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Thread: Bump in the Night! Smallville/ Supernatural (NC-17) Completed

  1. #1
    NS Full Member yasmine32068's Avatar
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    House of the Rising Sun

    Bump in the Night! Smallville/ Supernatural (NC-17) Completed

    Bump in the Night! (NC-17) (Prologue/?)

    Author’s Notes: A complaint came filtering down for the lack of NC-17 Supernatural fan fiction, but I write Chlex. So with much flat out shoving on her part here is my first crossover! I hope you guys enjoy it!

    Summery: Chloe on the hunt for a story gets involved with two strangers passing through with some interesting developments for the future!

    Disclaimers: Muse, did you check the couch? How about the bottom of my purse? Nope, no money found. Supernatural/ Smallville characters were not harmed in the writing of this piece of fiction. Sorry guys, no money made in using these characters either. Supernatural/ Smallville and the WB are still raking it in. Thanks for asking.


    It felt like my heart was going to pound right out of my chest as I raced through the woods at the ungodly hour of midnight. One would have thought that for all my run ins with meteor freaks and the like I would have learned my lessons. All I could hear was the pounding of my heart as I yet again ran for my life. God, Clark was going to kill me if I survived this.

    I was never happier to break through the foliage and stumble across gravel that was normally on the side of the road. A quick glance down either way showed me only one car approaching with one head light that worked. I didn’t care at this point. My legs just weren’t going to carry me any further and my lungs burned from my wild flight through the woods.

    Just as I could make out the rumble of the cars engine something tackled me hard from the back pitching me forward and knocking the wind out of my lungs and I struggled against the immense weight of what held me down. I could feel the blood run down the side of my face and the hot breath of the beast, man, whatever it was laying on top of me.

    I could remember making out the squeal of tires as the car slid to a sudden stop right before it bit me hard on my shoulder. The pain was intense as I struggled to fight it off. The creature released its hold on my shoulder as I screamed in pain. The thing hissed at the car. The last thing that I remember was the deafening sound of gun fire and thinking ‘Oh great, I hope these Wild Bill yahoo want to be don’t accidentally shoot my ass’. Then conveniently everything went black.


    If I held myself really still I didn’t ache too badly but the constant beep of the heart monitor really was starting to drive me nuts. The sounds and smells told me where I was but I couldn’t figure out what was pressing lightly against my feet without opening my eyes.

    His eyes were a startling shade of deep green surrounded by a thick frame of dark eyelashes. The kind that most women would envy me included. It had to be a cosmic joke that god played on women everywhere. It had to be penance because of Eve. Men always seem to be blessed with better nails and eyelashes. Sometimes life wasn’t fair. He was sitting in a chair with his arms casually leaning on the foot of the bed.

    I suddenly realized that he was studying me with the same intensity as I was watching him. He had a high forehead and a narrow straight nose. It looked like two days worth of beard covered his high cheek bones and dimpled chin but it didn’t distract from his sculptured lips. This man was beautiful in a dirty rugged sort of way.

    “Sam,” he called out quietly in a slightly gravelly voice. “She’s awake, Sammy.”

    For some reason I suddenly became acutely aware of him. I watched as the muscles in his arms flexed as he pushed himself away from the end of the bed. I took a deep breath to control my suddenly pounding heart. My mouth watered as I suddenly felt the urge to lick the strong column of his neck and taste the salt and the skin there.

    He glanced over his shoulder and I felt my eyes follow to see the long lean figure rise from the chair that he’d been sitting in. His hair looked like it was in need of a barber and it fell over his face in a tumble of waves and curls. His eyes were a warm dark chocolate brown. There was intelligence that shinned through his eyes. He too looked like he had been neglecting his razor but his beard wasn’t as thick as the other man’s was.

    “Miss Sullivan, my name is Sam um Walton and this is Dean Winchester,” he said quietly as he stood next to my bed causing my neck to crane at an odd angle.

    He glanced around behind him and dragged a chair over to sit while I watched. It gave me time to settle my flustered nerves. He was like a cool glass of water the way that his presence settled around him. He was simply calming.

    “We’re from the FBI,” I raised my eyebrows skeptically as I watched Sam shuffle slightly awkwardly. Neither of them dressed or moved like they were FBI and if anyone had experience in that department it was me. These guys were no suits cute but not the FEDS.

