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23rd May 2004, 03:09
Your last chapter was beyond excellent!! I loved Chloe and Lillian's talk, and how they get along so well!! I can't wait to find out who will drive Chloe home!! Please let it be Lex, I want him to get to know Chloe better!! Please!! Although, I must admit Lucas is tons of fun!! I hope you post more soon!! :chlexsign4:

23rd May 2004, 05:32

Lana the little midnight snack.

And y'know what's really sick...I'm starting to edge toward the Chlucas. *smacks hand* that's a bad hand for typing such ridiculous nonsense.


23rd May 2004, 06:54
Lana as vampire candy floss! It's the same colour as her, after all. -Big hopeful eyes-

I love how the entire Luthor family is so taken with Chloe --except Lex, that is. It's really funny.
Also looking forward to your developing the darker side of the plot involving Marcus et al.

More soon, please!

23rd May 2004, 07:10
Fi I love this story.. more soon please:)

Lex Lex... Let Lex drive her home... Need my Chlex.. :biggrin:


23rd May 2004, 14:50
Ok, you have NO IDEA how much your words mean to me... This fic has become a bit of an obsession with me, and the fact that you all like it and are clamouring for more makes me feel all warm inside :biggrin: So as a big THANK YOU....Here's a very quick update...........Fiona


Chapter Fifteen – Having *Words*

With a groan Chloe hit the button on her alarm clock. She flopped onto her back and lay staring up at the ceiling. “What an evening,” she muttered through a yawn. It had been a perfect evening, at least until she left to go home.

After calling her dad to say she’d be late, she and Lillian settled down once more. The older woman regaled her with stories of some of the places the Luthors had lived around the world, then deftly switched topics to the up coming dinner party she was hosting. Chloe listened as Lillian described in great detail her plans for the gathering, and the young woman couldn’t help but get caught up in the elder’s enthusiasm. “Of course you and your father will be at the top of the list,” she had told Chloe with a huge smile. She had gone so far as to ask Chloe about other families in the area and even get her opinion on which she should invite. Chloe found herself liking the woman more and more with every minute she spent in Mrs Luthor’s company. It was after midnight when Chloe began making moves to leave.

Lillian was quite adamant that Chloe was not to travel home alone. And despite Chloe’s assurances that she had her car and that the drive wasn’t that bad, Lillian wouldn’t budge. In fact even Lionel got it on the discussion, siding with his wife. Eventually Chloe gave in, and a curiously delighted Lillian announced that *Lex* would see her home. He would travel with her in her car and then make his own way back.

Chloe, of course, protested, throwing in how unfair it would be for him to make his own way back, and that if he really must accompany her, couldn’t he just travel in a car behind her. And it wasn’t fair to drag him from his work just to see her home, and why couldn’t Lucas do it? Of course she couldn’t tell Lillian the truth, which was she couldn't bear to spend any time in the presence of her eldest son.

But Lionel and Lillian were having none of it; Lex would be the one to escort her home.

“And that’s when the real *fun* started,” said Chloe, getting out of her bed and thinking back.



“You don’t have to ride with me,” said Chloe as she and Lex walked to her car, “it will be easier for you to get back if you had your own car.”

She heard Lex mutter something under his breath before speaking to her, “Mother said I was to travel home with you and that is what I’ll do,” he said, “as much as I don’t want to,” he added in a low voice.

Chloe heard him, “well this isn’t a picnic for me either,” she retorted, quickening her pace.

A slight smirk formed on Lex’s lips when he heard the annoyed tone of her voice. ‘Good,’ he thought, ‘she’ll be fuming by the time we get to her house.’

He glanced back at the house and saw his parents standing in one of the windows. He knew they were both smiling. ‘Behave yourself Lex,’ he heard his father’s voice.

‘I will do my best not to strangle her,’ he said back to him.

‘You’d better Alexander,’ Lillian’s voice sounded, a hint of warning in it.

Lex was jarred from his thoughts by the blast of a car horn. He turned from the house to see an impatient looking Chloe sitting in her car. She gave the car horn another blast.

‘How dare she?’ he thought, ‘insolent mortal.’ Squaring his shoulders Lex sauntered over to the car opened the door and got in.

“About time,” said Chloe and started the engine.

“*Patience* Miss Sullivan is a virtue,” said Lex in a condescending tone, “you’d do well to take my advice and learn some.”

“Like I’d listen to any advice from you, a *boy* your age that still does exactly what his mommie says,” she snapped back. “Anyway you’d want to take your own advice, I seem to remember *you* severely lacking in the patience department trying to pass me out on the road.” She put the car in drive and screeched down the driveway.

‘Boy?! I’ll show her *boy*. I am over 250 years old.’ Lex inwardly fumed, silently cursing Chloe to hell and back. He was surprised however to find his demon was actually amused with her retorts.

‘Insufferable, egotistical son of a….’ she thought, trailing off because she didn’t want to insult Lillian. ‘Who the hell does he think he is?’ She spared a quick glance at him, ‘he’s just sitting in the damn car and he makes it look like he owns it. Look at him with that smug, stupid smirk on his face.’

Out of the corner of his eye Lex watched as her knuckles turned white as she gripped the steering wheel harder. He was glad his presence was pissing her off. He didn’t know what had possessed his mother to insist that he accompany the young reporter home. She knew Lucas liked her so why not send him?

The silence was beginning to get to Chloe, she wasn’t to use to it; she liked to talk. ‘No matter how obnoxious the company is,’ she thought. She cleared her throat as she tried to think of something to strike up a conversation with. “My dad…my dad says the plant is going well,” she said.

“It is,” replied Lex.

Chloe waited to see if he would add anything else, she glanced at him again to see his attention focussed on the road ahead. ‘Damn,’ she thought.

“You mother seems really excited about this party,” she forced out after a few more moments of silence.

“She is,” he replied and smirked when she clenched her hands on the steering wheel once more. ‘Ok this is amusing,’ he thought, ‘completely childish of course but amusing nonetheless.’

‘Obnoxious asshole,’ thought Chloe, wishing her car could go much faster so she could get home quicker. “I guess Lucas inherited the polite and chatty gene,” she muttered. She furiously flicked through her mind to come up with something that might get a reaction out of Lex. ‘I got it,’ she thought after a minute.

“I wonder if the French police have come up with anything in the Marcus DeToit murder,” she said conversationally. “Such a brutal murder. I wonder if there’s been any word on his children?”

“And what is it to you?” said Lex.

“Wow a reply that consisted of more than two words,” snarked Chloe, “I’m impressed Mr Luthor.”

“What possible interest could *you* have in the DeToit murder?” he asked, ignoring her quip.

“A *journalistic* interest. And didn’t he recently sign a multi-million dollar business contract with Luthor-Corp?”

“I didn’t realise this was an interview *Miss Sullivan*.”

“It’s not an interview *Mr Luthor*, I’m just making conversation.”

“And do you normally make conversation about recent murders?” he sneered.

“Jeez what is your problem?” snapped Chloe, bringing the car to a stop. She was getting angry and hadn’t noticed that she was home. “I tried talking about the plant and then the party, neither of which got a reaction out of you. So I brought up the murder.”

“And is that what you were looking for, a reaction?” he leaned closer to her.

“No, I was just making…”

“Conversation,” interrupted Lex, his voice calm, and the complete opposite of Chloe’s, “yes you’ve said that. I just find it…interesting Miss Sullivan that you would bring up the murder of a business associate and *close* friend of my father’s as a topic of conversation.”

“Fine ok, sorry. Obviously work, home, and headline news stories are among the many topics that are not to be discussed in conversation with you Mr Luthor,” she snapped.

Chloe turned away from him and closed her eyes, taking a deep breath and counting to ten to stop herself from slapping Lex. When she opened her eyes it dawned on her that she was home. “Thank god,” she muttered. Fixing a fake smile on her face she turned to her infuriating passenger, “I’m home now Mr Luthor,” she said, “thank you *so* much for accompanying me. Have a safe trip home.”

She grabbed her keys and bag and opened the door, stepping out. Lex was quick to follow her. His demon was laughing now, thoroughly enjoying arguing with the young reporter. Lex was also curious to see how far he could push her; he knew she was angry now. Her breathing and heart rate, her flushed cheeks all pointed to the fact that she was on the edge.

“Ah I see now,” said Lex, his voice carrying an all-knowing tone, “I see what’s going on.”

Chloe turned around and faced him, “what are you talking about?”

“Talking with Lucas, getting the interview, being all cosy with my mother,” he said, closing the gap between them. “It’s all a ploy. Granted for a teenager it’s a pretty good one.”

“Again, what the hell are you talking about?”

“It’s all an act, isn’t it *Chloe*. You just want dirt on my family.”

Chloe’s eyes widened in comprehension as his meaning sunk in and then they narrowed as she let her temper take over. She drew her hand back and slapped him across the face, “how dare you?” she spat out, “how fucking dare you?" She turned on her heel and stormed to her front door. She struggled with her key for a moment before finally getting in the lock and within a few seconds had slammed the door.

Lex stood rubbing his cheek; the slap was more surprising than painful. He didn’t expect her to strike out at him and he felt a begrudging hint of admiration for her. His demon on the other hand was very impressed. He knew it was a low blow questioning her motives with Lucas and his mother but that had never deterred him before. With a small smile on his face Lex turned from the Sullivan house.



“I’m going to have to apologise to him,” said Chloe, rubbing her temples as remembering the events of the previous night gave her a headache. “And let Lucas and Mrs Luthor know that I don’t have ulterior motives. Oh god Chloe, what have you done?”

She sat back down on the edge of her bed. “Maybe I should have taken up Clark and Pete’s offer instead.” With a sigh she mentally ran though what she had to do. And saying sorry to Lex Luthor was, unfortunately top of the list.

23rd May 2004, 14:59
*roots for chloe!*

hahaha yey it was Lex! :) and so begins their long interactions! :D mehehe... Lex is such a butt... :D hehehehe...

Lexvamp rocks... can't wait for more!

23rd May 2004, 15:16
:biggrin: CLASSIC!!!!!!

can I just say how much I love lionel and lillian in this story!! they are perfect!

oh more please more!!!! :worship2:

23rd May 2004, 15:51
I see his inner demon isn't so stubborn as to deny the obvious chemistry between the two. Glad to known that at least some part of Lex has some sense, even if it's the evil part.

Now, I wonder why Lillian and Lionel didn't sent Lucas with her; God known the youngest Luthor would've jumped at the chance. Maybe they have a feeling Chloe will be able to loosen Lex up somewhat, or at least take his mind off of his recent emotional struggles.

Anyways, another wonderful chapter that already has me yearning for the next. :blinkkiss:

23rd May 2004, 16:02
Yay, Chlex! Thank you! :wub: :wub: :wub:

Glad to known that at least some part of Lex has some sense, even if it's the evil part.
Heh, agreed!

And are Lillian and Lionel matchmaking? Or is it too much to ask?

Also love how Chloe refuses to back down, though she is sensitive enough to realise that her acquaintance with the Luthor family might be misunderstood. Though I'm betting the "apology" will set off even more sparks flying. Brilliant, brilliant. I won't beg you for more soon, because you updated so quickly, but I'm looking forward all the same :D

23rd May 2004, 16:13
This story is the shizat!!! Let the Chloe and Lex love/hate/verbal judo/sexual tension relationship begin!!!

I love this story...love it, love it, love it!


23rd May 2004, 16:42
An update so soon? You're spoiling us, Fi. It was a nice surprise to find this, and an even nicer surpise when Chloe slapped that smug look right off Lex's face.

Don't see why she should have to apologize, though. He totally deserved it.

Great update. :biggrin:

P.S. Love the Lionel/Lillian Matchmaking Team

23rd May 2004, 18:24
Dear, dear authoress... You know you want to update again... It's true! I just know it is! So please do...

23rd May 2004, 18:44
Yes! You updated. Twice!!! *hugs* You are the best, and you deserve some :cake:. Update again and maybe I'll add a nacked Lex on the top. How's that for an incentive?

23rd May 2004, 18:57
Ok, so THAT, was the best one yet! I loved how Lex's demon reacted to Chloe. Oh, and love Chloe/Lillian developping a friendship.
Can't wait for the next part! :biggrin:

Moultipass :chlexsign4:

23rd May 2004, 18:58
Fiona-you are an absolute Goddess!! :worship2: Thank you for the fabulous update!! I hope this is just the beginning of many more Chlex scenes!! You know, you did hint at a Chloe/Lex apology, or a least the Chloe side of it!! Thank you for the quick update!! More soon please!! :yay2: :chlexsign4: :yay2:

23rd May 2004, 19:05
Wow - I so wasn't expecting an update this quickly, but I totally loved it. I still think Lex is an asshole though, but I'm willing to write it off to whatever he's going through. More soon please.

23rd May 2004, 20:28
Wow great chapters! There's definitely a spark of something between the two of them! Also bad Lex for getting Chloe all wound up, lol! Brilliant work and I'm still loving the whole vampire plot, its very interesting and of course just makes Lex even sexier... Hope you update soon! :biggrin:

23rd May 2004, 20:36
Great update.

23rd May 2004, 20:50
*dances happily*

What I really love about this update, beyond Chloe slapping Lex- he so deserved it, is the difference you are creating between Lex and Lex's demon half. It's not exactly a Jekyl and Hyde battle...'cause really, Lex is a bit more "Hyde" than anything else...but it IS an interesting back and forth between two sides of who he is which seem to be in opposition at times.

So cool and can't wait to read more!

eurydices falling
23rd May 2004, 22:40
LMAO. Fi you rock!

I love how evil Lex just adores our girl. He can be such a smart boy. I hope Lucas finds out about the smack heard round the world! My Lucas is so deliciously apathetic to the mores the rest of the world prescribes to. Lex will NEVER live it down.

Lucas: What did the five fingers say to the face?
Lex: ...
Lucas: SLAP. I'm Chloe Sullivan, bitch!

Update soon, you've spoiled me now. I shan't be able to wait longer than another 24 hours (and i don't mean the keifer sutherland kind).

23rd May 2004, 23:24
You just have to love this version of Chloe. And Lex knows how to push so many buttons!!

This was so great and I so can't wait for the next update!!


Miss Parker
23rd May 2004, 23:51
:worship2: I WORSHIP YOU

24th May 2004, 03:02
Originally posted by eurydices falling@May 23 2004, 04:40 PM
Lucas: What did the five fingers say to the face?
Lex: ...
Lucas: SLAP. I'm Chloe Sullivan, bitch!



Seriously, I am laughing HARD!!!

24th May 2004, 04:50
Originally posted by eurydices falling@May 23 2004, 03:40 PM
Lucas: What did the five fingers say to the face?
Lex: ...
Lucas: SLAP. I'm Chloe Sullivan, bitch!

LMFAO!!!!!! oh, good god, now I have to make another avitar.

*strokes lex's inner demon and listens to it purr nicely*

now....where were you?


24th May 2004, 19:32
OMG! That was sooooo amazing! Lex is so deserve that SLAP! Update soon! :chlexsign3:

24th May 2004, 19:51
finally sum interaction b/w chloe and lex... i'm really interested to see where this is gonna lead.. and why should chloe say sorry? lex practically asked for it :biggrin: hehehe... can't wait till the update...

25th May 2004, 15:00
PLease, please, please!!! More!

25th May 2004, 15:23
Seroiusly why the hell should Chloe apologise to Lex? Shouldn't it be the other way around?

Fiona you are amazing and I know it's only been two days since you last updated but I'm getting withdrawal sypmtoms already! :worship2:

Please hurry!


26th May 2004, 18:58
Go Chloe... You show Lex.. hehehehehehe
I love it, Lex so wants her.. his demon to.. :)

Love this story Fi... keep up the wonderful work


27th May 2004, 01:42
Nice...I come back and there are two updates. Hah, you show him Chloe. Hope you update again soon.

29th May 2004, 15:12
Again thanks for all the kind words...Fiona :biggrin:


Chapter Sixteen – Clear Ups & Nightmares

“Something happened yesterday evening, I just know it,” muttered Lucas. Lex had come back to the castle in a very funny mood after accompanying Chloe Sullivan home. He didn’t speak other than to tell his mother that she got home safe and that he was now heading out. Lucas tried getting Lex to tell him what happened but Lex wasn’t budging.

“Are you sure he didn’t just drain her and dump the body,” he said to Lillian.

“Don’t be silly Lucas,” she replied. Although deep down she was just as curious about Lex’s mood as Lucas was. And while she didn’t believe that her eldest son would actually hurt Chloe, something had definitely occurred between them.

A knock on the living room door halted their conversation. “Come in,” said Lillian.

“Mrs Luthor, Mr Luthor,” said David, “my apologies for the disruption but Miss Sullivan is here and wishes to speak to the both of you.”

Lillian and Lucas glanced at each other, “very well David, you may show her in,” said Lucas.

‘We may find out after all,’ Lillian told her son and Lucas nodded.

“Hi Lucas, Mrs Luthor,” said Chloe entering the room, “I hope I’m not disturbing you.”

“Not at all my dear,” said Lillian warmly. “It seems you can’t stay away from us.”

Chloe smiled politely and moved further into the room.

‘She’s nervous about something,’ said Lillian, and Lucas nodded.

“Is everything ok Chloe?” he asked.

“Has Lex spoken to either of you?” she asked. “About last night?”

“No,” replied Lucas, “Chloe did he do something to you?”

Her eyes widened, “oh no, no Lucas, nothing like that. It was…well, more like the other way around,” she finished in a mutter. Her gaze fell to the floor and she felt her cheeks get warm. ‘This is *so* embarrassing,’ she thought.

Mother and son shared matching confused looks. “Chloe honey, why don’t you tell us what happened?”

‘Ok Chlo, bite the bullet time. Let the babble commence.’ She took a deep breath and lifted her gaze, settling it on Lillian first. “On the way home last night Lex and I had some words. I tried on a few occasions to engage him in conversations which he gave me two word replies too, which I’m sure he did on purpose just to piss me off. Anyway I brought up a comment about the DeToit murder, which got a reaction, but we just ended up arguing again. I then realised I was home and silently thanked God for that fact. But Lex wouldn’t let it go, and a few more words were exchanged, and then…” her gaze shifted from Lillian to Lucas and then landed on a portrait hanging on the wall behind them, “…he said the only reason I was being friendly with you was to get dirt on you and then I slappedhimaccrosstheface.”

“Don’t you need to breathe Chloe?” said Lucas after a moment, and then grinned as a small smile appeared on her face.

She turned her gaze to Lucas before speaking again. “I came over this morning to tell you that I’m not after dirt on you, ok I’d be a liar if I didn’t say, as a reporter, I wasn’t intrigued by you all. But I don’t have an ulterior motive, I really do enjoy your company.”

“You actually *slapped* Lex?” said Lillian. ‘You wonderful girl,’ she thought, ‘I like you more and more as I get to know you.’

Chloe nodded, her face getting redder.

“Chloe, my son can be *difficult* at the best of times, *both* of them can. You have no need to explain your actions to us.”

“I didn’t want you thinking that I was using you or anything like that,” explained Chloe, “and I guess I should apologise to Lex.”

“Well we don’t think that,” said Lucas.

“And there is no need to apologise to Lex,” said Lillian, “it sounds like he deserved it.”

Chloe breathed a sigh of relief and flashed them both a smile. “Well I’d better head off, I need to run some errands for my dad.”

“I’ll walk you out,” said Lucas, “if you promise not to slap me,” he added with a smirk.

“Keep that up and I just might,” she replied with a smirk of her own. “Bye Mrs Luthor.”

“Bye Chloe.” And she watched them leave. When the door closed behind them Lillian let out a small laugh. ‘Lionel my dear,’ she called to her husband, ‘wait till you hear what I have to tell you.’


Dominic savoured the strong smell of blood as he opened the door to the room. There was no movement from the two figures in the room.

“Wake them up,” he barked to one of the guards.

The man walked over to one of the cots and roughly kicked the woman lying on it in the stomach. With a cry of pain she woke. The guard repeated the kick on the man in the other cot.

“Martin. Sophie,” said Dominic, “and how are we on this fine Saturday morning? Doing well? All ready for another little *chat*?”

There was no reply from the bruised and battered children of Marcus DeToit. He had been holding them here since their father’s murder. Each day brought more and more torture as he tried to break them so they would sign over control of DeToit Enterprises to him, but unbelievably they where sill holding out.

No matter how many times they were whipped and beaten they still refused. Dominic had even forced Martin DeToit to watch, as his sister was gang raped over and over by fifteen of him men. When that didn’t work, he had forced Sophie to watch the same thing happen to her brother. But still they refused to give him what he wanted. A tiny part of him was impressed; unfortunately for the DeToit children the rest of him was extremely pissed.

‘If only I was skilled in magic like my mother,’ he thought, ‘things would have been so much easier.’

A whimper from Sophie pulled Dominic from his thoughts. He nodded at one of the guards who then went over, grabbed Martin from his cot, dragged him across the room and threw him onto the cot beside her sister. The pair instantly reached for each other and clasped hands.

“How sweet,” Dominic spat out. His gaze travelling over them, the signs of not feeding were clear to see. Their skin, of which there wasn’t an inch that wasn’t covered in a bruise, was painfully taut over their bones. Dominic had been only letting them have tiny amounts of blood, just barely enough to keep them conscious.

“This could all stop,” he said, “you both know that. All I need is a signature from each of you and this will all be over.”

“How long have we been here?” the croaky voice of Martin DeToit asked.

“It has been almost three weeks since your father’s *demise*,” replied Dominic with a grin.

Martin and Sophie exchanged a look and she squeezed her brother’s hand tighter. Dominic watched as what appeared to be a hint of victory appeared on their faces. Martin turned from his sister and faced Dominic, a smile appeared on his swollen and bruised face.

