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Thread: Startling Revelation (NC-17) *Epilogue part 2 updated 5/21/07*

  1. #131
    Kill Lana
    Join Date
    12 Nov 2005

    Re: Startling Revelation *Updated 4-6-06 Chapter 7 * (NC-17)

    Thanks for all the feedback once again. I know you’re all asking when they actually get it on, and they will..I just like to build up to it Don’t kill me though, I won’t make you wait too long… Just before anyone gets confused… its nine months into Chloe and Lex’s friendship which means its December of Chloe’s second year in college. So the first half of this chapter is set in December and its kind of an interlude, and the second half is set just after new years.

    Chapter 7 (Part 1)

    Christmas Interlude

    11 days before Christmas

    Christmas time always put Chloe in the best of moods. The songs, the decorations, the snow. It was Chloe’s favorite time of the year. Everyone was just so joyous and festive.

    Well, almost everyone.

    “Why are we doing this again?” Lex asked as they walked through the tree lot.

    Chloe glanced sideways at Lex. “Because, it’s a sin that you don’t have a Christmas tree up or any decorations.”

    Lex shrugged. “I thought I’d skip Christmas this year. Like I did last year. And the year before that one.”

    She rolled her eyes at him. “You can’t just ignore Christmas Lex.”

    He wrapped his coat tighter around his body. “Well, couldn’t we have ordered one of these off the internet? Or I could’ve gotten one of my staff to do this.”

    Chloe gave him an odd look. “Picking out the tree yourself is the best part.”

    Lex stepped back, looking uncomfortable as a child ran past him, nearly stepping on his expensive leather shoes. “Yes, but there is so many people here. Loud people. Not to mention all the children.”

    Chloe smiled in amusement; never seeing Lex look this uncomfortable before. This self conscious. He usually was able to adapt to any situation no matter what, but she could tell that of this jolliness in one vicinity was certainly throwing such a composed moody man like himself for a loop. She glanced at him holding in her laugh at the slightly baffled look on his face. She had noticed the obvious stares he had been getting since they stepped foot onto the lot. She knew, of course, that he would be stared at. He looked sleek and sophisticated, and completely out of place among the flannel wearing residents of Smallville. She almost felt sorry for him.

    Just almost.

    “Oh, poor Lex.” She said, wrapping her hands around his arm, and pulling him toward a tree. “What about this one?”

    Lex looked up at the tree slowly raising his eyebrow. “Its rather small.”

    Chloe rolled her eyes. “You said that about the last one.”

    Lex shrugged. “Well, its true about this one too.”

    Chloe ignored him as she looked over the seven foot tree. It was the greenest fullest tree in the lot. “I think its perfect.”

    “Its small.” He repeated.

    Chloe grinned at him. “It is not. Its perfect. I already have the perfect place to put it in your study.”

    Lex glanced at her sideways his face softening the longer he stared at her smiling face. “Fine,” He said softly. “We’ll get it.”


    Lex stared up at the buidling with horror. It was horrible. “I’m not stepping foot inside there.”

    Chloe glanced up at Kmart with a frown. “Why not?”

    Lex gave her an incredulous look. “Because its Kmart.” He replied, as if that explained everything.

    Chloe narrowed her eyes, and pulled on his arm. “Lex, we have to get the decorations. Stop acting like a snob, and grab a cart.”

    “I draw the line here Chloe.” He said, reaching for a cart. “The things I do for you.”

    Lex squinted at the bright lights of the monstrosity that is Kmart. “Why the hell is it so bright in here?”

    “We need to start in the Christmas aisle,” she said ignoring him. “Then go to the food aisle so we can get the popcorn.”

    Lex frowned deeply as he followed Chloe down the aisle. “Don’t you think you should actually look at what you’re buying before just throwing it in the cart?”

    “Nope,” She said while grabbing two stockings and a box of silver ornaments. “I have a vision in my mind of how I want this to look. Pass me those rope lights please.”

