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Thread: Back from the Dead (PG-13/R)- CHAPTER 27 plus Epilogue (Aug 17, 2010)

  1. #371
    NS Senior Member Senior Member malugargula's Avatar
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    Re: Back from the Dead (PG-13/R)- CHAPTER 18-Upd March 5th '10

    chapter 16: Laurie is so cute, I loved that she changed her bear`s name to Lex.

    I like that Oliver will work with Lex. Let`s see what they`ll do.

    Chapter 17: Can Laurie see Lillian??? I`m so curious to find out. I loved that she called her grandma and that she`s ok with Lex being her dad.

    I loved when Martha said all those things about Clark being wrong about Lex.

    I`ll read more ASAP

  2. #372
    Happy-ending addict Senior Member lexie's Avatar
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    Re: Back from the Dead (PG-13/R)- CHAPTER 18-Upd March 5th '10

    Quote Originally Posted by malugargula View Post
    chapter 16: Laurie is so cute, I loved that she changed her bear`s name to Lex.

    I like that Oliver will work with Lex. Let`s see what they`ll do.

    Chapter 17: Can Laurie see Lillian??? I`m so curious to find out. I loved that she called her grandma and that she`s ok with Lex being her dad.

    I loved when Martha said all those things about Clark being wrong about Lex.

    I`ll read more ASAP
    Thank you for taking some time out of your busy Mum's schedule to keep reading this fic. Glad you're still enjoying it.
    Thxs to beeej for the avi



    "Choices"May 30 '11

    "At Second Sight" August 21 '11




  3. #373

    Re: Back from the Dead (PG-13/R)- CHAPTER 20-Upd March 24th '10

    Quote Originally Posted by lexie View Post
    Lex isn't a cold machine and we all know it. His upbringing and he's getting burnt so many times when opening up to others is a roadblock but I've always believed him to be capable of comforting someone who's been deeply hurt, both emotionally and psychologically. What Chloe's going through is something he can definitely identify with.

    I'm glad you appreciated the scene so much. I consider it a very important landmark in the development of their renewed bonding and in Chloe's healing process.
    Again (I think I mentioned it before), I enjoy seeing him be openly tactile. His image is that of someone who would listen, be present and provide advice, but not touch, hug or kiss. Right, his background doesn't lend to him being able to show empathy and/or sympathy towards others, though, you know he is capable of exhibiting both emotions.

    Quote Originally Posted by lexie View Post
    Oh, I have some big issues with the farmboy but I also have serious issues with the Arrow! It's no secret around here that Queen has never been on my Christmas list. I've never liked the character in the comics and on the Justice League cartoons and SV's version has added an extra layer to Oliver by linking him with Lex's childhood- another reason for me to feel animosity towards him. I write and read Chlex but I'm first and foremost a Lex fan so I tend to have very little tolerance towards anyone who's been particularly mean to him. What I find most annoying about Oliver's that he can be as much of a hypocrite as Clark, ready to preach from his pulpit, questioning Lex on his moral choices when he himself isn't that clean either.

    You're right that Lex could have chosen a different path back then, but we also shouldn't forget he was a physically and psychologically vulnerable boy trying to find his place in the world, desperate to belong and to be accepted by someone, including his peers. Duncan's death was an accident but both Lex AND Oliver had their part in the incident that led to it. However, this wasn't the first time Oliver bullied Lex; it seemed to me Queen had it in for Lex and that he was always picking on him being both verbally and physically aggressive.
    See, I have fewer issues with Oliver than I have with the dumb alien. I think that he recognizes and admits to the darkness inside himself as well as to his faults and mistakes. He's the SV version of Angel - seeking redemption for his past mistakes. He's the leader of the gatherings for whichever vice + anonymous group you can think of who has hit rock bottom and is trying to stop others from making the same mistakes or helping them up after they've hit rock bottom. I don’t think of him as sanctimonious, hypocritical and preachy like Clark. There are some decisions and actions perpetrated by Lex that are called into question as immoral, that despite his intent, I can’t agree with his execution, so I can’t completely disagree no matter who is calling them into question.

