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Thread: Bite Me (NC-17)

  1. #21
    Members JennyD13's Avatar
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    Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, originally from Newfoundland, Canada.

    Re: Bite Me (NC-17) Updated: Feb. 22, 09

    Chapter 11

    (Down in Mexico – The Coasters)

    Chloe was dancing. She felt the slow, sensual beat invading her and she felt sexy. The man dancing behind her thought she was sexy too, she felt it against the small of her back. His arms were around her waist and his hips matched the rhythm of hers. Chloe smiled. It felt so good, so right.

    The dance floor was empty except for her and her man. The bar was dark and smoky. She knew that there were other people around, but she really couldn’t pint point anybody. And when his hands slid further down her abdomen, she really didn’t care. He pressed her harder against him. Chloe basked in the feeling and threw her head back and snaked her arms around his neck. She heard his breath hitch, and he slowly moved his hand up to breasts, his thumbs playing with her nipples through the thin material of her blouse. She was suddenly aware that she wasn’t wearing a bra and she heard his sigh when he found that out as well.

    She was well aware that she was in a public place and that this was wrong. She didn’t care; he felt too delicious to stop and she arched her back. Her nipples were clearly outlined through the thin blouse. One of his hands stayed and played with them. The other slid down; he brushed her stomach, her hip, her leg. Chloe moaned. His hand moved between her thighs and his knuckles brushed her Venus mound as he took hold of the material of her short black skirt. Chloe cried out in pleasure as he slowly inched the material upwards.

    Abruptly, she was spun forcefully around to face her partner. Lex’s mouth descended hungrily on hers. They weren’t dancing anymore. He was backing her up and her back hit a wall. God, she wanted him. She wanted him inside her, pounding into her. Lex pulled away and Chloe cried out his name. His face was flushed and he smirked at her as his hands moved to her hips and pushed her skirt up just a little bit more. Still, he stared at her as he fingered the flimsy material of her panties. A Cheshire smile spread across her face and he ripped them from her body. Lex stepped back as he undid his belt. He wanted her to watch. He undid the button on his jeans. She drank him in and licked her lips when she saw his hardness outlined through his tight fitting pants. He slid the pants down his hips and…


    (Will You Be There In The Morning - Heart)

    “You awake, sweetheart? You don’t want to keep Mr. Luthor waiting.”

    “What?” She cried out.

    Chloe sat up bolt right in her bed and looked around her bedroom, mystified. She didn’t want to be here! She wanted to be back where she was! Her dad walked into her room, tying his necktie. That’s the last time she watched Dirty Dancing before going to bed.

    “Remember, sweetie? Mr. Luthor got you that temp job at the Planet? His letting you stay in his penthouse for the month? Are you okay?”

    Chloe nodded at her father.

    “Just a bad dream, Daddy. Nerves.” She explained, catching her breath. Yeah. Cause that dream was terrible.

    Gabe smiled and walked over and sat on the edge of her bed.

    “You’ll do great, Chloe.” He said reassuringly and once again she felt a pang of guilt for lying to her father. But what could she say? ‘Dad, I was bitten by a werewolf and I have to go to Metropolis to hunt him down’. Ah…no. He would have her committed. The excuse that she and Lex had thought up had worked surprisingly well. Her dad had agreed because it was a great opportunity and it was during the summer. Lana had said she was happy for her and then went on day dreaming about Clark. And Clark had figured Lex was doing it as a favor to him and then he fussed about her safety and such as he usually did. Clark loved her, she had no doubt, and she was happy for it. He was her best friend. He just wasn’t in love with her, which was where things started to suck.

    Chloe smiled at her father.

    “I love you, dad.”

    Gabe gave his daughter a hug.

    “I love you too, baby.” He said as he kissed her forehead. “Now get ready. Lex is going to be here in an hour.”

    (One Step At A Time – Jordan Sparks)

    After a slightly longer shower than usual, Chloe had changed into the clothes that she had decided on last night. Since everyone thought that she was offered a job opportunity from Lex, she couldn’t really get away with jogging pants and no make up. She had dressed in a black pencil skirt with a matching tapered jacket and a red blouse. She dragged her rolling suitcase by the door and put her large briefcase-like purse down beside it. She checked herself in the hall mirror. All professional – her blonde hair was straightened and fell just under her chin. She went for minimal makeup and rocked some black mascara and red lipstick. In other words, she looked like she was starting a new job today. And as far as everyone here was concerned – she was.

    She made her way into the kitchen and her father had her coffee and morning muffin waiting for her. Thankfully, she had snuck downstairs after Lana had gone to the Talon and her dad was on the phone and shoved a couple of packs of ham down her throat. Hopefully it will be awhile before they realized that half the meat in the fridge had disappeared.

    “Thanks, Dad.” She smiled as she grabbed the banana muffin and her large size travel mug off of the counter just as the door bell rang.

    Gabe accompanied her to the door and opened it as she picked up her purse.

    “Good Morning, Mr. Luthor.” He said jovially as he opened the door to the young man.

    Lex stepped in and shook Gabe’s hand. “Good morning, Gabe.”

    His scent hit her as soon as her father opened the door. Good God, that man smells good. Her father smelled of aftershave and home, which was good but in a different way. Temptation. That’s what Lex smells like. She attempted not to blush as she remembered her dream.

    “Listen, thank you so much for getting Chloe this temp job on such short notice. We really appreciate it.” Her father gushed.

    Chloe was standing next to her father and her smile faltered. Again with the lies. Lex looked at her for the first time and did a subtle double take. Ah yes, Chloe thought, Poor guy was used to seeing me either bloody or in holey jeans. He greeted her as he bent down to retrieve her suitcase. Always the gentleman.

    The three of them chatted for a few more minutes and then Lex and Chloe said goodbye to Gabe. Chloe kissed her father on the cheek and promised to call him when she got there. When they stepped out into the driveway, Lex handed the suitcase to his limo driver and opened the door for Chloe. He followed her in. Only when she was seated and they were on their way out of the driveway, did Chloe finally begin to relax.

