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Thread: Ruining the Kents Pt 2 (R/Nc17) Completed

  1. #1
    Fic Tease Senior Member Blaire023's Avatar
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    Chesapeake, Va
    Author: Blaire
    Title: Ruining the Kents 2
    Rating: R/Nc17
    Disclaimer: Nope, don't own em.
    Summary: Chloe and Lex plot to ruin the kents.
    A/N: THIS IS FOR RENEE, she hosted my beautiful avatar. Plus, she's all sorts of wonderful. So thanks, Renee.

    *Ruining the Kents Part 2*


    Chloe curled towards the warmth hidden under the sheets. Her head pressed firmly againt his side, nudging his arm out of the way. On a half sigh half chuckle, Lex lifted his arm on invitation. "Today's the day." Her sleepy voice cut through the soft stage of dream Lex slowly came out of.

    "Mmmm." His noncommital agreement had her turning her face and looking up at him. His eyes lay at half mast as he studied her from beneath his lashes.

    "That's it? Just a mmmm?" She bit on flesh, a nibble here, a taste there until he started to squirm.

    "Enough, enough." Lex laughed as he rolled onto his side, pulling the sheet up over them. Sunlight filtered through, a soft haze rolled over Chloe as she twisted to see him. "Yes, today's the day." He pulled her closer, wanting to feel every inch of her. Still reaffirming she was indeed alive. With a wistful smile he remembered last night. And part of this morning. She was definitely alive.

    "Tell me again." She lay on her stomach, propping her head in her hands.

    With an overdramatic sigh Lex rolled his eyes and couldn't help the smile that broke his facade as she nudged him with her elbow. "Okay. First, since their loan is through Smallville's Savings and Loan, and they did indeed miss their last payment. I've brought this to my father's attention. Seeing as he owns it. By nine o clock this morning they will be notified that their loan has fallen through and that the farm is up for auction." chloe had to snicker at this. It seemed that not long ago Lex had saved the Kent farm and turned the deed over to Johnathon. But could the Kents let it rest? Absolutely not. He and Martha had gone and gotten a loan to pay him back. In one lump sum he had been given a check from the bank in honor of the Kents. "And Clark. Well, we've gone over it enough that you should know what to do."

    "Lex." His name came out as a whine as she brushed her lips over taut muscles and smooth skin. He fell to his back as she climbed on top of him. Stradding his legs, Chloe leaned down, his arousal pressed firmly against her stomach. With a catlike stretch she ran her nails down his abdomen to the waist of his boxers. Her fingertips played beneath as she poutted at him. "I want to hear it. I like the tone your voice takes when you start talking about destroying people." With a slick smile she leaned down and ran her tongue over the material covering him. "Especially Clark." She ran her teeth along his well protected shaft and purred deep in her throat. "Tell me." She whispered huskily as she nipped at the button holding the opening of his boxers together. Pulling it off, she rose above him and dropped it onto his navel.

    "Over the last few days you've done your part, Shit, Chloe." Lex sucked in a breath as she pulled his cock through the opening. Her hand wrapped around him, squeezing hard as she ran it along the length. With a groan Lex continued. "Showing up where only he would see you, staying in the sha..." His voice caught in his throat as she licked the drop of precum forming at the head of his penis. "shadows." He narrowed his eyes at her and put his hands in her hair. Just as he was going to ask if she wanted to hear it or not she swallowed him and his eyes rolled back as she hummed around him. His hands tightened as his hips raised off the bed to thrust as deep as possible. With a contented sigh Chloe released him and crawled up his body.

    "You were saying." She smiled as she pressed her lips to his. His hands still in her hair, he let them stray down to the nape of her neck, over her shoulders, down her sides, his thumbs brushing the curve of her breasts. As his hands gripped her hips he dug in and rammed into her. Chloe's head dropped to the curve in his shoulder as she rode him slowly.

    "Today he'll come to see me. I'll tell him he's crazy. He'll ask about that day. The accident on the bridge. Why he couldn't save you."

    "Mmmmm." Chloe nipped at his earlobe as she nuzzled his neck. "Don't think I haven't forgiven you for that." With a gasp she felt a tingle start in her stomach. "Not many women would accept the fact that the man they planned..." Her words stopped short as Lex thrust up into her. With a strangled moan of his name she came. Coaxing him into doing the same. Collapsing against him she kept her pace and resumed where she stopped. Leaving Lex to admire the way she thought. How she kept her place. "planned to marry, injected them with liquified meteor." With a gasp she sat up sharply and her nails dug into his pecs. Lex groaned from beneath her and gripped her hips as he felt her shudder around him again. His name ripped from her as she threw her head back and cried it out loud.

    At a frantic pace she rode him. Bringing herself so close to the edge. So close, but not quite...With a startled scream she bit into her lower lip and Lex thrust up, his fingers digging in to find purchase on the plush skin of her hips. Her climax hit him as he groaned her name, emptying himself inside her. Her tumble back down to him had her sucking in a deep breath. "God, I love you, Lex." She sucked at his adam's apple before relenting and resting her cheek against his chest.

