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Thread: The Upper Hand (R) 1/31/10

  1. #141
    Dealing w/ a Ship Change Senior Member
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    Re: The Upper Hand (R) 10/3/09

    A/N - Thanks for all the feedback. Glad to see people still reading even after all this time.

    Chapter 16 – New Energy

    Chloe stepped out of the car and stared up at the old building. The few cars still parked in the lot showed that something still occurred at the old Luthorcorp plant, but much less than in the past. It was about to change. Biodeisel was about to make a sharp movement on the stock exchange and in people’s minds.

    Walking up to the front door, she waved her card over the security and nodded quietly at the guard posted on the other side of the door. She made her way down one of the same hallways where she had been attacked by the same guards not but just a few years ago.

    “Good morning Oliver. So are we ready to flip the switch tonight?” Chloe handed the binder of paperwork to him as he turned in step with her down the hall.

    “I think we are on track. We have a full press conference set up. Most of the former employees that have not moved on are on their way back as well as Senator Kent. I think she has an incredible stake vested in letting us move back here and hope to revitalize the community.”

    Oliver sat in the immaculate office that Chloe only guessed had been the one nice hole in the musty factory and Lex’s old office. Glancing at the walls, it felt stale. “I take it the redecorator hasn’t arrived to redo the Luthor taste.”

    “I figured for the time being we would leave well enough alone seeing we haven’t made a permanent decision on manager placement. But I still liked the way Gretchen Peters was running the ¼ operation.” Oliver looked up from the paperwork at Chloe’s uncomfortable grunt and irritated look. “I know you didn’t quite like the way Lionel used her to test his personal theory, but she is good at what she does.”

    Chloe rolled her eyes. “Fine, but I don’t want her around Lex.”

    “Done. I doubt Lex would really appreciate being put back in the first job that he had. Anyway, let me give you the rest of the tour and then go over the announcement notes for the evening.” Chloe looked back down at her notes and continued with her meeting without letting the nagging feeling of what Oliver said last bothering her.

    Chloe followed Oliver down the hall; she wasn’t’ going to tell Oliver that she knew her way around after all the years she had visited her dad or snuck around. The further they strolled through the plant looking at minor issues that had flared up over the week, the more her thoughts had moved to Lex.

    Stopping in front of the main generator, Chloe couldn’t go without asking. “Oliver, I feel really strange about making this announcement about the company and the plant without even letting Lex know. I know you and he were at each others throats for years, and believe me I have seen why, but isn’t fair to at least tell him the truth.”

    Oliver turned from the computer screen he was looking at and shook his head at Chloe. “He’ll find out with everyone else. Chloe, he’s not special anymore; he gets no privileged information.”

    “Even with the plan that you have in place? You don’t think he deserves that much?”

    Oliver started back down the hall toward the office and answered her without looking at her, “I think you need to start thinking with your head and stay out of your heart.”


    Lex leaned back against the counter that night and watched a wall of cars that all drove down the main drag in one direction. Spring athletics were not typically that involved for the town to all shut down, but he watched shop owners all lock up early and leave as well.

    He nodded pleasantly as an older gentleman walked through the door in an overcoat that was overly stylish for Smallville, more like an Italian tailor. “Good evening, I need a … my heavens how the mighty fall.”

    Lex stood against the counter feeling the weight of the man’s eyes burning into him. “Yes sir. Can I get you something?”

    “Just something to keep me awake until I get to the plant. The drive has been backed up for miles.” The man threw a ten on the table not quite sure of the price but seeing Lex Luthor behind the counter was worth the ticket price.

    “May I ask what’s going on at the plant? My impression was that they were finalizing closing it down.” Lex handed the man a cup of coffee to go and handed the man his change.

    “Keep it. No, apparently a subsidiary of the old Luthorcorp has been working on some green and charitable projects from behind closed doors and are planning on some big announcement tonight. The plant is going online as the new premier biodiesel producer in the country. Some coordinated effort with Queen Industries.”