    “You look very professional.” Lex said with a smile, setting his laptop up on his lap and getting his cell out of his inside jacket pocket. Chloe noticed that he was wearing a beautifully tailored black suit. The man had taste.

    “Hmmm?” She asked, confused. “Oh, yes. Well, I don’t think I could have gotten away with a sweat suit today.”

    Was that supposed to be a compliment? Chloe wasn’t sure.

    “Oh!” She said as she snapped out of her stupor. She opened her purse and grabbed the things that she had printed out last night. “So, I did a lot of poking around on the old online copies of the Planet last night and I think I hit pay dirt.”

    Lex took the papers and flipped through them.

    “Basically, I found four animal attacks that fit Peter’s M.O. All females in their early twenty’s, all ripped apart as if by a large canine. But the last one had witnesses.”

    “Huh. Getting careless?” Lex murmured as he scanned through the printouts. “It says that a couple came across the dead girl and a man covered in blood crouching over her. When he realized that they we watching him he started screaming for them to call the police.”

    “His name was never released. He was a prime suspect before he was let go because he couldn’t have made the wounds found on her. No weapon that could possibly do that much damage was found on his person or in the ally. It was determined that it had been an animal attack so he was cleared of all charges.”

    “Sounds like our man. I’ll have my…”

    “Actually,” Chloe interrupted. “I already called in a favor from a friend in the MPD. He’s going to have the information we need about this guy ready for me by tomorrow.”

    Lex stared at her with a grin. “You have a source at the Metropolis Police Department?”

    “Yes, Lex, that is what I said. Are you losing you’re hearing in your old age?” She shot back. “In fact I have many sources in important places because I happen to be A) an amazing reporter and B) very sneaky.”

    Lex laughed.

    “I am surprised a very young girl such as yourself can find time to be a reporter, what with all the new boy bands to gossip about and reality shows to watch.”

    Chloe leaned forward and placed a sympathetic hand on his knee, purposely giving him a better look down her blouse.

    “I’m a woman now, Lex. But that’s okay, because you old folks don’t quite have the grasp on time as you once did.” She said in a very patronizing and mock caring tone.

    Lex laughed and was about to reply when his cell rang.

    “Excuse me.” He said to Chloe as he answered his call. She listened to the half of the conversation, something to do with a new investment. Lex put his hand over the receiver. “I’m sorry, Chloe, I have to take this. I have a lot of work to catch up on.”

    “No, no! Go ahead. I’ll occupy myself.” She replied, reaching for her purse.

    Lex nodded and went back to his conversation as Chloe put her earphones in and played some John Mayer on her ipod. She settled back in her set and looked out the window. The long stretches of corn fields flew by her and she lost herself in simple, calming thoughts as she watched the scenery. She had no idea how long she was occupied in her own little world, but she slowly became aware that she was being watched. She looked at Lex and he was gazing at her. She smiled at him and saw a brief expression of surprise flit across his face before he smiled back at her. His eyes darted down to glace at her body before he focused on his laptop.

    Lex was looking at her. The thought filled Chloe with the familiar warm feeling and she wondered what his reaction would be if she crawled forward and kissed him. She distractedly raised her hand and started brushing her thumb against her bottom lip. How could she even entertain the idea? The thing was, it was something that she could see herself doing right now. Wasn’t she supposed to remember something about hating him or whatnot? The thing was she was starting not to hate him. Quite the opposite.


    His voice startled her out of her reverie. He was off the phone and looking at her again. She had the vague idea that this was not the first time that he had called out to her.

    “Hmmmm?” She asked, shaking her head.

    “I have something for you.” He said as he passed her a black rectangular box.

    “What?” She replied ever so suavely as she took it from him. She opened it and saw a beautiful gold bracelet. “Lex, this is… I can’t accept… It has a tracking device in it doesn’t it?”


    Chloe chuckled and put it on her wrist.

    “You know, I think I would have been hurt if there wasn’t one.” She replied, playing with the lovely golden trinket.

    Lex nodded and was about to restart his work when she interrupted him.

    “Ummm,” She started awkwardly, “I think I owe you an apology. I didn’t mean to slap you the other day. I… I just lost my temper. I’m sorry.”

    “Chloe, the majority of women I have met have slapped me at on time or another, so don’t feel bad. It’s kind of like foreplay to me now anyway.”

    Chloe laughed. Wow. A joke coming out of the mouth of a Luthor. It had to be a first.

    Chapter 12

    (Girlfriend – Avril Lavigne)

    Chloe was riding up the elevator with Lex to his no doubt fabulous penthouse. The elevator alone was larger than her room with mirrored walls that seemed to stretch the space out into infinity. Millions of Chloe and Lex copies. Hmmm. Like the world needed another Lex Luthor. A couple of more Chloe’s could be of good use, though.
    The elevators doors opened to a short, wide hallway that lead to the double doors of his apartment. There was a solitary chair by the wall in the middle of the hallway with a small desk by it. A large man in a guard’s uniform stood and nodded at Lex.

    “Chloe, this is Benny. Tell him where you are going when you leave this apartment without me.” Lex ordered as he stepped passed the armed man.

    “Alright, Lex,” Chloe said lightly while smiling hello to the large man. “The only way that you can order me around like that is if you put me on the payroll. And I’d never work for you.”

    Lex smirked as he put down Chloe’s suitcase and took the key from his pocket.

    “And why is that Ms. Sullivan?”

    “Because you order your employees around too much.” She immediately answered, swinging her head around to face the guard. “Am I right, Benny?”

    The large man tried not to laugh.

    “See?” Chloe said as he opened the door.

    Lex stepped aside so she could enter first. She took a couple of steps in and stopped in her tracks.

    “Gah!” She shouted, startled at the monstrosity before her.

