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Thread: Surge - Complete

  1. #51
    NS Full Member
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    26 Dec 2002
    Lionel had repeatedly asked her to let Lex rest. He asked her for a sacrifice. Chloe found out she was selfish. Now it was too late, so maybe she owed Lex a whisper.

    “Rest well, Lex.”
    Though the entire story is beautifully written, that part really stood out for me. That whisper is just so heartbreaking in its simplicity. Excellent, as always. :biggrin:

    As for Lex's death... hmm, call it foolish optimism on my part if you must, but Chloe did leave the room and Lionel is one sneaky bugger... I'm loving Lucas; he's adorable when he's being all protective. Looking forward to the next chapter.

  2. #52
    NS Senior Member Senior Member Béatrice's Avatar
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    Paris, FRANCE
    Poor Lex :crygreen:
    Poor Chloe :crygreen:
    Poor Lucas :crygreen:

    Chlex :crygreen: and Chlucas :crygreen:

  3. #53
    NS Senior Member Senior Member autumngold's Avatar
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    I really, really wish you hadn't killed Lex! :crygreen: :crygreen: Lex just can't die!! :crygreen: Nothing works without him there! :crygreen: This is such a great story, I just wish it had worked out differently! I hope you update again soon! :chlexsign4:

  4. #54
    PHD in Procrastination Senior Member vardaquareien's Avatar
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    ...he...and she... and then they...Ohh!!! :crygreen: No words. I have no words. And this is ME!!!

    Ok now I have two words : heartachingly beautiful.

  5. #55
    Join Date
    19 Feb 2003
    Manila, Philippines
    Gosh, guys, your comments were wonderful and beautiful. I'm glad you're still reading this story.

    VIII. Your Heart

    The wind was bitter against her cheeks. It always had been up here, on top of the LuthorCorp tower. Then she had a reason to come here. Now, she wondered why a simple call from Lionel Luthor, a man she still loathed beyond comprehension, sent her back here.

    When she smiled at the thought, Chloe could almost feel the parched skin of her lips stretching to the point of cracking. She knew why she was here. Lionel made certain in his letter that she would come. How could she not, when the reward he offered for the trip was more than the Luthor billions?

    This was her chance for proper closure. The interment, as beautiful and solemn as it was, had been a blur to Chloe. According to Lucas, Lionel had not invited her because he had her best interests at heart. Chloe would be given the chance to move on, spared from seeing her lover buried. Despite the cleverness of the older Luthor, Chloe wondered how Lionel never thought that having been as prominent as Lex had been, she would not find out from the news. Chloe had arrived only in time to toss her final stargazer on the coffin, to hear a thud that would resound in her ears for a lifetime.

    Now, three years, four months and eleven days since the day Lionel had thought it fit to exclude her from what would have been the final chapter of Lex’s life, she stood at the very same spot where Lex had once wrapped his arms around her and whispered a promise that, “We will explore the whole world.” She could see the entire Metropolis from here. He had pointed to the horizon and told her that she would see everything the clouds hid.

    The letter was short but more inviting than anything she had read before. Lionel told her she would have the chance to meet the man whom Lex gave hope to. The man was grateful and would like to meet her. She could think of nothing else more important than one more moment to feel close to Lex.

    “Do you believe that no matter how far two people are, they will be connected as long as they are looking at the same star?”

    And it hurt her that even three years, four months and eleven days from his death, Lex’s voice still lingered in their spot, haunting her and taunting her with the knowledge that she would never really hear him say those words again.

    Chloe’s gaze rose to the stars, and she could see thousands spread across the sky. Her eyes quickly scanned for a special one. And then she gave up. Chloe closed her eyes because even if she picked the most perfect one up there, there was no chance that Lex was looking at the same one.

    But the warm breath that grazed her ear was too real. “We should get you inside.”

    And then she could drown for all the tears that clogged her throat. She slowly turned around, not of her own volition but because of the firm hands on her arms. She opened her eyes and saw a shadowed face silhouetted by the starlight. Her hand rose to cup a cheek that appeared familiar. She felt the roughness of stubble. “Lucas?” she choked out.

