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Thread: Startling Revelation (NC-17) *Epilogue part 2 updated 5/21/07*

  1. #141
    NS Full Member jem's Avatar
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    i alternate from nc17 fanfiction forum to la la land...

    Re: Startling Revelation *Updated 4-6-06 Chapter 7 * (NC-17)

    TBC- Second part of this chapter up later today!
    so she said later today... and we're all gonna stay here and wait for it too right??

    YAY the kiss..
    i do so like green eggs and ham
    i do so like them...sam i am
    –Dr Seuss “Green Eggs And Ham”--

  2. #142
    NS Senior Member Senior Member lj715's Avatar
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    Re: Startling Revelation *Updated 4-6-06 Chapter 7 * (NC-17)

    Ahhhhh, I LOVE Christmas. I hope you're not teasing & will post the second part of this chapter later. Hope Lex finally gives in to Chloe.

  3. #143
    NS Full Member hannagreen20's Avatar
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    Re: Startling Revelation *Updated 4-6-06 Chapter 7 * (NC-17)

    They kissed! Woo Hoo! I love Christmas! The K-Mart thing was hilarious. Can't wait for the next part!
    Beatrice: You have stayed me in a happy hour, I was about to protest I loved you.
    Benedick: And do it, with all thy heart.
    Beatrice: I love you with so much of my heart, that none is left to protest.

    "Much Ado About Nothing."

    Mr. Darcy: You must know... surely, you must know it was all for you. I will have to tell you: you have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love, I love, I love you. I never wish to be parted from you from this day on.

    "Pride and Prejudice"

  4. #144
    NS Senior Member Senior Member autumngold's Avatar
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    Re: Startling Revelation *Updated 4-6-06 Chapter 7 * (NC-17)

    I never thought I'd say this, but I don't mind waiting for the NC-17. I really like how you're developing the relationship between Lex and Chloe!! Great Christmas chapter!! I love what she got him for Christmas!! Can't wait for the second part of the chapter!!

  5. #145
    NS Full Member kcsgirl82's Avatar
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    Re: Startling Revelation *Updated 4-6-06 Chapter 7 * (NC-17)

    I absolutely loved it!!!!!!!! I hope this means that he is starting to realize he loves her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. #146
    NS Senior Member Senior Member letia84's Avatar
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    Re: Startling Revelation *Updated 4-6-06 Chapter 7 * (NC-17)

    TBC- Second part of this chapter up later today!
    How long do we have to wait for the update today? I need some smut please.

  7. #147
    NS Senior Member Senior Member
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    Re: Startling Revelation *Updated 4-6-06 Chapter 7 * (NC-17)

    I loved the whole idea of Lex shopping at KMart. And he was soooo cute helping that little girl. Saved by the bell on having to answer if Chloe was his wife. The moment with the gift was very sweet. And finally we get one amazing kiss but where is the rest? More please!

  8. #148
    Chlexaholics Unite! Senior Member Ann's Avatar
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    Re: Startling Revelation *Updated 4-6-06 Chapter 7 * (NC-17)

    YAY, they kissed! And it was so sweet too. I loved the KMart part. That was hillarious and had my family looking at me like I'd lost my mind when I'd start laughing like a loon. Please hurry back soon!

  9. #149
    NS Full Member star del mar's Avatar
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    Re: Startling Revelation *Updated 4-6-06 Chapter 7 * (NC-17)

    Oh my God! They finally kissed! It was such a sweet moment and the fact that Lex wants to wait and take things a little slower completely makes me believe that they are meant for each other because Lex obviously has to care about Chloe more then he has for anyone else. Very cute update, I loved the Christmas shopping


  10. #150
    Kill Lana
    Join Date
    12 Nov 2005

    Re: Startling Revelation *Updated 4-7-06 Chapter 7 (part2)* (NC-17)

    Chapter 7 (Part 2)- Here is part two guys. Sorry for the delay! Also its almost two in the morning, so excuse me if there are errors.

    “I’m coming.”

    “Where are you?”

    Chloe limped around her dorm room. “I can’t find my other shoe.”