    There was a blonde plastic-looking woman coming toward her. It was as if someone had put Barbie into a machine and made her human… and the result was horrifying. Barbie tottered on a black pair of stilettos. She was wearing a skin tight black halter dress that Chloe supposed was to show off her curves but ended up making her look skeletal except for the giant, unmoving melon type tits that protruded from her chest. Good God! The woman was more plastic than human! The plastic thing disregarded Chloe and smiled at Lex. Actually, grimaced was probably a more accurate term. Her bloated pink lips spread over her gleaming white veneers. She looked about 40 trying to look 20 but failing miserably. Chloe wasn’t she if that was her age or if it was the plastic surgery that aged her.

    “Hello, baby.” She purred, focusing at something behind Chloe.

    She felt Lex’s hot breath on the back of her neck as he sighed.

    “Hello, Sophia.” He replied unenthusiastically.

    Chloe spun her head around to look at him, astonished. He knew this thing?!

    Lex stepped in front of her, thankfully partially blocking the woman from her view. Was that the girlfriend? Oh Lord. Lex had finally lost it.

    “What are you doing here? I told you I would send the limo to take you to the restaurant.” He asked as he put down Chloe’s suitcase by the large black leather couch.

    Now that she was no longer looking at the giant Barbie, Chloe looked around the room. It was amazing. The large living room equipped with a couple of couches, the largest television that she had ever seen, a full bar, stereo… But the thing that really caught Chloe’s eye was that the wall at the far side of the room was actually made of picture windows displaying Metropolis’ skyline. Wow.

    “I wanted to surprise you!” She said in an obviously practiced breathy voice.

    Lex didn’t answer. Chloe noticed that he did not look pleased.

    “Baby,” Sophia said as she dramatically back on the couch. “Get your assistant to get me a room temperature Evian.”

    Chloe eyebrows rose. Obviously, the monstrosity meant her. Luckily, Lex answered for me.

    “Sophia, this isn’t an employee. This is Chloe and she is my friend. She will be staying here for a while.”

    “Oh.” Sophia said, glaring at her, as if she suddenly saw her as competition.

    Chloe didn’t like this woman-thing. She did not like her at all. She felt a pressure in her chest and she suddenly realized that she wasn’t jealous of this woman (or her concrete tits), but starting to feel very protective of Lex. She didn’t want this gold-digger anywhere near him. Chloe sighed. Great, she thought, I’m turning into Lex’s guard dog. That’s just fucking awesome. This bitch rubbed her the wrong way. She smelled like a fucking play-doh factory.

    Okay. This was starting to get awkward.

    “Ummm. I think I’ll leave you two alone. Lex, would you be able to show me where I’ll be staying.” She asked. He wouldn’t meet her eye. Chloe realized that he must be embarrassed. She’ll have to remember to make fun of him later.

    “Absolutely. It’s down the hall, left of the library.” He answered politely while he helped him self to a scotch. Chloe didn’t blame him. She would’ve needed a drink to face that woman again, too.

    “Thank you.” She nodded and grabbed her suitcase. She started to hurry toward her room. She was half way down the hall when Sophia spoke again.

    “God, Lex. Where’d you find that? Are you taking the poor in off the streets now?”

    Chloe never had much patience for people who were mean to her. And now she had even less. Her anger level shot up from slightly annoyed to ready to kill in about two seconds. That must be a record. She dropped her bags loudly on the hardwood floor and prowled out into the living room again. Her blood was rushing through her ears. She could see Lex saying something angrily to her, but couldn’t pick up what it was. She marched up to Sophia who was now standing.

    “Alright, Mrs. Robinson, listen up. Why don’t you keep that giant mouth of yours shut before I get really angry and pop the merchandise, alright?” Chloe said spitefully, looking pointedly at her terribly augmented breasts.

    “Excuse me, little girl?” Sophia shouted, stepping into Chloe’s personal space. She towered over Chloe on her stilettos. “I wouldn’t say anything bad about my appearance when your ass is big enough to serve a turkey dinner on!”

    “You know what? I might have an ass, you skeletal bitch, but at least my tits are real!” Chloe shouted louder, grabbing her own breasts to emphasis her statement. “Just because someone named Ricky who has on a lot of bling approaches you and offers to give you discount implants in his garage for twenty bucks, does NOT MEAN YOU SHOULD TAKE HIM UP ON THE OFFER!”

    “BITCH!” Sophia screamed and pushed Chloe back.

    “WHAT-THE-FUCK-EVER!” Chloe shouted. She was just about to grab Sophia by the throat to choke the bitch when she felt Lex’s strong arms around her waist. He lifted her off the ground and swung her away from her target. Chloe wrestled from his arms and turned to face him.

    “Are you KIDDING ME!?” She yelled at him as she pointed at the other woman. “On behalf of the intelligent portion of the female gender, I’m insulted.”

    Lex covered his face with his large right hand and tried his best to look tired, but it was fairly obvious he was laughing by the shaking of his shoulders. What the fuck is so funny?! Chloe huffed and stomped into the hall and grabbed her purse. She needed to get the fuck out of here. She needed time to cool off so she wouldn’t kill Lex’s skank of a girlfriend. She came back out of the hall and brushed by Lex.

    “Chloe, where are you going?” Lex asked, exasperated.

    “Out.” Chloe growled, glaring at the plastic woman as she made her way to the door.

    “Wear the bracelet!” He barked, obviously none too pleased about her leaving.

    Chloe continued toward the door and raised her arm to show him both that she was wearing the bracelet and to give him the finger. Just before the door slammed shut behind her, a shrilly voice followed her out.

    “You gave her a BRACELET!?”

    Chloe stood in the hall and shut her eyes, allowing a couple of deep, calming breaths. She opened her eyes and looked at Benny.

    “I don’t think she liked me.” Chloe shrugged at him.

    Benny chuckled and pressed the elevator button for her.

    Chloe laughed, feeling less anxious now that she was laughing with someone, and stepped into the elevator.

    Now she just had to kill some time.

