View Full Version : [Completed] Startling Revelation (NC-17) *Epilogue part 2 updated 5/21/07*

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22nd November 2006, 20:17
I went into Awww mode when Lex was talking about Virginia.

Chloe doesn't feel anything? She can't be over him, she's just numb or something because she cried so it must still hurt.

I don't want Lex to earn her back so easily, of course, that wouldn't be right. It's his turn to seduce her from friendship to a relationship. However, I still desparately want them back together so even though I know what is right, I still want to ditch it for the quicker solution. I'm an impatient hopeless romantic.

All right it's time for Lex to buckle down and work on a plan because I know he's going to refuse to believe that Chloe doesn't still have feelings for him. Lex will not give up.

22nd November 2006, 21:29
Thanks for all of the feedback. I know it was evil of me to leave the story there, but I promise to make it up to you all. Kind of… This is for Something Easy, who takes the time to kick me in the ass to get writing!!! Well, here’s the next part. Enjoy!

Heh… Good to know that my constant nagging managed to achieve the desired effects. Gives me incentive to continue naggi… erm… feedbacking at the same rate as always.

Chloe silently stared at the man standing in front of her. Admittedly, seeing Lex two days in a row was somewhat of a shock to her system, and now standing here, watching him, she realized that for the first she was actually able to look at him without getting seriously depressed. This time, she realized, that all she felt was empty. No longer sad or angry just incredibly hollowed out and tired.

This part just made me want to cry. The way Chloe seriously feels nothing for Lex now beyond a sense of hollow regret. On one hand, it’s great that his presence doesn’t pain her, or make her lose her sense of perspective… but on the other hand, she seems to have a dead void where there used to be such passion and grace.

“Fine,” She said. “I was just leaving.” She slid around Chloe and through the door, not passing up the chance to shoot Lex a glare from hell.

Still loving Lois, and the way she defends Chloe, even if it is only in passing. I get the feeling she would have happily drop-kicked Lex if Chloe had given the slightest hint that was what she wanted to see.

Chloe didn’t care. She was through talking. She only waited patiently, for him to say what he had to say. She only stared at him expectantly, her thoughts going back to how he looked the night before, how unbearable his expression had been. How cold he had seemed. It had kind of hurt that she couldn’t read him. But, now, standing in front of him, she could see a slight difference in his eyes. An openness that wasn’t there the night before. She had no idea how to feel about that.

I like that Chloe has no expectations or hopes about what’s going to happen here. She just seems like she wants CLOSURE on the whole situation. She really is ready to move on from the pain, anguish and lost confusion that Lex left her in after his cruel heart-breaking parting words to her. I guess she’s assuming that is what Lex came here for too.

He nodded, his expression on his face showing how awkward he felt. “I was, and now--” He trailed off with a sigh. “Chloe I want to--” He trailed off and glanced down at Virginia, who rubbed her body against his leg while purring. Glad for the distraction, he bent down and petted the Cat’s head. “She’s getting big.”

“Yeah,” Chloe said with a small smile. “She eats everything,” She explained. “Lois hates her thought. I think Virginia makes it her business to pee on Lois’s shoes every chance she gets.”

“That’s my girl.” He murmured softly. He rubbed her behind her ears.”

LOL! Their conversation seems so formal and stilted… as should be expected, but there is still some potential for friendliness, connection and warmth between them.

“One moment I’m alone, and the next thing I know you’ve insinuated yourself into my life.” He swallowed, his hands clenching and unclenching as he said his next words. “Into my heart.”

It’s about time the idiot admitted all this to himself as well as to Chloe. Or actually… too little, too late. It’s wonderful to read through, but why did it take him too damned long to make a difference.

Chloe stiffened, feeling sudden panic. She wasn’t ready to hear this. She wasn’t ready for whatever it was he was going to say. “Lex-” She said quietly, her voice taking on a warning tone.

Chloe was taken by shock here. And definitely not in a good way. She probably expected Lex to want closure just like her. Instead he’s telling that he wants to go back to where they were before. And she just can’t do that!

He continued on, stepping closer toward her as he spoke. “I hadn’t consciously realized how deeply I care for you until the night you were taken.”

Chloe shook her head, not wanting to think about that night. “Please-”

“When I realized how much you meant. How deeply you were inside of me..I-“ He frowned. “I panicked.”

The FOOL! Why did he take so long to choose to say all this??!! Doesn’t he even realize how far too late it is to start voicing these feelings and desires?

“Just the thought of loosing you was too much, when that night happened and you lived I knew I couldn’t feel the way I felt ever again.”

“Stop it!” She yelled, now suddenly angry. She knew all of this already. She’d figured it out so long ago, but she didn’t want to hear him say those hurtful words. Didn’t want to hear his excuses. Her eyes narrowed. His excuses that were too little too late.

It seems like Chloe is not quite as over Lex as she might have wished. She is not anywhere NEAR ready to forgive him or trust him again. But she still feels something for him, otherwise he wouldn’t be able to hurt her so.

She looked away from him to gather her thoughts. She once again realized how angry and tired she felt. “Why is it always all or nothing with you?”

Lex only shrugged. “Because it’s the way I am.”

“Well you suck.” She murmured, her arms crossing in front of her chest. It wasn’t the most articulate thing she’s ever said, but she couldn’t think straight. “Why are you telling me this now?” She asked. “What do you want from me?”

Not articulate at all. Not up to her usual standards… But it gets her point across ;)

Lex stared at her before the truth slipped from her lips. “Just you.”

“Its too late.” She murmured quietly. Just too late. She stood up and stepped away from him, shaking her head. “I tried putting everything into what we had Lex, and you threw it away.”

“I know that,” He said just as quietly. “I’m trying to fix this Chloe. I want us to work things out. I want things to go back to the way they were.”

She shook her head. “It isn’t that easy Lex. I’m not even sure if I feel the same way anymore.” The words slid out of her mouth before she could stop them. She couldn’t help but feel extreme guilt at the pain that flashed across his face.

I HIGHLY approved of this. I liked the way that Chloe didn’t do ANYthing to lead him to believe there was still a chance of something between them again. She still has to forgive him and re-learn how to be friends with him before taking any other steps. And it wouldn’t be fair to lead him to believe that there was anything beyond friendship at this point.

He jerked his head from left to right. “Don’t be. Please don’t.” He turned to go. He paused and turned to look at her. “I hope this doesn’t ruin the opportunity for a friendship?”

I’m also glad to see Lex realizes and acknowledges the utter ass he made of himself and the mess he’s made of what was the most wonderful relationship of his life. And I’m also glad to see that he’s not demanding another ‘all or nothing’ scenario with her.

If she’s not willing to try being lovers, he’s willing to settle for friendship, as long as it means having Chloe in his life in some form or another.

Although I get the feeling he’s going to be trying like hell to win her back. I’m just hoping the idiot doesn’t do his usual move of pushing too hard and too fast for Chloe to maintain a friendship…

Although it WOULD be fun to see Chloe give him another scathing rant once he DOES end up pushing too much at some time.

I can’t wait to see how he behaves with his second chance. Is he going to be saintfully patient? Or is he going to start plotting, scheming a way to romance his way back into Chloe’s heart?

He reached out and squeezed her hand. “I’ll see you around Chloe.” He turned and opened the door and stared as Lois, who was obviously eavesdropping, stumbled forward into the apartment. He stepped over her and walked out of the apartment, not bothering to look back.

“I forgot something.” Lois explained, standing up while wiping her pants off. “Chloe?”

Chloe just shook her head, unable to speak.

“Come here,” Lois murmured, wrapping her arms around Chloe, letting her cry on her shoulder.

Again… LOVE Lois! She really is the best of cousins to have hanging around for a variety of reasons. How many cousins could take you out to a smut shop to purchase handcuffs and be able to offer a strong shoulder to cry on the next day.

Please update soon. This chapter was lovely, but it washonestly too SHORT to be fully satisfying, and I really hope the next one comes along soon. How’s it going anyway?

23rd November 2006, 02:33
Oh no you didn't. You can't leave it there.

23rd November 2006, 03:19
update please soon

23rd November 2006, 09:10
another great chapter, i can't wait to read the next part, lex is an idiot for thinking that he could live without chloe in his life, i hope that chloe realises sooner rather than later that she needs him in her life.

23rd November 2006, 09:37
Wonderful chapter, but Chloe did really reject him....right?!!! Egads, please tell me that Lex isn't gonna give up. Friendship good---yes---but I'm with everyone else....bring us some loving...please. I'm soo not ashamed to beg, either.

23rd November 2006, 09:57
awwwwwwwwwwwww...i can't help but feel bad for lex, but it was his own damn fault!!! i don't blame chloe at all...but they have to get back together right??? great update, can't wait for the next chappie!!!:D

24th November 2006, 04:05
Damn it! I hate missing chapters! But I'm glad I could find these. I swear, Lois should have just have gone with her first thought and gotten Clark to punch Lex through the head.

Can't wait to see what happens next. At least Chloe had enough sence not to let that boy just walk right back into her life. He needs to know he just can't pull this shit when hes in one of those 'moments'.

): )

24th November 2006, 21:55
Where's chapter 21? I'm shocked to leave it just that way. Write more soon!!!

25th November 2006, 17:47
Okay, so, I've just read this entire thing and have decided that not only is it completely excellent, but that you need to update...NOW! Because I have aquired quite an addiction and you need to give me more, my wonderful dealer. So please make with the update? Soon? I can't handle it if you leave it like this!!!

1st December 2006, 17:25
Lex is such a fool. What did he think would happen when he tossed Chloe away like trash. She has to be strong sooner or later. I can't believe he just wants to jump back in. Him talking with the cat was rather gut wrenching. People should never get a pet together that plan to break up, its like having a child and you never want to be detached from your child.

“Its too late.” She murmured quietly. Just too late. She stood up and stepped away from him, shaking her head. “I tried putting everything into what we had Lex, and you threw it away.”

“I know that,” He said just as quietly. “I’m trying to fix this Chloe. I want us to work things out. I want things to go back to the way they were.”

She shook her head. “It isn’t that easy Lex. I’m not even sure if I feel the same way anymore.” The words slid out of her mouth before she could stop them. She couldn’t help but feel extreme guilt at the pain that flashed across his face.
This made me feel so good and so bad all at the same time. I'm Chloe not just jumping right back in like everything is okay then sad that Lex has been so sad lately and just wants her back. There is going to be some courting to be done and lost of waiting.

Why was this update so short? I look forward to the next and longer update. ;)

1st December 2006, 17:56
This made me feel so good and so bad all at the same time. I'm Chloe not just jumping right back in like everything is okay then sad that Lex has been so sad lately and just wants her back. There is going to be some courting to be done and lost of waiting.

Why was this update so short? I look forward to the next and longer update.

I'd like to chime in with a hearty 'I agree' to the wanting another couple of updates filled with rebuilding of the friendship and eventually some sneaky wooing and courting. I wonder how long Lex is going to pretend to be satisfied with the 'friends only' status before he starts sneaking in some romance to win Chloe back.

This should be interesting. Please update soon, I need progress on this. Kimbo did mention that she was having some 'problems' with Chapter 21. Have those problems been settled and ironed out yet?

please write quickly, post soon.

1st December 2006, 18:16
Aw :puppydog: it's so sad, but really really good. I hope Lex and Chloe make it back to each other soon. :)

2nd December 2006, 09:23
Chapter 21

Six Months Later

“Why did I agree to come here?”

Lois glanced sideways at her cousin with a small smile. “Because you wrote such an amazing article about this project that its only fair that you get some type of recognition for it.”

Chloe raised an eyebrow. “How is this recognition?”

Lois sighed shaking her head. “Chloe,” She started slowly. “Don’t you know parties like these always have those amazing crab cakes.” She grabbed one off of a tray of a passing waiter and popped it into her mouth. “Its’ the best type of recognition a girl can get.” She said, her mouth full of chewed crab cake.

Chloe just frowned.

“Stick around,” Lois said to the waiter as she reached for another cake. “I’ll be here all night.”

She and Lois were attending Luthorcorp’s celebration of the opening of LuthorMed’s first drug and disease research facility. She was admittedly proud of Lex. She knew how much LuthorMed meant to him. She also knew how hard he had worked on getting that project up and running. She was surprised when he called her two weeks before its opening to allow her to be the first reporter granted a tour of the facility for an article. She had been even more surprised at being granted full access with a camera no less. She had wrote the longest article, holding nothing back, praising Luthorcorp and Lex himself for his hard work. It was her best article yet. An exclusive. She had even gotten two full pages.

Two weeks later, she had received a personal invitation for two in the mail. She had tossed the invitation into the garbage, deciding to avoid and ignore rather than respond to it at all. She had thought she was in the clear. Apparently she was wrong when Lois waltz into her apartment swinging the same invitation for two in the air.

“Looks like we’re going to baldy’s party.” She had said with a bright smile.

Chloe wanted to punch her lights out. Of course she didn’t. Instead she had agreed because Lois can be very pushy and persuasive. Not to mention extremely annoying.

So, here she was now, trying to be as inconspicuous as she could. Which was pretty hard considering Lois was drawing all of the attention to the corner they were standing in. Chloe watched her cousin, who was surrounded by three waiters, each who held a different appetizers.

“These are all so good.” Lois gushed, taking a bite of one of the appetizers. She frowned and spit something back into a napkin. “Except that one.” She turned to face Chloe and rolled her eyes. “Geez Chloe could you lighten up a bit. You look as though you’re being tortured,” She reached for a glass of champagne. “Here drink this. It’ll loosen you up.”

“Okay,” Chloe said, taking the offered glass. “But-”

“I’m going off to hassle one of these big wigs. Maybe I can get an unscheduled interview.”

“No!” Chloe hissed, reaching for Lois’s arm. “You can’t leave me standing here alone.”

“Unhand me Chloe, you don’t have to stand here alone. You can come with.”

Chloe snorted. “Yeah, right, and watch you embarrass yourself?”

“I will not.” She huffed. “You know ever since I started working for The Inquisitor you’ve been bashing me.”

“Firstly, you’re just an intern, and secondly I don’t think you’d want your first story to be about how CEO Donnelly likes to engage in sexual acts with a cow while an alien records it.”

“Whatever.” Lois said. “And it was a sheep not a cow.” She turned to go.

“Lois wait!” Chloe hissed quietly, not wanting to draw any attention to herself. “Damnit!”

She stood there, drink in hand, watching as Lois walked further and further away from her. She had three options. Run off like a coward and hide out in the bathroom, Run off like a coward and ditch the party, but she knew she couldn’t that because Lois would never let her live it down, or she could stand there in the corner and get drunk.

She chose the ladder. She downed the drink she held and reached for another one, hoping against hope that she wouldn’t run into Lex. Her eyes did a slow scan of the ballroom, and she sighed in relief when she saw no sight of him.


“You don’t know how to have fun.”

Chloe glanced at Lois with an annoyed frown. “Excuse me?”

“Standing in the corner getting drunk at such a fine party,” Lois said. “Lame. Firstly only depressed alcoholics do that kind of thing, and I just have to tell you that you‘re giving them a run for their money.”

“ I think I should be offended. I am having fun,” Chloe said with a pout. “I just don’t want to draw any attention to myself.” She glared at her cousin. “What about you? I’m surprised they didn’t call security on you yet.”

“Please,” She said with a derisive snort. “They would do no such thing. Besides, you and I both know I have Lane charm.”

Chloe rolled her eyes. “Pushy and bitchy.”

Lois gaped at her. “At least I’m not boring.” She said in an aggrieved tone.

“Did you get any exclusives?” Chloe asked changing the subject.

Lois grinned. “Nope,” She said pulling out a bunch of napkins. “But I did get a few phone numbers. The Lane charm strikes again.”

“Hmm, I hope the Lane charm remembers she has a boyfriend.”

“How can I forget?” She grinned. “I just got these so I can tease Clark with it later. He gets so very angry.”

Chloe shook her head. “You’re twisted.”

Lois just shrugged. “The makeup sex is always the greatest.” She stuffed the napkins into her purse. “I’m off to eavesdrop.”

“Wait!” Chloe hissed once again. “Don’t leave me here alone.”

Lois raised an eyebrow. “You have your drinks to keep you company.” She patted her cousin’s shoulder. “Catch you later drunky.”

“Great,” Chloe muttered, taking a sip of her champagne. “Ditched and drunk.” Now all she has to do is manage to stay sober enough to get the hell out of dodge when Lex decides to make his appearance.


Lex still hadn’t showed himself. That wasn’t much a surprise for Chloe. She knew Lex hated these types of parties, and made it his business to show up anytime he pleased. That was just fine with Chloe. He was the main reason why she was hiding in the corner instead of socializing. She frowned. Or perhaps that was her fault what with deciding to hide like a coward. It wasn’t as though she was afraid to see him. She just didn’t want to see him. Simple as that.

She glanced around the room once again, a small smile coming to her face. She reached for another glass of champagne, maybe this wouldn’t be such a terrible night after all.

“Careful Chloe, That’s your sixth glass of Krug.”

She spoke too soon.

She slowly turned, hoping against hope she was hallucinating. Which of course she wasn’t.

He stood there, impeccably dressed in a tuxedo, his handsome composed face revealing nothing as he stood before her. He breathed arrogance.

She finished off the drink she held. “I can take care of myself.” She handed him the empty glass.

“Yes,” Lex said, placing the empty glass onto the table. “While I have no doubt you can’t do just that. I also have no doubt you’ll have a very bad headache by the end of the night.”

Chloe gave him an angry scowl. “I will not.” What was it with him turning her once very extended vocabulary into something so artless? “How did you know I drank six glasses anyway?”

Lex simply smiled at her.

She hated this. Hated the fact that he was only in her presence for a minute and was already making her feel strangely paranoid. Hated the fact that, deep down, she knew Lex had been watching her the whole time she had been here. Damn him and his creepy Luthor tendencies. “Lex,” She said, her voice sounding strangely choked. “What are you doing here?”

Lex gave her a half smile of amusement, his eyebrow raising. “This is my party.”

She rolled her eyes. “I am aware of that but-”

“Are you enjoying yourself Chloe?” He asked, cutting her off.

“Sure I am.” She lied, ignoring the urge to bolt. “Enjoying myself just fine.”

He nodded. “That’s good.” He murmured.

They both glanced over out at the crowd. Chloe couldn’t remember when things were so awkward between the two of them. It made her a little bit sad. She frowned when she noticed Lois stuffing her face with more of those crab cakes while talking animatedly to one of Metropolis’s socialites.

“Oh god.” She said under her breath. “Can she embarrass herself anymore than usual?”

“I think its possible.” Lex said in amusement. “She seems to be enjoying herself.”

“Yeah,” Chloe said with a small snort. “Lois would a party even if-”

“It was held in hell and the devil himself was the host?”

They both smiled at each other, and Chloe felt the tension raise off to the point where she felt she could breathe.

“I see you’ve invited old Mrs. Denshire.” She said, pointing her chin in the direction of the old woman standing across the room.

Lex scowled in the direction of the old woman. “I had no choice. Her husband gave me a healthy bid for Luthor Med.”

Chloe grinned. “Any luck in avoiding her pinching fingers?”

Lex shook his head, his hand absently rubbing his cheek. “No.”

Chloe giggled.

Lex’s frown turned into a small smile. “Its nice to hear you laugh again Chloe.”

Chloe’s giggling came to an abrupt halt. She felt small tingles in her stomach as those words touched her ears. Oh god, he was doing that earnest, soft, and sexy Lex look he so rarely did. Why oh why did he have to pick tonight to give her that look? Why was he even giving her that look? She had absolutely no idea on how to respond to that. What could she say? Thanks, but that was a little awkward you choosing to say that to me now?

She could feel the warning bells going off in her head. Telling her to bolt and bolt fast. “Uh-”

He tilted his head slightly to the side, his hand reaching for her own. “Can I have one dance Chloe?”

Her mind screamed No, but once again her brain chose that moment not to be connected to it. Before she knew what was happening, her hand was in his and her feet were slowly following him onto the dance floor. His hands were around her waist, and her arms were around his neck, her head resting strangely close against his chest.

She cursed the fact that the champagne decided to suddenly sneak up on her. Her insides suddenly felt strange and fuzzy. She felt lightheaded in a good way. She felt the tension slowly drain out of her, her now lax frame swaying slowly to the music with him.

She didn’t know how long they were dancing, but she really didn’t care. He smelled so good, and It has been so long since she felt these familiar arms around her. She knew this wasn’t the way it was suppose to be. She knew she shouldn’t even be around him, but if she could just half this one dance….

“How have you been Chloe?”

It took her a moment to realize that he was talking, and she raised her head, momentarily tensing at how close his face was to hers. “I’ve been okay,” she answered softly. “You?”

He smiled slightly. “Can’t complain. Thank you for showing up here tonight.”

She bit her lip, feeling slight guilt at throwing his invitation away.

“I kind of knew you’d throw away that invitation,” He continued, seemingly reading his mind. “That’s why I sent Lois one too.”

She gaped at him. Of all the sneaky things- “That’s-”

“It was the only way you’d come.” He explained with a shrug. “I wanted to thank you face to face for writing that article Chloe.”

“Oh,” She said, now slightly miffed. “It was still sneaky and you’re welcome.”

He only smiled, tightening his hold on her. “It was your best article. Two whole pages. Congratulations.”

Chloe smirked. “I wouldn’t have gotten those two pages if I wasn’t granted full access. Just so you know I didn’t write such a praising article because you’re you.”

“Good. And just so you know I only granted you full access so I could get a good story.”

She nodded. “Good.” She cleared her throat, and pressed her head back against his chest, not wanting to see his reaction to her next words. “I hope you know I really am proud of you Lex. I know how hard you worked on this project to get it done.”

He was silent for a long moment then she felt his hand tighten on her waist before a quet “Thank you.” was heard.

They continued to slowly sway to the music, and she shivered when she felt his fingers caress her bare back. This was all too much for her. The caresses, the closeness, his scent. All too much.

“You look beautiful tonight Chloe.”

Her hands tightened her hold on his shoulders as the sot yet deep words were murmured into her ear. She had to say something, but her tongue felt suddenly clumsy and her mouth incredibly dry. “I-you smell nice.”

She didn’t have to look at him to see the amusement on his face. “Thank you.” His fingers made its way lower. “Chloe?”


“Come home with me tonight?”

She should say no. She has to. The word was on the tip of her tongue. But she realized a few things: his hands were caressing dangerously close to her butt he smelled so good. She hadn’t been with anyone for more than eight months, and she was incredibly horny.



Since exiting the party and entering the limo, all she could think about was how wrong her decision was. How stupid she was to say yes. How dumb of it was of her to drink so much champagne. How awkward this whole situation was for her. More importantly, how pissed Lois was going to be at her for ditching her.

But now, as she lied in the middle of his bed, his head buried between her open thighs, all of that seemed so very irrelevant.

She missed this. Missed the way his tongue felt against her clit as he slowly stroked it up and down. Missed the way he would lick, suck and bite her in all of the right places. He licked her hard then soft. Fast, then slow, and her eyes widened before shutting tightly as her body shuddered and twisted in his hands.

“Lexx..” She inhaled sharply, her hands tightening on the fistful of sheets underneath her as he began to suck hard at her clit. “What are you--” She trailed off and moaned loudly as his tongue worked her over, drawing out moisture that had no end. She knew she should feel embarrassed, but she didn’t. Its been too long, and Lex seemed to have no problem lapping it up with loud hungry moans.

She could feel herself come apart when he slowly slipped his tongue inside of her, then out and back again in fast jabbing motions.

“Ohhh--” She gave a low groan, and reached for his head, forcing his mouth harder on her pulsing cunt. She raised her hips, fucking his mouth before her body stiffened all over, and she came with a low shout. Her hips jerked forward as small spasms wracked her entire body from head to toe.

She laid there staring at the ceiling as his tongue continued to lap up her wetness. She laid there staring at the ceiling, her body lax and spent, her mind suddenly very clear and sober.

This was a mistake.

Her body suddenly stiffened when she felt him gently kiss each thigh. “Stop.” She whispered hoarsely.

