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Thread: All The Worlds A Stage [PG-13] (Ch.24 - 8th June 10)

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    Wannabe Superhero Ultra's Avatar
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    All The Worlds A Stage [PG-13] (Ch.24 - 8th June 10)

    A/N: So, here's the new fic... not sure its going to work yet, but here's hoping! I never really did a friendship fic before but since I'm going to set this in an AU Season 1, it'd make Lex kind of squicky if it were anything else... Anywho, really hope you all like this!

    Chapter 1

    As Chloe stormed out of the Torch office, she couldn’t stop the tears coming. She cried for the loss of her job all over again, but just as much for the loss of her friend. It was as if Lana Lang was taking everything out from under Chloe’s feet. She acted like she was her friend but it was all a big fat lie as far as the blonde was concerned, and she wasn’t standing for it anymore. She could take her newspaper from her, hell, she could even take Clark Kent if she must, but Chloe wasn’t letting her pride slip away so easily. They wouldn’t see her cry, none of them, she decided, as she ran out to the parking lot and beyond, off the school grounds before anyone had a chance to stop her. Not that anyone was likely to try, she told herself, which only made her cry more. Clark and Lana had each other, Pete had other girls to pay attention to, and what did Chloe have? Her best friends too easily distracted by others, and her sanctuary invaded by the cheerleader from hell, her father always busy with work, and...

    “Hey!” she exclaimed, as someone got in her way half way down the towns main street.

    Blinded by tears, she hadn’t a clue who she’d run into, only that she was pissed he’d got in her way when all she wanted to do was bolt. Chloe tried to shrug the hands off her shoulders, but they didn’t budge and with a defiant look in her teary eyes she glared up at the one who held her still.

    “Miss Sullivan?” Lex looked suitably surprised to find that the blonde who had just hurtled into him was Clark’s good friend, apparently less than happy if her tear-stained face was anything to go by.

    “Mr Luthor” she sniffed, feeling so embarrassed as she finally pulled herself free of his grasp and scrubbed at her face with her hands, “I, er, I’m sorry...” she said, swallowing hard and glancing around at anything but him to save on further blushing.

    “First of all, you can call me Lex” he told her with a kind smile as she glanced briefly up at him, “Mr Luthor just makes me sound old and, well, a little too much like my father for comfort” he explained, glad to raise at least half a watery smile from the girl in front of him, “and secondly, pardon the redundant question but, are you okay?” he asked, sure she wasn’t but a little unsure how to deal with this, truth be told.

    Business matters he could handle, and women in general were an even simpler task for Lex. This was different, since Chloe was just a girl, and beside which her feelings mattered by association since she was such a good friend of Clark as well as the only daughter of his plant manager, Gabe, who was fast becoming Lex’s right hand man of late.

    “I’m fine” Chloe faked a smile that lasted all of two seconds, before her face crumbled back into crying mode, twin tears escaping from her eyes and making her all the more mad at herself.

    “Yeah, I remember that type of fine” Lex nodded knowingly, “Usually ends in a bottle of scotch for me”

    That got a little gurgle of laughter from the evidently upset teen and her new acquaintance was glad to hear it. He hated to see tears on such a pretty face, though when he’d realised Chloe Sullivan was pretty he wasn’t certain. It was perhaps just one of those given things, like roses are beautiful and sunsets are glorious. In any case, right now it was to be put to the back of Lex’s mind as he concentrated on the current issue.

    “I’m not much of a drinker, at least not alcohol” Chloe sniffed, “I could use a coffee though” not meaning to drop any kind of hint, but apparently doing so anyway.

    “Coffee it is” he nodded once, “If you’ll allow me to keep you company for a while?”

    “Um, sure” the blonde fond herself agreeing, if only because it meant someone, anyone, was paying attention for two seconds, “I mean, you don’t have to...”

    “Chloe, I’d like to, really” he assured her kindly, leading her down the street towards the Beanery, “I’d also like to point out that I’m a pretty good listener, if you could use one...” he said vaguely, deliberately not prying but just letting the poor girl know she had a friend.

