He turned to face them, his eyes immediately falling on Chloe who stood there, beautiful as always, wearing one of his favorite dresses to be exact.

He slowly smiled, the muscles in his face straining with the effort. “Lois,” He greeted softly. He glanced at Clark. “And Clark.” His eyes slid to Chloe once again, his smile faltered when he noticed the way the young man she was with wrapped his arm around her waist. “What brings all of you here?”

Lois’s smile widened. “Well isn’t it obvious? We’re here on a double date.” She glanced at her cousin with a small smile. “We’re having a great time.”

His smile thinned. “Is that right?” he asked softly. He glanced away from Lois and back at Chloe. “Chloe, you’re looking well.”

Chloe’s eyes narrowed. “Thank you.” She glanced at her date with a soft smile. “Lex this is Jimmy Olsen. Jimmy this is Lex Luthor.”

Jimmy smiled at Lex and stuck his hand out. “Wow Mr. Luthor this… is,.this is so great meeting you here.”

Lex stared down at the extended hand as if it held a disgusting disease. He watched without interest as Jimmy slowly lowered his head. He glanced back at Chloe. “Well its been nice running into you, but I have plans I have to attend to.” Of course it was a complete lie, but that was all he could come up with at the moment.

He didn’t wait for a reply or a goodbye. Just turned to leave, wanting to be out of there as quickly as possible. Feeling an unfamiliar pain in his chest along with a certain amount of dread in the pit of his stomach.


Sunday Afternoon

“Please never allow me to go out with anyone who likes to wear bowties.”

Lois glanced at her with a wry smile. “Don’t allow you to sleep with them either?”

Chloe glared at her. “I was sixteen.”

Lois just shrugged. “That’s old enough to have the right judgment.” She gave her cousin a sideways glance. “You sure you okay?”

“And you keep asking me this why?”

Lois rolled her eyes. “Because hello? You ran into your ex last night. The love of your life.”

Chloe, obviously not wanting to talk about it only shrugged. “And I’m fine. I’m no longer in danger of falling apart at the mere mention of his name. I think I can handle seeing him in person now.”

“Yeah.” Lois sighed. “But, you have to admit it was a bit of a shock to run into him.”

“Yeah,” She sighed softly. “But you had no trouble flaunting my date in his face.”

Lois grinned. “That was fun.”

Chloe shook her head. “That was immature. Sort of.” She stood up when someone knocked softly on her door. “I just have to find a way to cleanse myself. So I can be somewhat happy.” Chloe opened the door and her amused smile faded.

“Yeah well first he has to get his shit out of your place.” Lois stood up and paused, her eyebrow slowly raising as she realized who Chloe’s guest was.

“Lex?” Chloe breathed.

“Chloe,” Lex said softly. “May I come in?”


6th November 2006, 05:36
hehehe I that was hilarious Helga on strike. LOL. Can't ou seee Lex doing his own laundry!? *snorts*

6th November 2006, 05:45
ACK!!!!! Loved this update. Helga was sooo funny. I like her being on strike until Lex gets his act together. How great was it that Lex runs into Chloe & her date. I hope this really sparks him to get Chloe back. Please update soon.

6th November 2006, 07:00
Love this :D great part with Helga.. can't wait for the next part

6th November 2006, 09:27
Please tell me you did not just end this right there. Well, it looks like you did and I may just spite you and withhold my feedback.

Fine, I won't since that will probably make you take longer to update. Lex is an idiot and a stubborn asshole. I can't believe he waited that long before going to see her.

Kudos to Helga for going on strike and seriously Lex needs to learn how to take care of himself a little bit more.

Way to go Lois for shoving Jimmy in his face. Don't pull any punches. But Jimmy kind of ruined it by calling him Mr.Luthor. Jimmy, you're sweet and all but you really are no competition for Lex even when he is being an ass.

6th November 2006, 13:53
Why oh why would you torture us by ending it there??? Please for the love of God come back, I'm as miserable as Lex!!!


Kit Merlot
6th November 2006, 14:40
Excellent update!

