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Thread: Crawling Back (NC-17) Chapter 20 08/01/2020

  1. #101
    NS Senior Member Senior Member letia84's Avatar
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    09 Jan 2006
    In the lab.

    Crawling Back (R) Chapter 12 Part2 11/11/08

    Notes: Less then a month since my last update. I feel horrid. All my poor fics waiting to go. I have this on planned out but I have to get it on the page first. Here is a step in the right direction.

    Warning: Please note the mild NC-17 content in this chapter.

    Chapter 12 So Close Part 2 (Lex POV)

    It was as if the manor hadn’t been dead for years. The smells, the sounds and the sight of the place were all the things Lex remembered when he was a child. The one thing missing was his mother telling him not to pick at things when his senses overwhelmed him.

    At the moment the only thing really overwhelming him was Chloe. It wasn’t fair to have a woman that drove you mad with no outlet for the feelings. Being with them both made him happy but there were rules Lex had to follow.

    Chloe was helping Emma decorate cookies at the moment. The little girl wanted to personalize the Christmas shaped cookies for each of her relatives. When they arrived she would give them her hard work. Chloe helped Emma with her spelling and when things went horribly wrong there was always another cookie for her to pipe vanilla frosting on to.

    When the girls arrived at Luthor Corp. it was shortly after Lionel made his exit. They met on the roof with the chopper waiting. Lex feared that Emma might not take well to traveling that way but she enjoyed every minute of it.

    Her giggles bubbled up each time they touched the wind in just the right way to make the helicopter bounce. Her eyes widened when she got a full view of Smallville from high in the air. Lex dreamed he was as brave as she was at her age. It had to be Chloe that brought it out then again, it could be her late father. No matter where it came from the trip was a success.

    After landing Chloe scolded him. He was shocked after such success on the helicopter that she would be upset with him but she was. A few staff members were lingering on the grounds. It only took a moment for him to explain that they were there not breaking their agreement that they would wait on themselves for the next three days.

    She agreed to let him take care of things when it came to food and lodging. The staff was present at their arrival finishing off a few last minute things. Chloe calmed down once his intentions were made clear.

    They all took sometime to settle in their rooms before relocating into the kitchen. Chloe had already gotten the Christmas tree and décor squared away. The tree arrived two days before and all the decorations were in place for that night.

    Things were in order. Lex was working on the prepped mushroom ravioli that was to be their dinner tonight while the girls decorated cookies. The evening on his end would go off without a hitch. There was no telling what would happen when the rest of the guests arrived.

    “Mr. Lex?” Emma called out to him as he drained the noodles. When he focused his attention on her Emma had the evidence of sampling frosting on her cheek. Her eyes were puzzled and she had a question for him.

    “Yes.” Lex answered calmly moving over to them.

    “Do you want all your names on your cookie?” She questioned.

    “I thought these cookies were for your family?” Lex questioned her. It was what she said when she started her work. There was no reason to place him that category at this point.

    “Silly, you get a cookie.” She smiled at him warmly. Lex felt his heart do the same. How someone could accept him so fully was beyond him.

    Emma’s kindness he equated to her youth. She was too young see that when people met him they fled. Her ability to accept him was because she didn’t know any better. Lex hoped she would always see him this way.

    “Thank you.” Lex reached for a paper towel on the table and bushed away the frosting on her cheek. She smiled at him again reaching out with her tongue to swipe anything that remained.

    When he let his eyes move to Chloe she was smiling. It looked like she wanted to tell him something but he assumed it would have to wait until they were alone. The moment was quickly interrupted when the phone rang on the far wall. It was the moment he dreaded coming at him hard and fast.

    Chloe said she could answer the door alone but he wasn’t about to start off hiding out from her family. As they walked out of the kitchen into the hall Emma grabbed his hand. He assumed it was to show her the right way to go as he did the first time she was in the manor but part of him wanted it to be because she trusted him.

    Lex pulled open the door and his first site was Lois. She grimaced in his direction then looked down towards Emma. Her tiny fingers were still locked with Lex’s hand.

    “Cousin aren’t you excited to stay in the castle?” Emma piped letting go of his hand for Lois.

    “Not really.” She answered taking Emma into her arms and moving in to the manor.

    “Lois.” Chloe spoke in a sharp tone.

    “What I’m I suppose to lie to her?” Lois answered in her own sharp tone.

    Lex looked back to the door to see Clark coming toward him. His arms were full of bags that Lex assumed held gifts and their luggage. The poor man looked like a packing mule. Clark greeted Chloe then Emma completely ignoring Lex. Lex shrugged it off because he and Clark had done this dance for the past ten years. There was no need to change things when they both had their parts down so well.

    “Lex.” Martha Kent spoke joyfully in his direction. She was caring a dish in her hand; no doubt filled with something to eat tonight for dinner. Lex was glad at least one person was happy see him.

    “Merry Christmas Mrs. Kent.” Lex replied to her and before he knew it she was letting one arm go around him to bring him into an embrace. His face was pressed into her red hair with slivery streaks.

    Martha was kind in a way that didn’t come off as fake. She spoke her mind and gave everyone the chance to have there own opinion. When Jonathan Kent passed Martha’s strength never faltered. From time to time he would stop into the Kent farm to say hello to her. She would be there offering him a cup of tea and light conversation. It was a blessing that she was here now. Even if everyone glared at him the entire holiday Martha wouldn’t be one of them.

    When she let go her eyes warmed as she passed into the room for Emma and Chloe. During the exchange Gabe had already moved into the house. It appeared that was the end of the lot and Lex closed the door. Everyone was gushing about how great the lights outside looked and how much fun the next few days would be.

    No one thanked him.

    Maybe that came later.

    Awkwardly standing to the side Lex started to wonder what he should do next but like so many times before Chloe saved him. “Lex why don’t you show everyone to their rooms while Emma and I go back to kitchen to finish up?”

    He nodded in her direction then extended his hand in the direction he wanted everyone to follow. Lois did so grumbling down the hall. He stopped off at the first door that was to be Gabe’s then the next room was for Martha. They both moved into the guest rooms thanking him for letting them stay. The thanks did come later for some.

    On the way Clark dropped off what he had to while lugging the rest. Lex would offer to help but he knew well enough that Clark could handle more. At the last room he opened the door for them.

    “Here we are.” Lex spoke moving to the side.

    “Let’s get something straight Luthor.” Lois started.

    “Lois don’t…” Clark tried to interrupt her but she went ahead anyway.

    “We are here for Chloe and Emma.” Lois went on. “We are here because this is what she wanted. Do you get that?”

    After all these years Lex never thought much of Lois and right now he was about to stand down. The only reason Lois was speaking to him now was the same reason Lex let her think she had won. “I understand Lois that you would never do anything on my behalf.” Lex answered more curtly then he should have.

    “I just want you to know that if you do anything that hurts them…” Lois started but instead Clark stepped in.

    Clark was free of all the bags and had his hand was on Lois’ shoulder. “We don’t have to warn him. I think he knows what he would be losing now better then ever.” Clark looked to him with knowing eyes.

    It was true. Lex knew what he would be losing because he lost it before. “Then we all have an understanding of one another.” Lex spoke then started down the hall away from them.

    If Lois and Clark were warning him about his treatment of Chloe it could only mean one thing. He was closer then he thought to having her back fully. Whatever Chloe told them to got them and that meant he was so close.


    It was oddly calm in the manor. The night progressed well enough that Lex didn’t have to say much. Dinner went on with Lois ranting about her latest front page story. Even though Lex knew Chloe was happy with her job he always wondered if it stung a little to have Lois living her dream. Everyone was willing to help clean up proving that Chloe was right about not needing any staff.

    They walked into the living room that he rarely used when he lived in the manor so long ago. It was supposed to be a family room. After his mother’s passing there wasn’t much of a family in the manor anymore so the room had become obsolete. The thought was an understatement. When Julian died the idea of family went with him.

    The tree was placed into the family room waiting to be decorated. Martha brought some of her ornaments from her family collection. Lex had a few of those himself but considered them bad luck and kept them in storage.

    Chloe had the ornaments Emma made at school as well. He had to admit they were rather well done. One was a carefully cut snowflake. Then there were a set of circles she made with drawings in each of them. There was a house with a snowy scene then a drawing of what was supposed to be her and her mother and the last one was very simple but very meaningful.

    Emma had written out her father’s name then covered it in silver glitter. It was a reminder Lex didn’t need of what came before him. He started to wonder how much of Troy did Emma remember and how he would never be able to compete with those memories. The only hope was that she would make a new space for him.

