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Thread: Payback Time (PG)

  1. #21
    NS Senior Member Senior Member
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    Re: Payback Time ( PG )

    I'd like to hear what Chloe sounds with a southern accent. Most people who don't come by it naturally sound strange to me, but I think she can pull it off. More reason that I wish I could watch these fics instead of SV. Love the set up for this story.

  2. #22
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    Re: Payback Time ( PG )

    Oh man this getting so good. I want more please...
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  3. #23
    Happy-ending addict Senior Member lexie's Avatar
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    In RL:Argentina. In my dreams: Lexland

    Re: Payback Time ( PG )

    A/N: Well, girls, I feel generous this week. I know I´ve promised you an update before the weekend. In fact, I was planning on posting it on Friday, but I had to visit the cybercafe to download a file to translate today and decided to check if you had stopped by. So here´s something to whet your appetite- you´re right, Nyx, blind or not blind, Lex´d remain as appetizing and charming as ever.

    Are there any guys available in your town with looks and brains such as Lex´s and who are not just thinking on you know what? It´s getting really difficulty for us thirtysomethings to come across a male with whom to hold an intelligent conversation for a change.

    No more digressions. Here´s the new installment. Good reading !

    Disclaimer: see Chapter 1.

    CHAPTER 5: Dangerous Bantering

    Once the interview was over, Jennifer showed her the place while Lex made some private phone calls.

    “ I've noticed you're from the south, Miss Lawrence. Where exactly are you from ? “ asked Jennifer.

    “ Louisiana. What about you, Jennifer ? Are you a local girl ? “ asked Chloe, trying to divert her attention. She hated having to lie and questions about her past were something she wasn't particularly interested in. There was always the possibility of mixing up the facts.

    “ I'm from Grandville, Miss Lawrence. “

    “ You can call me Lindsey, Jennifer, taking into account we'll be seeing each other on a regular basis. “

    “ Right... Have you got experience working with people in Mr Luthor's condition ? “

    “ I have, “ answered Chloe, respecting the girl for her protectiveness towards Lex. “ I've worked as a volunteer at a centre for the rehabilitation of the visually handicapped in NY. “

    “ Sorry. I wouldn't like to make you feel uncomfortable with my questions. It's just that Mr Luthor's such a nice boss... “

    “ I understand, Jennifer, “ responded Chloe, putting her hand on the young woman's arm.

    “ What is it you understand, Miss Lawrence ? “ asked Lex's voice from behind them; Chloe had forgotten he could move as stealthily as a panther.

    “ Girl talk, Mr Luthor, “ responded Chloe with her eyes on Jennifer's flushed face.

    “ There's an undercurrent here that wouldn't escape me if I weren't deprived of my sight. “

    “ I doubt there's anything in this world that could escape your radar, Mr Luthor. Being temporary blind, I'm sure, won't put a stop to your talents. “

    “ You seem to have a lot of faith in my abilities, Miss Lawrence, for someone who scarcely knows me. “

    “I've always been a good judge of character. “

    “So have I. That's one of the four things we have in common. “

    “ Four ? “ asked a puzzled Chloe.

    “ We share the same initials- L L. By the way, may I call you Lindsey or would you rather we stuck to formalities ? “

    “You call your secretary by her first name and seem to respect her as much as she does you so I don't see why not. I'm intrigued... what else do you think we have in common ? “

    “ Well, Lindsey, you have excellent taste in clothes. I can tell by the sound your shoes make that they're designer- maybe Italian- and so is the suit you're wearing. “

    “ Are you sure you can't see anything behind those shades ? “ asked Chloe with a smile in her voice.

    “ I'm as blind as a bat, Lindsey, and hating every minute of it. “

    “I'm sorry. That was tactless of me, “ said Chloe with a catch in her voice- chiding herself. She had got carried away because she preferred engaging in this flirty bantering to facing the hurtful memories that had brought them together again.