    Lex leaned back against the counter. Oliver was taking advantage of Lex's situation in more ways than one. Lex then bit on his lip remembering Chloe’s position she got with Queen; she would be in town, just miles away. Shaking his head, he couldn’t fall for her that weakly.

    “So Queen Industries is in charge? And you are?” Lex asked, still curious about the whole situation.

    “Not really, just a joint venture this one location from what I gathered in the board reports. I sit on the board for Queen, not that my input had anything to do with the decision. Apparently there have been several companies from your old holdings that have floated back together in the last few months. You didn’t know anything?”

    Lex swallowed and felt himself slowly backed into a corner. Trying to ignore the urge to fire back at the man in a way that sounded like his former self, he simply smirked slightly. “I attend to other things now.”

    The man chuckled slightly, “I’m sure the gym and food biz is much more … involved. Nice talking to you.” The man turned after leaving the empty cup on the counter along with the change.

    Lex ran his hand along his scalp, pressing harder with every inch. He knew the man was attempting to goad him, but he didn’t want to fall into that again. Still, his curiosity was killing him. Turning on the television, he quickly found a local channel and pulled up a chair.

    “Good evening Smallville. My name is Oliver Queen of Queen Industries and I am so happy to be here this evening for this wonderful announcement. Behind me you see only the small lights that illuminate what had been a defunct plant and a painful memory to those in town who had been laid off almost a year ago.”

    Lex stiffened at the reminder of losing not only that plant but everything. Focusing, he stared at the woman in light blue dress suit. Chloe had grown up beyond what he could have imagined, maturing even more in the last year.

    “Tonight, we bring the lights up once again on a plant that at one time was the hallmark of this town and this region. It showed that Kansas had growth possibilities and now we do again.” Oliver stopped and signaled someone off the stage.

    Lex took a deep breath seeing the lights of the plant flip on and light up the crowds that adorned the parking lot in front of what used to be his plant. All the Luthorcorp signia now was removed and replaced with a signage that Lex couldn’t possibly place.

    “As you can see ladies and gentleman, the plant has a new vision and a new future. Many of you in the last week have received letters of interest for you to return, to be trained in new positions, some promoted. Smallville is a special place; many of you have lived here for generations and I am in agreement with President of this new corporation that states that this town cannot perish.”

    Lex stared at the logo still, Lane Industries. The L was more of a block L than Luthorcorp. Rubbing his chin, he drowned out the noise of whatever Oliver was going on about and knew he remembered Lane from something. General Lane had met with him once before about some military contract, but he couldn’t stretch it. Shaking his head, he laughed off the improbable connection.

    “Now ladies and gentleman, to introduce the operations director for the newly formed Lane Industries, Ms. Chloe Sullivan.” Oliver applauded as Chloe rose from her chair and waved at the crowd.

    “What?” Lex’s attention immediately was pulled back to the screen as he heard her name. He watched as Chloe elegantly walked to the podium and thanked everyone for their attendance and began to speak about the actual implementation of the plant. Lex heard no words, just her voice, saw her face in a position of power he had never pictured her in. His.


    Chloe sat in her car a block from the Talon and stared at the lights as they went out. The open tours of the plant had lasted longer than expected, but she finally escaped to see the last people leave the restaurant.

    She knew he had to have seen, one of Oliver’s board members couldn’t quit talking about running into Lex in town. Gripping the wheel, she gritted her teeth until she could feel a headache coming on. She was scared. Scared of what Lex would think of her, what he would say to her. She had wanted to tell him beforehand but Oliver left no time. She knew Oliver wanted the element of surprise to drive the knife into Lex from afar.

    “Goddammit.” Chloe beat her head on the wheel and grabbed her purse. Slamming the car door, she stomped down the street and banged on the glass doors, praying Lex had already headed up to the apartment.

    Raising her head up and pushing her purse strap up higher on her shoulder, she bit the inside of her cheek as she saw the light click back on and then him appear at the door. Was that a smile on his face? Thrown back by the way he greeted her on the other side of the glass, her face stayed long.

