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Thread: Payback Time (PG)

  1. #41
    Happy-ending addict Senior Member lexie's Avatar
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    In RL:Argentina. In my dreams: Lexland

    Re: Payback Time ( PG )

    Disclaimer: see Chapter 1.

    A/N: Here's the promised second chapter. Good reading !

    CHAPTER 10: What Colour are They ?

    “ Done ! You should upgrade your computer system, Lex. The firewall was easy to penetrate. “

    “ It's supposed to be state-of-the-art. How come an amateur like you could get through it ? “

    “ It appears you've been robbed blind- pardon my figure of speech. All those hours spent playing computer games in my childhood weren't a waste of time after all. Wait a minute... what's this ? “

    “ What have you found ? “ asked Lex, getting up from the sofa and approaching the kitchen table at which Chloe was sitting.

    “ There are some pretty well-hidden files on the server. Let's see if we can access the information from here. “

    “ Won't they trace you ? “

    “ Not if I trick them. Yeah, Yeah, way to go ! “ laughed Chloe, clapping her hands.” Hard luck. They're encrypted. I'll need some special software to read what's inside them. I used to have a friend who could help us now, but I don't know his whereabouts. Still... “ she interrupted herself, realising Lex had turned quiet all of a sudden. “ Lex ? “ she asked with a strangled voice.

    The younger Luthor grabbed Chloe's left hand and made her stand up without uttering a word. She should have remembered: the laughter. Lex had told her it reminded him of someone from his past, and she knew damn well who he was referring to. She might have changed her appearance and her accent, but she was the same girl he had known, and she was scared to death.

    “ I... “ she mumbled to be silenced by Lex's fingers on her lips.

    He cupped her face in both hands and traced her features as if he were a sculptor memorising his model. Chloe could feel the blood pounding in her ears and had to close her eyes overwhelmed by emotion. Suddenly, his hands stopped when they grazed two very tiny scars, the almost invisible flaws that bore witness to the plastic surgeries she had undergone. At that moment, she fluttered her eyelids open and looked at him straight in the eye. He leant forward, and Chloe close her eyes again, feeling his steady breathing very close to her face. Time dragged on and neither of them spoke, until Lex's lips- which had been hovering over hers- moved to her forehead where he pressed a soft kiss.

    “ Tell me just one thing. What colour are your eyes ? “ he asked.

    Chloe found it very hard to breathe. She stepped back, turned around and poured herself a fresh cup of coffee.

    “ What colour are they ? “ he insisted.

    “ Brown, “ she lied blantantly, taking a big gulp of the hot liquid, which scalded her throat.

    “ Have you always been this savvy around computers ? “

    “ You said one question, Mr Luthor. I'll make a phone call. I know someone who can provide us with the software to read those files, “ she responded, marching to her bedroom to escape from the heavily charged atmosphere.

    “ Sooner or later, I'll get the answers I want, “ murmured Lex to Chloe's back.

    What's you impression on this last scene ? Are you pleased with this installment ? If you want to read what comes next, don't forget to leave your comment and I'll update pretty soon.
    Last edited by lexie; 27th July 2009 at 08:13.
    Thxs to beeej for the avi



    "Choices"May 30 '11

    "At Second Sight" August 21 '11




  2. #42
    NS Full Member Gaia's Avatar
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    Re: Payback Time ( PG )

    Quote Originally Posted by lexie View Post

    “ Sooner or later, I'll get the answers I want, “ murmured Lex to Chloe's back.
    He wants for her to be Chloe.... More Lexie I need more!

  3. #43
    NS Full Member Krysia's Avatar
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    Re: Payback Time ( PG )

    It's so sweet that he trusts her , even through he himself is not sure why. I hope she will have a lot of things to laugh about in the future.
    I can't wait to see what reaction to this new Chloe is Lionel going to have.

  4. #44
    Happy-ending addict Senior Member lexie's Avatar
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    In RL:Argentina. In my dreams: Lexland

    Re: Payback Time ( PG )

    Disclaimer: read Chapter 1.

