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Thread: Chlex Drabbles (G+) (Excluded from Fanfic Update-date rule, Julie)

  1. #1
    Savage Midnight
    Just a Guest!

    Chlex Drabbles (G+) (Excluded from Fanfic Update-date rule, Julie)

    I wasn't sure which forum to post this in, but I thought that if different authors were going to be posting their Chlex drabbles here, it'd belong in the interactive forum. I apologise if it's in the wrong place

    Anyway, the point of this thread is to post all your Chlex drabbles. If you don't know what a drabble is, it's usually a short snippet or scene that is about 100 words long. It's usually used as a disciplinary exercise (God, that sounds awful) to force writers to only include the most vital elements of their work in one short, tiny drabble.

    I've posted one of mine, but feel free to post your own. See if you can get as close to 100 words as possible


    He was a good actor. He had the facial expressions down pat and the emotions had never really been a problem. I love you, Chloe. Steady gaze, soft eyes and it was game, set, match. Easy. And money brought him everything. The love of a good woman and the ring to slip on her delicate finger. Money had brought the life he lived, had taught him the finest lesson he would ever need to learn - lie, lie and lie, and soon his lies would become the only truth he’d ever need. Yes, Lex Luthor was a fine actor indeed.

  2. #2
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
    Join Date
    23 Nov 2002
    Oh I love drabbles. They are so much fun to read. This was a great one.

    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  3. #3
    Just a Guest!
    Gah! I love drabbles, but man - that's the thing - you never get a continuance on them. Nicely done though.

  4. #4
    Escapeism Artist Senior Member asharnanae's Avatar
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    15 Sep 2003
    Cambridgeshire, England.
    Ok, hears my go at the 'drabble', I am not counting the poety as part of the hundred words though!


    He saw her hair catch the autumn sun and shine in fluttering waves of gold. Lex watched as her expression turned from thoughtful to a small secretive smile, her eyes seeming to glow. And the darkness he felt receeded. It was then that a verse of poerty drifted through his mind.

    "For thou art melancholy pale,
    And on thy head is cold moon's shine,
    But she is ruddy and bright as day,
    And sunbeams dazzle from her eyne."

    Unknown to him, and by some coincedence of fates chosing, Chloe was reading from a poerty book as he watched her, unseen. She to was struck by a verse of poetry, and from the very same poem as he. Reading the words made her smile as she thought about how apt it was to her hearts revelation earlyer that week.

    "I thought Love lived in the hot sunshine,
    But, oh, he lives in the moony light!
    I thought to find Love in the light of day,
    But sweet love is the comforter of the night."

    She looked up then and met his eyes as they still gazed at her. Her smile broke wide like sun streaming through stormy clouds, and Lex found himself warmed.


    OK, so a bit long, hope you can forgive!

  5. #5
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
    Join Date
    23 Nov 2002
    That was great
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  6. #6
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    03 Jul 2003
    United Kingdom
    I've been wanting to start a drabble thread for so long, but was to lazy. Love those two drabbles, great work to you both!

    Okay, here are my two. Some of you, might have seen them already:-


    Cold and alone, without a family, save for a shark who calls himself a father, a mother beneath the ground, and too many disappointments to count.

    Then from nowhere, a little pixie, all sunshine and smiles, brimming with warmth, and eyes that speak openly of…

    … love.

    He holds his breath, afraid, waiting for the inevitable tragedy and keeps a vigil on her, lest she melt away.

    She catches him staring, and smiles wide saying, “I promise I’m not going anywhere.”

    He smirks in reply, in defence, but knowing him too well she just shakes her head, blowing a kiss.


    *Secret Love*

    Chloe’s heart is thumping so hard, she suspects the whole Talon can hear it.

    She’s conscious of her every move, breath, and expression.

    Lex says something and Clark laughs, totally at ease.

    Taking a sip of coffee, she attempts a cool smile.

    But she’s sure she’s an open book, or perhaps a front page article, headline huge for all to see: ‘Chloe Sullivan loves Lex Luthor.’

    Clark is briefly distracted by the need to rescue Lana Lang from a ceramic breakage.

    Lex smiles at her then, squeezing her hand under the table.

    And there’s no one else in the world.

  7. #7
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
    Join Date
    23 Nov 2002
    Those were great. I love it.

    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  8. #8
    see spot snark Senior Member happy bunny's Avatar
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    20 Apr 2003
    New Jersey
    Oooh! I'm loving this! Savage Midnight, your's was amazing! I love drabbles (didn't know that they were called that, though) because they can tell you an entire story using so few words. I loved everyone's drabbles, they were great!

  9. #9
    Just a Guest!
    *happy sigh* Those were great.

  10. #10
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    22 Jun 2003
    Glasgow, Scotland
    :biggrin: Yay! A new game!

    Here goes - pure fluff!

    Twilight fell slowly, and the room was heavy with silence. Lex cleared his throat. Chloe lifted her head and smiled as the librarian shushed him sternly. Mentally Lex swore that not even his love for his wife would drag him into this dusty reading room again - research be damned. Surreptitiously dropping his shoe and stretching his foot to rub her sandalled one under the table, he remembered her golden hair tumbled on his pillow that morning. She shifted away, but smiled again, and he could see the new light of their unborn child in her eyes.



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