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Thread: Friends And Nothing But (Completed) - PG13

  1. #21
    Just a Guest!

    Clark just never learns, does he?

    ...Or did he perhaps *want* Lex to jump him? Hmm...subtext indeed...

  2. #22
    Escapeism Artist Senior Member asharnanae's Avatar
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    15 Sep 2003
    Cambridgeshire, England.
    :biggrin: lol!!! you made a funny!!! as splinter would say. great update keep emcomeing!

  3. #23
    Yes, I am that Fabulous Senior Member tigerbaby's Avatar
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    In bed, where it's nice and warm
    Originally posted by TheConfusingWorldOfJustin@Sep 15 2003, 11:42 PM
    Beats me, lol.
    You'll have to forgive me Justin, but I realized that the Chlexers here always read way more into what you write than maybe you actually intended.

    Don't mind us, it keeps things interesting that way.

  4. #24
    NS Senior Member Senior Member TheConfusingWorldOfJustin's Avatar
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    I enjoy reading what you guys have to say, so give me all you've got, I'm ready. Come on do it, I dare ya, lol. :biggrin:


  5. #25
    Luthor's Power Senior Member Sab_Luthor's Avatar
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    Luthor's manor
    it's very great and i'm looking forward to reading another sequel
    but can't you a little bit more chlex romance of cousre please?

  6. #26
    Just a Guest!
    Originally posted by Sab_Luthor@Sep 17 2003, 05:57 AM
    it's very great and i'm looking forward to reading another sequel
    but can't you a little bit more chlex romance of cousre please?
    Agreed. Although, from the title I don't think Justin is going to go for that...damn. Well, could you just start a new romance fic then? Pretty please?

  7. #27
    NS Senior Member Senior Member TheConfusingWorldOfJustin's Avatar
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    I'll try, :biggrin: but if I do, it won't be too romantic. Maybe along the lines of feels or something. Like have Lex and Chloe get a romantic interest, and the other gets a bit jealous and what not. Of course in the end, they'd still just be friends.


  8. #28
    Luthor's Power Senior Member Sab_Luthor's Avatar
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    why? why?
    can't they be lovers?
    please please :worship2: :worship2: :worship2: make them lovers and not friends

  9. #29
    Join Date
    25 Jun 2003
    They could be friends with benefits... :eyebrows:
    but I guess it's in the wrong place then huh :dry:

    Great story :biggrin:

  10. #30
    NS Senior Member Senior Member TheConfusingWorldOfJustin's Avatar
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    Shelton, Washington, USA
    Again, sorry for the late update.

    Chapter IV : Uncertainty

    ‘Who could it be?’

    When Lex called Chloe earlier that day, saying he had someone he wanted her to meet, Chloe was very interested on who it could be. The first thing that popped into her head was a new girl, but after the last one, she figured he would wait for a while. So when Chloe arrived at the mansion, her instincts were correct.

    “Hi Chloe,” Lex stood from his desk.

    A slender build, dark haired, medium breasted, any boy’s fantasy, woman stood up next to Lex.

    “Nicole, meet Chloe Sullivan, one of my closes friends.”

    “Chloe, meet Nicole Roberts, she’s my new girlfriend.”

    ‘Girlfriend, what the fuck do you mean new girlfriend?’

    “Hello,” Chloe, with all her strength, softy shook Nicole’s hand.

    All three of them went into Lex’s living room and sat down. Lex and Nicole sat on the couch, while Chloe sat in the chair next to Nicole.

    Lex called for his maid, “Sara, could you bring us some Lemonade please. Thank you.”

    “So Lex, did you meet Nicole at that charity auction you went to yesterday?”

    Sara brought the Lemonade, and placed it on the new coffee table Lex just got.

    “Thank you Sara,” Lex grabbed a glass.

    “Yes we did actually. We both bided on the exact same items.”

    To Chloe’s surprise, Lex kissed Nicole right infront of her.

    ‘Ya right,’ Chloe took her lemonade glass and took a drink.

    “What do you do Nicole?”

    “Well, I work women’s clothing, and when I have time, I freely teach people to dance,” Nicole’s face looked innocent, but her eyes told Chloe something totally different.

    ‘What, erotic dancing?’

    “Oh really? What kind of dancing,” Chloe noticed Lex taking a peek at Nicole, if know what I mean.

    “Ballroom mostly, but I teach tango once in awhile also.”

    Chloe could tell in her voice and from her eyes, Nicole was lying about what she’s said. Chloe continued to, discretely, prying into Nicole’s life. Nothing of what she told her, seemed to be true. Why didn’t Lex see this? It seemed he was only really noticing Nicole’s fun pillows.

    When Chloe went home, she went through her connections, trying to get all she could on this Nicole Roberts. After not finding any eye boggling information, Chloe began to wonder about herself. Was she jealous of Nicole, or was there something truly wrong with Nicole.

    The next day, Chloe decided to have a talk alone with Lex. She met him at The Talon. Not to her surprise, the rest of the gang was also hanging around. Clark and Lana chatted at the counter, while Pete was unsuccessfully hitting on a cheerleader.

    “What did you want to talk about,” Chloe sat down at Lex’s table.


    “Why do I get the distinct feeling you don’t like her,” Lex drank the last drops of his coffee.

    “It’s not that I don’t like her, it’s just that a get a weird sensation when I’m around her,” Chloe asked one of The Talon waitresses for her normal latte.

    “What find of sensation?”

    “That she isn’t being truthful,” Chloe took some papers from her purse and gave it to Lex.

    “What’s this?”

    The waitress came back with Chloe’s latte, “Thanks.”

    “It’s some information a source of mine gave me this morning. It says were Nicole has resided over the years, homes, apartments, college dorm, etc.”

    Lex looked up from the papers, “Ok and this is important why?”

    Chloe took the papers from Lex, and placed them halfway between them.
    “See here,” Chloe pointed at two dates.

    “There’s a gap between March 1995 and December 1996.”

    Looked a little annoyed with this, “So? Maybe she was somewhere outside the states.”

    “There isn’t anything that supports that. No passport checks, no money transfers, no nothing. There is nothing about her during that year and a half,” Chloe drank some of her latte.

    “Ok it seems a bit strange, but it still doesn’t mean anything.”

    Lex stood up from the table, “If that’s all Chloe, I’ll be getting to the plant.”


    “Bye Chloe,” Lex walked out to his Porsche.


    ‘True, maybe there really isn’t anything important about this, but it shouldn’t go unchecked. Lex, you sure can be blind at times.’

    To Be Continued...

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