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25th March 2010, 19:08
SUMMARY: Sometimes promises can be very hard to keep.





You tell yourself this will be the last time and yet you’ve said that to yourself more than a dozen times now. It’s like an addiction you think you can control at will, a drug you can drop or pick up again when you feel the need. That’s exactly what you and I are, two junkies who can’t stay away from their weekly fix of this thing we daren’t give a name to. Too much water has run under this bridge and yet it seems we can’t let it go.

Today’s you who’s arrived earlier- or is it me who’s taken longer than usual? Me, who’s always in complete control of his actions, can’t see straight when it comes to you and these emotions which I can’t identify because I’ve never experienced them before, feelings which are pulling me in multiple directions and leave me with the unsavoury realisation that I’m no longer in control of my life. Not being in the driver’s seat is alien to me and so here I am again determined to detach myself from emotion and thought and put an end to this. I’m here to reclaim what you took away from me the night you waltzed into that charity ball dressed in a green tight-fitting dress that enticed my lustful senses; the night I forgot each and every one of the reasons I’d always held onto not to get entangled with you.

You’re standing in front of the panoramic windows of this penthouse- my favourite property in Metropolis and one that I’ve decided to sell once this is over. You’re standing with your back to me and still the sight of your beauty in the moonlight is all that it takes to make me fall right back. I grow distant with distance- this has always been my self-defence armour- and I took refuge in it for a fortnight; that’s how long my fast and yours lasted until our paths chanced to cross last night. Another charity event, one you weren’t supposed to attend because we‘d agreed you would stay away from them to keep business and pleasure apart. An ill-timed skiing accident and a social columnist wearing a full body cast ended up with Perry White sending his best investigative reporter to cover the event; an event I was planning to leave with my date- another inconsequential and innocuous one-night stand that I would have forgotten by the time I left the hotel room immediately after the deed. Last night should have been the perfect excuse to show myself and you that... us... this...had been nothing but an extended one-night stand.

I look out of the window at the city underneath-your city- and wonder what I’m doing here yet again. I’d promised myself I wouldn't give in to this inexplicable force that pulls me like a magnet to you and your dangerous games. Because this has to be a game, it can’t be anything else, not when you’re his bitterest enemy and I the keeper of his deepest secret, the secret you’ve always tried to find out, the enigma you realised I held the key to when you dragged me to the caves all those years ago. I feel the touch of your hand on my nape as you move my hair to one side and lean your head down to nuzzle my neck. I feel electricity run up and down my spine when your lips brush the shell of my ear. I close my eyes and struggle to detach myself from emotion and thought. I try to order my nerve terminals to go numb. I tell my breath to slow down, my breasts to resist your caresses and my feminine core to stop its rhythmic fluttering, but it’s all in vein.

The smell of your expensive yet subtle masculine perfume assaults my senses and behind my closed eyes I can replay last night’s encounter. I can feel the exhilarating possessiveness of your lovemaking as you bring me to completion with my cocktail dress still on before leading me to the sofa, where you proceed to ravish me with a passion I haven’t experienced since our first encounter. Our coming together in that music room adjoining one of the hotel’s exclusive restaurants, which is closed for refurbishing, leaves me altogether confused. Have I been wrong all these months? Or am I just trying to convince myself there is more than lust in our frenzied coupling this once? I shouldn’t be even considering it, not when it could mean ending the oldest and most enduring relationship I’ve ever had, my friendship with the young man whose secret has prevented me from truly committing myself to a life of my own and you from having the loving foster family and brother you were denied.

I try to tell my hands to stop their roaming over the planes, curves and indentations of your body. I order my lips to give up your pebbled peaks but my resolve is weak and I’m drawn to your mouth again. And as my tongue tastes the sweet nectar and you wrap your legs around my waist inviting me to sheath myself in your warmth I promise this will be the last time. I walk us to the bedroom where the bed with fresh satin sheets awaits us and I look into your eyes as I lay you down- your body locked with mine like two pieces of a puzzle that don’t fit elsewhere but here. I wish I could read what’s going through your mind now, when you’re with me in this room, open to me in the most primitive of ways and yet close in the one way that really matters. I wish I knew exactly how you feel and hate myself for being this weak. I struggle to suppress this childish appetite for affection. However, each taste of your intimacy makes me hungrier and I bring our bodies closer still, feel your walls clutch at me as if you really wanted this to be more than it is. And you close your eyes and look away and I feel our time is limited. I close mine too and as we both come undone we promise this has been the last time.