    “Vision huh?” Lex asked as he passed her a box of white lights. “Does this vision include tacky Christmas tinsel?”

    Chloe nodded. “Of course. Now can you stop complaining so much, and go get the popcorn.”

    “I’m marveling at the fact that you don’t find it strange that this place sells clothing and groceries in the same store.”


    “I’m going. I’m going.”

    “I swear if he ditched me I’m gong to kill him.” Chloe muttered as she pushed her now full cart toward the grocery aisle. She paused staring in surprise as she watched the scene in front of her.

    Lex was leaning down in front of a little girl with blonde pigtails, who sat on the aisle floor; tears falling down her cheeks as she clutched her elbow in obvious pain. Chloe stepped back, not wanting him to realize she was there watching. She watched as Lex pulled out a handkerchief from his pocket, and began to attentively press it to the little girl’s elbow, and talking very softly. The little girl smiled softly, nodding her head, obviously finding amusement in whatever Lex was saying to her because she began to giggle. Chloe felt the smile on her face widen as she watched Lex wipe the tears from the little girl’s eye s with the pad of his thumb. He stood up, reaching out his hand to help the little girl up. Chloe watched surprised when the little girl giggled at another joke. She didn’t know he knew that many jokes. Chloe made her presence known as he opened the box of Candy canes he was holding, and handed the little girl one.

    “Hi.” She said, noticing the way Lex tensed up.


    Chloe smiled at him. “Aren’t you going to introduce me to your friend Lex?”

    The little girl held her hand out. “I’m Crystal Conty.”

    Chloe shook her small hand. “Well, hello, Crystal Conty. I’m Chloe Sullivan.”

    Crystal grinned revealing her missing two front teeth. “I fell down and Mister Lex here helped me feel better.”

    Chloe glanced at Lex sensing how uncomfortable he was. “He did?”

    Crystal nodded as she licked her candy cane. “Uh huh,” she said pointing at Chloe, but directing her question at Lex. “She’s pretty. Is she your wife?”

    Chloe felt Lex tense beside her at the question. She glanced at him unsurprised at the surprise in his eyes at the question. “Well,” She said enjoying his discomfort. “Answer the question honey.”

    Lex’s head snapped over in her direction, his mouth slightly ajar.

    “Well,” He started softly. “Actually Crystal-”

    “Crystal! Sweetie, there you are!”

    Chloe looked up as a blonde haired woman hurried down the aisle toward her daughter.

    “Thank goodness you’re all right.” The woman said, grabbing crystal in her arms for a hug.

    Crystal made a face, gently trying to unclamp her mother’s arms from around her. “I’m okay mommy.” She muttered embarrassed.

    Her mother pulled away glaring at her. “What have I told you about wandering off by yourself? Its dangerous.”

    Crystal nodded. “I’m sorry Mommy. I fell down, but Mister Lex helped me.”

    Her mother frowned. “Mister-” she turned toward Lex and Chloe, her eyes widening in surprise as she glanced at Lex. “Mr. Luthor.” she said stiffly.

    Lex held his hand up shaking his head. “Please call me Lex.”

    The woman nodded jerkily as she stood up straight. “Okay. Thank you Mr- Lex. I appreciate you looking after my daughter. Come along Crystal.”

    “Wait! Mommy!” Crystal cried yanking out of her mother’s grasp, and wrapping her arms around Lex’s waist. She squeezed as much as her little arms would let her. “Thank you Mister Lex.”

    Lex’s hard expression softened as he gently patted Crystal’s head. “You’re welcome. Just remember next time climbing shelves is dangerous.”

    Crystal nodded as she stepped back. “I promise.” She said before glancing at Chloe. “It was nice to meet you Miss Chloe.”

    Chloe smiled. “You too Crystal.”


    “Coming mommy.”

    They both watched as Crystal Conty merrily skipped down the aisle toward her mother. “Hey, Mommy, can I have a puppy for Christmas?”

