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26th October 2005, 18:12
Ok this is for katieandjason whose reviews always bring a smile to my face...:grin3: .. And a welcome back for Renee :blinkkiss .....Fiona


Chapter Hundred and Twenty Seven – Talk of Ceremonies

Etienne stopped in his tracks the moment he entered Oliver’s room. The other vampire was seated, cross-legged on the floor and looked like he was in a trance. He was in full demon form, his huge wings, although folded, still grazing the ceiling.

His red eyes glowed as he stared unblinkingly ahead. A low sound like a purr emanated from his body. Etienne was unsure what to do, should he wait till Oliver was finished whatever it was he was doing, or should he disturb him? He remained still for a moment before deciding to approach the other vampire.

Striding across the room to Oliver he once again stopped as the low purr turned into a growl. Frowning slightly he moved slowly forward again only for the growl to grow louder, the sound vibrating through the room.

Narrowing his eyes he glared at Oliver before turning around and heading back towards the door. As soon as he exited the door the growling stopped and once again the low purring began again.

And as a rather irate Etienne stormed down the corridor a grin appeared on Oliver’s face. He had sensed Etienne the moment he began making his way to him from the other side of the house, but was I no mood to speak to him, he had much more important things to do.

Over the last week he had started feeling, almost sensing like he wasn’t the only one, that there was another demon like him, although this demon felt far more powerful and ancient that he was. It was like this demon had awakened. So he started meditating, trying to focus on the feeling to see if he could hone in on the power emanating from the other demon. If he could do that he could find this demon and either talk to it about joining forces or taking care of it so it didn’t spoil his own plans.

But so far his efforts had been futile, he hadn’t been able to find the source of the power. This frustrated rather than angered Oliver, if he couldn’t pinpoint exactly where this other demon was it just meant that it was far enough away not to cause any problems… well not yet any way.

As he stood up Oliver changed back into his human form. He picked up his clothes from the floor and dressed quickly. His mind left thoughts of the other demon behind and focussing once again on the Luthors. Reports coming from Smallville had been scarce lately, the Luthors were very much keeping themselves to themselves. Yes there had been comings and goings from the castle, usually during the night, but nobody was speaking, despite the reputation and power Oliver had, it seemed it still wasn’t enough to break down the loyalty most vampires felt for the Luthors.

“Not too worry,” he told himself, “I have a few more tricks up my sleeve.”


Lionel stood over the table reading through the various parchments, books and information that Bryon and Gabe managed to find, both men were standing watching him. According to Bryon the ceremony and spell used to bring Oliver back was Egyptian in origin, and a very specific spell. It couldn’t be used to bring anyone back, the rules and ingredients had to be followed exactly. Gabe had blanched when Bryon explained that the blood of a young child would have been needed, and that every drop would have had to be drained from the youngster’s body. He also explained that the ceremony had to have taken place on Halloween and in Bordeaux.

“That explains the reports we got about Dominic heading to France around Halloween,” murmured Lionel as he read more about the actual ceremony.

“It was a pure demon that Dominic brought back,” said Bryon, “the time Oliver had spent dead and in whatever part of hell he was in, the last bits of his humanity where eroded away. All that was left was the shell, the shell that the demon needed, hence why the body wasn’t destroyed. And while Oliver will have all his memories etc, it is the demon that controls everything, the human body is just a vessel for it to *get around* in.”

“How has such a powerful spell remained a secret for so long?”

“Because it’s so dangerous,” replied Gabe. “I mean look at it, if it was readily available, think of the chaos it would cause. Ok, it requires specific *ingredients* and settings before it can proceed, but you are vampires, it’s not like you haven’t got the time to wait until everything is perfect. You said Dominic’s mother was a witch, and a damn powerful one at that, maybe she passed the spell onto him in the hopes he’d resurrect her.”

“Who knew what went through that crazy woman’s head,” sighed Lionel, “but I do see your point Gabe. And I find myself wondering what other spells she may have left behind for Dominic. I think I may send Karl and Elena back to Italy to see if anything was salvaged from the house.”

“Spells that are now in Oliver’s hands,” said Bryon, his expression grim.

“Oliver and Etienne’s hands,” corrected Gabe, “and didn’t you say that it was Etienne that was really interested and somewhat experienced in the occult?”

“Yes he is Gabe, very much so.”

“What do we do now?” asked Bryon.

“We progress with Lex and Chloe’s mating ceremony, and you and Gabe will continue with your research. Maybe there is a counter-spell or something. And as I said earlier, I’ll send Karl and Elena to Italy, after the mating, to see if they can find anything. Oliver will not be as easy to kill as a normal vampire; in fact I’m guessing that some of the things that are fatal to us will have no effect on him. I want to know everything; I want to know what his weaknesses are, no matter how minute they may be. Every single piece of information is important.”


“MMM,” murmured Lex as Chloe placed soft kisses over his jaw to his mouth. She kissed his lips gently, keeping the kisses chaste and innocent, a complete opposite to the way she was straddling his waist and rubbing against him.

His hands slid under the shirt she was wearing and he ran them gently up and down her back. It was Chloe’s turned to moan now and she rang her tongue over his bottom lip before biting it, groaned as she felt Lex’s cock harden even more.

Lex parted his lips allowing his tongue to touch Chloe’s. Moaning low in her throat she entangled her tongue around his and drew him into her mouth. Sliding her hands over his chest she moved them around his neck as the kiss deepened. Lex rested one hand on the small of her back and pushed her hips closer to his, his other hand moved around to the front and he gently caressed her breast through the material of her bra.

Reluctantly Chloe pulled her mouth away to breath. Smiling Lex moved his mouth to her neck and licked and sucked on his mark as his hand slipped under her bra to tease her nipple.

“Lex,” she groaned, arching into his hand.

‘Lex be a darling and release your lovely mate I need to talk to her,’ Lillian’s voice sounded in his mind.

‘Not NOW mother,’ Lex *replied* back, groaning as Chloe’s hand found the front of his pants and rubbed him gently.

‘Yes now Lex, you will have plenty of time for that later, send her to the east wing please I’ll be waiting for her.’

With of groan that had nothing to do without pleasure Lex released Chloe. “Sorry love,” he said, removing his hands and fixing up her shirt, “but my mother would like to speak with you, she’s in the east wing.”

“Damn that telepathic talk, and your mother has the worst timing,” grumbled Chloe, running a hair through her hair.

Lex grinned and kissed her nose, “I’ll make it up to you later,” he whispered, his eyes glowing.

“You better,” she whispered back.

“Come on I’ll *escort* you to mother.”


As soon as Lex had closed the door behind him, leaving Chloe and Lillian alone in the rather large and lavish room the Luthor matriarch smiled at Chloe.

“What’s that look for Lillian?” asked Chloe.

“I have no idea what you are talking about,” she replied, “come sit, we have much to discuss.”

“You look like the cat that ate the canary,” said Chloe as she sat down, “and it has me worried.”

“I’m sorry to have interrupted you and Lex,” she said as she poured the coffee.

“No you’re not,” grinned Chloe, “you enjoy showing your husband and sons that it is still you that calls the shots.”

“How very perceptive of you my dear, they need to be reminded every now and then that when I say jump they are suppose to ask how high,” grinned Lillian, handing Chloe her coffee.

“Thank you,” said Chloe, laughing as she took the cup. “Now what did you want to see me about?”

“I wanted to talk to you about the mating ceremony.” Reaching down beside her she brought up a sheet of paper to the table. “Here is a list of the people that I think we should invite,” she handed the page to Chloe, “but of course the final decision is yours and Lex’s.”

“I don’t recognise half these names,” said Chloe, scanning the list quickly.

“No, you wouldn’t, they are members of the various *ruling* families. You don’t have to have them there; I just included their names. Lex will be able to tell you all about them. As you are aware Chloe, the mating ceremony is our equivalent of a marriage, just completely different,” she finished with a grin.

Chloe glanced down at the ring on her finger before returning her gaze to Lillian.

“Normally it would be the female’s mother who would explain everything about the ceremony but…” Lillian trailed off.

Chloe reached out and covered Lillian’s hand with her own, “You have been like a mother to me since we first met, and I’m very glad that it’s you I’m having this talk with Lillian.” She squeezed the older woman’s hand.

Blinking back tears, Lillian reached into her pocket and pulled out a necklace, “My mother gave this to me to wear for my mating with Lionel, her mother gave it to her and so on. It was been in my family for over three thousand years. When my two children turned out sons, I never thought I’d get the chance to continue the tradition, but that is not the case. I would be very honoured Chloe if you wore this for your ceremony,” she handed the necklace to Chloe.

“Oh Lillian it is beautiful,” Chloe fingered the jewelled necklace gently and lifted her head t Lillian’s, tears in her own eyes, “I would be honoured to wear it.”

Lillian smiled as she composed herself, and gave Chloe’s hand one last squeeze before releasing it. “Continuing on, your father will be giving you away as such, Lex will have Lucas standing as a kind of best man for him. And you can have an attendant as well if you like.”

“Yes please, I’d like Elena.”

“I thought you might,” smiled Lillian. “Lionel will preside over the ceremony, when a human and a vampire mate if the vampire is female the mother presides, and if the vampire is male then the father.”

“What happens if it’s two vampires?” asked Chloe.

“If one is half-blood and the other pure, the pureblood has dominance. If it’s to purebloods, or two half bloods, age is a factor. Anna will be making your dress, she is waiting to speak to you after I’m finished.”

“Excellent, now there is a vampire who knows her way around fabric,” grinned Chloe, remembering the amazing costume Anna had made for her for Natasha’s Halloween party.

“The actual ceremony will involve a lot of words, and questions… the most important part will be the actual bonding. This is where the blood is exchanged. Lex will bite you, taking blood, and you will do the same thing. This bite mark will remain on Lex. The mark on one’s mate is the only scar that never heals on our bodies,” Lillian emphasised this by pulling aside the collar of her blouse and Chloe could clearly see the bite marks. “Chloe, have you ever drawn Lex’s blood?”

“No,” she replied.

“Perfect… This will make the bond much stronger if your first taste is during the ceremony. Because you are human Chloe you are much weaker than us, and until you become a vampire you won’t have a lot of the gifts we have. But your bonding with Lex will give you some advantages. You will be able to sense him much deeper than you already can. Also you will both possess some the mind-speak that we have. It won’t work over great distances but it will be there, also your own five senses will be enhanced. Are you clear on everything I’ve said so far, or would you like me to recap on anything? We will of course have a more detailed discussion as the day draws closer.”

“No I’m fine, everything is ok so far,” replied Chloe.

“The final thing I want to tell you for the moment is probably the one you’ve heard the most about.”

“Ah yes,” said Chloe, a slight blush colouring her cheeks, “the not leaving bed for about a week part.”

“Sex and blood are huge drivers in our existence,” said Lillian, “and the bonding links not only you and Lex but you and Lex’s demon, and it’s the demon that needs sating after the ceremony. Not that you won’t enjoy it of course.”

“Damn right,” murmured Chloe.

“This room here,” continued Lillian, sweeping her arm around the room, “the large bedroom and bathroom across the hall are to be yours and Lex’s. This is where you will spend the time after the ceremony; no one will disturb you here. And to help with the embarrassment that you will no doubt be feeling about having your dad and others ion the castle knowing exactly what you and Lex are up too, Lionel is sending Gabe to London with Bryon for more research, Karl and Elena will be heading to Italy to seek out answers there, and I will have Lucas kept busy.”

“Thank you,” said a relieved Chloe.

“So any last questions for the moment?”

“Just one, when exactly will the ceremony take place?”

“I was thinking a week from Friday, the 25th,” replied Lillian, “If that is acceptable to you and Lex.”

“I don’t see that being a problem Lillian.”

Lillian reached out and took Chloe’s hand again, “it will be perfect,” she said.

“With *you* organising it, I’m expecting it to be,” grinned Chloe, the gratitude evident in her voice.

Both women smiled at each other, their own bond deepening.

26th October 2005, 18:35
Score!!!!! And I'm the first to review! :ecstatic:

Unbelievable. I saw that Untouchable was updated but not this one, so I caught up on that. Then, I return to the main page, and lo-and-behold, SqL WAS JUST UPDATED!!!! *sqeal* Not only that, but then I saw my shout-out in the A/N, and found myself doing the happy dance at work, which did indeed result in a few funny glances.

I would like to thank you for this perfect chapter. Perfect. :hug: I got my forboding fix from Oliver/Etienne/Demon, my humor fix from the interactions between Lillian/Lex and Lillian/Chloe, and my dirty little smut fix in that teasing smut scene. Not to mention the nice plot advancement on what Oliver is and how Lionel is looking to eradicate him.

Honestly, that tidbit of smut was absolutely appropriate. There was just too much being covered to get lost in a full-blown (heh, blown) hot, steamy vamp-sex scene, and either the rest of the elements would have lost it's impact or the passion in the story would have been lost. For me anyway. So. Again I say thank you. :D And you completely made up for the previous chapter. :love2:

Although, I must say, it didn't take 20 minutes to read, so I think you should work on that. I'm sure you understand. ;) :yeahbaby: :blinkkiss:

26th October 2005, 18:36
let the mating and the crazy week begin!!!! hehehe,, i'm so excited... party time!

26th October 2005, 18:49
Wheee I feel like a little girl the night before Christmas! The mating ceremony's coming! The mating ceremony's coming!!! Oooh I can't wait (for that and what comes after! :hankpank: )

26th October 2005, 19:14
Cannot wait for the mating ceremony!!!! One whole week in a bedroom with Lex ( think I might pass out right now). Everytime I read one of your chapters , I'm so into it- I hate when it's done. I hope you might update a little sooner- need to read more... so good.

26th October 2005, 20:15
Loved the update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! Please update again as soon as possible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!

26th October 2005, 20:21
The day is finally coming....the long awaited....anticipated...mating ceremony:D
Thanks Fiona.

26th October 2005, 20:28
Love it!!

Oh cant wait for the mating ceremony especially after!!! Of course she aint going to mind not leaving bed for about week, with Lex there, would you????

please update soon

“Ah yes,” said Chloe, a slight blush colouring her cheeks, “the not leaving bed for about a week part.”

“Sex and blood are huge drivers in our existence,” said Lillian, “and the bonding links not only you and Lex but you and Lex’s demon, and it’s the demon that needs sating after the ceremony. Not that you won’t enjoy it of course.”

“Damn right,” murmured Chloe.

“This room here,” continued Lillian, sweeping her arm around the room, “the large bedroom and bathroom across the hall are to be yours and Lex’s. This is where you will spend the time after the ceremony; no one will disturb you here. And to help with the embarrassment that you will no doubt be feeling about having your dad and others ion the castle knowing exactly what you and Lex are up too, Lionel is sending Gabe to London with Bryon for more research, Karl and Elena will be heading to Italy to seek out answers there, and I will have Lucas kept busy.”

“Thank you,” said a relieved Chloe.

26th October 2005, 23:51
Oh, I loved all the talk of the mating ceremony and the being in bed for a week part was mmmmm great!!! I wonder how Chloe will find having to draw blood from Lex??? I hope that the ancient powerful demon in the caves doesn't join forces with Oliver cos that would mean a whole heap of trouble for the Luthors. The demon has already helped Lionel once before so maybe there's hope that it'll help in the fight against Oliver!!!

Really Great update, I loved it all and I can't wait for the ceremony...


27th October 2005, 01:12
Fantastic update another step closer to the mating ceremony;)

I just loved this bit:-

“Sex and blood are huge drivers in our existence,” said Lillian, “and the bonding links not only you and Lex but you and Lex’s demon, and it’s the demon that needs sating after the ceremony. Not that you won’t enjoy it of course.”

“Damn right,” murmured Chloe.

Here, here I know I would:grin3: :grin3:

27th October 2005, 01:17
Great update as usual.
I like how the bond between chloe and lillian is developing and becoming stronger like mother and daughter .Looking forward to the ceromony and the week in bed with Lex to follow. Again great work and can't wait for my next weekly fix.

27th October 2005, 01:55
I'm excited by the prospect of the old Egyptian demon and Oliver clashing horns!!! And of course the mating ceremony. Great chapter.

27th October 2005, 02:10
Great update. Come back soon.

27th October 2005, 04:44
so excited can't wait for the mating ceremony!!!!!

star del mar
27th October 2005, 06:05
Hell yes! It's getting closer! How about you chronicle that whole week in bed with a whole bunch of updates? I think that would be fun :D I absolutely love that Lillian has taken Chloe under her wing, she rocks...well except for messing with our smut part, heh.


27th October 2005, 07:45
It's all so exciting. I guess one thing that you can be sure of is that amongst all the chaos Lex and Chloe will have a make out session.

Another player rejoins the game. Look forward to their next move

27th October 2005, 19:21
Lillian relly has the worst timing ever, but getting more info about the ceremony is almost worth it! Great job!!

27th October 2005, 22:34
more please more and soon or i will die from the wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drool:

28th October 2005, 05:04
Wow! I just started from the begining like 2 days ago, and omg! This is exactly what I needed.

I've been having a really shitty week at work, and this was the perfect distraction!

Thank you soooo much. and Please! Update soon! ^^

Also, I know you have written at least one other long story but I don't know what it is. So if someone would kindly let me know, I'd appreciate it. I'm gonna need the distraction.

Note to self: Do NOT work for your in-laws EVER again!!!

28th October 2005, 12:11
Loved the chapter :) Can hardly wait till the next one :) And it is so cute, that Chloe and her Dad belong so much to them now.

28th October 2005, 15:22
That was great- can't wait until the mating ceremony!

28th October 2005, 17:43
HI! Me again. *waves*

Soooo.... I was thinking. It's Halloween weekend. That's got to mean something to your muse. After all, this is a vamp fic, so your muse must have a little demon inside her that is activated by all the hedonism instigated by this particular holiday. :D

Now - give me a minute, I'm going somewhere with this - just to let you know, because I am sure you are terribly interested, I am going away this weekend to party like a rockstar with my three best friends. At a biker bar. And I believe that there should be the mother of all updates posted when I get back on Sunday. Or at least by Monday. Because we as fanfiends deserve a nice apertif of vampChlex after our weekend of debauchery that would, no doubt, give Lillian an idea or two. Am I right fellow fiends or am I right? *resounding cheer arises in my head because I am the one composing this, after all*

So, there you go. I leave you to it, O Creative and Magnificently Diabolical One.

*raises glass for all to toast*
HERE'S TO HALLOWEEN AND HEDONISM! Make sure you all take pictures! :D

PS: Not sure how interested you are, but I kinda ripped off my idea for a costume from your Chloe. I'm going as a fallen angel. I ripped and cut a white dress, bought white feather wings that I bent and added blood too, ripped white fishnets, then added black kneeboots, mussed hair, dark make-up, tear lines in the mascara, and makeup applied to create bruises and scrapes where the dress is torn. :D Then, my other friend didn't know what to be, so she ripped my idea and is going as Hell's Angel. Only with a store-bought costume, nothing original. So there we are: blonde me in white, brunette her in black. Thanks for the idea!

28th October 2005, 20:14
Thank you for sending Gabe and Lucas away hehehehe, now there can be alot of smut!. I'm excited to see what kind of dress your going to make Chloe wear. Oh and Oliver.....he always gives me bad vibes, but altogether i loved it.
Oh and by the way, what day is it suppose to be in the story?? I don't think the 25th can come fast enough.

29th October 2005, 06:45
It's almost time. It's almost time. I can't wait for the next update. I love how you write i get so lost in the story-it's wonderful. Please update soon


29th October 2005, 19:06
Although actual smut would have been appreciated, I loved this chapter.
I hope Gabe and Byran can find a way to stop Oliver. Maybe they can talk to the other demon to find something out.

The scene with Lillian giving Chloe the necklace almost brought tears to my eyes, too. I love how strongly they have bonded.

Cassandra Jean
30th October 2005, 06:22
I just spent the past three days reading this story and I must say that this is by far my favorite story.
Love the whole Chloe/Lucas friendship at the beginning, and then how Lucas teased Lex in regards to Chloe before (and after) he found out about the extent of their relationship.
If I were to tell you everything I loved about this, it would take all day and about three pages of feedback. There isn't anything I don't like about this fic...except the bad guys of course.
Impatiently awaiting the next part. Keep up the outstanding work.

31st October 2005, 14:34
Happy Halloween all and may all your neck-biters look like Lex or Lucas

Chapter Hundred and Twenty Eight – Gathering Momentum

“There you are,” exclaimed Chloe as she finally found Elena, “I have been looking for you for ages. This castle really is too big.”

Elena had taken advantage of not having anything to do and hid herself away in the small library near Chloe’s room; she was reading up about some of the things Byron and Gabe had discovered.

“It will fill up soon enough. Karl says the five other members that make up the pureblood hierarchy with Lionel and Sergi will be here tomorrow,” replied the dark-haired vampire. “So what did you want to see me about?”

“Wow all of vampire royalty here, maybe we should lay out a red carpet,” teased Chloe.

“I’d say if this meeting was being called under different circumstances there might well be a red carpet. Now I seriously doubt that’s what you wanted to talk about.”

“You’re right,” replied Chloe. “I wanted to talk to you about the mating ceremony. Let’s sit down; I’ve been wandering around the place looking for you.”

