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Thread: Granted (R)

  1. #31
    #2 SV Fan Robyn's Avatar
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    28 Jul 2003
    OMG I love this fic! Wow. I can't wait for the next part! This is absolutely hilarious. Oh man... can't wait til Lex's wish comes true. :eyebrows:

  2. #32
    NS Full Member
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    North Carolina
    :biggrin: That's so cool, where can I get one of those relics! I loved that chapter it was great and I'm in agreement with everybody. I can't wait to see what Lex wished for, so hurry up, I need an update!!!! :worship2: :worship2:

  3. #33
    see spot snark Senior Member happy bunny's Avatar
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    New Jersey
    Great job, Kris! Mad at you for starting another fic? Are you insane?

    Love the whole premise of this story. The scene where Pete checked himself out when he knew his brother wasn't looking was hilarious! :biggrin: Love that Lana can't talk. Maybe now she'll be standable..

    Can't wait to see what happens next. Hope you update soon.

  4. #34
    Miss Innocent-Or? 2005 Senior Member ColumbiaBlue's Avatar
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    This story is already fan-freaking-tastic! You come up w/ the best stuff! I know you're busy w/ other fics but update soon! Please?! :worship2: :worship2: :worship2: :worship2: :worship2:

  5. #35
    Members Lel's Avatar
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    A little pink and white polka dot beanbag chair in the middle of the atlantic
    Please update soon....
    This is fab.


  6. #36
    NS Full Member Cheryl's Avatar
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    01 Mar 2003
    OMFG! How the hell did you do it?? You took everything I wished for to happen in the Smallville Universe and put it in the most amazing fic ever!!

    a) Chloe getting over Alien-boy
    b) Lana Lang finally shutting up (too bad not forever)
    c) Clark finally opening his mouth instead of just frowning stupidly (bloody idiot)
    d) Lex beginning to realize that all he needs is a certain blonde reporter
    e) Pete getting more attention and expanding his horizon (he's bigger now, so he sees more)

    Already, I'm in love with this fic. :love: And I could seriously use an update overe here. Hello? Kris? Update? Please? Pretty please? Beautiful please?

    Cheryl :chlexsign3:

  7. #37
    Just a Guest!
    No sooner did Chloe pull up in the Ross’s driveway than Pete came running out to greet her. Chloe’s eyes grew wide and her mouth dropped open in shock, gaping like a fish as she struggled for any part of her extensive vocabulary to make itself known.

    A young man who looked like an older, taller, more muscled version of her friend was standing beside her car wearing a well-fitting t-shirt and a pair of khaki golfing shorts that she recognized as belonging to his dad.


    Pete chuckled and opened the passenger’s side door.

    “You didn’t believe me, did you?” he asked. Chloe absently shook her head and Pete grimaced as he tried to squeeze into the tiny car. “Damn, girl! You’re gonna have to get a new car if you’re gonna keep giving me rides.”

    Suddenly snapping back to reality, Chloe raised an eyebrow at him.

    “Or you could just stop mooching rides off me,” she countered with a wry grin, turning her head to look where she was going as she backed out of the driveway.

    Pete found the lever to push the seat back and let out a pleasured, “Ahh,” as he was able to stretch his legs out. “Well, I think we both know *that’s* not gonna happen,” he said, shooting her a teasing smile.

    “As I recall, your parents *were* letting you use their truck for a while…well, before the accident.”

    “And therein lies the reason I no longer have a vehicle at my disposal,” Pete said.

    “Except for mine,” Chloe grumbled good-naturedly and Pete smiled broadly.

    “Glad you see it my way.”

    “Conceding the fact that you’re only using me for my car is hardly seeing it your way, Pete.”

    “Come on, Chlo. What else were you gonna do today?”

    “I don’t know – *sleep*?”

    “Sleep is overrated. Besides, you can’t tell me *this*,” he started, motioning down at his body, “wasn’t totally worth it.”

    Chloe laughed, reveling in the feeling of her short wisps of hair blowing backward in the wind, completely oblivious to the fact that she and Pete were now being followed.


    The morning had been filled with meetings, drawn out discussions with the archaeology team and the laboratory scientists who were working with their discoveries.

    Despite the interesting subject matter, Lex found himself unable to concentrate and itching to get out of there as soon as possible. He had no plausible explanation for his current state of mind, but he knew he needed…something.

    He just didn’t know what it was.