“What?” exclaimed Dominic, “what the fuck are you smiling at?”

The same smile that her brother was sporting began to appear on Sophie’s once beautiful face.

“Stop it,” demanded Dominic, “stop fucking smiling.” He gestured to two guards, who immediately stepped forward and slapped Martin and Sophie hard across the face, causing both of them to snap their heads backs.

But as soon as they recovered they once again smiled at Dominic. “Do your worse,” rasped Martin, “it doesn’t matter now. Do your worse you half-breed bastard.”

One of the guards stood behind Sophie and placed his hands around her neck. “You tell me what you mean by that, or he will break her neck,” screamed Dominic.

Martin shrugged his shoulders and grimaced at the pain the action caused. “You’re going to kill us anyway. But, I’m sure Sophie would love to see the look on your face.” He paused to cough, the strain of having to talk taking its toll.

“Shackle them,” snarled Dominic.

They were dragged from the bed and shackled to the far wall. When they were secure the guard resumed his hold of Sophie’s neck.

“My father,” continued Martin as soon as he had regained some strength “was a very smart man. He was over 700 years old, fought in the Great War alongside Lionel Luthor. Do you honestly think he wouldn’t have come up with a way to protect his business should anything happen to him or to us.”

“Stop talking in fucking riddles and tell me what’s going on,” screamed Dominic, his temper completely lost.

“When you started making trouble,” began Martin, “my father made some changes to his will, adding in some rather unique clauses. One of those clauses came with a time limit, which is why I asked you how long we had been here. See if my father should die under mysterious circumstances and if my sister and I were to disappear and not be heard from for two weeks, then full control of DeToit Enterprise would be handed over to someone else.”

“Who?” barked Dominic.

“Lionel Luthor.”

Dominic’s eyes widened and he stumbled back. “No,” he said, shaking his head, “NO.” He ran to the other side of the room and pulled the switch on the wall. A whirring sound was heard above them and everyone in the room looked up to see the roof opening. Small shards of sunlight began peeking through. The man who had been holding Sophie’s neck jumped back as more and more sunlight flowed into the room.

Martin and Sophie looked at each other. The sunlight now reached them and both let out a scream as it pierced their legs. But still the kept their eyes on each other.

Dominic stood in the doorway, a smirk on his face, as their screams got louder. He had watched his father die like this. The smell of burning flesh consumed the room and then silence.

“What do you want me to do with those?” said the guard, pointing to two piles of dust.

“Put them in a box and send them to Lionel Luthor,” said Dominic and walked away.

29th May 2004, 15:25
That gut is nuts.

29th May 2004, 17:27
I am so, so glad that Chloe didn't apologize to Lex (even though that means we didn't get a Chlex scene)!! I'm proud of her strength, and I believe, deep down, Lex is impressed by it too!! Thank you so much for the update!! I'm so proud of Martin and Sophie!!! The thought of Lex, Lucas, Lillian, Lionel or Chloe having to go up against Dominic is scary!! More soon please!! :chlexsign3:

29th May 2004, 18:28
:yay: More update more update!! Wow... That Dominic is a really MB! Just love this story and all of your other stories! You're a great writer! ;)

29th May 2004, 18:33
That was a great piece of dramatic writing. Dominic is working out to be a formidable enemy. Boy, I can't wait for the action to really start :biggrin:

29th May 2004, 19:41
“You actually *slapped* Lex?” said Lillian. ‘You wonderful girl,’ she thought, ‘I like you more and more as I get to know you.’

How great is Lillian! Incidentaly my Grandmother's name was Lillian and she was just as formidable as you've written Lillian Luthor to be so I have a great affinity for this character.

I absolutley love this fic. Please update quickly, it's actually becoming quite sad the amount of times I've checked to see if you've posted.

Keep up the good work :wub:


29th May 2004, 19:47
“You actually *slapped* Lex?” said Lillian. ‘You wonderful girl,’ she thought, ‘I like you more and more as I get to know you.’

Loved that line.

More soon please! :biggrin:

Moultipass :chlexsign4:

29th May 2004, 20:03
Oh, fantastically scary!!! The scene with Dominic was awesome/awful...our girl better stay far away from investigating him!!!

Great job!!

30th May 2004, 05:08
I so adore this story. Can't wait to see what comes next....oh wait, I already know. ;)

30th May 2004, 05:23
Oh, wow.

I so need more.

30th May 2004, 06:00
Dude, Dom is a big asshole. A BIG one... A big GAPING one...

I don't like him at all...


30th May 2004, 06:24

*clears throat*

sorry for shouting but damn chica, that was awesome.

Update again soon


Not An Addict
30th May 2004, 09:27
*gathers updates close to her* MINE! My precioussssssssssss . . .

*ahem* Right. Anyway. MORE! Please? This story kicks more ass than is measurable by human means. Pretty pretty please, I need more! Now that 'Angel' has been canceled, this is my only vampire fix! *eye twitches* Need more . . . *twitch worsens* Come on . . . take pity on me.

30th May 2004, 14:58
:biggrin: Big pile of ferroro rocha EXCELENT!!! :worship2:

30th May 2004, 20:54
Woah... Dominic is one messed up vampire! Still the Chloe/lucas/Lillian interaction brightened up the chapter, lol! Its nice that Lillian likes Chloe, anyway I'll say it again: I absolutely love this fic and I look forward to more! :worship2:

31st May 2004, 06:49
Originally posted by Not An Addict@May 30 2004, 02:27 AM
*gathers updates close to her* MINE! My precioussssssssssss . . .

LMAO, you kill me, sweetie.

And as for the chappie, gotta love Dom, he may be the bad guy, but he's one wicked asshole.


3rd June 2004, 23:53

:chlexsign1: :chlexsign2: :chlexsign3: :devil: :chlexsign4: :yay:

4th June 2004, 00:32
Can I just say....what did the five fingers say to the hand...Dave Chappell is laugh out loud funny.

Now to this incredible story. Loved Chloe going to Lucas and Lillian. I can't wait until Lillian tells Lionel. He will like that she slapped him too I think.

Dominic...what a dufus! Now what 'cha gone do biatch? Take on the Luthors? Me thinks not. Mwahahaha

More soon

4th June 2004, 18:06
Dom...okay, he's a psycho. But really, what did you expect? He wasn't all that stable in his human incarnation on the show either. Glad his victims had the last word before they died.

The Chloe/Lucas/Lillian interaction was again, nothing short of wonderful. I love that neither of them thought she should apologize to Lex. And...still kind of shipping Chlucas for this one. Sorry.

4th June 2004, 19:34
And here's the next.........Again thanks for all your kind words :D .... Fiona


Chapter Seventeen – Respite

It had been five days since Lionel received the *remains* of Martin and Sophie DeToit, and his anger sent ripples through the entire demon world. Whether or not they were familiar with the cause of Lionel’s rage, every being coming in contact with him could feel it. Lionel, along with his sons, and various members of the ruling families, launched a number of raids on Dominic and his associates. They managed to inflict damage on the half-breed’s operation and the master vampire’s retribution for what happened to the DeToits sent warnings to other half-breed families about getting involved with Dominic. But Lionel wasn’t satisfied and no one believed we would be till Dominic was finally taken down. Unfortunately the vampire they really wanted to capture still eluded them.

“You need to relax my love,” said Lillian, placing her hands on Lionel’s shoulders and kneading them gently.

“I know Lillian, it’s just…” uncharacteristically Lionel trailed off, seemingly at a loss for words.

“It’s just what?” she asked softly.

“All I could think of when I saw what that bastard had sent me was that could have been Lex and Lucas, and for a moment I had never felt so helpless or scared in my entire existence,” he replied, closing his eyes as if to block out the visions of his two sons sent back to him in a box.

“The same thoughts went through my mind,” said Lillian, “it’s only natural to feel that way.”

“Dominic will not get near any of you,” stated Lionel, standing up from his seat. “I am Lionel Luthor, I have been around for 750 years and no upstart half-breed is going to get the better of me.” He paused for a moment as if coming to a decision. “You shall throw your party my darling, we’ll show them what the Luthors are really made of.”

A huge smile broke over Lillian’s face. She was sure that the party wouldn’t go ahead because of what happened and even though she had understood and resigned herself to that fact a small part of her hoped that Lionel would change his mind. “Yes my love, I shall resume with the arrangements immediately.”

Deep down Lionel still had some reservations about throwing a party. But they did need to show the rest of the vampire community that, as far as the Luthors were concerned, everything was ok. And it was worth letting it go ahead for Lillian’s sake, he knew how much it meant to her.”

“Thank you Lionel,” she said, kissing him softly.

“Just make sure you wear the emerald dress,” he replied with a smirk, and pulled her into his arms.


“Damn that was fun,” grinned Lucas, his fangs glistening in the low light the room was bathed in. He ran his tongue over his bottom lip, lapping up the remainder of the blood.

“Must you always play with your food,” smirked Lex.

“It’s not *playing* Lex, it’s *toying*,” retorted Lucas, his face changing back.

“Toying or playing, you’re still a messy eater,” said Lex, his human face now present. He glanced around at the various drained bodies and dust that now littered the floor.

Lucas just mock-glared at his brother as they made their way back to the car. Waiting for them were a couple of men.

“Torch it,” Lex said to them. They both nodded and set off to take *care* of the warehouse the Luthor brothers had just left.

“Well this clean up and replenishment of his followers should keep Dominic busy for a while,” commented Lucas as Lex started the drive back to Smallville. “Although I can imagine how brutal his revenge will be.”

“We’ll be ready for it,” said Lex. “He maybe be somewhat intelligent, but Dominic doesn’t think things through properly, so he can be easily goaded. His short temper will be his ruin.”

“Poor Martin and Sophie, I’m really going to miss them,” said Lucas in a small voice.

“Me too Lucas.” And they continued their journey in silence, each lost in memories of Martin and Sophie.


“Damn stupid piece of crap,” Chloe practically screamed and kicked the front wheel of her car. “How dare you break down?” She made her way from the front of the car to the passenger’s side to get her cell-phone. “Stupid car breaks stupid down in the middle of the stupid road in the middle of the stupid night. Ok, it’s not the middle of the night, it’s only about 8.00pm, but it is dark, stupid car,” she mumbled to herself as she got her phone.

Just a she was about call her dad to pick her up a sleek black Porsche pulled up beside her. The passenger side window rolled down to reveal a grinning Lucas Luthor. “Having some trouble Chloe?” he asked.

“Hey Lucas,” she said with a smile, “and Lex,” she added, her smile dropping as she saw the older Luthor brother in the driver’s seat. Chloe hadn’t seen Lex since the *slap* and after her visit to the castle she took Mrs Luthor’s advice and decided not to apologise to him.

“Miss Sullivan,” he replied, barely glancing at her.

“So what seems to be the trouble?” asked Lucas.

“That’s original,” muttered Lex.

“Stupid car broke down,” she replied, smiling at him. “I’m just going to call my dad to collect…”

“Nonsense,” interrupted Lucas, as he got out of the car. “I’ll have a look at it for you. Anyway what kind of gentleman would I be if I left you here alone?”

“Lucas, you don’t have to, my dad can come get me,” said Chloe.

“Lucas, you don’t know anything about cars,” said Lex, almost at the same time.

“I know enough,” he shot at Lex, “and Chloe I am not leaving you here and that’s final. Besides, you never know what kind of *monsters* are lurking in those fields,” he finished with a smirk.

Chloe could see it was futile to argue with him, besides who was she to turn down the company of such a good-looking guy.

“Well I haven’t got time to sit around and wait for you to *try* and fix the car,” said Lex.

“Fine,” replied Lucas, “off you go then. I can make my own way back to the castle.”

“With pleasure,” muttered Lex, and without acknowledging Chloe he started the car and took off.

“Good riddance,” muttered Chloe as the Porsche disappeared into the distance. She turned to face Lucas, “ok Mr Luthor, let’s see what you know about cars.”

As it turned out Lucas Luthor knew a lot about cars. Having been around for the birth of the motorcar he had been fascinated with them and over the years learnt all there was to know about them. Although it wasn’t something he broadcasted to his family, especially his brother. And thirty minutes later when Chloe turned the key the engine sprung to life.

“Lucas you are a lifesaver,” she grinned at him. “And to show my gratitude the least I can do is give you a ride home.”

Lucas slipped into the passenger seat and they set off.

“So the mechanic knowledge, hobby or are you thinking of a career change?” she asked.

“What? Give up my playboy lifestyle for a menial job, I don’t think so,” he laughed. “it’s a hobby and one of the few things I know that my brother doesn’t. Lex knows how to drive fast cars and probably change a tyre but that’s about it.”

‘Don’t ask it? Don’t ask it?’ a voice in Chloe’s head rang out. But as always the reporter gene kicked in. “Do you and your brother try to one up each other a lot?”

“It that a casual way of asking do Lex and I compete?” smirked Lucas.

“Kind of,” she said, “but I don’t have any siblings so humour me with what goes on when you’re not an only child.”

“We fight all the time, I borrow his clothes without asking, steal his girlfriends, you know the usual stuff.”

“Fine, you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to,” she laughed.

“We don’t compete as much as we did when we were younger. In fact it’s a rare occurrence now, but every now and then we do try to one-up each other as you say. And I know you think he’s an asshole, but he’s not that bad when you get to know him.”

“I’ll take your word on that,” grinned Chloe. They had just reached the Luthor estate.

“You don’t have to drive up to the castle Chloe, you can let me out here. The walk will be nice.”

“Well if you’re sure.”

“I am,” he replied. Chloe stopped the car, and Lucas got out. But before he closed the door he leaned in towards her. “My mother is throwing a dinner party, I’m not quite sure of the exact date, but it will be soon,” he said. “I would be very honoured Chloe if you’d accompany me for the evening.”

Chloe blushed, “I…I would love too Lucas. I’d be honoured as well.”

“Excellent. I will let you know as soon as the date has been decided. Thanks for the ride Chloe.” He shut the door and began walking up to the castle, a huge smile on his face.

“Thank you,” whispered Chloe and drove home with a grin on her face.

4th June 2004, 19:52
Can I slap Lex this time? Just because Chloe is human doesn't mean that Lex should ignore her!! Or is Lex jealous of Lucas and Chloe's friendship? :biggrin: I love jealous Lex!! :biggrin: Great Chloe/Lucas interaction!! Can't wait for the party!! Thank you for the update!! This is such an excellent story!! :worship2: :chlexsign4: :worship2:

Not An Addict
4th June 2004, 21:26
Hmm . . . well well well, what have we here? An ungentlemanly Luthor? *fingers silver crucifix, bottle of holy water* Lex, are we going to have to have a talk about how to properly treat a lady? *smirks* No, I didn't think so.

*smacks him upside his sexy bald head*

What the hell were you thinking, just leaving her stranded like that?? And your BROTHER along with her? That's it. Half an hour of time-out for you, young man, and NO TV privileges for a week!

Your punishment will be revised only if you start being nice. So . . . start being nice, ok? Or at least jealous and possessive. ^_^

4th June 2004, 22:39
Lex is SO molestable... So is Lucas...

I lurve dees fic... Really...

4th June 2004, 22:57
loved it but wheres the chlex

5th June 2004, 00:20
Love the Chlucas interaction, but even such a great fic can't convince me to give up on the Chlex! So bring the next chapter with lots of Chlex in it very quickly! :biggrin:

Moultipass :chlexsign4:

5th June 2004, 00:41
Can I slap Lex this time? Just because Chloe is human doesn't mean that Lex should ignore her!! Or is Lex jealous of Lucas and Chloe's friendship? OOOHHH I like the sound of that.

This story is the bomb


5th June 2004, 01:42
Will chlex be coming soon?

5th June 2004, 03:48
Have I told you that I love Lucas????? Hehehe... Tha Chlucas scene is amazing!!! And Lex.... *grumble* just want to bang his head to wake him up!!!!!! That's your girl! You should've been the one who accompanied her! AARRGGHH!!!!

5th June 2004, 06:15
I so adore Lucas. and this story.

5th June 2004, 10:59
Lucas so completely rocks in this story... and I so can't wait to see Lex's reaction to her at the party.

Although, better not let Dominic notice she&#39;s getting close to the Luthors... oh, I smell &#39;revenge&#39; here... <eg>


8th June 2004, 03:59
Nothing but :wub: for Lucas. I don&#39;t care if he&#39;s a blood-sucking creature of the night - at least he&#39;s got manners. ;)

:tease: at Lex though. What an uncouth idiot.

8th June 2004, 05:59
Lucas is adorable. I love the little scampy vamp. Are we sure this Chlex and not Chlucas? :biggrin: &#39;Cause I&#39;m willing to go either way at this point. I love it whenever you write stuff with Lucas, Fi. More soon.

8th June 2004, 13:37
Loved all the chapters I missed again.

Waiting for that big party and wondering if Lex can behave there like a

8th June 2004, 21:33
Ok, a quick update for you all because I love you guys :biggrin: Also I know some of you didn't want this too happen but it was needed..... Also this is Chlex, but as I said at the very start it's not going to seem like that for awhile...but trust me by muse is a Chlexer........... :biggrin: ....Fiona


Chapter Eighteen – Uneasy Truce

It was a couple of days later when the somewhat old-fashioned way Lucas asked her to the party suddenly hit Chloe. “Jeez, Lionel and Lillian must really instil manners into their sons. Well Lucas anyway,” she muttered. “And herein lies my other problem.” Despite Mrs Luthor’s advice and her own stubbornness there was still a small part of Chloe that felt guilty for slapping Lex Luthor. A very small part, but it kept nagging away at her.

‘Anyway think of the look on his face if you did apologise,’ a small evil-sounding voice in her head spoke up. ‘It’s the last thing he’d expect from you.’

“Right that’s it, I’m going to apologise,” she announced, her math homework now forgotten. “And now is the perfect time.” Her father's car was in the garage so she had to collect him from work, so she could apologise while she was at the plant.

She glanced at the clock, if she left now she would have enough time to conduct her business with Lex and then collect her dad. With a determined look on her face, she grabbed her car keys off the table and headed out of the house.


“So you asked her then,” said Lillian with a smile.

“Should I even ask how you knew that?” grinned Lucas.

Lillian didn’t reply she just smiled at her son.

“Have you decided on a date for the party?” he asked, handing her a drink.

“Thank you,” she said, “and yes I have, it will be this Saturday. Invitations were sent out yesterday. In fact we’ve already had a few confirmations.”

“This Saturday…as in four days from now?” exclaimed Lucas. “Isn’t that short notice?”

“Nonsense Lucas, I have arranged full country balls complete with royalty in less time,” she replied.

“This isn’t France of the king Louis’ mother, its Smallville Kansas,” joked Lucas.

“Don’t be smart Lucas,” said Lillian, trying to make her voice sound stern.

“Have you invited many of *our* kind?”

“Just a few of our friends that don’t mind spending time around mortals when feeding isn’t involved,” she replied with a small laugh. “I’m looking forward to meeting Chloe’s dad, Lionel and surprisingly Lex have been singing the man’s praises.”

Lucas took the seat opposite his mother and picked up the list of names from the table. As he scanned through them he recognised his own kind, and apart from Chloe and her father those were the only ones. “Ah Kent,” he said after a moment. “Jonathan, Martha and Clark Kent. Have they confirmed?”

“Not yet,” replied Lillian, “he’s the boy you and Lex have been looking into isn’t he?”

Lucas nodded. “I hope they confirm, I’d like to see what you pick up from him.”

“They will,” stated Lillian confidently. “From what I’ve seen and heard about this town curiosity will win and everyone that has been invited will confirm.”


Chloe made her way to her dad’s office. She had taken the long way through the plant in the hope of running into Lex Luthor, but he did not appear.

“Hello Chloe, haven’t seen you in a while.”

“Hi Sarah,” she smiled at her dad’s secretary. “Is he in?”

“No, he’s down in one of the storage areas, some problem or other. You’re welcome to wait here for him. I just need to pop down to get some papers signed, I’ll let him know you’re here.”

“Thanks Sarah,” replied Chloe. ‘Good,’ she thought, ‘when she goes I can see if I can find Lex’s office.’

When the older women had left, Chloe decided to give her a couple of minutes and then she’d leave. But fate had other ideas. Barely thirty seconds had passed when the very man she was looking for strode into the office.

“Miss Sullivan,” he said, when he saw her, his voice and face void of emotion.

“Mr Luthor,” she replied politely, “I am just waiting for my dad.”

Lex said nothing and walked passed her. He placed a sheaf of papers on the secretary’s desk and attached a small note to the top of them. “Miss Sullivan,” he said as he headed towards the door.

“Wait,” she called.

Lex turned around and faced her. ‘Nervous,’ he thought as he picked up her elevated heartbeat. “Yes.”

‘Damn why does he always look so smug,’ she thought. Fighting down her natural instinct to say something to wipe the smug look off his face Chloe instead took a deep breath. “I just wanted too…well…*apologise* for you know slapping you,” she kept her eyes on his as she said this.

Lex stood there, unmoving as his gaze bore into hers. Chloe fought the urge to look away. And then a smirk slowly graced his features, “I bet that hurt,” he said.

“You have no idea,” she muttered, finally dragging her gaze from his.

“I *suppose* my statement may have warranted retribution,” he said.

‘I guess that’s as close to an apology as I’m going to get from Lex Luthor,’ she thought.

She held out her hand, “Chloe Sullivan.”

With his demon chuckling Lex took her hand firmly, “Lex Luthor.” And they shook hands. “This doesn’t mean we’re friends or anything,” he said when they released hands.

“Heaven forbid,” muttered Chloe, although both had small smiles on their faces.