The two girls sat down on the large comfy sofa in the corner of the room.

“I’ve been talking to Lillian about the ceremony,” began Chloe, “about the various parts of it and what exactly will happen.”

“Like the non-stop sex afterwards,” teased Elena.

“If you don’t stop that I won’t tell you why I am here,” said Chloe.

“My lips are sealed on the matter of the non-stop sex,” smirked Elena, mimicking the fastening of a zip across her lips.

“Yeah right,” murmured Chloe, before laughing.

“Ok, like I said I’ve been talking to Lillian,” she continued, her voice slightly serious, “and she said that the ceremony was like a human wedding, Lex could have a ‘best man’, and that I could have an attendant, a bridesmaid of sorts. And well I was wondering if you would be mine?”

“Oh Chloe,” said Elena, her voice thick with tears, “oh I would be honoured to. Thank you.”

“I’m so glad you said yes,” grinned Chloe pulling the other girl into a hug.


“What are you all dressed up for?” commented Lex as Lucas entered the room.

“Lucky ole’ me,” he began, although his expression and tone hinted at him being anything but lucky, “has been invited to dinner… at the Langs.”

Lex burst out laughing, “oh you are *lucky*. What on earth possessed you to say yes? I thought you had got over that masochistic phase you went through about 75 years ago.”

“I think it’s my ingrained need to completely take the piss out of someone that goaded me to say yes,” grinned Lucas. “Well that and the fact that my demon loves to tease the girl. So I said yes, and I intend to have fun… lots of fun.”

“Well before you go, I want to ask you something,” said Lex, his voice now serious, “I wonder would you be my ‘best man’ at my mating ceremony?”

“Seriously!” gasped Lucas.

“I can’t think of anyone else I would rather have,” replied Lex, “despite the fact you drive me to the point where if I had a stake at hand I would use it on you,” he added with a smirk.

A huge smile broke out on Lucas’ face, “I would love to be your best man.”

“Thank you,” said Lex with a smile, “you annoying brat.”

“Love you too,” grinned Lucas, “you anal retentive bore.


“There has been a lot of noise coming out of Europe and Asia,” announced Etienne as he entered the room.

“I know,” replied Oliver, “Lionel is calling the others.”

“Perfect, why don’t we attack when they are all gathered, wipe them all out in one go.”

“Don’t be stupid, I want to take over the vampire world not plunge it into another war that will last a millennia,” said Oliver, a hint of annoyance in his voice that Etienne would even suggest such a thing.

“You would be destroying the seven most powerful vampires,” exclaimed Etienne, “no one would dare disobey you.” He couldn’t understand why Oliver wouldn’t want to destroy them.

“Think it through Etienne. If the seven were destroyed every vampire, pure or half-blood, every demon would suddenly fancy themselves as the next ruler. Battles would break out everywhere, they wouldn’t listen to me, despite my power, they wouldn’t listen to anyone… they would just fight and fight, I would have no one to rule. No, let Lionel have his little gathering, and plan his next move, no doubt an army will be raised, and that’s fine by me, a ready made army for me to take over. Leave the planning for taking over the vampire world to me Etienne; you concentrate on that spell for unbinding mates.” And with that Oliver turned his attention from Etienne and concentrated on the computer screen in front of him.

Biting back his anger Etienne stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind him. He was beginning to get tired of the way Oliver had been treating him lately, but his fear for the other demon and the possibility the he could actually take over the vampire world, kept him in Oliver’s service. Well that and the incredible sex.

Chuckling softly Oliver looked up from the screen, “poor Etienne, it has been fun, but you’ve almost outlived your usefulness. I just need to keep you around for a little longer and then you will be disposed of.”


“I don’t know any of the people on this list,” said Chloe as she and Lex were looking through the names Lillian had given her.

“They are family members of the leaders who are arriving,” he replied. “Mom wants to show off, hence why they’ve all been invited. But Chlo, if you don’t want them there, just say so, she will understand.”

“Oh I don’t mind them being there, it’s just that I don’t know them,” she said, “I would like to be able to invite Clark and Pete, but I know that is not possible. I want to tell them about you, but with the situation with Oliver… I don’t think telling them you’re a vampire at my, well, wedding would be the best way to break the news.”

“Probably not, but it would make for an even more interesting ceremony,” he grinned.

“What about you Lex? How do you feel about all these people being here?”

“I couldn’t care either way love, you’re going to be there, as is my family and Gabe, and that’s all that matters,” he replied sincerely.

Chloe smiled and cupping his cheek kissed him softly. “After the ceremony my dad is going to London with Bryon to do more research. He is so excited; he’s never been to Europe before. I’m so jealous, neither have I.”

“I’ll show you the world Chloe, anywhere you want to go I’ll take you.”

“When all this business with Oliver is finished and I’m done with school of course I’ll take you up on that offer mister.”

“It can be our honeymoon.”

“That sounds nice. Oh I asked Elena to be my bridesmaid or attendant, whatever it’s called.”

“Thought you might ask her, and it probably comes as no surprise that I asked Lucas to be my best man.”

“And where is the lovely Lucas tonight, I haven’t seen him all day.”

“You’re going to love this Chloe. He’s gone to dinner at the Langs, courtesy of Lana and Nell.”

“Oh God, poor Lucas. What on earth made him accept? I can think of other ways to punish yourself that don’t involve an evening in the company of Lana and Nell.”

“He lives to tease Chloe, and as long as that teasing nature of his is directed at anyone someone other than me, I’m a happy vampire,” smirked Lex.

“Yes but Lana Lang deserves so much more than a teasing Lex, she deserves pain,” replied Chloe, an evil grin on her own face.

Grabbing her to him, “you will make a magnificent vampire,” he murmured before capturing her lips in a heated kiss.

Falling back onto the couch they set about forgetting about Lucas, Lana and their own mating ceremony for a while.


‘I definitely have masochistic tendencies,’ thought Lucas, ‘there is no other explanation for why I am sitting here with quite easily the two most annoying women I have ever met in my long life.’

When he had arrived at their house, he was quickly *invited* in by Lana and immediately led to the front room where she proceeded to tell him about, well, herself. He got the entire story, *again* of how her parents died, and it was then at that point that Nell chipped in saying how brave Lana had been all her life, and that she felt honoured to have raised her.

Somehow he had managed to get through that, though just barely. The few sarcastic comments he had made had helped him, especially as seeing they went right over both aunt and niece’s heads. Also playing the concerned and interested listener got Lana to flirt, albeit badly, with him, and he had even managed to get her to *flutter* her eyelashes, that had sustained him for a while.

But dinner had been a nightmare; it had turned into the Lana and Nell mutual appreciation society, and there was really only so much Lucas could take. ‘Time to stir things up,’ he thought, as Lana prattled on about what she wanted to do when she left school.

Fixing his best ‘that is *so* interesting’ expression on his face, Lucas faced Lana while he kicked off his shoe and slowly slid his foot along the back of Nell’s leg. The older woman jumped slightly and gasped.

“Are you ok Nell?” asked Lana.

“Yes Nell, everything ok?” smirked Lucas, facing her and winking slowly.

“I’m…I’m fine,” replied Nell, “just thought I felt something on my leg. Please continue Lana.”

Giving her aunt a funny look, Lana turned her attention back to Lucas, and smiled at him before talking again. Biting back a grin Lucas returned to Nell’s leg and slowly caressed her calf with his foot. Out of the corner of his eye he could see Nell biting her lip and squirming a little in her chair.

“That sounds great Lana,” he said, as his foot moved around the back of Nell’s knee.

“Coffee,” exclaimed Nell, practically jumping to of her seat, “I forgot about the coffee.” Blushing slightly she quickly left the room.

‘Now that was fun,’ thought Lucas.

“We’re heading into the lounge Nell,” Lana called out and stood up from the table.

“You go ahead Lana,” smiled Lucas, “I’m going to give your aunt a hand.”

“She’ll be fine,” pouted Lana.

“Go on in,” said Lucas, his voice low and hypnotic.

With a breathless “ok”, Lana headed into the lounge. When she was out of sight Lucas undid a couple of buttons on his shirt and headed after Nell.

“Are you ok there?” he asked, causing the woman to jump and spin around to face him. A slow smile appeared on his face as Nell blushed and turned away quickly to finish making the coffee.

“I’m fine Lucas,” she replied, reaching to the cupboard above her head.

“Let me,” whispered Lucas, his mouth close to her ear. He reached over her head to take down the sugar bowl, making sure his chest pressed against her back. He placed it on the tray, his hand resting beside hers.

Nell took a deep shuddering breath, as she felt Lucas pressed behind her.

‘This is too fucking easy,’ he thought.

“Let me carry this in for you,” he said, standing back a little so Nell could move past him, but still close enough so that she would have to brush against him. Keeping her eyes on everywhere but his face Nell moved past Lucas, and groaned softly as her body brushed his in the process.

Lucas turned to take the tray, biting the inside of his cheek to keep himself from laughing. When he had composed himself he picked up the tray, “lead on Nell,” he said with a wink.

Lucas deposited the tray on the small table in the front room.

“Are you ok Nell? You’re looking rather flushed,” commented Lana.

“She’s right, you do look flushed,” replied Lucas, placing his hand on the small of Nell’s back, and rubbing his thumb slowly in circles. He could hear the increase in her heartbeat as the first signs of her arousal hit his senses.

“I am feeling, well, a little hot,” said Nell, leaning against Lucas’ hand, “I… I think I might go lie down for a bit. Please excuse me.”

“Thank you for dinner,” smiled Lucas, bending down and kissing her cheek. “I look forward to seeing *more* of you soon,” he whispered, and almost laughed out loud at the soft gasp she gave.

Smiling contently Lucas made his way over to the couch and sat down beside Lana as soon as Nell had left the room.

Lana poured them a cup of coffee and when both had their drink she settled in her seat, making sure she was close to Lucas, her shoulder touching his. “Lucas, I hope you don’t think me too forward, but I was wondering what exactly is between you and Elena?” she asked sweetly.

“Elena and I are friends,” said Lucas, “Her boyfriend is an old friend of mine and Lex’s. She and Chloe have become good friends since she came to the states.”

“Yes, I got the impression they did,” replied Lana, her tone sounding bitter.

“Why do you ask?”

“Well, a while back, the time you and Elena came into the Talon, just before you left she threatened me. I mean can you believe it, she threatened *me*. I have no idea what provoked this response, I mean I did nothing.”

“And what exactly did she say?” asked Lucas, knowing full well the extent of Elena and Lana’s *conversation*.

“I don’t remember all the details,” said Lana airily, “I was just so surprised at her, I was nothing but polite.”

“Would you like me to have a word with her for you Lana?”

“I would appreciate that Lucas, you can tell her all about me and that she has me all wrong,” Lana laid her hand on Lucas and patting it gently.

“I know exactly what to say,” he said with a smile, ignoring his demon’s wishes to rip her hand off for touching him so patronisingly.


Eventually Lucas made his excuses and left, he pecked Lana gently on the cheek before leaving and it did his ego good when it looked liked she would swoon.

As he walked down the driveway to his car he glanced up and saw Nell standing at the window to her room watching him. Blowing her a kiss he then turned away a smirk on his face.

“Yes, despite the war with Oliver, and Lex and Chloe’s mating ceremony, I can still make time to have a little fun at the expanse of silly mortals,” he said. “I feel so much better now.”

31st October 2005, 14:50
Leave the planning for taking over the vampire world to me Etienne; you concentrate on that spell for unbinding mates.” And with that Oliver turned his attention from Etienne and concentrated on the computer screen in front of him.[/COLOR]egad. unbinding mates! :omg: that would make everyone fair game without partners to draw strengths from. and that could include Chloe! ack! noooooooo.....*sob*

“Well, a while back, the time you and Elena came into the Talon, just before you left she threatened me. I mean can you believe it, she threatened *me*...”LOL. i thought you forgot about this little Lucas plot. and i fully agree with his demon; rip it off, rip it OFF! :devil:

31st October 2005, 16:02
“Yes but Lana Lang deserves so much more than a teasing Lex, she deserves pain,” replied Chloe, an evil grin on her own face.

Grabbing her to him, “you will make a magnificent vampire,” he murmured before capturing her lips in a heated kiss.

I can't wait to see Chloe as a vampire! And if this story ends right after the war when all is right with the world and only includes a little bit of vampire Chloe... I will be begging for a sequel ^^ Just giving you fair warning.

Thanks, I loved the update! Now, off to work... (I should have left like 25 min ago, the Only redeeming quality about working for family, is that I can get away with being late like all the time ^^)

What are you waiting for! Start writing! ;p

31st October 2005, 17:29
“Like the non-stop sex afterwards,” teased Elena.
Why, yes…that’s exactly what I’ve been focusing on… Heh…

“I know exactly what to say,” he said with a smile, ignoring his demon’s wishes to rip her hand off for touching him so patronisingly.
Oh, come on! Do it! Rip her fucking stupid princess head off! Grr…

Great update, Fiona! Poor Lucas, constantly torturing himself by continuing to interact with the horrid Lang’s. Ew. I certainly do appreciate his ability to mock them without either woman noticing. Makes for some nice entertainment. I’m looking forward to the impending mating ceremony the Vampire smutfest that will follow. :drool: Please update soon.

31st October 2005, 17:35
Heiheiheiheiheihei...update....please. We are coming so close to the point what we have all been waiting for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But please do put some more Lucas/Nell/Lana triangle into the story-that is just tooooo hilarious:D

Kit Merlot
31st October 2005, 19:58
What a great Halloween surprise:D

Oh man, but does Lucas crack me up--Excellent update, Fi!

31st October 2005, 20:19
Great update. I hope the Luthors ( & others) can stop Oliver before this unmating spell happens. Etienne doesn't have the slightest clue he's next to go. Lucas & Nell...too funny. Ugh, can't wait for this mating ceremony. Hope Chloe will be ok.

31st October 2005, 20:35
That was great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please update again as soon as possible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait for the mating ceremony!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

31st October 2005, 20:56
I LOVE LUCas, he's hillarious!!! It is just so eaxy to wind up Nell and Lana and I love that Lucas is doing it!!! I'm really, really looking forward to the mating ceremony, but I don't like that Oliver has Etienne looking up spells to unbind mates, he better not come between Lex and Chloe!!!

Update again soon please Fiona!!!


31st October 2005, 21:25
Oh I loved that,The scenes with Lucas was so much fun !!!
I cant wait for the next Chapter!!
Great update!

31st October 2005, 22:18
i was so surprised to see this had been updated but it was a great halloween surprise for which i am very gratful for!

this was so funny. lucas was just too much and yes, he did need to rip the hand off, more like the head, but i'd settle for the hand. i was imagining what you would do to lana at the end of this fantaboulous fic and i decided that lana needs to be a casualty of the war or be lucas' mate, which is torture for any man, human or not, so maybe he can have a nightmare that she is instead.

loved the update and i'm hoping that maybe etienne will cross over to lionel's side and leave oliver.

more soon, please!!!

31st October 2005, 23:27
the bit with Lucas and Nell was INSPIRED hilarity! I was LMAO! Wonderful update! Happy Halloween!

1st November 2005, 00:14
Fantastic update love it when Lucas is teasing Lana and Nell:grin3:

Leave the planning for taking over the vampire world to me Etienne; you concentrate on that spell for unbinding mates.”
:eek: :eek: I couldn't believe it when i read this it can only lead to bad, bad things :eek: :eek:

I am so looking forward to the next update!! Hangon a minute i always look forward to the next update your writing is so good :D

Cassandra Jean
1st November 2005, 01:27
Another fantastic chapter. I loved the part with Lucas teasing Lana and Nell. Oliver wanting a spell to unbind the mates worries me...it means trouble for everyone, particularly Chloe after his confession for 'liking' blondes in the last chapter.

Leo Princess
1st November 2005, 01:31
I love Lucas. I hope he drives Lana and dear Auntie Nell bonkers.

1st November 2005, 02:11
i heart lucas. serioulsy. that was totally dandy.

1st November 2005, 02:11
Hee hee. Lucas is so wonderfully evil :devil: . Love him messing with Nell and Lana. Great update and can't wait for more.

1st November 2005, 03:54
I have to say this is the funniest chapter I have read so far.
From Lucas telling Lex that he loves him, you anal retentive bore and then seducing Nell right under Lana's nose. It lifted my spirits on this cold Halloween night. Fantastico!!!!

1st November 2005, 04:55
ah, blana bashing, how i love the so. hee hee.

star del mar
1st November 2005, 07:12
Leave the planning for taking over the vampire world to me Etienne; you concentrate on that spell for unbinding mates.”

Say what? That is SOOO not cool. Besides the fact that the idea is just depressing to rip a deep connection like that apart but it's also the fact that Chloe's going to be extremely vulnerable if they actually do succeed. Not good, and I get the bad feeling that Oliver would be able to pull it off too. What a mess. And Lucas, he's too funny! Lana and Nell are his little playthings, there is a God! Great update :)


1st November 2005, 13:04
*Renée's demon purrrrrs at the Blana/Nell bashing*

I want to bear Lucas's babies. Seriously, he is fabulous, absolutely fabulous!

1st November 2005, 16:46
As usual great job Fi. :D

Hope :)

1st November 2005, 16:47
I'm really enjoying this story, it keeps getting better and better :)

1st November 2005, 17:38
that was great and i love what lucas did to lana and nell it was so cool and they are so stupid to belive he would like or want either of them. i was happy that chloe picked elena to be her maid of honor and lex picked lucas to be his best man. i hope everything goes well at the mating cermony and after. please update soon i can't wait for more! :respect:

1st November 2005, 20:13
This is such an amazing update that I spent an entire day trying to write a review that would do it justice. No lie.

In the end, I can't. There are no words to say how much I love all that you covered in this update, and all the emotions generated in the different segments. That being said, I will still try.

I. Hate. Oliver. And Etienne deserves whatever Oliver does to him. Unbinding ceremony?! Unbind who? Lex and Chloe or Lionel and Lillian?! The Demon told Lionel that he needs to rely on his family. If Oliver undoes it, they'll be screwed!

And I think Lionel needs to learn his lesson quick. He didn't try too hard to find out what Dominic was up to as long as Dominic wasn't in the country. And that resulted in the Halloween ceremony and Oliver. Lionel must pay closer attention. He knows that Etienne was the one who found and performed the spell, so he needs to spend as much time keeping and eye on Etienne as he does researching Oliver. Catching wind of the unbinding ceremony is required, b/c something tells me the ingredients for that will be things that raise a red flag in the vamp world.

Now then, Lucas was hilarious. Absolutely hilarious. Chloe and Elena brought tears to my eyes, while Lex and Lucas brought a chuckle.

Looking forward for more of the Escapades of the Spunky Old Men, in the form of Gabe and Bryan.

Finally... can we get that mating ceremony please? :D

2nd November 2005, 04:48
Everytime that I think that this story cannot surprise me more, it does. I absolutely adore this story. Each and every chapter is wonderful and so well written . I can't wait for the mating ceremony, I am sure it will be very exciting .

2nd November 2005, 08:00
Oh My God!!!!!!!!!!!!! I absolutely love this story....it is one of my favorites.......I wasn't able to update sooner because I live in Florida and with the hurricane that hit we had no power; I just got power tonight and was able to read this chapter.............I love it!!!!!!!!and I love this story..............I wonder once Oliver sees Chloe, is he going to want her as his own??? Please update soon..............I need more of this story..........I am so addicted to it...............

2nd November 2005, 12:24
Nice to hear from Lucas too, poor sweety had to spend the night with Langs and does Lucas like older woman - even if it was for just to tease Nell!!!
Please don't let Oliver do anything to Chloe!:beg:

2nd November 2005, 13:10
Yikes. Lucas -is- a masochist! Seducing Nell?!?!?! Squick.

Looking forward to seeing the other vampire clan leaders, and how they react to Chloe. And, of course, to the non-stop vamp sex as well.

“Thank you,” said Lex with a smile, “you annoying brat.”

“Love you too,” grinned Lucas, “you anal retentive bore. And awww... Luthor brotherly moment. <3

Update soon!

2nd November 2005, 14:29
Loved the update :) I cannot believe how great this story is :) Please more soon.

4th November 2005, 07:30
:rofl: Lucas is sooo bad playing with Nell like that but I can't wait to see how far he takes it......:yeahbaby: update soon

4th November 2005, 07:31
I love Lucas Messing with the mortals. Thank you for continuing that storyline.
That unbinding ceremony has me concerned. I hope the pure bloods think to kill Oliver's helper before he gets the spell.

6th November 2005, 10:23
I have read this fic from the start up until now and I am positively salivating for more. I need some good ol' Chlex. I'm an addict and I need a fix. You have amazing talent.

6th November 2005, 14:31
Apologies for the delay, time just ran away from me this weekend.... The mating ceremony will happen very soon, more build up at the moment.... And I know I say this a lot but Thank you all for your words and comments, they always make me smile Fiona

Chapter Hundred and Twenty Nine – Getting Nearer

“That’s great,” said Chloe, backing towards the door, “and I’d love to hear all about it, but I really do have somewhere else to be.” Smiling at Natasha and the other women she quickly left the room. Leaning against the wall outside she breathed a sigh of relief and hurried down the corridor away from them as fast as she could.


