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Thread: Crawling Back (NC-17) Chapter 20 08/01/2020

  1. #151
    NS Full Member
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    Re: Crawling Back (NC-17) Chapter 17 8/3/2010

    Thanks for the great update. I can't wait to see when Lex will arrive to save the day.

  2. #152
    Just a Guest!

    Re: Crawling Back (NC-17) Chapter 17 8/3/2010


    good update. seriously lionel needs to die. but he portrays such a good vilain. does he love lex? One can wonder. udate soon.

  3. #153
    Join Date
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    Re: Crawling Back (NC-17) Chapter 17 8/3/2010

    please update soon! i love how this is going

  4. #154
    NS Senior Member Senior Member letia84's Avatar
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    In the lab.

    Crawling Back (NC-17) Chapter 18 11/3/2010

    Notes: Somebody Save me from Lionel Luthor.

    Chapter 18 Punishment (Lex POV)

    “I know you’re asleep but we wanted to make sure to say hello before we were off for the day. Say hello Emma…”

    Lex heard nothing in the receiver of the phone for a split second before his little obsession was on the line. “Come home Mr. Lex we have so much to talk about.”

    “Here that.” Chloe was back on the line again. “We have lots to talk about. We miss you so hurry home.” She sighed then softly whispered. “I love you.” The message clicked off then the prompt requested further instructions.

    Lex pressed one on his phone to hear the message again. He had been listening to it for the last two days since arriving from Hong Kong. It may be the last words he would hear from his girls for a long while.

    When Lex came home his girls should have been waiting for him at his apartment. After arriving home nothing was as it should be. His girls weren’t home so of course Lex panicked. He rushed to Chloe’s apartment hoping to see that they were running late after getting no answer from her cell phone but Lex only found Gloria Winter unconscious on Chloe’s comfortable charcoal grey sofa.

    No Chloe.

    No little obsession.

    His girls were gone.

    Lex had been going none stop since then. There was no need to wait for Chloe’s family to tell him what he already knew. He was being punished. Life was finally in a place he wanted but couldn’t have.

    After assembling a search party he informed Gabe, Lois and Clark. Two days had past and they thought things were okay. It was a hard phone call to make. Lois and Clark blamed him. Gabe just wanted his family safe. Lex couldn’t delivery to any of them. He didn’t know how this was his fault. As for Gabe he wanted the same but had no way of knowing if they were safe.

    “Anything?” Lois barged in to Lex’s home office. He had opened access to Gabe, Lois and Clark to enter the penthouse anytime. A search party was set up in the dining room checking over clues and looking for new ones. Lois had been at the planet doing what she claimed was helping but Lex knew better.

    She was working on a story. Six children were deemed to die from cancer and now they were healthy as if they had never been sick. Lex knew very well how something like that could happen but Lois and the rest of the reporters out there were grasping at straws to get the scoop.

    “There is no word yet. Gloria is still unconscious. Nothing on the phones or internet.” Lex answered her and didn’t get the chance to listen to Chloe’s message again.

    She rolled her eyes settling down in one of Lex’s office chairs. “So the trail is still cold from Chloe leaving the Metropolis Monthly.”

    “Yes.” Lex answered plainly. There was a camera on the block Chloe was taken from.

    She was taken by people he knew. When you meet a person with super powers you never forget them. The meteor infected people that escorted Chloe away escaped before they could be tagged at 33.1. They were listed as dangerous.

    It didn’t make sense that they would take her. There was no motive to do so. They only sought to please their own needs. Mind controlling twins Nathan & Noah Williams were robbing people blind when they were captured. The redheaded telekinetic Abby Rogers was tearing down a building in Smallville with her mind when she was taken in. They got out like so many did but it was before they were tagged.

    “What are we going to do?” Lois slapped her face into her hands.

    It appeared she was worried for them. Maybe going to work was to distract her from thinking about Chloe and Emma being gone without a trace. The fact that she included him in the goings on was a shock. Thus far she had only belittled his efforts and hoped the Metropolis police would get the job done.

    Lex didn’t get a chance to answer her because someone was doing it for him. “We are going to find them.” Clark answered at the office door.

