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Thread: Crawling Back (NC-17) Chapter 20 08/01/2020

  1. #141
    Fishin' for brains Senior Member Avalanche's Avatar
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    Re: Crawling Back (NC-17) Chapter 16 03/20/2010

    I just read this update...I missed it (shame on me!) I cannot wait for more!
    Fanfiction Master List

    “I have the simplest tastes. I am always satisfied with the best.”
    Oscar Wilde

    My milkshake bringeth all ye gentlefolk to the yard, and they're like it's better than thine, verily its better than thine, I could teach you but I must levy a fee...

    "I'm selfish, impatient, and a little insecure. I make mistakes. I am out of control; and, at times, hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.
    Marilyn Monroe

  2. #142
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    Re: Crawling Back (NC-17) Chapter 16 03/20/2010

    Please update again soon!!!! I can't wait to read more.

  3. #143
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    Re: Crawling Back (R) Chapter 7 12/19/07

    On Chapter 7- Moving Forward

    I thoroughly enjoyed this chapter! Loved the scene between Lex and Chloe at his office, and Lex's phonecall to Chloe explaining where he was and why he wasn't there yet. I can understand his concerns, but I burst out laughing right along with Chloe at the thought of this incredibly powerful, usually charismatic and articulate man being reduced to a quivering ball of nerves because of a six year old. Wonderful writing!
    Last edited by Historianic; 22nd May 2010 at 15:22.

  4. #144
    NS Junior Member
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    Re: Crawling Back (R) Chapter 7 12/19/07

    Please Please update soon this is a wonderful story and I can't wait to see Lex's reaction.

  5. #145
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    Re: Crawling Back (R) Chapter 7 12/19/07

    You really most update soon. Cliffhangers are evil you know.

    ): )

  6. #146
    NS Member IsisIzabel's Avatar
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    Re: Crawling Back (R) Chapter 7 12/19/07

    Fabulous story! I just read this all on one sitting. It's quite addictive.

  7. #147
    NS Senior Member Senior Member letia84's Avatar
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    In the lab.

    Crawling Back (NC-17) Chapter 17 8/3/2010

    Chapter 17 Retribution (Chloe POV)

    “Sullivan” Mr. Walker caught Chloe’s attention just as she was freeing herself from behind her desk.

    “Is there something wrong?” Chloe replied to him still packing her things without looking to him. This month’s story was hard to finish and she was sure he would say something about it.

    “No, I just wanted to say good work.” When Chloe looked to him he gave her a half smile before going on. “But next time something with a little more edge to it.” Then he was off.

    Instead of dwelling on Mr. Walker’s lack of gratitude Chloe made her way out of the office. After a few goodbyes to new work friends she was outside in the city air of Metropolis.

    Chloe extended her arm to hail a cab but was stopped from getting in to one when she heard her name. “Are you Ms. Sullivan?”

    Turning towards a woman Chloe answered puzzled. “Who’s asking?”

    “You have to come with us.” The woman was dressed in black and her red hair was pulled tight in to a ponytail. She said us but there was no one near her.

    “I’m sorry but who are you?” Chloe gripped her purse tight and thought of what she could do if this was going to turn ugly.

    Using her powers was out of the question. In the crowded street she would never have a day of peace once the news hit about what she could do. When Chloe truly thought about it she didn’t have anything but her voice to scream for help and her legs to get her away.

    The woman moved in closer. “We have Emma. You have to come with us.”

    Chloe felt her stomach drop at the sound her daughter’s name. Lex was still away in China and this must be something he was doing. There was some talk of Lex putting some security on her and Emma but she refused it. It seemed Lex didn’t care if she refused because the security was standing right in front of her.

    Some threat Chloe didn’t know about was approaching and Lex was just trying to protect them. “Did Lex Luthor send you?” Chloe wanted some reassurance.

    She didn’t answer but looked behind her so Chloe turned to look at what was coming. Identical twin men dressed in black were approaching them. Turning back to the redhead

    Chloe spoke again and this time she wasn’t making a request to know what was going on. “Did Luthor send you or not?”

    “Come with us now or she’ll die.” As the words came from her lips Chloe felt the bodies of the two men next to her.