    “Really,” I asked in a dry tone of voice as I glanced between the two of them. “Funny you guys looked more like Yosemite Sam and Wild Bill shooting at me last night,” I said as I watched for a reaction.

    “Hey,” the green eyed man jerked back as if I had struck him. “We weren’t shooting at you,” he growled slightly.

    Bingo, I love it when I hit a nerve. I watched as Sam shot him a look and Dean ran a hand through his short dark hair as he pressed his lips together in displeasure.

    “Do you have any clue what that was that attacked you,” Sam asked pleasantly as he leaned forward to rest his arms on his knees.

    “You were attacked,” a cool cultured voice came from the doorway of my room. “Now why doesn’t that surprise me?”

    He was my verbal nemesis. Sometimes I thought that he stalked the Talon just so that he could sharpen his verbal claws on me. He, of course was what I used to sharpen mine on. He made me nervous and uncomfortable, like I needed a mirror to check and make sure that I had nothing in my teeth before speaking to him. That of course just pisses me off. His superior and slightly patronizing attitude was never a welcome attitudes with me, however if anyone had the guts and charm to pull it off it was Lex Luthor.

  2. #2
    Mrs Dean Winchester Senior Member pipersmum's Avatar
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    Red face Re: Bump in the Night! (NC-17) (Prologue/?)

    You wrote it I knew pestering you would pay off!!

    Loved it of course why wouldn't I it has Sexy Lexy, Dean and Sammy!

    For some reason I suddenly became acutely aware of him. I watched as the muscles in his arms flexed as he pushed himself away from the end of the bed. I took a deep breath to control my suddenly pounding heart. My mouth watered as I suddenly felt the urge to lick the strong column of his neck and taste the salt and the skin there.
    I know what she means
    “You were attacked,” a cool cultured voice came from the doorway of my room. “Now why doesn’t that surprise me?”

    He was my verbal nemesis. Sometimes I thought that he stalked the Talon just so that he could sharpen his verbal claws on me. He, of course was what I used to sharpen mine on. He made me nervous and uncomfortable, like I needed a mirror to check and make sure that I had nothing in my teeth before speaking to him. That of course just pisses me off. His superior attitude and slightly patronizing attitude was never a welcoming attitude with me, however if anyone had the guts and charm to pull it off it was Lex Luthor.
    This bit was great I can imagine Lex making someone feel like that!!

    I can't wait for more Yasmine your going to post again later right????

  3. #3
    Fairy Dust Bitch welshy's Avatar
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    Re: Bump in the Night! (NC-17) (Prologue/?)

    That was interesting beginning, I hope there's going to be more soon

  4. #4
    NS Senior Member Senior Member lj715's Avatar
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    Re: Bump in the Night! (NC-17) (Prologue/?)

    Omg!! Sam , Dean & Lex all in one story. That's like my fantasy come true. Well, it's starting off great!!! Love it & want more. Please .

  5. #5
    NS Full Member yasmine32068's Avatar
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    House of the Rising Sun

    Bump in the Night! (NC-17) (8/?) UPDATED 4/20

    Bump in the Night! (NC-17) (1/?)

    “What surprises me Lex is that you would stoop so low to bother visit me,” I replied with a chilling voice. Out of the corner of my eye I watched the guys exchange looks between them as they shifted awkwardly in their places. When cornered I tend to come out swinging.

    “Helen mentioned that you were here so I thought to see if there was anything that I could do for you,” Lex replied coldly as he started to turn and leave.

    “Hey Lex,” I called to him feeling a little bad. “Sorry. I hate hospitals and I took it out on you,” I finished quietly.

    Oh, my father would be so pleased to know his baby girl did know how to give an apology. Not that I let myself get into those positions often but when it happens, well lets just say I can insert my foot in my mouth all the way to my knee. It frustrated me though to be delivering the apology to Lex of all people.

    Then the thought hit me, Helen Bryce was my doctor. There was no way in hell that I was sticking around for her to use me as her personal pin board. She’d probably have extra tests arranged just to torture me. I pulled the IV and monitors off as quickly as I could.

    “Hey, what are you doing,” Lex strolled forward with a frown as I slid off the bed opposite from him.