    Lex worked with Clark to get the lights on the tree first. Lois started playing a cheery holiday CD Lex had put out. Once Clark was done with the lights she pulled him to her to dance to a jazzy version of “Jingle Bell Rock”. The farm boy unwillingly started to move to the beat with her and it made Emma giggle.

    When the song changed to “Rocking Around the Christmas Tree” they didn’t stop dancing. Lex kept his focus on the tree and any questions that came his way. When most of the ornaments were in place a slow song had started.

    “I’ll be Home for Christmas” filled the room with its warming sound. When Lex was done placing a shiny red ornament on the tree there was tug at his leg. “Will you dance? Grandpa said no.” Emma looked at him disappointed that he was her second choice.

    “Certainly.” He answered her reaching out for her hand.

    She took his hand and he led her to where Lois and Clark were holding each other close. Lex let her place her feet on top of his so she was bit higher but she was still far to low. Holding her hands he started to sway them to the music. When he looked down at her she was beaming up at him. How could someone not fall in love with this little girl?

    “You’re a wonderful dancer Emma.” Martha spoke now sitting next to Gabe sipping tea.

    “Mr. Lex too.” Emma replied and Martha returned a nod then a wink.

    Once the song was over Lex thought she would be done but she wanted more when the tempo picked up to “Here Comes Santa Claus”. At first Lex wasn’t sure what to do because Emma released from his grasp and started spinning left to right.

    Following her lead he took her hand to help spin her. She let out a yelp of joy when he spun her all the way then caught her for quick dip. Dancing with Emma was more fun than he thought it would be because he was smiling and laughing as she tried to teach him her favorite dances moves.

    Lex had to look like a fool but he didn’t really care. Emma was having fun as was everyone else. It was going along the way he hoped it would.

    As the song died down Emma spoke up. “Now with mommy.” She told him. It didn’t sound like a suggestion but a demand.

    “You dance Kitty Cat.” Chloe told her waving off the idea. She was keeping watch on them from the tree to straighten things that didn’t really need it. She wanted things to be perfect he remembered.

    “Please.” Emma begged her again and again. The song changed to “The Christmas Song” (Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire) sung by Nat King Cole.

    He saw the fear in Chloe’s eyes at the thought of a slow song. The last time they danced together it was as if things faded away while they were close. Giving into the music and enjoying their closeness was something he knew Chloe might not want to do in front of her family.

    Emma walked towards her mother to pull her towards Lex. Chloe complied and smiled as she approached him. The song progressed into the next verse once she was in his arms. He could feel the tension of her fingers as they moved around him. Lex started to move and looked to Emma with a wide grin as she huddled into Martha’s arms. He put his attention back on Chloe.

    Chloe’s body wasn’t the way it should be keeping its distance from him. As the song progressed into the instrumental portion she moved in a little closer. A soft sigh left her lips when she felt Lex’s fingers smooth down her back. She was looking into his eyes almost longingly. Just as Lex felt the last time things faded away.

    The noise of Lois’ giggle while Clark spun her was gone. Emma talking to Martha about tomorrows’ events disappeared. Gabe’s approving stare wasn’t noticed. Only the sound of Chloe’s breathing to the music was what he noticed.

    There were far too few moments like this for Lex when he was able to hold Chloe close. His chance to hear her breath hitch every now and then was encouraging. The scent of her skin filled the room and he fought the urge to breathe it in heavy.

    Her lips were so close but he couldn’t reach out to them. Then she mouthed something to him understanding each word. “I want to kiss you.” She breathed.

    “Later.” He mouthed back to her. Then the song ended far too soon.

    When they looked back at everyone in the room they were looking at them. Their faces were a bit stunned. It was as if they felt the electricity between Chloe and Lex first hand.

    To break their awkward stare Chloe spoke up. “Time for bed.” She announced in Emma’s direction. The little girl booed at the idea but Chloe gave her a stern look and she jumped to her feet.

    “I guess I’ll turn in as well.” Lois spoke up eyeing Clark in her own way.

    Clark let out a loud yawn. “Yes, bed sounds good to me.” It was a fake gesture and he could only guess they wanted to be rid of him.

    Slowly everyone followed suit and Lex knew the night was at an end. He had lived through it and even got to dance with both of his girls. Now all he had to do was sleep then do it all again tomorrow.


    Lex was supposed to be going to sleep. Everyone was on the same hall so if someone needed the other they were easily found. Lying in bed Lex keep wanting to go to Chloe’s room. She was so close yet so far.

    He could pop in to see how she was but, then again, Emma could be in her room. If that were the case there was no way he would be getting any sort of return on her request to kiss him. There could be the chance to be with them both again that wasn’t a bad thing. Then again he couldn’t push himself on them.

    Lex helped Chloe put Emma down. Everyone stopped into her room before going to bed. One child with so many people that loved her was something Lex had never seen. When they were all gone Lex took his turn to say good night. Emma’s short arms did their best to wrap all the way around his neck to give him a hug good night.

    When Lex turned away from her Chloe was waiting behind him. She and Emma were dressed alike for bed that night. They were wearing red cotton pajamas covered in white snow flakes. She smiled at him patting his arm as he walked out of the room. To him he wished it was a secret sign that he would see her later but there were no guarantees.

    Instead of giving into his urges Lex let his mind go to the dancing earlier that evening. He smiled at the thought of spinning Emma about while she laughed. Then his thoughts turned to Chloe’s soft body pressed against his. Just when he thought his thoughts would get the best of him and he would have to do something about it there was a knock at the door.

    Only in his black silk pajama pants he paused before opening the door thinking he should cover his bare chest. Once his fingers were around the top to the pajama set he let it go. If that was Chloe on the other side of door he wanted to see her reaction to his half naked body.

    Taking a deep breath and hoping that it was Chloe, Lex opened the door. To his delight it was Chloe waiting on the other side. Her lips twitched into a half smile when she caught sight of him.

    “Were you asleep?” She whispered.

    “No, do you want to come in?” Lex answered moving to the side to let her enter.

    Her hands were behind her, suddenly she pulled them both from behind her and in them was a movie box. “I thought we could watch this.”

    “That sounds like a fine idea.” Lex eyed the box and knew the movie well enough. She wanted to watch “A Christmas Story” again. “Why I am I not surprised that this is your choice?”

    She smiled widely walking into the room then turning back to answer him. “Because I’m horribly predictable.” Chloe spoke dripping with sarcasm.

    Lex chuckled lightly then went for the door but suddenly she was proving her point of sarcasm. Her body rushed at him quickly and her lips found his with little effort. It was the kiss he had been waiting for all night. It was totally unpredictable.

    Planting himself firmly Lex didn’t want to get carried away so he concentrated on her mouth moving against his. Her delicate fingers tickled his skull then moved down the carved features of his bare chest. Going without a shirt was starting to be a good idea.

    Lex let himself fist both his hands in her hair flowing free down her back. After which he felt the gentle nudge of her palm on his chest. Lex took the hint to let her move the way she wanted to which meant she moved back away from him. Her body didn’t go far but he lost her lips. His eyes opened to find her smiling up at him.

    “Can we start this?” Chloe waved the box passed his face once stepping back away from him.

    Lex didn’t fight with her about what they should and shouldn’t be starting. He stepped back as well taking the box from her hands to start the movie. The TV was located at the foot of the bed hidden from view. Pushing a button the TV popped to the surface from its hidden case. He was prepared to turn the set facing away from the bed until he saw Chloe plop down on it.

    She leaned back against the pillows and relaxed herself waiting for the start of the film. Lex wasn’t sure if he liked the idea she was proposing to him by placing herself on the bed. They could be just as comfortable on the love seat set up on the other side of the bed in direct view of the television once he turned it.

    Seeing her make herself at home under his sheets and pressed against his pillows made his breathing erratic for moment until his characteristic control took over. He focused on placing the movie into the waiting DVD player hidden on the side of the TV set. Once it was going Lex need something else to do.

    The next logical step was to take his place on the bed. After years of being gone Chloe still remembered he liked to be on right side because she had left it open for him. As he came around to his side of the bed his eyes were fixed her. Her eyes were fixed on the starting movie.

    This was what he wanted in theory. Lex, at one time, wanted a somewhat functional family sound asleep in their rooms while he shared his bed with the woman he loved. His mind had given up on the idea long ago until Chloe came back.

    All he had to do was move into the bed next to her and start living the dream. Like any other thing in his life his mind started racing on what could happen in that bed and what it would mean in the long run.