    Lex knew all too well what it was like to feel alone, to not have a friend to turn to. With a cold-hearted father, his mother long gone from this world, and hardly any friends to speak of, Lex hadn’t had the easiest childhood or young adulthood. If he could help Clark, or Chloe as Clark’s friend, then he would, if only because it proved he wouldn’t be the same as he his father in yet another way.

    “I’m not sure you want to hear my problems, Lex” the little blonde in question sighed as they sat down together at a table in the coffee house, and Chloe pulled her jacket off her shoulders, before wiping her face clean of tears and smeared make-up with the nearest paper napkin.

    “I understand if it’s personal or...” he shifted in his seat, “Well, you might be more comfortable talking with Clark” he stopped short of finishing what he might’ve said when an angry little growl of a sound erupted from Chloe’s throat.

    “Please do not even mention that idiot right now!” she exploded a second later, immediately regretting her outburst as she seemed to have both startled Lex and caught the attention of a few patrons of the cafe, “I’m sorry, I know he’s like your best friend” she apologised to Lex, “but I thought he was mine too, and lately it’s all about Lana Lang and...”

    “And?” he prompted her to continue as she appeared to be having trouble getting the words out.

    “First she takes my friend, and now she’s taken my world” she explained, feeling a little silly and almost certain Lex would think she was just a silly kid making a mountain out of a mole hill, “Principal Kwan fired me from the Torch, and then handed it over to Lana Lang” she said scornfully.

    “Ah” Lex nodded once, because now he understood.

    That school newspaper really was Chloe’s world, this he knew from the way she, Clark, and Gabe had talked about it. Chloe’s name was almost always followed by the word ‘Torch’ in some form or other, and Lex now understood what had got her so upset. It was true that their mutual friend, Clark, had an obsessive nature when it came to Lana, and if that same girl had now taken Chloe’s paper out from under her, the tears she shed and anger she felt were totally understandable.

    With coffees now placed before them, and Chloe looking a little less red and puffy, the unlikely couple sipped their drinks in silence for a while, before Lex spoke again.

    “Y’know, Chloe, those who work in the newspaper industry rarely find their working lives run smoothly” he explained to her, “I just wonder if perhaps a change of path might do you good, whilst you still have the chance to...”

    “Why would I want to do anything else?” she snapped at the suggestion, her looks and tone softening in a moment when she recalled that Lex was the only one being nice to her right now, and he was most likely just trying to help, “I’m sorry” she shook her head, taking a deep breath to calm herself, “It’s just... writing is my life, Lex, I don’t know how to do anything but be a reporter” she shrugged.

    “Chloe, at the risk of sounding patronising and as old as Methusula” he smiled at her, “At your age, you’ve hardly lived enough to know what you’re capable of” he told her, leaning his elbows on the table and smiling her way, “All I’m saying is, perhaps, even if it’s just for a short while, perhaps you could try a new hobby, expand your horizons”

    Chloe sat back in her seat, staring across at Lex Luthor with a deliberately unreadable expression on her face. Part of her wanted to start yelling again, indignant at the suggestion she should give up being a reporter, and yet another part was intrigued. All her life, Chloe had a plan to work at the Daily Planet one day, to be the best journalist she could be, and nothing else. Everything else came second to the dream, absolutely everything, to the point where she’d put friendships on the line and missed out on other opportunities for adventure and fun, even in her education. Maybe it was time to experience something new, after all she did have her whole life ahead of her, and journalism wasn’t exactly going anywhere. It was a little surprising to Chloe to realise that somehow Lex had worded his suggestion in such a way that she was seriously thinking about it, instead of flying into her usual blind rage at such a moment.

    “You know if anyone else had said that to me, I’d’ve probably ripped their head off for suggesting it” she said honestly, as she picked up her coffee and sipped it, only to ensure she wasn’t about to burn her throat.

    “I’m flattered that you think enough of me to leave me intact at this point” he smirked back at her, knowing that she hadn’t really meant to make a joke.