    He knelt in front of Lois taking her into his arms. “They are going to be just fine.” He assured her but didn’t sound so sure. Lex watched them find comfort in one another. As annoying as they both were he envied that they had each other and he had no one.

    “Why don’t you go check on Uncle Gabe?” Clark lifted her face to look at him before he spoke. Lois nodded and she left the room without a second thought as to what Clark was up to. Gabe was pacing the penthouse study and she would find him easy enough.

    Lucky Lex got to hear another lecture from the boy wonder. “What is it now?” Lex spoke up before he could.

    “You think Chloe healed those kids?” Clark asked.

    Of course Clark knew Chloe’s secret. He even vowed to help with Emma when the time came. “Yes I do.”

    “Are you sure that has nothing to do with you?” Clark approached Lex’s desk towering over him.

    Rubbing over his smooth head Lex prepared to have the same talk for the hundredth time in the last two days. Chloe’s powers were hers and something she was struggling with. Lex would never suggest she use them on anyone. “If this had something to do with me I would know.”

    “Then what about your father. Is there any sign of him yet?” Clark moved on to the next question he already knew the answer to.

    Of course Lex considered Lionel. The old man still had a few tricks up his sleeve. Since Christmas Lex had been watching him closely but the best investigators in the world had failed him. His father was still holding funds some where he couldn’t find. Lionel hadn't done anything different the past few weeks so Lex went on his trip leaving his girls vulnerable.

    It was easy to imagine a scenario in which Lionel enlisted meteor infected people to do work for him. Lex had done it himself but it was different. He had gained the trust of those people and they were being paid for their services. Those people weren’t insane with power either.

    How Lionel had gained control over power hungry freaks left him baffled. “My father is the prime suspect. When we find him I’m sure he will have them but I can’t will him into being.” Lex answered him dying to be rid of him. This was the first time Lex had stopped looking for them himself. He was in Smallvile checking abandoned facilities his father could be using with no results all day. The search continued without him while he checked in on Gabe to give him a progress report.

    Clark pounded his fist on Lex’s mahogany desk nearly snapping it in half. “Are you even concerned here? Chloe and her six year old are missing. They could be dead for all we know.”

    The thought of finding them not being alive never occurred to Lex until now. He saw them being hurt but okay in the end. Paying a ransom then finding them locked away some were seemed reasonable. If it were true that they were with Lionel they could be dead.

    It was the first time in a long time Lex had showed any emotion in front of Clark but he placed his head in his hands just like Lois had done earlier. His mind was racing about how girls could be dead.

    “Lex are you listening.” Clark spoke but Lex didn’t answer. “Lex, Lex…” He heard his name repeated over and over until it sent him over the edge.

    “Shut up Clark!” Lex looked at him and he was furious. He made him think for second that Chloe and Emma were dead. “I know you can find them faster than anyone I can pay.” He moved to stand in front of him no longer wanting to be towered over.

    “You don’t think I would if I could.” Clark replied looking down at his shoes.

    It was a lie and something Lex couldn’t take right now. “All that power and you haven’t the strength to use it.”

    “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Clark started to leave but Lex caught his arm.

    He moved close to him staring down someone he once called friend. So many years had passed them by and Clark Kent was still lying to him. “You think I don’t know?”

    Clark let his glance shy away from Lex. It was a minor slip but it was clear he didn’t want to hear what came next.

    “You really think those glasses are fooling me?” It was truth time for them both. “Do you want to know the reason I don’t like you Clark?” Lex breathed in deep hoping to contain himself. “The reason has nothing to do with the way you have treated me all these years. It’s simply because of what you represent.”

    Jerking his arm away Clark took a step back. “What would that be?”

    “Uncontrollable power because Superman could tip anyway.” He watched Clark's eyes widen in surprise at the sound of his silly name. “I’m sorry do you prefer to be called by the Kawatche people’s name for you; Naman.”

    “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Clark denied again.

    Lex went on anyway. “I know you think you’re doing good now but with the powers of a God you could go either way. You help people now but all that power could go to your head. You may start to see us as something that needs to be ruled over. Even if the power doesn’t get to you a little red rock would send you spiraling out of control.”

    He watched Clark push his useless glasses up the bridge of his nose and weigh out what to say next. “Chloe told you?” He questioned.