    Chapter 13

    (Don’t Wanna Fall In Love – Pussycat Dolls)

    Chloe stumbled into the elevator and drunkenly fumbled for the elevator key that would allow her access to the penthouse. When she found it, it took a couple of tries to get the key into the slot. Why do they make these things so small? She finally turned it and rested her back against a mirrored Chloe as she rode up to the top. The slight rising motion of the elevator and the many drunken Chloe’s in the mirrors started to make her dizzy and she began wondering if she would be able to get to the door without crawling. She knew she shouldn’t have had that last vodka and orange juice. Silly Chloe!

    When she had first left the Penthouse this afternoon, she had decided that she should do some more research on lycanthropes. It seemed imperative because she was presently turning into one. Could hunting down and killing the werewolf that bit her cure her of her present predicament? Cause killing Peter seemed like a great idea. Even if it didn’t cure her. As she walked through the crowded city streets, she noticed that her olfactory sense was being assaulted by thousands of different scents. More than once, she winced when a car alarm sounded, or someone shouted. Her senses seemed to be enhanced. It was a very strange feeling. She felt like she was unintentionally spying on people.

    After she stopped at three or four hotdog stands along the way, Chloe went to a couple of bookstores and the downtown branch of the Metropolis Public Library, but she ended up reading things that she had already known. It was a very disappointing and frustrating day. So, she decided that she was going to drown her sorrows at a nearby pub while she had supper. She had spent most of the time sipping her drinks and wondering what the hell Lex saw in that artificial eyesore. What the hell? It bothered her that she was putting way too much time and energy into pondering this. Which made her think about it more. It was a terrible, terrible downward spiral. Drink, thoughts of Sophia, anger, and drink. Grrrrrrrr.

    As Chloe tumbled out of the elevator, she hoped that the penthouse was empty. She couldn’t have another confrontation with her right now. She refused to face her when she was not at the top of her game. One look at that face and she’d vomit. She caught herself by basically stumbling into the wall and holding on to it. God, she was off of the elevator, why was the floor still rising? Suddenly she felt a hand on her arm. The smell of gun metal, mouth wash, and a faint odor of sweat. She knew that smell! She turned and looked up at Benny.

    “Ms. Sullivan, are you okay?”

    “Yup. I’m fine, thanks.” She replied, placing her cheek back onto the wall. “I’m just taking a break before I actually go into the apartment. I may have had a little too much to drink.”

    “Let me help you in…” Benny said.

    “No! No, no, no.” Chloe slurred. “I’m okay. I just need to take a break. Then I can slide against this nice wall to the door and everything will be fine…”

    “But you’re…”

    “No! I am NOT drunk! Just a little tipsy. The elevator made me a little dizzy. Just shush, and let me rest!” She said as she closed her eyes. Benny picked up the phone on his small desk and said a few words then hung up. Traitor. He called Lex! She opened her eyes in time to see Lex step out into the hallway.

    “Chloe, where the fuck… Are you drunk?” Lex asked as he stood in front of her, his hands on his hips.

    “I may have had a few drinks, yes. What of it? You drink all the time.” She replied indignantly.

    “Yes, but you’re under age and not used to drinking.”

    “How the hell do you know that I’m not used to drinking? I could drink all the time! In fact, I do! So there!” She said, looking past Lex to the door. God, it was a long ways away. And then she had to get to her bedroom… Maybe she should just sit down here. No, that was what a drunk would do, right? Wait, was she drunk?

    “Yeah, I doubt that. Perhaps because you’re in my hallway right now, hugging the wall, and insisting you’re not drunk.”

    Chloe pouted and glared at him. He had an exasperated smile on his face.

    “Let’s go.”

    “No! I can make it myself.” Chloe said, swatting away his hands. She took a deep breath and pushed away from the wall. And then suddenly the world shifted on her and she found herself in Lex’s arms. Oh Lord, he felt great! He leaned down and she felt his arm against her back of her thighs. Before she knew it, she was up in his arms and being carried into the penthouse.

    “Fine. You can carry me. Not because I’m drunk, but I just happen to like being carried by handsome men.” She mumbled. It seemed very important at the time for him to know that she could walk.

    Chloe felt Lex chuckle and she buried her face into his neck. Then she thought of something that made her head jerk back up.

    “Is she still here?” Chloe asked fearfully, looking around the dimly lit living room.

    “No, she’s long gone.” Lex answered, putting her down on the couch.

    “W…w…why? Why her?” Chloe asked, flabbergasted as she watched Lex sit on the chair facing her.

    He smiled.

    “I don’t know…a man has needs, you know.”

    “Oh, please! That’s a stupid reason! Can you actually have a conversation with her? I mean an actual conversation, not one about lip gloss.”

    “I take it that you don’t like my girlfriend?” Lex laughed.

    “No! Absolutely not! Do you?” Chloe asked vehemently, kicking off her heels and curling up on the couch. “I mean, I’m sorry. I just don’t trust bitches that aren’t biodegradable. They make me nervous.”

    Lex laughed.

    “I mean, really!” Chloe continued, “Do you really find that plastic abomination attractive? She smells like a Barbie doll!”

    “Where did you go today, Chloe?” Lex said, changing the topic.

    Chloe sighed.

    “I went to do some research because I didn’t want to look at your scary girlfriend. Then I went to a pub and had a couple of drinks, to calm my nerves after that encounter with your girlfriend, the living blow up doll.”

    “Thanks for clarifying that. You shouldn’t have been out so long by your self. Your blood is changing and we don’t know how and when it’s going to affect your behavior or outward appearance.” Lex said as he picked up his book from the table as he studied her.

    “Yeah.” Chloe frowned, resting her head on the arm of the very, very comfortable couch. She could feel the sandman creeping up on her. She’d explain the changes in her senses later. Right now – sleep. “I don’t want to think about that now. My thoughts are too jumbled. Besides, alcohol is a depressant, so shush. If you must talk, do so about pleasant things like puppies, and flowers, and rainbows or something.”

    “Yes, well, I do love puppies…”

    And with that, Chloe drifted off to sleep.

  2. #22
    Members glista's Avatar
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    29 Mar 2008

    Wink Re: Bite Me (NC-17) Posted: Feb. 20, 09

    love the story,can't wait for next chapters.........