Before any more conversation could occur, Gabe Sullivan walked into the office. “Chloe sweetheart,” he said with a smile. “Ah Lex, this saves me going to your office.” He handed a file to Lex.

“I’ll be with you in a minute Chlo,” said Gabe as he and Lex disappeared into his office.

“Well that was as painful as I thought it would be,” sighed Chloe, but she was glad to get the apology out of the way. And hopefully she and Lex Luthor could maintain a nice *distanced* civility between them from now on.


With a smirk Lex watched from his office window as Gabe and Chloe Sullivan left. He had *casually * told Gabe about his brother asking Chloe to the party. And judging by his reaction it was obvious that Chloe hadn’t mentioned it to him yet. Childish yes, but there was something about Chloe Sullivan that just brought that out in him. Although, and of course he would never say this to her or anyone, he was impressed with her apologising to him.

“Poor Lucas,” he murmured, “she’d have him wrapped around her little finger if they ever got together. He’s always goes overboard where women are concerned.”

His thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. “Come in,” he said.

The door opened and his secretary stepped in, “sorry to disturb you Mr Luthor, but your 5.30pm appointment is here, it’s a Dr Helen Bryce.”

“Very well Susan, show her in.”

She left and a slim brunette walked in. ‘Very nice,’ thought Lex, looking her over. “Dr Bryce, welcome,” he said, holding out his hand, his voice low.

“Mr Luthor,” she replied with a smile, shaking his hand and taking a seat. “I’m here to talk to you about organising medicals etc for your workforce. I apologise for the delay in contacting you about these but I’ve only been in Smallville a week and the hospital just landed me with this.”

“No need to apologise Helen…may I call you Helen?” asked Lex, at her nod he continued, “we haven’t had any problems here to warrant a doctor yet.” He smiled at her.

“Well, I’ll need to get a list of the workers and then start arranging to see them. You do have a medical room here don’t you?”

“We do. Why don’t we head down to see it,” Lex stood up and held his hand out to her, keeping his voice pitched low all the time. His demon was whispering something to him but Lex wasn’t paying much attention. Attractive woman in his office definitely took precedence.

Helen took his hand and stood up, “Lead on then Mr Luthor.”

“Call me Lex.”


“So much for distanced civility,” muttered Chloe as she flopped down onto her bed. She had just spent the last hour explaining why she hadn’t told her dad about Lucas asking her to the dinner party. It wasn’t that Gabe was upset at her going with him he just didn’t like finding out about it from his boss.

“Stupid Lex, I’ll get him back for that one. Maybe Lucas can help me.” Just then her cell-phone rang and she almost fell off the bed reaching to grab it.

“Chloe here,” she answered.

“Hey Chloe it’s Lucas. The party has been set for this Saturday.”

“Hi Lucas, wow that’s pretty close.”

“My mother has a gift for organising parties,” he said with a laugh. “It’s actually quiet awe-inspiring watching her. Now I know your dad has been invited but I would like to do this right, I did ask you after all. So I will pick you up at 8.00pm.”

“Lucas, there’s no need, I can travel with my dad and meet you there. You don’t have to come all the way…”

“Chloe, I will pick you up, there will be no arguments. Say yes Lucas 8.00pm is fine,”



“Yes Lucas 8.00pm will be fine,” she said with a laugh.

“Good. I have to go now, I’m sure I’ll be talking to you between now and then.”

“Ok, bye Lucas.”

“Bye Chloe.” And they both hung up.

“Defiantly has some rather good manners in him,” she laughed. “Now all I need to decide is what to wear.” And mentally began running though her wardrobe, a huge smile on her face.

8th June 2004, 22:02
:biggrin: how much do I love ya&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; Fantastic&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; :blinkkiss:

8th June 2004, 22:08
Okay...I&#39;m cool that she apologized. It just made the UST that much stronger.

What I have a problem with is HELEN. NNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOO&#33; I hate that woman and I hope Lex bites her and drains all the blood from her ugly ass.

I hope Lex&#39;s demon side is jealous as hell at see his brother with Chloe. I know they are not to that point yet, but a girl can&#39;t help wishing.

wonderful as always


8th June 2004, 22:53
Originally posted by Shay@Jun 8 2004, 09:08 PM

What I have a problem with is HELEN. NNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOO&#33; I hate that woman and I hope Lex bites her and drains all the blood from her ugly ass.

Lex had better listen to his demon when it comes to Helen&#33;&#33; I hate her&#33;&#33; I agree with Shay, couldn&#39;t Lex just kill her? Thanks for the update&#33;&#33; I really, really wish that something Chlexy could happen at the party&#33;&#33; Update again soon please&#33;&#33; :worship2: :chlexsign4: :worship2:

8th June 2004, 23:59
I&#39;m going to take the leap of faith and trust you on this, although I really, really hope Lex gets some sense and drains "the-bitch-who-shall-not-be-named" in a really satisfyingly violent way. (Sorry, I just really, really have issues with Helen)

Still, I can&#39;t wait for the party and I hope some Lex jealousy will ensue... perhaps Chloe and Lucas can team up to take down Helen. :)

Loved the update, can&#39;t wait for more&#33;


Not An Addict
9th June 2004, 01:13
Hee&#33; Careful, or I&#39;ll start rooting for Lucas. ^_~ He&#39;s so much better mannered than Lex. However, I fully expect that to change. *warning look* Lex, do you hear me? Demon or no demon, you better clean up your act&#33; Treat her like a lady, damn it.

Great work, Fi. More please&#33; ^_^

9th June 2004, 01:33
Gah&#33;&#33;&#33; Demon&#33;Lex...tell that damn Helen woman to go away&#33;&#33;&#33;


hey, I still don&#39;t forgive her for the whole plane going down thing, even if this is AU and that hasn&#39;t happened&#33;

9th June 2004, 02:16
I know this is CHlex but for some reason Im rooting for Chlucas.... maybe it&#39;s because Lex is being such a shit head...

9th June 2004, 03:05
Okay, I&#39;m going to get flamed for saying this, but I actually don&#39;t mind Lex getting all hormonal over Helen here. Quite honestly, he&#39;s been a jackass so far in this fic and it would only serve him right to have to be hooked up with the gold-digging bitch for a little while. And when she breaks his poor little vampire heart, he can just drain all her blood. See? It all works out.

Also, I must say, for someone who *claims* to have a strictly Chlex muse, this fic is coming across Chlucas all the way. And you won&#39;t hear any complaints from me about it. :devil:

9th June 2004, 03:14
Originally posted by scifichick774@Jun 8 2004, 09:05 PM
And when she breaks his poor little vampire heart, he can just drain all her blood. See? It all works out.

Word to that, if Helen ends up being some kind of low-carb entree for the Luthor family, I don&#39;t mind what ship this is&#33;&#33;&#33;

But I&#39;ll take your word for it, Fi, and wait...not so patiently&#33;

9th June 2004, 04:38
o_o *zombie voice* moooorre...

I, too, have a problem with our brunette doctor... the end of 2nd season and beginning of 3rd is still fresh in my mind and grrrr XP

Helen is going to die in this fic right? A slooow excruciatingly painful and bloody death where everyone takes a bite of her because she&#39;s such a biotch and they want a hand in her death?

can&#39;t wait for the update&#33; :) (but i&#39;ll be patient.... *angelic look*)


9th June 2004, 07:42
Ho ho&#33; You updated&#33; Do I have to say it?? YES&#33; I love the chappie&#33; Just hope that you update more.. it&#39;s not enough&#33; For me anyways...

I just love that Chlex scene.. and not to mention LUCAS&#33;&#33;&#33; *droolz*


9th June 2004, 12:44
Originally posted by ruafair@Jun 8 2004, 08:33 PM
Fighting down her natural instinct to say something to wipe the smug look off his face Chloe instead took a deep breath. “I just wanted too…well…*apologise* for you know slapping you,” she kept her eyes on his as she said this.

Lex stood there, unmoving as his gaze bore into hers. Chloe fought the urge to look away. And then a smirk slowly graced his features, “I bet that hurt,” he said.

“You have no idea,” she muttered, finally dragging her gaze from his.

“I *suppose* my statement may have warranted retribution,” he said.

‘I guess that’s as close to an apology as I’m going to get from Lex Luthor,’ she thought.

She held out her hand, “Chloe Sullivan.”

With his demon chuckling Lex took her hand firmly, “Lex Luthor.” And they shook hands. “This doesn’t mean we’re friends or anything,” he said when they released hands.

“Heaven forbid,” muttered Chloe, although both had small smiles on their faces.
Loved that whole scene, it&#39;s really great&#33; I particularly love Lex&#39;s "I bet that hurt" :lol:
You have no idea how loud I screamed when I saw you&#39;d brought Helen in here... :die:
I agree with everybody here: she must die... Lex killing her would be a plus. :biggrin:
Hope to see more soon, can&#39;t wait for the party to begin.

Moultipass :chlexsign4:

9th June 2004, 18:00
Originally posted by sydsvaughn@Jun 8 2004, 03:59 PM
I&#39;m going to take the leap of faith and trust you on this, although I really, really hope Lex gets some sense and drains "the-bitch-who-shall-not-be-named" in a really satisfyingly violent way. (Sorry, I just really, really have issues with Helen)

You aren&#39;t the only one. Helen...ugh. :hammer:

9th June 2004, 18:29
Brilliant chapters, I love the Chloe/Lucas interaction and it was nice when Lex and Chloe sort of came to terms with one another although Lex just had to do something&#33; Lol&#33; Anyway I hope Lex listens to what his demon is saying about Helen, it must be something bad... it has to be. Hmmm... I agree Lex should eat her... Ah well, update soon&#33; ;)

11th June 2004, 00:10
Who loves Fi? We love Fi&#33;

11th June 2004, 09:22
loving this fic so much. :yay2: can&#39;t wait for the party and more Chlex.

12th June 2004, 15:26
Hey all......... Now I know everyone hates Helen.......hell I hate Helen, but she is needed for the plot.....but don't worry I won't be writing any *scenes* with her and Lex... Just bear with her please..... Fiona


Chapter Nineteen – Gathering Storm Clouds

Between working on the Torch, homework and the elusive search for the perfect dress for the dinner party it was Thursday evening before Chloe got a real chance to talk with Clark, Pete and Lana. Granted Chloe had a slightly ulterior motive about suddenly being all chatty with them again, especially with Lana. She wanted to see the former cheerleader’s face when she told her who she was going to the party with. ‘Does that make me evil,’ she thought as she made her way into the Talon, ‘well maybe a little,’ a grin appeared on her face.

“Hey Chloe, over here,” Clark was waving at her.

She headed to the counter first and got her coffee and then made her way over to the table where Clark was sitting with Pete, Lana and some other girl Chloe couldn’t quite put a name too.

“Hey all,” she said, taking a seat.

“So are you all excited about the Luthor party on Saturday?” asked Lana

“I am actually,” replied Chloe.

“Do you want to travel with us?” said Pete. “Katie and myself are arriving with Clark and Lana.”

‘Ah yes Katie,’ thought Chloe, ‘must be Pete’s latest arm candy.’

“Nell is going with the Kents,” added Lana, “I’m sure your dad can go with them as well and you can come with us.”

“My dad is bringing his secretary as a date,” said Chloe. “Take those looks off your faces, Sarah and my dad have been friends for ages that’s why he suggested her for the job as his secretary.”

“You can still come with us anyway,” said Clark.

“Thanks for the offer guys but I have a date for the party.” Chloe could see that Clark, Pete and Lana were fighting to keep the look of surprise off their faces but they were failing miserably. Only Katie didn’t seem to think the idea of Chloe Sullivan having a date as being a signal for the end of the world.

“Who is your date?” asked Lana, trying to make it sound like she didn’t really care, but Chloe could easily pick up on the hitch in her voice.

“Lucas Luthor,” replied Chloe nonchalantly.

This time Lana didn’t even bother trying to hide her true emotions, the brunette’s mouth dropped open and a look of disbelief and blatant jealousy appeared on her face.

‘Ha, take that Lana *only a guy I would turn down would bother asking Chloe Sullivan or any other girl in Smallville out on a date* Lang,’ thought Chloe. ‘I would love to take my camera out and take a picture of her face, it’s just priceless.’

“What? How?” Lana managed to get out.

“Well Lucas and I are friends and he asked me,” replied Chloe. Although she revelled in the majority of reactions her *bombshell* had caused, there was a part of Chloe that was angry and upset at her *friends*. ‘I mean come on,’ she thought, ‘is it that much of a surprise that I have a date?’ She allowed her gaze roam over Clark, Pete and Lana and took notice of their expressions, ‘guess it is. Well Pete looks more concerned than surprised.’

“Oh wow,” said Katie, smiling at Chloe, “lucky you. From what I’ve seen of him he is really fine.”

“Thank you Katie,” said Chloe sincerely to the other girl, “and yes he is fine.”

“I didn’t know the two of you were friends,” said Clark.

“It sort of stemmed from the interview. And then Mrs Luthor invited me to the castle to talk about the paper etc, and Lucas and I started spending more time together,” said Chloe.

“Well Chlo, good for you,” said Pete with a smile when he noticed the look on her face at the reactions of Clark and Lana. “And this is where Katie and I are going to leave you.”

Chloe gave Pete a quick hug and whispered, “thank you,” in his ear. They all said their goodbyes and Pete gave Chloe a wink as he and Katie left the Talon. Chloe sat back down in her seat and faced Clark and Lana. “So Lana have you decided what you’re going to wear yet?” she asked, sipping her coffee.

Lana blinked a couple of times and looked down at her coffee cup, she turned to Clark, “Clark, would you mind getting me a mocha coffee please?”

Clark looked between the two girls and then shrugging his shoulders stood up and began making his way over to the counter.

‘Sit Clark, stand Clark, roll over Clark,’ thought Chloe.

“A *date* with Lucas Luthor, who would have thought?” said Lana.

“You might want to try and say that again Lana, I don’t think the level of bitterness on the word *date* was quite up to your usual standards,” retorted Chloe.

“I know what this is about, you’re getting back at me about Clark.”

Chloe laughed, “I love Clark, as a friend Lana, I’ve so gotten over what was in truth a childhood crush. But once again you assume that everything is about you, well it isn’t.”

Before Lana could reply Clark had come back to the table, “your mocha Lana,” he said, placing it in front of her. He had heard the entire conversation from the counter, but this time he had decided not to get involved. Whenever he did, things always went wrong and he and Chloe ended up not speaking to each other. And while he wasn’t happy with her going with Lucas Luthor, there was something about that guy that didn’t sit right with him; he was going to keep his mouth shut for the time being.

“Thanks Clark,” she smiled at him.

“Well this has been *fun* but I really need to go,” said Chloe, standing up. “I’ll see you around.” And before either could react she walked away from the table, a smile appearing on her face. ‘Lana is jealous, Lana is jealous, my work here is done, Lana is jealous,’ ran though her mind. “Damn right she is,” muttered Chloe as she left the Talon and headed to her car.


“Son of a bitch,” moaned Lucas as he pulled the arrow from his shoulder. He threw it on the ground; it landed beside the drained body of the hunter. As soon as he removed the arrow the skin around the wound began regenerating and within a minute there was no sign of an injury ever being there.

“I see it didn’t take them long to come to Smallville Mr Luthor,” commented a man behind Lucas. “I expect this is the beginning of an influx.”

“I don’t think this was a visit with purpose Andrew, I think our friend was just passing through and unluckily for him happened to come by me.”

Lucas had been returning from Metropolis and just as they were driving along the back roads of Smallville he had asked Andrew to stop the car. He had sensed the hunter and no sooner had Lucas stepped away from the car then the hunter appeared. Lucas’ face automatically morphed and his opponent sprang into action, producing a crossbow. A frantic ten minutes later Lucas was pulling an arrow from his shoulder and the hunter was dead.

Andrew was stuffing the body into the boot of the limo. Lucas picked up the arrow from the ground and threw it in the boot after the hunter.

“Dispose of it in the usual way Andrew when we get home.”

“Yes sir,” he replied as they got into the car. “Shall I inform the master and mistress?”

“No it’s ok, I will tell my parents,” replied Lucas.

“Very well sir,” said Andrew and they set off for the castle.

Lucas took out his phoned and dialled Lex’s number. After two rings it was answered.

“Lucas, what has you ringing?” came Lex’s voice on the other end.

“I rang across a hunter, here in Smallville.”

This got Lex’s attention. “They didn’t waste their time.”

“I don’t think it was a purpose visit or that he was a scout. I think he was just in the right place at the wrong time. I’ve taken care of him and we’re on out way back to the castle to dispose of the body. I’ll fill mom and dad in when I get there.”

“I’ll leave the plant now as well. We need to set up the usual safeguards and precautions for hunters. And you better tell mother that her party will need…”

“Lex, I know what needs to be done when there are hunters around,” interrupted Lucas with a laugh.

“I’m just making sure that your mind wasn’t filled with teenage blonde reporters,” teased Lex.

“If you only knew. Ok we’re nearly home I’ll see you soon. Bye.”

“Bye,” said Lex and hung up.

12th June 2004, 16:40
Originally posted by ruafair@Jun 12 2004, 08:26 AM
but don&#39;t worry I won&#39;t be writing any *scenes* with her and Lex... Just bear with her please..... Fiona

Thank goodness&#33;

Wonderful update...you&#39;ve added another element to an already complex story. Hunters/Vampire Slayers, how could they ever be left out.

I can&#39;t wait for the party.


Not An Addict
12th June 2004, 16:49
Hee hee hee hee&#33; My, but this fic has a tendency to bring out that reaction in me&#33; Wonderful. Can&#39;t wait to see where this whole &#39;hunter&#39; thing leads. Also, something I wonder more and more about as the story progresses: how will Chloe react when she finds out about the whole &#39;vampire&#39; thing? Hmm. Very interesting. Can&#39;t wait for more&#33; Including, maybe, Helen&#39;s painful and untimely demise? *hopes*

12th June 2004, 17:05
Ah, hunters...jealous Lana...Clark minding his own business for once...

Could this fic get any better? I submit that it could not&#33; Okay, well, smutty Chlex could probably raise the &#39;better-ness&#39; quota a bit, but as far as actual plot, I&#39;ve got to say I&#39;m loving it. :)

12th June 2004, 17:22
Originally posted by scifichick774@Jun 12 2004, 11:05 AM
Ah, hunters...jealous Lana...Clark minding his own business for once...Could this fic get any better? I submit that it could not&#33;
LOL&#33; I love that line&#33;

I love Jealous Lana too. We should see much more of that&#33; Burn, Pinky, Burn&#33;

This is awesome. This party should be fun&#33;&#33;&#33;

I need more NOW&#33;

12th June 2004, 19:51
There has been 19 chapters, and no smut. I think you need to fill your quota soon... Please...

I sound like such a perve&#33; Hehehe.

12th June 2004, 22:29
Now this is a story&#33; I so love where you&#39;re going and can&#39;t wait to read more&#33;


12th June 2004, 23:28
:biggrin: fantastic&#33;

13th June 2004, 00:01
Clark decided to mind his own business and not take Lana&#39;s side? I must not have read that right.

13th June 2004, 00:18
Wanna know why I love fics? It&#39;s simple really: you get to see things you&#39;d never see on screen. Lana jealous of Chloe? JUST GREAT&#33;&#33;&#33; :clap:
And as usual, I love Pete :heart: I think he&#39;s the only one I&#39;ve never even once screamed at, wether it&#39;s in the show or in a fanfiction.
Nice chapter, guess it wouldn&#39;t be kind of me to ask for more so soon, would it?
Well, nobody ever accused me of being kind :devil:
More soon please&#33; :biggrin:

Moultipass :chlexsign4:

13th June 2004, 00:38
Thanks for the great new chapter&#33;&#33; I&#39;m getting so excited about the approaching party&#33;&#33; I love how Lex mentioned Chloe in his talk with Lucas&#33;&#33; Maybe he just doesn&#39;t realize he likes her yet?&#33;&#33; How will the Luthor&#39;s protect themselves against the hunters? I can&#39;t wait for more of this incredible story :worship2: :yay: :chlexsign3: :yay: :worship2: &#33;&#33;

13th June 2004, 05:31
I love how you handle the Luthor/vampire plotline together with the Chloe-and-idiot-trio (though in this case there is, refreshingly, only one idiot on the trio) in every chapter. It gives a good balance, which is a nice difference from the way Lana can take up 90% of the plot action with the Luthor storyline only being given a few minutes in so many SV episodes. Can&#39;t wait to see how everything progresses&#33;

13th June 2004, 11:01
:biggrin: That was a great chapter&#33; I love the fact that Lana was jealous. I can&#39;t wait to see what&#39;s going to happen in the party. I hope there will be more Chlex. :chlexsign3: Please more soon&#33;&#33;&#33;

13th June 2004, 11:49
Ha ha ha&#33; Go Chloe&#33; Making Lana jealous, that was priceless. Well hopefully Lucas was right about the hunter, can&#39;t have any more dangers to those sexy men and, um, Lillian. Anyways great chapter and I look forward to more&#33; ;)

14th June 2004, 16:27
:huh: That&#39;s all? But..but... I want more&#33; :crygreen: It&#39;s too short&#33; And I really can&#39;t wait for the Chlex scene&#33;


15th June 2004, 16:29
Make her jealous Chloe&#33;

Great chapters&#33; :biggrin:

Waiting for more...