    “Don’t ever run off like that again Crystal. Its very dangerous. Next time…..”

    Chloe could feel the large grin on her face as Lex looked over at her, the unreadable mask back in its place. “That was very sweet of you.”

    Lex just shrugged. “She fell, I had no choice.”

    Chloe was still smiling. “Mmhmm. Still sweet. I bet you’re going to buy her that puppy aren’t you?”

    An expression very close to shock flashed on Lex’s face before he concealed it again. “Here,” he said handing her his credit card. “Pay for this stuff, I’m going to wait in the car.”

    Chloe watched him go, that same smile on her face. Time and time again he proved others wrong without him even acknowledging it.

    “Well, how does it look?”

    Lex stared at his now decorated office in silence. He had never seen so many red’s green’s and silvers in one spot before. Lights were around the tree, hung from the ceilings, and around his fireplace. “It looks like Santa Claus regurgitated in here.”

    Chloe elbowed him. “You like it.”

    Lex shrugged. “Its all right.”

    She could tell he was lying by the smile he was trying to hide. “You love it.”

    He didn’t deny it, and they silently looked on at their finished work.

    “I still think the popcorn on the tree is tacky.”

    “You’re a snob.”

    “Thank you.”

    She smiled at him. “I knew you loved it.”

    Christmas Day

    “Ho. Ho. Ho.”

    Lex looked up from his glass of scotch, seemingly coming out of a very deep reverie. “Chloe?” He said a surprised smile on his face. “This is a surprise.”

    Chloe stopped to stand in front of him. “You didn’t think I’d let you spend the whole Christmas alone did you? Plus, I brought you food.” She dug into the bag she held, and began to pull out a bunch of small containers.

    Lex took a sip of his drink as he shrugged. “I’m not very hungry.”

    Chloe looked up at him, noticing for the first time the overwrought look on his face. “Lex?” She asked with concern. “Are you all right?”

    He sighed. “I’m fine.”

    Chloe nodded. “Yes. That thousand yard stare really let me know that. You want to talk about it?”

    “No. I don’t.”


    “Please, Chloe. Leave it alone.”

    She narrowed her eyes at him. “I’m worried about you. Something is obviously bothering you and I want to help if I can.”

    “How was dinner at the Kents?”

    She started at the sudden change of subject. He obviously didn’t want to share with her with whatever was bothering him. She knew it was hard for someone like him to share his feelings. She wouldn’t push him this time.

    “It was a little strange without Mr. Kent being there, but it was good. I got to see my Dad.”

    Lex smiled softly at the small smile on her face. “How is he?”

    She smiled wide, sitting down next to him. “He’s great! He met someone in Edge City, and he brought her to dinner. He’s also loving his new job.”

    He nodded. “That’s good. What does he do again?”

    “He’s the supervisor at the Hydro power plant.” Chloe gave him a look. “He also mentioned something very interesting to me tonight.”

    Lex avoided his gaze as he picked an imaginary lent off of his pants. “Did he?”

    “Uh-huh. He said that someone named Julian Axel sent in a recommendation for the job.”

    Lex frowned as he looked at her. “How is that strange?”

    She laughed shaking her head. “Julian Lex? The name of your brother. Axel? Alex? Alexander. Lex you’re horrible at anagrams.”

    Lex gave her an innocent look. “Chloe, I didn’t-”

    “That was very nice of you to do that for my father,” She cut in. “ After all that’s happened. He really needed that.”

    Lex shook his head. “Chloe, I didn’t get your father that job.”

    She shrugged. “No, you didn’t. He got it all on his own merit, but the recommendation helped. So, thank you.”

    Lex looked visibly uncomfortable, and Chloe laughed. “This is the part where you say you’re welcome.”

    “It really was nothing Chloe. I should’ve done that a very long time ago. I really don’t deserve your thanks. Not after everything I’ve done to you two.”