  3. #23
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    19 Oct 2003

    Re: Bite Me (NC-17) Updated: Feb. 22, 09

    *snort* Lex loves puppies..I almost fell off my chair laughing at that! This story is really cool and I am looking forward to more. So please go write more right now because while patience may be a virtue, it is not my strong suit.

  4. #24
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    23 Nov 2002

    Re: Bite Me (NC-17) Posted: Feb. 20, 09

    What a great update.
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  5. #25

    Re: Bite Me (NC-17) Posted: Feb. 20, 09

    Well, what do you know? More awesomeness. Another great update, thank you very much. Great to see Chloe's changes, and, for shame, Lex, for shame. Ugh, to Sophia/Barbie, but hurrah to Lex starting to tell her off (and Chloe successfully doing so). I love the tracking bracelet, and Chloe's increasing attraction. More!


    P.S. Please?

  6. #26
    NS Senior Member Senior Member lj715's Avatar
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    Re: Bite Me (NC-17) Posted: Feb. 20, 09

    What is Lex doing with a woman like that? Can't wait to read more.

  7. #27
    NS Full Member Nimmie's Avatar
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    New Zealand

    Re: Bite Me (NC-17) Updated: Feb. 22, 09

    Great story, great premise and very well executed. If you keep updating like this I'll be a dribbly mess from all the awe.....


  8. #28
    NS Full Member SVfan1286's Avatar
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    06 Apr 2007

    Re: Bite Me (NC-17) Posted: Feb. 20, 09

    This story is outstanding! It's incredibly entertaning and just fabulously written. I simply love it... It has me on the edge of my seat wanting more.

    I look forward to future chapter's!!

  9. #29
    Members JennyD13's Avatar
    Join Date
    23 Sep 2006
    Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, originally from Newfoundland, Canada.

    Re: Bite Me (NC-17) Posted: Feb. 23, 09

    Gosh, guys! Thanks so much! I'm so happy! you're so nice!

    Chapter 14

    (Candy Perfume Girl – Madonna)

    Chloe was walking along the forested part of the Luthor mansion in Smallville. The day was sunny; the sky cloudless. There was a slight, cool wind that rustled the trees as she walked farther from the mansion into the wooded area. She felt completely comfortable amid the nature, a freeing feeling that she had never experienced before. She was always a city girl. She had never enjoyed nature all that much. Suddenly she realized that she wasn’t alone and she felt a warm hand on the small of her back. She didn’t need to turn back to realize who it was. Lex. His scent was uniquely masculine and would stay engraved on her brain forever. Just his scent made her wet.

    They followed the wooded path and it soon broke into a small embankment by a river. The bright sunshine that cascaded down upon them seemed to give everything a slight golden tinge. Chloe finally turned toward Lex. He wore white, his muscles straining against the tight material of his shirt. He was smiling at her as he studied the curves of her body visible through the white dress she was wearing. She stepped forward and was immediately embraced. She touched the soft skin of his cheeks; she ran her thumb over his bottom lip while his own hands were busy gathering up her skirt and sliding it over her thighs. He shuddered as his fingers gently brushed her skin as he raised the material of her dress up and over her head; discarding the material carelessly behind her. She was wearing nothing else. As he explored her breasts, he caught her thumb between his teeth; his tongue playing with the tip.

    “Yes…” Chloe hissed as one of his hands slipped between her legs to explore her slick folds. She grabbed his wrist and moved against his fingers to increase her pleasure. He smirked, his pale cheeks red, as his mouth descended on hers. His kiss was passionate and brutal. She wanted his shirt off but she didn’t want to waste time unbuttoning it. She slid her fingers down his chest and grabbed the material and ripped. He discarded his shirt and he bit her lip to keep her in place. She missed his fingers, but she wanted something else more. More than anything she had ever wanted.

    As Lex undid his belt and button, Chloe felt his hardness through his pants. She helped him slide the material over his hips and when he was free of it, she smiled at him and pushed him gently backwards. She wanted to ride him. He lay down on his back in front of her and she knelt down between his legs. She meant to crawl up his body, but she got distracted by his large member. Before she knew it, his dick was in her mouth. He tasted salty and of distinctly Lex and she hollowed her cheeks and she began to suck and play in earnest. She heard him moan her name and felt his hand fisting her hair. She felt him gently pull her upwards, and she crawled up until he was able to ravage her lips. She felt his cock underneath her, ready and waiting and she sat up. They watched each other as she descended onto his length. She let out a long low moan when he was buried in her to the hilt. Lex gritted his teeth and she tossed her head back as she started to ride him.

    Lex felt magnificent inside her and the ache in her abdomen strengthened. And she moved her hips in a continuingly increasing rhythm. She opened her eyes to see a clear blue sky and was suddenly aware of the wind caressing her nude form. She felt her nipples tighten just a little bit more. God, he felt so fucking good. She looked back down at him, her hands running over the muscles of his lean stomach and chest. His face was clenched in pleasure and he moaned her name. The sound of him as he said her name sent another bolt of pleasure through her and she through her head back once more and increased the speed of her hips. She loved the feeling of his thickness sliding in and out of her, and she knew she was almost there. She wanted nothing more than to have him inside her as she came.

    Chloe leaned backward a little more; she wanted Lex in deeper, her hands settling on his thighs when she first realized something was wrong. She felt something hitting her arms. She tried not to slow her pace as she raised one hand to try and catch it. When she did, she felt a sharp tug just above her ass.

    She had a fucking tail.

    Chloe sat straight up on the couch, screaming.

    Suddenly Lex was in front of her (unfortunately fully clothed) asking her if she was okay. NO! SHE WAS FUCKING NOT OKAY! She had a TAIL! Panic spread across her chest and made it hard to breath. She scrambled to a kneeling position and, much to Lex’s surprise, unfastened the back clasp of her pencil skirt.

    “I am so not okay!” She told him in a strangled voice. She ripped her blouse out from underneath the skirt. “You have to look!”

    “Look for what!?” Lex asked as she turned, lifting up the blouse and pulling down the skirt so he had a better look at her lower back. “What? What am I looking for?”

