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Thread: A Post Apocalyptic Affair (complete) - NC17

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    A Post Apocalyptic Affair (complete) - NC17

    Title: A Post Apocalyptic Affair
    Author: HumbugGirl
    Email: humbuggirl@hotmail.com
    URL: http://www.geocities.com/oddfiction
    Pairing: Lex/Chloe, mentions Pete/Lana, Chloe/OC, Lex/OC
    Characters: Chloe, Lex, Pete, Lana, OC
    Rating: NC17 – violence, character death
    Summary: The consequences didn’t just affect Lex in the long run.
    Spoilers: None.
    Disclaimer: Nothing to do with ‘Smallville’ belongs to me. They’re not mine. They will never belong to me either. This was just written for fun and because I love the characters.
    Author’s Notes: 1) Once again this fic jumps around in the timeline. I can only hope that you can keep up. 2) I know practically nothing about the American political system so you’ll have to forgive me if some of the points in this fic are off. I’m English, I have an excuse. Just pretend it’s a work of fiction, which, unsurprisingly it is! 3) WARNING: character death. 4) Special note for the lists I’m sending this out on: this is actually a 1/1 fic but it’s had to be split for length.
    Feedback: Please. Anyways loved, wanted and appreciated. This fic has taken me a very long time to finish up so I honestly would like some feedback for it.


    There was a pale memory of warm cherry gold sunrises over waving young crops and dark silhouettes of well tended farm houses. Breezes would rustle the chorus of trees outside her bedroom window on sun drenched mornings when even the prospect of rising to face the mundane world beyond the safe haven of her home did not seem especially daunting. Sometimes she was shocked into a terrible lucidity by seemingly random thoughts that would crack her protective walls and cause a sudden rush of memories from a time when her biggest concerns had been what to wear to school the next day or whether she was going to have the next edition of the school paper ready on time or how to avoid the attention of the latest freak of the week.

    Now when the sun rose it cast dim light through the thick blanket of dark clouds above and rarely bathed anything in its life giving light let alone fields of healthy crops. Oh she’d heard that somewhere up north, near to where the Canadian border had once stood that there was land fertile enough to grow food but the season was short and she had heard reports of the food having strange effects on those who ate it.

    The old her would have been intrigued. The old her would have headed up there on a whim to investigate what had happened. Even now she could feel brief, sharp twinges of interest in her mind urging her to go but the blonde resisted knowing that the idea was impractical anyway. Gasoline wasn’t exactly the most readily available substance these days and public transport wasn’t what it had once been.

    By her side there was a quiet mewing sound. Glancing down Chloe brushed dark locks that had fallen across the woman’s face away then lay her cool hand across the woman’s face away then lay her cool hand across her forehead. Dim eyes flickered open and focused on the woman sitting on the blankets beside her.

    She remembered when those eyes had sparkled; when they had danced due to simple joys. She could remember when the world had been captivated by the eyes of the vice president’s wife as she played with her children at the family’s summer house while her husband looked on with a pleasant smile on his lips. She could remember the look in those gorgeous sable orbs when news of the first bombs destination had been given at the press conference.

    Chloe had been sat in the audience that day, in among all the other reporters who had hustled over the moment the president had called the press conference. The man had stood there, proud and strong, a representation of everything that was good and kind and American. He was money and power incarnate, the leader of millions and the symbol of a generation. And when the words had come out of his mouth that they were under attack, at war was an alien nation he had made it all seem so calm, so rational. There had been no looting or rapes or other acts of violence only the quite confidence on the world’s part that their glorious leader would know what to do.

    But Chloe could remember the eyes of that woman who had stood calmly beside her husband to the right hand of the president. The flicker of astonishment that had flooded through Lana’s eyes followed by her unconscious glance towards the man behind the podium and then towards her husband. There had been an expression of realisation there and momentary fear before she had managed to paint over it with the skill of someone born to be around politics.

    “Chloe?” The voice was soft, a little marred by age but beautiful all the same. It brought back sounds of warm afternoons lazing around with her fellow students while listening to one friend or another ramble on and on about nothing special.

    Quietly she replied, “Hey, you’re awake.”


    The brunette stretched, her body nearly touching both the adjacent walls of the tiny room that they were in. Chloe had found the place nearly a week ago and so far it had proved sake. No one came near the building, preferring any one of the more desirable empty houses dotted everywhere about the city. It had been her plan to keep moving and to eventually leave the city limits entirely but now she was on the verge of achieving the aim Chloe found herself reluctant to do so. There were so many memories, both happy and sad attached to the place and Chloe was having a difficult time letting go of them now it became time to.

    “Is Pete around?”

    The sound of Lana’s voice made her jump slightly and Chloe bit her lip while reciting the line that she had said numerous times of late. “No. Sorry, honey, he’s not.”

    With a distinct grace that always inhabited her actions Lana pushed herself into a sitting position. “Do you know when he’ll be back?”

    Looking into her dark eyes again Chloe reached across and brushed her hair away from her face. “He didn’t say when.”

    It was the truth. When Pete had left he hadn’t said when he would be back. Of course, Chloe also knew that Pete wouldn’t be coming back. She had seen his lifeless body lying among the rumble of the building after it collapsed. She had been the one to hold Lana back and keep her from scrambling over the wreckage to reach her husband’s body. Sometime when she held the brunette woman while she whimpered in her sleep, occasionally muttering the names of her fallen friends, Chloe wondered whether it wouldn’t have been better to let Lana go that day. Instead now she was caught in some kind of limbo where at times she saw with perfect clarity the world around her and at other times she seemed to live outside reality. At such times it was almost as if Lana had entirely forgotten the events of the past few months.

    It was something Chloe longed to do.

    The memories were burned into her though. They stained every fibre of her being and made it difficult to breathe without triggering some thought that would cause choked back tears. She didn’t cry in front of Lana. That was a luxury that she could not allow herself because Lana would want to know why she was upset and with the other woman’s state of mind such as it currently was Chloe didn’t believe she was capable of taking in the truth and, well, it was tiring explaining things over and over again. It only made Chloe increasingly aware of the desperation of their situation.

    Something was moving around near to the door of their safe haven and Chloe felt Lana tense. The blonde woman placed a finger to her lips to signal that her companion should be quiet. Lana nodded and clasped Chloe’s hand in her own making Chloe suddenly grateful that this time she appeared to understand the seriousness of their circumstances.

    There had been times when she hadn’t; the last being a perfect example of such a time. Chloe could still feel what it had been like to swing the length of piping. She could still hear the hollow sound it had made on impact and smell the rich, sickly odour that had filled the air as blood had seeped from the man’s wound. He had been a scavenger, like many who wandered through the nightmare landscapes of the world’s cities. He must have been come across Lana while Chloe had been out collecting up rations for their journey and without realising what the consequences of her actions might be Lana had invited him into their hiding space. Chloe dreaded to think what might have happened if she hadn’t come along when she did. As it was Lana was still sporting a large bruise on her forehead from where she had been knocked unconscious.

    She gestured for Lana to stay where she was, hidden underneath their blankets while she left the tiny room, her hunting knife that had been taken from a sporting goods store clasped tightly in one hand. The door to their haven made a brief squeak as Chloe pushed it open and the blonde woman paused, listening to see whether she could discern any sign that whoever had been wandering around outside was still there. When nothing followed in reply to the noise she had made Chloe slipped out and into the corridor. The building had once been a school though it now lay in ruin like every other place in the city. As she padded quietly along the corridor the blonde reporter found herself growing tenser and tenser at the sound of a fierce wind blowing outside. It rattled the delicate walls of the building around her so ferocious it was and several times Chloe found herself clinging to the wall to avoid its lashing tendrils as they swept in though the scattered windows.

    Eventually she came to the cafeteria and it was there that she could see the first signs that there was indeed someone else present. Shallow puddles in the shape of footsteps made their way down the corridor, eventually continuing through the swing doors of the cafeteria. Chloe put one hand to the dirty glass and peered into the room beyond. When she realised that it was going to be impossible to get a full view of the room beyond she pushed open the door carefully and stepped inside.

    A figure was sat at one of the tables in the centre of the room, nibbling at something clutched tightly in his two hands. He appeared to be tall, even while sitting, and his height, seemed to be greatly increased by the thinness of his frame. Still, despite the condition of his clothes, there tattered appearance and the fact they hung from his malnourished body there was an air about the man that belied an arrogance in him. The man sat at the table could have been an emperor and there was only one man on earth that Chloe had ever known with that sense of self assurance and confidence about him.

    The man who had brought about the end of civilisation on earth, who had been believed to have been killed in the first attacks was alive and well and sitting only a few feet away from her. Anger coursed though her. It filtered out into every muscle of her being until she felt like screaming. Slowly Chloe tightened the grip she had been maintaining on the knife in her hands. Quietly she began to creep forwards covering the distance between them quickly and hoping that she had managed to keep from her eye line. At last minute she raised her arm with every intention of bringing the knife down and driving it into the centre of his back. The man spun suddenly, stopping her arm in mid air and pushing her away. Chloe stumbled, falling backwards and colliding with another long table. It screeched even as she yelped and went skidding away. The blonde woman landed with a bump then dived for the knife that had been knocked from her hand only to find herself covered with the man’s heavy body. She wriggled trying to get away but his drop on her was as iron and Chloe soon tired; tears of frustration and exhaustion rushing to her eyes.

    Slowly she came aware that through her tears the man was attempting to make soothing sounds and she couldn’t help but wonder how he could behave so with the thoughts of all that had happened burning away inside of him. The grip on her wrists was released and to her own surprise Chloe found she had no desire to struggle away from him. Elegant fingers traced the lines of her face as their eyes met and she was startled by the depths of the anguish lingering in those blue orbs. She found herself fascinated by the way his tongue darted out to moisten cracked and yet still tempting lips and how his eyes made a quick survey of what he could see of her body.

    “Chloe?” he asked hoarsely and at her slight nod of acknowledgement he let out a peculiar cry and buried his face in her neck. His lean frame shook as sobs ravaged him and in spite of better instincts Chloe brought her arms up until she was holding on to him as tightly as he had clung to her.

    With a tired voice Chloe murmured, “Oh Lex.”

    * * * *


    For the first time in months, perhaps even in years, warmth finally enveloped him completely. It was a mass beneath his body that danced its tendrils deliciously over his back and shoulders in telltale comforting gestures that made the rest of the world disappear so he was left in a cocoon where nothing could touch his mind; where nothing was ever a danger. In that instant; in that moment of recognition and the peculiar acceptance that followed it the only thing which mattered was the small blonde woman beneath him.

    He couldn’t believe she was alive. He just couldn’t believe it. It was like some sort of bizarre dream that wasn’t quite tangible enough to even appear real. He had seen her laying the flat on the floor at the bottom of the stair case himself; a thin trail of blood forming at the corner of her mouth and slowly making its way down her chin. For mouths he had blamed himself. He had been certain that if he had never been chasing her, following her with such determination because he couldn’t leave well enough alone, then she would never have slipped and fallen down the staircase.

    They had been arguing as usual. It sometimes seemed that they were unable to be in the same room together without another fight breaking out. On some levels he supposed it was what they both expected because, after all they always came back for more. Once there had been something other than the fights; once there had been a peculiar sense of understanding between them. Lex had been certain that the blonde had been the only person in the world who truly understood his vision. Perhaps that had been the problem. She hadn’t really approved of the means he had used to reach the end and, in retrospect, he considered that she may have been right. Not that he would ever admit that to her of course. A smug Chloe Sullivan was something he wouldn’t be able to stand over this and besides, he still slung to some modicum of pride.

    And here she was, alive and apparently well and collapsed beneath him, holding onto him despite all that had happened. Lex buried his face in her neck and breathed in the scent that was solely Chloe moaning appreciatively in spite the tears he could still feel rising into his eyes every time he thought about just where he was.

    He still couldn’t accept it. He couldn’t quite believe it was really her so he found himself puling away to look into her concerned green eyes once again.

    “Are you really you?” he asked feeling a little stupid that he was allowing himself to be seen when so weak and also noticing as he spoke that he seemed to have very little control over his voice.

    A flicker of confusion brushed across her features but the blonde woman nodded all the same, seeming to sense what he needed. The hold on him suddenly released and she said, “Let me up please will you Lex?”

    “You won’t run off?”

    She shook her head but still he didn’t move until he had extracted a promise from her that she wouldn’t. To ensure it though he made sure that she promised twice and then slowly shifted his wraith like figure to one side so she could sit up. It took a moment to find a comfortable sitting position and by that time Chloe was already staring at him with those mirrors she seemed to possess as eyes and he ducked his head away so he wouldn’t have to look into them for any long period of time.

    “Oh Lex,” she said coming to her knees before him and using her hands to turn his face up to hers. “What on earth happened to you?”