    “I’ve seen that look before.” Lex opened the door as Chloe’s facial expression hadn’t changed. “After awhile it gives you awful migraines and wrinkles too early. Then again, you new position might do that as well.” Turning, he locked the door and stared at her. “Come by for some tips?”

    Chloe leaned back on her heels as her purse slinked back down her arm were Chloe eventually dropped it in the floor. Lex watched as she continued to just stand completely silent in front of him. Her face was flushed but her head never dropped; she was stoic. “Chloe?”

    Chloe breathed shallowly as she moved toward Lex. “Not really,” she whispered as her arms wrapped around his neck and her lips found his.


  2. #142
    Happy-ending addict Senior Member lexie's Avatar
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    Re: The Upper Hand (R) 10/25/09

    Finding an update a few minutes after signing in was a pleasant surprise- very few people seem to be posting new chapters of late (must be our muses; we should shake them so that they stop doing what they want and do as we please )

    Oliver... I´d like to kick his green behind for always enjoying twisting the knife in Lex´s gut. I really admire the way our favourite billionaire seems to be taking things in stride and fighting against his old self.I particularly enjoyed the ending of this chapter and wonder what Lex´s reaction will be. Will he reciprocate? Wil they have that long-awaited talk? Will Lionel´s role be revealed soon?

    I´m anxious to find out how things will evolve now that Chloe´s the one with all the power.
    Thxs to beeej for the avi



    "Choices"May 30 '11

    "At Second Sight" August 21 '11




  3. #143
    No charge for awesomeness
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    Re: The Upper Hand (R) 10/25/09

    Man, oh man is this getting good. She just layed one right on him eh? Good girl.

    I'm curious to see how Lex reacts with her now...especially with her new role in the company. He seems to be handling the hurt well at the moment, but with Lex you never can tell what he's really thinking.

    Good work Super. Keep it up and more soon (yeah, I know, I totally have no right to ask for anything right now...I'll get to work too).

  4. #144
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    Re: The Upper Hand (R) 10/25/09

    Finally someone updated with a new chapter. Bless you. Oliver makes me sick. May his pee pee turn green. The ending has me baffled. I can't wait to see how Lex reacts to this.
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  5. #145
    Wannabe Superhero Ultra's Avatar
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    Re: The Upper Hand (R) 10/25/09

    Oh that is too good, super! Thank you for an awesome update

    Good for Chloe just kissing Lex like that - can't wait to see how he reacts!

    Also, loving that she has pretty much taken his place in the world and he has soemthing more similar to what hers once was. They've switched roles, but they still love each other through it all, or so it would seem.

    Love it!

  6. #146
    An Accused Heretic Senior Member Kit Merlot's Avatar
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    Re: The Upper Hand (R) 10/25/09

    This was just lovely!

    I like that Chloe wants to let Lex know what is going on, but it seems that Oliver is still determined to make Lex suffer.

    And how proud am I of Chloe for just walking up and kissing Lex--WOO HOO!! GO CHLOE

    Can't wait to see what happens next

    "Don't quote me to me!" Detective Danny "Danno" WIlliams, Hawaii Five-0, episode 1.8 Mana'o

    "This could barely fill up Thumbelina!" SALIGIA by westwingwolf

    My Fanfic Master List

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  7. #147
    Dealing w/ a Ship Change Senior Member
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    Re: The Upper Hand (R) 10/25/09

    A/N - Thank you for all the wonderful reviews. This chapter is a little on the mild NC17 side. Just be warned.

    Chapter 17 - Open Doors

    Lex pulled out of the kiss before Chloe’s tongue found the back of his throat. Feeling her head drop into his chest, he couldn’t tell if she was crying or just stunned. Pulling her back away from his body, he was shocked himself that he wasn’t giving in. “Talk to me Chloe. This isn’t you.”

    Chloe pulled her head up and stared into his eyes. He could see the tears that were welling up in her eyes and not quite sure what she was upset about.

    Running her hands up and down his arms, she still looked deeply in his eyes without saying anything. Her smile that was on her face wasn't convincing Lex. Cocking his head slightly to the side, he was strangely quiet and not egging her on.