    I understand behavior that occurs when a person is in pain, afraid, wanting love/acceptance, etc., which is why I give latitude in those situations, moreso to children and teenagers. I consider them both psychologically vulnerable given their backgrounds, which is why I am less harsh in my view of responsibility and punishment in this situation. It was an accident, precipitated by actions on both sides, that garnered guilt, remorse, anger, grudges and blame passing until Duncan returned to exact his revenge. Lex, by all accounts, was bullied often by a number of people. I understand that Oliver would become the sole face of his tormentors as he is in the limelight and is seemingly like Clark, a favored son despite his mistakes. It is because of those mistakes that he changes, makes an attempt to better himself, though.

    Chapter 23
    That first scene cracked me up. Even Moira joined in the teasing. Very cute.

    Uh-oh, what does he want Mikhail to do?

    What? He's going to take some responsibility for his actions and the situation with Lex? I almost choked when I read that. Actually, had to read it a couple of times before I believed what I was reading.

    Yes, yes, yes and yes to everything Chloe said in her conversation with Clark. And do I even need to say it? I love Laurie. I love how she works her way to asking for the puppy and of course, the reason she wants the puppy. It pains me to say, but I was sort of proud of Clark and I'm glad they're going to give their friendship another go. Really liked the closing scene between Chloe and Martha. The last line was the perfect ending to the chapter.

  4. #374
    Happy-ending addict Senior Member lexie's Avatar
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    Re: Back from the Dead (PG-13/R)- CHAPTER 20-Upd March 24th '10

    Quote Originally Posted by ripsconscullmin View Post
    See, I have fewer issues with Oliver than I have with the dumb alien. I think that he recognizes and admits to the darkness inside himself as well as to his faults and mistakes. He's the SV version of Angel - seeking redemption for his past mistakes. He's the leader of the gatherings for whichever vice + anonymous group you can think of who has hit rock bottom and is trying to stop others from making the same mistakes or helping them up after they've hit rock bottom. I don’t think of him as sanctimonious, hypocritical and preachy like Clark. There are some decisions and actions perpetrated by Lex that are called into question as immoral, that despite his intent, I can’t agree with his execution, so I can’t completely disagree no matter who is calling them into question.
    Although I don't condone every action of Lex's- some are definitely questionable from the moral point of view, I do understand where he's coming from and find sense in them in a very warped way.

    My dislike of Oliver runs deep but its foundations were laid long before Smallville. I couldn't stand his character in the comics and the cartoons and the childhood background shared with Lex they provided him with on the show simply gave me an extra reason not to warm up to him. In fact, even though I've been seeing Lex in him in the past two seasons I still don't like him or ship Chlollie. My seeing Lex in him is just a Chlexer's means to deny what's happening on the screen; a theory which has been fed by the writers and producers' themselves when they say Lex is under everyone's nose but that they simply don't appear to see him.

    Quote Originally Posted by ripsconscullmin View Post
    I understand that Oliver would become the sole face of his tormentors as he is in the limelight and is seemingly like Clark, a favored son despite his mistakes. It is because of those mistakes that he changes, makes an attempt to better himself, though.
    You know, this is maybe the thing which irks me the most. Oliver's been given the chances to redeem himself by the very same people who have repeatedly denied them to Lex because of who he is- and Lex did try to make amends and change not only in the first seasons but even as late as the beginning of the seventh. As a Luthor he's always been regarded as the Devil's spawn and questioned every step of the way. The chances he was allegedly given by Clark weren't real chances because he was ALWAYS expected to have some secret agenda- and we all know he did a lot of things for the farmboy and for strangers without expecting anything in return. The same people that gave Oliver the possibility to pay for his past sins had always expected the moment when Lex would show his true colours because they never truly believed in give.

    It's true that Lex had free will and that he could have chosen a different path. And still one cannot but understand him when he tries to do what's right, when he really tries to be a better man, only to find people continuously spitting in his face. There's so much a man can tolerate.