    A low chuckle escaped him and he replied, “Didn’t anyone tell you? I destroyed the world.”

    “You think I hadn’t noticed? I meant, where have you been? We all expected…”

    “I know what was expected. I wanted the same thing. Apparently they didn’t see things that way though. Oh Chloe, I made such a big mistake.”

    She sat back from him again and Lex could almost feel the gulf between them opening again. There had been a time when they couldn’t stand to be parted from each other in that special way where they would never have even have admitted it to each other. In the early days, back before his presidential campaign had even begun; before it was nowhere near beginning she had always been there ready to listen to him. Once she had been the one to encourage him and to some degree control some of his more unsavoury urges.

    * * * *


    “Chloe Sullivan.”

    The voice startled the small blonde reporter out of her thoughts. She looked up from the screen of her laptop and the irritating flashing cursor that had not moved from the past twenty minutes despite her ardent attempt to make it do so. It seemed however that ideas were determined to be thin on the ground today. Looking up she found herself looking up at the source of many a reporter’s inspiration as he smirked down at her. Chloe creased her brow and stared at him curiously as he slinked into the seat across from hers.

    “Anything interesting to write about?” he asked.

    Closing the lid on the computer she noticed for the first time that he appeared to have brought her over a refill of coffee. Without a word she reached across and picked it up. Hell, Lex Luthor could afford to buy everyone in town a cup of coffee so she really wasn’t going to complain. “You know there isn’t,” she replied taking a sip. “This town is even deader than usual.”

    He chuckled low in his throat and leaned back in his seat. “I almost feel sorry for you Chloe.”


    Lex raised his eyebrows at her. “I thought we agreed we would be less formal.”

    With a shrug of her shoulders she replied, “We did; I just wasn’t certain you were actually going to do it.”

    “It doesn’t seem such a dramatic change. It actually seems rather a natural one.”

    Meeting his eyes Chloe said, “I agree. So what did you mean anyway?”


    “You mentioned something about feel sorry for me.”

    “Oh yes, what I meant is that you seem to have an unusual amount of luck for coming across things to write about. Normally when you least expect to.”

    It was Chloe’s turn to raise her eyebrows and she said in teasing, hopefully seductive tones, “Do you have something for me Lex?”

    He smirked again. “And what would you do if I had?”

    ‘Be eternally grateful’ was her initial thought but the idea of speaking those words out aloud to Lex brought up a few too many interesting consequences for Chloe to want to think about. Well, at least not while he was sat across from her and could see the full range of emotions that they wrought across her features. So instead Chloe sipped at her coffee and said, “I think that depends on what the information is going to cost me.”

    The observation didn’t seem to surprise Lex. At least he did not show any sense of surprise but from experience Chloe knew that did not necessarily mean anything.

    “I can’t just be telling you out of the goodness of my heart?”

    Chloe smiled at him. “If you were then I’d be disappointed in you.”

    The young man chuckled. “I suppose you would be,” Lex said. “Although what that says of what you think of me is less than complementary.”

    She frowned. “That isn’t what I meant.”

    “Then I feel much better,” he replied.

    “You’re avoiding the question.”

    “You’re right.”

    “So answer.”

    Lex picked up his cup of coffee and drank from it before replying. “The only thing I will ask of you Chloe is that you keep an open mind in the future.”

    His answer surprised her noticeably and unable to stop herself Chloe said, “That suggests to me there is a bigger story involved here.”

    “I assure you there isn’t.”

    “Not yet but…”

    “But…” Lex said. “Well I’m sure you understand me.”

    Looking him in the eye Chloe said, “And what makes you think that I’d be interested in such a deal?”

    “Because in the future it may be beneficial to you.”

    The idea made Chloe think. He was all but offering a permanent source at LexCorp which may prove to be very, very useful in the future. It was tempting; almost unbelievably so and she looked back at Lex she realised that he knew how tempting it was to her. Of course he realises, Chloe thought and narrowed her eyes from him. “Okay Lex,” she said. “Just what have you got?”

    “We have a deal?” he asked.

    After a moment’s final thought Chloe nodded. “We do.”

    * * * *


    Hugging her knees to her chest Lana silently reminded herself that Chloe had said to stay put. She tugged at the cuffs of her jumper nervously. Of course that had been forever ago, much longer than what Chloe normally disappeared for and as the minutes continued to time by on the Rolex watch strapped to the small brunette’s wrist she was beginning to develop the unsettling feeling that perhaps this time Chloe wasn’t coming back. The idea was somewhat terrifying to her. It wasn’t like what had happened with Pete… But no, she wasn’t going to think about that.

    “He’ll be back soon,” Lana whispered into the dim room and jumped at the sound of her own voice.

    This wasn’t right though, Chloe being gone so long. She couldn’t remember the blonde woman ever having been gone so long before. With an ageless sense of grace the brunette pushed herself into a standing position. She draped a blanket about her shoulders and bent to pick up the torch that Chloe had left with her. She just couldn’t dismiss the thought that perhaps Chloe had been hurt and with that thought in mind Lana had decided that she should go looking for her friends. After all, it was what a friend would do. Chloe might need her help. She might be hurt or something although what that something was Lana knew she didn’t want to think about.

    If she was wrong of course Chloe would no doubt be very mad but Lana reasoned with herself that it was worth the risk. Chloe looked after her so she should look after Chloe.

    As quietly as she could manage Lana exited their tiny safe haven making sure the door closed after her. Clutching her blanket about her she began to wander down the corridor, the wide beam of torch light reaching far out into the distance before by luck along following the same path that Chloe had. She cowered away from the windows, scared by the sounds of the storm outside. A glimmer of concern filled her that perhaps this had not been such a good idea about all and she half wondered whether wandering back to their room wouldn’t be the best option open to her but the thought was dismissed as the sound of voices came to her, sounding alien in the peculiar silence of the corridor.

    The brunette stopped and backed up a few paces to peer in through the door from which they were coming from. Her eyes slowly widened and she felt a cry catch in her throat. Pushing through the door she stumbled over the debris strewn floor to where the pair still sat. Dropping to her knees she wrapped her arms around the startled man. “Lex,” she said. “I thought you were dead! Why haven’t you been to see us sooner?”

    It was true. The last time she could remember seeing him was slumped against a wall; completely unresponsive. Seconds later Pete had taken hold of her hand and dragged her away from the body and she had never caught sight of him since. Very few people had and… and Lana doubted that they were alive now anyway.

    He pulled away from her suddenly, glancing furtively towards Chloe who had recovered from her initial shock. She now looked as if she was about to shout and Lana backed down quickly explaining her reasoning. Still when she had finished speaking Chloe looked to have placated some. Once again she was looking at Lex with concern. Sensing the disquiet in the room Lana looked from one to the other. “What’s wrong?” she asked.

    * * * *


    There was a quiet hum of voices in the background along with some familiar melody from the restaurant orchestra. Occasionally the sound of glasses clinking or cutlery on plates would break though it all along with that of laughter and overall it made for a very pleasant dining atmosphere. That was if you dining partner had already turned up and you had been able to order your meal. In both cases Chloe felt she could confidently tick the ‘no’ column. Glancing up though she noticed that the man she had been waiting for was now casually snaking his way through the chairs and tables behind a flustered looking maître d' while successfully ignoring the curious glances of the other diners.

    “Here you are Mr Luthor. Forgive us for the delay,” the flustered man said then quickly turned away as Lex just stared at him blankly, the look on his face evidently suggesting that perhaps apologies weren’t enough and he would prefer the man’s first born child instead as compensation.

    Once the man had left he bent, placing a brief kiss on her cheek and said, “Chloe, you’re looking lovely tonight,” before seating himself across from her.

    From any other man it would have sounded trite but coming from the young Luthor’s lips it somehow sounded very right. Chloe let a smug grin drift onto her face. She knew she was looking good; God knows she had puzzled over the right outfit for this meeting for long enough to do so; spending more than half of the time wondering why she was making the effort. Lex always said she was looking nice – or something along those lines – every time they met. It had become a pleasant tradition between them but it was nice to know he probably meant it this time.

    “Lex,” she replied letting a degree of irritation show in her voice. “I’ve been waiting for three quarters of an hour. I was beginning to think you weren’t going to bother showing at all.”

    Looking her over again, letting his eyes linger momentarily on her somewhat daring neckline he said, “The staff here are incompetent.”

    “You picked the place,” she pointed out.

    “It used to be such a nice place to dine. I believe there is new management though… How many are there then?”

    “Oh?” Chloe asked raising an eyebrow.

    He leaned back in his chair and managed somehow to make the action relaxed, stylish and attractive all in one sweep. “Photographers,” Lex replied softly.

    With a smile Chloe said, “Three. They’ve been trying to get a good picture ever since you walked in.”

    “And to think I asked for a discrete table. Have they managed it?”

    “I believe that the Planet’s man may have a charming one of you kissing me.”

    “And you?”

    She scoffed at the idea. “You know I don’t record our conversations.”

    For a moment he just looked at her and there was no expression in his eyes. It was a somewhat fear inspiring sight but Chloe held his gaze anyway as she knew that one of the reasons that he continued to meet her like this was that she refused to be intimidated by him.

    “I could get the pictures quashed if you want,” he offered suddenly.

    Chloe shrugged. “There have always been pictures Lex. A new set doing the rounds won’t make that much difference. They may even impress my editor.”

    “I seem to remember that you last editor was less than impressed with the rumours.”

    “This one is different.” She smiled. “He once suggested in front of a room full of office staff that I ‘cultivate’ my relationship with you.”

    Lex smiled a little in a rare gesture. “What did you say?”

    “I told him that our relationship was ‘cultivated’ as much as it was ever going to be and that if he wanted more then maybe he should talk to you.”

    “Thanks,” the man replied dryly.

    “It shut him up.”

    Tentatively Lex asked, “You like New York then?”

    Chloe nodded. “Yes, I like it and no, I don’t feel like moving back to Metropolis.”

    Reaching for his glass of water Lex took a sip. “I wish you’d give it up altogether.”

    “You’re being selfish again,” the blonde answered.

    “Hardly. You’re being demanding instead. You know I can’t be seen to be permanently involved with a reporter.”

    “You know I never really did understand that…”

    “Don’t be ridiculous Chloe. It’s impractical for both of us. It always has been.”

    “I’m not ready to give it up yet Lex. I’ve worked too long and hard to do that. Besides, I think the White House would be too big for me – I’d get lost all the time.”

    Chloe watched as his initial surprise was covered by amusement and a chuckle escaped him. It made her eyes sparkle. “I should have known you would have found out about that.”

    “We should make this a celebratory diner; it’s not every day my lover decides that he’s going to be president.”

    Frowning Lex replied, “Don’t be bitter Chloe. You knew all along that it was something I wanted to do.” He paused looking at her as her eyes dipped away from his face. “It’s still all very hypothetical at the moment anyway…” he began.

    “You’ll do it.” The conviction in her voice surprised him. “We both know there are no maybes involved. You will be president Lex and you’ll be a splendid one. I just… I just wish you’d wait a few more years. You’re still so young…”

    “I’m twenty-nine Chloe. I have the time, the money and the backing. It’s time to get the ball rolling. I don’t want to be in my dotage when it happens.”

    “You’ll hardly be that.” She let out a long sigh and felt the sinking feeling return that she had been harbouring ever since finding out about Lex’s decision. Suddenly she reached across the table covering one of his hands with her own. “Let’s get out of here. I’m not hungry anymore anyway so why don’t we just head back to your place and you can think of some more interesting ways to convince me why this is a good idea.”

    Lex drew in a deep breath and once more Chloe felt his eyes roam over what he could see of her. She let out another heavy sigh, one filled with satisfaction at the sudden lust that she saw in them.

    “Did you have a coat?” he asked and stood quickly.

    * * * *


    The look on Lex’s face when he saw Lana was one so startled that Chloe actually felt sorry for him. Chloe’s own expression was one of annoyance as she realised that she had a few things still that needed explaining to the man. He was yet to fully understand all that had happened.

    Lana’s excitement over seeing Lex again surprised Chloe. It was entirely unexpected. If they ever met again Chloe had expected fireworks on Lana’s part but the other woman seemed nothing but glad. She hadn’t known that the brunette had managed to block things out so completely and although she found herself glad that Lana was not reacting as badly as she had suspected she would do there was a part of her that was still disappointment that *something* more dramatic didn’t happen.

    “We should go back to the cubby,” Chloe suggested climbing to her feet. Once on her feet she used her hands to dust off her clothes before reaching down and holding out her hand to the man who was still seated on the ground. He looked up at her with round eyes but made no gesture that he was going to move. “Lex,” she said. “We shouldn’t sit around out in the open like this. Please?” His hand rose up from the ground and Chloe clasped it quickly, helping the man to his feet. He wobbled a little as he stood, back straightening out and betraying his proud nature although there was still the haunted look about his eyes that informed her he felt anything but proud anymore.

