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Thread: Startling Revelation (NC-17) *Epilogue part 2 updated 5/21/07*

  1. #501
    NS Senior Member Senior Member
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    Re: Startling Revelation *Updated 11-22-06 Chapter 21* (NC-17)

    I went into Awww mode when Lex was talking about Virginia.

    Chloe doesn't feel anything? She can't be over him, she's just numb or something because she cried so it must still hurt.

    I don't want Lex to earn her back so easily, of course, that wouldn't be right. It's his turn to seduce her from friendship to a relationship. However, I still desparately want them back together so even though I know what is right, I still want to ditch it for the quicker solution. I'm an impatient hopeless romantic.

    All right it's time for Lex to buckle down and work on a plan because I know he's going to refuse to believe that Chloe doesn't still have feelings for him. Lex will not give up.

  2. #502
    looking for updates Senior Member somethingeasy's Avatar
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    Re: Startling Revelation *Updated 11-22-06 Chapter 21* (NC-17)

    Thanks for all of the feedback. I know it was evil of me to leave the story there, but I promise to make it up to you all. Kind of… This is for Something Easy, who takes the time to kick me in the ass to get writing!!! Well, here’s the next part. Enjoy!
    Heh… Good to know that my constant nagging managed to achieve the desired effects. Gives me incentive to continue naggi… erm… feedbacking at the same rate as always.

    Chloe silently stared at the man standing in front of her. Admittedly, seeing Lex two days in a row was somewhat of a shock to her system, and now standing here, watching him, she realized that for the first she was actually able to look at him without getting seriously depressed. This time, she realized, that all she felt was empty. No longer sad or angry just incredibly hollowed out and tired.
    This part just made me want to cry. The way Chloe seriously feels nothing for Lex now beyond a sense of hollow regret. On one hand, it’s great that his presence doesn’t pain her, or make her lose her sense of perspective… but on the other hand, she seems to have a dead void where there used to be such passion and grace.

    “Fine,” She said. “I was just leaving.” She slid around Chloe and through the door, not passing up the chance to shoot Lex a glare from hell.
    Still loving Lois, and the way she defends Chloe, even if it is only in passing. I get the feeling she would have happily drop-kicked Lex if Chloe had given the slightest hint that was what she wanted to see.

    Chloe didn’t care. She was through talking. She only waited patiently, for him to say what he had to say. She only stared at him expectantly, her thoughts going back to how he looked the night before, how unbearable his expression had been. How cold he had seemed. It had kind of hurt that she couldn’t read him. But, now, standing in front of him, she could see a slight difference in his eyes. An openness that wasn’t there the night before. She had no idea how to feel about that.
    I like that Chloe has no expectations or hopes about what’s going to happen here. She just seems like she wants CLOSURE on the whole situation. She really is ready to move on from the pain, anguish and lost confusion that Lex left her in after his cruel heart-breaking parting words to her. I guess she’s assuming that is what Lex came here for too.

    He nodded, his expression on his face showing how awkward he felt. “I was, and now--” He trailed off with a sigh. “Chloe I want to--” He trailed off and glanced down at Virginia, who rubbed her body against his leg while purring. Glad for the distraction, he bent down and petted the Cat’s head. “She’s getting big.”

    “Yeah,” Chloe said with a small smile. “She eats everything,” She explained. “Lois hates her thought. I think Virginia makes it her business to pee on Lois’s shoes every chance she gets.”

    “That’s my girl.” He murmured softly. He rubbed her behind her ears.”
    LOL! Their conversation seems so formal and stilted… as should be expected, but there is still some potential for friendliness, connection and warmth between them.

    “One moment I’m alone, and the next thing I know you’ve insinuated yourself into my life.” He swallowed, his hands clenching and unclenching as he said his next words. “Into my heart.”
    It’s about time the idiot admitted all this to himself as well as to Chloe. Or actually… too little, too late. It’s wonderful to read through, but why did it take him too damned long to make a difference.

    Chloe stiffened, feeling sudden panic. She wasn’t ready to hear this. She wasn’t ready for whatever it was he was going to say. “Lex-” She said quietly, her voice taking on a warning tone.
    Chloe was taken by shock here. And definitely not in a good way. She probably expected Lex to want closure just like her. Instead he’s telling that he wants to go back to where they were before. And she just can’t do that!

    He continued on, stepping closer toward her as he spoke. “I hadn’t consciously realized how deeply I care for you until the night you were taken.”

    Chloe shook her head, not wanting to think about that night. “Please-”

    “When I realized how much you meant. How deeply you were inside of me..I-“ He frowned. “I panicked.”
    The FOOL! Why did he take so long to choose to say all this??!! Doesn’t he even realize how far too late it is to start voicing these feelings and desires?

    “Just the thought of loosing you was too much, when that night happened and you lived I knew I couldn’t feel the way I felt ever again.”

    “Stop it!” She yelled, now suddenly angry. She knew all of this already. She’d figured it out so long ago, but she didn’t want to hear him say those hurtful words. Didn’t want to hear his excuses. Her eyes narrowed. His excuses that were too little too late.
    It seems like Chloe is not quite as over Lex as she might have wished. She is not anywhere NEAR ready to forgive him or trust him again. But she still feels something for him, otherwise he wouldn’t be able to hurt her so.

    She looked away from him to gather her thoughts. She once again realized how angry and tired she felt. “Why is it always all or nothing with you?”

    Lex only shrugged. “Because it’s the way I am.”