    My legs threatened to collapse under me when my feet hit the cold tiles of the floor. I was suddenly surrounded by the fresh clean scent of laundry detergent and something that was all male. A strong arm came around my waist and helped me balance as I fought off the black fuzz that threatened my vision. Sam had wrapped his arm around me.

    “Thanks,” I said with a gasp and a small smile. “Please get me out of here.”
    I will admit that I am not too proud to beg with my eyes as Sam studied my face for a brief moment and started to lead me to a chair.

    “Miss Sullivan, I hardly think that you are in any condition to leave,” Lex said as he started forward only to have his way blocked by Dean.

    “I don’t think so Mr. Clean,” Dean smirked at him. ”If the lady wants to leave then that’s what she’s doing.”

    “I am not staying here and letting that sadist that you call a girlfriend torture me,” I told him through gritted teeth.

    What I really wanted was a lovely needle full of something that would take away the pain but since none was forth coming in my near future, I’d have to settle for gritting my teeth and sucking it up. Dean stood slightly between Lex and I as I watched Lex struggle with a few vague emotions that I was all too familiar with a few of his expressions, mostly frustration. Lex turned on his heels and stormed out of the room. I knew that we only had a few minutes to spare. Lex was probably looking for Helen or security, one of the two.

    “I need my clothes and we have to hurry,” I told Sam in a low voice. “He’s going to be back with help.”

    Dean began rummaging around until he found a bag of blood stained clothes in the bottom of the closet. He passed the jeans to Sam and went to shut the door. Sam immediately passed the jeans to me. I leaned over trying to get the pants on but it was almost too much.

    I focused on the fact that guys had turned their backs to give me a little privacy as I got my pants on as high as I could. Out of the corner of my eye I watched as Dean turned slightly to catch a peak until Sam slapped him on the back of the head. I wanted to laugh at them but I couldn’t contain the groan that escaped my lips as my eyes started to fill with tears. Dean was immediately at my side.

    “It’s okay sweetheart. I got it,’ he said gruffly as he pulled my pants higher on my waist.

    “You know maybe this isn’t such a good idea,” Sam said as he reached out to steady me while I waited for the spots to stop dancing behind my closed eyelids.

    “You don’t understand what I found, what I had seen, was on LuthorCorp property,” I told them with gritted teeth. “Mr. Clean is Lex Luthor. I can explain it to you later or we can wait here and see what Lex does.”

    The two exchanged a look as Dean shrugged out of his leather jacket and carefully stuffed my arms into it. My senses were immediately filled with the scent and warmth of Dean. He scooped me up in his arms as Sam passed me my bag containing the rest of my things.

    Of all the things I hated the most it was feeling helpless. Yet in Dean’s arms helpless was the last thing that I was feeling. I was suddenly very aware of the beating of his heart and strength of his body. My whole body hurt until my head was pounding with it but I was very aware of Dean. It made no sense to me.

    Sam positioned himself by the door and opened it a crack to peer into the busy hallway. When he gave the go ahead he stepped briskly into the hallway and began moving towards the stairs like he belonged there. Dean followed carrying me smoothly through the hallway only stopping briefly by the empty nurse’s station.

    “Hold on baby,” he muttered as I tightened my grip the best that I could and watched him snatch a bottle off the desk and stuff it into the pocket of the jacket I was wearing. Sam was waiting for us anxiously by the opened stairwell door.

    “Come on,” he hissed at Dean.

    “Keep your shorts on,” Dean muttered as he adjusted my weight in his arms. I actually managed to make it down two flights of stairs without crying out but my tears ran freely down my cheeks as Dean shifted me in his arms causing me to gasp again.

    “Dean, she’s hurting,” Sam said softly. “Let me take her and you go get the car and bring it around to the front.”

    I caught the expressive look of self incrimination on Dean’s face as he gently passed me to his brother.

    “I’m sorry honey,” he said as he smoothed my hair back from my damp forehead. He turned and ran lightly down the last couple of flights.

    Sam was taller then Dean was so he was able to carry me down the last couple of flights without jostling me too much. I just buried my face against the warm skin of his neck and held on.

    “Hey, I need to set you down for a few minutes while I make sure the coast is clear,” he told me as he bent his long frame to eased me to the floor.

    I sagged against the wall as he glanced at me one final time before slipping into the hallway. I was filled with confusion as I sat there. I knew that I shouldn’t be feeling the way that I did about two complete strangers but I did. I wanted them both.