I'm glad that Lex is miserable--he deserves it for hurting Chloe. But there is also a part of me that worries for him, too. I loved that Helga's on strike until he wins CHloe back, but this line brought tears to my eyes:

“Your mother never wanted you this unhappy.”

Man, that was beautiful! It is almost as though Lex is punishing himself for loving Chloe and he has to stop doing that. He is as deserving of love and happiness as anyone else.

And I did love big sister Lois--she is awesome as well. I wonder what she'll say to Lex?

6th November 2006, 15:10
THANK you for making this from Lex's point of view. It was really great and helpful to read through.

This was a great update. I loved how you showed how much Lex was suffering. It was funny that he managed to run away and distract himself for about two months before he finally returned to Metropolis and starting facing up to the reality that is a life without Chloe.

I thought it was hilarious that it only took him a week of 'hard reality' to completely break. UN-believable that he actually went into stalker mode as a pathetic means of easing himself out of the despair and loneliness he was feeling.

Serves him right though. To be forced to sink so low after his cowardly actions. I wonder if he's going to admit his stalker activities to Chloe after or during their 'patching back together' scene.

Helga was delightful.

He winced and frowned. Okay, so she was really angry. “Can you tell me why I have no shirts to wear to work today?”
Helga sighed in obvious annoyance. “Because they’re dirty.”

She was smart, funny and she was obviously completely unafraid of Lex... but she cared too deeply for him to allow him to destroy himself yet AGAIN... and I loved that she told him what he was doing, and called him on his behaviour and cowardly and deceptively martyred attitude.

It WAS quite a risk for Helga to take... And she was most courageous while taking her stand. Lex had already separated himself from someone he loved very deeply, and he might not have hesitated to fire a reluctant and troublesome servant... Even if it WAS a servant that he respected and cared about.

I hope Lex fully appreciates what Helga did later.

Even if he IS suffering from lack of clean clothing and food right now. LOL!

Imagine having to BUY all new clothes because you don't know HOW to clean your dirty ones. That's a new height in decadent behaviour even by Luthor standards. ;)

Jimmy smiled at Lex and stuck his hand out. “Wow Mr. Luthor this… is,.this is so great meeting you here.”

Lex stared down at the extended hand as if it held a disgusting disease. He watched without interest as Jimmy slowly lowered his head. He glanced back at Chloe. “Well its been nice running into you, but I have plans I have to attend to.” Of course it was a complete lie, but that was all he could come up with at the moment.

He didn’t wait for a reply or a goodbye. Just turned to leave, wanting to be out of there as quickly as possible. Feeling an unfamiliar pain in his chest along with a certain amount of dread in the pit of his stomach.

And there was the 'money moment' when Lex finally realized that Chloe was getting on with her life, and he was actually going to lose any chance to get together with her again.

Kudos on getting Chloe to get to the stage where Lex's memory and presence didn't devastate her as it would have during the last chapter. Even better was how Lex was feeling so much more lost and desperate than Chloe when they had that accidental meeting. The coward really needs to suffer.

And now... heh.. now comes the grovelling! Of course Chloe is not going to be petty and insist that Lex jump through hoops and get on his knees to win her back..

But it's not going to be easy to win her trust back after he discarded her in such a cruel and callous way in the last update. It's probably going to take a while before Chloe is willing to accept Lex back into her life and heart again... Especially since she's JUST managing to get over her heart break and beginning to move on from the Lex induced trauma.

please update soon.

7th November 2006, 01:11
Please tell me he came to beg for her back. I love that you made him suffer in the way you did. The only thing that can really get to the cool and composed Lex Luthor, is not having his dry cleaning done.LOL.

7th November 2006, 02:04
Yeah Helga you go girl. :clapclap: He so deserved that from her. I am glad he finally broke down and is going to beg Chloe for his forgiveness.

Hope :)

7th November 2006, 03:50
Please let him stop being an idiot and get back with Chloe.

7th November 2006, 03:54
Suffer!! Lex suffer!!! It's the least he deserves. Fantastic chapter.