    Chloe shook her head. “Lex-”

    He stood up, and walked over to the bar to pour himself another drink. “I did nothing to help you. All for my own selfish reasons.”

    Chloe really didn’t needed to be reminded of that time. She could remember the helpless look on her father’s face as they lost their house. Their money. Everything. She could remember hearing her father silently crying in the bathroom of their one bedroom apartment they had shared. It was one of the worst times of her life.

    “Lex,” she started softly. “That was the past. I forgave you for that a long time ago remember?”

    He turned to face her. “Yes. Its hard to forget.”

    She smiled, and patted the seat next to her. “Good. Now, come sit next to me so I can give you your gift.”

    Lex wrinkled his brow in confusion. “I thought we agreed to not get each other anything.”

    She pursed her lips. “I know that new laptop Lois gave me was really from you. She told me herself.”

    Lex sat next to her, an annoyed look on his face.. “She really can’t keep her mouth shut about anything can't she?”

    Chloe shook her head. “No. it’s a family trait.” She pulled a carefully wrapped box from her bag, and handed it to him. “Merry Christmas.”

    Lex’s face was unreadable as he slowly and carefully unwrapped the gift; running his finger against the tape so he wouldn’t rip the paper. Once done, he opened the box and stared down at the book.

    Chloe nervously watched the emotions range on Lex’s face. “Lex-”

    “The Magic Cave,” he whispered with awe. “You remembered.”

    She smiled, and shrugged. “Hard thing to forget.”

    She remembered during the summer of her hideout Lex had been trying to search for that book. It was his favorite book. He had told her one night that his mother would always read it to him before bedtime. Even after she had gotten sick, he would crawl into bed with her while his father was away on business trips. She would recite the book word for word without ever having to look actually look at the book. Then the book suddenly disappeared after she died, and Lex suspected Lionel was the reason for that.

    “Alice, Tom, and Merlin the Magician,” Lex in a strange voice, his fingers caressing the cover of the book. “This was our escape. ” He looked up at her. “How did you get this?”

    “Well,” Chloe murmured. “You were right when you said the publishing company didn’t even exist anymore. I googled every website. Searched every bookstore in Metropolis. Then something called me to old Mrs. Ackerman’s bookstore on main street, and sure enough, there it was being sold for a dollar forty nine.”

    Lex slowly placed the book back in its box, and onto the table. He turned to face Chloe. “Thank you.” He said, his voice thick and grateful.

    Chloe smiled brightly. “Welcome.” She leaned forward to kiss him on the cheek. As her lips brushed his face, he turned and opened his mouth against her own.

    Lex’s kiss tasted slightly like warm scotch. Lips soft and warm. Strong gentle hands pulled her body closer so that he could deepen the kiss. Chloe melted under it, wondering how and why she waited so long to feel this. She sighed against his mouth, the end of her sigh turning into a quiet moan as his tongue finally slipped into hers. She tightened her grip on his shoulders, lifting her right leg and placing it between both of his own so that she was straddled on his right leg. The kiss changed. Turned hotter, more desperate. Lex was now leaning back against the couch, his hands slid up her back, and into her hair. Chloe had no trouble following every direction his lips moved. Every change in the position of his head, she matched every move. She sucked hard on his tongue, smiling against his lips when he suddenly groaned.

    He released her mouth, and she moved her lips to his throat, not noticing the way he suddenly stiffened up. She thought he smelled really good as kissed his Adams apple.


    She also could tell he was really hard by the way his cock was insistently poking her stomach. She sucked his throat.

    She felt him jerk in surprise.



    “We can’t do this.”

    Suddenly Chloe was jolted back from her heightened state of extreme arousal. She pulled away from him, and sat up. “What?”

    Lex‘s face showed guilt. “We can’t do this now.”

    Chloe frowned in frustration. “Why not?”

    He smiled slightly, lifting his hand and running his fingers through her hair. “Because.”

