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Thread: Bring Me To Life (NC-17) - Part 2, 'Always With You' series

  1. #1
    Canon Whore Not An Addict's Avatar
    Join Date
    28 Dec 2002
    Kansas, U.S.A.

    Bring Me To Life (NC-17) - Part 2, 'Always With You' series

    Title: Bring Me To Life
    Author: Not An Addict
    Rating: NC-17 (for smut)
    Category: Songfic, Romance/Angst
    Pairing: Chloe/Lex
    Spoilers: none
    Summary: Part Two of the ‘Always With You’ songfic series. Their relationship is something more.
    Disclaimer: I still don’t own anything, including the song ‘Bring Me To Life’ or the band Evanescence. But really, how cool would it be if I did??? They would live in my closet and play their songs for me whenever I wanted them to. Leave me my delusions—they make me happy.
    Author’s Note: This first chapter takes place about a year after 'Sympathy, Tenderness'. If I’ve done my job right, this should work as a stand-alone piece. However, if it seems like there’s a part that makes you go, “When did that happen?” it’s probably from that first piece. Starting here all the songs in this series will be from Evanescence's album 'Fallen'. That being the case, they all contain a certain level of angst. If that's not your thing, you probably shouldn't read them. Mad thanks to Sabby for being such an awesome beta and slave driver. ^_~ Hope you enjoy this, kiddos, and please review! So here we are, part 2 of 6.

    Chapter One

    How can you see into my eyes like open doors?
    Leading you down into my core
    Where I’ve become so numb
    Without a soul my spirit sleeping somewhere cold
    Until you find it there and lead it back home

    The mansion loomed out of the dark Kansas night, the thick slabs of stone appearing cold despite the heat. One lone, solitary light was burning in a window and, in the confines of her car, Chloe couldn’t help but find it strange that the warmth she sought was housed in such a dark, cold place.

    But there was only one thing that could make her feel warm again. Now she had to decide if it was worth the price of being burned.


    The air conditioning was broken in the Sullivan house yet again. Gabe had promised that he would get it fixed, but as usual he had gotten caught up with work at the plant, leaving it to Chloe to get hold of the repairman. Unfortunately, the first heat wave of the summer had hit Smallville hard, and the Sullivans were not the first family to call for repairs. Assured that it would be at least three days before a man could come out to take a look, Chloe had spent her time unearthing every fan she could find and fervently hoping that running every single one at full power wouldn’t blow a circuit. However, sprawled on the couch in front of one of the larger fans, her energy almost completely drained by the heat, Chloe wasn’t sure that she could bring herself to care even if she blew the power for the entire block.

    The sound of the doorbell brought her partially out of her lethargic state, and with a heavy sigh she rose from the couch. On her way to the door she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror; the light cotton camisole and shorts she wore were clinging to her body, adhered by the light sheen of sweat she could see on her exposed skin. Her hair was being held up by a variety of mismatched clips and an old bandana she had found tucked away in the back of a kitchen drawer. She considered for a moment making herself more presentable, only to realize she didn’t particularly care. With any luck it was only the air conditioner repairman getting to them early. Instead, she opened the door to see Lex Luthor waiting on her porch.

    “Lex!” A wide smile overtook Chloe’s face, quickly replaced by a faint blush as Lex openly looked her up and down, taking in her minimal clothing and bound-back hair. She returned the favor, shaking her head at his habitual suit that he wore despite the heat. “I don’t see how you can wear that suit. I’m practically naked and I’m still incredibly hot.” A wicked and fairly uncharacteristic smile crept across Lex’s face.

    “You certainly are.” Chloe managed to roll her eyes even as she blushed again at his words, and Lex’s smile grew wider. “So are you going to invite me in, or am I going to be staying out here the rest of the day?”

    “I don’t know. There’s a nice little breeze standing here with the door open,” Chloe teased, stepping aside to let him in as she spoke. She closed the door and the breeze was lost; despite the hot, still air, a shiver ran through her when she felt Lex’s arm brush hers as he passed. “So why are you here, Lex?”

    “Papers.” Chloe raised an eyebrow at the hasty answer but chose not to comment. “I needed some papers your dad had, and he said I could drop by to get them.” A stab of disappointment shot through Chloe at his words, but she covered it with her usual sunny smile.