    His arms wrapped tight around her. "I love you too, Chloe."


    Chloe stood in the Kents loft, watching Clark make his way over to a loose fence post. 'Interesting.' Her thoughts centered as he picked it up and gave it a hard shove back into its rightful place. Staying partly in the shadows of the setting sun, she put a hand on the frame of the huge window looking out over the farm and turned her hazel eyes on him.

    Clark rubbed at the back of his neck and wiped the dirt away from his palm, onto his pants. The sudden feeling of eyes on him had his own turning upward to look up at the loft. She was there. He'd seen her in his own dreams, then in school, and when he'd go chasing after a story, she was there too. He'd been to her grave only once since the funeral almost a month ago. He hadn't been close enough to get a good look into the coffin. There was something about her presence that unsettled him. It could have been that he had never seen a ghost before. Especially one of someone he'd loved as a sister.

    Now her hazel eyes flickered down to him and in the setting pinks and oranges of the wide sky above, they looked more alive, and more dangerous than he'd remembered. She wore white. She always wore white. In his dreams she floated above him, when she touched him his skin ached and burned in the trail of her fingertip.

    He never got close enough to touch her now. As he took one long look at the shadow in his window, he sprinted to the barn, keeping at a normal speed. Taking the steps up to the loft two at a time he came to a halting stop at the top and stared at her. Her body wrapped in a delicate flow of white material that pooled around her bare feet. Her hair barretted back with a small silver butterfly. She turned from the setting sun to look at him and her lips quirked in a smile.

    "You're probably wondering why I'm here." Her arm moved freely to guide him to sit on the couch.

    "I've umm, haven't really thought about it."

    "It's okay, Clark." She closed her eyes for a moment. She wanted to get it just right. "I'm not angry with you for killing me." She opened them to look down her nose at him. "It wasn't completely your fault."

    "I...I didn't kill you." His words came out slow as he studied the flow of her dress, the breeze ruffling through his window stirring it around her bare legs. "God, Chloe." His eyes darted over to the window and down to his own hands. "I didn't mean to. I just couldn't hold on."

    Chloe let a frown mar her perfectly placed smile. "You could never hold on to me, could you?"

    Her question was rhetorical and she figured he'd be stupid enough to answer it, and he did. "I never knew what you wanted from me. One minute you just wanted to be friends, and the next you were mad at me for deciding you were right. And then you and Lex." He stopped there. Wondering why the hell he was getting angry at a ghost.

    "Lex and I." Chloe sighed and let the passion she felt for him come to her eyes. "I love him, Clark. Still, I do." She held out her arms slowly and then wrapped them around herself in an empowered embrace. "The love we had for eachother was so deep. I can still feel him. He still whispers my name at night when he finds himself alone in bed."

    "He's seen you then?"

    Chloe smiled slowly and blinked down at him. "Of course he has. Clark, he made me what I am." With that she walked over to him slowly and ran her hand through his ruffled hair. On a short intake of air he turned his face into her stomach and let out a muffled sob. "Now, no tears." She shushed him and held his head close.

    Clark breathed her in deeply, his hands circling her waist as she stood beside him. "I'm so sorry Chloe. I should have warned you. I had no idea he'd take it so far."

    Chloe narrowed her eyes, she knew he couldn't see them for his eyes were closed and turned to press into her gown. "It doesn't matter anymore, Clark. We love eachother very much. It's only a matter of time before he joins me."

    Clark pulled back from her and looked up into her eyes. Her hands settled on his shoulders and then dropped away. "Lex is going to...to kill himself?"

    "Now why would I do that?" The voice and the venom in it had Clark standing up to protect Chloe. He instinctively stepped in front of her and was more than surprised as she put a hand on his arm to move him aside.

    "Now, boys. No need to fight over little ole' me." As she walked to Lex she turned and gave Clark a small smile over her shoulder. "Unless of course you really want to, then by all means, go ahead." She put an arm around Lex's waist and leaned into his side.

    "You're not dead." Clark's new revelation had Chloe tossing back her head and laughing.

    "No shit, Clark." Shaking her head she stopped and smiled at him. "Just because you couldn't save me, doesn't mean I couldn't save myself."

    Clark looked from her to Lex and back to her. He shifted uncomfortably from one foot to another. When he slowly inhaled the coughing fit that shook his body had him reaching a hand back behind him as he found the couch, and lowered himself onto it. "What's happening to me?" He croaked out the words as Chloe laughed again and squeezed Lex close to her.

    "See, when you decided to hug me, you inhaled the particles of meteorite on my dress. Sorry buddy, but in ten minutes, give or take a few either way, you're lungs will collapse and you'll suffocate. That strange metallic taste in your mouth is a sign of that."

    Clark let his tongue run over the ridges of his teeth and then wiped the back of his hands across his damp lips. Blood. He sputtered and coughed again. "How could. How could I touch you if it was on your dress?" He croaked it out slower and nearly syllable by syllable.

    "Refined. Tampered with. The particles no bigger than that of dust." Chloe explained then watched as he spit blood out of his mouth. "Aww, honey, look at that. He'll ruin his flannel."