    A/N: thanks a lot to those of you who have taken the time to leave a review with encouraging words or a question about the plot for me to answer. Your comments show you're interested enough in the story to wonder what's going on with the characters and what might be in store for them.

    This is another two-part installment. The first chapter is short but the second'll provide you with interesting information related to the obscure business Lionel's involved in. Enjoy, and keep those reviews coming !

    CHAPTER 11: Doubts

    “ It's not a crime, agent Clarkson. Remember who I'm working for, and it was him who asked me to hack into the system, “ said Chloe on the phone.

    “ Why don't you copy the files and send them to us ? Our analysts'll crack them here. “

    “ Call me paranoid but I don't trust the FBI. You promised to protect me once and look what happened. I need an insurance, agent Clarkson. Once this is over and Luthor's behind bars, I'll hand over whatever copies I've kept. Give me the program I need, and I promise I'll send you the information in due course. “

    “ Are you trying to blackmail a federal agent, Miss Lawrence ? “

    “ Like you tried to blackmail me to bring me in to help with this case ? We're even, Clarkson. “

    “ You'll get the software tomorrow morning. “

    Chloe wasn't sure how long she'd be able to carry on without revealing the truth to Lex- that is if he didn't already know who she was. In fact, she prayed the software provided by the FBI would help her find something juicy to put a stop to this charade. She was sure she'd not survive another scene like the one which had unfolded that night- only Lex's restraint had saved her, had he kissed her he would have known she'd been lying. If the one passionate kiss they had shared thirteen years before was anything to go by, their lips would only have to meet for her cover to be blown to pieces.

    Lex, in the meantime, locked himself up in his study before making a fool of himself. He had acted on impulse, driven by that sound which reminded him so much of Chloe. He had traced her features in an attempt to put his mind at rest but ended up more confused. Lindsey's face might not feel like Chloe's, but he recognised her spirit and essence in Lindsey, and those tiny – almost imperceptible scars gave him hope. He just needed to see her eyes. She had said they were brown, but her answer had taken her a little too long.

    I know it was short but it's provided you with a hint of what Chloe and Lex's relationship was like thirteen years ago. Go to the following chapter and find out what Lionel's up to.
    Last edited by lexie; 7th March 2010 at 07:34.
    Thxs to beeej for the avi



    "Choices"May 30 '11

    "At Second Sight" August 21 '11




  5. #45
    Happy-ending addict Senior Member lexie's Avatar
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    In RL:Argentina. In my dreams: Lexland

    Re: Payback Time ( PG )

    Disclaimer: read Chapter 1.

    A/N: here's the second part of this installment.

    CHAPTER 12: Janus

    Chloe walked into the living-room first thing in the morning to find Lex already showered and shaved and listening to the latest economic news on TV.

    “ Good morning, Mr Luthor. “

    “Good morning, Lindsey. Did you sleep well ? “

    “ Yes, thanks, Mr Luthor, “ lied Chloe. “ Have you had breakfast yet ? “

    “ Yes, I couldn't sleep and got up very early in the morning. The coffee's ready if you care for a cup, and there's fresh bread to toast. You'll find an assortment of jams and marmalades, or there's honey if you prefer, “ said a very civilized Lex.

    “ I don't feel like eating right now. But the coffee smells delicious. Is it a Brazilian blend ? “

    “ Lindsey ? “

    “ Mm ? “murmured Chloe while pouring herself a huge cup of strong coffee.

    “ Why don't we put an end to this farce ? “

    “ Farce ? “ jumped Chloe, fearing the moment of truth had come. “ What do you mean ? “

    “ I mean this ' urbane talk ' and that curt ' Mr Luthor '. What's next ? The weather ? “ he asked with a scowl.

    “ Has the mail arrived yet, Lex ? “ she asked sweetly.