Lex tensed and slowly looked up at her. A concerned expression his face. “Chloe?”

Chloe bit her lip. “Stop it.” She repeated. She gently pushed him away from her and sat up, fixing her dress by pulling it back down her thighs. “This was wrong.”

“Okay.” He murmured and she could hear the flatness in his tone. It her heart ache in a strange way. “I--Okay.”

“I have to go.” She said quickly standing. She reached for her shoes.

“It’s the middle of the night.” He pointed out.

“I’ll call a cab.” She said, avoiding eye contact with him. She knew what expression she would see on his face. No expression at all. She couldn’t deal with it. She couldn’t deal with him.

“Why don’t you let me call my driver to take you--”

“No.” She cut in quickly. She bent to pick up her purse and underwear at the same time. She quickly stuffed her underwear into her purse. Her hands were shaking. She had to get to get the fuck out of there.

“It’s the middle of the night. It isn’t safe.”

He was doing that thing with his voice again, and she wished he would just stop talking. She knew he was right. “I’ll be fine.” She murmured. She turned and left him sitting there on the bed, shirt open, too afraid to glance in his direction.


“Where were you?”

Chloe nearly jumped out of her skin as she closed the door to her apartment. “Jesus Lois!”

Lois clicked the lamp next to the couch on. “Where were you?” She asked.

Chloe glanced at her cousin. She took in the pursed lips. The small scowl between her eyebrows and she just knew she was in trouble. She stalled before answering. Taking the time to kick off her shoes and place her purse on the table next to the door. “I was a--”

“And before you lie. Let me just tell you that you have a large hickey on your neck.”

Chloe’s hand fell over the left side of her neck and she blushed. “That-”

“And secondly, before you lie to me again, let me just tell you that I saw you dancing with Lex.”

Chloe looked guiltily at her cousin. “Oh. But Lois-”

Lois held up her hand with a small smirk. “The next time you go off and ditch me to have sex with you ex-boyfriend, let me know.” She patted Chloe’s shoulder before turning and walking down the hall. “I call dibs on the right side of the bed. Goodnight!”

Chloe frowned when her bedroom door slammed closed. She walked towards her couch and slowly sat down. She didn’t have sex with Lex. No. Instead she’d let him go down on her, realized her mistake and ran out of his apartment like a scared bird.

What was wrong with her? Why did she break her rule? Why did she agree to leaving with him?

She was a ball of confusion. She ignored the small voice in the back of her mind telling her the real reason why she did those things.

She crossed her arms in front of her chest. This has been one of the worse nights ever.

She glanced back down the hall toward her bedroom door with a deep frown. “The right side is my side.”


There was a vase of tiger lilies on her desk at work Monday morning.

The next day there was a bouquet of Lilacs.

The next day were right roses, and when she went home there were more white roses lined outside of her door.

She ignored the cards. Ignored Lois’s reading of the cards from the flowers that were delivered to her apartment. Ignored the gossipers in the office who said something every morning she walked into work. She didn’t have to read the card to know who the flowers were from. Only Lex knew what her three favorite flowers were.

It might’ve been cruel to not read the card, but she couldn’t.

Her heart wouldn’t be able to take it.

“Clark is dragging me to see the new Warrior Angel movie. Wanna tag along?”

Chloe glanced up from the television. She shook her head and popped a handful of popcorn into her mouth. “Naa, I think I’m gonna hang out at home. Catch up on some work.”

Lois frowned. “Hmm,” Was all she said. She turned when there was a knock on the door. She opened it, unsurprised to see the delivery man standing there with another bouquet of Tiger Lilies. “Just put it right there Jim.” She directed, pointing to the only available spot on Chloe’s dinner table.

“See Ya Chloe. Lois.” Jim said and both girls waved at him.

“More flowers.” Lois said, kicking the door closed.

Chloe popped more popcorn into her mouth. “Yup.”

“From Lex.” Lois commented.

Chloe chewed slowly. “Mmhmm.”

Lois glanced around the apartment with a small frown. “Its turning into a small Safari Rain forest in here Chlo.”

Chloe smiled slightly. “I know.”

“You gonna read the card this time?” Lois asked.

Chloe shook her head.

Lois shook her head. “My god,” She said softly. “You’re in a more pathetic state than I thought.”

Chloe’s head snapped up in Lois’s direction. “What?”

“You.” Lois said pointing. “Are just--pathetic!”

Chloe gaped at her cousin. “I’m not--”

“You are. Look at you. You barely go out anymore. You barely have fun anymore. All you do is stay in your apartment or bury yourself in your work.”

Chloe frowned. “I go out.”

“Oh yeah?” Lois asked. “Well when is the last time you went out with Clark and I? When the last time you went out on a date? And Lex for--”

“What about Lex?” Chloe asked slamming the bowl of popcorn down. “What the hell does this have to do with him anyway?”

Lois let out a slow breath. “Look Chloe, I was all in support of the Yay hate Lex club for the past eight and a half months. I was all in support of you moving on with your life,” She sighed and shook her head. “But I didn’t know it’d make you this miserable.”

Chloe shook her head confused. “I’m not--”

“You are.” Lois said. “I know you’ll never move on because I know you already love Lex. I also know he’s probably the only man that can make you happy.”

“He hurt me.” She cut in quietly.

Lois nodded. “Well, he’s retarded he’s going to do that sometimes. And as much as I hate to admit it, I’m pretty sure he loves you.”

Chloe shook her head. “I can’t go through that again.”

Lois smiled sadly. “You still are. You use to be so happy all the time Chloe. You use to smile so much and things were okay. You have to stop punishing yourself.”

“I don’t know what to do.” Chloe admitted and Lois snorted.

“There’s a shock.” She stood up and snatched the card off of the freshly delivered flowers. “You can do one of two things. You can not take a risk--” Lois trailed off and handed Chloe the card. “Or you could take it.” She stood up with a small smile and left.

Chloe stared down at the card in her hand, her mind turning. She slowly flipped the card over and read a small sad smile coming onto her face.

Meet Me for lunch tomorrow afternoon? The Sushi bar down on Main.
P.S As friends only… no touching I promise.

She fingered the card before placing it onto her coffee table and standing up. “Looks like I’m having sushi tomorrow.”


2nd December 2006, 14:40
Two weeks later, she had received a personal invitation for two in the mail. She had tossed the invitation into the garbage, deciding to avoid and ignore rather than respond to it at all. She had thought she was in the clear. Apparently she was wrong when Lois waltz into her apartment swinging the same invitation for two in the air.

“Looks like we’re going to baldy’s party.” She had said with a bright smile.

Chloe wanted to punch her lights out. Of course she didn’t. Instead she had agreed because Lois can be very pushy and persuasive. Not to mention extremely annoying.

So, here she was now, trying to be as inconspicuous as she could. Which was pretty hard considering Lois was drawing all of the attention to the corner they were standing in. Chloe watched her cousin, who was surrounded by three waiters, each who held a different appetizers.

I'm so glad you updated again. I was really missing this fic. Although... this chapter gave the impression that Lex and Chloe didn't have ANY friendly interaction for SIX MONTHS??!! What happened to Lex and Chloe's agreement to try and be friends? Has Chloe been avoiding him for half a year since then? Is this the first time they're meeting in any kind of non-professional capacity?

Anyhow, Lois was a lot of fun to watch in her crude, crass and thinly veiled violent element glory. It was really funny watching Chloe trying to hold her back from embarrassing the both of them... Only problem was that Lois lacked the tact and social graces to be embarrassed by acting the way she was acting.

Poor Chloe. Stuck in a hostile environment... with a decidedly unsympathetic Lois Lane as company.

“Firstly, you’re just an intern, and secondly I don’t think you’d want your first story to be about how CEO Donnelly likes to engage in sexual acts with a cow while an alien records it.”

“Whatever.” Lois said. “And it was a sheep not a cow.” She turned to go.


Lois grinned. “Nope,” She said pulling out a bunch of napkins. “But I did get a few phone numbers. The Lane charm strikes again.”

“Hmm, I hope the Lane charm remembers she has a boyfriend.”

“How can I forget?” She grinned. “I just got these so I can tease Clark with it later. He gets so very angry.”

Chloe shook her head. “You’re twisted.”

Lois just shrugged. “The makeup sex is always the greatest.” She stuffed the napkins into her purse. “I’m off to eavesdrop.”

More LOL at the Lois banter. Although, Chloe seems to be a little out of it to be capable of bantering back with her usual standard of snark. Getting drunk at a party being hosted by your ex? riiight! Chloe has really lost her mind and common sense here!

Lex still hadn’t showed himself. That wasn’t much a surprise for Chloe. She knew Lex hated these types of parties, and made it his business to show up anytime he pleased. That was just fine with Chloe. He was the main reason why she was hiding in the corner instead of socializing. She frowned. Or perhaps that was her fault what with deciding to hide like a coward. It wasn’t as though she was afraid to see him. She just didn’t want to see him. Simple as that.

I still don't get it. Has this been Chloe's attitude for SIX months now?! After she assured Lex that she would like to make the effort into rekindling a friendship, she just avoids him... ignores his calls and any and all overtures he has been making to her? No wonder he got desperate enough to 'trick' Chloe into coming here by sending Lois a duplicate invitation card.

But it doesn't seem like a very 'Chloe thing' to do. Once she told Lex that she would have liked to have tried rebuilding the friendship, Chloe would have made an effort to make sure she held up to their 'deal'. Otherwise she would have just told Lex that friendship was impossible and asked him to never contact her again.

I hate to say it, but this sending of mixed signals and messages is NOT the direct Sullivan approach. In fact it reminds me more of the kind of thing a certain annoying brunette would have done.

(stop glaring at me! What are you people doing surrounding me with those stones?! OUCH! owie!)

“Careful Chloe, That’s your sixth glass of Krug.”

Chloe gave him an angry scowl. “I will not.” What was it with him turning her once very extended vocabulary into something so artless? “How did you know I drank six glasses anyway?”

Lex simply smiled at her.

She hated this. Hated the fact that he was only in her presence for a minute and was already making her feel strangely paranoid. Hated the fact that, deep down, she knew Lex had been watching her the whole time she had been here. Damn him and his creepy Luthor tendencies. “Lex,” She said, her voice sounding strangely choked. “What are you doing here?”

I suppose after Lex made his appearance, I could understand Chloe's skittish, nervous and cowardly behaviour. I have to say Lex acted DESPICABLY in this chapter. He waited and loomed in the shadowy background until Chloe got too drunk for her to maintain proper judgment, and then he swooped in with every seductive look, gesture and action that he had in his repertoire of well-practiced moves.

I'm continuing with my theory that this is their first 'casual' meeting in six months (and how did that happen anyway?). This is the way he behaved AFTER he knew Chloe wasn't ready to jump into a relationship with him? After she told him that she only wanted to be friends? THIS is how he starts the friendship deal?!

“I see you’ve invited old Mrs. Denshire.” She said, pointing her chin in the direction of the old woman standing across the room.

Lex scowled in the direction of the old woman. “I had no choice. Her husband gave me a healthy bid for Luthor Med.”

Chloe grinned. “Any luck in avoiding her pinching fingers?”

Lex shook his head, his hand absently rubbing his cheek. “No.”

I wanted to laugh at this too. At first their meeting seemed to be going so well. They were being casual and friendly and doing VERY well in rebuilding the 'friendship status' that they had agreed to. The banter was really sweet and natural.

Lex’s frown turned into a small smile. “Its nice to hear you laugh again Chloe.”

Chloe’s giggling came to an abrupt halt. She felt small tingles in her stomach as those words touched her ears. Oh god, he was doing that earnest, soft, and sexy Lex look he so rarely did. Why oh why did he have to pick tonight to give her that look? Why was he even giving her that look? She had absolutely no idea on how to respond to that. What could she say? Thanks, but that was a little awkward you choosing to say that to me now?

And THEN Lex starts in with his moves. On a half-drunk Chloe no less. How DARE he do such a thing?! It's inexcusable! He took advantage of his ex while her judgment was lax and impaired, and he really should have been a better person than that!

She could feel the warning bells going off in her head. Telling her to bolt and bolt fast. “Uh-”

He tilted his head slightly to the side, his hand reaching for her own. “Can I have one dance Chloe?”

Her mind screamed No, but once again her brain chose that moment not to be connected to it. Before she knew what was happening, her hand was in his and her feet were slowly following him onto the dance floor. His hands were around her waist, and her arms were around his neck, her head resting strangely close against his chest.

That bastard! He KNOWS how irresistible he can be, but that's not stopping him from carrying out actions that he knows Chloe might end up regretting in the sober cold morning again.

I can see why Chloe has been avoiding him. But if she didn't trust him to stick to their friends-only agreement, why did she agree to try for it? hmmm perhaps because she thought she would be sober enough to put an end to any moves he might put on her during their meetings?

“I kind of knew you’d throw away that invitation,” He continued, seemingly reading his mind. “That’s why I sent Lois one too.”

She gaped at him. Of all the sneaky things- “That’s-”

“It was the only way you’d come.” He explained with a shrug. “I wanted to thank you face to face for writing that article Chloe.”

It's always fun to see Lex doing his omnipotent strategist thing. I always loved watching brilliant manipulator Lex showing off his talents. BUT his ambiguous morality always stopped him short from taking advantage of people who were incapable of defending themselves properly. This includes drunken ex-girlfriends that he happens to be in love with!

He only smiled, tightening his hold on her. “It was your best article. Two whole pages. Congratulations.”

Chloe smirked. “I wouldn’t have gotten those two pages if I wasn’t granted full access. Just so you know I didn’t write such a praising article because you’re you.”

“Good. And just so you know I only granted you full access so I could get a good story.”

erm... I think there must have been a typo in this sentence here. What I feel was meant to convey sincerity and sweetness sounded like a sardonic comment. Did you mean to say 'And just so you know I didn't grant you full access just so I could get a good story.'?

But if I'm reading it right, I'm getting a very sweet moment between the two of them. And it would have been the perfect start to a lovely a trust-filled friendship if only Lex had managed to control his damned cock!

“You look beautiful tonight Chloe.”

Her hands tightened her hold on his shoulders as the sot yet deep words were murmured into her ear. She had to say something, but her tongue felt suddenly clumsy and her mouth incredibly dry. “I-you smell nice.”

She didn’t have to look at him to see the amusement on his face. “Thank you.” His fingers made its way lower. “Chloe?”


“Come home with me tonight?”

BASTARD! It's obvious that Chloe judgment is impaired by the alcohol. If he hadn't been watching her down six glasses of champagne, then that inane 'you smell nice' comment would have provided a warning for anyone.

But now, as she lied in the middle of his bed, his head buried between her open thighs, all of that seemed so very irrelevant.

She missed this. Missed the way his tongue felt against her clit as he slowly stroked it up and down. Missed the way he would lick, suck and bite her in all of the right places. He licked her hard then soft. Fast, then slow, and her eyes widened before shutting tightly as her body shuddered and twisted in his hands.

“Lexx..” She inhaled sharply, her hands tightening on the fistful of sheets underneath her as he began to suck hard at her clit. “What are you--” She trailed off and moaned loudly as his tongue worked her over, drawing out moisture that had no end. She knew she should feel embarrassed, but she didn’t. Its been too long, and Lex seemed to have no problem lapping it up with loud hungry moans.

WOW! I might be pissed off at Lex for the way he picked up Chloe, but the smut is AMAZING. Even if Lex is taking advantage of Chloe's drunken state and lax judgment, it's fantastic to see that he's making an effort to make sure she enjoys herself thoroughly. The bastard is probably already making plans on how to deal with the sober 'morning after', and he's making sure she won't have any chance to complain in THIS part of the evening activities.

She could feel herself come apart when he slowly slipped his tongue inside of her, then out and back again in fast jabbing motions.

“Ohhh--” She gave a low groan, and reached for his head, forcing his mouth harder on her pulsing cunt. She raised her hips, fucking his mouth before her body stiffened all over, and she came with a low shout. Her hips jerked forward as small spasms wracked her entire body from head to toe.

Wow! Sincerely hot! I needed to take a break for a moment.

She laid there staring at the ceiling as his tongue continued to lap up her wetness. She laid there staring at the ceiling, her body lax and spent, her mind suddenly very clear and sober.

This was a mistake.

Her body suddenly stiffened when she felt him gently kiss each thigh. “Stop.” She whispered hoarsely.

Lex tensed and slowly looked up at her. A concerned expression his face. “Chloe?”

Chloe bit her lip. “Stop it.” She repeated. She gently pushed him away from her and sat up, fixing her dress by pulling it back down her thighs. “This was wrong.”

I was SO glad that Kimbo stopped Chloe from indulging in what would have been a TERRIBLE mistake. I'm quite sure that Chloe would have woken up the next morning filled with turmoil, regrets and guilt over the night before.

As it was, she was ALREADY filled with confusion and guilt, but at least she managed to get out before things went too far out of hand.

“Why don’t you let me call my driver to take you--”

“No.” She cut in quickly. She bent to pick up her purse and underwear at the same time. She quickly stuffed her underwear into her purse. Her hands were shaking. She had to get to get the fuck out of there.

“It’s the middle of the night. It isn’t safe.”

He was doing that thing with his voice again, and she wished he would just stop talking. She knew he was right. “I’ll be fine.” She murmured. She turned and left him sitting there on the bed, shirt open, too afraid to glance in his direction.

It's obvious that Lex's feeling were hurt here. He might have been acting like a manipulative, underhanded bastard... but perhaps he didn't realize what a bastard he was being until Chloe pulled away from him.

Perhaps he's going to get the idea that building up trust entails more than just having a few fantastic orgasms. NOW he might actually try to give the 'being friends only' agreement a sincere chance before rushing off in the direction of his impulses (and cock).

Chloe frowned when her bedroom door slammed closed. She walked towards her couch and slowly sat down. She didn’t have sex with Lex. No. Instead she’d let him go down on her, realized her mistake and ran out of his apartment like a scared bird.

What was wrong with her? Why did she break her rule? Why did she agree to leaving with him?

You DO remember downing six glasses of champagne, right?

Poor girl is so confused, and feeling so guilty. In fact, she has nothing to feel guilty about, because this evening was verging on the edge of 'date rape'. STOP scowling at me! I'm serious! Lex was cold sober, and he could see how the champagne was affecting Chloe, making her more relaxed and hornier than usual. And he immediately started in with his irresistible moves on her, when he probably KNEW that, although she wasn't ready to trust him enough to get into a relationship with him, she probably still had lingering feeling for him.

He used Chloe's impaired state to influence her to do things that she wouldn't normally do in her correct, sober and balanced state of mind. It might have been different if HE had the excuse of being impaired by alcohol too, but I'm getting the impression he wasn't anywhere near drunk enough for that excuse to work.

This constitutes date rape, and I'm furious at Lex for what almost happened.

There was a vase of tiger lilies on her desk at work Monday morning.

The next day there was a bouquet of Lilacs.

The next day were right roses, and when she went home there were more white roses lined outside of her door.

She ignored the cards. Ignored Lois’s reading of the cards from the flowers that were delivered to her apartment. Ignored the gossipers in the office who said something every morning she walked into work. She didn’t have to read the card to know who the flowers were from. Only Lex knew what her three favorite flowers were.

Despite how despicably Lex might have acted, it seemed like he was genuinely sorry for what happened. And it was nice of him to try and make up for it through the peace gesture of non-threatening and non-pressuring flowers.

Although, it's debatable how 'non-pressure' 20 bouquets of flowers can be. I guess I'm still really angry at him.

“You are.” Lois said. “I know you’ll never move on because I know you already love Lex. I also know he’s probably the only man that can make you happy.”

“He hurt me.” She cut in quietly.

Lois nodded. “Well, he’s retarded he’s going to do that sometimes. And as much as I hate to admit it, I’m pretty sure he loves you.”

Chloe shook her head. “I can’t go through that again.”

Lois smiled sadly. “You still are. You use to be so happy all the time Chloe. You use to smile so much and things were okay. You have to stop punishing yourself.”

Lex might be a difficult man to be friends with... Especially when it's obvious that he wants something more. But I do agree with Lois that Chloe should stop hiding from him. Sullivan's don't back down from confrontation. Either tell him directly to stop trying to seduce her and just act like a friend would, or tell him that their try for friendship isn't working and they should cease all contact. OR tell him that you want to be in a relationship, but it will have to be slow.

Meet Me for lunch tomorrow afternoon? The Sushi bar down on Main.
P.S As friends only… no touching I promise.

She fingered the card before placing it onto her coffee table and standing up. “Looks like I’m having sushi tomorrow.”

This ending sounded promising. It seems like Lex has gotten the idea that seducing the pants off Chloe is NOT the right way to go (either strategically or morally). And Chloe is ready to drop her cowardly act, and get ready for confrontation again.

Next chapter should be interesting. I wonder if Lex realizes how horribly and despicably he behaved. I wonder if he's going to bring it up and try to apologize, or whether he's going to do his usual 'Luthor thing' of showing his apology more through actions and grand gestures rather than words.

This was one VERY interesting and controversial chapter. Please update soon.

2nd December 2006, 15:13
Great update!!!!! Glad Lois got Chloe to realize she loves Lex. Can't wait for more.

2nd December 2006, 17:02
great chapter:D

Kit Merlot
2nd December 2006, 17:31
Excellent update!

I know I say this all the time, but I love your version of Lois--she obviously loces Chloe and wants what is best for her. I wish this relationship was actually on Smallville--it would make Lois a more sympathetic character.

And I'm very proud of Chloe for deciding to take a chance on a relationship with Lex again, but he has to earn it. He has to win her trust back, and not just through romantic gestures.

I can't wait to see how their lunch "no touching" date goes:D

2nd December 2006, 20:04
That chapter was soooo good!!!! I can't wait for their date. Update soon.

2nd December 2006, 20:14
'no touching' wonder how long that's gonna last. love this update. go lois for telling chloe that she's not likely going to find anyone else, that lex is IT for her. love this! full of wonderful moments. and lex all sneaky sending lois the invitation just because he knew what her reaction is going to be. absolutely adored this. update soon!!!!:D

2nd December 2006, 22:13
Why am I not surprised that Lex also sent invites to Lois, and the fact that Lois made sure Chloe went just goes along with the fact that she thinks Lex and Chloe belong together.

I'll admit six glasses of Champagne is a lot to drink but I can't help but wonder if the Champagne was the ony reason Chloe had those warm fuzzy feelings.

I'm glad she stopped, it wouldn't have been right if she'd gone all the way through it. She's still not incredibly comfortable with Lex. He still hasn't done enough to prove that he won't make the same mistakes again.

Was Lex sober? We got no word on whether or not he was drinking. We have no idea what he was thinking beyond the fact that he was probably desperate to be with Chloe again. It could very well be that his mind was also in war with itself about whether or not he was doing the right thing. Chloe was just the one who realized it first. And now he realizes what an incredible mistake he made so he's trying to get her to speak to him again so he can explain himself and apologize. I want to give him the benefit of the doubt.

I love that he sent so many flowers that they know the delivery guy by name and vice versa. I say that because I think it's funny. In all honesty I'm not the type to like the mass delivery of flowers. I'm much more happier with the personal delivery of one flower. But I think in this case, Lex is well aware that Chloe wouldn't agree to see him even if he showed up at her doorstep again. He needs to annoy her with the mass amount of flowers so she or in this case Lois will make her read the card. And they have to meet in a neutral evironment so Chloe won't feel so uncomfortable being with him. He has to recognize that an uncomfortable Chloe is not going to help. Neutral ground is best if they are going to at least try to fix their friendship. I also like that Chloe doesn't have the cliche love of red roses. It just wouldn't have felt right if he sent her red roses. They don't go with the sentiment he's trying to make.

I have to wonder if that's been the same message on the card everyday. And if Lex has been showing up to the sushi restaurant everyday just to see if she'd show. That would show some real commitment and would be incredibly sweet, but if Lex has got security on her then he would probably know not to show. Still I think it would be great if he did do that.

He only smiled, tightening his hold on her. “It was your best article. Two whole pages. Congratulations.”