    “A tail! Do I have a tail?” Chloe moaned desperately. She couldn’t live her life with a tail! That was too fucked.

    Lex sat down on the couch.

    He chuckled and she felt his fingers glide just under the hem of her black lace panties, his knuckles scraping against the bottom of her tail bone.

    “Well,” He said deeply, “I’m not complaining about the view, but you definitely do not have a tail.”

    With that, whether intentional or not, his fingers brushed against the small of her back and it felt divine. Chloe’s sigh of relief was interrupted by her moan. She arched her back, taking Lex by surprise. Experimentally, he ran his fingers nails down the curve of her spine.

    “Oh, God, Lex, that feels great.”

    He ran his fingers nails up her spine and she shivered deliciously. And her eyes snapped open. What the hell? She suddenly realized that she was giving him quite the show. She had also grown aware of her swollen clit and wet panties. She sat up and turned around, embarrassed.

    “Sorry.” She laughed, her embarrassment quite visible on her face.

    Lex smirked at her and once again let his eyes roll over her body.

    “Lex, I’m turning into a dog!” She said to him. “You scratched my back and I acted as if…well…I was a dog.”

    “Well, technically, you’re turning into a wolf. And I don’t mind scratching your back if you react like that every time.”

    “Shut up!” Chloe grinned. “I’m serious! Lex, I don’t want to have a tail, alright!? I’m doing perfectly well without one! But that dream was so real…”

    “Yes,” He said, his eyebrow rising, a smirk touching his lips. “What was that dream all about, anyway? It sounded pretty… intense.”

    Oh, for God’s sake! Was there any end to the mortification? She didn’t want to ask him what he had heard. That would be suspicious. She tried to remember if she had called out his name during the dream sex but she couldn’t recall. What the hell could she tell him? Well, Lex, I just had the best sex dream I’ve ever had in my life, starring you, and… oh yeah, I had a tail. No.

    “I had a tail. It was very disturbing. The end.”

    Chloe glanced in Lex’s direction. He was nodding her with a knowing smirk on his face. Fuck.

    “I’m going to bed. I’ve embarrassed myself enough for one night, thank you!” Chloe stated as she got to her feet, holding her skirt (and the remainder of her dignity) up to her waist. “Good night, Lex.”

    As she strode toward her bedroom, she heard him chuckle softly.

    “Sweet dreams, Chloe”.

    Chapter 15

    (Feeling Good – Michael Buble)

    Chloe felt fucking awesome. Which was fantastic, but strange. She was running late. She should be hung over as hell, but Chloe felt like smiling. It was like she suddenly became aware of her own inner sexiness that had eluded her all of her life. Chloe had just stepped out of the shower. She had no time to straighten her hair, so curly was the way to go today. She applied product, scrunched her hair a little, put on her robe and stepped back into her bedroom, with a new found swagger. Maybe this werewolf thing isn’t such a bad deal, she thought to her self as she sat down at the vanity to apply her make up for the day; Simple black eyeliner and nude lipstick. And as she was applying these products an image of Peter in his fully transformed state popped unbidden into her mind. Hmmm. Maybe not.

    She quickly dressed in a mid-thigh jean skirt with a white v-neck t-shirt. She would forgo the jacket today because it was just starting to really heat up for the summer in Metropolis. As she sat on her bed to pull on her suede knee-high, skinny-heeled boots, she hoped the day ahead would provide her with more to go on than she had now. Lex was going to accompany her to her meeting with her source and to Sokoloff’s office (which, apparently, she couldn’t go to by herself because it could be ‘dangerous’. Like she could get in any trouble in a legitimate office in Metropolis Central Hospital.).

    Chloe sighed and stood. She was ready, except for that twinge of embarrassment that she still felt after last night. When she went to bed she could hardly imagine facing Lex again. But right now, with her great mood, she was pretty sure she could suppress it. She grabbed her bag, the gold tracking bracelet, and her sunglasses from the bureau. Alright, she was ready to rock. At least she was not that late. She stepped out of her room and swaggered into the hall while putting her sunglasses on. Ahhhh, there we go. Anybody can easily hide embarrassment behind a pair of reflective sunglasses.

    Chloe found Lex sipping tea and looking over some papers in the kitchen. He was wearing a dark blue suit and looked quite fine indeed. She headed straight for the coffee pot in which some wonderful person had brewed coffee.

    “Good morning! Sorry I’m a little late!” She stated while pouring coffee into her travel mug. She loved coffee. It made her a better person.

    She heard paper shuffling behind her as Lex cleared his throat.

    “Good morning, Chloe. I was just reviewing the information my father gave me about Sokoloff. He included some incriminating pictures, just in case we have to lean on him a little to get him to talk. You can review it in the limo.” Lex said amiably, standing up.

    Chloe nodded as she turned, coffee mug held to her lips. Lex was looking at her strangely with his head cocked.

    “What? What’s wrong?” Chloe asked, the mug still held to her lips.

    “Nothing.” Lex said, shaking his head and picking up his briefcase off the table. He passed her the folder. “Have you… do have on any perfume today?”

    “No...” Chloe answered, confused. “Why?”

    “Oh, no reason…” He replied, his eyes running over her.

    “Okaaaaaaaaay.” Chloe said, “Let’s head on out.”

    Lex shook his head.

    “Have you had breakfast?” He asked. His eyebrows were cast downward and his jaw clenched, as if he was thinking extremely hard about something. Chloe looked down at the table. Was he trying to mentally bend a spoon or something?

    “Ahhhhh, yes.” She answered as she processed his question. “I came out as soon as I got up. Thanks for the refrigerator full of meat, by the way. If you had been there when I opened it, I would have kissed you.”

    Why did that phrase just come out of her mouth? She tried not to wince.

    “What?” Lex asked, disjointedly. “Oh, the meat. You’re welcome.”

    Chloe noticed that he had seemed to miss the last part. She was quite pleased about that.

    “Lex, are you okay?”

    “Yes, of course. Let’s go.”

