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Thread: A Step Forward (Secret Fanfiction Santa: Westwingwolf) - PG13

  1. #1
    NS Full Member biscuits's Avatar
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    A Step Forward (Secret Fanfiction Santa: Westwingwolf) - PG13

    A Step Forward (Secret Fanfiction Santa: Westwingwolf)
    Rating: PG/PG-13
    Season: Set mid S5 though I’m pretty fast and loose with canon.
    This is unconnected to anything I’ve written before, but I might come back and play around with this idea in the future.

    The party was in full swing.

    Chloe surveyed the damage. The champagne was flowing freely, and she could see that many of the employees were well on their way to letting their hair down and kicking their heels up.

    She smiled. Of course, this was still the LuthorCorp office nondenominational holiday party. No one would have the nerve to get downright drunk and disorderly.

    She scanned the room, searching for her father. His car was in the shop getting winterized, finally, and she’d agreed to come pick him up from work. Yes, she was a good little daughter willing and happy to make these little sacrifices. Yes, she had an ulterior motive.

    “He’s not here,” said her ulterior motive, walking up behind her. “He was chatting with one of the chemical engineers, and they had some kind of breakthrough. They disappeared about 45 minutes ago.”

    Chloe stifled a shiver at the delicious way Lex’s breath wafted against her cheek. “Does that mean I’m stuck with you?” she asked, arching her eyebrow and allowing her eyes to trail down his lean frame as he came into view.

    “Looks like it. Whatever will you do with me?” he deadpanned.

    Now that was just not fair. She was having a hard enough time resisting him when he looked and smelled so good in a dark green cashmere sweater and tailored grey slacks that draped along his butt and legs. The suggestion in his words on top of all that had her practically salivating.

    Stupid hormones.

    She’d wanted Lex basically since the minute she saw him. She’d gotten to admire him from afar, and from every different angle, for two years. Then she had gotten caught in Lionel’s plans, and Lex became her salvation, her only link to the outside world. She had stomped on her attraction to him because her survival was more important.

    Working so closely to imprison Lionel had built a solid friendship, despite the reservations she had about some of Lex’s business dealings. In the almost two years since she had concentrated on that friendship, convincing herself that she shouldn’t risk screwing it up by trying to make it more, that Lex would never reciprocate her feelings anyway.

    But in the last few months their verbal judo had veered from the playful to the provocative. It never went beyond friendly banter, but each flirty comment was making it harder for Chloe to keep herself from falling into that attraction again.

    That wasn’t even counting the touching. For someone who avoided most physical contact, Lex seemed like he was always touching her now – a hand on her back as they walked along, his fingertips lingering as he passed her a cup of coffee.

    But it was never overt or even sensual. Everything, from the conversation to the casual touching could be explained away as a close, teasing friendship. It might be conceited of her, but she thought this was the best relationship Lex had ever had. And she wasn’t prepared to lay herself out there and destroy what they had for him.

    That didn’t mean she could walk away from a lead in like that.

    “Oh, I’m sure I can think of something to do with you if I let my imagination run wild.”

    “I thought that creativity was responsible for landing you a spot on Santa’s naughty list.”

    Chloe fought a blush as she crossed her arms, determined not to break under his gaze. “That’s low, bringing Santa into this. And what do you leave out for Santa? Scotch and cigars?”

    She watched him closely, waiting for the quirk of his lips he could never quite suppress during their conversations. She wasn’t disappointed.

    “I’ll have you know Santa values my excellent taste in tobacco and liquor. It’s nice to know someone values my good taste.”

    “Oh, come on,” said Chloe, nudging him with her shoulder. “I value your good taste. I just value other things more.”

    Lex smiled, his small, genuine smile, the one that made his eyes crinkle and set her heart a flutter. “I know. So tell me what you want for Christmas and I’ll put in a good word for you with Santa.” He leaned closed, conspiratorially. “Diamonds? Pearls? Steak knives?”

    Chloe laughed. “And how many women do you know who chose a set of steak knives?”

    Lex shrugged slightly, as his face started to close off. “None. I never liked a women well enough to give her 12 sharp knives.”

    The laughter slid from Chloe’s face until she was left meeting his serious eyes with her own. She wished she could take away the hurt left by those who used and belittled him, teaching him not to trust.

    The moment lingered and the silence stretched between them, full of awareness and potential. She watched him recognize that potential and brace himself, almost a flinch, and she drew back a little, looked away.

    “Ah, there’s Dad now, by the door.” Her voice seemed strangely hoarse. “We’d better go if we want to make it to the mechanic before they close.”

    They walked slowly toward the door, pausing a few feet from Gabe.

    “You never did tell me what you want.” Lex asked, turning toward her once more.