    Once he was seated was she going to move closer to him? When they were alone it was what she did. When his fingers started idly wandering through her hair or over the curves of her body would she make the low murmur he loved to hear?

    The most pressing question was his ability to keep his lips or his other parts to himself. At the door, when they kissed, it was a tease. If he wasn’t allowed to kiss her again after having her so close he didn’t know if he could stand it. He was in control of it before but they were never alone in a bed during those times since being in the Kent barn.

    “Are you going sit?” Lex’s attention was drawn to the sound of her voice. He must have looked like a fool standing in wait next to the bed. She was huddled in the covers eyeing him with caution. “Don’t you want to sit in the bed?” She questioned and it seemed like she had realized his hesitation before he could say it.

    His answer was very important now. There was no way he was giving up this moment over nerves. “The bed is fine.” He spoke taking his place. His back rested against the remaining pillows and he let his body rest on top of the blankets.

    Lex turned to movie to hear older Ralphie’s voice over then Chloe did the same. The light at his night stand was the only thing keeping the room lit other than the tv and he flicked it off quickly. Once he was back in position Chloe moved towards him.

    “I’m cold.” She moaned inching her way towards him.

    Lex stood still letting her get into the position she wanted. Her face was pressed into his bare chest and one of her arms slung over him. On her way she made a mess of the covers and Lex was forced to get under them with her. His body had a mind of its own and he snaked his arm around her body pulling her closer to him. Then there was a low moan that escaped her lips.

    For a few moments Lex forced himself to look at the television and not think of anything else. He failed miserably at it. Chloe decided to trace circles and lines over his chest. Her fingers trailed down the length of his abs back and forth. At one point he felt her head turn into him and he heard her breathing hitch as if she was smelling him.

    His hands were no better. As he predicted his hands traced the line of her body and pulled through her long blonde locks. They touched each other in silence getting closer to uncharted territory then backing away.

    Part of him wanted badly to take his free had and to reach under her chin then pull her face towards him. He was so close to pushing their new found relationship into a place it hadn’t been in ages.

    “How are you this in shape?” Chloe spoke up letting her fingers move up between his pectorals only to stop short of at his waiting nipple to the right.

    Lex looked down at her and she wasn’t looking at the TV. Her eyes roamed over his exposed flesh. “What do you mean?” he spoke holding her hand in place over him because he was becoming crazed by her touch.

    “Your all toned and I got all round.” She answered him looking up into his eyes.

    “I’m sure you’re round in all the right places.” His voice was lowered in the way he knew she would understand.

    “And some of the wrong places too.” She added.

    If she was fishing for a compliment Lex was happy to give her one. “You had a baby Chloe and you don’t even look like it.”

    “I had a baby six years ago. It will be seven sooner than you think.” Chloe scoffed at his answer. “That should be more than enough time not to be this round.”

    The comment wasn’t taken the way he meant it. There had to be a way to fix this. “Sit up let me look at you.” Lex waited for her to move and she did so quickly. It was impossible to tell anything in her over sized pajamas. “I can’t really get a good look.” He spoke as she posed in front of him.

    Chloe’s eyes lowered to her body while her fingers touched the top button of her shirt. “Would you like to get a good look?” She questioned him softly.

    If he wasn’t mistaken Chloe was asking him if he wanted her to take her clothes off to have a look at her body. His lips curved into a small smile. It had only been a few weeks since she officially started letting him in but there was no way he was getting this close.

    “Chloe what are you doing?” He questioned her reluctantly.

    Her hands dropped and she sighed long and hard. “I don’t know.” She murmured so low he almost didn’t hear. “Somehow it’s easier if I don’t…” she paused looking back at the glow of the TV.

    “It’s easier if you don’t what Chloe?” Lex wanted her to answer him but he had a good idea of what she was going to say next.

    She breathed and placed a hand on his chest. “It’s easier if we play this like a game for now.”

    Lex placed his hand on top of her hand. “You want to play?” The confusion was clear in his voice.

    “If I don’t over think it…” Chloe started then she finished.

    “Then it makes it easier.” Lex placed his other hand around the curve of her face. If she wanted to play then he was happy to go along with it. “You want more from me than the usual?” Her head nodded once in response. It was all he needed to know. Without saying the words he assumed they were both talking about sex.

    “Do you want to see where I’m round?” Chloe questioned him getting back to the game.

    “I’ll be the judge of that.” He spoke taking his hands back to let her do as she was before. “Show me.”

    The buttons started to be slowly undone and Lex could see the hint of her skin. When she was finished she reached to open the cotton covering. The first thing he saw was a trail of flushed skin leading to her rounded breasts and peaking nipples. His gaze moved down to her stomach just like he remembered. Chloe never saw her self very clearly.

    “Well do you see it?” She questioned breathing heavy. Lex could only wonder if her harsh breath had to do with him looking at her turning on her or him looking at making her worry about what it meant.

    “Can you lie back please so I can get a closer look?” Lex instructed and waited to see her reaction.

    Her head nodded once and she moved to lie back against the pillows. Lex watched her breasts fall into place as she did. He slowly turned around and sat on his knees to face her. The length of him towered over her and her body was planted to the bed waiting for him.

    “Let’s see what you think is round.” Lex looked at her face before moving his hand toward her. She was giving him a half smile. It was a good sign that what they were doing was okay.

    His hand hovered over her but didn’t touch her. “I think I see something round.” Lex spoke letting his index finger trace around her navel. She squirmed a little but it wasn’t away from him because she was laughing. “Still ticklish there?” He repeated the motion to get the same response.

    “Lex.” She spoke between giggles.

    Taking the hint he moved on to body parts that were of a more delicate nature than Chloe’s navel. His finger swiped up to her waiting breast. The first stop was to the right breast and the dark area surrounding the nipple.

    “This is also round.” His finger traced around the right breast then he moved to the left. He didn’t even touch her nipples but they started to stiffen just knowing how close he was to them.

    For the moment Lex had ignored his own body to enjoy seeing Chloe’s until he felt the twitch at his groin. His body wanted more than to just to touch Chloe that night. The little game would have to stop because he didn’t think he could take the pain of having to stop.

    “You don’t think I’m too rounded?” Chloe spoke softly again. It seemed like she was still into it. It could be that he was over thinking it and he had to answer before she got concerned.

    He moved closer, lowering his body over her to let his lips rest at her ear. “I think you look perfect.” His voice was low and he waited for her to push him away. They were getting closer than holding each other or sharing a few kisses. Game or not he was pushing her to far.

    “Kiss me.” Chloe answered him reaching to pull him towards her eager mouth.

    He stopped thinking about how close he was to having Chloe. Lex let himself enjoy the moment. It was going to be a Merry Christmas this year.


    Chapter 13 Not a Game (Chloe POV)

  2. #102
    NS Senior Member Senior Member lj715's Avatar
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    09 May 2005

    Re: Crawling Back (R) Chapter 12 Part2 11/11/08

    Great update! This one is still my favorite one of all your fics I think, very cruel of you to leave it there though. Can;t wait for more.

  3. #103
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    23 Nov 2002

    Re: Crawling Back (R) Chapter 12 Part2 11/11/08

    That was a great update but why stop there. I wanted more kissing.
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  4. #104
    Happy-ending addict Senior Member lexie's Avatar
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    In RL:Argentina. In my dreams: Lexland

    Re: Crawling Back (R) Chapter 12 Part2 11/11/08

    An update at last! I absolutely adore the way Emma is warming to Lex and the fact that Martha doesn´t let his son´s animosity towards the billionaire stand in her way to show Lex her affection.

    Lex´s patience is finally paying off and I agree with Hope, it was mean to cut that scene short.

    Lovely update. I hope our feedback eggs on your muse.
    Thxs to beeej for the avi



    "Choices"May 30 '11

    "At Second Sight" August 21 '11




  5. #105
    NS Full Member
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    Re: Crawling Back (R) Chapter 12 Part2 11/11/08

    It seems that I was a bad reviewer again! So I'm sorry!

    Your story is really great.

    I love the relationship between Emma and Lex. I'm glad that she accepts him as he is. This is what I like about children they don't judge as adults do.

    I'm glad that the relationship between Chloe and Lex is on a good read.

    Concerning Lois and Clark I think that I will just ignore them!

    I hope to read more soon.