18th June 2004, 00:40
Umm.. Hello? Is anyone there? Cause seriously, all I&#39;m doing this summer is working all day long and most evenings... this story is the only vacation I get. So send me to Barbados&#33;


19th June 2004, 15:52
Hey all.... big hugs to everyone following this...believe me there's a LONG way to go in this one.... ;) .Fiona


Chapter Twenty – Pre-Party

Despite the news of the hunters and the increased security around the castle and plant Lillian Luthor wasn’t letting these things spoil her mood. It was the morning of the dinner party and her excitement could be felt all around the castle. As predicated every invite came back as a confirmation. So at 8.00pm the first of the thirty guests invited would be arriving. After giving some more instructions to the kitchen staff Lillian made her way to the drawing room, where her husband and sons were sitting.

“Frightening the staff again my dear,” grinned Lionel.

Lillian fixed him with a glare before turning her attention to her sons. “What time are you picking Chloe up at?” she asked Lucas.

“8.00pm,” he replied, “and we’ll be back here before 8.30pm.”

“Good, good,” said Lillian, “I look forward to seeing Chloe again. Are you bringing anyone?” she turned to Lex.

“Yes,” he replied with a small smirk.

“And are you planning on imparting any more information of who or *what* she is?” she said when Lex didn’t elaborate.

Recognising the tone of his mother’s voice Lex decided not to tease her anymore. “Her name is Helen Bryce, she is a doctor at the local hospital and in charge of organising medicals for the plant staff. I met her a few days ago and in that time got around to inviting her tonight.”

“A human doctor, Lex” said Lionel, raising an eyebrow.

“What’s she like?” asked Lillian.

Before Lex could answer Lucas jump in, “Oh let me make an educated guess. She’s probably brunette,” Lucas went on, not giving anyone a chance to interrupt, “slim, thinks she’s more intelligent than she really is, rather *cold* in her manner and has a superior attitude that makes her think she’s better than everyone else. She probably thinks, no not thinks, *expects* that all Lex’s attention should be focused solely on her and will expect all of us to do the same. Tell me, how close to the truth am I?” he finished with a grin.

Both Lionel and Lillian just about managed to cover up their smiles. Lucas had described virtually every woman that had spent more than one night with Lex. The man in question on the other hand was glaring daggers at Lucas.

While all, except Lex, laughed at Lucas’ antics, Lionel was thinking about this doctor.

‘What is it my love?’ Lillian’s voice sounded in his mind.

‘I wonder,’ he began mentally then questioned his eldest son aloud. “Lex, does ‘the voice’ work on this woman?”

“Yes,” replied Lex, “why?”

“No reason, just curious,” said Lionel off-handed.

‘We’ll talk later,’ Lionel directed at his wife.

“And what time will you and Helen be making an appearance at?” she asked Lex.

“8.00pm,” he replied, “I wouldn’t want to spoil Lucas’ entrance,” he smirked.

“Makes no difference what time you arrive,” retorted Lucas, “I’ll still have the most beautiful date on my arm.”

“I don’t think…” began Lex.

“Boys,” interrupted Lionel, “no arguing please.” He was silent for a moment and then a large smile appeared on his face, “besides, the most beautiful woman there will be on my arm.” He said as he took his wife’s hand and kissed it gently.

Lex and Lucas both rolled their eyes at their parents.


“Come on, I know you’re in here somewhere,” muttered Chloe as she burrowed further into the back of her wardrobe. A few minutes passed along with some very colourful swear words about untidy wardrobes when Chloe emerged triumphant with her prize in her hand, a black shoe.

“Gotcha,” she said, placing it on the bed beside the other one. “Ok, let’s see. Dress… check. Underwear… check. Stockings… check. Wrap and bag… check. And last but not least shoes… check.”

Smiling to herself Chloe looked down at the clothes on her bed. She was really looking forward to the evening. ‘And the chance to rub Lana Lang’s nose in it,’ a small sarcastic voice in her head spoke up.

“You had better believe it,” she murmured in answer to it.

“Chloe, lunch is ready,” Gabe’s voice shouted up the stairs.

She left her room and bounded down the stairs to the kitchen. She settled herself at the table across from her dad and tucked in.

“So, do I get a sneak peek at what you’re wearing or do I have to wait till I see you at the castle?” grinned Gabe.

“You’ll just have to wait,” she replied back. “And I just want to say thanks dad, for not staying here when Lucas picks me up and doing the whole ‘dad checking out his daughter’s date’ thing.”

“To be honest Chlo, I would much rather be here,” Gabe said, “but I’m going to the party anyway so I can grill him there instead.”

“Oh lucky Lucas,” deadpanned Chloe, rolling her eyes. “What time are you leaving here to collect Sarah?”

“7.00 pm, by the time I collect her and get to the Luthor place it will be at least 8.00pm, and are you sure you’re ok with me taking her?”

“For the thousandth time yes I am ok with it. I like Sarah dad. But, if you want me to throw a tantrum I will.”

“No thanks,” laughed Gabe, “I remember what a Chloe Sullivan tantrum is like.”

“Excuse me, I haven’t thrown a tantrum since I was about 8.”

“I know, but almost 10 years later it still haunts me.”

“Ha. Ha. Ha. Gabe Sullivan comedian extraordinaire.”

“I do my best,” he replied, with an exaggerated sigh, clutching his hand to his chest.

Chloe grinned at her dad and continued with her lunch; mentally going over how many hours she had to spare between the time it would take her to get ready and when Lucas arrived.


“Lana you look stunning as always,” said Nell as her niece walked down the stairs in a pale pink dress.

“Thanks Nell,” replied the brunette, kissing her aunt’s cheek. “You look great as well.”

“Pity you’re not going on the arm of one of the Luthors. But all is not lost.” Just then the doorbell rang and Nell opened it to reveal a tuxedo clad Clark Kent.

“Wow Lana, you look amazing,” he said.

“Thank you,” she replied demurely.

“My parents are outside waiting for you,” he directed to Nell.

Nell nodded at the two of them and left the house.

“Ready to go Miss Lang,” he grinned, holding out his arm.

“Yes all ready,” she replied, taking it. ‘I can’t wait to see what Chloe Sullivan wears,’ she thought.


“Chloe Sullivan I have to admit you look good, very good,” said Chloe to her reflection. “Granted you spent over two hours getting ready which is a record as far as you are concerned. You didn’t even spend that long getting ready for the dance with Clark…but let’s not think about that night. You want to be able to look back on tonight with a smile on your face so no giving into the urge to punch Clark Kent and Lana Lang. Although…” She shook her head, clearing the image of her hand connecting with the faces of her sometimes friends, a smile twitching her lips. She smoothed down the front of her dress and glanced at the clock. 7.45pm it read.

Giving herself one more look over she turned from the mirror and grabbed her bag and wrap from the bed. Switching off the light and closing the door to her bedroom she made her way down the stairs to wait for Lucas in the front room.


“Lillian, you look beautiful,” smiled Lionel. His eyes took in her silk clad form.

“And you my love, still can’t tie a bowtie properly. Over 700 hundred years old and this still eludes you,” she smiled as she stood in front of him and fixed his tie.

“Just an excuse to get you close,” he smirked, pulling her close to him and wrapping his arms around her waist.

“Why Mr Luthor, how dare you deceive me,” she laughed, and kissed him softly.

There was a knock on the door, “come in,” said Lillian.

The door opened and David stepped in, “your guests have started to arrive.”

“Thank you David,” said Lionel, releasing his wife, “we’ll be down immediately. Ready my love?” holding his hand out.

Lillian took it and they left to greet their guests.


Chloe jumped slightly when she heard the doorbell ring. Peeking out the curtains she saw the limo parked outside. She walked to the front door and took a deep breath.

Releasing it, she opened the door to reveal a smiling Lucas.

“Oh wow,” gasped Lucas.

19th June 2004, 16:05
I KNOW you did not leave it there. The Fiona we all know and love would not do that to us. Oh, who am I kidding? You do that to us all the time&#33; :biggrin:

Please update soon, I NEED to see what happens at the party.

19th June 2004, 16:54

19th June 2004, 17:21
Please, please, please tell me you are going to post your next chapter right away&#33;&#33; :yay2: I can&#39;t wait to find out what Chloe&#39;s wearing and whether or not Lex will notice&#33;&#33; :yay: Yay&#33;&#33; :yay: It&#39;s time for the party&#33;&#33; Please update soon&#33;&#33; :worship2: :chlexsign4: :worship2:

Oh, I&#39;m sorry, how rude....I loved this chapter&#33;&#33; :wub: I just can&#39;t wait for more&#33;&#33; :biggrin:

19th June 2004, 17:22
Great chapter.Keep up the good writing.

Can&#39;t wait to read Lex and Lana reactions when Chloe makes her entrance.


19th June 2004, 17:27
Awww that was great&#33;&#33;&#33; :biggrin: Please come back soon.

19th June 2004, 19:19
Originally posted by ruafair@Jun 19 2004, 03:52 PM
“Oh let me make an educated guess. She’s probably brunette,” Lucas went on, not giving anyone a chance to interrupt, “slim, thinks she’s more intelligent than she really is, rather *cold* in her manner and has a superior attitude that makes her think she’s better than everyone else. She probably thinks, no not thinks, *expects* that all Lex’s attention should be focused solely on her and will expect all of us to do the same. Tell me, how close to the truth am I?” he finished with a grin.

Both Lionel and Lillian just about managed to cover up their smiles.
Loved it&#33;
Next chapter&#39;s the party, right? :biggrin:

Moultipass :chlexsign4:

19th June 2004, 20:13
I can&#39;t wait to find out what chloe&#39;s wearing. I hope Lex goes non-verbal :drool: when he sees her&#33;&#33;

19th June 2004, 21:23
I&#39;m loving the interaction between Lucas and Chloe. As well as the introduction of Helen in the story. Knowing you I&#39;m sure everything will come together nicely. I&#39;m very excited to see what happens when Lex lays his eyes on Chloe. hehe&#33;

Great update Fi. I very much liked it&#33;

:) Jen

19th June 2004, 21:52
ahhhh&#33;&#33;&#33; Where&#39;s the rest&#33;&#33;&#33; Guess I&#39;ll have to wait patiently.
Great Update :biggrin: I love the interaction between Lionel & Lillian.
What&#39;s Chloe wearing??? Lex you better watch out, Chloe&#39;s is about to make her grand entrance.

19th June 2004, 22:44
Fi&#33; How could you just leave it there&#33; GAH&#33; :huh:

“Oh let me make an educated guess. She’s probably brunette,” Lucas went on, not giving anyone a chance to interrupt, “slim, thinks she’s more intelligent than she really is, rather *cold* in her manner and has a superior attitude that makes her think she’s better than everyone else. She probably thinks, no not thinks, *expects* that all Lex’s attention should be focused solely on her and will expect all of us to do the same. Tell me, how close to the truth am I?” he finished with a grin
That was priceless&#33; Loved it&#33;

19th June 2004, 23:17
Heh heh... Loved Lucas&#39; insight to Lex&#39;s choice of women&#33; Can&#39;t wait for more cause if what Chloe&#39;s wearing has got Lucas gasping it ought to shut Lana up pretty quickly, lol&#33; Hope you update soon&#33;

Not An Addict
19th June 2004, 23:42
*bounces* No fair no fair no fair no fair&#33; I wanna see what she&#39;s wearing&#33; *pouts* Yes, I -am- being a girl about this. I&#39;m allowed sometimes. *tries to peek over Fiona&#39;s shoulder to get a look* Damn, screensaver. *shakes fist* You&#39;ve won this time, computer, but I shall be back&#33;

More please, before I go the rest of the way around the bend waiting. ^_~

20th June 2004, 05:33
“No thanks,” laughed Gabe, “I remember what a Chloe Sullivan tantrum is like.”

“Excuse me, I haven’t thrown a tantrum since I was about 8.”

“I know, but almost 10 years later it still haunts me.”
Love Gabe and Chloe&#39;s relationship in this fic, you&#39;ve captured his easygoing nature so well.

Also loving the way Lucas keeps teasing Lex about his choice of women. Gah, Helen.

So. As usual, I simply can&#39;t wait to see what happens next, so please update soon&#33;

20th June 2004, 05:33
How could you leave it there... I seriously can&#39;t wait for some Lex/Chloe interaction here (though I love Lucas in this fic)... you&#39;re really being a butt-head... albeit a butt-head with a fabulous story&#33;


20th June 2004, 14:53
Come on, we are all girls&#33; We wana know what she wears&#33;

Update. Now&#33;

By the way loved the chapter. :biggrin:

20th June 2004, 15:12
Ok, another quick update cause I love you all..... :biggrin: .Fiona


Chapter Twenty One – The Start of the Dinner Party

Lucas’ eyes slowly took her in. He had thought Chloe pretty from the moment he met her but now, now she was beautiful. She wore a deep blood-red satin dress and black shoes with a small heel and a thin strap around her ankle. The dress fell to just about the strap with a long slit on one side that reached her upper thigh. He could make out the lace border of her barely black stockings. The top of the dress was strapless, her shoulders completely bare as the bodice wrapped around her breasts. The fitted waist gave her cleavage an enticing lift.

“Oh wow,” he whispered again. “You look incredible Chloe.”

Chloe blushed as his eyes washed over her. She had to admit he looked good also. He wore a fitted black tuxedo and crisp white shirt. He had forgone a tie and left the top couple buttons of his shirt open, revealing a hint of his chest. “You look pretty good yourself.”

“For you,” he said, handing her a dozen roses that matched the colour of the dress.

“Thank you,” she smiled at him taking them. “Please come in. I’ll put these in water and then we can go.”

Smiling at her *invitation* Lucas stepped into the Sullivan hallway. ‘Beautiful,’ he thought as he watched the sway of her hips as she walked towards what he guessed was the kitchen.

She quickly filled a vase with water and placed the roses in it. When she turned around Lucas was standing in the kitchen doorway smiling at her. They made their way back to the hallway. Lucas reached for her wrap and gently draped it across her shoulders. “Red is a *very* good colour on you,” he said, holding out his hand to her.

She gave him a shy smile, grabbed her bag and took his hand with her free one.

Lucas laced their fingers together and they left the house, Chloe locking the door behind her.

The driver opened the door of the limo as they approached. Chloe slipped into the luxurious car, quickly followed by Lucas, who despite the vast amount of room in the back of the car situated himself very close to her, his thigh brushing against hers.

Andrew shut the door and climbed into the driver’s seat. Within seconds the engine purred to life and they set off.


“Mother, father, I would like to introduce you to Doctor Helen Bryce,” said Lex, introducing the brunette to them.

Every word of Lucas’ *comic * description about her ran through Lillian and Lionel’s minds the moment the set eyes on Lex’s date for the evening. The young woman had a very superior air about her, and quite blatantly looked down on Lex’s parents as she shook their hands.

Through their bond Lionel could feel his wife’s anger rising. ‘Don’t worry,’ he said to her, ‘this woman is not the one, his demon would never allow it.’

‘No it won’t. But it won’t get the chance to reject her,’ replied Lillian, ‘because I’m going to *kill* her before the evening ends if she continues to look at me like that… Does she not realise who I am?’

Lionel chuckled softly at Lillian’s mental venting session.

“Something funny Mr Luthor?” said Helen.

“Not at all Dr Bryce,” he replied, “just thinking of something I heard earlier.”

“How are you liking Smallville Helen?” asked Lillian, wishing to herself that the woman would say she hated it and wouldn’t be staying.

Lex grimaced slightly at this question. He had already heard Helen’s thoughts on Smallville, and knew his mother wouldn’t be impressed with them.

“It’s so very rustic,” she replied with disdain. She glanced around the room at some of the guests, “I imagine this dinner party is a big thing for the… *locals*. I doubt there are many occasions like this in Smallville. In fact it doesn’t seem like the kind of place you would live in. I was just asking Lex why on earth you had all moved here, I mean culturally you must be starved…”

“There are a few other people I’d like to introduce you too,” said Lex, taking Helen’s arm. He could see that his mother was going to explode and wanted to get out of the way.

“But I haven’t finished talking to your parents Lex,” whined Helen.

“Oh that’s ok, you run along now,” said Lionel, his voice a carrying a hint condescension that the doctor missed. “We have other guests to greet. I’m sure we’ll talk again later.” ‘Unfortunately,’ he added silently.

With a pout on her face Helen reluctantly allowed herself to be guided to another part of the room.

“Thank goodness for that,” said Lillian. “I think you need to have that talk with Lex very soon.”

“Lillian, you know quite well he has to come to me,” said Lionel. “And that’s not going to happen until…” he trailed off as he saw two people enter the hall. Lillian followed his gaze and a huge smile appeared on her face, for standing in the doorway was Lucas and Chloe.


“Let’s head over to my parents,” said Lucas, taking her hand. Chloe’s gaze darted around the room as the made their way over to Lionel and Lillian. She caught her dad’s eye and he gave her a wink and a smile, mouthing that they’d talk later. Sarah gave her a small wave, which Chloe returned. She caught sight of Clark over in one of the corners talking to a, surprise-surprise, pink-clad Lana Lang.

“Let’s go over to see my friends when we’ve talked to your parents Lucas.”

Lucas’ eyes wandered over to where Clark and company were and then lowered his gaze to Chloe. She had a sly smile on her face. “Very well Chloe,” he replied with a smile of his own.

“Chloe you look absolutely stunning,” said Lionel when they reached them. He took Chloe’s hand and placed a kiss on it, causing her to blush slightly.

“Thank you Mr Luthor,” she said.

“Chloe,” said Lillian warmly, kissing Chloe on both cheeks and hugging her gently. “You look beautiful.”

Chloe returned the hug, “so do you Mrs Luthor.”

Over on the other side of the room Lana watched they way the Luthors greeted Chloe through narrowed eyes. They had greeted everyone pleasantly, but nothing like the welcome Chloe received. Lana tried to find fault with Chloe’s appearance, but reluctantly had to admit to herself that the blonde looked good. Not that she’d ever say it out loud.

“I had the great pleasure of meeting your father earlier,” said Lillian, “wonderful man, very proud of his daughter.”

Chloe’s gaze fell on her dad, “yeah, I suppose he’s pretty cool,” she said with a smile, turning back to look at Lillian.

“Come on Chloe, let’s go say hello to your friends,” said Lucas, taking her hand.

“I’ll be expecting a dance later Chloe,” said Lionel with a grin as Lucas led her away.

“I really like that girl,” said Lillian.

“I know you do my love,” replied Lionel, “I have to admit to being quite taken with her myself. She has this great *energy* about her.”

“More so than *some* I could mention,” retorted Lillian, her gaze falling on Helen.


Lucas chuckled inwardly at the smug smile on Chloe’s face as they made their way over to Clark, the brunette waitress whose name escaped him and the others. He released Chloe’s hand and slipped his arm around her waist. She gave him a questioning look, and he just smirked in reply.

“Hey Chloe,” said Pete, his eyes narrowing slightly when he saw Lucas’ arm around her waist, “you look great.”

“Hi Pete, Katie,” she replied, “This is Lucas.”

Lucas shook hands with both of them.

“And I think you already met Clark and Lana,” said Chloe turning her attention to the other two. Clark just nodded at Lucas while Lana’s gaze stayed focussed on Chloe.

“That dress looks well on you Chloe,” said Lana, a slight hint of jealously in her voice.

“I think it looks far better than just *well*,” said Lucas before Chloe could reply, “I’d say she looks downright edible in it.”

Both Clark and Pete glared at him, Katie giggled and Lana looked completely jealous.

Chloe laughed and leaned in closer to Lucas. “Flatterer,” she said.

“And will it *get* me everywhere?” he asked with a smirk.

“Try some more and see,” she replied cheekily.

Everyone except Katie, who was still giggling, watched open-mouthed as Chloe quite blatantly flirted with Lucas Luthor.

‘This is so much fun,’ thought Chloe as she saw the looks on her friends’ faces. There was some kind of chemistry between her and Lucas although she wasn’t quite sure as to what is was exactly. But one thing she did know was that he was most definitely a rogue and liked to play up to it.

“Oh Lana, your dress is great as well,” she said with a smile, “pink was always your colour.”

“Thanks Chloe,” replied the brunette. “And what do you think Lucas?”

“It’s nice,” he replied. “Real… nice.” While they had been talking Lucas was also taking the opportunity to study Clark. Lex hadn’t managed to come up with any really out of the ordinary about the boy. Lucas was hoping to talk to his mother and father later about him; he wanted to see what vibes they picked up on.

Chloe could have kissed Lucas was he said Lana’s dress was nice. ‘Take that you self-centred bitch,’ she thought triumphantly.

The sound of a bell ringing drew everyone’s attention to the main door where David stood. “Mr and Mrs Luthor, ladies and gentlemen, if you’d all be so kind to follow me to the ballroom.”

Lionel and Lillian went out first and everyone else began to follow them.

“Hope you’ve got your dancing shoes on Chloe,” whispered Lucas.

“Just make sure you can keep up,” she whispered back. And with both of them laughing he led her out the main doors.

20th June 2004, 15:33
I was just asking Lex why on earth you had all moved here, I mean culturally you must be starved…”
Not just culturally - now take your paws off Lex, you bitch, before we stick a fork in you&#33;

“I think it looks far better than just *well*,” said Lucas before Chloe could reply, “I’d say she looks downright edible in it.”
You go, Chloe&#33; Show them that you aren&#39;t afraid to be noticed. RED&#33; BLOOD RED&#33; That&#39;s awesome&#33;

Thank you for the quick update, Fi. You do not disappoint. Now let&#39;s see what Lexy thinks&#33;&#33;&#33;

20th June 2004, 16:03
Thanks for the quick update (:

I loved it, especially the part where Lucas refers to Lana as

the brunette waitress whose name escaped him

And oh dear, is Lucas getting *hungry*? I love all the little vampire references you have in every single chapter.

And I love the way you had Lionel and Lillian privately dissing Helen all the while. :biggrin: Luthors make me happy. This fic makes me happy.