    “ Don't be. It's temporary, you've said it yourself. Now... the third thing... you're quick-witted and smart. “

    “ My, my ! You're very full of yourself, Mr Luthor ! “ laughed Chloe, leaving Lex dumbfounded. “ Is everything all right, sir ? “asked a sobbered Chloe, noticing Lex had blanched.

    “ Sir, would you like to sit down ? I'll bring you a glass of water, “ offered Jennifer.

    “ No, thanks, Jennifer. I'm OK, “ answered Lex, pulling himself together. “ Miss Lawrence ? “ he asked, removing his glasses and raising his ice blue eyes to meet Chloe's.

    “ Yes ? “ she murmured, feeling his unseeing eyes fastened on her.

    “ How old are you ? “ he asked seriously.

    The playful bantering had suddenly turned into a dangerous game. She had relied too much on her newly- acquired sophistication. Unfortunately, she had forgotten who she was talking to. Lex was the master of irony and subtle flirting and she was way out of his league.

    “ A man your age, Mr Luthor, should know better than to ask a lady how old she is. Let's just say I'm over five and under eighty. Will that do ? “ she asked, praying he'd let it rest at that.

    He smiled that smile which could melt you in a puddle and Chloe felt her heart rate quicken. Oh, it was worse than she had thought !

    “ Very ungentleman of me, Lindsey. I'm sorry. “

    God ! For a moment he had thought she was alive again. Lindsey's musical laughter had reminded him of her and how much he had missed hearing that sound. What he would give to be able to see that luminous smile again ! But it wasn't meant to be.

    “ Shall we go home ? “ added Lex.

    Well... what do you think ? Any ideas why Lex gave her the position so fast ? Do you think he's got a hunch or what ? Interested in knowing what happens next ? Leave your review then.
    Last edited by lexie; 27th July 2009 at 08:09.
    Thxs to beeej for the avi



    "Choices"May 30 '11

    "At Second Sight" August 21 '11




  4. #24
    NS Senior Member Senior Member
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    Re: Payback Time ( PG )

    Yes! The seed has been planted for Lex to start thinking about her in terms of Chloe so he'll have a better chance to figure her out. I want more because I'm eager to see if Chloe can pass the test of fooling Lionel if she has to. I also want to see Chloe and Lex spend some more time together for Lex to figure everything out.

  5. #25
    Happy-ending addict Senior Member lexie's Avatar
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    Re: Payback Time ( PG )

    I forgot to mention something when I posted the latest chapter. I´m also updating my other fic ¨ Second Chances ¨. If you haven´t stopped by yet, check it out and tell me what you think.
    Last edited by lexie; 27th July 2009 at 08:10.
    Thxs to beeej for the avi



    "Choices"May 30 '11

    "At Second Sight" August 21 '11




  6. #26
    NS Full Member Nyx's Avatar
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    Re: Payback Time ( PG )

    He recognize her laughs???!!!!

    And misses her smile, hummm so he already liked her then, and after so many years he still harbor feelings for her. Is she going to get cough???

  7. #27
    looking for updates Senior Member somethingeasy's Avatar
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    Re: Payback Time ( PG )

    I'm glad to see that Lex has not lost any of his sharpness or keen sense of observation since he went blind. It's good to see that he hasn't done anything melodramatic like fallen into depression, self-pity or despair. He is handling himself VERY well. Of course, it might help that he knows his blindness is only temporary? He DID mention it was temporary, right?

    I really enjoyed how they fell back into their quick-witted banter. Lex might not have recognized her, but he's enjoying her company... AND he picked up on some of the similarities between his new assistant and the 'late Chloe Sullivan'.

    It's only a matter of time before the similarities start piling up, and he realizes all those coincidences are not really coincidental after all. But I STILL don't understand why Chloe doesn't just tell him her true identity. She's trying to entrap his father, after all, and I'm sure Lex would be more than happy to cooperate in any way possible.

    “ A man your age, Mr Luthor, should know better than to ask a lady how old she is. Let's just say I'm over five and under eighty. Will that do ? “ she asked, praying he'd let it rest at that.

