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Thread: NS Advent Calendar 2007 - Gifts of Meaning - Complete

  1. #61
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    Re: NS Advent Calendar 2007 - Gifts of Meaning - Updated *twice* 29 Jun 2008

    That was a good ending but scary when she ran off. I am so happy that this story is finally completed. YEAH!! Even though it took a long time to finish I am glad you finally did.
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  2. #62
    looking for updates Senior Member somethingeasy's Avatar
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    Re: NS Advent Calendar 2007 - Gifts of Meaning - Complete

    She turned around and jammed the cloth over her eyes just in time to tell herself she wasn't. He had left her for most of a month, with little in the way of explanation or contact. He let her suffer endless nights of waiting for the breakup that didn't happen. He let her hang on a thread until he was ready, then he just showed up in her bed.

    And he asked her to marry him very, very sweetly, at a time when he knew she was sappy. He softened her up expertly and used the moment to sweep her into a proposal. It wasn't fair. She was always reasonable with him. She told him where she was if he asked. She told him when she would be absent and why. She told him her troubles and her thoughts and if she was going to toss him into turmoil she would give him some warning.
    This was a BRILLIANT look into Chloe’s mind, Nonky! I loved it! I have to admit, I was really surprised by Chloe’s reaction to Lex’s proposal. She just never struck me as the type of person who would run away like a melodramatic heroine because of an emotional overload. She would scream, babble and possibly become violent… but running off… it didn’t seem like a very ‘Chloe-like’ thing to do.

    But THIS explained beautifully why ‘running away’ under these circumstances were a perfect and apt response for Chloe. This is how she’s dealing with her anger over Lex… In fact, this is a very smart way for her to deal with her anger. She knew if she stayed she would have snapped and said something (or done something) horrible, nasty and painful to her boyfriend. So she took some space for herself to regroup. VERY smart!

    You didn't just pop the question! You let it out as a hypothetical, and tested the water. You gave the other person a chance to tell you to cool it. You didn't just blurt it romantically in front of the fireplace like some big, arrogant billionaire reformed playboy.
    LOL! She’s just so exasperated and irritated about Lex taking such a clichéd route to proposing marriage. She would have preferred something practical and sensible, and he has to make a huge romantic stage production out of it, LOL!

    Saying 'no' would kill them. Chloe didn't think it had crossed Lex's mind that she might not jump at the chance. He was arrogant but he had gone through the proposals before. He had LOTS of practice. Naturally, he expected her to say 'yes' like everyone else. And when she didn't he would be wounded.

    At least he didn't have a ring hidden in his hand all ready to slap it on her and call it a done deal. She was grateful for that. Her ringless hands were shaking badly enough. Chloe took a deep breath and let it out, slowly turning back to the mirror. She inched the face cloth down and looked at herself grimly.

    “You have to tell him one way or the other,” she whispered hoarsely. “You have to go back and apologize for being a drama queen – even if he is a bigger drama queen. He doesn't know that about himself, so today is probably not the day to bring it up. Ohhhh, I have to ask for a ride home. And I have to ruin his Christmas.”
    heh… Chloe is absolutely right actually. Lex set up the situation where he’s (idiotically and inadvertently) gave her an ultimatum. Marry me NOW and make me happier than I’ve ever been in my entire life… or refuse this immediate offer (even if it is by telling me you want to ‘think about it’), and it will break my poor, delicate little heart.

    Oh dear… I didn’t realize how very dangerous and on-the-spot it can be to have a marriage proposal from a besotted Lex Luthor. Unless you say ‘yes’ immediately, he’ll start tearing himself apart wondering what’s wrong with him. NICE, Nonky! LOL!

    Lex didn't have an action planned for after the proposal. He had expected to be wrapped up in emotion, which he was, though not the cold shock of rejection he was feeling. He had moved only enough to lie down flat with his arm over his eyes, scrubbing his sleeve back and forth. He wasn't crying; he had to work very hard before he could cry and release the pent up emotions. He was trying to rub out the part of his memory that included Chloe literally running from his love.

    He and Gabe had talked about the risk of this, but Lex had thought she would burst into babbling and let him calm her down. He had a list of reasons why they should get married. He had a lot to say about any misgivings. He was fine with a long engagement. He really didn't have a lot of demands that she could deny.
    ROTFLMAO! Oh dear me… Chloe’s analysis of Lex was SO completely spot on. He’s already beginning to break when she hasn’t even officially refused his yet. I loved the admittance that Lex wasn’t really prepared for a rejection, despite his assurance to Gabe that he’ll accept whatever answer Chloe would give him. It hasn’t even occurred to him that Chloe might want to have a nice practical discussion about marriage, a life together and all the technical details of such a commitment… He’s seeing it all as a ‘yes’ or ‘no’, ‘all or nothing’ situation. Chloe didn’t jump at his proposal, therefore she doesn’t love him, never loved him, and is planning on leaving him tonight! LOL! That miserable helpless baby! Let’s hope Chloe takes pity on him.