    “Sure. His office is back here.” Lex followed her to a small room at the back of the house, mostly filled with a large desk and two metal filing cabinets, every available surface covered with stacks of paper. Chloe leaned against the doorframe, watching as Lex began to sift through the papers on the desk. “So why not just come back here with my dad when he comes home tonight?”

    “He’s going to be working late tonight,” Lex answered without looking up.

    “Oh.” Chloe shook off the slight hurt that her father was working late on one of her last days in Smallville and plastered a fake smirk on her face. “Taking off early while your employees burn the midnight oil, Lex?”

    “It wasn’t my choice, believe me.” Finally finding the papers he needed, Lex straightened and walked towards her with a smirk of his own. “Your father can be very stubborn when he wants to be, and he seems to think I’ve been working myself too hard.”

    “Still trying to prove yourself, are you, Lex?” Satisfied by the glimmer of shock in his eyes, Chloe offered a small smile and changed the subject. “So I guess you have to be going now?”

    “Actually I was hoping I could talk to you while I was here.” It was Chloe’s turn to be surprised, and with a barely perceptible nod she turned and headed towards the kitchen.

    “I’m going to have some iced tea. Do you want anything?”

    “Iced tea sounds perfect,” Lex’s voice responded.

    Still not looking at him, Chloe set about filling two large glasses with ice, pouring the golden-brown tea from a pitcher she took from the refrigerator. She handed one off to Lex and took a deep drink from her own before running the cool glass over the exposed skin at her neck and chest. When she looked back, Lex was watching her with a strange look in his eyes; he downed the contents of his glass in one long pull and glanced around the kitchen, noticing the roaring fans for seemingly the first time. His brow furrowed slightly.

    “Is your air conditioner broken?”

    “Well you’re certainly observant today,” Chloe teased as she settled herself at the scarred, round kitchen table. “It’s been broken for a couple of days now, and it’s not getting fixed for at least another three days. Until then, we sweat.” Lex took the chair next to her, and the smile faded a bit from Chloe’s face. “So you said you wanted to talk to me. What do you need, Lex?” Lex shook his head, his eyes never leaving hers.

    “It’s not what I need, Chloe.” Chloe’s brow furrowed in confusion and she began to fidget with her glass, growing unnerved under his steady gaze. “Tell me what’s wrong.”

    “Wrong? What makes you think something’s wrong?” She winced internally at the weakness in her voice.

    “I was willing to let it go in Metropolis,” Lex continued as if she hadn’t spoken. “But it’s worse now. You may be able to fool everyone else with this front you put up, but you’re not fooling me. So I’ll ask you again: what’s wrong?”

    The thought that Lex Luthor could read her so easily was both thrilling and frightening. Unsure of what to do, Choe’s defensive streak took over.

    “We see each other a few times in Metropolis, and suddenly you’re an expert on my emotions? Christ that’s arrogant, even for you, Lex.”

    “I never claimed to be an expert, Chloe,” Lex countered smoothly. “And I’d say that seeing each other several times a week qualifies as more than a few times.”

    Chloe glanced down at her hands again, no longer fooling herself that she could hide from him, and not wanting Lex to see the truth in her eyes. She didn’t know how to tell him that after the first few times they had bumped into each other, she had started purposely going places she thought she might see him. There was something about being with Lex, calming and invigorating at the same time. The emptiness had been noticeable long ago, and Lex was the first thing that seemed to make her feel whole. The thought terrified her even as it drew her in, the confusion it caused never lessening the need she felt to feel anything rather than empty.

    “Chloe.” Her eyes returned to his, and the concern she saw there nearly broke her. “Let me help.”

    “It’s nothing. It’s just . . .” She trailed off, trying to find the words she needed. “Nothing’s changed.” At Lex’s confused look, she continued. “My dad still pays more attention to the plant than he ever does to me. Lana still gets everything she wants without even realizing it. Clark still sees me as more of a walking search engine than a friend. I thought that things would be different when I left Smallville, but instead everything’s just the same.”

    “It’s perfectly understandable that you would be upset about that—” Chloe shook her head, cutting him off.

    “That’s just it. I’m not upset. I’m not angry, or disappointed, or . . . anything. I just feel blank.” A single blink was the only indication that Lex was surprised by her confession, and she could tell the exact moment he saw the truth in her statement.

