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Thread: "My Love Is Here" (PG-13/FRT)

  1. #1
    NS Full Member
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    "My Love Is Here" (PG-13/FRT)

    This came to be because of a song lyric, sung wonderfully by Roch Voisine, and was helped along by a good friend of mine, Jay, that set up an excellent way of using it. Hope you guys enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

    Title: Challenge From Jay - "My Love Is Here"

    Author: PMD

    e-mail: mary.davidson@sympatico.ca

    Rating: FRT - Fan Rated Suitable For Teenagers, P for Profanity, slightly suggestive situations

    Category: Chlex, Songfic, Lex's POV, AU

    Spoilers: None that I can think of.

    Summary: Lex is stuck at the airport on an important day in Chloe's life.

    Disclaimer: To whomever owns Smallville, the characters, and the song lyrics to My Love Is Here, I'm just borrowing them, will give them back, not making any money using them in the story and as the title of the story, so don't sue me.

    Archive: At BtS, BT2, Electricchlex, MD, N.S. Forums, SPP, and WBFFZ. If anybody else wants them, all you have to do is ask.

    Feedback: Yes I would love feedback.

    Author Notes: This is a challenge from my good friend, Jay. I asked for a scenario to place this wonderful song I found and he did himself proud. And contrary to the name found within the story of Veronica---it's not that Veronica from Veronica Mars. <g> I dedicate this to Jay and to all my friends, on the lists and on N.S. Forums. Enjoy and you'll find the challenge elements at the end of the story.

    Challenge From Jay - "My Love Is Here" - by PMD

    Prologue: For years I have searched for love and always in the wrong places, or wrong hair color, as someone once pointed out to me. Ironically, this person who pointed it out, is the last person I thought I would ever love but she grew on me. And now, I'm missing her birthday.


    The Metropolis Airport

    I walk into the airport, upset and pissed off. Upset because my underlings couldn't handle one small negotiation in New York. Pissed off because I have to miss Chloe's birthday and she's pissed off at me about it.

    Can I help it that sometimes I have to leave to fix things, even though I don't want too? Can't she understand that? But all she can see is that I'm leaving her---abandoning her---on her birthday.

    "Damn it---I don't want to!" I grumble under my breath.

    "Why the fuck couldn't they handle it?" I grumble out too.

    "Excuse me, Sir?"

    I look up at the person behind the counter and give her a wan smile. "I'm sorry---just thinking out loud."

    "Ticket, Sir?" she asks me.

    "Oh, yes. Here it is," I say, handing it to her.

    "Going to New York, Sir?"

    "How observant," I state, glaring at her.

    "Sorry, Sir."

    I let out a sigh. "No, I'm sorry. See I had plans and now, I seem to not have them. And the person I was supposed to have them with is a little mad at me right now."

    "Ahhhh---yes. I've heard my boyfriend acts this way when he has to cancel things with me too. And I guess I do get a little mad at him. But we always make up, Sir."


    "If we didn't, would I be wearing this."

    I look at the diamond she's wearing and then look up at her smiling face.

    "Congratulations. At least there's some happiness in the world."

    "It will be okay; you and she will make up too," she states, patting my hand.

    "I hope so."



    "Any luggage to be stowed away?"

    "No---just something for the overhead."

    "Okay, well---" She stops talking when a loud clap of thunder rings out and then, comes the rain.

    "Please, don't say the flight is grounded."

    She picks up the phone and calls somebody in charge.

    I turn around and sigh---after all this, maybe I won't get to New York? Maybe my father had something to do with this---I wouldn't put it past him. My jet is down and can't be worked on until Luthorcorp's jet can be looked at. Then he probably had his hand in the negotiations going bad for Lexcorp too. People are right to blame all things bad on Lionel Luthor---why shouldn't I too?


    I turn around. "Yes?"

    "I'm sorry but until further notice, flights are canceled. They don't want to take any chances with this major storm rolling in."

    "I figured as much."

    I walk away and put in a call with the negotiating committee. I tell the leader he has to do his best because I'm not going anywhere at the moment. Thankfully, he has some good news. They ferreted out the spy from my father's camp and now, have a deal. He was about to call me when I called him. I let out a sigh, as I close my cell and put it in my pocket.

    I look out the window, the rain coming down steadily. And the wind is starting to come up. There is no way I can go anywhere now. Guess I might as well get something to eat---and call Chloe while I'm waiting for the food.

    I turn back to the woman behind the counter. "Is there some place I can get a bite to eat?"

    "Yes, there's a good restaurant just down the corridor. It's got a great menu. And---" She stops talking and then smiles.

    "What?" I ask, mystified.

    "Is the person mad at you, a blonde woman?"

    "Yes? Why do you ask?"


    I know that voice. I turn around and see her standing there---her trench coat coated with drips of water and her blonde hair, peeking out of a rain hat. She takes a red rose out of her trench coat; it shines like a beacon to me.

    "See, I told you she would forgive you, Sir."

    I turn to look at the woman and smile. "Thank you---Miss---"

    "The names Veronica. And you are welcome."

    I turn back to look at Chloe, standing there, dripping.

    "I always knew you were a drip, Chloe," I state, walking towards her.

    She sniffles and smiles. "Takes one to know one," she replies, walking towards me now, the rose and hat, dropped and forgotten.

    We stand there, staring at each other. I put my hand out, touching her cheek, my smile widening. Then I pull it back, knowing she is indeed standing there and not a mirage.

    "Why did you come?"

    "I didn't want to go to bed angry, Alex."

    "You could have called me."

