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Thread: Back from the Dead (PG-13/R)- CHAPTER 27 plus Epilogue (Aug 17, 2010)

  1. #401
    Happy-ending addict Senior Member lexie's Avatar
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    Re: Back from the Dead (PG-13/R)- CHAPTER 20-Upd March 24th '10

    Quote Originally Posted by Cassandra Jean View Post
    I am so in love with this fic. I adore daddy Lex, he is so sweet with Laurie.

    Any chance on an update soon?
    Thanks, darling. There'll be an update later today. I've just finished writing Chapter 25 but have to go over it to check any mistakes.
    Thxs to beeej for the avi



    "Choices"May 30 '11

    "At Second Sight" August 21 '11




  2. #402
    Happy-ending addict Senior Member lexie's Avatar
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    In RL:Argentina. In my dreams: Lexland

    Re: Back from the Dead (PG-13/R)- CHAPTER 20-Upd March 24th '10

    A/N: OK, here's the long-awaited update! We're approaching the end of this fic- there are a couple of short chapters or a long one left- so enjoy.

    CHAPTER 25: New Beginnings


    Closure had arrived after three years of emotional barrenness for Lex and he tried to hide his giddiness at seeing how well his strategy at the courthouse had worked out today. Mikhail had once again delivered by using his verbal mind control on the chief of Intergang, provoking a commotion in the room rigged with cameras and reporters. Lex would never forget Edge’s face as the bailiffs dragged him away. Lionel’s teenage friend and crime accomplice had looked daggers at Lex and had to be restrained as he screamed foul play and tried to convince his legal team he’d been tricked into confessing. The expensive lawyers had looked at their client as if he had suddenly lost his mind; no firm would take a case for an appeal which was as good as lost from the onset. Not even the best shark in the business would be able to convince a jury of Edge’s innocence or get a mistrial or a dismissal due to insufficient evidence after his confession. If the middle-aged man had sat down and shut his mouth when the lead counsellor had urged him, there might have been something to salvage; but the man had given too many details and provided the DA office with too much ammunition to stop what he had coming.

    “So, what does it feel like?” asked Bruce at the bottom of LuthorCorp’s plane steps.

    “Like a true beginning,” replied Lex, thinking today’s proceedings must have reminded his former boarding-school friend of the day Falconi had Joe Chill murdered and deprived the Wayne heir of the privilege of avenging his parents’ death.

    “Does she know?” added Gotham’s billionaire when Chloe reached the top of the steps and entered the Lear Jet.

    “I’m afraid you’ll have to be clearer, Bruce.”

    “Did you tell her about Mxyzptlk’s role in that courtroom?”

    “I won’t ask you how you got that information. You’ve never been a fool and I won’t start treating you like one. I haven’t told her about the deal I made with him if that’s what you’re asking, but she knows.”

    “Doesn’t the fact someone can read you so easily make you uncomfortable?”

    “I won’t be a hypocrite and tell you it doesn’t feel scary. We both know what it’s like to build a wall around us to keep ourselves safe, Bruce. We’re damn good at it and it’s helped us survive, but I wouldn’t trade what I’ve found with her for the bottomless void I’ve been living in. There are still mornings in which I wake up wondering if I haven’t dreamed it all, if everything’s been just a cruel joke of my father’s to mess with me from his grave. The first few days I was afraid of falling asleep to find her gone in the morning. Those days are becoming few and far between. Every day I wake up and find her lying next to me... it’s a miracle in itself. And believe me, there have been too many miracles in my life to take this one for granted. God will get tired of me one of these days, so I might as well convince him all his efforts haven’t been in vain. Don’t you think?”

    “She’s a jewel and you’re one lucky bastard. There aren’t many women like her. Not many would be willing to share their lives with men as screwed-up as we are. Are you planning on telling her?”

    “She’s allowed me to keep this one secret.”

    “Doesn’t she have a sister somewhere?”

    “No sisters. Two cousins. One’s virtually taken...”

    “That means my case isn’t lost yet.”