    “It’s been too long, Chloe.” He took the hand on his cheek and grazed his lips on her fingers. She shivered at the contact. Lex had always been smooth. Lucas was too different and she did not know whether to be pleased or disappointed. In one hand, she could never pretend he were Lex. On the other, she could never pretend he were Lex.

    “Lucas, why are you here?” she whispered, still exposed to the cold wind. “Did you dad ask you to meet the man too?”

    Instead of saying yes or no, Lucas’ eyes closed. He took a deep breath. When he opened them, they were smokier, wetter, more glazed than they had been before. “Lex died,” he started needlessly. “I—I lost you. For the two years before that I knew what I was supposed to do. I was supposed to protect Lex, and then you. Suddenly you were both out of my life and I had no purpose.” She tightened her hand around his. “I backpacked to the Andes, to the Amazon, to Tibet, to Malaysia. I was looking for my soul. I was in the tropics when I contracted a viral infection that caused the muscles of my heart to atrophy.”

    He placed her hand, open palm, to his chest and waited. There was a long moment of silence while the heart in his chest beat steadily against her hand.

    And again, as if Lex’s presence on that rooftop, built around her, she heard the voice. “When I gave you my heart, I gave you all of me. This heart is yours, Chloe. My heart will always beat for you.”

    Comprehension dawned and was chased away by betrayal. The man that Lionel promised she would meet. The letter that said that if she wanted to see the man who now had Lex’s heart, she should come to the rooftop because he wanted to thank her personally. And now, under his palm, she felt her Lex’s heart beating in her friend’s chest. Lucas lived and Lex did not.

    “No,” she said firmly. Chloe ripped her hand away, chilled not by the temperature but by the still throbbing feeling of Lex’s heartbeat. She wanted to tear open his chest and take Lex’s heart out, because Lex promised her his heart. The Luthors did not have the right to take it as they pleased.

    Chloe ran quickly to the door and pulled it open, running down the steps until she breathless and she felt as if her heart would burst out of her body.

    We had the right love
    At the wrong time
    Maybe we've only just begun
    Maybe the best is yet to come

    Cause somewhere down the road
    Our roads are gonna cross again
    It doesn't really matter when
    But somewhere down the road
    I know that heart of yours
    will come to see
    That you belong with me

  6. #56
    Yes, I am that Fabulous Senior Member tigerbaby's Avatar
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    In bed, where it's nice and warm

    Catheryne, you need to stop making me cry! People are going to think there is something seriously wrong with me! Well...there is but that's a different post...

    I like how you keep mentioning how long it's been down to the day. It just makes it that much more poignant.

    Althought I do have a question. If it's been 3 years and Lucas was backing wouldn't Lex's heart be no more? Or did that sneaky bastard of a father of his harvest his organs for an ulterior purpose.

    And baby. What happened to the baby? Tell me she at least was still able to have that little piece of Lex. Please!

    This is going to be so hard for Chloe to reconcile. The man that she loves is dead and yet not. He lives in his brother who is not nor will ever be Lex but Lex did promise that his heart would know her. Oh dear. My heart just goes out to her.

  7. #57
    NS Full Member
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    Sick and twisted. But strangely...I don't know what the word would be...appealing I guess.

    I love Chloe's obsessive repetition of Lex's date-of-death down to the day. It conveys so very elegantly the state of her mind.

    Part of me was hoping that Lex was somehow still alive... I see my niavety now.

    Lucas now has Lex's heart, and he wants the woman Lex loved, I'm not sure how healthy that is. Then again, he was always a little *too* fixated on his brother.

  8. #58
    Luthor's Power Senior Member Sab_Luthor's Avatar
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    ooooh poor chloe

  9. #59
    NS Full Member Val's Avatar
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    That was... strange and extremelly unexpected.
    Poor Chloe, she must feel so confused, the heart of the man she loved is still beating but he isnt alive. Yet Lucas tells her he has his heart, a heart she already owned... Yeah too confusing.

    And I wanna know what happened to the baby too. Update soon.

  10. #60
    Fic Tease Senior Member Blaire023's Avatar
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    *bows down to the queen of angst*

    you know how much i hate you, everytime i read a chapter

    yet, you make me love you

    why must you toy with my feelings?


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