    Chloe crossed her arms in front of her chest, now ignoring the fact that she was still straddled on top of him. “Because isn’t an answer Lex.”

    He ran his fingers across her cheek. “This is new to me Chloe.”

    Her frown slowly faded, and she nodded in understanding. “Oh.”

    Lex smiled, and pulled her down so that she layed on his chest. “You aren’t angry?”

    Chloe fingered the button on his shirt as she shook her head. “No. Its pretty hard to stay angry at you.”

    Lex snorted. “I haven’t been trying hard enough then.” He fell silent for a long moment. “Thank you Chloe. For everything.”

    He was still playing with her hair, and Chloe closed her eyes, suddenly feeling exhaustion creep in. “Merry Christmas Lex.”

    “Merry Christmas Chloe.”

    TBC- Second part of this chapter up later today!

  2. #132
    NS Full Member Krysia's Avatar
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    Re: Startling Revelation *Updated 4-6-06 Chapter 7 * (NC-17)

    That was so sweet, it makes me miss Chrismass. My favourite part was Lex with the little girl. I would love to have seen that. I can't wait to see what happens next.

  3. #133
    NS Member littlepearl's Avatar
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    Re: Startling Revelation *Updated 4-6-06 Chapter 7 * (NC-17)

    Oh so sweet... Lex and Christmas ... Chloe was so right to help him for the Christmas tree and the present and everything. It was really sweet and also funny, can't wait to see what happens next !

  4. #134
    Mrs Dean Winchester Senior Member pipersmum's Avatar
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    Re: Startling Revelation *Updated 4-6-06 Chapter 7 * (NC-17)

    That was a really good update. It was lovely and sweet, Lex and the little girl, Chloe and Lex picking out a tree and then giving Lex his present!! Fantastic I loved it. Then that kiss at the end perfect. I can't wait for more!

  5. #135
    NS Full Member LaLa's Avatar
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    Re: Startling Revelation *Updated 4-6-06 Chapter 7 * (NC-17)

    aaaahhhhhh! i'm gonna have a coma due to too much sweetness but GOD this is perrrrfect! damn you girl! I read it like a dream sheesh! i was sooooo into it and now i'm desesperate for the next part! can't wait for later today argh!

  6. #136
    NS Full Member teb85's Avatar
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    Re: Startling Revelation *Updated 4-6-06 Chapter 7 * (NC-17)

    sweet update ! I loved the part in the store with the little girl, was so cute ! Christmas day was perfect and can't wait for the next installment of this chapter !!!

  7. #137
    NS Full Member meg20's Avatar
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    Re: Startling Revelation *Updated 4-6-06 Chapter 7 * (NC-17)

    Totally sweet chapter!!!
    Love Lex with children and I'm glad that Chloe was abel to get him shopping for a tree and christmas decorations!
    Finally they kissed!!!

  8. #138
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    Re: Startling Revelation *Updated 4-6-06 Chapter 7 * (NC-17)

    Yes!! They kissed. That was so sweet with Lex and the little girl and Chloe decorating his office and yes the kiss again.

    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  9. #139
    NS Senior Member Senior Member letia84's Avatar
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    In the lab.

    Re: Startling Revelation *Updated 4-6-06 Chapter 7 * (NC-17)

    Lex in Kmart That was a gret touch. I can just seem him looking out of place with all the other shoppers.

    They kissed at last. WOOHOO! It was really sweet: Can't wait from more. I assume we are getting some New Year's action. 3...2...1 Happy New year let's get it on.

  10. #140
    An Accused Heretic Senior Member Kit Merlot's Avatar
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    Re: Startling Revelation *Updated 4-6-06 Chapter 7 * (NC-17)

    Awesome update

    And a great big YEAH!! to the CHlex kiss I do like that Lex is trying to control his hormonal reactions, but stop being noble. Chloe wants it as much as you do!

    Excellent work, Kimbo.

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