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Thread: Memories (NC-17)

  1. #1
    NS Full Member
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    Memories (NC-17)

    Title: Memories
    Rating: NC-17
    Summary: PWP
    Disclaimer: We do not own the characters on Smallville
    A/N: This is really bad cheese on purpose

    Chloe sat sideways on the bench, her legs drawn up close to her chest and her arms wrapped tight around her knees. She buried her face in the cradle between her body and her legs, crying silently and cursing the day she had ever been naive enough to even consider that Clark could chose her over the raven haired beauty. Only a few hours ago, he had told her he couldn't stay together with her, because he had realized that he still loved Lana and that it was his destiny to be with her. "Fuck you Clark," Chloe whispered.

    She had wandered aimlessly through the park, after he had left her at the fountain. Yet again, he had run of for some unknown reason, when she had wanted him to stay, so she could at least yell at him, beat him, have a chance to say her part.

    When she had found the bench, she had sat down and just stared straight ahead, not really processing anything that was happening around her. The tears had come and with the tears, the anger at herself. Why did she cry? She should have expected it. It was nothing new. Lana had yet again taken what Chloe wanted. Sometimes Chloe thought that the girl didn't even do it intentionally. But that would take away the reason to be angry, so Chloe stamped down on that thought, as soon as it reared its ugly head.

    Hours had passed between the blow up and now, but still Chloe couldn't find it in her to get up from the bench. It was hidden from the more popular spots in the park. She knew no one would be able to see her crying. Night had fallen over her already; and the stars were clouded by the dirt of the city air. She knew she was putting her life in danger by sitting here all alone, in the middle of the night, but she was beyond caring.

    "What the hell are you doing here?" A familiar voice jolted her out of her thoughts and her head snapped up to look in the direction it came from. Through a veil of unshed tears, she could see Lex Luthor standing a few steps away from her. His gaze seemed to burn right through to her soul as he slowly came closer and sat down beside her.

    Chloe turned away from him. "Writing the great American novel," she dead panned. She did not need this now. "And, I'd ask the same of you but I think I already know the answer. Clark informed you of what was going on and you, being his little lapdog, came right away. So, before you can ask, I'm fine, never better. So you can go and pass that on to Clark."

    Lex looked at her and tried to quell the urge to shake some sense into her. He collected himself, before answering. "He couldn't find you and asked for my help, yes. But I am not here because of him I am here because of you." He stated calmly. "And do you really think I would leave you alone in a park at night? You're smart enough to know what can happen if some sick pervert decides to take the route around these corners and sees you here."

    Chloe whipped around to face Lex, but he had disappeared. She felt the table bow and knew that he was now sitting next to her. 'Damn him and his freakishly quiet, expensive shoes,' she thought. "Yes, Lex, I'm aware of the dangers, I'm just too damn tired to care. Tired of the whole song and dance that is, was and ever shall be the relationship that I have with Clark. So, can you please just fuck off," she asked, turning to regard the man beside her.

    Lex took a deep breath and tried to ignore her last words. "You know that I won't do that. So just tell me what he did this time? I'm going out on a limb here and bet you a twenty it was something along the lines of 'I can't be with you anymore Chloe, cause Lana just broke up with her latest quarterback and now I know we are meant to be together?' or something like that." He knew it would piss her off, but anything was better than Chloe as cold as a wall and bottling up her feelings.

    Chloe’s nails dug into her palms painfully. "Yes," she spat out. "Exactly that. But, if you think that I'm giving you a twenty for guessing that, you're out of your damn mind. So, now that you've ascertained that I'm fine and satisfied your own curiosity about the situation, I repeat my earlier statement." Chloe turned her head and glared at Lex, "Fuck. Off."

    She looked away from Lex, hoping that, for once, he would do as told. She knew that if he stayed much longer, she would break. And, she didn't like doing that in front of anyone, much less a man that was barely an acquaintance.

    "No, I will not. Chloe, just tell me. I'm worried about you. This is not at all like you, sitting here, brooding and putting yourself into danger without any reason. Just tell me how I can help you?" Lex hesitantly reached a hand out and placed it on her shoulder. He had to get her to meet his eyes and see that he meant it.