  6. #106
    looking for updates Senior Member somethingeasy's Avatar
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    Re: Crawling Back (R) Chapter 12 Part2 11/11/08

    It was as if the manor hadn’t been dead for years. The smells, the sounds and the sight of the place were all the things Lex remembered when he was a child. The one thing missing was his mother telling him not to pick at things when his senses overwhelmed him.

    At the moment the only thing really overwhelming him was Chloe. It wasn’t fair to have a woman that drove you mad with no outlet for the feelings. Being with them both made him happy but there were rules Lex had to follow.
    This was a brilliant start to the chapter. I loved Lex’s lovely description of ‘life’ returning back to his cold, dead, morgue-like manor. It’s amazing to see how much he dotes on his new ‘adopted family’, and how much he depends on them to make him feel... well... feel anything really! Joy, happiness, alive, passion, fulfilment... all the beautiful emotions that most people take for granted.

    LOL! I was also greatly amused about how Lex could ‘almost’ hear his mother’s voice scolding him not to ‘pick at things’ that fascinated him during the festive times at the manor. And I giggled hysterically at the thought of Lex wanting to apply his childish urge to ‘touch and pick’ at the thing that most fascinates him now... Chloe! LOL!

    Her giggles bubbled up each time they touched the wind in just the right way to make the helicopter bounce. Her eyes widened when she got a full view of Smallville from high in the air. Lex dreamed he was as brave as she was at her age. It had to be Chloe that brought it out then again, it could be her late father. No matter where it came from the trip was a success.
    I loved the thought of Lex feeling so much joyous pleasure seeing Emma enjoying herself so much. He was honestly experiencing the helicopter ride anew through her, wasn’t he? Kids are wonderful that way! They allow you a chance to recapture the wonder of ‘first times’ no matter how old and jaded you get. And I rather liked the generous way Lex admitted that a part of Emma’s charm might have come from her late father as well as from Chloe. He’s finding it easier to accept ‘the rival blood’ inside of this adorable pseudo-daughter of his.

    “Silly, you get a cookie.” She smiled at him warmly. Lex felt his heart do the same. How someone could accept him so fully was beyond him.

    Emma’s kindness he equated to her youth. She was too young see that when people met him they fled. Her ability to accept him was because she didn’t know any better. Lex hoped she would always see him this way.
    Awwww! Wasn’t that soooo cute?! LOL! I think I can see Lex falling in love with the artless, effortless charm of this mini-seductress with every passing minute.

    Lex never stood a chance of mounting up his defences against Emma actually. Given his tendency to fall madly in love with anyone who shows him the slightest bit of non-judgemental acceptance, coupled with the fact that this is Chloe daughter, it was inevitable that Lex would fall head over heels in love with this child.

    Chloe said she could answer the door alone but he wasn’t about to start off hiding out from her family. As they walked out of the kitchen into the hall Emma grabbed his hand. He assumed it was to show her the right way to go as he did the first time she was in the manor but part of him wanted it to be because she trusted him.
    LOL! Just LOOK at big, bad Luthor... grabbing onto any excuse to fall even more in love with the kid. He’s bound determined to place her (as well as her mother) or a worshipful pedestal, isn’t he?

    “Not really.” She answered taking Emma into her arms and moving in to the manor.

    “Lois.” Chloe spoke in a sharp tone.

    “What I’m I suppose to lie to her?” Lois answered in her own sharp tone.
    Even by Lois’s standards, That. Was. RUDE!!! Honestly, you DON’T tell an excited, enthusiastic six year old that you’re dead prepared for a horrible time ahead. She might actually take you seriously, and end up re-thinking her own enthusiasm for the party. Try to think before you speak, Lois. I’m impressed that Lex kept himself from snidely snapping at her.

    *sigh* and Clark really wasn’t much better with his behaviour either. I know that he didn’t want to celebrate Christmas at the Luthor manor, and that he was ONLY here because he loved Chloe, and didn’t want to disappoint her. But he COULD at least have executed some of those manners that Martha has instilled in him, and acted gracious and civilised towards his host.

    At least Martha was able to make up for Lois and Clark’s ungracious behaviour upon arrival. And hopefully she’ll be having some choice words with Clark about basic manners later.

    No one thanked him.

    Maybe that came later.
    Heh... I can tell that Lex is pretty peeved and indignant over here, which was kind of funny. But it was also sad because I sensed he might have been a little wounded too?

    LOL! Not all that wounded however, because I’m pretty sure that, at this point, Lex doesn’t really care ‘that’ much about Lois’s or Clark’s opinions about him.

    “We are here for Chloe and Emma.” Lois went on. “We are here because this is what she wanted. Do you get that?”

    After all these years Lex never thought much of Lois and right now he was about to stand down. The only reason Lois was speaking to him now was the same reason Lex let her think she had won. “I understand Lois that you would never do anything on my behalf.” Lex answered more curtly then he should have.
    Lois is still tactless, but you have to admire her very direct, open manner of expressing dislike towards someone. I actually think Lex HUGELY prefers this manner of dislike as compared to the back-biting whispers that he hears whenever people think he’s out of ear-shot.

    Clark was free of all the bags and had his hand was on Lois’ shoulder. “We don’t have to warn him. I think he knows what he would be losing now better then ever.” Clark looked to him with knowing eyes.

    It was true. Lex knew what he would be losing because he lost it before. “Then we all have an understanding of one another.” Lex spoke then started down the hall away from them.
    Wow! I was seriously impressed. That was a very astute, insightful and even sharply cutting comment from Clark. It was considerably above his ‘normal’ standards of cutting remarks, LOL! I loved how Clark knew (and noted) how ‘losing Chloe’ would be the absolutely worst kind of punishment that could happen to Lex... and there was nothing Lois or Clark could do to top that. Screwing up with Chloe will have its own horrible punishment that Lex is deathly afraid of... he doesn’t need additional threats. Heh.... verrry nice, Clark!

    If Lois and Clark were warning him about his treatment of Chloe it could only mean one thing. He was closer then he thought to having her back fully. Whatever Chloe told them to got them and that meant he was so close.
    I didn’t see this perspective, but now that Lex mentions it... Hell yeah! LOL! Who would have imagined Lex would have been able to see the bright, silver lining in this situation, ROTFL!

    Emma had written out her father’s name then covered it in silver glitter. It was a reminder Lex didn’t need of what came before him. He started to wonder how much of Troy did Emma remember and how he would never be able to compete with those memories. The only hope was that she would make a new space for him.
    All of the traditional and home-made decorations that had been brought over to the Luthor manor sounded absolutely lovely! And that last decoration commemorating Troy made me nearly tear up.

    I also found my heart aching at the wistful tone in Lex’s thoughts as he wondered whether he’d ever be able to carve out a place for himself in Emma’s life and heart, separate (but perhaps still equal) to the love she has for her father. The poor man is so desperate to have this child’s love... I think he’s actually a little afraid of Emma, and the power she wields over him.

    She took his hand and he led her to where Lois and Clark were holding each other close. Lex let her place her feet on top of his so she was bit higher but she was still far too low. Holding her hands he started to sway them to the music. When he looked down at her she was beaming up at him. How could someone not fall in love with this little girl?
    Awwww!!! The sweetness here is sending me into sugar-shock, LOL! The party members seem to be loosening up, and have started dancing around the Christmas tree instead of scowling at the Luthor walls, LOL! I loved the imperious way that Emma demanded that Lex dance with her. She’s really enjoying having him wrapped up around her finger.

    I would REALLY love to see Lex’s attempt at disciplining this child. It’s, quite frankly, easy to like a child when you have the freedom to give her whatever she wants to please her. But it’s not that easy liking the same child when you’re seeing her throwing a tantrum fit because you have to say ‘no’ to her.

    Lex had to look like a fool but he didn’t really care. Emma was having fun as was everyone else. It was going along the way he hoped it would.
    Isn’t it NICE to see Lex completely discarding his ‘Luthor dignity’ to please the little girl?! Awesome... and fun too! LOL!

    The noise of Lois’ giggle while Clark spun her was gone. Emma talking to Martha about tomorrows’ events disappeared. Gabe’s approving stare wasn’t noticed. Only the sound of Chloe’s breathing to the music was what he noticed.

    There were far too few moments like this for Lex when he was able to hold Chloe close. His chance to hear her breath hitch every now and then was encouraging. The scent of her skin filled the room and he fought the urge to breathe it in heavy.

    Her lips were so close but he couldn’t reach out to them. Then she mouthed something to him understanding each word. “I want to kiss you.” She breathed.

