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17th July 2004, 15:26
i love this fic come on chlex

17th July 2004, 15:33
God, I love it when Chloe tells someone off in a Fi fic! She's always cool and cruel but she doesn't stoop the their level. Go Chloe!

And go Fi...I mean go write more NOW! This is getting so good, I need to see if anything goes BUMP in the night at the Luthor mansion!

18th July 2004, 05:15
excellent *rubs hands together like evil scientist*

chloe and lex under the same roof...won't mention that it's a mighty big roof

and lillian being the all consumate matchmaker, it wouldn't surprise me if she put chloe next to lex's room.

*has interesting flashback of keep em coming*


18th July 2004, 19:41
One 'smart' outfit: $100
Luthor Mansion: 100's of millions of $
Chloe's verbal smackdown of The Bitch: PRICELESS!!! http://img8.photobucket.com/albums/v28/vardaquareien/Smilies/elaugh4.gif
There are some things money can't buy... ;)

Whoot!!! :yay: :yay3: :yay:

Chloe's stayin' at the mansion!!! And Lex is being Flirty!!! ....this can only mean good things...right? Fi?...

http://img8.photobucket.com/albums/v28/vardaquareien/Smilies/worried.gifI'm suddenly feeling extremely scared for Gabe! Please don't let Dominic get to him!!! PLEASE!!!http://img8.photobucket.com/albums/v28/vardaquareien/Smilies/beg.gif

18th July 2004, 22:37
oh my gosh.. i love this.. it's getting better and better.. yes.... the night IS young... heheh update plz! :chlexsign1:

20th July 2004, 03:51

Smooth Lex is my favorite :wub:

1st September 2004, 13:32
Ok in light of the missing posts, (and big hugs to Waru and Jules for getting the board back up and running)...here's Chapters 28 to 35 reposted..Fiona


Chapter Twenty Eight – A Night at the Castle

The four Luthors were sitting in Lionel’s private study; everyone else in the castle was asleep. It was 3.00am and they had all just finished feeding and were relaxing.

“That wasn’t very nice, teasing Chloe like that,” said Lillian.

“The poor girl couldn’t get away from you quick enough,” laughed Lucas.

Chloe had followed Lillian while she made arrangements for a room for her, and when they returned back to the drawing room Chloe had pretty much stuck to Lucas’ side. When the maid appeared to say the room was ready, Chloe said her goodnights and headed straight for bed.

“I thought *you* wanted me to be *nicer* to her,” Lex said to his mother. “And that’s exactly what I was doing,” a smirk on his face. Lex had truly enjoyed teasing the young blonde. Normally their banter ended in a tie, both unwilling to back down from the verbal sparring. But last night Lex had found a way to effectively win their rounds. On common ground Chloe Sullivan could more than hold her own, but on unfamiliar territory she was at a loss.

And Lex had discovered that when he speaking to her in a *suggestive* manner or invading her personal space, her snarky attitude seemed to desert her and she was at a loss for words.

“Yes Lex, be nice to the girl, not frighten her,” said Lionel.

“I think that’s the first time I ever saw a woman run from you bro,” grinned Lucas, “must be losing your touch. Hell even Helen decided to go home, although I think Chloe had more to do with that decision than you did.”

“Ha. Ha,” Lex directed at Lucas “You haven’t seem to have had much luck yourself in the *women* department yourself. Even Miss Sullivan seems immune to you.”

“Chloe and I are friends,” replied Lucas, “and, unlike you, I am more than happy to have a beautiful and intelligent woman as a friend.”

“A friend,” retorted Lex. “Women are not for being friends with, they are…”

“I would think very carefully Alexander about how you want to finish that statement,” interrupted Lillian.

Lex saw his brother and father grinning at him while his mother’s face held a more severe expression. “Yes mother, I think I’ll leave that statement as is.”

“An excellent choice Lex.”

“Coward,” muttered Lucas with a small laugh.

“Smart more like it,” said Lionel, causing everyone to laugh.


She was trapped again, this time against a wall. His arms were on either side of her, preventing escape. His voice was low and soft in her ear, his lips brushing against the sensitive lobe. She felt herself trembling, but this time not in fear or confusion. No this feeling was much more dangerous. His lips moved across her jaw and then stopped a hairsbreadth from her lips.

“What do you want?” he whispered, she could feel his lips move against hers as he spoke.

“Please,” she pleaded.

“Please what?” she could feel him smirk against her lips.

“Kiss me,” she breathed.

“Say my name,” he commanded.

“Lex…” Chloe woke up with a gasp and shot up in the bed. If took her a few moments to get her bearings. When she did she reached to the small table beside the bed and switched on the small lamp. She blinked a few times and grimaced as her eyes adjusted to the light.

“What the hell was that all about?” she muttered and she lay back. “Please, someone tell me I didn’t just dream about kissing, well not exactly kissing, but practically begging to be kissed by Lex Luthor.”

She let out a deep sigh as she looked up at the canopy covering the magnificent four-poster bed she was in. The room Lillian had given her was easily five times bigger than her own at home. And the main attraction was said fabulous four-poster bed she was currently in. Chloe had always secretly wanted a bed just like this one.

“Yeah, but not to dream about Lex Luthor in it though.” She sighed again and sat up, glancing at the clock. 4.10am it read. Guessing that sleep wouldn’t be happening anytime soon Chloe slipped out of the bed. Padding around the room she picked up the silk robe that was lying on a chair.

Lillian had left out for her a peach coloured nightgown and matching robe. And Chloe had to admit the silk felt good against her skin. Being a cotton pyjamas wearing person normally Chloe ran her hand over the front of the robe, relishing in the texture of the silk.

“Oh how the other half live,” she said with a smile. “Four-poster beds and silk nightwear.”

When a dream woke her up at home Chloe would usually make her way to the kitchen for a post-dream snack. But this wasn’t her home, this was the Luthor castle and she hadn’t got a clue as to where the kitchen was. “But I’m resourceful,” she told herself as she left the bedroom, closing the door quietly behind her, “I’m sure I can find it before breakfast,” she added with a small laugh.


When Lucas and his parents said they were heading out till sunrise Lex’s first question had been ‘what about Miss Sullivan?’

To which all three replied ‘what about her?’

Lex had then launched into a speech about the fact that they had a human reporter sleeping upstairs. A rather curious reporter who could wake up at any time and decide to go snooping around the castle.

Lillian had then interrupted him by saying that if he was so concerned about leaving her alone then he could stay to watch her. And so now Lex found himself staying at home on a Friday night *babysitting* for want of a better word, a teenage reporter.

Instead of being with Helen or out with his parents or brother, Lex had situated himself in the small library opposite the room she had been given. The moment he had heard her leave the bedroom he was at the door of the library waiting for her to walk by. Just as Chloe was making her way down the stairs Lex left the library and followed her.

“Ok, if I were a kitchen where would I be?” Chloe muttered when she reached the bottom of the stairs. “Left it is,” she decided after a moment and began making her way down the hallway to the left.

With a smile on his face from her ‘kitchen’ comment Lex silently followed her. ‘She’s headed in the right direction,’ he thought.

At the end of the hallway was a turning to the right, which Chloe took and this led her to another hallway with two doors on both sides and another large door at the end. “Screw this,” she said, “all I want is a sandwich, not the lost treasure of the Amazon. I’ll try one door and that’s it, back to bed, if I can remember how to get there.” Ignoring the doors to her left and right she went straight for the one at the end.

“Jesus, now that’s what I call a kitchen,” exclaimed Chloe when she opened the door. “It’s bigger than the entire first floor of my house.”

When Lex entered the kitchen behind her, Chloe was in front of the open refrigerator, rummaging around. He made his way to the counter and leaned casually against it. “Looking for something Miss Sullivan?”

“Fuck,” exclaimed Chloe jumping slightly and banging her head against one of the refrigerator shelves.

“That must have hurt,” smirked Lex, as Chloe faced him, rubbing where she bumped her head and glaring at him.

Snippets of the dream that woke her up flooded Chloe’s mind and she quickly turned away from Lex. ‘Damn it,’ she thought, ‘of all people to be awake it had to be him.’ She shivered slightly and Lex moved closer to her and closed the refrigerator door.

“Should we be worried about being sued for concussion?” he teased.

“Well I hadn’t thought about it,” retorted Chloe, “but now that you’ve mentioned it I might look into it.”

“Feeling a little peckish were we?”

“A dream… well more like a *nightmare* woke me up, and when that usually happens I tend to get a snack afterwards,” she explained, moving away from him.

Lex cocked an eyebrow, “and do you have nightmares often Chloe?”

“Weird things happen in Smallville, and when you’re in the thick of it, it’s hard not to be affected,” she replied with a shrug of her shoulders. “What has you still awake?”

“I was *hungry*,” he replied with a smirk, his eyes moving down her body and then back to her eyes.

Again visions of being pressed against a wall by Lex Luthor filled her mind. ‘Stop thinking about that,’ she screamed at her brain.

Composing herself once more she wave a hand over the food on the counter, “help yourself then,” and made to leave the kitchen.

“Aren’t you going to join me?” stepping in front of her.

“I’ve kind of lost my appetite,” she replied, “bump on the head and all that.”

It would be so easy to just let go on her merry way back to her bedroom, but Lex and particularly his demon couldn’t pass up the opportunity to get Chloe Sullivan all flustered again.

He stood in her way, “does it hurt that much?” he asked in a whisper, reaching out a hand and embedding it in her hair gently brushing against the bump that had formed from earlier.

“Not really,” she squeaked, trying to pull away from him. ‘Damn it Chloe’ she told herself, ‘snap out of it. You shouldn’t be letting him affect you like this. A change of tactics is needed, you can’t let him win again.’

“Do you know what would make it feel *better*?”

“No,” she whispered, injecting a confidence she didn’t feel into her voice, “but why don’t *you* tell me? Or better still why don’t you *show* me?”

Lex cocked an eyebrow at her sudden change. He could hear her heart thumping and knew she was still nervous, but she was putting on a good show of being the opposite. He released her hair and placed one hand on the counter. ‘Right, let’s see how far we can push this,’ he thought with glee, leaning forward.

Chloe swallowed nervously as his face got closer to hers, she remembered her words from the dream, as she begged him to kiss her. When she home to her own house she would worry about why she was dreaming about Lex Luthor, but for the moment, getting away without him having the upper hand was more important. ‘Timing is everything,’ she urged herself.

Lex moved closer and allowed his cheek to brush against hers as he moved his lips to her ear. ‘Come on Chloe, react,’ he thought as she remained still.

Her heart was thumping so hard she felt it would burst out of her chest. Taking a deep breath she moved quickly to the side. The motion caught Lex off-guard and in a most undignified stumble he almost hit his head off the counter.

Chloe couldn’t keep the smirk of her face as she watched Lex recover from his near fall.

“Well I’m feeling rather tired now I think I’ll head back to bed. Goodnight,” and she rushed out of the kitchen before he could say anything. Chloe practically ran back to the bedroom and closed the door behind her, leaning against it.

“Well done Sullivan,” she said, “you did better that time.”

Back down in the kitchen Lex let out a soft laugh. “Very good Chloe,” he said in the direction of the ceiling, “I think being nicer to you will have its benefits.” Confident that she wouldn’t be leaving her room till it was time to go home Lex left the kitchen and headed to his own room.


Chapter Twenty Nine – Caught

Wednesday morning before school found Chloe running around her house tidying it up. It wasn’t that the house was in a bad state it’s just that she hadn’t be quite diligent with the housework since her dad had gone. Thankfully she hadn’t had anymore *dreams* about Lex Luthor since that night at the castle. Well at least she didn’t think so, there had been a couple of dreams where Chloe found herself in this darkened room feeling frightened and then all of a sudden she could feel this presence that made her feel safe, and excited. Putting the dreams down to her overactive imagination she refused to analyse them.

“Oh it will have to do,” she muttered as she put the vacuum away. Sparing a quick glance in the mirror to make sure her hair wasn’t too scary, she grabbed her jacket, bag and car keys and left.


“Dr Helen Bryce,” Helen said in to the phone with an air of superiority.

“I haven’t seen or even heard from you in over a week,” the voice at the other end said.

Helen shivered slightly, “I’m sorry. Things have been a little crazy here. I’ve found…”

“I don’t want your excuses,” the voice interrupted. “I expect to see you this evening.” And with that they hung up.

Helen stared at the phone in her hand for a few moments before hanging it up. She closed her eyes and composed herself. Snapping them open she grabbed the clipboard off the table beside her and stormed out of her office.


“So Chloe, all set for the big game this afternoon?” asked Clark as they sat down at a table in the cafeteria.

“I’m not going,” she replied. “Jeez Clark when have I ever gone to a football game, voluntarily?”

“Well, never,” he replied, “but Pete’s playing this time.”

“Is that true Pete, are you finally getting your start?” she asked the boy in question as he joined them.

“Well, not exactly,” he replied sheepishly. “But the couch said I was showing promise and might get a chance to prove myself.”

“Pete, I love you and all, but I’m not going spend my after noon watching you keep the bench warm,” she grinned at him. “With classes cancelled for the afternoon because of the game, and mark this occasion because it’s the first and only time I’ll ever be glad there’s a game on, I have other plans for the afternoon.”

“Oh yeah, spending them with the Luthors again I guess,” said Clark.

“Not that it’s *any* of your business Clark what I do with my spare time or who I spend it with, but you are completely wrong with your guess,” Chloe snapped at him. “I am, in fact, heading to Metropolis to collect my dad. We’re going to grab dinner there and then drive back.”

“I’m sorry Chlo,” said Clark, “it’s just that you’ve been spending a lot of time with the Luthors.”

“So,” she snapped back. “Lucas is a friend. And I really enjoy spending time with Mrs Luthor. Is there a rule that says I can’t have friends other than you? I mean it’s not like you’ve never abandoned Pete and I for the company of someone else on a more than regular basis.”

“Look Chloe if this is about getting back…”

“Newsflash Clark,” interrupted Chloe, “not everything is about Lana ‘fucking’ Lang. I couldn’t give a crap if you spent all your time with her. But don’t you *dare* question the sincerity of my friendship with the Luthors. Don’t you dare!” Taking a deep breath she turned to Pete, who had wisely kept quiet through the whole thing. “Pete, good luck for today, I really hope you get a chance to play.”

“Thanks Chloe,” he replied. “You have a good trip.”

“I intend to,” she said and stood up. She grabbed her bag and walked away.

“If you opened your mouth a little wider Clark you might get that other foot in,” Pete said to his friend.

Clark said nothing he just shook his head and followed Chloe with his eyes as she left the cafeteria.


By the time Chloe had reached the outskirts of Metropolis she was feeling much better. The drive had done wonders to clear her head and all thoughts of Clark and their discussion was gone from her mind. She was now really looking forward to seeing her dad again.

Turning up the volume on her radio she sang along with the song and she drew closer to the city.


“Margaret,” Lillian called out as her personal maid pass the door.

“Yes Mrs Luthor,” the woman replied.

“Margaret, has Andrew left to collect Mr Sullivan yet?”

“No ma’am, he said he got a call from Mr Sullivan telling him he didn’t need a ride back as his daughter was coming to collect him. Apparently they are going to have dinner in Metropolis before heading back. Do you need him for something?”

“No, not at all Margaret,” replied Lillian. “Thank you.”

Margaret nodded at Lillian and left.

She hadn’t had a chance to talk to Chloe since the night she stayed, and had planned on inviting the young woman over for the afternoon. “I suppose I’ll have to survive without the company of Chloe this evening,” murmured Lillian as she went to get her husband.


Dusk was setting as Chloe hit Metropolis. She still had some time to kill before heading to the convention centre, so she spent it by wandering around the stores. Not normally big into whole shopping thing she did, however, like to wander around the real expensive stores.

As she was looking through some of the stores’ more expensive dresses she caught sight of a familiar brunette. ‘Maybe Helen Bryce finally decided to leave Smallville,’ she thought with a grin as she watched the doctor walk by.

Biting her lip, Chloe gave into her natural curious nature and followed Helen. The older woman strode down the street towards a very expensive looking dress shop.

‘Probably meeting Lex to make him buy her something,’ thought Chloe. She watched as Helen looked around her before entering the shop. “Ok, that was weird,” muttered Chloe, “it was almost like she was making sure she wasn’t seen.”

Chewing on her bottom lip thoughtfully Chloe contemplated what to do. “Fuck it,” she said after a moment, “I don’t like the bitch anyway.” She made her way to the store. Peering in the window she saw that it was practically empty. Scanning around she saw Helen talking to a shifty looking man who pointed her towards the back.

When he moved off to talk to someone else Chloe entered the store, and under the pretence of looking at the ridiculously priced dresses she nonchalantly made her way towards the back. Stopping at a display of nightgowns she could see Helen approach a young man with dark blonde hair.

‘Now Chloe, he could be just a friend,’ she thought, ‘a *very* *very*good friend,’ she added as the man pulled Helen into a kiss. Well it was more like he was trying to swallow her whole.

She watched, as Helen pulled back, breathless and smiled at the man. She wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him. He was whispering in her ear and Chloe’s eyes widened as she saw his hand slowly make its way under Helen’s skirt.

“Shit,” she muttered. Fighting an internal moral battle with her conscience for about two seconds Chloe pulled her digital camera from her back and covertly recorded what was going on.

After a couple of minutes the pair stopped groping each other and Helen released him to pick up her bag from the ground. She took something from it and handed it to the man. He smiled, an evil smile in Chloe’s opinion and once again pulled the brunette against him.

Deciding she had seen enough Chloe put her camera away and slinked out of the store. Once outside she took a deep breath and hurried away.

“I’ll worry about what I’m going to do with this,” she muttered to herself as she moved along the streets to the convention centre, “while I get back home.”

She entered the large building and approached the main desk. “May I help you?” the woman behind it said.

“Hi,” said Chloe, “I was wondering if the Luthor-Corp convention had finished.”

“It has. The delegates are making their way out now. Are you meeting someone?”

Chloe nodded.

“You may wait over there,” she said pointing to group of small chairs.

“Thanks,” said Chloe and headed over to them. She had barely sat down when she stood up again, hearing her name being called. She turned in the direction of the voice and saw her dad hurrying towards her a smile on his face.

“Chloe sweetheart,” he said pulling her into a hug.

She hugged him back tightly, only now realising how much she had missed him. When they parted they began walking out of the building. They hurried to the car and Gabe dropped his briefcase and suitcase into the trunk.

“Is my house still standing?” he joked.

“Well,” began Chloe, “some of the walls are.”

Gabe laughed. “I’ve booked an old favourite for you for dinner,” he said.


Gabe nodded and held his arm out for her. “Dinner Miss Sullivan?”

“I’d be delighted Mr Sullivan,” she grinned back, taking it. Forgetting for the time being all about what she had seen Chloe instead concentrated on enjoying going to dinner with her dad.

1st September 2004, 13:35
Chapter Thirty – Finding Common Ground

Thursday afternoon found Chloe sitting at her desk in the Torch office loading the images from her digital camera onto her computer. She had managed to put them out of her mind all through her dinner with her dad and the drive home. But all day during school all she could think about was what she had seen. She drummed her fingers against the desktop as she waited for them to finish.

“At last,” she murmured, when the computer ‘pinged’ at her.

Pulling up the items on screen, she lingered on the one of Helen handing the envelope to her *friend*. Chloe enhanced the image to get a better look at the man.

“I suppose he’s cute enough,” she muttered, “although he is nowhere near as attractive as Lex is.” She paused for a moment, “ok, did I just suddenly say that Lex Luthor was attractive?”

‘Oh come on,’ an inner voice spoke up, ‘he’s more than attractive, he’s hot…sexy…’

“Fine, fine I get the picture, Lex Luthor is pleasing on the eye,” she said, laughing at her insane conversation with herself.

Her gaze focussed on the envelope being passed between them, “Is there something more going on than just cheating?” she murmured at the screen. “And why do class ‘A’ bitches get all the guys?”

As she looked through the other images Chloe contemplated what to do next. Sitting back in her chair and placing her hands behind her head she went through the possibilities in her mind. ‘I could go to Lucas; he doesn’t like Helen, although I’m not sure how tactful and sympathetic he might be towards Lex. So Lucas is a maybe. Lionel Luthor…no way. Yes I like the man and he’s always nice to me but well quite frankly the man scares me a little. Lex, absolutely no *fucking* way. So that leaves Lillian. MMM I think she’d be the best. She hates Helen, but is still Lex’s mother so she’d be more likely to comfort him than tease him.’ After a couple more moments Chloe nodded to herself as if to confirm that Lillian would be the one she’d go to with the information.

“Right,” she said, stretching her arms over her head arching her back, “that’s decided. I’ll go tomorrow evening.”

“What’s decided?” a voice sounded behind her.

She quickly spun around in her chair to see Lex Luthor leaning against the door of the Torch office, smirking at her. She stood up quickly, swaying slightly as a wave of dizziness hit her. “Do you always eavesdrop on people’s conversation?” she snapped, and then glanced over her shoulder at her computer screen and gave an audible sigh of relief when she saw that her screen saver had kicked in.

Lex cocked an eyebrow at her sigh of relief before answering her, “I don’t consider talking to oneself as a conversation Miss Sullivan.” And he entered the office.

Chloe rolled her eyes and sat back down in her chair, “is there something I can do for you?” she asked.

Lex didn’t reply, he just walked over and stood in front of her ‘Wall of Weird’. As his eyes ran over the various articles and pictures, Chloe found herself paying more attention than she normally did to him.

Probably because their first meeting hadn’t gone so well and the subsequent ones just got worse she never really saw past the arrogant smug know-it-all she had come to call him. But now she couldn’t help but run her eyes appreciatively over him. There really was something incredibly *sexy* about him, piercing eyes, skin that looked so smooth, even his baldness only seemed to heighten his allure.

Chloe quickly looked away as she felt her cheeks heat up slightly as her perusal of him led to images from her dream and their moment in the castle kitchen flooded her mind. ‘Oh God, I have finally lost it,’ she thought as she buried her head in her arms, ‘I’m suddenly associating Lex Luthor with the words sexy and alluring.’

“Are you ok?”

She lifted her head to see Lex standing by her desk looking at her.

“EM, yeah, just tired,” she replied, dragging her eyes from his face and staring at her screen.

With a small smile Lex turned his gaze to her computer as well, and when he saw what was on her screen saver he let out a very un-Lex-like snort.

“Not a fan of Angel and Spike,” said Chloe with a grin. Her screen-saver was numerous pictures of the yummy vamps.

“And they call them *vampires*,” said Lex.

“Oh, do you know many vampires Mr Luthor?” teased Chloe; glad a conversation had been started that hopefully wouldn’t lead to an agreement. Because if things did escalate she was so sure she cold keep her mouth shut about Helen.

“Yes Miss Sullivan, *all* my friends are vampires,” he replied.

“Maybe you could introduce me to one,” retorted Chloe, “I haven’t met a vampire yet!”

“Oh come now Chloe, don’t tell me you *believe* in vampires?” he said, suddenly very interested in her answer.

Chloe bit her lip as she tried to formulate in her mind an answer than wouldn’t result in him laughing in her face. “I know vampires are myth and legend, but I’ve always been a firm believer in the theory that myths and legends are based on some kind of fact,” she began. “Living in Smallville has thought me to be much more open-minded when it comes to things out of the ordinary. I’ve seen some very weird things here,” she gestured at her wall of weird, “we’ve had a girl who sucked the fat out of people and a guy who sucked the body heat out of people, so there a couple of vampire wannabes right off the bat. In answer to your question I’m not saying I do or don’t believe in their existence. It’s never been proven that vampires exist but on the other hand it’s never really been proven that they don’t.” When she had finished speaking she waited for Lex to start laughing and telling her she was crazy.

“I don’t think you’re crazy Chloe,” he said as if reading her mind, “that’s an interesting viewpoint to have. Hypothetically speaking, if *you* were to suddenly discover a vampire, and knowing your insatiable curiosity, what would you do or even ask?”