    “That means if you dare come close to her, Bruce, you’d better get ready for a sharp tongue and a pissed-off reporter-in-training with a lethal punch.”

    “OK. Maybe it wouldn’t be such a good idea. What about the other cousin?”

    “You’d need to change all your locks and have your art collection replaced with fake copies. That is unless you want to wake up in the morning a few millions poorer.”

    “That bad?”

    “Let’s say Lucy Lane’s a feminine version of us without the chequebook.”

    “A pity you already have a kid and Chloe seems to truly love you. You can count yourself lucky; you’d have had a competitor.”

    “And you’d have lost,” smirked Lex. “She thinks bald men are sexier,” he added, starting to climb up the stairs.

    “Do you think I’d look that bad without hair?”

    “I’m starting to have doubts about doing business with you, Wayne.”

    “Where would you find a best man capable of putting up with your antics?”

    “You’d better shut up before I consider offering Queen Industries a partnership to develop Argus with the military.”

    “You wouldn’t dare.”

    “Oh, I don’t know, Wayne! A partnership with Oliver would be the perfect opportunity to infiltrate his corporation. “

    “You’re bluffing. You wouldn’t risk it now,” shouted Bruce as Lex reached the final step, turned around and shot him a mischievous smile.

    “Clean your appointment book, Bruce. And don’t you dare stand me up at the altar or you’ll wish you haven’t been born.”

    “Is that a proposal?” chuckled Gotham’s favourite playboy.

    “You wish. That’s a threat, my friend.”


    The flight from Gotham to Smallville’s airfield had been uneventful and Chloe had spent most of it dozing after the sleepless night prior to the trial. The nightmare was finally over and they would now be able to focus all their energy on their project for the meteor-infected and on making their relationship official. She was sure they’d make the front page again both on account of their plans for the now dismantled 33.1 and their impending nuptials. Being in the spotlight was part of being a Luthor and she knew she’d have to get used to it. Even though Lex had been doing everything in his power to keep the bloodhounds and paparazzi away from her and Laurie, she was aware they’d be always hanging around and that they’d make their presence felt even more when they realised that Chloe and Lex hadn’t been together in that courtroom only to get closure but that they were in love and already had a child. The yellow press would have a field day and would surely flame Lex for getting a seventeen-year-old pregnant and leaving her to her fate. Others would probably focus on the tragedy which had befallen the pair of star-crossed lovers and refer to it as an epic romance. It’d be up to them as a couple not to let the media and the rest of the world interfere with their family life. The following days would be their test of fire and she was looking forward to it.

    “Tell me again why I let you talk me into doing this,” sighed Lex as she helped Chloe get out of the car.

    “Because you’ve been waiting for this moment for far too long,” she smiled softly, hooking her arm through his and leaning against him.

    “I still think we could have organised something at the mansion,” he huffed as they walked slowly towards the yellow-painted house, watching Laurie disengage herself from Moira’s hand to rush to Shelby’s encounter.

    “Chicken,” she chuckled in a low voice.

    “Who are you calling a coward? I’m just saying... “

    “Jonathan Kent’s six feet under, Lex.”

    “What does Jonathan Kent have to do with anything?”

    ‘Everything,’ thought Chloe as she saw a smiling Martha Kent on the front steps of the kitchen kiss Moira on the cheek and crouch down to accept Laurie’s hug, squeezing the little body tight. “I know you’d rather be on your own turf tonight and that you hate not being in control, but you have to get this through your thick skull: this isn’t a test. You don’t have to prove them anything. This is Martha, Lois... and Clark... wanting to share in our moment of deliverance.”

    Lex couldn’t help but remember the little chat he and Bruce had had earlier. It was scary how well Chloe knew him; she could read him like an open book. He’d spent over half of his life perfecting his defence mechanism and she just needed to hear his voice over the phone or to look at his profile to know what was going through his mind. Although in the past he’d have just clammed up, now he experienced a feeling he’d thought he’d never know- that of being important enough to have someone worry about his well-being. The miracle of being finally loved and accepted for whom he was and not for what he stood for was worth any momentary feeling of inadequacy.