    “Later.” He mouthed back to her. Then the song ended far too soon.
    What a lovely, awesome scene! I wonder whether Emma is subconsciously (or even consciously?) playing matchmaker between ‘Mr. Lex’ and her mommy. It doesn’t really fit into Emma’s behaviour for her to be playing matchmaker… considering that she’s still in the middle of grieving her father, and is nowhere near ready to ‘replace him’. It’s going to be a while yet before Emma is ready to accept Lex as anything more than ‘mommy’s friend’. Hmmmm, it would be pretty interesting to see Emma throwing the world’s most severe hissy-fit if she found out that Lex is trying to ‘replace’ her daddy.

    But those are all concerns for another day. Right now, I was having a LOVELY time revelling in the beautiful Chlex slow-dance moment. It was wonderful to read! I loved, LOVED seeing Lex ‘losing himself’ in the dance, until he couldn’t see anything, acknowledge anything EXCEPT for Chloe in his arms. Isn’t it amazing seeing how he can so easily become completely wrapped up with her?!

    And it seems like Chloe also had a similar reaction. I can’t believe that she was so overwhelmed that she actually whispered to Lex that she wanted to kiss him… in front of her friends, family and Emma too!! She had really lost herself completely to the overwhelming sensuality of the moment, hadn’t she?

    Heh… good thing Lex managed to keep JUST enough of a sense of discretion to tell her that ‘this’ was not the place to be kissing. Not that he wouldn’t have minded ‘branding’ Chloe in front of Clark, Lois and Gabe… but he’s not ready to deal with Emma’s possibly negative reaction to him blatantly putting the moves on her mommy.

    He could pop in to see how she was but, then again, Emma could be in her room. If that were the case there was no way he would be getting any sort of return on her request to kiss him. There could be the chance to be with them both again that wasn’t a bad thing. Then again he couldn’t push himself on them.
    Every time I get myself angrily worked up over Lex’s scheming, sneaky plan to ‘sidle’ his way back into Chloe’s life without her fully being aware of what he’s doing… he does something like this to completely derail my outrage. How does the sneaky bastard manage to ALSO have qualities like generosity and patience in him on top of the sneakiness?! LOL!

    When Lex turned away from her Chloe was waiting behind him. She and Emma were dressed alike for bed that night. They were wearing red cotton pajamas covered in white snow flakes. She smiled at him patting his arm as he walked out of the room. To him he wished it was a secret sign that he would see her later but there were no guarantees.
    awww, that g’night kiss Lex gave to Emma was lovely. And I really enjoyed the hard, stern way he told himself NOT to get his hopes up for a secret ‘let’s meet up for midnight smut’ sign from Chloe just because she happened to smile and pat his arm before slipping off to her room. That sweet, ridiculous man, LOL!

    Only in his black silk pajama pants he paused before opening the door thinking he should cover his bare chest. Once his fingers were around the top to the pajama set he let it go. If that was Chloe on the other side of door he wanted to see her reaction to his half naked body.
    ROTFL! He’s such a smooth, sophisticated seducer… but he’s also just like some teenaged jock who wants to show off his muscles to the ‘pretty girl he has a crush on’, LOL!

    Planting himself firmly Lex didn’t want to get carried away so he concentrated on her mouth moving against his. Her delicate fingers tickled his skull then moved down the carved features of his bare chest. Going without a shirt was starting to be a good idea.

    Lex let himself fist both his hands in her hair flowing free down her back. After which he felt the gentle nudge of her palm on his chest. Lex took the hint to let her move the way she wanted to which meant she moved back away from him. Her body didn’t go far but he lost her lips. His eyes opened to find her smiling up at him.

    “Can we start this?” Chloe waved the box passed his face once stepping back away from him.
    What is Chloe up to this evening? She’s definitely sending Lex positive signals for touching, intimacy and closeness… but she’s giving him signals first for night of platonic cuddling, and then a signal for hot sex… followed immediately by a sign for cuddling.

    Heh… the kiss was pretty awesome though.

    “Are you going sit?” Lex’s attention was drawn to the sound of her voice. He must have looked like a fool standing in wait next to the bed. She was huddled in the covers eyeing him with caution. “Don’t you want to sit in the bed?” She questioned and it seemed like she had realized his hesitation before he could say it.
    I was really amused by Lex’s wrestling uncertainty as the poor guy tried to figure out WHAT was the situation over here. The poor man’s mind was stuck in stalled mode with a gear popped out. I could practically see the ‘blue screen on doom’ in his mind… ‘the system has unexpectedly crashed, please reboot’. LOL!

    He must have spent a looong couple of minutes just stuck not knowing what to do. Chloe actually had to prod him into joining her on his bed beside her?!? ROTFLMAO! Who would have imagined the day where I saw Lex hesitating so long before jumping into bed with Chloe. LOL!

    For a few moments Lex forced himself to look at the television and not think of anything else. He failed miserably at it. Chloe decided to trace circles and lines over his chest. Her fingers trailed down the length of his abs back and forth. At one point he felt her head turn into him and he heard her breathing hitch as if she was smelling him.

    His hands were no better. As he predicted his hands traced the line of her body and pulled through her long blonde locks. They touched each other in silence getting closer to uncharted territory then backing away.

    Part of him wanted badly to take his free had and to reach under her chin then pull her face towards him. He was so close to pushing their new found relationship into a place it hadn’t been in ages.
    That was a lovely, sexy-hot description of Chloe and Lex enjoying each other’s bodies… in a relatively innocent and relishing kind of way. It was beautiful to see them both taking such profound pleasure in touching in each in basically non-sexual ways. They were bonding and re-connecting with each other, weren’t they? What a lovely way to come slowly back to the relationship they used to have.

    Heh… and I really liked the way that Lex TOLD himself that it wasn’t a good idea for him to drive himself crazy touching Chloe when he wasn’t sure whether he’d be able to take it anywhere further. But, despite this good, stern advice, he simply couldn’t stop his hands from roaming. Isn’t it NICE to see the complete lack of self-control Lex has around Chloe?

    She breathed and placed a hand on his chest. “It’s easier if we play this like a game for now.”

    Lex placed his hand on top of her hand. “You want to play?” The confusion was clear in his voice.

    “If I don’t over think it…” Chloe started then she finished.

    “Then it makes it easier.” Lex placed his other hand around the curve of her face. If she wanted to play then he was happy to go along with it. “You want more from me than the usual?” Her head nodded once in response. It was all he needed to know. Without saying the words he assumed they were both talking about sex.
    I was wondering what was Chloe doing playing games with Lex when he was clearly getting stressed out wondering what was happening. It wasn’t like Chloe to tease and manipulate in that manner. But then she actually TOLD Lex directly that she wanted to tease in a game-like manner, which made it a lot truer to Chloe’s character. She wouldn’t normally play games, but if she TELLS him beforehand that she’s playing, then it’s all true and fair.

    I also liked her explanation about how playing games made it somehow ‘easier’ for her to accept Lex in such an intimate manner. She clearly needs intimacy from him tonight, but she’s still not ready to commit to a relationship… so this is the best compromise she can make for herself and for Lex.

    “Can you lie back please so I can get a closer look?” Lex instructed and waited to see her reaction.

    Her head nodded once and she moved to lie back against the pillows. Lex watched her breasts fall into place as she did. He slowly turned around and sat on his knees to face her. The length of him towered over her and her body was planted to the bed waiting for him.

    “Let’s see what you think is round.” Lex looked at her face before moving his hand toward her. She was giving him a half smile. It was a good sign that what they were doing was okay.
    I wasn’t sure how Lex might take Chloe’s request to make a ‘game’ out of this. On one hand, he’s dead serious about what’s happening, and he wouldn’t want it ‘trivialized’ as any kind of a game… but on the other hand… he’s FINALLY getting to touch Chloe as he’s wanted for AGES now. Heh… it seems like the pleasure of the chance to touch Chloe far outweighs any possible resentment of having this evening categorized as ‘game playing’. He’s actually having fun with the ‘rules’ as they’re being made up.

    “This is also round.” His finger traced around the right breast then he moved to the left. He didn’t even touch her nipples but they started to stiffen just knowing how close he was to them.

    For the moment Lex had ignored his own body to enjoy seeing Chloe’s until he felt the twitch at his groin. His body wanted more than to just to touch Chloe that night. The little game would have to stop because he didn’t think he could take the pain of having to stop.