10th November 2006, 19:37
Loved the update. While I enjoy the thought of Lex suffering after the way he treated Chloe, he is Lex, after all. Plus it'll make their getting back together all the better... which better happen SOON!! I can't believe you left it there. Waiting for you next update, somewhat impatiently I might add.

10th November 2006, 20:04
Great chapter, can't wait to find out what Lex has to say to Chloe.

11th November 2006, 07:13
How soon will it be before they get back together? While Chloe has every right to be upset we know she can't stay mad for long. So please update soon :beg:

12th November 2006, 23:50
I read this chapter and it has taken me ages to seat and review. I do apologize for that and my laziness shouldn't keep you from giving us another update.

Almost for feel sorry for Lex but then again I don't he brought it on himself. It good that he's suffering. Did he really think the one time in his life that some loves him back he could just throw them away. Sometimes in fics I want Chloe to be the one that does this but is so much more in character that Lex does so.

Helga reached for another ball of yarn and sighed. “I’m on strike,” She repeated. “I’m not doing anything for you or this home until you get your damn act together.”
HA!:rofl: That's right Helga take a stand.

He was hungry, he still hadn’t found that number to the dry cleaners and therefore still had no shirts to wear to work. Now he had to buy new shirts, and he hadn’t had a descent cup of coffee since forever. He sat down with a frown. He needed a drink. More importantly, he needed to get Helga back in his good graces.
HA! Lex had to do some shopping. I image that he could by a knew shirt for everyday of his life but its just not practical. I was I hoping for more Lex drunk and moping moments but I guess there is only so much sorrow on can take while writing.

Lex stared down at the extended hand as if it held a disgusting disease. He watched without interest as Jimmy slowly lowered his head. He glanced back at Chloe. “Well its been nice running into you, but I have plans I have to attend to.” Of course it was a complete lie, but that was all he could come up with at the moment.
I love this reaction to Jimmy so sorry I mean James. Then his retreat like a wounded puppy is so unLex like but he is in fact a wounded puppy when it comes to Chloe.

I hope Chloe kicks Lois out of the room before she puts her foot in her mouth like always. I wonder what he will say. There should be a good bit of begging and Chloe throwing him out until she is ready to come back on her own terms.

Great update more required.

14th November 2006, 02:01
You can't leave it there ! That was a fantastic update but can't wait for more !! Please update soon !

14th November 2006, 22:49
I really don't like Lois much in this story, I think she's a funny character that has been used well to move the plot along, but she has almost nothing in common with the real Lois Lane. I feel that Lois, is a bit too much of a bitch, and I can't see Clark falling in love with a bitch.

Chloe is really different from the television shows, she is so abstract and different, it's scary. Maybe if you put some links in, like flashbacks, explaining her character development and sudden maturity.

I feel bad for Lex, he has issues and they don't always make him choose the right thing. It's been quite nice to see him wallowing in drink, etc. That brings a very humane feel to Lex, one that we don't usually see much of in Smallville.

It's interesting, seeing the lack of gossip about Chloe and Lex in the newpapers, I mean shouldn't that be the norm for them, especially since they've broken up, it should be making the headlines.

But apart from those few criticisms, I feel that this is quite a good story, not all the characters are portrayed as well as can be; they seem to slip into your wants and needs for the story, not you builiding the story around them. I feel that you have a talent for writing and know just when to stop the chapters.

Keep on writing, your story cannot be said not to be entertaining after all!

15th November 2006, 08:43
I must say that I am enjoying your story very much so far. It has it all - humor, drama, action, angst - everything! I love the Chloe/Lex interaction and can really picture them doing all the things you have them doing and saying. I find it all very entertaining and satisfying. (Certain television writers could certainly take a few lessons from you.)

I also appreciate how you have just the right amount of Lois and Clark in the story, as well as an appropriately miniscule amount of Lana in it, just enough to remind us how insignificant she really is.

Hope to read more soon. Keep up the excellent work and thanks for taking the time to entertain us!