    Lex had heard about Chloe’s temper from Clark. With her mind set on something, she was like a dog with a bone, and Lex had to respect that. Still, he stood by what he said. If Principal Kwan was going to take the thing Chloe loved away, well, that could be easily fixed, especially by someone as rich and influential as Lex Luthor, but he’d meant what he said to her. Maybe it would do her good to try something new, away from Clark and Lana whose on-again off-again possibility of a romance was clearly causing her pain. If she could prove she didn’t need them or the school paper to define her, she’d be all the stronger for it, and Lex was all for strong young women. They were so much easier to respect and like than the Lana Lang type - sweetness and light got old all too quickly.

    “So, what do you think?” Chloe said suddenly, catching his attention once again, “Band geek or Cheerleading whore?” she asked, striking two different poses that made Lex chuckle.

    “I’m not sure either of those would particularly suit you” he said carefully, mindful of causing her any more offence or upset on a day when she’d evidently already had quite enough, “but feel free to prove me wrong if you want”

    “Not going to happen” she rolled her eyes in response to that one, “I have to say, I am intrigued as to how you know those things are not right for me. You really don’t know me very well yet”

    “Let’s just say that, much like yourself, I like to think I’m both a quick and good judge of character” he explained as he finished off his coffee and placed the empty mug down on the table.

    “Might be better if people weren’t so quick to judge you” she said, feeling a little silly when he gave her an inquisitive look off that particular statement, “I mean, y’know, the things people say about you and your family... My Dad has always been on your side and.. well, from what I’ve seen so far, you seem like a nice guy to me”

    Lex faltered just a moment at that, before a smile took over his lips.

    “Thank you, Chloe” he said, as genuinely as he’d ever said anything, knowing of course that as much as he’d like her to be right in her assessment, there was a great deal she didn’t know that perhaps she would find far less palatable than this innocent chat over a cup of coffee.

    Chloe found herself almost hypnotised by the look in Lex’s eyes at that moment. He looked so happy and grateful at her words, it was as if she’d just paid him the greatest compliment in the world, perhaps she had in some way, though it didn’t really make sense to her. All Chloe knew was that far from the formidable business man the papers wrote of, the devil child that she’d read about in archived records and such, Lex Luthor really did seem like a genuinely decent man to her, one of the good guys. he’d certainly helped her out today, made her feel somewhat better about what Principal Kwan, Lana, and even Clark had done to her, plus he’d given her food for thought about her extra-curriculars and her future. All over one cup of coffee. It just went to prove what a marvel Lex Luthor really was.

    “I’m afraid I have a meeting to get to now” she heard him say when she tuned back into reality, “but the coffee is on me, and I can get you another if you want to stay...”

    “No, thanks” she shook her head, “Really, it’s fine, I should be going too” she smiled as they both got to their feet, and Lex moved to the counter to pay for the drinks they’d consumed.

    Walking outside together, Lex unlocked his car and asked Chloe if he could drop her at home or anywhere else on his way. She politely declined saying she’d really rather walk.

    “You’ve given me some food for thought” she told him, “I appreciate the advice, Lex, really”

    “Any time, Chloe” he told her as he climbed into his sports car, “and I mean that” he assured her, wondering why he was suddenly befriending yet another attendee of Smallville High - it was becoming an odd habit lately.

    Chloe watched the car pull away from the kerb and speed off down the street, tyres squealing all the way. Lex may be a good guy, even an insightful guy, but he still drove like an idiot.

    * * * * *

    The next morning, Chloe walked into Smallville High, alone and unphased by the fact of it. She had no Torch office to go hide in, but that was just fine. She would admit she was avoiding Lana and Clark, and therefore Pete by default, but she would not run and cower if they came by. She just didn’t want to deal with how they made her feel - betrayed and worthless being the two obvious words that sprung to mind. If not for Lex and his little pep talk yesterday, Chloe might have felt worse about walking through the school halls, knowing that by now everyone was very aware she’d been replaced as Editor of the school paper.