    She led him back through the corridors as if leading a child with Lana moving ahead of them but never out of their sight for longer than a few seconds at a time. Lex seemed to cling to her, sometimes standing entirely too close although the intrusion into her space wasn’t unwelcome like she had half believed it might be. Instead she found herself enjoying the warmth his proximity brought her and when it seemed like they were going to be forced to part even if it were only for a minute then Chloe felt a sensation not unknown to her when she was around Lex or even thinking about him; her heart giving a little ache of regret. It only brought about other, more realistic feelings though as well as memories that Chloe had to push away before they crept onto her features and betrayed her to him. Lex seemed… fragile somehow and she had no desire to see how far she might push him before he cracked despite what the more perverse parts of her mind were suggesting.

    That thought in itself made her tremble and with it came the sudden memory of the only other time she had seen him weakened such; an urgent telephone call from Metropolis during which she heard a small hoarse voice on the other end of the line muttering, “Chloe? Can you come?” and she had been on a plane to the city with a hastily packed overnight bag even before really thinking through what it was she was doing. In Metropolis she had angrily rented a car, snapping at the man behind the rental desk as he had the nerve to ask her whether she had had anything alcoholic to drink while on the plane even though she had indulged, trying to get the sound of Lex’s frightened voice out of her head. That was something she had certainly not going to admit to the man behind the desk though so Chloe had just shot him her best ‘don’t you dare’ look and had promptly been given a nearly new car to drive.

    Arriving out front of the apartment complex that Lex lived in Chloe had suddenly wished that she had put more thought into her plan as she found herself confronted with about a hundred journalists and photographers and more than a couple of freaks and lunatics milling around. Parking her car and climbing out she had gained a few interested looks but no real specific ones until she had reached the front of the crowd and spoken to the security guard. Then everyone had suddenly become very interested in her as it become clear that for whatever reason Chloe was going to be able to make it past security and probably up into the home of the elusive billionaire Lex Luthor. Chloe slipped past them though easily enough. As a reporter herself she knew all the tricks and was able to avoid any potential annoyances; her mind focused on other matters anyway.

    On reaching the front door to the penthouse that Lex had lived in for years she leaned on the doorbell, anxious to get inside, the feeling one increasing with time when he failed to appear as did any servants. Eventually Chloe reached for the door handle and to her surprise she found that it had been left unlocked; not the wisest thing in the world for a Luthor to do. Inside the apartment was dark, cold even and somewhere in the background Chloe thought she could hear the air-conditioning unit running away even though it was probably only a couple of degrees above zero outside. At the best of times the apartment was never exactly warm and welcoming but at that moment Chloe had the distinct impression that no one had used it in about a hundred years and the dry atmosphere of death seems to linger around her even though she knew that was a stupid, silly even, thing to think. Stepping inside though it somehow seemed difficult to breathe and moving through the rooms one by one Chloe felt herself growing all the more panicked as she failed to find the person she was looking for; failed to find anyone actually.

    Eventually she found him, sat on the floor in a pair of rumpled boxers and nothing else before the huge widescreen television that dominated the entertainment room. His back was to it and stark picture flooded across the screen and danced over him in the dark of the apartment while the volume was turned right down. Lex’s face was eerily blank, even more so that the usual stoic expression she was used to seeing on his features and it only took Chloe seconds to realise he was looking at nothing; his eyes were focused on absolutely nothing.

    She lay her bag down cautious beside the couch and shook off her coat, folding it over one of the arms with too much care before turning around again and approaching him. There was something about Lex in this state that seemed to radiate power – even more power than usual because it was primal and Chloe had the distinct impression that should Lex let it get away from him then nothing would ever stop it. Even when she crouched before him the man said nothing, just readjusted his gaze slightly though no life returned to it and looked at her until Chloe found herself flinching away. To cover the movement she sat down on the floor in front of him and almost instantly he was reaching out, taking hold of her arms and pinning her against the floor while his body loomed over hers. For a moment they had held the position and then he had slumped over her, his body naturally fitting against hers and his face buried against her chest. Chloe waited for what seemed like forever and then she let out the breath he hadn’t realised she had been holding and wrapped her arms about his shoulders and held him too her.

    In the morning Chloe got up and left finding Lex already gone and seeing a flickering image of him on the television addressing some people at a live press conference. He was dry eyed but serious; the very epitome of what people have come to expect the Luthor name to mean but there was no doubt in her mind that this was events of that morning. It told her to go and before she realised it she was back home in her own apartment, the only sign that she had ever been away being the airline tags on her bag.

    * * * *


    Lex could only imagine that the room had been a tight fit with just the two of them and with three it was very nearly impossible. Arms tangled and legs kicked out and by the time he eventually managed to get to sleep he was pined up against the wall, lying next to Chloe who had her back to him and with Lana on the other side of the blonde, cradled in the other woman’s arms. Still, he found he couldn’t really complain. After months of having virtually no contact with any other human being laying next to Chloe and being able to breathe in her unique scent was like a little piece of heaven to him although the constant of it all made him feel like it was entirely too much all at once. Waking though the room seemed large somehow. At first Lex believed it was because she had turned to face him and curl there bodies closer together. His arms wrapped more fully around her and hers about him so they seemed to take up less room but there was something else… something else entirely.

    Slowly he sat up and squinted around in the darkness as the last dregs of sleep slipped from his mind entirely. He was still numbed from hunger but Lex became instantly aware that someone was wrong; Lana was gone.

    Seeing the young woman he had known reduced to such circumstances had hurt him even more than it had hurt him to see Chloe in the same situation. While there was guilt connected with both it was less so with Chloe because she at least knew that she had managed to cope with the change but Lana… Lana was a mess and at the moment Lana was a missing mess and that he determined from observations over how close an eye that Chloe kept over the other woman was probably a bad thing. Looking down at Chloe’s sleeping expression Lex winced a little before reaching out to shake her gently. With a groan she rolled over, out of his embrace and mumbled something that he wasn’t quite sure of.

    “What is it?” she asked finally when he roused her.

    “Lana’s gone.”

    “What?!” she exclaimed loudly and sat up sharply. Her eyes whipped around in the darkness and she was suddenly on her feet. Lex was slower to his feet and by that time she had the door open and was looking out into the corridor beyond. “Damn-it! I hate it when she does this.”

    “Does what?”

    Chloe turned to him, an exasperated expression on her features. “She wanders off sometimes and I have to go and look for her.”

    Raising an eyebrow he asked, “So you know where she might have gone?”

    “It depends.”

    “On what?”

    “On what she’s looking for.”

    Lex frowned. “How do you mean exactly?”

    Biting her lip Chloe looked away from him. “She has a tendency to wander off looking for Pete.”

    There was a pause as Lex let the information sink in then said very slowly, “But isn’t he…”

    “Yeah. We have to go and look for her.”

    “Chloe,” he objected glancing down the corridor, a daunting sensation sinking into his heart briefly. “Its pitch black out there; we’d never find her.”

    She shot him a sour look and walked off down the corridor.

    * * * *


    “…And in other news, Senator Alexander ‘Lex’ Luthor was today formally impeached by the…”

    Chloe looked up from her computer scene and towards the large television mounted on the wall a few feet away. A rustle for noise from the other end of the newsroom had impeded her from hearing the entire report but the blonde guessed that she had a fairly good idea about what it was about, especially when a short clip came up of Lex walked down the steps in front of the apartment building where he was still living whenever he was in Metropolis. The look on his handsome features was not a happy one and when Chloe spotted the smaller form of Pete walked after him with a similar look on his face her suspicions were confirmed. It seemed that after all these years Lex had finally been caught out on some of his less reputable dealings. In truth it was less than surprising.

    “However,” the broadcaster went on to say. “Senator Luthor is appealing against the charges made against him claiming a party wide conspiracy to prevent him from running in the next presidential election. Before the charges were brought against him, Senator Luthor had been ahead in the opinion polls and with the massive presence of the Luthor billions behind him his campaign had looked promising.”

    The blonde reporter easily phased out the rest of the report. It wasn’t anything she hadn’t heard before anyway either from her sources, the news or even from Lex himself on the odd occasion that he had actually deigned to call. Unfortunately the phone calls were getting fewer and farther between than they had for years. In her head, Chloe knew she was at least partially responsible for the change, her own stern stance on his decision to run for president had put more than a few blockages between them. It seemed that if they ever managed to find the time to talk then they would inevitably end up discussing his campaign and subsequently an argument tended to develop. It wouldn’t even be one of their better arguments, the type that normally led to long nights under the covers and faces flushed with passion. Instead they would just get angry and it would be a lucky occurrence if one of the other of them didn’t march straight off in a huff.

    A presence behind her shoulder drew Chloe out of her thoughts and she half turned to see Miller stood behind her. Tall, arrogant and with Hollywood refined good looks, Miller was one of the other reporters who had been shipped out to England when the newspaper they worked for had opened up offices in the capital. He was also more than a little overbearing and although they had been out for drinks once or twice Chloe had received the impression that he was just as intimidated by her as she was by him and an unspoken mutual decision to be nothing more than friends had passed between them.

    “You know him,” Miller observed still looking up at the television screen. There was something in his voice, something that sounded suspiciously like envy that sends a thrill of journalistic delight through her. No one ever denied that they were in a competitive profession.

    “What makes you think that?”

    Miller redirected his gaze towards her. He suddenly looked sheepish, moving from one foot to the other. “I caught sight of a picture once when I was over at your place. I was… looking for a pencil,” he explained leaving Chloe in no doubt that it hadn’t been a pencil he had been looking for. “And I went into the drawer in your desk and it was sat underneath some papers. I had to move them aside to look for the pencil and it sort of, came into view I guess. It was a picture of you and he, you and Lex Luthor and you were on the deck of a boat or something somewhere.”

    “Did you make a copy too?” Chloe said a little harshly. She shot to her feet and pushed past him, grabbing her purse on the way and walking towards the exit.

    “Aw, come on Chloe,” he said, following her even as she stepped into the elevator and pressed the button for the ground floor. “You’d have been interested too.” She shot him a wry look in reply as their short ride down to the ground floor ended and the ping of the elevator signalled the doors opening. As she wandered through the lobby of the office building where the newspaper was located and out into the surprisingly sunny day Chloe was unsurprised to find that Miller continued to follow her. “So how do you know him?”

    “You didn’t do a background check?” she asked sarcastically then turned right and headed down the street. There was no doubt in her mind that he would continue to follow her now and she half wished she had not bothered to say anything.

    He winched calling out, “That’s a little below the belt,” then hurried to catch up with the small woman’s stride.

    “Didn’t you?” she repeated and he winced again.

    “There didn’t appear to be anything to find,” he admitted finally. “Just a couple of pictures…”

    Chloe felt a smug grin filter onto her face. “Well then I guess that’s your answer,” she said.

    “My answer to what?”

    “The question you were going to end up asking anyway,” Chloe answered, dodging out of the way of an irate looking shopper even as she saw her goal – the coffee shop – in sight. Feeling a burst of unexpected energy the blonde hurried over just in time to grab the last of the outdoor tables then waited for Miller to slump into the seat opposite.

    “How do you know I was going to ask a question at all?” Miller asked after they had ordered. The question made Chloe raise her eyebrows at him. “Okay, okay… but you’re not going to get out of it that easily. I’m intrigued… in that photo you both looked rather cosy.”

    “I haven’t seen him in months,” Chloe said giving in. “We’re not involved.”

    “Were you ever involved?”

    “Not in the way you’re thinking,” she answered and hoped to god it was true. If there was one person she knew who would discover a lie eventually it would be Miller.

    He nodded reluctantly, the conversation pausing as their waitress reappeared with their drinks. Chloe smiled at the girl as she recognised her and saw that the she had managed to get her order just right. Sometimes being a regular was brilliant.

    “Are you going to see him again?” Miller asked as he watched Chloe savoured the coffee.

    Chloe shrugged. “If I do, I do.” He raised an eyebrow at her. “No guarantees.”

    “Chloe…” he began, leaning forwards and placing his elbows on the table. “Have you ever thought that maybe…”


    “I mean, you’re friends with Lex Luthor – that’s got to mean something right? You could be out of here… You could have any job…”

    Chloe smirked and pushed herself to her feet. “You don’t think I haven’t thought about that? Dig a little harder Miller - I’m pretty sure Lex can’t have caught everything about us before it leaked into the media.”

    * * * *

  2. #2

    She kept stubbing her toe. Things seemed to be literally leaping into her way and making her trip over then, falling, stumbling, occasionally grazing a knee or her ankle bones. Finally in frustration Chloe let out a little cry and kicked a lose bit of rumble away, damaging her toe as much as she did the rock and causing a minor landslide of material down the side of the small slope she was standing on. All in all it wasn’t a good idea, undoubtedly being more than loud enough to attract to attention of any unwanted roaming loons or thieves or worse that happened to be in the area. Chloe stopped suddenly and listened to the quiet, trying to seek out any sign of human presence other than that of herself and Lex who was walking along a few feet behind her. There was nothing though – at least nothing close enough to worry about and that in itself was something that concerned Chloe.