    "Not the same. Alex, I'm sorry about being angry. I shouldn't have acted the way I did. Your business is your baby just like working on the paper is mine. I'm---"

    "No, you are the most important thing in my life. The business comes second. I can't believe I would actually go to New York on your birthday---except that---"

    "---your father---you think he's behind this breakdown in negotiations and you want to stop him. I figured that out, finally. So---why aren't you on the plane?"

    "Looked outside lately? And how the hell did you get here, in one piece?"

    "Oh---is it raining outside; I didn't notice."

    I chuckle at that and pull her into my arms. "Goof."

    "Takes one to know one," she replies, and then she sighs. "Alex, I hate when we fight."

    I back away and give her a sly grin. "So do I. But then, making up is so much fun."

    I take her hand and lead her to the washroom. She stops me at the door.


    "Why not?"

    "I'm not an exhibitionist, Luthor."

    "We'll do it in the stall."

    "I'm not that compact, Luthor."

    "Well, I would suggest the mile high club but the planes aren't flying."

    She laughs at that. "Would you settle for a tongue tousle instead."

    "If I must," I state, leaning down to kiss her.

    Our kiss deepens to the point that we moan. And I moan again, when I feel a hand on my arm.

    "I'm sorry to interrupt, Sir, but you left your luggage at the counter. And this rose and hat was dropped."

    I turn to look at Veronica and smile. "It's okay. Thanks for bringing me my bag and her hat. But you can keep the rose---give it to your fiancee."

    "Thank you, Sir."

    "You're welcome. So, where's that restaurant again?"

    She points the way and I take Chloe's hand. "Hungry?"


    "Me too---but not for food," I state, giving her a suggestive grin and lifting an eyebrow.

    "Sir, I wouldn't suggest you do that. Our security frowns on that."

    I turn to look at her again. "Tried it with the boyfriend, I take it."

    She laughs at that, just before nodding.

    "Who's your friend, Alex?" Chloe asks.

    "Oh, sorry. Veronica, this is Chloe Sullivan - Luthor, my wife."

    "Pleased to meet you, Chloe."

    "Same here, Veronica."

    "Well, I best be off. Nice meeting you two."

    "Nice meeting you too, Veronica," I state, before she leaves us to ourselves.

    "Dinner, awaits," I reply, taking my bag with one hand and taking her hand, with my other. She stuffs her hat into the pocket of her trench coat. We walk down the corridor.

    As we enter the restaurant, we hear the DJ on the radio, announce a song he is about to play---a song that took us through many a day or night, while we were apart from each other.

    "Shall we dance?" I ask her, as I watch her take off her coat and place it at a nearby table. I do the same with mine.

    She smiles and nods at me. We walk away from the table and I take her into my arms. We sway to the music and lyrics that mean so much to us:

    "Words nothing but words
    For me to show
    How much my love for you
    Unfolds through trouble and fears
    This love so real
    I need you to know

    Even though we're far apart
    You're right beside me in my heart

    Don't you know my love is here?
    Don't you know my love is real?
    You should know by now
    This much is true!
    My love is here for you

    Time nothing but time
    To make up your mind
    I'll give you all that you need
    I want you to know
    I'll never let go
    Until you come back to me

    And even though you're far away
    I am right beside you day by day

    Don't you know my love is here?
    Don't you know my love is real?
    You should know by now
    This much is true
    My love is here for you

    And even though we're far apart
    You're right beside me in my heart
    Don't you know my love is here?
    Don't you know my love is real for you?
    You should know by now
    This much is true
    My love is here for you"

    "You know this is true?"

    She looks up at me. "Yes, wherever you are, Alex---wherever I am, Alex, we're still beside each other, in our hearts and minds."

    "And our love will always be real," I state.

    "The most real thing in our lives, forever and ever," she states, before leaning up and kissing me softly on the lips.

    The End.

    Challenge Elements:

    Time - Futurefic

    Place - Airport

    Object - Airline Ticket

    Words - Luggage, dinner, red rose, storm

    Song - My Love Is Here

  2. #2
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    Re: "My Love Is Here" (PG-13/FRT)

    Awww that was so cute.

    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  3. #3
    NS Full Member
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    Smile Re: "My Love Is Here" (PG-13/FRT)

    Oh this was so sweet! Challenge fullfilled

  4. #4
    NS Full Member Gaia's Avatar
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    Re: "My Love Is Here" (PG-13/FRT)

    ooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhh..sooooooo wonderful..made me cry

  5. #5
    NS Full Member
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    Re: "My Love Is Here" (PG-13/FRT)

    This was such a lovely story.

  6. #6
    NS Full Member
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    Re: "My Love Is Here" (PG-13/FRT)

    hfce, Baily, Gaia, Natasha:

    Awwww---you don't know how much this means to me, guys. I'm so happy that you guys love it. And trust me when I say, it made me cry when I was writing it too.

  7. #7
    NS Senior Member Senior Member autumngold's Avatar
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    Re: "My Love Is Here" (PG-13/FRT)

    Thank you for posting a happy story in this section!! I'm so glad that Chloe forgave Lex, and the song was a nice touch at the end!! Great story!!

  8. #8
    storie girl Senior Member starmoon's Avatar
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    Re: "My Love Is Here" (PG-13/FRT)

    sweet i love how it is a happy story.

  9. #9
    NS Full Member
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    Re: "My Love Is Here" (PG-13/FRT)

    Autumn: Glad you enjoyed the story, sweetie. And like anybody could stay mad at Lex too long---except his father. But do we really need to mention him at the moment. <g>

    Starmoon: Awww---I'm glad you loved it, sweetie. I certainly had fun doing this challenge---now for a couple of weird ones from my muse---happy but weird. Gotta keep her away from the coffee. <bg>

  10. #10
    this side of crazy S.Ann Smith's Avatar
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    Re: "My Love Is Here" (PG-13/FRT)

    love it PMD... it was lovely


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