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Thread: Parallel Universes And Passionate Embraces (NC-17)

  1. #51
    NS Full Member Sunny's Avatar
    Join Date
    03 May 2003
    Wow wow wow... Your fic is really one of the best I've ever read... It's funny and so... :chlexsign1:
    PLease continue!!!!

  2. #52
    Just a Guest!
    I'M BACK!!!!! You guys are so smart- either that or I’m too predictable. I almost went with the alien route but this worked out better, I thought. If you guys are still like “why did you do it this way?” by the end of this part then you’ll just have to wait and see for future parts to figure out why! Haha!

    Part 5-

    “What I don’t get,” Lex continued, starting out bewildered and growing steadily more and more livid, “is why you made love to me if you knew I was a freak of nature. Did you want to double-check and make sure having sex with a freak would feel the same as with someone totally human? Well, let me tell you- it’s not. I’ve been holding back.”

    Chloe’s jaw dropped and she sat there, naked under the silk sheet, and simply stared at him uncomprehendingly. Her mind furiously worked to process what he had just said, but she could quite wrap her mind around it.

    “Freak? What do you mean?” she demanded.

    “What else would you call-“ Lex grew very still suddenly. He looked at Chloe taking in her pale, shocked face. “Holy fuck. You didn’t know, did you?”

    “I still don’t, really. Explain it to me.”

    “Well, what do you know about me then?”

    “Nothing,” she admitted, feeling a bit guilty. “I just said I did to make you spill your guts.”

    “Well, then why did you say there should be honesty between couple-“

    “Lex!” She wanted to scream in frustration. “Stop avoiding me. What did you mean you’re a freak?”

    Lex shifted uneasily on his feet. He gazed at Chloe as if trying to gage how she’d react to his revelation. His eyes fell and he moved to the bedroom window. He gazed unseeingly out the pane of glass and cleared his throat. “Well,” he began slowly. “Everything changed the day of the meteor shower, as you well know. It’s hard, damn near impossible, to find anyone in Smallville who hasn’t been affected by it. It just so happens that I’ve been affected more than most.” He motioned to his bald head. “If you think that losing my hair was the only way I changed that day then you’re incredibly naïve or just plain dense.”

    Chloe frowned faintly. She wasn’t sure if she should feel incredibly insulted by that remark. Seeing how edgy he was about telling her his secret, she decided to let him off the hook.

    Lex turned around to face her again and attempted a harsh, unpleasant sounding laugh. “Well, that day I traded my hair for psychic powers.”

    “What? You’ve got to be joking. What kind of powers? Can you read my mind? What am I thinking right now then?” She sat up in bed excitedly and the sheet fell off her. Lex drew in a sharp breath at the sight of her bare flesh. Chloe yanked up the sheet again with an embarrassed blush.

    “They don’t work that way. I haven’t actually been able to explore my powers fully. I have pretty much free reign with idiots and weak-willed people. I can read their minds, even control them to some extent. I can plant thoughts, erase memories.” Lex shrugged. “Altering thoughts or catching the merest glimpses into the minds of others has helped me again and again in my business dealings.”

    “Jesus Christ,” Chloe paled again. The concept that Lex could just mess with people’s minds like that was somewhat horrifying. How much had he tinkered around with her brain and she didn’t even know it?

    Lex flinched at the expression on her face. “I’m usually very careful to control my powers. I don’t take advantage of people. Besides, my abilities don’t work on intelligent, strong-willed people unless they consciously let me. However, once you invite me in, you can’t uninvite me and pretend you never let me in in the first place. Just for the record, I have never touched your mind, Chloe.”

    “Never?” she said incredulously.

    Lex rubbed the back of his neck wearily. “Don’t get me wrong. There were times that I sure wished I could. You're smart and strong-willed, though. Reading your thoughts would mean I would have to tell you about my abilities and you'd have to let me.”

    “Why do you keep your powers a secret?”

    “Are you joking? Everyone would treat me differently if they knew. I’m already ostracized enough being a bald billionaire. No one would ever do business with me if they knew about my abilities. My own father would most likely gladly donate me to science. I’d be his little lab-rat son. I don’t know about you, but sounds like fun to me,” he said sarcastically.

    “Why didn’t you tell me about them?” she asked. “It seems like a pretty big secret to keep from you fiancée.”

    Lex was silent for a long moment. “I was afraid to. I wanted to figure out a way to tell you without having you freak out. What I preferably wanted was for you to gradually get used to the idea that you were engaged to a man with telepathic abilities. I didn’t want to spring them on you like I am now.”

    “I don’t want to sound like an bitch, but I don’t think there’s anyway you can gradually tell anyone something like this,” she told him.

    He sat on the bed again. “Look, I’m sorry.” He reached out to pat one of her legs consolingly. Chloe jerked away from his touch without quite knowing why she did. Lex froze. An onslaught of emotions flickered in his eyes until he lowered his eyelids. When he spoke his voice was heart-breakingly bleak. “I didn’t want you to treat me differently, think less of me. The thing that terrified me the most was the possibility that I could lose your love.”

    Then he stood up and left the room before she could so much as open her mouth in response. She stood up to run after him but her head throbbed in protest at the sudden moment and she sat back down on the bed. Then she realized that she was naked and threw on some clothes. By the time she made it downstairs the butler told her that Lex had driven off somewhere.