    Where the hell had Lana wandered to? They’d looked everywhere and it was really beginning to piss her off…

    Well, she thought they’d looked everywhere. The problem was that the city was huge and with the associated debris always in the way and with neither them knowing where Lana had gone or even having a vague idea in which direction she had headed it was a little difficult. Short of shouting out and alerting everyone for a mile or so around though there was nothing else Chloe could think of to do but keep searching as they were now; even if it takes you around and around and then around some more in circles she added somewhat glumly.

    A sudden brash scraping sound behind her startled Chloe and the blonde woman spun around, eyes searching through the gloom and focusing on the slumped form of Lex who appeared to be half sitting, half lying on the ground, propped against the slope he had been making the effort to climb to the top of. “You okay?” Chloe said, her voice coming forth in hushed tones. Lex moved, rolling over onto his back and just laid there. The action left Chloe shaking her head; he could have accidentally impaled himself on something by doing that. She opened her mouth to scold him only to stop herself just before the actual words came out. Lex was a big boy and he’d been handling a lot on his own before they had found each other again.

    Still, when he made no actual reply to her question Chloe scampered back towards him, her own feet traitorously trying to up-tip her on more than one occasion. The city was a bomb site all over; it wasn’t like she had purposely chosen the worst place to stay. As she reached his side Chloe slumped down to her knees and said quietly, “Lex?”

    He turned his head towards her and the blonde hissed a little in sympathy at the cut she saw had appeared over his brow approximately three centimetres long from what she could see although it was impossible to tell how deep it ran. What she could tell was that there seemed to be an immense amount of bloody spilling from it and before she was entirely aware what she was doing Chloe found her hands tearing at her shirt to create a wad of material she could hold over the injury, hoping to stem the flow. He winced as she lightly pressed against the cut and a hand came up to grip her wrist. “I’m okay.”

    “No you’re clearly not,” she argued. “Can you see out of both eyes?” There was a level of frustration in her voice that seemed to echo and Lex’s hand tightened briefly about her wrist once again.

    “Chloe, sweetheart, I’m fine.”

    His words stopped her dead in her tracks and she sat back on her heals, staring at him in a mixture surprise and well… well something else. The sounds of those words, or *that* particular endearment coming from his lips just like it had before shook her more than she cared to admit. If she had then she would have supposed that hearing them had more of an effect on her than finding him again at all.

    Lex blinked, looking up at her and at her expression. He bent and arm, pushing himself into a sitting position with agonisingly slow speed that felt Chloe wondering whether she shouldn’t try and help him. There was a little part of her that simply didn’t want to though and it gained control, causing her to hunch back slightly away from him and acknowledging the fact that where Lex was concerned she was still nursing and belly fully of turbulent feelings. “What happened?” she asked quietly.

    “I slipped,” was all he said looking away.

    “You’re not telling me something,” she said suddenly. “What did you see?” When he didn’t respond immediately Chloe surged to her feet and began to climb up the slope.

    “Shit! Chloe, no. Wait damn-it!” Lex shouted struggling to get to his feet and follow after her. He stumbled after her but didn’t manage to catch up before Chloe came to the top and her eyes flew down to the sight below.

    Her gut twisted, she wrenched and vomit went flying everywhere even as she felt Lex’s arms go around her waist to stop her from falling. The problem was; she already was falling.

    * * * *


    She was roused by the sound of a knock on the front door to the tiny apartment she was currently renting as a result of being forced to move out of her old one due to a rapid and rather unexpected rat infestation. Chloe was only grateful that she had seen a few things a hell of a lot worse than a few rats over the years otherwise the giant one she had found sitting by her toilet bowl one morning would have scared her not only out of the city but possibly off the face of the earth as well.

    Still, the knock on her door was even more of a surprise seeing as she hadn’t actually mentioned to anyone just yet that she had changed address, relying on her mobile phone as a means to contact rather than anything else. Chloe shoved herself into a sitting position from where she had been laying on her couch and shoved aside a stack of papers. She stood up sluggishly and in the space of a few heartbeats pulled together enough energy to hurry across to the door. If there was one thing that being an investigative reporter did for you it was to keep you fit. “Who is it?” she called and then yawned loudly, barely managing to cover her mouth and disguise the sound as she did so.


    “Lex?” she exclaimed yanking open the door even as her eyes widened and the realisation dawned on her to who it was. “What are you doing here?” she asked when her eyes landed on the stately figure of the man stood just outside, looking nearly perfectly immaculate as usual even with the late hour.

    He smiled at her. “Can I come in?”

    “Oh, sure. Sorry.” The blonde stepped aside to let him through, nervously eying the two bodyguards who had been standing behind him with stern expressions.

    “Don’t worry, they’re staying outside,” he said as he turned to her again and took a hold of her arm. Lex tugged her stunned form back inside and pushed the door shut, heedless of the slamming sound that it made at it closed wince made Chloe wince.

    “What are you doing here?” Chloe repeated as she found herself being turned to face him, her back to the door. Glancing at the hand on her arm she stepped away only to find her back impacting with the door.

    His smile broadened and he took a step in until they were standing close together with hardly a breath between them. Briefly Chloe allowed herself to relaxed in his presence and just absorb the feeling that he seemed to radiate. “I was in town in business and I thought I’d drop by.” He placed a hand on either side of her head and leaned their heads close together.

    Chloe met his eyes and saw a familiar look there that left her trembling and a traitorous tingle entered her. The blonde tried to take a step to the side only to find he had followed her. “Lex, this is not ‘dropping by’. This is walking into my home and behaving like a jerk.” She raised her eyebrows as she realised something. “Like a *drunk* jerk actually from the smell of you,” she added.

    “I’ll admit I’ve had a couple of drinks,” he said then with a shake of his head added, “But that has nothing to do with why I’m here.”

    She looked up, meeting his eyes and trying to remain steady. “And why is that?”

    “Chloe…” he drawled slowly, bringing one hand around to brush her cheek. “Chloe, Chloe, Chloe… Do I need a reason?”

    Bringing a hand up to rest on his chest Chloe said, “Yes Lex, you do need a reason.”

    “I didn’t used to,” he replied with a slight drawl letting his eyes wander southwards so that for a second Chloe became uncomfortable aware of the way in which her top hung off her breasts.

    “Yes you did but alcohol is apparently clouding your mind at the moment so you might not remember.”

    He leaned against her, pressing his head against her shoulder. “I’ve missed you. Really I have and it’s been so long…”

    “Lex…” she said pushing gently against his chest only to find he was immoveable.

    “Why did you run away?” he asked suddenly, the slight slur she thought she had heard in his voice becoming more pronounced. “First London and then here… Jesus Chloe, I mean, Russia? It’s not exactly the sort of place I imagined you’d end up… you belong somewhere bright and sunny. What were you thinking?”

    “I wasn’t running away,” she said through gritted teeth. “And even if I was then it wasn’t from you.”

    She could feel his face moving against her shoulder and realised he was smiling. “Are you sure?” A hand moved against to her waist and began to rub the flesh there gentle through the long t-shirt she was wearing.

    “Yes, I’m sure,” she said and batted his hand away and finally managed to slip away from him.

    “Chloe,” he said. “Please?”

    His shoulders were slumped, his posture the opposite of what she was used to seeing in him and there was generally a dejected air to him that was unexpected. Chloe felt her eyes widen even as she saw it, realising what an act the man had been putting on even when he stood in her door. She put a hand out and he rolled his fingers into hers and Chloe drew him close to her. “Speak to me,” she said softly.

    * * * *


    Her hand was small in his. It was small and deliciously warm and he wished that it was more than just her hand but something else as well. He wished he were close to her again and he could lay his head on her shoulder until all thoughts of the world and damn politics went away. Instead though she was tugging him towards a couch, moving aside piles of paper to make room for both of them and seating him down firmly with one hand. “I’m going to make coffee,” she said. “You stay there until I get back.” She didn’t wait for a reply simply turned and walked away leaving him along, an action that made Lex shudder at the implications associated with it.

    He didn’t know why he was here exactly only that two hours ago when it had first occurred to him that he was only a short car journey away from her that it had seemed like a good idea though admittedly Lex decided, his decision had been partly due to the alcohol he had consumed earlier in the evening at yet another impossibly dull party. Now though he found himself still clinging onto the hope that perhaps his original idea hadn’t been a mistake after all. Looking around towards the kitchen Lex saw the fleeting sight of Chloe moving about in the small room. He stood and walked to the doorway, tottering slightly on his feet as he did so and deciding Chloe had probably been right about the cup of coffee after all. It was not something that he was will to admit to her just yet. Halting his staggered walk, he leaned against the doorframe quietly, hoping that she wouldn’t notice that he had moved just yet. There was something calming about seeing the blonde woman move around the room so confidently and quietly, so at home in her surroundings that he supposed was down to the familiarity of it that made something wonderful settle in him.

    “I’m sorry,” he blurted out suddenly and she jumped, a hand automatically flying to her chest where it covered her heart. Instead of saying anything though Chloe merely raised an eyebrow and he continued. “I mean, I shouldn’t have come here tonight and that… I just wanted to hear you say it.”

    “Say what Lex?” she asked leaning against the countertop.

    He took her question as an invitation into the room and went to stand in front of her. “I wanted to hear you say that you didn’t want to see me.” Her eyes widened. “You never actually came right out and said it and…”

    “I didn’t have to say it,” she said quietly. “And besides, it was never a matter of not wanting to see you Lex, it was always more a matter of knowing it would be better not to… Not after last time.”

    He looked away from her, bringing his hand up to rub the back of his head and down onto his neck. “Do we have to talk about that again?”

    “No, we don’t but my decision still stands Lex. We both agreed it wouldn’t be good for us to go on like this anymore. The rumours were… they were okay when we were younger but now they could be dangerous to both of us. We’ve both got careers and we need to be careful and…”

    “You’re making excuses,” he replied bluntly, unconsciously leaning closer and causing Chloe to try and move away from him, to slip sideways and try to get away from him. Lex’s arm shot forwards, pounding on the countertop and making her jump even as it made her stop. Chloe’s entire body when rigid and she slowly turned her head towards him, Lex had not even realised fully until that point that she had looked away from but now he found he was looking into wide startled green eyes. “I mean, no one knows…”

    “There are two of your bodyguards out there…”

    “Who are paid very well to keep their mouths shut and will prevent anyone else from finding out.”

    Briefly she appeared shocked once again and then let, or rather made from what he could tell, the expression sink away again. “I don’t think this is a good idea,” she said softly, shifting from one foot to the other.

    “But it’s not that you don’t want to.”

    “I didn’t say that.”

    “Chloe…” Lex growled, putting their faces close together. “Why can’t you just, for once, give in and be a woman who acts on her desires?”

    “I can. I have done before,” she protested, an unconscious pout coming to her lips. “I just-“

    He did not give her chance to finish the thought and instead opted to smash their lips together, taking hold of her forearms when she seemed to want to protest to keep them in place at her sides. He could feel the blood rushing to his face, to hers as well as the ferocity continued. Teeth scrap against other teeth, grinding almost even as Lex pushed forwards with his tongue and attempted to salve the injured crease in her lip that he had accidentally just caused. He eventually succeeded but only when he had leaned over her so far that the blonde’s back was arched against the counter and she was wincing from the uncomfortable nature of the position. Slipping his tongue inside the man plundered, stroking and flicking, taking even as he began to wonder whether he would not steal all the air from her lungs.

    Chloe struggled to get her arms from her; no doubt bruising the flesh in her attempts. Lex had only a moments notice as he felt her plant her feet firmly on the ground and then the distant rustle of sharp movement as her knee came up. The pain was instantaneous and agonising. Lex dropped his grip on her arms and fell away from her, blinking back tears of hurt from his eyes to stare at her accusingly.

    She was huddled against the counter, still standing but slumped somehow as if her spine has been removed and only the grip of her hands on the edge of the work surface behind her was keeping her upright. Instead of the flush he had been expecting to see on her features she was deathly pale with dark rings around her eyes. Trails of water wetted her cheeks and made them shine even as they poured down to reddened lips. He realised, as he looked at her, that blood had not only risen to the soft pout but that it was now actually staining them and betraying the fact that the kisses had been more damaging than he had originally realised.

    “Get out,” she said coldly, the steel in her voice more frightening than anything he had heard in years. When he didn’t move, when he made no effort to move, he saw a wild look flood into her eyes and she screamed, “GET OUT!” so loudly that he actually cringed from the volume.