    Lois groaned into the phone. “You’re a mess. I’ve been waiting here for fifteen minutes.”

    “I’m sorry.” Chloe said as she kneeled down to look under her bed.

    “You’re depriving me of my nutrients and carbohydrates. I’m loosing a pound a minute.”

    Chloe frowned as she crawled over towards Lana’s bed. “Gotcha.” She said triumphantly, as she spotted her shoe.

    “What?” Lois said confused.

    “Nothing. Look, stop being so dramatic. I’ll be there in less than ten minutes.”

    “Hurry up. There’s only so much bread sticks I can eat. Oh, hot guy at twelve o’ clock.”

    Chloe stumbled as she struggled to put her shoe on. “Lois? Lois?” she sighed, and closed her phone when she noticed Lois had hung up.

    She hurried around the room; gathering her purse and keys that lay on her desk. “Okay. I have everything.” She paused in front of her mirror to brush down her clothing. She growled in annoyance as her phone rang again.

    “Lois, I said I’ll be there!”

    “Considering that I’m not Lois. I think I should be offended.”

    Chloe’s annoyed scowl melted into a smile. “Lex, Hi. How’s Vancouver?”

    “Cold. I haven’t really left my hotel room except to attend meetings.”
    “Sounds fun. How’d those go?”

    He sighed. “The usual monotonous situation.”

    “You sound exhausted. You should rest.”

    Lex sounded amused. “I am resting. I’m lying in bed right now.”

    Chloe snorted as she walked down the steps of her dorm building. “Yeah you’re in bed all right. And I bet you’re surrounded by a bunch of file folders from work.”

    Lex paused, and she could hear papers rustling on the other end. “I’m not.”

    Chloe scanned her Id card so that the doors could open. “Liar.”

    “Chloe, I really am resting.”

    “Hmm, then why’d you call me?”

    Lex paused before answering. “Because, I can’t wait to come home.”

    Chloe paused on the front steps. “Does that mean you miss me?”

    Another pause. “Yes. I think it does.”

    Chloe felt her stomach flutter. “I miss you too Lex.”

    “I’ll let you go,” He said, changing the subject. “Don’t want you to be even more late.”

    “Okay,” Chloe said flagging down a taxi. “Hey, wait. Lex?”

    “Yes Chloe?”

    “Are you by any chance naked?”

    Lex laughed softly. “I’ll talk to you later Chloe.”


    “So you two haven’t had sex yet?”

    Chloe shook her head at her cousin. “Is that all you care about?”

    Lois gave her a surprised look. “No. How can you say a thing like- okay so maybe that is all I care about. I’m tired of hearing all of this lovey dovey crap. I want to hear some hardcore sex stories already.”

    Chloe laughed despite herself. “Lois-”

    “Seriously Chlo, you look like you’re about to explode from frustration.”

    Chloe raised an eyebrow. “And you’re one to talk.”

    Lois nodded. “Exactly. One of us has to be getting some, and since you’re the one with access to a real guy. I figured I’d live my life vicariously through yours.”

    Chloe shook her head. “That’s pretty sad.”

    “I know.” Lois sighed. “So, what’s going on?”

    Chloe shrugged as she looked down at her plate. “I don’t know. Its like he’s scared to actually- you know, but I think he’s confused right now. Sex complicates things.”

    Lois crossed her arms. “That’s crap.”

    Chloe shrugged at a loss. “He just acts all weird and twitchy like I’m made of glass or something.”

    Something in Lois’s expression changed. “Oh.” She said with a secret smile.

    Chloe eyed her suspiciously. “Oh? What oh? What’s that look for?”

    Lois smiled, shaking her head. “No. No reason-well there is a reason actually. I think I know why Lex hasn’t inserted slot A into slot B.”

    Chloe frowned in confusion. “Huh?”

    Lois rolled her eyes. “Chloe, how many guys have you been with?”

    “One. You know that. What does that have to do with- oh my god!” Chloe’s eyes widened. “You really think he thinks I’m a virgin?”