    “No, she didn’t.” Lex never spoke about this with Chloe. What she knew he wasn’t asking. Clark Kent wasn’t something worth fighting over when it came to keeping Chloe. “You were very careless in the beginning.” Lex learned the truth by chance. Clark showed himself on a Luthor corp surveillance camera years before wearing his tights.

    The rest fell into place. All the years of research and the speed, the strength, the heat and the x-ray vision could all be placed to pieces of unexplained information Lex had on Clark.

    “I’m not you I would never abuse power like...” Clark started to speak but Lex stopped him.

    “You may not have done it yet but I’m waiting for the day you do. I will answer the call to put you down.” Lex felt his anger rise then fall when he saw Clark’s reaction.

    The God among men stepped back away from him in fear.

    “Right now is not about me. It’s about Chloe and Emma.” Clark turned the attention away from himself. “I have tried to look for them.”

    “Your right. This is about Chloe and Emma.” Lex moved in again making his dominance known. “So you should keep looking until you find them and bring them home.”

    Without another word Clark walked away and out the penthouse door. If anyone could find them it would be him. The thought didn’t reassure Lex in the least. He would continue the search on his own. No matter how hard he looked Lex should have known his father would come for him.

    Lex turned to see the twins before his vision blurred into darkness. Lionel was always a few steps ahead of him.


    It was no surprise to Lex that he had yet another concussion. He had so many at this point there was no reason to keep count anymore. This time his mind was forced into a coma. It was different from a blow to the head but the pain felt the same.

    Now there he was in an unknown location being held up in a chair. He assumed any of the bells and whistles that should go off if someone kidnapped him were disabled.

    When looking to his left then glancing to his right Lex recognized the twins easily. “I know this isn’t your plan so who is behind this?” Clutching at his head praying for an aspirin Lex waited for an answer.

    Looking at the twins a second time he could see something was off with them. They appeared like mindless drones. The glazed over look was something Lex witnessed before. A drug that was placed out of testing rotation at Luthor corp had made it into the twin’s systems.

    The drug was supposed to be for soldiers. It was suppose to make it easier for them to accept commands. It worked to well. The first voice the subject heard they responded to any command given. Lionel having it meant he was still heavily involved in Luthor corp projects even after Lex had worked tirelessly to keep him out.

    “It’s good to see you son.” Lionel’s voice beckoned to Lex in front of him. When he looked Lionel was joined by Abby Rogers and Chloe Sullivan.

    He wasn’t expecting to see her but there she was. “Chloe are you alright?” As he called out to her Lex tried to get up from his seat but he was pushed back down by the twins.

    “Lex I think you know that won’t work.” Lionel tapped Chloe’s shoulder. "You have your orders." The command was enough to make her start approaching him slowly.

    Chloe was dressed in black just like the others. Her long blonde hair was pulled back tight in a ponytail just like the redhead on her left. The drug looked to be inside Chloe as well.

    The formality of asking his father why he had done this was unnecessary. Even though they had been acting like acquaintances the past few years Lex never assumed his father had changed. It was the reason he kept close watch over him but it was not close enough.

    The closer Chloe got to him the more Lex wanted to punish his father for doing this. “You drugged her?” Lex spoke to his father shaking off the twins so he could stand. This time they allowed him and he met Chloe half way.

    “Well of course I did. She wasn’t going to stay if I didn’t. Her daughter wasn’t enough leverage.” Lionel sighed before he went on to admit something Lex knew he didn’t want to say. “Ms. Sullivan is very resourceful. She would have found a way out.”

    Lex shook off anything his father was saying. Snapping Chloe out of her trance was what he had to do. There was one case in which the drug could be fought through when something familiar came in contact with the patient. Lex hoped he would be that for Chloe.

    “Chloe look at me you know me.” Lex was going to touch her but he could see the light starting to form around her and it was clear she intended to use her power on him. “Think about your daughter.” Lex spoke to her calmly trying to trigger something in her. “She loves you and needs her mother.”

    “Chloe do as I asked.” Lionel spoke behind them.

    When her hand reached out to his arm Lex felt the touch instantly. His knees started to quiver and he would fall over at any moment. Before she drained him dry Lex forced himself on her. The kiss was brief but he hoped the feeling of his lips against hers might be enough.