Chloe smirked. “I wouldn’t have gotten those two pages if I wasn’t granted full access. Just so you know I didn’t write such a praising article because you’re you.”

“Good. And just so you know I only granted you full access so I could get a good story.”

SE, I'm not exactly sure what you thought of this quote, but I see it as Chloe saying that Lex did a wonderful job with the project and she's not letting their relationship be a factor on her writing. Lex is saying that he didn't ask her to do it because he wants something more or wants her to forgive him for what happened. He's telling her that he values her writing above all else. I believe he's saying that Chloe would be the only person who could do the story well. At least that's what I think. Two people giving compliments in an unorthodox way which seems to work for them.

2nd December 2006, 23:52
Owh my...I just read the entire thing and I must say; that is the best smut and the most inlove couple I've ever raid about.

Please update soon

3rd December 2006, 18:17
great update and can't wait until :P

3rd December 2006, 19:06
I hope Chloe realizes that she's stuck because she really wants to forgive Lex and be with him again. Also I'm hoping that Lex has some more tricks like the one with sending the invitation to Lois so she would push Chloe to go to the party. And talking about Lois I just loe the way you have portraited her. More please.

4th December 2006, 03:15
All right a great chapter and much longer thus I approve. I have to say Lex did go about things the wrong way. I'm sure the rest of sexual encounter would have been pleasing but when the orgasm settle their problems would still be there.

“Firstly, you’re just an intern, and secondly I don’t think you’d want your first story to be about how CEO Donnelly likes to engage in sexual acts with a cow while an alien records it.”

“Whatever.” Lois said. “And it was a sheep not a cow.” She turned to go.
HA! Lois writing about cow and alien. Her entire behavior at the party was so over the top. I was waiting for some one to ask her to leave.

He was doing that thing with his voice again, and she wished he would just stop talking. She knew he was right. “I’ll be fine.” She murmured. She turned and left him sitting there on the bed, shirt open, too afraid to glance in his direction.
WOW that was rather harsh to leave him next to naked after he got her off but I approve. It should have never gone that far. Poor Lex. I wonder what he had to resort to when she left. I assume his five friends helped him along but then his poor little heart had to be broken that she didn't stay.

“There’s a shock.” She stood up and snatched the card off of the freshly delivered flowers. “You can do one of two things. You can not take a risk--” Lois trailed off and handed Chloe the card. “Or you could take it.” She stood up with a small smile and left.
Thank you Lois. I rather have a proactive Chloe then one sitting around going oh poor me.

She fingered the card before placing it onto her coffee table and standing up. “Looks like I’m having sushi tomorrow.”
I hope they can do some real talking here thus touching will come later and not be a problem.

Great update. I look forward to what Lex has to say about wanting her back.

4th December 2006, 22:04
Flowers every single day- now that is something I would love......
Just a fantasy catching up with me sorry. But thank God Chloe finally goes out with the guy...

5th December 2006, 14:09
I'll admit six glasses of Champagne is a lot to drink but I can't help but wonder if the Champagne was the ony reason Chloe had those warm fuzzy feelings.

I'm glad she stopped, it wouldn't have been right if she'd gone all the way through it. She's still not incredibly comfortable with Lex. He still hasn't done enough to prove that he won't make the same mistakes again.

Was Lex sober? We got no word on whether or not he was drinking. We have no idea what he was thinking beyond the fact that he was probably desperate to be with Chloe again. It could very well be that his mind was also in war with itself about whether or not he was doing the right thing. Chloe was just the one who realized it first. And now he realizes what an incredible mistake he made so he's trying to get her to speak to him again so he can explain himself and apologize. I want to give him the benefit of the doubt.

Hey WWW, I agree with everything you said here.

There were definitely some feelings of fondness and affection motivating Chloe alongside her lust and the fuzziness caused by the champagne. But those warm nostalgic feelings are only to be expected between when two ex-relationship people meet up. And the existence of such warm feeling and fond memories doesn't detract from the fact that Chloe is just not ready to trust Lex enough to get into a relationship with him.

And in her proper state of mind (sans alcohol), she would have NEVER tried to lead him on the way that she did. I'm glad she was able to sober up and STOP before things got too far out of hand. Things are a little more awkward and difficult between them, but imagine how much worse it would have been if they had actually had sex and a horrible regretful morning after.

I have to wonder if that's been the same message on the card everyday. And if Lex has been showing up to the sushi restaurant everyday just to see if she'd show. That would show some real commitment and would be incredibly sweet, but if Lex has got security on her then he would probably know not to show. Still I think it would be great if he did do that.

ROFLOL at WWW's idea here. I have to admit it's an intriguing possibility, and I do wonder whether Lex HAD been waiting day after day at the restaurant waiting for Chloe to show. It's also possible that he had people spying/stalking Chloe to check whether she's going to show or not, but in THAT scenario, I hope Chloe gives him a firm talking to about respecting her privacy and space and NOT surrounding her with guards and spies.

SE, I'm not exactly sure what you thought of this quote, but I see it as Chloe saying that Lex did a wonderful job with the project and she's not letting their relationship be a factor on her writing. Lex is saying that he didn't ask her to do it because he wants something more or wants her to forgive him for what happened. He's telling her that he values her writing above all else. I believe he's saying that Chloe would be the only person who could do the story well. At least that's what I think. Two people giving compliments in an unorthodox way which seems to work for them.

I got a completely different tone from the sentence, but I get your perspective, and I can see how the sentence would have worked if I had turned it over in my head a different way. Thanks for the clarification WWW :D

Kimbo, please update soon. I really want to see how Lex and Chloe manage when they start pursuing this 'friends only' business in earnest. Lex seems properly contrite about the way he tried to shamelessly seduce her, and he might actually start behaving himself. AND Chloe has acknowledged how much she misses him, so perhaps she'll be ready to start placing her trust in him again.

I'm looking forward to seeing how it turns out, please update soon.

10th December 2006, 21:44
hi there,
I was just in the neighborhood, and I decided to drop in and see how this thread is faring. How goes the next chapter, Kimbo? I reaaaally want to know how the new 'let's seriously be friends' aspect of the Chlex relationship is going to pan out. And I love sushi... all my favourite things coming together in one update... please write quickly... please post soon... like tonight?

17th December 2006, 16:00
I was in the neighbourhood again?

You're not going to believe that again, are you? FINE! I've been stalking this thread! And unless you get the restraining order, Im going to continue to stalk this thread until it finally gives in and bestows on me the same intensity of obsession and affection that I bestow on it.

Or I'll settle for an update...?

please post the next chapter soon!

27th December 2006, 18:14
It seems like those stalker style, obsessive love letters to the thread have not been working. Am I going to have to go 'one-up' on the stalker offerings, and start trying to get the thread's attentions and affections through ritual sacrifice?

It might work... For my first offering, I present.... THIS dead chick!

ok, it's not technically a chick... more like a potential chick.

with onions and tomatoes.

I've been told I make the best omelette in the world...?

I think this is worth a chapter update. please post soon.

28th December 2006, 01:03
LOL on something easy. No i don't mind you stalking me and i'm sorry for taking so long. real life has been real hectic. and just yesterday i started working on chapter 22. I'm kind of stuck on a few things. trying to fix it up. Trying not to fall asleep everytime i get a chance to work on it. But, its coming along. This one will be a long one just for you :)

28th December 2006, 10:12
LOL on something easy. No i don't mind you stalking me and i'm sorry for taking so long. real life has been real hectic. and just yesterday i started working on chapter 22. I'm kind of stuck on a few things. trying to fix it up. Trying not to fall asleep everytime i get a chance to work on it. But, its coming along. This one will be a long one just for you :)

HAH! I KNEW that ritual sacrifice was the way to go. You thought the presentation of the 'almost chick' was impressive? Wait till you see what I can do with a fish and a chicken.

I'm really, REALLY happy to hear that chapter 22 has been started, AND that it's going to be an especially long chapter that's undoubtedly going to cover over a LOT of issues standing between them.

I'm really looking forward to seeing Lex and Chloe dealing with their guilt-issues about THAT night. Chloe probably feels guilty because she feels like she might have led Lex on and left him high and dry (which is silly, but I can imagine and understand why she would believe such a thing).

And Lex is going to feel (justifiably) guilty about the near date-rape that happened when he almost took advantage of Chloe in her inebriated state. Of course he gains some points because he stopped immediately without argument when Chloe told him 'no'. But still, he should have known better... and I'm expecting a LOT of begging for forgiveness from him. Perhaps he'll be motivated to make the typical Luthor 'grand gesture' by putting genuine effort and sincerity into their agreement of only being friends...?

Please update soon. I'd LOVE to see how the dinner goes. And I'm still curious whether all those other notes he sent Chloe were ALSO asking her out to dinner to various restaurants... where he proceeded to wait for hours on end, hoping she would show up.

Please write quickly... Would it help if I continued to up the ante on the sacrifices?

*goes hunting for a bull to slaughter*

Please update before I start in with the neighbourhood pets.

31st December 2006, 00:39
This is really good Update soon

4th January 2007, 20:34
A little birdie told me this fic was going to get updated really soon... actually I believe the chapter was scheduled for posting yesterday? (whining voice) I've been waiting and waiting foreveeeer! (whiny voice finished)


please update soon.

10th January 2007, 06:14
:beg: update....loved the updates. will she or won't she forgive him soon?

10th January 2007, 06:19
More soon tommorrow..i promise this time. Thanks for being so paient.

10th January 2007, 13:28
More soon tommorrow..i promise this time. Thanks for being so paient.

heh. I had worked my way up to sacrificing salmon (with cream-cheese dill on the side) in dedication of this fic. I'm glad to see that ritual brutality DOES work from time to time :D

I look forward to the update. Thanks for the heads up

11th January 2007, 08:18
What a extradinory story
Can't wait to read what next

12th January 2007, 04:24
Happy new year!

Sorry for taking forever to update. i've done this chapter over probably five times... I’ve been quite busy. Also due to all of the Lexana, I believe I have been sorely lacking in the creative department. Thanks to something easy she keeps the muse from dying.

Thanks for the patience and feedback!

Also: Writer’s block is a bitch.

Chapter 22

“I can’t wear this.”

Chloe gazed at her reflection with a deep frown. She stared at the way the blouse she tried on accentuated her breast in the most revealing way. “I definitely cannot wear this.”

“Why not?” Lois asked, standing next to her cousin. “It looks good on you.”

Chloe adjusted her blouse with a frown. “First of all, my boobs are sticking out. Its too revealing.”

Lois grinned. “Revealing is good. Remember what I said about Lex and boobs?”

Chloe snorted, and rolled her eyes. “Just, hand me another shirt please?”


“I don’t want him looking at my boobs.” She said with finality. She wanted to go into this as low key as possible. She knew wearing something so revealing would draw Lex’s attention in places well out of the friend zone. Knowing something like that paralyzed her with fear. Made her want to back out of this whole thing and go back to the avoiding.

Lois watched her cousin with a small frown before putting her arm around her shoulder. “Hey-” She said, trailing off when she realized how much Chloe was trembling. “Are you shaking/”

“No!” Chloe answered quickly.

Lois grinned. “Yeah you are.” She for Chloe’s hands, surprised at how much they trembled. “Geez Cousin.”

Chloe snatched her hands away with a glare. “I can’t help it okay?” “I’m all nervous.”

Lois rolled her eyes. “Its not like you’re walking to your death.”

Chloe just stared at her.

“Okay so you’re going to see creepy Lex, but its only Lex.”

“That sentence makes no sense.” Chloe argued, and Lois let out a put upon sigh.

“Look, the point is Chloe is that its only Lex. Lex, the man you’ve been in a relationship with for the past two years-” She trailed when Chloe just stared blankly at her. “He’s seen you naked.” She offered with a shrug.

“So not helping.” Chloe announced, standing up with a deep sigh.

“Just remember a time when you first wanted Lex.”

Chloe remembered. She had been so fearless then. “Okay.” She said softly. She nodded, standing up while grabbing for her jacket. “I’m calm. I can do this right?”

“Right.” Lois answered.

She reached for her jacket and slid it on. “Its no big deal, and I’m a self respecting woman who’s mature and so not a coward.”

“Anymore.” Lois corrected grinning as Chloe glared at her.

“Anymore.” Chloe amended, taking a deep breath. “I’m back to my old self now.” She turned and smiled at her cousin. “Take a mental pic because the next time you see me I’m going to be a whole new Chloe.” Her smile widened.

Lois watched her warily. “You’re scaring me.”

Chloe rolled her eyes. “It’s only lunch.” She repeated much more for her own sake than anybody else’s. “How bad can it be.”


She was already ten minutes late. She stood in the doorway of the restaurant contemplating running away. The knots in her stomach were beginning to become overwhelming for her, and she silently cursed her inability to control her emotions. She weighed her options, already knowing that if she ditched the plan Lois would not let her hear the end of it. Knowing this, she would probably have to avoid Lois until the whole thing blew over. She bit her lip in thought, and slowly turned.

“Ms. Sullivan?”

Mind made up. She slowly turned to the host with a small smile. “Yes?”

The host smiled at her. “Mr. Luthor has been waiting for you.”

Of course he has.

She’s led toward the back of the restaurant into a private area, and she felt her stomach quiver with nervousness as she spotted the back of Lex’s head. She watched as he seemed to glance at his watch, and sigh heavily, throwing his napkin onto the plate angrily.

She nodded to the host who waved his arm in Lex’s direction and slowly walked towards the table. She stood in front of him, noting to herself how good he looked dressed in a violet turtle neck, matching cashmere sweater, and blue jeans. She’s never seen him dressed so casual, and she had to admit how good he looked, sitting there deep in his own thoughts.


She gave him a half smile as he looked up startled to see her standing there. “Chloe?”

“Sorry I’m late.” She said, trying to sound casual, covering her nervousness up by clearing her throat. She pulled out her chair and sat down, glancing up at Lex to see the same surprised look on his face. “What?” She asked softly.

He slowly shook his head, reaching for his napkin and folding it back onto his lap. “I’m surprised you’re here. I didn’t think you’d show.”

She bit her lip, and fingered her menu nervously. “What makes you think that?” She asked, not bothering to keep the sarcasm out of her tone. She looked up at Lex surprised to see him watching her with a small smile.

“Oh, nothing,” He answered. “Just the fact that I’ve waited each time for you, and was seriously becoming desperate enough to start sitting outside your fire escape until I annoyed you into seeing me.”

She felt some of the tension drain away at the sudden joke, and she laughed, smiling at the seriousness of his statement. “That’s sad,” She said, “You know could’ve just bribed me.” She thought for a moment. “Or Lois.”

He laughed. “I don’t know about you, but Lois on the other hand…” he trailed off with a small smile. “What’s even more sad is how close I was to actually doing that.”

They smile at each other, and sits in comfortable silence until Lex leaned forward.

“Chloe, about the last time we saw each other.”

The tension that disappeared suddenly came rushing back so fast it made her head swim. “Lex-”

“I shouldn’t have did what I did. I knew how champagne makes you and I took advantage of your impaired judgment.”

She shook her head with a small glare. “My judgment wasn’t that impaired Lex. I knew what I was doing, and yes maybe I was more susceptible, but I knew what I wanted. I had fault in it too.”

He shook his head. “I still knew better-”

True. Yes, that was true, but she wouldn’t let him take full blame for it. “You weren’t the one who made me drink five glasses of champagne-”

“Six.” Lex corrected, and she suddenly felt incredibly annoyed.

“Look Lex, I’m not some innocent poor victim you took advantage of. I wasn’t that drunk because I remember every minute of that night.” The unstoppable words tumbled out of her mouth before she can stop them, and something heats up in Lex’s eyes as soon as they touched his ears. She quickly looked away, and she could feel her face heat up all the way to her ears.

There’s a small break in the tension as their food is settled in front of them, and she idly wonders if she should be annoyed that he ordered her food for her, but finds that she isn’t because he seemed to always know what to pick for her. She only chanced a glance up at him when the waiter walked away with a quiet enjoy. She’s relieved to see the heated look in his eyes gone, and he’s now concentrating on picking at his food.

Awkwardness settled heavily between them, and Chloe hates it. She sighed heavily, suddenly not very hungry at all.


She looked up at him surprised to see him watching her sadly. “Tell me a secret?”

She paused for a long moment before answering. “I wish this were easier.”

Lex gave her a soft smile. “You’re not alone.”

They stared at each other for a long moment each in their own thoughts. Chloe knows this won’t be easy. She knows it, but she wants to work at it. There was too much between them not to.

“Chloe,” He started softly. He looked as uncomfortable as she felt. “The way I ended things between us was so cruel of me. I know I’ve ruined the chances of us being more, but I-” He trailed off with a sigh. “I’ll take having you in my life anyway I can. Even if it was just as a friend.”

She stared at him, her mind reeling. She’d never seen Lex be so reveling with her, and the look on his face both excited and frightened her.

She was quiet for a long moment. “It won’t be easy.”

He nodded in agreement. “No, it won’t. I’m well aware of that. I know we have a lot to work through.”

She smiled. “Yeah, there is that. But, can we just enjoy lunch for now?”

The surprise and pleasure that crosses Lex’s features makes her stomach flutter in a pleasant way, and she picked up her chopsticks and began to eat in earnest.


“Daily Planet.”

“I’m incredibly bored.”

Chloe paused, surprised by the deep smooth voice that came through the phone. Things were progressing slowly between them. She hadn’t heard or seen from Lex for a week after their first meeting. She was fine with that because it had given her some time to think things through. She knew she had no issues when it came to the subject of whether she forgave Lex or not. She was a very forgiving person, and she had forgiven him the moment he had showed up on her doorstep that day.

“Shouldn’t you be working?”

“I am, working that is. That doesn’t mean I can’t fall into boredom. What are you doing?”

“Working.” She answered, resting the phone against her shoulder as she typed quickly onto her laptop.

“Hmm.” Was all he said.

“Hmm?” Chloe parroted. “Lex, what are you doing?”

“Well,” he sighed. “I’m pretending to work while in all reality I’m actually on my third game of spider solitaire”

Chloe giggled.

“So, Coffee?”

“What? Now?”

“Of course. I mean if you’re busy-”

“No.” She cut in slowly. “I’m not busy. Kings right?”

“I’ll see you in ten minutes.”

Kings was Metropolis’s most famous coffee shop, and Chloe’s favorite hangout spot. She had spent many lunches here with Lex. This was their first time, in many months, meeting each other here. She had been avoiding this place for months, all because she was tired of being asked where Lex was.

Now, as she sat there slowly sipping her coffee, she’s realized what a fool she’s been for giving up such wonderful coffee all for the sake of her sanity. She smiled to herself.

“You’re quiet.” Lex observed, taking a sip off his coffee.

“I am?” She asked, taking another sip of her latte.

Lex watched her carefully. “Mmhmm. Something the matter?”

She shook her head. “No.” She half lied. She didn’t know what was wrong. “I’m just thinking that if I could have this on tap I would.”

Lex smiled. “That can be arranged.”

Chloe perked up a bit. “So very tempting, but I’ll pass.”

He shrugged. “I tried.”

“How’s work?” She asked, changing the subject.

“Boring.” He answered honestly. “And interesting all in one. Most days I’m totally swamped with work and other days-”

“You’re playing spider solitaire?”

He smirked. “Exactly.” He cleared his throat. “I heard you stepped down from investigative reporting and are now doing editorials.”

She wasn’t surprised he knew. “That’s right.” She said with a proud smile. “Investigating isn’t as exciting for me as it use to be,” She revealed with a frown. “Actually I think I just don’t want to be kidnapped again.”

Lex gave her a startled look. “Chloe-”

She shook her head. “No, its only half of the reason. Maybe all. I never realized how dangerous what I did was until that night.” She shrugged. “Harrower offered me my own column, and its slightly more money I took it.”

“You don’t have to give something you love up.”

She smiled at him. “I love to write.”

He smiled. “You’re an amazing writer, and I’m sure anything you do you’ll succeed in.”

Chloe rolled her eyes. “Duh Mr. Sappy.”

He glared at her. “You can’t use that for blackmail.”

“Duly noted.”


“That color is ridiculous.”

Lois sighed, and placed the dress back onto the rack.

“I think Smallville is hiding something from me.”

Chloe glanced at Lois curiously. “Well if he’s hidings meting from you, he’s definitely hiding something from me. Because Clark tells me everything.”

Lois just shrugged. “It must my paranoia acting up again. See what working for the Inquisitor has done to me?”

Chloe shook her head. “You should’ve quit when I told you to.”

“I know.” Lois harrumphed. “Its just, those stories are so-”

“Gross?” Chloe offered.


“Stories about a “bat boy” eating his own head is just oozing with riveting literary detail.”

“I’m so catching up on the sarcasm in your voice.”

Chloe smirked. “Wonderful. Let me give a mental check off of my list for giving you your daily dose.”

Lois rolled her eyes. “Incase you’ve forgotten my boyfriend is an alien.”

Chloe paused in thought. “I hadn’t thought of that.” She smiled at Lois. “Wow, that is ironic. No wonder why you felt so at home there.”

“Anyway, How are things between you and Lex going?”

Chloe smiled. “Its getting better.”

Lois held a blouse up to her chest then passed it to Chloe. “So almost three months into the newly rebuilt friendship with Lex, and he hasn’t used his sexy Lex moves on you?”

Both women sat down. “He’s been a complete gentleman, and just so you know, Friends don’t do sexy moves on each other.”

Lois rolled her eyes. “Crap.”

“We do normal things,” Chloe continued. “Friends do.”

Lois shook her head. “Boring, normal, crap.”

Chloe glared at her annoyed. “Lois-”

Lois steered her out of the clothing store. “Look, don’t you see the way things have gone full circle?”

Chloe only stared at her. “I’m not following.”

“Duh,” Lois stated with a roll of her eyes. “This is the way it goes between the two of you. Friendship, sex, then more sex.”

Chloe only stared at her.

“With a little bit of love thrown in there somewhere.” Lois continued.

“Lois,” Chloe sighed exasperated. “That’s not-”

“Don’t deny it!”

“I’m not denying anything,” Chloe said. “Its just-I…that’s not the way it is. I don’t even know if I even feel that way anymore”



“Let me explain. There’s this aura around the two of you. A sex Aura. You can’t deny it. I know I see it.”

“That’s because you’re a freak.”

“Whatever. I just know what I’m talking about. You’re so happy now Chloe. You two need to get over yourselves and get back together already.”

“There’s too much stuff between us.”

“There’ll always be stuff between the two of you. But it’s the bond that matters.”

Chloe stared at her for a long moment. “You’ve been watching Dr. Phil again haven’t you?”

Lois grinned. “He’s my favorite.”


“Epicaricacy is not a word!”

Lex grinned as he handed her Webster’s dictionary. “Look it up if you challenge it.”

She snatched the book from his hands, mumbling as she flipped through the pages. She paused as the word stared up at. Her eyes slid to the definition.

Epicaricacy N. Taking pleasure in ones misfortune.

She glared at his smiling face. “Of course you would put a word like that up there.”

Lex’s smile widened. “Triple word score plus double letter score equals three hundred and forty one points. Which means that you Ms. Sullivan, are a sore loser.”

Chloe glared at him as she placed her letters back into the bag. “You only one because of that obscure word of yours.” She crossed her arms in front of her chest. “I don’t want to play anymore.”

“I‘ll take the liberty of pointing out that you‘re a sore loser.” Lex commented, and she raised an eyebrow.

She smirked at him. “So says the man who hid his own chess board all because he loss his most beloved game to a girl.”

He frowned at her. “It’s the principle of the thing. I taught you how to play that.” He reached for their empty plates and stood up. “Would you like some more juice?” He asked over his shoulder.

“No thanks.” She said absently. She watched as he moved methodically around the kitchen, taking the dirty pots and pans and placing them into soapy water. It still amused her when Lex revealed to her that Helga was on strike, and wouldn’t be back until he fixed things with her. “Is Helga back yet?”

He glanced at her. “No, she’ll be back next week, and thank goodness. I’m starting to get dishwasher hands.”

“Poor baby.” She murmured still watching him. “At least you paid for that vacation of hers. That was sweet of you.”