“Cower in terror and ask it not to kill me,” she half-joked.

“So you automatically assume that, based on popular stereotypes that the vampire would attack you?”

“Well they really haven’t been given great press. Except maybe for Anne Rice’s books.”

“Oh please, that drivel,” said Lex.

“Do *you* believe in vampires Lex?”

‘Ah that’s the $64million dollar question,’ he thought. “I believe that things are never what they seem. The person standing beside you could be anything, a vampire, an alien, someone who likes country music,” he added with a smile. “If you’re happy to wander through life blinkered then you will never really *see* what’s out there. Those that are willingly to look that little bit closer might just be the ones who really live.”

Chloe let his words sink in, surprisingly touched by what he had said. ‘Maybe Lex Luthor has more depth to him than I gave him credit for,’ she thought. Granted he hasn’t actually answered her question, but from what he had said Chloe was certain that he was more willingly to believe in the not-so-ordinary view to things.

“I see you’ve mastered the art of answering a question without actually answering a question,” she said with a smile…the first genuine Chloe Sullivan smile she had ever directed at Lex Luthor.

Lex felt himself unable to do anything but smile back.

Before either could speak again the school principal walked into the office. “Ah there you are Mr Luthor, I see you’ve met our editor.”

“Chloe and I have met before Mr Reynolds,” replied Lex, reluctantly dragging his eyes form Chloe.

“Mr Luthor here, has kindly donated new computers to the school,” said Reynolds to Chloe.

“Nice PR move Lex,” grinned Chloe, earning herself a glare from the principal.

“Mr Luthor we should head back to my office,” Reynolds glared once more at Chloe and left.

“There’s a detention,” she muttered.

“Thank you for the enlightening chat Chloe,” said Lex. “I look forward to hearing your theories on other matters. And also reading your editorial about my donation.” With that he left the office.

Chloe sighed, “now that has got to be one of the most interesting conversations I’ve ever had. Could it be I was wrong about Lex Luthor?” Turning back to her computer she type in her password and brought back up the pictures of Helen and her mystery man. “I’ll go see Mrs Luthor this weekend about these,” she muttered and began printing off copies.


“Ah Oliver, how are you my friend?” said Dominic as the man entered.

“Bored,” answered Oliver in his thick German accent, shaking Dominic’s hand. “Which is why I was delighted to get your call. I’m assuming you have something planned that needs my expertise.”

Dominic smiled at the probably the most ruthless human he had ever met. He had offered to turn Oliver and numerous occasions since the first met twenty years ago, and each time he turned him down. But now in his late forties Dominic could tell that his declines weren’t as sure as usual. ‘In time’ thought Dominic, ‘I will have him at my side.’

“You are right my friend,” he said, offering the man a chair. Both sat down and Dominic took an envelope from his drawer out and handed it to Olivier.

Oliver opened it and pulled out some plans. “Luthor-Corp Plant, Smallville,” he read. “Where is this Smallville? And what exactly do you want done?”

“It’s not far from here a small farming community, but that’s not important,” said Dominic. “As too what I want done my friend, I want our little job in Russia ten years ago to seem like a picnic.”

Oliver’s eyes lit up and an evil smile appeared on his face. “Survivors?” he asked.

“I don’t even want the mice in the cellars to survive,” answered Dominic.


Chapter Thirty One – Kind of Good News

No matter how hard he tired, Lex just couldn’t seem to stop going over his conversation with Chloe. The way she had answered his question about her belief in vampires had made an impact on him. Although a part of him wondered how she would have reacted if he had just vamped out there in front of her. In fact it had taken some control to stop himself from actually doing that. His demon had wanted to test her, to see what her real reaction would have been. She was quite simply the most infuriating girl he had ever met and yet he had, lately, begun to look forward to his next meeting with her.

Letting out an uncharacteristic and unneeded sigh, Lex ran his hand over his head. Everything was so confusing lately, and he didn’t know what to do. And that was scaring him more than anything, the creeping feeling of being powerless to *fix* whatever it was that was going on with him.

Lucas glanced at his brother out of the corner of his eye. They were running an errand for Lionel, and Lex had been pretty quiet and pensive since they had got into the car.

“Ok, spill it,” said Lucas, Lex’s sigh finally goading him into finding out what was going on.

“Spill what?” answered Lex.

“Whatever it is that has you so deep in thought.”

“It’s nothing Lucas,” he replied. “We are all not chatterboxes like you are.”

“Chatterbox,” exclaimed Lucas, “ouch that hurt bro,” he grinned earning a mock glare from Lex.

“Seriously Lex, what’s wrong? You’ve been really off, well, pretty much since we arrived in Smallville, and slowly getting worse. I didn’t think you disliked the place *that* much.”

“Leave it Lucas,” said Lex, his tone cold, “there is nothing wrong.”

“Pardon me for being concerned,” snapped Lucas, turning from Lex and looking out the darkened windows of the limo. The truth of the matter was that Lucas was *very* worried about his brother.

The slight tightening of his jaw indicated to Lex that Lucas was fighting the urge to continue with the discussion. Shaking his head and smiling slightly Lex laid a hand on his brother’s shoulder.

“Lucas, I’m ok. All this with Dominic just has me out of sorts,” he said.

Lucas turned from the window to face Lex. “I think, no I know, it’s more than that,” he replied, “and I just want you to know that you can tell me. I won’t tease or anything…”

“I know,” said Lex, cutting him off, “but please, just let it go, for the moment anyway. I know where you are if I want to talk. Ok?”

“Ok Lex,” said Lucas reluctantly.

Thanks,” said Lex sincerely and gave his brother’s shoulder a small squeeze before dropping his hand.

“Hope you’re not getting soft on me Lucas,” teased Lex after a moment, easing the slight tension that had now descended on them.

“You wish,” replied Lucas with a small laugh. He would let it drop for the moment as he had promised Lex, but it was not forgotten. He would find out what was wrong with Lex and he would do everything in his power to make it right.


“What time are you heading out at?” Lillian asked her husband.

Lionel looked up from his paper, “I’m not heading out Lillian,” he replied.

“You are now,” she said with a grin, sitting down beside him. “Chloe called and is coming over.”

“Ah I see,” smiled Lionel, “so as a result I have to leave my house.”


“Lillian, this is a castle, I’ll stay in one wing and you and Chloe can stay in the other.”

“Please my love,” she said with a small pout, settling herself on Lionel’s lap.

He rested his hands on her waist, “well I suppose there are a few things that I need to do that will take me out of the castle.”

“Thank you,” said Lillian, kissing his cheek.

“And what time is the lovely Miss Sullivan due here at?”

“Oh, not for a few hours yet.”

With a smirk Lionel stood up with his wife still in his arms, “plenty of time,” he said and kissed her hard.


Chloe was going over and over in her mind exactly what she was going to say to Lillian about Helen as David, the butler, led her through the castle to where Lillian was waiting for her.

‘Ease into the subject,’ she told herself, ‘don’t just blurt it out.’

David opened the door and Chloe followed close behind.

“Chloe,” greeted Lillian warmly, hugging the younger woman. “That will be all for now David,” she said after releasing her.

When he had closed the door behind him Lillian led her over to the two small armchairs in front of the fire. “Oh,” said Chloe, “this is the room I first met you in.”

“Good memory my dear,” said Lillian as they sat down. “This is my private study. So, how have you been, I feel like we haven’t spoken in ages.”

“It hasn’t been that long Mrs Luthor,” laughed Chloe, “only about a week.”

“Well it feels like longer,” she said, “and let’s get one thing out of the way. You are to call me Lillian my dear. We are friends after all.”

“Yes we are,” grinned Chloe. “Lillian.”

With a grin of her own Lillian rang a small bell and almost immediately a maid entered the room with a coffee tray.


They chatted for just over an hour about general things. But Lillian could sense that Chloe seemed to be working her way up to either telling her something or asking for something.

“Are the others not in this evening?” she asked.

“No, Lionel has some business to take care of and the boys are running an errand.”

“Oh so Lex isn’t out with…Helen then,” said Chloe. ‘Very smooth Chloe,’ she inwardly berated herself.

‘Ah this is about Lex,’ though Lillian with barely concealed joy. “No he’s not,” she answered Chloe, muttering, “thankfully,” under her breath.

Chloe heard what she said and smiled; feeling a little better about what she was going to say. She placed her cup on the table and took a large envelope from her bag. Taking a deep breath she faced Lillian, who had also put her cup down.

“I’ve thought long and hard about this,” she began, “and second, third, forth and fifth guessed myself about doing this. I don’t want anyone to be hurt, and so decided *you* would be the best person to come to with this.”

“Chloe my dear, I have no idea what you are talking about. Who could get hurt?”


Lillian felt a slight panic, “what about him? Chloe, I think you should tell me whatever it is you know.”

“Last week when I went to Metropolis to collect my dad from the conference I spotted Helen while I was killing some time. I hadn’t planned on paying much attention to her, but she looked kind of, well, nervous, and my reporter instinct took over and I began following her. She entered this rather exclusive looking store and so I continued after her. She met a man there, at first I thought he was just a friend, but well if I greeted my male friends the way she greeted him I think they’d get the wrong idea about me. As usual, I had my camera with me, and took some shots. I’m really sorry Lillian, and I know Lex and I don’t see eye to eye, but he doesn’t deserve this.” She handed the envelope to Lillian and bit her lip as the woman opened it and took out the pictures.

With barely concealed delight Lillian’s eyes flicked over the pictures. ‘I’ve got you now you bitch,’ she thought. She glanced up to see Chloe looking at her intently, a worried expression on her pretty face. A slow smile appeared on Lillian’s face, and she reached forward to clasp Chloe’s hand. “I’d be a liar Chloe if I said I was upset,” she began, “I’m upset for my son, because yes he doesn’t deserve this, but my feelings for that woman are…”

“Of intense dislike,” offered Chloe, a smile now on her own face.

“That about sums it up,” agreed Lillian. “Thank you for coming to *me* with this, and not Lucas. Have you mentioned any of this to your friends or father?”

“No, no,” said Chloe, shaking her head for effort, “You are the only person I’ve told.”

“Good. I think it would be better if this didn’t get out, if you know what I mean.”

“You can be sure of my discretion Lillian. May I ask what you plan to do?”

“I plan on taking care of this Chloe, with as little upset to my son as possible.”

“Ah, so you’re going to confront Helen then,” grinned Chloe. “I almost feel sorry for her,” she added to Lillian nod of confirmation, causing the older woman to laugh.

“Thank you for this Chloe, my hatred of Helen aside, I don’t want my son hurt.”

“I know, that’s why you were the only choice really for me to give this information too,” replied Chloe, “and we are friends after all.”

“Yes we are,” said Lillian, echoing Chloe’s own words from earlier.


Later on that night Lillian sat once again in her study, Chloe had long gone home and she was now waiting for Lionel to return. Picking up the pictures she looked them now in greater detail.

She stopped at the one that gave the clearest view of Helen’s mystery man’s face, and a gasp escaped her lips.

Her eyes flashed gold as she put a name to the face and a low growl erupted from her lips. “Dominic,” she hissed through her fangs, as her face vamped out completely.

Taking deep unneeded breaths to try and control the anger coursing through her body Lillian realised it was futile.

“LIONEL,” she growled with both her voice and mind. “HOME NOW.”


Chapter Thirty Two – Close Call

It took Lionel less than ten minutes to get back to the castle after the *call* from Lillian. He immediately made for her study and found his wife, fully vamped out, standing among the remnants of the antique furniture that filled her room.

He could feel the rage emanating from her, and approached her cautiously. Lillian sensed her mate behind her and in a blink of an eye, Lionel found himself pressed against the wall and his wife’s fangs buried in his neck. Letting his own demon take control, his face changed and he held his mate close. Lillian didn’t actually need to feed, she was furious, murderous even and needed Lionel to help her calm down.

He rubbed his hands gently up and down her back as she drank his blood, and after a minute she pulled back, licking his blood from her lips. Lillian closed her eyes for a few seconds and when she opened them, she once again wore her human face and seemed much calmer. Although Lillian didn’t think she would ever feel completely ok till she had extracted her vengeance on *Helen Bryce*.

Lionel followed suit, and husband and wife stared at each other. “Decorating my love?” he asked with a grin.

“I’m not in the mood for jokes Lionel,” snapped Lillian.

“Just trying to lighten the mood,” he replied, “now why don’t you tell me what’s going on?”

Kicking the remains of an armchair out of her way, Lillian picked up the pictures from the floor and handed them to Lionel. She stood back and waited for his reaction.

He looked at the first picture of a man and woman kissing before discarding it for the next. His eyes flashed gold when he saw who the two people were in the next picture and a growl erupted from his lips. Lifting his head he locked eyes with Lillian, and willed himself not to explode. ‘How did you find out?’ he said with his mind to Lillian, afraid to actually open his mouth.

“Chloe,” replied Lillian, and then proceeded to tell Lionel everything that had been said between Chloe and herself earlier that evening.

“Just when I think I couldn’t grow more fond of Chloe she comes up with something like this. That girl would be an asset as one of us,” he said, when Lillian finished.

She gave him a knowing smirk before speaking again. “You are taking this a lot calmer than I did.”

“I’m only just holding onto my control Lillian,” he replied, “we need to plan what we are going to do very carefully. Me losing my temper will result in sloppy plans. Do you think *Helen*,” he spat out her name, “knows what we and Dominic are?”

“I do,” replied Lillian. “Yes I know we haven’t sensed or smelt another vampire on her, but remember she is a doctor and Dominic is schooled in magic, so between the two of them they could have come up with a way to block us sensing him.”

“Has Chloe told anyone else about this?”

“No, I’m the only person she came too and she has promised not to tell anyone else. She believes, of course, that this is just a case of Lex’s girlfriend cheating on him.”

“If that’s the case, why did she come to you?” asked Lionel.

“She didn’t want to see Lex hurt, and knowing I wasn’t overly fond of Helen, figured I was the best person to approach. Oh Lionel what are we going to do? What do we tell Lex?”

“We are going to act like nothing is different, for the moment. Yes I know that will be difficult for you. I will get someone to follow the good doctor. Dominic is using her, probably to get information on us, and I want to know what he is planning. As for Lex, yes he has a right to know, but not yet. This thing with Helen is not serious, he’s probably seeing others himself. When things have been taken care of, we will tell him.”

“As long as Lex doesn’t bring her anywhere near me I will be fine. And *I* will be the one to take care of things when the time arrives,” she said, daring Lionel to contradict her.

“It is your right my love, I would never challenge you on that,” he replied.

“I knew that bitch was trouble. How dare she do this to my son.”

“Come on Lillian, you can’t tell me there isn’t a large part of you that is delighted about this. Ok, Dominic aside, you were hoping something would happen to prove your thoughts about her,” smirked Lionel.

Lillian narrowed her eyes and glared at her husband. “I need to hunt,” she said after a moment, changing the subject. “I have all this… energy that I need to use up.”

Lionel cocked an eyebrow, “we haven’t hunted together in decades my love. I think we should go to Metropolis, see if we can find any of Dominic’s lackeys. And then come back here and work off the rest of your *energy*,” his voice tinged with excitement.

Lillian’s eyes flashed gold, her demon purring at the thought of a hunt, “think you can keep up old man?” she teased.

“Just watch me,” he replied, grabbing her and pulling her tight against him.

Lillian laughed and allowed him to drag her out of the room. The hunt would go some way to appeasing her, but her demon and every motherly instinct she possessed was screaming for revenge against Helen Bryce. ‘She’ll get hers soon,’ thought Lillian, ‘and by the time I’ve finished with her, she will be begging for death.’



‘Poor Lucas,’ Lillian thought to her husband, ‘he’s going to give himself brain damage.’

Lionel stole a glance at his youngest son and saw that he was watching them. ‘He knows something is up,’ Lionel thought back, ‘but hasn’t got a clue what it is.’

“Lucas sweetie, is everything alright?” asked Lillian, “you look a tad…confused.”

“I take it then you aren’t going to tell me what’s going on,” replied Lucas. “And don’t give me that innocent look, you two are up to something. Granted you are always up to something but this time it’s closer to home.”

“I have no idea what you are talking about,” said Lillian. “Now where is Lex this evening?”

Lucas rolled his eyes, “fine don’t tell me. I’ll figure it out myself. And don’t me give that, ‘where is Lex’, when have you ever *not* known where one of us is?”

A smile appeared on Lillian’s face. Hunting the previous evening with Lionel had gone a long way to soothing her ruffled feathers. They had managed to come across a couple of hunters as well as some of Dominic’s lackeys while in Metropolis. Lillian was feeling more composed, and looked forward to the moment she could extract her revenge on Helen Bryce.

Lucas watched as his mother and father smiled at each other. ‘I’ll talk to Lex,’ he thought, ‘maybe he knows something.’


“Get in,” muttered Chloe as she stuffed the box of newspapers into the boot of her car. “Damn this needs to be cleaned out.” After struggling for another minute she was able to get the boot closed. She felt a tap on her shoulder just as the boot clicked shut.

“JESUS,” she exclaimed.

“No just Lex,” came the smug reply.

”What are you trying to do? Give me a heart attack?”

“Now why would I do that Chloe? Whom else would I argue with?” he smirked.

“Is there a reason you are hovering around a school parking lot?”

‘Yes I sensed a hunter nearby and knowing my mother would inflict a great deal of pain on me if I was to let anything happen to you I decided to come over and make sure you got home safely,’ he thought. “I was just passing by, saw you and thought I’d attempt to give you a heart attack,” he replied.

“Lucky me,” she muttered.

“It’s Smallville a little dangerous to have a young woman wandering about on her own in the dark?”

“Nah, the mutants usually come out in the day time,” she quipped.

“Mutants aren’t the only things that are dangerous.”

“Silly me,” she smiled, “I forgot about the vampires,” remembering their conversation.

“Ah yes Miss Sullivan, mustn’t forget the vampires,” he smirked leaning closer to her, “and *they* of course come out at night.”

‘Oh no not again,’ thought Chloe, and she moved away from him, causing Lex’s smirk to grow. He could sense the hunter getting closer and needed Chloe to go.

“Well Lex, I’d love to stick around and talk, but I should get home.” She didn’t know what it was about Lex Luthor that made her uncomfortable when she was alone with him. Weirder still was the fact that it wasn’t a bad feeling, just, weird.

“As always Chloe, a pleasure,” he said as he held the door open for her.

“Yes, a pleasure,” she murmured, sliding into her car. “Do you need a ride home Lex?” she asked.

“No thanks, my car isn't far from here,” he replied. “Good evening Miss Sullivan.”

“Bye Lex,” she started her car, and drove off. “That man is…Argh…I don’t know, he just baffles me completely. Anyway I’m too tired to worry about it now.”


Chloe’s car had just disappeared from sight when the hunter made herself known.

“Please put the little toy away before you hurt yourself,” said Lex.

“You’ll be the only one getting hurt demon,” she spat back.

‘Amateur,’ thought Lex and pounced, grabbing the crossbow in one hand the throat of the girl in the other. “I’m afraid you’ll be the one getting hurt my dear,” he said, his face shifting. “I’ll tell you what though, I’m feeling a little generous tonight, so I’ll give you a minute's head start.” He threw her across the parking lot and snapped the crossbow in half. “Run my dear, the clock is ticking.”

She scrambled to her feet, caught between running and fulfilling her duty.

“Tick-tock,” said Lex, running his tongue over his fangs. “RUN!”

With a scream, she took off running. Lex counted to ten and took off after her.

1st September 2004, 13:44
Chapter Thirty Three – Dreams and Plots

Over the course of the next week there had been a slight increase in the number of hunters descending on Smallville. But these had all been taken care of, quite easily, by the Luthors. And therein was the problem, all the hunters they had encountered were complete amateurs. Most of them were also very young, some just out of their teens. Lucas had suggested that they were maybe just scouting parties, but Lionel wasn’t so sure. In fact he doubted whether they were real hunters at all. And so it was decided that instead of *taking care* of the next hunter they came across, he or she would be captured and taken to the castle.

“Isn’t that typical,” commented Lex as he and Lucas entered the castle just before sunrise, “when you want to actually run across a hunter, there isn’t one to be found.”

“Must be that new cologne of yours Lex, it seems to be driving everyone off,” grinned Lucas, “I haven’t even seen Helen around lately.”

“She doesn’t like coming to the castle,” said Lex, “it seems it has something to do with being treated like a pariah while she’s here.”

“Well if she wasn’t such a stuck up…” began Lucas, but stopped when he heard Lex growling beside him.

“I’m going to grab a couple hours sleep,” said Lex, “we’ll talk about what you think mom and dad are up too when I wake.” And with that he headed upstairs to his room.

“Stuck up bitch,” grinned Lucas, finishing his statement about Helen, and then headed to his own room, vowing to call by Chloe’s later.


She felt so hot and tight around him, her breath coming in short pants and gasps as he began moving harder and faster within her. Her breasts rubbing deliciously against his chest as their bodies moved as one. She pushed her head into the pillow and arched her back, baring her soft neck to him. His face changed and she moaned even louder at the sight if his fangs.

“Do it,” she breathed, her tone begging, “please!”

With a grin he scraped his fangs gently over her neck, licking up the small droplets of blood.

“Yes,” she hissed.

He could feel her tightening around him, knowing she was close, and just at the moment she peaked; he sank his fangs deep in her neck. She screamed out his name in release.

He pulled back after a few sips, her blood dripping off his fangs, he thrusted hard into her once more and finally succumbed to his own release, crying out her name, “Chloe…”

…Lex bolted upright, awake, his face fully vamped and the torn remnants of his sheets scattered around him.

“What the fuck was that?” he growled. “I did NOT dream about fucking Chloe Sullivan. I didn’t.” He quickly got out of bed and began pacing his room, his vampire face still on. “I didn’t, I didn’t,” he kept murmuring. While his demon kept purring that they did, and that it was very enjoyable, and could he just imagine what the real thing would feel like.

The truth was that ever since their conversation about *vampires* that evening at her school, Chloe Sullivan had very much been on Lex’s mind. Even before that meeting he had gradually began to see her as less of an irritating teenager and more like an intelligent young woman he very much enjoyed bantering with. But that conversation and her theory and insight had intrigued him. ‘Although that doesn’t explain the dream I was just having about Chloe Sullivan.'

Lex stopped pacing and sat down on the end of his bed. Closing his eyes he struggled for control for a moment before finally willing his human face back on. For over two hundred years, he and his demon had worked in perfect harmony. But over the last six months, Lex felt like he was in a constant battle with himself. His demon seemed to be pushing him towards something, actually it felt more like it was pushing him to *find* something or *someone*.

“I don’t need this now, whatever *this* is,” he said, putting his head in his hands, “With everything that is happening with Dominic, my father needs me. And he needs me strong and more importantly he needs me to be in control.”

He lay back on the bed and stared at the ceiling. His demon had also been getting more vocal about Helen; in particular it’s intense dislike for her. One of the main reasons Lex was still with her was because he never felt the urge to bite once. Even during sex the last thing on his mind was to bite her.

“And yet here I am dreaming about Chloe and biting at the same time,” he said. Shaking his head, he turned over and tried to get more sleep.


“No Lillian, you can’t go to him,” said Lionel.

“But…” she began.

“I know he’s confused, but you know you can’t.”

“He’s hurting, he’s my baby and he’s hurting and he doesn’t know what’s going on.”

Lionel winced slightly at the pained tone of her voice, “my love, please. He *has* to go through this.”

Lionel and Lillian had been sitting in their room and had *felt* everything Lex was going through. They knew something had woken him up, and that he then proceeded to have a discussion with himself. They both felt the confusion, anger and fear coming off Lex. And twice Lionel had to restrain his wife from running to him.

“His demon is getting stronger and more vocal, which means it has someone in sight. Lex will soon know what is happening to him, and he will come to me. Until then Lillian, we have to stay out of it.”