    It took him a moment to climb to his feet. It took him a few more to reach her front door and then even longer to glare at the bodyguards who looked at him with questioning expressions painted on their anonymous faces until he raised his hand to his lip and wiped away the blood that still lingered there. Lex left the building without a word.

    He did not see her for three years.

    * * * *


    At first, she had cried for hours and then she was silent which disturbed him even more. It had taken him all his time to drag her away from the slope where they had found Lana, steadfastly ignoring her babbling about how it couldn’t be happening while at the same time she had begun to talk of burying the girl. Lex hadn’t even bothered to try and tell her the futility of such an exercise, knowing full well that Chloe wasn’t in a mind to listen but also that he had to get her away from the place as quickly as possible. A cursory examination of the other woman’s body had told him that her death had been far from accidental and that made it imperative that they leave the area as quickly as possible; the small room she had been living in was probably no longer safe.

    They left before the sun had reached its zenith; Lex leading the way and looking back occasionally to where a forlorn looking Chloe trailed behind with accusing eyes focused on his back. She did not make any effort to leave him though like he had half expected she might do. They carried as much as they could with them in backpacks that Chloe had got for herself and Lana, collecting together food, fresh drinking water, candles, clothing and other equipment that Lex knew would be vital to them once they leaved the comparative safety they had been enjoying. It wrenched at Lex’s heart to see Chloe quietly sorting through the things that Lana had left behind, choosing those things that might be useful and being forced to leave behind those that, although they may hold some sense of sentimental value, would be nothing but an encumbrance when they set off.

    Lex was only thankful that she didn’t turn around and ask where they were going because he was not entirely certain himself. His first impulse had only been to move to another building, somewhere where there wouldn’t be expectations of people being around. It hadn’t taken him long to reassess the decision and come to one that made considerably more sense in retrospect; so instead of heading towards the destination he had half had in mind Lex set off walking in a direction that would take them out of the city by the quickest possible means. The more he thought about the idea the more appealing the idea seemed and that in itself seemed to empower his footsteps, adding more energy to them that was only boosted by the knowledge that Chloe was with him and that to some extent she was depending on him to help her now. Of course, he managed to ignore the little voice in the back of his mind that was telling him that there was no doubt that he was probably nearly as dependant on Chloe at that point as she was on him.

    He didn’t want to think about it though in actuality it was more of a case that he didn’t want to admit to himself. The case was that he liked the thought that she was with him and that she needed him. It had been so long since she had been able to even stand in the same room as him without them arguing – worse than that actually, it had been so long since she had been able to be in the same room as him full stop. Lex didn’t care if they were arguing even now, just being around her, pretending perhaps that things were the same as always was the most glorious feeling he had known in months, maybe even years.

    And he wasn’t going to let go of it either.

    The first day they failed to cover as much ground as Lex desired them to. That night they crawled into a nameless, faceless looking house which had the windows broken like every other on the street but other than that was relatively unharmed. He wanted to leave her in the hallway to the property while investigating the rooms but with a petulant little pout of her lips and a suspicious narrowing of her eyes, almost as if she thought he was just going to leave her there. With an appropriately Chloe-like comment she point blank refused to be left behind and followed him around the house until they had checked all the rooms. It left Lex with a small smile and a small hope that maybe she would be more relaxed around him.

    He found himself sadly disappointed. Chloe kept her distance, choosing to lie at the other side of the room that they chose for the night instead of laying near to him as he had hoped she would. Lex resigned himself to the fact and laid down, quickly slipping into his usual troubled sleep, struggling through painful images until finally, when he wondered whether he would be forever trapped into them and began to doubt at all that it was a dream, he awoke, sitting bolt upright in the darkroom. A shuddering breath escaped him and Lex brought his hands up quickly to wipe across his scalp and then down over the back of his neck, finding there a light covering of sweat that suddenly seemed to cool dramatically in the night air so that he was left shivering. Shifting slightly Lex winced as the noise seemed absurdly loud and then jumped, his heart pounding as a voice asked, “Did you ever think that this might happen?”

    He stiffened at the sound. Turning and peering into the darkness so that he could see Chloe as she sat with her back against the wall opposite. “What do you mean?” he asked, taking a moment to compose his voice.

    “Before the last time… When I tried to talk to you about what you were doing, did you ever even consider for a moment that it would be a mistake as colossal as this?”

    “We’ve had this conversation,” Lex replied abruptly.

    “I know; I just want to make sure of the answer. For a long time I didn’t trust you anymore Lex…”

    “I know…”

    “I don’t think you do,” she interrupted before he could continue. Moving quickly with the innate grace he always expected of her Chloe came to her knees and came forwards a short distance though, he noticed, not too close.

    “Chloe, I’ve told you already I didn’t mean for any of this to happen…”

    She shook her head. “That’s not what I mean.”

    “What do you mean then?”

    “All this aside, there was a reason that I didn’t speak to you for three years Lex.”

    He had been about to say something. He had been about to open his mouth and interrupt her but the words that flowed from her mouth and the quiet, almost reluctant way in which she said them stopped him in his tracks. While before he had been looking at her Lex found his eyes drawn away from the slim figure of the blonde woman to rest on his lap. Still, from the corner of his eye he could spy her watching him intently.

    “We have trust issues Lex.”

    “I though we worked those out.”

    Chloe scoffed a burst of laughter. “Would that be before or after the end of the world?” she asked and then after receiving no discernable reply from Lex went back over to her sleeping pack and laid down. The conversation had apparently finished.

    * * * *


    “I don’t understand why you watch this show.”

    “It’s good,” Lex said not bothering to look towards the speaker.

    “Hmm…” she said. “I guess so but there are better shows… more *relevant* shows actually out there.”

    Frowning Lex rolled his head to one side against the hardwood headboard and looked into the brilliant green eyes of the woman lying next to him. In the strange dancing light from the television set she looked even paler than usual, gaunter even and he briefly wondered when the last time was that she had eaten a full meal without worrying about the calorie content. Seeing that she had his full attention and obviously not caring much for his train of thought Karen looked down and reached out to run her finger along the line where the sheets met his flesh, putting a coy little smile on her lips while a speculative look seeped into her eyes. Covering her hand with his Lex answered, “This is a perfectly good, well produced and well reported show.”

    “It’s not even primetime!” Karen exclaimed with a little teasing chuckle. “And everyone knows that all the best shows are on at primetime.”

    “I beg to disagree.”

    Karen sat back a little way and looked at him. “All my shows are primetime,” she said.

    Lex thought for a moment before answering, desperately trying to remember what time the shows that he had been forced to sit through had been on at. “Yes, yes they are,” he said nodding. “But that doesn’t change the fact this is a good show.”

    Her regular little features creased into a frown as she rolled over and sat back looking at the screen and the smiling blonde on it. They watched in silence for a few more minutes then Karen leaned forwards and put her elbows on her knees showing him her full back as she did so. Lex moved slightly so he could continue to watch the television.

    “What now?” Lex asked as she continued to shift around.

    “I guess…” Karen said slowly. “I guess there is something to it.” She looked back over her shoulder at him for a moment, dark hair falling briefly over her features. “I mean, she’s kind of good isn’t she? And she’s pretty and everything.”

    Lex blinked at her, sensing perhaps that this was some sort of test. “I was watching the show for story segments.”

    Karen snorted laughter, surprising him abruptly. “Please… Lex we may not have been together very long and you may be a hell of a lot smarter than me but you’re not as good at covering up when you’re looking at women as you think you are. You had the same look in your eyes just then as you do when some woman you find attractive walks in the room.”

    He continued to stare at her for a moment and then turned back towards the television screen. On it the blonde woman continued to grill the man she was talking to. In truth Lex had not been listening to the story, he had been watching the way she talked and memorising the movement of her lips while noting the look in her eyes. And whether Karen wanted to believe him or not he had not been thinking about taking her to bed – well not really – but rather he had been thinking that if he stared at her face long enough as she looked so attentive and cunning then he would be able to replace in his mind the last image he had stored of her face to face.

    He shook his head slightly trying to get rid of the thought.

    “She isn’t your usual type,” Karen said.

    “What?” he answered in a slightly baffled voice.

    “She isn’t you usual type this… this… what’s her name?”

    “Chloe Sullivan.”

    “Chloe Sullivan. I thought you preferred brunettes.”

    “I don’t really have a preference.”

    Climbing out of bed Karen walked over to one of the mirrors and stood before it, peering at herself quizzically. “Maybe I should go blonde…” He stared at her horrified as she turned to look over her shoulder at him. “What do you think?”

    “No!” Lex exclaimed quickly then was instantly angry at himself for doing so.

    Karen looked at him in such a way as to betray some hidden intelligence he had previously failed to notice. “I thought you didn’t have a preference.”

    “Do you really care?” he asked feeling oddly bitter towards her.

    The actress shrugged. “The question is more, do you care?”

    * * * *


    Chloe didn’t sleep at all. She pretended to, knowing that more than anything she didn’t want to get stuck in a potentially disastrous conversation with Lex over which she would have no control in the long run and one that might affect the course of what happened between them from that point onwards.

    She didn’t want to be left alone.

    Lana’s death, as sudden as it had been even though the idea of it had been hanging over Chloe’s head for entirely too long had been enough to shake her far more than she had anticipated and far less as well. Her reaction, the tears and the sobbing had been appropriate but after that there had been nothing for a while, nothing but the uncertain anger she had felt towards Lex and the fact that she knew she should be somehow both stronger and equally more upset. It was confusing but more than that it was distressing and Chloe just wanted it to end. She wanted it to be as if none of it had ever happened.

    The irrational part of her mind seemed to scream that it was Lex’s fault; that they had been doing okay before he had reappeared in their lives again. It wasn’t the truth of course but somehow it was easier to blame him for what had happened than to blame herself and her lapse for Lana’s death. She should have been more careful. She should have made sure that Lana was asleep and that she had stayed asleep and if that was impossible then she should have reminded the other woman that it wasn’t safe out… it wasn’t safe for her to wander around on her own, in the dark and without anyone to watch out for her or help her if she had an accident.

    Of course, the glimpse that Chloe had seen had clearly told her that Lana’s death probably, almost certainly, had not been an accident.

    Her top had been ripped.

    The image flashed through Chloe’s mind and she quickly shoved it always, curling herself further into a ball and hoping that the movement wouldn’t alert Lex. She didn’t want him to decide to play saviour once again; not right at that moment at least. There was something appropriate about her laying in the quiet and dark that was almost like making immense… almost but not quite.

    Sleep came slowly and was fitful and broken. Odd noises woke her frequently and left her wondering at what they were until her head hurt with it. Fingers tangled in blonde hair in irritation that she could not calm herself down and show some of the bravery she had been reputed to have when she was younger and had been known for while she had been a reporter. Sadly it seemed to have deserted her abruptly and she had to resist the urge not to scoot over to the other side of the room and nudge Lex awake and take the comfort she was sure would be offered. The strongest part left of her – her pride, resisted successfully.

    Lex roused her the next morning with a light hand on her shoulder. She rolled over and lazily smiled at him without thinking, seconds later catching up with where she was and more importantly *when* they were. The smile quickly turned into a frown and she sat up, throwing off his touch and climbing to her feet. They ate a hasty breakfast and then packed up their things, making sure that they had everything so that there would be no reason to come back.

    In the light of a new day everything looked different. It somehow made it difficult for Chloe to connect the events of the day before and those of the present day. There was none of the overcast gloom that had been omnipresent the day before and instead the unusual sight of clear skies in every direction. It seemed wrong and defiant and as she followed Lex out of the front door of the house and felt the warm air brush against her skin then Chloe just found her self able to let herself be.

    “We should probably try and find a sporting goods store,” Lex said half turning towards her with a thoughtful expression on his face.

    “Why?” Chloe asked taking the hand he offered her in order to help her climb over a wall.

    Lex looked uncertain for a moment before looking down at the ground before them and saying, “How do you feel about getting out of this city for once and for all?”

    She stopped, perched on top of the wall and stared at him as he hopped down, his coat flaring momentarily about his gaunt form. The reason for visiting such a store, although there probably wouldn’t be much left, suddenly became clear. They’d need supplies that were a little out of the ordinary if they were to venture out of the city and into the countryside. Looking down on him Chloe tucked an errant blonde strand of hair behind her ear that had come loose in the breeze and said, “Are you serious?”

    “There isn’t really very much left here to stay for.”

    “I know,” Chloe replied shortly, her voice still quiet and unsure.

    “Chloe, it might be the best option. There probably won’t be as many people… well, not as many dangerous people out there.”

    “We could start living the quiet life,” Chloe said with a little laugh; noticing uncomfortably that she sounded slightly hysterical. The tone of her voice did not go unnoticed by Lex who suddenly went very still.

    “That’s part of the attraction.”