He only snorted.

Her thoughts drifted back to the conversation she had with Lois earlier that day. Was their relationship really like that? She snorted to herself already knowing the answer. The real question was whether or not she could go back to that with him? or if she even wanted to? She knew she was quite enjoying renewing her friendship with Lex, and she realized how much she missed him being a part of her life.

‘But he had given it up in the first place.’ Her mind reminded. That much was true, and she made sure to lock her heart up tight, but he was trying so hard, and the knowledge of that warmed her insides.



“What are you doing for your birthday?”

“Getting older.” He answered simply. He turned to face her. “Why?”

She shrugged. “No reason.” She mumbled.

Lex watched her through narrowed eyes. “What are you planning.”

She shook her head. “Nothing.” She answered innocently. “What makes you think I’m planning something?”

“Because I know what that look means.”

“I don’t have a look.”

“No party Chloe.”

She rolled her eyes. “I wouldn’t torture you that much.” She said, mentally crossing off party off of her list.

“Right,” He said, clearly not believing her. “You remember what happened the last time you tried to throw me a party.” He placed the last dish from the sink to the dishwasher, and made his way back over to her.

She vaguely remembered an angry Lex, and strawberry chocolate cake flying everywhere. “That was an overreaction on your part.”

He gaped at her. “My part?”

She nodded, and snatched the remote from his hands. “Oh look its Love story,” She grinned at him. “Your favorite film.”


“Chloe?” she felt someone nudging her, and her eyes slid open. She looked around with sleepy eyes. The television was off, the lights dimmed. She was surprised to see Lex looking down at her with a small smile. She hadn’t even known she’d fallen asleep.

“What time is it?” She asked softly.

“A quarter to nine.” He answered just as softly.

Chloe watched him watch her. Something inside her forced her not to look away. Something had changed. Something important changed between them during the course of falling asleep.

The longer she stared up into his dark gray eyes, the more she wanted to find out.

“I better get home.” She said softly, and Lex nodded.

Neither moved. Her eyes slid down toward his lips.

“I better go.” She murmured.

He nodded. “Yes.”

She was all ready sliding closer toward him, and she watched as he seemed to suck in a breath of air. Her lips brushed against his own in a feathery light kiss. His eyes were closed tightly when she pulled away, and rested a hand on his stomach, smiling to herself when she felt him tense.

She hated when Lois was right.

She applied more pressure to the second kiss, her mouth coaxing and moving against his in a way she knew he loved.

“Chloe?” He whispered against her mouth.

She ran her tongue against his bottom lip, smiling at his sharp intake of breath. “Hmm?”

He quickly pulled away from her. “We can’t.” He said quietly.

Chloe pulled away from him, her eyes wide and cheeks red. “I’m sorry.” God what was she thinking. She felt her face flush in embarrassed. She slid off of the couch. “I really should go now.”


“Dinner was great.” She said with false cheerfulness. She chanced a glance in his direction, feeling her chest tighten at the sad look in his eyes.


“I’m sorry for attacking you.”

“You didn’t-wait…” He trailed off when she stood up.

“I better leave.” She said, reaching for her jacket. “Its better before we both-” She stopped speaking when he just stared at her. She all but ran toward the door. She turned to face him, unsurprised to see his face washed of any emotion.

“Goodnight Lex.”


Face scrubbed of any evidence of her tears, because she simply will not admit to herself that she was sometimes a crybaby, she climbed into bed, reaching for Virginia as she did.

“Your mommy made a fool of herself tonight.” She murmured, and Virginia just meowed at her.

She knew why she did what she did. Broke her rule. Their rule. Their deal. It was all Lex’s fault really. Sitting there looking good. Smelling good. She couldn’t help herself. She didn’t know what she was thinking agreeing to be friends again. It seemed as though every time they were taking a step ahead, they were getting thrown ten steps backwards.

Why was she even torturing herself?

She knew what she wanted, and it wasn’t a surprise that she had fallen into what she tried so hard to avoid. Could she do it? Could she give her heart back to Lex like she so desperately wanted?

She turned onto her side with a small sigh and closed her eyes. She’ll go to Lex tomorrow night and talk to him.

“Stupid Lois.” She muttered before drifting off.


“Daily Planet?”

“Why are you still working?”

“Hello to you too.”

“Well aren’t you suppose to be sexing it up with-”

Chloe was silent for a long moment before sighing. “Lois-”

“I was right.” Lois snickered annoyingly into the phone. “Its okay to be wrong for once Chloe. I mean, you were in denial for such a long time.”

Chloe reached for the file folder that was placed onto her desk. “This is somewhat true.”

“All the way true.” Lois corrected. “You know I’m glad this is going to be over. I really couldn’t take the smoldering looks he was throwing your way every two seconds.”

Chloe sighed, with a small wistful. “You noticed those too huh?”

“Pretty hard to ignore sweetie. Especially since you were giving them back.”

Chloe paused in typing. “I wasn’t-”

“You so were.”

“I’m hanging up now.”

“All right, well I’ll call you later tonight post hot sex.”

“Good bye Lois.”


When Chloe left for work it was pouring out. She cursed herself for not bringing her umbrella as she hurried toward her car. She had left work a bundle of nerves, her stomach twisting in anxious knots as she thought about her meeting with Lex. She had already called him earlier this morning, and left a message on his cell phone informing him that she wanted to speak to him about something important. She had no clue what she was going to say to him. How she was going to start off this conversation. She briefly considered just skipping to the sex part first then talk,but then that would probably ruin the whole point. She started her car, pushing all negative thoughts away.


So much for pushing her negative thoughts away.

Chloe hated the way irony played such a large role in her life. It seemed as though every time she thought that things were okay, life turned around and blew up in her face, like now for instance.

She could only stare, frozen from shock, at the tall and beautiful half naked woman standing in Lex’s doorway. The long uncovered legs and perfectly shaped body covered in nothing but Lex’s dress shirt.

“Yes?” The woman asks softly, a small smile on her face.

Chloe can only stare.

“Diana they’re bringing up your- Chloe?”

Her eyes slid toward Lex, who now stood behind Maria his face surprised. She looked between the two of them, alarm bells going of inside her head.

The indication is so obvious.

She turned and walked quickly towards the elevator, ignoring Lex’s voice urging her back.


‘I should’ve known better.’ Chloe murmured to herself as settled onto the couch. She should’ve known something like this would happen. Lex was a man, and sometimes men have needs.

She shook her head angrily. The hell with that. Lex claimed to love her, and if he did then he shouldn’t have been with that woman. She couldn’t stop the pain and feelings of betrayal from entering into her heart. Yes she agreed to the two of them just being friends, and maybe she had no right in being angry. She frowned deeply.

Screw that. Lex was hers and no one else’s. The two of them had been through so much. Too much, and she knew he wanted her.

Then why would he sleep with someone else?

The sudden urgent knock at her door brought her out of her reverie, and she knew she didn’t need to peek through the peephole to know it was Lex. She bit her lip, considering whether or not to open it and let him explain himself.

She made her way over to the door, unlocking it and pulling it open quickly.

Lex stood there, fist raised poised to knock again. He slowly lowered it, relief filling his expression. “Chloe, we have to talk.”

She stood there, arms crossed in front of her chest as she stared at him. “Okay,” She said slowly. “Talk.”

He stepped inside, closing the door behind him with a soft click. “Chloe-”

“Before you talk,” She cut in. “I know we agreed to be friends, I mean, its what i wanted.”


“Even after knowing you wanted more, I still wanted you in my life, but being with you that way after what you did was not an option for me.”

“I understand that Chloe but-”

“But after spending time with you for the few past months I began to realize how much I was denying what I really wanted.”

Lex eyed her calmly as he took a step toward her. “What was that?” He asked softly.

She ignored him and continued. “And then I saw you with that….woman, and even though I probably have no right to, I’m pissed. Really pissed that you would even do such a thing.”


“How could you? After everything you said you couldn’t-” She was cut off by his lips on his own. She hadn’t even realized he had moved that closer to her. His mouth moved against her slowly, ad she held on, returning his kiss with just as much passion. It took her a moment to remember she was suppose to be angry at him before she pulled away with a small gasp. “Lex!”

“I’m sorry,” he said, not sounding very sorry at all. “It was the only way to stop you from talking.”

She pushed him away from her. “This is serious.”

“I’m being very serious Chloe. I wanted to explain to you that what you saw earlier isn’t what you think.”

She rolled her eyes. “Not the best thing to say when explaining yourself.”

He gave her an annoyed look but continued. “He gave her an annoyed look but continued. “What you saw tonight was innocent-”

“Then who was that woman?”

“It was Helga's daughter. She wanted to surprise her mother, so she came straight from the airport.”

Chloe could feel uncertainty start to creep its way into her head, but she it off. “Then why was she in your shirt?”

“The airport lost all of her luggage, and It was pouring out all day, she showed up soak and wet so I gave her something to wear.”

“Oh,” Was all she said. “But why would-”

“Chloe,” He said reaching for her hands. “Trust me when I say that Diana has absolutely no interest in me or any man for that matter.”

She raised an eyebrow. “You mean she's-”

“Irrevocably.” He said with a small smile. “I tried very hard to seduce her when I was eighteen and it didn't work, which was a shock because I could seduce anyone.”

She slipped her hands out of his own with a frown. “You think you’re such a sex god.”

“Thank you.”

They both smiled at each other, her smile fading as she realized the problem was not solved. She turned away from him with a sigh.

“Chloe,” he started hesitantly. “I received your message this morning. You wanted to talk?”

“Yes,” She said. “I did, but-” She trailed off, and turned to face him again. “Why did you push me away last night?”

He shoved his hands into his pocket. “Because if I hadn’t pushed you away last night when I did, then I wouldn’t have been able to stop. If it had gone any further then I know you would’ve regretted it the next morning.” He shook his head as he struggled to say his next words, his usual guarded face open and honest. “I don’t think I can handle something like that.”

Chloe stared at him surprised. Did she really make him think that way? Does she come off that way? She had never seen Lex act so insecure.

“I’m sorry I made you feel that way.”

He shook his head. “After the way I treated I relationship-”

“It was careless,” She cut in. “But its in the past, and we’re moving forward.”

“Are we?” He asked.

“Lex,” she said. “I know I agreed for us to just be friends, but it isn’t working. You and I both know it’ll never work.”

“No,” He agreed quietly. “It won’t.”

Chloe stared at him long and hard. “Lex?” She asked softly. “What do you want?”

“Everything.” He answered.

She bit her lip, her hand going up to rest onto his shoulder. “I’m scared.”

“You aren’t alone.” He admitted with a wry smile.

They entwined their fingers together. Lex pulled her closer until they were only inches apart.

Chloe’s fingers skimmed the back of his neck. “If you hurt me again,” She murmured against his lips. “I’ll never forgive you.”

“I won’t.” He whispered before kissing her.


Kit Merlot
12th January 2007, 05:00
This was a beautiful update! Good for Lois for helping Chloe to adnit her true feelings--that even though she's scared, she still loves Lex and wants to be in a relationship with him.

Good for Lex for waiting for Chloe to trust him again, and I'm proud of him for rushing right over to Chloe's to explain himself to her.

Wonderful work!

12th January 2007, 05:46
wonderful chapter!


12th January 2007, 06:14
Great chapter! I can't wait for Lex & Chloe to be back together. More please.

12th January 2007, 08:05
I'm happy that he did show up at the restaurant everyday. I almost cried when he was apologizing and saying how he'd want any kind of relationship with her. Damn right Lois was right, those two can't be anything less than lovers. Yay to things being back on track.

12th January 2007, 23:42
This was a WONDERFUL chapter, and it was actually worth the wait! Everything was tied up, resolved and taken care of in a satisfactory fashion… and in a very sweet and romantic way. Lovely update.

He slowly shook his head, reaching for his napkin and folding it back onto his lap. “I’m surprised you’re here. I didn’t think you’d show.”

She bit her lip, and fingered her menu nervously. “What makes you think that?” She asked, not bothering to keep the sarcasm out of her tone. She looked up at Lex surprised to see him watching her with a small smile.

“Oh, nothing,” He answered. “Just the fact that I’ve waited each time for you, and was seriously becoming desperate enough to start sitting outside your fire escape until I annoyed you into seeing me.”

First of all. Thanks for the visual of Lex in jeans. It was really sweet to see him in such casual trappings. But the image was still magnificently sexy.

And I’m SO glad you addressed the question on whether or not Lex has been waiting in the restaurant after EVERY single flower delivery and invitation in the hopes that maybe Chloe will come in THIS time. I wanted to cradle him and jump him (in that order).

Heh. And I am sadistic enough to find his desperation funny. The kind of desperation that makes him consider climbing up fire-escapes or even (egad!) bribing/begging/bullying Lois into helping him out with Chloe. Poor heart-broken Lex…

“I shouldn’t have did what I did. I knew how champagne makes you and I took advantage of your impaired judgment.”

She shook her head with a small glare. “My judgment wasn’t that impaired Lex. I knew what I was doing, and yes maybe I was more susceptible, but I knew what I wanted. I had fault in it too.”

He shook his head. “I still knew better-”

I’m ALSO glad that they had a discussion about the night when Lex and Chloe nearly committed a terrible mistake. Lex has taken his fair share of the blame, and Chloe is sweet enough to, not only instantaneously forgive him, but also to reassure him that it wasn’t entirely his fault. That he is NOT a villain for his moment of misjudgment and weakness. I LOVE that they are giving this friendship a genuine chance now.

She looked up at him surprised to see him watching her sadly. “Tell me a secret?”

She paused for a long moment before answering. “I wish this were easier.”

Lex gave her a soft smile. “You’re not alone.”

I had forgotten about their ‘Tell me a secret’ game. It’s lovely that they still play despite everything that has gone wrong since. I thought this was the lovely indication on how they were beginning repair the bonds and trust between them again.

“Chloe,” He started softly. He looked as uncomfortable as she felt. “The way I ended things between us was so cruel of me. I know I’ve ruined the chances of us being more, but I-” He trailed off with a sigh. “I’ll take having you in my life anyway I can. Even if it was just as a friend.”

And THIS was my favourite part in the whole fic. Before, when Lex asked to ‘just be friends’, I get the feeling he was planning and plotting out a way to insinuate himself back into Chloe’s life and heart again. But NOW, he seems to have resigned himself to the possibility that she might NEVER want him back in THAT capacity again, and he’s trying to come to terms with his new relationship with Chloe to the best of his abilities.

He’s finally learnt to respect her decision, and he’s determined to never cross the line without her express and explicit permission.

“Hmm?” Chloe parroted. “Lex, what are you doing?”

“Well,” he sighed. “I’m pretending to work while in all reality I’m actually on my third game of spider solitaire”

ROFLOL at this exchange… and all this starting with Lex calling Chloe with the statement ‘I’m bored’? RFLMAO.

LOL!… Lex playing spider solitaire’!!.

Lois rolled her eyes. “Incase you’ve forgotten my boyfriend is an alien.”

Chloe paused in thought. “I hadn’t thought of that.” She smiled at Lois. “Wow, that is ironic. No wonder why you felt so at home there.”

Taking a moment to enjoy the irony of reconciling the facts of Lois’s job with the facts of her personal life. That IS hilarious! And I really enjoyed the rest of Lois’s snarkiness and snide remarks. She is very entertaining. AND I’m so glad she pointed out home home truths to Chloe, such as the fact that she and Lex are meant to be together.

Of course, I bet Lois’s real motivation was that she didn’t want to see all the work and planning she put into the ‘Get Lex’ campaign go completely to waste ;)

Epicaricacy N. Taking pleasure in ones misfortune.

She glared at his smiling face. “Of course you would put a word like that up there.”

Lex’s smile widened. “Triple word score plus double letter score equals three hundred a and forty one points. Which means that you Ms. Sullivan, are a sore loser.”

Chloe glared at him as she placed her letters back into the bag. “You only one because of that obscure word of yours.” She crossed her arms in front of her chest. “I don’t want to play anymore.”

“I‘ll take the liberty of pointing out that you‘re a sore loser.” Lex commented, and she raised an eyebrow.

ROFLOL at their snarky banter. I LOVE the word that Lex made over here. I think scrabble really is one of the most perfect games the two of them can use to pass the time. It’s another way of using their wit and competitive natures to verbally spar with each other.

She smirked at him. “So says the man who hid his own chess board all because he loss his most beloved game to a girl.”

He frowned at her. “It’s the principle of the thing. I taught you how to play that.” He reached for their empty plates and stood up. “Would you like some more juice?” He asked over his shoulder.

ROFLOL at the implications of this statement. I wonder just how much of a fit Lex must have thrown upon realizing he had been beaten by an amateur at chess. Poor fellow! ROFLOL!

She applied more pressure to the second kiss, her mouth coaxing and moving against his in a way she knew he loved.

“Chloe?” He whispered against her mouth.

She ran her tongue against his bottom lip, smiling at his sharp intake of breath. “Hmm?”

He quickly pulled away from her. “We can’t.” He said quietly.

I’m SO glad he stopped her. It delayed the happy Chlexy reunion, but it finally showed how careful Lex was being to maintain the rules that Chloe had established. He really is such a sweet, generous, considerate man.

“But after spending time with you for the few past months I began to realize how much I was denying what I really wanted.”

Lex eyed her calmly as he took a step toward her. “What was that?” He asked softly.

Wow! That whole ‘finding the scantily clad girl by Lex’s side’ made me raise my eyebrows. But it was more in the ‘contrived plot line’ kind of way rather than ‘Lex is cheating’. But I suppose I can see why it would have been necessary for Chloe to have seen such a visual. It cemented her resolve to start up her ‘get Lex campaign again.

It’s fortunate that it didn’t take nearly as long THIS time! Lex seemed shocked by the words Chloe has just let slip out here. Delightfully shocked!

She ignored him and continued. “And then I saw you with that….woman, and even though I probably have no right to, I’m pissed. Really pissed that you would even do such a thing.”


“How could you? After everything you said you couldn’t-” She was cut off by his lips on his own. She hadn’t even realized he had moved that closer to her. His mouth moved against her slowly, ad she held on, returning his kiss with just as much passion. It took her a moment to remember she was suppose to be angry at him before she pulled away with a small gasp. “Lex!”

Chloe was right over here when she said that she has no right to be angry at Lex. SHE was the one who established the ‘let’s be friends only’ rule, and now she’s getting angry and feeling betrayed? At least she didn’t get too far in her ‘digging herself in a hole rant before Lex reacted the only sensible way possible after hearing her saying such things.

And that was a VERY sweet kiss, by the way.

“I’m sorry,” he said, not sounding very sorry at all. “It was the only way to stop you from talking.”


He shoved his hands into his pocket. “Because if I hadn’t pushed you away last night when I did, then I wouldn’t have been able to stop. If it had gone any further then I know you would’ve regretted it the next morning.” He shook his head as he struggled to say his next words, his usual guarded face open and honest. “I don’t think I can handle something like that.”

WOW! That sweet, vulnerable, sensitive, insecure man. He really is a delight! I LOVE that he pushd Chloe away that night because. He got a second chance to make the ‘right’ decision during a moment of desperate temptation, and he chose to resist and make certain of Chloe’s feelings and motivations first. Excellent way of bringing the situation full circle, Kimbo!

“Everything.” He answered.

She bit her lip, her hand going up to rest onto his shoulder. “I’m scared.”

“You aren’t alone.” He admitted with a wry smile.

They entwined their fingers together. Lex pulled her closer until they were only inches apart.

Chloe’s fingers skimmed the back of his neck. “If you hurt me again,” She murmured against his lips. “I’ll never forgive you.”

“I won’t.” He whispered before kissing her.

Awwww. Swoooon! A perfect happy ‘almost’ ending. I suppose there is the epilogue left now, huh? Lovely fic, Kimbo. I really enjoyed the bit of angst at the end, AND the way it was nicely resolved.

13th January 2007, 21:14
Love Lois. It was very sweet and beautiful reunion. Now let the smutty make-up sex begin!!!! Great chapter.

14th January 2007, 05:24
Alright another great update. Looks like this are progressing nicely.

“Chloe,” He started softly. He looked as uncomfortable as she felt. “The way I ended things between us was so cruel of me. I know I’ve ruined the chances of us being more, but I-” He trailed off with a sigh. “I’ll take having you in my life anyway I can. Even if it was just as a friend.”
He's lying here. I think Lex wants to believe he can be friends but he's lying to himself.

She shook her head. “No.” She half lied. She didn’t know what was wrong. “I’m just thinking that if I could have this on tap I would.”

Lex smiled. “That can be arranged.”
HA! It could so be arranged. I would love to have starbucks on tap.

Chloe stared at her for a long moment. “You’ve been watching Dr. Phil again haven’t you?”

Lois grinned. “He’s my favorite.”
Of course Lois would like another loud mouth telling everyone what to do.

She hated when Chloe was right.I assume you meant Lois here and she is right there is no way they can be friends for long.

She could only stare, frozen from shock, at the tall and beautiful half naked woman standing in Lex’s doorway. The long uncovered legs and perfectly shaped body covered in nothing but Lex’s dress shirt.
WTF? He better explain it then.

Chloe stared at him long and hard. “Lex?” She asked softly. “What do you want?”

“Everything.” He answered.
Finally. I like that they both admit they are both scared.

“I won’t.” He whispered before kissing her.
Lex better not hurt her again. I don't think I could take it. I'm a sucker for a happy ending so please let this end well for them. I wonder how Gabe is going to react to them getting back together, I do remember something about him killing Lex if he hurt Chloe.

19th January 2007, 18:52
Wonderful! Glad you're back. Loved the little twist with Helga's daughter... I didn't actually believe Lex would throw it all away with such little consideration but my heart went out to Chloe. Can't wait for the next update.

19th January 2007, 20:04
That was amazing
I`m so glad that Lex wasn`t doing anything stupid and that Diana is gay (because otherwise there could have happened something stupid because he`s a delicious man)
Please more soon

6th February 2007, 07:43
Thanks for all the great feedback! Story is almost coming to an end. Here’s the next part, enjoy!

Chapter 23

*Beep Beep Beep*

Chloe frowned in her sleep. That incessant ringing was driving her insane.

*Bleep Bleep Bleep*

She buried her face deeper into the pillow with a loud groan. “Lex?”

The strong arms that held her tightened around her waist.

The beeping continued, and she gently elbowed his ribs. “Lex your phone is beeping again.”

She felt him sigh against her neck. “It isn’t my phone Chloe. Its your alarm clock, informing you you’re going to be late for work.”

Chloe’s eyes snapped open, and she lifted her head, her eyes widening when she noticed the time. “Shit!”

Lex chuckled, and tightened his arm around her waist.

Chloe struggled to release herself from Lex’s grip. She untangled her legs from his own, and tried to slip out of bed, but failed when he tightened his hold on her. “Lex.” She whined.

His lips skimmed the back of her neck. “Just one kiss.”

She sighed. “This is all your fault.”

He snorted, and gently bit her neck. “You’re the one who insisted on staying up to talk. One kiss?” He asked again.

She turned onto her back so that she was facing him. “You have work too you know.”

He shrugged. “I own the company remember?” He removed a piece of hair from her eyes with a soft smile. “One kiss?”

She rolled her eyes."We have this argument every morning." She grumbled, but he just looked at her expectantly. “If you insist.” She said, then she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled his lips down on top of her own. It wasn’t as though she didn’t want to kiss Lex. She wanted nothing more than to feel his lips against her own in a sensual kiss. Every touch of his lips and skin sent against her own, sent a surge of heat throughout her body, she could barely stand it. His tongue teasing her mouth. His hands roaming her body.

She wanted it all, and that was the problem. Every time their kiss turn heated. He would pull away.

Three weeks since they’d gotten back together, and they still hadn’t made love. Not that she was complaining, because she loved doing other things with him besides sex. She understood if he didn’t want to rush things. They had all the time in the world. There was no rush.

But, they hadn’t had sex for so long, and just the thought of Lex between her thighs, inside of her made her ache with want.

Her hand slid down his chest and between his legs. She cupped his hardness and rubbed, smiling at the way he groaned into her mouth before pulling away.