    “Miss Sullivan,” my eyes snapped open at the sound of Sam’s soft voice. “Hey, your chariot awaits,” Sam told me as he settled me into a wheelchair and adjusted a blanket across my lap.

    He passed me a bundle of blankets that at first glance I thought was a baby. He produced a baseball cap from somewhere and shrugged out of his jean jacket and pulled off one of the shirts that he was wearing. He picked up a diaper bag that I hadn’t noticed earlier and casually hung it from his shoulder as we entered the hallway. He pushed me right past the security guards that we obviously looking for someone.

    “Now make sure you keep John’s face covered,” he said as he leaned forward to peer anxiously at the pile of blankets that I held cradled like a baby. “The doctors said don’t let direct sun on his face,” as he adjusted the pile with long elegant fingers. I turned to smile up at his sweetly.

    “Of course darling,” I purred.

    I purred! I don’t purr where the hell that came from I wasn’t sure. Sam looked at me with a peculiar expression on his face as he quickened his pace when he saw Dean waiting impatiently in the car. Before I knew what was happening I was loaded into the back seat comfortably resting against Sam’s strong chest with a blanket over us both.

    “Where to now,” Dean asked as he casually drove out of the hospital parking lot.

    “She needs a bed and rest,” Sam told him as he accepted the bottle water from Dean.

    “Well motels and hotels are out that’s the first place that they’d check,” I told them as I hissed in pain. “I can’t go home because that’s the first place that Lex would look,” I pondered for a moment. “But there is an old hunting cabin on the back forty of the Kent spread.”

  6. #6
    Mrs Dean Winchester Senior Member pipersmum's Avatar
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    Red face Re: Bump in the Night! (NC-17) (Prologue/?)

    When I said about an update later I was teasing but wow you really updated again woohoo! Go Yasmine.

    “I don’t think so Mr. Clean,” Dean smirked at him. ”If the lady wants to leave then that’s what she’s doing.”
    Thats funny Mr Clean! lol

    I focused on the fact that guys had turned their backs to give me a little privacy as I got my pants on as high as I could. Out of the corner of my eye I watched as Dean turned slightly to catch a peak until Sam slapped him on the back of the head.
    That is definitely something that Dean would do!!

    How lucky is Chloe getting carried by Dean first and then Sam!! and Dean called her sweetheart and baby!! I am swooning here!

  7. #7
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    Re: Bump in the Night! (NC-17) (Prologue/?)

    Yeah this is a Chlex story right? Because that is all I read...
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  8. #8
    An Accused Heretic Senior Member Kit Merlot's Avatar
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    Re: Bump in the Night! (NC-17) (Prologue/?)

    This is quite a cool start!

    And I do adore Chloe/Dean fics--what would they be called, Chlean? Anyway, Dean is awesome, but Chlex is my personal favorite, so I don't know who I want Chloe to be with.

    Enough with my rambling--wonderful beginning--more please

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  9. #9
    NS Full Member teb85's Avatar
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    Re: Bump in the Night! (NC-17) (Prologue/?)

    Brilliant Start ! Sam, Dean and Lex , I love this fic already !!
    I Loved Chloe's first description of the boys in the hospital, well written !!

    “I don’t think so Mr. Clean,” Dean smirked at him.
    That was a funny line and something I could totally imagine Dean coming out with !!

    Out of the corner of my eye I watched as Dean turned slightly to catch a peak until Sam slapped him on the back of the head
    You really have caught Dean's Character !!

    As I said Loving it already and can't wait for more !!

  10. #10
    NS Full Member yasmine32068's Avatar
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    Bump in the Night! (NC-17) (2/?)

    Bump in the Night! (NC-17) (2/?)

    Painkillers were a wonderful invention. The pills that Sam gave me in the car took the edge off and I was numb enough not to feel all of my aches and pains. I watched as the pair of them moved like a well organized team as the set up the one room for our brief stay. Their friendly banter told me a lot more then any of the questions that I could have asked. When things were set up to their satisfaction I was finally escorted inside and eased on to air mattress with a sigh.

    “So Agent Walton, how long have you been FBI,” I asked casually. Sam’s back stiffened slight and he turned to answer my question. From the corner of my eye I watched as Dean frozen and then turn towards me to answer.