    “You don’t think I’m too rounded?” Chloe spoke softly again. It seemed like she was still into it. It could be that he was over thinking it and he had to answer before she got concerned.
    I loved the sensuality of this scene. I loved the way that Chloe was enjoying Lex caressing her body and telling her everything that he loved most about it. And, more than anything, I loved reading Lex’s reaction to touching Chloe’s body as well as her reaction to his touches. He was reaching nearer to the edge of his control… and isn’t he HOT when he’s fighting to keep himself controlled for the sake of his beloved?

    He moved closer, lowering his body over her to let his lips rest at her ear. “I think you look perfect.” His voice was low and he waited for her to push him away. They were getting closer than holding each other or sharing a few kisses. Game or not he was pushing her to far.

    “Kiss me.” Chloe answered him reaching to pull him towards her eager mouth.

    He stopped thinking about how close he was to having Chloe. Lex let himself enjoy the moment. It was going to be a Merry Christmas this year.
    Aaaargh!!! You ended it there?!? THERE??!? Why do you torture us like this?! JUST as the smut was building up to delicious levels!

    LOL! Seriously though, it was actually a GREAT, delicious cliffhanger. Perfect to leave your readers hungry for more, more, MORE! Please update soon. The next chapter title looks especially intriguing… ‘not a game’, huh? I guess Chloe’s going to be forced to acknowledge the serious reality of the situation instead of dismissing it as ‘fun frivolity for one evening only’. Awesome! I look forward to the next posting.

  7. #107
    NS Senior Member Senior Member letia84's Avatar
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    In the lab.

    Crawling Back (R/NC-17) Chapter 13 12/07/08

    Chapter 13 Not a Game Part 1 (Chloe POV)

    Those that have been reading beware this chapter’s shift into NC-17 material for sexual content.

    The sound Lex made when Chloe asked him to kiss her rang in her ears. A long grunt sneaked from his lips before he met hers. His hand curved around her neck to pull her closer to him then she felt the warmth of his tongue sliding into her mouth.

    As the night progressed she could feel this moment coming. She and Emma arrived at Luthor Corp. on time to catch the helicopter off to Smallville. Chloe was scared her kitty would close her eyes and scream the whole way there.

    On planes Emma was fine. They were large enough that you didn’t feel turbulence unless it was really bad. Another plus was the large space that allowed room to move. Walking about the cabin wasn’t a problem in a plane. She could visit the rest room or say “hi” to the flight attendant.

    A helicopter was small. Every touch of the wind was felt inside its tiny cabin. You could see the ground below very well because you weren’t flying high in the clouds. Emma could have taken the ride badly but she took to it like a pro.

    Chloe was allowing herself to see Lex in a new light. It was only a few weeks since they were kissing in the Kent barn but that was like opening the flood gate. She wanted to touch him when no was looking of course. Her mind kept having thoughts that were dirtier and dirtier with each passing day.

    Chloe had mastered control over her urges because she wasn’t comfortable with them yet. Of course there was the idea of a point of no return. If she truly was going to let Lex in more than that meant not only spending the holiday together but letting him into physical parts of her when they were alone.

    It was no lie that she was attracted to him. There was no hiding when she was close to him. Lex had way of looking at her that she knew better than to be alone with him for fear of jumping him in an instant. That night had been hard. They were in the kitchen with Emma and the entire time she wanted to kiss him.

    Lex had learned to be very patient with Emma just like she hoped. Doing anything that was affectionate in front of Emma would be the wrong move. Chloe knew herself but predicting Emma’s reaction was harder. If Emma thought Lex was taking over as her father Chloe didn’t know. The thought was far from Chloe’s mind. She was still working out the details.

    There was the secret touching that would have to stop until Chloe had a chance to talk to her daughter. Lex’s hand would brush behind her back or their bodies would collide trying to get things ready for dinner that night. All of it was very distracting. She felt like a teenager because she couldn’t stop day dreaming about kissing. It was the reason she placed herself at the table with Emma to decorate cookies before everyone arrived.

    Throughout the night Lex faired well with her family. He didn’t have to do any of this. She had a feeling if it were up to him it would be her and Emma with him. If it was up to him Chloe knew Lex thought Emma would be his.

    The evening was fine for Chloe as well but the pointed glances he gave made her rethink taking things slowly. Slower seemed to be the way to go because rushing might make her head spin and the truth could be clouded by it.

    After their dance Chloe was ready to throw out her rules and kiss him right in front of everyone. It was dangerous whispering to him the way she did but she had to say something to break the tension between them.

    But she knew she couldn’t do anything in front of Emma. Lois would understand. She had already filled Clark in that her friendship with Lex was really not a friendship anymore. Her father knew well enough after they talked about spending the holidays in the manor. Martha was never one to judge when it came to matters of the heart.

    If Chloe let Lex in that far it meant that he had to stay. If one day Lex was there then gone the next how would Emma fair?

    Now that they were alone, hidden in his room, all her careful control went out the window. She thought kissing him at the door calmed the urges but they only got strong once she was in his bed.

    She saw through his plan to be topless. If he wanted to get a reaction out of her Lex didn’t have to do much. Chloe thought if he wanted to play then she would try a hand at it herself. Games were never her way. Being up front with what she wanted always made more sense.

    The feel of his hand taking hold of her breast at the moment pulled her out of their little game. Her hands braced against his chest the best she could and she nudged him back. Lex took in a harsh breathe as he let himself move away. He had made himself comfortable at Chloe’s side pressed against the length of her. He then rolled over onto his back taking in deep breaths.

    “I’m sorry.” It was the best thing Chloe could say to him. Toying with him wasn’t making either of them happy.

    “It’s alright.” She could hear the disappointment in his voice.

    Chloe looked down at herself and saw her half naked body. When her eyes met Lex again he was sitting upright now leaning against the headboard of the bed holding out her top to put back on.

    It appeared as if he thought this was over but nudging him away wasn’t meant to be the end of evening. “Lex I don’t want to stop.” Chloe spoke plainly. This was who she was. Letting him in by some silly game wasn’t.

    “Then why…” He paused looking at her with a pained expression.

    In the heat of the moment his body had become flush and his chest was now a light shade of pink. He was flustered and never finished his thought. Chloe had seen this before. Lex wasn’t much for focusing on other things when it came to sex. He became engrossed in it and it was something she used to love. The thought of him wanting nothing more than to find pleasure in her was something about him that hadn’t changed.

    “Lex, I’m sorry I shouldn’t have come at it this way.” Chloe took the shirt from his hand still holding out to her. Trying to make this easier on them both she draped the top over her naked flesh.

    “Maybe we should just call it a night.” He started to turn to leave the bed. The dim light from the TV was still shinning on them and she could see his disappointment clearly.

    The thought of him giving up so quickly made her feel bad. She had put him in such an awkward position. Before he could get away she grabbed his arm. “Just wait a second. Let me explain.”

    He settled back against the headboard waiting for her to speak. She wasn’t sure how to put this since this mess was her fault but she could fix it. “I didn’t mean for this to happen this way.”

    “Chloe this didn’t seem to be your style to me either but I thought you said it would be easier if you didn’t over think it.” Lex threw her words back at her.

    She wanted to trample over them. Over thinking was how she was an amazing journalist. It was also how she got herself into trouble. Going the other way had her in trouble now too. She couldn’t win.

    “I know what I said and it was a bad choice of words.” Chloe ran her fingers through her hair trying to think of her intentions in coming to his room tonight.

    Of course there was the need to kiss him but once she was doing it she didn’t want to push things too far. It was her idea to sit in the bed and once he was in it with her pushing things become a good idea again. Some how making the first few moments of getting to what she wanted a game made it easier but she couldn’t start things off this way.

    “If you want to have sex with me all you have to do is say so.” Lex reached her hair as well to brush back the length over her shoulder.

    “I know that but this is new to me.” Chloe tried to think of the last time she was with anyone but she didn’t want to start thinking of Troy at a time like this so she let the thought pass. Acting on her attraction to him was what this was about. “I thought I could do it that way but I can’t.”

    He looked at her for what seemed like forever before speaking. “I don’t mind taking whatever route you want. In the end I just want to be with you.” He moved closer to find her lips again. A soft brush of his mouth to hers was all he gave her then spoke softly. “I just want you Chloe.”

    When he pulled away Chloe felt her heart beating out of her chest. “Lex I want you too but I’m scared.” Chloe started letting herself move closer to him but kept her body covered. With one hand she moved up the hard lines of his chest towards his cheek. “If we do this it will mean a lot to me.”

    “It will mean a lot to me too.” His eyes closed as she touched the lines of his jaw then her thumb swept passed his lower lip. When he opened his eyes they were pleading. She swallowed hard making an audible gulp.