    He smiled that smile which could melt you in a puddle and Chloe felt her heart rate quicken. Oh, it was worse than she had thought !

    “ Very ungentleman of me, Lindsey. I'm sorry. “
    heh. I really liked this part over here. Chloe managed to sidestep a possibly incriminating line of questioning very gracefully. But she cannot maintain it forever. The smart thing to do would be to confess her identity. Lex would be enraged if he happened to stumble across her lies on his own.

    This was a very enjoyable update, and I look forward to seeing how the story progresses. Please post soon.

  8. #28
    Happy-ending addict Senior Member lexie's Avatar
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    Smile Re: Payback Time ( PG )

    Disclaimer: see chapter 1.

    A/N: Thanks to my faithful readers for their support and wonderful comments.
    A special thanks to somethingeasy and Nyx for their reviews on my previous posting. I´m so glad you´re pleased with Lex and Chloe´s banter ! I had a ball writing it.

    Here's a new chapter for your enjoyment. Don't forget to leave your review when you're done.

    CHAPTER 6: Overwhelmed

    Chloe saw the Mercedes sedan stop on the driveway from the bedroom window and felt the bile surge up. It seemed poisoning his son and orchestrating an accident that had rendered him blind were hardly enough to quench Lionel's thirst for revenge. On his opening the car door, Chloe remembered Gabe and felt the urge to jump onto Lionel, scratch his eyes out and choke him with her bare hands. However, with her rotten luck, she was sure she'd end up dead or crippled while Luthor Sr would come out unscathed. How he had survived his terminal liver disease was a Smallville aberration she couldn't fathom yet.

    Lex was in his study, sitting at the piano, when Lionel opened the double doors and strode in.

    “ Dad, haven't you taught me it isn't good manners to barge into a room unannounced ? “

    “ Not if it's my study, son. The last time I checked my name was on the deed. “

    “ Have you come to evict me ? “

    “No, son. I've come to see how you're doing. “

    “Have you decided one-sidedly we're on speaking terms again ? Tell me the truth for once, dad. Are you here to share your experience as a blind man or are you here to gloat ? “

    “ Stop being melodramatic, Lex. It doesn't suit you. Can't a father worry about his son ? “

    “ Yes, dad, it's the most natural thing in the world. But our relationship is far from idyllic, and we Luthors don't seem to be cut out for parenthood, “ answered Lex, taking off his glasses, and gazing towards his father. “ Tell me, dad, what was there in that lab that you didn't want me to see ? “

    “ What are you implying, Lex ? That I had something to do with what happened to you again ? It was an unfortunate accident, Lex. If anything, it shows we'll have to improve our safety measures. “

    “ An accident ? An accident like the one that killed Chloe, dad ? “

    “ What does Miss Sullivan have to do with this ? I thought we'd already discussed what happened to her. It was a tragic accident. “

    “ You had that safe house blown up to kill the one person that could keep you behind bars, dad. You murdered her and Gabe, and you have the nerve to call that a tragic accident ? “ shouted Lex.

    “ You're delusional, son.And we had this same conversation thirteen years ago when you not only accused me of blowing up houses but of poisoning you in the bargain. Apparently, my criminal record's growing because now you're putting the blame of your accident on me. “

    “ If my memory doesn't fail me, you said once you were cleared of your parents' murder, you'd go after those who had put you in prison. ' They'll feel my wrath, ' you said. “

    “Do you think me capable of murdering my own son ? “

    “Come on, dad ! “ laughed Lex. “ You've killed your own flesh and blood- or rather, have them murdered because you'd never soil your hands. Why wouldn't you do the same to me ? “

    “You're my first-born, my son and heir, Lex. I love you, son. “

    “You'd still have Lucas, dad. Maybe he'd be the son you've always wanted me to be, “ he screamed with a catch in his voice.

    “ What are you saying, Lex ? We have our differences but...“

    “ Differences ? Is that a joke, dad ? “ asked Lex, half laughing half crying. “ You've never loved me, dad. All I ever wanted from you was that you loved me..., “ he said with tears streaming down his cheeks.