    Today was the first day of the rest of Chloe’s life, or something slightly less dramatic and cliché, she told herself as she headed down the hall, her eyes browsing various noticeboards as she went. She needed an activity, a club, a pastime, something she could throw herself into instead of journalism, even if only for a short while. Change was a good thing, trying new things was a must, especially when you were young and able. Chloe knew all this and intended to put it into practice on this very morning.

    “Okay, sport is out...” she muttered as she looked past various brightly coloured posters, knowing as she did her hand-eye co-ordination left a lot to be desired and various dangerous situations in her investigative reporting had taught her running was not her speciality, “Not so much musical...” she skipped right by a band notice and orchestra club advertisement.

    “Excuse me” a guy was suddenly reaching across in front of her to what appeared to be the one spare inch of space on the board, “Thanks” he smile when she moved over and gave him room to complete his task, “You think you might be interested?” he asked then, gesturing to the poster he’d just put up.

    “Drama Club?” the blonde who was nameless to him right now look unimpressed, “I’m not sure I’m really that person”

    “Oh, you’re Chloe Sullivan” he said after a moment, “Sorry, I’m still learning names and faces” he apologised, “I’m Paul Danforth, I just transferred last month”

    “And you’re already campaigning to get people into a school club? Wow, you’re very enthusiastic about your art” she smiled, not meaning any harm in what she said for once, and glad he didn’t take offence.

    “It’s true, you caught me” he told her, “I am a drama geek and proud” he grinned, “but the Smallville High group seems to be suffering from lack of female interest” he explained, “From what I can make out, you’re not big on productions here and mostly because you ladies would rather lead cheers or hang it at the mall... present company excepted, obviously” he threw in at the last, making Chloe smile.

    “Well, you may not have heard yet, but the Torch is no longer my sanctuary either” Chloe told him, albeit a little sadly, “and since neither the football fields or the clothing stores really appeal, I am kind of looking for a new use for my time”

    “Then may I suggest you come along to our next meeting?” Paul tried to persuade her, handing her a copy of the flyer he was currently pinning up around school, the same one he had just put up on the noticeboard right in front of them, “No pressure but I have a feeling with your flair for dramatic writing and passionate speech making, you’d make an amazing leading lady” he told her with a wink as he then turned and walked away.

    Chloe watched him go, laughing lightly at his words that had surprised her to say the least. Glancing from Paul’s retreating form to the paper in her hand she smiled.

    “Acting, huh?” she said thoughtfully, looking over the flyer - it wasn’t the worst idea ever.

    To Be Continued...
    Last edited by Ultra; 8th June 2010 at 22:03.

  2. #2
    Happy-ending addict Senior Member lexie's Avatar
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    Re: All The Worlds A Stage [PG] (Ch.1 - 30/05/09)

    I´m happy you´ve started posting a new fic, Ultra. So far it looks really promising.

    Oh, how I miss Chloe and Lex´s chats over a cup of coffee! Thanks for bringing them back.

    Now, I wonder... what role will Lex play in Chloe´s new "hobby"? Will he coach her for her role on the play? Will he open the doors to his extensive library for her to do some research on the Bard- I have a hunch she´ll be doing Shakespeare, right? Well, even if she weren´t, I´d like to see how this will bring them closer and faster friends.

    I´m already looking forward to an update.
    Last edited by lexie; 30th May 2009 at 23:23.
    Thxs to beeej for the avi



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  3. #3
    Dealing w/ a Ship Change Senior Member
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    Re: All The Worlds A Stage [PG] (Ch.1 - 30/05/09)

    Neat beginning. I think it'll be interesting to see Chloe and Lex in a different perspective than in love and Chloe in a different field. Looking forward to the next part.

  4. #4
    An Accused Heretic Senior Member Kit Merlot's Avatar
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    Re: All The Worlds A Stage [PG] (Ch.1 - 30/05/09)

    This is a very cool beginning!