    Chloe snorted laughter and jumped down, walking past him quickly and dismissing the confused little look he shot at her. “Lex, we’ve had this discussion. We’re not in a position to play happy families.”

    “I never said anything about ‘playing happy families’, I’m talking about getting out of this hell hole…”

    “And about condemning us to spending every hour of every day together.” She stopped suddenly, turning around and seeing that he had no even bothered to follow her. He was standing a fair distance from her now but the look on his face was unmistakeable.

    “If you don’t want to be here with me Chloe…”

    “I don’t exactly have a choice.”

    “I didn’t force you to do this,” he countered quickly.

    They didn’t say anything; just stared at each other across what seemed like an ever increasing distance. “I’m going to go with you,” Chloe said. “But only because I don’t want to be stuck here on my own; you understand that?”

    Lex nodded. “It’s about what I expected.”

    * * * *


    Streamers hung from every available spot, the traditional red, white and blue filling the air and dancing in the waves of warmth that washed up from the crowd below. Heavy banners strained at their ties while confetti danced around in circles before gradually coming to rest on the ecstatic crowd below. On the podium a bald man, astonished handsome in a dark suit and with a knowing smirk on his lips held up his hands to quiet the cheering of people who stood below him, glancing out of the corner of his eye at his right-hand man as he did so. Pete Ross smiled back broadly at him and winked even as his wrapped his arm around the waist of his delicate little wife and hugged her to him. Lana herself looked like she was on top of the world while it was looking at her instead of the other way around. She would look out over the crowd and then every so often glance up at her husband adoringly.

    It was, in its own way, perfect.

    And Chloe hated all of it.

    She stood at the back of the room, leaning against the wall and no doubt wrinkling her semi-dressy, semi-casual dress up to hell but right at that moment Chloe really didn’t give a fuck what she looked like; there was a frown on her face that was mirrored in her heart and she sure as hell wasn’t going to get rid of it for anyone, especially considering the fact that this was the last place that she wanted to be. It hadn’t been her idea to be here, it had been her editor’s. The man had been one of the legions of people who now seemed to know that *something* had gone on between her and Lex even if they didn’t know exactly what that ‘something’ was. As a result she had been given the option of either coming to this damn thing and trying to get an interview out of the man who was surely going to be, and was now, the President or finding herself another job. No doubt there was some law against that time of ultimatum being given by an employer but the newspaper had enough clout that sooner or later they would find a reason to get rid of her anyway and make sure she didn’t work for the printed press for the next twenty years; it wasn’t something that Chloe wanted to risk happening. There just weren’t that many jobs out there anymore that paid good enough to support her monthly output even when you were a journo who was as respected as Chloe had become.

    “Clark Kent eat your heart out,” Chloe muttered, grabbing a champagne flute from a passing waiter as Lex once again held his hands up to quieten the room after another round of cheering. Well, if her boss wanted an interview then it was an interview he was going to get and that was something that even her smug ex-best friend and her cousin at the Daily Planet couldn’t promise. The thought brought a smile to her lips as she once again remembered the amusing sight of watching Clark and Lois escorted off the premises earlier in the evening while she herself remained. The satisfied part of Chloe had been unable and unwilling to suppress the urge it had to give a smarmy little smile and an accompanying wave. The burn in Lois’s dark eyes when she had seen her petite blonde cousin in her form fitting red dress had been enough to keep Chloe happy for the rest of the night or at least, that was, until she was reminded of the reason why she was even there by the sound of the victory anthem ringing out and Lex stepping up to make his speech.

    She didn’t listen to the speech with its high ideals and promises for a better world. Instead Chloe searched the crowd and found herself pitying the believing eyes of the people who watched the living, breathing symbol of success who was speaking to them. There was nothing actually in Lex’s words which would have made anyone doubt him. They were the perfect words for the occasion, reassuring, promising, celebratory and yet beneath them Chloe could hear the same old Lex and that was what worried her because, the fact was, Lex didn’t really give a damn about half the things he was talking about.

    Downing the glass of champagne in one Chloe took a set forwards and set it down on one of the brightly coloured tables before walking towards the exit. As she approached a huge security guard raised an eyebrow at her, clearly amused and surprised that someone had decided to leave in the middle of his boss’ celebration speech and Chloe smiled back at him with as much sincerity as she could manage. Reaching into her small purse she pulled out a folded piece of paper and handed it to him.

    “What’s this?” he rumbled even as he slipped a finger between the folded sheets and opened it.

    “It’s a private invitation.”

    Dark eyes turned downwards to read over the words, taking them in quickly and then looking up at her with a speculative eye. “I’m an old friend,” Chloe explained. “Me and Lex go way back.”

    The man nodded, “Well it looks real enough.” He paused and then added, “I’ll radio ahead and they’ll let you through.”

    “Thanks,” Chloe replied, taking back the piece of paper and slipping it away again. As she walked out into the corridor and followed the route she knew would lead to Lex’s private quarters she gave a little shake of her head; it seemed that despite the multitude of recent assassination attempts Lex still hadn’t managed to get better security, the note was clearly a forgery. She could have been anyone. But then, who was she to know whether it was common practice for him to give out private invitations to women he bumped into. That thought stilled Chloe’s enthusiasm some; God knows she didn’t want to come across from brunette bimbo in Lex’s rooms and have to explain herself to the IQ-lacking harpy.

    A smile and a brief flash of cleavage was all it took for her to get actually inside and past security and once inside all Chloe had to do was wait what turned out to be a surprisingly short amount of time.

    She was slumped on a sofa, stretched out and taking a few moments to peruse some documents that Lex had carelessly left lying around, when the door opened and the man himself entered the room. Abruptly he stopped, staring at her where she sat. Slowly Chloe looked up, careful to keep the expression on her face blank as she said, “Hey Lex, I feel the need to talk to you.”

    He paused then turned, speaking quietly to someone outside the door before closing it and walking towards her, his body betraying nothing about what he might be feeling as he became every inch the practiced politician. The change was smooth and yet startling. “Chloe, I didn’t know you were in town. When did you get in?”

    She shrugged, putting aside the papers while making sure he was aware of the action. Sitting up she said, “A while.”

    “You should have come to see me earlier then.”

    “It only really became necessary a short time ago.”

    Something glimmer through Lex’s eyes a little too quickly for him to stop so instead he half turned away from her, walking over to the small bar she had spotted in the corner of the room earlier. Pouring himself a drink he said, ”Want one?”

    “The usual.”

    There was the clink of crystal on crystal as he poured her a drink then turned to her with it in one hand. Passing it to her he said, “I take it this isn’t a social call then?”

    “Business comes first nowadays Lex, you should know that as well as anyone.”

    She watched as he winced a little, the barb she had thrown at him hitting home. “What do you want Chloe?”

    Putting a slight pout on her lips she said, “Aw, don’t you want to play?”

    “I think the fact that you’ve been ignoring my calls for the past three years might be some basis for not wanting to get into games with you; not tonight at least. Tonight was meant to be about celebrating.”

    “Celebrating the beginning of the end,” she murmured, half covering the words by taking a sip of the drink he had handed to her.

    Lex sank down onto the seat opposite the one she occupied. “I believe that is a point we are forever going to differ upon although I naturally wish that wasn’t the case.”

    Chloe’s heart gave an uneven little beat as her ears disbelieved what they were hearing. Gathering the scattered remains of her courage that she had nursed so carefully before hand Chloe climbed to her feet and stepped towards him, coming to a halt before his legs and making him look up at her. Setting her drink down on the table behind her she reached up, bending her arm behind her back and releasing the clasp that was predominantly in charge of keeping her dress in place. It slipped off easily, forming a puddle around her feet even as Lex realised she was standing before him entirely naked. He was unable to suppress the flushed expression that flooded onto his features.

    “What is this Chloe?” he managed to ask eventually though his eyes never quite reached her face as he spoke.

    Her voice serious, almost utterly devoid of emotion she said, “I thought you wanted to do a little celebrating.”

    He shook his head, looking up at her while leaning forwards to put his hands on her hips. Chloe’s breath caught in her throat and she forced down a sudden burst of apprehension that ran through her as she found herself abruptly tugged forwards until she was standing between his legs. Instinctively she put a hand out to rest on his shoulder and steady herself. “You shouldn’t make offers that you’re not prepared to fulfil,” he said. “And we both know that for whatever reason this isn’t what you really want. Therefore I’m afraid I’ll have to decline gratefully and tell you that if you still feel the same way in a week then I’d be more than happy to sleep with you. Other than that, I want to know what the hell you’re playing at and what you hoped to gain by doing so?”

    Chloe rolled her eyes, pushing away from him and grabbing her dress which she hastily pulled back up. “An interview.”


    “I want an interview.”

    Eyes wide in disbelief Lex said, “You were going to sleep with me to get an interview?”

    “If I needed to.”

    A sneer appeared on his features. “I can’t decide which is worse, that you would let yourself sink to such methods or that you appear willing to use our connection in order to gain yourself an interview.”

    “I’m sorry for falling so far short in your estimations of me,” she replied, the snap in her voice inevitable. “You think I want to be here? Trust me when I said this isn’t my ideal for a night out. Unfortunately, some of us do not have billions of dollars in their bank accounts.”

    “This is about money?” he asked as he blinked in surprise. “Chloe you know that if you were ever in trouble like that then all you would have to do would be to say the word…”

    “So you can come running in and save the day? No thanks, I’ve had enough of your kindness to last me a life time as it is and besides, any money you have now is tainted.”

    Lex let out an exasperated sigh. “You knew for years that the money was ‘tainted’ and if never stopped you from associating with it.”

    Chloe shook her head. “Not like it is now it wasn’t.”

    He stood up abruptly and walked away from her. “I don’t want to be having this confrontation Chloe.”

    “You always knew my views on your choice to run Lex. I made no secret of them.”

    “I would have thought that you might at least have been able to show the tiniest degree of happiness for me considering all I’ve achieved.”

    “If you’ve done all this is simply to gain my recognition and attention then I would have to say it’s overkill.”

    Once again Lex flushed, though this time it was more due to anger than it was to anything otherwise which Chloe might have caused. “I don’t need your judgement.”

    “No, but you want it.”

    He paused then said, “You only had to ask in order to get an interview Chloe. You… you know that.”

    “Lex it’s been three years – I knew nothing of the sort anymore. Anything could have changed. We’re both different people to who we were then and you might have had different ideas.”

    A chuckled of laughter escaped him as he said, “Apparently I have not changed so much that you didn’t know the quickest way to get to me.”

    “Well, it was never your most admirable attribute but it was certainly the most steadfast and predictable.”

    He paused once again before answering and he shook his head a little. “Call my office tomorrow. Tell them who you are and make an appointment to come and see me. I’ll make sure you get your interview.”

    “And what then?” she asked even before she realised the words were out.

    “I don’t know. We’ll just have to wait and see what develops.”

    * * * *

  3. #3

    He couldn’t help but wonder why every time they seemed to have to have the most uncomfortable meetings it was when they were in restaurants. Whenever they met at his office, whether currently or in the past, Lex had long since realised that Chloe generally felt more relaxed and it was when they were in restaurants that she always seemed to bring up the more uncomfortable potentially argument causing topics of conversation although naturally there were a few exceptions. Normally he hated it. Normally he would have been chomping at the bit to get out of the damn place they were could discuss things in their usual loud voices as opposed to the horrible little whispers that seemed necessary when they were in public – predominantly because Chloe was not officially his ‘girlfriend’ but also because on occasion they found themselves talking about work.

    At the moment he would have loved to have been sat in a restaurant. At the moment he would have given a great deal of money just to sit there so that Chloe wouldn’t be able to keep that look on her face for long.

    As he watched she shook her head again and looked down at the papers on his desk, the once which stood in his study in his apartment. It didn’t matter that they were papers she shouldn’t have been looked at – in truth he knew he should have taken the time to hide them more safely as he should have known that Chloe being Chloe would find them where he had put them. They should have been having this conversation and it made him laugh that it was apparently more his fault than hers.

    If only she would quit that damn newspaper.

    “This is ridiculous!” she exclaimed finally. “Lex you do realise how ridiculous all this is. I mean, Superman is one thing but a whole race of aliens? Have you lost your mind? They’re not going to stop at observing us if what I’ve read is right…”

    “Chloe, I promise you, it’s not even us that they’re interested in. It’s Superman.” She narrowed her eyes at him as yet another bone of contention was raised between them. Lex couldn’t help but snigger a little at her reaction even as he stepped around the desk towards her. “Surely you still don’t think he’s the perfect being he’s portraying himself to be? Chloe you’re smarter than that!”

    “I’ll admit I’m more sceptical than I used to be about some aspects of his life but I honestly don’t think he’s the danger that you think he is Lex.”