She lied there panting. Staring up at the ceiling with a small frown. Okay. Maybe there was a rush.

“You’ll be late for work.”

She rolled her eyes at his soft amused tone. She glanced at him, unsurprised to see that familiar heat in his eyes. She had a feeling he was doing this on purpose, but that made no sense because why would he torture himself?

“Right.” She mumbled, reaching up for another small kiss before rolling out of bed. She wandered over toward her dresser draw, and pulled out her underwear. Before hurrying over toward her closet to pull out something to wear. She turned to see Lex sitting up, openly watching her movements. She smiled at him before walking into the bathroom for a shower.


Chloe emerged from the bathroom showered and fully dressed. She wasn’t surprised to see Lex still lying in bed, but he wasn’t alone. Virginia lay on his chest, purring loudly as he scratched the feline behind her ears. She glanced at the time, and her eyes widened. “Where’s my-”

“On the couch.” He answered holding up the glass mug he held. “I made coffee, its in your thermos on the living room table.”

“My hero.” Chloe muttered bending over to pull her other shoe from under the bed. “Gotcha.” She mumbled standing up to slip her foot into it. “Where’s my phone?” She said, glancing up to see Lex her cell phone dangling from his hand with a small smile.

Chloe returned his smile with one of her own as she reached out to snatch her cell phone. It was amazing how easily they fell into their old routine. “See you later.” she murmured with a wave.


“So you’re bringing your pooh bear his lunch?”

Chloe rolled her eyes as she made her way into LuthorCorp towers. “You know you really need to stop calling him that, and yes I am.”

“Isn’t that sweet? I hope you didn’t cook anything.”

Chloe switched the basket of goodies she held in her left hand into her right as she pressed for the elevator. “Lex enjoys my cooking.”

Lois snorted. “That’s just because he loves you.”

“You love me.”

“Yeah, but I’m also mean enough to tell you your cooking sucks.”

“Bitchy enough also.” She said, stepping onto the elevator. “I’m hanging up Lo.”

“Okay. If he gets food poisoning I’ll cover for you.”

“Right.” She hung up, and stepped onto the elevator, ignoring the strange looks the nicely dressed men were giving her when she pressed the button for the very last floor.

The doors swooshed open, and she stepped off, making her way towards Lex’s receptionist. She smiled brightly. “Hi Jenny.”

Jennifer looked up from her computer with a small smile. “Good afternoon Ms. Sullivan.”

“Call me Chloe please,” She said. “Is Lex in?”

She nodded. “He just got out of meeting.” The older woman leaned forward to whisper. “As you know its his birthday so he’s been a little cranky today. He’s already made it well known that he doesn’t want any mentions about it today.”

Chloe rolled her eyes at his dramatics. He was like this every year, and she hadn’t the slightest idea why. “He didn’t threaten anyone did he?” She asked.

“Well, he said, and I quote “If anyone mentions my birthday today they’ll be incredibly sorry.”

Chloe sighed, a small smile coming onto her face. “We’ll see about that.” She muttered before turning and swinging the doors open to his office.


She stood in the doorway, watching him silently. He stood near the window, his back to her. She listened as he spoke fluent German into the phone. She waited for him to acknowledge her presence, taking her time in admiring his very firm backside. “Nice.” She muttered.

“Happy Birthday!” She said cheerfully. She watched half amused as he turned around with a frown. She waved at him and the hardness in his eyes softened, but not the look of annoyance he was sporting.

Her grin widened as he took his hands free phone off. “Chloe?”


He moved around his desk as he spoke. “Not that I mind, but what are you doing here?”

“I’m here for your birthday surprise.” She sat down onto the leather couch in the sitting area and placed the basket onto the table in front of her.

“Birthday surprise?” He repeated flatly.

‘Uh huh.” She answered as she opened the basket and began pulling out plates, and Tupperware.


“I’m thinking later tonight we can go to the movies since we rarely get to go anymore.”

“Chloe,” He continued slowly. “Didn’t we discuss this last night?”

She pulled out two cloth napkins, and placed them on top of plates. “Discussed what?”

He placed his hands into his pockets. “About how there will be no mention of my birthday?”

She glanced up at him with a strange smile. “I remember no such thing.” She patted the spot next to her. “Now come sit down next to me and have some lunch. I know you haven’t eaten all day.”

She could tell he was losing his patience, but she didn’t care.

“Chloe, I just want to get older in peace.”

She raised an eyebrow at him. “we are doing this in peace. You should’ve seen what I had planned before all of this.”

“Chloe-” He almost whined.

“Lex.” She said in the same tone. “I just want to do something nice for you.” She held out her hand. “Please?” She could see him caving in just by the way his shoulders slumped. Her grin widened as he took her hand in his own and sat down.

“I have your favorite,” she explained while placing the food onto his plate. “Lemon chicken with wild rice and salmon-” she trailed off at his look. “What?”

“It smells good.” He commented with a strained smile. “You didn’t cook this did you?”

Her smile faded, and she glared at him. “No, I didn’t. Helga did.” She poured him a glass of wine. “Is my cooking really that terrible?”

“No.” He answered quickly. “Its just-” He trailed off at her expectant look.

“Yes?” She asked.

“Well-I liked that vanilla Flan you made the other night.”

She glared at him. “That was custard.”

“oh.” he said with a shrug. “Well it was delicious all the same.”

“You’re lucky I love you.” She murmured taking a sip of her own wine. “Or else I would’ve taken vengeance by poising you.”




“What are you doing?”

“Undressing you.”

She smirked, her stomach tightening in anticipation. “Did you enjoy the movie?” She asked as his fingers unbuttoned the blouse she wore.

“Yes,” He murmured. “Who knew that alien super intelligence is no match for our Earthly can-do spunk.” He slid her shirt off of her shoulders. “And beautiful twenty year old Astrophysicists are really looking for middle aged street cops to fall in love with.”

She giggled, tilting her head to the side so he could kiss her neck. “Sure didn’t see that one coming.”

He kissed her shoulder, and nipped gently at her neck. “Nope.”

She sighed as his arms wrapped around her waist. “I told you we should’ve seen that Keanue movie.”

He paused in his task of unzipping her skirt. “I don’t think I can take you drooling over him tonight.” He continued unzipping, unzipping the clasp and smiling as it dropped onto the carpet with a silent thump. “Doesn’t he sound strange when he speaks?”

“It doesn’t matter he’s hot.” She sagged against him as his hands caressed her bra covered chest. “You’re jus at sci-fi geek.” she breathed.

“Don’t tell anyone.” He murmured against her neck. He pressed himself harder against her, reveling the very prominent evidence of his arousal.

Chloe bit her lip to keep from moaning. “Our secret.” She rubbed herself against him, already feeling the telltale wetness between her thighs. He barely did anything worth getting this aroused so quickly, but its been so long, and just the thought of him touching her almost made her come. “Lex..”

“Waited so long.” He murmured, sliding his hand down her stomach and into her underwear. He smiled at the wetness he felt there. “Too long.”

She shivered and turned her head. Her hand caressed his cheek, urging him forward for a kiss.

His lips met hers in a passionate kiss. His tongue thrusting against her own, matching the slow movements of his fingers.

Five more slow strokes against her clit, and she pulled away from his lips with a loud gasp, her body shaking from her first climax. She whimpered as waves wracked her body, blushing at the gush of wetness she felt seep from her. “Wow.”

He chuckled, and brought his fingers up for her to see. “I love how wet you get.” He murmured.

She squirmed in his arms. “Its weird.”

He turned her around so t hat she was facing him, his face set in a serious expression. “I beg to differ. Its quite the turn on with the knowledge that I make you this hot.”

She rolled her eyes. “So arrogant.”

“You love it.”

She grinned. “Not as much as I’d love to see you naked.”


“Oh Fuck!”

She had forgotten how long his tongue was. His tongue seemed to touch all the right places at all once; his mouth sucking hard on her clit, making her writhe and beg. The way his long talented fingers curled inside of her, making her melt and cream for him even more. His tongue replaced his fingers, and she felt her toes curl. Her hands tightened their hold on his head as she fluttered and quivered beneath him.

It took a long time for her world to stop spinning. “Wow,” She breathed, pushing his head away. Her tender flesh was much too sensitive for anymore licking.

She glanced down to see Lex resting his head on her thigh. “Come up here?”


She frowned. “Come on.” She laughed, pulling on his hand.

He slowly crawled up her body, and she silently wondered why his skin seemed particularly flushed. “What’s-” She trailed off as her eyes strayed to his now flaccid cock. She slowly raised an eyebrow. “Did you-”

“No.” he answered quickly. He settled himself beside her, hiding his face in her hair.

She knew he was lying. “Lex-” She trailed off with a smile.

He sighed heavily. “Its been a year for me Chloe. What did you expect to happen?”

Chloe bit her lip as she thought this over. “So, you never slept with anyone else while we were apart?”

He lifted his head to look at her, his expression offended. “No.” He answered honestly. “There was no one else.”

She danced her fingers across his shoulder blade as she thought this over. “Hmm,” She said. “Are you going to get all sappy on me and s tart explaining how I’m the only one for you, and every other woman you saw you compared them to me?”

He snorted. “I wouldn’t dare.”

“Good.” She murmured, running her fingers across his chest. “I can’t believe you-”

“Can we just drop it.”

“I mean its quite natural. Premature ejaculation-”


She smirked. She knew he was embarrassed, and she wondered if he knew how flattered she was. How turned on she was. The knowledge that she could make such a controlled man like Lex loose control that way. No sex for a whole year, not withstanding.

“I can hear your thoughts.” Lex muttered grumpily.

Her fingers danced across his muscled stomach, her eyebrow raising as the way it quivered from her touch. “I’m just wondering if I can do it again.”

“Fat chance,” He said with a rude snort. “It was a one time thing. You caught me off guard.” He cleared his throat. “I became too eager.”

She nodded keeping a straight face. “Reverted back to adolescent years.”

He rolled his eyes at her. “Can we just change the subject?”

She turned onto her side to look at him. “How did you enjoy your birthday?”

He shrugged. “It was slightly more bearable than the others.”

She laughed. “Oh please, you know you enjoyed it.”

He shrugged, his eyes lowering to his hand as it skimmed the softness of her breasts and stomach. “I did.” he admitted softly. His hands slid up to caress her cheek. “Thank you Chloe.”

Her grin widened. “You’re very welcome.” She reached for his hands to entwine them with her own. “Why do you hate celebrating your birthday so much anyway?” She frowned as his eyes seemed to glaze over. “Lex?”

“Considering the way you’re currently rubbing yourself against me. I kind of can’t answer your question right now.”

Frowning she glanced down, surprised to see her hips moving against his at their own accord. She smirked as she noticed how hard he was so quickly. “Well,” She said turning to look back down at him. “What do you know, hard already.”

Lex smirked. “You have that effect on me.” He rolled over, grasping her hips as she tumbled to the side and onto her back. He settled himself between her thighs. He leaned down to kiss her once a small soft smile on his face.

Her hands caressed down his ribs, over his hips to his ass. She squeezed with a sexy smile, shifting her swollen, drenched cunt to rub against his hard cock.

“Is this the part where I ask you to take me in a manly fashion?” She purred.

“Precisely.” He answered.

“Knew you were a romantic.” She gasped, lifting her hips up toward him as he pushed forward.

Her arms wrapped themselves around his neck as he slid all the way inside. She watched as his eyes slid closed, his face tightening in sheer concentration. She knew this wouldn’t last long for either of them.

“Lex?” She touched his cheek.

He swallowed, his Adams apple bobbing up and down. “Yes?”

She touched his cheek so he could look at her. “You can start fucking me now.”

He nodded and started thrusting, slow gentle strokes of his cock sliding in and out.

Chloe moved her hips against his own, meeting his thrusts, making them harder. “Faster.” She moaned, spreading her legs wider as he complied with her wishes. Her hands slid down his back toward his ass and she squeezed again.

“Oh fuck.”

His thrusts deepened, his pelvis rubbing hard against her clit, sending the most delicious pleasure spreading throughout her body. Her eyes slid closed as she tried to concentrate on the feelings of pleasure he was quickly drawing out of her body.


His voice sounded strained, and she opened her eyes, surprised to see Lex watching her with such a loving expression, his eyes dark with a lust hazed expressed. She smiled.

He returned her smile with a quick heated kiss.

“So hot,” He breathed against her lips, his hips thrusting faster.

“Oh fuck !”She cried out, shudders wracking her body as he bent his head to suck hard on her nipple while his fingers toyed with her clit.

Lex’s thrust quickened, his grunts and groans getting louder as he came, his thrusting hips stuttering in their movements.

She wrapped her arms around his neck as she fought off the urgings of her body to tell her she should fall asleep. She sighed contentedly.

“Don’t fall asleep.” Lex mumbled, and she grinned.

“You know me too well.” She whispered.

They were both silent for a long moment, closing distracting herself by running her fingers up and down his spine.

“Tell me a secret?”

She was quiet before answering. “Lois and I hatched a plan to get you to fall in love with me.”

She bit her lip as she felt him go tense in her arms.

He lifted his head, his face set in a serious expression. “Why?” He asked.

She met his intense gaze as she answered. “Because I think you deserved someone who would appreciate you. Someone who would understand you and be able to keep up with you. Someone who deserved you.” She looked away from him unable to take his unreadable gaze.

“You think very highly of yourself,” He said after a moment.

She turned to look at him, surprised to see the soft smile on his face.

“I’m glad I came to my senses Chloe.”

“Me too,” She shook her head. “If you only knew what Lois had planned if you hadn’t.”

He smiled softly. “I can only imagine.”

“You really don’t.” She said seriously.

Lex shifted, and rolled off of her, both of them groaning as he slid out of her. He wrapped an arm around her waist, and pulled her against his chest. He pulled away with a small frown when he felt her shiver.

“Cold?” He asked, already bringing the covers up and around them.

“No,” She murmured sleepily. “I was just thinking about what your life would be like if you’d chosen Lana.”


Two epilogues up next!

6th February 2007, 07:58
Smut was amazing. I'm glad that Lex was able to handle Chloe's teasing so well. As much as I like the dig at Lana in the end, perhaps a bit too soon to mention her name after sex, even if it was Chloe who said it. That's just not something one wants to hear. I can't wait for the epilogues and I am so sad that this story is almost over. It was so much fun to read.

6th February 2007, 08:25
Excellent ending!!!! Great story & I can't wait for the epilogues.

6th February 2007, 10:39
great ending:grin3:

Kit Merlot
6th February 2007, 14:14
This was excellent! The Chlex smut was superb, and I love that they haven't lost their snark, even when they are in bed;)

Lois is a jem--if only your version of her could be the one we see in SV. And I love that you threw in what would have happened to Lex if he had stayed with Lana--YIKES!!

Fabulous work.

6th February 2007, 23:24
I loved it
It was so sweet and so hot... and Chloe really made Lex lose control
Well, if he’d chosen Lana his life would be a living hell, disgusting, boring, terrible and so so wrong. Well, it would be like the current season of Crapville... which I refuse to watch because makes me want to throw up
Please give us the epilogues soon

7th February 2007, 03:00
What a fantastic final image. Lana indeed!! Loved the story and can't wait to read more by you.

7th February 2007, 03:52
Oh I can't believe its over. I loved the smut :drool2: I am glad she told him the truth about the scheme. :)

7th February 2007, 16:20
Lex chuckled, and tightened his arm around her waist.

Chloe struggled to release herself from Lex’s grip. She untangled her legs from his own, and tried to slip out of bed, but failed when he tightened his hold on her. “Lex.” She whined.

His lips skimmed the back of her neck. “Just one kiss.”

She sighed. “This is all your fault.”

He snorted, and gently bit her neck. “You’re the one who insisted on staying up to talk. One kiss?” He asked again.

LOL! I really enjoyed how cuddly and needy Lex is acting first thing in the morning. He is just so damned cute. Chloe is NEVER going to get to work on time ever again, is she?

She wanted it all, and that was the problem. Every time their kiss turn heated. He would pull away.

Three weeks since they’d gotten back together, and they still hadn’t made love. Not that she was complaining, because she loved doing other things with him besides sex. She understood if he didn’t want to rush things. They had all the time in the world. There was no rush.

But, they hadn’t had sex for so long, and just the thought of Lex between her thighs, inside of her made her ache with want.

I suppose I can understand why Lex might be hesitating in re-establishing sexual relations. He ‘might’ still be feeling guilty about almost taking advantage of Chloe that one time she got drunk. Or he might still be scared she will have regrets the morning after.

Stupid reasons… but, for a genius, Lex can be incredibly stupid about so many things. It’s all part of his irresistible charm..

Her hand slid down his chest and between his legs. She cupped his hardness and rubbed, smiling at the way he groaned into her mouth before pulling away.

She lied there panting. Staring up at the ceiling with a small frown. Okay. Maybe there was a rush.

“You’ll be late for work.”

She rolled her eyes at his soft amused tone. She glanced at him, unsurprised to see that familiar heat in his eyes. She had a feeling he was doing this on purpose, but that made no sense because why would he torture himself?

But I would have liked some more explanation about WHY he was hesitating. I suppose it’s too late to cover that subject/question now. Too bad!

“On the couch.” He answered holding up the glass mug he held. “I made coffee, its in your thermos on the living room table.”

“My hero.” Chloe muttered bending over to pull her other shoe from under the bed. “Gotcha.” She mumbled standing up to slip her foot into it. “Where’s my phone?” She said, glancing up to see Lex her cell phone dangling from his hand with a small smile.

Chloe returned his smile with one of her own as she reached out to snatch her cell phone. It was amazing how easily they fell into their old routine. “See you later.” she murmured with a wave.

LOL in delight over how easily he fits into domesticity.

Chloe switched the basket of goodies she held in her left hand into her right as she pressed for the elevator. “Lex enjoys my cooking.”

Lois snorted. “That’s just because he loves you.”

“You love me.”

“Yeah, but I’m also mean enough to tell you your cooking sucks.”


“Chloe, I just want to get older in peace.”

She raised an eyebrow at him. “we are doing this in peace. You should’ve seen what I had planned before all of this.”

“Chloe-” He almost whined.

And I was LOL again over how Lex was determined to be miserable, broody and grumpy today… And Chloe was having none of that nonsense. They are such an adorable couple. How could Lex have imagined he could have survived without her?! Insanity!

“It smells good.” He commented with a strained smile. “You didn’t cook this did you?”

Her smile faded, and she glared at him. “No, I didn’t. Helga did.” She poured him a glass of wine. “Is my cooking really that terrible?”

“No.” He answered quickly. “Its just-” He trailed off at her expectant look.

“Yes?” She asked.

“Well-I liked that vanilla Flan you made the other night.”

She glared at him. “That was custard.”

ROTFLOL! They still haven’t changed on the subject of Chloe’s cooking. Chloe is too much of a realist to delude herself that her cooking is anywhere near edible, and Lex still tried so hard to convince her otherwise… no matter if he’s lying through his gritted teeth. LOL!

“Yes,” He murmured. “Who knew that alien super intelligence is no match for our Earthly can-do spunk.” He slid her shirt off of her shoulders. “And beautiful twenty year old Astrophysicists are really looking for middle aged street cops to fall in love with.”

ROTFLMAO at this succinct summation of pretty much EVERY single action-Sci-fi Hollywood Blockbuster.

He paused in his task of unzipping her skirt. “I don’t think I can take you drooling over him tonight.” He continued unzipping, unzipping the clasp and smiling as it dropped onto the carpet with a silent thump. “Doesn’t he sound strange when he speaks?”

I agree with Lex. Doesn’t matter if his words are being inspired by a bit of jealousy here… he’s RIGHT! LOL!

“Waited so long.” He murmured, sliding his hand down her stomach and into her underwear. He smiled at the wetness he felt there. “Too long.”

As I mentioned before, I would have liked to have heard a little explanation about WHY he had been waiting for so long, but I guess this was the proper time to discuss whatever insecurities Lex might have had… Now opportunity is gone. Still, even without Lex baring his soul, the smut scene here was awesome. It was a sweet treat to read. Lovely!

She had forgotten how long his tongue was. His tongue seemed to touch all the right places at all once; his mouth sucking hard on her clit, making her writhe and beg. The way his long talented fingers curled inside of her, making her melt and cream for him even more. His tongue replaced his fingers, and she felt her toes curl. Her hands tightened their hold on his head as she fluttered and quivered beneath him.

Majorly hot! Sizzling, in fact! Make sure there’s LOTS more like this in the epilogue/s. Please?

He slowly crawled up her body, and she silently wondered why his skin seemed particularly flushed. “What’s-” She trailed off as her eyes strayed to his now flaccid cock. She slowly raised an eyebrow. “Did you-”

“No.” he answered quickly. He settled himself beside her, hiding his face in her hair.

I was ROTFLOL at how damned embarrassed Lex was over here. He was so embarrassed that he (temporarily) lost all his skills and talents for LYING! LOVED that! LOL!

Chloe bit her lip as she thought this over. “So, you never slept with anyone else while we were apart?”

He lifted his head to look at her, his expression offended. “No.” He answered honestly. “There was no one else.”

And I laughed some more over how Lex found even the IDEA of sleeping with other women to be outrageous and offensive. Even if they were apart and he had evidence of Chloe dating other men, he still would have considered it ‘cheating’. I’m swooning over the sweetness of it all.

“I mean its quite natural. Premature ejaculation-”


She smirked. She knew he was embarrassed, and she wondered if he knew how flattered she was. How turned on she was. The knowledge that she could make such a controlled man like Lex loose control that way. No sex for a whole year, not withstanding.

“I can hear your thoughts.” Lex muttered grumpily.

ROFLOL! I absolutely agree with Chloe. Lex losing control is a major turn on, which is ironic considering that the thing that would turn me on is the very thing that would render Lex unable to ‘take care’ of the arousal.

Her fingers danced across his muscled stomach, her eyebrow raising as the way it quivered from her touch. “I’m just wondering if I can do it again.”

“Fat chance,” He said with a rude snort. “It was a one time thing. You caught me off guard.” He cleared his throat. “I became too eager.”

She nodded keeping a straight face. “Reverted back to adolescent years.”

LOL! Their banter is just adorable. I love how she’s teasing him. I love how she CAN tease him about this, and not have him emotionally distance himself or close himself off. That is truly the sign of a man who is secure in the sexuality aspects of his very strong relationship. Again, HOW could Lex have entertained the notion that ‘life without Chloe’ would have been happier or easier. Dumbass!

Her arms wrapped themselves around his neck as he slid all the way inside. She watched as his eyes slid closed, his face tightening in sheer concentration. She knew this wouldn’t last long for either of them.

“Lex?” She touched his cheek.

He swallowed, his Adams apple bobbing up and down. “Yes?”

She touched his cheek so he could look at her. “You can start fucking me now.”

He nodded and started thrusting, slow gentle strokes of his cock sliding in and out.

Chloe moved her hips against his own, meeting his thrusts, making them harder. “Faster.” She moaned, spreading her legs wider as he complied with her wishes. Her hands slid down his back toward his ass and she squeezed again.

“Oh fuck.”

His thrusts deepened, his pelvis rubbing hard against her clit, sending the most delicious pleasure spreading throughout her body. Her eyes slid closed as she tried to concentrate on the feelings of pleasure he was quickly drawing out of her body.

I couldn’t pick out which part of this scene I found the hottest. LOVELY smut! Please write more! Gimme, gimme GIMMME!

“Oh fuck !”She cried out, shudders wracking her body as he bent his head to suck hard on her nipple while his fingers toyed with her clit.

LOVE that famous Lex Luthor coordination! Need a cold shower now.

“Tell me a secret?”

She was quiet before answering. “Lois and I hatched a plan to get you to fall in love with me.”

She bit her lip as she felt him go tense in her arms.

He lifted his head, his face set in a serious expression. “Why?” He asked.

She met his intense gaze as she answered. “Because I think you deserved someone who would appreciate you. Someone who would understand you and be able to keep up with you. Someone who deserved you.” She looked away from him unable to take his unreadable gaze.