    Good for Lex for being so supportive of Chloe and for encouraging her to try another field. If Kwan thinks Lana Lang is a better editor, then he can have her run The Torch into the ground and she can take Clark with her.

    I can't wait to see how Chloe handles the wonderful world of acting

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    NS Senior Member Senior Member autumngold's Avatar
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    Talking Re: All The Worlds A Stage [PG] (Ch.1 - 30/05/09)

    I love Lex!! It would have been so easy for him to pass Chloe by, to be too busy like everyone else to listen to her or care what happened to her!! I also like that he didn't try to talk her out of her dream of being a reporter, but just tried to open up her eyes to the other possibilities that are out there!! I bet Lois, Clark and Pete won't be so understanding!! They better not make fun of her for trying something new!!

    Great beginning to your new story!! I can't wait to find out what Lex will think of Chloe's new venture!! Please continue this wonderful story soon!!

  6. #6
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    Re: All The Worlds A Stage [PG] (Ch.1 - 30/05/09)

    What a nice start. I can't wait to see the friendship developing between these two. Chloe as an actress good. She has a way with words.
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  7. #7
    NS Full Member
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    Re: All The Worlds A Stage [PG] (Ch.1 - 30/05/09)

    Please continue. It has so much potential. I can't wait how everything will pan out. =]

  8. #8
    NS Full Member Gaia's Avatar
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    Re: All The Worlds A Stage [PG] (Ch.1 - 30/05/09)

    Sounds good. very original. More please

  9. #9
    NS Full Member purplemoon123's Avatar
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    Re: All The Worlds A Stage [PG] (Ch.1 - 30/05/09)

    I like it. It's very different. Can't wait for more!!

  10. #10
    Wannabe Superhero Ultra's Avatar
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    Re: All The Worlds A Stage [PG] (Ch.1 - 30/05/09)

    A/N: Wow, loving the responses to this fic... I wasn’t sure anybody would be willing to read a non-romance. @ lexie - yeah, I was missing the simple chats over coffee, thats partly what this fic is about, and in answer to your Shakespeare question, keep reading! @ autumngold - as this is Season 1, I won’t be including Lois in the fic, as for Clark & Pete’s reactions to Chloe’s decision, keep reading! @ super, Kit, Hope, Diana, Gaia, and Rocio - I appreciate the support at this early stage. Here’s hoping I don’t let you down!

    Chapter 2

    Chloe exited the hall with a smile on her face, as she looked down at the pages in her hand. Life was seldom if ever boring in Smallville but she could all too easily have become just that after being thrown out of the Torch. Bitter and resentful was not a good look for anyone, and Chloe’s talk with Lex Luthor, followed by a further conversation with fellow Smallville High student, Paul Danforth, had led her to this; picking up a bundle of script excerpts in preparation for an audition to star in the school’s production of an as yet undecided Shakespeare classic.

    Chloe wouldn’t exactly call herself a Drama geek, but Paul had been right about her passion for speech making, both in writing and verbally. She felt her emotions deeply, though she rarely let them show in front of others. As an actress in a play she would be able to let out so much she’d bottled up, both recently and over the years before. She certainly had enough experience of anger, sadness, and betrayal lately, as her so-called best friends seemed quite happy to avoid her these past couple of days. Sure, she was avoiding them too, but Clark siding with Lana, and Pete not bothering to care too much about it, left Chloe wondering why she should make an effort. That should be down to them, and so it was, she realised as she headed to her locker and found the pair waiting for her, despite the fact the bell had rung a while back and they had no activity to hang around for.

    “Chloe, hey” they greeted her almost simultaneously.

    “Hi” she replied sharply, practically shoving them out of the way so she could get into her locker and grab the books she needed before heading home.

    The two boys shared a look over the little blonde’s head as she slammed her belongings around then pushed the locker door shut with a loud clang and turned to walk away without another word.

    “Hey, Chloe, come on” Pete called after her, catching up to her in a couple of paces and getting in front of her, “We’ve hardly seen you the past two days... what gives, girl?”