15th November 2006, 13:18
you just left us at such a HORRIBLE and traumatizing cliffhanger. We were stuck there dangling at the end of chapter 19, and you just seemed to forget about poor helpless, hapless us.

please update. we need progression... we need closure.

hmmm. Startling Revelation: Complete has a nice sounds to it, don't you think? But I would be more than happy with Startling Revelation: updated 15th October, chapter 20 and 21.

please can we have the next chapter?

16th November 2006, 02:07
you just left us at such a HORRIBLE and traumatizing cliffhanger. We were stuck there dangling at the end of chapter 19, and you just seemed to forget about poor helpless, hapless us.

please update. we need progression... we need closure.

hmmm. Startling Revelation: Complete has a nice sounds to it, don't you think? But I would be more than happy with Startling Revelation: updated 15th October, chapter 20 and 21.

please can we have the next chapter?

ohhh Somethingeasy.. i'm soooo sorry!!!!! i am working on the next chapter and will have it posted this week. You always get my ass in gear:blinkkiss

16th November 2006, 13:01
ohhh Somethingeasy.. i'm soooo sorry!!!!! i am working on the next chapter and will have it posted this week. You always get my ass in gear:blinkkiss

CELEBRATIONS!!! I'll be looking forward to it. Thanks Kimbo :D

hmmmmto make Lex suffer and squirm... or get immediately to smutty goodness...

What a choice... But after much deliberation, I have to say option A sounds like the way to go. They have to AT LEAST address the issue of trust. Namely, how can Chloe trust Lex not to go running for the hills when things become a little more intense again.

And even if he DOES promise to stick by her, it would be a typical Lex Luthor move to try and get some self-protective emotional distance from his 'significant other' by burying himself in work.

It probably will not happen right away... because Lex is going to be acting all seeet and attentive for a good couple of months now, but what happens when he starts feeling secure in his relationship again, and his instinct to protect himself once again overcomes his consideration for Chloe.

Basically there are quite a few issues to go over before we get to the smutty goodness. How annoying! ;)

I'm looking forward to the update, please post soon.

20th November 2006, 06:53
Chapter 20 and 21 up tommorrow!

21st November 2006, 03:18
Chapter 20 and 21 up tommorrow!

**Sabrina turns cartwheels upon reading this post... Then scratches her head looking at the calender on her computer and comparing it to the date of the post**

erm... hasn't 'tomorrow' already come and gone... please update soon.

21st November 2006, 03:52
**Sabrina turns cartwheels upon reading this post... Then scratches her head looking at the calender on her computer and comparing it to the date of the post**

erm... hasn't 'tomorrow' already come and gone... please update soon.

Well technically not where i live lol butttt i've had a long day at work, and i'm tryinggggg! Soon. Very very soon:blinkkiss

21st November 2006, 04:00
Well technically not where i live lol butttt i've had a long day at work, and i'm tryinggggg! Soon. Very very soon:blinkkiss

heh... I guess I should have accounted for the fact that not everyone follows MY time in whichever part of the world I happen to be living in. People keep telling me that the world doesn't revolve around me, my needs and my schedule... But it never really sinks in ;)

I'm going to sleep now. I'll look forward to the update tomorrow morning.
g'nighty night

22nd November 2006, 01:56
posted by Kimbo:
Well technically not where i live lol butttt i've had a long day at work, and i'm tryinggggg! Soon. Very very soon

I'm going to sleep now. I'll look forward to the update tomorrow morning.
g'nighty night

*Sabrina taps the thread to get Kimbo's attention*
It's no doubt that 'tomorrow' has come and gone no matter which part of the world one is living in.

Unless you're going to throw the old 'tomorrow is always a day beyond anyone's reach' argument at me, in which case I can only huff, puff and whimper in response.

please update soon.

22nd November 2006, 14:36
Thanks for all of the feedback. I know it was evil of me to leave the story there, but I promise to make it up to you all. Kind of… This is for Something Easy, who takes the time to kick me in the ass to get writing!!! Well, here’s the next part. Enjoy!