    Quote Originally Posted by ripsconscullmin View Post
    What? He's going to take some responsibility for his actions and the situation with Lex? I almost choked when I read that. Actually, had to read it a couple of times before I believed what I was reading.
    I'm confused. Who's the "he" you're referring to?

    Quote Originally Posted by ripsconscullmin View Post
    It pains me to say, but I was sort of proud of Clark and I'm glad they're going to give their friendship another go. Really liked the closing scene between Chloe and Martha. The last line was the perfect ending to the chapter.
    Well, I'm trying to write Clark the way I wish he were or. at least, the way I wish they had allowed him to mature on the show if he's to become the hero we could all look up to.

    Glad you like Laurie so much. It's always nice when an OC character's embraced by one's readers because it's so difficult at times to write them in the story and make sure they don't feel like "foreigners" in this unverse.
    Last edited by lexie; 11th June 2010 at 18:17.
    Thxs to beeej for the avi



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  5. #375
    Happy-ending addict Senior Member lexie's Avatar
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    Re: Back from the Dead (PG-13/R)- CHAPTER 20-Upd March 24th '10

    CHAPTER 24: Closure


    Two weeks had elapsed since their visit to the Kent farm and Pirate had already settled down at the mansion. Choosing a name for him had been a family affair in which even Lois had taken part- she was, of course, the one who had come up with the most outrageous ones; all of which mocked the dog’s master somehow. In the end, it was the animal’s pirate-like patch round its eye what settled the matter. Lex had suggested several names, most of which belonged to illustrious members of Her Majesty’s privateers, including Drake and Morgan... but Chloe and Laurie’s snickers and giggles on hearing such pompous names attached to the puppy had made him cave in.

    The little beast alternated his time between the mansion’s gardens, where he and Laurie ran to their heart’s content, and the quiet solitude of Lex’s study, where he stretched out in front of his master’s desk and gave himself to brooding while Lex worked on his laptop and signed LuthorCorp documents.

    “You’re the picture of perfect companionship,” chuckled Chloe as she plopped down in one of the upholstered armchairs near the now unlit fireplace.

    “When we brought him home I was half-expecting he’d sharpen his teeth on the furniture and that I’d have to be chasing him around the rooms to snatch some LuthorCorp dossier from his mouth.”

    “Oh, you man of little faith! You seem to have forgotten he was begotten by a mild-mannered farmboy’s pet.”

    “Thank God he isn’t fond of plaid shirts,” he snickered, signing the last document on the pile.

    “Speaking of plaid shirts and farmboys; Clark’s just brought the weekly delivery and had some exciting news to share...”

    “I suppose it has nothing to do with a certain brunette pest called Lane.”

    “Well, no. Although her name also came up in the conversation... You knew about their interview at The Planet to get an internship this semester, right?”

    “Yes, I heard something about it when I came to pick you up at the farm,” he replied with a poker face, recapping his MontBlanc.

    “Just heard? Or a little bit more?” she cocked an eyebrow with a conspiratorial grin.

    “What exactly are you trying to say?” he asked her impassively, leaning back on his swivel chair.

    “I don’t know... I’ve been thinking... subtle bribery, some veiled threats of having a certain editor transferred to some obscure newspaper.”

    “Is your opinion of me so low?”

    “Lex, we both know how you’ve always operated. I’m not expecting you to change into Mother Theresa for me. In any case, if you’ve twisted some arms on this occasion, I find it kind of cute.”

    “I don’t do cute,” he huffed.

    ”Don’t worry. Your secret’s safe with me,” she said huskily, swinging around his swivel chair to sit herself on his lap. “You wouldn’t like for them to find out what you’ve done though. Clark’ll surely accuse you of trying to buy him off.”

    “I’m not...” he started to object until she cut him off.

    “I said that’s what he might think, being who he is. And you know, although I think using your pull to let them have their dream is something more to love you for, you should try to stop thinking about you as unworthy of Clark’s friendship or anyone’s for that matter. You’re flawed, yes, but who’s perfect? Clark isn’t exactly a candidate for the best friend award or the most honest. He’s got deep dark secrets in his closet too. “

    “You think?” he smirked, brushing a few blond hairs off her face.