“You think very highly of yourself,” He said after a moment.

She turned to look at him, surprised to see the soft smile on his face.

“I’m glad I came to my senses Chloe.”

“Me too,” She shook her head. “If you only knew what Lois had planned if you hadn’t.”

I had been waiting for this revelation to be dropped in, and I have to admit, I was worried about how Lex would feel about being ‘manipulated’ like that. But I was glad to see that the conversation passed by with little harm or damage to their relationship. It’s good to see Lex knows a good thing when he sees it, and he’s not going to mess it up over trivialities again.

He smiled softly. “I can only imagine.”

“You really don’t.” She said seriously.

“No,” She murmured sleepily. “I was just thinking about what your life would be like if you’d chosen Lana.”


Two epilogues up next!

If I may make a guess about what one of the epilogues is going to be… Chloe’s statement over here is going to trigger the power of suggestion, and Lex is going to ‘wake up’ the next morning realizing that he’s stuck in… dum dum da daaaa… CANON Smallville, post Crimson!!!

Second epilogue is going to involve him waking out of that horror and realizing it was all such a terrible nightmare, and in reality he’s now with Chloe.

Such is the dream and nightmare situation of ALL Chlex fans who still torture themselves by watching Smallville on television. ;)

Or perhaps something better? I look forward to seeing how this fabulous story is closing off. Although, I get the feeling Kimbo is having as hard a time saying goodbye to this fic as her fans are.

*sniff* We'll hold a 'sorry you're going away' party sometime soon.

8th February 2007, 00:17
Just finished reading this fic, I loved it!!!!

We all know how hard is for Lex admit his fillings to anyone and how Chloe can be stuck in denial, but love is stronger than that. It is really a great fic, can't wait to read the epilogues!!!

8th February 2007, 01:55
Aww you guys. You dont' even know how hard it is for me to write these epilogues. This story is my baby, and to see it go *sniff Sniff*. But, i'm in no way done with the Chelx. I have another story i'm working on, and i'm still working on my new story Elle Est Digne! Thanks so much for the posts.

8th February 2007, 11:29
First of all, it was a great update even if it was kind of sad to see THE END. It was a exciting ride for me and i thank you for all of your hard work..can't wait to see epiloques

I have another story i'm working on, and i'm still working on my new story Elle Est Digne!

Yay!!Bring it:) *Happy Dance*

9th February 2007, 01:26
This story is realy good, I'm so glad I read it, can't wait to read the epilogues!

11th February 2007, 09:11
That's the end? So sad but a great fic all around.

Three weeks since they’d gotten back together, and they still hadn’t made love. Not that she was complaining, because she loved doing other things with him besides sex. She understood if he didn’t want to rush things. They had all the time in the world. There was no rush.No rush indeed. Three weeks and nothing. This must be explained. Does Lex think Chloe will run off and change her mind.

Chloe emerged from the bathroom showered and fully dressed. She wasn’t surprised to see Lex still lying in bed, but he wasn’t alone. Virginia lay on his chest, purring loudly as he scratched the feline behind her ears.Aww.... I'm sure Virginia missed Lex being around as well.

Chloe switched the basket of goodies she held in her left hand into her right as she pressed for the elevator. “Lex enjoys my cooking.”

Lois snorted. “That’s just because he loves you.”
HA! Lois is right you know its love if he eats your cooking and it bad.

“It doesn’t matter he’s hot.” She sagged against him as his hands caressed her bra covered chest. “You’re jus at sci-fi geek.” she breathed.

“Don’t tell anyone.” He murmured against her neck. He pressed himself harder against her, reveling the very prominent evidence of his arousal.
Another fun secret to keep about Lex. :rofl:

“Waited so long.” He murmured, sliding his hand down her stomach and into her underwear. He smiled at the wetness he felt there. “Too long.”
Hell yeah you wanted to long. Great smut after weeks of wait. Poor Lex couldn't even hold it in but he recovered nicely.

“No,” She murmured sleepily. “I was just thinking about what your life would be like if you’d chosen Lana.”
GAH! That would have been rather scary if he did pick Lana. I'm glad she told him about her plan.

Two epilogues up next!
Alright. I'm ready for these. I hope Lex question Chloe about the plan to get him to fall in love with Chloe. I'd also like to hear why Lex waited so long. And of course I'd like some smut. :D

18th February 2007, 15:54
I know that there are no more cliffhangers or angsty conflicts for me to cry over, but I'm still looking forward to seeing closure on this fic. It' been a long, hard and fun ride, and it would be interesting to see how Kimbo decides to finish off.

Please update soon.

18th February 2007, 22:45
I'm working on the first epilogue today! :) don't worry SE you'll soon read it.

18th February 2007, 23:10
I'm working on the first epilogue today! :) don't worry SE you'll soon read it.

Excellent! I look forward to it. Thanks for the heads up Kimbo.

24th February 2007, 02:24
Hey i just read this all the way through!! It was an amazing story... cant wait for the epilogue...


24th February 2007, 03:10
So... How's the family? What about school/work, it's going all right?

nice weather we're having...?

ok, enough chit chat. Please update soon.

24th February 2007, 19:20
Soon! i promise. Work has been literally kicking my ass! So when i get home, i just want to pass out in bed. But, its the weekend so i'm working on it SE! :)

24th February 2007, 20:57
Soon! i promise. Work has been literally kicking my ass! So when i get home, i just want to pass out in bed. But, its the weekend so i'm working on it SE!

Excellent news! Thanks for the update, Kimbo! I look forward to seeing how it ends.

6th March 2007, 07:52
Thanks for all the feedback, this story is my baby and its almost to and end!!

*warning* a little schoompy and fluffly, but i'm in that kind of mood.


Epilogue Part 1

Six years later

“You may now kiss the bride.”

Weddings were always such a bore for Lex.

But, seeing the bright beautiful smile on Chloe’s face, so incredibly happy at the fact that her father was getting married to Shelia, it was worth the headache. He’d never imagined his happiness and satisfaction would be based on someone else’s. He was positive of it. He hadn’t been raised that way. But, being with Chloe was the sole opposition on that fact.

Chloe’s his everything. His best friend, his conscience, his light. He’d never felt more humbled from being with such an incredibly beautiful and intelligent woman. Granted he wouldn’t say all of this out loud because he wasn’t a man good with words of affection. But, he knew without a shadow of a doubt that Chloe knew how he felt.

He watched as Chloe made her way back down the aisle, returning her smile with a smile and a wave of his own.

He didn’t need words with Chloe.


“Don’t they look so happy?” Chloe asked as he and Lex slowly danced on the dance floor.

Lex glanced over at the bride and groom’s table, smiling slightly as he watched Gabe feed Shelia a piece of cake. “They do.” He answered, smiling down at Chloe’s beaming face.

“I never thought I’d see my dad get married again.” She glanced back at her father.

Lex nodded. “He seems very happy Chloe.”

“Yeah,” she said. “Although I’m still trying to get over the fact that I’m going to be a big sister.”

Lex nodded in understanding. “That’s understandable you’ve been the only child for twenty eight years.”

Chloe shook her head. “No, its not that. I’ve been denying the fact that my father actually has sex.”

Lex chuckled. “And now your denial has been shattered.”

“Pretty much.” She sighed, tightening her arms around his neck as he swung her around. “That was really sweet of you to pay for their honeymoon.”

Lex only shrugged. What was two weeks in Bermuda? He wondered if Chloe knew he did that for her. He knew how happy it made her to see her father happy. “It was nothing.”

Chloe grinned up at him. “Their own private beach? A rented summer house that’s two hundred thousand a night? No Lex, its nothing.” She grinned. “That was sarcasm by the way.”

“I noticed.” He said wryly. He relented with a small shrug. “Maybe.” He tightened his arms around her. “You look beautiful today Chloe.” She really did. Dressed in a gold strapless knee length dress that hugged her curves in the most appealing way.

She grinned up at him. “Why thank you sir. You’re looking rather dapper yourself.”

He raised an eyebrow. “Did you just use the word dapper?”

She rolled her eyes. “Damn BBC.”

He chuckled. “Back to the dress you’re wearing-”

“Ahh yes,” She said with a sexy smirk that made his stomach tighten in pleasure. “Will we speak of the bead work? Or the fact that you’ll be sliding it off of my body later tonight.”

Lex smiled. “I think I’ll take option two for two hundred Chloe.”

She laughed and pulled him down for a kiss.

Lex tightened his arms around her waist as the kiss deepened. He’ll never get tired of kissing her. Her lips so soft and full that Lex can’t help but to nibble on them just a little bit.

“Can’t you two at least wait until you’re actually alone.”

Lex pulled away from Chloe’s lips, wondering if Chloe would notice he made her cousin disappear from the face of the earth. “Lois.” He greeted.

She smiled sweetly at the two of them. “Lex.” She greeted back. “The way you two are going at it, you mind as well start putting your hand in each other’s back pockets.”

“Ha ha.” Chloe said. “Besides we can’t possibly pull that off what with me wearing a dress.” She looked up at Lex with a sweet smile. “Isn’t that right honey?”

“Well,” Lex sighed. “You could place your hand in my back pocket, but that means I’d have to stick my hand somewhere else…” He trailed off with a raised eyebrow.

Chloe’s grin widened. “Up my dress?” She suggested sweetly.

Lois rolled her eyes at the both of them and starting making gagging noises. “Totally gross.” She said. “Anyway I just came here to tell you that Smallville and I are heading out.”

“So soon?” Chloe asked with a pout.

“Yes.” Lois said rubbing her hands together gleefully. “We received a phone call from our source stating that they have photos and videos of Senator Roberts in very compromising and questionable positions.”

“Oh,” Chloe said. “But Shelia’s going to throw the bouquet soon, don’t you want to stay for that?”

Lois snorted, already turning to go. “Please I’m not that desperate. See you tomorrow Chloe. Lex.”

Lex watched her go with a small satisfied grin. He watched as Clark wrapped an arm around her waist. Lois and Clark, two idiots. “I’m surprised they’re still together.”

Chloe laughed. “As many times as they’ve broken up.” she commented. “I’m still trying to get over the fact that they even like each other.”

Lex smiled at that. “Life is funny that way.” He said, smiling at the strange look Chloe gave him.

“Hmm,” Chloe said as they continued to dance. “I’ll save my quip for a later time.”

He squeezed her waist. “Then it wouldn’t be a quip.”

Her green eyes sparkled. “I’m sure you’ll say something Un-Lex like again by the end of the night.”

They were both quiet for a long moment, and he sighed to himself as Chloe rested her head against his chest. He could feel everyone’s eyes on the two of them. Their was always eyes on the two of the them because they were well known, even in Edge City. It made him smile. Made him tighten his hold on Chloe and spin her around, smiling at her delighted laugh.

The music stopped and he turned so that he was standing behind her. “Well, Mrs. Luthor,” He wrapped his arms around her waist. “Why don’t you and I convince your dad and his bride to go off on their honeymoon a little bit early.”


“Isn’t she the cutest when she’s sleeping?” Chloe asked, watching as Lex ran his finger down their daughter’s cheek.

“A little angel.” He murmured quietly. Nine months later, he still couldn’t believe that this was he and Chloe’s child. “Lets wake her.”

“No.” Chloe whispered pulling his hand away. She smiled at the frown he gave her. “Helga said she just went to sleep two hours ago, and she’s just starting sleeping through the night Lex.”

“But we haven’t seen her all day.” He reasoned softly.

Chloe laughed softly and wrapped her arms around his waist. “I know that, and I’m tempted just as much as you are, but she’s finally sleeping through the night well, this will be our first full night together. You know, alone.”

He let her drag them out of their daughter’s room, switching the light switch off as he went. “Well when you put it that way.”


Lex loved when his wife laughed.

“That tickles!” Chloe giggled as he continued to nibble the back of her knees. She squirmed against his lips as she giggled. “Lex!”

“I’m sorry.” He murmured, not sounding very sorry at all.

“That smile on your face proves it.” She said softly. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

“Your laugh.” He murmured lying next to her. “I didn’t know something so loud and unladylike could make me so happy.”

She frowned. “Thanks,” She said. “I think.”

He closed his eyes slightly with a small sigh. That came out the wrong way. “Chloe-” He trailed off when she touched his cheek.

“I understand.” She said, sitting up and straddling his waist.

They stared at one another for a long moment, and Lex couldn’t stop himself from running his fingers through her shoulder length hair.

“Tell me a secret?”

“I’m pregnant.”

Lex gaped up at her, unsure he heard right. “You’re-”

“Preggers.” She finished patting her stomach gently.

Lex was silent for a long moment, his mind turning. “Another baby?” He asked softly, ignoring the childlike tone of his voice. “I’m going to be a father?”

Chloe nodded. “Again.” She sighed despite the happiness swelling inside of her. “I guess I should get well acquainted with my feet before I stop seeing them again.”

Lex’s smile widened as he reached up and placed his hand over hers on her belly. “I can’t wait to see this grow.” He murmured.

Chloe snorted. “Oh yeah? Swollen belly? Actually swollen everywhere…” She trailed off at his smile.

“You’re beautiful when you’re pregnant.” It was the truth. Seeing Chloe’s stomach swollen with his child turned him on in more ways than one.

Chloe rubbed her hands against his bare chest. “You just like how horny I get.”

Oh yes, he couldn‘t forget the horniness. He could remember during the first and second trimester of her pregnancy how insatiable she had become. He remembered how every time he came home from work she would grab him up and pull him into the bedroom and fuck him until he was literally sore. He remembered the strange inappropriate places she wanted to have sex, and he would do it because just one hot look from her made him hard in seconds. And the office visits, he smiled to himself, those were his favorites. She would show up at his office on his lunch break. The memories they made on top of his glass desk.

“Added bonus.” He murmured, sliding his hand up her stomach toward her bare chest. His fingers caressed her nipple, smiling at how hard they’d gotten. She has amazing breasts. So full and soft. “Sensitive already.”

Chloe leaned forward into his hand. “Uh huh. Why don’t you lick them and see.”

He grinned. She was using that voice she used when she was demanding something. He could feel herself growing even harder. He pulled her forward so that her breast were hovering over his lips. He opened his mouth and his lips closed over her nipple.

“Ahh,” She gasped, her body shivering in shocked surprise at the warmth that surrounded her nipple. She wriggled against him. “Suck harder.”

Lex grinned and did as she requested, smiling at the way she moved against him. He pulled his mouth away and rolled over, laughing at her squeal of surprise. He settled himself between her thighs. He kissed her neck, rubbing his hard cock against her slick entrance. “Four more to go.” He murmured against her neck.

“Four what?” She asked, arching her throat so he could get better access.

“Children.” He answered, licking a path from her shoulder to her throat.

Chloe frowned and pushed his mouth away from her neck. “Huh?”

He smiled down at her. “Children Chloe. I want six children.”

She blinked at him, then blinked again. He frowned.

“Did I say something wrong?”

She laughed. “Will you be having three of these children?”

Now he was confused. “What’s that suppose to mean?”

She gave him an amused look. “Lex we’re not the Von Trapp Family.”

He was still frowning. “The Von Trapps were seven children not six.”

She raised an eyebrow. “That’s sad that you know that.”

“Chloe,” He said seriously. “Don’t you want this?”

“Of course I do.” She said smiling softly.

“I don’t want to feel like I’m pushing into something you don’t want,” He explained, feeling a sudden tightness in his chest. Perhaps he was being too eager. “I mean, if I am you’ll have to let me know. I know how I can be pushy even controlling sometimes but-” He was cut off by her fingers on his lips.

“Hey,” She said softly. “I’m your wife, and your my husband. Whatever you want, I want and vice versa. Two, six or ten children it doesn’t matter to me because I love you. But, lets just worry about the two we’re going to be having now.”

The tightness in his chest loosened as he smiled. “Okay.”

She returned his smile and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Now fuck me.”

Lex smirked, the tip of his cock already sliding inside of her. God, she was so hot and wet and-

“Wait!” Chloe said, placing her hand on his shoulders.

“What is it?” He mumbled.

“Do you hear that?” She asked, and he watched as her face changed into that strange yet familiar my child is crying expression. “The baby is crying.”

He didn’t hear anything, but he knew that Chloe was right. He was already off of the bed, and reaching for his pajamas. “I’ll go.”


“I know how annoying it is for you to have a wet diaper.” Lex explained to his daughter as he snapped her onesie back into place. He gently picked her up, smiling at the happy smile on her face. “I see you’ve worked things out well for yourself. You cry, me or your mommy comes running. You get what you want, and all is good for the world.”

He held out his finger, smiling at the way his daughter gripped it tightly in her fist. “It seems to me you always choose the exact moment mommy and daddy are getting it on.”

He laughed at the way his daughter frowned up at him. He was sure the expression was just gas. “That’s all right though. Nothing can keep me from my little angel.” He ran his finger across her cheek. “You’re going to be a big sister.” He explained to her softly. “Which means lots of responsibility. Which also means that you’ll probably be annoyed more often than not.” He kissed her hand. “I just want you to know that I’ll always love all three of you no matter what.”

He pulled her closer and sat down in the rocking chair. They stared at one another for a long moment, and Lex couldn’t erase the grin on his face. Grown men were afraid of him in the boardroom, but Grace Lillian Luthor had him wrapped around her tiny finger. He watched as her eyes slowly closed and she went back to sleep. He didn’t mind that at all.


Lex climbed back into bed next to his still naked, sleeping wife. He wrapped his arm around her waist, and she snuggled up against him with a sigh.

“She wanted her diaper changed.” He explained quietly.

“Mm,” Chloe said sleepily. “M’kay. Sorry I fell asleep.”

He kissed her forehead. “That’s alright.”

“No,” she mumbled shaking her head. “Sex tomorrow morning, before baby wakes up.”

He chuckled. “Okay Chloe.”

“Love you.” she breathed.

“You too.” He said, squeezing her gently. “Hey Chloe?”


“What if you have twins?”

She snorted. “Yeah right.”

He smiled and kissed her forehead again before falling into a deep sleep.

Neither of them knew how right he was.

Second epilogue up soon.

6th March 2007, 08:36
Awww that was so sweet! I can't believe she is pregnant already and she will have twins. Are you trying to kill Chloe? :rofl: She needs to get on the pill for awhile before she has three more. I am sad this will be ending. I love Chlex in love fics. :D

6th March 2007, 08:52
Six children?! The man is crazy! More power to Chloe if she wants to do that because I know I couldn't attempt six births and I don't even know what one birth is like. I like the fluffy theme of the epilogue, keep with it, no angst as we are nearing the end. None what so ever!

6th March 2007, 13:54
I love it!!!


6th March 2007, 14:25
“You may now kiss the bride.”

Weddings were always such a bore for Lex.

LOL! You managed to fool me completely over here. I blinked at the thought that Lex was finding his wedding to be BORING. Then I found out it wasn’t his wedding after all, but Gabe’s. And imagine, Chloe is going to be an older sister. What fun!

But, seeing the bright beautiful smile on Chloe’s face, so incredibly happy at the fact that her father was getting married to Shelia, it was worth the headache. He’d never imagined his happiness and satisfaction would be based on someone else’s. He was positive of it. He hadn’t been raised that way. But, being with Chloe was the sole opposition on that fact.

Chloe’s his everything. His best friend, his conscience, his light. He’d never felt more humbled from being with such an incredibly beautiful and intelligent woman. Granted he wouldn’t say all of this out loud because he wasn’t a man good with words of affection. But, he knew without a shadow of a doubt that Chloe knew how he felt.

Heh. And you weren’t kidding when you said the epilogue was going to be fluffy, saccharine and smoopy. But then again, it IS the epilogue to what was basically a very sweet romance fic, and I wouldn’t have expected the epilogue to be anything else.

She grinned up at him. “Why thank you sir. You’re looking rather dapper yourself.”

He raised an eyebrow. “Did you just use the word dapper?”

She rolled her eyes. “Damn BBC.”

He chuckled. “Back to the dress you’re wearing-”

“Ahh yes,” She said with a sexy smirk that made his stomach tighten in pleasure. “Will we speak of the bead work? Or the fact that you’ll be sliding it off of my body later tonight.”

Lex smiled. “I think I’ll take option two for two hundred Chloe.”

LOL! Despite how incredibly sweet the tone, it’s still great to see them maintaining their biting banter with each other. They are just such an adorable amusing couple. The dialogue was really fun to read.

“Can’t you two at least wait until you’re actually alone.”

Lex pulled away from Chloe’s lips, wondering if Chloe would notice he made her cousin disappear from the face of the earth. “Lois.” He greeted.

ROTFLOL! Lex should be a little more grateful to Lois. After all, Lois was the one who gave Chloe the proverbial kick in the ass to take a chance and start ‘dating’ him again.

Lex smiled at that. “Life is funny that way.” He said, smiling at the strange look Chloe gave him.

“Hmm,” Chloe said as they continued to dance. “I’ll save my quip for a later time.”

He squeezed her waist. “Then it wouldn’t be a quip.”

Her green eyes sparkled. “I’m sure you’ll say something Un-Lex like again by the end of the night.”

Actually, I would have really liked to have heard Chloe outrageously mocking Lex for spouting such trite sentimental clichés. LOL!

“A little angel.” He murmured quietly. Nine months later, he still couldn’t believe that this was he and Chloe’s child. “Lets wake her.”

LOL! ROTFLMAO! This reminded me of a scene from a TV show (Friends) where a new mother was ‘missing’ her daughter while she was sleeping, so she ‘accidentally’ jolted the poor baby awake. The baby stayed awake crying at the top of her little lungs for the next five or seven hours until the mother was reduced to begging her daughter to please, please PLEASE go back to sleep again.

Heh. I guess Lex has not experienced that particularly hard lesson of ‘let sleeping babies lie’. Good thing Chloe exhibited a little more common sense over here.

“Your laugh.” He murmured lying next to her. “I didn’t know something so loud and unladylike could make me so happy.”

She frowned. “Thanks,” She said. “I think.”

He closed his eyes slightly with a small sigh. That came out the wrong way. “Chloe-” He trailed off when she touched his cheek.

LOL at Lex exhibiting such clumsiness with WORDS of all things. It’s a good thing he was able to use his ‘other’ skills to make up for it.

Chloe rubbed her hands against his bare chest. “You just like how horny I get.”

Oh yes, he couldn‘t forget the horniness. He could remember during the first and second trimester of her pregnancy how insatiable she had become. He remembered how every time he came home from work she would grab him up and pull him into the bedroom and fuck him until he was literally sore. He remembered the strange inappropriate places she wanted to have sex, and he would do it because just one hot look from her made him hard in seconds. And the office visits, he smiled to himself, those were his favorites. She would show up at his office on his lunch break. The memories they made on top of his glass desk.

“Added bonus.” He murmured, sliding his hand up her stomach toward her bare chest. His fingers caressed her nipple, smiling at how hard they’d gotten. She has amazing breasts. So full and soft. “Sensitive already.”

awww. SO sweet and SO incredibly hot too.

Lex grinned and did as she requested, smiling at the way she moved against him. He pulled his mouth away and rolled over, laughing at her squeal of surprise. He settled himself between her thighs. He kissed her neck, rubbing his hard cock against her slick entrance. “Four more to go.” He murmured against her neck.

“Four what?” She asked, arching her throat so he could get better access.

“Children.” He answered, licking a path from her shoulder to her throat.

Chloe frowned and pushed his mouth away from her neck. “Huh?”

He smiled down at her. “Children Chloe. I want six children.”

She blinked at him, then blinked again. He frowned.

“Did I say something wrong?”

Bloody ^&*$E*^% HELL!!!! SIX kids??!!! I remember many fics of the forum which entailed Chloe running away from her marriage/relationship because (for some reasons or another) her Lex did something to drive her away (neglect, ambitious inhumanity, infidelity, etc).

I’d say THIS confession/declaration entails a VERY good reason for this fic to turn into one of those ‘Chloe runs away from Lex’ genre of stories.

What kind of a fool husband tells his wife he wants six kids?! What kind of a idiot husband actually talks about having six kids as if the matter is agreed upon and settled without even being properly discussed?! Lousy, pompous, arrogant asshole… he’s taking his sense of entitlement too far now.