Also, this part is very short because I was going to post 21 with it, but i don't like the way it looks and want to edit it. Due to the high demand of these chapters (SomethingEasy), i decided to just post chapter 20 first.

Chapter 20

Chloe silently stared at the man standing in front of her. Admittedly, seeing Lex two days in a row was somewhat of a shock to her system, and now standing here, watching him, she realized that for the first she was actually able to look at him without getting seriously depressed. This time, she realized, that all she felt was empty. No longer sad or angry just incredibly hollowed out and tired.

“What are you doing here?” She asked softly.

She ignored the way he seemed to visibly collect himself before speaking. “I need to speak with you--” He trailed off and glanced in the direction of Lois, who stood behind Chloe, her arms crossed in front of her chest. “Alone.” He finished pointedly.

Chloe slowly turned to look at her cousin with a small smile. “Lois can you--” She trailed off when Lois rolled her eyes.

“Fine,” She said. “I was just leaving.” She slid around Chloe and through the door, not passing up the chance to shoot Lex a glare from hell.

Lex ignored her and stepped inside the apartment, closing the door with a silent click.

They stared at one another, the silence stretching out between them at an almost unbearable level.

Chloe didn’t care. She was through talking. She only waited patiently, for him to say what he had to say. She only stared at him expectantly, her thoughts going back to how he looked the night before, how unbearable his expression had been. How cold he had seemed. It had kind of hurt that she couldn’t read him. But, now, standing in front of him, she could see a slight difference in his eyes. An openness that wasn’t there the night before. She had no idea how to feel about that.

He stepped toward her, pausing when he noticed she stepped back. He sighed again, the open expression on his face turning slightly pained. “How have you been?”

She just shrugged. “I’ve been okay. You?”

He mirrored her movements. “Not so good.”

‘Good.’ She thought to herself, but the slightly uncomfortable expression on his face made her hold her tongue. “I heard you’ve been in Europe for quite some time.”

He nodded, his expression on his face showing how awkward he felt. “I was, and now--” He trailed off with a sigh. “Chloe I want to--” He trailed off and glanced down at Virginia, who rubbed her body against his leg while purring. Glad for the distraction, he bent down and petted the Cat’s head. “She’s getting big.”

“Yeah,” Chloe said with a small smile. “She eats everything,” She explained. “Lois hates her thought. I think Virginia makes it her business to pee on Lois’s shoes every chance she gets.”

“That’s my girl.” He murmured softly. He rubbed her behind her ears.”

Chloe watched him a soft smile on her face. Her smile suddenly faded and she shook off the soft fuzzy feeling she felt blooming in her chest. “Lex,” She started firmly. “You wanted to talk?”

“Talk.” he said standing up. “Right.” He took a deep breath, and looked away from her for a moment. “Chloe-” He started, glancing back at her. “I’m--”He trailed off and shook his head. “I’m terrible at this.”

“What is it?” She asked, uncrossing her arms from in front of her chest.

“I always thought I was in control of my life. I was sure I knew what I wanted. I was sure I knew what I didn’t want,” He paused. “And then I met you.”

Chloe raised an eyebrow. “What’s that mean?”

“It means you’ve changed my life in more ways than I thought possible.”


“One moment I’m alone, and the next thing I know you’ve insinuated yourself into my life.” He swallowed, his hands clenching and unclenching as he said his next words. “Into my heart.”

Chloe stiffened, feeling sudden panic. She wasn’t ready to hear this. She wasn’t ready for whatever it was he was going to say. “Lex-” She said quietly, her voice taking on a warning tone.

He continued on, stepping closer toward her as he spoke. “I hadn’t consciously realized how deeply I care for you until the night you were taken.”

Chloe shook her head, not wanting to think about that night. “Please-”

“When I realized how much you meant. How deeply you were inside of me..I-“ He frowned. “I panicked.”

Her eyes narrowed, but she stayed silent.

He had the grace to look shamefaced as he said his next words. “When I realized how much being with you changed me. When I realized how much influence you had in my life, I couldn’t let that happen.”

The words were like a slap to the face. As truthful as they were, it didn’t take the pain away one bit.