    “I remember the first time I felt that way.” Chloe was taken aback at his response—that was one of the last things she would have expected Lex to say. “It was after my father sent me away to my first boarding school after my mother died, and I felt like everything inside had been replaced with empty space.” Chloe listened, fascinated at this side of himself that Lex was letting her see. “I started trying things. Alcohol, drugs, women; anything that I thought would make me feel anything.” He smirked at her. “None of those worked by the way, in case you were thinking of trying them.”

    “Damn, there goes my plan to drown my sorrows in booze and bimbos,” Chloe grinned. Lex just smirked again.

    “You have to find the thing that makes you feel. It won’t be easy, but you’ll know it when you find it.”

    They stayed there at the kitchen table for several hours, talking about everything and nothing while they drank cold tea and listened to the whir of the fans. To Chloe’s surprise, their friendship in Metropolis had transferred effortlessly to the battered kitchen table in Smallville. Lex’s presence still caused that familiar flutter of emotion in the pit of her stomach, and she was still filled with a strange sense of disappointment when it was time for him to leave.

    The air was heavier by the time she walked him to the door, the humidity so high that it was difficult to even breathe. The setting sun had the temperature lowering a few degrees, but the air was still stagnant and hot, and Chloe knew it would remain that way throughout the night.

    “It feels like a storm,” she commented absently, her eyes scanning the horizon in a vain search for rain clouds. Lex nodded.

    “Anything to break this heat. But it’s still a ways off yet.” Chloe glanced at him and smiled.

    “Thanks for stopping by, Lex.”

    “It was my pleasure. How much longer are you in town?” Chloe shrugged.

    “A couple of days, I guess. My schedule’s pretty flexible right now.”

    “Well then, I’ll see you back in Metropolis, if not before.” He gave her a small grin. “You can tell me if you’ve found what you need.”

    Chloe smiled as she watched Lex walk to his car, watched until the silver Jaguar disappeared down the street. She stepped back inside and sought out a fan, parking herself in front of it and enjoying the rare contentment she found herself filled with.

    She didn’t even pretend to be surprised when an air conditioner repairman showed up the very next day.

    Over the next couple of days, however, Chloe found her sense of peace deteriorating bit by bit. She no longer felt completely blank; rather, it was the sudden realization of what had restored her life that had her on edge. And so here she sat in her car, parked outside of the Luthor mansion and trying to drum up the courage to go inside. But eventually her desperate fear of rejection was overpowered by another, stronger pull—the need to see Lex. Before she knew it she was opening the surprisingly unlocked front door and stepping into the blessed coolness of the mansion.

    Fighting against the urge to jump at every shadow, Chloe made her way through the darkened corridors that led to Lex’s study. Calling on memories she had thought were long gone, she made her way—stairs on the left, up one floor, down the long hallway to the left, the arched double doors on the right. The right-hand door swung silently open, and in one far corner of her brain Chloe thought that if she had as many people trying to kill her as Lex did, she would make sure to leave hinges unoiled.

    “You never told me what you found, Lex.”

    His head shot up from the papers he was reading, the surprise on his face quickly replaced with confused concern as he rose and rounded the desk.

    “Chloe? What are you doing here?”

    “You said that you used to feel blank inside.” Chloe began moving closer as she spoke, her eyes locked on his stormy blue ones, gauging his reaction. “What was it you found that made you feel alive again?”

    “Does your dad know you’re here, Chloe?” She shook her head.

    “I told him I was staying with a friend from Metropolis. I had to come see you, Lex, because I figured out what I needed. You did say I should tell you when I found it.” Lex nodded, his eyes wary but still locked on hers.

    “So what did you find?”

    “Something I already had.” She was still moving closer, determined not to back down. “I always felt whole, warm when it was nearby. And so I started to seek it out so that I could stop feeling empty. Tell me, Lex.” She was inches away from him when she stopped, her head tilted up to look him in the eyes. “Tell me what you found.”

    Chloe could see the internal battle Lex was waging with himself. She held her breath, her heart stilled in her chest as she waited for his answer.

    “You, Chloe. I found you.”

    Her eyes closed in relief at his whispered answer. She drew in a shaky breath and opened her eyes again. She paid little attention to the roll of thunder in the distance, all of her attention focused on Lex.

    “I think we can help each other,” she told him. “You’re the only one that really understands me, even if I can’t figure out how you do. When I’m with you I feel wanted, accepted. I feel . . . alive.” Her gaze dropped to Lex’s lips as she leaned closer, her voice lowered to a whisper before she sealed her lips to his. “Make me feel alive, Lex.”