    If this was Lex’s idea of protectors they were doing a piss poor job. She felt more terrified then protected at the moment. “Tell me who sent you!” Chloe demanded an answer stepping into to the redhead’s face. Telling her Emma could die pushed any other concerns aside. If the only way to get an answer was to use her powers then Chloe was going to do it.

    “Lionel.” The man to her left spoke.

    “Luthor.” The other to her right finished.

    Chloe’s terror had reached and all time high now.

    This wasn’t Lex.

    It was his father.


    The ride to what could only be the middle of nowhere seemed like an eternity. Chloe would have done it twice if at the end she was holding Emma in her arms. Her captors assured her Emma was waiting for them. To show that they had Emma her kidnappers handed over Emma’s backpack.

    Chloe knew it wasn’t a duplicate when she opened it and saw where she wrote Emma’s name on the inside with a magic marker. She asked repeatedly where Gloria was and was told nothing. Gloria was supposed to pick up Emma from school and now she was in the crossfire of what Lionel had planned.

    It was as if the three of them were under some kind of mind control. They drove on in silence.

    The twins at Chloe’s sides in the car didn’t speak a word. Looking at them closely Chloe saw the strong lines of their faces then the dark centers of their eyes when each of them looked at her as she was looking at them.

    Suddenly their faces blurred into darkness.

    When Chloe came to she was placed sitting up in a chair. Looking around things were still blurry. “You put her under too far. She can’t see.” There was no mistaking Lionel Luthor’s voice. The deep tenor of his words rang in her ears.

    “Where is my daughter?” Chloe spoke blinking to force her eyes to see with little affect.

    “She is safe I assure you.” Lionel replied. Chloe felt his hands on her shoulders and she shook them away.

    Her eyes finally focused and she saw Lionel in all his glory. The last time they met he was so casual but now he looked like the man she grew to hate in the finest suit money could buy. “Let me see my daughter.”

    “First I will apologize for the way things have gone.” Lionel took a step back and Chloe saw her kidnappers standing just behind him. “The twins sometimes don’t know their own strength.”

    It was all hazy but Chloe was starting to put it together. The twins and the redhead were both just like she was. “These people are meteor infected.”

    “Of course they are. Did you think I would send just anyone to collect you?” The smirk on his face made Chloe lunged herself at him from her chair.

    Her body didn’t get very far. Some was forced back into her seat by some unknown force. When she glanced to the redhead her hand was lowering to her side. “Telekinesis?” Chloe gestured her head towards the woman.

    “Yes, and you already felt what the twins can do. Directing the mind can be dangerous. They were supposed to put you to sleep but they nearly put you in a coma.” He was speaking as if what was happening was an everyday occurrence. His casual tone was making Chloe more terrified by the second.

    “You have no idea what you’re doing.” Chloe spoke towards the infected. “He’ll promise you the world but the moment he has no more use for you he will dispose of you. Just tell me where my daughter is and I can help you get away from him.”

    There was no response. They looked at her and Lionel’s laughter started to fill the room. “Do you really think you can sway them with a few words?”

    He was right. They didn’t seem to flinch. Their focus was off in some way but Chloe couldn’t pinpoint. In the car they never spoke a word. When they met their focus was only on getting her to go with them. If the twins could direct the mind it didn’t make sense that they would fall under their own trance. Lionel had some other power over them.

    If Chloe was going to find Emma she needed to know her surroundings. They were in a large warehouse and it was most likely one not in use by Luthor Corp. Emma could be behind any corner in the place.

    His laughter continued and Chloe would have to distract him somehow. “You’re not going to get away with whatever you’re planning.” Her words were to draw him into a long monologue. Lionel could never resist telling someone off.

    Pride seemed to be his only weakness.

    The laughter stopped and he focused his attention right at Chloe. “Why? Because Lex is going to stop me?”

    “You took me when he was gone. You must be afraid of something.” Goading him was easy. His need to be superior would have him talking for hours. Chloe darted her eyes behind him counting the steps to the redhead. She would have to touch her first to avoid getting pushed but her reaction time seemed too quick.

    “You think you understand my son.” The cold gaze coming from Lionel wasn’t notice because Chloe was looking over the twins. They were a medium build and didn’t seem so physically strong. Looking into their eyes seemed to be the trigger for their powers which was easy to avoid.