    They walked out into the hallway and Chloe nodded at the security guard that had replaced Benny. The large man pressed the elevator button for them and sat back down. Chloe was waiting patiently for the elevator doors to open, when she noticed in the reflection of the metal doors that both the men that were behind her were quite obviously checking her out. She smiled to her self. Something strange was going on here. Sure, she had a new found self confidence, but this was ridiculous.


    The elevator doors opened suddenly. Chloe was startled from her thoughts and she and Lex stepped into the mirrored lift. She took a long sip of her coffee.

    “So, Chloe?” Lex asked. Chloe could detect an infinitesimal tinge of playfulness in his voice. “Did you have a good night’s sleep last night? Any more dreams?”

    Damn it.

    “Yes. Lovely night’s sleep.” She answered in a higher pitch than usual. “And all my dreams were G rated and starring animated Disney characters, thank you very much.”

    He chuckled deeply beside her. She couldn’t believe the enormity of the lie that just made its way out of her mouth. There were dreams, alright. They were most certainly NOT G and there were only two characters. Not animated.


    She turned to face him, a grin on her face.

    “You’re such a jackass.”

    Lex had a smirk on his face and as he was nodding his eyes dropped down to her cleavage. What the hell is going on? She brought up her hand and snapped her fingers in front of his face.

    “Hello? Earth to Lex? What’s up with you this morning?”

    Lex shook his head. The expression on his face read that he had no clue what the hell was wrong with him. Chloe felt her cheeks turning red, but not from embarrassment. The fact that Lex couldn’t keep his eyes off of her was really turning her on.

    “Ahhhh… sorry. Nice… shirt…”

    Chloe laughed.

    “Well, I decided to wear it, you know, just in case I need to lean on Sokoloff to get him to talk.” Chloe stated with a smile, hands placed on her hips.

    Lex laughed as the doors to the elevators opened and they stepped out into the lobby. Chloe had to regain control of her libido. Just because she felt like jumping his bones, didn’t mean that she had to embarrass herself by actually doing it.

    It was going to be a long day.

    Chapter 16

    (Paralyzer – Finger 11)

    Lex drove them to the little café in downtown Metropolis were she was supposed to meet her contact at the MPD. Lex seemed lost in thought and Chloe found the ride slightly uncomfortable. She stepped out of the car onto the sidewalk and took a deep breath. She saw Leo through the window and she smiled and waved. Lex walked around the car to join her and they entered the building.

    Leo was a handsome man about Lex’s age. Chloe had met him when he had pulled her over a couple of months ago because of a busted tail light. He was quite flirty with her and they had exchanged email addresses. Lex didn’t need to know the details. She sort of led him to believe that it was her amazing reporting skills that got her the source. As they walked up to the table, Leo stood up. He greeted Chloe with a hug and eyed Lex suspiciously. She looked at Lex and she noticed that he was giving Leo a cold, dead-eyed stare that Chloe was pretty sure was meant to frighten him. Oh. This was going to be fun, she thought sarcastically.

    “Hey, Leo! How are you doing?” She asked as all three of them sat at the table meant for two.

    “I’m fine, Chlo, how ‘bout you?” Leo asked, his eyes shining as he smiled at her.

    “I’m okay, thanks. Listen, I really appreciate you helping me out like this. I know its short notice.”

    “Anything for you, kid.” Leo replied.

    Lex let out a snort of distain from beside her and Chloe plastered a big smile on her face.

    “So! This is my friend Lex. Lex Luthor.” She said to Leo. “Lex, this is my lovely police man, Leo.”

    The two men looked at each other and nodded. Chloe got the distinct impression that they did not like each other. Could be that Chloe had the ability to read people like a book. Could be because they were staring daggers at each other.

    “Right, soooo…” Chloe started as a waitress came over to take their order. She ordered a large mocha latte with an extra shot of espresso. Because she needed it if she was going to get through this fucking conversation. Lex ordered an espresso. Leo waved her away – he had already ordered.

    “It’s really nice to see you, Chlo. I was wondering when you were going to come out to Metropolis to visit me.” Leo smiled at her as he sipped his coffee.

    Chloe blushed. When she had met him, she had been very interested in Leo. She was pretty sure she could hear Lex’s teeth grinding behind her. What the hell was his problem?

    Chloe smiled at him and opened her mouth to reply when Lex interrupted her.

    “Unfortunately, Chloe and I are on a tight schedule for the day. Do you have the information we need?”

    Leo reluctantly pulled his gaze away from Chloe to glare at Lex.

    “Yes.” Leo said coldly. As he pushed a folder over toward Chloe, something seemed to dawn on him. “Oh. You must just be Chloe’s boss…”

    Chloe sighed. Where the fuck was her fucking coffee?

    “No, as a matter of fact, I’m not ‘just Chloe’s boss’.” Lex replied in a low, clipped tone.

    “Okay, you know what? This is stupid.” Chloe said sharply as the waitress came over and delivered their order. Chloe thanked the waitress and waited for her to leave before she continued. “What the hell is wrong with you two? Have you both met before? Are you mortal enemies or something? Because there is enough tension at this table to smother us all.”

    Leo chuckled, his eyes running up from her cleavage to her eyes. “Sorry. I just don’t like this guy’s attitude toward you. He seems to think he owns you.”

    Oh Lord.

    “No.” Lex replied, putting his arm on the back of Chloe’s chair. “I do not think I own her. I just don’t like to see her time wasted by a simpleton who can’t even flirt competently.”

    “You know, I’m still here.” Chloe stated, looking at both of them. “I think I have a ruler in my purse. Would you like me take it out so you can see whose is biggest?”

    They both stopped talking. Lex looked down at the floor, his jaw clenched. Leo sighed and smiled at her. He stared to get up.

    “Chloe, it’s great to see you.” He said, putting on his jacket. “You look more beautiful than I remember.”

    Chloe blushed once more and elbowed Lex to shut him the fuck up.

    Leo took out a card and handed it to her.