Natasha laughed softly at Chloe’s quick exit, and soon the other women were laughing as well.

“The poor girl, I do think we have completely overwhelmed her Natasha,” said one.

“I think we have,” agreed Natasha. She and the other women had somewhat cornered Chloe and proceeded to tell her different stories of their own mating ceremonies over the centuries. Poor Chloe couldn’t get out of there fast enough.

“Chloe is very strong,” continued Natasha, “and once she has had a chance to let everything sink in she will be fine.”

“Of course she will,” Annaleise spoke up. “That girl’s got a fire, Lex would not have settled for anything less.”

There were murmurs of agreement around the room.

“Still it is nice to have ‘fresh blood’ to tease,” added Anna with a grin, causing everyone to burst out laughing again.


“It gets to you doesn’t it?” grinned Lionel as he saw a very relieved Chloe resting against one of the doors.

“Oh yeah,” she replied.

Lionel held out his arm and with a smile Chloe took it and they began walking.

“So where were you that you had to escape so quickly?”

“I was with Natasha, Anna, and a bunch of women whose names I can’t remember.”

Lionel chuckled softly, “oh you poor girl, the Spanish Inquisition had nothing compared to when a bunch of female vampires get together in the build up to a mating ceremony. I should chastise Lillian for not warning you.”

“Don’t be silly Lionel, I’m a big girl and can take care of myself,” said Chloe, punching his arm gently. “It’s more a case of me not being comfortable as the centre of attention, so not a position I’m use too.”

“Lex was like that as well,” said Lionel, “you know what our position in the vampire world is, well imagine what it was like for Lex and Lucas growing up. While Lucas loved every moment of it, Lex hated it. *Many* years had passed before he was even comfortable being in the spotlight, let alone be accepting of it. In his own way he’s never really gotten use to it, just better at putting up with it.”

“Something he gets from you I’d guess,” said Chloe, smiling softly, “Lucas’ basking in the limelight is like Lillian, I get the impression you’d rather not be there.”

“Very astute of you my dear,” grinned Lionel, and kissed her forehead softly. “Now what do you say to finding your father and Bryon and seeing if they have uncovered any more information for us…”

“I’d say lead on Lionel.”


Later that evening Chloe found herself once again in the company of female vampires… this time it was Lillian, Natasha, and Elena. Lionel, Lex, Lucas and Karl were in a meeting with the heads of the other families. Gabe had taken Bryon out for a drink, deciding both of them needed a break away from their research, and the other guests were around the estate, which was fine as far as Chloe was concerned.

Anna was seconded in her room, putting the finishing touches to Elena and Chloe’s dresses for the mating ceremony. Both girls were slightly put out by the fact that she wouldn’t give them any clue to what the dresses looked like.

“They will be simple and elegant,” Lillian had said, “like all gowns beforehand have been.”

“How’s the baby Natasha?” asked Elena.

“Oh she is perfect,” gushed Natasha, “and getting bigger each day. She is very like Nikolas.” She turned to Chloe. “Both he and Christine send their apologies to you and Lex, but Mila is still too young to be away from her parents.”

“I understand completely,” replied Chloe, “Alyssa is still coming though isn’t she?”

“Oh definitely, she’ll be arriving tomorrow evening,” said Natasha with a smile. “Hopefully attending your mating ceremony will goad her own demon into a search for a mate,” she added.

“Oh Natasha,” grinned Lillian, “Alyssa is like Lucas, far too fond of the single life, it will happen when it is meant to happen. Actually, to be honest, part of me always expected Lucas to find a mate before Lex, I so worried about Lex and then you Chloe come along and totally turn his life upside down.”

“It’s what I do best,” replied Chloe, a grin on her face.

“Words cannot describe how happy am I that you and Lex are about to take your vows and bind yourselves to each other,” said Lillian, taking Chloe’s hand and squeezing it gently.

Chloe smiled, her eyes filling with tears as she looked at Lillian and then at Natasha and Elena, “I can’t describe how exactly I feel,” she said, “I have nothing to compare it with. There are so many emotions bubbling inside me, although, and it goes against my nature to say this, I do admit to being absolutely terrified about the whole ceremony thing.”

“And that is perfectly understandable,” smile Lillian, “I was terrified before mine.”

“And I was before mine,” said Natasha. “In fact I seriously thought about running away. It is a huge moment in your life; you are binding yourself for eternity, you have every right to be scared.”

“And he will never admit this but Lionel was nervous as well,” grinned Lillian.

“Well at least you’re in esteemed company,” laughed Elena.

Chloe joined her laughing, feeling a lot better.


“While I am very happy at the impending mating of your son,” the man smiled at Lex, “and Chloe, do you think it’s wise to be going ahead with it Lionel?”

“Yes I do Zhang,” replied Lionel, “for one thing it will give Chloe more protection if she and Lex are mated.”

“Yes, that may be true,” the Asian master vampire interrupted, “but it also pretty much announces to our world, ‘hi I’m Chloe Sullivan, Lex Luthor’s mate.’”

“You don’t look anything like Chloe Sullivan,” piped up Lucas, causing everyone to laugh.

“Sorry, I couldn’t resist,” he added when his father gave him a pointed look.

“I understand completely what you are saying,” said Lex, addressing Zhang, “so does Chloe, and after discussing it between the two of us we are going ahead with the mating ceremony, besides do you honestly think I will let anything happen to my mate?”

“Of course I don’t Lex, I just needed to hear you say it. There have been a lot of murmurs and rumours that last few months, what Dominic started has escalated and with the arrival of this demon that was once Oliver fear is raising it’s head. I maybe over six hundred years old, but even I need reassurance now and then,” said Zhang with a wry smile.

“I know everyone is *uneasy* about the recent developments,” said Lionel, “and I have felt that unease myself, but believe me, we have a better chance if we stick together. Oliver will look for cracks and he will exploit any he finds. We cannot allow that to happen, we *must* be united or we will fail. And having you all here to celebrate my eldest son’s mating ceremony is a damn good way to show that unity.”

Lucas watched the effect Lionel’s words had on the others; he could really see how his father was held in such high esteem among the chief vampire families. He really did know exactly what to say at the right time and to keep everyone interested in what he was saying, a trait that Lex seemed to be improving in lately. ‘Well at least they can still count on me to put my foot in it on occasion,’ he thought smugly, ‘on very *rare* occasions mind you.’

“You’ve never steered us wrong before Lionel,” a cultured English voice said, “and I *know* that’s not about to change. United we do have a much better chance… As always you can count me in.”

“Thank you Thomas,” said Lionel.

And soon the others echoed Thomas’ sentiment.

“Excellent,” said Lionel, “and now let’s put this Oliver business to the backburner for a little while and let me formally welcome you to our home to celebrate my eldest son’s mating.”

“Here, here,” said Lucas, slapping Lex on the back, “it’s time to pa-r-ty.”

“Glad I can be of use to fulfil your partying needs,” commented Lex dryly.

“And don’t you go thinking that I don’t appreciate it Lex,” replied Lucas with mock seriousness, “cause I do bro…”

Lionel shared a smile with Sergi as he listened to his sons’ conversation.


Gabe and Bryon had returned from the bar, rather *merry* and singing saucy English songs Bryon had taught Gabe. They made a very funny sight walking up the long driveway to the castle singing and laughing in the early hours of the morning.

After making them both very strong cups of coffee Lucas escorted Byron to his room while Chloe took care of her dad.

“My little girl getting married,” mumbled Gabe, his voice slurring.

“Well kind of a marriage,” she replied.

“He better treat you right,” he slurred as he stumbled and fell face down on his bed.

Chloe smiled and turned her dad over onto his side, pulling a blanket over him.

“Love you sweetie,” Gabe said between yawns, and before Chloe had a chance to answer he had passed out.

“Love you too dad,” she whispered and kissed his cheek before leaving the room.


An hour later Chloe and Lex slowly made love in his room. Eyes locked, their arms around each other, her legs wrapped loosely around his waist, Lex moved slowly inside her with deep strokes.

Breathing hard Chloe’s eyes fluttered closed as the sensations threatened to take over her.

There would be no hurried union tonight Lex decided, he would take his time and completely enjoy the feeling of being so intimately joined with his mate. After the ceremony there would be no time to enjoy each other like this until his demon had been sated. After the ceremony sex between them would be frantic and hard as his demon completely claimed her.

“Lex,” she groaned and opened her eyes. She found him still staring intently at her, his eyes completely clear, no hint of gold in them at all. Tightening her hand on the back of his neck she pushed his head down towards hers and captured his lips. Their kiss was as intense and unhurried as their lovemaking. Tongues tangled lazily as Lex moved slowly and deep in her.

Sensing Chloe’s need to breath, Lex moved his lips from hers and placed soft gentle kisses over her jaw and down her neck, his tongue lapping at the sweat gathering there. He swirled his tongue over the bite mark, and groaned low in his throat as her sex tightened around his.

“Please Lex,” she gasped.

“Plenty of time love,” he murmured against her neck, as a hand cupped her breast, “plenty of time.”


The vampire shifted nervously from foot to foot as Etienne looked him up and down. “What information could you possibly have?” he sneered.

“Very interesting information,” he replied, “but I will only tell Oliver directly.”

“Oliver doesn’t have time to be bothered with scum like you, *I* decide what information is important enough to disturb him about.”

“I don’t care who you are,” said the other vampire, feeling a little braver, “I will only tell Oliver what I know.”

“And I’m telling you, you little shit that…”

“Now, now Etienne,” Oliver’s voice sounded behind them, “no need for that. Let’s hear what Mr…”

“Redmond, Barry Redmond.”

“Let’s hear what Mr Redmond has too say.”

Etienne visibly bristled at the condescending tone in Oliver’s voice, and his eyes flashed gold as *Barry* grinned smugly at him.

“Well *sir*,” said Barry, “a while back I was in Amnesiac, and a party of very interesting people entered.”

“Get on with it,” snapped Etienne.

“This party consisted of Lucas Luthor and a another vampire couple whom I don’t know,” continued Barry, his gaze on Oliver. “But also accompanying them was Lex Luthor, and on his arm was his… mate.”

6th November 2005, 15:01
I was so gutted yesterday when you didn't update but it was Bonfire's night so I guessed you were busy:D But today you have updated and what a fantastic update it was:grin3:
I just love Chloe's relationship with her dad:wub: :wub:
“My little girl getting married,” mumbled Gabe, his voice slurring.

“Well kind of a marriage,” she replied.

“He better treat you right,” he slurred as he stumbled and fell face down on his bed.

Chloe smiled and turned her dad over onto his side, pulling a blanket over him.

“Love you sweetie,” Gabe said between yawns, and before Chloe had a chance to answer he had passed out.

“Love you too dad,” she whispered and kissed his cheek before leaving the room.

I can't wait for the mating ceremony I know I have said it before but I am really looking forward to it but when i read this:-
“This party consisted of Lucas Luthor and a another vampire couple whom I don’t know,” continued Barry, his gaze on Oliver. “But also accompanying them was Lex Luthor, and on his arm was his… mate.”
I worry that it won't happen for a long time or if not at all:omg:
You wouldn't do that to us. Would you???? :P
As i said fantastic update looking forward to the next one:D

6th November 2005, 19:51
I'm doing a happy dance because you updated. Love this story more & more with each update. You are, though, killing me with no mating ceremony yet. I am only human & can hold out for only so long. One thing though, could Thomas be Barry Redmond. If Lionel finds a spy amongst his friends, I don't think it'll bode too well for him. Update soon , please.

6th November 2005, 22:08
Damn, somehow I knew that fantastic club scene would come back to bite us in the ass. I wonder though if this will really be new info for Oliver. He already knew that Lex had found a mate and that it was a girl in Smallville. Will knowing her name help that much? Chloe is now under the protection of the Luthers and staying at the Luther estate. The only time she is not with them is at school when the sun is out (and Clark is close). I hope this is enough to keep her safe.

6th November 2005, 22:34
As always you bring an interesting twist at the end..so I can't wait for the next update:D Anyway..Lucas was as brilliant as always, and the friendship between Gabe and Bryon is amazing done!
But the most important part is still to come so you have to write that really quickly!!!!

7th November 2005, 00:55
Excellent update ^^

May I just point out one thing? You were inconsistant with Byron/Bryon... just something I noticed.

Can't wait for the next one ^^

7th November 2005, 00:58
Yikes!!! Now Oliver will know who Chloe is!!! Great cliffhanger.

7th November 2005, 01:00
Fantastic update! Loved the scene between Chloe and her dad. The build up for the mating ceremony is great but really looking forward to the real thing and again you leave me sat on the edge of my seat at the end of the update.

7th November 2005, 02:24
That was just....WOW!!! I absolutly loved it. I'm a bit nervous about this Barry Redmond character. He has to be up to no good. The smut was just so intense, i love it when you write them like that.
Gabe drunk?!.....i was lmao! :D

7th November 2005, 02:33
Oh no, oliver knowss its Chloe!!! hurry up with the mating ceremony before he can ruin it, please don't let them get Chloe!!!

I loved that update and I adored drunk Gabe!!!


7th November 2005, 04:00
Oh My God!!!!!!!! simply amazing............Oliver is going to know who Chloe is......I love the whole Chloe and her father scene and also the whole Chloe and Lex loving (awesome).....I wonder if Oliver is going to want Chloe for himself.and if he sees like a picture of her.....I love it...............Please update soon!!!!!!!!!! the suspense is killing me and I am dying in my seat wanting more...............This story is amazing; and you so rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

star del mar
7th November 2005, 04:44
Barry Redmond needs to get his ass kicked! The last thing that Oliver needs is another advantage, especially if that leads him to Chloe. But at least the families are coming together and they're ready to back Lionel. And Chloe and Lex in bed...I know it was a short scene but wow...needy and frantic is good but slow and easy has its advantages too :) Great update!!


7th November 2005, 06:05

They know about Chloe!



Queen Of Tact
7th November 2005, 09:32
Fi, did you have to end it like that.. I'm really in the need for more, and I don't want to have to wait 5 more days I really don't think it's possible to wait that long for more of this fic it's so good and i need more...

Great and wonderful update hon....


7th November 2005, 10:49
Ahhhhhh Oliver knows about Chloe now. Please don't let anything happen to her. Great update! Can't wait for the mating ceremony!!!!!!!!

7th November 2005, 13:45
All the vampire women cornering Chloe was fun and I'm glad that Gabe and Byron took a break and had an evening out, they needed it badly!
Glad to hear that the ceremony isn't too far a long, but Oliver makes me worried, he's gonna find out about Chloe!

7th November 2005, 16:29
Oh no. Oh no oh no oh no. Bad Barry! Very bad Barry! Oh, would you look at that, time to die painfully. So sorry! *rips off Barry's gonads, shoves them down his throat, then, after much screaming and choking noise, seperates his head from his body.*

So. Wow. Love the update. :D First things first, after killing Barry - you understand - I have to say that little smut was so. damn. hot!!! The emotion behind it made it so much more powerful and meaningful than any I have read in a while. I'm glad I wore a lined bra to work today. ;)

I said this before and I will say it again. Showing strength and unity is all well and good, but LIONEL NEEDS TO CLOSELY MONITOR WHAT OLIVER AND ETIENNE ARE DOING! Gah! Hasn't he learned?! No unbinding, dammit!

Poor Chloe, center of attention and behind the 8 ball. This mating ceremony really does seem to have all the patterns of a wedding. I love it! :D

PS: I was driving to work this morning thinking about this story. I don't usually do things like that. That is how badly this has gotten in my head. I was at a red light and caught myself thinking, 'If Oliver undoes the binding, who will it be? Lionel and Lillian? He will probably need something of theirs, and for a spell that powerful it will probably be a kid. Will they try and snag Lucas and that be their downfall? With the unbinding, why just stop with one? Will he try to unbind the whole family? And what would happen if he just goes around unbinding everyone? That is one recipe that needs to never get out. Anyone could try to use it on their enemies. What if Sir Harry had found it?' *shudder* So yeah, you are amazing.

buckles squared
7th November 2005, 17:30
Very interesting and very well written, as usual. On one hand I am looking forward to the climax of the story but on the other I never want it to end. A good place to be, I think.


7th November 2005, 23:14
Great update. Come back soon.

7th November 2005, 23:20
great update but i am scared for chloe now that oliver seems to be getting closer to knowing who she is. i hope everything works out for the best and chloe and lex will be happy and save.

Dark Kryptonite
10th November 2005, 02:16
Wow. I absolutely love this story as I know a lot of others do too. I just cannot wait for the mating ceremony. Keep the updates coming! I NEED MORE CHLEX! ...Pretty please?!

11th November 2005, 14:34
Great Update. This story is more interesting for moments. I need a new update soon. I like Lex make love Chloe without his demon. He's so sweet sometimes.
I a bit worry for the spell of unbound. Oliver is very, very evil...

11th November 2005, 22:07
Great chapter. Can hardly wait for next. And I really want to know, what the evil guys are going to do ;)

12th November 2005, 16:25
Apologies... work took all my time last week.... Anyway on with the show Fiona


Chapter Hundred and Thirty – Pre-Mating Nerves

“Anna, I love and adore you dearly, you know that, but…” Lucas trailed off, as he gestured to his outfit.

“It looks absolutely divine on you,” gushed Anna, a grin on her face.

“Anna, this kind of poet shirt went out centuries ago.” Lucas was looking down at the tight trousers and billowing shirt that Anna *insisted* he wear. This was supposed to be what he’d be wearing for the mating ceremony.

“I think you look very handsome darling,” grinned Lillian.

“I *always* look handsome mother, but this Heathcliff look is really not me.”

“Oh I don’t know,” commented Lex, “if we got a wind machine for the ceremony you could really have the windswept and interesting look.”

“You have to wear the same kind of outfit Lex,” said Lucas.

“I know, and it doesn’t bother me what I have to wear,” replied Lex, “Chloe and I are to be mated, that’s all that matters. Besides I like what Anna has designed for me”

Lillian smiled, and felt her eyes water slightly. She could not wait for the ceremony, her son mated, and Chloe part of their family, what more could she ask for. ‘Lucas to find someone,’ her demon whispered, ‘well we can *hope* for a miracle,’ she added silently.

“It’s ok Lucas,” said Anna, “if you don’t want to wear it I’ll understand.” She walked away from him, her head bowed, mumbling about how she did her best but obviously it wasn’t to Lucas’ liking or standards.

Lucas sighed, “Don’t be like that Anna, I’ll wear it and you know I’ll like wearing it.”

A small smirk graced Anna’s lips and she remained with her back to him until she got control of her facial muscles again. Feeling in control she turned around and gave him a grateful smile.

“Thank you Lucas.”

‘You are devious Anna,’ Lillian’s voice echoed in Anna’s head.

‘I learnt from the best *Lillian*,’ Anna’s voice sing-songed back in Lillian head.

“I have been so manipulated,” murmured Lucas as he passed his brother on the way to change back into his own clothes.

“Damn right you have Heathcliff,” grinned Lex.

“SHUT UP LEX,” Lucas gritted out before disappearing into his room.


”Man there really is a lot going on at the Luthor place,” said Pete, as he sat down opposite Clark.

“What do you mean?” asked Clark.

“All these fancy cars and limos pulling up. And large delivery vans have been going back and forth all week.”

“Delivering what?”

“Well one was for flowers, another was champagne, they were the two I saw, couldn’t tell you about any of the others,” replied Pete, shrugging his shoulders.

“Sounds like they’re throwing a party.”

“Well if they are it’s a private one, I mean last time they threw a party everyone in town got an invite, but this time… nada. Has Chloe said anything?”

“No,” said Clark, shaking his head, “I mean I’ve been talking to her but she never mentioned anything going on.”

“And how have things been between you and Chloe since… you know?

“They have been just fine,” replied Clark with a smile, “no different, except she teases me even more, but other than that, she doesn’t treat me any different. You know, I really should have told her a long time ago…”

“And the penny drops at last, well done bro, I’m proud of you,” said Pete with mock-seriousness, “my little guy has grown up,” he gestured the wiping of a tear from his eye.

“Ha. Ha, very funny Pete.”

“Hang on mate, I need to compose myself…” continued Pete, his voice filled with humour.

Pete and Clark stared at each other for a moment before bursting out laughing.


Lana watched from the counter as Clark and Pete laughed at whatever private joke they were sharing. Sighing deeply she pursed her lips together and moved her attention away from Clark and Pete to her aunt who was currently chatting to Martha Kent.

She narrowed her eyes; Nell had been acting very strange lately, ever since the night Lucas Luthor came for dinner, and she couldn’t quite put her finger on the reason why.

And another thing, she hadn’t heard from Lucas since that night… Oh he had sent a bunch of flowers the following day, and a bouquet for Nell, thanking her for dinner, but since then… nothing. She hadn’t even seen him around the place, and like Pete she had seen the various cars and delivery vans entering and leaving the Luthor estate.

Everything pointed to a party… and one that the Luthors didn’t seem to be inviting anyone from town to… except Chloe Sullivan and her dad of course.

‘I think I’ll call Lucas tomorrow,’ thought Lana, ‘and maybe invite him for coffee, and see if I can wrangle an invitation to this party.’


A giggling Elena pushed Chloe along the corridor.

“Elena, I do know how to walk by myself,” commented Chloe, although she allowed the other girl to continue to push her.