    “I know him better than you ever will.” Chloe rattled off a reply starting to feel hopeless. Lionel had to know her powers relied on touching. The telekinetic redhead would never let her get close enough to anyone to do any real damage.

    When her eyes moved back to Lionel his gaze was blazing a whole into her as he went on. “There are things about Lex you have a hard time seeing clearly.”

    Now he sounded like Clark and Lois. “What do you mean?” Narrowing her eyes Chloe hoped he would start his long monologue already so she could at least try again to get out of her chair.

    “The day of the second meteor shower you saw all the Lex you could stand.” His words were supposed to make her flinch but Chloe wouldn’t let it.

    She looked to the twins. Their eyes darted to a door across the room from them. It was as if they heard something no one else could. If Emma was in that room she could be waking up from their trance.

    The information was piling up but Chloe was no closer to getting out of her chair so she answered Lionel. “That wasn’t him.”

    “Yes it was.” He took a few steps forward then rethought them. It was clear now he knew not to get close to her. Knowing about her powers meant Lionel was getting information from 33.1.

    “He’s not a monster like you.” Chloe shot back at him. It was petty but her mind wasn’t focused on a verbal sparring match. Getting her daughter was as all she could think of.

    “No, Lex is a different kind of monster all together.” He answered calmly.

    Chloe looked at him mustering all her strength to wait for the right moment. “How can you say that about your own son?”

    “Alright let’s test your theory.” He looked back to the redhead and without a word she went for a chair next to her. This was the moment Chloe was waiting for.

    She leaped from her chair throwing herself at Lionel. It didn’t take long for her powers to work, but just as her finger tips were in reach Chloe felt the hard push from before and she was back in her seat with the wind knocked out of her.

    “Please sit. You have a lot of work ahead of you.” Lionel spoke taking the seat the redhead retrieved for him. There wasn’t a hint of worry in his voice. The redhead was faster than Chloe gave her credit for and Lionel knew it.

    “I want to see me daughter.” Chloe spoke fighting back the tears.

    “You will see her once you have done what I need you to do but first we are going to test your theory.” Lionel folded his hands in front of him before going on. “Lex told you about Oliver Queen.”

    She remembered well enough what Ollie had done to Lex. “He said that Oliver teased him when they were kids. What else is there to know?”

    “Lex didn’t tell you about the boy he nearly killed because of Oliver?” Chloe swallowed over any respond she could give. She was silent and Lionel continued.

    “Since he didn’t tell you I will. Oliver promised Lex one day that all his troubles would be over if he did one thing.” Lionel pointed one well manicured finger into the air then returned his hand to his lap.

    “If he did what?” Chloe didn’t want to ask but did anyway.

    “Well he had to embarrass the only friend he had at school. The two of them shared a strange fascination with comic books.” He rolled his eyes. Lionel couldn’t let Lex be a kid even when he was a kid. He was a Luthor and should act like one no matter the age.

    “You would think Lex would stand up for his friend but he would have given anything to be seen as normal in the state he was in.” Lionel ran his fingers through his thick locks of hair before going on.

    “Lex did what he thought would save himself. He pushed the boy down and made sure Oliver and his band watched. Then he punched him. It was more than enough but once Lex had started he couldn’t stop himself. I was told that Lex beat the boy into submission but he wasn’t finished. He picked the boy up and tossed him into the street.”

    Lionel paused and had to see how unconformable Chloe was becoming. It didn’t matter because he went on. “None of them saw the car approaching but as the boy tried to make his retreat the car hit him.”

    They all could hear the strong intake of breath from Chloe. “It was an accident.” She spoke as if it were a question not the truth.

    Lionel smiled smugly before answering. “That may be true. The boy narrowly lived through the accident. But you’re missing the point.”

    “What point?” Chloe felt the tears coming but she wasn’t going to give him that. She forced them down.

    He shook his head as if she were still a teenager that didn’t understand a thing. “What happen with you and Lex during the meteor shower is the same story.”

    “No, it’s not.” Chloe was going to stand but didn’t for fear of getting pushed too hard this time. “It was an accident and the meteor shower was…” She wasn’t allowed to go on.

    “Ms. Sullivan I have always considered you a smart woman but Lex is not worth protecting after what he did to you. The second he sees what he wants he’ll toss anyone in the street to get it.”

