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Thread: The Love of Two Men ( PG-13 ) Updated 6/20 COMPLETE

  1. #21
    Happy-ending addict Senior Member lexie's Avatar
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    Re: The Love of Two Men ( PG-13 )

    Disclaimer: see Chapter 1 for a complete disclaimer.

    CHAPTER 7: The Fallout

    “ What's bugging you, Lucas ? “ asked a worried-looking Chloe at dinner. “ You know you can talk to me. These last six months you've been distracted and... Is everything all right ? Is it because of me ? It wasn't my intention to neglect you, but you know that the story we were working on with Vicki was important to my career.“

    “ I know, Chloe; and I'm glad for both of you. Set your mind at rest. I assure you it has nothing to do with you. “

    “ Is it business, then ? Is Bruce putting too much on your shoulders ? Because if he is, he'll have to hear me out. “

    “ No, Chloe ! “ he exclaimed. “ Lex is coming to Gotham, “ he blurted.

    “ Is that what's been worrying you all this time ? “

    “ Yes... well... no. “

    “ How long have you known about this ? His coming to Gotham, I mean.“

    “ Since yesterday morning. “

    “ So it hasn't got anything to do with what's been going on lately,” stated Chloe, starting to clear the table. “

    “ What do you mean ? “ asked a flustered Lucas.

    “ I don't know what I mean, Lucas. You tell me... Are we OK ? “

    “ Of course, we are ! What kind of question is that ? “

    “ Well, for starters, you no longer talk to me like you used to. “

    “ I don't want to burden you with things that have nothing to do with our life together, Chloe. “

    “ Whatever's bothering you has to do with our life, Lucas, taking into account that it's affecting us ! “ exploded Chloe.

    “ This morning you said you wanted to talk, Chloe, and I don't know what I thought but it certainly wasn't this, “ he said, getting up the chair. “ Aren't you happy ? Is there something you want that I haven't given you ? “

    “ We aren't talking about material goods here, Lucas. It's never been about that. I didn't marry you because of your surname. You of all people should know that, “ said Chloe, slamming their bedroom door.

    Lucas wondered how things had deteriorated to that point and couldn't but blame himself for the breech he had created between the two. Chloe was right. He had left her out and didn't know how to bridge the gap now. If she only knew... she'd never forgive him.
    Last edited by lexie; 27th June 2010 at 01:41.
    Thxs to beeej for the avi



    "Choices"May 30 '11

    "At Second Sight" August 21 '11




  2. #22
    Happy-ending addict Senior Member lexie's Avatar
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    Re: The Love of Two Men ( PG-13 )

    Disclaimer: see Chapter 1 for a complete disclaimer.

    A/N: Here's the last part of this new installment. Don't forget to review once you're done.

    CHAPTER 8: Welcome to Gotham

    Six months have gone by since that fatal evening. Six months during which Lex had concentrated his money and efforts on tracing the murderer of both his unborn baby and bride-to-be to no avail. Lexcorp had become a means to an end, and he wouldn't give up until he had the culprit's head on a platter.

    Still, he realised that his obsession had depleted a sizeable portion of his assets and that, sooner or later, he'd have to come crawling to Lionel's doorstep to beg him to take him back. Losing his self-esteem would be a small price to pay in exchange for the life of the person that had taken his future family away from him.

    Bruce Wayne's proposal had been completely unexpected and presented him with a solution that could salvage what remained of his pride. He grabbed it with both hands and flew to Gotham in his jet three days later.

    “ Hello, bro'. I hope you don't mind my coming to pick you up in my car. Bruce wanted to send you his limo, but I told him you should be welcomed by your own family and not by some strange chauffeur, “ said Lucas, embracing his elder brother.

    “ Hi, Lucas. It's been a long time, “ he said with misty eyes. “ Thanks for coming yourself. “

    “ Hop in. We'll put your luggage in the trunk. Bruce's waiting for us at his office. How was the flight, by the way ? “

    “ Uneventful.In my life's that's a blessing, “ he said with a smirk.

    “ I've tried to reach you, Lex, “ murmured Lucas, switching on the ignition.

    “ I know. I listened to your messages. I'm sorry but I didn't feel like talking... How's your married life ? “

    “ Fine, “ he answered after a split-second hesitation.

    “ You don't seem sure, Lucas. What's up ? “

    “ We had our first fight last night. I think I've made a big mistake, Lex. “

    “ What was the fight about ? “

    “ It's my fault, Lex. I've been keeping secrets from her and she knows it. My only intention was to protect her, but I can't tell her the truth. “

    “ Secrets are our surname, Lucas. Have you cheated on her, bro' ? “ asked Lex gravely.

    “ No ! I've never looked at another woman, Lex. “

    “ Talk to her, then. You can't give up on your marriage because of your Luthor pride, Lucas. “

    “ Our marriage's just part of what I'm worried about, Lex. I'm sorry. It wasn't my intention to burden you with my problems. I have no right. “

    “ I hope I could help you, Lucas, but ... “

    “ I've made my bed and I must lie on it, Lex., “ Lucas interrupted him. “ Well, here we are. Wayne Enterprises. I'll show you to Bruce's office and I'll leave you to talk. I've got a couple of phone calls to make, “ said Lucas, parking the car in the space reserved in his name.