    “He’s so transparent. I wonder who he thinks he’s fooling. He’d never fooled us.”

    “No, not us. Do you think Lois suspects anything?”

    “My cousin’s not as oblivious as you think. She might choose not to acknowledge some things which are going on around her. Call it self-preservation, if you will. But she’s a hell of a lot better at lying and keeping secrets than Clark ever will; especially when she cares about someone.”

    “I hope for both their sakes he’ll stop mooning over Lana,” he nuzzled her neck.

    “Lex, are you playing matchmaker now? Don’t tell me you twisted the editor’s arm to force Clark and my cousin to socialise on a daily basis. Wasn’t you who called Lois a nosy pest the last time she was here?”

    “I still believe she’s a pest,” he whispered in her ear as he tugged at her earlobe.

    “Are you turning soft-hearted?” she smiled.

    “If she’s otherwise engaged, we won’t see her nosing around the mansion so much. Besides, being soft-hearted isn’t ingrained in my Luthor genes,” he replied, as she shifted on his lap.

    “They aren’t your only genes. Did you know that Martha was friends with your Mom when they were single?” she asked softly, straddling him now.

    “Were they?” he replied after a slight pause, feeling a small lump in his throat like every time he thought of Lillian.”She never said anything.”

    “Martha said your Mom would have loved to see you now... She’d have been proud of you, Lex,” she added quietly, splaying her hands on his chest.

    “I still have a lot to do to make amends, Chloe. I don’t feel like I am...”

    “Don’t say deserving. I don’t want to hear that word come out of your mouth again. ,” she interrupted him, putting her fingers on his mouth.”She’d have been proud of the way you are with me and our child, and of everything you’re doing to fix things.”

    “You’re doing most of the work.”

    “That’s bull, Mr Luthor!” she punched his chest playfully.

    “I wouldn’t have been able to convince half of the people to stay and give this project a chance.”

    “Give them time, Lex.”

    “I don’t think it’s a question of time, Chloe. You should be realistic. There’s a very good chance they’ll never trust me. I wouldn’t blame them.”

    “I know the original idea behind 33.1. when you picked up the project from your Dad was to help these people and let them enjoy a normal life or as normal as it could be given who they are. You lost yourself along the way, but you realised it in time- that certainly counts for something. So... going back to the issue we were discussing... Did you or didn’t you convince a certain editor to put Clark and Lois’ names at the top of the list for the internships?”

    “I might have said something or other about his golf club membership due for renewal and the second mortgage on his house to pay for his secret lover’s expensive tastes.”

    “You’ll be so busted if Clark ever finds out.”

    “I’ve just given them a little push. They’ll have to prove their worth or the owner of The Planet will sack them before hiring them once they graduate,” he smirked.


    “OK. I bought the paper. I didn’t like that Linda Lake column anyway. I rescinded her contract. My first executive decision as the new owner. ”

    “This is worse than I thought. They’ll start crying nepotism in the news room.”

    “I hope Clark’s improved something since the day he did those menus for The Torch. I have a little more faith in your cousin. She’s been doing some research into the mayor... quite promising... “

    “Nothing that might end up with her killed or hurt, right? I seem to remember your father backed that fellow’s candidacy.”

    “That’s what Clark will be there for... and myself of course. I wouldn’t let anything happen to your... our ... family, Chloe. So, tell me... what does this man have to do to ensure you’ll cover his back if the plaid shirt boy ever suspects he had anything to do with these internships?” he smiled, leaning forward to brush her lips with his.

    “Oh, I have some very interesting ideas?” she smiled mischievously, snaking her arm around his neck and pressing closer to him.

    “Care to elaborate a little?” he asked, tightening his hold on her.

    “I can just feel you’re already having some ideas of your own,” she told him in a seductive tone as she noticed the effect their playful banter was having on Lex’s anatomy.”But... I’m afraid you’ll have to take a rain check till tonight. I’d come to the study to let you know lunch was ready... and as horny as we both might be, if we dragged this on a few minutes more, I don’t feel like having Pirate in the same room,“ she added, starting to get up. “I think his master’s possessive streak has already rubbed off on him,” she cocked an eyebrow, noticing the dog had left his place in front of the desk and was yapping and looking at them speculatively.