    Taking a deep breath, she nodded silently. "I'm not really in the mood to talk anymore today. I have talked about oil about as long as I want today. I'm not in the mood to discuss my feelings either."

    Lex slightly chuckled at the comment. He had been there before. Feeling her take his hand, he smiled. He wasn't normally in the position to be the one led, but it was Chloe. Whether physically or mentally, Chloe had been leading his decisions for a long time.

    Walking him to the bottom of the stairs, she turned. "I'm frankly tired of talking." Stepping up on one of the steps where she could look directly in his eyes, she ran her hand along the side of his face. "I have had a very long day. I have a long week ahead of me. I have not been relaxed in weeks and I have a feeling you haven't been satisfied in several months."

    Lex didn't leave the floor as Chloe continued up the next two steps until her hand was about to pull from his. She turned around and stared at him. "This isn't the right way," was all that Lex said matter of factly.

    Chloe put her hands on her hips and glared at him. "Then what the hell do you suggest would be the right way? I have been on pins and needles trying to keep my hands off you and behave while you went from being a pompous prick to someone that resembled having a heart. All the while, I was still in love with you. And now I'm handing myself to you and you..."

    Lex stepped up two steps covered her lips with his fingers. "Was in love?" he whispered as he lowered his hand.

    Chloe swallowed hard and choked out, "still."

    "Good," Lex whispered. "Love you too." Lex turned her around and pushed her hair out of the way before stepping up another step and kissing the back of her neck.

    Feeling his hands on her waist, Chloe's body felt as if it melted. Feeling the pressure on her waist she started up the stairs and was met by his body meeting hers as he reached around to open the door for her.

    Downstairs, Bates pulled a chair up next to the outside door and the end of a booth. Sitting back into the booth and putting his feet up, he started reading a book. "About time," he sighed, somewhat smiling.

    The room was dark except for the one light in the bathroom that he left on all the time apparently. She let him take her purse from around her shoulder and sat it next to the door. "Do you want a drink?" he asked politely as he turned a small lamp on the living room table on.

    Chloe stood nervously in the middle of the apartment that used to be hers and smiled. She couldn't quit wringing her hands together. "I'm good, thanks."

    She watched as Lex moved around the apartment finishing up some tidying. Her mind moved from watching his fluid movements to thinking about how long this moment had taken. She had understood the lack of advancement on his part years ago. It had been an awkward time for her and him back then. And neither, especially him, had interest in letting their guard down. Now was slightly different.

    She was old enough now. And smarter now.

    "If you want, you're welcome to stand there the rest of the evening," Lex commented bluntly.

    Chloe missed what he said but looked in his direction as he looked at her. Realizing she had not moved from her position when she first moved in, she wondered what Lex was thinking about her. "I was thinking."

    "Thinking? I thought we weren't going to do that or talk tonight." Lex moved closer to her and kissed her on the back of the neck again. Feeling his lips hit her pulse, she felt the flush in her cheeks rise and was glad that the light wasn't on. She turned in his direction after hearing Lex moan into her neck.

    "Are you trying to seduce me Mr. Luthor?" Chloe playfully asked as she ran her hands up his chest slowly before running her fingertips over his neck and back down his chest. "Because you know you don't have to try so hard. But I expect your best work."

    Chloe moved one leg past him, pressing her body closer to his before knocking him off balance and toward the bed. "Best work huh? I'm a little out of practice thanks to this spunky blonde and her investigation instincts."

    Sitting on the edge of the bed, Chloe slipped her skirt up to her hips, revealing the black thigh highs, before straddling the man. "I'm sure you'll find it. I hear sex is like riding a bicycle. Besides, we have several hours to practice."

    Lex closed his eyes and couldn't hold in the feral groan as his hand locked onto her waist. Pushing his other hand in between them, he worked her jacket buttons until she peeled it off and left it on the floor. Her hands silently undid each button on his shirt, which welcomed a little more skin to press her lips against every time.

    Chloe leaned back slightly and could already feel the growing bulge that she yet to release. She secretly wondered how many times Lex let a woman be in control of what happened in the bedroom. Smiling to herself, she ran her hands down his now bare front and pushed the shirt down and watched him removed it completely before undoing his belt.