    Lois nodded. “Yes. I mean you’ve practically thrown yourself on him-”

    “I have not!” Chloe cut in.

    “And he hasn’t so much as groped you inappropriately.”

    “He did. That one time during Christmas.”

    Lois shrugged. “Moment of weakness.” She began to giggle. “He thinks you’re a virgin.”

    Chloe crossed her arms in front of her chest. “Shut up. Its not funny. I can’t believe he thinks that.”

    Lois shrugged. “I can. I mean, you do put on this innocent act sometimes.”

    Chloe gasped. “I do not!”

    “Mmhmm. I bet you don’t even masturbate.”

    Chloe’s mouth opened. “That’s none of your- I feel stupid when I try it alone okay?”

    “If you say so. Virgin.”



    Chloe pouted. “I really hate you sometimes.”


    “Ms. Sullivan,” Helga greeted in a somber tone.

    Chloe frowned as the loud sounds of Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata reverberated throughout the castle. “What is that music?”

    Helga sighed. “Mr. Luthor has been playing that music all day.”

    Chloe gave her a concerned look. “Is he all right?”

    “I’m afraid not. He arrived back from his trip today in the worst of moods. The staff has decided to stay clear of him.”

    Chloe suddenly had a very sinking feeling that something was wrong. “do you know what’s bothering him?”

    Helga’s expression turned sad as she nodded slowly. “Yes, I think I may know why. Why don’t you go in and see if you can cheer him up.”

    Chloe’s earlier plans to talk to Lex about her non existing virginity was suddenly out the window as she made her way toward his study. Intent on getting to the bottom of whatever was bothering him. The music grew louder the closer she was toward her destination. She stood in front of the closed door for a moment before trying the knob, sighing in relief when it wasn’t locked.

    She gasped in surprise as she surveyed the scene in front of her. Lex was standing in the middle of the room, a glass and a half empty decanter of brandy in each of his hands. It looked as though a twister swept through his study. Papers, broken glass, and furniture thrown everywhere.

    She stared at his back with concern. “Lex!” She tried to call over the loud music, but he just ignored her, and continued to stare blankly at the wall. She walked over toward his stereo, and switched it off. “Lex.” She called more quietly.

    He turned quickly, a startled look on his face. His surprised look turned into annoyance. “What are you doing here Chloe?”

    She shrugged, eyeing him warily. “I came to see you.”

    He smirked at her. “Is that right?” He asked, his words slurring at the end of his sentence.

    “You’re drunk.”

    Lex laughed, holding up his empty glass. “Give the girl a prize.” His hands shook as he poured himself another drink. “I’m not drunk enough.”

    “Lex, why are you….” she trailed off as Lex moved past her towards the bar.

    He slammed the empty decanter down on the table so hard, it nearly cracked. “You shouldn’t be here Chloe.” He picked another decanter up, and poured himself another drink.

    Chloe stepped forward. “What’s wrong Lex?”

    He still wouldn‘t look at her. “Its really non of your business.”

    That stung. Chloe felt the hurt of his words hit her full on, but she pushed It away, and walked closer toward him. “It is my business. I’m worried about you Lex.” She gently placed a hand on his shoulder. “Tell me what’s got you like this.”

    Lex stiffened. “Don’t-”

    “Don’t what?” She cut in. “Worry about you? I’m sorry, but I can’t help that.”

    Lex glared at her, and shrugged her hand off. “Don’t touch me.”

    Her eyes went sad. “Tell me what’s wrong,” She said quietly. “Please don’t push me away this time Lex. Just tell me what’s bothering you.” She wouldn’t walk away. No matter what hurtful thing he did or said to her. She wouldn’t let him off this easy. He was in obvious pain, and she wanted to try and make it just a little bit better for him.

    “Go home Chloe, I’m fine.”

    Chloe laughed hollowly. “Fine? You destroyed your whole office. You’re going to drink until you’re sick. That is not fine. Please, tell me what’s the matter.” She could feel the tears in her eyes threatening to fall over, and she quickly wiped at her eyes. She hated this. This feeling helpless. All she wanted to do was help him, and he wouldn’t even tell her what was wrong.