    A couple of nights ago the puppy had managed to open the door of the playroom, where he slept at night, and rushed into the master bedroom intent on saving his master from a mysterious assailant- only to find the young couple in the throes of passionate love-making. The upsetting intrusion had eventually given way to a fit of laughter when Chloe suggested hiring one of those pet psychiatrists to make sure they hadn’t scarred the animal at such a tender age or even created a canine version of Lex’s former womanising-self. The idea of having a queue of Smallville’s farmers knocking at the mansion doors asking for alimony on behalf of their pets in a few months’ time convinced Lex they needed to call the locksmith first thing in the morning.

    “Would lunch get ruined if we took a short detour to the east wing?” he asked lightly, wrapping his arms around her waist from behind when he saw her smile starting to fade away.”Chloe?” he asked quietly when she closed her eyes and leant against him without replying.

    “I don’t know how long I can take having to hide from the world like this. Don’t get me wrong, I love our time together as a family and as a couple but ... “

    “You’re starting to feel asphyxiated. I’m sorry you both have to be cooped up here and that the Kents’ is the only place you can frequent. It’s the best way to keep you safe. I know Laurie needs to socialise with other children, feel that she has a normal life... I too want for us to be able to go out in the daylight... we had enough of hiding away before you left. I’m dying to introduce you to the world as my wife... “ he went on.

    “So am I. I can’t wait for this nightmare to be over. I know that you and Bruce are powerful guys and that there are a lot of people whose careers will reach the stratosphere if they get a stiff sentence for Edge. It’s just that... I cannot help but remember what happened last time... Everyone has a price, Lex . What if he gets away or if someone buys his release? “

    “It won’t happen,” he stated gravely, and Chloe felt a sudden shiver course up her spine. She hadn’t seen this side of Lex in a while but she knew it would always be part of him.”Are you having second thoughts about us?” he added when he felt her tremble a little.

    “I’m not, Lex,” she told him quietly, grabbing one of his hands and squeezing it gently. His insecurity never ceased to get to her; she still had work ahead to prove to him she and Laurie weren’t going anywhere. “I love you. We love you,” she said emotionally.”I trust you,” she added in a raspy voice, standing on tiptoe to graze his lips with hers.

    The playful mood of a few moments ago was gone and gave way to a brief but intimate and meaningful moment between them as their tongues mated in an unrushed kiss. It was a tender and quiet interlude of reassurance they both needed.

    “I’d never do anything to jeopardise what we have found again, Chloe,” he murmured, cupping her face in his hands.

    “I know,” she smiled, aware that he’d also do whatever he deemed necessary to make sure his loved ones were protected from harm and that anyone who dared put their safety at risk or hurt them in some way would pay for it dearly.

    Lex could tell she suspected he had something up his sleeve and yet he didn’t experience that bitterness which had always erupted whenever someone who meant something to him pretended everything was OK or resorted to fake smiles and empty words to try to make him think he was trusted when indeed he was not. Chloe was the most outspoken and honest woman he’d ever known and when she’d told him not only that she loved him but that she trusted him, he’d taken her words at face value. Lionel’s son would have second guessed, but Lex felt he could be Lillian’s child with Chloe. She had trusted him with her life and her father’s once; no one had ever shown such faith in him. She was trusting him again implicitly, standing by whatever decision he might have made, believing he’d put their safety and their family first without losing his soul in the process.


    It was Clark and Lois’ tenth day as The Planet’s newest interns and they were exhilarated by the whole shebang. Although they were in the basement, sharing a confined space amidst some old filing cabinets whose contents they were helping to transfer to the paper’s computerised database, being part of the legendary Planet in some way felt like a big achievement when they were still in nappies. Everything was the way it was supposed to be; they had to start from the bottom and prove themselves to the bosses before earning the right to share a desk with the Pulitzer winners upstairs.

