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Thread: Bump in the Night! Smallville/ Supernatural (NC-17) Completed

  1. #21
    Members bluelila's Avatar
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    Re: Bump in the Night! (NC-17) (3/?) UPDATED 4/14

    God, i love it. And yeah they sure got that done.
    I loved how chloe took down the b****h, it has been a long time coming.

  2. #22
    NS Senior Member Senior Member lj715's Avatar
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    Re: Bump in the Night! (NC-17) (3/?) UPDATED 4/14

    OMG!!!!! So glad Chloe gave Helen a piece of her mind ( or a fist I should say). Chloe & Lex on the floor of the study was HOT!!!!! Can't believe they got caught by the sherriff.. Can't wait for more!

  3. #23
    An Accused Heretic Senior Member Kit Merlot's Avatar
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    Re: Bump in the Night! (NC-17) (3/?) UPDATED 4/14

    That was a superb update!

    Good for Chloe for punching Helen, and then jumping on top of Lex--that's our girl

    Wonderful work

    "Don't quote me to me!" Detective Danny "Danno" WIlliams, Hawaii Five-0, episode 1.8 Mana'o

    "This could barely fill up Thumbelina!" SALIGIA by westwingwolf

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  4. #24
    NS Full Member teb85's Avatar
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    Re: Bump in the Night! (NC-17) (3/?) UPDATED 4/14

    Fantastic work as usual, i'm really loving this fic !!
    So pleased Chloe's fist took care of Helen and the smut was hot too !! I can't believe they got caught, lol. Looking forward to next update !!

  5. #25
    NS Full Member
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    Re: Bump in the Night! (NC-17) (3/?) UPDATED 4/14

    you know i didn't even think about smallville / supernatural crossover but it definitely works.

    now, not only do i like chlex but i could see myself reading about chloe and dean being paired of. great job.

    i like sam but i see dean and chloe getting it on.....i mean getting together (at least for awhile) in this story.

    keep up the good work and i truly enjoy reading this. i hope you update soon.

  6. #26
    NS Full Member yasmine32068's Avatar
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    Re: Bump in the Night! (NC-17) (3/?) UPDATED 4/14

    Bump in the Night! (NC-17) (4?)

    Author’s notes: Hugs and kisses to everyone following the story! Thanks!


    “Get off,” I poke Lex in the ribs as I said it.

    “I’m not sure I can feel my legs yet,” he mumbled.

    I was lying in a puddle of goo, starting to think there were splinters in my ass and he was complaining about being numb from the waist down. Doesn’t that bet all? When confronted by an uncomfortable situation might I suggest a little humor? It seems to work for me.

    “All right, everyone out of the pool,” I said as I wiggled under him desperately trying to control the blush I knew stained my cheeks when I felt him slip from my body.

    He heaved himself up and took a few staggering steps forward as he did so. Contrary to popular belief there was just no way to exit a woman’s body gracefully. Lex was no exception. I had to stifle a hysterical giggle because I had this vision of Lex in the middle of an Olympic event and the judges scoring him! Routine 9.5! Dismount 8.5! He got points off because of the floor.

    He stared at me curiously as he reached out one hand to help me to my feet. I tried to smooth my hair back down and digest the fact the fact that even after doing what we did the man was still smooth and in control. I took a few staggering steps myself. I straightened my shoulders and arched my back with a satisfying pop everything seemed to realign its self properly.

    I could see him watching me quietly as he got dressed. I suddenly felt very sick, grumpy, and tired of being stared at like I had done something wrong. I slid my panties back on wishing for lacy thong rather then serviceable cotton and reached for my tee shirt.

    “What,” I growled at him. “Do I have something hanging from my nose?”

    “Well, I can see that this little interlude has done nothing to improve your temper, Miss Sullivan,” he said dryly.

    “Yeah, taking advantage some idiot on the floor of his study was a high priority on my list of things to do today,” I snapped at him. “Why the hell didn’t you just get out and wait for the paramedics with the others like I asked?”

    “What would have happened if I did,” he demanded to know as he sat in one of his chair and pulled on his socks.

    I took a deep breath as I pulled the tee shirt on and looked around for my own shoes and socks. I watched him casually straighten one bunched sock and methodically check to make sure that the seams were lined up and everything. He repeated the gesture with the other sock and suddenly it seemed too intimate. It was too personal.

    My feelings were too close to the surface as I realized that this had meant nothing to him except a means to and end. All of my embarrassment, frustrations, and fears bubbled up. I could feel my tears fill my eyes. I bit back a sob as I slide to the floor and fumbled with my own socks. I just desperately wanted to get out of the room.

    “Slow down, Chloe,” he said as he caught a glimpse of my tears.

    His hands were warm and dry against mine as I looked up to see him kneeling next to me. He gently took my socks from me and eased it over my foot before taking the other one and repeating the gesture.