Chlex makes me happy too, do they get a scene any time soon? :puppyeyes:

20th June 2004, 18:15
:biggrin: Oh sooo good&#33;&#33; To many wonderful lines, and isn&#39;t helen just awful&#33;&#33;&#33; Love it all. :worship2:

20th June 2004, 20:17
Originally posted by newbatgirl@Jun 20 2004, 03:33 PM

Thank you for the quick update, Fi. You do not disappoint. Now let&#39;s see what Lexy thinks&#33;&#33;&#33;
I hope that Lex likes Chloe in red&#33;&#33; Hopefully it will drive all thoughts of annoying Helen out of his mind&#33;&#33; Thank you so much for your quick update&#33;&#33; You are a goddess&#33;&#33; :worship2: I can&#39;t wait for more&#33;&#33; Please, please let Chloe and Lex dance together&#33;&#33; :chlexsign4:

20th June 2004, 20:45
Sooooooooooooooo good and yet helen....nooooooooooo.

let lillian eat her and then then let us reach the Chlex, if you make us wait much longer I might end up voting for Chlucas and that would just be wrong.

Please update soon and I&#39;ll bake you a better than sex cake, I swear.


Not An Addict
20th June 2004, 21:14
Wonderful&#33; Go Chloe, stick it to those self-righteous, self-absorbed little punks. Just don&#39;t let Lucas nibble on you; you need to be saving yourself for Lex, y&#39;know. ^_~ Loved it, Fi. Can&#39;t wait for more, and Lex&#39;s reaction&#33;

20th June 2004, 21:15
Chlucas is great but I prefer Chlex.

Lillian and Lionel are so nice. :biggrin:

Please come back soon. :yay:

20th June 2004, 22:40
Yeah another update :biggrin: Can&#39;t say enough, how much I&#39;m enjoying this fic. More please ;) Was Lex reaction gonna be, when he sees Chloe in that lil sexy number.

21st June 2004, 03:49
Chloe and Lex have to dance together... and if they happen to discover their unadulterated passion for eachother and end up having wild, passionate, animalistic sex in a coat closet, well... who am I to interfere? Thanx for the update, it was fabulous.. can&#39;t wait for the next one&#33;


21st June 2004, 07:10
That&#39;s right build up the drama of Lex seeing Chloe for the first time. Yeah, make us beg for it...I admit, I&#39;m not above begging.



21st June 2004, 12:21
Oh, she wears red&#33; My favourite colour. Great&#33; :biggrin:
Also the colour and the meaning, you know love, passion...blood. Wonderful choice.

So lets see how the dance goes.

21st June 2004, 14:12
Oooo this ball is shaping up to be some fun&#33; Lol&#33; So glad that Chloe and Lucas got one over on Lana, brilliant... Now how about Lillian follows through with her &#39;eating Helen&#39; idea then the night would be perfect&#33; Anyway hope you update soon cause I can&#39;t wait to see if Chloe&#39;s dress gets a reaction out of Lex and his demon. :biggrin:

21st June 2004, 19:41
Through their bond Lionel could feel his wife’s anger rising. ‘Don’t worry,’ he said to her, ‘this woman is not the one, his demon would never allow it.’

‘No it won’t. But it won’t get the chance to reject her,’ replied Lillian, ‘because I’m going to *kill* her before the evening ends if she continues to look at me like that… Does she not realise who I am?’ :hehe:

Have I mentioned how much I love Lillian lately? :biggrin:

Moultipass :chlexsign4:

22nd June 2004, 04:46
So, is it wrong of me to REALLY REALLY REALLY hope that Helen does something to piss Lillian off so that Lillian will drain her dry?

*innocent look*

Awesome DOUBLE update&#33;

You know, if Chloe got that reaction out of Lucas...imagine the reaction she&#39;ll get out of Lex&#39;s demon&#33;&#33;&#33;

excited for the next update&#33;

22nd June 2004, 06:46
There was some kind of chemistry between her and Lucas although she wasn’t quite sure as to what is was exactly.

Flirtatious friendship maybe? They seem inclined to play banter games with each other but never move further than that, and from the way you&#39;ve described Lucas&#39;s history...well, he would have made a move by now if he really liked her as anything more than a friend.

Loving this fic (as with everything you write). Can&#39;t wait for Lex&#39;s reaction to seeing Chloe. *smirk*

22nd June 2004, 23:07
Howzabout another update? Please. GREAT job. GREAT.

26th June 2004, 14:37
And the dinner party continues...... Also thanks again for all the kind words....Fiona


Chapter Twenty Two – Conversations and Dances

The ballroom was spectacular; it reminded Chloe of pictures she had seen in her history book of the royal courts in Europe. She remembered both Lillian and Lucas mentioning they had spent time in Europe, and her own research into the Luthors also stated as much. It was obvious that that time had had an effect on Lillian’s style of decorating.

“Impressive isn’t it?” grinned Lucas.

“Very,” she replied as she looked around. There was even a band at one end, and not the kind of band you usually saw at a school dance. This lot looked liked a mini orchestra.

“Come on, this way,” he said, guiding her over to where his parents were.

“This is an incredible room Mrs Luthor,” said Chloe when they reached them. “Absolutely incredible.”

“Thank you my dear,” replied Lillian warmly, “I am quite proud of it myself.”


Over the other side of the room Lex was watching them, or more specifically watching Chloe. He hadn’t seen her when they were in the great hall, but his demon had been whispering constantly to him from the moment they entered the ballroom to look in her direction. And when his eyes had landed on her, well if he had a breath, she would have taken it away. She looked nothing short of exquisite. Who would have thought that such a loudmouth would have a body like that? With his demon egging him on, Lex allowed his eyes to slowly travel over Chloe’s body.

The budding reporter was all creamy skin accentuated with curves. Lex idly wondered if her skin was as soft as it looked. ‘Stop it,’ he told himself, ‘you’re acting like you’ve never seen a pretty girl before.’ Still as he watched her throw her head back laughing at something his father said, he felt his demon give a low pleased purr.

“Lex,” a whiney voice cut into his thoughts, “Lex.”

He dragged his gaze back to the slightly angry looking brunette in front of him.

“Lex, have you been listening to me at all?”

“Not really,” he replied, “was it anything important?”

“I was asking you if you wanted to dance,” she shrilled, and Lex, for a moment, thought that Helen was actually going to stamp her foot. “But if you’re just going to ignore me, I will have to find someone else to dance with…”

Resisting the urge to roll his eyes, Lex slipped his arms around her waist, “now why on earth would you want to dance with anyone else?” he whispered in a low voice into her ear. The effect on Helen was instantaneous, a large smile appeared on her face and she relaxed into Lex’s arms. With a smug grin, he led her onto the dance floor.


“Sweetie you look amazing,” said Gabe with a huge smile as Chloe came over to him.

“You clean up nicely as well dad,” she grinned back. “Hi Sarah,” she said to woman beside him.

“Hey Chloe, isn’t this place incredible?”

“I know, Smallville must really seem like a hick town to the Luthors,” she said with a laugh.

“You seem very friendly with them,” teased Sarah.

“Oh you know me, friends in high places and such.” All three laughed.

“Ah this is where you’ve disappeared too,” Lucas’ voice sounded behind Chloe. “And I don’t think we’ve been officially introduced,” he said turning his attention to Gabe. “Lucas Luthor,” holding out his hand.

“Gabe Sullivan,” he said with a smile, shaking the younger man’s hand, “pleasure to meet you...officially.”


“They look pretty good together,” commented Lionel as they watched Lucas laughing with Chloe and her dad.

“They do,” agreed Lillian, “but I don’t know if romantically they are such a good match. I have grown very fond of Chloe and want to have her around the family, but I think she and Lucas are more suited as friends than lovers.

“Lillian, no,” said Lionel suddenly.

“No what?” she replied innocently.

“I know how your mind works my dear. Don’t even think about, they hate each other.”

“Remind you of anyone we know Lionel?”

“That’s only because you were so stubborn when I met you,” he smirked.

“Me… stubborn. What about you with your ‘I’m the most powerful vampire around’ Luthor attitude when I first met you? Anyway I’m not going to do anything, so take that worried look off your face Lionel, it makes you look old!”

Lionel didn’t believe for a moment that Lillian wasn’t planning anything. They had been together for centuries, and he knew exactly how his wife’s mind worked. ‘God help them,’ he thought, ‘they’re going to need it.’

Shaking his head slightly he took Lillian’s hand and led her onto the dance floor.


“Have you met Lex’s new *friend*?” Lillian asked Lucas later while they were dancing. Chloe was off dancing with her dad and Lionel was dancing with Sarah.

“No, I’ve been purposely avoiding them. What’s she like?”

“Everything you said she’d be, and then some,” laughed Lillian, “she won’t last.”

“Well don’t bad mouth her too much to Lex, he’d keep seeing her to spite you,” said Lucas,

“Not if I kill her first,” muttered Lillian, earning a loud laugh from Lucas. And then suddenly he sobered up.

“Mother, have you ever taken care of partners that Lex and I brought home that you didn’t like?”

“Honestly Lucas you are as bad as your father. What kind of a monster do you think I am?”

“Sorry,” muttered Lucas, taking his eyes away from his mother and looking over her shoulder to see Chloe laughing at something her dad said. In doing this he didn’t notice the sly smile that appeared on Lillian’s face or the fact that she didn’t really answer his question.

Over her son’s shoulder she watched as Lionel cut in on Chloe and Gabe. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Lex and Helen dancing close by. “Lucas honey, I think it’s time you met the *lovely* Helen.” And with that she directed him towards Lex and before anyone had a chance to comment Lillian was dancing with Lex and a very reluctant Helen and Lucas where left together.

“What are you up to mother?” asked Lex.

“Nothing, I just thought this would be a good way for Lucas and Helen to meet,” replied Lillian innocently, “anyway do I have to have plan to want to dance with my son?”

Lex shook his head and watched with a smile as Lucas and Helen danced while trying to keep touching each other down to a minimum.


“Are you enjoying yourself Chloe?”

“Oh very much so Mr Luthor,” she replied sincerely. “It has been a wonderful evening. Do you throw many parties like this?”

“Yes. Lillian loves them. I think she likes the actual planning more so than the party itself though. It’s the ordering of people around she likes,” he added with a grin.

“And do you plan to stay in Smallville for long?”

“Always the reporter, Chloe,” he said, his eyes twinkling.

“Sorry I didn’t mean my questions to sound like an interview,” she began.

“I’m only teasing you my dear. As for our long-term plans in Smallville I can’t honestly say. We could stay for a while or we could pack up and leave in a matter of weeks. Although I think the former is the way to go at the moment, Lillian and Lucas really like it here.”

“Well I for one am glad you’re going to be around for a while, I really enjoy Mrs Luthor’s company.”

“And she very much enjoys yours.”

Over Chloe’s head he caught his wife’s eye. ‘I want to dance with you my love,’ her voice said in his head.

Lionel skilfully danced Chloe through the throng on the dance floor till they were beside Lillian and Lex. “Lex,” he said, “may I cut in? And don’t worry I have an equally lovely dance partner for you.”

“Oh no,” groaned Chloe softly, although her words were picked up by all three Luthors.

“Be nice,” whispered Lillian into Lex’s ear as she and Lionel waltzed off.

“It’s ok, you don’t have to dance with me,” said Chloe, and turned away.

“I think we can put our personal differences aside for the duration of a dance,” said Lex, “but if you’re not willing to…”

“Fine, we’ll dance,” snapped Chloe. With a smirk Lex slid his arm around her waist and clasped her other hand in his. Chloe rested her free hand on his shoulder and found herself staring intensely at the buttons on his shirt.

They moved to the music. Although he wasn’t as tall as Clark, Chloe felt almost *tiny* in Lex’s arms, there was something very imposing about him. Even dancing with Lucas and Lionel didn’t make her feel like this. ‘Though he does smell good,’ she thought, and then mentally berated herself for thinking such things.

“Nothing to say Miss Sullivan?” he asked, “that is most unlike you.”

Inwardly sighing Chloe raised her eyes to meet his. “I have a lot to say Mr Luthor, I’m just not sure any of the subjects I want to talk about are on the approved list of things to ‘talk to Lex Luthor about.’ I mean is the way this room is decorated, the band, the dinner party in general, the local weather, the price of fertilizer, are any of these things on the *banned* list of conversation topics with you?”

“I hardly think the weather and price of fertilizer is newsworthy,” smirked Lex.

“Oh for goodness sake not every conversation I have is a precursor to an interview,” she retorted. ‘How can one single man be so infuriating?’ she thought.

Lex enjoyed arguing with her. She was easily riled up and gave as good as she got. There weren’t many humans over the centuries that dared to argue with him but this blonde teenager didn’t care who he was.

“The price of fertilizer could be higher because then it would increase Luthor-Corp profits and the weather has been bearable lately,” he replied, his tone light.

Chloe rolled her eyes at him and then spotted Lucas over his shoulder. He was still dancing with the brunette she had seen dancing with Lex. ‘Poor Lucas,’ she thought, ‘he looks so bored.’ She gave him a smile and he grinned back at her.

Lex looked down at her and saw her smile. He *sensed* his brother behind him and surmised that who she was smiling at. ‘Because she would never smile at me like that,’ he thought, ‘as if I’d want her too,’ he added quickly.

Chloe moved her gaze from Lucas back to Lex and found him staring at her. As with everything where Lex Luthor was concerned she took this as a challenge and returned his gaze. Their dancing slowed down as neither took their eyes off the other. A smirk formed on Lex’s lips as he felt her body tense up.

‘Damn it, doesn’t he need to blink,’ she thought as she felt her eyes water.

“I think a changes of partners is in order,” a voice sounded beside Lex.

They broke eye contact as they saw Lucas and a very sulky looking Helen standing there.

Lex and Chloe removed their arms from each other. “Miss Sullivan,” said Lex, kissing her hand, “I believe that round was mine.”

“You wish Mr Luthor,” she replied, “I’d call that a tie.” And with a toss of her head took Lucas’ hand and they walked off.

Automatically Lex put his arms around Helen as they continued to dance. She was prattling on about something, but Lex wasn’t paying any attention, his mind was on the fact that Chloe’s skin was as soft as it looked.

26th June 2004, 15:23
Bravo :clap:

Hope :blinkkiss:

26th June 2004, 15:41
Great chapter. I can&#39;t wait until Lex finally opens his eyes.

26th June 2004, 17:23
Absolutely Wonderful. Im loving this story so much. Cant wait for the next update.


26th June 2004, 17:28
yay yay &#33;&#33; :yay: excellent update. Lex so needs to listen to his demon where Chloe is concerned. I can&#39;t wait to see if Lillian trys to get them together. :yay:

26th June 2004, 17:57
Beautiful, absolutely beautiful&#33;&#33; :applause: I love Lillian&#33;&#33; She is absolutely wonderful&#33;&#33; :love: I hope that Helen makes her a nice snack&#33;&#33; Maybe Lana could be dessert? :lol: Thank you for the Chlex dance&#33;&#33; I&#39;m glad that she stands up to him&#33;&#33; Please post again soon&#33;&#33; I can&#39;t wait to read more about the party&#33;&#33; You&#39;re amazing&#33;&#33; :hug: :yay2: :chlexsign4: :yay2:

26th June 2004, 18:18
things are definitely heating up ;)

26th June 2004, 18:44
YAY&#33; Let the sexual tenion begin.

more soon


26th June 2004, 18:55
:biggrin: AMAZEING&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;

26th June 2004, 19:43
I&#39;m without word :blush: .. oh wait, I have something to say: more

26th June 2004, 20:48
I thought it was wonderful Fi :yay:

:clap: can&#39;t wait for more of Chlex.. Yah wooohoooo:)


27th June 2004, 02:32
Finally getting to the good stuff :) I like the lillian luther of this fic, thanks for updating, its been a few days since ive read a good update&#33;

27th June 2004, 02:44
I&#39;m not sure how appropriate it is to say this of the Matriarch of a Vampire family whose age is measured in hundreds of years but LILLIAN ROCKS.

Please write more Plotting Lillian and soon&#33;

Plotting Lillian and Sexual Tension Chlex are irresistible&#33; I do feel bad for Lucas here. His own mother is plotting to break up his fledgling romance&#33;

27th June 2004, 03:42
I so, so, so love Lillian. Not to mention Lionel and Lucas and of course, the Chloe/Lex chemistry you&#39;ve got going... and I LOVE it&#33;

Wonderful job and please, please, update soon&#33;


27th June 2004, 04:27
Okay, I&#39;m so addicted to this fic...I check everyday, practically salivating over an update. Keep up the good work&#33;&#33;

27th June 2004, 05:46
Mmmm..I can see I&#39;m not the only one addicted to this fic. I just discovered it&#33; I&#39;m all caught up now. Love it&#33;

27th June 2004, 06:43
“They do,” agreed Lillian, “but I don’t know if romantically they are such a good match. I have grown very fond of Chloe and want to have her around the family, but I think she and Lucas are more suited as friends than lovers.

“Lillian, no,” said Lionel suddenly.

“No what?” she replied innocently.

“I know how your mind works my dear. Don’t even think about, they hate each other.”

“Remind you of anyone we know Lionel?”

“That’s only because you were so stubborn when I met you,” he smirked.

“Me… stubborn. What about you with your ‘I’m the most powerful vampire around’ Luthor attitude when I first met you? Anyway I’m not going to do anything, so take that worried look off your face Lionel, it makes you look old&#33;”

Lionel didn’t believe for a moment that Lillian wasn’t planning anything. They had been together for centuries, and he knew exactly how his wife’s mind worked. ‘God help them,’ he thought, ‘they’re going to need it.’

I loved that part. Is Lillian going to matchmake? Because if she is, they&#39;re not going to stand a chance. :biggrin:

I also like how Chloe and Lionel are friendly in this fic. I really think that when they&#39;re not trying to kill/outsmart each other they could have a great father-daughter type of relationship.

More soon please&#33;

27th June 2004, 07:49
Ooooh, Lex is already getting in over his head where his feelings for Chloe are concerned&#33;&#33;&#33; *cackles evily* Helen doesn&#39;t stand a chance.

More soon&#33;

~Manda :blinkkiss:

27th June 2004, 12:34
Wonderful chapter, loved Lillian and Lionel&#39;s conversation, loved the Chlex interaction, loved Lucas dancing with Helen, loved... well, everything&#33; :biggrin:

and that line?
Because she would never smile at me like that,’ he thought, ‘as if I’d want her too,’ he added quickly. :hehe:

Moultipass :chlexsign4:

27th June 2004, 12:54
Excellent&#33; The beginnings of a connection&#33; Great chapter, I can&#39;t wait to see what Lillian will do to get Lex and Chloe together, lol&#33; Still by the looks of the dance she does have something to work with. I can&#39;t wait for more&#33; :biggrin:

27th June 2004, 13:21
Originally posted by moultipass1@Jun 27 2004, 12:34 PM
Wonderful chapter, loved Lillian and Lionel&#39;s conversation, loved the Chlex interaction, loved Lucas dancing with Helen, loved... well, everything&#33; :biggrin:

Me too&#33;&#33;&#33; :chlexsign1:

27th June 2004, 21:17
Oh, how I love Lillian and her meddling ways. The Chlex interaction was wonderful, Fi. Though, I&#39;m still secretly hoping for a tiny bit of Chlucas to make Lex&#39;s inner demon stand up and take charge.

28th June 2004, 00:08
Uh, my brain hasn´t catched up with me yet, so all I can say now is: aww wonderful work,Fi. That chapter made me happy. Just like the rest of the fic. :biggrin: Yeah, I know, it doesn´t take much to make me happy.But notheless your fic is great. Absolutely wonderful. :chlexsign2:


28th June 2004, 05:52

Write more, my dear authoress&#33;

29th June 2004, 10:34
:chlexsign1: Hourrah for this wonderful chapter... and for Lilian&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; :worship2:

29th June 2004, 17:38
Love Lilian :yay: &#33; Great chapter. :biggrin:

2nd July 2004, 15:44
Hey all.........I love Lillian too :biggrin: Here's the next installment.....Fiona


Chapter Twenty Three – Talking about Clark

“Chloe, I have to go to Metropolis for a week,” said Gabe as they sat down to dinner the evening following the dinner party. “There is some big Luthor-Corp conference/meeting taking place that Lex and Lionel want me to attend.”

“Wow dad, you’re starting to sound like a *real* businessman,” grinned Chloe. ‘Yes, house to myself for a week,’ she thought happily.

“Cheeky brat,” replied Gabe good-naturedly. “But seriously, you’ll be on your own for a week. I could always ask the Kents about letting you stay.”

“Dad, I can look after myself. I will be fine on my own,” she said, “please dad.”

Gabe looked at her, she was right of course she could look after herself. “Ok, I suppose so. Just try not to blow up the house or anything.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll only have one party, granted it will last seven days but it will be only one. So when are you heading off?”

“I get all the details on Monday from Lex. And there will be no parties, or anyone staying over, especially anyone of the male variety, whose surname might by some coincidence be the same as my boss’.”

“Dad,” exclaimed Chloe, her face reddening. “Lucas and I are friends, not what you’re hinting at.”

“He’s male and you’re a beautiful young woman,” said Gabe, “I was young once myself Chloe.”

“Yeah, back in the middle ages,” muttered Chloe. “But if it will ease your mind I promise that Lucas won’t be staying the night here. *I'll* just stay at the castle instead,” she added with a smirk.

Gabe nearly choked on his potatoes at what she said and reached for his water. Chloe burst out laughing as she watched her father get his breath back. “Not funny Chloe,” he muttered, “I’m not ready for a heart attack just yet.”