Find a downloadable PDF version on my master list (http://forums.naughty-seduction.net/showthread.php/7631-Lexie-s-Fanfiction-List-W-PDF-%28Feb-27th-2011%29).

26th March 2010, 16:54
That was so sad, good but sad. :(

26th March 2010, 17:01
That was lovely and sad both at the same time. The change in perspective without warning left me a little confused for a few moments, but I managed to catch onto who was speaking after a few sentences each time there was an unexpected shift in narrator/POV.

27th March 2010, 06:32
That was so sad, good but sad. :(

That was lovely and sad both at the same time.

Yes, I know. I always get all sad and angsty towards the end of the month, and this is the kind of thing I come up with.:D

The change in perspective without warning left me a little confused for a few moments, but I managed to catch onto who was speaking after a few sentences each time there was an unexpected shift in narrator/POV.

I considered using italics for one of the POVs but then I thought that since most of the references were cataphoric- and self-explanatory once you reached the "key word" in the paragraph- I'd rather keep the layout that way. I believe it makes the reader pay more attention and get more involved and also shows how attuned Chloe and Lex are- wondering all the time what the other's feeling and thinking when, in fact, they're both experiencing the very same thoughts, emotions and fears. I'd say the "I", which stands for both POV, shows how unified they are. They`re already "one", despite their efforts to resist the attraction. So unified that they're difficult to be told apart.

Thanks for reading and reviewing, girls.

Kit Merlot
27th March 2010, 18:48
Even though this is slightly angsty, I do love that the Chlex can't keep away from each other;)

I shouldn’t be even considering it, not when it could mean ending the oldest and most enduring relationship I’ve ever had, my friendship with the young man whose secret has prevented me from truly committing myself to a life of my own and you from having the loving foster family and brother you were denied.

Chloe deserves some happiness in her life and I hope she forgets about Clark and what he'll think about her and Lex being together. But then again, it seems that the Chlex are denying they have deeper feelings then lust for each other.

28th March 2010, 01:02
Chloe deserves some happiness in her life and I hope she forgets about Clark and what he'll think about her and Lex being together. But then again, it seems that the Chlex are denying they have deeper feelings then lust for each other.

I agree that Clark doesn't deserve her sacrifice- both Chloe and Lex have suffered enough already and shouldn't have to forsake their happiness as well.

It's true they`re denying this is a lot more than just lust, but I'm sure they'll keep coming back for more.:grin3: It'd be a pity, though, if they continued these encounters and kept deceiving themselves that what they have is simply a lustful addiction.

5th April 2010, 09:10
Love the fluidity of the story!! Yeah, I got confused by the shift of povs but once you hit key phrase it's easy to see the shifts!!!

I close mine too and as we both come undone we promise this has been the last time.

Yet, I don't believe it will be!!

6th April 2010, 03:19
Love the fluidity of the story!! Yeah, I got confused by the shift of povs but once you hit key phrase it's easy to see the shifts!!!

As I told somethingeasy, writing the whole thing in the first person and shifting POVs in that way was a conscious decision with both a metaphorical and a practical meaning. I'm glad you were able to appreciate it too. The key to unlock every paragraph and tell one member of the couple from the other definitely resides in one word. :D

Yet, I don't believe it will be!!

I don't believe it either. This is so not their last time. ;)

26th April 2010, 07:13
How sad. This story is very well written, and even though at the beginning it is a bit difficult to pin down who is talking, it's really interesting to get into their head and see the relationship from both of their viewpoints. I think that although they both recognize it's a relationship that is twisted and stunted, once they realize they're not giving up on it (despite the fervent opinion that they should) they can finally find some peace with each other, and that right there is probably a big part of what keeps them coming back to one another. Great story, I love a fic that makes you really think, and this one certainly does that.

27th April 2010, 00:00
Welcome back to the forums, Kris.

I'm glad you enjoyed this ficlet and that you were able to spot the changes of POV once you got in their heads so to speak. Thanks for the lovely feedback.

30th April 2010, 04:12
Oh these two just love to torture themselves don't they? Pretending it will be the last time. That it doesn't mean as much as it does, but it's always meaningful, always the way it should be. They know it, and can't resist fighting what terrifies them. *sigh*
Great work as always :)

1st May 2010, 21:46
Thanks for your lovely feedback, Adele. Hope to be reading from you too soon. *winks*

17th May 2010, 01:55
Very bittersweet. I love that they can't seem to stay away from each other, but I hate that they deny their feelings and deny themselves a chance at more than secret sexual encounters because of Clark.