    “You’re wrong about him. Look at what you did and are doing too me. At least Lex knows what he did was wrong. He’s trying to atone for his mistakes. You have no conscience. You kidnapped an innocent little girl to get to me. You don’t care who you hurt to get what you want. ”

    “Maybe but I don’t pretend to be something I’m not. I have done and will do what it takes to get what I want Ms. Sullivan. Lex pretends his goals are for a greater good. He shows off a harmless face and suddenly he strikes. I’m certain that kind of monster is far scarier then I’ll ever be.”

    Chloe looked away from him. What he was saying wasn’t the truth. Of course there was darkness inside Lex. She did see it during the meteor shower. This story didn’t mean that the darkness couldn’t be contained.

    What was in front of her had to be dealt with. Emma was being held as ransom for something Lionel wanted. “Tell me what I have to do to get my daughter.”

    “Getting to the point was something I always liked about you Ms. Sullivan.” He nodded his head once and turned towards the twins.

    “Then tell me already.” Chloe closed her hands into a fist. Not being able to move freely was wearing her down.

    “I need your powers of course.” Lionel replied.

    He understood her powers and there could be only one thing Lionel wanted. “I’m not going to kill anyone for you.” He must want her to take someone out and her powers wouldn’t leave a trace.

    “Who said anything about killing?” Lionel stood from his chair as the twins moved in.

    Chloe closed her eyes knowing she couldn’t look at them without going under again. Something was forcing them open. If anything was going to change the damn redheaded telekinetic would have to be taken care of.

    The fight was over before it started and Chloe was under again; fast asleep. She still hadn’t set eyes on her Kitty cat and may never see Emma before this was all over.


    “Ms. Sullivan.” Lionel’s voice filled the room but Chloe couldn’t see him just yet.

    Blinking her eyes a few times and there he was in front of her smug as ever. This time the twins trance didn’t leave her without sight. “Where are we?”

    “We are at Smallville Medical hospital. No need to worry about anyone seeing us they are all sound asleep on this wing.” He spoke the words but Chloe didn’t feel the weight of what he meant until she looked for herself.

    Chloe was standing and she was indeed in Smallville Medical. Everywhere she looked if there was a person they were slumped over or knocked out on the ground fast asleep.

    “What did you do to them?” Covering her mouth Chloe breathed in the harsh truth. This was only the start to Lionel’s plans.

    “Well I could explain to you how the twins do what they do but we are on a tight schedule.” Lionel walked ahead of her.

    It seemed like everyone had their orders but Chloe. The twins stayed watch over the sleeping. No doubt they would take out anyone that came on the floor to disturb them. The redhead pushed Chloe with her real hand this time to follow after Lionel. Looking around Chloe noticed where they were in the hospital.

    The child’s ward was covered in cartoon characters and poster with doctors and sick children smiling. Lionel said he didn’t want anyone killed. It was easy for Chloe to figure out that if Lionel did want someone dead there were infected people far more effective than she. There was only one other thing she could do.

    He led them into the cancer section of the ward. His quick pace stopped at its entrance. Turning to look at her Lionel finally said what he wanted. “There are six children in this section. Each of them has a form of cancer that will kill them. Imagine if one day a beautiful woman came bathed in white light and took away all their pain.”

    Chloe looked down the hall at each of the doors. It was clear Lionel knew more than he ever should about how here powers worked. “What’s the benefit for you in all this? How will saving these children aid you in your master plan.”

    “That’s easy.” Lionel stepped ahead as he spoke. “My plans extend far beyond the boundaries of Smallville; even Kansas for that matter. I knew the moment I realized how the meteor showers changed people what that could mean for the world. If someone like me of course could organize these people they could change the world.”

    Lionel paused at a door to open it. Out the window she could see it was still day time but the child was fast asleep. Somehow they had neutralized everyone on the floor while Chloe was out. “I want people to know that there are two sides to how the world can change. It can be healed within reason or it can be forced into submission.” His eyes went cold as he smiled.

    Standing with her captor by her side Chloe weighed in what he was saying. The people that took her were just the start of those Lionel recruited. It sounded mad but he thought he could rule the world with a meteor infected army leading the way.

    “Go ahead and start healing.” He instructed stepping aside. “There’s still plenty of day light for you to use.”