    He smiled at her indulgently and hated himself for doing so as he willing deceived her. “If he isn’t dangerous then there will be no reason for him or any of us to worry about these observers. You’ve just got to sit and imagine for a while just how much they can bring to us if we co-operate with them Chlo’ Sweetheart. Seriously, in a way it would be like having a hundred supermen around all of the time and we wouldn’t even have to worry about ulterior motives!”

    “I still don’t like it,” she said as he took hold of her upper arms and tugged her ever so slightly towards him. To his relief she came forwards of her own accord afterwards and he felt her press against him. It was nearly a year and a half since she had stepped back into his life after the election and he still hadn’t tired of the feeling of having her close once again.

    A hand came up to rest on his chest and she looked up from where she had been resting her forehead against his shoulder briefly. Another flicker of guilt passed through Lex as he found himself looked down in large green expectant eyes. “Promise me you won’t rush into anything,” she said softly and in such a way that he found himself unable to refuse.

    Nodding he leaned down and pressed his lips against hers until she responded to him once more only breaking the gesture briefly to whisper, “I promise.”

    * * * *


    They were days into their journey before she would speak to him again and in some respects Lex found himself wondering whether it was more a case of her not being able to speak to him rather than her choosing not to speak to him. The silence between them seemed to be filled with enough pain without them actually forcing themselves to speak words to each other and potentially cause even more pain through words.

    For his part Lex found it almost intolerable. There were times in their more recent past that he would have done anything for things to be like this between the though perhaps without so much of the anger but rather a type of quiet calm between them. Now though he would have longed to listen to her voice even if she was reprimanding him for something. He half thought about doing something to make her angry until he realised that doing so might actually be counterproductive and might force her to leave him once and for all in spite of the decision she had told him about before. At night, when he laid there and could almost feel her across the room from him as if she were something far more powerful than she actually was - something which had an actual magnetic effect on him, drawing him closer with every breath - he knew that the last thing he wanted to do was make her leave. It was not solely because of the isolated position they found themselves in now, perhaps the only reason that Chloe had decided not to run away, but because of the age old story between them – he found himself unable to think of life without her. The last few months when he had believed her dead had been more than enough to convince him of that.

    The thought made him smile wryly. There was a time in his life that even admitting to himself that he needed someone would have seemed like a capital crime. It just wasn’t something that a Luthor – and there was no mistaking that he *was* a Luthor he would willing admit to himself later on – would do and it would have shamed him. ‘Would have’ being the operative words in that thought. Nowadays Lex would have had to be far blinder, far more in denial, than he actually was to ignore the fact that Chloe was something, someone, he needed to cling onto or he might very well find himself loosing his mind again.

    Even the silence between them was coming close to driving him insane. It just wasn’t natural to *not* hear Chloe speak. She had always been so animated from her facial expression to her questions, comments and even accusations when she felt like shooting them at him. There had been a time when hearing Chloe laugh and whisper something sweet and girlish into his ear had been something to take for granted; he kicked himself for every time he had done so.

    It was almost as if she were punishing him; the woman who had known him better than he had known himself at times was punishing him in just the way that she knew would hurt him the most. God, part of him wished she would go away because at least then he would be away from the accusing look in her eyes whenever she forgot for a moment and glanced towards him. It was only a matter of days since she had held him close to her and for a brief instant he had wondered whether everything, all the badness, had been forgotten between them. There had been such comfort there but he should have realised that the past was forever hovering between them and it had taken Lana’s death to rob him of the delicious feeling and leave him feeling like an idiot all over again.

    * * * *


    In some ways the last six months had flown by far quicker than he had imagined possible. In others it had been the slowest period of his life.

    Six months ago Chloe had stood in front of him for the first time in three years and brought back into being emotions that he had long believed he had managed to bury even with his rather keen interest in her rather rocky career. He had told himself that just watching her occasionally on television, spying her at the odd story she had been sent to cover had been enough to sate whatever desire he had felt to know what was going on in her life. Even when he had realised that her career was failing, when the current affairs programme which she had very nearly made a name for herself with was cancelled and she had once again been forced to find work in a newspaper industry which was no longer particularly interested in her style of reporting he had resisted the urge to seek her out for a face to face confrontation or even to give a helping hand unseen by her even though he knew he had the necessary connections. It had hurt but it had work and the less of an investment he made in her life the more he was able to convince himself that he was over her.

    Then she had stood in front of him, let her dress slip away from her body and for a second he had lost his mind to lust and his heart to the damnable love that just wouldn’t leave him alone. Not that the latter was something that he would readily admit to Chloe; no she might know about the former but never the fact that he actually believed he was in love with her. Instead he chose to let her suspect what she liked while all the time she was doing just the same thing to him.

    There meeting the following day had taken part without fuss, they had managed to keep things solely to business despite any desire either of them may have had to do otherwise. Then she had disappeared back into the world where they had very little to do with each other and had as good as ignored any calls he might make to her. Six months down the line Lex had grown tired of being fobbed off and that had led him to where he was now – standing before her apartment door while his guards made sure no one realised he was there and just staring at the numbers until he could make himself knock.

    It had a worrying symmetry to an earlier scene in his mind.

    He had barely lifted his hand to the door when it opened before him and he found Chloe stood before him, managing to make even the pant suit she was wearing look casual and relaxed. Her stance was a somewhat strained one that was hard for him to read as he fought to gain control over the startled sensation that was still lingering in him.

    “How did you…” he began only to have her interrupt.

    “The car down on the street, I hadn’t ever seen it before and it looked kind of official. Plus I noticed one of your licensed brutes hanging around out on the sidewalk.”

    He nodded with a small smile, finding himself oddly pleased that he had been caught out so easily. “May I come in?”

    “How would a poor lowly reporter say no to the president?” Chloe asked and stepped aside so that he could come in. As he passed her, his eyes darting around the apartment which was surprisingly well outfitted considering what he knew to be her income she added, “I have to admit I’ve been expecting you,” even as he felt her begin to tug gently on his overcoat which he promptly slide off for her to take away from him.

    Turning to her, watching the way her shirt pulled across her back as she reached to hang his coat on the stand by the door he said, “Oh?”

    There was an amused little smile on her face when she faced him, moving past him to disappear through a doorway into what appeared to be the kitchen. He followed her knowing that a reply was imminent and interested to know whether it was what he expected or not. When he entered the room she had moved over to the counter, picking up a knife with which she proceeded to cut up a onion that had been waiting for her.

    “Lex, you dumped the model you were seeing a day after we last met and you haven’t started to see anyone else yet. It’s not exactly characteristic behaviour from you.”

    “I’ve gone without being in a relationship before,” he said taking a seat at the centre island of the room through as close to her as he could manage.

    “Never for six months that I can remember – at least, not unless you have been seeing me secretly that is.”

    “All men are entitled to change there habits.”

    “But you haven’t,” she observed. “You’ve just been bidding your time waiting to see whether I would come to you this time.”

    “It appears we’ve been playing a waiting game and I wasn’t even aware of it.” Lex saw her shake her head slightly in amusement though she made no audible response. “You don’t mind that I’ve come?” he asked her, unable to suppress the slight twinge of nerves her was feeling although he would never let her see it.

    There was a small clinking noise as she placed the knife down on the countertop then reached over to pick up a towel in order to wipe her hands. Having done so she turned around, putting her head on one side while letting the full range of her emotions flit across her features. “I’m not sure I want to do this. I mean, in some respects I know I want to but…”

    “Should I go?” he asked, slightly whispering a desperate plea for her not to say ‘no’.

    Her tug darted out to wipe her lower lip which was then bitten one lightly. Putting the towel down on the countertop behind her she took the two steps it took to cross the distance between them, lifting her hand to slide it onto his shoulder even as she did so and up onto his neck until she was slowly rubbing the back of his head. Lex sighed even before he could stop himself and leaned into her touch, closing his eyes and letting her come even further forwards to stand between his legs. The moment that he felt her thighs brush against his he reached blindly forwards and instinctively wrapped his hands around her waist.

    Lips danced across his brow, briefly moving over his nose as she tilted his head and then over his jaw until finding his mouth. The first kiss was gentle, nothing like what he was used to between them and almost as if it was a first time although even the first kiss they had shared had never held as much softness as the once they shared at that moment did. He groaned into her mouth, unable to stop himself from doing so and fighting not to just devour her mouth. There was a small voice inside telling him that this was something he simply did not deserve. He knew that something must have happened to make her feel like this was even an option and part of him knew he should stop and ask her what so that he might discover whether this was something she was certain she wanted. The Luthor in him though was violently protesting against the idea; the Luthor of him was only interested in the fact that this was a woman he had wanted for far too long without having and something must be done about that.

    In the end there were no questions. Chloe pulled him to his feet, walking him out of the kitchen and into her bedroom without so much as a words before pushing him down onto the bed so that he lay on his back and moving to straddle his middle. Seconds later and his shirt lay discarded on the floor. Seconds after that and Chloe had stripped out of the suit and his self-control disappeared.

    * * * *


    Lex naked was as always a beautiful sight for her. There was something about looking at the pale, virtually hairless expanse of flesh with the occasional small scar that made her want to reach out and touch to claim as hers and admire. It was hard to believe, looking at him, that it was years since they had been together like this last. In many respects he was ageless to her and Chloe found herself only hoping that she appeared the same to him.

    Looking at him naked was one matter. Lex naked lying on top of her was a completely different matter. He was heavier than she remember him being, perhaps even a little stronger and as a result Chloe found herself rapidly drawing in a deep breath and fighting an abrupt wave of panic. Hoping that he hadn’t noticed and already knowing that he had she fought it back, reminding herself that this was something that she had agreed to; this was something she wanted to do.

    It was the truth. At night when she was alone in her living room staring at the television set it was to Lex that her thoughts wandered. It had he had filled her dreams just as he had always done even if she didn’t want to admit it to herself and reluctantly she admitted that the desire that she felt at that moment was enough to eclipse whatever had happened between them in the past. How she would feel in the morning would be another matter and one that she would have to tackle then. It was still a daunting feeling that lingered.

    God she couldn’t believe that she was doing this. She couldn’t believe that Lex was there and that they were in bed together again and that it was he who was running his hand up her thigh to between her legs. Moving her legs apart she let him stroke her until her body began to tighten then by running her fingertips over his head brought him up towards her. Feeling him inside of her was like jumping back to the beginning of everything; it was like the first time they had been together, slow at first but rapidly turning into something else far more energetic, far more impulsive and exciting until she could forget everything. Sex with Lex was all about forgetting briefly for a moment who they both were and what was going on around them. Sex was about forgetting who she was.

    He fell asleep afterwards, nestling into the pillow beside her with one arm resting across her belly and effectively holding her in place. It was a possessive gesture and one that Chloe wasn’t entirely certain that she liked but equally it was something that she half wanted. Sliding closer to him until they were pressed together and the warmth of his body enveloped hers she could pretend that the years hadn’t passed by and things were still relatively simple between them, something that she had found herself longing for.

    It was all her boss’ fault. If he hadn’t made her go to Lex and get an interview with him then she would have been able to go on hating him. Seeing him as happy as he had been, seeing him relaxed and calm and confident and far from the drunken creature who she had seen last had been enough stir up all sorts of feelings that she had never even wanted to think of again let alone experience. The feelings themselves were powerful as old feelings will be and more than enough to sway her judgement to resist the urge to see him again though somehow she had managed to remain committed until the moment he had turned up on her doorstep as she had always suspected he might do.

    Feeling him shift beside her Chloe found she was brought sharply back to reality and away from her thoughts. Early morning light filled the room bringing to her attention the fact that she had been awake most of the night thinking and abruptly a feeling of tiredness swept over her. Beside her Lex groaned and said, “I don’t want to go yet.”

    “Do you have to get back?”

    “Someone will miss me sooner or later,” he responded, his voice clearly showing his amusement. “I only wish that I didn’t have to go.”

    Shifting she turned to look him in the eyes Chloe said, “Then don’t.”

    * * * *


    In many ways he and Pete Ross were polar opposites. Whereas Lex liked to keep his thoughts to himself for as long as possible and crept around the building with a stealth which was legendary among the staff who didn’t dare plot and scheme in case they found the president standing behind them as they did so Pete Ross was known to be talkative, out-spoken and it was always possible to know where he was because of the shear amounts of energy the man exuded. It was this last reason and this reason alone that Lex became aware that the man had entered the Oval Office and was stood waiting until he had Lex’s attention.

    Looking up from his paper work Lex raised his eyebrows in a silent question as Pete walked further into the room and settled onto one of the couches. “Are you going to marry her?” he asked abruptly.


    “Lex we’re old friends as well as whatever else we might be so don’t even bother trying to be evansive.”

    Sighing and leaning back in his seat Lex said, “I assume you’re talking about Chloe.”

    “Damn right I am.”

    “Pete, we’ve only slept together a handful of times and we’re hardly seeing each other.”