“I know, I know,” she said, “but that doesn’t mean I have to like it, or that I’m not going to worry about him.”

“You’re his mother, I expect you to worry.” Lionel sat down beside her on the bed and wrapped his arm around her shoulder. “He will get through this.”

“I just can’t bear the thought of any of you in pain.”

Lionel kissed her forehead gently, “look at it this way, we’ll be experts by the time Lucas’ time arrives.” He said, a small smile appearing on his face.

“I really should have had daughters,” said Lillian, the beginnings of a smile on her own face.

“Go out and spoil yourself Lillian. I know Metropolis isn’t Paris but still, retail therapy has always helped. Invite Chloe to go with you.”

Lillian’s face brightened at this idea, “that sounds wonderful, especially the inviting Chloe part. I think I will organise that soon.”

Lionel let out a small laugh as his wife’s mood improved and hugged her closer. ‘Poor Lex,’ he thought, ‘things are only going to get worse before the get better.’


Helen moaned into Dominic’s mouth as he cupped her breasts through her blouse. She ground her hips harder against his. Dominic ached to sink his fangs into her neck, but even her knowledge of medicine and his of magic wouldn’t be able to cover up those marks. One hand slid from her breasts down and under her skirt, climbing higher up her thigh.

“Incredible,” he murmured against her neck and his fingers traced the edge of her panties. While he tended to enjoy male partners more so than female, there was something about Helen. Maybe it was the fact that Lex Luthor was fucking her as well that gave her the extra edge. Well that and those amazing things she could do with her tongue.

The sound of someone clearing their throat behind them snapped both of them out of their lust-filled daze.

“What?” growled Dominic over his shoulder, not removing his hand from under her skirt.

“Sorry sir,” said the man, “but Oliver has finished his plans and wants you to see them.”

“Stay here my pet,” he whispered to Helen, “I will be back soon.”

With a frustrated groan Helen nodded her head and Dominic left the room.

“This better be good Oliver,” he said as he entered the man’s office, “you’ve dragged me away from more pleasurable things.”

“Oh I think you’ll like this,” grinned Oliver, gesturing to the plans laid out of the table. He watched in silence as the vampire poured over the plans. After a few moments, Dominic lifted his head and grinned evilly at the human.

“I can already imagine the carnage this will cause. The death and destruction,” he purred. In his mind’s eye he could already see the broken bodies scattered about. “How long before you can strike?”

“Everything will be ready in two weeks Dominic.”

“And step one of bringing own the Luthors will begin,” grinned Dominic.


Chapter Thirty Four – Banter and Promises


“Smallville Torch, Chloe speaking,” she said as she answered the phone.

“Hey sweetie,” came Gabe’s voice over the other end.

“Hi dad, what’s up?”

“I’m working late tonight. There’s a huge order that needs filling and we are a little behind.”

“Do you want me to hold off on dinner till you get home then?”

“No, you go ahead and eat, I’ll grab something later,” he replied.

“Yeah well make sure you eat,” she teased.

“Yes mother,” replied Gabe with a laugh. “See you later sweetie.”

“Bye dad,” and she hung up, smiling to herself. She walked over to the table and began working on the layout for the next edition.

Lex stood in the doorway of the office and watched Chloe, or more specifically watched her ass. Inwardly he screamed at himself to look away, but he still couldn’t seem to drag his eyes away from it, and how it looked moulded in denim… ‘Stop it,’ he said to himself. Although he hadn’t had any more dreams about her, she had been very much on his mind. Even the small time he had spent with Helen over the last few days his thoughts kept drifting towards Chloe. So, here he was, seeking her out to test a theory of sorts. And so far things weren’t looking good for him.

Knowing she was oblivious to his presence, he made his way across the room. As he sidled up beside her, he spoke, “Shouldn’t the football victory get the front page.”

With a shriek Chloe jumped back, her hand clutching her chest where her heart was thumping wildly. “Stop doing that,” she spat when she got over her shock and realised whom it was.

“Doing what?” he smirked, leaning against the table.

“Sneaking up on people, are you trying to give me a heart attack?”

“It’s not my fault *you* are so jumpy,” he said, his smirk growing.

“And it’s not mine that you’re so childish,” muttered Chloe, “sneaking up on people, jeez what are you? 10 or something.”

Lex’s smirk grew into a smile as he listened to Chloe’s ramblings.

“Is there a reason you are here Mr Luthor, or was scaring me it? Actually shouldn’t you be at the plant, working on filling this huge order?”

“And why would I need to be there when I have a more than capable plant manger to look after things for me,” replied Lex. “And as to my reason for being here, I was confirming the final details with your principal for the computer donation and thought I’d be polite by dropping by to say hello.”

“Don’t you hire someone to do PR for you?”

“No, why are you applying for the job?” ‘Now where the hell did that come from?’ he thought.

“No,” said Chloe.

“Doesn’t the idea of working for the Luthors appeal to you?” he asked, leaning forward slightly.

“No, working for *you* doesn’t appeal to me.”

“You wound me Chloe,” he said, the smile still on his lips, and much to Chloe’s dismay he seemed to move even closer. “Don’t you think we’d be *good* together?”

‘Don’t react, don’t react,’ ran over and over in her mind, ‘be in control.’

“*Good* Lex. Come on now, you and I both know we would kill each other if we had to work together,” she replied. “I mean you have this whole ‘megalomaniac, control freak, expecting people to bow down to your every whim’ thing going on. And I… don’t,“ she finished with a grin.

“No, instead you have this whole ‘stubborn, opinionated, no chance in hell would I take orders from someone like him’ thing going on,” retorted Lex. Inwardly his demon was laughing, especially when Chloe’s eyes widened at his response.

‘Right’ thought Chloe, ‘this means war.’

“At least I don’t have delusions of grandeur, I’m not a snob, I don’t think everyone should hang on my every word, and I don’t speed along the roads like I own them in my sports car, which as I’ve said before is compensating for lacking in another department,” she finished with a large smile, her eyes shining as she warmed to the argument. Lex Luthor may be the most infuriating man she had ever met, but boy was he fun to argue with.

A smile tugged at the corners of Lex’s mouth. ‘Good girl,’ his demon muttered, ‘stand your ground.’ And Lex found himself in complete agreement.

Chloe felt a strange feeling in the pit of her stomach as Lex smiled at her, and it only intensified as she saw the mild impressed look on his face. He leaned in ever closer and once again Chloe found herself *trapped* by Lex Luthor.

Being this close to her had snapshots of his dream running through his mind. For a second all he saw was Chloe beneath him, naked, begging him to fuck her harder. He closed his eyes briefly and when he opened them again Chloe saw they had darkened considerably.

“I believe the next retort is yours,” she said, hoping to break the sudden air of tension that had settled around them.

The now familiar smirk graced Lex’s lips and just as he was about to speak the door opened and Clark walked in. Just about biting back a growl, Lex glared at the boy, before stepping back from Chloe.

“Uh sorry,” muttered Clark, although not quite sure what he was apologising for.

“I look forward to resuming our verbal judo Chloe,” Lex said to her before leaving the room.

“So do I,” she whispered when he was out of sight. When she turned her attention to Clark she found him looking at her with his *disapproving* look on his face.

“Yes Clark,” she said.

“Was I interrupting something?” he asked.

“Not particularly, Lex was here to see the principal and decided to drop by and say hello,” she replied, turning her back to him and returning to the table she had been working on. ‘Was he interrupting something?’ she thought, ‘there was *something* happening, but I have no idea what is was.’ She rubbed her temples, feeling a headache coming on. ‘Note to self, stop trying to analyse Lex Luthor.’

“You seemed pretty cosy,” said Clark.

Chloe rolled her eyes and took a deep breath. Turning around again she faced Clark and prepared herself for one of Clark Kent’s famous ‘I’m a concerned friend but this is a lecture’ speeches.


“Mr Luthor, Dennis is here,” said the butler.

“Thank you David, show him in please.”

With a small bow David stepped back and allowed the other man to walk in. Then closed the door.

“Dennis, I’m assuming you have news,” said Lionel as he shook the other man’s hand.

“It’s not much Mr Luthor, but I thought you should have an update,” said Dennis, taking a seat. “I have been keeping an eye on her as you said, without getting too close. She has been out with your son a few times in the last couple of days, and she did spend the night as his Metropolis apartment with him. The rest of her time has been spent between the hospital and meeting with Dominic. In fact their last meeting was at the ‘Spider Web’ club and let’s say they didn’t care who saw what they were getting up too,” he said with a grimace.

Lionel knew why they wouldn’t be bothered who saw them at that club. Dominic owned it, and the only people who frequented there were his supporters. “Anything else?”

“Not really, except, another man has been seen in their company on a couple of occasions. I’ve done some checking on him, but nothing has come up. His name is Oliver, German, big guy, he and Dominic seem like friends. Seems to be a respectable business man, I’m sure there is something more sinister about him, but I haven’t been able to find anything yet Mr Luthor.”

“You continue to watch Helen, I’ll check into the Oliver person,” said Lionel. “As always thanks for your help Dennis.”

“My pleasure sire, you know I’d do anything for your family.”

Lionel smiled as he shook the man’s hand and then Dennis left the room. ‘Lucas,’ Lionel called out, ‘I have a job for you son.’


Dominic watched with a smile as Oliver acted almost like a giddy child when his *equipment* arrived. The German opened box after box, he would take out certain items and checked them before moving onto the next. It had cost Dominic a number of favours and over $5million dollars to get everything he needed. But he knew it would be worth it. The devastation he was about to cause would be worth every single cent. The Luthors would tremble at his power after this.

“When this is over, you can have anything you want Olivier,” he said. “And I do mean *anything*.”

“I want that stupid whore Helen gone,” said Oliver, “and I want you to turn me Dominic. I’m ready for it now.”

“Consider it done,” smiled Dominic.


Chapter Thirty Five – The Uneasy Calm

Chloe sat in her living room waiting for Lillian Luthor to arrive. When she got home from school on Friday she received a phone call from Lillian asking Chloe to accompany her to Metropolis on Saturday for shopping. Chloe had tried to explain to her that although her offer was very generous she didn’t think she would have the means, i.e. the cash to shop in the places Mrs Luthor would be accustomed to shopping in. But Lillian was hearing none of it saying that money was not an option and that she had already spoken to Chloe’s father and all he had said was not to spoil her too much.

Deep down Chloe was ecstatic that her dad was ok with this. She couldn’t wait to spend the day with Mrs Luthor. “A what a shitty day it is too,” she murmured looking at the rain. It was only 10.00am but the dark clouds that hung overhead made it seem like it should be much later. She jumped off the couch when she saw the limo pulling up in front of her house. Grabbing her jacket and bag she left the house.

Andrew smiled as she approached and held the door open for her. “Miss Sullivan,” he said.

“Thank you,” replied Chloe, slipping into the car. Andrew closed the door after her and walked back around to the driver’s seat.

“Hello my dear,” greeted Lillian warmly, leaning across to hug Chloe.

“Hi Lillian,” smiled Chloe, as the car took off.

“Now Chloe,” began Lillian, “a couple of ground rules for today. The first is that we will have fun, the second is the words, ‘No Lillian I can’t let you buy me that,’ or any sentence similar to that is not allowed. Is that clear?” she finished with a smile.

“But Lillian, I can’t let you…”

“Chloe, we’ve only set off and rule number two is already not being adhered too…” she grinned.

“It is very clear Lillian,” she said with a small laugh. Although inwardly she was thinking up new ways of being able to refuse any gifts from Mrs Luthor without using the words she had said or upsetting the older woman.

“Excellent,” replied Lillian, settling back in her seat.


“Ah Lex, good you’re here,” said Lionel, as his eldest son took his seat.

“Where’s mom?”

“She’s gone to Metropolis… shopping,” grinned Lucas. “And she’s taken Chloe with her.”

“I feel sorry for Chloe,” said Lex, “you know what mom is like.”

“I feel sorry for our bank balance,” muttered Lionel, earning a laugh from Lex and Lucas.

“Now onto business,” he said after a moment, “Lucas what have you found out about this Oliver person?”

“He’s a very big noise in weapons. He has supplied almost every known terrorist group at one time or another. He also has been a gun for hire himself, and an expert in explosives.”

“And what’s his relationship with Dominic?” asked Lex.

“Business associates,” replied Lucas, “I believe our favourite half-breed has funded some of Oliver’s less than savoury business adventures. They seem to have known each other for about twenty years.”

“What the hell is he doing in Metropolis?” murmured Lionel, “I have a very bad feeling about this boys, but I can’t put my finger on it. Be alert, both of you, I want to know if anything looks out of the ordinary and I don’t care how insignificant it seems.”

Lex and Lucas both nodded.

‘And what is that bitch Helen doing in the middle of all this,’ Lionel added to himself, sparing a glance at Lex.


“Madame Luthor, as always a delight to see you again,” gushed the store manager as Lillian and Chloe entered.

On the drive to Metropolis, Lillian had told Chloe that she hadn’t said anything to Lex yet about Helen, she wanted to talk to the woman first. To which Chloe had asked if she could be present for that conversation. As soon as they arrived in Metropolis they headed to ‘Alain’s’ Metropolis’ most expensive and exclusive store. And no using the front door like everyone else, oh no, they were ushered in through the back and up an elevator to the top of the store, where ‘Mr Gushing’ as Chloe dubbed him, greeted them.

She bit back a laugh as Lillian rolled her eyes at the man’s actions. Fortunately they didn’t have to put up with him for long, no sooner had they been led to a small room when they were greeted by ‘Alain’ himself. Chloe figured he was in his late sixties, a still very handsome man, whose eyes twinkled when he saw Lillian.

“Lillian,” he said, a huge smile on his face as he kissed the woman on both cheeks.

“Alain,” Lillian smiled, “please let me introduce you to someone very special.” She led him over to where Chloe was standing, “Alain, I’d like you to meet Chloe Sullivan.”

“Enchanted," he smiled, taking Chloe’s hand and kissing it, causing a light blush to flood her cheeks.

“Nice to meet you too,” she said.

“Now that pleasantries are over with,” he said, “shall I show you the new collections?”

“Lead on,” said Lillian, winking at Chloe.



“Hey Mr Sullivan,” Clark called out when he saw Chloe’s dad at the counter.

Gabe waved over to him and after paying for his coffee made his way over to the table where Clark, Pete and Lana were seated.

“Where’s Chloe today Mr Sullivan?” Lana asked.

“Chloe, has gone to Metropolis with Lillian Luthor, shopping,” said Gabe with a grin. “And even before Lillian rang Chloe she called me to make sure it was ok, and that I didn’t mind her spending money on my daughter. I told it wasn’t me she had to worry about it was Chloe.”

“Shopping with Mrs Luthor,” gasped Lana, “the very *rich* Mrs Luthor?”

“Yes that would be the one Lana,” said Gabe, noticing the look of jealously that now graced Lana’s face. He resisted the temptation to roll his eyes, secretly pleased that Lillian and all the Luthors in fact had been so taken with his daughter. Although Chloe would never admit it, Gabe knew she always felt kind of second to Lana in everything.

“Well kids, enjoy the rest of your day,” said Gabe.

“Bye Mr Sullivan,” Pete and Clark called out. Lana just pouted.

“Go Chlo,” smiled Pete, and Clark nodded in agreement.

“I think I hear my aunt calling me,” said Lana through gritted teeth, getting up and leaving them.

“Boy, was it my imagination Clark, or does Lana look a little green,” grinned Pete.

“*More* than a little,” muttered Clark.


Seven hours later, an exhausted Chloe crawled back into the limo. She couldn’t believe how much fun she had with Lillian. And being in the company of someone with as much money as the Luthors was definitely a bonus. The staff at the store where falling over themselves to help. Professional models modelled the clothes for them. ‘I don’t believe in mirrors, Lillian had said, I need to see the clothes on someone to decide if I like them.’

And like them she did, Chloe had no idea how much money Lillian had spent, but if she was pressed into making a guess $75,000 dollars probably wouldn’t have been far off the mark. Also, no matter what Chloe said, Lillian didn’t stop buying her *gifts* as she called them.

So much had been bought that everything was going to be delivered later the following week, and Lillian had already invited Chloe to castle for when they arrived. ‘To show them off,’ she had said.

“Tired,” said Lillian.

“Very much so, I never realised shopping could be so draining,” replied Chloe, “but again, thank you so, so much for today, it has been great, I’ve really enjoyed myself.”

“It was my pleasure Chloe, shopping is so much more fun when someone is with you. Especially when that someone is a friend. Besides a young woman like yourself needs to be spoiled and pampered, the boys in Smallville won’t know what hit them.”

“I could parade naked down the street Lillian and they still wouldn’t notice,” laughed Chloe.

“What about Clark? I’m sure he’d notice.”

“Clark’s a friend. Ok, I may have had a small crush on him at some point. Ok it was a huge crush on him,” she added when Lillian gave her a disbelieving look. “But it was never going anywhere.”

“I can understand you having a crush, he is a handsome boy,” said Lillian, “although, nowhere in the same league as my boys,” she added with a smirk. “Wouldn’t you agree Chloe?”

“Your sons are *very* easy on the eye Lillian.”

“And would you have a preference, just between you and me of course?”

‘I don’t know anymore,’ thought Chloe, ‘a few weeks ago I would have said Lucas without hesitation, but now…’ She felt her cheeks heat up.

“I’m sorry Chloe, I don’t mean to embarrass you,” smiled Lillian, she had got what she wanted, “let’s not mention it again. So Thursday after school you’re ok to call over to check our purchases?”

“I am indeed, I’m looking forward to it.”

“Good,” said Lillian. ‘And I’ll make sure Lex and the others are there as well,’ she thought.


Dominic sat back in his chair as the last man entered the room and seated himself at the table.

“Well gentlemen,” he said, “everything is perfect, we are ahead of schedule, and next Thursday we strike the Luthors.”

1st September 2004, 15:01
Ok Fi be nice and give us a new update. ;)

1st September 2004, 17:44
Ok, now on with the NEW chapter.........Fiona :biggrin:


Chapter Thirty Six – Countdown


A very nervous looking man lit up his fifth cigarette in almost as many minutes as the large truck pulled up. “You’re late,” he hissed as the driver rolled down the window.

“Only five fucking minutes, keep your panties on,” growled the driver. “Have they all gone?”

The man nodded, “the security guards are over the other side, and aren’t due around here for another forty minutes. Is that enough time?”

“Plenty,” said the driver, “and then we’ll hit the other side while they are over here.” He got out of the truck and walked around to the back, followed by the other man. He opened the back of the truck to reveal four vampires, each clutching a heavy bag.

“What about my money?” the nervous man asked as the vampires got out of the truck and made their way to the back door.

“You’ll get it when everything is in place, now quit wasting time,” snapped the driver.

With shaking hands he opened the back door and everyone entered.

“Don’t they need an invite?” he whispered to the driver.

“No, this is a factory, a place of work, public and all that. Ok, my un-dead friends, thirty-two minutes and counting, get going.”


Almost eighty minutes later everything was in place and the truck had left the building and was on its way back to Metropolis. In the back of the truck the vampires were being fed… the man who had let them in and expecting payment for it, now found himself as dinner.

“It’s done,” the driver told Dominic.

“And the guard?”

“He’s being taken care of,” replied the driver, and then hung up the phone. He turned up his radio to drown out the sounds coming from the back, and whistled along to the tune.



Chloe knew she would get coffee at the Luthors, but the ‘bitch’ side of her wanted to go to the Talon before heading over there. Her dad had told her all about the conversation he had in the Talon with Clark, Pete and Lana, and especially Lana’s reaction to finding out she had gone shopping with Lillian Luthor in Metropolis. She hadn’t had a chance to talk to Lana since Saturday, now normally that would be a good thing, but Chloe just couldn’t resist the urge to rub the former cheerleader’s face in it a little more.

When she entered the Talon, she saw Lana, and surprise, surprise Clark, over at the counter. “Hi guys,” she said, “can I get a cappuccino to go please Lana?”

“Not staying then,” said Clark.

“I’d love too,” replied Chloe, “but Lillian rang to say everything from the shopping trip had been delivered so I’m heading over to the Luthor castle.”

There was a crash as Lana dropped a cup, and Chloe bit back a laugh at the glare the brunette was throwing at her. “Did Mrs Luthor buy much?” she asked.

“God yes,” exclaimed Chloe, “tens of thousands of dollars. We went to ‘Alain’s’ and the man himself was there. You should *see* some of the outfits she bought.”

“And did you get anything?” Lana asked.

“Well it’s not like I could afford anything in the store, but, and this was despite me constantly telling her no, Lillian did spend *some* on me.”

“Wow Chlo,” said Clark, “good for you. Isn’t it Lana?"

“Yes great,” said Lana thought gritted teeth.

“When I get everything home Lana, you *must* come over to see all the clothes, shoes, etc,” said Chloe, a huge smile of her face. ‘Take that bitch,’ she thought.

“Great,” said Lana, handing Chloe her coffee.

“Thanks,” said Chloe, taking the drink and placing the money on the counter. “Well I’ll see you tomorrow then. Bye.” And as she left the Talon a smirk to rival the Luthors graced Chloe’s face.


“I haven’t seen Helen around lately, is everything ok?” Lillian asked Lex.

“She’s been working, and things are cooling off,” replied Lex.

“Ah, that’s terrible my dear,” said Lillian.

“Ok mom, try and say that without the pure glee in your voice.”

“I’m not that good of an actress,” retorted Lillian. ‘Good,’ she thought, ‘Lex is coming to his senses about that bitch. But I’ll still get my revenge on her.’

“Will that order be reached?” Lionel’s voice suddenly sounded.

“It will. They are all working late tonight. I offered to stay as well, but Gabe insisted that everything was under control and he’d call me if I was needed,” said Lex with a smile.

“Next to yourself son, Gabe Sullivan is the one man I’d trust in charge,” said Lionel, taking the seat beside Lillian. “I’m assuming there will be a bonus for every worker.”

“Yes, I left the figures with you to sign off. I also left a separate sheet for what I think Gabe should get.”

“Look who I found outside,” said Lucas entering the room, his arm round Chloe’s waist.

Lex was slightly taken aback when he felt a burst of anger from his demon when he saw his brother’s arm around Chloe’s waist. Tearing his gaze away he made his way over to the bar to get a drink. Only Lillian and Lionel noticed this and shared a look before turning their attention to welcoming Chloe.

“Everything has been placed upstairs Chloe. I didn’t realise I had bought so much until I saw all the boxes,” smiled Lillian.

“Seven hours is a lot of time for you to do damage Lillian,” smirked Lionel, “and having an accomplice made the damage even greater.”

“Oh, don’t blame me Mr Luthor,” said Chloe with a smile, “I, on numerous occasions, tried to stop her, but alas to no avail. She seemed determined to keep spending.”

“Traitor,” exclaimed Lillian laughing, “see if I let you keep those boots now.”

“No please, don’t take the boots, I beg you,” said Chloe, laughing herself. Even if she never got a chance to wear them, how many people in Smallville could say they had a pair of $1000 dollar suede boots in the closet.

Lex smiled to himself as he made his way back over to everyone. It amazed him how easily Chloe got on with everyone in his family. ‘Well except me,’ he thought, ‘although that seems to be improving.’

“Would you like a drink Chloe?” he asked her.

“No thanks Lex. I’ve had a jolt of caffeine already. So I’m good for a few hours.”

“Let’s leave these to discuss fertiliser Chloe, we have many boxes to open,” grinned Lillian.

“Now there a difficult choice Lillian. Stay and discuss then wonders of fertiliser or go with you to check out if you did leave anything in ‘Alain’s,’” grinned Chloe.

“Ah but Chloe, you’d be discussing fertiliser with three extremely handsome men,” grinned Lucas, “well *two* extremely handsome men and Lex,” he added, earning a glare from Lex.

Chloe walked over and joined Lillian at the door, “don’t mind him Lex,” she called over her shoulder, “you’re more than extremely handsome.” And with that both women left.