    It was what Chloe was trying to avoid since she realized what she could do. Power over life and death wasn’t something anyone should have in their hands but she did. It was clear she was hesitating so Lionel spoke up.

    “Consider this the retribution you thought I wanted when I came to your office. I wanted to protect my son from you because I knew I needed you for this. He won’t be pleased when he finds out.” He moved in bringing his lips to her ear. “But if you don’t do this I will let you go and keep your daughter. It will take some time but Emma’s powers will mature. It may sound cold but it’s all for greater purpose. She will forget you and do my bidding. You will never see her again.”

    Chloe clinched her hands into a fist knowing if she moved her hands wouldn’t get far. She would have to be selfish if she wanted to see her daughter and give in. “After I do this you’re going to let me and my daughter go.”

    “Until I need you again.” He answered.

    “That’s not good enough. I never want to see you again.” Chloe’s voice rose but no one was stirring.

    “I can’t give you that assurance but I can tell you I will hand Emma over to you intact once this is done.” It was the best she was going to get for now. Chloe would only have to hope that someone was coming for them.

    She didn’t speak a word and started to do what he wanted. The sun was just enough for her to use on the first child but by the fifth Chloe wasn’t going so strong. The disease was taking over and there wasn’t enough sunlight to transfer when Chloe reached the final child.

    “I’m going to go unconscious if I do this.” She mumbled to Lionel standing watch in wonder each time she lit up the room. “I want to hear my daughter's voice first.”

    Lionel groaned but pulled out a cell phone. He pushed in the numbers quickly. “Put her on.” He said after a few seconds.

    Chloe watched him carefully walk towards her to place the phone at her ear. “Kitty cat.” Chloe spoke waiting to hear the sound of Emma’s voice.

    “Mommy.” The soft whisper rang in her ears. When she opened her mouth to speak again Lionel pulled the phone away hanging it up in the process.

    It was all she was going to get. “Don’t let my daughter see me until I'm awake.” Lionel said they would be reunited but Chloe couldn’t let Emma see her dead even if it was temporary.

    “Understood.” The old man nodded towards the bed and Chloe did what she had done five times before.

    She took the little boys hand in the bed and let the life rush out of her but this time there was no energy from the sun to replace it. The little boy in the bed that looked to be the same age as Emma would never be sick again. He would grow up a healthy boy and never know why.

    Chloe knew there would a reckoning for what she had done to Lionel all those years go. Being burned by teenager wasn’t something Lionel could walk away from. The weight of it sunk into her as she took in her last breath until ten hours.

    When Chloe woke she knew Lionel was right about one thing. When Lex wanted something he would toss anyone into the street to get it.

    Especially his own father.


    Chapter 17 Punishment(Lex POV)
    Last edited by letia84; 27th October 2010 at 05:00.

  8. #148
    looking for updates Senior Member somethingeasy's Avatar
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    Re: Crawling Back (NC-17) Chapter 17 8/3/2010

    I’ve been dying to know what happened after that awful, AWFUL cliffhanger that we were left at... only it turns out there was no easy resolution of the crises, and I have to wait for yet another chapter to see everyone safe and sound.
    heh... but you know, Letia, that your audience loves the suspense and thrills... even if they howl over the cliffhangers.

    It was unnerving, thrilling, exciting and suspenseful seeing Chloe approached by what we KNEW to be thugs right on the street. I was glad to see that Chloe’s instinctive reaction to this women trying to intimidate her was not so much fear as outrage and anger. I was so pleased to see Chloe considering FIRST fight and/or flight responses... until the woman played her trump card and told Chloe that Emma was being held hostage.

    I was, initially, a little puzzled to see Chloe asking whether Lex had sent these people after Chloe, because they were so OBVIOUSLY thugs. But then I realized that the red-head who had approached Chloe didn’t actually look like a hired goon at all, but could have passed as part of Lex’s security team. In that case, I think it’s great that Chloe picked up something ‘not right’ from this woman, and immediately demanded to know who she was, and who sent her.

    I think Chloe half-suspected that she was being accosted for kidnapping purposes, but she was probably ALSO half-hoping that it was just paranoia, and that Lex actually sent these abrupt, curt people to safe-guard her and Emma.

    heh... too bad that half-hope didn’t last for too long. Threatening to kill Emma was definitely NOT something that one of Lex’s security forces would do. And it got even worse when it came out that Lionel Luthor was responsible for these people. Yikes!