    The other man laughed, bringing a hand up to rub his eyes. “Please. You and Chlo’ have been messing around together for years and don’t think I’m the only one who knows it.”

    “If you’re referring to that speculation in the newspapers from years ago…” Lex began only to have himself interrupted.

    “It was more that speculation and we both know it.”

    Keeping the look in his eyes as friendly as he could manage Lex said, “Do I sense some kind of mutiny?”

    “No of course not,” Pete answered with a dismissive wave of his hand. “But… well, you know that I love Chloe even if she won’t talk to be anymore. I’ve known her for years and even if I don’t completely understand her all the time I know what she’s like. If she’s getting pillow talk for her articles out you then I need to know it.”

    He laughed before he could stop himself and continued to chuckle away to himself even as he said to Pete, “I would have thought you would have had more faith in me than that.” Seeing the serious look that still resided in Pete’s eyes he calmed himself and added, “Pete, I’ll be straight with you. There was a time when I used to feed information to Chloe to be reported but that stopped a long time ago.”

    “So things are just… er… sexual between you two now?”

    “Yes, they are.”

    There was a pause as Pete shifted on the couch and eased himself into a more relaxed position. “You know I wasn’t entirely joking before you know… maybe you should think about getting married and Chlo’, well…”

    “No I don’t think so Pete. She would never go for it for a start.”

    Pete shook his head. “It’s not good PR for you to go running around with a reporter Lex.”

    “I’ve been saying the same thing for years but she won’t quit.” Pete’s mouth opened and closed as realisation settled in. With a smile on his face Lex said, “You said it yourself, Chloe and I have been messing around together for a very long time. There’s a reason for that despite the fact that she’s good in bed.”

    His friend winced a little. “I didn’t need to know that last part.”

    “You were curious all the same,” Lex commented.

    “Yeah but I was happy with my curiosity.” Shaking his head a little he said, “It’s still not a good idea but maybe there is something we can do to make it seem better. I’ll have Lana invite her over for dinner, they might not be on the best of terms at the moment but I think she’ll come and then maybe things will look a little more natural.”

    “And less amoral?” Lex suggested.

    “You took the words right out of my mouth.”

    * * * *


    “Well you know who she is of course,” an insipid voice said. From the sound of it Chloe guessed that the woman had just walked in through the door to the bathroom, the sound of two sets of heals clicking on the floor confirming the fact as the blonde in the toilet stall realised that two women must have entered.

    “She’s a friend of Lana Ross’,” a second nasal voice came.

    The first woman snorted. “She might be now but that wasn’t how she started out. Apparently there were some rumours a couple of years back that he was screwing some reporter and that he had in his pocket… it doesn’t take a massive leap of intuition you know…”

    “You think *that’s* her?” the second asked with a voice filled with curiosity.

    “Makes sense to me.” There was a small pause and then the first woman continued. “It’d be just like him of course. Everyone knows the man lost all sense of morals back when he was a teenager even if he did manage to get himself elected president. Everyone likes to gloss over that little fact now but not everyone has forgot the fact he’s the son of Lionel Luthor and that man was rotten to the core. Actually, now I come to think about it he probably just started screwing her to make sure there was some good press in among all the bad stuff.”

    There was a small giggle and then, “You think he’s that good in bed?”

    There was a slight teasing tone to the second woman’s voice but the other answered instantly, “How could he *not* be?”

    The sound of giggles erupted in the room. “I’d sure as hell want to find out one way or the other.”

    “Hey, hands off. If he comes on the market then I’m going to grab him for myself.”

    “Only if I don’t get there first.”

    There was more clicking on the floor then the sound of a door closing. Chloe sighed, standing up from where she had been perching on the edge of the toilet seat. In truth she had been hiding; trying to disappear from the restaurant outside that Lex had dragged her to discuss ‘business’. The problem was that these days Lex’s definition of business and hers seemed to differ dramatically. While Lex had swung in one direction from the way things had used to be between them she had swung in the other and when all was said and done she was once again in danger of just giving in to him. Business for her was discussing work, business for him was pretending to be discussing work while hurrying through dinner so they could go back to her place and sink into bed together. Not that she particularly minded the fact that it invariably led to sex but the truth was that she wished he wouldn’t keep blurring the lines between business and their personal lives.

    Exiting the toilet stall Chloe walked over to the hand basin directly in front of her, staring into the mirror and meeting her own eyes. The truth was she should never have let him manipulate her into sleeping with him again. It had started out so simply through and it had seemed like things could be so easy between them again. She should have known better really.

    Pain in her wrist drew her back to herself and Chloe realised she had been digging her nails into the delicate flesh there. Angrily she washed her hands and dried them quickly, suddenly wanting to get out of the restaurant as quickly as she possibly could. An uncomfortable truth had settled over her, something that Chloe desperately wanted to deny to herself.

    She almost ran out of the bathroom, only just remembering to maintain her composure as she crossed the room over to where Lex was waiting patiently for her. He should have looked comfortable considering the amount of time she had been missing but as usual there was nothing in his stance to tell her that he was. It was irritating to stay the least. Not even bothering to sit down as she reached the table Chloe said, “I want to leave now.”

    “What happened?”

    “Nothing. Can we leave?”

    Slowly he placed his napkin on the table. “Of course.”

    They were outside the restaurant before they spoke to each other again. Together they waited under the canopy, avoiding the drilling rain outside while someone rushed to get the car for them. Eventually the long black limo that they had arrived in turned the corner, sliding to a halt before them and after feeling Lex’s hand on the small of her back to encourage her Chloe slipped inside. Letting the soft leather reform around her form Chloe winced as she heard Lex ask once again, “What happened?”

    “Nothing,” she snapped.

    “You were laughing before; you’re certainly not doing so now so something must have happened.”

    Leaning forwards, putting her head in her hand Chloe said, “Leave it Lex please… I’m getting a headache.”

    Fingertips touched the base of her neck and sent an involuntary shiver of tension through her frame. Unconsciously she shrugged away from him even as her body told her to do exactly the opposite. “This is a mistake.” The words were barely audible and yet there was no doubt in Chloe’s mind that Lex had heard them. For once he chose not to ignore them.

    ”It doesn’t have to be.”

    “It’s not something we have control over.”

    “I disagree.”

    A wry smile filtered onto her lips and she turned her face towards him, noting the peculiar unexpected look of hope in his eyes. “Everything is always about control with you Lex and maybe… maybe that’s part of the problem.”

    “Only because I can’t keep playing this cat and mouse game with you Chloe.”

    “And I can’t let you control me.”

    A pause followed that was filled only with the sound of the street flowing by outside. They were heading through the city, a quick glance telling Chloe that they were headed towards her apartment.

    “You’re saying this is over… I thought that perhaps you had forgiven me.”

    She blinked, forcing down the sudden pain that the memory he had touched caused in her. A part of her – a huge part of her – wished he had never brought that up and yet at the same time she couldn’t help but admit that it somehow made things easier. “It’s more complicated than that,” she said finally, hating herself for taking the easy road out.

    Lex leaned back on his seat, making the leather creak and for a brief moment he looked nothing like the most powerful man in the world. “For the longest time,” he said. “I wanted to ask you something; I wanted to know whether you would be able to accept me for the man I am. The thing that stopped me was the worry thought that if you couldn’t accept me then I was certain that there wasn’t another soul in existence that could.” The car rolled to a halt and abruptly Chloe realised they had been travelling far longer than she had realised. Before she could make a move to exit the care however a hand touched her arm and stopped her and Lex’s voice once again filled the space. “I would hate to think I wasted my time. I’ll wait for you to prove me wrong.”

    She wished she could have.

    * * * *


    “I wish I hadn’t been so stubborn.”

    Somehow they had reached the edge of the city and somehow she had managed to find her voice again. Granted it wasn’t until the derelict landscape of the city skyline was well out of sight and nothing but flatlands stretched out in front of them but Lex would always associate the two things together. It seemed to him that leaving the city was leaving one world and opening up an entire new one to him.

    “What?” he asked, glancing at her out of the corner of his eye.

    She stopped, the sound of her feet crunching on the highway disappearing abruptly. “Before, I wish I hadn’t been so stubborn. When I came to talk to you that day – the day everything kicked off – I wish I hadn’t been so stubborn.”

    Cautiously and quite honestly Lex said, “I’m not sure I entirely follow what you mean.”

    Briefly her eyes narrowed. “Remember when I was younger, when we still lived in Smallville and I was convinced I was in love with Clark?”

    “Unfortunately I remember it all too well.”

    “Well you know what I was like afterwards… I couldn’t open up to anyone. I tried, especially where you were concerned and sometimes it almost seemed like I was managing it but I guess I got burned a little too badly and I found it hard.”

    Lex shook his head, smiling a little to himself. “You can’t blame it all on Clark.”

    A small petulant little smirk came onto her lips and she said, “No I can blame some of it on you too.”

    He turned sharply and began to walk away from her. “You know something Chloe, you protest. You protest all the time about everything and it makes you weak. When we were together you hated what I was doing and you let it come between us. When we were apart… well, you chose to ignore you feelings which was probably one of the biggest mistakes that either of us ever let you make. I never thought that I would find myself in a position where I could hold the moral high ground over you but the truth is when we were in a relationship you messed me around until the point where I was nearly certain I was loosing my mind and you’re trying to do it now as well.”

    “I’m trying to apologise!” she yelled after him. “Damn it Lex I’m trying to say I’m sorry for not being there. I’m trying to say I’m sorry for being so judgemental of you. I’m trying to say that I wish I’d been stronger.”

    Stopping he turned to look at her, waiting for the blonde woman to continue.

    She lowered her eyes, staring intently at her feet. “I hated you for a long time and over the last few days I’ve tried to convince myself that I still hate you. The problem is I think it may all just be blustering on my part because I don’t seem to be able to conjure up any of that hate right at the moment and the truth is… the truth is that even when we broke up – when I left you – that last time I didn’t hate you then either. It was just that I couldn’t stand things the way that they were with everyone judging *me* all of the time.”

    There was something flickering inside of him, something that made him feel like the biggest dope on the face of the planet for a moment before he caught himself and continued to listen to her.

    “Love, is a very strong word,” she said. “And a long time ago – that last day we saw each other – you told me you loved me. I thought you were just saying it to shut me up Lex. I was convinced of the fact but even if you were just saying it I think it’s about time I owed you some explanations.” She paused for a moment, trying to catch her breath. “You see, the thing is, I always did love you Lex. Even when I hated you there was this niggling little feeling in the back of my mind and I hated myself for it because I knew that it was a weakness or at least it could be seen as a weakness.”

    “It’s not a weakness…” Lex interrupted. “Because if it was a weakness then it would be one I was guilty of as well and as we both know Luthors do not allow themselves to have weaknesses.”

    The corner of her lip curled up slightly in a small smile before she turned serious again. “I being honest before Lex, we can’t play at being happy families. I can’t give you that; I’m not sure I could ever have.”

    “You don’t have to.”

    “Be patient with me okay?”

    Lex allowed himself a small smile, holding his arms out to the empty world as he did so. “Somehow, I don’t think that’s going to be a problem.”

    “I don’t know whether it should worry me or not,” Chloe said wryly. “But it appears to have taken the end of the world to make things right between us.”

    “We always did do things on a grand scale,” he said with a smile.


  4. #4
    Sugar&Spice of the gutter Senior Member Queen Of Tact's Avatar
    Join Date
    05 Mar 2003
    Umm Wow.... I can't come up with the right words right now so WOW will have to do till i can....

    "I am scared that I'm always going to be somebody's friend or sister or confidant, but never quite somebody's everything."

  5. #5
    Just a Guest!
    Oh, wow. That was marvelous. Loved it.

  6. #6
    Pirate At Heart
    Join Date
    27 May 2003
    My God, that was masterful. I'm speechless. hmy:

  7. #7
    Yes, I am that Fabulous Senior Member tigerbaby's Avatar
    Join Date
    01 May 2003
    In bed, where it's nice and warm
    Excellent work as usual. Incredibly intense and moving. I'm speechless. I'm just blown away.

  8. #8
    NS Junior Member justicea's Avatar
    Join Date
    04 Mar 2003
    My gosh that story was deep in so many ways and a trip. I really enjoyed it and I even played hookie from class so I could read the rest of it because once you start it, you have to finish reading it. boy, it was great.

  9. #9
    Duchess Gonzo
    Join Date
    22 Jun 2003
    Over there, no there
    wow hmy: that was just brillant. it flowed and was just perfect, so many parts were just so memorable.

  10. #10
    NS Full Member drina's Avatar
    Join Date
    02 Mar 2003
    This was really intense, and very well written. I guess the focus is on the evolution of chloe and lex's relationship, but it would be nice to get a bit more details about other events too, like the alien's invasion, and what exactly did lex do.

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