    Chloe could feel Lex's hand burning through her shirt. It had been so long since Clark had touched her that she had forgotten what physical contact had felt like. She turned towards him, noticing for the first time how close he was sitting to her and how intoxicating his scent was. "You can't," she whispered. "No one can. With everything you have, not even you can give me what I need."

    "You can't know that for sure, Chloe." His voice was soft. He found himself mesmerized by the seemingly bottomless hazel orbs staring back at him, filled with so much pain. "Just tell me what you need."

    Chloe found herself responding to the sound of Lex's soft voice. She closed her eyes briefly and licked her lips before speaking. "I need to feel beautiful. I need to feel what it's like to have a man want me so badly that his body shakes. I need to feel sexy and uninhibited, not caring if the man I'm with thinks less of me because of it. I need someone who understands," her last words were barely above a whisper.

    "I do." Lex said, lifting her chin to face up with his index finger to make her face him. "I understand, Chloe. Let me help you feel." Lex slowly leaned down and covered her lips with his, applying gentle pressure.

    When she felt Lex's lips touch her own, something inside of Chloe broke. No man had ever wanted her the way that she was. And here was Lex, not defending his friend, not trying to make it better but instead, kissing her. She moaned and placed her hand on the back of his neck, urging him on. When she felt his tongue flicker against her lips, she opened them eagerly. He ravaged her mouth and she clung to his body.

    When they both pulled back for breath, his eyes were roaming over her face. Flushed and aroused she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. "Do you really not know how beautiful you are, Chloe?" He pulled her into his lap, pushing tucking an errant strand of hair behind her ear. "You are the most breathtaking woman I have ever met, and any man who has eyes for real beauty can see that."

    Chloe couldn't help it, she shook her head. She was confused. Hours ago she had felt her heart breaking because of Clark's words and now she felt it swelling due to Lex's. She looked down at Lex, searching for words, when none came she captured his mouth once more, flicking her tongue briefly over the scar that marred his perfect lips. She ran her hand over his scalp, her nails skating across the skin. Chloe felt Lex shudder beneath her. She waited for his motion to still, but, it didn't. "You're shaking," she breathed out, in wonder.

    Lex took a deep breath in order to control his body. He tightened his hold on Chloe's waist and pulled her closer to his body while he thrust his hips upwards, wanting her to feel the effect she was having on his body.

    Chloe practically yelped at the feel of Lex's cock hitting her already throbbing core. She put her hands on his shoulders and looked down at him. A groan was torn from her throat at the sight of Lex thrusting up towards her and the desire she could see in his eyes. Chloe began to unbutton his shirt, all the while keeping up the rhythm of her hips.

    Chloe ran her hands up and down the flat plane of his chest, reveling in the noises that were being ripped from Lex's throat. She not so gently raked her nails over his abdominal muscles and he groaned her name. When she reached the waistband of his pants, she became hesitant.

    Lex felt her hesitate and tried to sooth her nerves by lightly running his hands up her arms to her shoulders. "Go on. You want this, I'm here to give you what you need. No inhibitions, remember?"

    Chloe bit her lip, deciding if she could trust what Lex was telling her. She looked into his eyes and her decision was made seeing the honesty reflected in them. Instead of reaching for his pants, Chloe first yanked off her own shirt. Her hands then made quick work of his pants, unfastening them and moving them so they were no longer in her way. She reached out and freed Lex's cock from his boxer shorts and began to stroke him from base to tip. She teased the slit of his cock with the nail of her thumb.

    Once Chloe's fingers had become slick with Lex's precum, she slowly raised her hand to her mouth. As she locked eyes with Lex, she drew her fingers into her mouth, groaning at how good he tasted.

    Chloe cleaned her fingers slowly, thoroughly enjoying Lex's reaction. His eyes were dark and wide and he was biting his lower lip. Chloe slid her hands around her breasts, lightly brushing her hardened nipples with her fingertips before she undid the front clasp. She threw the scrap of satin onto the bench and panted, "Touch me, Lex."

    Lex yanked her closer to his body, pulling her left breast into his mouth. He let his tongue tease over her areola in circling motions, yet never touching the nipple.

