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Thread: Surge - Complete

  1. #81
    NS Full Member Val's Avatar
    Join Date
    07 May 2003
    Is Lionel experimenting on both Lex and Lucas or something? Making Lucas have Lex's heart or is Lucas' current heart someone else's? Im so confused! And chocked that Lex lives, but YAY for that!

    I need an update!

  2. #82
    Join Date
    19 Feb 2003
    Manila, Philippines
    I appreciate your feedback Thanks a bunch!

    X. Alice

    She was singing Mary Had a Little Lamb for the twelfth time. Lucas looked up at the little girl’s reflection on the rearview mirror. Alice’s hands waved in front of her, making movements that may be taken as interpretations of the lyrics. He supposed that the girl learned that in pre school. He glanced at Chloe on the passenger seat.

    Chloe grinned lopsidedly and shrugged. “You said she’d be quick to pick up.”

    “And she is,” Lucas responded with no small amount of pride. “Alice got that from my side of the family.” He knew that he sounded like a father. For the past few months, he noticed that about himself. Chloe did mind though. At least she did not show that she minded his possessiveness of the child.

    A few weeks after he managed to include himself again in Chloe’s life, the two of them went in search of a school for Alice. Chloe wanted to go back to work. Even if Lionel was still supporting Alice, Chloe never touched the money. Chloe needed a nursery plus day care that would take her child for the whole day. Lucas had gone with her around the city scouting the various child development centers until they settled for the one with a wall painting of Mother Goose.

    “You do know that we will never be able to shut her up with all the rhymes she’ll learn,” she had cautioned.

    “She’s a kid,” Lucas had reasoned. “Kids are much cuter when they can sing.”

    “Remind me to tell you that when your ears are ringing.”

    Lucas shook his head at the memory. Despite the constant high pitched singing, he did not get bothered. He spent more than half of his free hours in Chloe’s house and all he could think of when Alice sang was that a child’s off key singing was music.

    “Are you ready, Alice?” His voice flooded the SVU.

    The girl in the backseat raised her arms and yelled a “Yes!”

    “Can you see the lights?”


    He looked back again at Chloe and he saw that even she was enraptured with the brilliant colors and activity of the carnival. Lex never took Chloe to the carnival. His brother took his fiancé to the most elegant restaurants, the chicest clubs and the most elite parties. That Lex was master of. The only general entertainment Lucas knew of was a mall and a carnival. He took his two best girls to the place where he knew he would have the most fun too.

    He found one free spot a few yards away from the entrance. Lucas parked carefully and gave a crisp bill to the boy who doubled as the parking guard. And then he waited for Chloe to get out of her side of the vehicle. He had tried opening the door for her once. She had given him the most scathing glare he had ever experienced in his life.

    Instead, Lucas opened the door to the girl who did not complain. Alice smiled at him and extended her arms. He hefted her easily so that she sat on his shoulders. Alice squealed in excitement and pointed towards the bright lights and loud music. Lucas held Alice’s hands to his neck and started in that direction.

    Halfway there, he stopped and looked back. “Are you going to take forever?” he yelled at Chloe.

    In response, Chloe smiled and shook her head. She walked more briskly and slowed a little only when he extended his other hand towards her.

    “Well hurry up.”

    She nodded and jogged over to him. She placed her hand in his. Lucas closed his hand around hers and pulled her along with him.


    Chloe gazed up at a sky graced with a thousand pinpricks of light. Once upon a time, she would have cried at the sight of so many happy stars. Now she was all cried out. Her vision of the sky was blocked by a carriage of the Ferris wheel. At the sight, Chloe burst into a big smile and waved.

    Alice and Lucas waved down at her.

    “Don’t look down,” she yelled. Lucas pointed to his ear, mouthing that he could not hear. Chloe waved her hands to say never mind, but her daughter thought that her mom was just waving hello and waved hello as well.

    With her heart in her throat, Chloe waited until the Ferris wheel finally released her two companions. The three went around the carnival a few more times, darting balloons and winning a mug. They entered a fake firing range because Alice saw a giant teddy bear prize that she wanted.

    “Alice, one hundred points?” Chloe said in disappointment. “We can just buy a teddy bear in the mall.”

    Lucas agreed. But then Alice used a weapon that Chloe knew he could not say no to. Lucas had said before in jest that the flutter of dark eyelashes on a small replica of Chloe’s face was his weakness. Lucas sighed and paid the man for several rounds.

    In amazement, Chloe watched as Lucas shot duck after plastic duck, pig after plastic pig, and soldier after plastic soldier, dropping targets like flies. Within fifteen minutes, Chloe clutched the giant teddy bear in her arms. Likewise, Lucas carried the unconscious Alice back to the car.