    “Call me. I’d love to take you out to dinner.” He said as he leaned down and placed a tender kiss on her cheek.

    “Bye, Leo.”

    Chloe watched her police man walk out of the café. She turned to Lex and slapped him on the arm.

    “What the hell is wrong with you?” She hissed.

    Lex opened his mouth to speak but she cut him off.

    “Lex, I like this guy. He’s a policeman. He doesn’t seem psychotic and he is interested in me! That doesn’t happen often! I think he might be afraid to come near me now because of you! What’s your problem?”

    An irate Lex sipped his espresso.

    “I’m sorry. I am. But I don’t like him.” He scowled.

    “Yes, Lex. I figured that out by myself, thanks.” Chloe replied heatedly.

    Chloe sighed and picked up her Styrofoam cup. She didn’t know why they decided to go all alpha male all of a sudden; it was like watching two dogs fighting for dominance over… oh fuck me. She groaned and dropped her head onto the table. The thump startled Lex out of his reverie.

    “Pheromones.” She said, her voice muffled.


    “Don’t you see? They’re the problem! Pheromones!” Chloe exclaimed, raising her head. “That’s why you and Leo are acting all alpha male! A pheromone is a chemical that a person or animal gives off to attract another of the species.”

    Chloe shook her head and put her hand to her forehead.

    “This change that I’m going through must be fucking with my pheromones, making them stronger.” Chloe explained, her eyebrows knitted together. “And I bet you that’s why I went out with Peter! I didn’t find him particularly aesthetically pleasing, but there was something about him that just turned me on, something that I couldn’t explain!”

    Chloe looked over at Lex and saw that he was nodding.

    “That certainly explains why I can’t keep my eyes off of you today…Not that normal Chloe isn’t easy on the eyes.” He mumbled. “And it also explains why I wanted to kill Leo.”

    Chloe groaned again when she realized that there were more than a couple of men in the café staring at her. All she wanted to do was to attract one nice, non psychotic man – not every man that was within a mile radius.

    “Let’s get the hell out of here and look at this in the car.” Chloe whispered, feeling paranoid about being watched. “I’m uncomfortable. There are other men watching me in here.”

    Lex’s head whipped around to glare at any one who dared look in her direction as they got ready to leave. It was funny. If someone had asked Chloe a week ago if she would like to have like super sexed pheromones, she would have jumped at the chance, not thinking it through. Now it seemed that she couldn’t go anywhere without being noticed. She couldn’t sneak into secure locations if the security guards were able to sniff her out, damn it!

    They left the café without further incident and Chloe gratefully collapsed into the front seat of Lex’s black Audi. She could handle one guy ogling her. Though, if she were truthful to herself, she felt disappointed that the only reason Lex seemed so interested in her right now was because of her pheromones. He couldn’t help it. And she hated that that fact bothered her. Lex climbed into the driver’s seat and started the car. As he drove, Chloe opened the folder and read out the pertinent information to him. More than once, when she looked up, she noticed his eyes were not on the road, but on her legs. She smiled inwardly and continued. Maybe he couldn’t help being attracted to her, but it sure as hell felt nice to have his attention.

    The man who the couple found covered in blood and hovering over the body of the 4th victim was not named Peter. Big surprise. His real name was Lucas Mancuso. When the cops arrested him that night they were convinced that they had caught a vicious killer. Unfortunately, they seemed to be wrong. The injuries inflicted on the girl were made by an animal of some kind – fur and teeth marks found on the body suggested very large canine. There was no weapon on his person or found in the ally way that could allow Mancuso to make those kinds on injuries on the girl. Although the police thought him cocky and uncooperative, they had to release him because there was no possible way he could have inflicted the wounds. After he was released, they spend time investigating him. He had no previous record of arrests. No, he didn’t have very many close friends, or a girlfriend. No, he didn’t have a pet wolf or large canine. He seemed to have a legit job working as a janitor at Metropolis Central Hospital, which he quit almost a week after he was arrested. At least they knew how he hooked up with Sokoloff. The police found out that he rented a lot of the kind of porn that regular perverts would be ashamed of. Gross.

    Chloe questioned Lex about what the kind of things that would be involved in such porn. He said she didn’t want to know.

    The MPD also found that he frequented a high class establishment called Club Viper. Apparently, said club was extremely hard to get into but he had a membership or something. Mancuso had moved out of his apartment about a month after his arrest the police lost track of him. Chloe closed the folder and sighed as Lex pulled into the hospital parking area.

    “Well, it sounds like Peter, but there’s no way we can be sure unless we actually find him, which, evidently, will be hard to do without an address. I think when we get back to the penthouse I’m going to look into the other three victims, just to see if there are any similarities.” Chloe stated as Lex swiftly beat someone into a parking space. She could see a small smile on his face when the other person honked angrily at him. Shit disturber.

    “I think we should also check out that club. Even if we don’t find him there, doesn’t mean that we won’t find someone who knows where he is. He seemed to spend a lot of time there.” Lex said as he cut the engine.

    They both got out and started toward the building.

    “Yeah. Probably to pick out his next victim.” Chloe pouted.

    “I’ll also get my security to try and find him. And I’ll check some of the other clubs around town to see if he decided to change his hunting location.” Lex said as his hand moved to the small of her back. She shivered in anticipation of his nails on her sensitive flesh. He did not disappoint. He ran his fingertips up the curve of her back and down again. Chloe suppressed a moan. It felt awesome.

    “Hey!” She snapped playfully as she gathered her thoughts. “Stop! I’m not your dog! You can’t keep doing that!”

    Lex chuckled. Bastard was hoping for a reaction.

    Chloe rolled her eyes as they both stepped through the hospital’s sliding doors.

  10. #30
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
    Join Date
    23 Nov 2002

    Re: Bite Me (NC-17) Posted: Feb. 20, 09

    What a great update and the men after Chloe was hilarious. I love how Lex was ready to pounce her at any moment.

    You might want to edit your first post everytime you update and put the current date. It will get lost if people don't see you updated. I almost skipped it thiking I already read this update.
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

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