    Gunning his car as the loud music pumped through his speakers, he felt none of the usual adrenaline that pumped through his veins as a result of the action. It was disheartening as the empty feeling that had started nagging at him while he slept last night only seemed to be growing with each minute that passed.

    Slowing down for a stop sign, Lex caught a glimpse of Chloe’s red Volkswagen convertible in the almost otherwise empty parking lot of the factory outlet mall just outside of town.

    He had wanted to ask her questions about her sources for the article she had written since he saw her the other day, but the opportunity to hadn’t presented itself as she had simply gotten her coffee in a to-go cup and left the Talon with Pete after taking a quick look at the relic he had brought in.

    Though, he certainly couldn’t blame her. Even a stranger could see the hostile vibes bouncing back and forth between her and Clark and the likelihood was that the young man would be staying in the establishment until it was time for him to go home and finish up his chores.

    Now, though…

    She was just shopping. A simple run-in wouldn’t look too conspicuous and he could set up a time to talk to her at length later.

    Smirking to himself, Lex turned into the parking lot and pulled his car alongside Chloe’s. He stepped out of the car and frowned when he finally took notice of the store that she had parked closest to.

    To his knowledge, Chloe had no viable reason for shopping in Barkley’s – a clothing retailer who specialized in large and tall men’s apparel – so, thinking logically, he figured that she must have wanted some exercise and started walking toward one of the other stores.


    Clark shook his head despairingly. He and Lana had moved to the living room to sit down, but unfortunately, there was little that could be done short of shoving Clark out the front door to ease Lana’s discomfort.

    “I just can’t believe her!” he said for what seemed like the zillionth time. “She does all this research for *Lex’s dad* and finds out I’m an alien, but says she was only trying to protect me and that she won’t tell anybody. Then, a couple months after he dies ---” Clark paused and snapped his fingers, “--- she writes an article on the caves. Probably *knowing* that Lex would figure it out. And then she has the nerve to act like she doesn’t even care!”

    Clark was so wrapped up in his rant that he didn’t notice Lana’s eyes grow frighteningly large or her mouth drop open as she listened to the words spew out of his mouth.

    A very large part of her wanted to find a piece of poster board, left over from her days as cheerleader or when they were advertising various events at the Talon, and call him on the fact that he was an alien and to stay the hell away from her.

    But, as it was, she would need to excuse herself from the room to be able to do that, and she had no way of doing so without it looking like she was simply walking out on him.

    And, with the mood he was already in, who knew what he was capable of if she did that?


    “Ooh, nice,” Pete said as he admired his reflection in the mirror.

    Chloe looked at him like he had lost his mind.

    “You don’t need another flannel shirt, Pete.”

    “Yes I do,” he argued. “My other ones don’t fit me anymore.”

    “O-kay,” she strung out. “Let me rephrase. *Nobody* in this town needs another flannel shirt.”

    “Chlo-e,” Pete whined. “I wanna look good. That’s why I brought you with me.”

    “Technically, I brought you with me since *I* drove,” she pointed out. “And trust me, flannel doesn’t work for you. It makes you look like a black lumberjack.”


    “A *gay* black lumberjack.”

    Pete pouted, but started to remove the shirt.


    Chloe folded her arms across her chest and shook her head lightly as Pete stepped back into the dressing room and closed the door.

    “Miss Sullivan?” Lex asked, feigning surprise, which turned out not to be too difficult to do considering he had already checked four other stores before finally coming into Barkley’s.

    Chloe turned and raised her eyebrows at Lex, first in surprise and then in amusement.

    “Mr. Luthor,” she replied.

    “Lex,” he corrected as he made his way over to her. “So, what brings you here?”

    “I could ask you the same thing seeing as how you’re neither big nor…okay, you’re sort of tall,” she said. “But you don’t generally do your shopping in the Smallville factory outlet mall.”

    “You don’t know that.”

    Chloe glared at him and he gave her an amused smile.

    “Actually, I saw your car in the parking lot.”

    Chloe furrowed her brow in confusion.

    “You risked having the salesman wet himself at the very sight of your pocketbook just to talk to me? I’d be flattered if I weren’t so suspicious. What’s going on?”

    “The article you wrote…”

    “Which one?”

    “The one about the caves.”

    “Okay. What about it?”

    “You mentioned something about the information coming from some old journals?”

    Chloe nodded.

    “Found a bunch of them at the Smallville Historical Preservation Society,” she said. “Really interesting reading if you skip over all the crop data and weather stuff.”

    Lex blinked.