She grinned at him and before long Gabe was shaking his head and smiling at her.


“What a wonderful and successful night,” announced Lillian as she entered the main living room. Settling herself on the couch beside her husband, she kissed his cheek and turned to face her sons. “Did you two enjoy yourselves?” she asked them.

“I most certainly did,” replied Lucas. “And why wouldn’t I? The most beautiful woman in the room on my arm, present company excluded of course mother,” he added with a grin.

“Of course,” laughed Lillian. “And yes, Chloe did look incredible and seemed to have a good time.”

“She did, and when I dropped her home she asked if she could do a write up on it in the Torch, which I said yes to. Assuming of course the rest of you are ok with it?” Lucas’ gaze landed on his brother as he said this. Lex said nothing; he only cocked an eyebrow at him.

“Did,” and Lillian paused for a moment as if trying to remember something, “ah yes, did Helen have a good time?”

Lionel forced himself not to grin. He knew quite well what Lillian was doing, he also knew that Lex wouldn’t fall for it. Like all master vampires, Lillian had an almost photographic memory. Lucas on the other hand didn’t brother covering up the grin he shot his mother. He didn’t like Helen Bryce at all. And having to dance with her as long as he had to was akin to torture.

There wasn’t one thing about her that he could like. ‘She’s just like all the other cold fish Lex takes up with,’ he thought. It was true, over the decades everything mortal woman that Lex had decided to take as a lover for a while turned out to be colder and as unfeeling as some of the female vampires and demons that had crossed their path. Lucas didn’t know what his father thought of the doctor, but that wasn’t unusual. Lionel Luthor was a difficult man to read. His mother on the other hand tended to be quite blatant in her like and especially her dislike of anyone he and Lex brought home. And Lillian Luthor most definitely did not like Helen Bryce.

“Mother, you don’t know Helen, so how can you automatically decide that you don’t like her?” said Lex.

“I believe in first impressions Lex, and *she* didn’t impress me. But far be it from me to interfere in your love life.”

Lionel couldn’t help it this time and he practically barked out a laugh, which in turn earned him a glare from Lillian. “Oh take that look of your face Lillian, you have been interfering and meddling in Lucas and Lex’s love lives since they started.”

“Fine,” said Lillian, “fine. Excuse me for being concerned about my sons. I’ll say nothing else on the matter.” She picked up a newspaper from the table, settled back in her seat and opened the paper, keeping it in front of her face so she didn’t have to look at the others.

Lionel shared a look with his sons and all three Luthor men rolled their eyes.

“Stop rolling your eyes at me,” snapped Lillian from behind the paper.

“Did you meet Clark Kent dad?” asked Lucas.

“I did, and I don’t know what he is, but it’s definitely not human. The parents are, but you did say he was adopted.”

“If he’s not one of us or a demon what on earth could he be?” asked Lex.

“Maybe he’s nothing to do with *earth*,” Lillian said, putting down her paper.

“Of course, he’s an *alien*,” laughed Lucas, and was joined in his laughter by Lex.

“What did you sense?” Lionel asked her.

Lillian pursed her lips for a moment, gathering her thoughts. “It’s nothing liked I’ve sensed before. It’s literally an alien feeling. The boy is most certainly not a demon, and crossing off human and vampire, what else is there?”

“But an alien mother,” said Lex, “isn’t that a little far-fetched even for us and for what we have seen?”

“Well then, you tell me what is he?” she snapped. Lillian was still a little upset at her sons for saying she interfered in their love lives, and it showed in her voice. But Lex didn’t have an answer for her.

“According to the documents Lex managed to dig up Clark Kent was adopted, in somewhat *strange* circumstances around the time of the meteor shower,” began Lionel. “The Kents had never indicated that they were in the process of adopting a child, and yet a few days after the shower, papers were rushed through and the Kents had a son. And the judge that helped them was Pete Ross’ mother. I believe young Mr Ross and Mr Kent are friends. This all seems like a cover up.”

Lex pondered what his father had said. Although he had dug up the information on Kent as asked by Lucas he didn’t really study it in great detail, unlike his father. ‘Damn it,’ thought Lex, ‘I should have suspected the same thing.’

‘An easy mistake to make son,’ Lionel’s voice sounded in his head. ‘But remember what I’ve always told you, never dismiss anything.’

Lex nodded at his father.

“I think I’ll drop by Chloe’s later,” said Lucas, “She’s said a couple of times that Clark always seems to be around when something weird in this town happens. Says he has a bit of a hero complex.”

“I seriously doubt any of Mr Kent’s friends know there is anything *different* about him,” said Lillian.

“Probably not mom,” said Lucas, “but she might let something slip that she doesn’t realise is information.”

“Good luck,” said Lex, “on getting Miss Sullivan to let anything slip,” he added to Lucas’ confused look. “The girl thrives on information and doesn’t strike me as being easily manipulated into giving anything away, whether she deems it important or not.”

“My goodness,” exclaimed Lillian with a smile, “did you just pay Chloe Sullivan, the infuriating nosey teenage reporter, as you call her, a compliment Lex?”

“No, it’s an observation, *not* a compliment,” stated Lex.

“Oh, so you’ve been *observing* her then,” smirked Lionel.

“We are straying from the subject at hand,” said Lex, eager to turn the conversation away from himself and Chloe Sullivan. ‘Me and Chloe Sullivan’ he thought, ‘now where did that come from?’ Shaking his head as if to rid himself of such thoughts he looked up to see his parents grinning at him.

Sensing her eldest son’s discomfort at the direction the conversation had taken Lillian turned to Lucas. “See what you can find out from Chloe, but don’t push to hard, I agree with Lex she won’t be easy to dupe. And I don’t want you doing anything that will stop her from coming here. Ok?”

“Yes mother,” grinned Lucas, he got up, kissed her cheek and left the room. As he did he heard his father ask Lex, “So how long have you been observing Miss Sullivan?” and he laughed all the way down the corridor.

2nd July 2004, 17:26
Great job ;)

eurydices falling
2nd July 2004, 17:45
Sweet&#33; I finally got to catch up on this story. Lillian is the most kick ass mother on earth. Love the fact that Lex can&#39;t help but put himself and Chloe together in his head. ;) Now I don&#39;t suppose Lex could stop by the crib when Chloe is all alone? Not that I&#39;m rushing for smut...nope no smut for me...smut free zone that&#39;s me...just a little biscuit Fi. I just need a little hit. I&#39;ll even take a dream sequence.

(Is pulled away in a pathetic, degenerate, smut heap by the good people of NS.net as Fi looks on with pity :huh: )

2nd July 2004, 18:23
Thank you for your new chapter&#33;&#33; It&#39;s perfect&#33;&#33; :worship2: I love Lillian and all of the Luthors&#33;&#33; It sounds like Lionel really doesn&#39;t mind his wife&#39;s plans of getting Lex and Chloe together&#33;&#33; Now Chloe is going to be staying home alone for a week&#33;&#33; :biggrin: Oh, the Chlex possibilities&#33;&#33; Please post again quickly&#33;&#33; :yay2: :chlexsign4: :yay2:

2nd July 2004, 19:35
Originally posted by autumngold@Jul 2 2004, 06:23 PM
Thank you for your new chapter&#33;&#33; It&#39;s perfect&#33;&#33; :worship2: I love Lillian and all of the Luthors&#33;&#33; It sounds like Lionel really doesn&#39;t mind his wife&#39;s plans of getting Lex and Chloe together&#33;&#33; Now Chloe is going to be staying home alone for a week&#33;&#33; :biggrin: Oh, the Chlex possibilities&#33;&#33; Please post again quickly&#33;&#33; :yay2: :chlexsign4: :yay2:
Yep, all that too, and I&#39;ll add a I loved the father/daughter conversation and the observation/compliment line&#33;

Moultipass :chlexsign4:

2nd July 2004, 21:55
Chloe.. alone for a week. Am I the only one thinking Lex should make a booty call? :devil:

3rd July 2004, 00:51
all caught up, wonderful. I love Lillian and Lionel&#39;s relationship. I also love the fact that Lillian didn&#39;t answer Lucas about getting rid of people she doesn&#39;t like. I hope you find someone for Lucas to like so that when Helen dies a horrible painful death and Lex ends up with Chloe he won&#39;t be left out in the cold. After all, we LIKE Lucas.

3rd July 2004, 02:10
This is the Luthor family I would so love to see&#33;

Loved Lillian&#39;s &#39;huff&#39; at her sons and husband... she and Chloe really need to team up to teach the Luthor men a few things. <eg>

Can&#39;t wait to see what everyone gets up to with Gabe gone for a week&#33;


3rd July 2004, 03:13
Great family interaction all around. I love Chloe teasing her father and I love the Luthors teasing Lex. Lillian continues to rock, Helen is sooooo going down&#33;

Wow, a week without parental control. What *will* Chloe do to occupy herself?

Or should I say *who*?

Please more soon.

3rd July 2004, 03:24
I love the way all the Luthors are ganging up on Lex. With Lillian and Lionel especially being so persistent, and with Lucas&#39; friendship with Chloe, Helen Bryce simply won&#39;t stand a chance. Muahahaha.

Though if she died I still wouldn&#39;t mind.

Anyway great update and keep &#39;em coming&#33; :)

3rd July 2004, 06:16
Another wonderful chapter. This story is wonderful in its development. Nothing is being rushed...yeah, I can&#39;t wait for the smut, but the build up is just as exciting.

More soon

4th July 2004, 03:47
Ooooh&#33; How I love this fic&#33; More, please&#33;

4th July 2004, 15:47
This is a fantastic story. I love the Luthor family. Can&#39;t wait to see how Lillian&#39;s plan comes together. Update soon. :wub: :yay: :worship2: :yay:

4th July 2004, 21:42
Love it. More soon please.
Femke :wub:

6th July 2004, 03:49
Originally posted by eurydices falling@Jul 2 2004, 09:45 AM
Lillian is the most kick ass mother on earth.
Word to that. And though I love the hints at Chlexy goodness that you&#39;re throwing in there, I also loved Gabe&#39;s line about not letting Lucas stay over while he was gone. That&#39;s just so Gabe. Nicely done.

7th July 2004, 18:49
Ok, a quick update for everyone.... :biggrin: ....Fiona


Chapter Twenty Four – Kisses and Screams

“So, free house for a week Chloe,” grinned Lucas, “*whatever* will you get up to?”

“Nothing if I have to obey the six million rules my dad had decided to lay down,” Chloe replied back with a grin of her own. “Seriously though it will be nice to have the place to myself.”

The pair where seated on the couch in the Sullivan’s living room. Lucas had called to the door literally seconds after Gabe had left. Lucas glanced over at Chloe as she squirmed on the seat to get into a more comfortable position. He wasn’t quite sure of what his exact feelings for her where. Yes he was attracted to her; yes they had fun, yes they had hit it off pretty quickly and fallen into a comfortable friendship, but was that it.

“Did your friends enjoy the party?” he asked her.

“Pete and Katie did,” she replied. “I haven’t really talked to Clark or Lana since then. But on the night Clark looked like he was having fun, while Lana…”

“Looked like she was sucking on a lemon as usual,” interrupted Lucas with a smirk and earning a laugh from Chloe.

“She does have this sour look on her face regularly doesn’t she?” said Chloe between laughs.

“And the poor farm boy is infatuated with her.”

“Clark has been in love with Lana Lang for as long as I can remember,” said Chloe. “It use to really piss me off how he would abandon me and Pete whenever she fluttered her eyelashes. Granted I use to have such a major crush on him but that has gone now. I still care about him as a friend, but that’s it.”

“Obviously a case if temporary insanity,” grinned Lucas, “That’s the only explanation for you having a crush on him.”

“That and the fact he’s really cute,” replied Chloe.

“Oh, so you like *cute* guys,” said Lucas, leaning closer to her.

“I think I’ve progressed past just *cute*,” she retorted, leaning towards him.

A smirk formed on Lucas’ mouth. “Ah, so you’ve progressed onto devilishly handsome and sexy billionaires then?” Their faces were so close now.

Chloe’s eyes flickered from his eyes to his mouth and then back to his eyes, “well it is a *natural* progression,” she replied softly and then licked her suddenly dry lips.

Lucas’ eyes widened as he followed the movement of her tongue. “A very *natural* progression,” he whispered and touched his lips to hers, kissing her gently.

Chloe gasped softly, but soon shut her eyes and kissed him back just as gently. Lucas moved his arms and rested his hands on her waist as he traced his tongue along her lips. She parted her mouth and rested her hands on his shoulders. Lucas slowly slid his tongue into Chloe’s mouth and tangled with hers.

A low groan escaped her throat and she pulled Lucas closer to her. That was all the encouragement he needed and deepened the kiss, slowly pushing Chloe back as he did so.

‘Something’s missing,’ ran through both their minds as they kissed.

After a few moments Lucas sensed Chloe’s need to breath and he released her lips slowly. Her eyes fluttered open and fell on his. Chloe cleared her throat, “that was…” she began.

“…Nice,” answered Lucas. Wide smiles appeared on both their faces and then they both burst out laughing.

Lucas got up off her and Chloe sat up.

“I don’t think we’ll set the world on fire as passionate lovers,” said Lucas, his tone amused.

“No,” she replied, “but we might set it on fire as friends.”

“It’s a sorry state of affairs when international playboy Lucas Luthor can only get to the status of friends with a beautiful girl. How my reputation will suffer…” He placed his hand to his heart and laid his head on Chloe’s shoulder.

“Poor Lucas,” mocked Chloe, patting his leg. She shook her head slightly as if trying to understand what had happened. She had kissed Lucas Luthor, and it seems like both of them realised that there wasn’t a spark there and they had just fallen back into their friendship. There wasn’t even any awkwardness, of which she was grateful.

“I suppose I’ll survive,” he said dramatically, although a grin graced his features.

“Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone,” she said with a laugh. “I won’t sell my story to the ‘Inquisitor’ or anything like that. Your secret is safe with me.”

Lucas lifted his head and smiled at her. “I think you and I will be just fine Chloe.”

“I think so too,” she replied.


The two men standing outside the closed door grimaced as another pained scream rang out. The silence of the corridor had been pierced with steady growing screams of agony for several hours.

Dominic had decided to take his recent frustrations at being thwarted by the Luthors out on a number of human workers from a local Luthor-Corp plant. For the last few hours he had been torturing them as evidenced by the twisted and mangled bodies of three of the workers that lay on the ground in a bloody mess. Over in the corner a young boy was curled up, crying with fear as he watched Dominic wrap the whip around the young woman he had been currently torturing and slowly strangle her.

“Scream,” Dominic whispered to the girl. She clawed her broken fingers against the whip trying to pull it from her neck. “Scream,” he said louder, pulling tighter on the leather.

‘NO,’ her mind screamed, ‘don’t.’

“Bitch,” hissed Dominic, “scream for me you bitch.” He grabbed one of her hands and squeezed hard and the broken digits. Her eyes glazed over in pain and she struggled to breathe, but still no screams came from her mouth.

“ARGH,” shouted Dominic, losing his patience. He removed the whip from her throat and dropped it to the floor. He grabbed her head and with one swift twist broke her neck. Releasing his hands her lifeless body crumpled to the floor.

Dominic closed his eyes and took a deep unneeded breath. When he exhaled he turned around and faced the young boy in the corner. “How old are you?” he asked.

The boy pushed himself further into the corner, pressed tightly against the wall, tears streaming down his face.

“I asked you a question,” said Dominic, moving closer to him, “I expect an answer.”

“F-F-Fifteen,” stammered the boy.

An evil smile appeared on Dominic’s face and he slowly licked his lips. “I didn’t realise Luthor-Corp was hiring so young.”

“I-I-I don’t work there,” the boy whispered, “I was there to meet my-my dad.”

“Ah, just a poor innocent caught in the crossfire,” laughed Dominic. “Now stand up my dear boy, let me get a better look at you.”

The boy didn’t move.

“Stand. Up. Now.”

A sob escaped the boy’s throat and he shakily got to his feet. Dominic ran his eyes over the shaking boy. The only clothes still on him were his jeans. ‘They’ll be gone soon,’ he thought. He stood right in front of the boy and grasped his chin gently lifting his head to look at him, “what’s your name?”

“G-G-Gary,” he stammered.

“Gary,” repeated Dominic as he ran a finger down the boy’s wet cheek. “How *innocent* are you Gary?” he whispered into the boy’s ear.


“Innocent my dear boy. How innocent are you? Are you still a… virgin?”

The boy’s eyes widened in fear as Dominic’s hand slowly moved down his chest.

“What did I tell you Gary about answering me when I ask a question?”

“Yes,” he whispered, his voice breaking, “I am still a virgin.”

“Wonderful,” purred Dominic. “And tell me my lovely boy, will you *scream* for me?” His hand had moved to the waistband of Gary’s jeans.

“Please, please don’t do this,” sobbed Gary.

“Begging is good,” smiled Dominic, unbuttoning the jeans. “But screaming is better. And believe me lovely boy, you WILL scream.”

7th July 2004, 19:25
Why is it that I feel sorry for someone I don&#39;t even know? :unsure: Maybe &#39;cause your descriptions are just so real... :ohmy:
Anyway, great chapter, loved the Chlucas scene and it&#39;s good that there wasn&#39;t any awkwardness after their kiss, their friendship&#39;s just too good to be lost over something like that&#33;

More soon please&#33; :biggrin:

Moultipass :chlexsign4:

7th July 2004, 19:30
Fi, Chlucas :nono: but good update. :lol:

Hope :blinkkiss:

7th July 2004, 19:43
Damn&#33; Dominic is a sick fuck. He needs psychological help...or to be killed. You know, either way. I&#39;m voting for the latter.

The Chlucas scene was fab though. I loved that they acknowledged that there was no chemistry spark between them other than friendship and that there was no awkwardness afterward.

7th July 2004, 21:42
:biggrin: chlucas was funny and great, and domonic&#33;&#33;&#33; :devil: Blech, that guy needs to die, very soon&#33;

7th July 2004, 22:36
well, no to sound too needy or whiny, but WHERE IS THE PURE CHLEX SCENES GOING TO HAPPEN?&#33; :crygreen:

see? not too needy or whiny, jsut plain sîmple scary sentences&#33; :devil:

me wants more&#33; :worship2:

xox LaLa

7th July 2004, 22:38
Originally posted by LaLa@Jul 7 2004, 10:36 PM
well, no to sound too needy or whiny, but WHERE IS THE PURE CHLEX SCENES GOING TO HAPPEN?&#33; :crygreen:

U know I love this fic, but she&#39;s kinda right&#33;

Moultipass :chlexsign4:

7th July 2004, 22:39
Originally posted by LaLa@Jul 7 2004, 10:36 PM
well, no to sound too needy or whiny, but WHERE IS THE PURE CHLEX SCENES GOING TO HAPPEN?&#33; :crygreen:

U know I love this fic, but she&#39;s kinda right&#33; :blinkkiss:

Moultipass :chlexsign4:

8th July 2004, 04:01
“I don’t think we’ll set the world on fire as passionate lovers,” said Lucas, his tone amused.

“No,” she replied, “but we might set it on fire as friends.”

That exchange right there? Brilliant. I LOVE how you&#39;ve built the Chlucas friendship, I am sure they will need to draw upon that relationship as the story progresses.

You&#39;re doing a wonderful job with Dominic, too. I&#39;m scared of the creepy bastard and he&#39;s only pixels on my screen&#33;

Thanks for the update.

8th July 2004, 07:33
I&#39;m so proud of the tortured girl for not screaming&#33;&#33; Dominic wasn&#39;t going to let her live anyway, at least she died knowing he didn&#39;t get what he wanted from her&#33;&#33; But that poor, poor boy&#33;&#33; I hope Dominic dies a horrible, painfull death, but only after being tortured for weeks first&#33;&#33; Thanks for the new chapter&#33;&#33; :chlexsign4:

8th July 2004, 08:21
Originally posted by moultipass1+Jul 7 2004, 04:39 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (moultipass1 @ Jul 7 2004, 04:39 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-LaLa@Jul 7 2004, 10:36 PM
well, no to sound too needy or whiny, but WHERE IS THE PURE CHLEX SCENES GOING TO HAPPEN?&#33; :crygreen:

U know I love this fic, but she&#39;s kinda right&#33; :blinkkiss:

Moultipass :chlexsign4: [/b][/quote]
I must agree, my authoress buddy.

And I want a Lucas action figure. Yes, I do... A life-sixed Lucas action figure. ;)

8th July 2004, 15:05
What you&#39;ve got to understand is that Fi likes to take her dear sweet time. Fi and ficlets don&#39;t mix. Therefore, you must be patient, because believe me, when she gets to the Chlex, she *gets* to the Chlex. This is probably chapter 24 out of 40 (not officially) so just hang in there, and trust me, good things come to those who are patient.


8th July 2004, 15:12
I agree with Blaire... Hope never disapointed us... she is a pure genious... just be patient... We all know we won&#39;t regret it&#33; ;)

8th July 2004, 21:45
Originally posted by Sunny@Jul 8 2004, 02:12 PM
I agree with Blaire... Hope never disapointed us... she is a pure genious... just be patient... We all know we won&#39;t regret it&#33; ;)
Sunny don&#39;t you mean Fi? :lol:

Hope :blinkkiss:

9th July 2004, 01:19
Mah. I know Fi likes to take her sweet ass time and that&#39;s all fine and dandy but... *sigh* Anyhoo, as much as the thought used to make me weird, the Chluas scene was adorable. They&#39;re just so cute and sweet. :wub: And Dominic... well he&#39;s one sick, scary, and twisted fuck. I think he needs a smack on the hand because he&#39;s been a naughty, naughty, boy. Or, you know, you could just behead him or dismember him slowy or something as equally gruesome. That would get the message across too. :biggrin:

More soon&#33;

~Manda :blinkkiss:

9th July 2004, 05:57

Fi, love your latest chapter, that Dominic is one sick deranged vamp. I hope the Luthors plan a slow painful death for him, lots of torment.