    “ Better... Just don't overdo it. It's in the hall, Lindsey. “

    “ Let's see if they've delivered the CD we need to read the encrypted files. “

    “ You said you didn't know where to find that friend who could help you. “

    “Yes, but I resorted to another contact. He owes me as much as I owe him. Here it is. Now... let me turn on my laptop and run the program..., “ she explained, lowering herself down in an armchair with her compute on the lap. “ Wow ! “

    “ What is it ? “ asked and interested Lex, sitting on the sofa across her.

    “Your dad's been exchanging a lot of e-mails with a very important character. “

    “ Define character. “

    “ A US senator we've been hearing a lot about on the news. “

    “Landower ? “

    “ Yes, Landower. He wants to be taken for a philanthropist but you just have to look at his face to notice he's another two-faced politician. “

    “ What are the e-mails about ? “

    “ There are hundreds of them. You'd better have a lot of those Brazilian coffee beans because we've got a long day ahead. “

    “ I'm sorry I cannot help you with the reading, but I'm at your beck and call for anything else, “ he smiled widely.

    “ Keep dreaming, Mr Luthor, “ answered a flushed Chloe, lowering her eyes to the screen.

    By mid-afternoon Chloe had read about two hundred e-mails and was ready to stretch her legs and get a refill, when she saw something that called her attention.

    “ Does the word ' Janus ' ring a bell ? “

    “ Janus ? The Roman god of doorways and archways. He was a deity of beginnings. “

    “ I know who Janus is, Lex. My knowledge of mythology's not that rusty. What I meant was ... do you have any idea why your dad would mention Janus in his e-mails to the senator ? “

    “ I was in charge of a project I dubbed ' Janus ' but I dismantled it four years ago. It was way too dangerous to pursue. I don't understand what interest might Landower have in it. “

    “ Why wouldn't he be interested ? What kind of project was it ? “

    “ I invested a lot of money in it. All the resources I could spare were devoted to carry it out. I hired the best scientists in the field from around the world. The aim was to develop the ultimate vaccine, and I called it ' Janus ' because it would be a new beginning. A world without disease. “

    “ Why did you stop the research ? What went wrong ? “

    “ We collected samples of the most virulent strains from around the globe. It took us ten years to get them all in the lab. When the prototype was finished, we thought the Noble Prize was just a step away, but then something unexpected happened- the viruses started to mutate at an incredible speed. There was a fatal accident at the lab, and we were forced to seal the premises and shut down the project. “

    “ What about the people who were working on it ? “

    “ Those who were at the lab the day of the accident had to stay on the premises. “

    “ You mean they were sacrificed ? “

    “ Had they left the lab, they would have wiped out half of the country, Lindsey. “

    “ I suspect why your father might have brought this to Landower, but I'm afraid the name ' Janus ' would have a completely different connotation. “

    “ Wait... isn't Landower a member of the new Defense Commission ? “

    “ We're on the same page now, Mr Luthor, “ smiled Chloe. “ My, my. Look at this... “ she added on spotting a new hidden file.

    “ What have you found now ? “

    “ Confidential reports. It appears Lionel revamped your project two years ago and injected quite a flow of cash into it. “

    “ We need to find the payroll, Lindsey. Landower cannot be the only one involved. “

    “ Can we call it a day ? My eyes are sore and my back's killing me. “

    “ How about a massage, Miss Lawrence ? “ asked a deadpan Lex, cracking his knuckles.

    “ No, thanks, Mr Luthor, “ smiled Chloe. “ I've seen some heavenly-smelling salts in the bathroom. I think I'll have a bubble bath. “

    “ Your loss, “ said Lex with a smirk. “I'd offer to cook you dinner but I don't know my way around the kitchen yet. I have more than enough with being blind to add burnt to the equation. I'll order some takeout. Any preference ? “

    “ Anything but raw fish, “ she said, walking towards her room.

