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Thread: Numbers Four and Five PG

  1. #1

    Numbers Four and Five PG

    Title: Numbers Four and Five
    Author: HumbugGirl
    Email: humbuggirl@yahoo.com
    URL: http://www.pink-kitten.org/lamplight or http://www.livejournal.com/~humbuggirl
    Fandom: Angel/Smallville
    Pairing: Cordelia/Chloe (friendship)
    Rating: PG
    Summary: Future fic. Two ex-Mrs Luthor’s get together.
    Spoilers: Nothing specific.
    Disclaimer: None of the characters of Angel or Smallville belong to me.
    Distribution: ChloeCrossing (http://www.pink-kitten.org/chloecrossing), TTH
    Author’s Notes: Pairing #91 at FFA. Assumes Cordelia-Lex and Chloe-Lex prior relationships.
    Feedback: Please

    Trust it to Lex to find the most pretentious elementary school that he could and then to persuade her to drop her kid right into the middle of it. Of course the way that her wonderful as-of-two-months-ex-husband had described the place it had sounded gloriously progressive and just the sort of encouraging learning atmosphere that she had always dreamt she would give her baby when she had one. Chloe figured that she really should have known by the way he had assaulted her with the brochures that the place would turn out as it was. Even so, the blonde reporter couldn’t help but appreciate the way the small auditorium was decked out with mountains of tasteful tinsel and fairy lights giving it a wonderful seasonal atmosphere.

    Leaning to one side she nudged her companion with her elbow and said, “So was this your doing?”

    Cordelia Luthor nee Chase turned towards the blonde, flicking a length of currently dark brown hair over her shoulder as she did so. A surprising friendship had sprung up between Chloe and her predecessor in the position of Lex’s wife over the years since they had first met. At the time Cordelia had been in the process of divorcing Lex and Lex had been in the process of attempting to win back Chloe’s affection after years of the two avoiding each other and while the two women should have disliked each other they found that they had a mutual invested interest in the man who, while they loved him they had been reluctant to get involved with or stay that way. Cordelia, Chloe had decided later, had been the smart one and gotten out when it was still easy to do so. She had rather stupidly hung around until Lex had sunk himself deeply into whatever underworld criminal dealings he was instigated in – hoping all the while that she would be able to help him back out.

    She’d given up the day that Clark had appeared outside the penthouse window, hovering in his Superman guise in order to make sure that Lex did not manage to escape the police who were rushing up the stairs to the lofty reaches of their home yet again. Lex had managed to worm his way out of the situation of course as he always did but Chloe had been too caught up in the memory of her Daniel’s startled, frightened face when a honest-to-god SWAT team complete with bullet proof vests and guns had burst through the door to even think of going back to the man. The divorce had been surprisingly swift yet still painful and her only saving grace had been the woman sitting next to her who had turned up on the doorstep of her father’s place in Smallville one morning with the seemingly impossible mission of pulling her blonde successor out of the pit of depression she had been part way through digging for herself. In the end it was Cordelia who had stopped Chloe from making the mistake of pulling her son out of the school that Lex had chosen and in doing so had promoted the healthy friendship between her own little girl and Chloe’s boy.

    “I don’t know what you mean,” Cordelia said turning her eyes back to the stage glowing stage where Allison, her daughter was currently riding a real donkey through a surprisingly convincing fake desert.

    Chloe narrowed her eyes at the woman. “You know exactly what I mean,” she said then quickly peered around the brunette woman. She focused her eyes steadily on the man who was seated at the other side of the room surrounded by his bodyguards. Leaning back in her seat she said, “I’m not going to talk to him.”

    “Shh! We’re not talking about this now. Do you want to miss Daniel’s bit?”

    A little guilty Chloe looked back towards the stage. She’d been surprised beyond belief to discover that one way or another Allison and her mother had persuaded the rather shy, nervous little boy to audition for a part in the nativity and had been overjoyed when he had been cast as one of the three wise men. Considering that the boy was Lex Luthor’s son he had always seemed far too quiet and reticent to take part in something so public and Chloe was pleased to find that he was having fun while doing it.

    Of course it hadn’t been quite so enjoyable to learn that one of the reasons Daniel had agreed to try was because his dear big sister’s mom had promised that afterwards they would all go out for a meal together to celebrate and that by ‘all’ she meant Lex as well. At first Chloe had been in two minds as to whether her dear friend had thought up the plan or whether it was Lex’s work. Now she had no doubt - it had all been Cordelia.