    “Smallville has a historical preservation society?” he half-joked.

    Chloe laughed and her bright smile seemed to mesmerize him for a second.

    “You’d be surprised how anal farmers’ wives can be,” she answered. “So, what did you want to know about them?”

    “The farmers’ wives?” Lex asked; still slightly transfixed by the way her face lit up when she smiled.

    “The journals.”

    “Oh,” Lex said, only partially snapping out of whatever trance-like state he was in. “I was wondering if you had copies. There might be something in them that could help my archaeology team decipher some of the writings.”

    Chloe snickered.

    “I really doubt it,” she said. “But yeah, I scanned them into my computer. I can send copies to work with my dad on Monday if you want.”

    “Monday,” Lex said thoughtfully. “I don’t suppose I could get them sooner than that?” he asked, leaning a little closer to her. “Perhaps we could ---”

    Pete cleared his throat and glared menacingly at Lex.

    “I *know* you weren’t just trying to ask out my girl, Luthor,” he said.

    Lex pulled back a little and eyed Pete warily. Something about the tall, burly man seemed oddly familiar, but he couldn’t place him. Still, the inability to remember the man’s identity wasn’t the thing ringing in between Lex’s ears.

    He said ‘my girl’, implying that Chloe was taken. Lex didn’t know why the thought of that suddenly bothered him so much, but it did.

    “I’m sorry,” Lex said. “Have we met?”

    Pete’s eyebrows rose, but then he remembered that his own brother had trouble recognizing him earlier that morning.

    “Unfortunately,” he mumbled.

    Chloe rolled her eyes at Pete.

    “Would you stop it?” she said, the words coming out more as a demand than a request. “He wasn’t asking me out. He just wants copies of those old journals I told you about a couple of months ago.”

    “But he ---”

    “Do I look like one of the brunette floozies who *usually* date him?” she asked indignantly, hands on her hips as she glared at Pete. “No.”

    Pete frowned apologetically.

    “Yeah, you’re right. Sorry.”

    Chloe relaxed and she let a lazy grin settle on her lips.

    “I like that combination,” she said, looking over the clothing he now wore on his body. Pete smirked, not only at Chloe, but also at Lex. “Now go try on some more. You can’t just wear one outfit all the time.”

    Pete went back into the dressing room and Chloe turned to face Lex.

    “Sorry about that. So, I guess I might be able to make you copies later today, but I don’t know when I could get them to you.”

    Lex frowned at the closed dressing room door.

    “I suppose you’re busy tonight,” he said.

    “Well…no,” Chloe admitted a little begrudgingly. “But ---”

    “Your boyfriend’s not taking you out?”

    ‘Boyfriend?’ Chloe thought, her mind taking a second to process what Lex meant and her eyes widening with the realization. She let out a slightly unnerved chuckle. “No. Pete’s not taking me out tonight.”

    Lex opened his mouth to speak, but closed it before any words came out. He looked back at the dressing room in disbelief.


    Chloe smiled.

    “Growth spurt,” she offered.

    “But --- that’s not possible,” he said. “Even if he did gain a foot in height ---”

    “Thirteen inches,” Chloe corrected, causing Lex to shake his head and frown.

    “It’s not possible. You don’t gain muscles like that because of a growth spurt.”

    “Well, *I* don’t,” Chloe joked. Not getting her reference to the fact that he had been speaking in second person, Chloe gave him a sympathetic smile. “He thinks it has something to do with that amulet thing of yours. He made some sort of a wish when he was holding it yesterday and ---”

    Lex tuned out the rest of what Chloe was saying. If the medallion truly did have the power to grant wishes, then he had come across the find of the century.


  8. #38
    Yes, I am that Fabulous Senior Member tigerbaby's Avatar
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    In bed, where it's nice and warm
    Originally posted by scifichick774@Sep 29 2003, 08:59 PM
    “A *gay* black lumberjack.”

    This chapter was just too funny. This line and this:

    “You risked having the salesman wet himself at the very sight of your pocketbook just to talk to me? "
    had me cracking up.

    And the scene between Clark and Lana? Loved it. I can just see her reacting that way, especially since they had her admitting on the show that she'd be freaked. There's no way that she can then turnaround and say 'cool'.

  9. #39
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    Oh my God that was fantastic. :lol: I loved it. More please... :biggrin:

    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  10. #40
    NS Full Member Val's Avatar
    Join Date
    07 May 2003
    That was great! :biggrin:
    More soon, please? :

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