    “Like you don’t know?” she looked painfully amused at the suggestion as Clark suddenly appeared at her side once again.

    “You can’t still be mad about the Torch, Chloe” he insisted, and at that she laughed, a hollow sound that almost made her two friends wince.

    “Why shouldn’t I still be mad, Clark?” she asked him, “Come on, tell me!” she insisted, “You two are supposed to be my best friends” she pointed out, physically poking a finger at one then the other, “And before you jump in and say ‘of course we are, Chloe’ don’t even bother” she yelled at them, angry and upset by their behaviour, “If you were really such great friends, you’d understand how much it hurts to have the Torch taken away from me like that” she said, forcing back the tears that threatened to well in her eyes even now, “You should know what it means to me”

    “We do” Clark insisted, “And Lana’s your friend too, she tried to help, she has a plan...”

    “Yeah, well now I have a plan of my own” he was swiftly told, as Chloe hit him across the very solid chest with her script book of sample Shakespeare scenes and speeches.

    Clark and Pete looked like the strangest of mirror images as their eyes went comically wide at the very same moment.

    “Chloe, what...?” her friend began and she looked from Clark to Pete, a look on her face that silenced him in a second - she was more than a little mad right now.

    “I just joined Drama Club and I’m auditioning from the school play” she explained sharply, as her two friends looked at each other and tried to surpress a smile each.

    They loved Chloe, of course they did, the three of them had been best friends for years, and she was a great person. They wanted to be supportive of her, they really did, but the very idea of her being in a play, especially a Shakespeare play, seemed just ridiculous. Pictures in their head of their non-nonsense modern girl friend in a flowing dress yelling ‘Where for art though, Romeo?’ or similar just made them both want to bust up laughing, and that only served to make Chloe more mad at them.

    “I should’ve known your lack of support was inevitable” she shook her head as she pulled her scripts from Clark’s hands and turned away, “Some friends you’re turning out to be”

    “Hey, Chlo, come on” Pete called after her, grinning in spite of himself at the idea of her new activity still, “You can’t be serious about this. You’re gonna win a Pulitzer, not an Oscar”

    “Says who, Pete?” she yelled at him, angry at the intervention, perhaps more so because she honestly didn’t believe in herself so much anyway and he was only making the gnawing doubt even worse, “Okay, maybe I’m not good enough to be the next big big star on the Hollywood walk of fame, but maybe I’ll never work for the Daily Planet either” she said, hating to admit such a thing even now, “Right now, my choices are kind of limited and I will not sit on my ass doing nothing for the rest of High School, just because Miss Cheer Spirit 2002 stole my newspaper out from under me”

    “Chloe, that’s not fair” said Clark with the severest look he could manage on his usually smiley face.

    This expression, Chloe had quickly learnt, was reserved only for when anyone dared to suggest that Lana Lang was not completely pure, innocent, and wonderful. It hurt to think he would never be so quick to defend her, despite the fact she had been his friend for years now, stuck by him through everything. Lana had only just recently started paying attention to the farm boy with the obvious crush, that Chloe honestly believed the cheerleader was just out to exploit. It sounded mean, and she didn’t like that she felt that way, but since losing the Torch to the girl she thought could’ve been a friend, Chloe took no prisoners where Lana, Clark, or anyone on their side was concerned.

    “You know what’s not fair, Clark?” she sighed, turning back to glance at her so-called friends, “The fact that I have been there for the two of you in everything you’ve tried to do, and the moment I have something I could use some support with” she said, gesturing wildly with the papers in her hand, “Where the hell are you?” she asked sadly as she finally turned and left them standing there.

    Neither of them ran after her or even called her name, which Chloe was equal parts grateful and mad about. Clark and Pete ought to want to make things right with her, but honestly right now she didn’t want to deal either way. She was nervous enough about her new endeavour and already wondering if she’d been a fool to go along with the suggestion of one man she barely knew and another she’d just met. Acting was quite a leap from journalism, there was nothing to say she would be any good at it; she may not even get a part in the play that extended beyond one or two lines.