“It’s more fun this way,” grinned Elena as she steered Chloe towards her room.

With a roll of her eyes Chloe let out a laugh as they stopped in front of the door to Elena’s room.

“Well Miss Sullivan, open the door.”

“What is all this about Elena?” asked Chloe as she opened the door and the two girls entered.

“You’ll see,” replied Elena as she manoeuvred Chloe over to the small couch in the room. “Sit.”

Cocking an eyebrow at the young vampire and giving her a mock glare Chloe sat down.

Flashing Chloe a mischievous grin Elena disappeared into the bathroom, and returned a minute later with a small silver-coloured box with a black ribbon around it.

“Now you are going to get fabulous and very *expensive* gifts from the others,” began Elena, “and I wasn’t so sure about giving you this seeing as it pales in price to what you will get, but then I thought, what the hell, I think my gift might have a better impact.” Smirking she handed the box to Chloe.

“You didn’t have to get me anything,” said Chloe, smiling at her friend.

“Yes I did, now open it.”

Shaking her head and smiling Chloe undid the bow and opened the box. Pulling out the tissue paper she laughed as Elena’s *gift* was shown to her. She lifted the skimpy red silky thong out of the box and dangled it in front of her face.

“Look at the front of it Chloe,” edged Elena, her eyes bright.

Doing as Elena asked, Chloe held the thong up and looked at the front, “Oh god!” she cried, bursting into laughter. There, embroidered on the front in black thread where the words, ‘Vamp Girl’.

“Oh… that… is just… priceless,” she gasped in between laughs. “I love them.”

It took a few moments for Chloe to compose herself; wiping the tears from her eyes she faced Elena who was grinning at her. “Thank you so much Elena.”

“They’ll help get Lex going,” smirked Elena, “not that he’ll need any help after you are mated. Mama Mia, I’ve been talking to some of the other vampires and wow the stories of their mating nights were HOT! You probably won’t be able to walk straight for a week,” she teased.

“Oh god Elena what am I doing?”

“What do you mean?”

“I’m 18 years old, and about to marry a vampire, a fucking vampire who happens to be 250 years old. I mean I’m Chloe Sullivan, the kooky girl who runs the newspaper and has a wacky dress sense. I’m supposed to meet some journalist or photographer and marry them, not have frighteningly sexy master vampire offer me the world,” she jumped up and began pacing, her hand moving wildly as she gestured. Elena could pick up on the rapid beating of Chloe’s heart and knew the other girl was working herself into a panic.

“And then there’s this war that’s going on some mad demon intent on destroying the Luthors, and my freaking best friend is an alien… These things don’t happen in real life, and if they do they don't happen to girls like me…”

“Chloe calm down,” said Elena, standing up and joining her blonde friend in her pacing. “Calm down.”

“And I’m going to have to become a vampire myself eventually,” continued Chloe, ignoring Elena.

“Drastic measures,” murmured Elena and grabbed Chloe by the shoulders and slapped her across the face, not hard, just enough to snap her out of going into hysterics.

“What the hell was that for?” cried Chloe, clutching her cheek.

“Oh for goodness sake,” said Elena, rolling her eyes, “I barely touched you, anyway you were on the verge of a meltdown.”

“Excuse me I don’t do *meltdowns*,” replied Chloe, “I was just having a… moment.”

“Yes, a meltdown moment,” grinned Elena, “seriously Chloe, is everything ok?”

“Yes, it’s just a few pre-mating jitters,” she replied.

“You’re not having second thoughts are you?”

“Second, third, fourth, you name them I’m having them, but each time I have those thoughts I think about Lex and I *know* I’m doing the right thing. It’s not going to be easy, but it is the right thing.”

Inwardly Elena breathed a sigh of relief, “that’s good to hear, cause I really don’t think I can exchange that thong.”

Shaking her head Chloe laughed at her friend.


The battered body of one Barry Redmond slid to the ground after Etienne released him from the chains holding him up. Blood trickled slowly frm wounds that would not heal due to the blood loss.

A smiling Etienne stood over the gasping body of the vampire. He had really enjoyed finding out everything Barry had known, which turned out not to be a lot, but still it was fun torturing him.

All he had been really able to give them was a description of the Luthor mate. He never got her name or anything that important. But a description was more than Dominic had, and Etienne had been surprised that the mate turned out, physically to be the opposite of every other woman ever since on Lex Luthor’s arm.

Oliver on the other hand wasn’t surprised, having looked into vampires and their mates, plus his own demon’s knowledge it usually turned out that the mate would be very different to all other women in their lives, thus making the connection all the more stronger.

“Finish him off Etienne, his whimpers are annoying me,” said Oliver, and grinned as Etienne tore Barry’s head from his shoulders.

“So a little blonde thing to play with,” smirked Etienne as he walked away from the pile of dust that was Barry’s remains.

“I’d say the mating ceremony is very soon, the gathering at the Luthor castle seems to point to that, and as soon as that happens and they’ve *sated* themselves we will take her. The spell won’t work if the mating bond hasn’t been completed. By the way have you managed to decipher it yet?”

“Not yet,” said Etienne through gritted teeth, “but I will.” In fact he was having concerns about deciphering the spell, the one to bring Oliver back was easier than this one, and it was only for unbinding mates.

“See that you do,” said Oliver, “and get someone to clean up that mess,” he gestured to the dust, “And then meet me in my office I have a few things to discuss with you.”

“Very well,” said Etienne, his eyes flashing gold as Oliver walked away. He was getting tired of this, tired of being treated as a lackey by Oliver, it was as if he had outlived his usefulness, he also hasn’t been in Oliver’s bed in ages, the other demon preferring female company as of late.

Biting back a growl Etienne called for one of the other minions to clean up, and then taking a deep breath took the long way to Oliver’s office, hoping to have calmed down by the time he got there.

Kit Merlot
12th November 2005, 16:35
Excellent update, Fi:grin3:

Okay, I like that Chloe has concerns, because that's realistic, but she isn't letting her fears get in the way of her happiness with Lex--YEAH!!

Oliver scares me as always, especially now that he's preferring the company of women, but Etienne is having trouble with the unbinding spell. GOOD!

Nicely done, and I can't wait for the mating ceremony:D

Queen Of Tact
12th November 2005, 16:39
oh what a great update Fi...... I can't wait for the ceremony, please tell me thats goign to be the next ch * begs*

and please please tell me Chloe is going to be ok, Oliver isn't going to be able to hurt her.... I just hope he knows he's as good as dead if he does...

I can't wait for more



12th November 2005, 16:55
Amazing update!

Lucas always livens up the day and Chloe's meltdown was about to happen, but I'm happy that she's sure about the mating ceremony!

i don't like Oliver's plans and changed tastes!

12th November 2005, 17:37
great update! so, how long do we have to wait for the hot and wild constant demon sex? I mean, the mating ceremony? lol.

12th November 2005, 18:08
:ecstatic: that was so greattttttttttt when is this mating ceremony gonna happen? not that i am complaining about the wait, the anticipation is half of the fun :D just wondering is all :) mating ceremony or not i hope you update again soon, and the sooner the better!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :ecstatic:

12th November 2005, 18:16
Another step closer to the ceremony i can barely contain myself:ecstatic: :ecstatic:

“Anna, this kind of poet shirt went out centuries ago.” Lucas was looking down at the tight trousers and billowing shirt that Anna *insisted* he wear. This was supposed to be what he’d be wearing for the mating ceremony.

“I think you look very handsome darling,” grinned Lillian.

“I *always* look handsome mother, but this Heathcliff look is really not me.”

“Oh I don’t know,” commented Lex, “if we got a wind machine for the ceremony you could really have the windswept and interesting look.”

“You have to wear the same kind of outfit Lex,” said Lucas.

“I know, and it doesn’t bother me what I have to wear,” replied Lex, “Chloe and I are to be mated, that’s all that matters. Besides I like what Anna has designed for me”

The idea of Lucas looking like Heathcliff was funny!
I really think Oliver is going to want Chloe for himself much to Etienne's disgust:eek: :eek:
I can't wait for the next chapter :D

12th November 2005, 20:12
woohoo! the mating is coming sooner! excellent update, Fi. and Lucas! oh the images flitting in my mind. ROWR!

not even Oliver and Etienne's knowledge of a certain blonde mate could make me tremble in fear. :D

12th November 2005, 23:13
Woo hoo, you updated ! You're still trying to kill me making me wait for this mating ceremony. So, Lucas is wearing "the puffy shirt" to the ceremony, ha. Can't wait to find out what Chloe & Lex will look like ( we know what Chloe will be wearing underneath her gown). Really hope that Oliver & Etienne don't get a hold of Chloe. Please update soon.

12th November 2005, 23:30
Oh the ceremony is getting close, i'm so excited!!! i have a feeling that all is not going to go to plan though with nasty oliver and Etienne lurking about as they are getting closer to findng out who Lex's mate is!!!

Can'y wait for more...


12th November 2005, 23:55
oh my gosh... i'm going crazy here! waiting for the actual ceremony and the week long "celebration" that comes after! lol... oh the suspence! please update soon! :D

13th November 2005, 00:14
I love it. Very honest the scene with Elena and Chloe. But Yikes!!! Will Oliver ruin the mating ceremony? Hurry and write some more please.

13th November 2005, 01:43
Great update. Just loving Lucas in this. Chloe's mini meltdown was great and totally expected. Love that despite the nerves she is certain that she's doing the right thing. I thought Dominic was bad but Oliver takes the wiggins to a whole different level. Really really hope that he doesn't get his hands on Chloe. More please.

13th November 2005, 02:26
Great update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait for the mating ceremony!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!

13th November 2005, 04:28
It looks like the ceremony is getting close - and there might be more Lana teasing on the way.

“Not yet,” said Etienne through gritted teeth, “but I will.” In fact he was having concerns about deciphering the spell, the one to bring Oliver back was easier than this one, and it was only for unbinding mates.
I liked that it seems harder to break mates apart than it is to bring someone back from the dead. True love should definatly be stronger.

Very well,” said Etienne, his eyes flashing gold as Oliver walked away. He was getting tired of this, tired of being treated as a lackey by Oliver, it was as if he had outlived his usefulness, he also hasn’t been in Oliver’s bed in ages, the other demon preferring female company as of late.

Can you say "DUH"? Of course you're just a lackey. This is one of the most powerful creatures to ever exist, and you want to be his equal? You are a minion get used to it. Actually don't get used to it - you'll be dead soon enough. About one second after you're done with the translation.

star del mar
13th November 2005, 06:23
You updated, yay. I think it's totally understandable that Chloe would be having some second thoughts but at least Elena was able to stop her before she spiraled off :) Oliver is really pissing me off, if he actually manages to unbind Chloe and Lex I will be SO upset mainly because it will probably be earth shattering for them. It'll just be sad so I'll keep my hopes up that it won't happen. Great update!


13th November 2005, 06:26
That was just magnificent...........I can not wait for what is to come.....I love the whole Lucas clothing thing, and also Chloe's meltdown..........I just hope Oliver doesn't hurt Chloe.....Please update soon............this story just keeps getting better and better everytime; the suspense is killing me.........I need more..........I am addicted and I am hooked.................You are so talented...........

Leo Princess
13th November 2005, 07:55
Lana's like a fricking tick. You stomp and stomp and stomp and the little wretch just will not die!

13th November 2005, 12:00
Is Oliver going to kidnap Chloe? I mean..Lex is going to protect her right? HE loves her and they are going to bond strongly so he eill know where she is all the time...right? Okey to many stupid questions....Update fast Fiona...please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

13th November 2005, 17:49
yay! The two kids are finally going to mate. I hope Entienne screws up and gets chewed up by Oliver. I can't wait till the Luthors are finished with Oliver. *contemplating about new torture methods*

14th November 2005, 16:25
Awesome! I can't wait for more!

14th November 2005, 16:37
Heh. Heh heh. Heh heh heh. You ripped Barry's head from his body. :D

So, thank you for answering lots of questions in this update! I wonder why he is targeting Lex's bond over Lionel & Lillian's. Is he hoping to inspire fear in the ruling vamps and make them bow to him, thus causing everyone to bow to him without too much bloodshed? B/c yeah, going after the kids is pretty damn smart.

Love the update! Elena was hilarious, as always. Vamp girl thong... :rofl:

Can't wait for more!

15th November 2005, 08:44
Oh wow. I just caught up on about 25 chapters. I've been really busy. Fanfuckingtastic Fi. You are the Queen. You are Lillian and we are all awestruck and willingly enslaved by your awesomeness.

Love what you're doing with Oliver, he's a far more deserving enemy then Dominic. Dominic was too weak. This blowout will be amazing.

The plot blows my mind. You're such an amazing writer and story teller. Al/Miles should be SHOT, they are just that undeserving of the characters of the Luthors and Chloe. They don't deserve the rights to them. You treat them sooo much better.

I love every word you write, every part of the story!

Only one thing bothers me, really as this mating ceremony is planned.... Chloe's seeming kind of hypocritical: she gave Clark an ultimatum to either trust her or end the friendship, and now so much huge things are happening in her life and she's not telling Clark? I know it's not her secret to tell really... but SOON it will be. And if I was Clark, I would be mad at Chloe for preaching about relationships and trust and then going and marrying into a master vampire family without a peep. I want Clark to know soon.

Dark Kryptonite
16th November 2005, 00:24
I don't even know how to express how much I love this story. It's getting so good. I really cannot take the suspense. Plz. update very VERY soon. Thanx! I love you Fi!

16th November 2005, 00:29
Well i'll be damned...it took my 3 day to read 130 chapter, and i have to say this is the definetly the far most intreting fanfic i've ever read. i loved the way the story started with chelx's usual way with their contant bantle going on...and Lucas charcter is sertenly a very hot and intresting character. Lional is actually a very sweet guy and Lillian is like the perfect mother. Those 2 sertenly have done a great job raising their hot sons. And finally LANA, i love the way u wrote her character in this story which suits her perfect the annoying BITCH who won't EVER shut up....GOD SHE'S SO ANNOYING and the way lucas is playing her is priceless. I ABSOLUTE LOVE THIS STORY AND I CAN'T WAIT FOR MORE.....so plz be a good girl and ud this soon.....

16th November 2005, 05:58
I love , love , love this story. Each new chapter is well written and exciting. I can't wait for more. And I really can't wait for Lana to find out with crystal clear , startling clarity that *gasp* the world does not revolve around her.

16th November 2005, 14:54
I'm nervous too for de ceremony. I hardly wait to come the moment, I'm so excited!!!
I love the Elena's gift. That's great!! I hope that Elena would be the mate of Karl. I like this pair.
And Lana? I can't belive that she's so silly, she really think thar Lucas is interesting in her. And what about Oliver? He's a very, very evil boy.
Please update soon. I can't wait more.

18th November 2005, 19:29
Again my apologies for the delay, but work is just a nightmare at the moment and updates will be sporadic for the next few weeks..... But on a better note the Mating Ceremony is only a chapter away Fiona

Chapter Hundred and Thirty One – Party Time, The Night Before

Thursday afternoon Chloe moved herself and the necessary luggage into the guesthouse. She and Lex were forbidden to see each other until it was time for the ceremony. Gabe and, on Chloe’s request, Elena were staying there as well. The only people allowed to visit her were Anna, Lillian and Natasha. Elena and Gabe could go to the castle as often as they liked but neither Lex nor Chloe were allowed to leave their respective residences until Friday evening. Needless to say neither was very happy.


Lucas chuckled contently to himself as Lex once again asked his father why on earth he and Chloe had to be separated. His chuckling grew as he heard the exasperated tone of Lionel’s voice as he replied, ‘because it’s tradition,’ for the umpteenth time.

“Jeez Lex you can last a day and a half without seeing her,” grinned Lucas.

“Shut up Lucas,” growled Lex.

“Lex, Lex, Lex,” said Lucas, as he walked over to his brother and slung an arm around his shoulders, “I think you need to get out, loosen up, so I propose we uphold the wonderful human tradition of the Bachelor Party.”

“What?” gasped Lex, shrugging his brother’s arm away.

“A Bachelor party,” smirked Lucas. “You, me, Karl, dad, Sergi, Gabe, Byron and any of the others that want to are going to get wasted, have lap dances, you know *fun* Lex.”

“I am well aware of what fun is Lucas,” snapped Lex.

“Excellent,” said Lucas, clapping Lex on the back. “I figure we’ll have it here, seeing as you’re not allowed leave. There’s more than enough booze and I know a couple of strippers, actually I know hundreds of strippers but two no maybe four should be plenty…”

“We are not having strippers. Hell we are not having a Bachelor party Lucas.”

“Why not? Come on; give me one good reason why not?”

“Because I don’t want one,” replied Lex.

“Fine,” snapped Lucas, “fine. Well you don’t have to be there, we can have the party in your honour…or not.”

‘Lex,’ Lionel’s voice sounded in his head, ‘your brother wants to do this for you. He has been speaking about it for a while and despite how he has presented the idea to you, he genuinely wants to do this.’

Lex sighed, “ok Lucas, we’ll have the party, but *no* strippers.”

“Ok, I’ll reluctantly pass on the strippers if the drinking games and really embarrassing stories and photographs can stay,” said Lucas, his face brightening again.

“Yes, the drinking games and embarrassing stories etc can stay,” replied Lex ‘Especially embarrassing stories bout you dear brother,’ he added silently.

Lucas bid them a goodbye and was quickly out of the room and off to organise things.

“Well done son,” said Lionel, smiling at Lex.


In the living room of the guesthouse Chloe, Elena, Natasha and a few of the other female vampires were seated around… chatting. Well Elena was the one chatting, regaling the others with the stories of her and Chloe’s club adventures before Chloe had found out that they were vampires.

Having just entered the house Lillian stood in the doorway of the room as Elena told the others about how Chloe stood up to the rather chauvinistic demons, and her tirade to them.

“I’d say you were a sight to behold,” grinned Lillian as she entered the room.

“What brings you by Lillian,” said Chloe, “not that you aren’t welcome of course,” she added with a grin, “I thought you had business with Anna for the rest of the evening.”

“Something about no women being allowed as Lucas is throwing Lex a Bachelor party, so Anna and I were asked to leave,” replied Lillian, a smirk on her face. “Although I’m not sure about this no women rule, because I believe I heard *Lucas* or was it *Karl* mention something about getting a couple of… strippers…”

“What?” exclaimed Chloe and Elena at the same time as they both jumped up from their seats.

“I’ll kill him,” growled Elena.

“It wasn’t Karl,” said Chloe, “this is all Lucas, he’s the one to suffer.”

“Oh you two are priceless,” gasped Lillian between laughs. “I’m only teasing you. Yes Lucas did mention strippers but Lex’s answer to that enquiry was a *very* definitive no, I just wanted to see your reactions.”

“Very funny Lillian,” said Chloe wryly.

“Yes I thought so,” grinned the Luthor matriarch.

“If Lex is having this bachelor party,” said Molina, one of the other vampires, “shouldn’t Chloe be having a similar party of her own?”

“An excellent idea,” grinned Natasha.

“I agree,” said Elena, “hey maybe we could get strippers.”

“Ooh delicious,” said one of the other women, “some nice young good-looking man, with tight buttocks.” This statement earned a flurry of laughter from everyone else.

A glazed look appeared over Lillian’s face.

“Please Lillian,” said Chloe with a grimace, “please don’t make any mention of Lionel’s buttocks, I really don’t think my stomach could handle it.”

Lillian said nothing, just winked at Chloe as her eyes flashed gold.

“Ew,” whispered Elena.

“I’m sure Lionel’s ass is very interesting,” said Natasha, “but far more important things take precedent, like Chloe’s party.”

“Very true,” a voice called out.

“Besides,” said Natasha with an evil gleam in her eye, “my Sergi’s ass is far better looking.”

“Double Ew,” said Chloe and Elena at the same time.

“Anyway ladies, Lex’s ass is the only one worth drooling over,” smirked Chloe a moment later, and once again everyone laughed.


“So Lucas,” grinned Hassid, “I want to hear *your* version of the Rome convent story.”


The *bachelor party* had been going on for a couple of hours, most of which had been spent drinking. Due to a vampire’s constitution it took a lot of alcohol for them to get drunk, and then a steady supply was required to keep them inebriated. But over the centuries Lionel had built up a rather impressive collection of various drinks that packed quiet a punch. So are a result the room was filled with, himself an exception, very drunk vampires exchanging stories and some very blue jokes.


“Ah the Rome School for the Education and upbringing of good Catholic Girls,” sighed Lucas, a faraway look in his eyes, “man that was one of the best weekends ever!”

“Yes and the chase out of Rome by the pitchfork and flaming torch wielding locals was a bundle of laughs as well,” said Lex dryly, sipping his drink.

“That was minor,” said Lucas waving his hand.

“Oh very minor,” chuckled Lionel, “your mother couldn’t show her face in Italy for decades after that. Everywhere she went in Italian vampire society it was, ‘oh look she’s the mother of that Lucas Luthor, you know the one who had all that trouble in the convent.’”

“Hey it wasn’t my fault that those girls found me irresistible.”

“But it was your fault that you used vampire seduction on a bunch of up till then cloistered sixteen and seventeen year olds,” grinned Sergi.