    “Okay guys; before you open your mouths to tell me another whooper, let me just say I really hate lying.”

    “I’m Dean Winchester and that’s my brother Sam,” Dean told me as he finished digging around in his duffle bag.

    “Okay that answered one of my questions,” Said as I shifted my weight slightly against the mattress.

    “What question is that,” Sam asked.

    I really don’t mean to do it but sometimes there is another Chloe Sullivan that lives inside of me that can’t seem to resist the urge to push people’s buttons.
    “I was wondering whether or not you were lovers.”

    My acting abilities sometimes amaze myself. I actually delivered that line with a straight face and wide eyed and innocent. Sam’s face took on three shades of red and Dean, well to say that he was outraged was like saying it’s really hot in hell.

    “We are not gay,” he said thru gritted teeth his movements angry and jerky. Homophobic much? “At least I know I’m not. I’m not sure about him.”

    “Hey,” Sam exclaimed with a slightly hurt look. “We’re not gay,’ Sam told me over Dean’s muttering.

    These two were more fun to tease then Clark and Pete were. I had to press my lips together to keep from laughing at them both. Sam must have seen something in my face because he started to grin.

    “If you knew that we weren’t FBI why did you come with us,” Sam asked.

    “Why did you chase off that thing that was determined to have me as a midnight snack,” I shot back.

    “What the hell is going on around here,” Dean asked with a note of frustration in his voice.

    “Welcome to Smallville, population 4500 and land of the meteor freaks,” I quipped. ”If I had my laptop I could show you what I meant.”

    “How is it you know one of the world’s riches men,” Sam asked.

    “Lex Luthor thinks he is a friend of a mutual friend that doesn’t think he’s a friend,” I answered as Dean pulled a laptop out of his bag and turned it on.

    “Do what,” Dean asked and he plugged in his cell phone and the familiar whirling of a modem filled the room.

    “Long complicated story short, we’re both friends of this guy named Clark. Clark saved Lex from a watery grave and they became buddies. Clark found out that Lex was keeping tabs on him and voila Clark doesn’t trust him.”

    “Sounds like you don’t trust him either,” Sam said quietly as he spread out some blankets on the floor.

    “I trust Lex just fine; it’s his father I don’t trust. If Lionel Luthor’s mouth is moving he’s lying to you,” I told them with a chuckle.

    “Then why the scene in the hospital,” Dean asked with confusion.

    “One, if my evidence is correct then LuthorCorp is involved once again in human trials. Two, I hate Helen Bryce with a passion. She’s cheating on Lex with his father,” I watched as both of the men whip around to look at me.

    “Yeah, I was supposed to meet up with some friends at the Talon and couldn’t find a parking spot so I ended up down in the alley and watched Helen and Lionel Luthor locked in a rather interesting embrace. Unfortunately I didn’t have my camera with me and Lex is the type to need proof,” I shrugged and tried to keep my emotions off my face but I am not so sure that I did such a good job.

    “Three, I live to give Lex a migraine. It’s kind of like teasing a dog on a chain you know you shouldn’t but sometimes you just can’t help yourself.”

    “Why are you involved investigating LuthorCorp,” Sam asked.

    “Because of this,” my fingers flew over the key board that I had balanced on my lap.

    I logged into the database at the Torch and began scanning through my files there as I showed them what I was talking about. Heat sucking mutants and a possessed prom queen would have made for interesting conversation but I was a little bit distracted.

    Sam had sat on the air mattress behind me to get a better view of the computer screen. The warmth of his body sank into the muscles along my back and I could feel him brush against my skin as he occasionally leaned forward to point at something on the screen.

    Dean sat next to me as I scooted over to make room for him. He had one hand resting slightly behind him so that he could balance his weight there but it was so close to my ass that it was a little distracting. I was surrounded by his scent and warmth suddenly I felt like I hadn’t had a meal in days as I struggled to focus my awareness on the task at hand.

    “So you’re a reporter for the local high school,” Dean asked in a casual voice but there was a sudden tension humming around him. “So you’re a junior.”

    “Please, I graduate in a few weeks and I turned eighteen last October,” I told him as his tension suddenly seemed to slip away. “I’ve worked as an intern at the Daily Planet in Metropolis for the last two summers and I am not just a reporter I’m the editor.”