Run Chloe, RUN like you’ve never run before.

“I don’t want to feel like I’m pushing into something you don’t want,” He explained, feeling a sudden tightness in his chest. Perhaps he was being too eager. “I mean, if I am you’ll have to let me know. I know how I can be pushy even controlling sometimes but-” He was cut off by her fingers on his lips.

phew. This was a little more encouraging. At least Lex recognized he ‘might’ have been acting a little to arrogantly bossy, and he started backtracking quickly enough for my satisfaction.

Ok, Chloe doesn’t have to run after all.

“I know how annoying it is for you to have a wet diaper.” Lex explained to his daughter as he snapped her onesie back into place. He gently picked her up, smiling at the happy smile on her face. “I see you’ve worked things out well for yourself. You cry, me or your mommy comes running. You get what you want, and all is good for the world.”

He held out his finger, smiling at the way his daughter gripped it tightly in her fist. “It seems to me you always choose the exact moment mommy and daddy are getting it on.”

He laughed at the way his daughter frowned up at him. He was sure the expression was just gas. “That’s all right though. Nothing can keep me from my little angel.” He ran his finger across her cheek. “You’re going to be a big sister.” He explained to her softly. “Which means lots of responsibility. Which also means that you’ll probably be annoyed more often than not.” He kissed her hand. “I just want you to know that I’ll always love all three of you no matter what.”

He pulled her closer and sat down in the rocking chair. They stared at one another for a long moment, and Lex couldn’t erase the grin on his face. Grown men were afraid of him in the boardroom, but Grace Lillian Luthor had him wrapped around her tiny finger. He watched as her eyes slowly closed and she went back to sleep. He didn’t mind that at all.

Awww. I loved this part. It was lovely, sweet, adorable and positively swoon worthy. I really enjoyed reading about Lex interacting with the lil’babe, and I think I even enjoyed how smoopy and mushy he was acting.

This was a very sweet epilogue, and a lovely ending to the story. Quite honestly, I cannot imagine what you’re going to put in the second epilogue that’s going to add on or provide a topper beyond what as already been provided… but I’m curious to find out. I look forward to the update, please post soon.

7th March 2007, 03:26
Such a beautiful and sweet first part. Hurry with the rest.

7th March 2007, 04:55
How did I miss this epilogue? LOVED IT!!!!!! Glad there is another epilogue because you just can't leave it there.

7th March 2007, 06:17
Aww, this was fantastic!! Love how sweet and adorable Lex is with his baby, and Chlex are just amazing together. Can't wait for the last part!!

7th March 2007, 16:14
OMG. I absolutely love this story! I could read it over and over and not get sick of it! Ahhh!! I love you!! :wub: I look foward to seeing how it ends [: GREEEEAT WORK!! :grin3:

7th March 2007, 17:34
that was sweet update..

7th March 2007, 19:59
I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!
Great epilogue for a GREAT fic!:wub:
Can't wait for next:D
But SIX KIDS???????????? :shocked:

12th March 2007, 04:07
The music stopped and he turned so that he was standing behind her. “Well, Mrs. Luthor,” He wrapped his arms around her waist. “Why don’t you and I convince your dad and his bride to go off on their honeymoon a little bit early.”You tried to sneak that one in there that they got married. I'm so happy they stay together this time.

“Tell me a secret?”

“I’m pregnant.”Holy shit, that was a huge secret.

He smiled down at her. “Children Chloe. I want six children.”

She blinked at him, then blinked again. He frowned.

“Did I say something wrong?”Is Lex trying to kill Chloe. That's a lot of kids. Why six? I guess being an only child was a lot for him and he wants keep his kids from that but he doesn't have to give birth to them so maybe he should think of three or four.

“What if you have twins?”

She snorted. “Yeah right.”

He smiled and kissed her forehead again before falling into a deep sleep.

Neither of them knew how right he was.Oh great twins that knocks off half the baby count

Great chapter, I love the fluffy stuff. I'm ready for the next and sadly the final part.

11th April 2007, 19:10
Okay So...i have like major computer problems and my laptop is in the shop. I will not be able to post anything until i get my computer back hopefully by the end of next week. *Sigh* i'll be going through withdrawls! and i wanted to post the last part of this story up this week. I have it done and everything, but i can't. See you guys soon!

12th April 2007, 02:36


23rd April 2007, 21:50
Is this one over? If not where's the rest.

30th April 2007, 06:15
no it isn't done yet, my computer is still in the damn shop. hopefully i'll have it this week, but i've been writing! i just need my computer where all of my stories are on there. i'm so behind i want to cry.

30th April 2007, 15:12
no it isn't done yet, my computer is still in the damn shop. hopefully i'll have it this week, but i've been writing! i just need my computer where all of my stories are on there. i'm so behind i want to cry.

Poor baby! I cannot imagine how frantic I would have been if I had been separated from MY lap-top for such a long time. How long has it been anyway? Two weeks? A MONTH?!

I would have had a nervous breakdown... and I probably would have been banned from the Apple Store with my incessant daily nagging 'is it fixed yet? how about now? NOW is it ready?' It would have resulted in a very ugly scene.

Of course, I have a significant amount of my course work that's saved and worked on in my laptop. Are you also suffering from not being able to perform school/job work, Kimbo?

Good luck with the technological speedbump. I look forward to seeing the finale of Startling Revelations... not to mention the continuation of your other fics. Are you thinking of starting anything new?

30th April 2007, 18:17
Poor baby! I cannot imagine how frantic I would have been if I had been separated from MY lap-top for such a long time. How long has it been anyway? Two weeks? A MONTH?!

I would have had a nervous breakdown... and I probably would have been banned from the Apple Store with my incessant daily nagging 'is it fixed yet? how about now? NOW is it ready?' It would have resulted in a very ugly scene.

Of course, I have a significant amount of my course work that's saved and worked on in my laptop. Are you also suffering from not being able to perform school/job work, Kimbo?

Good luck with the technological speedbump. I look forward to seeing the finale of Startling Revelations... not to mention the continuation of your other fics. Are you thinking of starting anything new?

I am having a nervous breakdown. I've had many! its been three weeks now. *sigh* i'm trying not to stalk them too much to see if its ready. hopefully by the end of this week i'll have my laptop. I have a lot of my stories are on there and work stuff. I need it! i can't function without it. Anyway. yes i've been working on a new story. Writing a lot. I really wanted to finish this story out so i could move onto a new one! :) i'll see ya soon!

30th April 2007, 20:10
Anyway. yes i've been working on a new story. Writing a lot. I really wanted to finish this story out so i could move onto a new one!

That's great news... Both of them. That you've been rushing to finish the epilogue, AND that you're planning a new story. I was also wondering what happened to 'A Man Most Worthy'. I haven't read it in a long time, in fact, I had completely forgotten about it until I glanced at your signature just now, but I do remember that I enjoyed it.

Again, good luck dealing with those varmints at the laptop repair store.

1st May 2007, 00:11
I was also wondering what happened to 'A Man Most Worthy'. I haven't read it in a long time, in fact, I had completely forgotten about it until I glanced at your signature just now, but I do remember that I enjoyed it.

Oh i haven't forgotten. i've been working on that too. i got stuck for a long while. I have to post a new chapter...a chapter i've been working on for a long time....out of the graveyard. i'm glad you enjoy reading that one. its doesn't have as many responses as my other ones do. thats why i've been rather stuck on that one :) thanks for the support! *grumbles* damn radio shack!

2nd May 2007, 00:18
Oh i haven't forgotten. i've been working on that too. i got stuck for a long while. I have to post a new chapter...a chapter i've been working on for a long time....out of the graveyard. i'm glad you enjoy reading that one. its doesn't have as many responses as my other ones do. thats why i've been rather stuck on that one. thanks for the support! *grumbles* damn radio shack!

awww, the poor little neglected thread. Come to think of it... I might have forgotten to review the last chapter too *hides head in shame*
I'm sorry? I will try to be more diligent and dependable in my review and encouragement of fics that I like.

erm, really, REALLY sorry? :puppydog:

13th May 2007, 21:19
Hey! Where are you, baby? How is your laptop?

I just find out this story and I think that it's great, I hope you can finish it soon, I'm really impatient for read it. Six kid... wow!

21st May 2007, 07:59
Well its good to be back. After not having my laptop for over a month. I was pretty sure I was slowly losing my mind….. But I’m back and ready to post!

So this is it! *sniff* my baby will be over after this last part. I just want to thank all of you guys for supporting this story and enjoying it. This fic was the first time I’ve wrote a Chlex fic. Hell this fic was my first time even writing smallville fandom. I hadn’t expected people to like this story so much and I’m honored to write it!

Well here’s the next and last part and its really angst filled….

just kidding Fluff all around!


Epilogue Part 2

Monday 7am

*Beep Beep Beep*

A small hand slapped Chloe out of her sleep, and her eyes snapped open, her hand raising to rub at her stinging cheek.

She glanced to her left, almost forgetting that she and Lex had let their six year old Lilly, and two year old Benjamin sleep in their bed with them last night. She stared at her sleeping children, Lilly lying all the way on her side of the bed, and she was sure that Lilly’s hand, was the small hand that had unknowingly rudely woken her up. She always slept so wildly, taking up most of the bed as if it were her own. She glanced over at her son, who slept peacefully, his head pillowed on Lex’s chest, his sippy cup gripped tightly under his arm. She smiled at the image before her with a small sigh.

She knew she had to break this habit of theirs. Every night Lilly would appear in their doorway, Benjamin’s hand gripped tightly in her own, claiming that there were monsters under Ben’s crib and that he could not sleep because of it. Then she would claim that she couldn’t sleep because he couldn’t sleep without them and the only way they would sleep was if they both slept with “mommy and daddy”. Of course both Chloe and Lex always said yes because of the miserable expression Ben always sported, and Chloe had a sneaking suspicion that Ben was being coached by Lilly.

It was so sneaky. So persuasive. So very Luthor.

If anyone had told her fifteen year old self her life would’ve ended up this way. She would’ve laughed in their face. When she was younger she’d always had an image and a plan of what her life was going to be like. This, honestly wasn’t it, and she could honestly say her life turned out much better than what she originally had planned.

She reached out and gently shook her daughter. “Lilly,” she said softly. “Its time to get ready for school.”

She watched as her daughter turned and buried her face into the pillow, all the while mumbling incoherent words. Chloe laughed and shook her again, this time harder. “Come on Lilly.”

“Awww,” Lilly mumbled sleepily. “Can’t I stay home?”

Chloe rolled her eyes. It was the same thing everyday. “No,” she answered quietly. “Come on Lilly,” She gently pulled her daughter by the arm. “Up you go.”

Lilly sat up slowly. Trying to rub the sleep out of her eyes. “School is so long.” She complained.

Chloe raised an eyebrow. “It only gets harder.” Chloe said solemnly. She kissed her daughter’s freckled cheek. “Now go wash your face and brush your teeth. I’ll lay your clothes out so your father can help you get dressed.” she scooted her daughter off of the bed. “Now go.”

She watched her as her daughter slowly climbed off of the bed, and dragged herself out of she and Lex’s bedroom, quietly closing the door behind herself. She turned to see Lex, now wide awake, watching her with a small grin.

“She make your side go numb again?” He asked and Chloe gave him a look.

“Don’t smile at me like that. She gets sleeping like that from you Mr. Bed hog.”

Lex only chuckled as he gently shook his son awake. “Ben,” He said. “Time to get up.”

Like always, their son popped up out of his sleep as if he wasn’t sleeping at all. Chloe watched, half amused as he wiped the drool from the side of his mouth before lifting the sippy cup to his mouth to finish off his apple juice.

Lex looked down at the wet spot on his white t-shirt. He looked up with a small smile. “Obviously Ben gets the drooling from you.”

Chloe glared at him as she helped her son down from the bed. “Ha ha.” she said before turning to Ben. “Go tell your sister Grace to help you in the bathroom.”

“Kay.” He said and quickly ran out of the room.

Chloe flopped back onto the bed with a large sigh, smiling when Lex turned to wrap an arm around her waist.

He kissed her cheek, his hand slowly sliding up her shirt. “Wanna fool around before breakfast?”

Chloe wiggled against him with a small smile. “I’m kind of liking that suggestion. How we gonna do this then hmm? Is it just groping or quick and easy?”

Just before he answered, their nine year old twins, Christian and Christopher poked their heads into their bedroom. “Mom we’re hungry!” They said at the same time.

She gave Lex a wry grin. “Rain check?”


“Ben sweetie, do you want regular or funny shapes?”

“Funny shapes Mommy.”

She smiled.

Over the past few years and after many lessons from Helga, Chloe has become quite the cook. After her fourth baby, she had refused to have a stranger cooking for her family, stating that it was imperative she cook for her own family. Lex didn’t understand it and thought she was insane, but still fired the cook.

After that, she spent countless hours reading. Spent countless hours with Helga, learning everything she could until she got it perfect. Now she could make roast beef like no other.

She still couldn’t bake though.

She handed Ben his pancakes as she made the day’s announcements.

“Christopher and Christian, according to Sister Donovan you are no longer allowed to bring Yu-Gi -Oh cards to school so don’t try today.”

“Aww man!” They at the same time and she continued.

She just smiled and continued. “Julia ,Sister Dorin would appreciate it if you stopped correcting her grammar every time she wrote on the board.”

Her eight year old daughter Julia just sighed loudly. “I’m sorry, but I cannot succumb such a demand.”

Chloe gave her daughter an amused smile. “Oh really? And why is that?”

Her daughter sighed and pushed her bowl of cereal to the side. “It isn’t my fault that her grammar is so erroneous. You and dad pay so much money for tuition that I hardly think its fair that I’m receiving such an unsatisfactory education. Sister Dorin is no where near competent when it comes to teaching what she believes is correct. Having such a horrible teacher is ruining my education for the future. Its becoming detrimental to my growing into adulthood.”

“You’re weird.” Grace commented staring at her sister.

“Grace!” Chloe admonished before looking back at Julia, who shot very familiar daggers at her sister.

Julia Christina Luthor was her father’s daughter. She was so much like Lex it scared Chloe sometimes. She knew Lex loved all of his children equally, but she also knew that the relationship he shared with Julia was special. She knew Lex saw himself in Julia and you had to be blind not to see it as well. She was intelligent. Extremely smart, being put in most of the advance classes in school showed that. Her daughter had a vocabulary that rivaled her own, and that was saying a lot. Not to mention how serious she was for an eight year old. She had interests in things way beyond any eight year olds’ understanding. The facial expressions, the smirk and the know it all attitude. It was so very Lex, and if it wasn’t for Julia’s green eyes one would think it was Lex who pushed Julia out.

“Grace, apologize to your sister.”

“Sorry Jules.”

“And you Julia, why you may have a point, there are still rules in school and you have to follow them. Okay?”

“Yes Mom.” Julia agreed, although her expression said otherwise.

“Grace, Mr. Palm says you’re off of probation from the newspaper.”

Grace grinned. “Finally!”

“But, you can’t write any stories about Father Denon unless you run them by Mr. Palm first.”

Grace frowned. “That’s not fair!” She sputtered. “I interviewed three students who can attest to the fact that they saw Father Denon eat meat two Fridays in a row.”

Chloe just smiled. “What did I say was the first rule about being a reporter?”

“Never let anyone sensor your work.”

Chloe nodded. “Right, then you know what to do.”

Grace thought for a moment before smiling. “Okay.”

Grace was her mother’s daughter. Chloe knew it bothered Lex that his eldest wanted to be an investigative reporter, but Chloe was proud. Proud because her daughter, so much like her, was following in her footsteps. According to Lex, in more ways than one. Chloe smiled to herself at that. Grace is more snaky and sarcastic than Chloe ever remember being at ten years old.

“Do you have anything for me to know today Mommy?”

Chloe smiled and shook her head at her six year old. “No. Not today Lilly baby,” she kissed her daughter’s head. “You’re too much of an angel in school.”

“Mom did you ask dad if me and Christopher can bring Superman to show and tell next week?”

Chloe winced internally. “I’m working on it sweetheart.” In truth she hadn’t even mentioned it to Lex yet. She knew how he didn’t like anyone mentioning the S word around him. She still hadn’t come up with any idea on how to broach the subject with him.

Maybe during sex.

“I don’t even know why you guys like such lame-o like Superman anyway,” Grace said. “The Flash is way better.”

“Shut up!” Christian yelled. “The only reason why you like the Flash so much is because you have a crush on him.”

Chloe raised an eyebrow as her daughter blushed.

“I do not, you moron!”

“Yeah you do,” Christopher chimed in. “Dear diary, I saw The Flash on television today. He’s so cute with-”

“Mom, he read my diary!”

“Christopher!” Chloe admonished.

He winced. “Sorry Mom, but she started it.”

“Grace, you have no right to call your brother a moron, and Christopher you have no right to read your sister’s diary.”

“What’s this I hear about a diary?” Lex asked, emerging from the bedroom showered and dressed.

Chloe watched as Lex, placed a kiss on each of his child’s head.

“It seems that our grown children have been filled with nothing but mischief as of late.” Chloe informed her husband he she handed him his coffee.

“Really?” Lex asked, taking his place in between Grace and Julia. “Does this mischief benefit you all in anyway?”

“Yes!” They all answered and he smiled.

“Well,” He said with a grin. “Then I say-” He trailed off at Chloe’s scathing expression. “Listen to your mother.” He finished.

“Alright guys,” Chloe said. “Put your sweaters on and grab your lunches. Charles is waiting downstairs to take you to school.”

Every morning it was the same. Five kids, sounding more like an army, giving out hugs and grabbing lunches; quickly heading out of the door and towards the elevator.

“Grace hold hands with your sisters downstairs!” Chloe called as she watched them load onto the elevator. She turned and kicked the door closed with her foot, pausing as she watched Lex carry a sleeping Benjamin from the kitchen.

He glanced up at her with a small smirk. “Wanna fool around before I head into work?”


“Good Afternoon Mrs. Luthor.”

“Hi Roger,” Chloe greeted.

“Good afternoon Mrs. Luthor.”

“Hello Arnold.”

“Hey Chloe.”

“Hi Charlie.”

Chloe would never get use to that. Being greeted by almost every LuthorCorp employee was a bit overwhelming for her, and ten years later, she still wasn’t use to it. She smiled as she reached Lex’s secretary.

“Hi Deborah.”

Deborah smiled a bright smile. “Mrs. Luthor,” she greeted. “How are you today?”

“I’m wonderful. Is Lex in?”

Deborah nodded. “He’s just finished up a meeting. I’m sure he’ll be happy to see you.”

“A meeting which means he hasn’t eaten lunch yet,” She patted the picnic basket “I’ll head right in.”

Deborah smiled slightly. “I’ll hold all of his calls.”

“Thanks.” Chloe called over her shoulder as she pushed her way into Lex’s office without bothering to knock.

Her smiled widened as she spotted him behind his desk. “Hi.”

“Chloe,” he greeted, standing up to meet her half way. He wrapped an arm around her waist, giving her a small kiss as he did.. “Not that mind, but what brings you here?”

“Well, I dropped Ben off at the daycare downstairs, and I thought we could celebrate.”

Lex took the basket she handed him.

“Celebrate?” He asked confused.

“Mmhmm,” She grinned, wrapping her arms around his neck. “I finished my book.”

He returned her grin with one of his own. He wrapped both arms around her waist. “So this is the fourth book that’ll be on the New York Times best sellers list?”

“I hope.” She said. She hadn’t expected her firs book to be such a success. Hell, she hadn’t thought she would ever write a book. After she had Lilly, she had went part-time at the Planet, deciding to write her daily column from home, one of which she had been becoming quite bored with. She had started giving a try at writing fiction, and the next thing she knew she had a whole book written. She had given it to Lex to read, knowing he was always honest when it came to her writing. She hadn’t expected him to enjoy it as much as he did. He had suggested she try and get it published, and she did.

It was hard for her at first. Going from publisher to publisher. Using her own penname, refusing help from Lex; Much to his annoyance. He had wanted to purchase her very own publishing company, but she refused. He still couldn’t understand how she wanted to publish the book on her own. She had been ready to give up, until a small publishing company had offered her a deal. She hadn’t expected political thrillers could be so popular. She had been on the best sellers list for nine weeks straight.

She squeezed his neck. “Of course I want you to read it first.”

“As always,” He answered, bending to kiss her lightly before pulling away. “Lets eat.”


“Tell me a secret?”

Chloe placed the glass of wine she held in her hands onto the table and smile. “I was thinking about the fact that we haven’t been able to fool around yet.”

Lex smirked at her. “Is that a turn on?” He asked, shifting to sit closer to her.

“Duh,” She said, crawling into his lap.

“Duh?” He repeated softly. “ I love it when you talk like that,” He murmured, sarcasm clearly in his tone. “It turns me on.”

She wrapped her arms around his neck. “You know how I like to spice things up once in a while.” She kissed his chick at the look he gave her.

“Its why I married you.” He ran a finger down her arm. “Does the kink include sex on this couch in the middle of my lunch break?”

“No,” She said, laughing at his surprised expression. “But it does include a pretty good blow job in the middle of your lunch break.”

She slid off of his lap and onto the floor. Watching as his head fell back against the couch as her hands made quick work of his belt and zipper. She smirked as she notice how hard he was. “Hard already?”

“I’ve been hard since you walked through the door.”

“Hmm,” she said. “I figured you’ve been hard since this morning. Considering we never got to finish what we started.”

He smiled down at her. “I have more control than that. Besides how embarrassing would that be.”

She raised an eyebrow while reaching for the waistband of his boxers. She pulled them out of way, and her mouth watered as his cock sprang free. She stroked his heat once, grinning at his loud intake of breath. Mr. Control he is not.

“I know what you’re thinking,” He stated thickly. “You just caught me off guard.”

“That’s what you always say.” She murmured before leaning forward and licking the pulsing head.

“Fuck.” He breathed.

“Hmm,” Her voice hummed, knowing how much he enjoyed the vibration against his sensitive flesh. Her mouth slid, up and down, sucking hard on the upstroke. Her fingers dripped him firmly as she moved her head from side to side. She felt his fingers bury themselves in her hair, urging her faster. She did as he silently asked, sliding her head down faster, sucking harder. Her fingers stroked harder, her mouth making loud slurping sounds.

She knew by the way his hand tightened in her hair and the way his breathing increased that he was close. She hummed again, louder. Knew that another stroke and squeeze of her fingers, and another flick of her tongue was all it took.

He came, groaning her name as his cock pulsed inside her mouth. She swallowed everything he gave her, without wasting a drop.

The grip on her hair loosened completely and she pulled away with a sweet womanly smile. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand as she glanced up at him.

He smiled down at her, his eyes dark and sated. “Amazing as always.” He murmured and her grin widened.

She watched as he stuffed himself back into his pants before sliding next to him. “Lex.”

“Hmm?” He murmured, fixing his belt.

She slid into his lap. “We have to talk.”

He slowly looked up at her with a raised eyebrow. “Okay.” He said cautiously. “Whenever you say that you’ve either invited my father over for dinner or have decided throw me another birthday party.”

She smiled and shook her head. “No and no.” She reached for his head. “Its actually about the twins.”

“Well,” He sighed. “What did they do this time? And how long do we have to ground them for?”

“No,” Chloe laughed shaking her head. “They didn’t do anything this time. Its just, well, he’s already agreed to it and so have I.”

Lex gave her an odd look. “He whom?” He asked. “and what are we talking about?”

She took a deep breath and blurted. “The boys want to bring Superman to their show and tell next week.”

“No,” Lex said stone faced. “Absolutely not.”

She sighed knowing he’d be difficult. “But Lex-”

He glared. “No Chloe. I draw the line at the bed sheets, pajamas and curtains. But show and tell?”

“I understand that sweetheart and I know you’ve had your problems with him in the past, but they’re nine years old and its Superman.”

Lex stood up with a frustrated noise. “No, Its Clark Kent in a ridiculous costume.”

Chloe stood up behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist. She sighed to herself when she felt him tense. “Please?” She asked again softly.

“I said no.”