    (Wake me up)
    Wake me up inside
    (I can’t wake up)
    Wake me up inside

    Electricity raced up her spine when their lips met and fire raced under her skin, bringing every nerve ending to screaming attention. Lex’s arms wrapped around her immediately, crushing her body to his as he devoured her mouth. Chloe wrapped her own arms around his neck in an attempt to pull him closer, her tongue slipping out to lick at his bottom lip. His mouth opened with a groan and she slipped her tongue inside to tangle with his. Strong hands slipped beneath her shirt, stroking over the smooth skin of her back, and Chloe moaned into his mouth. She moved her lower body into his, and felt more than heard his loud groan as she pressed herself into his erection. Seconds later his hands were gripping her upper arms, pulling her away and breaking the kiss.

    “Chloe, stop.” Both of them were breathing heavily; Chloe licked her swollen lips, tasting Lex on them. She watched Lex follow the movement of her tongue before drawing in an unsteady breath. “This isn’t . . . we can’t do this.”

    “Why? Goddamn it, Lex, why not? I don’t know how you feel when we’re not together, but if it’s anything like what I’m feeling . . . God, why would you want us to feel that way?” She moved closer to him again, closing in until her breasts were pressed against his chest. Both sucked in a sharp breath at the sensation. “Please, Lex. You’re not going to break me.”

    In an instant Lex’s mouth was back on hers, his arms pulling her as close as physically possible. With a low moan Chloe abandoned herself to the sensations Lex’s mouth was evoking, wantonly rubbing herself against him. Her hips ground into his; the feeling elicited a keening sound of pleasure from her and she did it again and again, feeling herself grow wetter each time. Lex ripped his mouth from hers with a low growl and moved his lips to her neck to rain hot kisses over her skin. He reached the vein throbbing in her neck and, encouraged by her whimpered gasp, began to lavish the spot with lips, teeth and tongue. Chloe clutched at his shoulders in response and ground herself harder against him, her head tilting back to give him better access.

    Her hand snaked up to the back of his head in an effort to hold him in place, and almost of their own volition her nails began to rake over the smooth skin of his scalp from his forehead to the nape of his neck. Lex’s hips jerked forward at the feeling and his hands moved down to cup her ass, squeezing the soft flesh as he helped her grind her hips into his. Chloe repeated the motion and Lex thrust into her again, this time with his hands holding her in place, and the pleasure was almost too much for her. Her nails dug into his scalp, and the combination of pleasure and pain had Lex biting down hard on her neck. His head lifted and he slammed his mouth into hers, plunging his tongue into her mouth and letting it sweep through her like fire. Before she knew it Lex had swept her into his arms, striding rapidly from the room even as his mouth continued to ravish hers. Chloe found herself drowning in a dizzying array of feelings, not surfacing until the sound of a slamming door managed to penetrate the fog that had wrapped itself around her brain.

    Lex laid her down on his bed and quickly covered her body with his own, his mouth never leaving hers. Chloe couldn’t believe how good it felt to have the weight of Lex’s body settled over her, pressing her down into the mattress. Her legs parted to let him settle between them, and the increased pressure there had her moaning into the kiss. One of Lex’s large hands moved to knead her breast and Chloe arched into his touch, unprepared for the burning bolts of desire shooting through her. She began to claw at the buttons of his shirt, raw need making her fumble.

    “Off.” She broke the kiss, moving her lips to his ear. She nipped him sharply before sucking his earlobe into her mouth. “Now.”

    Lex’s hands joined hers and made short work of his shirt, and no sooner had the offending garment been removed than his lips were back on Chloe’s. He nibbled gently on her lower lip, drawing a whimper from her throat that was quickly swallowed in his kiss. Suddenly, he found Chloe rolling them over until she was poised on top him, straddling his hips. Her mouth left his once more, blazing a trail down his neck to his chest. She sucked and nibbled at his skin as her hands roamed over him as if to memorize him by touch alone. Her tongue flicked out to rasp over one flat nipple, and Lex’s hips thrust up into her at the sensation.

    Chloe threw back her head, her back arched. Her wetness had seeped through her panties, pressed against the thin material of Lex’s pants. Her eyes locked on his, now the same dark, dangerous gray as the storm clouds outside lashing rain against the windows and rattling the glass with sharp claps of thunder. Half-lidded, her gaze stayed on his as she began to rock, moaning louder each time she ground her clit against Lex’s rock hard cock.