    “ Italian ? “

    “ Perfect. “

    Well... I hope it's whetted your appetite for more. What's your impression on this new installment ?
    Last edited by lexie; 27th July 2009 at 08:13.
    Thxs to beeej for the avi



    "Choices"May 30 '11

    "At Second Sight" August 21 '11




  6. #46
    NS Full Member Gaia's Avatar
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    Re: Payback Time ( PG )

    Quote Originally Posted by lexie View Post
    “ Your loss, “ said Lex with a smirk. “I'd offer to cook you dinner but I don't know my way around the kitchen yet. I have more than enough with being blind to add burnt to the equation. I'll order some takeout. Any preference ? “

    "He smelled were the rock is cooking"
    Bad of me, but this so needs a House quote

    This is getting better by the moment. Keep those updates coming.

  7. #47
    I am soooo not an addict tiger04's Avatar
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    Re: Payback Time ( PG )

    Really liking this story. Very good at walking the line of- is it chloe or not & does he know its me chloe. Can't wait to see where it goes next.


  8. #48
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    Re: Payback Time ( PG )

    That was such a great update. Chloe better be careful Lex is getting close to discovering who she is.
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  9. #49
    Happy-ending addict Senior Member lexie's Avatar
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    Re: Payback Time ( PG )

    Disclaimer: see Chapter 1.

    A/N: Last week I promised you an update. Owing to my heavy workload at school- I had to plan lots of activities, correct homework and tests, etc- this installment'll be a short one and it'll comprise two new chapters that'll give you some information about Lex and Chloe's following step in the investigation. There are three much longer chapters ahead so the climax is approaching. Stay tuned !

    Enjoy and keep those reviews coming !

    CHAPTER 13: The Ghost

    “ What else are you hiding from me, agent Clarkson ? “ asked Chloe, shut away in the bathroom.

    “ I'm afraid I don't quite follow you. “

    “ Don't play dumb, Clarkson. This investigation involves people in higher places. Lionel Luthor's just the tip of the iceberg. At least when I volunteered to testify against him thirteen years ago, I knew who I was fighting. The Luthors have been more truthful with me than Uncle Sam, isn't that ironic ? “

    “If I had told you the whole truth at the beginning, would you have agreed to come forward ? “

    “ I don't know, but at least I would have had the freedom to choose what to do. I don't like anybody playing God with my life, Clarkson. Goodnight, “ she barked, flipping the mobile shut.

    Chloe put on her nightdress, cleaned her teeth and slipped between the cool satin sheets. Her nerves were so strained she doubted she'd be able to get any sleep. This was the kind of case any investigative reporter would kill for, the perfect ' Watergate ' for a big newspaper like The Washington Post, The New York Times or Metropolis' Daily Planet. Chloe longed for those days when she would spend hours doing research with Clark at The Torch, but that time of her life was gone- the clock couldn't be turned back.

    “ Chloe ! “ The scream almost made her jump out of her skin. It was a name she hadn't heard used- least of all screamed- in over a decade. She sat up in bed and grabbed her negligee. Lex must have screamed her name in his sleep. ' What are you doing, Sullivan ? You cannot knock at his door or barge into his bedroom dressed like you are. You'd walk straight into trouble. You should pretend this has never happened. It doesn't matter how much you'd like to comfort him; you have to focus on the investigation,' she talked with herself and got back to bed.

    Five minutes later, Chloe heard the shower in Lex's bathroom and what she believed were stifled sobs. Was he afraid of not recovering his sight or was his crying due to something altogether different ? Could it be he was still in love with a dead woman ? Maybe she'd been wrong all along; it wasn't her who attracted him but the memory of the woman she reminded him of. How could she fight with a ghost ? How could she defeat her own ghost ?

    I know this chapter's been short but the installment isn't over yet. Go straight to the following chapter !
    Last edited by lexie; 27th July 2009 at 08:14.
    Thxs to beeej for the avi



    "Choices"May 30 '11

    "At Second Sight" August 21 '11




  10. #50
    Happy-ending addict Senior Member lexie's Avatar
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    In RL:Argentina. In my dreams: Lexland

    Re: Payback Time ( PG )

    Disclaimer: see Chapter 1.

    A/N: here's the promised second half.

    CHAPTER 14: All will be Revealed in Due Time.

    “ Who's this ? “ asked Lois with a frown, shutting the door of her office for some privacy.

