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Thread: The Commando Invader, NC-17, June 15, 2009

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    Caught in the RAAAAAAAAAIN

    The Commando Invader, NC-17, June 15, 2009

    The Commando Invader

    Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction, not for profit or infringment. I don't own these characters. They are both whores.

    Spoilers: Not especially. Set in later years of Lex's presence on Smallville.

    Author's Note: I was late getting to the porn battle, but I did find some prompts I liked; Lex/Chloe, office, settle, past, haste. I don't have a name for who supplied them, but the porn battle is here: http://battle.oxoniensis.org/

    The short woman hit his door at a dead run, obviously aware of whose office she was invading. The receptionist's face appeared in the gap of the door for a split second, then she was locked out. Blond hair and green eyes flared at him as he shook off the lethargy of paperwork. She was beside him faster than high heels should carry her.

    He thought it was an attack at first, and shoved her back roughly as he came to his feet. He pushed the expensive leather chair out of his way and reached for his revolver. Lex Luthor had been knocked out too many times to think he was safe on his own property. The security guards would arrive – eventually. When they did, they would likely be useful. But he could protect himself, and wouldn't hesitate against anyone.

    Chloe Sullivan threw her purse down, her empty hands puzzling him. He knew she had registered a taser. It was her only real option in combat, unless she had a gun. There was a lot to Chloe, but it was weighted toward the ephemeral. He couldn't put his hands on her intellect, and it would take a harder man than him to strangle her irrepressible personality. He still didn't feel ridiculous worrying about what she could do to him if he was taken off guard.

    “What do you want, Chloe,” he asked sharply.

    Her eyes dropped down his front, paused, and his eyebrows went up slightly. She couldn't possibly mean what the look promised. He swallowed, trying to find another theory to fit what was happening. Her neatly painted nails dug into the silk of her blouse, pulling buttons open. When it parted there was no layer of silk or lace or even trashy polyester blend lycra underneath.

    Chloe had come to him without her underwear, looking urgent, harried and pissed off. It shouldn't make more sense to him, but his logic slipped a little and he got it. Chloe just wanted him. Maybe it didn't mean a whole lot for the future or the past, but the present was cold and empty unless he went with the moment.

    She reached around his side, sending something off the desk. He thought it was a dramatic move – out of character for her. Then he glanced at the pencils, pens and razor-sharp letter opener scattered on the floor, gleaming in duplicate on the mirror-like surface.

    She took his gun, checked it, and set it down, grinning smugly at his slow grasp of her visit. “Safety first,” she quipped. “Hurry up. If we're doing this we don't have forever. Even your security shows up within the half hour.”

    “I have missed your scalding wit, Chloe,” he murmured. Besides, he had been doing some tweaking with the hiring. They would be at his door in fifteen minutes at most. “If I remember . . .”

    A twinge of something too emotional for his consequence hit him, but Lex hid it well. He put his hands on her hips and dragged the shirt tails out. Her breasts had gotten better somehow. Not bigger, but lusher or softer. Absence makes the breasts grow touchable, he mused.

    “Let's not remember.”

    She shoved his hands away and let the shirt melt down her arms. He had silk shirts and he could disrobe gracefully, but that was a purely female trick. She did it well. He got the button of her skirt and unzipped it down her finely curved ass. No panties created friction as it dropped. He had a naked Chloe in high heels, and he was tempted just to look. It wasn't quite fifteen minutes anymore. He glanced at his watch.

    “Ten,” she told him, not checking anywhere to know it. “Literally, I have an Uncle Sam. Take off your clothes now.”

    He let her take the shirt, concentrating on the belt and the zipper. When he kicked off his shoes, Chloe moved to do the same, and he shook his head. “Leave them. We'll need the boost.”

    Her soft, red lips pursed in displeasure, but she left the shoes on for him. Her fingers popped each button on the first try. He admired that about her. When Chloe was going to do something, it was as good as finished.

    “You're not even wet,” he protested, as she took his pants down to his thighs. She must be practicing sleight of hand, because she had a condom in her hand – exactly his brand and style, he noted.

    “Breaking into your shit always makes me wet.” She took both his hands, put the condom in one, and brought the other down to her cunt. He let her press his whole hand flat, damp thighs on the sides, his fingers on her opening and palm poked by a very alert clit.

    “Fuck,” Lex enunciated it with more syllables than it had. “You have not given me much time. And there's not much excuse for that after knowing each other most of a decade.”