    The car ride was intensely creepy, but mercifully short. I’m not very happy about Chloe being out under, but at least she didn’t have to suffer this car-ride from hell for too long. Although it is decidedly unnerving and terrifying knowing that these mutants could have completely killed off her brain functions while putting her under.

    The creepiest thing was seeing Lionel acting so casual, even slightly gleeful, when informing Chloe that she might have been left as a vegetable in a coma if the twins had pushed even the tiniest bit harder while pushing her into sleep.

    He was right. They didn’t seem to flinch. Their focus was off in some way but Chloe couldn’t pinpoint. In the car they never spoke a word. When they met their focus was only on getting her to go with them. If the twins could direct the mind it didn’t make sense that they would fall under their own trance. Lionel had some other power over them.
    And the creepy factor keeps building up. This kind of dedicated, focused, unquestioning loyalty and obedience to Lionel Luthor is terrifying on a variety of levels. First you have to wonder what Lionel DID to these poor people to get such strict obedience from them... and then you have to contemplate what Lionel can do with such powerful mutants completely under his thumb. AND, you also have to consider how many more of these mutants Lionel has recruited into his army.

    I was so, SO proud and pleased with Chloe for coming up with a plan to use Lionel’s sense of pride against him. The man DOES like to hear himself talk incessantly, doesn’t he? Especially when he’s going into one of his ‘MWAA HA HA HAAA, I have you completely in my power!’ speeches. Stalling Lionel gave Chloe a chance to collect herself, think and consider all the openings that she might have in this situation. Sadly, there were woefully few openings to exploit...even for Chloe Sullivan. It seemed like Lionel was right, and she WAS in his power.. for now.

    I found it VERY interesting seeing Lionel attempting to turn Chloe against Lex. This suggests that he has some fear of a Chlex team-up. He probably knows that he has a better chance of turning Chloe trust away from Lex, rather than turning Lex away from Chloe; so he’s targeting her doubts, and feeding any suspicions she might have. Fortunately, none of it was taking any seriously effect on Chloe. She and Lex have already gone through the turbulent stage of fear and suspicion, and now they’ve finally reached a place where they can openly and honestly love each other, and build a relationship together. Lex is several weeks too late in trying to break up the Chlex.

    Lionel’s recounting of Lex’s actions as a child were, quite frankly, pathetic. Is Chloe seriously going to judge Lex for making stupid mistakes when he was a confused, lonely, isolated, resentful and bullied child?!? Did Lionel seriously believe that was going to work? After Chloe has forgiven him for all the mistakes that Lex made as a fully conscious and educated adult? The story was pretty awful, but it only elicited sympathy for Lex, rather than distrust.

    “Maybe but I don’t pretend to be something I’m not. I have done and will do what it takes to get what I want Ms. Sullivan. Lex pretends his goals are for a greater good. He shows off a harmless face and suddenly he strikes. I’m certain that kind of monster is far scarier then I’ll ever be.”

    Chloe looked away from him. What he was saying wasn’t the truth. Of course there was darkness inside Lex. She did see it during the meteor shower. This story didn’t mean that the darkness couldn’t be contained.
    I will admit that Lionel was very smooth and persuasive in his choice of words, and the phrasing of his arguments... BUT his arguments were based on weak points that were not going to leave a lasting impression. Nice try, Lionel. But no luck for you here!

    He led them into the cancer section of the ward. His quick pace stopped at its entrance. Turning to look at her Lionel finally said what he wanted. “There are six children in this section. Each of them has a form of cancer that will kill them. Imagine if one day a beautiful woman came bathed in white light and took away all their pain.”

    Chloe looked down the hall at each of the doors. It was clear Lionel knew more than he ever should about how here powers worked. “What’s the benefit for you in all this? How will saving these children aid you in your master plan.”
    wow! I have to admit that Lionel is one heck of a clever bastard! He’s recruiting Chloe’s powers, BUT he’s ordering her to follow a command that she actually wants to obey. The way that he’s phrased the order was very smoothly done. Instead of telling her I want you to heal these people, he describes a storybook illustration of a beautiful healer bringing all the children back to health again. How can anyone, much less Chloe, resist such a beautiful picture?