    Chloe smiled. “I’ll take the steak knives.” She stepped into his space, leaning into his body to press a soft kiss to his cheek. “Mistletoe.” She pointed at the sprig above their heads. “Goodnight, Lex. Merry Christmas.”

    “Merry Christmas, Chloe.”

  2. #2
    NS Senior Member Senior Member
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    Re: A Step Forward (Secret Fanfiction Santa: Westwingwolf)

    Thank you, I'm glad to see their relationship going in the right direction. And she chose the steak knives! I'm choosing to take that as a sign of promise...as strange as it may sound. Thank you for a fun and flirty S5 Chlex.

  3. #3
    Julie's Soul Sister
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    Re: A Step Forward (Secret Fanfiction Santa: Westwingwolf)

    Really nice story. Looks like the beggining of what could be a long fic

    What I want for Christmas? I'd want him for sure if he was real lol

    Thanks for your participation again!

  4. #4
    An Accused Heretic Senior Member Kit Merlot's Avatar
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    Re: A Step Forward (Secret Fanfiction Santa: Westwingwolf) - PG13

    I love the gorgeous, Chlexy banter that seems to be leading to a romantic relationship--if they have the guts that is
    Last edited by Kit Merlot; 26th December 2009 at 15:42.

    "Don't quote me to me!" Detective Danny "Danno" WIlliams, Hawaii Five-0, episode 1.8 Mana'o

    "This could barely fill up Thumbelina!" SALIGIA by westwingwolf

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  5. #5
    NS Senior Member Senior Member autumngold's Avatar
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    Smile Re: A Step Forward (Secret Fanfiction Santa: Westwingwolf) - PG13

    What a fun Christmas story! I really hope that you decide to continue it. Lex and Chloe banter is the best, especially if it leads to something more! Thanks for the post!

  6. #6
    Happy-ending addict Senior Member lexie's Avatar
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    Re: A Step Forward (Secret Fanfiction Santa: Westwingwolf) - PG13

    Steak knives? Interesting choice. This was a short but very enjoyable short piece.
    Thxs to beeej for the avi



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  7. #7
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    Re: A Step Forward (Secret Fanfiction Santa: Westwingwolf) - PG13

    Aww that was cute!
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  8. #8
    NS Full Member skauble's Avatar
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    Re: A Step Forward (Secret Fanfiction Santa: Westwingwolf) - PG13

    OMG this was so sweet!

    I loved the flirting going on. We can see Chloe's thought process, but Lex's is so clear to us, too, even if Chloe is still unsure about things.

    And I can totally see both Chloe getting on Santa's naughty list and Lex trying to liquor the poor fellow up. lolol

    And the ending with the steak knives was just perfect. I love the fact that Chloe wanted Lex to know that he was safe with her more than anything else. It's that kind of understanding of him that would make them so perfect together.

    This was a fantastic glimpse into a sweet moment in their lives. Great work!


  9. #9
    looking for updates Senior Member somethingeasy's Avatar
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    Re: A Step Forward (Secret Fanfiction Santa: Westwingwolf) - PG13

    I can’t believe that I missed out on reading and reviewing this particular ficlet. It was sweet, adorable, funny and romantic.

    LOL! It was really cute seeing Lex described (in Chloe’s mind) as her ‘ulterior motive’ for attending the party. And it was really sweet of Lex to pretend that he didn’t know that he was the real reason Chloe was attending this Christmas dinner. Always the gentleman, eh? LOL!

    I liked the quick summation that allowed the readers a quick peek into the development of the Chlex relationship, at least from Chloe’s point of view. How t was essentially desire from first sight, which then evolved into something more substantial and grounded through an alliance, friendship and bantering that started flirting with the possibility of something a little more than friendship.

    This was a solid Chlex relationship built on a good foundation with minimum angst and misunderstandings. I have to say that this was a Chlex couple that’s a great deal luckier than most other Chloe/Lex couples at the forum, eh?

    They’re definitely luckier than the hapless chew toys that you’re playing with in your Empire story, Biscuits, LOL!

    There WAS that brief moment of angst when Chloe made a careless comment about Lex’s wives and steak-knives… but Lex is truly an oversensitive prat sometimes, isn’t he? Good thing Chloe is aware of this and was able to soothe him with minimum effort.

    Anyhow, lovely ficlet. Thanks so much for posting. I look forward to more of your writing soon. And when I say more of your writing, you do know I’m referring specifically to a particular fic-story, right? Hint, Hint, HINT!!! Do I need to get more explicit here, because I will!!

  10. #10
    NS Full Member ladyfayerie's Avatar
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    Re: A Step Forward (Secret Fanfiction Santa: Westwingwolf) - PG13

    wow. cute ending!

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