    The atmosphere between the two had been strained the first couple of days until the editor called them to his office and urged them to work through their differences or else Lois would find herself serving coffee and muffins- an idea which had put an ironic smile on Lex’s face- and Clark would be assigned the task of cleaning the windows from the outside wearing a harness while hanging from a rope.

    The farmboy had gulped at the option presented. He’d swallow his pride and try to deal with the sexual tension and sparks which were flying between them and that he’d been trying to cover up resorting to hostility. Meanwhile, Lois’ pride and her eagerness to prove herself worthy of the chance she’d been given convinced her there were worse things in this world than fighting off that tingling sensation she got every time he brushed her accidentally while rifling through the old files- not to mention the urge she felt on occasion to slam him against the cabinet and see if she could ruffle his prim and proper appearance with a few hungry kisses. What in heaven’s name was wrong with her?! She’d never felt that way before, not even around Oliver. Chloe and Lex would never live it down if they could read what was going through her head.

    “Have you finished with the middle drawer?” asked Clark with his hand on the handle of the bottom one as she sat at their shared desk with a faraway look. “Earth to Lois!” he insisted, making her jump off her seat.

    “Jeez, Smalville! You almost gave me a heart attack.”

    “What were you thinking of anyway? You seemed to be miles away from here. Have you dug up anything new on the mayor? You promised to keep me on the loop, Lois.”

    “I’m a big girl, Clark. “

    “I’m not trying to steal the story from you if that’s what you’re afraid of.”

    “I wasn’t suggesting anything like that. You wouldn’t be able to look at Martha in the eye if you were...”

    “Hey, Lane!” shouted a proof reader, knocking on the glass of the storage room. “You’d better hurry. The boss wants you in his office stat.”

    “What have you done now?” frowned Clark.

    “I’ve been on my best behaviour,” she glared at him.

    “Some people are born lucky, Lane. I have a hunch you’ll get the break some people would have to kill themselves for.”


    “Mr Pearson,” smiled Lois, closing the door behind her and trying to appear unfazed as she remained standing in front of the short-tempered editor-in-chief.

    “Ms Lane. It appears you’ve been hiding something from me,” said the middle-aged man, lying back on his swivel chair.

    “Pardon?” asked Lois, feeling her heart gallop in her chest.

    “I have a small battalion of journalists working on this story. Two of my best were in that courtroom to witness this,” he explained, turning up the sound of the TV. “All of the channels are fighting to get the exclusive. All of them have been turned down and I’ve just found out thanks to James Olsen... a freaking assistant photographer... that you’re Miss Sullivan’s cousin!”

    Lois had her eyes glued to the screen and wished she’d been there to celebrate with her younger cousin... and Lex. Although she’d expected the jury to find the bastard and his accomplices guilty, the outcome of the last day of the trial had been surprising to say the least.

    “Unbelievable, isn’t it? That confession three years ago would have changed history, wouldn’t it?” said Mr Pearson, observing Lois’ dumbfounded look.”I want the interview no one’s been able to get. You hear me, Lane? Get me Sullivan.”

    “I won’t exploit my cousin’s grief to further my career, Mr Pearson.”

    “If you don’t do this, Lane, somebody else will write this story, and your cousin might not be treated so nicely.”

    “I don’t appreciate being emotionally blackmailed. This isn’t the way I plan to make a name in the business. I’m here because of a dream that was born during my last year at high school. It was my cousin’s too. And let me tell you, she’s a damn good reporter and writer- better than some of the people who are part of your permanent staff. I wouldn’t be here if she hadn’t awoken the calling in me. I want to feel I’m here because of my own merits and not because of my family connections,” she fumed.

    “Good answer,” clapped the editor. “Congratulations, Miss Lane, you’ve just passed the test,” he smiled.


    “I like you. Prove your worth writing a good juicy story- a story other than this one- and I might consider keeping you as part of the staff once you finish your studies,” replied Pearson.” Now, take the rest of the day off. I’m sure you’re dying to join the Luthors to celebrate. What are you waiting for, Lane? You’re excused,” he finished, picking up the receiver. “Yeah, Pearson here.”

    “So? What happened? Are you OK, Lois? Did he give you an assignment?” Clark bombarded her with questions as she stepped out of the office.