    “Come on, sweeties, hurry inside! It’s already starting to pour,” exclaimed Martha, holding the screen door open for them to step into the house.

    “Good evening, Martha,” smiled Chloe wide, kissing Clark’s mum and entering the warm kitchen, which smelt of freshly baked homemade bread and roasted lamb with organic vegetables.

    “Mrs Kent,” he greeted her, accepting her warm kiss on the cheek.

    “Call me, Martha, Lex,” she told him, giving him a brief hug and stepping aside to invite him in.

    “It was high time you two put an appearance!” remonstrated Lois. “Mrs K even allowed me to use her oven to bake a cake for the occasion... and Smallville here gave me a hand with the icing.”

    “I didn’t know the mastery of culinary science was amongst your many hidden talents, Clark,” murmured Lex with a smirk.

    “You’d better stay clear away from the chocolate pie, Lex. Not even your self-healing power would help you this once,” mumbled Clark, putting on a fake smile for Lois’ benefit.

    “Well, in this day and age a man should know his way around the kitchen. I’m sure Lois’ll appreciate that,” smirked Lex, shooting Clark a sideway glance.

    “You too?”

    “Pardon?” asked the billionaire with a poker face.

    “What is it with everyone lately? There’s nothing going on between us,” said the farm boy through clenched teeth.

    “Smallville, remember what we talked about this afternoon,” Lois warned him.

    “I haven’t done anything wrong,” frowned Martha’s adoptive son.

    “Why do you look like you’ve been sucking lemons, then? “

    “You were saying, Clark?” chuckled Lex ironically.

    “I’m starting to reconsider our deal to patch things up,” the farmboy glared at him.

    “Kids, how about giving us a hand to bring the food to the table?” sighed Moira, holding a dish with crispy vegetables.

    “Yes, you too, Lex. Uncork this bottle of wine and stop teasing Clark or you’ll sleep alone in your den tonight,” Chloe chided her daughter’s father with a playful gentle nudge as she passed by him with a bowl of salad in her hands.

    “You were saying, Lex?” Clark hid a mischievous smile.

    “We’re two to five. How about joining forces, Clark? I think we’d stand a better chance,” Lex told him, trying to keep a straight face when his eyes met Chloe’s mirthful ones across the room.

    “Did you hear your husband-to-be, Chloe? He’s encouraging a revolt,” Lois set down a couple of bread baskets on the table as everyone approached to take their places.

    “Moira, you sit here opposite Lois,” Martha butted in starting to assign the seats.

    “Hey, Laurie, come sit next to Cousin Lois,” said the General’s daughter.

    “I’ll sit next to daddy,” answered the girl gravely, taking Lex’s hand.

    “I’ll promise you a big slice of chocolate pie after dinner,” smiled Lois.

    “Mm,” Laurie shook her head.

    “Wise girl,” chuckled Clark.

    “Chloe, would you mind...?” sighed Martha.

    “Of course not,” replied the blonde reporter, taking the seat between Lois and Clark.”Anything to prevent further bloodshed before dessert.”

    “Lex, sweetheart,” added the senator when the bald billionaire looked at the only two remaining places at the table with indecisiveness, “sit at the head.”

    “Mrs... Martha, I... This was Mr Kent’s place. I couldn’t... It should be Clark’s now,” he stammered.

    “That seat has remained vacant for far too long,” she replied, locking her gaze with her adoptive son’s. “The head of the table’s always meant to be for the head of a family. And until Clark decides to settle down and give me a grandchild... “

    “I could sit next to Clark, and Laurie could sit at the head...”

    “Mom’s right, Lex,” Clark interrupted him. “This is a special occasion. It’s time we put behind our differences.”

    “Jonathan could be hard-headed at times, but I know he’d be pleased to see the life and family you have with Chloe now,” added Martha with clear emotion in her voice.