“Just the thought of loosing you was too much, when that night happened and you lived I knew I couldn’t feel the way I felt ever again.”

“Stop it!” She yelled, now suddenly angry. She knew all of this already. She’d figured it out so long ago, but she didn’t want to hear him say those hurtful words. Didn’t want to hear his excuses. Her eyes narrowed. His excuses that were too little too late.

Her outburst didn’t seem to surprise him because he simply stopped speaking, his once expressive face quickly closed down to reveal nothing.

She looked away from him to gather her thoughts. She once again realized how angry and tired she felt. “Why is it always all or nothing with you?”

Lex only shrugged. “Because it’s the way I am.”

“Well you suck.” She murmured, her arms crossing in front of her chest. It wasn’t the most articulate thing she’s ever said, but she couldn’t think straight. “Why are you telling me this now?” She asked. “What do you want from me?”

Lex stared at her before the truth slipped from her lips. “Just you.”

“Its too late.” She murmured quietly. Just too late. She stood up and stepped away from him, shaking her head. “I tried putting everything into what we had Lex, and you threw it away.”

“I know that,” He said just as quietly. “I’m trying to fix this Chloe. I want us to work things out. I want things to go back to the way they were.”

She shook her head. “It isn’t that easy Lex. I’m not even sure if I feel the same way anymore.” The words slid out of her mouth before she could stop them. She couldn’t help but feel extreme guilt at the pain that flashed across his face.

“All right.” He said, his voice sounding strange.

It was amazing to her how easily he could shut down that way. She wished she could reach out to him. Wished she could hold him, but she couldn’t. She wouldn’t. “I’m sorry.”

He jerked his head from left to right. “Don’t be. Please don’t.” He turned to go. He paused and turned to look at her. “I hope this doesn’t ruin the opportunity for a friendship?”

Chloe didn’t bother with trying to wipe the tears that were slowly slipping down her cheeks. “Of course not.”

He reached out and squeezed her hand. “I’ll see you around Chloe.” He turned and opened the door and stared as Lois, who was obviously eavesdropping, stumbled forward into the apartment. He stepped over her and walked out of the apartment, not bothering to look back.

“I forgot something.” Lois explained, standing up while wiping her pants off. “Chloe?”

Chloe just shook her head, unable to speak.

“Come here,” Lois murmured, wrapping her arms around Chloe, letting her cry on her shoulder.


22nd November 2006, 16:13
WHAT!!!!!!! WHAT!!!!!!! YOU LEFT IT LIKE THAT??!!! Kimbo, you are trying to kill me...aren't you? Chloe is gonna come around isn't she? I mean, she has every right to tell Lex what she told him after what he did to her but PLEASE. I'm so glad you updated & I hope you update again soon so my blood pressure can come back down to a safe level.

22nd November 2006, 16:42
i'm the one who has a problem with the chapters or there isn't any chapter 20also the contuinity of the story didn't make any 'out of balance' things. (i know it sounds a little strange but i didn't figure it out any other way to say it) by the way, Lex's playing a 'big dumb-ass alien' routine now. 'the thought of losing someone you love is just too much' isn't a excuse for making the very person miserable. i don't get why people scared of that. it happens all the time. however it's too hard, people die. it's just life..and you don't remake the past when finally it occured to you how stupid you was

22nd November 2006, 17:26
great update.

i can't wait to see how they get back together

22nd November 2006, 18:02
I don't blame Chloe for not running straight back to him. He really really hurt her and i think he has some major sucking up to do...but she will forgive him right 'cos i'm a sucker for a happy ending!!!

More soon...?


Kit Merlot
22nd November 2006, 18:41
This was just a gorgeous update!

Good for Chloe for letting Lex know that he can't just come back and pick up where they left off. If he wants to win Chloe back, he is going to have to earn her trust back.

And I hope he turns right back around, and lets Chloe know that he has no intention of losing her again, and that she will be his again.

A tad overdramatic? Maybe. But I'm a sucker for romantic, over the top moments:D

And Lois in protective big sister mode ROCKS!!