Lex stared after them, still not quite believing what Chloe had said.

“Lex, when you’ve done analysing that remark, we do actually need to discuss fertiliser,” grinned Lionel.

Ignoring his demon’s pleased rumblings that Chloe thought he was handsome, Lex focussed his attention on the business in hand.


“Gabe, that stupid machine has gotten stuck again. We need you to work your magic.”

“No problem Tom, I’m on my way.” Gabe left his office and made his way down to the factory floor. “Tom, remind me tomorrow to bring that machine up with Lex. We definitely need it replaced.”

There were over 120 Luthor-Corp workers on the factory floor, and another 25 in the packing area. Things were going well and they all hoped to be finished within the next two hours.

‘I’ll have time to grab a late dinner with my daughter if we get finished then,’ thought Gabe as he tackled the machine.


In his office, Dominic, Olivier, Helen and a few others sat around a computer screen.

“It’s all ready Dom,” said Olivier, “you need to only enter the command and the countdown will begin.”

Dominic’s face morphed and he smiled at everyone, a sight that looked anything but friendly. “I have waited for this moment,” he hissed through his fangs, “the war with the Luthors starts now.”

He typed in the command on the screen and after a second large red numbers appeared on the screen. 29:58 it read, the seconds counting down.

1st September 2004, 17:52
Oh no!!! WIll gabe make it???? i wanna know..noW!! please! :yay:

1st September 2004, 18:13
Thank you for reposting!! I love your new chapter!! But please, please don't hurt Gabe!! Excellent new chapter!! I can't wait for more!! :yay: :chlexsign3: :yay:

1st September 2004, 18:18
ahhhhh- whats going to happen? Is Gabe going to be ok? Thanks for reposting the updates. I can hardly wait for the next one.

1st September 2004, 19:34

S.Ann Smith
1st September 2004, 21:54
:lol: it took me until half way to realize that i read this part already :huh: oh well... it was almost as if it was the first time... haha

:wub: it , but you knew that ... hurryy back and add yet another one ... you know you want to...

"... keep your panties on!" :pclol:

1st September 2004, 22:24
ARGH! Stupid Dominic! He ruins everything! *deep breath* Okay, this is okay, I can handle this. You've probably got some scheme to just have Gabe get hurt and be hospitalized; while the Luthors, feeling guilty for Chloe's dad getting caught in the crossfire, insist that they stay in their home while he's healing. Yes. That's it. Going to calm down now. Well done Fi.

1st September 2004, 23:14

Please write more! If you don't, then I hafta do my Comp-Relig homework....

2nd September 2004, 01:01
OH my god, that is... well i don't have words, please update soon. What is it with Gabe and getting blown up. Although there is the consoling aspect to consider. I can't wait to see how Chloe finds out what the Luthors are..... This is just an amazing story, some of the best plot driven stuff out there. GREAT WORK!!!

2nd September 2004, 02:13
Please, please, please, I BEG you, give us another chapter so we know what happens. You have a legion of Gabe lovers worrying themselves sick over here!

This fic is wonderful, did you go to special suspense-building school or is this a natural talent?

Thanks for restoring so quickly.

2nd September 2004, 03:21
Gabe... please, please don't let anything too drastic happen-- I love Gabe.

Anyhow, LOVED Chloe's line on 'extremely handsome' to Lex and so enjoyed the Lana jealousy!!

More soon, please, please, please? This story is my reward after writing all my school stuff!!


2nd September 2004, 04:06
:huh: NOTHING better happen to Gabe! I could not take it! Please I beg you :worship2:

Great chapter. I really enjoyed Lucas' remark about the handsome men and LOVED Chloe's reply to Lex. Yummy!

Ok, just want to make sure we are clear... NOTHING happends to Gabe. Maybe the Luthor's know what's going on??

Good, glad we are on the same page (gulp...) I hope.

Please update soon!

2nd September 2004, 04:50
This fic makes me entirely too giddy. *grin*

Lovin' it still.

Now - more please? Pretty please with sugar and...um...Lex...yeah - pretty please with sugar and Lex on top? *blinks innocently*

2nd September 2004, 09:21
NONONONONO! Hope Gabe's gonna be fine. Pleeeeease. :worship2:

I Loooooove this fic and I look forward to read more. :chlexsign3:

2nd September 2004, 16:29
I'm waiting in anticipation to see what happens to Gabe. Will he - won't he? Hmm well can't wait to see what Dominic can come up with after this plan goes ahead. Keep up the good writing.

Kit Merlot
2nd September 2004, 18:23
Oh man, I hope Gabe doesn't get hurt!

I do love Chloe rubbing her realtionship with the Luthors' in Lana's face--FABULOUS!

And I like Chloe teling Lex she thinks he's handsome-YES :yay:

WELL DONE :biggrin:

2nd September 2004, 21:12
love lex's demon, he's always right,

loved the bragging, eat rejection Blana :tease:

love lea whos gonna go re-review everything

2nd September 2004, 23:26
Damn! I hope Gabe is gonna be alright! *shudders* Have I mentioned lately that I really don't like Dominic? Anyways I loved seeing Chloe get the chance to rub Lana's nose in it and I definitely loved her comment to Lex in the last chapter - priceless! Can't wait for more. ;)

3rd September 2004, 06:23
Fi, please say that not going to kill Gabe. :crygreen: Maybe one of the workers could find the explosive (?) that was planted and Gabe could set off the fire alarm to get everyone out of the factory. Gabe could get hurt so that he had to stay in the hospital and Chloe could stay with the Luthors till he gets better. I don't see Dominic taking it to well if his plans were to fail.

3rd September 2004, 11:53
am i strange i actually want gabe to die...

think about it

chloe moves into ther mansion

usual smut occurs

love lea

3rd September 2004, 14:21
This fic makes me entirely too giddy. *grin*
I totally agree! Glad to see the chapters back up.

More soon, pretty please?

4th September 2004, 22:45
Arg, Fiona! You can't stop there! I've been reading where I left of a while ago yesterday at school, and the rest now... Which.. is not good... Got me thinking all naughty nc17 stuff.... which isn't good... FIONA!!!!

5th September 2004, 18:54
Ok, I know some of you have already guessed this would happen....damn you all raining on my suspense...LOL :biggrin: Anyway here's the next chapter.....Fiona


Chapter Thirty Seven - ZERO

“Damn it,” muttered Gabe, “stupid machine.” He tinkered around with it some more, “ok Tom, try and start it again.”

Tom flicked the switch on the machine and it coughed and spluttered to life. Gabe held his breath to see if it would last longer than 10 seconds this time. It coughed and spluttered a few times more but thankfully didn’t die out and continued to run.

“Well done Gabe,” said Tom.

Gabe smiled at him, “ok, I don’t think it will last long so let’s get what we can out of it. I’m going to check on the others and see where they are on their volumes. When I ring Lionel with an update I want to give him good news.”

Tom nodded and Gabe made his way around to check the other areas.


20:04… 20:03… 20:02… 20:01… 20:00… 19:59…

Dominic clapped his hands like a small child as the numbers counted down.


“Oh God who knew leather could feel so good,” murmured Chloe to herself as she smoothed her hands over the black leathers pants. Coupled with the pants she was wearing a green silk halter-top. “Now only if Smallville had the clubs to show this off in.”

She left the room she had been changing in to show Lillian how the clothes looked on. The older woman was taking delight in picking out clothes for her to wear. “This is the kind of thing I should have been doing with my mom,” she whispered to herself.

Outside the room, Lillian heard Chloe’s whisper and gave a sad smile. ‘She didn’t deserve you Chloe if she ran out on you,’ thought Lillian, ‘any woman would be proud to call you their daughter.’

“Ok Lillian, here I come,” called out Chloe and opened the door. At that exact time Lex and Lucas walked into the room just as Chloe made her appearance.

“Oh wow,” said Lucas, smiling as he ran his eyes over her.

Lillian turned her attention to Lex who was just staring at Chloe. She on the other hand was oblivious to Lex’s perusal and was smiling shyly at Lucas, and Lillian suspected fighting the urge to blush. Lillian watched as Lex’s eyes flashed and she could see the beginnings of his fangs descending.

‘LEX,’ she screamed in his mind. He snapped his eyes from Chloe to look at his mother. Again she could feel the confusion coming off him in waves and resisted the urge to comfort her son.

“So Lex, how do you think Chloe looks?” asked Lucas, slapping his brother on the shoulder, unaware of what had happened.

He shook his head and managed to get a slight grip of control of himself as he brought his eyes back to Chloe. “You look incredible Chloe,” he said.

Her blush grew at his words.

‘I need to get out of here,’ he thought. “If you’ll excuse me,” he said, “I think I hear dad calling.”

Lucas though him a funny look as he left.

“Chloe dear, why don’t you try this top with the pants now,” said Lillian, handing another small and silky top to her.

“Ok,” smiled Chloe heading off to change again, secretly delighted with herself that she had got a reaction from both Luthors, particularly Lex.

“What was that about?” asked Lucas, jerking his head in the direction Lex had gone in.

“You know your brother,” said Lillian.

“Yeah giving complements to anyone other than himself hurts,” said Lucas with a grin. Shrugging his shoulders he called out to Chloe in the other room, “this top better show more skin.”

“You wish,” she retorted back.

“I do actually,” he laughed in reply. Lillian laughed as well, feeling a little better as Lionel told her he was going to check on Lex.


10:04… 10:03… 10:02… 10:01… 10:00… 09:59…

“Close now,” said Dominic, the excitement in his voice rising, “so close…”


“Are you ok son?” Lex turned quickly to see his father standing there. After leaving Chloe, Lex had made his way to his room. And proceeded to pace up and down the carpet once more as he tried to get a grip on what had happened. That was the second time tonight that Chloe Sullivan had caused his demon to go crazy. He had been so deep in thought that he hadn’t heard or even sensed his father entering his room.

“I’m fine dad,” he replied with a small smile.

“You do know you can talk to me about *anything* Lex, don’t you?”

“I know, I know. But like I said, everything’s fine. Please dad…” he finished off, his eyes pleading with his father not to push him.

“I was just talking to Gabe, he says they are packing up the trucks now,” said Lionel, changing the subject completely. “And everything went well.”

“Excellent,” replied Lex, “and thanks dad.”

Lionel smiled at his son. “Come on, let’s go rescue Chloe before your mother decides to adopt her…”


02:04… 02:03… 02:02… 02:01… 02:00… 01:59…

The red numbers on the screen seemed to grow ever bigger as they got closer to zero.


All the workers stood around on the factory floor. The trucks were all loaded up and awaiting their drivers. “Ok, ok, quieten down everyone,” said Gabe, “QUIET!”

The mumblings and whispers halted and everyone faced the plant manager.

“Right, now I have everyone’s attention. I know it’s late and you all want to get home. I just want to say thank you for all the effort put in over not just tonight but the last week in getting this order filled. I was talking to Lionel Luthor earlier as the trucks were being loaded and told him that we had done it. He sends his thanks as well, and has also told me that everyone will be getting a bonus.”

The crowd erupted into a cheer as Gabe told them this. He shook his head and smiled as he waited for them to calm down again.


00:24… 00:23… 00:22… 00:21… 00:20… 00:19…

Helen gasped as Dominic’s grip on her thigh tightened as the numbers moved towards zero.


All the Luthors and Chloe now sat in the living room again. She was once again wearing the jeans and shirt she had arrived in. Lex had positioned himself as far away from Chloe as he could without drawing the others into saying something. Lionel was telling her how impressed he was with her father and all the workers at the plant for achieving what they did.

Chloe felt a surge of pride for her dad at Lionel’s words.


00:05… 00:04… 00:03… 00:02… 00:01… 00:00…

“Bang,” whispered Dominic, as the zeroes flashed at him.



“What the hell?” exclaimed Clark as he heard the bang. The Talon seemed to shake and the lights flickered.

The door was flung open and an out of breath Pete rushed in.

“The plant,” he gasped, “explosion at the plant. Fire…”

Clark left and when he was sure no one was watching took off using his speed.



“What was that?” cried Lillian.

“It sounds like an… explosion,” said Lucas.

Lex rushed over to one of the large windows. “Oh no,” he said when he saw the smoke in the distance, the flames reaching high into the sky.

“That’s the plant,” said Lionel. “It’s coming from the plant. Lucas, Lex with me now.”

“Dad,” whispered Chloe, “oh god dad,” tears filling her eyes.



The noise was deafening, and echoed throughout the plant. The cheers turned into screams, as the building seemed to come apart. Fires broke out everywhere as the explosions ripped through the factory. Workers were trampled in the stampede as people tried to escape. Beams fell from the ceilings, crushing people. Windows shattered, glass raining down.

Injured and dead were strewn everywhere. Mass panic and hysteria filled those still able to move as they tried to escape.

Gabe tried to help those who had fallen as he fought his own way to an escape. Someone knocked into him from behind, sending him crashing to the floor. He fell on some glass, cutting his forehead, the blood flowing over his face, into his eyes. He rolled onto his back, a large portion of the wall broke away and Gabe watched through eyes clouded in blood as it fell towards him, almost in slow motion.

“Chloe,” he whispered, then there was excruciating pain and then welcomed darkness.

5th September 2004, 19:02
Alright. That was just evil, leaving it there. So I'm going to do something I don't do very often... beg. PLEASE don't leave it hanging like that for too long. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE. *grin*

Alright, now that that's out of the way.

The chapter was marvelous. I like the way you went back and forth between the different events that were transpiring.

Touching moment when Chloe realized that she was having a mother-daughter moment with Lillian - something she should have been been able to do with her own mother.

And Lex... goddess, what can be said about him? Stubborn. He needs to just get down to asking his parents what's going on... but knowing Lex he won't ask for help right up to the moment he loses all control. *snicker*

So - back to begging - more soon, please?

5th September 2004, 19:05



5th September 2004, 19:10
We could NEVER ruin your suspense, dear. You're too good of a writer for that.

Even though we saw it coming, it was an awesome chapter. Now, you can't be so cruel as to leave it like that for very long. Please give us a new one soon!


5th September 2004, 19:27
:ohmy: Oh no!! GABE!!! Loved lexes reaction to chloe, and KILL DOMONIC NOW!!!!!

5th September 2004, 19:44
:ohmy: :huh: :crygreen: :evil: :mad: :nono: :nobad: :cliffhanger: :puppyeyes: :cryblue:

Those smilies explain my feelings at the moment.

I can just picture Chloe going into "I'm Gonna Get the F*cker Who Did This" Mode.


5th September 2004, 20:04
NOOOOOOOOOOooooooOOOOOOoooooooo!!!!!!!!!!! GABE!!!!!!!!!! he has to live!!!!!!! ok you need to update soon and when you do i expect gabe to live!!!!! *stomps feet like a 5 year old*

5th September 2004, 20:06
am i the only one cheering now?

yeah i thought so

saw it coming

let the smut commence

bring on the smut bring on the smut

lil' bit smut obsessed, but not alot

love lea

5th September 2004, 20:14
ok that was great but you can't leave it like that

5th September 2004, 20:15
:crygreen: Please, please let Clark get to the plant in enough time to save Gabe and alot of the other workers. And I hope the Luthors plan on rebuilding the plant and start going on the attack against Dominic. Maybe Lionel could get his hands on Dominic's male lover, the one who set the bombs, and send his head to Dominic as a present.

Queen Of Tact
5th September 2004, 20:48
oh no you can't stop there
that's just too good to stop there
please please please post more soon

I so love this fic, great job...


5th September 2004, 21:11
This is so not good for my mental state-- I just read the screenplay to "Thelma and Louise" (which I have to present this week) and now not to know if Gabe suffers a horrid fate...

my psyche can't take this!!!

Which means, in my roundabout way, I am telling you that I LOVE this chapter and add that you'd better update soon because I can't handle having to wait to find out what happens next!


5th September 2004, 21:25
:devil: you are evil. That is all I have to say.

5th September 2004, 21:30
You know, I'll get flamed for saying this, but I love that you still have Chloe and Lucas being flirty. Even if they don't like each other that way, that really fits with how I see them. Plus, it helps the jealousy along on Lex's side. :biggrin:

And poor Gabe. I hope Clark gets there in time to save him - even if he does have to spend an extensive amount of time recovering in a hospital or whatnot. Wondering if the Luthor guys will see Clark in action and what they'll make of that.

More soon please.

5th September 2004, 21:38
Poor, poor Gabe!! I'm so proud that he didn't just run, but tried to help others too!! If Dominic doesn't kill Helen, I hope that Lionel and Lillian have fun with the job!!! :hammer: Thanks for the new chapter!! But please, please update again soon!! Like now!! :biggrin: :worship2: :chlexsign4: :worship2:

5th September 2004, 21:57
totally amazing chapter! I loved how you wrote it, looking at different people's perspectives, with the countdown looming in the background: it gave a real sense of impending doom. And still you managed to get character elements in here too, like Lex's struggle and refusal to speak to his father about it... :worship2:

I really don't see how Gabe could survive this :cryblue: but I hope he does for Chloe's sake. I have a sense that he won't be making an appearance any time soon though, and I personally would love to read that, to see how chloe deals with it, and how the luthor's rally around her when they know who did it, and can't tell her why... Lillian would surely take chloe in, and to have a non-vamp around would put pressure on them all to keep the secret, and leave her pretty intimidated when she discovers it. I think it would be a very interesting dynamic... not that i'm wanting to be the founding member of the 'Kill Gabe Brigade' or anything!

Can't wait to read more!!


5th September 2004, 22:38
I hate being left hanging like that!!! grr... Poor, poor gabe!!!

6th September 2004, 00:21
Oh WOW! That was an absolutely stunning update!

Three things though;
One: please don't let Gabe die, maybe he could just have to stay in hospital for a while so that Chloe has to stay with the Luthors for a while.
Two: please let Lex talk to his parents about his demons behaviour soon. I just can't wait for Lillian's smirk over it's obsession with Chloe.
Three: and last but not least, Dominic and Helen have to die; slowly and painfully if possible.

Update soon......pretty please with a cherry on top?!


6th September 2004, 00:55
One: please don't let Gabe die, maybe he could just have to stay in hospital for a while so that Chloe has to stay with the Luthors for a while.

That would be the ideal solution because it means that Chloe is in close proximity to Lex which could lead to lots of lovely :smut: and she won't have to go through the angst of losing her dad. Angst delays the smut and we need the smut!!! :biggrin:

:suckup: Please don't leave us hanging too long for the next part.

6th September 2004, 05:31
Okay I loved the way you flashed between scenes, the suspense was incredible and reminded me a little of the great montage in the season 3 finale, BUT,

You can't kill Gabe!! :crygreen: :tease: :tease: Evil fi!! Just put him in the Smallville Medical Centre, will you? Then we can have all the happy smut and snooping without killing such a great character. You wouldn't be as stupid as TPTB to waste such an awesome character, would you fi?

Would you? :cryblue: :puppyeyes:

6th September 2004, 07:05
that was so --wow! i hope gabe is ok. So happy to see (read) lexs reaction to chloe with the fangs and eyes. PLEASE please please update soon. I can hardly sit still with anticipation for the next part. :yay2:


6th September 2004, 11:35
:crygreen: :crygreen: :crygreen:
Poor Gabe....
You're so evil.. please, more soon!

6th September 2004, 12:01
First NOOOOOOOO! Please, let Gabe live :crygreen: !

And second, thanks for updating the lost chapters. I actually missed the last. Its so good to read that story again! :biggrin:

6th September 2004, 15:17

Oh please be okay.... oh pleeeeease!!!

Great chapter... I can't wait for the next... WOW

6th September 2004, 18:42
Not happy! How could you just end it like that?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? You are to update immediatly! Gabe better not die, that is all I have to say.

It was a good chapter to that last part. Not happy... update.

6th September 2004, 20:57
Arrrrggg :crygreen: Why Gabe? :crygreen:

Please update soon I want more!!! :chlexsign1:

7th September 2004, 05:28
Now that Hurricane Frances has passed...and dropped so much rain that I can't even leave my house....AND my power is back I was able to enjoy an hour of entertainment. YAY!

Wonderful update...can't wait for the outcome


7th September 2004, 06:47
Fi, I love you and all that, but you are pure evil! Update now please!!! That is not a place that you are allowed to leave the story for any period of time.

On another note, we miss you over at FF

7th September 2004, 20:18
I love that everyone loves Gabe.....The Chloe/Lucas flirting is especially for you Kris, I see them as continuing to flirt with eah other even though they both know that friends is all they'll be :biggrin:

And I think some of you have been hacking my pc and reading what happens next..... damn the element of surpirse is really slipping away LOL..... Anyway thanks for all the kind words and now on with the story...Fiona


Chapter Thirty Eight – Tragedy

The first thing that hit the Luthors when they arrived at what was left of their plant was the overwhelming smell of blood. Despite the various fires raging around them it was the coppery scent of blood that invaded their senses.

Ambulances and fire engines arrived at almost the same time they did. And immediately they began to get to work.

“What the hell is he doing here?” said Lex, when he spotted Clark Kent.

Upon noticing the Luthors, and the way they were staring at him, Clark made his way over to them. “I was on my way home,” he lied, “And heard the explosion, I called the ambulance and fire department.”

“How lucky you were here,” said Lex.

‘Not now,’ Lionel’s voice sounded in his mind, ‘finding survivors is our priority at the moment.’

“Well Mr Kent,” said Lionel, “I think you should continue your way back home. There is nothing you can do here.”

“Mr Kent, why am I not surprised to see you,” a bossy voice sounded behind them.

“Ah sheriff,” said Lionel, taking in the woman’s uniform. “Mr Kent was just leaving, weren’t you?"

Clark could do nothing but comply, “Yeah,” he said, “I was.”

The sheriff grabbed one of her deputies and whispered in his ear. The deputy then walked over to Clark, “come on son, let’s get you home.”

Clark allowed himself to be led away. ‘Chloe,’ he thought, ‘I’ll head over to her house when the deputy leaves.’

“Oh god,” gasped Lucas, as he watched the ambulance workers bringing some dead bodies out.

“How many staff were in the plant tonight Mr Luthor,” asked the sheriff.

“Not sure of the exact figure,” answered Lex, “but there was at least 120 people.”

“Jesus,” murmured the sheriff.

“We have the fires pretty much under control,” said the approaching fire chief, “the ambulance team are now going to enter the buildings, to check for survivors and such.”

“We are going with them,” said Lex.

“Mr Luthor, please,” said the Sheriff, “leave this to the professionals.”

“My sons and myself are going in as well,” said Lionel, his voice low and lilting, almost hypnotic. There was no way this small town hick was going to stop him and his sons from going in. And Lionel would rather not have to kill her.

“Of course Mr Luthor,” said the sheriff, “please, follow me.”

Lionel shared a look with his sons and all three followed the sheriff and fire chief.


“I want to go to the plant,” announced Chloe, standing up from the couch.

“Please Chloe, I don’t think that is a good idea,” said Lillian softly, “I know you are concerned about your father, but Lionel and the others will call as soon as there is any news.” She watched with concern as Chloe paced up and down. The girl’s skin was pale and her eyes red for the tears she had shed earlier.

‘I will subdue her if it is needed,’ thought Lillian, ‘she could end up getting into an accident herself if she takes off in this state.’

Chloe stopped pacing and raised her eyes to meet Lillian’s. The older woman almost gasped at the despair she saw in the hazel depths. “He’s all I’ve got,” whispered Chloe, “I don’t know if I could go on if he d… if something happened to him.”

“Oh sweetheart,” exclaimed Lillian, taking the girl in to her arms and hugging her tightly. “We’ll give the others another 30 minutes, if we haven’t heard from them by then, I will take you to the plant. Ok?”

She felt Chloe nod against her shoulder.


“I knew Dominic would attack, it was inevitable that he would be the one to make the first move,” said Lionel, “but I never thought he’d use means like this. I always expected something from our world to be his instrument. Now we know why this Oliver was brought in.”