    Lex felt the knot in his throat grow bigger and a treacherous mist start to cloud his eyes. This was what he’d always dreamt of- having a family he could call his own and being accepted and invited to sit at the Kents’ table to share a meal and a friendly chat. He’d given up hope a long time ago. Despite what Martha’d just said and how much he appreciated her warm words, he doubted Jonathan Kent would have been thrilled to see a Luthor sitting at his table. However, Chloe was right, the insurmountable roadblock that had been the head of the Kent family was no more and Lex found in Martha a renewed ally and in Clark’s olive branch a reason to have faith in the real possibility of rebuilding the friendship which had been undermined by secrets, lies and second-guessing. This was a new chance for everyone involved and Lex appreciated that this once he wasn’t the only one making an effort to meet one another halfway. For the first time in his life, he felt alone no more.

    “How about taking that seat now, Luthor?” asked Lois, cocking an eyebrow after discreetly stashing away the tissue she’d used to wipe away a stray tear. “I’m starving and Mrs K’s lamb is getting cold.”

    “Careful, Lane. I’m carving,” replied Lex, seizing the knife.”What do you think, Laurie? Should we give your cousin Lois a smaller serving?”

    “I vote for sending her to bed without dinner. Hey! That hurt, Lois!” exclaimed Clark, when a big breadcrumb hit him on his forehead.

    “Tsk, tsk, Miss Lane. Is that behaviour fitting for a grown-up woman who’s interning for The Planet and dreams of becoming part of its permanent staff?” asked Lex gravely.

    “Oh, bite me, Luthor!” replied Lois, pouring herself a glass of wine.

    “You know, I was considering giving you and Clark an exclusive but now... I don’t know,” he said, passing a plate to Martha’s son. “What do you think, Chloe, should we give it to Clark alone?”

    “What exclusive?!” Lois perked up. “And why are you asking Chloe for permission? Don’t tell me you two got hitched without inviting your family?”

    “Of course not. After having to hide for so long, I’d have never done that to Chloe,” frowned Lex.

    “Don’t worry, Lo’. Our wedding shopping spree is still up,” chuckled Chloe.

    “So if it isn’t the wedding of the century, what is it?” insisted Lois.

    “We’ll leave that for dessert,” smiled Chloe, locking eyes with Lex.

    “Spoilsport. Can’t you give us a hint?”

    “It wouldn’t be a surprise then, would it?” intervened Clark.

    “You two haven’t been ... “ began Lois, shooting a glance at Laurie, “baking, right? You know... bun in the oven?” she cocked an eyebrow.

    “Lois!” exclaimed Clark, blushing while Moira and Martha tried not to choke with their wine.

    “Mommy bakes co’nut cookies,” piped the little girl pinching a carrot. And the whole table burst into laughter drawing a Sullivan smile on Laurie’s face, who remained oblivious to what the adults had been discussing.

    Dinner at the Kents had been an unforgettable experience and Lex couldn’t help but wonder when he’d wake up to find out it’d all been a dream. Otherwise how could the friendly atmosphere and the laughs shared over meal be explained? Maybe a miracle or two called Chloe and Laurie.

    “Would you mind if I joined you?” Moira asked her future son-in-law, who was watching the light rain fall standing on the veranda of the Kents’ farm house.

    “Of course not, Mrs Sullivan,” he smiled softly as she closed the front door quietly, muffling the chatting voices and the laughs coming from the living room.

    “There’s no need to stand on ceremony, Lex; we’re almost officially family now. Call me Moira, please.”

    “OK. Moira it is.”

    “Your mind seemed to be a million miles away when I stepped out. Is everything all right?”

    “Have you ever felt so well that you couldn’t help but expect for someone to rain on your parade? “

    “I know the feeling... “

    “Tell me you didn’t use your powers on anyone in there,” replied he, swallowing the lump in his throat.

    “For me to be able to do that there had to be meteor infected in the room- you and Chloe wouldn’t count. Besides, what good would I have done to both of you if I had? I want my daughter to enjoy what I had to give up, friends included. And I’ve learnt along the way that what starts with a lie is doomed to end in the worst possible way.”

    “You can’t blame me for having doubts.”