“Best education they ever had,” replied an unrepentant Lucas.

“AH Lionel, where would we be if we didn’t have children that created *legends* like that of Lucas,” grinned Lars, a rather heavy-set Scandinavian vampire.

“Very true,” said Hassid, “but what about you Lex, I’ve only ever heard whisperings of your doings, more rumour than anything else!!! I find it hard to believe that Lucas is the only one of the Luthor boys to have a wild streak.”

“Lex has had his moments,” grinned Lionel, “he just has a slight advantage over Lucas.”

“What advantage?” asked Lucas.

“*I* never got caught,” smirked Lex.

“You mean you’ve done things that I’ve never heard of?”

“Lots of things Lucas, but unlike you I don’t brag about them,” Lex enjoyed this teasing of his brother.

“Now Lex, I do remember you a mere slip of a lad at the time, actually it was before you were born Lucas, being quite vocal about your night with the three daughters of the Spanish king,” grinned Lars, winking at him. “If memory serves me right you and my eldest son were having some sort of a competition about how many ladies of royalty you could bed in a weekend.”

“What was the final score?” asked Lucas.

“A gentleman never speaks of these things,” said Lex smugly.

Lucas snorted at the *gentleman* comment.

“Lex won,” said Lars, “by a large margin as well. My son’s final figure was about thirty two, Lex’s was over fifty.”

“Lex, you dog,” grinned Lucas, “damn I feel so proud of you,” he added, wiping at his eye, “and now those heady days of debauchery are over with, you’ve taken mate. But fear not brother, I will, reluctantly mind you, take over the baton and ensure the Luthor name lives up to it’s proud past.”

“How very magnanimous of you Lucas,” said Lex, “I am touched by your honour to family tradition.”

“I know bro, it will be a chore but I am up for the task.”

“You must be very proud Lionel,” chuckled Sergi.

‘I most certainly am,’ thought Lionel.


Chloe laughed to herself as she watched Lillian and Natasha *argue* albeit good-naturedly about there various parties over the centuries. Listening to them Chloe knew that when Sergi or Lionel had mentioned how they tried to outdo each other every thing they meant what they said. While they were laughing Chloe could detect the underlying rivalry between them.

“Well Chloe, how are you feeling?” asked Freda as she sat down beside her. The very elegant and quite soft-spoken Swedish vampire was married to Lars, and had been telling Chloe earlier about the impending birth of their second grandchild. They had two daughters, both mated, the eldest one has a son and their youngest daughter was a month away from giving birth. Freda had told her that as soon as everything calmed down, that is when Oliver was taken care of she and Lex were to come to Denmark, where she lived to visit them. An offer Chloe accepted immediately.

“At the moment I’m feeling rather drunk,” she giggled. “I’m feeling good Freda, really good, I’m looking forward to tomorrow. Yes I’m a little nervous, but that’s just about the actual ceremony, apart from that I can not wait to be mated with Lex.”

“So young yet so sure,” smiled Freda. “My youngest daughter’s mate was only your age when they bonded, and I must admit to having reservations about it at the time because of his age. But here we are over a hundred years later and they await the birth of their first child. I wish you every success and happiness Chloe,” she leaned forward and kissed Chloe’s forehead.

“A toast,” Anna’s voice called out, “To Chloe and Lex,” she held up her glass.

Everyone raised her glass, “to Chloe and Lex.”

A slightly blushing Chloe sipped her drink.

“And to days of hot sex afterwards,” said Elena, grinning as she held her glass up.

“Hear, hear,” said all the other women, causing Chloe’s blush to deepen.


A few hours later Lex escaped the party to get some fresh air. Lucas had started another of his drinking games and Lex felt the need to get away for a moment.

Swaying slightly due to the alcohol he closed his eyes and felt the cool breeze on his face.

“Chloe,” he said softly as he sensed her nearby. Opening his eyes he saw her standing outside the guesthouse, also swaying slightly.

“We are not supposed to be seeing each other,” he smirked as he drew closer to her.

“Damn, we’ll have to call the ceremony off,” she grinned moving to meet him.

“Hey,” he whispered when he reached her, slipping his arms around her waist.

“Hey back,” she whispered, sliding her hands up his chest and around his neck.

Both moved at the same time and Chloe sighed contently as their lips met in a slow kiss. Tightening their arms around each other Lex deepened the kiss, sliding his tongue into her mouth.

They stood there in each other’s arms kissing softly.


From a window in the guesthouse Lillian watched them with a smile on her face. Moving away from them she spotted Lionel watching the pair from the main house.

‘I’m so happy for them Lionel.’

‘I know my love,’ he replied, ‘tomorrow will be a great day for our family.

18th November 2005, 20:08
i hope them seeing each other wasn't bad luck, cos i've got a feeling that Oliver is gonna make an appearance!!! I really can't wait fot the ceremony, i hope everything goes ok for them!!!


18th November 2005, 20:12
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm soooo excited about the mating ceremony. Lucas and strippers...hehehehe, that was soooo cute. Great update, and please please please let the next update be REALLY soon :D

18th November 2005, 20:34
Another great update! Ugh, only a chapter away from the mating ceremony. Lucas is such a smartass. Hope Chloe doesn't hear about Lex & the competition of how many ladies of royalty he could bed in a weekend. I don't think she'd be too happy hearing that one. Loved the women talking about who's man has the nicest looking ass.

Hope you can update soon. You're still trying to kill me, making me wait for this ceremony. I love it all.

18th November 2005, 20:44
good update as usual glad to hear that the mating ceremony is in the next chapter:yeahbaby: Good to know that our Lex is as bad as Lucas:grin3:

Swaying slightly due to the alcohol he closed his eyes and felt the cool breeze on his face.

“Chloe,” he said softly as he sensed her nearby. Opening his eyes he saw her standing outside the guesthouse, also swaying slightly.

“We are not supposed to be seeing each other,” he smirked as he drew closer to her.

“Damn, we’ll have to call the ceremony off,” she grinned moving to meet him.

“Hey,” he whispered when he reached her, slipping his arms around her waist.

“Hey back,” she whispered, sliding her hands up his chest and around his neck.

Both moved at the same time and Chloe sighed contently as their lips met in a slow kiss. Tightening their arms around each other Lex deepened the kiss, sliding his tongue into her mouth.

They stood there in each other’s arms kissing softly.

:love2: This was so romantic :love2:

18th November 2005, 21:13
Aww, that was so mushy and delicious...more please :drool2:

18th November 2005, 21:29
Tomorrow? Does that mean that the next part will contain the mating? Please,please let it me teh meting..:D
But Lex and fifty women....hope Chloe won't hear of that:)

18th November 2005, 23:19
they r so cute together.....and the swedish vamp called freda...it was perhaps frida insted of freda..coz im swedish and i've never heard of freda before....its jsut a note

Queen Of Tact
18th November 2005, 23:49
Fi, you little.... How could you just stop there.... I need more of this wonderful fic... *pouts* I don't wanna wait 6more day for the next Ch.... See what you've done to me you have me hooked to this story like it's my life line:blinkkiss

Ok, ok all kidding a side great ch hon... Loved Lillian teasing the girls.... Lucas oh you just got to love him... I can't wait to see the day he finds himself a mate and fall on his face..... The ending of the ch was very sweet... I can't wait for the next day (ch)

Wonderful job hon....


19th November 2005, 02:14
Amazing as always........I can not wait for the mating ceremony and see what happens there.............the suspense is killing me, and I am at the edge of my seat wanting more...........I hope everything goes well for Lex and Chloe tommorrow..............Please update soon; you are so talented , and the writing is amazing.............I hope Oliver doesn't hurt Chloe..........

19th November 2005, 02:41
Great chapter!!! But what's the rule for vampires seeing each other before the mating ceremony? Maybe Oliver shows up before they can complete the ceremony!!! Eagerly awaiting for the next chapter!!!

star del mar
19th November 2005, 06:50
The suspense is killing me! They are just so damn close, please God I hope that it all goes off without a hitch and we'll have a week's worth of smut :) Update again soon!


Leo Princess
19th November 2005, 07:26
Lucas + Boy-starved Catholic Teenaged School Girls = One Helluva Crazy Night, I Reckon!

So...when's Lana gonna try to crash the party so I can sic the dogs on her? :D

19th November 2005, 08:28
Aw, that was such a sweet closing scene to the chapter. :wub:

Lillian's eyes golding out at the thought of Lionel's ass? HEE!

And Lucas' exploits at the Catholic School in Rome. Awesome.

Great chapter Fi, can't wait for the mating ceremony! :devil:

19th November 2005, 14:51
Great update!
So glad that this one was only about good things and that in the end Chlex still got a moment together!
Can't wait to read about the mating ceremony You rock!!!:) :hug: :popcorn:

20th November 2005, 00:18
The ceremony is soon! I can't wait. At least we know that Oliver won't interrupt until after the week of hot sex, since that's when he can supposedly break their bond. I'm more looking forward to what's gonig to happen after the ceremony then the actual ceremony. :drool2: But either way, I want an update soon.

20th November 2005, 01:04
Fantastic Chapter , was really sweet .I am so excited and looking forward to the next update.

20th November 2005, 01:33
there's so many awesome updates this weekend i don't i can wipe this goofy smile off my face. great job!

20th November 2005, 02:15
Great update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please update again as soon as possible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!

21st November 2005, 09:06
that was a sweet update. i am really enjoying Chloe and Lex's relationship in this fic.........please update soon!!!

21st November 2005, 17:17
that was great and i knew they couldn't stay away from one another. i can't wait for more so please update as soon as possible.

22nd November 2005, 18:47
That's great!! Lex is so sweet sometimes.
I can't wait for the next update.

22nd November 2005, 23:46
That was an awesome Chapter! I was reading at work and nearly started laughing out loud... >.> Can't wait for more! Please Hurry!

24th November 2005, 19:13
God I hate my job....it is trying to kill me......:eek: Ok mini-rant over, you're more interested in the update LOL..... Enjoy. Fiona

Chapter Hundred and Thirty Two – The Mating Ceremony (Part 1)

It was after 1.00pm when Chloe finally woke up. Yawning and stretching languidly in the bed, her mind drifted back. She and Lex had stood kissing and caressing each other for half an hour until Elena and Lucas came looking for them.

Smiling to herself Chloe snuggled under the covers again. The ceremony wasn’t due to start until 10.00pm, so she had plenty of time.

“Chloe Sullivan, 18 years old and about to be mated to a master vampire,” she said out loud. “Chloe Luthor, Chloe Sullivan-Luthor, Mrs Luthor,” she let out a laugh, rolling onto her back and looking up at the ceiling.

“Things are almost perfect,” she murmured, “and things would be perfect if the threat of Oliver wasn’t hanging over us, but fuck him, this is *my* special day and he’s not going to ruin it. It’s time to forget about him and this war for a few days.”

Sighing contently Chloe abandoned going back to sleep and got up. “I think coffee with my dad is most definitely in order. Besides I think he’s going to need it,” she added with a grin as she pulled on a robe.


Back at the castle Lex was lying in his own bed staring up at the ceiling as well. His demon, who had been rather quiet over the last week, was now whispering excitedly about their plans for Chloe. “This is it,” said Lex, “this is the moment, my bonding with my eternal mate.”

Linking his hands behind his head Lex grinned to himself. By midnight he and Chloe would be bonded and ensconced in their room having sex… lots and lots of sex. His grin grew into a smirk at the thoughts of lots of sex, he was practically purring in anticipation. And as a result of the bonding she will be as insatiable as he.

“I intend on keeping her in bed for at least a week,” and his demon roared in agreement.

His cock jumped as images of Chloe spread-eagled in his bed, exhausted from their fucking but still wanting more.

“Tonight,” he murmured, resisting the urge to take care of things, “I can last till tonight.”


The castle was a buzz with excitement, it had been like that since early morning and that excitement had only grown and grown as the hours ticked by. The staff where running back and forth ensuring Lillian’s orders were carried out to perfection, and now the final touches were being put in place for the main event which was due to start in a few hours. All the guests were in their respective rooms, getting themselves ready for the ceremony.


Lucas was in Lex’s room. Both were enjoying a drink before cladding themselves in the outfits Anna had designed for them. They were the exact same with the exception that Lucas’ shirt was black while Lex’s was red.

Lucas was telling Lex about the phone call from Lana earlier, and how the girl hinted about all the cars arriving at the castle. “She was so looking for an invitation,” said Lucas, “I seriously thought about inviting her as an appetiser.”

“Glad you didn’t though,” replied Lex, “she’d have given everyone indigestion.”

“I said nothing, just told her that I had been very busy lately with family business and that I’d call her when I had a moment free. I also made sure to tell her to say to her aunt that I was asking for her.”

Lex chuckled softly before draining his drink, “ok, let’s suit up,” he smirked.


Lillian was in her room, getting ready, while Lionel relaxed with a drink. He himself was already dressed, refusing point blank to wear one of Anna’s *creations*. He instead had gone with a black suit and crisp white shirt, leaving the collar open so that the marks on his neck were visible. In fact every vampire would be bearing their necks, even those that did not bear the mark of a mate, this was all in honour of the couple.

“Ehem,” Lillian sounded behind Lionel.

He stood up and turned to face his wife, “oh sweetheart,” he whispered.

She was wearing a deep green silk dress, the colour setting off her auburn hair and green eyes. Full length, with a slit on each side the reached just above the knee, the material shimmered as she moved. Dipping in the front and back, it was held up by two spaghetti straps. Her hair was pulled in a French twist, leaving her neck bare.

“*You* may not like Anna’s creations,” she grinned moving towards him, “but I adore them.”

“I adore Anna’s creations, especially on you,” he replied, slipping an arm around her waist and pulling her close. “You look stunning,” he whispered and captured her lips in a kiss.

“I am so excited Lionel,” she said when they parted, “our eldest son, mated.”

“I know my love, I’m excited as well, especially considering his choice. I can not think of anyone I would rather have take the Luthor name, we are very lucky.”

“I agree, and when she becomes one of us, she will be even more formidable. But of course, it’s not like *we* would settle for just anyone for our son.”

“Well *you* wouldn’t Lillian. It was always going to take a special girl to please you.”

“I just want what is best for my sons, and Chloe Sullivan couldn’t be more perfect.”

Lionel grinned and pulled his wife into another kiss, agreeing completely with what she said.


“Did you manage to find out Anna’s story?” Chloe asked from the bathroom, as she did her makeup.

“I asked Karl what he knew and he told me,” came Elena’s reply.

Leaving the bathroom Chloe entered the bedroom clad in a bathrobe. “And?” Both girls had been wondering about Anna’s mate, seeing as she was around the same age as Lillian.

Like Chloe, Elena sat on the bed wearing a bathrobe. Their dresses were still hanging in the wardrobe.

“Ok, according to what Karl found out Anna was mated, this took place about fifty years before Lex was born. Things were going fine for a while and shortly after Lex was born, Anna became pregnant, she was a month or so away from giving birth when her mate was killed by a hunter.”

“Oh God,” gasped Chloe, “poor Anna.”

“It gets worse. Apparently Anna went crazy, she hunted down the man who killed her mate, and let’s just say her revenge was not pretty. But the grief of losing her mate was still raw and Anna lost her baby. She disappeared for a long time after that, surfacing again about 75 years ago. She was always a close friend of Lillian’s, and Karl said a lot of people believe that Lillian had a lot to do with preventing Anna from ending her own existence.”

“Poor Anna,” whispered Chloe again. “And yet she gives this impression of a mischievous woman.”

“I know, Karl said he heard Natasha commenting at the Halloween party that Anna seemed much more like her old self.”

“That’s good, cause I really like her,” said Chloe.

“Me too,” grinned Elena, “her designs are incredible. And I think she likes your dad,” Elena added with a smirk.”

“I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear that,” replied Chloe with a grin of her own, “and in changing the subject completely I think we should get dressed.”

“Nice save Chlo,” chuckled Elena as she got up from the bed and took the dresses from the wardrobe.


It was a cool evening, but there was no breeze. Flaming torches lined the path from the guesthouse to the main castle. They illuminated the castle, making it look even more gothic than usual.

Chloe stood in her room looking out the window. Her father and Elena were downstairs waiting for her. She took a deep shuddering breath, her heart thumping wildly in her chest. This was it, as soon as she left this room she would be on her way to the ceremony. Her legs felt like lead, her heart beat even faster and she could hear the blood rushing in her ears. “Calm down Chloe,” she told herself, fanning her hands in front of her face, “it’s just an attack of last minute nerves. It’s ok, just calm down.”

“Chloe sweetie,” her father’s voice called out, “are you ok? It’s almost time to leave.”

“I’m fine dad,” she shouted back, cringing at the way her voice broke slightly. “Damn,” she muttered as she heard the footsteps of her dad coming up the stairs.

“I’m fine dad,” she repeated when he entered the room.

“Really,” said Gabe, “so why do you look like you’re about to throw up?”

“Sweetie,” he said a moment later when Chloe didn’t answer. He walked over to her, took her hand and directed her to the edge of the bed where he sat down beside her. “What’s wrong?” he asked softly, still holding her hand.

“I’m…I’m just nervous dad,” she admitted, “well really nervous, my stomach is in knots and my heart is beating so hard I think it’s going to explode.”

“It’s natural to be nervous,” said Gabe. “Sweetie if you’re not ready to go through with this it’s fine. No one is going to think any less of you for doing so.”

“I want to do this dad, I love Lex and want this to happen,” she said, her tone 100% sincere. “I’m just scared about the whole ceremony and everyone being there, and well making a fool of myself. Hey this is *me* dad, incredible things like gorgeous smart men like Lex Luthor falling for me isn’t suppose to happen. I’m the girl who meant to be second best.”

“Stop that right now Chloe. You are the most special person in the world, and Lex Luthor is the lucky one. He would give you the world if you asked, and you deserve that and so much more honey. I am so proud of you it’s scary, and I love you more than anything. And while having my teenage daughter *marry* a 250 year old vampire was something I never even dreamed of happening, it could only happen to you.”

Tears welled in Chloe’s eyes and she threw her arms around her dad’s neck and hugged him tightly. “I love you,” she whispered.

“I love you too,” replied Gabe, hugging her just as tightly.

“Don’t you dare ruin your makeup,” teased Gabe after a moment, “Anna will never forgive me.”

Chloe chuckled softly and released him. “Thanks dad.”

Gabe smiled and kissed her forehead gently. “Let’s go sweetie, it’s almost show time.”

Gabe stood up and held his arm out. Feeling much better Chloe stood up, smoothed her dress, took her father’s arm and they left the room.


Lucas shot Lex a concerned look as they made their way to the main hall. For the past twenty minutes Lex had said nothing, just kind of stared off into the distance, a thoughtful look on his face, and as they walked down the stairs Lucas noticed the same look on his brother’s face.

“Ok that’s it, hold up for a minute,” he said.

Lex stopped and turned to his brother, a confused look on his face.

“What’s wrong Lex?” he asked, “because I could swear that you look… well… scared!”

“I am not scared Lucas,” snapped Lex, “just… just nervous,” he added softly.

“Nervous about being mated to Chloe,” exclaimed Lucas, “I find that very hard to believe.”

“Not nervous about that, nervous about the entire ceremony,” admitted Lex. “I couldn’t be more happy about being mated to Chloe.”

“Lex Luthor nervous,” teased Lucas, “never thought I’d see the moment.”

“This ceremony is important to mom and dad,” said Lex, “and I…”

“Lex this is your and Chloe’s moment, not mom and dad’s. So what if things don’t go perfectly, all that matters is the joining, and that you and Chloe are happy. Of course if you trip up or say something stupid I will never let you forget it,” he added with a smirk.

“Thank you Lucas,” said Lex, smiling at his brother.

“Don’t get mushy on me Lex.”

“Wouldn't dream of it,” he grinned, as they both started walking again.

“Of course I will be expecting your first born son to be named after me,” said Lucas after a moment, “or daughter, I’m not fussy.”

Lex shook his head as he laughed, already feeling much better.

Queen Of Tact
24th November 2005, 19:41
great update hon... Loved it.... Sorry your job is being so evil sweetie *hugs*


24th November 2005, 19:50
Thats the start where is the rest??? You making us hang out even longer oh well i can wait it's worth it. Great update by the way:D

24th November 2005, 19:52
Great update! Can't believe that even Lex is nervous. Want more of the ceremony, can't wait until the next update.

24th November 2005, 20:30
yes! finally the mating ceremony!!! eeek! i'm so excited!!!! bring on the ceremony!!! yay~

24th November 2005, 20:57
Luv this fic,g8 update i cant wait for the ceremony and after.

update soon

24th November 2005, 22:19
Magnificent!!!!!!!!!!!! I can not wait for what is to come...........I can not wait to see what happens next with Chloe.........I am at the edge of my seat wanting more.......I absolutely love this story, it is so fascinating..........The writing is amazing and it is just simply wonderful and captivating............Please update soon..........I am addicted to this story story!!!!!!!!

24th November 2005, 22:56
Oh please let everything go ok, i have a really bad feeling that oliver is gonna show up and ruin the whole thing!!! But the Luthor's should realise they have a secret weapon!!! What is it i hear you ask,....well its Bridezilla of course, no one should mess with a bride on her wedding day and since this is kinda Chloe's wedding, i'm guessing she could take on Oliver!!!