    “I’ll be going back to a place I didn’t think I would ever be again.” Lex stopped her touching and pulled her hand down to his chest just over his heart. He was letting her feel the steady rhythm pick up with every passing second. “This isn’t like before. There is more then just me to think about.”

    “I understand if you have to talk to Emma about us.” He was being so understanding. Chloe wondered if it was to get to the goal of being pressed against her again but the past few months had taught her better than that.

    “I should have done it sooner. When we get back to the city I will talk to her but I don’t know what to say.” This felt right. Chloe knew what that meant. It was so easy the first time to fall for Lex. The second time seemed no different. The only difference was how it would affect the most important thing in her life.

    “Just tell her we care about each other and we will see more of each other.” Lex answered and she could see him fighting the urge to do something before she gave him the okay.

    “I can say that but is that all this is?” Chloe need some reassurance. “The more you’re around the harder it will be for Emma to let you go if…” She paused not wanting to speak of their past.

    “I know I’m not her father but I can be a part of her life no matter what?” It was an understatement that he adored Emma. The look of concern in his eyes at the thought of losing her pierced through Chloe.

    Chloe nodded, happy that he had taken to Emma but it what she also a new fear. “I can’t let things go the way they did last time.” There couldn’t be any lingering mistakes from ten years ago.

    “We know better than that now or at least I know better than that now.” Lex’s heart was pounding now and it had to be because Chloe was reaching down to kiss his hand resting on hers.

    The soft sigh that passed his lips had her decided on what she was trying to hide from in games. So many things were keeping her from letting this happen. Emma’s well being was top of her list. Letting her powers fail Troy was next. Now the past that could repeat itself was in front of them. If Chloe was going to let go this time she would have to put that past behind her.

    “I don’t know if I should say this but I’m going to love you again. There is no stopping it. When you’re gone I miss you and when your here it feels right. I may be saying this to fast but this is not a game and I can’t lie” His hand squeezed her when she said it. The gesture seemed like he was checking if she was real.

    It was the truth. The more he was around. The more she was near him. The more she saw him becoming apart of her little family. Chloe knew each step would bring her back to where she used to. Giddy at the sight of his shiny bald head coming towards her. She would feel her body tremble whenever he kissed her. The most forgotten feeling of loving him so much it physically hurt when he was away was going to come next.

    A certain relief washed over her. The more he was around the more Chloe would fall. He had to know this. Saying it up front was her way. He had to see what he would be gaining and how much it would hurt to fall back into hold habits.

    “When you know you love me tell me. I promise this time I won’t wait so long to say it back. I’ll tell you right after.” Before she could answer him he was kissing her.

    His arms wrapped around her and Chloe gave him the closeness he was looking for. Her arms moved around his neck and she let him have control of her tasting his mouth then his slick tongue.

    She knew what he said was more then just remembering the first time she told him she loved him. She felt like a love sick child that night wrapped in his arms. The words passed between them and weren’t retuned till much later. Right now that memory wasn’t important. If Lex was willing to say it right back then he was willing to say it right now.

    Lex loved her.

    It was something she didn’t think possible after being apart so long but there he was showing her in every way possible. He nudged them back on to the mattress pulling away the cotton covering to let her body be free again. When his lips parted hers they didn’t stop moving. They only made a slowly trail down her neck to her throat and down to the line of chest leading to her navel and back again.

    Once he had returned to her mouth he stopped his careful work. “What?” Chloe questioned him looking down at her.

    “Are you sure?” He asked reluctantly. “We can wait.”

    There was no way to be sure if this was the right move but Chloe wanted this. She wanted this to outweigh the pressing issues that could never arise. “You said all I had to do was come to you. So here I am.” Chloe smiled at him waiting from him to go on.

    He was kissing her again but this time with a certain urgent rush. With as much force as he was kissing her Chloe tried to hold on to him. She griped his shoulders pulling him into her. The weight of him pressed against her until he leaned away.

    Chloe had to let go of him unwillingly. Hovering above her was the long line of his body. When she gasped it was because he wasn’t tracing lines down her sides to feel her skin. His fingers took hold of her cotton pajama pants and with one swift motion he took them down along with her underwear.

    It was the moment Chloe’s nerves clicked. She was naked and he was staring. A half smiled formed on his lips and he was moving again. Chloe saw where he wanted to go. She shifted up slightly to give him room to rest between his legs. Instead of coming closer to her he kneeled away then lowered himself even more down the bed.

    It looked as if he was positioning himself to do something Chloe wasn’t expecting. “Lex you don’t have to do that.”

    The half smiled returned. He let one finger move down between her legs towards her. There were no words from him as he slid the finger up from her slick channel towards her throbbing bundle of nerves. An uncontrolled grunt left her lips and he seemed please with himself smiling at her.

    Lex wasn’t much for smiling but there he was grinning at her as he lifted his wet finger to his lips. Chloe watched him taste her wetness and he finally spoke. “I think I do.”

    With those words he was lowering himself and once he was close enough Chloe felt his hot breath blow against her wetness. Her nervousness made her flinch. Chloe let her back arch slightly, her fingers gripped the Egyptian cotton sheets, her buttocks clinched and he saw how tense she was.

    His hands braced her thighs pushing them open wider then softly stroking them. “You can trust me.” Lex reassured her with his stormy blue eyes in the dim light of the room.

    This was the part where she had to gamble and hope she had a winning hand. “I trust you.” As she spoke her body relaxed. This was the moment when she could turn back and let this ride out longer. Waiting seemed unnecessary now that she was naked and in great need for what he was about to do.

    Chloe’s hand moved towards his hand stroking her thigh, to stop him. Then he went ahead with his tongue point forward. There was one soft lick followed by another after which Chloe lost count. There was only the feeling of him hard at work for her. The light touches of his the tongue and the probing of his finger inside her slick channel thrusting in and out.

    The building of her orgasm was strange. Chloe had become accustom to her hands or favorite a sexual toy to lead her to this point. No one had been with her in so long so she stifled the feeling. She squeezed her eyes shut and tried to keep her breathing even. Her hands moved away from Lex to grasp the soft sheets again.

    Lex must have noticed her tension because he stopped. Her eyes opened to look at him staring at her with his lips moistened with her wetness. “No one can hear you.” He smiled again.

    Chloe wasn’t given a chance to answer him because he was back to driving her mad. The sound wasn’t her concern. It was what was coming next. The building of the orgasm came from her center. There was a burning sensation that could kill the moment but it was extremely pleasant. She choked on his name and that made him change his work.

    A second finger joined the first. His lips covered her clit and started to suck so sweetly. Then Chloe had no room to be concerned about her nerves. The sound of her screaming through her orgasm filled the room. Her eyes fused closed and slowly opened to find Lex hovering about her face. His was hand still below her gently swiping back and forth at her entrance.

    “I’m sure no one heard that.” His head cocked to the side and she noted his sarcasm.

    “I wasn’t expecting that.” Chloe admitted to him trying to think of ways to pay him back for teasing.

    “There is more.” He spoke coolly reaching down to pressing his mouth to hers. As there lips parted Chloe could taste herself in his mouth.

    Then she had her pay back planned. She worked him back towards the bed to let him be the one lying down while never leaving the kiss. When he was in place she could see he was no longer flushed pink but red from his efforts just now. Just as he had done to her she let her hands trail down his sides to the hem of his silky bottoms.

    He had to help her pull them off and release the throbbing member that awaited her. She was staring for moment trying to remember the last time she saw him. Every ripple and inch she couldn’t recall from looking.

    “Look in the night stand.” Lex’s words pulled her out of her trance.

    Doing as he said she found the condoms. “Did you put these here thinking that we would do this?” Chloe took one in to her hands then handed it back to him waiting for an answer.

    Lex shook his head no but his answer was different. “I wanted to be ready for any number of possibilities for the next few days.” While he spoke he placed the condom on.

    “Always so caring and creepy Luthor.” Her hair had grown so long that sometimes it got in they way. Now was one of those times. She did her best to take a moment to smooth it back out of the way. Then her body started to move into place.

    He helped by bracing her hips. When she met his eyes she didn’t leave them and watched the tiny changes that happened as she lowered herself. His gripped tightened when the tip of him passed her then his eyes widened when she sat down taking in his length.

    “Fuck.” He grunted. He wasn’t so articulate and she wanted to tell him but she said the word with him.