    “I know about your strained relationship with Clark and also about some of your unwise decisions while Chloe was away. However, I also used to know your father and suffered his deviousness on the flesh. I’m a pretty good judge of character and although I realise you’re constantly waging a war inside yourself to keep your darkness in check, I can see the man you are in your acts. You love my daughter and your baby too much to let that part of you win. I didn’t have the pleasure of meeting your mom, but Martha had and she says she was a beautiful person. You’re a lot more than Lionel Luthor’s son. God has His mysterious ways... I can understand your pain at losing Lillian when you were still a child, and I’m sure it must have hurt her to have to leave you when you needed her the most just as it hurt me to have to give up my Chloe. And yet, it’s up to us to make our losses and our pain our strength. You were lucky to have had her in your life- if only for a few years- and the fact that she’s still so present in your thoughts shows what an indelible impression she left on your soul. That is the man these people are seeing when they look at you around Chloe and my granddaughter.”

    “Thanks,” he told her in a voice charged with emotion. “It means a lot to me to hear you say that after what my family’s put yours through. I promise you I’ll do everything in my power to make Chloe happy.”

    “I’m sure you will. My daughter’s very special, as special as yours is; they’ll be your rock, Lex. I’m so pleased to see my baby finally at peace. I want to thank you for letting me stay at the mansion to reacquaint myself with Chloe. You had more than enough grounds to keep her and Laurie all to yourself after what happened.”

    “You are her mother, Moira. I would give the world to have the chance Chloe’s had to be reunited with mine.”

    “I talked with a couple of realtors in Metropolis,” she said after a brief pause.

    “You know you can stay with us as long as you want. I’ll give you free rein with the guesthouse.”

    “You’re very generous. But you’re both about to begin your life as a married couple, a life for which you waited too long. I wouldn’t like to be a third wheel. I won’t vanish though; I’ll come to visit you and my granddaughter and... About your surprise... I’d really like to be part of it.”

    “I wouldn’t like anything better. Have you talked to Chloe about it?”

    “I told her this morning. I think what you’re doing is something you both should be proud of. “

    “Sorry for interrupting,” coughed Clark from the threshold. “You’re wanted for the cake and the toast.”

    “Then we’d better step inside,” smiled Moira, squeezing Lex’s forearm gently before walking past the farmboy.

    “Would that be Lois’ chocolate pie?” asked Lex, still sitting on the veranda.

    “I’m afraid so. Stick to the champagne and mom’s truffles unless you want to risk a night leaning over the toilet bowl.”

    “I wouldn’t like to hurt her feelings. You should remember she’s Chloe’s maid-of-honour and God only knows what kind of revenge she might come up with. I won’t risk my wedding over a piece of chocolate pie.”

    “Yeah... I know what you mean... Grab the plate then. I’ll think of something to make it disappear...” grinned Clark.

    “At least I know now what to give you for a wedding present.”

    “Uh?” frowned the Kryptonian.

    “A crash course in cooking. When you two tie the knot you’ll appreciate it,” smirked the billionaire.

    “What do I have to say to make you believe there’s nothing going on between Lois and I?”

    “You’ve never been able to lie convincingly, least of all to me, Clark. That was the beginning and the crux of our breach, remember? All that cat and mouse routine between you two over dinner? It’s nothing but foreplay. You could be as lucky as I am, Clark. Don’t let what happened with Lana destroy your chances of a fulfilling love life. Lois isn’t her; she’d never toy with your feelings.”

    “Why bring her up now?” Jonathan’s adoptive son asked gravely.

    “Because I know you, Clark. I too let myself be seduced by that mirage; but that’s all it was. She would have ended up isolating you even more than you already are, and she’d have found ways to make you feel guilty for it. You’re better off with her in France. “

    “She sent me a postcard from Provence last week,” confessed Clark quietly.

    “Forget her, Clark.”

    “You paid for her tickets and the villa, right?”

    Ticket. It was a small price to pay to have her out of our lives for good. Maybe she’ll find her match there,” he clarified.”Let’s join the others, shall we?” he added, straightening up and walking towards the front door.

    “Lex?” Clark stopped him.