Can't wait for more...


24th November 2005, 23:03
aw..why did you end it right now there?? Happy Turkey day!!

24th November 2005, 23:44
I can't wait for the next part. I love Lucas he's so cute wanting them to name their first child after him. I hope Oliver doesn't spoil the mating ceremony.
Please update soon!!!!!!

25th November 2005, 00:13
:D That was a fantastic update! The Lex/Lucas scene, had me cracking up hehehe. I'm getting soooooo excited for the next part. I've been waiting for it all week just for this, and i'm happy it's going to be able to hold me down until the next one!

Dark Topaz
25th November 2005, 02:38
youare realy drawing this out

star del mar
25th November 2005, 04:47
Oh my God! It's finally happening! I'm too excited for words. Well Chloe and Lex are getting over their nerves and now it's just time for them to get to it...so we can get our week long smut :D


25th November 2005, 05:42
work is a necessary evil but fan fic makes it all better.......

25th November 2005, 06:49
I just keep thinking Oliver is going to come in and ruin everything. Can't wait for the ceremony.

25th November 2005, 08:52
Fi! :hug: Thanks for the update! Me lovey.

Absolutely cannot wait for more. It's gonna be sooooo good. *SQUEEE*

25th November 2005, 15:37
Part 1.....and 2? You can't stop it like that-in that moment!!!!!!!Please please
update really really really really REALLY FAST!!!

Oh and the part 1 part..was brilliant:D

And sorry about your work-hang in there

25th November 2005, 16:28
Awesome update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please update again as soon as possible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait for the ceremony!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

25th November 2005, 17:07
Great update, loved the part about them being nervouse and that there was someone nearby to calm them!!!:hug:

25th November 2005, 18:38
argh. mating. soon. please? :D

25th November 2005, 19:23
aaaawww their both so nervous lol I hope there's going to be more soon :)

25th November 2005, 21:55
i love the bortherly bond lex and lucas share........and awww they're scared,w ell shit i would be to if i was just to get mated with a 250 year old vamp. shit poor chlo

26th November 2005, 01:09
Great update !
Im all excited and what a place to end it !!
please come back and update as soon as possible!

26th November 2005, 09:19
Awesome update . Very , very excited about the mating ceremony.

spaceboi's pixie
26th November 2005, 12:17
great fic ,read it in 2 days,found the fic at tired-eyes .becky video to this is great anyway can't waite for the mating Ceremony and oliver need to be dusted

26th November 2005, 22:28
I dont know how you do it, but you do... this fic just goes from strengeth to strength!!!

it wonderful!

28th November 2005, 16:57
You tease! You sneaky creative wonderful frustrating tease! "Oh I promise. Ceremony in the next posting! Whoops! Look at that, more lead-up. Ceremony in the next posting!" I'll just bet we're going to have an update on Oliver and everything else BUT the ceremony. Grumble grumble grumble.

I'm just kidding! I love and appreciate every word that trickles out of your imagination and onto my screen. And this update was just wonderful. So sweet and heartfelt, yet still humorous thanks to Gabe and Lucas.

If you don't mind, I'll just sit here tapping my fingers, waiting for the next update. Thanks!

PS: I complain because I care, and I really don't mean anything bad I say... usually. ;)

29th November 2005, 19:40
great update i can't wait for more. i want to read about the mating cermonie it intdeges and interests me. and i can't wait for chloe and lex to have lots of sex! :drool:

30th November 2005, 10:55
I can't wait for the mating ceremony. It's so strange see Lex nervous. Chloe... well, she's human, it's a normal reaccion in her but Lex is a master vampire, maybe he's a little human too.
Oliver is very, very bad boy. I think he will suffer a great defeat. I can't wait to see this too.
Please update soon and congratulations!!! You have doing a incredible job.

30th November 2005, 14:33
Sorry.... Between work and been sick I haven't had a chance to post.... Now I had many different ceremonies in mind, before finally deciding on this one, I figured that in my vampire-verse this ceremony has been around for thousands of years so any changesd would have been brought about by the onslaught of time, anyways I hope you're happy with it..... Fiona :wub:

Chapter Hundred and Thirty Three – The Mating Ceremony (Part 2)

The main ballroom was covered in candles, bathing it in an orange glow. In the centre of the room was a table draped in a black velvet cloth. Two large candelabras stood on either end of the table each holding six large red candles, which at the moment remained unlit. Resting in the centre of the table was a small silver plate, which held two white-gold rings. Beside the plate lay a small dagger, it’s gold handle encrusted with rubies, a black silk ribbon was wrapped around the blade.

The guests stood in small groups around the room, none too far from the centre. All the servants, except the butler David, were present as well, placed around the room so they could see the ceremony and still be on hand should anyone need anything.

Sergi, Natasha and Alyssa stood near the table. Lillian was close by with Karl on one side of her and Byron on the other. Anna remained at the main doors waiting for the guests of honour.

Lionel stood in front of the table, his eyes on the dagger. A small smile appeared on his face. Next to his own mating to Lillian and the birth of his sons this was a moment of pride to be savoured. He would be presiding over the bonding of his eldest son. Sensing Lillian’s eyes on him he turned around to see her smiling at him. He winked at her, and then turned his attention back to the table, more specifically the dagger. The dagger had been in his family for five thousand years, always used in the mating ceremonies.

“Ah the *groom* to be,” Anna’s voice sounded through the room and everyone turned towards the door where Lex and Lucas stood.

“You’re on your own,” murmured Lucas and quickly moved further into the room before Lex could say anything.

As soon as Lex was alone the guests broke into a round of applause.

‘I’m going to kill Lucas,’ thought Lex as he made his way to the centre of the room. People congratulated him and slapped him on the back as he drew closer to his father. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Lucas had reached their mother and was standing beside her, a smirk on his face, a smirk mirrored by his mother and Karl.

“Lex darling you look *exceptionally* handsome this evening,” cooed Lillian when he reached them, and then pulled him into a tight hug.

Lex smiled and hugged her back.

“I am so happy love,” she whispered into his ear, “so happy and so proud.”

Lex tightened his hold on her.

“Honestly Lillian, let the poor boy go,” said Lionel, “you’re embarrassing him.”

“I am beyond embarrassment at this stage,” said Lex when Lillian released him.

“No one is ever *beyond* embarrassment,” grinned Lucas.

Lionel led Lex away from the others. “How are you feeling?”

“Nervous, apprehensive, slightly nauseous, but never more sure of anything in my entire life,” replied Lex honestly.

“You are definitely ready to be mated,” grinned Lionel. “I felt the exact same before my ceremony. “I’m very proud of you son,” he continued, “of how you handled your demon’s call for a mate… eventually. Chloe is perfect for you, I couldn’t wish for any one better for my son.”

“Thanks dad,” said Lex.

Lionel just smiled and once again Lex found himself in a tight hug with one of his parents.


“Miss Sullivan you look stunning,” greeted David with a smile as Gabe and Chloe, followed by Elena, entered the main doors.

“Thank you,” replied Chloe.

“Everyone is inside, do you want to head in immediately, or would you like a few moments?”

“A few moments please David,” said Chloe.

“Very well Miss Sullivan, I shall change into a more appropriate jacket for such an occasion and I’m sure you’ll be ready when I call back,” with a slight nod of his head David disappeared down the corridor.

“He could give lessons in being tactful,” said Gabe.

“He definitely has this *way*about him,” grinned Elena. “And now Miss Sullivan,” she continued, standing in front of Chloe, “let’s make sure all is perfect or Anna will have my neck.”

Elena fussed over Chloe’s hair and dress, making sure nothing was out of place. Gabe moved off to the side, laughing at them.

“This is such a beautiful necklace,” said Elena with a sigh, gently running her finger over one of the large jewels set in it.

“I know,” agreed Chloe, “Lillian said it had been in her family for thousands of years. I actually feel nervous wearing it in case something happens to it.”

“You ready?” asked Elena.

“Just about,” whispered Chloe.

Taking that as his cue Gabe stepped forward and held his arm out. Just as he did David appeared again, complete with different jacket and carrying two small bouquets of flowers in his hands.

“Not a word Miss Sullivan or you Miss Falchi,” he said, handing them one.

“Wouldn’t dream of it David,” they said with a grin.

Chloe took her dad’s arm and Elena moved to stand a couple of steps in front of them.

“Everyone ready?” asked David, and all three nodded. “This way please,” and he lead them down the corridor to the doors of the main ballroom.


Lex stood at the table, his eyes fixed on the doors, as where everybody else’s. Lionel stood behind the table in his position as the overseer of the ceremony.

“Relax bro,” whispered Lucas as he felt Lex tense up beside him.

“She’s here,” Lex whispered as he sensed Chloe behind the doors.

“Most definitely show time now,” grinned Lucas, his eyes on the door.

The doors opened and David stepped in, “Miss Elena Falchi, Mr Gabriel Sullivan, and Miss Chloe Sullivan,” he said, and with a smile on his face moved to the side to were Andrew the driver stood.

Elena stepped forward about twenty seconds later, both hands clasped around the bouquet that she held out in front of her. She wore a floor length cream silk dress, with a slit on one side the reached her thigh. Her long dark hair was pulled back in a braid, interwoven with white flowers. The dress was strapless, and the tight bodice was decorated with the same flowers that were in her hair.

She moved slowly, her steps carefully measured.

Behind her were Gabe and Chloe, following at the same speed.

Gabe was dressed in a black suit, with a matching black shirt; the only colour in his outfit was the blood red carnation in his buttonhole.

Chloe wore a dress exactly the same in style to Elena’s except hers was a deep red, a deep *blood* red, and tiny red rose buds adorned her hair. She nodded and smiled at the staff and guests as she walked past them.

They moved along, aware of the guests moving behind them, as if closing the circle around the centre of the room. Chloe’s smile grew as she spied Sergi and his family.

“You look radiant,” mouthed Sergi. Chloe could see tears shining in Natasha and Alyssa’s eyes.

As they reached where Lillian was they stopped and Lillian stepped forward and hugged Chloe tightly, “you look stunning,” she whispered in Chloe’s ear, “and thank you for wearing the necklace.”

“My pleasure Lillian,” Chloe whispered back.

When Lillian had composed herself she released Chloe and after giving her a gentle kiss on the cheek she stepped back to stand between Karl and Byron.

They began walking again and Chloe’s eyes met Lex’s. She watched as they flashed gold the closer she got. When they reached him, Elena stood off to the side and after kissing her cheek Gabe released Chloe’s arm and moved over to stand beside Elena. Lillian moved up closer to the table and stood beside Gabe.

Lucas took Chloe’s hand and kissed her knuckles gently, “breathtaking,” he whispered and winked at her.

Chloe smiled and winked back at him. Still holding her hand Lucas led her over to Lex, and kissing her once more he transferred her hand to Lex’s.

Chloe and Lex looked at each other as they fingers entwined. “Hey,” he mouthed, his eyes glowing.

“Hey,” she mouthed back.

Lionel cleared his throat when neither showed any signs of paying attention to anything other than the other. They dragged their eyes from each other and looked at Lionel, who smirked at them from the other side of the table.

“My dear family and friends,” said Lionel, his voice carrying through the room, “it is with *great* pleasure and honour that I invite you all here for this *very* special occasion; the bonding of Chloe Sullivan and *my* son. Most of us here are parents, and we want nothing more for our children than for them to find that one person to spend their life with. Granted in our case *life* takes on a different meaning.”

A low rumble echoed around the room as everyone laughed.

Chloe kept her eyes on Lionel as she squeezed Lex’s fingers gently.

Lionel picked up the dagger, “Lex, Chloe this is a momentous moment for both of you,” he began unwinding the black ribbon from around it, “”Are you both sure this is what you want?”

Lex and Chloe looked at each other, “completely sure,” they both said a moment later.

“Lex hold out your right wrist please,” said Lionel.

Releasing Chloe’s hand Lex did as his father asked.

“Chloe your right wrist as well please…”

She did as asked.

“Blood…” said Lionel, his voice ringing out again, “life essence to both human and vampire. It flows freely through humans keeping them alive, we need to consume it to continue our own existence. There is nothing stronger than a blood bond.”

He brought the dagger down and sliced the skin on Chloe’s wrist. It was all done so quickly that Chloe barely felt anything and was surprised when she looked to see blood pooling from the cut. Lionel repeated the action with Lex, and before the wound healed itself he clasped their wrists together and bound them with the silk ribbon.

Chloe gasped as her blood mingled with Lex’s. And when she looked at him his eyes were fully gold, but as yet his fangs had not descended.

Had either of them looked behind they would have seen that a lot of guests there had vamped out already, a sight that caused Gabe to feel a little uneasy.

“It’s ok,” murmured Lillian beside him, “they are showing respect.”

“I know it’s ok,” Gabe whispered back, “It’s just a weird sight.”

Lillian smiled and linked her arm through Gabe’s.

Laying the dagger back on the table Lionel picked up the two rings.

“Alexander, do you freely bind yourself to this mortal? Do you promise to protect and respect her? Do you acknowledge the rights of the female and allow her the equality she deserves? Do you promise to cherish and love her? Do you promise to nurture and guide the children she will bear you? Do you promise that it’s only her blood you shall taste in passion?”

“Yes to all,” said Lex, his eyes on Chloe.

“Alexander do you take Chloe Sullivan as your mate?”

“Oh I do,” said Lex.

Gabe squeezed Lillian’s hand as a small sob escaped her.

Lionel smiled proudly at his son and placed the ring onto the third finger of Lex’s left hand. “Take and mark her as yours Lex.”

Lex glanced briefly at his father as he fully vamped out. Then turned to Chloe who smiled at him and tilted her head to the side. The pulsing throb from where their wrists were joined matched the feeling from the ring on his finger as Lex leaned forward. “I love you,” he murmured into her ear as his mouth descended on her neck. He gently ran his tongue of his claim mark and then sank his fangs into her neck.

Chloe gasped and grasped at his waist with her free hand.

There was a cheer from the gathered guests, and many, males and females had tears in their eyes.

Lex sipped a small amount of Chloe’s blood before retracting his fangs and lapping gently at the bite till the blood stopped flowing. He stood up and stared at Chloe, her cheeks flushed and eyes teary. ‘Beautiful,’ his demon murmured, ‘mate.’

Lionel cleared the sudden lump in his throat as he watched his eldest son take his mate.

“Chloe,” he cleared his throat again as his voice cracked slightly, “Chloe, do you freely bind yourself to this vampire? Do you promise to advise and respect him? Do you acknowledge the rights of the male and allow him to make decisions you may not agree with for the benefit of your family? Do you promise to cherish and love him? Do you promise to nurture and guide the children he will father for you? Do you promise that it’s only his blood you shall taste in passion?”

“Yes to all,” said Chloe, her voice clear, her eyes on Lex.

“Chloe do you take Alexander Luthor as your mate?”

“I do,” she said.

Lillian’s crying intensified and Natasha moved beside her, wrapping a comforting arm around her friend’s shoulders.

Gabe quickly reached for his handkerchief and dabbed at his own tear filled eyes and smile of pride and love for his daughter on his lips. Anna pressed close to him, slipping an arm around his waist.

The same proud smile graced Lionel’s lips as he placed the remaining ring onto the third finger of Chloe’s left hand. “Take and mark him as yours Chloe.”

Smiling gently at Lionel, Chloe turned her full attention to Lex. Her eyes roamed his fully vamped out face as she leaned towards his neck, Lex titling his head for her. The pulsing from the mark in her neck only beat the throbbing in her wrist and ring finger.

“I love you so much,” she breathed in his ear before trailing her lips gently down to his neck.

Placing a soft kiss on the spot she would mark, Chloe drew the flesh into her mouth, sucking on it gently as Lex’s free hand found her waist. She drew back and taking a deep breath dove in, biting the flesh… hard. A growl erupted from Lex’s mouth as she broke though the flesh with her teeth. Fighting an innate urge to pull away Chloe allowed the blood to flow from the wound into her mouth. The coppery metallic taste firing her taste buds as she swallowed. After drawing a small amount she pulled back, licking at the stray drops. She watched as the wound closed up leaving only a small mark, exactly like the bite marks on her neck.

“You may kiss,” said Lionel.

Wasting no time their lips found each other’s and as they kissed the crowd erupted into a chorus of cheers and applause.

“Just one more thing to do,” said Lionel after a moment, and Lex and Chloe reluctantly pulled apart.

He undid the binding around their wrists and taking the dagger cut the ribbon into two strips. He wrapped and tied one piece around Chloe’s wrist and the other around Lex’s. “I am so happy for both of you,” he said and kissed Chloe’s cheek and then his son’s.

Gently pushing at them till they turned to face the room Lex and Chloe linked hands as they looked out over everyone.

“Ladies and gentlemen,” said Lionel, “family and friends, I give you Alexander and Chloe Luthor!”

30th November 2005, 16:23
Great update but you already know that. :D

30th November 2005, 16:25
.........I'm in chock...that was just ....beautiful/brilliant/Wonderful for words. Better then I could have imagined!
I hope you can update soon enough:D

30th November 2005, 16:53
Oh, God, that was so sweet in a rather... creepy kind of way. It wa perfect and live up to all my numerous expectations of it!!

Post as soon as possible, please!!!

30th November 2005, 17:08
wow oh wow oh wow that was just fantastic:D
I must say Fiona you did a really good job with the ceremony.
Loved Lillian getting all emotional and even Gabe had a tear:love2: :love2: and Lionel feeling so proud:grin3:
Wonderful ceremony and finally Chloe is now a Luthor.
Looking forward to the chapters to follow of Lex and Chloe not leaving their bedroom;)

30th November 2005, 17:23
:nsparty: That was awesome.

30th November 2005, 17:36
Wow, I'm so happy they are mated, i felt for sure that Oliver would come and ruin everything. that was a fantastic update Fiona it was well worth the wait. now i can't wait for the non stop smut!!!


30th November 2005, 17:44
My little girl got MATED!!!

I am in tears right now. Just a few, but still. Have I told you lately that I love you, Fi? Because I do. And I adore your muse. All the thought, effort, and research you have put into this story is just amazing, and it shows by the love we have for the characters that you created. I know I keep saying the same things, but really, it's true. I don't know of many stories that have me emotionally attached to them like this one does, and it's all because of you. :D

Thank you for the update, and I hope life works its way out for you.

30th November 2005, 17:59
That was a wonderful ceremony and the way everybody got emotional was so awesome and I hope that they have time to celebrate it before Oliver will ruin things!!!:hug:

30th November 2005, 18:22


Queen Of Tact
30th November 2005, 18:30
Oh that was a wonderful update!! Just perfect and what I pictured for the Mating Ceremony...... I can't wait for more....

I hope you feel better soon hon *hugs*


30th November 2005, 19:26
Great update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! Please update again as soon as possible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

30th November 2005, 19:31
That was wow !!
Once again you manage to exceed my expectations, fantastic !!
Loved it, Loved it, Loved it !!

30th November 2005, 20:52
Great chapter, absolutely loved it. I'm so glad Lex & Chloe are mated..finally. Very emotional. Was trying to picture how Chloe looked in her gown. Beautiful, can't wait for more.

30th November 2005, 21:52
that was so good

30th November 2005, 21:53
oh m y gosh.... that's so beautiful.... *tear* now let the celebration begin!!!!!!

1st December 2005, 01:40
I can't believe I'm saying this but the wedding was beautiful!!!! Great chapter, as always.

1st December 2005, 02:34
WHO Hooooo!

1st December 2005, 02:36
I love you i love you i love you!!! That ceremony was done very well, and so emotional! The wait was definetly worth it, has this chapter as a whole, was one of the greatest of the story so far.
Please post the next chapter (with all the SMUT) soon. :D

1st December 2005, 04:37
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy!!!!!!!!! ^_~ now all we need is the post of the week of passion!!!!!! mwahahahahahaha!!!!!!!

1st December 2005, 07:16
That was awesomely brilliantly, totally rad and dandy. It seemed like it took forever to get here, and now that is has passed, it wasn't long at all. So good. Totally made my night :D

1st December 2005, 07:33
moremoremoremoremoremoremoremoremoremoremoremoremo reMORE please :) that was so great. I CAN'T WAIT FOR MORE :D

star del mar
1st December 2005, 08:01
Oh my God! It finally happened, and it was beautiful. They're finally mated, yay, I'm so happy for them...I feel like I should be in the fic so I can give them both a hug :) Now onto the smut!


1st December 2005, 08:59
uhhh...let me pick myself up off the floor and kick my brain into thinking again.
Wonderful, just wonderful...but the next two weeks they will share in solitute shall be just as magnificint...as long as they aren't interupted

1st December 2005, 09:30
wonderful update, Fi. loved the ceremony and the vows. very fitting. and Chloe's dress? props for Anna's excellent taste. BLOOD RED. kinda reminds me of Chloe and her *claiming*. :devil:

now let's have those weeks of endless sex! Chlex demons must be satisfied! :hankpank:

1st December 2005, 09:32
well, just from these few responses that I have read on this page, I've come to the conclusion that I'm going to have to read this at some point. Quite a challenge, considering I really have read it, but will have to make a week of it, lol. Grab some cocoa and my favorite snack, and settle in for a few days of reading :)


buckles squared
1st December 2005, 17:49
Big, long contented sigh.....................................