    “Well you suck.” She murmured, her arms crossing in front of her chest. It wasn’t the most articulate thing she’s ever said, but she couldn’t think straight. “Why are you telling me this now?” She asked. “What do you want from me?”
    Not articulate at all. Not up to her usual standards… But it gets her point across

    Lex stared at her before the truth slipped from her lips. “Just you.”

    “Its too late.” She murmured quietly. Just too late. She stood up and stepped away from him, shaking her head. “I tried putting everything into what we had Lex, and you threw it away.”

    “I know that,” He said just as quietly. “I’m trying to fix this Chloe. I want us to work things out. I want things to go back to the way they were.”

    She shook her head. “It isn’t that easy Lex. I’m not even sure if I feel the same way anymore.” The words slid out of her mouth before she could stop them. She couldn’t help but feel extreme guilt at the pain that flashed across his face.
    I HIGHLY approved of this. I liked the way that Chloe didn’t do ANYthing to lead him to believe there was still a chance of something between them again. She still has to forgive him and re-learn how to be friends with him before taking any other steps. And it wouldn’t be fair to lead him to believe that there was anything beyond friendship at this point.

    He jerked his head from left to right. “Don’t be. Please don’t.” He turned to go. He paused and turned to look at her. “I hope this doesn’t ruin the opportunity for a friendship?”
    I’m also glad to see Lex realizes and acknowledges the utter ass he made of himself and the mess he’s made of what was the most wonderful relationship of his life. And I’m also glad to see that he’s not demanding another ‘all or nothing’ scenario with her.

    If she’s not willing to try being lovers, he’s willing to settle for friendship, as long as it means having Chloe in his life in some form or another.

    Although I get the feeling he’s going to be trying like hell to win her back. I’m just hoping the idiot doesn’t do his usual move of pushing too hard and too fast for Chloe to maintain a friendship…

    Although it WOULD be fun to see Chloe give him another scathing rant once he DOES end up pushing too much at some time.

    I can’t wait to see how he behaves with his second chance. Is he going to be saintfully patient? Or is he going to start plotting, scheming a way to romance his way back into Chloe’s heart?

    He reached out and squeezed her hand. “I’ll see you around Chloe.” He turned and opened the door and stared as Lois, who was obviously eavesdropping, stumbled forward into the apartment. He stepped over her and walked out of the apartment, not bothering to look back.

    “I forgot something.” Lois explained, standing up while wiping her pants off. “Chloe?”

    Chloe just shook her head, unable to speak.

    “Come here,” Lois murmured, wrapping her arms around Chloe, letting her cry on her shoulder.
    Again… LOVE Lois! She really is the best of cousins to have hanging around for a variety of reasons. How many cousins could take you out to a smut shop to purchase handcuffs and be able to offer a strong shoulder to cry on the next day.

    Please update soon. This chapter was lovely, but it washonestly too SHORT to be fully satisfying, and I really hope the next one comes along soon. How’s it going anyway?

  3. #503
    Lex's Devoted Love Slave darkangel's Avatar
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    Re: Startling Revelation *Updated 11-22-06 Chapter 21* (NC-17)

    Oh no you didn't. You can't leave it there.

  4. #504
    NS Full Member lkedino's Avatar
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    Re: Startling Revelation *Updated 11-22-06 Chapter 20* (NC-17)

    update please soon

  5. #505
    NS Full Member gecko's Avatar
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    Re: Startling Revelation *Updated 11-22-06 Chapter 20* (NC-17)

    another great chapter, i can't wait to read the next part, lex is an idiot for thinking that he could live without chloe in his life, i hope that chloe realises sooner rather than later that she needs him in her life.

  6. #506
    Fan Artist, Fanfic Lover Senior Member Esther25jm's Avatar
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    Re: Startling Revelation *Updated 11-22-06 Chapter 20* (NC-17)

    Wonderful chapter, but Chloe did really reject him....right?!!! Egads, please tell me that Lex isn't gonna give up. Friendship good---yes---but I'm with everyone else....bring us some loving...please. I'm soo not ashamed to beg, either.

  7. #507
    NS Full Member toryjhay's Avatar
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    Re: Startling Revelation *Updated 11-22-06 Chapter 20* (NC-17)

    awwwwwwwwwwwww...i can't help but feel bad for lex, but it was his own damn fault!!! i don't blame chloe at all...but they have to get back together right??? great update, can't wait for the next chappie!!!

  8. #508
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    Re: Startling Revelation *Updated 11-22-06 Chapter 20* (NC-17)

    Damn it! I hate missing chapters! But I'm glad I could find these. I swear, Lois should have just have gone with her first thought and gotten Clark to punch Lex through the head.

    Can't wait to see what happens next. At least Chloe had enough sence not to let that boy just walk right back into her life. He needs to know he just can't pull this shit when hes in one of those 'moments'.

    ): )

  9. #509
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    Talking Re: Startling Revelation *Updated 11-22-06 Chapter 20* (NC-17)

    Where's chapter 21? I'm shocked to leave it just that way. Write more soon!!!

  10. #510
    Join Date
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    Re: Startling Revelation *Updated 11-22-06 Chapter 20* (NC-17)

    Okay, so, I've just read this entire thing and have decided that not only is it completely excellent, but that you need to update...NOW! Because I have aquired quite an addiction and you need to give me more, my wonderful dealer. So please make with the update? Soon? I can't handle it if you leave it like this!!!

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