    His hands traveled up her spine, holding her in place as she started to writhe under his ministrations. Lex could feel her hands close around the back of his neck and found himself pressed tightly to her heaving chest.

    "Lex, please," she whimpered, surprised at how weak her voice sounded. She had never been desperate before. She shrieked when Lex finally took her nipple in his mouth. The throbbing between her thighs intensified as Lex sucked at one nipple, then turned his attention to the other. Chloe's nails were digging into his back and she heard him hiss in pain as she broke the skin. Chloe placed one hand on the center of his chest and gently pushed him away from her body. He looked up at her with confusion. She stood up, groaning as she felt her panties brushing up against her clit. Chloe kicked her shoes off and quickly unbuttoned her jeans and took them, along with her panties, off of her body. She then knelt at Lex's feet and removed his shoes and socks. She grasped the waistband of his pants and boxers and ordered, "Up." Lex's hips lifted immediately off of the wood and he was now naked, as well.

    Chloe took Lex's throbbing cock in her hand and began to stroke it rhythmically. His eyes fluttered closed and Chloe increased her pace. Lex's hands were balled up into fists and Chloe could see that he was close. "Lex," she said, "open your eyes." When Lex obeyed, Chloe swiftly enveloped his cock with her mouth.

    "Fuck, Chloe." Lex's knees buckled as he felt Chloe suck him into her hot mouth. Her teeth scraped lightly over the sensitive skin. When she locked eyes with him a groan was ripped from his throat. How she managed to still look innocent, while sucking his cock like a pro was beyond him. His hands wove into her hair and he let his thumbs graze over the hollows of her cheeks. "God, yes baby, you’re so good." He moaned when she hummed around his throbbing length

    Chloe broke eye contact with Lex and focused on his cock. She ever so slowly bobbed her head up and down. She could tell she was tormenting him from the way her name was ripped from his throat and the jerking of his hips. She reveled in the feeling of power it gave her. Chloe finally took all of Lex into her throat and cupped his balls with her right hand, earning a strangled cry of her and god's name from the man sprawling on the bench in front of her.

    Lex could feel the heat searing through down his spine, if he didn't stop her now, it would be over too soon, and he wanted to be buried to the hilt inside her tight little cunt when he came.

    "God, Chloe stop." He pulled her back, his cock slipping from her lips with a wet popping sound.

    Chloe was confused and then doubt coursed through her body. Maybe she had been mistaken when she thought Lex had liked what she was doing. "Oh, god, was I not good? Did I do something wrong?" she asked in horror. She started to push her body away from Lex's.

    Lex immediately tightened his grip on her and pulled her flush against him, kissing her hard, before letting go again. "Chloe, you were amazing, but this is not about me, this is about your pleasure."

    To emphasize his point, Lex slowly let his hand run down her stomach to her wet curls. When he gently rubbed her clit, Chloe's head fell back and he had to steady her with his arm around her waist. He teasingly let stroked his finger along her dripping folds, then pulled it back and licked it clean. Chloe's eyes grew wide as she watched his actions.

    Chloe's eyes grew wide as she watched his actions and her mouth opened slightly. Lex could hear her panting, driving him wild. He captured her mouth, hearing her groan when she tasted herself on his lips. Lex slowly moved down her body leaving a trail of kisses behind.

    Chloe watched as Lex sunk down onto his knees and gently pressed her knees apart. When she understood what he was doing, she quickly closed them and bit her lip. He looked up at her, clearly confused. "Chloe, what is it," he asked.

    "I've never," she started, then stopped. "No one's ever...I mean," she said, gesturing to the area between her thighs. "Clark never wanted to," she finally whispered. "He said...he said that it wasn't....," she let her sentence trail off.

    Lex stamped down the urge to roll his eyes at the stupidity of the farmboy. "Chloe, it's ok." He placed a gentle kiss on her lower abdomen and stroked his hands up and down her legs. "Trust me."

    He watched her biting her lower lip for another moment until she made her decision. When he felt the muscles in her thighs relax, he softly let his hands wander to her center and began to trace her dripping folds with his middle finger. He bent his head down and started to trail kisses along her hip bone and over the flat plane of her stomach. When he reached her belly button, he flicked his tongue inside and Chloe hissed. His head traveled lower, brushing a kiss in her curls before kissing her inner thighs.