    His timing was so utterly wrong, and he didn't understand how he was so blind after so many women. Chloe was young and ambitious. She knew the downside of marrying him. She was too smart not to get the strings attached by his father, his job and his public persona. Much to his grief, Lex couldn't cut those strings for his own sake. Mrs. Lex Luthor was stalked by violent freaks and paparazzi alike. She was the subject of smear campaigns and kidnapping attempts. She was universally assumed to be a gold digger.

    He groaned softly, realizing the large pile of gifts had only rubbed it in for her. He had done everything wrong and he deserved to be in pain.
    Chloe was even right that Lex would NOT blame HER the slightest for the rejection. All of his hatred and loathing will be directed purely and completely at himself!

    “I'm sorry. I wasn't expecting that,” she told him. “After not seeing you most of the month I thought you'd dump me. I got angry when I found out you were off buying presents instead of doing business. I couldn't believe you took a month off and spent virtually none of it with me.”

    “I would rather have had the time with you instead of all these things. And I would have liked to have some discussion about getting married before you made it all official and stuff.”

    She patted over his heart and he sucked in a hopeful breath. She didn't sound angry or insulted. She didn't even sound depressed. He was about to launch into his routine of calming her worries, when she sighed again. “Yes.”
    Oh wow! ROTFL! I guess you decided to take pity on the poor couple, huh, Nonky? LOL! Enough confusion, misery and circular trauma for them. I liked that you had Chloe succinctly listed out the reasons why she was peeved off at Lex… and then immediately after listing her grievances, she accepted. LOL! That was awesome!

    His arm slid off his eyes and toward the floor, boneless. Lex tilted his chin down and looked at Chloe's bowed head with disbelief. “Yes,” he asked. “After everything else, that's all you have to say?”
    ROTFLMAO! Oh dear me!
    Is he seriously complaining now that Chloe accepted his proposal without him needing to give a speech declaring promises of eternal devotion? LOL! I can sense most of the Lexes will be short sheeting his bed and giving him major wedgies this evening.

    Hmmm, actually, is there a special rite of passage that every Lex has to go through once they get a Nonky-happy-ending? I’d imagine these IS something that Lexes do to tortur… erm… congratulate the lucky guy for his good fortune…?

    Chloe reached down and brought his arm up, putting it neatly behind her back so he was hugging her.

    “I've decided to have a quiet freak out. There are high-pitched shrieks dying to get out, but I'll hold them until I get on the phone with my girlfriends. I'm going to pretend I'm all mellow like you.”

    He was anything but mellow. He might actually have been calmer before she came back into the room.

    “You can put your hand on my butt if you want,” Chloe told him. He did and it helped considerably.
    ROTFLMAO! Oh dear! He is definitely getting pranked and tortured by the Lexes tonight. He not had Chloe accepting his marriage proposal, despite having good and valid reasons for being peeved off at him… but she even had to pull and heave his arms into groping her! LOL! What kind of a Lex needs help and instructions in groping Chloe?!?? ROTFLMAO!

    She popped up and looked down on him with pure glee. “I want to see my coffee greenhouse. Hurry up!”
    ok, NOW we have complete forgiveness! He should have mentioned the greenhouse first, and THEN proposed to her after showing her the coffee-bean seeds.

    She shook her head. “I think I need a nap first. I'm on a sugar rush and engagement high. Bling might give me the giggles for the rest of the day.”

    “Chloe?” He rubbed his cold nose on her golden hair.


    “Don't say 'bling,'” he requested, sending her into the threatened giggling.
    LOL! is it not ‘Luthorly dignified’ to call your jewelery bling? This was a cute, adorable ending to a cute adorable fic. I loved it, Nonky! And my most sincere, heartfelt congratulations on finishing this fic Yayyyy!!! Shall we have a cocaine party in honour of the occasion? (everyone brings their favourite brand of coke, and we pass it all around. Party ends when the first weakling overdoses, fairies are invited!).

  3. #63
    NS Full Member lkedino's Avatar
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    Cool Re: NS Advent Calendar 2007 - Gifts of Meaning - Complete

    I love this story and glad that was complete

  4. #64
    NS Full Member Fouzia's Avatar
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    Re: NS Advent Calendar 2007 - Gifts of Meaning - Complete

    Can someone pleace give me the link to read it^^ thank you

  5. #65
    Happy-ending addict Senior Member lexie's Avatar
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    Re: NS Advent Calendar 2007 - Gifts of Meaning - Complete

    Quote Originally Posted by Fouzia View Post
    Can someone pleace give me the link to read it^^ thank you
    The story begins on page 4 of this thread. Look for post #35, darling.
    Thxs to beeej for the avi



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  6. #66
    NS Full Member Fouzia's Avatar
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    Re: NS Advent Calendar 2007 - Gifts of Meaning - Complete

    Sorry to ask question without looking but i though it was in a other part^^
    Thank you!!

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