    Lex studied his brother's profile out of the corner of his eye while they were going up to Wayne's private office. He looked tense and strained. He had rings under his eyes and seemed to be carrying the world on his shoulders. Although Lex had more than enough on his plate, he promised himself he'd see into the matter. After all, Lucas was the only family he had left besides his father.
    Last edited by lexie; 27th June 2010 at 01:41.
    Thxs to beeej for the avi



    "Choices"May 30 '11

    "At Second Sight" August 21 '11




  3. #23
    Fan Artist, Fanfic Lover Senior Member Esther25jm's Avatar
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    Re: The Love of Two Men ( PG-13 )

    I'm def. intrigued and can't wait for some answers, nor for the Chlex scene. Great job!!!

  4. #24
    NS Full Member Gaia's Avatar
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    Re: The Love of Two Men ( PG-13 ) Updated 4/20

    weird-for the first time I have no ideas about what might happen.
    What I do know is that I want more.Pretty please!

  5. #25
    looking for updates Senior Member somethingeasy's Avatar
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    Re: The Love of Two Men ( PG-13 ) Updated 4/20

    Chapter seven was nice. It was interesting seeing the interaction between Lucas and Bruce. Although, it seemed like they spent the whole time talking about Lex and business matter only. It would have nice to have seen something a little more… personal between them. I’m still deathly curious about how Lucas came to work for Bruce in the first place, and exactly how close a friendship do the two of them have.

    From this conversation, it seems like they’re just business associates, but Bruce’s inordinate concern for Lucas’s brother suggest a ‘slightly’ more deeper friendship than ‘just business relations’.

    But the interaction was nice to read through, and it left me wanting more (hinthintHINT).

    “ What's bugging you, Lucas ? “ asked a worried-looking Chloe at dinner. “ You know you can talk to me. These last six months you've been distracted and... Is everything all right ? Is it because of me ? It wasn't my intention to neglect you, but you know that the story we were working on with Vicki was important to my career.“

    “ I know, Chloe; and I'm glad for both of you. Set your mind at rest. I assure you it has nothing to do with you. “
    The interaction between Chloe and Lucas struck me as a little ‘off’. This opening sentence set the tone of the interaction that felt a little wrong to me. It’s obvious that they are both very fond of each other, but Chloe seems to be tentative and nervous while conversing with Lucas. Asking him whether his moodiness was HER fault, whether she wasn’t paying enough attention to him. And even giving excuses for working so hard on an important story. She seemed so hesitant when dealing with Lucas, as if she was expecting him to explode with recriminations and blame.

    And Lucas was being slightly patronizing. ‘set your mind at rest’? As if whatever is bothering Lucas is none of ‘the little lady’s’ concern?

    The again, perhaps this is the author’s subtle way of showing the problems unique in the Chlucas marriage. The two of them are nervous and anxious around each other. They actually seem to be afraid to be too bold, honest, direct and open about their feelings.

    I have no idea what kind of secrets Lucas has been keeping from Chloe, but if it’s anything as major as keeping his marriage a secret from his brother…

    I’m getting the impression that Lucas is not a very trustworthy individual.

    Later on, Lucas described this as a ‘fight’ to Lex. This didn’t feel like a fight AT ALL! It was as if the two of them were too afraid of each other’s reactions to indulge in a good, open fight… There were no accusations, no recrimination, nothing about what was bothering EITHER of them about their current situation. It was a more a freeze-out rather than a good, hot-headed fight. It actually seemed out of character for Chloe.

    The final chapter showing the interaction between the Luthor brothers was the best chapter. I could see how Lex was falling apart from his failure, not only to stop the murder of his family, but also to find and punish the people responsible for killing them. He was actually in fear of crawling back to his father because he had uselessly wasted so much of his time, attention and resources in unsuccessfully trying to find the killers. You know Lex is in a VERY bad state when he allows his business to suffer because of personal affairs and trauma.

    I hope that Bruce’s business doesn’t suffer from having Lex prioritizing on his own pain above whatever partnership they might form. Bruce said that he believed Lex will bring profit to their partnership because of Lex’s tendency to become more driven through tragedy and loss… but the profits depend on Lex keeping his driving focus on the business deal rather than a need for vengeance.

    I’m still curious about what might be the ‘horrible secret’ that Lucas might be keeping from Chloe. I can’t imagine how she would react, AND I cannot imagine how livid Lex will be once he realizes what a huge secret Lucas has been keeping from him too. Sheeesh, Lucas is going to have both halves of the Chlex mad at him, I hope he survives their wrath.

  6. #26
    NS Senior Member Senior Member
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    Re: The Love of Two Men ( PG-13 ) Updated 4/20

    I'm interested to know what's up with Lucas. I don't think it would have anything to do with Lana's death, but does he know something about the reason that Chloe and Lex are not together. I would love more background on what exactly ended their friendship.