    "Wasting no time," he groaned into her chest as he teethed at her lace bra. Bringing his hands up to her chest, he felt her small hands grab them around the wrists and push them back into the bed.

    "Wasted enough. Lay back." She was going to keep the upper hand even in their first time. Laying back, he ran his hands along the edge of her thigh high in heated anticipation and hope that she wouldn't remove them. "Leave these on," he almost begged as he ran his finger underneath the edge.

    "As you wish," she smiled down at him before she slipped her unzipped skirt over her head to the shock of Lex. "It was easier that way," she quipped as her fingers dragged his chest again.

    "Chloe," he choked has he felt her sit up on her knees and pull his pants over the side of the bed and out of the way. Only two small layers separated them now. "I don't have any..."

    "Don't worry," she whispered as she ran her lips along his neck. Leaning against his chest, she ran her hands along his arms and then around her own back.

    Not able to take the teasing anymore, Lex grabbed her hair and pressed her lips firmly against his until he could hear her moan into mouth. "Say it," he forced out in between his plunging his tongue into her mouth.

    "I'm in charge. You have no power," Chloe panted as she kissed him harder and sucked on his neck.

    Lex grabbed at her chin and made her stare in his direction. "Say it," he huffed before wadding at her hair and forcing her lips against his again. Pulling her head up, he watched as her breathing increased.

    Pulling up with her hair, Chloe's face read the picture of tormented ecstasy more than pain. Sitting her up, Lex watched her strapless bra fall to his chest and her move it to the side. "Say it."

    "Is this some kind of last word sick joke with you? Isn't this like how all this started?" Lex could see the playfulness in her accusation and smiled slightly before he pulled her down toward his mouth, taking the handful of her breast in his mouth, licking a pattern until he found one that made her jump.

    "Say it," he moaned out of the side of his mouth before taking the other breast in his mouth.

    "Fuck me," Chloe gasped.

    "As you wish boss." Lex playfully mumbled against her chest before closing his eyes as Chloe's hand moved to removing their last barrier.


    Chloe had fallen to sleep. Lex rephrased that in his head; she had passed out after the last round. Lying in bed, analyzing the curves of her back, his eyes began to close on their own too. He figured he needed some sleep before work in a few hours.

    He closed his eyes and blew small kisses down her shoulder blades, nothing to wake her but the last touch of her skin would hopefully hold him over for however long it was until he could be with her again. He already knew taking the first step that night was a mistake. Nothing could possibly work out between them with her working for Oliver Queen. The man wouldn't let Lex within 100 meters of the building she was in just for security reasons. He would have to figure out something though because he didn't plan on losing the feeling of wholeness he had been missing for years.

    Lex turned over and stared at the phone on the dresser next to him. He kind of laughed remembering that as soon as he was boss, people started calling at strange hours. Lifting the phone up, he read the text.

    Handover went well. You speak beautifully. Grabbing the podium too hard is telling. Have news. Will see you later.

    Lex reread the message and couldn't keep his curiosity from getting to him. Pulling up the address book, the strange name didn't register but the sentence about the podium sounded familiar.

    Putting the phone down, he stared again at the back of the woman he had after waiting months, years for her. He had gone about things so wrong to get her but she was there now. Upset with what she didn't even know occurred, he closed his eyes and hoped he would get some sleep.


    Chloe opened her eyes to an open window and a sweet musky smell. Glancing over at the clock that was next to the bed, it blinked to 5 AM. Calculating, she thought that they may have another half hour before he had to get up. She was somewhat in charge but couldn't close the place to the morning folks just because she wanted to take him again.

    A smile broke across her face as the flashes of last night came back. The shower had not helped as they had worked up another sweat as they got out. She was sore after the last time. He had predicted right. His need was way higher than her stamina. They would learn to pace themselves.

    Her face fell at the thought. The prospect of Lex and her making an actual couple after she was named the manager would have painted her as a weak figurehead taking orders from an out of work boss. She couldn't be treated that way. They would have to work out something else.