    “ No names, Miss Lane. The information I'm prepared to share with you and Mr Kent's too sensitive. I'm ready to hand you both the biggest story since Watergate. “

    “ How do I know this isn't baloney ? I wouldn't like to end up my days working for The Inquisitor writing about some Hollywood starlet's latest fling. “

    “This is Pulitzer Prize material, Miss Lane. “

    “ Then, why didn't you go to The Post ? Why would you give Kent and me the scoop on this story ? “

    “ I've been following your careers for years. I like you. I admire the fact that you're still true to your ideals. You've never taken a bribe or let yourselves be coerced into printing a story or shelving it. “

    “ OK. Let's say I buy that. Where can we meet ? “

    “ That is out of the question, Miss Lane. “

    “ Then, how am I suppose to write what you´ve got to tell ? “

    “ You'll get all the information and everything you need to back up the story. “

    “ How can I contact you ? “

    “ I will, but we won't be talking again. It's too dangerous. Are you willing to run the risk ? Tell me or I'll go straight to The Post. “

    “ I am. “

    “ It's done, then, “ saidd Chloe, hanging up the payphone.

    Chloe breathed several times until her pulse rate was stable. Calling her cousin Lois and hearing her voice after so many years had left her drained. She had toyed with the idea of resorting to the press for weeks, she believed it was the only way to protect herself and Lex because she didn't trust the FBI. Actually, she didn't believe Lex and her would be able to tell the tale with all those big names involved in the conspiracy unless they went public.What's more, Chloe was convinced the people had the right to know- she didn't relish the idea of being an accomplice to a governmental cover-up.

    “ Lex ? I'm back ! “ said Chloe on entering the penthouse.

    “ Where have you been ? “ he asked tersely with his hands deep in the pockets of his trousers.

    “ I had to run some errands. I cannot be cooped up in this apartment 24-7. I also happen to have a life, Mr Luthor. “

    “ Jackson said you lost him. Why on earth would you do that ? I'm paying him to protect you and you've just cost him his job, Lindsey. “

    “ I've been a prisoner for too long, Mr Luthor. I'm done with that life. “

    “ God, Lindsey ! My father isn't someone we can play with. I can't protect you if I don't know where you are, “ said Lex, grabbing her by the arms.

    “ I was trying to find a way to protect us both. “

    “ What have you done ? “

    “ You'll find out soon enough. “

    “ I don't like surprises, Lindsey, “ he responded threateningly.

    “ Neither do I. But you'll love this one, I promise. Now... tell me, Mr Luthor, why did you ask me to buy a long formal dress ? “

    “We're attending a charity ball tonight, “ answered Lex, letting go of her arms and walking to the wet bar.

    “ Isn't it too early to have a drink ? “

    “ It's either this or a wrung neck. You choose, “ said Lex raising his glass.

    “ Go ahead, by all means. I'll need my neck to keep this dress from slipping down if we're going to that party. “

    “ That'd be a beautiful sight to behold, Miss Lawrence, “ he flirted. “ Just what my doctor's ordered. “

    “ I forgot. What did he say ? “asked a blushing Chloe.

    “ Things couldn't be better, “ he said matter-of-factly.

    “I'm glad. “

    “ Are you ? “ he asked cryptically.

    “ Of course I am.What kind of question is that ? “ she asked outraged.

    “ Because then you'd have nowhere to hide. “

    “ I'll try on the dress. What time's the ball ? “

    “ At seven thirty. Don't put on any jewellery. “

    “ Why not ? “

    “ Just don't. All will be revealed in due time, Miss Lawrence. Have some patience. “

    Well... what are your impressions ? ( Don't say this update was short- I already know that. ) Any expectations about Clark and Lois' inclusion in the plot ? Are you looking forward to reading a much longer update before this week's over ? Leave your review and find out what happens at the charity ball.
    Last edited by lexie; 27th July 2009 at 08:14.
    Thxs to beeej for the avi



    "Choices"May 30 '11

    "At Second Sight" August 21 '11




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