    He was on the ground quickly after and Chloe’s hand seemed to be squeezing his arm harder as the pain increased. “Think about your kitty cat.” Lex grunted though clenched teeth.

    “Chloe I said kill him!” Lionel's voice shouted out again.

    His father was still a smart man. He had taken him from the penthouse to kill him. He wanted to make sure the deed was done so it had to be done in front of him. Lionel knew Lex wouldn’t stop until he had done the same to him.

    Just when he thought he was fading away the flow of light wasn’t hurting him anymore but healing him. “Lex?” The whisper of his name came from Chloe.

    Her head turned behind her to Lionel. It was enough to see she was changed. If it was seeing him in pain, the kiss or saying Emma’s nickname Lex wasn’t sure but something had worked.

    “I have to do everything myself.” Lionel’s head turned towards Abby. "Take care of him." The redheaded woman raised her hand and Lex was sure she was going to wave him into a wall but something stopped her.

    The steel wall of their location was being ripped away exposing them to the outside. There was one person or rather alien that could do it. Everything that followed was a blur but when the dust in the room had settled from being whipped about Lionel was on his knees with Superman holding down one of his shoulders. Everyone else was knocked out on the ground.

    “Are you alright?” The strong steady tone of Clark’s true self rang in Lex’s ears.

    Chloe was done returning what she took and on her feet moving towards their savior. “Where is my daughter?”

    “What do I get if I tell?” Lionel grinned at them.

    Superman spoke for them as Lex got to his feet. “Your beat Luthor so tell us where she is.”

    Superman had taken Lex’s advice and tried looking again. Lionel taking Lex must have been sloppy and Superman was able to find them. Whatever the truth it wouldn’t matter if they didn’t find Emma. Lex watched Superman’s hand tighten on his father's shoulder.

    “She’s here in one of the rooms.” Lionel’s answer sounded like he was in pain.

    “You can search faster then us.” Lex spoke to Superman. “We can watch him.” Superman nodded and super sped off to search the area.

    “I’m disappointed.” Lionel started. “My plan seemed flawless.”

    “He thought he could use the meteor infected to take over the world.” Chloe answered taking Lex’s hand once he was next to her.

    “It looks like he was wrong.” Lex replied clinching his right fist into a ball. “Do you have it in you to heal him if Superman doesn’t find her?”

    After Chloe nodded Lex let go of her hand and lunged his clinch fist at his father knocking him out cold. “Are you alright?” Lex turned back to her and this time he would get an answer.

    “I will be when I see Emma.” Chloe answer him taking his hand back into hers. “When I woke up after the hospital I saw her but Lionel said something to me and I don’t remember anything after that until I felt you kissing me and reminding me of her.” It was a good feeling that she wasn’t pushing him away. Lionel wanted to break them but his plan hadn’t work.

    As quickly as he left Superman was rushing back to them. “I have her.” He answered carrying Emma in his arms. Her body wasn’t moving and it looked like the twins had gotten to her.

    “Oh god.” Chloe moved to take her kneeling down with her little girl in her arms. “I can wake her.” She was going to use her powers but Lex knew better.

    When the door came flying at them he could see it was still night outside and Chloe would need the sun to do this. “There is no sun. You need a source to heal her with.”

    “Use me.” Lex didn’t just hear his own voice but Superman’s as well.

    Chloe used her free hand to brush back tears as she thought it over. “Superman if I touch you then you will feel the meteor radiation it has to be Lex.” It was the strangest thing but they both knew what Clark was and acted as they didn't know. No wasn't the time to bring it up.

    Looking at his old friend Superman nodded. Lex got down next to them giving Chloe his hand. She squeezed his hand but nothing happened. It was clear she was afraid. “I will heal myself remember.”

    He reassured her and Chloe nodded once then her power kicked in. It wasn’t as painful as before but Lex could feel himself fading away. The last thing he saw were Emma’s eyes fluttering open before his closed.

    Passing out for a few hours this time was okay because he knew when he woke up his girls would be safe.


    It may have been a hasty decision but Emma was safe so he would do it over again. It was times like this he was thankful to be a meteor freak. He was only passed out for a few hours. When he woke up he had been out for longer then he thought he would be.