    Her confidence shot to hell, Chloe wandered on down the halls, flipping the pages of her script book at random and wondering what she was really thinking of getting into this. She very seriously considered throwing the pages in the nearest trash can, pleading temporary insanity, and giving up. Her pride wouldn’t really let her do it, she knew, especially after the impassioned speech she just gave to Clark and Pete. Still, she hadn’t the confidence she should have in herself right now, the kind she’d felt when she’d originally been talking to...

    “Lex” she was stunned to find the very man she had been thinking of right in front of her when she turned the next corner into the empty hall.

    Standing outside the Principal’s office was the last place she expected to see the young billionaire, and though she had appreciated his company last time they’d spoken, Chloe could’ve used him not seeing her as she was right now. What kind of impression she was giving with her sad and angry expression, eyes about to spill tears, she dreaded to think! Still, Lex either didn’t notice the state she was in or was just too polite to mention it as he greeted her with a smile.

    “Miss Sullivan... Chloe” he corrected himself in a moment, “How are you?”

    “I’m... jury’s still out” she said, waving away his question because she honestly didn’t know how to answer right now, “What are you doing here?” she asked, bluntly as she ever asked anything.

    Lex ought to be affronted by her attitude, but honestly it was refreshing. So many people were overly careful in the way they spoke it him and took forever to come to the point, constantly in fear of offending him. Chloe was a breath of fresh her with her no nonsense attitude - he admired that in anyone but particular in one so young.

    “As you’re probably aware, Luthorcorp makes certain donations to Smallville High, amongst other instutions” he explained, going on to add, “I have a meeting with the Principal”

    Chloe nodded her head in understanding, not realising that whilst Lex had told her no lies, his two statements were mutually exclusive. Donations were often made by the family business, and Principal Kwan was indeed the man Lex had come to see, but the latter had no connection to the former. Still, he didn’t feel the need to explain that to her, at least not right now.

    “I was actually taking your advice from before” Chloe told him then, showing him the pages she still held in her hand, “I’m auditioning for the school production” she smiled a little too brightly, the expression a forced one that Lex knew only too well from over-use by himself.

    “Shakespeare” he noted as he flipped through the sections of text, “What better way to enhance your vocabulary and understanding of language” he considered, “Can’t hurt your ambition in writing to read and learn from a great master of the art”

    “Agreed” she nodded, her smile by now more genuine, “Only problem is, now I have to choose one of these well-written speeches, learn it off by heart, and perform it in front of a room full of people” she sighed, taking the book back out of his hand, “And that’s just the audition”

    “I have confidence, Chloe, that public speaking will be no problem for you” Lex told her with a smile, “I’m sure you’ll do credit to Rosalind of As You Like It, Viola of Twelfth Night, perhaps Katherine of Taming of the Shrew?” he suggested various options as he took in the sight of her and tried to place her in the best suited part, “Shakespeare knew how to write a strong female character, even if he did have to hide her inside men’s clothes or behind humorous riddles to make her acceptable”

    “Acceptable” she echoed with a snort of laughter, “Yeah, well, apparently not only do certain people in this school find me speaking my mind less than acceptable, my so-called friends don’t even think I’ll manage to get past the audition for this play” she complained, trying to tell herself that Clark and Pete were wrong to laugh at her the way they had, but at the same time equally as afraid that they were right, that she really couldn’t do this.

    Lex looked at the young woman before him, trying not to smile at just how adorable she was being right now. He was almost certain it was not her intention, and even more sure she had no idea she was doing it, but Chloe needed support and approval here. She came off entirely independent and sure of herself, something she had doubtless learnt from so my years with just a father to depend on, and with him working as hard as Lex knew he did, Chloe had learnt to stand alone. Still, once in a while everyone needed a helping hand, an encouraging word, a friend for lack of a better term. Lex would like to say he couldn’t believe Clark didn’t realise this and stand by Chloe in her new endeavour, but honestly he wasn’t so very shocked. Lana Lang was finally paying the farm boy some attention, and teenage boy hormones far outweighed the bonds of friendship, unfortunately.