    It was VERY good to see that Chloe did question his motives. She knows better than to believe that Lionel is telling her to heal children for the sake of the children themselves. He has to have some ulterior motive, and some ultimate profit for himself in the deal.

    Lionel paused at a door to open it. Out the window she could see it was still day time but the child was fast asleep. Somehow they had neutralized everyone on the floor while Chloe was out. “I want people to know that there are two sides to how the world can change. It can be healed within reason or it can be forced into submission.” His eyes went cold as he smiled.

    Standing with her captor by her side Chloe weighed in what he was saying. The people that took her were just the start of those Lionel recruited. It sounded mad but he thought he could rule the world with a meteor infected army leading the way.
    I was surprised to see Lionel answering Chloe’s questions so candidly. I was expecting him to make some noise about ‘saving the children and that kind of unconvincing nonsense first. But I guess he knew that Chloe wouldn’t fall for any lines. So he settled for telling her the truth.

    Still, did he HAVE to tell her the whole truth?! Couldn’t he have made up some kind of plausible story? Something about testing Chloe’s abilities because he wants to use them on someone valuable to him? Or perhaps wanting to see how Chloe’s abilities worked because he wanted to find ways to extend his own life?

    Instead, he tells her that he’s building an army, and that he’s recruiting mutant soldiers. For heaven’s sake, you’ve just given Chloe your whole megalomaniacal plan, Lionel! You getting slow in your old age?!? And not only that, you’re ALSO threatening to keep Chloe’s daughter in order to train her to do your bidding from a young age. Is THAT any way to recruit Chloe’s loyalties?!?

    Chloe clinched her hands into a fist knowing if she moved her hands wouldn’t get far. She would have to be selfish if she wanted to see her daughter and give in. “After I do this you’re going to let me and my daughter go.”

    “Until I need you again.” He answered.
    Are you friggen kidding me, Lionel?!? You’ve not only boasted of your entire long-term plan to Chloe and threatened her child... but now you’re ALSO going to let her leave, letting her run off to whomever she wishes to warn about you? Lex Luthor alone can cause major damage to Lionel’s intended plans... and heaven knows what Oliver Queen and the rest of the JL would do if they received warning. Heck, even Lois Lane’s father, General Lane, would regard Lionel as a serious military threat, and seek to annihilate the bastard. Chloe has the contacts, and the inclination to stop you, Lionel. How are you going to keep yourself safe if you give your hostage up to her?

    It was all she was going to get. “Don’t let my daughter see me until I'm awake.” Lionel said they would be reunited but Chloe couldn’t let Emma see her dead even if it was temporary.
    aaah! Now I see. So Chloe’s going to be rendered unconscious by this healing. Which means that she’s going to be completely at Lionel’s mercy, right until she wakes up. Lionel can order her to be mind-wiped, or brainwashed... or for her to be taken away to be locked up in some stronghold cell. Chloe wasn’t thinking too clearly, was she, to not have considered these possibilities?

    Not that I blame her considering that she’s distraught and desperate about Emma’s safety. AND I think she also has faith that Lex will be able to find her... hopefully soon. Even if Lionel DOES end up mind-wiping, brainwashing and/or locking her away.

    Another gut-wrenching cliffhanger. You’re trying to kill us, Letia?!? Please update soon.

  9. #149
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
    Join Date
    23 Nov 2002

    Re: Crawling Back (NC-17) Chapter 17 8/3/2010

    Oh man how is Lex going to save his girls? GRR Lionel needs to die a horrible.
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  10. #150
    Happy-ending addict Senior Member lexie's Avatar
    Join Date
    26 Jan 2007
    In RL:Argentina. In my dreams: Lexland

    Re: Crawling Back (NC-17) Chapter 17 8/3/2010

    Damn Lionel! He's like a bad penny- he simply can't leave his son alone. I wonder if Lex will arrive to save Chloe and her child from his father's clutches or if they'll be back home when he gets back. Will Chloe tell him the truth if that's the case? Lionel should get ready for what's to come if Lex gets to know what he's put his girls through...

    Thanks for updating!
    Last edited by lexie; 7th August 2010 at 01:24.
    Thxs to beeej for the avi



    "Choices"May 30 '11

    "At Second Sight" August 21 '11




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