    She looked up to see Lex looking at her with a strained expression. She shook her head. “I know this is new to you, but you don’t have to hold everything inside all the time. Just tell me what’s wrong.”

    Lex sighed, and turned away from her. He whole stance was stiff, his hands, which were now at his sides, were in tight fist. His voice was strangely horse as he spoke. “My mother died fourteen years ago today.”

    Oh, god. Chloe hadn’t been expecting that. She had expected his father had done something to upset him or something had gone wrong with the talks during his business trip. Lex never mentioned when Lillian had died.

    She shook her head in sorrow. To think he would try and hold something like that inside. To try and deal with so much pain alone. “Lex-”

    He shook his head angrily. “I forgot Chloe. I completely forgot. On my way home on the jet. I looked down at my planner, and I saw the date, and it suddenly hit me.”

    Chloe didn’t know what to say. “I’m sorry.”

    Lex looked like he was thinking. “I haven’t even visited her grave at all last year.”

    “Why not?”

    He turned to face her. “Because I’ve become the one person she made me promise not to become.”

    Chloe knew he meant his father, and that angered her. “No. You’re nothing like him Lex.”

    “I’ve done things Chloe. Questionable things. Things she would never forgive me for.”

    Chloe nodded, placing her hand back on his shoulder. “I know, but you’re her son, and she loves you no matter what. You’re not Lionel. Do you understand me?”

    “How do you know?” He asked in a quiet voice.

    Chloe smiled softly at him. “I wouldn’t be here if I thought so.”

    Lex could only stare at her. His face holding a very intense look that frightened her and excited her all in one. She hadn’t expected him to kiss her. His lips slammed down on top of hers so hard she nearly stumbled backward, and she would’ve had he not been holding her waist in a tight grip. He propelled them backward, and Chloe gasped as her back suddenly hit the wall with a painful thud. She clutched at his shirt back as their tongues moving against each other, holding on as he seemed to pour all of his pain, frustration and anger into that kiss. He seemed desperate, silently searching for something she couldn’t really understand.

    She gasped for breath when he released her mouth. She opened her eyes to see him watching her, and the wild look in his eyes frightened her so much she had to close her own eyes. Suddenly, his hands gripped by her wrist non too gently, and he moved them above her head. Chloe’s heart thudded so loudly in her chest, she was sure he could hear it in the silence of the study.

    She didn’t resist him when his left hand held both of her arms above her head, gasping in pleasure when his right hand found its way between her legs. She gasped in surprise as two of his fingers plunged deeply into her wet hot sex, plunging it in and out of her wetness hard and fast.
    She felt her body become flushed. Damp with sweat, and she tried to move her hips against his hand, tried to move her body period, but she couldn’t. He had her whole body pinned to the wall. All she could do was feel and moan helplessly as his fingers brought her to her first orgasm in three years.

    “Lex-” She was cut off by his lips attacking hers again. She pulled away slightly. “Lex,” She breathed. “My arms are starting go numb.”

    Her words seemed to strike something inside him, because suddenly his lips were gone, and he stepped away from her so fast she could’ve sworn he moved just as fast a Clark.

    Chloe’s eyes opened, and the wild look Lex had earlier was gone. In place of it was something she never saw on his face before. Fear. “Lex?”

    “I scared you.” He said quietly.

    Chloe shook her head confused. “No, well a little but I-”

    “I think you should go home Chloe.”

    “What?” She asked quietly.

    He turned away from her. “Go home.”

    Chloe didn’t’ understand what the problem was. Why was he doing this? “No, Lex-”

    “Please, Chloe. Just go. I’ll- I’ll see you tomorrow.”

    Pain and embarrassment flared deep inside Chloe as he used that cold tone he usually reserved for business on her. “Okay,” She said quietly. “I’ll go. But I’m coming to see you tomorrow.”

    His shoulders relaxed a bit. “Goodnight Chloe.”

    Chloe wondered where it all went wrong as she quietly left his study. She held back her tears of confusion as she made her way to the car. Those could wait until she got back to Metropolis.


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