    “Chloe, I’m certain you don’t need me to tell you that you’re more than capable of this” he told her anyway, “I have no doubt at all you’ll be captivating in whichever role you are given” he smiled, a genuine smile that Chloe was sure would’ve been less awkward had it been more often used.

    Any picture she ever saw of Lex Luthor showed him looking so serious or wearing a grin so obviously fake it was painful to see. This appeared to be a real expression and meant just for her. Coupled with the unexpected compliment, Chloe could hardly control the blush that rose in her cheeks, as she felt as giddy as the school girl she was but hardly ever behaved like.

    “I wish Clark and Pete shared your confidence in me” she rolled her eyes, looking away as she attempted to maintain control of herself.

    Sure, this was Lex Luthor and he was kind of a big deal in Smallville, but she was a town girl, Metropolis born and raised. There was no way she should be so easily embarrassed or even flattered by the billionaire playboy, and she honestly didn’t understand what was happening here, all she knew was the way he was looking at her right now, deliberately or not, was making her forget why she ever considered throwing in the towel on Drama Club before she’d even really began.

    “Y’know, Chloe, if I worried about what others thought of me” Lex told her, his hand running over his head, deliberately or absently, she wasn’t sure which, “I doubt very much I’d be standing here talking to you now” he explained, his words met with a nod and a smile from the young woman before him.

    “Their opinions don’t bother me, not really” she shrugged, fronting just a little and they both knew it, “Besides, at least I know one person is on my side...” she began and before he had a chance to say a word she continued, “I always believe in myself” she smiled.

    Yes, she had to admit to herself she was kind of angling for him to be the one person supporting her here, but Chloe knew it was a stupid suggestion. Like Lex Luthor really cared about her, and like she’d want or need him to anyway. Geez, he was probably only being nice to her because they were both supposed to be friends of Clark, that and the fact her Dad was pretty much Lex’s right hand man these days.

    A secretary appeared at that moment to invite Lex in to see Principal Kwan.
    “Good luck for your audition, Chloe” he told her as he turned to go through the office door, “For what it’s worth, I think you easily have what it takes” he said, kindly or genuinely, even Chloe wasn’t entirely sure as he disappeared from her sight and left her alone once again in the empty halls of Smallville High.

    With a genuine grin now plastered on her face, Chloe considered the pages of Shakespeare’s best speeches in her hand and nodded to herself. She could do this, she could learn the words and perform the part and succeed in her endeavour just as she did in all things she put her mind to. Seems there wasn’t just her believing in her abilities, Lex saw them too. Of course, there was every chance he was just being nice but Chloe didn’t think she could believe that. After all, her father had always said Lex Luthor was a good man and a man of his word. He didn’t have to wish her luck or tell her she’d do well in her acting, he could just as easily have said nothing at all.

    With a renewed sense of confidence, Chloe headed down the school halls with her head held high, unaware how awkward her little meeting with Lex had made his appointment with the Principal now. There were supposed to be conditions attached to the young Mr Luthor’s latest donation to the school, the promise of new computers and books for both the school newspaper and the library. Lex had a plan on setting up this whole deal that was now moot. Chloe did not need the Torch right now, she had other plans, and Lex liked the idea of her succeeding in her new activity. Having Kwan reinstate her had seemed like the easiest way to make her happy, Lex had thought, until he’d seen the smile on her face when he told her she had his confidence and belief when it came to her acting ability.

    No, he would make his donation without strings attached and get the handshake and gratitude he was by now so used to for such apparent generosity. Chloe would never know what he really came here to do today, no-one would, and that was for the best. After all, Lex would not be able to explain his motivations to anybody if they did question him. At this point, he honestly didn’t understand them himself.

    To Be Continued...

    A/N2: FYI, I’m looking at starting another Chlex fic now, so if I go with it, I’m going to end up juggling two stories and updates on this might be a bit slower... hope thats okay!

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