    I tried to duck my head because oh, yes, being red faced in the heat of the moment was great. Being red faced with a snotty nose, not so good. Unfortunately for me, I was no Lana Lang, who could cry and still pull off being pretty. He was silent as I cried. He made no move to comfort me or offer sentimental drivel that most men seemed to grasp for when they are desperate to make a woman stop crying. He just let my emotions vent. When the sobs finally slowed to hiccups he handed me a clean handkerchief.

    “Do you often carry handkerchiefs in your pocket,” I asked trying to smile at him through my tears.

    “Well, we do live in Smallville,” he said blandly. “One never knows when they will encounter a damsel in distress.” I widened my eyes and let my mouth fall open.

    “Oh! My god! This is front page news,” I exclaimed. His eyebrows rose.

    “That we live in Smallville,” he asked puzzled.

    “No, not that,” I shook my head at him. “Lex Luthor cracked a joke, a bad joke but a joke none the less!” I could see his lips twitch suspiciously as he helped me to my feet.

    “Well, try not to let that information out too often Miss Sullivan,” he retorted. “I do have a reputation to maintain.” He started to open the door of the study and paused to look at me, “Besides Miss Sullivan, you can’t take advantage of the willing.”


    I was relieved that Lex led everyone to his atrium instead of speaking to the sheriff in the office. That was really the last room that I had wanted to be in while it smelled like sex. He insisted that the paramedics look me over but I refused to be admitted to the hospital.

    “Dr. Bryce mentioned something about an altercation,” the sheriff said as she made a few noted in her notebook after taking down everyone’s names. “Would you care to tell me what happened?”

    “She slapped me and I punched her,” I told the sheriff over the voices of the Winchester boys. She watched them with a knowing nod like she wasn’t buying anyone’s brand of bullshit until I finally spoke up.

    “And why did she slap you Miss Sullivan,” she asked as her quick eyes searched my face.

    “It probably had something to do with my calling her two timing, back stabbing, double dealing, cold fish, to her face,” I said blandly as I could.

    “Well, that might have a lot to do with it,” the sheriff said as she choked off a laugh. I resisted the urge to turn to Lex and go ‘See no one likes the skinny bitch’. I had to dig deep but I found the strength to resist.

    “You might be lucky not to get sued for slander Miss Sullivan,”
    the sheriff said as she picked up her hat and set it firmly on her head.

    “Sheriff, its only slander if I say it to someone else,” I told her with a grin. “I said it to her face so that just makes it an opinion.” The sheriff stared at me hard for a moment before throwing back her head and laughing as she made her way out.

    “You have a mighty big pair, Miss Sullivan,” the sheriff smirked at me. “Ya’ll stay out of trouble.” The Winchester’s nodded to her and Lex escorted her out.

    I leaned forward in my seat and rested my head in my hands as quiet fell in the room. I felt someone touch my shoulder causing me to jump a little as I looked up into Sam’s concerned face.

    “You should be one hurting unit by now,” he said with a frown.

    I frowned and put a tentative hand over the bite suddenly realizing that he was right. I should have been unconscious from my injuries and physical exertions. Instead I felt refreshed and recharged. I tried to pull the bandage off but couldn’t get to it around the tee shirt.

    Lex walked back into the room to find me once again with my shirt off and both of the brothers’s gently peeling off the bandage. I had draped my shirt to cover my breasts. I wasn’t about to give the boys a free peak at the twins.

    “What the hell is going on now,” he demanded in a frustrated tone.

    “Holy crap,” Sam said as he took a slight step back.

    I swiveled around to look at Dean but he was frowning at me with a very strange look on his face. I heard Lex move over and peer at my shoulder before he lightly touched the place where the wound was.

    I spotted a mirror on the wall just behind him and stood up silently to look for myself. The skin was a few shades lighter and slightly pink where there should have been a nasty wound and stitches. I reached up and touched it for my self and it felt tender but more like a healing bruise.

    “What the hell is happening to me,” I asked them wide eyed.

    Lex watched me with a slightly hooded gaze but remained silent. Dean paced back and forth and exchanged a look with his brother that didn’t leave me feeling at all comfortable. Sam gazed at me with sad wounded eyes.

    “What exactly happened last night,” Lex asked quietly as he took a seat.

    “You know my cousin Lois,” at his nod I continued. “A few weeks ago she got her hands on some copies of military satellite photos of Smallville.” I began to pace agitatedly. “I didn’t think much about it except I noticed that there was a rather large structure on a section of land that has been for sale for years. I did some digging and found out that the land that is listed for sale by the board out front isn’t even on the market. So I began wondering why someone would advertise the land sale and then not list it because it makes no sense.”

    I knew that I was babbling. It was rather funny really you always seem aware that you are doing something that you really shouldn’t be doing but helpless to stop it.

    “Long story short its front is a dummy company but secretly owned by, someone gets a cookie if they can say who.”

    “LuthorCorp,” Sam said quietly.

    “But that doesn’t explain what attacked you or why you would go poking around in the middle of the woods,” Dean piped up.

    “Because you will find that trouble has a name,” Lex said smoothly as he rose. “And her name is Miss Sullivan.”

    “So do you know what’s going on in the building, Kojak,” Dean asked him with his arms crossed over his chest. Sam and I glanced at each other and before I could open my mouth Sam gave me a little warning shake of his head.