    Chloe placed the stuffed animal in the back and climbed into the passenger seat. She took Alice from Lucas. He went around the vehicle and got in the driver’s seat. Chloe stifled a giggle when she saw the saliva stain on Lucas’ shoulder.

    “Awww. We’re sorry.”

    “Are you kidding me?” he replied. “This here is the most expensive eau de toilet in the world! Did I saw eau? I meant eeww.”

    Chloe chuckled and leaned her head back on the seat.


    “Do you want to tell me where my brother is?”

    Lex laid the picture frame down. These days, the only faces that he saw were his own, that of Chloe’s and of his brother’s.

    The glass made a soft sound when Lionel Luthor placed it on the desk. He had offered Lex a shot, but again his son had refused. For someone in the depths of personal hell, Lionel had to admire his son for choosing not to take anything to make himself forget.

    “I can’t do that,” Lionel admitted.

    Lex’s brows furrowed, and he felt his eyes burning. “Don’t tell me he was killed too. Why the hell did you keep me alive?”

    “Lex, calm down. Lucas is alive and healthier that you are.” Lionel sat down on a softly cushioned armchair. “It’s just that I know you wouldn’t understand.”

    “Tell me, dad.”

    “Funny thing.” He glanced at his son and saw that Lex did not anticipate anything funny. “After the… incident… Lucas went on a phase. He backpacked to the worst places ever and contracted a disease that weakened his heart. Well… it came to a time when he needed a transplant and I told him he had your heart.”

    The curse that dropped from Lex’s lips was soundless.

    Lionel read the question that Lex did not voice. “He was distraught. I saw his potential, Lex, but he always believed you were the one who would make difference. I had to give him something to work for.”

    “You knew if he thought he had my heart he would have to follow my footsteps.”

    “He would be forced to. He wouldn’t have wasted your heart, Lex.”

    Lex’s eyes narrowed. “You’ve imprisoned him against his will.”

    “Well it didn’t work,” Lionel replied. “I did my best, gave him every opportunity to emulate you. But where is he now? He’s ran off somewhere doing everything except be you. Lucas has not done anything worthwhile with his second chance at life. I wonder where I went wrong.”

    Lex walked out of the room and went inside his bathroom, slamming the door hard behind him. The day he tracks Lucas down, he would set his brother free.

  3. #83
    7 comes on too strong
    Join Date
    15 May 2003
    Simply outstanding! I love this masterpiece....I still can not find words to express the odd yet pleasurable combination of joy and pain that comes over me when I read every single word. Catheryne, you are a damn fine writer, and like usual you always keep us on the edge of our seats.

    Lionel is a bastard, that's a given (and you have pin pointed him very well), and I find myself riveted that he's playing all three of them. I seriously I can not wait for all to be reviled...and honestly, I don't care how it ends, just as long as long as the right two *wink* come together.


  4. #84
    Join Date
    06 Oct 2003
    Another great update. I really can't wait til they all meet again and all the fireworks that will come of it.


  5. #85
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
    Join Date
    23 Nov 2002
    Nice.... but :huh:

    Hope :huh:
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  6. #86
    Yes, I am that Fabulous Senior Member tigerbaby's Avatar
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    01 May 2003
    In bed, where it's nice and warm
    *taps fingers on keyboard*

    Okay so obviously my plea on 'Shades' fell on deaf ears. So I'll just have to say this: Lionel is truly the Magnificent Bastard.

    Horrible, horrible man, I think. :lol: His pawns, er sons I mean, yeah, his sons aren't going to be pleased when all is revealed. And can you just imagine when Chloe finds out. This is not going to be good, but I can't wait for the fireworks. Assuming all will be revealed right? Right?!?!?

  7. #87
    NS Senior Member Senior Member autumngold's Avatar
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    06 Oct 2003
    Please don't let Lex hate Lucas when he finds out about his relationship with Chloe! Chloe still loves Lex, she just thinks he is dead!! Please update again soon!! :chlexsign1:

  8. #88
    NS Senior Member Senior Member Béatrice's Avatar
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    Paris, FRANCE
    Lionel is a real bastard! I can't believe how he's able to manipulate people particularly his sons.
    What's going to happen when Lucas and Chloe will learn that Lex is still alive.
    Please Catheryne! update soon. :yay:

  9. #89
    NS Full Member Val's Avatar
    Join Date
    07 May 2003
    Lionel is a damn bastard and I can't wait to see what the three of them will do to him when they find out.

  10. #90
    Luthor's Power Senior Member Sab_Luthor's Avatar
    Join Date
    10 Jun 2003
    Luthor's manor
    what a such bastard this lionel
    arrrgh i hate him
    more soon please

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