1st December 2005, 18:48

excelent! Loved the cermony, some very nice touches.

spaceboi's pixie
1st December 2005, 19:30
:omg: that was really sweet :clapclap: want more please

1st December 2005, 22:58
that was great and the cermoney was so sweet i had a few tear in my eyes. :respect:

2nd December 2005, 06:43
Fantastic. I loved their vows.

2nd December 2005, 07:41
Why can't all weddings be this wonderful?

2nd December 2005, 20:39
Awww the mating ceremony was the perfect mix of sweetness and darkness. I love gabe getting weired out by the vampires, and I love that Chloe had to sink in and take a big bite o' Lex. hehe.:D

3rd December 2005, 21:02
i loved the vampire bonding moment, absolutely sweet. Tonight I'm going to a wedding bonquet too. Now I would have something to think about. =] I can't wait for the next chappie. Fantabulous job.

Kit Merlot
4th December 2005, 01:00
Fi, excellent chapter:D

The mating ceremony was just gorgeous, and I loved how both Lillian and Gabe were crying during it--beautiful, just beautiful.

5th December 2005, 07:00
Wow, how did I miss this story? I'm up to chapter 37 or 38 now I only have 100 more to go to be all caught up. Poor Gabe, poor Chloe!

6th December 2005, 07:19
Loved the ceremony, all so sweet.

Loved the Lucas and Lex moments through out all the prep and the day.

Loved it all.

6th December 2005, 17:17
That was Amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy........I can not wait for more.........Please Update Soon..........I need more..............I so love this story...........everytime it keeps getting better and better....................Simply Magnificent..............I can not wait to see what happens next, and what is Oliver going to do.................

6th December 2005, 17:50
*knock knock*

*peeks head into Fi's muse's room*

Aha! Caught ya! Sleeping on the job, are ya? You think that since you slaved away on the ceremony we'll cut you a break. WRONGO! While we appreciate your hard work and dedication, the fact of the matter is that now we need the honeymoon. Not to mention a progress report on that ass-muncher Oliver.


6th December 2005, 19:05
more please write more i really can't wait for the next update i hope it will be soon.

6th December 2005, 19:33
Apologies, work and illness kept me from posting...... :puppydog: ... Ok on with the smut, I mean story :grin3: Fiona

Chapter Hundred and Thirty Four – The After Party and Mating Night

Three hours later and Chloe still hadn’t spent more than five minutes in Lex’s company. After the applause following Lionel’s announcement Chloe and Lex found themselves dragged in opposite directions. Congratulations, dancing and various other forces conspired to keep them apart. The separation was driving them both crazy. Lex wanted nothing more than to take his mate to their bed and fuck her into exhaustion, and Chloe wanted nothing more than to let him.

“Chloe you two keep staring at each other like that and you’ll both either spontaneously combust or go for it in the middle of the floor,” said Elena with a grin.

“Oh god Elena,” groaned Chloe, “without putting too fine a point on it, I am so horny,” she finished in a harsh whisper. “And if it wasn’t for the fact that my dad is still around… well let’s jut say everyone in the room would be getting a live x-rated show.”

“It’s to be expected,” said Elena,” Lex’s demon is calling to you, you can feel it because of Lex’s blood and you’re ready to answer. Don’t worry Bella, your dad and Byron will be leaving in about fifteen minutes and then you and Lex can *slip* away, or put on your show,” she added with an evil grin. “Now let’s snag some more of that delicious and sinfully expensive champagne.”

With another groan Chloe allowed herself to be dragged over to where the drinks were being served.


“Go for it Lex,” grinned Lucas, “go on, just go over there and take her.”

“Don’t listen to him Lex,” said Karl, “he bet me that you wouldn’t be able to control yourself and I said you would, so just hold out for about twenty more minutes.”

“As much as I want you to win your bet Karl, I don’t know if I can last twenty more minutes,” said Lex, his eyes on Chloe.

“Her dad and Byron will be leaving soon and then she is all yours,” grinned Karl, “in every sense.”

“Karl, would you mind getting Lex and I another drink,” said Lucas.

Karl glanced between the brothers and smiled. “No problem Lucas, “ and with that he walked off.

“What are you up too?” asked Lex, eyeing his brother with suspicion.

“Do you feel any different since the mating?” answered Lucas with a question of his own.

“I do feel different Lucas, and as clichéd as this may sound I feel… complete,” replied Lex. “I also feel like my demon and I are finally in harmony with each other.”

“Big sap,” muttered Lucas good-naturedly. “But seriously bro, congratulations. Man I never imagined that Chloe Sullivan was your mate. I mean, you couldn’t stand each other at the start, hell I even thought she and I may get together… and now look at her, your mate… your wife!”

“Yes she was a rather annoying creature when I first met her,” grinned Lex, thinking back to their initial meeting. “My demon knew she was the one from the beginning, I just took a little while longer to catch up.”

“Always the slow one Lex,” grinned Lucas, “you never saw what was in front of you.”

“Just remember Lucas, when your turn comes around I am going to enjoy every moment of teasing you,” smirked Lex. “And I’ll have Chloe by my side helping me.”

“I’m trembling already,” drawled Lucas.


As much as she loved her father, Chloe was never happier to see him go. She stood at the main doors to the castle with Lex and the others and they watched Andrew drive away with Gabe and Byron to the airport, and Anna, who decided to join them, saying it had been ages since she had been in England and also it would be rude of her not to make sure that Gabe was taken care of properly.

As the car disappeared further into the distance the crowd made their way back to the room. Chloe and Lex lingered behind and when everyone had gone into the room Lex pushed Chloe against the wall and kissed her hard. Chloe responded immediately, wrapping her arms around Lex’s neck and pulling him closer. Lex dropped his hands to her ass and squeezed her through the silk of her dress, causing her to moan into his mouth. He pulled her against him, and her moans increased as she felt how hard and ready he was.

“Lex please don’t ravish your mate against the wall where anyone can see,” Lillian’s voice sounded behind them.

Lex released Chloe’s mouth and they sagged against each other.

“Just a little while longer my dears,” she continued, “and then you can disappear.”

Lex lifted his head from Chloe’s shoulder and looked into her eyes, he bit back a groan when he saw the lust and desire in them.

“Soon love,” he whispered.

“It bloody better be,” growled Chloe, and then smiled at him.

Lillian laughed to herself as she watched them.


Lex gripped Chloe’s hand tighter as they made their way towards the door, stopping every now and then to accept more congratulations. After Lillian *disturbed* them, Lex had promised himself that they would spend no longer than thirty minutes before making their escape.

After exactly twenty-seven minutes in the room Lex politely excused himself and taking Chloe’s hand began moving to the door.


Lionel sidled up beside his wife, slipping an arm around her waist as they watched Chloe and Lex. “Is everything ready?” he asked.

“Yes, hence why I’m not stopping them from leaving,” replied Lillian. “Oh it was a wonderful ceremony, I am so happy for the both of them.”

“I have warned Lucas to stay far away from the east wing,” said Lionel.

“Hope whatever you threatened him with works,” grinned Lillian.

“I told him how disappointed you and I would be if he disturbed Lex and Chloe,” replied Lionel, pulling his wife closer. “I also might have mentioned that I would give Lex and Chloe Carte Blanche in whatever revenge they wanted to take out on him.”

Lillian laughed out loud and her eyes landed on her youngest son who was currently chatting with Karl and Elena. “Very good Lionel.”

“And there they go,” whispered Lionel, and he and Lillian watched as Lex and Chloe slipped out of them room. “Let’s dance my darling!” and he led a giggling Lillian out onto the floor.


As soon as they had reached the stairs Lex and Chloe breathe a sigh of relief. “Now Mrs Luthor,” he grinned, his eyes flashing gold, “how quickly do you think we can get up these stairs to our bedroom?”

“Why don’t you show me Mr Luthor,” replied Chloe huskily.

In a flash Lex swept Chloe up and over his shoulder and ran up the flights of stairs and quickly down the corridor to the east wing, he came to a stop outside the door to their *new* bedroom.

He set a laughing Chloe onto her feet and she threw her arms around his neck and kissed him, “I hope *everything* tonight is not going to be over so quickly,” she said a moment later.

“Minx,” growled Lex playfully and swept her into his arms again, “I believe tradition dictates I carry you over the threshold,” he said with a wink.

“It does, and we mustn’t upset tradition,” grinned Chloe, as she leaned forward and opened the door.

Lex pushed the door open with his foot and carried Chloe across the threshold.

“Oh wow,” they both gasped.

Rose petals of various colours covered the floor, couch and most of the furniture. In the centre of the room stood a huge four-poster bed, decked out in dark blue satin sheets and pillows. The room was bathed in a soft blue light; making it seem like it glowed slightly.

Kicking the door closed, Lex slowly crossed the room and gently deposited Chloe onto the bed. He stepped back a little and smiled at her as he began undoing his shirt. Chloe licked her lips as she watched him.

“Ever since I saw you walking towards me at the ceremony I have wanted nothing more than to make love to you,” he said, slipping the shirt off. He reached out and gently grasped her leg; pushing the dress up to her knees as he slipped off one shoe then the other.

“I wanted nothing more than to let you,” she replied.

“And the moment the ceremony was over I wanted us to disappear to this room,” he continued, kicking off his own shoes and socks.

“But forces were at work to stop us,” said Chloe with a laugh, a laugh that turned into a soft moan as Lex slid his hand up her leg to her thigh.

“No forces here,” he smirked, gently pushing her legs apart.

Chloe sat up a little, leaning on her elbows as she looked at Lex who had settled himself between her legs. Smirking at her he placed soft kisses on her stomach through the dress and moved slowly up her body.

“MMM,” she sighed as his mouth reached her breasts and he laved his tongue around her nipple, the material of her dress darkening with his saliva.

“I think this qualifies as a force,” he murmured, and brushed the straps of her dress off her shoulders and pulled at the front of her dress until her breasts were bare. “Much better,” and his mouth returned to her nipple.

“Much, *much* better,” moaned Chloe, lying back and stretching her arms over her head, as he licked and sucked one nipple then the other.

Moving his lips up her neck Lex brought both hands up to cup her breasts, rubbing his thumbs over her nipples. He swirled his tongue over the mark on her neck, causing Chloe to move her hips against his, the scent of her arousal getting stronger.

Moving from her neck he looked down at her, Chloe smiled at him and he dipped his head and caught her lips, which parted immediately, her tongue reaching out to his. The kiss was passionate, lips and tongues sliding against the others. Lex’s hand increased their pressure on her breasts and Chloe grinded harder against him, rubbing her dampening sex against his erection.

Their kisses increased in ardour as Lex divested Chloe of her dress and she returned the favour by pushing off his pants, they still had the black silk ribbons around their wrists. Lex groaned as his cock bobbed against her panties.

“This has to go,” he murmured against her lips, and slowly moved down her body again, his lips burning a path over her skin. Chloe spread her legs wide and her eyes shot open as she heard Lex laugh.

“I like this,” he groaned, running his hand over the front of her panties, “Vamp Girl, very apt I think. Any more surprises for me love?”

“Take them off and see,” whispered Chloe.

Wasting no time Lex tugged at the same strings on the sided and Chloe lifted her butt and hips as Lex slid the thong off. He brought the underwear to his face and sniffed hard, inhaling her scent, before tossing the garment over his shoulder.

He quickly returned between her legs and was greeted by the sight of Chloe’s bare sex, completely shaved and smooth.

“You like?” she breathed.

“Mine, all mine,” Lex growled and his eyes turned gold. He brought his hands up and gently parted the lips of her sex, her scent invading his senses, “gods Chloe,” he groaned as her glistening pink flesh called him. He ran his tongue over the flesh, savouring her taste.

“Oh fuck,” moaned Chloe, arching slightly off the bed.

Lex’s hands moved to her thighs and he gripped them tightly as his tongue feasted on her, swirling and curling inside her, his nose rubbing against her clit, causing her cry out his name each time it did. Lex’s demon was in rapture, when it had seen his mate’s bare sex, shaved for him it drove him crazy and her taste was intoxicating.

Chloe was close; she could feel it building inside her. The entire ceremony had been a form of foreplay and the enforced separation from Lex after it until they managed to slip away had only increased her need for him. The feeling of his fingers digging into her thighs, his tongue deep inside her, licking and sucking only fuelled the feeling.

“No,” she cried out as Lex pulled his mouth away.

Grinning at her quivering sex he let his fangs descend and covered her again, sucking her clit into his mouth, gently scraping his fang against it.

“Sweet fuck,” cried Chloe, “oh god Lex.”

He loved that she was so vocal, and his demon purred inwardly as she babbled for more. Well if that’s what his mate wanted that’s what she would get. Releasing one of her legs he slid two fingers deep into her pussy, curling them inside her and rubbing against the sensitive walls of her sex.

“Oh yes,” groaned Chloe, angling her hips to take his fingers deeper.

He fucked her hard with them, fingers and tongue bringing her to the peak.

“That’s it…that’s it,” she gasped, the pressure building. “Oh Lex,” she screamed as her orgasm hit her hard.

Lex drank her down, mouth and fingers still working her sex, loving the feeling of her contracting pussy.

Minutes later as she came down from her climax Chloe pushed him away. “Too much,” she gasped, breathing hard, slowly getting her body under control.

“Only the beginning,” smirked Lex, crawling up her body.

Through half-lidded eyes Chloe took in his vamped-out visage, his chin wet with her juices.

“Your turn Lex.”

He allowed her to push him onto his back. As she leaned in to kiss him, Chloe trailed her hand down his chest to his cock where it lay hard and heavy against his stomach. Lex groaned into her mouth as she ran her thumb over the head, spreading the pre-cum that leaked profusely from it.

Chloe released his mouth and brought her hand up and slowly licked her thumb, sucking it gently.

Lex growled and his eyes flashed.

“MMM, tasty,” grinned Chloe. “Please sir, can I have more?” she asked coyly.

“Fuck Chloe,” groaned Lex.

“I’ll take that as a yes.” And she moved down between his legs. Lex watched her, shivering at the lust in her eyes and she slowly swirled her tongue around his cock. “Yes love, like that,” he gasped, as she sucked the head into her warm mouth, one hand pumping him the other rubbing and caressing his heavy balls. He could feel the necklace she still wore against his thigh, the combined sensations driving him wild.

Chloe took him deeper, bobbing her head up and down, as Lex moved his hips in time with her.

“CHLOE,” he cried out as she released his cock and blew over the head, “oh fuck,” he cried as she did it again.

“Let it go Lex,” she whispered, before taking him deep in her throat again. Her hand worked between his legs and she gently circled his anus.

Lex growled and snapped at the air, his fangs glistening. He could feel his balls tighten and his cock swell.

Chloe felt him thicken in her mouth and pressing her thumb against his anus she worked it inside.

That was it from Lex; with a howl he arched off the bed, burying his cock in her throat as he came hard. Chloe swallowed what she could but released him from her mouth as he continued to cum.

When Lex opened his eyes Chloe was once again beside him, grinning at him. “We’re all sticky!”

“Well, let’s not shatter the mood,” he whispered pulling her mouth to his and kissing her, thoroughly exploring her mouth with his tongue. As they kissed he twisted their bodies till she once again lay beneath him and he was cradled between her legs.

Chloe groaned into his mouth as she felt him hard and ready again against her thigh, and her own pussy throbbed in anticipation.

Lex reached between them and gripped his cock, pumping it a couple of times he placed it at Chloe’s entrance.

“Yes,” Chloe moaned as he released her mouth.

Staring into each other’s eyes Lex slowly pushed inside her. Chloe’s eyelids fluttered and she closed them and moaned his name as he buried himself deep.

“We’ll make love later,” murmured Lex as he took her hands and guided them behind her to hold onto the bar above the headboard. “Now love, now I need to fuck you...hard,” he growled, his gold eyes flashing. “Need you so much,” he grunted as he let his demon take over fucking her, sliding his cock in and out, the bed jerking each time he slammed into her.

Chloe breathed hard, gripping the bar tightly as she raised her hips to meet him. Their stomachs slapping and sliding against each other as Lex moved hard. She could sense the change in him, knew the demon was in control. Lex hooked his arms under her legs and lifted them higher, throwing one over his shoulder as he spread her wider.

“Lex,” she gasped as he slid deeper.

His hands then covered her on the bar as they fucked even harder. He stared down at her, his gold eyes flashing as he grunted with each thrust. His mouth dropped to her bouncing breasts, licking and sucking them before sinking his fangs into one soft mound.

Chloe gasped, her breath catching as her pussy contracted when his fangs pierced her. Lex moved to the other breast and sank dove his fangs in, growling as Chloe’s pussy tightened even more around his cock.

The entire bed shook with the force of Lex’s thrusts, and both he and Chloe grunted each time his cock buried deep in her.

“Do it Lex, please, do it,” groaned Chloe, tilting her neck to the side, “yours all yours.”

“YES,” he growled and moved to her neck all the while his hips moving harder and faster. Chloe was on the edge, she just needed to feel his fangs in her neck and she would explode.

“Ours,” grunted Lex as just as his cock nudged that spot inside her he buried his fangs into her neck.

Chloe screamed, long and loud as her body exploded. She could feel and hear the blood rushing through her as she came… hard, her pussy squeezing Lex so tightly inside her. He drank down her blood, taking more than he ever had before.

He released her neck, blood dripping form his fangs as Chloe continued to come. Sliding a hand behind her neck he lifted her face to his mark. “Please love, please!”

Chloe sucked the flesh into her mouth and bit down hard, breaking the skin. With a howl and scream of her name Lex explode inside her, sending stream after stream of cum deep into her as her still contracting pussy milked him.

They collapsed into a sweaty tangled heap of limbs as their bodies continued to hum and throb with the force of their climaxes.

It was about 10 minutes later when Lex lifted his head to look at Chloe. Feeling his eyes on her she opened her own and smiled lazily at him. “Wow,” she said.

“Yes, that’s a good word for it,” he grinned, before kissing her gently.

“I don’t know how it’s possible,” she whispered after they parted, “but I *need* you again.” And she did, her body was throbbing, and she could feel his cock hardening again in her pussy.

“The bond,” murmured Lex, placing soft kisses over her face, “our bodies aren’t sated…yet. And I did have this goal about us fucking into exhaustion,” he added with a smirk as he slowly moved his hips, shifting his cock inside her.

Chloe gasped, her body reacting. “Good goal to have,” she groaned.

Grinning Lex began moving, slowly, savouring the feel of every inch of his cock sliding into her wet warmth, and the way her breasts rubbed against his chest.

The talking stopped as the room once again began to fill with the sounds of their pants and gasps.

6th December 2005, 20:02
Sooooo HOTT!!! Write more soon!!!!!!!

6th December 2005, 20:16
that's really all there is to say......wow

Kit Merlot
6th December 2005, 21:13
Excellent work, Fi.

The post mating ceremony activities has begun:D

The smutty parts were just beautifully written--WELL DONE!

6th December 2005, 21:34
I was sitting at work, exactly like this - :sleepy: :coffee: - when I received word that Sanguis had been updated. Which led me to feeling like this - :ecstatic: . And then I read the damn thing, and now I feel like this - :drool: , and I definitely want to call up my boyfriend and do this - :hankpank: .

Holy. Fucking. Shit Fiona! That was unreal. You know what, next time I start getting impatient I'm just going to think back to this scene and remember that the hottest sex EVER comes to those who wait. I mean, really, I hardly ever quote things b/c I figure the writer already knows the story and the reader has just read it so why rehash. However, the drive and heat and passion in this scene requires multiple reposts. Step back everyone, I don't want anyone to get burned from the heat coming from their screen.

“We’ll make love later,” murmured Lex as he took her hands and guided them behind her to hold onto the bar above the headboard. “Now love, now I need to fuck you...hard,” he growled, his gold eyes flashing. “Need you so much,” he grunted as he let his demon take over fucking her, sliding his cock in and out, the bed jerking each time he slammed into her.

Chloe breathed hard, gripping the bar tightly as she raised her hips to meet him. Their stomachs slapping and sliding against each other as Lex moved hard. She could sense the change in him, knew the demon was in control. Lex hooked his arms under her legs and lifted them higher, throwing one over his shoulder as he spread her wider.

“Lex,” she gasped as he slid deeper.

His hands then covered her on the bar as they fucked even harder. He stared down at her, his gold eyes flashing as he grunted with each thrust. His mouth dropped to her bouncing breasts, licking and sucking them before sinking his fangs into one soft mound.

Chloe gasped, her breath catching as her pussy contracted when his fangs pierced her. Lex moved to the other breast and sank dove his fangs in, growling as Chloe’s pussy tightened even more around his cock.

The entire bed shook with the force of Lex’s thrusts, and both he and Chloe grunted each time his cock buried deep in her.

“Do it Lex, please, do it,” groaned Chloe, tilting her neck to the side, “yours all yours.”

“YES,” he growled and moved to her neck all the while his hips moving harder and faster. Chloe was on the edge, she just needed to feel his fangs in her neck and she would explode.

“Ours,” grunted Lex as just as his cock nudged that spot inside her he buried his fangs into her neck.

Chloe screamed, long and loud as her body exploded. She could feel and hear the blood rushing through her as she came… hard, her pussy squeezing Lex so tightly inside her. He drank down her blood, taking more than he ever had before.