    Her smile could destroy men, and he felt any irritation shatter into sharp physical frustration. There was no time for the incredibly long bout she deserved. He had many filthy things to whisper to her as he kept her waiting to come.

    “I have a solution,” Chloe told him seriously. She put her knee up on his desk, resting her weight on his erection. It ached in a very specific way, so he pulled the condom package open. They were losing time.

    “What's your solution,” he asked, hearing his own voice a little muffled as his face dove into her neck to smell her.

    “You can yell at me all you want. Anything you've ever held back because it was too long ago to dredge it up again. Any time I ever hurt your feelings, or your head,” she smirked, licked his nipple, slid her left hand down his left cheek and clawed at the top of his leg. He jerked his hips and moved faster with the condom. Seven fucking minutes. How the hell had she waited until he upgraded his damned guards to do this?

    He settled back to sit on the desk, forcing her hand to rise to his back. Chloe waited until the condom was on, then used every extra bit of height from her shoes to get above him and sink down. Her bare breasts dragged along his chest, side-to-side first as she screwed herself down to engulf him. Her leg stretched along his thigh and she let out a noise of relief.

    “Motherfuck,” she whispered. “You're such a fucking nasty piece of work but you're so pretty. They should mummify you in a humping position so the world can see how it's done.”

    Lex had tipped his head back and embraced her to help her balance, so his eyes cracked open to stare disbelievingly at the ceiling. Six minutes before his guards arrived and she was suddenly inclined to talk it over. He had to laugh grimly. Chloe had never been easy. She was just too smart to placate and manipulate. He lifted her by the ass and her bob on his cock was deep and perfect.

    “Now,” he said calmly, gripping her hair loosely so she was yanked back and vulnerable, “Shut up for once in your prying, scheming life. Don't tell me you're on my side, don't tell me thank you, don't look at me with big, hopeful eyes like it means shit to you. You used me, and you let me go. If you're so hung up on truth you can admit that.”

    Her bent leg moved and that shoe stabbed his leg, but Lex absorbed the pain. He used it to jam himself harder into her pussy. Chloe hissed and moaned. She pushed closer to him and clung with both arms around his neck. He looked down coldly, thrusting steadily in and out.

    “Say you're sorry,” he demanded.

    Big green eyes looked like silk covered pillows to cushion his deep-seated angst. Maybe if he drove into her faster and harder it would burn off with friction and he could rest. Maybe the apology would be somehow worth the wounds he'd endured.

    “I'm sorry,” she purred, confident. Her body swayed easily with his support, the one stupid shoe holding her without skidding. He wanted her to be shaky and nervous. He wanted her to be like he'd imagined she'd be years ago when he'd denied himself.

    “Convince me! Work your ass like a repentant little angel,” he growled. “Make me believe it, Chloe.”

    He grabbed her legs and hauled her higher and wider, leaning back so both of her knees could surround his on the desk. Chloe's face dipped, her teeth dragging on his chest. She nipped at his neck and mumbled, “I'm very sorry, so sorry, sorry like you wouldn't believe. It's all I think about. It's the only reason I'm here. It's my worst secret and my absolute best failure. And I can't tell anyone because no one else would get it.”

    He was such an idiot for a hot woman who grovelled. Lex embraced her, his face buried in her hair. He was too easily thrown – now he just wanted the lies to be true. If she was sorry, there was regret. They had once been each other's foundations.

    “Shut up,” he whispered. He ignored the tapping of his laptop screen on the back of his skull, flexing every muscle he could summon to get her moaning again.

    “Two minutes,” she told him breathlessly. “They won't shoot me, will they?”

    If he had his way, they'd be worshipping her as a goddess, Lex thought. He had missed Chloe and her wild impulses. He would vow to be all the trouble she ever needed if she would just stick around. He cupped her face with one hand, letting her roll on his hips.

    “They won't shoot you,” he assured her. “Can I lift you up?”

    She nodded, and he held her hips firmly. Chloe put her hands down next to his sides, pulling her knees in closer to him. She batted his computer screen to swivel it out of his way. He felt her take a shallow breath and anticipate him. Lex wished for another pair of hands to stroke her breasts, but he was down to one minute. She pulsed on his cock as he led her up, moisture dripping along the condom thickly enough that he could feel it.

    “Hard,” she told him. “Fast and hard.”