    “Moira’s right. You should be proud of what you and Chloe are doing with this school project. Is there a chance I might be allowed to be part of it?”

    “Wouldn’t that go against your need to preserve your identity a secret?”

    “It’d be tricky, but I’m sure I can think of something.”

    “A front? An alter ego?”

    “You might say that,” replied Clark sheepishly.

    “By the way... about that exclusive. You know I was teasing Lois, right? I wish we could make this project public, especially because of what keeping LuthorCorp stuff secret meant in the past. You do understand the need to keep this quiet, don’t you? Neither Chloe nor I want the school to become a media circus; it’d spoil the whole purpose of the project.”

    “It’s a wise call,” the farmboy nodded.

    “You should be honest with Lois. Chloe and I have a hunch she already suspects something. It’d be a shame to see you lose someone who really cares about you over a lie. Follow the advice of someone who’s been there: Don’t repeat the same mistakes,” finished Lex, stepping back into the Kents’ dining room.

    “Oh, there you are at last!” exclaimed Lois.

    Clark looked at her with a smile which wasn’t forced for once. Maybe it was time he imitated Lex and tried to put his past behind too. It was time to toast new beginnings.

    “Let’s uncork the champagne, shall we?” he told Martha, who was eying him with a proud motherly look on her face.

    Last edited by lexie; 18th July 2010 at 01:15. Reason: grammar mistake
    Thxs to beeej for the avi



    "Choices"May 30 '11

    "At Second Sight" August 21 '11




  3. #403
    NS Member
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    Re: Back from the Dead (PG-13/R)- CHAPTER 25-Upd July 10th '10

    Loved this story. Very intriguing.

  4. #404
    NS Full Member Rachet's Avatar
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    Re: Back from the Dead (PG-13/R)- CHAPTER 20-Upd March 24th '10

    enjoyed the new up date. you are tieing up any loose ends very nice.

  5. #405
    storie girl Senior Member starmoon's Avatar
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    Re: Back from the Dead (PG-13/R)- CHAPTER 20-Upd March 24th '10

    great update!!!!!!!! everything is falling nicley into place asnd everyone should end up happy.

  6. #406
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    Re: Back from the Dead (PG-13/R)- CHAPTER 20-Upd March 24th '10

    This update was just awww. I loved it. I love the fact that Lex can't hide anything from Chloe. She always knows. LOL! Laurie's bit about Chloe making coconut cookies.

    I am glad Lex finally feels apart of something. More please..
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  7. #407
    NS Member chachica2009's Avatar
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    Re: Back from the Dead (PG-13/R)- CHAPTER 20-Upd March 24th '10

    great new chapter! but boo... i dont want this story to end but i know that when it does, it will come back and re-read the story often.

  8. #408
    NS Full Member lkedino's Avatar
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    Re: Back from the Dead (PG-13/R)- CHAPTER 20-Upd March 24th '10

    great update

  9. #409
    An Accused Heretic Senior Member Kit Merlot's Avatar
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    Re: Back from the Dead (PG-13/R)- CHAPTER 20-Upd March 24th '10

    Everything is coming together rather nicely. The Bruce/Lex friendship is very cool--they understand and respect each other and not just in business. I like Bruce's admiration of Chloe--a very intelligent man.

    The scene at the Kent farm was just lovely and truly a new beginning--Jonathan would be proud of Lex and Clark.

    Lastly, this line:

    “Let’s say Lucy Lane’s a feminine version of us without the chequebook.”
    just about killed me! Lucy Lane, international thief

    "Don't quote me to me!" Detective Danny "Danno" WIlliams, Hawaii Five-0, episode 1.8 Mana'o

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  10. #410
    NS Junior Member
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    Re: Back from the Dead (PG-13/R)- CHAPTER 20-Upd March 24th '10

    Wonderful Update! This is such a great story lexie and I'll be sad to see it end :-).

    “That means if you dare come close to her, Bruce, you’d better get ready for a sharp tongue and a pissed-off reporter-in-training with a lethal punch.” - Bruce & Lois? Well, why not? Could anyone see that happening too?

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