  7. #27
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    Re: The Love of Two Men ( PG-13 ) Updated 4/20

    Great update. I can't wait to see what is next.
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  8. #28
    I am soooo not an addict tiger04's Avatar
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    Re: The Love of Two Men ( PG-13 ) Updated 4/20

    ok-whats going on?!? Can't wait for lex and chloe to meet again. Hope you can update again soon.

  9. #29
    NS Full Member Nyx's Avatar
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    Re: The Love of Two Men ( PG-13 ) Updated 4/20

    What's wrong with Lucas??? This started after Lana's dead, does he know anything?

    Why Chloe wouldn't forgive him?

    When are Lex and Chloe meeting each other?

  10. #30
    Happy-ending addict Senior Member lexie's Avatar
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    Re: The Love of Two Men ( PG-13 ) Updated 4/20

    Disclaimer: see Chapter 1 for a complete disclaimer.

    A/N: Thanks a lot for your wonderful reviews and your constant encouragement. Here's a new two-part installment. The first one, I believe, we'll please those who were asking questions about the background to Bruce's relationship with the Luthor brothers.

    Enjoy !

    CHAPTER 9: Not Again

    Three hours after Lex's arrival in Gotham, Wayne's lawyers started to draft the documents that would seal their partnership. Bruce knew that the young billionaire needed the deal for more reasons than one, and he believed Luthor would bring a lot to the project- his insight and some of the best technical staff available.

    Inviting him to be part of ' Terra ' was also of thanking Lex for lending Bruce a hand in his past struggle to take over Wayne Enterprises. A few years before- when Bruce had returned from his self-imposed exile following his parents' murder trial- the information that Lex had had on several members of the Board of Directors of Wayne Enterprises had provided Bruce with the necessary leverage to seize control of his late father's emporium.

    Lex was one of the few boarding-school classmates Bruce had admired, and the fact that neither of them had belonged to Oliver Queen's close circle of friends had brought them together. Bruce's relationship with Lucas was a by-product of his friendship with Lex. When the elder Luthor brother had asked him to help his younger sibling in an attempt to keep him away from Lionel's sphere of influence, Bruce had complied with his wishes- and he wasn't disappointed in Lucas, he had been a great asset to Wayne Enterprises.

    “ Well, Lex. What do you say ? Shall we celebrate with dinner tonight ? “ said a smiling Wayne.

    “ Could we call it a day, Bruce ? I'd like to catch up on some sleep,“ explained Lex.

    “ Certainly. What about tomorrow evening ? “

    “ I'm on. “

    “ Would you like me to drive you to the hotel, Lex ? “

    “ No, thanks, Bruce. Lucas has promised to give me a lift. Can I ask you a question ? “

    “ Shoot. “

    “ Do you know Lucas' wife ? “

    “ Yes, I have the pleasure of her acquaintance. She's a terrific lady. “

    “ Do you know how things are between them ? “

    “ I'm not nosy, Lex. Why are you asking me such a question ? “

    “ Have you noticed anything strange in Lucas' behaviour recently ? “

    “ He looks tired. I've offered him a month-paid vacation, but he's turned it down. I guess he's been overtaxing himself. This new project has demanded a lot of working hours, Lex. If there's anyone to blame, blame me, old friend. “

    “ I don't know, Bruce... “

    “ You shouldn't worry so much. I'm sure if there's anything wrong, they'll work it out. “

    “ Maybe you're right. “

    “ May I come in ? “ asked Lucas from the doorway. “ I've seen the lawyers on their way out, “ he added.

    “ It's official, Lucas. We're signing the partnership documents tomorrow. Welcome Lex to ' Terra '.”

    “ Congratulations, Lex, “ mouthed Lucas, patting his brother on the back. “ I'm sure this'll be a legendary partnership. Are you ready to leave ? I'd like to make a stop at a flower shop.“

    “ Flowers are the best way to a woman's heart, “ smiled Bruce.

    “ Any advice, bro'? “ asked Lucas, climbing down the steps in front of Wayne Enterprises.

    “ About what ? “

    “ The flowers, Lex. You know a hell of a lot more than I do. I've read somewhere that each flower has a particular meaning. “

    “ Stay away from yellow flowers unless your intention's breaking up with her, “ he advised Lucas.

    “ Good point. What about tulips ? Do you think..., “ stammered Lucas on seeing something flash from across the street.

    “ Tulips are... “ started to answer Lex before Lucas pushed him to the ground.

    The younger Luthor would never make it to the flower shop, not with the fatal wound inflicted by the sniper positioned in one of the buildings opposite Wayne Enterprises.

    Soon, a crowd gathered at the scene to see an elegantly dressed bald man cradling the body of a dying young man.

    “ God, not again ! “ screamed a bloodstained Lex.

    “ Lex, “ murmured Lucas, “ I'm sorry... sorry. Tell her... I ... love her. Forgive... me, Lex, “ he added before passing away.

    “ Lucas ! Lucas ! “ shouted the elder brother, trying to bring him back to life.
    Last edited by lexie; 27th June 2010 at 01:42.
    Thxs to beeej for the avi



    "Choices"May 30 '11

    "At Second Sight" August 21 '11




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