    No one was in the hospital with him but a staff member ready to report on the events he had missed. He was right that his father was in Smallville but he wasn't using a Luthor corp property. A new structure had been built and was well hidden in the woods.

    The major concerned was getting back to the penthouse because it was were Chloe and her family were waiting. Just now walking into his home he didn’t stop to speak to anyone but pressed ahead to Emma’s room. “How is she?” Lex asked Chloe at the door of Emma’s penthouse bedroom.

    Doctors looked at Emma and found nothing wrong with her. Chloe was to thank for that. The twins had put her under and there was no telling if they woke her at anytime.

    “She’s exhausted and hasn’t said much about what happened. I hope she doesn’t remember.” Chloe nestled her body close to Lex as they watched Emma sleeping but she wasn’t alone. “My dad said he wouldn’t leave her alone until I rested.” Gabe was asleep to and look comfortable with Emma tucked under his arm. “I can’t rest yet because this isn’t over. We have to talk Lex.” Chloe spoke looking at him now.

    It was true that they needed to talk but Lex only made the stop to see if they were alright. She was right that things weren’t over. The staff member waiting for him was one of the many working in 33.1.

    He had informed him that the police found other people in the warehouse that were awake and out because of the twins. Supermen helped clean up the mess by bringing some to Belle Reve and the others to a hospital . Among them was Tamia Grant and Lex had made a mistake introducing her to his father to teach him a lesson. The problem was being remedied because those meteor infected people belonged in 33.1 until they were cleared of Lionel’s mind control.

    Lex would need to explain about the drug that took over Chloe. He would have to hear what his father told her of his plan. There was no telling if those found were also give commands they would executed now that his father was gone.

    What his people could establish were clues from the warehouse. Cameras and other broadcast equipment were ready for use. It looked like his father was going to make announcement about his grand plans.

    “You right this isn't over but I think you need to rest first.” Lex replied to her.

    She nodded slow and steady. “I don’t know if I can. Your father is still out there. This all ended to easy.”

    What Chloe was saying was yet another problem that needed to be fixed. When the police arrived to take Lionel away the old man wasn’t going down without a fight. At the moment he wasn’t in jail where he should be. He complained of being roughed up and demanded medical treatment. After some clever lawyer work his father was in the Metropolis Medical Center under police guard.

    “There is no need to worry.” Lex reached for her face to gently massage her cheek. “You’re not alone here. No one is going to take you.” Clark was there and he would watch over them. “I’m going to take care of it.”

    “You say that like your leaving right now.” Chloe’s eyes flickered with concerned. “You just woke up from me draining the life out of you. You can't leave.”

    "I told you I would heal myself." There was something Lex wanted to take care of before he could truly be with his new family. “I’m fine now. I have to clean this mess up now. I won’t be gone long.”

    “I should go with you.” Chloe wanted to put herself in harm’s way with him.

    It was hard to deny her at a time like this. In the end Lex knew it would be for the best if he went alone. He had a punishment that needed to be taken care of swiftly and quietly.

    “It’s better if I do it alone. You should be here for Emma.” Lex tried to convince her in another way.

    Looking into the room again it appeared Chloe had given in. He could see she was conflicted in wanting to stop the threat but not wanting to leave her daughter after just getting her back. “Be careful and hurry back please.”

    With his hands still on her Lex kissed her softly before pulling away to speak. “I will.”

    Lex forced himself to walk away from his girls. There was a promise he had to keep. He told Chloe that anyone that hurt Emma he would take care of them. It was time he took care of his father.

    He left the penthouse to head to Metropolis Medical Center.


    Chapter 17 Save (Chloe POV)
    Last edited by letia84; 3rd November 2010 at 06:29.

  5. #155
    Happy-ending addict Senior Member lexie's Avatar
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    Re: Crawling Back (NC-17) Chapter 18 11/3/2010

    An update from Letia! God, but Lionel is in full bastard-mode in this one. I can't wait to see what Lex's got planned for him and keep my fingers crossed for Chloe and her girl to be save from any mind-controlled freaks.
    Thxs to beeej for the avi



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  6. #156
    NS Full Member Fouzia's Avatar
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    Re: Crawling Back (NC-17) Chapter 18 11/3/2010

    Thank you for the update^^

  7. #157
    looking for updates Senior Member somethingeasy's Avatar
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    Re: Crawling Back (NC-17) Chapter 18 11/3/2010

    This was an excellent new chapter, and made for a very exciting read. First of all, I loved the tense and emotionally stirring and gut-wrenching start, depicting Lex listening obsessively to Chloe’s last message on his phone. As if that last message was all he had left of her, and he had to cling to it in order to give it substance.