    The full feeling washed over her before she started to move. Chloe tried to find some comfort by rounding her hips and he grunted the expletive again. This was her payback for poking fun at her screaming.

    The first thrust was small; a simple lift and returned. The second was the start of a rhythm that settled him into low murmurs. His eyes moved down her body while one of his hands followed to explore parts above him. The burning sensation returned threatening to consume them both. She needed to go faster but Chloe feared falling over. Resting against his chest was an option but she liked the feel of his hand pinching one nipple then the other one.

    Then there were his eyes. Chloe had forgotten so much about this part of Lex. His eyes were burning just like she was. It was scary sometimes to see how much he wanted her then oddly reassuring.

    “Help me.” Chloe breathed to him placing her hands at her hips for support.

    He moved his hands so that they were the ones holding her then driving her towards the speed she was missing. The over whelming feeling made her break her focus on him. Her head leaned back and she took in each stroke.

    “Please.” He was pleading. Chloe looked down at him flush with his mouth slightly open trying to gasp for air.

    He was waiting for her to come again. There was no reason she should try to reason with him because he would be stubborn about it. Instead she let herself go with her right hand to push down between. When she found just the right spot Chloe pushed against it and when she looked at Lex he was smiling again.

    How he knew just before she did she would ask later but she was coming again. This time she had some control over her mouth keeping the escaping pleasure to gasp. His smiles twisted due do to her muscles tightening around him. It seemed as if he would follow but he wasn’t done.

    His body moved quickly flipping them over. Chloe had to brace both hands on him in order to allow it. One of his hands lifted her leg against him to let his cock sink deeper and he thrust into her with a sharp force pushing against her tightening muscles.

    When it seemed like he might explode Lex buried his face into her hair whispering her name as he let go. She could feel him spilling into the condom. His body lingered against her for a long moment. It let her enjoy the heat and the weight of him.

    Blowing out a long breathe he pulled away to roll on to his back. “We should do that again.” He spoke.

    Chloe turned to look at him. “When should that be?”

    His head turned slowly then he took her hand resting between to check her wrist as if there was a watch there. “Give me a minute.”

    “Only one minute?” She moved towards him letting one arm curve over his chest.

    “Less if you kiss me.” He gave her the half smile again waiting as he had done so much the past few months.

    Chloe did as he asked kissing him in earnest. When they parted he started leaving the bed. “Where are you going?” She looked at him with uncertainty.

    “Taking care of the condom for a new one.” He answered and left for the bathroom quickly. When he returned Lex followed up on his promise.


    Chloe didn’t want to wake up but someone was calling her name. She knew she was in the manor because her bed didn’t feel this good. Then she felt a hand brushing down her back and she realized she was naked. The hand stopped to squeeze her butt then moved back up.

    “Chloe you have to wake up.” She heard Lex’s voice again and her eyes shot open.

    “Where is Emma?” Chloe turned in bed then sat up looking around her frantically. She was still in Lex’s room. Emma would wake up at any moment thrilled that it was time for presents and she was still in Lex’s room.

    “She’s not up yet but you should get to your room before she is.” He gave her a reassuring pat on the hand.

    Chloe breathed a sigh of relief. “I should hop in the shower.” Jumping out of the bed she started looking for pajamas. “Where are my things?”

    “Right here.” Lex was standing behind her holding out her cloths for her. He was wearing his pajamas as if he had them on all night.

    She remembered the second round. There was more kissing and more exploring parts of his body with her mouth. That round she still had little control over the sounds she made. The sound of her third orgasm would be heard by the whole house if it weren’t for the thick walls of the manor. Chloe could still feel him against her skin but there he was dressed while she was still naked.

    She started to wonder how long he had been up. Instead of asking she was just thankful for her clothes. “Thank you.” She took them from him as he pulled her to him.

    His arm went around her waist to place her as close as he wanted. “Merry Christmas.” He said to her before brushing his lips against hers for moment.

    Chloe didn’t let him get away so quickly and kissed him back more than she should have. His hand fisted into her hair and they started to move back. They weren’t forcing each other. Their bodies had a mind of their own. They were both swaying back towards the bed. He turned them and Chloe felt the bed at the back of her legs. Another second and she would be ripping off his clothes before dipping back on to the bed.

    She had to stop him before the sweaty thrusting started again. “Wait.” She broke the kiss pulling his hand away; one in her hair and the other closed over her breast.

    “Right.” He cleared his throat and stepped away.

    Chloe started dressing while Lex sat down on the bed. When her cloths were in place she looked at him. Last night was lingering in both their minds. What Lex agreed to last night Chloe had to check on Emma before leaving.

    It was one thing for him to want her and it was another for him to want the entire package. “When you said you want me does that mean all of me?”

    “Yes.” He nodded once and Chloe didn’t think he understood the extent of this answer.

    “Lex, I’m not just talking about Emma.” It was important that he understand how deep he would have to go into her life. “I see you with her and I know you accept her as being apart of me but there is more.”

    “I don’t just accept her as apart of you. I adore Emma. How can anyone that meets her not?” He smiled to himself before going on. “Did you see me the other night dancing and spinning around all the while looking like a fool? It was all for her. If I could make her smile like that everyday I’d look like a fool over and over again.”

    Chloe did see him. To her he didn’t look like a fool. He looked like he was having fun. It was what she wanted for everyone and it was nice to see that Lex Luthor could have fun. “I had a good idea a long time ago that you were falling for her but when I say “all me” I mean everyone. Can you take my over bearing cousin, my over protective father as well as my mystery of a best friend and his mother. I want you to accept them too.”

    “If I didn’t then I would have never offered for them to come here.” He replied.

    She smiled knowing that this had to be hard on him. Everyone but Martha seemed to see him as a clone of Lionel. It was always hard for Chloe to be the only one that saw the other sides of Lex. She saw how he did his best to be part of her life little family. She saw him waiting sometimes painfully for her to see that they could never really be friends.

    She saw him last night drinking in every inch of her body. She felt him going to every length possible to please her with his mouth, his hands and other hard parts of his body. Chloe saw him last night the way no one ever saw him.

    “Then I’ll see you downstairs right?” Chloe leaned into him now sitting on the bed.

    “Yes. I’ll wait see if Martha wants to help with breakfast.” He waited for her to get closer and when did he was rewarded with her lips one last time. “I don’t know how I’m going to keep my hands off of you.”

    “Remember what we talked about last night.” Chloe answered. He nodded once before she went on. “After I talk to Emma I’ll feel better about it.”

    He nodded again. “You better go it’s nearly six.”

    Chloe took the hint and ran for her room down the hall. She showered quickly and put on a new pair of panties and a bra then the red snow flaked pajamas. Like clock work Emma woke up at just a little after six am. She rushed into the Chloe’s room from the joining bathroom shouting that it was time.

    They rushed down stairs to the tree was converted into a wonderland for Emma. Chloe had taken care of it with Lois before going to bed or before going to Lex’s bed. She and Lex agreed that was how things would work during their planning. Things were going well as everyone piled into the living room to open gifts.

    When Lex came into the room something hit her. He said he didn’t know if he could keep his hands off her. Now she was wondering the same thing.


    Chapter 13 Not a Game Part 2 (Chloe POV)

  8. #108
    Happy-ending addict Senior Member lexie's Avatar
    Join Date
    26 Jan 2007
    In RL:Argentina. In my dreams: Lexland

    Re: Crawling Back (R/NC-17) Chapter 13 12/07/08

    I´m glad you´re still updating this one, letia. I love how patient Lex has been with Chloe and how considerate he´s being for her not to feel pressured into doing something that might have such a deep impact on her daughter. I´ve always had a weakness for daddy Lex, and I think he´s more than ready for that role now. I understand Chloe´s fear but, somehow, I know her little kitty won´t make such a fuss over seeing Lex as more than just a friend of her mum´s. Lovely work, letia.
    Thxs to beeej for the avi



    "Choices"May 30 '11

    "At Second Sight" August 21 '11




  9. #109
    NS Senior Member Senior Member lj715's Avatar
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    Re: Crawling Back (R/NC-17) Chapter 13 12/07/08

    Yeah...an update! Love that Chloe & Lex finally got together. I think it's sweet that Lex woke Chloe up to go back to her room so Emma wouldn;t think something was wrong. Great job.

  10. #110
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    23 Nov 2002

    Re: Crawling Back (R/NC-17) Chapter 13 12/07/08

    Yes they finally did it. I am so glad she allowed herself to let her guard down. I know it will work this time. Chloe is going to have a heck of a time not being able to touch him.
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

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