    "Good morning," she heard in her hair as arms went around her naked waist. Another smile silently appeared on her face as she felt a finger run in between her legs and into her opening.

    "Morning. Are you trying to get me off again?" she slightly turned to kiss him.

    "Is it working," he mused as he could feel her body shift into his hand. "Because you may have to finish this one off on your own."

    Turning her body completely over, Chloe guided his hand back to where it had been. "Really, can't take it anymore?" She asked as she squeezed his length.

    Lex suppressed a groan and closed his eyes. "Partly, and I have to get up. But, God Chloe, I promise to finish my part if you keep going while I get ready." Lex pulled her fingers from around his cock and pulled his hand from her before throwing the covers away from their bodies.

    Chloe lay on the bed somewhat shocked at the obvious true statement. She honestly had thought Lex would keep playing, but he got out of bed and disappeared into the bathroom. Hearing the water run, Chloe stared out the window and pictured the nights she had in her place in California.

    Her hand returned to her warmth as she continued to make circles in her warmth. She closed her eyes and could picture last night all over. At least now she had no fantasies to play too, but the real thing to remember.

    Lex stood in the open door to the bathroom as he got finished dressing and then looked at the clock. She hadn't opened her eyes or stopped panting in ten minutes. He wondered if she had ever done the same thing before when they were apart. He knew that his release last night was finally not in his hand or the shower floor.

    Walking across the floor, he waited for her to stop or open her eyes. Unbuttoning his sleeve, he easily sat in between her legs on the bed and felt his cock twitch to her ministrations. Leaning over he slid a finger in until her hips moved completely off the bed. Hearing her panting and hoarse calls of his name increase, he continued until her speed had hit a hilt.

    Leaning over he lapped his tongue between her legs as she screamed his name and body convulsed through waves of her orgasm. Lex smiled as he left her side and washed his hands before buttoning his shirt sleeve again.

    Chloe tried to catch her breath. Opening her eyes finally, she was greeted by a man in a light blue shirt sitting next to her on the bed, drawing circles on her belly with his finger. "Good morning. Come down whenever you feel like it." He kissed her gently on the lips and started toward the door.

    Chloe smiled as she picked up her phone to check for messages. Swallowing, she knew he had seen. "Lex."

    Lex stopped and turned around as he opened the door. "Remember I love you. Let's have dinner tonight. Invite my dad along."


  8. #148
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    Re: The Upper Hand (R) 11/29/09

    Wow that was hot!! I am glad Chloe finally gave in. I can't wait to see how that dinner will go.
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  9. #149
    Happy-ending addict Senior Member lexie's Avatar
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    Re: The Upper Hand (R) 10/25/09

    Oh, at last they got to consummate their sizzling attraction!

    Quote Originally Posted by superag View Post
    Chloe smiled as she picked up her phone to check for messages. Swallowing, she knew he had seen. "Lex."

    Lex stopped and turned around as he opened the door. "Remember I love you. Let's have dinner tonight. Invite my dad along."
    I knew he´d put two and two together before the interlude was over.The fact that he hasn´t gone ballistic and even asked her to invite Lionel over makes me wonder what he´ll say and do at dinner. Really interesting cliffhanger.
    Thxs to beeej for the avi



    "Choices"May 30 '11

    "At Second Sight" August 21 '11




  10. #150
    An Accused Heretic Senior Member Kit Merlot's Avatar
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    Re: The Upper Hand (R) 11/29/09

    This was a beautifully passionate update, and how much do I love Bates?

    Chlex smut is always wonderful to read but this line:

    Lex stopped and turned around as he opened the door. "Remember I love you. Let's have dinner tonight. Invite my dad along."
    has to be my favorite of this fic. What the hell is this dinner going to be like?

    Continued excellent work on this story
    Last edited by Kit Merlot; 29th November 2009 at 18:33.

    "Don't quote me to me!" Detective Danny "Danno" WIlliams, Hawaii Five-0, episode 1.8 Mana'o

    "This could barely fill up Thumbelina!" SALIGIA by westwingwolf

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