    Chloe leaned down, keeping her hips still until he moved them. She kissed his mouth wetly, her tongue intruding as he propped his elbows. He pulled her straight down, letting her mouth go as she squealed. “Oh fuck, fuck, fuck.”

    “Shut up,” he muttered. “You're always fucking talking.”

    Her nails clawed at his ribs, jabbed along his chest looking for a way to hold on. She clsoed her eyes and said, “You shut up.”

    Lex spared a sneer for her as he jolted her up and down roughly. She rode him with a series of jerky start and stop motions that told him she was right at the brink. There was knocking at his door, obnoxious and loud, but oddly in time to his thrusts. He closed his eyes, sucked in air and waited for Chloe to come. She shifted, probably arching her back, then let out a whine as she slumped onto his chest. His cock jerked at the abrupt change of angle but thudded out his release as his heart stuttered.

    Just in time. The door was rattling, and Chloe needed more than one attempt to get off the desk. He stood up and grabbed tissues, wiping himself before pulling up his pants. She fluffed her sweat-soaked hair and dabbed smeared lipstick with her fingertips. Lex threw her blouse at her and picked up her skirt. It was twisted and rumpled. He shook it and the zipper caught on the fabric.

    “Damn,” he muttered. “Button up and sit down, I have to let them in before they blast the door.”

    Chloe sat in the chair facing his desk. She crossed her legs and cringed at the damp, exposed feeling. She was still practically vibrating, but Lex was composed. He threw the snarled skirt into his chair and walked over to open the door. When the frantic security guards pushed into the room, she peeped over the back of the chair meekly.

    “It's okay, gentlemen. I have a visitor and she was in a hurry. Sorry to alarm you, Ms. Guerlain,” he called to the receptionist. “Thank you. You can leave now.”

    He kept his professional facade going until he sat down on her skirt, then burst into quiet laughter. “Chloe, needless to say, you have to stop breaking in. I appreciate how horny it makes you, but that was really very awkward for me.”

    She blinked at him and grinned. “I'd never have known except for the sex wobble. Pour me a drink, Mr. Luthor?”

    He found himself smiling openly, feeling utterly ego-less as she slipped on the skirt and wobbled herself over to the wet bar. She leaned on the counter and he congratulated himself on her silence. No explaination could do the event justice, and she obviously felt the same. He got up and followed to make her a drink.
    Her soul is senstive like a finely made tuning fork. It vibrates and resonates with every little hint of trauma, evil and monstrosity that might be humming in the air, and channels it into expressions of fiction... or recomended websites - somethingeasy

  2. #2
    NS Senior Member Senior Member lj715's Avatar
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    Re: The Commando Invader, NC-17, June 15, 2009

    Excellent job on this story.

  3. #3
    NS Full Member itsjustXchar's Avatar
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    Re: The Commando Invader, NC-17, June 15, 2009

    Niceee. It was terrific!

  4. #4
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    Re: The Commando Invader, NC-17, June 15, 2009

    Ok that was weird but HOT!!!
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  5. #5
    NS Senior Member Senior Member autumngold's Avatar
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    Exclamation Re: The Commando Invader, NC-17, June 15, 2009

    Thanks for the fun story!! I love the title and I love Chloe's actions!! Lex is good, to go from panic to sex god in 15 minutes!! Wow!! I know it is a one-shot, but I would love to read more!!

  6. #6
    NS Full Member Booksketeer's Avatar
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    Re: The Commando Invader, NC-17, June 15, 2009

    Oh, I love it! I loved how Chloe had him so off kilter, and how Lex didn't underestimate her. It was touching how he wanted to hear her apologize, and then so desperately wanted it to be true. Very nice story! I'll be looking forward to reading more from you.

  7. #7
    An Accused Heretic Senior Member Kit Merlot's Avatar
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    Re: The Commando Invader, NC-17, June 15, 2009

    Beautifully smutty--great work

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  8. #8
    NS Full Member
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    Re: The Commando Invader, NC-17, June 15, 2009

    Just WOWWWW. Where did this come from? I love it. Any chance for a sequel, maybe with Lex looking for Chloe? lol

  9. #9
    storie girl Senior Member starmoon's Avatar
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    Re: The Commando Invader, NC-17, June 15, 2009

    WOW!!!!!!!!!!! that was so sexy and hot !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. #10
    NS Senior Member Senior Member malugargula's Avatar
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    Re: The Commando Invader, NC-17, June 15, 2009

    Great hot fic

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