    It was probably both uplifting as well as devastating that Chloe’s ‘last words’ to Lex were an expression of love, longing and hope for the future. It must have enlivened Lex, and broken his heart all over again every time he heard it.

    I found it very interesting that Lex regarded Chloe’s kidnapping as a ‘punishment’ on him. Not in the sense that it was revenge exacted against him, but more like punishment in the karmic, destiny-laden sense of the word. Lex cannot be allowed to have so much happiness, because he is unworthy, and the universe will turn to destroy his happiness, preferably right in front of him.

    It was rather frustrating and maddening to see how nearly completely useless Lois and Clark were. The two of them seemed to be contributing nothing to the search. On the contrary, the two of them were making counter-productive nuisances of themselves by sniping at Lex and blaming him for… actually, I’m not even sure what they were blaming him for… for having the audacity to woo Chloe in the first place…?

    It was satisfying to see Lex ripping into Clark for being a secretive, useless, self-absorbed bastard. But it was only a cold satisfaction because Clark should NOT be acting like that, dammit. Where is the wonderful, selfless hero that I know from canon DC? Where is Superman?! Why am I seeing nothing but this petulant, useless, self-righteous child?!?

    Hopefully, Lex’s words of scorn will penetrate into Clark’s thick-headed skull, and he’ll actually start growing up! It seemed like Lex’s words left something of an impression… although the full effects have yet to be seen.

    It came as a huge surprise to find that Lex had been kidnapped as well. What the heck was Lionel thinking?!? The plan to kidnap Chloe and make her part of his army of chemically controlled meteor mutants was a ridiculously complicated and fragile plan already. So why the heck is Lionel adding on yet more complications, loopholes and weak-points by kidnapping LEX as well.

    In fact, not only did Lionel kidnap Lex, but Lionel also made the plan that Lex should be killed by Chloe’s own hands. Dear GODS, are you friggen kidding me?!? While I love poetic irony, there is such a thing as taking even irony too vulgarly and ridiculously far. At the end of my rant, I have to conclude that Lionel is a self-sabotaging idiot!

    Lionel’s ridiculous plans contained too many loopholes, so it was only inevitable that Lex would find a way to wriggle through a save both himself as well as Chloe. Lionel didn’t consider that Lex might find a way to break through Chloe’s chemical brainwashing and snap her out of her trance?

    In any case, at least the drama came to an end quickly, in a single chapter. Excellent! Chloe was saved, Lionel was apprehended, Lex was saved… and even Emma was found (more or less) safe and sound.

    hmmm, it appears that the chapter ended on a note for vengeance. I know that Lionel has just proven irrevocably himself to be a definite danger to Lex… and Lex’s family as well. It’s probably the smart thing to get rid of Lionel permanently. Sadly, in a twisted way, it’s actually logical and rational for Lex to kill his own father in order to protect his family.

    But, despite logic, you can’t tell me that Lex will find it easy to kill the old man. It’s certain to have some kind of last and far-reaching repercussions… not the least of which will be emotional scars on Lex. I keep telling myself it’s the logical thing to do, but I can’t help but wish there was some other option that Lex could take.

  8. #158
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    Re: Crawling Back (NC-17) Chapter 18 11/3/2010

    Lionel needs to die!!! Ugh!!
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  9. #159
    NS Full Member
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    Re: Crawling Back (NC-17) Chapter 18 11/3/2010

    i loved update.can't wait to see what lex does to lionel. clark looked stunned that lex knew what clark was.clark really believed that he keep it a secret and no one figured it out.

  10. #160
    storie girl Senior Member starmoon's Avatar
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    Re: Crawling Back (NC-17) Chapter 18 11/3/2010

    that was amazing please come back and keep going. this story rocks and i just can't wait for more.

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