    Lex chuckled at Chloe's diabolical sense of humor. "It's a shame really." he agreed and spun her around to lower his mouth to hers. His eyes locked on her own he ran his teeth over her bottom lip and earned a groan as she tugged at his belt. Pulling it out of its loops she tossed it aside and ran her hand down the bulge in his pants.

    "Why don't we give Clark here, a little show? hmmm?"

    Lex groaned leaned back, his head striking the wall of the barn. "Chloe." Her voice rasped out of him as he pulled her dress up to her waist and slid her panties down. Doing a little dance until they were around her ankles, Chloe slipped out of them and brought Lex's face back down to hers.

    "Tell me you love me, Lex."

    With a grunt he spun their positions and had her trapped against the wall. Her hand freed him and in one swift move her arms were around his neck, linked behind his back, and her legs were wrapped around his waist.

    With a skill known only to suit him with her, Lex guided his throbbing cock to her entrance and in one long, hard thrust, was enveloped in a sheat of silk and velvet. His head reared back and her teeth clamped onto his throat as he pounded into her.

    Clark watched them through a vision of blurred darkness as Chloe used her heels to dig into Lex's ass to push herself off him only to lower herself back down. Lex's bare backside clenching and flexing to ram into her. The scream of their names came together as their bodies did and Clark looked into her eyes. Only to see them staring back at Lex's with a passion and a desire he'd never know.

    The last breath of his lungs hissed out as his body folded over and he collapsed over the arm of the couch, hugging his waist.

    Chloe shuddered around Lex as she came down from an impecable high. "Mmmmm." Her lips traced the outline of his jaw. "I love you, Lex."

    Lex's lips tilted in a slow and sexy curve as his hands tightened and relaxed and tightened on her ass, angling her further onto him. "I love you, Chloe."

    She felt him grow hard inside her again and leaned forward, pressing her head onto his shoulder. "Maybe we should move this to the couch."

    lex let out a short laugh as he made his way to the couch and sat down beside Clark's spent body. Eyes staring up at the both of them, unblinking.

    "Should we check his pulse?" Chloe asked as she rose up on Lex, not minding the lifeless corpse beside them.

    "I don't know if he ever had one to begin with." Lex leaned his head back and watched her as she rode him slowly, squeezing herself around him.

    With a shrug, she placed her hands on Lex's shoulders and rode him hard and fast until she was sure she couldn't take it anymore. With a cry of his name she came.


    Chloe watched as the wrecking ball smacked into the side of the barn loft on the Kents old property. "You know, I had a lot of good memories there."

    Lex's arm draped over her shoulder in the darkness of the limo. "Yeah, well. Tell ya what." he turned to her and brought her leg up and over his own before settling in place. With a short laugh she nibbled at his lips and straddling him, began to rock into his erection. "Let's make some good memories right here." He pat the leather of the seat with his palm and smiled at her. "And I'll never sell the car."

    "It's not the place that matters Lex." She bent down and nuzzled his neck as her hand snuck into his pants. "It's the person you're with."

    The End


  2. #2
    Yes, I am that Fabulous Senior Member tigerbaby's Avatar
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    01 May 2003
    In bed, where it's nice and warm
    My god you're evil. But I still love you anyway.

    This was awesome Blaire, thanks for writing a follow up, it brightened by day considerably *mutters to self "boring old contracts"*

  3. #3
    Escapeism Artist Senior Member asharnanae's Avatar
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    15 Sep 2003
    Cambridgeshire, England.
    :biggrin: wow! that was great! and sooooo evily good!

  4. #4
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
    Join Date
    23 Nov 2002
    You are evil but great. :lol: I loved it. :lol:

    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  5. #5
    PHD in Procrastination Senior Member vardaquareien's Avatar
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    Sydney, Australia.
    *happy sigh* Mine, mine all MINE!!! Muahahahaha!!!

    Blaire, have I told you lately that I love you... :biggrin:

    What more can we ask for, the Kent's ruined, Clunk dead and lotsa lovely Chlexy smut *happy sigh* I'm in heaven!!!

  6. #6
    NS Senior Member Senior Member autumngold's Avatar
    Join Date
    06 Oct 2003
    Really good follow up! The scene on the couch was really evil! You write a good evil Chlex! :chlexsign1:

  7. #7
    Ummm.. .Chlex jaded-swan's Avatar
    Join Date
    13 Jun 2003
    Yeah a sequel! Love the part abput the refined meteor rock on her dress and how stupid can Clark be?

  8. #8
    is pushing daisies Senior Member
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    30 Mar 2003
    between heaven and hell
    I love when they get their revenge on Clark

  9. #9
    ...sleep all day. Senior Member Ainur's Avatar
    Join Date
    21 Oct 2004
    I just read the 2 parts and it was beautiful and evil. You killed Clark you are me hero. Never liked goody- goody people, they are so hipocritical. I hate that. Good job!!! :yay:

  10. #10
    NS Senior Member Senior Member sydsvaughn's Avatar
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    04 Mar 2003
    I love evil Chlex. Really, I do!

    Great continuation my dear!


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