    It was Chloe's turn to shake. She had never known what she was missing out on and she silently cursed Clark yet again. All thoughts flew out of her mind, however, when Lex pressed an open-mouthed kiss on her cunt. Chloe cried out and bucked up, she felt Lex steady her hips and his mouth was on her once more.

    He let his tongue dip into her opening, before pulling it back and circling her clit. He repeated the motion, his tongue going deeper this time. When his lips brushed over her clit again, he closed them around the tight bundle of nerves and applied gentle pressure. He hummed deep in his throat, his hands traveling to her ass and pressing her closer, when he felt her hands come around the back of his neck pulling him against her delicious wet cunt.

    Chloe wanted, no, *needed* more. She started to thrust her hips against Lex's mouth uncontrollably. She felt his mouth leave her clit and his tongue began to fuck her once more. She licked her dry lips and whimpered, "Please, Lex, more," as she spread her legs as wide as she could.

    She screamed his name in abandon, as two of his long fingers started to penetrate her, first slowly then picking up pace, reaching deeper with every stroke, while his tongue continued to circle her clit.

    When Lex felt her beginning to shake under his ministrations he looked up at her face. Chloe’s mouth hung open and she was panting his name. Angling his fingers lightly, he slammed them into her once more and clamped his lips down on her clit.

    Chloe's hands fell from Lex's shoulders and clawed at the wood of the bench, her fingernails breaking, but she couldn't feel any pain Just the pleasure that was sweeping through every part of her body. Her hips arched upwards, and she wailed Lex's name repeatedly as she came. Her body slumped back down onto the bench and she groaned when Lex removed his fingers from her core.

    Lex looked up at her, his pupils dilated and his eyes dark. Chloe reached out and took his hand in hers. She sucked his fingers into her mouth, cleaning her juices off of him. When she was done, she licked her lips and closed her eyes, earning a groan from Lex. "I want you inside of me," Chloe said. Lex grabbed her and pulled her to his body. "No," Chloe whispered, pressing her hand against his chest. He opened his mouth, but she continued on. "Not like this." She stood up on shaky legs. "No inhibitions, right," she asked.

    Lex watched her standing up and turning her back to him. When caught up with her intentions he ran his hands up her back and lightly pushed forwards. She was bending over the bench now. Her hands gripping the back rest tightly, her legs spread wide in silent invitation.

    Lex gripped the back of her neck with his right hand. Positioning himself behind her, he took his cock in hand positioning the tip at her entrance. With one quick thrust he was completely buried inside of her. His left hand came back to her hip, steadying her, as he slowly pulled out, before slamming back into her tight hot cunt.

    Chloe lowered her head and thrust her hips back into Lex as he pushed forward. She was grunting as she tried to get his cock deeper inside of her body. Lex was filling her like no man ever had. She realized that Clark was a boy, while Lex was a man. Clark had no technique while Lex knew how to please a woman. Plus, Clark's cock was not nearly as impressive. "So big," she panted. "Bigger than Clark."

    Male pride coursed through Lex as he heard her words. He rolled his hips slightly, ramming back into her at a different angle and when he heard her cry out his name at the top of her lungs, he knew he had hit 'that spot'. He kept pounding into her over and over, losing himself in the feeling of her tight channel contracting rhythmically around his cock.

    While Chloe knew she had more words in her vocabulary other than the name of the man ramming into her from behind, it was the only word she could think to say. At this moment, he was the only thing in her world. Then, she felt something else. A familiar feeling was coiling in her belly, yet it was more powerful than she had ever felt. She spread her legs wider and pushed back with all of her might.

    Chloe tried to get control of her brain once more. Lex had lost some of his control when she had mentioned Clark before. She knew that this next fact might push him over the edge. She licked her lips. "Clark always insisted on protection. He never let me feel him. He never came in me, Lex. You'll be the first one." She rotated her hips and clenched her cunt around his cock. "God, Lex," she said in a strangled cry, "Do it, come inside me."