    “No, I’m afraid not,” Lex answered him in a cool aloof voice. “But you can rest assured that I’ll find out what is going on over there.”

    “Yeah, I’ll sleep better knowing that you’re on the case,” Dean didn’t bother to hide his hostility. “Let’s go.”

    Sam looked at me quietly as I stared at the floor.

    “Are you coming Chloe,” he asked as he stood there for a minute.

    “You are welcome to stay here,” Lex said.

    “She’s not staying here with you,” Dean snapped.

    The level of testosterone just seemed to rise suddenly in the room between the three of them. I am sure that these things did happen. Girl meets really cute boys. Boys fight over girl but they didn’t happen to me. It looked like Dean was ready to take his frustrations out on poor Lex. Sam just watched me with concern. Lex wore a cool mask of detachment that bordered on boredom.

    “You know guys I can make up my own mind,” I told them as I turned my back to them and slipped my tee shirt back over my head.

    “Chloe, what are you going to do camp out in some hovel,” Lex asked with a sneer to his voice. Oh yeah, that’s the way to win friends and influence people.

    “I am sure that Miss Congeniality is going to just love having Chloe stay here with you,” Dean snapped. “She’d probably try to kill her in her sleep.”

    “Why don’t you let me worry about Dr. Bryce,” Lex snapped finally showing a spark of temper.

    “Chloe needs to be where she can get some rest and have someone keeping an eye on her,” Sam spoke up. “In case there is some other kind of reaction to the bite.”

    “Hey,” I yelled over the sounds of the three of them. “Tuck your dicks away and pick your knuckles up off the ground. We’ll ALL stay here.”

    I bit my lip at the looks on their faces. Lex looked slightly outraged. I bet you a cappuccino at the Talon no one has ever told him to put his dick away. I live for those little looks of shock. Dean looked offended. I knew that I was going to have to have words with him. Sam was actually wearing a frown.

  7. #27
    Mrs Dean Winchester Senior Member pipersmum's Avatar
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    Red face Re: Bump in the Night! (NC-17) (4/?) UPDATED 4/15

    I it Yasmine!

    He heaved himself up and took a few staggering steps forward as he did so. Contrary to popular belief there was just no way to exit a woman’s body gracefully. Lex was no exception.
    There is definitely no graceful way to exit a womans body!! LOL

    “Because you will find that trouble has a name,” Lex said smoothly as he rose. “And her name is Miss Sullivan.”

    “So do you know what’s going on in the building, Kojak,” Dean asked him with his arms crossed over his chest.
    Kojak now that was funny nearly made me spit my coffee out!!

    “Chloe needs to be where she can get some rest and have someone keeping an eye on her,” Sam spoke up. “In case there is some other kind of reaction to the bite.”

    “Hey,” I yelled over the sounds of the three of them. “Tuck your dicks away and pick your knuckles up off the ground. We’ll ALL stay here.”
    Thats it Chloe you tell them but I bet deep down she is loving it

    I am hoping that them all being under the same roof some interesting things might happen

    I can't wait for more I just love this story!

  8. #28
    NS Full Member Krysia's Avatar
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    Re: Bump in the Night! (NC-17) (3/?) UPDATED 4/14

    Quote Originally Posted by yasmine32068
    I am sure that these things did happen. Girl meets really cute boys. Boys fight over girl but they didn’t happen to me.

    I can't wait for Chloe to realize that this kinda of a thing just happened to her. I also can't wait for more tention between those three. Perhaps even a fight, since all of them want to protect Chloe from whatever is happening to her and also from each other.
    I kinda like how passive Helen is in this whole story. I had to reread the chapter in Lexes office because I didn't even realize when she went out of it the first time around. I do hope through that there will be a lot of her begging Lex to forgive her once the whole thing with Daddy dearest comes out into the light. Chloes bite and the changes make me think about wearwolves, so I'm hoping come full moon she won't change into one of the beasts that have attacked her. I felt bad for Lex after the sex scene, when Chloe began crying. Poor guy probably thinks she's upset and that he lost whatever little chance he had with her. And boy is he wrong I tottaly love this story and please updae more

  9. #29
    An Accused Heretic Senior Member Kit Merlot's Avatar
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    Re: Bump in the Night! (NC-17) (4/?) UPDATED 4/15

    Excellent work, Yasmine

    Dean and Lex fighting over Chloe ROCKS because, unlike Lana, Chloe has no problem setting them straight, and telling them to knock it off.

    And I can see Sam just simply being worried about her--he is such a nice boy

    Now they are all going to be staying at Lex's--this is going to be interesting!

    "Don't quote me to me!" Detective Danny "Danno" WIlliams, Hawaii Five-0, episode 1.8 Mana'o

    "This could barely fill up Thumbelina!" SALIGIA by westwingwolf

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  10. #30
    NS Full Member gecko's Avatar
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    Re: Bump in the Night! (NC-17) (4/?) UPDATED 4/15

    all i can say is that i love this fic and i can't wait for more, great work.

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