Love the Lucas/Chloe friendship and the way their kiss made them realize that their not ment to be lovers just good friends. Maybe Lucas can start helping his mother to set up Chloe with Lex.

Any chance that Lex could get a little taste of Chloe&#39;s blood, maybe have her get a paper cut and without thinking Lex takes her finger and licks the blood off? I would love to see what affect a few drops of her blood would have on Lex&#39;s demon. It would be kinda funny if Lex started having problems "preforming" with other women after tasting Chloe&#39;s blood.

I hope you will have another chapter ready soon.


9th July 2004, 11:56
I loved the Chlucas scene, I really agree that the two of them would make really good friends. So, can we safely add Lucas to the list of Chlex matchmakers in this fic? ;)

And as for Dominic... he&#39;s just sick. Can we safely add him to the list of characters that are going to die a very painful death?

9th July 2004, 17:35
disturbing scene at the end....dominic is truly a foe to be wary of....

9th July 2004, 19:13
*loves on Lillian*

*hates on Dominic*

*snickers on Lex*

*huggles Chloe and Lucas for being so gosh darn friendly/cute*

10th July 2004, 17:42
Hey all.. I know the Chlex is slow in this, but as I said at the very beginning this is going to be a long fic..novel length the way things are going :biggrin: But please, be patient and stick with it..it will be worthwhile.. (eventually :devil: ) Fiona


Chapter Twenty Five – Invites

“Hello darling,” said Lillian as Lucas entered the room.

“Where are dad and Lex?” he asked taking the seat beside her.

“Your father got a call from Metropolis and left immediately,” replied Lillian, “Lex is with that *woman*…”

Lucas smiled at the venom in his mother’s voice when she mentioned Helen. And he couldn’t blame her; he had found no redeeming qualities in his brother’s latest bedmate.

“You’re home early,” she commented, “did something happen with Chloe?”

“Yes and no,” said Lucas.

Lillian gave him a confused look. “And a little more detail would be nice,” she said with a smile.

“We were talking, and then we were kissing,” began Lucas, “and it was nice, but…but there was…”

“Something missing,” finished Lillian. “And did Chloe feel the same way?”

Lucas nodded, “I really like Chloe, but we’re only going to be friends. There is a spark there, but it’s of friendship not passion.”

“Are you ok about this?”

“That’s just it, I am. In fact I was very relieved that the kiss didn’t make things awkward between us. We both realised at the same time that, while the kiss was nice, it didn’t set off any fireworks. And immediately settled back into our easy friendship.”

“Well then, why do I sense disappointment in you?” asked Lillian.

“Because of you mom. Because I think you want Chloe to be a more *permanent* part of our family. I know we haven’t known her long, but you are very fond of her, I can tell.”

“Oh you sweet boy,” smiled Lillian, pulling her youngest son into a hug. “I’m very happy that you and Chloe are friends. Yes I am fond of her, but don’t feel disappointed because there isn’t anything deeper between you to.”

Lucas hugged his mother back, feeling his apprehension disappearing. “Oh by the way she’ll be on her own for a week soon. Gabe is being sent to the Luthor-Corp convention,” he said when they ended their embrace.

“MMM, we must invite her to dinner on one of the evenings,” mused Lillian. ‘I never really believed Chloe was the one for you Lucas,’ she thought, ‘but she will be part of this family, of that I have no doubts.’


“How many in total?” asked Lionel sounding weary and feeling every one of his 750 years.

“Six, including the fifteen-year-old son of one of the security guards,” said the man. “The poor kid was here to meet his dad, and just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. You would not believe what they did to his body.”

They were standing in an underground car park of the Luthor-Corp building in Metropolis surrounded by the *remains* of the staff and young boy that had been missing.

“How the hell did five members of the staff and a young boy get *taken* from a building with as much security as this one? A building where you, Mr Robinson, are head of security.”

“I don’t have an explanation Mr Luthor,” said Robinson, “I have no idea how Dominic’s men got in.”

Lionel’s eyes flashed gold, “*what* did you say?”

“N-N-Nothing,” stammered the man, realising his slip immediately.

Lionel shot out an arm and wrapped his hand around the security man’s neck. “I don’t remember ever mentioning the name Dominic. Now you are going to tell me everything Mr Robinson, or your death will be very slow and *very* painful.” He squeezed the man’s throat tightly and then released it enough so he could talk.

“Please Mr Luthor, you don’t know what he threatened to do if I didn’t help him,” begged Robinson.

“So to save your own fat ass you sent six people including a child to their deaths. You pathetic coward,” snarled Lionel. His face changed and Robinson struggled against the arm holding him. “You should have come to me or one of my sons when Dominic threatened you. Who else among my staff is being *threatened* by him?”

“No one,” gasped Robinson, as Lionel’s hand tightened around his throat.

“I don’t believe you,” hissed Lionel. He slammed the man against the wall once and let him drop to the ground. Looking over his shoulder he nodded to the two men standing near his car. They made their way over to Lionel immediately.

“Our Mr Robinson here is a little reluctant to divulge some information I believe him privy too. I would like you two gentlemen to show him the errors of his ways.”

“Yes sir Mr Luthor,” said one of the men with a grin on his face.

A look of pure fear crossed Robinson’s face as the two men advanced on him. “Mr Luthor please,” he pleaded as they began dragging him away. “Please…”

Lionel spared a quick glance at the remains of his workers and then turned and walked away, ignoring Robinson’s pleas.


“That’s fine Lex,” said Gabe, “and no a week isn’t a problem. I think at this stage Chloe should be able to look after herself,” he added with a chuckle.

Chloe was in the front room listening to her dad’s phone conversation and rolled her eyes at his comment about her looking after herself. “Keep that talk up dad and you’ll come home to no house,” she muttered to herself.

“There’s no need to send a car I can take my own,” Gabe continued with his phone conversation. “Well if you insist. Yes, I have all that. Wednesday morning, you’ll send a car. I’ll be ready to 8.00am. Again thank you for this opportunity Lex, I won’t let Luthor-Corp down.”

“Damn it,” said Chloe, “why can’t I hear what Lex is saying.”

“That’s very kind of you to say Lex. Ok bye.”

When she heard her dad saying goodbye, Chloe grabbed a magazine from the table and started flicking through it as her dad walked into the front room.

“It’s a proud moment in any father’s life when his daughter takes an interest in fishing,” he said with a grin when he saw what she was reading. “Does this mean you’ll finally come on a fishing trip with me?”

“Gabe Sullivan, comedian extraordinaire,” deadpanned Chloe, throwing the magazine away. ‘Note to self,’ she thought, ‘check which magazine you pick to cover up that you were listening in on phone calls in the future.’

“I’m guessing you *overheard* the call,” said Gabe.

“I… may have picked up a sentence or two,” she replied with a grin. “So you’re off Wednesday morning, and gone till the *next* Wednesday?”

“Yes, and there will be an unprecedented amount of rules for you to uphold while I’m away,” said Gabe.

“*Unprecedented* and *uphold*,” teased Chloe. “Dad have you been at my thesaurus again?”

“Now’s who the comedian,” retorted Gabe. “But seriously Chlo, I won’t be able to do what I’m suppose to do at the convention if I’m not a 100% sure that you are ok.”

“Silly over-protective dad,” muttered Chloe giving her dad a hug.

“Silly rebellious daughter,” muttered Gabe, hugging her back.


“When is Gabe Sullivan heading off to the convention Lex?” asked Lillian.

“Wednesday morning,” replied Lex, fixing two drinks. “I’ve organised a car for him and he’ll be gone for a week.”

“Thank you,” said Lillian, taking the drink from him. “Make sure the security at this is watertight. I’m sure you heard about the others.”

Lex nodded, taking the chair opposite his mother. “Don’t worry, nothing will happen. How’s dad?”

“Ready to go on a rampage,” she replied with sigh. “I’ve sent Lucas to make sure he keeps his fangs in check.”

Lex gave a wry smile to this.

“And where is, Helen this evening?”

“She is working. And please mother try not to sound like you’re about to throw up when you say her name.”

“I’ll do my best. I’ve been thinking, why don’t you invite her for dinner, say next Friday?”

“To eat dinner or *be* dinner?” joked Lex.

“Is that an option,” said Lillian, her tone half-serious.

“Why the invitation mother?”

“*I’m* trying to make an effort to get to know her,” said Lillian, “I thought that is what you wanted. But fine, if you don’t want to bring her, don’t.”

Lex resisted the urge to roll his eyes. “I will be delighted to bring Helen to dinner on Friday night. Thank you mother, for making the effort.”

“You’re welcome darling,” smiled Lillian. ‘And I’ll call Chloe in a couple of days time and invite her,’ she added to herself.

10th July 2004, 19:53
Fi, I love this fic so much, everytime I see that it has been updated I do a random little happy dance that makes me glad no one ever sees it. Anyway, as much as I love Chlex, I also love the plot of this story and I love every bit of it. So continue at your own pace, I wont rush you, but if you didn&#39;t feel like putting a little more Chlex interaction, not even smut I&#39;ll bake you a choclate cake.... :biggrin:


10th July 2004, 20:03
:biggrin: ahhhhhh, the awesomeness that is your fics&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;

10th July 2004, 21:17
i love this story but when are chlex getting together

eurydices falling
10th July 2004, 22:23
Seven course meal for six

New designer dress

Scheming mother who knows Chloe will verbal judo chop Helen&#39;s dumb ass

10th July 2004, 23:29
Even without Chlex you deliver another excellent chapter&#33;&#33; Poor Chloe, having to put up with Helen during dinner&#33;&#33; She had better not have to put up with Helen&#39;s attitude&#33;&#33; Maybe Chloe could show Lex how wrong Helen is for him?&#33;&#33; :yay2: Please&#33;&#33; Thank you so much for this great story&#33;&#33; :chlexsign3:

11th July 2004, 03:28
I love Lillian.

&#39;Nuff said.

11th July 2004, 03:29
I love Lillian. She rocks. And I can&#39;t wait to see Friday night go down. That&#39;s going to be interesting as hell.

~Manda :blinkkiss:

11th July 2004, 04:47
:lol: I love it.

Hope :blinkkiss:

11th July 2004, 05:20
Originally posted by eurydices falling@Jul 10 2004, 10:23 PM
Seven course meal for six

New designer dress

Scheming mother who knows Chloe will verbal judo chop Helen&#39;s dumb ass
What she said....Fi i love this fic and i love that Lillian is setting this up. now hurry up and update soon, i want chlex&#33;


11th July 2004, 05:23
“To eat dinner or *be* dinner?” joked Lex.

“Is that an option,” said Lillian, her tone half-serious.
Lillian cracks me up.

More Soon

11th July 2004, 06:32
I want a mom like Momma Luth-ah&#33; YEAH&#33;

Lillian rocks my socks off.

11th July 2004, 06:37
I do love this fic, but I love anything having to do with vampires. Chloe and vampire Lex make it even better. :biggrin:

11th July 2004, 08:39
You know, my love for this story grows with each chapter. Not only do I love the plot, I love the Luthors. This is the family I imagine and can see Chloe with and a part of. Not to mention, Mama Luthor rocks and Daddy Luthor just rules.

That said, I so can&#39;t wait to see Chloe take Helen down a peg or two. Oh the sparks, and just imagine Lionel and Lillian&#39;s reactions. ;)

Seriously, Fi, take all the time you want, just keep updating regularly, please? Every time I see an update I follow several others here and do a happy dance, no matter where I&#39;m at&#33;&#33;

Love it&#33;&#33;


11th July 2004, 08:56
Yay&#33; I can&#39;t wait for Chloe to rip Helen a new one at the dinner party. And can&#39;t wait to see what the Luthors&#39; revenge on Dominic will be.

Thanks for the update, and more soon&#33;

11th July 2004, 14:36
OMG, what a dinner that will be&#33; :yay:

Great new chapters&#33; :biggrin:

11th July 2004, 16:33
Love Mama Luthor&#39;s insight to the fact that Chloe *will* be a part of the clan. And I can&#39;t wait to see the verbal judo chop Kam mentioned.

Have I mentioned yet that I love this story? *guh*


11th July 2004, 17:52
Scheming mother who knows Chloe will verbal judo chop Helen&#39;s dumb ass
Damn skippy, can&#39;t wait to see it happen. I love Lillian and her scheming ways. I want Helen to be a stain on the floor when Lillian and Chloe get done with her&#33;

Fab update. You&#39;ve been working hard and we are grateful.

12th July 2004, 05:07
Fi, This is really good...

Even when there aren&#39;t Chlex scenes it&#39;s good. It&#39;s worth it to wait for something to happen between them.

You are my hero :worship2:


12th July 2004, 14:51
Originally posted by hfce@Jul 8 2004, 09:45 PM
Sunny don&#39;t you mean Fi? :lol:

Hope :blinkkiss:
Oups, you&#39;re right... God, I&#39;m tired... lol
Wonderful chapter... as usual... :yay:

12th July 2004, 18:27
I love it, can&#39;t they just eat Helen? Of course then they might all end up with indigestion.

12th July 2004, 18:58
Thanks&#33;&#33;&#33; :biggrin: I love the Chlucas and I&#39;m already enjoying the future Chlex&#33;&#33;&#33;

Please come back and update. :worship2:

12th July 2004, 19:06
I should be praising you for the obvious Chlexy-goodness setup, but that voice in the back of my head keeps telling me that you&#39;re going to bring the dual storylines together soon and Chloe or Gabe is going to get caught in the crossfire with Dominic.

*deep breath*

Okay, concentrating on the present, or rather, the immediate future. That dinner will be a blast. Helen will be shown for the golddigging bitch she really is yet again, which is always fun. :)

13th July 2004, 01:57
wow, this is my first time on this board and my first time posting, so yay me&#33; i read all the chapters that are posted all in one sitting. i was hooked, and dark lex seems so much more sexy than nice lex. however, fluffy, happy in love with chloe lex rules above eveything. can&#39;t wait till the next installment&#33; great job&#33; :worship2:




Remember me when I am gone away,
Gone far away into the silent land;
When you can no more hold me by the hand,
Nor I half turn to go, yet turning stay.
Remember me when no more day by day
You tell me of our future that you plann&#39;d:
Only remember me; you understand
It will be late to counsel then or pray.
Yet if you should forget me for a while
And afterwards remember, do not grieve
For if the darkness and corruption leave
A vestige of the thoughts that once I had,
Better by far you should forget and smile
Than that you should remember and be sad.

Christina Georgina Rossetti. 1830–1894

14th July 2004, 19:47
Ok good, you&#39;re gonna stick with it... Thanks so much......Fiona :biggrin:

__________________________________________________ _______________

Chapter Twenty Six – Departures


Although Gabe had been joking about setting down an *unprecedented* amount of rules for when he was away, he did sit Chloe down on the evening before he was due to leave. And for an hour he went through what she could and couldn’t do, whom she was to contact if there was any trouble etc, etc.

Chloe thought back to their conversation with a smile on her face as she sipped her coffee. She could hear her dad moving about upstairs, getting together the last few bits and pieces he needed for his trip.

“7.45am,” she groaned as she glanced at the clock. “Such a godforsaken inhuman hour to be up at. Although I guess I’ll be early to school for once.”

“Chloe, have you seen my briefcase?” Gabe’s voice shouted out.

“I’m looking at it,” she shouted back, grinning at said item sitting on the table.

There was some more movement upstairs and then the sound of Gabe coming down the stairs. “Well that’s everything,” he said, entering the kitchen. He took the chair opposite Chloe and reached for his briefcase.

“Now, you have the number of the hotel, and the convention centre?”

“Yes dad,” she replied.

“And you know to call the Kents or the Ross’ if you need anything?”

“Yes dad, we’ve been through this a few times now.”

“I know sweetie, but please humour me again,” smiled Gabe, taking Chloe’s hand.

“I have all the numbers, they are committed to memory, I know who to contact if anything happens. I will look after myself and make sure that I eat. I will do all my homework. I won’t have any parties. And I solemnly promise that the house will still be standing when you get back,” she finished with a grin. “I’ll be fine dad,” she added, squeezing his hand gently.

“I know, I know,” replied Gabe, “but it’s a father’s prerogative to worry.”

“And it’s a daughter’s prerogative to be completely embarrassed by it,” she grinned.

The sound of the doorbell ringing ended their conversation. Giving her dad’s hand one last squeeze Chloe got up and headed out to answer the door.

When she opened it she found Andrew, the Luthors driver. “Hi,” she said, “do you want to come in? Maybe grab a coffee?”

“Hello again Miss Sullivan,” he smiled back, “and no thank you I’m fine. Is Mr Sullivan ready to leave?”

“I am,” said Gabe, walking down the hall, a suitcase in one hand, and his briefcase in the other.

“Let me take that for you sir,” said Andrew, relieving Gabe of the suitcase. “Miss Sullivan,” he said with a nod to Chloe and made his way down the driveway to the limo.

“Ok sweetheart. Please just take care of yourself,” said Gabe, pulling his daughter into a hug.

“I will dad, and you take care of yourself as well,” she replied hugging him back.

“I love you Chloe,” he whispered as they pulled back.

“I love you too dad.”

He gave her one last smile and then left the house. He quickly made his way down the driveway and into the waiting car. Andrew closed the limo door after him and moved around to the driver’s seat. Gabe lowered the window and waved at Chloe as the car started. She waved back as the car took off.

When the car had disappeared from sight, Chloe sighed deeply before entering the house again to get her things for school.


“I’m thinking of inviting a couple of people to dinner on Friday,” said Lillian. “Will you be here?”

“And just *who* are you planning on inviting?” replied Lionel with a smirk.

“Oh, just you, me, the boys, Chloe and Helen,” she grinned back.

“Amazing, you managed to say Helen’s name without a hint of venom in your voice.”

“I’ve been practising Lionel. Aren’t you impressed?”

Lionel let out a short laugh to this. “Considering the inspired guest list how could I not be here?”

“Perfect. I shall call Chloe tomorrow to invite her,” replied Lillian.

“That young girl has really had an impact on this family,” commented Lionel, “especially you and Lucas.”

“She’s impacted you as well my dear, and that impact will hit Lex eventually,” she grinned.

“I shall this only once Lillian. Be very careful in whatever it is that you have planned. I don’t like Helen any more than you do, but remember Lex is at a vulnerable state at the moment. You could end up pushing him in the direction you don’t want him to go in. So, again, be careful,” said a serious Lionel. “And of course let me know if you need my help,” he added after a moment with a grin.

“I know what I am doing Lionel,” replied Lillian with an air of confidence.

“And that is what frightens me,” he mumbled, earning a slap on the shoulder from his wife.



Driving along the main street Lex noticed his brother’s car parked outside the Talon. Parking his own car behind it he got out and headed inside. Spotting him at the counter he made his way over to him.

“Black coffee,” he said to the girl behind the counter.

“Bad day&#33;” grinned Lucas.

After paying for his coffee Lex motioned for them to go to a table. “Mother has invited Helen to dinner tomorrow night,” he said when they had sat down. “It took some persuading to get Helen to agree.”

“I think that’s a good idea,” replied Lucas, “at least mom’s making an effort to get to know the ice queen.”

“Don’t start Lucas, I’m not in the mood. And she’s not an ice queen.”

“I don’t know what you see in her Lex, ok she’s attractive I suppose but I’ve seen more personality in wet lettuce. Hell even the silly Lang girl has more personality. Either your standards have *really* dropped or she’s incredible in bed. Looking at her I’m going to go with you dropping your standards.”

“I mean it Lucas, cut it out,” Lex growled.

Lucas ceased teasing his brother anymore with the arrival of Chloe. “Chloe,” he called out getting her attention. With a smile on her face she made her way over to them. “Have a seat,” he said.

“Hey Lucas,” she said warmly, “and Lex,” the warmth leaving her voice as she greeted him.

“Can I get you a coffee?” asked Lucas.

“Yes please, mocha with whipped cream. Thanks.”

Flashing a grin at Lex, Lucas left the two of them alone and made his way over to the counter.

Chloe was determined not to say anything. All prior conversations with Lex Luthor had ended up with them arguing so this time she would say nothing and wait patiently for Lucas to return.

Lex watched Chloe out of the corner of eye as she shifted in her seat. He surmised sitting in silence wasn’t part of her nature. He smiled inwardly, as she kept glancing towards the counter, if he could read her mind he guessed she would be wishing Lucas would hurry back. Lex was struck with the urge to see if he could get what he considered a typical Chloe Sullivan reaction from the young woman. His demon was in full agreement. “I hear your father has settled in well at the convention,” he said, conversationally.

“He has,” she replied, “and seems to be enjoying himself.”

“At a work convention&#33;”

Chloe rolled her eyes, “I don’t mean it like that. I mean he’s enjoying being there from a work perspective. My dad takes his job very seriously and for reasons than confound me likes you and wants to make sure you don’t regret sending him there.”

“Oh, you find it confounding that he likes me,” commented Lex, a slight smirk on his face.

“I find it confounding that anyone likes you,” muttered Chloe under her breath.

His smirk grew at her words and he leaned in close to her. “Am I right to assume that *you* don’t *like* me Chloe,” he whispered in her ear.

Chloe shivered when she realised how close he was to her, she turned her head and found herself staring into his eyes. Their noses were almost touching. “I never,” she cleared her throat, “I never said I didn’t like you,” she managed to get out, pulling her head back.