They stood among the remnants of the main factory floor. Debris and glass were strewn over the floor. The machines remained smouldering. Bodies, both dead and critically injured were dotted around. Doctors were working frantically to save whom they could.

“I’m so sorry dad,” said Lucas softly.

“What do you mean?” asked a confused Lionel.

“I’m sorry about not finding out more about Oliver. For not guessing that this could be what he was here for. If I had done my job properly, then this may have been averted.”

“Oh son, don’t think that. There is nothing any of us could have done,” said Lionel, placing his hands on Lucas’ shoulders. “As I said an attack was inevitable. Dominic wants a war, and believe me, he is going to get one. Do not blame yourself; focus your attentions on the revenge we are going to extract on that bastard. Ok?” He squeezed Lucas’ shoulders.

“Yes father,” he whispered. With a nod Lionel released his son. Despite his father’s words, Lucas still felt partially to blame and vowed to make Dominic’s death a very slow and painful one.


“Bastard,” hissed Lex as he made his way around. “Good men, all good and innocent men. And that fucker dragged them into a war they know nothing about.”

A bloodied hand poking out from under a pile of rubble caught his eye and he made his way over to it. Glancing around to make sure no one was watching Lex easily shifted the slabs of stone out of the way.

There indeed was a body under the rubble, “alive,” whispered Lex as he picked up on the very faint heartbeat. Very gently he turned the man over onto his back and gasped, “Gabe.” The bloody and bruised face of Gabe Sullivan greeted him and Lex’s thoughts immediately turned to Chloe. ‘Help him,’ his demon screamed in his mind and Lex knelt down beside him. The heartbeat was very faint and Lex half expected it to stop at any moment. His eyes travelled down the length of the man’s body and surmised that there were many broken bones. And if the short, ragged breaths coming from him where any indication, Lex suspected a lung might have been punctured.

Looking around him he caught sight of one of the ambulance workers, “over here,” he called, “there is a man still alive here.”

Turning back to Gabe, he leaned forward and whispered into the man’s ear, “you hold on Gabe… your daughter needs you. You hold on…”


“She’s not here,” said Clark, “damn it where could she be?”

“Hey, didn’t she say something about going over to the Luthors tonight,” said Pete, “maybe she’s there.”

“I think you’re right, come on let’s go.”


At exactly thirty-one minutes after Lillian and Chloe had their conversation they were sitting in the limo heading towards the plant. She had tried contacting her husband, but all he had said was ‘disaster’, and Lillian had left him alone.

She spared a glance at Chloe, who was staring straight ahead. Gone was the weepy girl from earlier, and in her place was a young girl, desperately trying to convince herself that her dad would be ok.

When they arrived at the plant it was still a hive of activity. As an ambulance left another arrived. Small fires still scattered the area and they along with the moonlight helped to show the extent of the damage.

“Mercy,” whispered Lillian as the car drew to a stop and they watched bodies being loaded. She felt Chloe seek out her hand and grasped it, squeezing it gently.

They got out of the car, and at that moment the stretcher bearing Gabe Sullivan was wheeled out and towards a waiting ambulance, followed by the three Luthor men.

“Daddy,” Chloe called out and ran towards him. She was caught by Lex just as she reached him. “Let me go,” she said, struggling to get out of his grasp.

“Chloe, CHLOE, calm down, he *needs* to go to the hospital.”

“But…” she began, her eyes filling with tears.

“You can travel with him in the ambulance,” said Lex softly, “would you like someone to go with you?”

“Yes, Lillian,” she whispered. Lex nodded and released her as his mother came up beside them. Wrapping her arm around the young girl’s shoulders they climbed into the back of the vehicle.



COMA… The word kept swirling around Chloe’s mind. She was standing outside intensive care, looking in the window at her father, as he lay on the hospital bed, wires and tubes coming from him, hooked up to numerous machines. COMA… In addition to the broken bones, head trauma, punctured lung and various cuts, Gabe Sullivan was in a coma. At the moment a machine was breathing for him. The doctors weren’t giving him much of a chance.

“Chloe sweetie, take this,” the voice of Lillian Luthor sounded behind her. Chloe took the pill and swallowed the water without really paying much attention to what was going on.

Lillian moved back over to her family. “I want the best brought in to help Gabe Sullivan,” she said.

“Already being organised mother,” said Lex.

“I also think Chloe should stay with us.”

“Except for tonight,” said Lucas, causing the others to look at him. “I think tomorrow she should wake up in her own bed in her own house. No one knows what she is going through at the moment, and I think it would be best if she woke up in her own house. The sedative you gave her will kick in soon and knock her out for a while. I will stay with her, I have an invitation, and tomorrow I will speak with her about staying with us.”

“I agree,” said Lionel, “good thinking son.”

“How did you get an invitation?” asked Lex.

“Lex, that is not important,” said Lillian. “Lucas, you bring her to the castle as soon as you can tomorrow.”

“Yes mom,” said Lucas, his eyes firmly on Chloe.

S.Ann Smith
7th September 2004, 20:32
:cryblue: Gabe....

And somehow I guessed that she was going to expected to stay with the Luthors.. but I swear I haven't broken into your comp Fi... haha

7th September 2004, 20:41
Oo, very good... Glad you didn't poof Gabe completely.. Cus, ... then I would have to pull out the Admin stick, cus we can't have Gabe die... I mean, helooo...

Anyways, glad you updated :D

7th September 2004, 20:56
I haven't had time to leave FB in a while, but god how I love this story. I can't wait for the next installment.

7th September 2004, 21:50
:yay: more more, I have to have more :yay:

7th September 2004, 22:01
:biggrin: fantastic work, but like the other say, MORE MORE MORE!!!!! :blinkkiss: :worship2:

7th September 2004, 22:04
Great!!! another update :biggrin: Dominic is soooo going to pay for this... what torturous death will befall him. Now Gabe is gonna get better??right?? I like the fact that Lex was the one who found Gabe.

7th September 2004, 23:05
:crygreen: :sad: :unsure: :cryblue: :puppyeyes:

excellent update :o) best of both worlds: gabe still hangin' on in there, and chloe spending more time with the luthors :yay:

I know the focus of this fic isn't on the chlex element at the moment, but I love that, when they do interact, or when they have the slightest contact, it seems heightened somehow because it isn't in the forefront... the way lex thought of her when he saw Gabe, and the way he held her back from the stretcher just made me all tingly.... great job :biggrin:

please post more soon!!


7th September 2004, 23:31
I was so happy to see the update so soon. I hope Gabe is going to be ok, or at least last long enough for chole to find a new family with lex. NOT that i want Gabe to die or anything. I like the bit at the end when lex is wondering how lucas got an invitation. Hope to read more soon. I can hardly wait.

7th September 2004, 23:59
OMG, what did we do to deserve an update so soon? Tell us so we can keep doing it!

Thank you, thank you, thank you for not killing Gabe. I'm on a 'Happy Gabe' mission these days since he's died in so many other fics and I am elated that he survived one more chapter at least.

Beautiful update as usual. I think I need to be treated for Fiona-fic addiction. I've got it bad.

So...more? :biggrin:

8th September 2004, 00:01
Loving this story Fi

I love how the Luthors are all there for Chloe.. Can't wait for more


8th September 2004, 01:31
i liked how lex wanted to know about the invitation, i wonder how his demon will cope chloe and...Lucas alone at night in a place where he can't follow...

oh please extreme jelousy

love lea

8th September 2004, 02:06
WHEW! I was so scared you were gonna kill off Papa Sully!

Thank goodness!

Now, I am off to do debate, bio, and Comp. Religions homework! School! Joy!


8th September 2004, 03:30
:yay: :yay: Gabe's alive :yay: :yay:
In addition to finding out that Gabe survived the blast such a quick update has made my day! You are the best. Really you are. I am liking how this fic is going. I LOVED how Lex took care of Chloe... :wub: :wub: If I wasn't already in love with him... this would of done it. I also liked how he seemed a little jeluouse that Lucas had an invite already :biggrin:

:wub: :chlexsign3:

Thank you.

8th September 2004, 04:35
:yay: yay for quick updates, more of that please! And, uh, of course we didn't break into your computer :unsure: :hush:

8th September 2004, 04:50
:yay: :yay: :yay:

I don't need to say how glad I was to come home and find this waiting! Dealing with stress and grad school and debating a PhD ... I so love losing myself in this world where I adore all the Luthors and the Chlex!!

So, so glad Gabe is alive and the Luthors are bonding around Chloe!!

More soon, please!!


8th September 2004, 04:58
Lovely chapter.

Thanks so much for not killing off Gabe straight away. *grins*

Can't wait to see what happens next!

8th September 2004, 05:54
Oh, how I wish that it was Lex who had the invite into Chloe's house!! :biggrin: Seriously, thanks for the quick update!! Thank you for keeping Gabe alive!! I think Chloe staying with the Luthors is an excellent idea!! She'll definitely find out about them now!! I really, really can't wait for your next post!! Please update soon!! :wub: :chlexsign4: :wub:

8th September 2004, 07:44
lol even though gabe's in a coma... i'm happy he's not dead, lol and he better not die!!!! but i do like where this is going... lex having to deal w/ chloe living under the same roof as him.... oh the possibilities........ ^_^

Queen Of Tact
8th September 2004, 09:40
Oh poor Gabe... I hope he makes it.... I feel so bad for Chloe..... I do hope she moves in with the luthors.... Though I have a feeling Lex's demon with have a hard time with that, but I think it will be a great read for us.... Great update hon... This is a wonderful fic, and I can't wait to read more... Ur going to post more again soon right....


8th September 2004, 11:01
“How did you get an invitation?” asked Lex.
Ooh do I sense a hint of jealousy there Lex? :biggrin:

And yay, Gabe survived! And Luthor sleepover soon! And impending Dominic bloodbath! :partyhat:

This fic makes me entirely too happy.

8th September 2004, 12:44
:yay: An update!! Whooo hooo!!! :hug: Thanks for not killing Gabe. I hope he pulls through, but meantime with chloe staying at the Luthors there plenty of chances for :smut: to happen. Can't wait to see Dominic get his.

Kit Merlot
8th September 2004, 13:49
I am also glad that Gabe is alive--he is all Chloe has.

I like Lex's feeling protective of her, amd I also like that Chloe's friendship with Lucas is still being shown.

WELL DONE :biggrin:

8th September 2004, 14:54
Phew, Gabe's alive! You had me worried there. Anyway I hope the Luthor's revenge on Dominic happens soon... Also it should be interesting seeing Chloe and Lex interact when she stays at the mansion. Update soon! ;)

8th September 2004, 18:22
“How did you get an invitation?” asked Lex.

Hee hee hee. Jealous much? Seems like he should have been able to just figure it out from the fact that Chloe and Lucas are friends, but I guess his mind was on other things with the destruction of the plant and all.

I'm so glad that Gabe is still alive and look forward to reading more (as always).

9th September 2004, 15:05
Gabe's alive, Gabe's alive! Yahooo!!!!
Thank you! :biggrin:
More soon pleassee!!!!

9th September 2004, 20:59
OMG! It's been a while since I came here! ^0^ I have to re-read this story from the start again! LOL! Anyway! Thank god you didn't kill Gabe! But it was sooo sad :cryblue: I just can't wait until Chloe moved in to the mansion! Post more!

11th September 2004, 05:50
Amazing updates, I am glad Gabe survived and that she will likely be staying with the luthors for a while. Loved the part about Lex almost "vamping" out when he saw Chloe. Can't wait for more, and to find out how this transformation thing takes Lex, how far will he go before he asks for help.

11th September 2004, 06:46
I'm going to beg here... I had a horrid day and a long weekend ahead of me... the one thing that could brighten it...


Not to pressure you or anything.


11th September 2004, 14:53
Ok, this is for SaraC ......and you'll all be happy to know that the Chlex will start to get more frequent from now on.... :biggrin: Fiona


Chapter Thirty Nine – Coming to Terms

Chloe woke up feeling very groggy. After taken a few minutes for her head to clear, she realised she was in her own bed. Still dressed in the clothes she had worn yesterday, someone had taken her boots and jacket off and thrown a blanket over her. But she couldn’t remember getting home from the hospital.

She dragged herself off the bed and stumbled slightly towards the bathroom. “Ugh, now that’s a scary sight,” she muttered as she took in her appearance in the mirror. Her hair was a mess; her face pale and her eyes bore all the signs of the crying she did last night.

Twenty minutes later fully showered, and wearing a new set of clothes Chloe made her way down stairs. Sighing loudly she entered the living room to be greeted by the sight of Lucas Luthor sitting on her couch sipping a cup of coffee.

“It’s freshly made,” he said with a grin, “sit down and I’ll get you one.” He disappeared and when he returned a steaming mug of coffee was in his hand, he handed it to her and guided her into a chair.

“Have you been here all night?” she asked.

“Yes, and the best part of today as well,” he said.

Chloe gave him a confused look and he pointed to the clock. “Oh my,” she gasped, when the time, 4.15pm, registered. “How long was I asleep?”

“It was a pretty strong sedative Chloe, and it was well after midnight when you took it,” began Lucas.

“I need to get to the hospital,” she exclaimed, standing up.

“Chloe, Chloe,” said Lucas, grabbing her. “I’ve been speaking to the hospital and there has been no change. Lex will be here in an hour and we will take you to see your dad. Ok?”

Chloe nodded and sat back down again, placing her coffee on the table beside her. “I had hoped it was all a really bad dream,” she said softly, rubbing her hands over her face. “Oh God, school,” she exclaimed after a moment.

“Don’t worry about that,” replied Lucas. “Your school has been…closed for today and all of next week because of what happened.”

Chloe closed her eyes and sighed deeply. “What exactly did happen?” she whispered.

“There seems to have been a number of explosions at the plant, the remnants of explosive devices have been found,” replied Lucas.

“And the casualty list?”

“Chloe, I don’t think…”

“Please Lucas,” she interrupted.

“Thirty-eight confirmed dead, fifty-two injured, of those twenty-nine are critical.”

“And one of the critical being my dad,” she said. “Someone planted bombs… why would someone blow up a small town plant? What did we ever do?”

“I don’t know who or why, Chloe,” lied Lucas, “but we will find out. Now, on another matter, my mother insists that you stay with us while your father is in hospital …”


“But nothing, mine or Lex’s life won’t be worth living if you don’t return with us to the castle,” said Lucas with a smile. “Please Chloe.”

She remained silent for a moment. Granted she didn’t relish being in her house on her own while her dad was in hospital, especially with him on the critical list, but to stay with the Luthors… she wasn’t so sure. ‘Although they have been good to you, especially Lillian,’ a voice in her head spoke up.

“Ok Lucas,” she said.

“Perfect. Now why don’t you pack some things, we can always come back later if you forgot anything.”

Chloe nodded to him and made her way upstairs to pack.


“Ok, what have I done to deserve this?” muttered Chloe as she lay back on the bed in the room that Lillian had chosen for her. “I’m not evil or anything like that, I mean I snoop around in things and generally butt into people’s business, but hey, that’s the reporter in me. And my dad is definitely not bad, so why did this happen?”

It had been, emotionally, a very draining day for Chloe. After Lex had picked her and Lucas up from her house they had gone directly to the hospital. She had met Clark, Pete and Lana there. Everything had been going ok, until Chloe told them that she would be staying with the Luthors while her dad was in hospital. Clark was outraged, Pete couldn’t believe it, and Lana, well Lana was jealous. Here was Chloe’s dad, critically injured, and all Lana could feel was jealously. Both Clark and Pete had said she could stay with them, and that she didn’t know the Luthors well enough etc.

She would have exploded at them only Lucas came to her rescue, saying that the doctor needed to talk to her. And it was the conversation with the doctor that really turned the day for the worse. Her dad’s condition was not good. And then they had told her the last thing she wanted to hear, they told her to prepare for the worse. Pretty much everything after that took place in a haze. After excusing herself from the others she had gone to the hospital bathroom and cried. When she had composed herself she left and Lucas and Lex took her back to the castle and she went straight to her room. She had fallen into a restful sleep before waking from some dream she couldn’t remember.

And now she couldn’t get back to sleep. She glanced at the clock on the bedside table, 3.32am it read. Staring up at the ceiling, she took a deep, shaky breath and began speaking, “If there is some higher power out there and you can hear me, please, please make my dad better. I’ll do anything, I’ll even give up journalism and be nice to Lana, but please don’t let my dad die. He’s all I have,” the tears once again began falling down her cheeks, “and I know this sounds completely selfish, but I am so not ready to let him go.” Her voice broke towards the end of her speech, and she rolled over, curling up and sobbing softly.


A weary Lex was making his way along the corridor when he heard the murmurings coming from Chloe’s room. Stopping outside her side he listened carefully. A feeling he couldn’t quite explain descended on him as he listened to her heartfelt ‘speech’.

And when he heard her sobs, he just couldn’t help himself. He knocked on the door, and before she gave any reply he opened it and walked into the room.

Chloe turned over to face the door and when she saw him she sat up quickly and wiped her eyes, “Lex, what… what are you doing here?”

“I thought I heard something while passing,” he said, stepping further into the room and closing the door slightly. “And I just wanted to see if you were ok.”

“I’m fine Lex,” she replied very unconvincingly, as she caught another stray tear with her hand.

“No you’re not,” he said upon reaching the bed. He stared at the edge of it for a moment before sitting down. “I know you don’t want to hear this, but would you like to talk about it?”

Chloe shook her head and manoeuvred herself so that she was now sitting at a small distance from Lex. ‘And how surreal is this,’ she thought. ‘Me and Lex Luthor sitting on a *bed*.’

“I appreciate the offer,” she said softly, “but… I don’t think I can talk about it, it’s like if I do, well then it will seem…”

“Real,” he offered.

Chloe nodded, “silly, eh?”

“Not at all Chloe. You and your dad are very close, and this is, well there aren’t really any words for it, but Gabe is a fighter, he *will* get better.”

“You really think so Lex?” she asked, needing someone to tell her that everything would be fine. And that strange feeling flowed though Lex once again at the hopeful tone of her voice and the tears that began falling.

“I know so,” he whispered, and gently brushed the tears from her cheek.

“Please be right,” she whispered, and the tears flowed more freely.

‘Do it,’ his demon said.

Lex slipped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her gently towards him. She fell easily and leaned against him, her head resting on his shoulder. “Let it all out Chloe,” he said softly.

Her body shook slightly as she cried harder. Lex’s arm tightened around her shoulders and he just held her.


Outside the door to Chloe’s room, Lillian watched the two of them. With a small smile on her face she turned around and headed back down stairs.

11th September 2004, 15:05
I love you. Plain and simple. I adore you.

But the Chlex-teasing is just cruel! I lurve this fic! Please write more! PLEASE! I need a nice thirty page chapter chock-full of Chlex to be complete. Help me out. ;)

11th September 2004, 15:28
his demon is a genius

ahh i feel bad for wishing gabe dead

lana clark pete such retards

more soon please

love lea

Lucifers love
11th September 2004, 15:56
I saw update-I rushed-I read *taking deep breath*

Lex is so sweet, I love him, I love you and I'd love some more

11th September 2004, 16:03
more more lots more please

11th September 2004, 17:17
YAYCHLEX!! :chlexsign1: Yeah. I really like Lex's demon.

And the Clark-Pete-Lana reaction was sooo typical. :dry:

Looking forward to more out-of-control Lex and lovely Luthor vengeance! And soon, please! I just finished reading the update two seconds ago and I'm already suffering withdrawal!

11th September 2004, 17:56
Love this chpater. So happy with the Chlex, but could always use more. Hope you update soon. Oh, an please tell me that some where down the road Lana gets a kick in the butt.

please update


11th September 2004, 18:07
Poor Chloe, how nice of Lex's demon to make sure she gets some confort. I can't wait for the vengence to start. Will we have to wait long to see Dominic dieing in some horiffic maner?

11th September 2004, 18:13
:wub: Sigh...That last part was lovely. Good Demon telling Lex to hold her. Cant wait for more. :chlexsign3:

Dark Topaz
11th September 2004, 18:29
you have to update pleas I am begging :popdevil:

11th September 2004, 18:43
OK, first off, excellant update. ComfortingLex was wonderful, I want him for my very own.

Secondly, and I swear I am not hacking into your computer in any way, but I have to ask this. Won't Chloe be angry when she finds out the Luthors' secret, knowing that it is their fued with Dominic that got her father hurt and all those poor people killed? Or will she be so invloved with Lex by then to be really mad?

Can't wait to see more Chlex!

11th September 2004, 18:54
ahhh!!! :) heheheheheheheheh *giddy*

11th September 2004, 20:00
*loves this chapter*

I think it's so interesting how you're removing Chloe from her normal life in Smallville and ensconcing her with the Luthors. Nifty.

11th September 2004, 20:12
I'm so glad that Chloe has the Luthors to lean on since her friends are going to be no help!! The scene between Lex and Chloe was beautiful!! I can't wait for more!! Please update again soon!! :yay: :chlexsign3: :yay:

11th September 2004, 21:26
:hug: thanks for the new chapter!

I love it that lex was there, and now that they've gotten over the barrier of sharing a bed together, here's to a lot more chlex interaction over the next few chapters!!

:blinkkiss: - for lex's demon


11th September 2004, 21:36
ARGH!!! WHy didn't Lex listen to his inner demon?! Post more soon! :worship2:

11th September 2004, 22:00
Ugh. Her so-called friends are just idiots - idiots and jerks. Although it's totally in character for them to not be happy about her staying with the Luthors, they could at least recognize how much pain she's in and support her decision based on that. As far as Lana's concerned - blech - she only thinks of herself, so I'm not at all surprised that jealousy was her reaction.

The Chlex was brilliant though. Hopefully Lex will start cluing in and taking his demon's advice more now.

11th September 2004, 22:11
I love sweet Lex. He is exactly what Chloe needs... and since they are on the bed, they might as well take care of other things they need... ;) Ok, Ok, I know, In time. Thanks for the update looking forward to the next... longer chapter.

11th September 2004, 22:36
Awww... Loved the Chlex moment at the end of that chapter, Lex was really sweet to Chloe - hope to see more of that soon! As for Clark and the others - anyone else think they should have a permenant run in with a meteor mutant? Lol!

11th September 2004, 23:16
Sigh. This was the perfect antidote to the hellacious weekend. I can't tell you how happy I was to read this... and so lovely written Chlex. This so must be one of my all time favorite stories for this pairing and I can't wait for the next update!!

Soon please? I swear, I'm able to pick up and get going on my school stuff every time we get an update of this.

Did I mention I love it? :)


12th September 2004, 01:40
:wub: lovely, simply lovely. :blinkkiss:

12th September 2004, 04:22

Sorry, that's all I can manage right now.

12th September 2004, 04:37
yay! more Chlex! :yay:

12th September 2004, 20:36
Aw, Lex is just adorable! :chlexsign3:

S.Ann Smith
13th September 2004, 22:09
I love you
I love lucas
I love lex's demon

but i hate clark and lana (and *gasp* pete)

love the update

14th September 2004, 12:51
Awwww.... I want more pleassseeee..... This fic is a pure work of art....

14th September 2004, 17:18
Gorgeous. Just beautiful!!! It's horrible what Choe's going through, but I love that sharing her pain with Lex is going to bring them closer. Lex is so sweet - and I love his little demon voice egging him on.

Can't wait for more!

BTW a question...if Gabe was to remain indefinately in a coma would it be possible for the Luthor's to 'turn' him seeing as he's still alive?

15th September 2004, 05:13
I'm going to beg again... my day has been hell, I've got far too much to stress over and far too little time to do so... and an update to this fic would at least take the edge off...and perhaps maybe make me do a happy dance? Or at least give lots and lots of feedback!!

Can we get an update soon? Pretty, pretty please with Lex on top--or under if you prefer?