    “ You're under a lot of stress, son. You don't know what you're saying. Take care, you wouldn't like to have another nervous breakdown. “

    “ That'd give you the perfect excuse to lock me up in Belle Reve, right, dad ? That´ s where you'd have sent mum if I hadn't taken the blame for Julian's death, “ shouted Lex before feeling Lionel's slap on the face.

    “ Don't you dare talk about your mother, Lex. “

    “ Oh, yes. You loved her just as much as you love me, “ responded Lex, massaging his cheek.

    “ I shouldn't have come, “ murmured Lionel, picking up his overcoat.

    “ You can come as much as you want, dad. As you said, your name's on the deed. Don't worry, I'll move out this week, “ he said to Lionel's back.

    Chloe was crying silent tears outside the study, with her back pressed against the wall. She had climbed down when she heard Lex and Lionel's raised voices, thinking she could learn something about the reason Lex had been to the lab. In fact, she had been always certain he wasn't involved in whatever was going on in there, and she had been proved right. Still, she had overheard a lot more than she had bargained for. Lex's argument with his father had revealed too many personal things, intimate stuff that no one was entitled to know. Chloe felt guilty for eavesdropping- she felt as if she had betrayed Lex somehow and she didn't like the feeling at all. He heart was filled with conflicting emotions: guilt, sympathy, hatred, but the one feeling that overwhelmed her, and caught her unawares, was the strong desire to have the right to comfort him. It was at that moment, when she finally admitted to herself she loved Lex not just as a friend but as a man, that Lionel came out of the study. Chloe thanked God he didn't look her way for she didn't know how she would react.

    In the meantime, Lex poured himself a bourbon, which he swallowed in a gulp and tried to reign his feelings. The confrontations with Lionel had always left him drained and, today, he had said things he wished he could take back. It wasn't that they weren't true or that he didn't feel them but, rather, they were things that had belittled him in front of his dad. He had begged, for God's sake ! He had begged for love ! Could he be more pathetic than that ?

    Lex felt like drinking to oblivion but there was a lot to be done. This time he'd make sure Lionel stayed behind bars. He set down his glass and walked towards his desk, his musings being interrupted by a stifled cry.

    “ Is there anyone there ? Lindsey, is that you ? “ asked Lex, striding towards the door.

    Nobody answered, but Lex could swear there was a trace of magnolia in the air. Had the young woman overheard their argument ? He didn't know why but he didn't like the feeling of appearing weak in front of her eyes.

    So what do you think of Lex and Chloe's situation thus far ? Eager to read what happens next ? Then, don't forget to review.
    Last edited by lexie; 27th July 2009 at 08:10.
    Thxs to beeej for the avi



    "Choices"May 30 '11

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  9. #29
    NS Senior Member Senior Member
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    Re: Payback Time ( PG )

    Have you been watching the show? Is that where the whole thing about Lex feeling bad for begging his father for love had come from? Because I think that's right on the money that Lex Luthor would feel pathetic for begging for love no matter who it's from. Poor Lex and all the shit he's had to endure from Lionel.

    I like that already he wants to appear powerful to Chloe's Lindsay. True it could be because he doesn't like being weak in front of anyone, but I'm sure he has deeper reasons.

  10. #30
    Happy-ending addict Senior Member lexie's Avatar
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    Re: Payback Time ( PG )


    thanks a lot for your comment. As regards your question about Lex feeling bad for having to beg his father´s love, no, it hasn´t sprung from watching the show lately. The latest episode I´ve seen is ¨ Trespass ¨- I haven´t watched ¨ Promise ¨ yet, but I´ve seen some clips and read some spoilers. The background for Lex´s angst in my fic derives from previous seasons and some incidents created with my muse´s help. Also take into account that I wrote this fic last January so most of the stuff that´s changed the course of Lex´s character on the show hadn´t happened yet.
    Last edited by lexie; 27th July 2009 at 08:11.
    Thxs to beeej for the avi



    "Choices"May 30 '11

    "At Second Sight" August 21 '11




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