    “Have you watched the news, Clark?”

    “No, I’ve come straight from the basement. Why? “ frowned the farmboy.

    “Edge confessed to being an accessory to the murder of Lachlan and Eliza Luthor. He named Lionel Luthor as the mastermind behind it. Do you know what this means, Clark?”


    “You know, of all the things I expected to happen at that trial this wasn’t amongst the scenarios I imagined. Don’t get me wrong, I’m ecstatic. It’s just that...”

    “You don’t believe he’s grown a conscience all of a sudden. “

    “Yeah, exactly. Something really odd happened in that courtroom this morning. But, you know what? I don’t care what it was. Justice will be served at last. The rat of Lionel Luthor saved his sorry ass from the chair but Edge won’t. He deserves everything he’s got coming.”

    “What did Mr Pearson want?”

    “That man’s a piece of work, let me tell you. Pick up your jacket. We’re done for today.”

    “But... “

    “This is a great day for Chloe... and Lex, Smallville. We have to be there. The damn database can wait. We’ve missed many birthdays and special occasions already. I’m not planning to waste any more. So? Are you coming or not?”

    “You’re right, Lois. It’s time to celebrate the present.”

    Last edited by lexie; 16th July 2010 at 17:37.
    Thxs to beeej for the avi



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  6. #376
    An Accused Heretic Senior Member Kit Merlot's Avatar
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    Re: Back from the Dead (PG-13/R)- CHAPTER 20-Upd March 24th '10

    I love how everything id finally coming together and it looks like the Chlex family will finally have their happily ever after

    And this:

    “I don’t appreciate being emotionally blackmailed. This isn’t the way I plan to make a name in the business. I’m here because of a dream that was born during my last year at high school. It was my cousin’s too. And let me tell you, she’s a damn good reporter and writer- better than some of the people who are part of your permanent staff. I wouldn’t be here if she hadn’t awoken the calling in me. I want to feel I’m here because of my own merits and not because of my family connections,” she fumed.
    is how SV Lois should have behaved--GO LOIS!! Kick that editor's butt for even hinting at her doing something unethical.

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  7. #377
    NS Full Member kcsgirl82's Avatar
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    Re: Back from the Dead (PG-13/R)- CHAPTER 20-Upd March 24th '10

    Thank you so much for this fantastic update!!!!!
    I haven't had the greatest week and reading this has so made everything better.
    I guess the surprise Chloe hinted to Martha about in the last chapter is that Chloe and Lex got married. I loved the process of the family naming the dog and how the dog is so protective of Lex. I am so glad Lex is finally getting his chance at having the family that he never got to have and I agree with Mrs. Kent and Chloe, Lillian would be so proud of the man Lex has become and the way he is with his family.
    I absolutely cannot wait to see what is going to happen next, I am still holding out hope for a sibling for Laurie.
    Thanks again for this beautiful update!!!!!

  8. #378
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    Re: Back from the Dead (PG-13/R)- CHAPTER 20-Upd March 24th '10

    What a great update. I am so happy everything is getting together finally. I am glad Lex knows Chloe has his back and never leave him God willing. I love the dog. Dogs always gravitate to people who don't want them around.
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  9. #379
    NS Member techwriter2's Avatar
    Join Date
    29 May 2009

    Re: Back from the Dead (PG-13/R)- CHAPTER 20-Upd March 24th '10

    Yay! I'm so happy you updated. Awesome update!


    BTW - I don't believe he's suddenly grown a conscience either!

  10. #380
    NS Member chachica2009's Avatar
    Join Date
    21 Sep 2009
    ohio, usa

    Re: Back from the Dead (PG-13/R)- CHAPTER 20-Upd March 24th '10

    YAY! new chapter. awww.... Pirate for the puppy, the reasoning is sweet but i cannot help but think that he will be stealing something from Lex later on. and finally closure for the time frame that brought Lex and Chloe together, but now i wonder what will come up next for them. finally, go Lois for sticking to her moral guns and not going for the big story concerning Chloe and her family. cannot wait until the next chapter.

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