“Oh, so you *do* like me then,” he teased.

“I never said that either,” she retorted while thinking, ‘Insufferable man.’

“Here you go Chloe,” said Lucas, appearing with her coffee.

“Thank you,” she said, her voice carrying a hint of relief. With a smirk still on his face Lex leaned back in his seat and revelled in the relief that Chloe was practically oozing.

Lucas observed to two of them and cocked an eyebrow at his brother.

“Oh, your mother invited me to dinner on Friday night,” piped up Chloe.

“Probably worried that you were looking after yourself,” grinned Lucas. “It should be a good night though, Lex and his *friend* Helen are going to be there as well.

“Great,” mumbled Chloe.

‘Maybe Friday won’t be too bad,’ thought Lex, ‘at least I’ll get some entertainment out of riling the lovely Miss Sullivan. Lovely, now where did that come from?’

Lucas watched as his brother seem to have some sort of an internal conversation with himself. Shaking his head at even trying to understand what went on in Lex’s head he turned his attention back to Chloe. He had been slightly worried at how things would be between Chloe and himself seeing as this was their first real meeting since their kiss. And he was delighted to discover that there was no change or awkwardness at all in their friendship.

“Will this dinner be a dress up thing?” asked Chloe.

“It won’t be black tie if that’s what you mean,” he grinned at her, “but *smart* dress as my mother calls it will be expected.”

“That means not formal but not too casual either,” said Lex.

“I am aware of what it means Mr Luthor,” snapped Chloe.

Lex loved how she said ‘Mr Luthor’ when she was annoyed at him, and he couldn’t wait to see how Helen and Chloe would interact on Friday night.

Lucas smiled to himself as he watched Chloe and Lex. ‘Friday will be fun,’ he thought, ‘I wonder if mom knows that it will not be a quiet evening.’

14th July 2004, 20:31
I can&#39;t wait for Friday, I can&#39;t wait for Friday&#33;&#33; :biggrin: Has Lex even noticed that Chloe doesn&#39;t melt when he uses his seductive techniques on her? I would think that he would admire that?&#33;&#33; Oh well, maybe in time&#33;&#33; :yay2: Thanks for the great chapter&#33;&#33; :chlexsign4:

14th July 2004, 20:35
:biggrin: ohhhhh, tease tease tease, but I have this stuipid big grin on my face&#33;&#33; I love this so much&#33;&#33;&#33; great chappy&#33; :worship2:

14th July 2004, 20:45
Ooooh&#33; Interesting update. :biggrin: I can&#39;t wait for the Friday dinner. :chlexsign3:

14th July 2004, 21:19
This got a grin on my face.... :D


14th July 2004, 22:57
I am so smiling right now. This chapter was exactly what I needed to brighten my day, and how I can&#39;t WAIT for Friday.

The sparks are gonna fly and I can&#39;t wait to see what Mama Luthor has planned&#33;


14th July 2004, 23:07
So i have been reading this story for awhile, and I have to say I really love it. Can&#39;t wait for the next part. Please UPDATE soon.
Amy :worship2:

15th July 2004, 03:14
So, yeah...I&#39;ve been reading this story for a while and I must say:

IT&#39;S ABSOLUTELY F....AMAZING&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;

I love it&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; I love Lillian, love Lionel, love Lucas and love Lex&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; Chloe is wonderful as well&#33;&#33;&#33;


:wub: Love it&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;

We need CHLEX&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;

Miss Parker
15th July 2004, 04:48
L :worship2: ove it ,love it.I need more chloe and Lex Love .please

15th July 2004, 05:47
Okay, now&#33; Time for another update&#33;

15th July 2004, 06:06
and he couldn’t wait to see how Helen and Chloe would interact on Friday night.
Oh me too, me too&#33;&#33;&#33; I can&#39;t WAIT&#33; Update soon&#33;

~Manda :blinkkiss:

15th July 2004, 06:26
Will *we* be getting an update on Friday. You know to coincide with Friday at the Luthors?

Lovely, lovely chapter.


Is it Friday yet?

15th July 2004, 13:20
*Sigh* I have to agee with Kris, I can&#39;t help but think all this sweet and funny Gabe and Chloe interaction is leading to something possibly happening to either of them courtesy of that sick bastard Dominic. Please prove me wrong&#33;&#33;&#33;

i will also join the chorus of people counting the hours until the big event on Friday night. Is it wrong for me to picture Helen&#39;s head on big silver platter surrounded by springs of parsley with an apple stuck in her mouth?

Great update, Fi&#33;

S.Ann Smith
16th July 2004, 01:43

btw Fi this is an awesome fic :)

16th July 2004, 06:11
“Amazing, you managed to say Helen’s name without a hint of venom in your voice.”

“I’ve been practising Lionel. Aren’t you impressed?”
I love Lillian/Lionel&#33; Their banter sort of reminds me of Lex and Chloe&#39;s. Also loved Lucas&#39; likening of Helen to the wet lettuce. Friday soon, please&#33;

16th July 2004, 16:06
Ok this is for Shay, who asked so nicely..... :biggrin: Fiona


Chapter Twenty Seven – Dinner

“That means not formal but not too casual either,” muttered Chloe as she checked her appearance in the mirror. “Stupid annoying Lex Luthor. Why is it after every conversation with him I end up in a bad mood?”

‘Maybe because you let him get to you,’ a voice in her head spoke up.

“I can’t help it… he’s just so…ARGH. Anyway what am I doing having an argument with myself about Lex Luthor. I am going to enjoy this evening, Lucas and Mr and Mrs Luthor will be there, so I can talk to them and *ignore* Lex.”

She had decided on a long black skirt with a split at the back. A multi-coloured blouse and calf-high black boots completed the outfit. “Not formal and not too casual,” she repeated, “take that Lex Luthor… and that’s the last *voluntary* mention of him this evening.”

Nodding at herself in the mirror she grabbed her bag and jacket off the bed and left the room. She had turned down Lucas’ offer of picking her up, saying she had something to do before heading to the castle. And therefore she’d take her own car. During her phone conversation earlier with her dad she had told him about the dinner invitation to which Gabe had told her, as usual, not to get him fired.

Grabbing her car keys off the table she left the house, checking her watch as she walked to her car. “Right just enough time to pick up my order and get to the castle.”


“How many employees are at the Luthor-Corp plant in Smallville?” asked Dominic.

“Over a 150, and that is inclusive of the office and security staff. There are also thirty-five part time workers,” said a very nervous sounding man.

“Are they all human?” smiled Dominic.

“A couple of the senior staff aren’t, and approximately seventy-five percent of the security staff aren’t either. Although the actual plant manager is human.”

“How productive is this particular plant?”

“It’s very productive. Even though it hasn’t been open long, it’s already in the top fifteen most productive Luthor-Corp plants in the states,” said the man, checking his figures.

Dominic leaned back in his chair. “Perfect,” he said.

“What are you planning on doing?” asked the man.

“That is of no concern to you. You many leave now. If I require your services again I will contact you.”

“Yes sir,” mumbled the man and quickly left the room.

“I think a grand gesture is required this time,” said Dominic to the empty room. “Something that will really draw the Luthors into a war.” He got up from behind his desk and began pacing the room. “I think I have the ideal thing.” He grabbed his phone off the desk and dialled a number he hadn’t used in years. After a couple of rings a gruff voice answered.

“Oliver, this is Dominic, I need you to come to the States immediately. I have a little job for you.”


Lillian watched through narrowed eyes as Lex and Helen talked in one corner of the room.

“Careful my dear, one of those daggers you are glaring might miss the target,” Lionel’s voice chuckled in her ear.

“Look at her Lionel, waltzing around like she owns the place,” said Lillian. She turned to face her husband, “what if she isn’t just a *distraction*, what if she’s…”

“Lillian don’t torture yourself with thoughts like that,” interrupted Lionel, “at least wait until tonight is over with anyway,” he added with a grin.

“I know Lionel, she just makes my skin crawl.”

“You wouldn’t be talking about the lovely Helen now would you?” laughed Lucas as he joined them.

Lillian was prevented from answering by David appearing at the door. “Miss Sullivan,” he said and stepped to the side to let Chloe in.

This time it was Helen who narrowed her eyes as she watch a huge smile break out on Lillian’s face as she crossed the room to the blonde who had just arrived.

“Chloe, so glad you could come,” said Lillian warmly when she reached the girl. “They are beautiful!” pointing to a display of orchids in her hands.

“Oh these are for you,” said Chloe, “that’s why I’m a little late, these weren’t ready when I went to collect them. Hope you like them.”

“How very kind of you, I love orchids,” smiled Lillian, taking the flowers. “Thank you,” and she leaned forward and kissed Chloe on the cheek.

“Well they are a thank you for… well being so nice to me since you’ve been here,” said Chloe, a slight blush colouring her cheeks.

“You sweet girl,” said Lillian softly.

“Hello Chloe,” said Lionel, joining them with Lucas.

“Hi Mr Luthor, hey Lucas.”

Lucas winked and smiled at her and she couldn’t help but grin back. But that grin faded when she saw Lex making his way over with a brunette.

“Miss Sullivan, delighted to see you,” he smirked.

“Lex, always a pleasure,” replied Chloe.

Helen watched as they seemed to be challenging each other with their eyes and cleared her throat loudly. Lex pulled his gaze from Chloe and turned to Helen. “Helen, this is Chloe Sullivan, Miss Sullivan, this is Helen Bryce.”

“*Doctor* Helen Bryce,” said the brunette holding her hand out.

“*Reporter* Chloe Sullivan,” replied Chloe with a smirk, shaking the other woman’s hand.

All the Luthors, including Lex stifled a laugh at Chloe’s response, while Helen just glared at her.

“I think dinner is about to be served,” said Lionel when he had got control over his facial muscles. He held his arm out to Chloe, “Miss Sullivan, would you do me the honour of allowing me to escort you to dinner?”

“I’d be delighted to,” grinned Chloe, taking his arm.

Helen and Lex followed them, with Lucas escorting his mother. They all made their way to a small dining room, with a table set for six. When all had taken their designated seats, Helen was the only one not happy.

Lionel sat at the head of the table, to his left sat the sour brunette, and beside her was Lucas. Lillian sat at the other end, with Lex to her left and then Chloe beside him.

Chloe was rethinking her gift to Lillian when she saw whom she had ended up sitting beside. Although it was almost worth having to sit through dinner beside Lex to see the look on Helen’s face. The woman looked downright livid. ‘Figures that Lex Luthor would choose a woman as unpleasant as himself,’ she thought.

The meal passed without incident. Varying conversations took place around the table, except for Helen who rarely participated unless it was Lex speaking to her or she got an opportunity to complain, which was usually about Smallville.

“So Chloe, how are you faring on your own?” asked Lionel as the table was cleared and the coffee was served.

“Well let’s just say the microwave has been getting a good work out,” she grinned, taking a sip.

“Please tell me you haven’t been surviving on just micro-waved food,” said Lillian.

“Ok I won’t,” said a sheepish Chloe. “Cooking isn’t my strong point,” she added when she saw the look on Lillian’s face.

“I see,” smiled Lillian.

“Have you been in Smallville long Dr Bryce?” asked Chloe.

“Too long,” replied Helen. “My career is practically on hold by being here. Working in that small hospital, treating plant workers and farmers.”

‘Right that’s it,’ thought Chloe, ‘this bitch is really getting on my nerves.’ “Then why stay?” Chloe asked her.

“Excuse me,” said Helen.

“If you feel you’ve been here too long, why do you stay?” repeated Chloe. “I’m sorry if farmers and plant workers aren’t quite up to your standards or patients. If you don’t like the place, leave. Maybe Metropolis or somewhere *further* away will have a hospital that contains the kind of clientele you want to treat.”

“How dare you?” began Helen.

“You’ve done nothing but complain about Smallville,” interrupted Chloe, “and I don’t understand why you bother staying if you detest the place so much.”

‘I find myself liking this girl more and more,’ Lionel said to his wife. Lillian brought her napkin to her mouth to cover the smile that was there. She glanced quickly at Lex and was delighted to see that his attention was fixed on Chloe.

“I have to stay,” said Helen, looking to Lex briefly. “I have a contract at the hospital.”

“You can get out of that,” said Chloe, “those contracts aren’t iron-clad. My cousin got sent to a hospital to intern that he didn’t like and he requested a transfer which was granted.”

“You lived here all your life *Chloe*, you don’t know what you’re missing outside Smallville.”

Chloe snorted. “We’re not stuck in a time warp *Helen*, we do have electricity here in the sticks. Anyway I was born in Metropolis and lived there till I was eight. My dad is from Smallville and we moved back here. And whether or not I was born here is trivial. The fact of the matter is, if you dislike Smallville you should just leave.”

Helen’s mouth opened and closed a few times as she tried to think of a come back. Not being able to come up with one she sank back in her chair and pouted like a spoilt child.

‘At least that shut her up,’ thought Chloe with a smug grin on her lips, ‘and judging by the way she’s looking at Lex I doubt he’s going to get *any* tonight.’


“I’m sorry about that earlier,” said Chloe to Lillian later. After coffee they had all moved into a drawing room. Lucas was talking with his father. Lex and Helen had disappeared after dinner, and judging by the looks on their faces when they left, Chloe doubted what they were up to was in any way pleasant.

“Sorry for what my dear?” smiled Lillian. “Never apologise for speaking the truth Chloe. You made a valid point, pity she won’t take your advice.”

Chloe laughed at Lillian’s comment. The older woman was making no secret of her dislike for Lex’s *girlfriend*.

Just then Lex entered the room again and made his way over to them.

“Where’s Helen?” asked Lillian.

“Helen sends her thank you for dinner and her apologies for having to leave early. She feels a headache coming on and decided to head home. I’ve sent Andrew to drive her,” he said.

“What a shame,” said Lillian, but her voice carried no hint of being upset that the brunette had left. “Excuse me both of you I need to talk to my husband about something.” And with that Lillian headed over to where Lionel and Lucas were, a smile of her face that went unseen by Chloe and Lex.

Lex settled his eyes on Chloe and she fought the urge to fidget under his gaze.

“What?” she said after a moment.

“Helen wasn’t very happy with you,” he said with a smile.

“I’m sorry if I upset her,” said Chloe, “but all that complaining just got on my nerves. I guess her being upset has put a dent in your plans for the rest of the night,” she added with a grin.

Lex placed on hand on the small table behind Chloe and leaned in close to her. She tried to back away from him but the table hampered her. He ran his tongue over his bottom lip and his demon crowed as Chloe’s eyes widened. “I don’t know about my plans being ruined Chloe,” he said softly, “The night is still relatively young, another… opportunity may present itself. Did I mention that you are looking *very* well this evening?”

Chloe cleared her throat, “yes…well,” she began, feeling quite flustered. She glanced at the clock on the wall. “Oh wow, look at the time, 11.00pm, I never realised it was so late. I should be going.” She scooted around Lex making sure not to touch him at all.

Lex smirked as she hurried away from him and over to the others. He watched as she spoke to his parents.

“Nonsense Chloe,” Lillian said. “You can stay here tonight. We have plenty of room.”

“Mrs Luthor, it’s fine, I can just drive home,” said Chloe.

“Chloe, I won’t take no for an answer. You are staying tonight and that’s it.”

“Thank you Mrs Luthor,” said a defeated Chloe.

“Told you the night was still young,” Lex said as he drew up beside her.

Chloe moved away from him and could hear him laughing and she followed Lillian who had gone to call one of the staff to make up a room for Chloe.

16th July 2004, 16:45
*big squeals*

Oh that was...and Chloe standing up for Smallville to Helen...and Lillian making Chloe stay the night...and Lex...and *swoons*

Okay...fan girl moment aside - I simply adored this part. Beautiful enchanting/entertaining dialogue, wondrous descriptions. I am eagerly looking forward to more.

16th July 2004, 17:01
:biggrin: damn that was good, loved chloe putting helen in her place, and lex was fantastic&#33;&#33; :worship2:

16th July 2004, 18:01
This is wonderful&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;

A wonderful Chloe. I :worship2: her for talking Helen off.

A wonderful Lex...oozing with sex appeal&#33;&#33;

Please update...please please please :cryblue: Will you please? :puppyeyes:

16th July 2004, 18:07
*super squee*

That was wonderful. Chloe telling Helen off - but in a perfectly nice, well-phrased way...Lex *finally* getting flirtatious with her...

Just perfect, Fi.

S.Ann Smith
16th July 2004, 18:22
:yay: firty Lex :worship2: Chloe spending the night

Thats all I have to say. :blinkkiss:

16th July 2004, 19:26
Oh my&#33; This is my favorite chapter yet. Sorry I have not had time to review before, but after this chapter I had to make the time. Did I mention I LOVED this chapter. You rock&#33;

Writing a fic with established characters in a totally different universe let alone a different genre is very difficult. You have done an excellent job in keeping the characters as true and possible and yet incorporated the vamp world seemlessly. I have not see you break any of the generally excpeted vampire rules, which is cool too.

16th July 2004, 20:03
Originally posted by LilyMarielle@Jul 16 2004, 06:01 PM
This is wonderful&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;

A wonderful Chloe. I :worship2: her for talking Helen off.

A wonderful Lex...oozing with sex appeal&#33;&#33;

Please update...please please please :cryblue: Will you please? :puppyeyes:
I love your new chapter so much&#33;&#33; :wub: Thank you so much for the Chlex interaction&#33;&#33; Chloe taking on Helen was just perfect&#33;&#33; :biggrin: Now Chloe is spending the night :eyebrows: &#33;&#33; I can&#39;t wait for your next update&#33;&#33; :worship2: :yay2: :worship2: I love this story&#33;&#33; :heart: :love: :heart:

16th July 2004, 21:40
hey hey hey&#33; big castle + chloe + lex running after chloe = :smut: :eyebrows:

i&#39;m good, i&#39;m REALLY good&#33;....but i&#39;ll be really happy when the next chapter comes up&#33; :cool:

bring on the SMUT&#33; :devil:

:worship2: xxoo LaLa

16th July 2004, 22:32
loving the chlex interaction, especially Chloe shutting Helen up. Can&#39;t wait to find out what happens with Chloe spending the night. Hmmmm Lex, Chloe under one roof for an entire night :devil: , the possibiltiies are endless&#33;&#33;&#33; :chlexsign4:

16th July 2004, 22:52
Originally posted by tthjinni@Jul 16 2004, 04:45 PM
*big squeals*

Oh that was...and Chloe standing up for Smallville to Helen...and Lillian making Chloe stay the night...and Lex...and *swoons*

ditto to everything she said&#33; I have been looking forward to this chapter since the Friday night dinner was arranged. :yay: I couldn&#39;t wait for Chloe to tell Helen off and the wait was well worth it. I hate Helen, she must die.

Update really soon, i can&#39;t wait to see what happens between Chloe and Lex overnight&#33;

:wub: Roslyn

Kit Merlot
16th July 2004, 23:24
Excellent update&#33; How cool is Chloe when she&#39;s telling off Helen? Fabulous :biggrin:

And Lex at his devilishly handsome best :devil:


16th July 2004, 23:44
WON-DER-FUL update&#33;&#33;&#33; :biggrin:

Oooooh Chloe is staying for the night at the Luthor&#39;s mansion, the Luthor&#39;s BIG mansion, so big that nobody would be able to hear Chloe screaming Lex&#39;s name when he... Well I can&#39;t wait for the next part. Please come back. Pleeeease. :chlexsign3:

17th July 2004, 00:27
perfect fi perfect

Miss Parker
17th July 2004, 03:14
:wub: :chlexsign1: I ...can&#39;t... wait ...for ..next chapter ...

17th July 2004, 04:33
wow&#33; :biggrin: now were getting to the chlexyness, when is chloe going to flirt back? he&#39;s right at her fingertips. oh and helen is such a snot i request she get hit by a truck :devil: are you going to give us a little smutty smut smut in the next chapter? well one can hope can&#39;t they :yay2: :yay2: just waiting in anticipation for the next update :yay2: :yay2:

17th July 2004, 05:22
Alright; Lex flirting with Chloe; very good. Lillian insisting Chloe stays over at the castle, even better.
Chloe telling Helen to get the hell out of Smallville and never come back, but in a subtle, Chloe kind of way, priceless. Can&#39;t wait to see how this goes down.

On a side note; that sick Dominic fuck better not lay ONE FANG or any other body part on Gabe OR Chloe&#33;

Totally loving this :biggrin:

~Manda :blinkkiss:

17th July 2004, 07:20
:wub: I love this update Fiona. It was perfect.

Chloe telling off Helen was the highlight. I am so glad she did that. But Lex, Lex and his damn sex appeal just leaped off the page...er computer. I love a sexy ass Lex and you have captured him beautifully.

Can&#39;t wait to see what a night at the Luthors will bring...especially with a teasing, flirting Lex around.

Thanks for the update

eurydices falling
17th July 2004, 07:30
Please excuse Kam&#39;s lack of a review. Due to the nature of Fi&#39;s update in which vampiric Lex invades Chloe&#39;s personal bubble (doesn&#39;t it sound kinky?) and the mere possibilty of the two in such close quarters overnight, she has fallen into a dead faint and is unavailable for comment.

If the large puddle of drool is any indication, it is safe to think she had only good things to say.

17th July 2004, 08:30
Chloe vs. Helen... oh how I wish I&#39;d seen that on the show. Loved the dinner and the whole Luthor clan&#39;s reactions to Chloe.

Worried here about Dominic... the evil bastard better not harm anyone, or there will be hell to pay.

Did I mention how much I love this story?


17th July 2004, 13:57
Take that Bryce-Biotch&#33;&#33;&#33; nyahahahahaha&#33;&#33; :D