I think I'm having withdrawl here. :)


15th September 2004, 18:46
Ok, I hadn't planned on updating cause I have been sick and didn't get my quota of chapters written, but I hate reading people beg.... :biggrin: So once again SaraC for you, and I hope things get better..Fiona


Chapter Forty – Moving On

It was late afternoon the following day before Chloe left her room. Thoroughly exhausted from crying and more than slightly embarrassed from using Lex Luthor as a shoulder to cry on it took a while for her to compose herself before facing others.

She had decided that the emotional, crying wreck she had been over the last couple of days was now gone. A terrible, terrible tragedy had happened, and yes her dad was in hospital. She chose not to dwell too much on the critical part of her dad’s condition. Instead she chose to focus on Lex telling her that he would be ok, those words were her life raft at the moment. She was going to be stubborn, snarky, in your face Chloe Sullivan again. She was going to find out who blew up the plant and she was going to make them pay.

And first off she was going to find a way to apologise to Lex Luthor for letting him see her in that state, she was going to thank him for being there and for what he said, and most importantly she was going to do this without blushing, well maybe not actually apologise but briefly mention how embarrassing it was. Of all people to have been walking by her room at that time, it just had to be him. Why could it not have been Lucas, or even better Lillian…hell even Lionel would have been a better alternative.

But no it was Lex, and to her surprise he was brilliant. There was no teasing, he just did everything… right. He told her things would be ok and let her cry all over his shirt. She didn’t know how long they had sat there, but she did know she fell asleep at some time and that he had laid her back down on her bed and covered her up.

“How dare he be so *nice* and understanding,” she said to her reflection as she fixed her hair. “Damn man is too confusing.” Satisfied with her appearance, she decided to face the Luthors.


Dominic bounced up and down on his seat, clapping his hands like a small child as he watched the news. “Thirty eight dead,” he said in a singsong voice, “actually forty dead,” he corrected himself as the reporter on the television said two of the workers that had been critically injured had died during the night.

The pictures on the television now showed what was left of the Luthor-Corp plant. “Death and destruction,” grinned Dominic, “two of the greatest things in the world.”

“What do you think the Luthor reply will be?” asked Helen, entering the room.

“It will be bloody, I know that much,” he replied, taking her hand and dragging her on top of him. “Unfortunately the Luthors don’t give anything away, and we will have to be on our guard. ‘Pity I have to get rid of her soon,’ he thought, as she straddled him, ‘but I did promise Oliver.’ His cock hardened at the thought of finally turning Oliver. Helen moaned softly and pressed herself against him, thinking it was her that had caused the reaction.

“I think my dear, that you should play the comforting girlfriend for a little while,” he said as he began unbuttoning her blouse. “You will head back to Smallville, cutting your *seminar*short after hearing the dreadful news to go and comfort Lex.” He pushed the blouse off, groaning slightly as he saw that she wore nothing underneath. “While there, you will see what you can find out,” he continued as he cupped her breasts and began kneading them roughly. “The Luthors are nothing if methodical, and will not attack until their plans are perfect. I want to know everything, no matter how trivial it seems. Ok?”

Helen moaned and ground her hips harder against him, not really paying attention to his words, she was more focused on the sensation his hands where causing on her breasts.

“Ok Helen?” he asked with a growl, twisting her nipples painfully.

“Yes,” she cried out.

“Good girl,” he murmured and gently pushed her off his lap onto her knees. Her hands automatically went to his pants and Dominic leaned his head back against the couch as she began to work on his cock. In his mind’s eye he saw the dead bodies strewn around the ruin of the Luthor-Corp plant and that excited him more than the woman currently taking his cock into her mouth. ‘And soon it will be the Luthors,’ he thought, grabbing Helen’s head and fucking her mouth, ‘soon it will be them.’



“You need to rest love,” said Lillian softly as she approached her husband.

“Not yet,” replied Lionel, “any word from Lucas?”

“Other than to say he arrived safely no. Oh, Lex got a call from *Helen*, she said she heard on the news about the explosion and was coming back to Smallville.”

“More like she’s coming back to see what we are planning and then report back to that bastard,” growled Lionel. “What was Lex’s reaction?”

“He didn’t seem too happy about it. In fact he tried to dissuade her. I think their relationship may come to an end very soon,” said Lillian with a satisfied smirk. “My love, I want to *take care* of her…”

Lionel nodded, “of course. I’ll leave everything up to you. How is Chloe?”

“She seems a lot better today, more like herself. I think Lex really helped,” added Lillian with a grin. “She’s heading to the hospital later, and then to see her friends, I think some bridges may need mending there.”

“Good, the specialist to look after Gabe has arrived and hopefully will have some news for her when she gets to the hospital. Has she left yet?”

“No, she actually asked where Lex was, saying she needed to talk to him about something.”

“And you’re not hovering around to see what transpires,” teased Lionel, “are you feeling ok Lillian?”

“Very funny Lionel. No, I won’t be *hovering* as you put it. I need to put some plans into place for the lovely Dr Bryce’s arrival.” Lillian smiled as she ran through in her mind the delicious revenge she was going to extract on Helen Bryce.

“Very well, I need to pay a visit to the sheriff’s office later, it’s all procedural stuff, and the sooner I get this out of the way the sooner I can being to start rebuilding. And more importantly, plotting our retaliation on Dominic.”


Chloe stood outside the door to Lex’s room, and had been for about five minutes. After finding out from Lillian that he was in his room, Chloe had a discussion with herself for about ten minutes on whether to leave this *talk* until later. But deciding that the longer she left it, the less chance it had of happening, she bit the bullet.

‘Yeah really brave Chloe,’ she thought, ‘you can’t even knock. Oh for goodness sake, knock on the door, say thank you and be on your merry way.’

That decision reached Chloe took and deep breath and knocked on the door to Lex’s bedroom.

“Ok, maybe he’s asleep,” she muttered after literally two seconds and was about to move away when the door began to open. ‘Or maybe not,’ she added and got the words in her head ready to say to him.

But her brain pretty much shut down when she saw him. Lex was standing in the doorway clad in only a pair of black silk pyjama bottoms. Her eyes slowly made their way down his chest, a more buff chest than she would have given him credit for. Moving down to his flat stomach, she lingered at the waistband of his pants, biting her lip as her mind delved into the gutter.

A surge of male pride ran through Lex as he watched Chloe look at him. He demon purred as it noticed that she liked what she saw.

“Can I do something for you Miss Sullivan?” Lex asked with a smirk.

‘Drop your pants,’ a naughty voice in her mind suddenly shouted.

“Stop that,” Chloe muttered and brought her gaze back to Lex’s face. A face that now held his all too familiar smirk.

“Would you like to come in?” he said, stepping back a little.

‘YES,’ the naughty voice screamed.

“No thank you,” replied Chloe, “I just wanted to, em, well, thank you.” Her eyes now fixed on his shoulder.

“Thank me,” repeated Lex, sounding surprised, “whatever for?”

“For last night. I really appreciate you being there and especially for what you said. Ok, you probably have no idea how embarrassing it was for me for you to see me in that state. But your actions and your words really made me feel better, and I wanted to thank you.” She raised her eyes once again to his face to see him smiling at her.

“There’s no need to thank me Chloe. I’m just glad I was able to help,” he said softly.

“Well I wanted to say it anyway,” she grinned. “Ok, I’ll let you get back to whatever you were doing, I’m going to head to the hospital to see my dad.”

It was on the tip of his tongue to ask her if she wanted some company, but Lex decided against it, seeing as he should be here for when Helen arrived. “See you later Chloe.”

“Bye Lex,” she gave him one last smile and walked away, glad she had spoken to him.

With a smile Lex closed the door to his room, feeling incredibly pleased with himself as her thanks rang in her ears.


“Ah there you are my little friend,” muttered Lucas as he watched the man leave the bar. Exiting his car he silently followed the man. It had taken cashing in a few favours to find this guy. But it was worth it; he was one of Dominic’s men, and a trusted one at that for a human.

“And you’re going to tell me what I want to know,” Lucas whispered to himself as his face changed and he pounced on the unsuspecting man.

15th September 2004, 18:51
Thank you so much for the images of Lex in black silk PJ bottoms. *shiver* Just what I needed. I was --&#62;<-- this close to begging for a new part, but you beat me to it. *grin* Hope you feel better and thank you for another wonderful chapter in this absolutely delightful story.

15th September 2004, 18:59
:biggrin: Can I say fantastic loud enough&#33;&#33; I dont think so&#33; Loved this update so much, dom is just freaky, and heheheheh, I cant wait for helen to get got by lilian&#33;&#33;&#33; :blinkkiss:

S.Ann Smith
15th September 2004, 19:05

Hey Chloe, darling, listen to that naughty voice :eyebrows:

Go get&#39;um Lucas


Yay for the hopefully demise of helen... haha.. Lillian needs to have some fun, jeez Lionel


15th September 2004, 19:07
yum, yum, yum.

Gotta love eye candy, even if it is only in my imagination (Wow, total Spongebob moment&#33;&#33;&#33; :goof: )

15th September 2004, 19:24
Ok first big :hug: for updating. That was a great chappy even though the dominic/Helen stuff still gave me a horrible mental image. :nobad:

Thank you so much for the images of Lex in black silk PJ bottoms. *shiver*

:drool: Oh yeah, that definately made my day&#33;&#33; Love Chloe&#39;s mini struggle in front of Lex&#39;s room and her naughty voice. (come over to the dark side chloe and give in to the bad thoughts&#33;&#33; :devil: )

Can&#39;t wait for more.

15th September 2004, 20:03
Originally posted by ruafair@Sep 15 2004, 06:46 PM

“Can I do something for you Miss Sullivan?” Lex asked with a smirk.

‘Drop your pants,’ a naughty voice in her mind suddenly shouted.

:hehe: Thanks you for updating even if you&#39;ve been sick. Ihope you feel better. :hug:

15th September 2004, 20:03
I hope that Lucas has caught Oliver&#33;&#33; :yay: And Lillian is going to take care of Helen&#33;&#33; :yay2: Yay&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; Now all Chloe has to do is kill Dominic, with help from Lex of course&#33;&#33; :yay: Like always, I love your new chapter&#33;&#33; Please, please, please post more soon&#33;&#33; I&#39;m addicted to your story&#33;&#33; :worship2: :chlexsign3: :worship2:

Dark Topaz
15th September 2004, 21:12
I love it but I need more please update soon pretty please :worship2:

15th September 2004, 22:42
Ooo, that was good... rrrr :D

15th September 2004, 23:41
:yay: :yay2: :yay:

God. It can&#39;t be healthy to be so excited when i see you&#39;ve updated...

Superb chapter&#33; The thought of a scantily clad lex being all &#39;come hither&#39; has wiped all thoughts of work, deadlines and &#39;to do&#39; lists right out of my head :biggrin:

Can&#39;t wait for the next update&#33;


16th September 2004, 01:32
:yay2: :yay2: :yay2: That was wonderful. I am so happy that you posted a chapter today. I had such a bad day and then to come to that was a great pick me up. I am sorry that you are not feeling well. I hope you get better soon. Can&#39;t wait for the next update.


16th September 2004, 02:12
I love it, Chloe is getting back to her old self again, determined to find the person responsible for blowing up the plant and make them pay.

I hope Chloe gets some good news about her dad so she&#39;ll be in the mood for a little lovin from Lex. Don&#39;t want anything to interfer with Chloe&#39;s lust after seeing Lex in his black silk pj bottoms.

Well Dominic, I wouldn&#39;t get my hopes up on turning Oliver anytime soon because it looks like he&#39;s about to become a guest of the Luthors.

Poor stupid Helen, she has no ideal what&#39;s in store for her. I hope Lillian takes her time with Helen. Any chance Lionel & Lillian have a sound proof room in the basement where they can keep Helen while their slowly torturing her?

16th September 2004, 03:14
I can sleep now with the image of Lex and black silk...

So LOVED this update and enjoyed the &#39;naughty voice&#39; as well. You truly made my day end on a lovely, lovely note.

Sorry you&#39;re not feeling great, but I&#39;m so glad you decided to post&#33; Hopefully you&#39;ll feel better soon&#33;

Can&#39;t wait for another update&#33;


16th September 2004, 03:20

SFM,JBV HLZFSECIBG SJ&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;

You are killing me... PLEASE&#33; PLEASE write another chapter&#33; PLEEEEEASE&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;

I need to know what happens next&#33; I&#39;ve already re-read what you&#39;ve written already, and I need MOOOOORE&#33;



:yay: :chlexsign3: :yay:

16th September 2004, 04:57
Awwwww, feel better soon, Fi.

Thanks for the update and *all* the great images in it. While silk-clad Lex was mighty fine, let&#39;s not overlook vamped-out Lucas at the end. Yay&#33;

So....begging works, huh? :biggrin:

16th September 2004, 13:39
Yum. I love Lex&#39;s demon. I just love primal&#33;Lex, in all forms and fetishes. Especially this one.

And yay, revenge torture fun&#33; Okay that sounded sadistic, but it&#39;s Dr. Dropkick so that&#39;s fine I guess. She deserves it. Plus, torture scenes can be hoT... did anyone see that episode on Alias with the Sark-tortures-Vaugh and Vaugh-tortures-Sark scenes? *dies*

Okay but to get back on topic,

I hope Chloe gets some good news about her dad so she&#39;ll be in the mood for a little lovin from Lex. Don&#39;t want anything to interfer with Chloe&#39;s lust after seeing Lex in his black silk pj bottoms.
Totally agree with that.

Update soon&#33;

16th September 2004, 15:26
:yay2: :yay2: :yay2:

Loved the update. The Chlex was magnificent and I simply can&#39;t wait for Lillian to get even with Helen. :devil:

16th September 2004, 17:27
Yay&#33; Chloe and Lex both have little demons inside their heads waiting to jump each other... Heh. Anyway I&#39;m really looking forward to the next chapter, Lillians revenge should be sweet. Also has Lucas managed to get hold of Oliver? Now that would piss off Dominic. Lol&#33; Can&#39;t wait for more. :biggrin:

16th September 2004, 18:32
shivers lex :drool: silk :drool:

love lucas

hope lillians sharpening her torturing implements

lil more from lex&#39;s demon?

listen to the naughty voice chloe, it has your best interests at heart

love lea

Kit Merlot
16th September 2004, 18:35
This is an excellent update&#33;

I like Chloe and Lex&#39;s physical attraction to each other. Now they just need to act on this attraction :biggrin:

Oh, and destroy Dominick, Helen, Oliver and all of his evil minions, of course&#33;


17th September 2004, 04:46
Helen must die, very slowly.... And more Lex and Chloe would be great. I like how it is developing. Can&#39;t wait for another update.


Miss Parker
17th September 2004, 21:58
I love this fic...more lex/chloe please...

17th September 2004, 22:38
YAY&#33;&#33;&#33; Another great update but please kill that bitch of Helen. :devil:

18th September 2004, 01:18
i love this fic soooooo much&#33;

you have no idea

its so evil :devil:

more soon


19th September 2004, 03:48

but the Chlex action was wonderful. :biggrin:

22nd September 2004, 01:02
Hi... this is just me...begging for an update. *begs with cute little wide eyes* I do so love this fic.

22nd September 2004, 01:05
Dammit, I can&#39;t find the chapter. Although I&#39;m having a lot of fun picturing Lex in black silk jammies.

Am I being stupid or has it disappeared?


22nd September 2004, 02:48
*adding onto the begging*

Please, please update soon... I&#39;m so going through withdrawl on this one&#33;&#33;


22nd September 2004, 03:08
If I could I&#39;d send you a pot of soup and some Earl Grey so you&#39;d feel better (and post the next chapter)&#33;

Yeah, so it&#39;s not a completely selfless act but it&#39;s the thought that counts, right? :biggrin:

22nd September 2004, 04:13
Fiona, darling, you have two pages worth of reviews and I *know* that you write some of the chapters in advance, so I&#39;m adding in a little plea of my own. Come on, you know you want to give us the next chapter. Pretty please with sugar on top?

22nd September 2004, 06:05

No, no, no, no, no. I&#39;ve been avoiding this fic for months because I knew I couldn&#39;t stand the suspense. Why don&#39;t I listen to myself? Why? I&#39;m a weak, weak creature&#33; And it&#39;s all the other author&#39;s faults&#33; :tease: If my poor fiend weren&#39;t starving, I wouldn&#39;t have given in so soon&#33;

:nobad: Lark :nobad: Unhappy fanfic fiend.

22nd September 2004, 21:40
I'm sorry, I'm sorry.... Real Life, being sick, work, especially work have been draining me lately..... As it is I'm only home from work, 4 hours later than normal and ready to collapse...I know you don't want to hear my problems you want updates..... LOL.......So here's the next chapter.... Fiona (who's going ot sleep now)


Chapter Forty One – Discoveries

After semi-clearing the air with Clark and Pete, and talking to the specialist that the Luthors had brought in to look after her dad, Chloe made her way to the Talon. She was in a slightly better mood that she had been recently and deciding that not even Lana Lang could put a dent in that mood, headed for a much needed caffeine fix.

Breathing a sigh of relief when she saw that the brunette wasn’t there, Chloe ordered her coffee and took it to a small table in the corner. Taking a copy of the Daily Planet from her bag she settled down to read it.

Of course the paper was dominated with the explosion at the plant. It featured interviews with some of the workers who had escaped unhurt, members of the Smallville police and ambulance departments, some staff at the hospital but none with any of the Luthors. The only comment from them was an official press release issued on behalf of Luthor-Corp., stating the usual. But Chloe knew that behind the scenes and out of the glare of the press the Luthors were very much looking for whoever had destroyed the plant and killed their workers. Lionel and Lex had been involved in meetings and dealing with the police. Lucas was nowhere to be seen, sent off on an errand for Lionel, Lillian had told her.

‘And I doubt many of the means and ways they’ll use to find the persons responsible will be entirely legal,’ thought Chloe. And deep down Chloe was glad. Whoever was behind it deserved everything they got. In fact, if she thought she could help she would be working right alongside the Luthors.

Sighing she folded up the paper and placed it back in her bag, not wanting to ruin her mood by reading any more. Sipping on her coffee she looked around the fairly empty Talon. “Oh great,” she muttered as she saw Lana and her aunt enter. “Bang goes my peace and quiet. Time to make my leave I think.”

Finishing her coffee, Chloe grabbed her things and made her way to the exit, she had almost made it to the door when Lana spotted her and called her name.

“Fuck,” muttered Chloe and changed her direction to where Lana stood with her aunt.

“Lana, Ms Potter,” she said, a forced smile on her face.

“Chloe dear, how are you?” asked Nell.

“I’m fine,” she replied.

“And how are you baring up?” asked Lana, in the same sickly and patronising voice as her aunt had used.

“I’m baring fine. The Luthors have been brilliant.”

“Yes,” said Nell, “and wasn’t it just so nice of them to *take* you in. And how long will you be staying with them?”

‘Stupid condescending bitch,’ thought Chloe. “Mr Luthor has organised for a specialist to come in, and I will be staying at the *castle* until my dad is better,” she replied.

“If you ever need to talk Chloe you know where I am,” said Lana, patting Chloe’s hand.

The very same hand was itching to slap the look of pity off Lana Lang’s face. Biting back her anger, Chloe forced a smile to her face, “that’s very generous of you to offer Lana, but I’ll be ok. Anyway Lillian will be there if I need to talk. Now if you would both excuse me I only popped in for a quick coffee, I need to pick up a few more things from home. Goodbye.”

Without even waiting for either of them to reply, Chloe turned on her heel and left the Talon. “The nerve of them,” she muttered, “stupid stuck-up condescending bitches…” She was still muttering about Lana and Nell as she drove to her house.


“Now, Mark,” grinned Lucas, “I thought you had understood our little arrangement. I mean you have the four broken fingers to show for it, so why the sudden change of heart?”

“Fuck you,” muttered Mark, his bruised and battered body slumped in a chair.

“No thanks, I finished experimenting with men a long time ago, anyway you are so not my type. Let’s get back to my question. Who on the inside helped Dominic?”

After picking the man up from the bar Lucas had taken him to an abandoned warehouse that conveniently belonged to Luthor-Corp. After letting his father know that he had captured his target, Lionel had instructed Lucas to get what information he could from the man and then to return him to Dominic, in whatever state he wanted. It was the line of ‘whatever state he wanted’ that had Lucas rubbing his hands in glee. And he decided that he would conduct his *questioning* of the man in full vampire face.

“Fuck you,” Mark muttered again.

“Who?” snap and a scream from Mark as another finger was broken. “On the,” the procedure was repeated again. “Inside helped,” And another. “Dominic.”

“P-P-P-Please,” cried Mark, ”Please stop.”

“Why,” grinned Lucas, “you only have your thumbs left. Why not make it a complete set?”

“A plant worker, Tom something or other he passed on plans and let the crew in to set the bombs,” Mark gasped out. “He helped sabotaged one of the orders so that the plant would have to work late with a large staff on the premises.”

“And…” said Lucas, bending a thumb backwards.

“And that’s it. Please I swear to you.”

“Mark, Mark, Mark. I think you are still holding something back. I find it hard to believe that one measly plant worker was all the help you had.”

“Dominic’s friend Oliver planned everything, he built the bombs, decided where they should be placed. What the timers should be.”

“Who are you protecting?” said Lucas, “do you honestly think that Dominic could do any worse to you than what I could. If anything I would be much more lenient than that half-breed. I… may even let you live!”

Lucas’ demon chuckled at the brief flare of hope that suddenly sparked in the man’s eyes at his words.

“Really?” Mark croaked.

Lucas nodded his head. “Now tell me, who else helped? What is the name of the one you are protecting?”

“Helen Bryce,” whispered Mark.


On her way back from her house to the castle Chloe suddenly found herself on the road to the plant. “I’m a masochist,” she muttered to herself, as she got closer to the smouldering remains. It was still a hive of activity, and no one but the police could get really close to it.

A team of what Chloe suspected to be forensic scientists where carrying samples of debris over towards a large van. After parking her car as close as she was allowed she turned off the engine and just sat there, soft music drifting from the car radio.

“So much destruction,” she whispered. “It’s going to take this town a long time to get over this. I just hope they don’t blame the Luthors for what happened.”

“And another of the injured from Thursday’s explosion in Smallville has died. The name of the deceased has been given as…”

Chloe quickly switched off the radio, not wanting to hear anymore. She quickly got out of the car and stood with her back to the destruction. The sun had gone down and the lights from the various police cars gave an eerier glow to the area. It was the sound of someone calling her name that caused Chloe to turn around. A smile formed on her face as she saw Lex coming towards her.

“I would have thought that this would be the last place you’d want to see,” he said when he reached her.

“It is,” she replied, “but I was heading back to the castle and suddenly found myself here.” As she looked him over Chloe found her mind drifting back to earlier when she saw him wearing just the pyjama pants. Shaking her heads of those thoughts she met his face to see him looking at her with concern.

“You probably should head on home Chloe,” he said, “my mom will be wondering where you are.”

“Do you want a ride back Lex?”

“It’s ok. Helen is on her way to pick me up.”

“Oh ok, see you later then.”

“Bye Chloe.” He watched as she got back into her car and took off, continuing to watch until her car was well out of sight.

“Ah, so the prodigal girlfriend returns,” Chloe said as she made her towards the castle. “Obviously Lillian hasn’t said anything to Lex about Helen’s other friend. I hope she tells him soon, Lex definitely does not need that woman in his life.”


Lucas took some unneeded deep breaths as he tried to calm himself down. It took a few more minutes before he could will his human face back on. Within a second after Helen’s name had dropped from Mark’s lips, Lucas had gone ballistic. He had beaten Helen’s involvement out of the man. About how she had been the one to pass on the plans, and continually feed information to Dominic. And when Mark had said that Dominic and Helen were lovers so that Lucas wouldn’t break his other leg, the vampire just lost it.

Disgusted that his brother had been played like a fool, and at the bitch’s involvement in the death of over thirty workers Lucas tore the man apart… literally. When he had finally gotten control of himself he looked around the remnants of Mark’s body.