    As her hips sped up slightly, she reached up and in one swift move pulled off her thin shirt. She saw Lex’s eyes darken further when he saw that she wasn’t wearing a bra; his hands raised from the bed to fondle her bare breasts, and Chloe braced her hands behind her, gripping his legs as she arched into his hands. He began to pinch and pull at her hardened nipples, rolling them between thumb and forefinger until Chloe was gasping for breath, still moaning as her hips ground against his. Suddenly she stopped, removing his hands and leaning down to plant a hot, hard kiss on his eagerly open mouth.

    Quick as lightning her hands unbuckled his belt and opened the front of his pants, and then one hot hand slipped inside, stroking him firmly until it was his turn to gasp for breath. She broke the kiss and moved swiftly down his body, removing their shoes and socks before tugging on his pants. His hips lifted to help her, and in one smooth motion she removed his pants and boxers, throwing them to the floor and exposing him to her questing fingers. Her hand quickly wrapped around his cock again, squeezing and stroking until he was moaning under her touch. He felt her breath on him and tensed in anticipation; what he hadn’t expected, however, was to feel her hot mouth closing around his balls. She licked and sucked for what seemed like an eternity before she released him, one hand moving to replace her mouth as her lips wrapped around the head of his cock. That hand massaged his balls as the other stroked his base, joined by her mouth taking him deeper and deeper. He didn’t know how much more he could take; just then Chloe removed her hand and took him all the way in, her lips brushing his base with his tip buried in her throat.

    (Save me)
    Call my name and save me from the dark

    “Chloe,” Lex cried out, his hands weaving into her hair to pull her off of him. The feel of her mouth was incredible, but he wanted to be buried deep inside her, wanted to feel her legs wrapped around his waist, pulling him closer when he came. His hands were rough as he yanked her up and smashed her lips against his, quickly rolling them over until he was once again settled over her.

    Her breasts were the first to receive his attention, and Chloe let out a harsh cry when Lex’s mouth sucked one peak into his mouth. Her chest was heaving with the effort it took to keep breathing; she stopped altogether, back arching almost painfully when Lex bit down, not so gently, on one tight bud. She was dimly aware of his hands slipping off her skirt, but her awareness came crashing back when she felt his fingers skim over the soaked satin of her panties. The air rang with a whimpered cry, and it took Chloe several seconds to realize that it had come from her.

    “So wet,” Lex murmured against her stomach. His tongue dipped into her navel, and then suddenly his mouth was lower, placing a hot openmouthed kiss over the soaked material. Chloe began to squirm beneath him and Lex moved back up her body, kissing her before leaning down, his voice rasping in her ear. “You have more underwear in your luggage?” Breathless, Chloe nodded. “Good.”

    The sound of the ripping fabric mixed with the rattling windows from another roll of thunder, and then Lex was slipping one long finger into her. Chloe’s hips automatically began to move, taking him as deep as she could in an effort to fill the ache that was building inside of her.

    “Christ, that’s tight.” Lex’s low voice in her ear had Chloe shivering, and a new flood of juices began to cover Lex’s hand. He leaned up to look into her eyes, his finger still moving in and out of her. “Chloe, have you . . .” He trailed off, but Chloe understood and shook her head. “Fuck,” he muttered, before returning his mouth to hers. Her mouth opened for him immediately, and Lex added another finger to the one already stroking her as he thrust his tongue into her mouth, mimicking the movements of his hand.

    Chloe’s moans, muffled by Lex’s mouth on hers, grew louder still when his other hand returned to her breast, kneading and toying with her nipple in the same rhythm of his other hand. A third finger slipped inside her then, and after a brief pause to let her adjust, Lex began to pump all three in and out, Chloe’s juices coating his hand almost to the wrist. Her hips were moving again, riding his fingers. His mouth replaced his hand on her breast and his thumb found her clit, rubbing in hard, fast circles. Panting now, Chloe rode his hand faster and harder as her climax built. Then suddenly, Lex crooked his fingers, and as he hit her sweet spot Chloe’s internal muscles clamped around his fingers and she came with a loud, keening moan.