She squeezed his waist. “Please Lex. You know you can’t say no to them because of a problem you have.”

“Can’t I?” He asked still angry.

She tried another tactic. “They’ll be very angry at you for this,” she murmured.

He snorted. “They’ll get over it.”

“I don’t know.” she said. “They’ve been talking about it for weeks. It would really make them happy.” She kissed his shoulder. “Please Lex?” She could feel the fight go out of him by the way his shoulders slumped.

“Fine.” He sighed. “That was really sneaky softening me up with that blow job Chloe.”

She grinned. “Did it work?”

He squeezed her hand. “What do you think?”

She squeezed his hand back. “Dinner’s at six.”


Wednesday Afternoon

“Are you sure you can handle the kids tonight?” Chloe asked as she took a sip of her iced tea.

Lois rolled her eyes. “Of course I can. Besides how hard can it be?”

Chloe raised an eyebrow as she eyed her cousin warily.

“Hey!” Lois huffed. “I’m a babysitting expert. The little runts love me,” she paused as she corrected. “Except Julia. I’m pretty sure she hates me.”

“For the last time Lois she doesn’t hate you.”

“She does.” Lois said. “Did you know she called my writing mediocre the last time I was here?”

Chloe frowned. “Maybe I should call chancy and have her baby-sit instead.”

“No,” Lois said waving her hand. “Its not her fault she’s a female version of her father.”

Chloe grinned. “Its funny isn’t it?”

“Yeah,” Lois deadpanned. “Real funny.”

“Are you sure you can handle the kids tonight? They can be a handful sometimes.”

“I’ll be fine.” Lois assured.

“Okay.” Chloe said. “Just make sure Christopher brushes his teeth before bed. For some odd reason he likes to try and skip that.”

Lois nodded. “Got it.”

“And Benjamin likes to take his pull up off sometimes so don’t be alarmed if he does that.”



“Chloe,” Lois cut in. “Your kids are weird I get it.”


“I’m kidding.”


Wednesday Night- Dinner Party and Ball

“So where do you and Lex Summer?”

“How do you handle six children?”

“Are you two going to have more?”

Chloe knew how to be charming. Have a few well timed laughs. Smile politely. It was so easy. That didn’t take away the fact that these parties were always so boring.

She and Lex rarely ever came to these parties, but when they did. It was always the same: People gawking. Asking personal questions. Brainless wives with no personality and enough botox in their foreheads that made their expression look constantly surprised.

She glanced over the crowd, smiling as she spotted Lex speaking with the Mayor. “Excuse me ladies.” She said, before turning to go.

She quickly made her way over toward her husband. “Hello Gentlemen.”

“Chloe.” Lex greeted, the smile on his face indicating he was happy to be saved from whatever boring conversation he was having. “ Mayor Thompson you know my wife, Chloe.”

Mayor Thompson’s eyes crinkled around the edges as he smiled. He reached for Chloe’s hand. “ A pleasure Mrs. Luthor.”

Chloe, more creeped out by the way he said her name than the way he was currently holding her hand, discreetly glanced at Lex to see him glaring daggers at the man. She cleared her throat and gently removed her hand from the creepy man’s grasp.

Already knowing what was coming next, she reached for his hand. “Lex sweetheart, care to dance? It was a pleasure to meet you Mr. Thompson.” She called as she pulled Lex toward the dance floor.

He was tense as she pulled him into her arms. “Are you-”

“He’s a perverted son of a bitch.” He hissed angrily.

She sighed. “Well, that answers my question.”

His eyes narrowed in anger. “He was practically undressing you with his eyes.”

She wrapped her arms around his neck. “He’s a sixty five year old man Lex, they undress everyone with their eyes,” She tightened her arms around him. “Even you.”

He still looked angry, and she rolled her eyes. “You could’ve at least laughed at my joke.”

“No,” Lex said shaking his head. “I’m too distracted by my seething anger.”

“Don’t forget jealousy.” Chloe added smiling at his glare. “Come on Lex, lighten up.”

“Lighten up?” He asked with a deep frown. “I just watched another man ogle my wife.”

“And I just spent a whole twenty minutes with brainless trophy wives.”

Lex opened his mouth to respond before he closed it. “Touché.” He murmured and she smiled.

“See,” She said as they swayed to the music. “It isn’t that bad.”

“According to who?”

She sighed. “Fine. Why did we come here again?”

“Because you said we haven’t been to one of these parties in months, and you thought it would be a good idea if we attend.”

“Oh yeah,” She said softly. “What was I thinking?”

Lex tightened his arms around her waist as he pulled her closer. “I have no clue.”

Chloe was quiet for a long moment, her fingers idly tracing the back of his neck. “I was thinking.”

“Uh oh.” He murmured.

“We haven’t been to one of these things in months. Which means-” She trailed off as Lex pulled away from her, a knowing smile on his face.


Chloe giggled as Lex dragged her down the hallway towards the coat room. “Slow down- Wait this is the room!” She hissed, yanking on his hand and opening the door.

As soon as the door was closed, he reached for her. Kissing and groping every part of her body as his body pushed itself up against hers until her back hit the wall of coats. Two coats fell beside them, quickly followed by a hanger that fell onto her head.

“Ouch!” She hissed gripping his shoulders as he lifted her dress and helped her shimmy out of her underwear. She lifted her foot to step out of them, pulling Lex up by his jacket for a quick kiss, while she made quick work of his belt and zipper. “Fuck me.”

“Not like this,” He whispered, his fingers sliding down her stomach between her legs. His fingers rubbed her between her legs. “Wet already?” He asked surprised.

She nodded grinning. “It always makes me wet when you go jealous caveman husband on me.” Without waiting for a reply, she lifted herself up and sank down on him, until he was completely inside.

Lex put his hands on her hips, lifting her up to help her find her rhythm, he moved his hands up, squeezing her left breast hard. “Oh, fuck,” He murmured, thrusting his hips. “Ride me harder.”

Chloe moved harder, her breasts bouncing with every movement. “Shit. Fuck. Oh..” She moaned when he leaned forward and sucked her throat. “Squeeze harder Lex.” She gripped his shoulders as she moved harder, feeling hotter as he filled her again and again, pleasure rippling through her at her fast steady pace.

Both were so buried in each other’s pleasure that neither noticed the door had opened, until a woman’s high pitch laughter was sounded in the room.

Chloe noticed first, stealing her movements quickly, and gripped Lex’s shoulders. “Wait.” She hissed quietly.

“Robert where are our coats?”

“Darling I have no idea. You’d think they’d have coat check men at a high society party.”

“This is still the west side of Metropolis.”

Still holding Chloe up by the waist, Lex glanced over his shoulder before glancing back at his wife, a small smirk on his face.

Chloe stared down at him, and knew what he was thinking. Her skin prickled, her heart rate increasing with the knowledge of what they were about to do. Sweat gathered onto her forehead as she realized he was still hard. Hard and pulsing inside of her.

She moved once, watching the way his eyes darkened. They could get caught she realized. The voices grew nearer, and she moved again and again, not bothering to mask her moans of pleasure.

Lex squeezed her waist, thrusting against her harder and faster, pushing his mouth against her own masking her yelp of pleasure as she came.

Her body tightened around his hard flesh, making him come. His control gone, he groaned loudly, his voice echoing loudly in the coat room. He thrust into her, his pleasure building and building until-

“What was- Oh my…”

“What is it-Lets…leave the coats sweetheart.”

“I agree.”

The door slammed shut and another coat fell on top of Chloe’s head.

Panting heavily while raising one arm, he removed the coat from her head, using the other to support her up, Chloe tightened her hold on him, her body quivering from aftershocks. She watched as Lex glanced around the room.

“I think they redecorated.” He muttered, and she laughed. Laughed so loudly her voice echoed throughout the room.

Lex smiled as he watched her, his eyes soft. “Its nice to hear you laugh like that.”

She smirked. “Its nice you enjoy my loud unattractive cackling laugh.”

“It’s a beautiful laugh.”

Chloe raised an eyebrow. “You’re getting mushy.”

He shrugged. “I like to spice things up once in a while.”

She sighed. “I’m glad I married such an adventurous man.”

“What do you say we go home to our children?” He asked as he gently placed her onto her feet.

Chloe wobbled a bit as she bent to pick up her underwear. “How much do you want to bet they drove Lois insane?”

Lex grinned. “I’ll bet my life.”


Thursday Night-Bedtime

“Benjamin, get back here!”

Chloe watched in amusement and glee as Lex chased their wet naked son down the hall.

“Mom!” Julia called. “Ben’s naked again!”

“I know sweetheart! Brush your teeth.”

She smiled again as still naked this time giggling Ben ran past her office quickly followed by Lex.

“Benjamin Gabriel Luthor!” Lex called.

Shaking her head, she stood up and walked into Julia’s room. “Lights out sweetie.” She announced.

Julia placed the book she was reading onto her bedside table and lied back. “Okay.”

Chloe helped tuck her in. “Did you brush your teeth?”

“Yes Mom.”

“Night sweetie.” She kissed Julia’s cheek. “Your father will be in here shortly. Just after he finishes capturing your brother.”

She turned to go before her daughter called out.


“Yes Julia?”

“Is Clark still taking us to the zoo on Saturday?”

“Yes I’m pretty sure he is.”

“Dad called Clark an insipid moron.”

Chloe raised an eyebrow. “He did, did he?”

Julia nodded. “I on the other hand, think he’s rather interesting.”

Chloe’s other eyebrow raised. “You do? I mean- interesting how?”

Julia blushed. “Never mind. ” She answered quickly turning on her side.

Chloe stared at the back of her daughter’s head, a small smile coming onto her face as she realized her daughter had a crush on Clark. She turned to go, deciding to leave that little piece of information to herself, knowing Lex will probably die from shock.

She peeked her head into the twins room, unsurprised to see them playing with Yu-Gi -oh cards. “Lights out boys.” She said, rolling her eyes at their grumbling as they made their way into bed.

She kissed Christopher’s forehead first. “Goodnight.”

“Good night Mom.”

She kissed Christian next. “Goodnight.”

“Night Mom.”

She switched their bedroom light off as she made her way out of their room and towards Grace’s room. She knocked twice before peeking her head in.

“Lights out in ten minutes Grace.”

Grace glanced up from her laptop. “Okay. Night mom.” She said before she continued typing quick fast on her laptop.

She turned to go, making her way toward Lilly’s room, pausing as a still wet, naked, and giggling Benjamin bumped into her.


Chloe smiled, and picked her giggling son up. “Are you giving your daddy a hard time sweetie?”

Benjamin giggled. “Daddy funny.”

Chloe glanced up just in time to see Lex making their way toward them. She bit her lip to keep from laughing as she took in his appearance. His shirt was wet as if he was the one who took a bath. “I’ve found what you’ve been looking for.” She said.

“I see that.” Lex said, holding out his arms with a wry smile. He sighed as Benjamin calmly crawled into his arms. “I think his battery is on low.” Lex murmured as Ben rubbed his eyes with his hands.

“Me sleepy.” He mumbled with a yawn.

Chloe smiled. “You get him dressed, while I go say goodnight to Lilly.”

“Yes Master.” Lex said, turning to go.

“Finally you have it right.” She called over her shoulder.

She peeked her head inside Lilly’s room, smiling when she noticed she was sleeping. She slept as she always did. Covers on the floor, arms thrown out wide. Chloe placed the covers back onto her daughter, knowing she’ll be up in the next hour, standing in front of their bedroom door, Benjamin’s hand clutched tightly in her own, asking to sleep with her parents.

Of course they’ll say yes.


“I’m exhausted.” Lex announced as he crawled into bed behind Chloe.

“Me too.”

“I’m pretty sure our son will be an Olympic sprinter. I really couldn’t catch him tonight. He’s set an all record high.”

Chloe smiled sleepily. “I don’t know why he doesn’t like to take baths.”

“Its strange.” Lex said. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer. “I’m sure he gets that from your side of the family.”

“Jerk…” She muttered, her eyes closing.

Lex kissed her cheek. “Wanna fool around before Lilly and Ben comes in here?”



She snored.


Kit Merlot
21st May 2007, 13:45
This was a beautiful ending to a great story!

And I like that you gave Lex and Chloe so many children--it makes me smile to think of Lex Luthor as the father of 6 children:D

You should be quite proud of this story--Well done.

21st May 2007, 14:35

I have enjoyed this story so much. The final chapters were beautiful. I adored the description of the children and their wonderful interactions with Lex Chloe. I look foward to your next Chlex tale. Dagney

21st May 2007, 15:16
awwww, poor kimbo has to say goodbye and goodnight to her beloved Startling Revelations. Don't worry, Kimbo! I'm sure your next fic is going to leave this one behind in the dust, and you'll be GLAD that you freed yourself up to devote times to new and upcoming plot lines ;)

This was a really cute chapter. As you said, it was very fluffy and sweet, but it was still a treat to read through. I am glad that you warned your viewers about the possibility of six kids, otherwise it would have been thoroughly disconcerting to get used to Chloe and Lex having a tribe of children. But you were careful to give them all separate and distinct little personalities, which was fun.

One thing that DID strike me as incongruous to a Chlex relationship was the mention of the kids attending a Catholic school? I seriously NEVER would have imagined Lex and Chloe sending their kids to a school being run under any kind of established religion... but that's just my take on the characters.

I really enjoyed the part where they were 'forced' to go out and observe all social niceties. Not only because of the smut that happened, but also because it was interesting to see how Lex and Chloe functioned outside their domestic settings. A place were they were a little more Chloe'n'Lex rather than mom'n'dad... if that makes any sense.

oh, and LOL at the way Lex kept on going after Chloe with the repeated suggestion to 'fool around'. It was so cute that he used THAT particular phrasing, and that he kept obsessing about it when they had two minutes away from the children. LOL!

Anyhow, this was an adorable ending to a lovely fic. We'll all be feeling all kinds of mixed, bitter-sweet emotions to see it go into the 'completed NC-17' section... but I'm still holding onto the optimistic notion that letting go of this fic will provide Kimbo with a 'springboard' to a fascinating, intriguing, complex and ANGST-filled plot-line. I look forward to your upcoming fic. Good Luck!

21st May 2007, 17:11
Awww that was great fluff and smut! I can't believe they actually had 6 children, though with their active sex life, it's not so surprising. Poor Lex having to deal with the fact that his children like Superman, he's not gonna be happy to know his daughter has a crush on him. Guess that is a better explanation of why Julia doesn't like Lois. I love how great Chloe and Lex are with each other and their kids and I'm sad that this fic has to end.

21st May 2007, 18:16
fantastic ending!!

i can't believe they really had 6 kids :rofl:

21st May 2007, 19:55
SIX KIDS!!!!!! WOW!!! That was an excellent ending to this fic. Loved it!

22nd May 2007, 01:00
Wow, six kids... really!!

Great and happy ending. I love it. Good done.

22nd May 2007, 17:21
Thanks guys! i really appreciate the support. i'm glad you all enjoyed this story. i'm going to miss writing it! I'm currently working on my new one, and i haven't forgotten about my other babies!

22nd May 2007, 19:22
Thanks guys! i really appreciate the support. i'm glad you all enjoyed this story. i'm going to miss writing it! I'm currently working on my new one, and i haven't forgotten about my other babies!

Hey! Great news, Kimbo! I look forward to seeing what your latest plot masterpiece is going to be based on... AND I'm also looking forward to seeing some movement, growth and development in your other little babies too.

*sniff* they grow up so fast, don't they?
heh, it's a good thing there will always be more to stave off that empty nest syndrome before it gets a chance to set in properly ;)

23rd May 2007, 00:54
Yes they do grow up fast!! :) :D once again i'm glad you enjoyed it, and i hope you enjoy the next!

23rd May 2007, 05:57
Welcome back.

Such a sweet ending to this story. I still can't believe Chloe went through with the six kids. I for sure thought she would put her foot down on that one and have maybe three.

The boys wanting to see Superman was a nice touch. Its hard for Lex to have his boys looking up to some he thinks a fool.

Great ending.

25th May 2007, 01:24
Great story. Loved the Ending.

25th May 2007, 16:50
WOW!!!!! One of the best fics I've ever read. Couldn't leave till I finished all the story. CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

25th May 2007, 18:35
Loved everything...the story, the epilogues...it was just great reading

26th May 2007, 09:35
I haven't read chlex fic in ages and I just read all of this story. It was brilliant. You had just the right amount of angst for me as I don't really like angst a lot. Then the epilogues were really cute I loved the sound of all the kids.

30th May 2007, 05:19
amazing fic. loved it!

31st May 2007, 02:04
Oh my goodness that was so cute. Six kids wow. :lol: They got a whole team. I loved this story and it had a great ending. Bravo! :clapclap:

17th June 2007, 01:41
Awesome fic.....loved it!

13th September 2007, 04:19
I loved this story and eagerly awaiting for the next fic!!! Love the ending!!

14th September 2007, 03:49
:respect: I actually cried a bit when Lex broke up with her. Great story.

1st October 2007, 05:48
Okay I have to say this. I was going to waite till I had read it all, but then I read the ice cream bit. AHHH!! Chloe I feel your pain! But really letting Lois near her Ice Cream was just wrong. Lex must pay, and BLana well can we stick her in a pink room and play reruns of old beatnecks in nothing but Black.
Okay I'm going back to read the rest!

2nd October 2007, 05:53
that was such a sweet ending. great story, i loved it :)

3rd October 2007, 01:40
I hadn`t read the epilogue yet so I decided to read all the fic again instead of just the epilogue
This fic is amazing
I laughed again, cried again and loved it again

4th October 2007, 04:53
This was a fabulous fic. Great job.

13th May 2008, 02:08
i don't comment much.
but i loved this story.
read it in two days... haha, i need a life. ;)

15th May 2008, 21:12
I love it! Wonderfull work!

17th May 2008, 01:12
Just wanted to say that I thought this was a fantastic story.......perfect combination of romance, humor, angst & smut......hope to see more in the future!

17th May 2008, 06:28
Just finished reading. I loved it. Six children sound scary to me, but I`m sure Lex and Chloe can handle anything. Even the sappy parts were very well writen, not to mention the smut. Amazing job! :clapclap:

10th December 2008, 11:34
Great story!
It was a good read.

18th May 2009, 23:31
This story was fantastic.I couldn't stop reading.

30th November 2009, 02:59
I just reread this story and I still love it.

29th May 2010, 00:32
Another stellar literary work! Loved the way you depicted their flourishing relationship with both a sense of romance and realism. Simply stunning :).

6th October 2010, 17:48
I love your story!

11th October 2010, 03:27
OMG I completely loved this story! It was absolutely fabulous!

10th December 2010, 02:34
I just wanted to say this fic is totally rockin!! Love the premise and how you build the relationship to where they're not just jumping into bed with eachother like two horny monkeys!! Lol. Love you and love this fic! Can't wait for more work by you, will be keeping two impatient eyes open! Thanks again for the great Chlexy goodness!

16th December 2010, 22:22
I can't believe I've not read this before.
It was excellent. Loved it!!!!

17th December 2010, 23:25
WOW!!! This was an absolutely fantastic story! I have to admit that when I first started it, I was very hesitant because Chloe creating a plan to make Lex fall in love with her seemed a little ridiculous and out of character, but someone you managed to characterize her perfectly. I really liked that Lex left Chloe (even though the Chlex in me was crying) because it was realistic of him and make things a little more interesting so we didn't immediately jump to "happily ever after". Anyways, this was just utterly amazing!! :)


28th December 2010, 05:43
Love the way this fic ended!

25th March 2011, 06:27
I loved that it was a super story, complete with drama, laughter, a little suspense and much, much, much romance and sex.
I love how much they loved each other.
A very nice ending.

14th April 2011, 04:26
So i just got finished reading this story a second time and loved it again. great story

12th June 2011, 13:58
:ecstatic: Okay, I am not even close to being finish yet (chapter 16, I think) but I want to put this one down first before I completely forgot the reasons I am absolutely loving this story so far.:ecstatic:

I love it because it is refreshin that Chloe is the one that is chasing Lex :wub:
I like that there is no twisted, disturbing manipulation that started the relationship
I like that Chloe didn't have to have her heart completely broken (what with Lex and lana at the beginning) before Lex started caring for her
:love2: I love how you potray them as a couple that they could be (no argument starting at petty reason, solving problem by talking no yelling, sharing moments)
I like all the hot scenes between them :wub:
I really like how your story could have been something that is very much possible to happen in the series (if only, blurgh on that) :wth:
:wub: I like how protective Lex is of Chloe and how Chloe (finally) understands and compromises about it

Overall, I love them loving each other :love2:, I love your story, I love you as an author that came up with this awesome story and I am very much looking forward to continue reading this.

Thanks and keep up the good work! :clapclap:

Next comment:
=sigh= I know that was coming, the break up in chapter 17 that is, but I can't help but keep reading.
I understood him though, feeling the way he must have felt when Chloe went missing must have been really hard for someone like him.
And I really really want to tell her 'He told you so'

Okay, onward...

13th June 2011, 02:12
Okay, it is not 24 hours yet but it is a whole 12 hours and a blooming new day for me down here in New Zealand and I will post this reply before the lecture I have to get to in a couple of hours melts my brain and make me forget all the reasons why I love this story.

If anyone have a problem with this contact me first and mind what I said in my signature (the second part).

Here goes:

I've reached the end!!! :D Woohoo! :ecstatic:
A year? A whole year and Lex didn't do anything naughty-like at all? Wow! So different than how I would have pictured him doing from what I can see in the series so far. He's nothing at al like the one in the series... otherwise he would have at least tried to torture Chloe and himself by having a hot female plastered on him.
All the same...
... HAPPY ENDING!!! :love2: YAY!! :clapclap:

I love how you make their make-up time something that takes a while. Makes sense that they are not people that just simply realised they made a mistake and jump back in together. Their kids are adorable! SIX of them!!!
And more hot scenes... hmmm. :P

LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE your story. :wub: Great work. Keep up the writing! Looking forward to reading another story by you. :D


note: thanks to lexie for looking out for me :)

3rd July 2011, 22:31
Very nice story. You kept the drama up in the story and relationship without having to use overused ploys...I mean only one kidnapping for Chloe? (smiles)

13th August 2011, 11:56
really enjoyed this story..i thought it had good pacing to it as well great job!

27th September 2011, 06:50
This story is what got me hooked to this website and all the talented authors. It is also I have to say one of my favorites because it was the first one that had me glued to this site and wanting to read your entire story in one night. I just reread it again this past month and it is just as good as the second time around. Love this story! Great job! Hope to see more coming from a devoted and avid reader of Chlex. =D

7th November 2011, 06:01
oh wow! thank you i'm glad you all enjoyed it!

12th March 2013, 05:50
this fic had everything growth, drama and a daddy lex! Oh and some great smut!

13th March 2013, 01:52
Great story, keept me up til 1 am.

14th March 2013, 05:24
I just read this story again and I love it just as much the second time around. So glad Chloe and Lex have their happily ever after.

16th March 2013, 20:30
This fic is so amazing, so complete... It has friendship, romance, smut, drama and fun
Love it

22nd December 2014, 02:10
The only bad thing about this story was that it ended. Loved, loved, loved.

Ami Rose
10th January 2015, 19:52
Amazing fic! Dramatic, sweet, cute, funny and lots of romance! Loved it! Thanks for the awesome read!

17th April 2016, 09:06
Brilliant story it had a bit of everything

29th April 2016, 15:13
the epilogue ending is epic and the entire story is amazing,, i love your version of lex,used to read lex as sex god,,, i burst out laughing when lex had pre-ejac. like i need a minute to breathe. its hilarious.. i love that you build their friendship before jumping the bed,
when they break up,, my feelss... i understand why lex did what he did,,.. i'm just glad they are back together..

lex and chloe have 6 children!!!!!!! chlex moment with their kids was the cutest...
and i want to hug ben cutie,,i can imagine lex running after butt naked ben.. lol
really enjoy this story, thank you

8th November 2017, 22:39
I love the tell me a secret game

9th February 2018, 04:28
I just finished reading this for a second time and I still love it! Such a great story!