    Lex glanced towards her with a smile curling the edge of his lips leaving Chloe to silently curse herself for getting caught up in staring at him again. She firmly fixed her eyes on the stage just in time to see Daniel appear. He glanced up towards her and Chloe smiled and waved encouragingly.

    Season of good will or not Cordelia was going to pay for this later.

    “Why are you pushing this?” she hissed quietly to the taller woman.

    “Because I think you two breaking up may very well have been a mistake – of course it might not have been since it was the kick in the pants Lex needed to remember his responsibilities.”

    She had a point. It wasn’t a point that Chloe particularly wanted to acknowledge but she did had a point.

    “If he’s so great now why don’t you go and get back together with him?”

    “Chloe hun, I love you like a sister but sometimes you’re really dumb. Oh don’t look like that. I’m only telling you that for your own good.”

    The blonde snorted her disbelief and was rewarded by a woman in the row behind her hushing her.

    “He still loves you,” Cordelia said more quietly while keeping her eyes firmly forwards. “You just don’t want to believe it.”

    “I don’t believe it,” Chloe said though even she had to admit that her voice sounded uncertain. Once again Cordelia may have had a point. She wasn’t sure she was ready to deal with all the potential consequences if Lex still did care about her – especially since there was still a constant nagging voice in the back of her mind telling the blonde that she still felt for him.

    Cordelia shot an irritatingly knowing look in her direction. “Don’t imagine for a second that I don’t know you’ve been sneaking looks at him all evening and don’t imagine that he doesn’t know it either.” She let out a small sigh and then said softly, “Promise me something okay? Just promise that you’ll come to dinner tonight and that you’ll make a quick report on what’s really going on in your mind after that.”

    Chloe licked her lips and then once again peeked at Lex. He was facing forwards, watching the play with an unsurprisingly and perfectly understandable proud look on his face. If nothing else he had been a damn good father and Chloe had always felt bad that he couldn’t spend as much time with Daniel as he used to.

    She sat back again and after taking a quick deep breath said, “Okay, I’ll come to dinner but I’m not promising anything.”

    Cordelia smiled at her. “Good enough.”


  2. #2
    NS Senior Member Senior Member autumngold's Avatar
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    06 Oct 2003
    The End? I know you couldn't have meant that!! :biggrin: You forgot the Chlex smoochies!! :biggrin: I really like this story!! :yay2: :chlexsign4: :yay2:

  3. #3
    this side of crazy S.Ann Smith's Avatar
    Join Date
    28 Apr 2003
    British Columbia, Canada
    I say, more!

    More I say!


    even as a standalone, this is an awesome ficlet

  4. #4
    NS Full Member
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    United States
    The end? No fair! I wanted to see Chloe realize that a man with a SWAT team AND Superman after him is maybe not the best father to have in the home :lol: Also, I wanted details on how Cordy and Angel got back together, but that's a whole other universe, hunh? :

    Nice story, I enjoyed it!

  5. #5
    storie girl Senior Member starmoon's Avatar
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    Re: Numbers Four and Five

    That was great and I think you should write a sequel and have Lex and Chloe get back together. No matter what happens Lex and Chloe will always love each other. I knew Lex would be a good father despite his mistakes in the past. Cordelia being in the story as Lex's wife at one point was a nice touch. I like it that the girls are friends but Chloe should end up with Lex.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    05 Apr 2005

    Re: Numbers Four and Five PG

    cuteness, pure cuteness.

  7. #7
    Lex's Devoted Love Slave darkangel's Avatar
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    11 Jun 2005

    Re: Numbers Four and Five PG

    this was short and good. i liked it.

  8. #8
    NS Full Member zho9's Avatar
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    01 Dec 2005

    Re: Numbers Four and Five PG

    All your fics that I have read so far have ended in very good and appropriate places, imho, which lulled me into believing that you were not of the evil breed of authors who taunt their readers with cliffhangers. I now see I was very much mistaken.
    I need to read about the dinner and the reuniting of Chlex! Damnit!
    Oh, and I love that Cordelia is an ex-Mrs. Luthor.

  9. #9
    NS Full Member SVfan1286's Avatar
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    Re: Numbers Four and Five PG

    I really like the Chloe/Cordelia friendship and their past relationships with Lex...Two ex-Mrs. Luthors...Great story, I really enjoyed it!
    But I want more! :biggrin:

  10. #10
    NS Full Member purplemoon123's Avatar
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    28 Dec 2007

    Re: Numbers Four and Five PG

    Love it. Now I'm left thinking that after dinner Cordy came up with and excuse to leave with both kids to leave Chloe and Lex alone to work things out.


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