    She lay limp on the bed, her muscles drained from the power of her climax. The sound of a drawer opening and shutting, followed by the sound of ripping, had her opening her eyes to see Lex staring down at her, eyes nearly black with desire. Chloe’s breathing grew heavier as she watched him roll the condom onto his cock, and despite her recent satisfaction she felt a fresh wave of lust sweep through her when she felt him position himself at her entrance. He leaned down to capture her mouth in a kiss and began to press forward. Her channel was still soaked from the last time she came and Lex slipped in easily, trying desperately to retain control as he felt her wet heat grip him more tightly than anything he had ever felt. He leaned up again and Chloe opened her eyes to see him looking at her, the question clear in his eyes. She nodded, and he pressed his lips to hers in a gentle kiss before he thrust forward, burying himself completely in her.

    The brief pain was quickly eclipsed by an overwhelming feeling of fullness, and Chloe heard Lex groan as she tightened herself around him. She moved her hips experimentally, and she and Lex both gasped at the intense pleasure it produced. He began to move in her, slowly thrusting in and out. Soon Chloe’s hips were moving in counterpoint, speeding up the rhythm and wrapping her legs around his waist. Lex readjusted, and the new angle soon had Chloe moaning constantly as his cock hit her sweet spot with every thrust.

    “Oh, God. Oh fuck. Please.” The words spilled unchecked from her mouth as the pressure built inside of her, quickly rising to fever pitch. “Please, Lex. God,” she sobbed, unsure of what it was she was begging for.

    (Wake me up)
    Bid my blood to run
    (I can’t wake up)
    Before I come undone
    (Save me)

    “That’s it,” Lex moaned out. “Chloe, look at me.” Her eyes met his, saw the ferocity there as he drove harder and deeper into her. “Come for me, Chloe.”

    Those words were all it took to send Chloe spiraling over the edge. Her vision went hazy at the edges until all she could see was Lex above her, pounding into her as she pulsed uncontrollably around him. Another thrust, and then the feel of him swelling inside of her brought a whole new wave of pleasure crashing over her body. A few more short jerks and Lex collapsed on top of her, his face buried in the crook of her neck as they both panted, struggling for breath.

    Chloe’s hands stroked over Lex’s back and she placed a soft kiss to his shoulder. Lex raised his head and sealed her lips with an equally soft kiss, both of them groaning when he slipped from her. He quickly removed and discarded the condom before drawing down the comforter and helping Chloe slip underneath, pulling her against his side. He held her securely there, her head nestled against his chest, and quickly followed her into sleep.

    And together, both of them finally found peace.

    Save me from the nothing I’ve become

    TBC . . .

  2. #2
    Yes, I am that Fabulous Senior Member tigerbaby's Avatar
    Join Date
    01 May 2003
    In bed, where it's nice and warm
    *fans self* that was hot!!

    “Off.” She broke the kiss, moving her lips to his ear. She nipped him sharply before sucking his earlobe into her mouth. “Now.”
    I loves me a strong woman who knows what she wants and isn't afraid to go after it.

  3. #3
    see spot snark Senior Member happy bunny's Avatar
    Join Date
    20 Apr 2003
    New Jersey
    Oooohh... I love it! It's so hot. And cute, too.

  4. #4
    Just a Guest!
    :worship2: :worship2:

  5. #5
    Escapeism Artist Senior Member asharnanae's Avatar
    Join Date
    15 Sep 2003
    Cambridgeshire, England.
    :biggrin: Drool...........GAHHHHHHHH!!!! Wow! that was fantastic, loved every minuet!! but now I will have to invest in an indutral streght mop to get rid of the copias amount of drool! :worship2:

  6. #6
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    24 Jun 2003
    Chicago, Illinois, USA
    Now that was hot !

  7. #7
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
    Join Date
    23 Nov 2002
    That was :smoker: :smoker: :smoker:

    Hope :worship2:
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  8. #8
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    19 Oct 2003
    Oh my !!! That was just ....excellent and hot and so many other adjectives for really good things. I would be more descriptive but my vocabulary is broken right now . Wow. Gonna go take a cold shower now.

  9. #9
    NS Senior Member Senior Member sydsvaughn's Avatar
    Join Date
    04 Mar 2003
    I must agree, HOT, HOT, HOT!

    The perfect images to send me off to sleep with... and I love the Evanescense songs as well. Love the CD and most fit Chlex very nicely!

    Wonderfully done, can't wait to read more!


  10. #10
    Just a Guest!
    Off to find a cold shower now....damn you (in a good way of course).

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