He released her neck, blood dripping form his fangs as Chloe continued to come. Sliding a hand behind her neck he lifted her face to his mark. “Please love, please!”

Chloe sucked the flesh into her mouth and bit down hard, breaking the skin. With a howl and scream of her name Lex explode inside her, sending stream after stream of cum deep into her as her still contracting pussy milked him.

It's just so damn primal. Maybe it's just me, but I say Goddamn! that turns me on. I can just picture Lex, and replace Chloe with myself. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrowl.


Now, the rest of the update... Um, it was really sweet? I love how they only waited until Gabe left, not caring about what anyone else saw or thought. Lucas was a dear, and was that foreshadowing set up in regards to his mate? Oh, and heh, Lillian giggled. It stuck out to me because it didn't seem like something the distinguished matriarch would do. I loved it.

PS: I'm sorry you haven't been feeling well. And that work sucks for you. And that I can't end world hunger. And that I can't figure out a way for you to get rich off of this story so you don't have to work. But I'll do what I can, and in the meantime make sure you get quality time with yourself.

6th December 2005, 21:51
that was hot hot hot!!!

6th December 2005, 21:54
oh woah,....damn that was hotttttttttttttttttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!

6th December 2005, 21:55
Primal Lex how hot is that :drool2: That smut was extremely hot I need a cold shower after reading that:drool2: You promised us very hot sex and thats exactly what we got!! Thankyou:hug:
I never thought it was possible but this story just gets better and better and i look forward to it every week:respect:

6th December 2005, 22:06
I actually squeeled when I found that you had updated. Then, I started to read your update. OH.....MY.....GOD!!!!
I was so anxious for this chapter & you have not disappointed me. Totally HOT!!! I don't even think I can really say anything more than that. This chapter was completely worth the wait. You've done an amazing job with this story. I'll definitely be reading this a few more times tonight.

6th December 2005, 22:53
Oh my God, that was so hot !
Brilliant update i loved it !!

6th December 2005, 23:18
oh........my..........gawd! Loved it Ruafair!!!!! Absolutely loved it! More!

6th December 2005, 23:19
:drool2: Wow that was, yeah, what they said....

6th December 2005, 23:32
Awesome update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!
Please update again as soon as possible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Queen Of Tact
6th December 2005, 23:53
OMG was that hot!!!!:drool2: so so yummy...... great update hon....

*goes off to take a cold shower*


7th December 2005, 00:00
WOW That was utterly amazing and sooo hot!!!!!!!!!! I've been waiting for this chapter all week!, and I've been here constantly the past few days checking to see if there was an update. But this definetly topped anything that i was thinking. Fantastic job on it, and please say the next few chapters will still be filled with lots and lots of smut. :D

7th December 2005, 00:17
...........can't.....form........thoughts......... ...:drool: :drool:

7th December 2005, 00:39
now that was good can't wait to read what you come up with next

7th December 2005, 01:58
MY GOD THAT WAS HOT!!! Where can I get a vamped out Lex? If i order now will I have it in time for Christmas?!!!

That was fantastic Fiona, bloody amazing!


7th December 2005, 02:18
Nice... That was great! I'm kind of happy I wasn't able to read each update as they came and instead ready the last three at one time ^^
No waiting for the next part ;p

Can't wait for more *pout* Hurry please! ^^

7th December 2005, 02:35
Whew! Warmed me up!

7th December 2005, 03:01
Jesus Christ!!! May I have my cigarette please? Fanfuckingtastic chapter.
Feel better soon.

7th December 2005, 03:39
That was just hot. I feel so happy for Lex and Chloe. I couldn't stop grining while I was reading this chapter. Great work!

7th December 2005, 04:39
:drool2: ...wow

7th December 2005, 06:03
Okay, so now I'm at chapter 100!! Woah, dude. Seriously, all this smut (Chlex reunions!) like totally makes up for the nonchlexy first few chappys. Great job Fiona! I'm almost caught up!

star del mar
7th December 2005, 06:15
Holy God! That was HOT as hell!! And I have to say that if this was only the beginning I might be exhausted as well if you keep writing all the good, smutty stuff :D Amazing job!! I can't wait for more.


7th December 2005, 06:45
Fantastic! Definatly had me drooling. Please say we get more chapters like this. They get a whole week after all.

I hope you get better soon, and not just so you can post more soon. (Even though that would be nice too)

7th December 2005, 09:46

That was so delicious, Fi. MMMMmmm.

Demon sex? How many orgasms? *bam! mind blown*

and by the way... the Karl vs. Lucas bet on how long they'd last before boinking? LOVED IT.

buckles squared
7th December 2005, 16:08
Well, THAT just melted the ice falling outside my window :)

7th December 2005, 17:45
WOw!!!!!!!!!!! that was so hot!!!!!!!!!! I love it...............I am so happy for Lex and Chloe.........I can not wait for more to come............I am at the edge of my seat wanting more............Please update soon..............

I hope you feel better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

7th December 2005, 19:49
Oh my gooood!!! That was amazing. Please, update soon.

8th December 2005, 08:40
“Wow,” she said.

That pretty much sums it up!

8th December 2005, 15:41
Sooooo amazing:drool::drool::drool2::drool2:

8th December 2005, 17:55
:Knock, Knock:

>Opens door and peers inside<



Go me!! I finally am all updated! Fiona, this is such a great story! Sooo hot! I loved the mating ceremony and the smutty after parts. I can't wait to see what happens to Oliver and Etienne.

8th December 2005, 21:10
¡Oh, Dios mío! ¡Joder! ¡Coño! ¡Menudo calentón!
I'm sorry for write in spanish but this chapter was so hot ang great and... I haven't words for this in english. I'm very happy for new couple. I hope Lucas find one mate soon... maybe Alyssa?, this would be great.

And what happent with Etienne and Oliver? I think that the french will betray Oliver.

Please, update soon... and you have doing a great, great job. You're wonderful.

9th December 2005, 04:08
That last chapter made my computer monitor all steamy. Awesome update! I am definately looking forward to more.

9th December 2005, 07:08
oh....give me a minute to regain my upper level thought processes and pickup my jaw
Extacy...pure, blissful extacy
Wonderfull, cant wait for more ....soon please

9th December 2005, 08:20
ho-ly fuck, Fi!

:drool: :drool: :drool:

one question though: when will Chloe vamp out? :yeahbaby:

i'd like to see what Lex's reaction would be when she turns. :devil:

now on to more :hankpank:!!!

9th December 2005, 19:04
Hey there sweetie! I know we won't be getting the next update 'til early next week, but I wanted to give you an update of my own.

Life's a bitch. Money's tight. My best friend's mom just died from cancer at age 45. I think stress has caused me to gain 3 lbs. And since I recently decided to become a smoker at the tender age of 24, I've noticed my skin has dried up a lot. Yick.

HOWEVER! Thanks to this fic, I got home last night after a night of drinking and had one of the hottest bouts of sex ever. Then woke up this morning and had round 2. Now, there was no breaking of the skin or yellow eyes, but there was a 6'2" hot hot hottie between my thighs who was just tossing me around like a toy. Mmmmmm. We are talking chocolate body butter was used, yoga came in handy, and the fact that he could lift me up and move around without breaking the connection def-def-definitely had me squealing. And he totally busted out the whole 'pin me down and stare in my eyes while thrusting slowly and deeply.' Which, and this kinda creeps me out, made me think of this story for a second before I couldn't think at all. You know the part, where Lex just makes love to her slowly all night long just before the ceremony.

Anyhoo! I hope that brings you warm fuzzies. And you know, inspires a hell of an update. Thanks!

11th December 2005, 19:06
Please Update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !

11th December 2005, 20:43
Awsome :)

11th December 2005, 21:29
great and very sexy i loved it. i can't wait for more so please update soon. :devil:

12th December 2005, 23:00
Please Update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!

Make that double!

13th December 2005, 19:26
FUCKING WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok, got that out of my system... Apologies, blame the evil company I work for!!! This is for katieandjason, who brightened up my day :hug: Ok, more SMUT!!!! :devil: Fiona

Chapter Hundred and Thirty Five – The Joy of being Mates

Lex stood by the bed looking at Chloe. He had made good on his promise, and fucked her into exhaustion. He smiled as he took in her naked body, stretched languidly over the sheets. His smiled lingered over the marks on her pale skin made by his fangs and fingers.

Lower his gaze went and settled between her spread legs, he groaned softly and his cock jerked as his eyes feasted on her sex.

“She has slept enough,” he murmured, “I *need* her again,” and his demon growled in agreement.

Slipping off his robe, he stretched out on the bed beside her. Propping himself up on his elbow, he gently trailed his hand down her neck, between the valley of her breasts, over her stomach and rested it on her thigh.

Chloe mumbled in her sleep. Lex smiled and leaned down, placing soft kisses on her chest as his fingers gently caressed her pussy.

She moaned softly as he slid his finger up and down her slit, feeling it moisten.

“Lex,” she groaned, her legs spreading wider.

Grinning against her breast Lex slowly pushed a finger inside her, moaning as he felt her inner muscles clamp down on it. He sensed her waking up, and lifted his eyes to see her smiling sleepily down at him.

“You are insatiable,” she yawned.

“MMM,” he murmured, as his lips closed over a nipple and his finger slowly slid in and out her pussy.

“Completely insatiable,” she groaned, moving her hips in time with his finger, and feeling his cock hard against her hip.

Chloe rested her hand on his head, stroking the smooth skin of his scalp as he nursed on her breast. He released her nipple with a loud kiss and moved his lips to hers.

“Good afternoon,” he whispered, tracing her lips with his tongue.

“Afternoon,” she replied, reaching out her own tongue to touch his. Mouths opened and met and they kissed slowly as Lex slid a second finger inside her, brushing his thumb over her clit as he fucked her gently.

As they kissed Chloe pushed Lex onto his back, and both moaned as his fingers slipped from her. Mouths still locked she straddled his waist and then pulled back to breathe. Lex smiled up at her, groaning when she rubbed her hot wet sex against his stomach. Chloe grinned, running her hands over his chest before rubbing his nipples.

“Chloe,” he growled, his eyes flashing gold.

“Yes love?” she said innocently while reaching behind her to stroke his cock.

“CHLOE,” he snapped, vamping out completely.

“Ooh big bad vampire,” teased Chloe as she lifted her hips and placed her sex over his cock, gently teasing her opening with the head of his cock.

Lex grabbed her hips and held her still, his gold eyes locked on hers. “Please love.”

His ‘please’ did it for Chloe and she groaned as she gave in, slowly sinking down on his cock, both gasped as she took every inch deep inside. Sighing Chloe remained still, loving the sensation of him filling her completely.

Lex’s hands flexed against her hips, and he groaned in relief as she began moving. Slowly Chloe moved, savouring the feeling, twisting her hips now and then and eliciting groans of her name from Lex’s lips.

Through golden eyes Lex watched as Chloe cupped her breasts and squeezed them as she began riding him harder and faster. He moved one hand from her hip, sliding it over her stomach and down to where they were joined and started rubbing her clit when she slid back down on his cock.

Chloe’s breathing became harder and harsher and she braced her arms either side of his head as her movements lost their rhythm and became more erratic as both strived to reach their peak. With each downward stroke Lex would thrust upwards, causing both to groan. Chloe’s face was inches from his and he could feel her hot breaths as she panted.

Capturing her lips their kiss was hard and wet, tongues slick against each other’s.

“Lex,” she cried into his mouth, “oh god Lex.”

“Fuck yes, that’s it Chloe, harder baby.” Lex thrusted harder and faster upwards as Chloe slammed down, his fingers rubbing and pinching her sensitive clit.

One particular hard downward and upward thrust was enough for Chloe, arching her back she threw her head back and cried ‘LEX’ as she came. Feeling her release flood around his cock Lex grabbed her close to him and with two more hard thrusts let himself go, sinking his fangs into her breast as he did.


With a grimace Lucas turned the volume up on the stereo even higher. His room was on the opposite side of the castle to the ‘non-stop pair’ as he had dubbed Lex and Chloe and he could still hear them, hard at it.

“Christ Lex,” he muttered, “let the poor girl rest.” When Lucas had returned to his room after the party his vampiric hearing had picked up Lex and Chloe just finishing their first round of love making, and he had breathed a sigh of relief when things went quite after that. Figuring that poor Chloe was now unconscious he settled down to grab a few hours sleep himself. But only two hours later it had started up again.

“I have to get out of here, listening to your *brother* having sex is…eew, so not even worth dwelling on.” He quickly dressed and left his room, hurrying down stairs where he met Karl and Elena. The pair where meant to have go away on business for Lionel after the ceremony, but the Luthor patriarch changed his mind and asked them to stay.

“Getting to you two as well?” he asked, and their matching cringes answered his question.

“How are all the others putting up with it?” asked Elena.

“Everyone has left Miss Falchi,” David’s voice sounded behind her, “when you all headed to bed the master, mistress and the other guests left before sun rise.”

“Where did they go?” asked Lucas.

“I believe they all headed to the plant sir,” said David, “something about continuing the party there.” And with a smile David bowed and headed off.

“Thank you mother and father,” exclaimed Lucas, “I bet they did that on purpose.”

“I think we should follow them,” said Karl, his eyes darting upwards as he picked up the familiar sounds of a bed creaking started up again.

“Very good idea Karl.”

“Despite the icky-factor of hearing them going at it,” said Elena, “there is a large part of me jealous of Chloe…I mean that is some seeing to she’s getting.”

“Out,” said Lucas, pointing at the door, “we’ll take the four-wheel; it’s parked nearest the house and has all-tinted windows.”

“Way to go Bella,” muttered Elena, a hint of good-natured envy in her voice, glancing up the stairs once more before following Lucas and Karl out.


Wrapping a large towel around her Chloe stepped out of the shower. Sighing contently she picked up a smaller towel and rubbed it through her hair. Her body felt a lot better after the hot shower. After making love earlier Chloe *insisted* on food, and the pair of them headed to the kitchens, where she ate her fill. They returned to the bedroom and took a soothing bath together, which of course led to *other* things, but this time it was a slow gentle coupling the complete opposite of the frantic fucking they had been indulging in.

After leaving the bath and drying off Chloe fell asleep. When she woke up a couple of hours later, Lex was nowhere in sight, saying he would be back soon.

While she had a few moments to herself Chloe had decided on a hot shower to fire her muscles for another round of lovemaking with her mate.

Humming to herself she threw the towel she had been using on her hair into the basket and left the bathroom. Lex still wasn’t back, but a rose lay on top of a note on the bed. Smiling she picked up the rose and sniffed its perfume as she read the note:

‘Across the hall; wear nothing, Lex.’

Laughing softly she dropped the note and flower and ran over to the bedroom door, opening it she looked across the hallway to the room on the other side. The door was slightly open and she could make out the flicker of candlelight.

She knew no one would come but Chloe still looked up and down the corridor, then biting her lips she undid the knot on the towel around her body and let it drop to the floor. She shivered as the air hit her damp skin.

Tossing her hair back Chloe walked across the corridor and into the other room.

“Close the door love,” Lex’s voice sounded out.

“Where are you?” she asked closing the door and then looking around the room for him, but unable to see much in the candlelight. “Naked hide and seek Lex,” she said as she ventured further into the room, “it’s different, I’ll give you that.”

Lex chuckled softly, “look Chloe,” he said and there was a rustle of fabric as a curtain fell to the ground to reveal a huge ornate mirror.

“Wow, this is beautiful,” she exclaimed standing in front of it and running her hand over the carvings on it.

“The reflection is far more appealing,” Lex appeared behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist.

Chloe gasped as she felt his arms but saw no reflection in the mirror. “Weird,” she said.

“MMM,” murmured Lex, kissing her neck. Chloe’s eyes fluttered closed as she titled her head to give him better access. “No, open them love,” whispered Lex, pressing tighter against her.

Chloe opened her eyes to see her reflection in the mirror, she could *feel* Lex touching her, kissing her, but unable to see him in the mirror.

“Look how incredible you look when aroused,” Lex whispered, his hands cupping her breasts, “watch how your nipples harden under my touch.”

Chloe whimpered as she looked down and saw his fingers rolling her nipples between them, and whimpered again as she looked at her reflection to see the peaks harden into points.

“See how the sweat starts to break out on your skin,” he continued, his lips ghosting over her shoulders, “spread you legs a little for me?”

She complied and Lex dropped a hand and cupped her sex, “already wet for me.”

Chloe groaned his name and fought to keep her eyes open as Lex parted the lips of her sex so she could see the swollen wet flesh of her pussy.

Smiling against her skin Lex moved his around and inside her sex, feeling her grow wetter and wetter. “Keep your eyes on the mirror,” he said and he moved them backwards a few steps till they reached the bed. Lex sat down, spreading his legs just enough so Chloe could stand between them. “Much better,” he said, caressing her ass as he worked his fingers in and out her pussy.

“Lex,” she groaned, moving her hips in time with his fingers, and moaning louder as she felt his cock brush against the back of her thigh.

“Fuck you look incredible Chloe when you’re like this, all hot and wet for me, your body an instrument for me to play.”

He leaned forward and kissed the small of her back, running his tongue over the skin and down to her ass, where he bit gently on the soft flesh, causing her to groan.

“Keep watching,” he whispered as his hands moved to her waist and he lifted her up, “reach down love and guide me in.”

Whimpering Chloe reached down and grabbed his cock, stroking it gently.

Lex positioned her over him and slowly lowered her down, both groaning as she sheathed him. When he was fully inside and Chloe was resting on his legs, he draped her legs over his thighs and then spread his legs, opening Chloe up.

“Oh fuck,” she groaned as she looked in the mirror to see herself indecently spread, her pussy seemed stretched, and the wonderful feeling of Lex’s cock inside her.

“So incredible,” groaned Lex against her shoulder, and began moving her up and down on his cock.

Chloe fought to keep her eyes open as she watched herself in the mirror, she could hear Lex’s grunts against her skin as he moved her harder and faster up and down on his cock.

“Touch yourself,” he groaned. She immediately cupped a breast, while her other hand stole between her legs and she rubbed against where they were joined, her fingers brushing his cock as it moved in and out of her.

Her eyes were still locked on their, well her reflection in the mirror, she watched as her body moved, the way her breasts bounced with each thrust from Lex, she could see the blush on her body as she grew closer and closer to her release.

Lex grunted and growled against her neck as his hips moved faster, he dug his fingers into her hips as he lifted her up and down, the wet sound of his cock sliding in and out of her soaking pussy combined with their moans and grunts. The scent of sex and sweat filled the air.

“Close Lex, so close,” she panted, her fingers moving furiously over her clit.

Lex’s mouth moved to her neck and he scraped his fangs along her throat; his demon urging him to move harder and faster.

Chloe grunted as Lex slammed harder into her, the delicious sensations of pleasure and pain combined sending shockwaves through her body. She could feel Lex’s cock swell inside her, knew he was close.

Lex lifted her up and holding her there slammed his cock up and into her. Chloe screamed as he hit that spot inside her, Lex repeated the action again and again, and with one final thrust they both exploded at the same time.

Lex fell back on the bed bringing Chloe with him. They lay there, Chloe on top of him, her back to his chest, his cock throbbing inside her spasming pussy as they both rode out their orgasms.

“I think I am dead,” muttered Chloe about twenty minutes later when she could finally speak again.

“I think I’ve gone blind,” murmured Lex, “sweet fuck Chloe that was beyond incredible.”

“MMM,” she replied with a yawn.

Chuckling Lex rolled them till both were lying on their sides, he spooned behind her, his now soft cock still buried in her warmth. Reaching down he pulled a sheet over the two of them and wrapping her arms around her waist held her close.

Chloe murmured his name and rested her hands over his. Closing his eyes Lex followed his mate into sleep.

13th December 2005, 20:07
Finally! And as amazing as always. And sorry about work-you can scream as much as you'd like about it.:D

13th December 2005, 20:37
wow oh wow that was...........wow That was a really good chapter I am almost speechless. The sex between Chloe and Lex was really hot damn I feel all hot and bothered:drool2: lol. The chapter may have been late but it was worth waiting for:D Where did you come up with the idea for the mirror that was fantastic:drool2: Loved Lucas getting all stressed out and leaving them alone in the house! This was my favourite bit.......
“I think I am dead,” muttered Chloe about twenty minutes later when she could finally speak again.

“I think I’ve gone blind,” murmured Lex, “sweet fuck Chloe that was beyond incredible.”

I can't wait for the next chapter especially if its anything like the last two:yeahbaby:

13th December 2005, 20:41
OMG!!!!! That was WOW. I am so jealous of Chloe right now ( is that a bad thing?). Had to laugh that they drove everyone else in the mansion..out. Can't wait to read your next update but, have to recover from this one first.

13th December 2005, 20:53
Thanks for the awesome update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PLEASE update again as soon as possible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!

13th December 2005, 21:39
Wow!!!!!!!!!!!! Truly amazing.............I am sorry about work, but I hope you can update soon............I love this story...........Please give us more; I am addicted...........I can not wait to see what happens next...........especially with whatever Oliver is planning..........I love Chlex!!!!!!!!!!

13th December 2005, 21:52
no word, just...simply no word exept : HOTNESS!

ahem...more please!