“I think sending you back to Dominic in a plastic bag is just the ticket,” he growled. “And as soon as that is taken care off, I need to talk to my mother about *Helen fucking Bryce*.”

22nd September 2004, 22:28
First of all, thank you so much for updating even though real life has been a bitch. I truly appreciate it.

Second - wondering if it will cause a rift in Lucas and Chloe&#39;s friendship (and Lex & Chloe&#39;s burgeoning one) when they find out that Chloe only told Lillian what she knew and she told her a while ago.

Looking forward to more. :)

22nd September 2004, 22:31
KILL HELEN&#33; (Give Lucas to me&#33;) GIVE US CHLEX&#33; (Or give Lex to the N-S goddesses...) FREE BIRD&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;

I like you. A lot. But when you leave off in places like that, I get upset... Yes, I do...



S.Ann Smith
22nd September 2004, 22:34
:worship2: Amazing chappie as always. :biggrin: you just made my day, an angry Lucas can be a very bad thing... ;) but also a very hot thing :lol:

have a good sleep

Dark Topaz
22nd September 2004, 22:41
please update

22nd September 2004, 23:22
lucas, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

nice chlex

helen&#39;s going down :goof:

love lea

23rd September 2004, 00:11
Thankyou so much for updating. I love this story so much. Can&#39;t wait for Helen to get hers in the worst possible way. :devil:

23rd September 2004, 01:33
Originally posted by S.Ann Smith@Sep 22 2004, 04:34 PM
:worship2: Amazing chappie as always. :biggrin: you just made my day, an angry Lucas can be a very bad thing... ;) but also a very hot thing :lol:

have a good sleep
What she said. Hope you feel better soon, hon. :blinkkiss:

23rd September 2004, 01:44
I am so loving Lucas. And yes, I am eagerly awaiting what evil and torturous fate Helen will face.

Personally, the more evil and gruesome the better.

Did I mention I love this story?

Relax, get some sleep and try to take it easy... and feel better soon&#33;


23rd September 2004, 03:52
Yay&#33; Helen is returning&#33; :yay2: I only say that because I want to see her taken care of once and for all. Poor Lex. Although he does not like her any more, I wonder what his reaction will be.

Thanks for the update. I know real life can take over sometimes, which is why your updates mean that much more.

23rd September 2004, 04:57
Thank you, thank you, thank you&#33; :worship2: :worship2: :worship2:

Now get better soon&#33; ;)


23rd September 2004, 06:14
Great new update&#33;&#33; Even sick and overworked you manage to release an awesome new chapter&#33;&#33; :worship2: I hope you feel better soon&#33;&#33; :yay2: :chlexsign4: :yay2:

23rd September 2004, 13:44
Good. The sooner Dr Bitch is disposed of, the better. Torture scenes I usually prefer when there&#39;s Lex just standing there totally unnerving the victim, but Lucas was pretty adept too, I think. Nice, short Chlex scene, can we have a longer one next update? TPTB are starving us...

Kit Merlot
23rd September 2004, 13:49
I&#39;m sorry that you are sick, and thanks very much for the chapter--It seriously rocked :biggrin:

I hope you feel better soon&#33;

23rd September 2004, 18:27
How did I miss this yesterday?

Lovely update.

I hope Helen gets everything that she deserves and more for doing what she&#39;s done.

23rd September 2004, 21:25
poor chloe... self-important lana... nice chlex... sexy bad lucas... gruesome violence... evil helen...

fab update&#33;&#33;

It sucks that life&#39;s a bitch at the moment, but take comfort in all your fab feedback&#33; can&#39;t wait to see how the helen storyline comes to a head: man, it&#39;s going to change everything&#33;&#33;


24th September 2004, 01:29
Oh my, I&#39;ve been so bad with feedback lately... Sorry&#33; Let me just say that I L.O.V.E. this fic to itty bitty teeny tiny pieces&#33;&#33;&#33; *wraps fic in a big hug* I love it. Lots and lots of love going on. Thanks SO much for feeding all our fic addictions even though you&#39;re not feeling your best. I hope you feel better because having a cold is just no fun&#33;

Although I hate Helen, I can;t wait for her to return either just to see Lillian and possibly Chloe rip her a new one because she not only hurt Lex, she had a hand in blowing up the plant. The bitch needs to die. Really. A slow, long, and torturous death.

I&#39;m loving the gradual progression of Chloe and Lex&#39;s relationship and I can&#39;t wait for more&#33;&#33;&#33; Updare date soon, if you&#39;re feeling up to it&#33;

~Manda :blinkkiss:

24th September 2004, 04:00
You cannot possibly have any FREAKING IDEA how brilliant you are.

as is this story.

i am in love with it.

and because i just read the last update, i am elated and extremely content.

but i still want more... :blinkkiss:

24th September 2004, 04:38
Now that everybody but Lex knows they need to start messing with Helen&#39;s head. That was a nice interaction that Chloe and Lex had at the plant. In that chapter the bit that i liked the most was when Chloe was listening to the radio and turned it off at the news announcement. It wasn&#39;t much but it was nice, somehow.

Great update and hope for more soon.

26th September 2004, 17:50
Excellent, although now I want both Lillian and Lucas to kill Helen - hell let everyone have a go&#33; Bring her back to life and kill her again... :devil: Hmmm, that was quite sadistic wasn&#39;t it? Lol&#33; Anyways I enjoyed the little chlex interaction and I can&#39;t wait for more&#33;

27th September 2004, 03:07
You know, I was just re-reading this because I needed a pick me up-- and I realized again how much I LOVE this. Really, this is one of those stories that I can read again and again and find new things I love each time.

Seriously, I live for these updates and can&#39;t wait for the next one--it would really make my week.

Hope you&#39;re feeling better and please update soon&#33;&#33;


27th September 2004, 18:34
ARGH I hate my job with a passion that can't be measured with modern technology...... :tease: Ok, I've got that out of my system...... Thanks again for the continued words of support..... :biggrin: Here's the next one for you...Fiona


Chapter Forty Two – Turns

Only centuries of control prevented Lillian from ripping Helen apart as she watched the woman cosy up to Lex. She had not expected Lex to bring the woman back to the castle and even though she wanted too she couldn’t really tell Lex to send her away. No matter how tempting it was. Glancing over a Chloe, Lillian saw that she was also glaring in Helen’s direction.

As if sensing the other woman’s gaze on her, Chloe turned her head towards Lillian, and they both smiled as their eyes locked.

“I believe you are staying here now Chloe,” said Helen.

“Yes,” replied Chloe, “Mrs Luthor has been very kind in letting me stay here until my dad gets better.”

“And if he doesn’t?”

“Helen,” snapped Lex, disgusted at her question.

“It’s ok Lex,” said Chloe smiling at him. “*Doctor* Bryce, my dad *is* going to get better,” she directed at Helen. “I have it on very good authority that he will.” This sentence she directed to Lex, who smiled at her.

Not liking the smile Chloe and Lex were sharing, or Chloe’s answer to her question Helen pouted at Lex, “I need to get home now,” she said.

“Ah what a pity that you have to go,” said Lillian sarcastically, as she didn’t bother to hide the pleasure in her voice at the thought of the woman leaving.

Inwardly Lex sighed, he knew Helen was hinting at him to accompany her home. But he would rather remain home and listen to his demon’s suggestion of seeing what else he could do or say to make Chloe smile at him again. ‘Although lately close proximity to Chloe has had a very strange effect on me,’ he thought, ‘a strange effect I haven’t been able to analyse yet. Maybe heading home with Helen would be a better idea.’

Ignoring the protests of his demon, Lex stood up and held his hand out. “I’ll be back late,” he said to his mother as the brunette took his hand.

“Bye Lex,” both Lillian and Chloe said at the same time.

The couple remained for a moment for the goodbyes to be extending to Helen, but none where forthcoming. Shaking his head slightly Lex led Helen out of the room, closing the door behind him.

“I know Chloe,” said Lillian, as the blonde was about to speak. “ I will be talking to him about her *very* soon.”


It was about 4.00am when Lucas got back to the castle. Although he had calmed down somewhat, his anger was simmering under the surface, and if wouldn’t take much to push him once again into fury. On his way home he had changed his mind about going to his mother about what he had found out about Helen. He had decided to go directly to Lex with the information.

“Where’s Lex?” he asked as Lillian met him in the hallway.

“He’s not here,” she replied, “Lucas, sweetie are you ok? You seem… agitated.”

“I really *need* to talk to him,” said Lucas, “do you know where he is or when he’ll be back?”

“He didn’t say when he would be back,” replied Lillian, her voice full of concern for her youngest son. Something was bothering him and she didn’t know what it was. “As for where he is,” she continued, “he’s with Helen,” spitting out the woman’s name.

The mention of Helen’s name was it for Lucas. Living up to his reputation as the reckless and impetuous one of the Luthor family he exploded. Immediately vamping out, he growled loudly and grabbed a vase off the table beside him. He threw it against the wall, the noise of it smashing into pieces echoed around the hallway.

“LUCAS,” said Lillian, her own face changing as she felt the rage coming off him, “what the hell has gotten into you?” She grabbed her son and practically threw him into the nearest room and slammed the door shut after her.

“What do you think you are doing lashing out like that?” she fumed. “There is a mortal girl asleep upstairs, well hopefully *still* asleep despite the racket you made. Now you will tell me what is going on, or I will hurt you.” Lillian willed her own human face back on as she watched Lucas pace up and down.

He stopped and looked at his mother, her threat of hurting him snapping some sense into him. “I got some information out of the human that worked for Dominic,” he began, “he told me that a worker at the plant passed on information and let Dominic’s men in to plant the bombs.”

“And what has this to do with Lex?”

“Well the other not so little bit of information he gave me before I killed him was that someone else was helping Dominic, someone who was his lover …someone who has been playing Lex like a fool. Helen fucking Bryce mother… the whore has been passing on secrets to that bastard, she’s been sleeping with him…”

“I know,” said Lillian softly.

“YOU WHAT?” shouted Lucas.

“Do not take that tone with me Lucas.”

“Sorry mother,” he muttered. He rubbed his face, “what the hell is going on?”

“I found out not so long ago that Helen was involved with Dominic. Your father and I decided not to say anything about it yet, especially to Lex. You might actually be interested to know that it was Chloe who brought Helen’s indiscretion to my notice.”

“Chloe! How?”

Lillian proceeded to tell him about how Chloe found out. And thinking that Helen was just two-timing Lex, she came to Lillian with the information. She also told him her theories on how Helen was masking Dominic’s scent on her.

“But why not tell Lex?” asked Lucas, his human face now back.

“That was my decision,” said Lillian, “I believed it would be better if he didn’t know. Things with this woman weren’t serious, and I expected it to finish before now. And after I had taken care of her, I would tell Lex the truth. And that is *still* the plan Lucas… You are *not* to tell Lex, or do or say anything to Helen.”


“I mean it Lucas. I understand your need to defend and avenge your brother, but telling Lex and making Helen suffer is *my* right. Is that clear?”

“Yes mother,” murmured Lucas. He knew she was right, but that didn’t help alleviate the burning need to *do* something.

“If you need to work off some energy Lucas,” smiled Lillian, sensing his mood, “your father has managed to round up some more of Dominic’s workers, and this time they are vampires. Why don’t you help him *talk* to them?”

A smirk appeared on Lucas’ face, “I think that is an excellent idea.” He walked over and kissed her cheek, “thank you,” he whispered.

When he had gone Lillian let out a sigh of relief. She was extremely proud of Lucas for wanting to avenge his brother. She also knew that the problem of Helen Bryce needed to be taken care of, much sooner than later.


Dominic didn’t say or do anything when the *remains* of Mark were returned to him in a plastic bag. Although a good worker, Mark was insignificant. And anything he could have told the Luthors was probably old news. And even if he had of mentioned Helen’s involvement that, in the long run, would work in his favour. Rather than having to deal with the doctor himself he could let the Luthors take care of her. All in all things worked out well.

Besides he had something much more important to concentrate on. And that was the man lying on his bed. Dominic sat in the large chair in the darkened bedroom, counting down the minutes until Oliver woke up. In the next room he had a special *present* waiting for his newest childe. Dominic felt his cock harden at the thought of a vampire Oliver by his side, and in his bed. Although over the years they had known each other Oliver had always, politely, turned down those advances from him, this time he wouldn’t be able to resist.

A low groan from the bed pulled Dominic from his thoughts. He quickly moved from the chair and sat on the edge of the bed. Oliver emitted another groan. “Open you eyes,” Dominic whispered, tracing a finger over the other man’s jaw.

Eyes flickered open and locked with Dominic’s gold ones. “Show me,” said the older vampire.

Oliver closed his eyes briefly and when he opened them again, he had his vampire face on. “Yes,” hissed Dominic, brushing his lips gently over the other man’s.

“Hungry,” growled Oliver.

“Of course you are. Come,” Dominic stood up holding out his hand. Oliver took it and let himself be lead into the next room.

“For me,” gasped Oliver as he saw the young boy and girl slumped against the wall. They both couldn’t have been any more than sixteen.

“Yes. And when you have finished with them,” grinned Dominic, “you can show me how thankful you are for your gifts.”

Oliver grinned evilly at his sire, “yes. *Anything* you want.”

“Good,” groaned Dominic, and he envisioned exactly what he’d be taking. “Feed Oliver. Show what you are capable of.”

With a growl Oliver launched himself at the girl.

‘With him by my side,’ thought Dominic as he watched the other vamp tear the young girl apart, ‘the Luthors will be destroyed and we’ll rule the vampire world.’

27th September 2004, 18:40
okay, fi. I have completely caught up from like chapter 28 or something now. and let me just say, for those of the people out there who havent read this and are waiting for a fic to be compeleted before they start reading it....this fic is not easy to read all at once. i went on a fucking emotional roller coaster and am now slowly coming back down.

i dont even care about the smut anymore, i just want helen being ripped apart to shreds by lillian in explicit excruciating detail. whattabitch


27th September 2004, 19:21
helen needs to die

love lea

Queen Of Tact
27th September 2004, 19:53
That was a great update.... I so love this fic Fi... I don&#39;t know how u come up with tthese fics but this is great....

I cant wait to read more....


27th September 2004, 19:54
Loved the update :D Weee :D Can&#39;t wait for hot chlexy sex :D Weee... Hehe

27th September 2004, 20:13
Originally posted by Julie@Sep 27 2004, 07:54 PM
Loved the update :D Weee :D Can&#39;t wait for hot chlexy sex :D Weee... Hehe
Me too&#33;&#33;&#33; I want Chlex hot smut. Pleeeeeeeaaase. :lol:

27th September 2004, 22:10
Okay, Helen needs to die, preferably slowly and painfully :devil: and Lex needs to finally have *the talk* with Lionel. How else is he going to realise that he has already found his lifemate? :wub:

But hey, great update Fiona and I cannot wait for the next one&#33; :biggrin:

Please update soon hon&#39;. :worship2:


27th September 2004, 22:15
you know, every time i sign on NS it&#39;s to see if you&#39;ve updated? hee.

:yay: fab new chapter&#33;&#33; God i&#39;m hooked, even by the chapters with no chlex. You have so many plots interweaving here, so many hidden agendas... its utterly mesmerising&#33;

Please let lex&#39;s demon out to play :devil: :worship2:

Can&#39;t wait to read more


S.Ann Smith
27th September 2004, 23:52
me before the update -> :dry:

me after the update -> :biggrin:

great update as always Fi...

and one more thing

Lucas is so cute *hehe*

28th September 2004, 00:17
That was just great. I can&#39;t wait for more. It was so nice to come home from a long day at work to have this to read.

Helen must die. Lex get with Chloe. And just cause i feel like it Lana hit the wall when she finds out about lex and chloe.

Anything you write would be wonderful to me.

Hope you update soon


28th September 2004, 01:00
wonderful as always

i love lucas and lillian and i cant wait for lillian to &#39;take care of&#39; helen :devil:


28th September 2004, 01:24
Argggh&#33; Frustratingly wonderful as always&#33; Frustrating because Chloe and Lex SO want each other but they won&#39;t admit it. Wonderful because it&#39;s so much fun to watch the dance they do. Also wonderful because Lillian and Lucas are da bomb&#33;

One question: when they finally serve up Helen, will they serve her with red or white wine?

Now some might argue for red but I say there&#39;s a case to be made for white. After all, that sneaky whore is such a pig, she qualifies as the "other white meat&#33;"

:biggrin: :chlexsign2:

Hope the job eases up.

28th September 2004, 02:01
Lord, I am salivating at Lillian&#39;s take down of Helen. And Fi, you can make it as graphic and brutal as you want--I&#39;m feeling the need for blood--Helen&#39;s blood.

Seriously though, I love how you&#39;re building this and though strengthening Dominc&#39;s power--you&#39;re also firming the Luthor resolve to end it once and for all.

Along the way, as long as Chloe and Lex realize they are for each other... I&#39;ll take as long as you want to to finish this, because I am so completely hooked.

You just made a night of struggling through Pope and Swift much more bearable&#33;

Thank you dear, lovely, lovely update&#33;&#33;


28th September 2004, 04:02
I can&#39;t believe that Lillian actually let her son leave with that whore&#33;&#33; Lillian needs to tell Lex the truth so that Helen can&#39;t hurt him&#33;&#33; Thanks for the great update&#33;&#33; I hope you are able to post more soon&#33;&#33; I love this story&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; :yay: :chlexsign2: :yay:

28th September 2004, 10:06
As always, whoa. Such a great chapter, I really enjoy the vampire element in this. And I know it&#39;s a long way away, but reading about Dominic turning Oliver gets me all excited about when Lex is going to turn Chloe. :drool:

Anyway, you have quite a few people to torture and kill -- Helen, Oliver, Dominic, and all their minions etc, so do update soon with the next part&#33;

28th September 2004, 12:30
Yay an update&#33;&#33; I&#39;m with everyone else, Helen needs to die in the worst possible way. Dominic totally creeps me out though. I wish lex would listen to his demon about Chloe cos the sooner he listens the sooner we get :smut: right? :puppyeyes: Can&#39;t wait for more.

Kit Merlot
28th September 2004, 13:46
Wonderful update&#33;

But I am truly worried that Helen is going to hurt Lex before he can be warned not to trust her anymore. I want Lillian to rip her apart, but I hope CHloe gets in a few shots :biggrin:


29th September 2004, 07:38
oh boy. so happy to read so many new chapters at once. hope tha gabe will recover and :yay: :yay: can&#39;t wait to see how lillian will deal with HELEN :tease:

29th September 2004, 13:35
I don&#39;t think I&#39;ve said it enough recently but I LOVE this fic&#33; Seriously, it&#39;s so well done. Although I&#39;m still on the edge of my seat for Helen&#39;s death... I look forward to it with great amounts of glee. Lol&#33; Anyways I hope you update soon&#33; :biggrin:

29th September 2004, 13:41
So...it&#39;s wrong that I kind of want Chloe to end up being the one to take Domic down, right? :devil: She doesn&#39;t even need to be a vamp if you don&#39;t want - just a pointy little stake ala Buffy or a nice vial of holy water. Just *something*

*ahem* Sorry. Planning out other people&#39;s stories in my mind. That can&#39;t be a good sign.

As always, I loved it and clamor for more.

Queen Of Tact
30th September 2004, 00:56
Fi i luv you.... I can&#39;t even start to tell you how great this fic is...... This is a must read for any chlexer.....

I know you life is a bit crazy, but please please please please please please please please please please please please update more soon...

Oh and I thought you would like to know about a dream I had, then again it could also do with the fact that I saw underworld last week... So I had this nice erotic about this guy who was part vampire/werewolf (I think)... I know there were werewolves in my dream, but I&#39;m not 100% sure what he was other then very yummy looking...

See what your doing to me...


2nd October 2004, 22:47
It&#39;s Saturday-- I don&#39;t get to see "Gone" until 1AM tonight... and you know what would make my night? A lovely update of this fic... if you feel so inclined&#33;

Please, update soon&#33; I can&#39;t tell you how much I can&#39;t wait for the next chapter&#33;


3rd October 2004, 12:58
Ok, here&#39;s the next for you..... And it has some Chlex...... Fiona


Chapter Forty Three – Traps

“Care to tell me what is bothering you Chloe?” asked Lex with a smile on his face. The pair had been sitting in the large downstairs living room. Lex had been looking over some papers from work and Chloe had been… well sighing almost like clockwork every ten minutes for the last hour.

“Oh it’s nothing,” she muttered and walked over to a bookshelf, casually looking at the titles.

Lex laid the papers he was reading on the table and sat back in his seat. Something was bothering her, and one thing he had discovered about Chloe Sullivan was that she couldn’t keep things bottled up for long and would soon just blurt out what was wrong.

Chloe turned from the bookshelf to see Lex staring at her, a small smile on his face. Sighing again she made her way over to him and took her seat in the chair beside him. “I’m bored,” she said.

“Bored,” repeated Lex.

“Yeah. The school is closed for a week because of what happened, and while I’m not actually missing school or anything, I am missing the Torch. And I feel I should be… doing something. My dad’s lying in a hospital bed, in a critical condition and I can’t do anything to help him,” replied Chloe. “Does that make sense?”

Ever since the *incident* in her room when Lex comforted her, Chloe’s opinion of the man had changed. Granted she still thought him arrogant, she suspected that would never change, but his patronising tendencies had lessened. So instead of going out of her way to avoid having to speak to him she know found herself quite happy to seek him out if she needed to get anything off her chest.

“Yes it does make sense. In fact I’d feel quite disappointed if Chloe Sullivan didn’t think herself capable of hunting down those responsible for what happened,” he added with a smirk.

“If I could I would,” she replied, “and they would *suffer*,” she added with conviction.

As soon as the words left her mouth Lex’s mind was suddenly filled with the image of a leather-clad Chloe making Dominic *suffer*. He bit back a groan as the *fantasy* progressed on to Chloe torturing the bastard. ‘Oh fuck,’ he thought as he felt his cock surge to life, as the image changed again, this time to Chloe torturing him, but in a far more pleasurable way.

Chloe watched, concerned, as Lex’s eyes seemed to glaze over. “Lex, Lex, are you ok?” When he didn’t answer her, she debated with herself for a few seconds before laying her hand on his arm and calling his name again.

When he felt the warmth of her hand through the silk of his shirt Lex closed his eyes and warred within himself to rid his mind of the provocative images. ‘Not now,’ he pleaded with his demon, as it demanded to make itself known, ‘*please* not now.’ Feeling it recede he opened his eyes to see a very concerned Chloe looking at him.

“Are you ok?” she asked softly, her hand still on his arm.

He covered here hand with one of his own and squeezed it gently, “I’m fine,” he replied, “sorry about that. The events of the few days…”

“I understand Lex,” she replied, smiling at him, “it gets to us all.”

He gave her hand one more squeeze and reluctantly let it go. Suddenly feeling a little shy Chloe pulled her hand away.

“This doesn’t mean we’re friends or anything,” she said with a smile, echoing something he had said not long after their first meeting.

“Heaven forbid,” he replied with a smirk remembering the original conversation immediately. Soon both started laughing, the strange tension that had settled over them dissipating immediately.


Lillian paused in her journey for a moment as she felt confusion and frustration once again from Lex. But this time it didn’t last long and she smiled to herself as she felt contentment from him. ‘Chloe must be there with him,’ she thought, ‘both causing and helping to alleviate the confusion.’ Happy that everything was ok with her eldest son for the moment she continued on her way.

Now that Lucas knew about Helen’s involvement with Dominic, Lillian had to act. Although Lucas had promised not to say anything to Lex, she knew he wouldn’t be able to keep that promise for long. His need to expose Helen’s deceit to his brother would win out. Lillian was proud of the fact her youngest son felt such loyalty towards his big brother, but she had already decided she would be the one to tell Lex… and that would be after she had taken care of the problem that was Helen Bryce.

Reaching the hospital she entered the building and after pausing to check on Gabe Sullivan and a few of the other injured plant workers she left through the back door after passing on instructions to one of her men stationed there. With a smirk Lillian made her way to her limo and gave the driver the destination details.