    She slowly walked upstairs and back to the bedroom, feeling very tired. She fell into the bed, clothes and all and drifted off to sleep again.

    Lex didn’t come home until late that night and he slept in another room. She didn’t see him at all the next day either or the day after that. He was obviously avoiding her. At first she was oddly relieved that he wasn’t around. She needed to think on what he’d said, sort out her muddled feelings. However, his absence by the end of the week began of deeply trouble her. The house felt even more huge and empty without him in it. She wandered aimlessly down the halls, wondering if he was hiding in one of the dozens of rooms. She managed to discover which room he was sleeping at night- it was the one with the only other unmade bed in the house. She also became more and more convinced that she didn’t belong here, in this dimension. She just wanted everything to go back to normal, where she could pretend that she didn’t feel anything for Lex. Maybe once in her dimension she could make it through a day without missing him, yearning for his touch.

    In the middle of the second week of Lex’s disappearance Chloe got a visit from none other than Aunt Tally.

    She’d been in the library when the butler announced her presence and showed her in. It was utterly shocking to see Aunt Tally in a dark blue tailored pantsuit. Her silvery gray hair wasn’t long and braided either. It was shoulder length, and obviously meticulously groomed. The Tally that Chloe had first met walked rather languidly, as if nothing could possibly trouble her, while this one had a confident stride that ate up the ground.

    “Hello, Chloe. I’m only dropping by for a minute. I have to run to a trial. How are things?” she asked.

    It was obvious that other Tally had met her, well actually other Chloe, before.

    “Um, ok,” she answered uncertainly.

    Tally spotted the medallion sitting on the table near Chloe. “Anything happen yet?” she asked.

    Chloe’s eyes widened a bit as she realized what Tally must be asking. “Wait a minute! You know about the dimension switching thing?”

    A grin spread across Tally’s face. “I’ll take that as a yes. I gave the Chloe from this dimension that medallion.”

    “You mean this isn’t mine?”

    “No. The medallion itself doesn’t switch dimensions.”

    “How much do you know about it?” Chloe asked, utterly fascinated.

    “I did a lot of research on it when I was given it. Apparently it’s some ancient Celtic relic. They used it to commune with spirits, but they were really contacting other dimensions and didn’t know it. When people came back confused and different they just said that it was the influence of the spirits. Anyway, apparently when a person gets a hold of the medallion in at least one other dimension their other self gets it too. Then, if neither of them feels particularly attached to their dimension, or if one is really unhappy then you get switched.”

    “So, is there anyway to switch back?” Chloe asked.

    Tally frowned. “Why do you want to switch back? No one gets switched to a dimension they can’t stand, from what I’ve read.”

    Chloe sighed. “It’s complicated.”

    “It’s Lex, isn’t it? Does he know?” Tally questioned.


    Tally took a scrap of paper form her purse and scrawled on it. “Here’s my cell number. You tell Lex everything and if you still want to return to your dimension then I’ll tell you how to switch. Deal?”

    Chloe took the piece of paper from her hand and nodded. “Deal.”


  3. #53
    Just a Guest!
    ooh, so now she at least knows for sure she can get back! How's Lex going to react? How has the other Chloe's presence effected the other reality???? More please :biggrin:


  4. #54
    Fic Tease Senior Member Blaire023's Avatar
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    Chesapeake, Va
    <big frowny face>

    <swats Lex upside the head>

    Stupid stupid man. Of course she pulled away from you, you&#39;re a FREAK&#33;...but awww how sweet that she misses him. I&#39;m with Dawnie here, I think I&#39;m a little too anxious to find out what&#39;s happening in the other dimension.


  5. #55
    Just a Guest!

    How could you just leave it there? I swear, every person on this damn board is so evil. Grrrr.

    Please, please write more soon. I need to know what&#39;s going on in the other dimension.

  6. #56
    Queen of Lurkdom Sezza's Avatar
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    Ditto, i wanna know what&#39;s going on in the other dimension too? Or won&#39;t we be seeing it, just this one? Wonder which universe Chloe will choose, i like this one but i can&#39;t help thinking that if she goes back then she might be able to start fresh with Lex, instead of having th baggage of this one.

    Anywho, update soon coz this is really good.


  7. #57
    Canon Whore Not An Addict's Avatar
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    Kansas, U.S.A.
    Meebly&#33; You can&#39;t be serious&#33; Oh, come on, Lex, go talk it out&#33; So she pulled away from you--you just dropped a huge bombshell on her. Go, man&#33; Find your &#39;fiancee&#39;&#33; Please make it better. I need some happy&#33;

  8. #58
    bored and dangerous Senior Member sabby's Avatar
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    Sittin by the side of the road in the middle of nowhere...
    Ok, In small words:

    Love. It. Want. More. NOW


  9. #59
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    25 Nov 2002
    That was amazing&#33;&#33;&#33; This is such a stunning idea- I can&#39;t wait to see where you take it next :yay:

  10. #60
    NS Full Member
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    26 Feb 2003
    ohohohohohoh that should be interesting&#33;&#33; can&#39;t wait to see how he reacts... hint hint...

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