25th May 2010, 02:37
Very bittersweet. I love that they can't seem to stay away from each other, but I hate that they deny their feelings and deny themselves a chance at more than secret sexual encounters because of Clark.

I wish they opened their eyes too and forgot about the damn farmboy. Who knows? Since they're definitely coming back for more I want to believe not everything's lost yet.

3rd August 2010, 21:01
" I wish I could read what’s going through your mind now, when you’re with me in this room, open to me in the most primitive of ways and yet close in the one way that really matters. "
Loved that line.

3rd August 2010, 23:00
Thanks, darling. It's one of my favourites too. It reflects what their relationship's like and what they long the most and daren't put in words.:D

4th August 2010, 12:35
My confession, Lexie, is that I've clicked on your stories a few times but always get intimidated by the long paragraphs before I can really start to read your stories. It's not anything wrong with your writing, of course - just a problem with my pitiful attention span. But since you're always so wonderful about supporting other writers on the site, I made myself get over my hang-up and read this.

I really like the haunting, poignant mood of it. It's not easy to do poignancy without sentimentality, but you've really captured that here. This scenario is perfect Chlex - the bond, the hopelessness, and the inevitability. And I really love this line . . .

I look out of the window at the city underneath-your city- and wonder what I'm doing here yet again. I'd promised myself I wouldn't give in to this inexplicable force that pulls me like a magnet to you and your dangerous games.

Now if you ever feeling like catering to my irrational needs and want to write me a short story in shorter paragraphs with the same kind of non-sentimental poignancy as this one, I'd be your best friend forever!

Thanks for posting this and for all your support of Chlexers!

4th August 2010, 19:06
My confession, Lexie, is that I've clicked on your stories a few times but always get intimidated by the long paragraphs before I can really start to read your stories. It's not anything wrong with your writing, of course - just a problem with my pitiful attention span.

Oh! You know, I'm a very quiet and reserved person but give me a pen and some paper and I get carried away. For a long while I didn't think short stories were my thing because I'm too verbose when it comes to writing and yet one-shots are the only type of stories I can manage during my teaching/tutoring year; long-fics are for my summer holidays, and I pile them up to share throughout the year. :D

But since you're always so wonderful about supporting other writers on the site, I made myself get over my hang-up and read this.

I always leave feedback whenever I read something because I believe that the creative cycle is incomplete without that form of input and, as a writer, I know how discouraging seeing a neglected thread can be. Besides, I'm of the mind that giving back a little to those who help us dream and while away a few hours is part of what being a member of this community should entail. We're one big family and for it to stay alive and healthy there has to be communication between its members, and love- and feedback is definitely a form of love.

Let me tell you that finding out you've read and commented on this ficlet has been one of the most rewarding experiences on these forums. I've always treasured every little piece of feedback, from the one-liners to the more extensive reviews but yours has a very special meaning for me because I not only love your work as a Chlex fan that I am, I respect you and admire you as a writer.

I really like the haunting, poignant mood of it. It's not easy to do poignancy without sentimentality, but you've really captured that here. This scenario is perfect Chlex - the bond, the hopelessness, and the inevitability. And I really love this line . . .

Now if you ever feeling like catering to my irrational needs and want to write me a short story in shorter paragraphs with the same kind of non-sentimental poignancy as this one, I'd be your best friend forever!

This is the kind of mood which I usually aim at with my one-shots, with the exception of The Christmas Gift and The Father He Never Was, perhaps; I don't know if I achieve it every time, but I certainly do my best.. You can blame the angst which pervades them on the time of the month they are often written *wink*.

I think there will be more fics like this one in the future if my schedule remains as hectic as the present one.However, now that you've dared get over your hang-up, you might have a look at the other one-shots I've posted to see if you find them as poignant and worthy as this one; there are quite a good bunch of them. (You shouldn't have indulged me. Now I'll hunt you down.ROTFL). You can find a master list in my signature.

Thanks for posting this and for all your support of Chlexers!

You're welcome. It's so nice to be able to spread some Chlexy loving.

3rd October 2010, 10:30
I love how you aptly describe them, "junkies" and "two pieces of a puzzle".

Ami Rose
15th August 2012, 06:05