    “Well, if you are okay with baldy then it sounds like we need to go talk to him,” Sam said as he eased himself off the bed.

    I was more then okay with baldy. How could I tell them that I have been in love with the man since I had met him in my office at the Torch? I hid my attraction behind a sharp tongue and scathing sarcasm because it kept him from looking at me too long and too hard.


    It rose out of me like a wave falling over an unexpected swimmer. I was battered against the sensation. I was so hot it felt like my skin was going to boil completely off. My body betrayed me. I was both hot and cold at the same time. The fire I was feeling was unexpected desire. It was like all of my lust and desire had been rolled into a large burning ball bouncing around behind my tightly closed eyes with no place to go. I have been sexually aroused a few times in my past but never like this. This was a beast and it was tearing me apart.

    “Whoa,” Dean’s voice came through the haze of pain. “Chloe, wake up. Come on honey, wake up.”

    I could feel his hands on my shoulders as he tried to control my thrashing and for a moment it stopped as I laid panting and gasping. My tears had soaked the hair at my temples and a low moan escaped my lips. I could feel it boiling just under the surface of my skin as I partially regained control of myself.

    “There’s something wrong,” I gasped out at him as I leaned forward seeking solace from the pain in his embrace.

    “You’re fine,’ he assured me in a gruff voice. “It was just a bad dream a really, really, bad dream.” I shook my head and tried to formulate the words.

    “Where’s Sam,” I croaked out. He leaned me back so that I was once again lying down. He started to rise as he slid his hands away from me.

    “Sammy went to get some food,” Dean grinned. “Don’t worry princess he’ll be back soon. Let me get you some water, you’ll feel better.”

    He didn’t make it the first step before the wave came crashing down on me and I could feel my back bow and arch under the weight of it. My mouth opened in a silent scream. Once again I was a washed in the sensation only this time they were changing. I was so tired of fighting it the first time that I screamed until I was hoarse.

    I could vaguely hear Dean’s voice telling me to focus on him and not to fight the pain. A part of me was aware of him sitting on the side of the bed where I fought against it. It was like a live wire coiled inside of my head. My eyes snapped open as soon as he took my hand in his hot dry grip. I felt it when it danced across the surface of my skin and spread along his. The fine hairs on his arms stood on end. Once again I could breath.

    “What the hell is that,” he growled looking very disturbed and shifting slightly. He was watching me warily.

    “I have no idea,” I panted. “I know that it backs off when you touch me.” I could feel my eyes fill with tears. “Please don’t leave me. I’m so sorry,” my voice trailed off as I tried not to let the tears fall.

    “Its okay sweetheart,” he said as he stroked my arm and held one of my hands tightly. “I’m here I won’t leave you.”

    Dean turned slightly when the cabin door opened. He relaxed when he saw Sam carrying a couple of bags of stuff.

    “Sam get your ass over here pronto,” Dean called to him. “She’s sick, man.”

    “Hey Chloe,” Sam said as he all but dropped the bags of groceries on the floor.

    “Take her hand,” Dean told him as Sam came and sat down on the other side of the bed. I could feel the power recede a little more as Sam slid his hand against mine. The brother exchanged some kind of look between them as Dean slowly let go. I could feel myself tense as he did but what ever it was seemed to attach its self to Sam.

    “Christ, what the hell is that,” Dean asked angrily as he stood with his back to me taking deep breaths.

    “What,” I asked as I could feel my pulse picking up speed this time with fear.

    “I touch you and I just want to crawl,” Dean paused sucking in deep breaths of air and glanced at Sam looking for help.

    “I’ve never felt anything like it,” Sam said as he started to ease his hands away from mine. “It’s like instant urge to,” Sam paused as a bright red tide swept up his neck and over his face.

    “Fuck,” I said frustrated at their inability for formulate their thoughts.

    “Exactly,” Dean replied in a much calmer voice.

    I was slightly unnerved and flattered at the looking in Sam’s eyes as he stared down at me. It was hot and hungry and it was the same look that was in Dean’s eyes when he held my hand. It seemed to help a little bit as I struggled to push the glowing ball away until it was locked safely somewhere in my head. Sam took a deep and shaking breath as it seemed to leave him also.

    “I need to talk to Lex,” I told them as I struggled to sit up and fought against the feelings of being light headed. “He’ll help me fix this.”

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