“What the hell?” muttered Helen as she saw the white envelope suddenly appear under the door. Getting up quickly she grabbed it from the floor and opened the door quickly, scanning the corridor. Seeing it empty she shut the door and moved to her desk. Slicing open the envelope she took out a small white card…

{I have to see you…}

Turning the card over Helen saw an address written on it and the words, {come immediately}. Smiling to herself she destroyed the card and envelope and grabbed her jacket and bag. She hadn’t heard from Dominic since coming back to Smallville and had really missed him. He had told her not to contact him as they never knew who might be watching or listening and that he’d be in contact with her when he wanted to see her.

Locking the door to her office she hurried along the corridors and outside to her car. “Please let him tell me he wants me to leave this place for good,” she muttered as she started the engine. “I hate this fucking town and the Luthors, I want out.” Putting the car in drive she left the hospital parking lot and made her way to the destination on the card.


“Hello stranger,” grinned Chloe as Lucas entered the room, “where have you been lately?”

“Hi Chloe,” he replied, “I’ve been taking care of some business for my dad. How are you?” he asked as he sat beside her.

“I’m doing ok,” she said.

Lucas smiled and wrapped an arm around her shoulder, giving her a hug. Lex narrowed his eyes and shot his brother a glare as he embraced the blonde. Lucas caught sight of the glare out of the corner of his eye. ‘Now what is all that about?’ he thought.

He hugged Chloe tighter and inwardly smirked as Lex glared harder. ‘Interesting, maybe he won’t be that upset when he finds out about Helen.’ He let go of Chloe as he felt his anger rising at thoughts of Helen.

‘This family gets more and more confusing,’ thought Chloe as she watched Lex glare at Lucas and Lucas seemingly not noticing was staring off into space.

The mood was broken when Lionel entered the room.

“Hello Mr Luthor,” smiled Chloe.

“Chloe dear,” he replied, “I was actually looking for you. I’m heading to the hospital and wondered if you wanted to accompany me. Lex and Lucas need to do something for me and I doubt you want to be hanging around this place on your own.”

“I’d love too,” she replied, “let me go get my jacket. See you later,” she called to Lex and Lucas as she left.

“Bye Chloe,” they both called after her. When she had gone Lionel turned to his sons and gave them their instructions.


Helen parked her car in front of a large house. She had driven for a couple of hours to reach the house, and discovered that it was quite isolated. “Nice,” she muttered as she left her car and walked up the steps to the front door. A piece of paper with the words, {it’s open} was tacked to it. Smiling she pulled off the piece of paper and entered the house, closing the door behind her.


As soon as she was inside the house three men appeared and silently pushed the car away. AS they did that a number of others appeared and stationed themselves around the house, making sure there was no chance of anyone getting in, or getting out.


Helen walked through the candle-lit hallways, following the trail of notes. “Dominic,” she murmured as she read the latest one, {getting closer&#33;&#33;}. Her trail led her to a closed door.

Taking a deep breath and smoothing for the front of her skirt, Helen knocked on the door. There was no answer so she knocked again calling out, “Dominic.” Once again silence greeted her. “Playing games again,” she said with a laugh and opened the door.

“Dom,” she called out to the dark room.

A light was suddenly turned on and Helen covered her eyes at its sudden invasion. Blinking a few times she adjusted her eyes to the light.

“Hello Helen, so *glad* you made it.”

A gasp escaped the brunette as she saw a smiling Lillian Luthor standing there.

3rd October 2004, 13:08

I love you Fi, for this story that just keeps getting better and better. Why oh why couldn&#39;t you have been in charge of Smallville...

Okay, whining aside, awesome chapter&#33; :partyhat: I loved the Chlex scene and Lex&#39;s reaction to her. It was just perfect. Can&#39;t wait for Lex to finally lose control. And Lillian coming up with such a well-thought-out and methodological way of trapping Helen makes me admire her all the more. Lex and Lucas torturing people might be hot, but to have Lillian Luthor... whoa. Something tells me that&#39;s going to hurt a lot more.

I know you just updated like two minutes ago, but can we have more soon, please?

3rd October 2004, 13:30
yay&#33; lillian torturing that evil helen bitch

jelous lex

a bit more from the demon though please.

c&#39;etait parfait

love lea

3rd October 2004, 15:11
Mwhahah&#33; Just... brilliant... Simply brilliant :D

3rd October 2004, 16:35
Fab update Fiona. :biggrin:

More chlex and an update soon though huh? :worship2:


3rd October 2004, 17:09
:wub: :chlexsign4: :wub: :yay: Helen is going to suffer&#33;&#33; :yay: Helen&#39;s going to die&#33;&#33; :yay: Ok, I swear I&#39;m not usually this mean, but Helen is a horrible person and deserves to pay for what she did&#33;&#33; Thank you so much for this fabulous update&#33;&#33; More, More, More&#33;&#33; Please&#33;&#33;

3rd October 2004, 18:41

Take that, Helen&#33;

Let&#39;s just see what happens when you mess with one of Lillian&#39;s brood&#33;

3rd October 2004, 18:45
I&#39;ve just got one word: CHOMP&#33;

3rd October 2004, 20:16
hehehehe, fantastic&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; Cant wait to see helens demise&#33; and the chlex was perfect&#33; :worship2:

3rd October 2004, 22:14

MWHAHAHAHAHAH&#33;&#33; DIE HELEN DIEEEEE&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;

3rd October 2004, 23:20
:yay: Bloody fantastic&#33; Loved the chlex in this chapter, lol at Lex&#39;s thoughts&#33; Can&#39;t wait to see what&#39;s going to happen to Helen - a long and painful death sounds about right :devil: Update soon&#33;

Queen Of Tact
3rd October 2004, 23:21
Oh the bitch is goign to die now&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; Please get back here soon... She needs to die soon....

Awww and I loved the Chlex, the only prob is there wasn&#39;t enough....

Please please please post more soon....


3rd October 2004, 23:47
I loved that chapter. Hellen is gona get it&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; Go Lillian&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;

Great Chlex moment :chlexsign2:

Hope you update soon.


3rd October 2004, 23:50

ooh, Helen&#39;s *so* gonna get it in the neck :yay: :biggrin:

*knocks tentatively on monitor* "please Miss Fe, can Lex&#39;s demon come out to play?" :devil:

Excellent update&#33;&#33;


4th October 2004, 02:02
Mwahahahahahahaha......no one deserves it more&#33; Let the carnage begin&#33;&#33;&#33; :partyhat: :devil:


4th October 2004, 04:42
*happy dance of joy*

Helen&#39;s gonna get it... Helen&#39;s gonna get it....

and I so can&#39;t WAIT for Mama Luthor to get her &#39;fangs&#39; into the evil woman&#33;


4th October 2004, 05:20
*happy dance*

Oh, *rubs hands together evilly*, I just can&#39;t wait.

4th October 2004, 05:25
:cryblue: Nooooo&#33; You can&#39;t stop there&#33; :puppyeyes: I need more. Please&#33; Update soon. :puppyeyes:

4th October 2004, 11:51
Helen go bye bye&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; :devil: :devil: :devil: :yay2:

4th October 2004, 16:46
:yay: :devil: I think the second most anticipated moment (Helen&#39;s death) in this story is finally here... please have it be in the next chapter :devil: I liked the chlex (1st most anticipated), but there was not nearly enough. I hope Lex aprichiates Chloe bring the pictures of Helen to Lillian and what she is doing. You do an excellent job with these characters and keeping them belivable. :chlexsign2:

4th October 2004, 17:26
:devil: Lillian is gonna take care of that bitch&#33;&#33;&#33; :devil:

S.Ann Smith
4th October 2004, 17:57
:devil: :devil: Muahahahahahahahahahahahaha&#33; ha&#33;

Kit Merlot
4th October 2004, 18:31
Okay, so many great parts that I can&#39;t choose one.

1. A jealous Lex--and Lucas KNOWING that Lex is jealous--YES :biggrin:

2. Lillian finally confronting Helen--Double YES&#33;

WELL DONE :biggrin:

4th October 2004, 23:06
EEEK&#33; That beeyotch is gonna get what she deserves&#33; YAY&#33;

4th October 2004, 23:32
dun dun dun...and here we go&#33;&#33;

Helen&#39;s gonna di-ie, Helen&#39;s gonna di-ie&#33;&#33; (that was a little song for you)

great update&#33;


5th October 2004, 02:24
*cackles evily* Helen&#39;s gonna get reemed. Helen&#39;s gonna get reemed. Helen&#39;s gonna get reemed&#33;&#33;&#33; When Helen walked in and saw that it was Lillian instead of Dominic I yelled out "TAKE IT BITCH&#33;&#33;&#33;" *ahem* Needless to say my roommate and all my friends think I&#39;m insane right about now.

*swoons* Lex&#39;s reaction to Lucas putting his arm around Chloe&#39;s shoulders, that was great. Can&#39;t wait to see Lucas and Lex&#39;s conversation about that one.

More soon&#33; I&#39;m going through withdrawl already.

~Manda :blinkkiss:

5th October 2004, 04:20
I just read this entire fic today. Let me tell you it took more than a few hours. I think that this is probably the best fic I have ever read. I was skeptical at first, but you have exceeded my expectations. This is amazing. Update Soon, Please&#33;&#33;&#33;

buckles squared
5th October 2004, 22:44
There are many phenomenal stories on this site but this is the only one that I go to on a daily basis to look for updates. Excellent work&#33;


6th October 2004, 00:14
:devil: HAHAHA&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;

HOW&#39;S IT FEEL NOW, BITCH?&#33;?&#33;

kill....kill.....kill....kill.....kill....kill.... .kill...
.kill.....kill....kill.....kill....kill.....kill.. ..kill.....kill..
..kill.....kill....kill.....kill....kill.....kill. ...kill.....kill...

Post edited by Jules. Try not to fuck up the tables...

6th October 2004, 17:02
Yeah Helen is going to get it and after reading the rest of the FB I take it I&#39;m not the only happy one.

I&#39;m getting itchy though waiting for Chloe to get a sniff of something off centre with the Luthors.

Yeah can&#39;t wait for the next installment.

7th October 2004, 18:24
Ok you blood-thirsty lot here's the next one.... I had written a few versions of this chapter before finally deciding on this one, I think Lillian, (at least the Lillian I've written) would have handled it like this.... This chapter is dedicated to all of you wonderful wonderful people who read this and leave a comment.... Your words and encouragement makes the hair-pulling moments during the writing of the chapters all the worthwhile...Many thanks..... Fiona :wub:


Chapter Forty Four – Comeuppances

Helen stood gaping at Lillian, her mouth opening and closing but no words coming out.

“Oh do stop that,” said Lillian, “you look like a fish.”

“What… What are *you* doing here?”

“Why wouldn’t I be here? You did get my message did you not?” grinned Lillian.

“What the hell is going on?” she snapped, finally getting over the shock of seeing Lillian Luthor and not her lover standing there.

“You and I don’t get on Helen,” she said as she moved closer, “I thought that I might, clear the air, so to speak.”

“And you had to drag me all the way to a deserted house to do that.”

“I don’t recall dragging you here kicking and screaming.” laughed Lillian, “You came here of your own free will, and you seemed enthusiastic about it as well.”

“I thought someone else was here…” began Helen and then shut her mouth.

Lillian smiled and Helen suddenly felt afraid. The older woman was now right in front of her, “I know *exactly* who you thought would be here,” she whispered, “and it wasn’t my son.”

The brunette stumbled back a few steps, eyes wide as she glanced around to see how close the door was. “I… I don’t know what you mean,” she said, “I…”

“Silence,” roared Lillian, “I know all about it. I know whose dirty little secret you are, and all the information you passed on, information that led to the deaths of innocent people. I know exactly whom you’ve been fucking while seeing my son. I…Know…it…ALL,” a loud gasp escaped Helen as Lillian’s vampire face appeared.

She back away further till she felt the wall against her back.

Lillian ran her tongue over her fangs, as she smelt the fear coming from the other woman.

“What did Dominic promise you Helen? Eternal life maybe and a chance to rule alongside him when he brought us down?”

“How did you find out?”

“Ah now, I asked you a question first,” teased Lillian, “I’ll answer yours when you answer mine.”

Helen’s eyes darted from Lillian to the door and then back to Lillian. She knew how quick a vampire could be, so timing would be everything. “Yes he promised to turn me,” she said, moving slowly, “said I could have anything I wanted.”

“And you believed him, naive child,” laughed Lillian.

“I answered your question, answer mine, how did you find out?”

“Chloe discovered you and that bastard in a clinch and brought it too my attention.”

“That stupid teenager,” exclaimed Helen, again inching closer to the door.

“She is far from stupid Helen,” snapped Lillian. “As I recall, she was *easily* able to match you quip for quip. My turn again,” she added after a moment. “How did you mask Dominic’s scent?”

A knowing and smug smile played across Helen’s lips, “ah so you never figured that out,” she crowed, “it was a mixture of things, hormone chemicals and a large dose of magic from Dominic were the main ingredients. His mother really was quite talented.”

“His mother was a whore who fucked and murdered her way through life. She used her magic to trick men and vampires alike, and on top of all that she gave birth to that monster. She deserved her painful death.”

“His mother made him what he was. Her teachings moulded him and her murder haunts him,” said Helen passionately.

Lillian threw her head back and laughed, the light bouncing off her fangs, “she wasn’t murdered, she was tried, found guilty and punished accordingly. Do not speak of things you are ignorant about. You only know what he told you, and he wasn’t there. The little coward escaped his own punishment.”

“He’s more *vampire* than Lex is,” taunted Helen.

Lillian’s eyes flashed, “he’s not even a true vampire, my son is. Do not push me little girl.”

“Your son has no passion.”

“*You* could never arouse passion in him,” retorted Lillian and smiled as Helen’s smug look faltered and her eyes flickered to the door.

‘Please run Helen,’ thought Lillian, as she watched the other woman’s eyes move, ‘I do love the hunt. It makes the blood sweeter.’

“I’ll let you in on a not-so-secret secret,” she said, “Dominic may *fuck* women, but his preference is men.”

“You Luthors really think you are something,” sneered Helen, “but Dominic’s attack on the plant really hit you, it put a dent in that superiority of yours. It is only a matter of time before you and your family are destroyed.”

In less than a blink of an eye Helen found herself pressed against the wall with Lillian’s hand around her throat. “You are insignificant,” hissed Lillian, “a mere pawn in a game. Used by Dominic, used by Lex.”

Helen clawed at Lillian’s hand, “used by Lex,” she choked out.

“You were convenient to him, someone he could fuck without worrying about feeling the urge to mark you, to bite you. His demon would never allow a claim to you. You were *nothing* to him,” she slammed the woman against the wall, and then let go, Helen slumped to the floor, coughing.

Lillian walked over to the door and opened it wide. “I’m tired of you,” she said, “you have thirty seconds.”

Helen struggled to her feet, “what?”

“Thirty seconds. If you make it to the front door in thirty seconds I’ll let you go. Now run!”

She didn’t move.

“Twenty-nine, twenty-eight.”

She scrambled to the door and out of the room, Lillian’s laughter ringing in her eyes. There were no lights on and she ran towards the front door as fast as she could, counting down in her head.

And when she reached ten, she could see it. Allowing a small smile to grace her face she increased her speed.

Suddenly she was jerked back and thrown against a wall. “Too slow,” grinned Lillian.

Groaning Helen rubbed the back of her head, wincing as she felt blood oozing from the cut. Lillian’s eyes flashed as she smelt the blood and swiftly grabbed Helen bloodied hand, squeezing the fingers to breaking point as she licked the blood off.

When she had finished and bent back the woman’s hand, snapping her wrist, causing Helen to scream she smirked, “bitter, just like you.”

A crying Helen cradled her broken wrist against her chest. Lillian grabbed her by the hair and dragged her to her feet. “Not so tough now are you dear?”

“Please,” sobbed Helen.

“You don’t get to beg,” snarled Lillian, slamming her against the wall with each word. “The workers who died did nothing. They were innocent, they didn’t even know what they were involved in.”

“Please,” she said again, her voice filled with pain.

Lillian dragged her close and bent her lips to the woman’s ear. “I disliked you from the moment I met you. And even if you had feelings for Lex and never knew anything about what we were or had an involvement with Dominic you still wouldn’t have lasted. *I* would have made sure of that. You are all wrong for my son. You are arrogant and cold and have no redeeming qualities at all. Lex needs a woman who is passionate, intelligent, willing to challenge and argue with him over everything, no matter how trivial. He deserves a woman who will love him unconditionally without sacrificing anything of her character. A woman worthy of being a Luthor. You are not any of that.”

Lillian placed her hands either side of Helen’s head. “I have met the woman who will be Lex’s mate. She is everything he could want,” she continued. “She is worthy of having the name Luthor and will be the woman who will give me my first grandchildren, and you, you will be *nothing* to us, not even a memory.”

“Who?” Helen croaked out, her entire body in pain.

“Chloe Sullivan,” said Lillian and drove her fangs into Helen’s neck. Even in her battered and pained state the younger woman tried to fight, but it was futile. Lillian didn’t take much of her blood and after a minute pulled back.

“Goodbye Helen,” she whispered, blood dripping from her fangs and twisted the woman’s neck, snapping it immediately. Dropping her hands the lifeless body of Helen Bryce fell to the ground. Lillian closed her eyes and her human face appeared.

“Anthony,” she called out and the front door opened to reveal a man standing there.

“Yes mistress,” he said.

“Anthony, take care of everything please, I’m heading back home.”

He bowed his head to her and motioned to the others outside the door. They all stood to the side as Lillian walked by them. As soon as she was in the car they moved into the house.

“To the castle please Andrew,” she said to the driver.

“Yes Mrs Luthor,” he replied and started the engine.

‘It is done,’ Lillian said to Lionel, ‘we’ll talk to Lex when I get back.’

7th October 2004, 18:32
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

That was handled brilliantly.

I love you Lillian told Helen that Chloe would end up as Lex&#39;s mate. What a slap in the face...

So lovely. Just what I needed right now to make me smile when I&#39;m so darned sick&#33;

I look forward to seeing more.

7th October 2004, 18:33
Oooooohhhh *shivers*

I love how Lillian snaps Helen&#39;s neck rather than drink her blood...Helen is that abhorrent to her and isn&#39;t worth her time.

So...what&#39;s the fallout from Lex going to be?

7th October 2004, 18:44

Go Lillian&#33; Go Lillian&#33; wooooot&#33; :)

7th October 2004, 18:56
:worship2: :worship2: Excellent chapter&#33;&#33; :worship2: :worship2: I love the way Lillian handled Helen&#33;&#33; Breaking her in both mind and spirit&#33;&#33; Lillian is wonderful&#33;&#33; :angel: Now I can&#39;t wait for Lex to realize his feelings for Chloe&#33;&#33; Soon please&#33;&#33; Can&#39;t wait for your next update&#33;&#33; :wub: :chlexsign4: :wub:

7th October 2004, 19:08
oooh YAY&#33;

love that chloe and lex are being playful. and i love jealous lex

and i love love love lillian.


7th October 2004, 19:29
now the ho we love to hate is dead (good job on that btw), can lex go to lionel

oooo and can we get a bit more from the lexy demon - he&#39;s cute

love lea

S.Ann Smith
7th October 2004, 19:40
:worship2: :worship2: :worship2:

Thank you Fi

7th October 2004, 20:45

Hope ;)

7th October 2004, 20:50
That was great. Thank you for the wonderful chapter. Gota love Lillian telling Helen that it all Chloe. I can hardly wait for lex to figure out what is going on with his feelings for Chloe.

Hope you update more soon. :yay2: :yay2:

Thanks Fi


7th October 2004, 21:00
:biggrin: Yeah&#33; Helen is dead&#33; Yeah&#33; Helen is dead&#33; {doing a little dance}. Great chapter. Loved Lillian telling Helen that Chloe would be Lex&#39;s mate&#33; Ok, now that that is finally done, we need some yummy Chlex and of course Lillian fianlly telling Lex about Helen. Oh I can&#39;t wait&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;


7th October 2004, 21:14
I really don&#39;t blame Lillian for not drinking Helen&#39;s blood, yuck... Don&#39;t think I could stomach it either. Fantastic chapter, I can&#39;t wait for Lex to figure out Chloe is his mate. Update soon&#33; :chlexsign3:

7th October 2004, 21:33
THeir going to talk to Lex? Update sooon&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; I can&#39;t stand the suspense.


Kit Merlot
7th October 2004, 21:39
This was excellent&#33;&#33; Lillian os so cool--she wants Chloe to be Lex&#39;s mate--EXCELLENT choice :biggrin:

This story continues to be awesome--WELL DONE&#33;

7th October 2004, 21:46
Very nice. I feel content. Yeah, I&#39;m a little blood thirsty, but it is your fault, I thought I couldn&#39;t hate Helen more until I read this story. You have a gift. Now give some more. Another update and some more Chlex, PLEASE&#33;&#33;&#33;

:yay: :yay:

7th October 2004, 21:52
Ahh, mwhahah&#33; Totally excellent. Nicely done :) I like Lillian. She&#39;s cool :)

7th October 2004, 22:00
Great Chapter, now that helen is out of the way it will hopefully lead to more :chlexsign1: time. :)

7th October 2004, 22:13
I am so giddy right now, I can&#39;t stop smiling. The bitch is dead.

Now for more Chlex sexual tension&#33;&#33;&#33;

Superb job, more soon

7th October 2004, 22:15
Marvelous, absolutely marvelous. Now let Chloe comfort Lex when he finds out about Helen because I think that would be great. Lillian will tell him how she found out about Helen&#39;s betrayal, Lex would get upset and go argue with Chloe. A little verbal judo, followed by a little bit of lovin&#39;. What do you think? Good idea?

Queen Of Tact
7th October 2004, 22:28
Fona sweetie, I love you back u have to get back here now... This update was great, but I need more... I crave more... Please please please... I&#39;ll bake you a chocolate cake...


7th October 2004, 23:24
This chapter was a work of art&#33; :worship2:

I will need to read this ten more times to fully relish the beauty that is Lillian wiping the floor with that sneaky bitch Helen.

Everytime I even attempt to imagine how you will follow that up, I am giddy&#33;

Thank you for being such a perfectionist and I hope you rewarded youself well after writing this chapter.

And as always, Fiona, MORE SOON&#33; :biggrin:

7th October 2004, 23:40
can&#39;t wait to read the next chapter :worship2: :yay:

8th October 2004, 00:15
You are an angel&#33; Of death that is, well for the bitch doctor anyway&#33; I just adore Lillian. I think her dominant, mother hen behaviour is attatched to the name. My grandmother was called Lillian and she was exactly the same&#33;

That was just fab, can&#39;t wait for more. :wub:


8th October 2004, 00:15
"bitter, just like you"

Excellent chapter&#33;&#33; I loved the way you handled this: we&#39;ve all been routing for this to happen for ages and all I can say is you really brought it home. I can&#39;t wait to see what Lex&#39;s reaction is...


8th October 2004, 01:13

Goodbye Helen, sorry I can&#39;t say I&#39;ll miss you.

LOVED Lillian&#39;s &#39;revenge&#39; and the comment on Chloe was priceless. Perfectly fitting and wonderfully done ... now bring on the conversation about &#39;telling&#39; Lex-- I wanna see mama Luthor do that&#33; :)


8th October 2004, 03:28
:hehe: :biggrin: sweet&#33; It just gets better&#33; (right?)
Need more&#33;

8th October 2004, 04:21
:sad: oooh Helen is dead.......

Yeah I didn&#39;t believe me when I said that either. :lol:

Celebrate good times, come on...let&#39;s celebrate. :dance:

8th October 2004, 04:47
:devil: I love Lillian. I just do.

I feel kind of bad for Anthony though. It&#39;s gotta suck (no pun intended) to be a cleaner for a vampire.