    Her husky command and her internal muscles clamping down on him like a vice pushed Lex over the precipice. Stars exploded behind his closed eyelids and a sense of vertigo rushed over him as she milked his cock for all he was worth. Lex pulled her up against his chest biting down hard on the juncture between her neck and shoulder, as his climax seemed to go on forever.

    The feel of Lex's hot come filling her was like nothing she had ever experienced. Her body began to shake and when Lex's teeth pierced her sensitive skin she came harder than she ever had in her young life. Her cunt clamped down on Lex's cock, trapping it in her body as he continued pouring his essence into her.

    Chloe felt Lex pull out of her and she moaned in disappointment. Her disappointment was brief, however. Lex sat down on the bench and pulled her with him, wrapping his arms around her body and kissing the top of her head.

    "So now that you fucked the living daylights out of me? Where do we go from here?" Chloe asked.

    "My place?"

    "Fine by me? King size four-poster I assume?"

    He slid over to her in order to whisper in her ear. "You assume correctly, but you forgot one thing."

    "What am I forgetting,” she pulled back and looked into his eyes, blue orbs sparkling with mischief

    "What are the magic words, Chloe?" Lex asked in a sing song voice.

    "Please is only one word, Lex," Chloe said, smugly

    Lex shook his head. "Nope, try again, he said while looking deeply into her eyes. "Try three words. Short ones."

    She drowned in the blue pools and threw caution to the wind, "I love you, Lex"

    "Hmmm," he said, smiling down at her. "Four's good, too." He gently kissed her lips. "I love you too, Chloe. Now let's get out of here before we get arrested for indecent exposure."


    Chloe smiled down at the park bench as she remembered that fateful night so many years ago. Her fingertip traced over a heart with two sets of initials in it. The next day Lex had insisted on coming back to the park, to 'mark their territory' as he put it. Chloe had rolled her eyes then, as she was doing now, at how much of a guy he could be.

    A hand came out of nowhere and rested over hers, the gold band on the ring finger gleaming in the moonlight. "Haven't I told you that you shouldn't be out here alone at night?" She looked up and into his eyes, shining with love and a hint of humor.

    "Yes," she said, smiling. "But since when have I ever listened to you?" She brought his hand to her lips and kissed it gently. "Happy Anniversary, Lex."

    Lex smiled gently and leaned closer to brush his lips against hers. "Happy Anniversary, Maiseach."

    "Oh, Gaelic," Chloe said. "Someone's getting lucky tonight!" With that, she pulled on her husband's hand and led him out of the park.

    The end

  2. #2
    Canon Whore Not An Addict's Avatar
    Join Date
    28 Dec 2002
    Kansas, U.S.A.
    A PWP from the two of you.

    Life is sweeeeeeeeet. :biggrin:

    Sweet like cake!! *gives you some*

  3. #3
    NS Senior Member Senior Member sydsvaughn's Avatar
    Join Date
    04 Mar 2003
    And I'll so add to that. Loved it, loved it, loved it!!

    You two absolutely rock if I haven't said it lately!!


  4. #4
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
    Join Date
    23 Nov 2002
    Oh wow that was hmy:

    Hope :worship2:
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  5. #5
    Sugar&Spice of the gutter Senior Member Queen Of Tact's Avatar
    Join Date
    05 Mar 2003
    Loved it!!! That was so hott :yay: And Lex and Chloe were I think I'm going to beed a cold shower now...

    CC :worship2:
    "I am scared that I'm always going to be somebody's friend or sister or confidant, but never quite somebody's everything."

  6. #6
    Join Date
    19 Feb 2003
    Manila, Philippines
    Aww that PWP is so beautiful *g* I love the end...

  7. #7
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    23 May 2003
    hmy: That was great!!!

  8. #8
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    25 Nov 2002
    Wowzer :huh: That was brilliant.

    <note to self: don&#39;t drink coffee while reading NC17 fics>

  9. #9
    Just a Guest!
    Gonna have to make you two write PWPs more often. Great job&#33;

  10. #10
    Chlex VAMP Writer ruafair's Avatar
    Join Date
    24 Nov 2002
    Dublin, Ireland
    OH MY GOd....that was...WOW....I am so not worthy......... hmy: hmy:

    PS Loved the Gaelic (I&#39;m Irish).... :biggrin:


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