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Thread: Remembering Chloe Sullivan (R) Chapter 6 08/29/2019

  1. #41
    Happy-ending addict Senior Member lexie's Avatar
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    Re: Remembering Chloe Sullivan (R) Chapter 4 Part 1 9/30/09

    Very nice chapter, letia! I was really missing reading something of yours.

    I loved the way Chloe went about trying to test his feelings for her and virtually fell in her own trap with gusto. I truly admire Lex´s restraint. I´m crossing my fingers for them to be able to rebuild what´s been broken before she remembers it all. Hopefully, this time Lex won´t repeat the same mistakes of the past.

    I´m eagerly awaiting an update.
    Thxs to beeej for the avi



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  2. #42
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    Re: Remembering Chloe Sullivan (R) Chapter 4 Part 1 9/30/09

    Great update I can't wait until more. I missed this story.
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  3. #43
    NS Senior Member Senior Member
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    Re: Remembering Chloe Sullivan (R) Chapter 4 Part 1 9/30/09

    I was a little surprised that Lex reigned himself in as much as he did. I keep wondering what Lex's big picture plan is if he's not willing to take advantage of Chloe's memory loss to imply that things happened when they didn't such as at the caves. He's being pretty honest in this situation so I'm eager to know if that will work in his favor.

  4. #44
    Dealing w/ a Ship Change Senior Member
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    Re: Remembering Chloe Sullivan (R) Chapter 4 Part 1 9/30/09

    Liking this one so far. Glad to get back to reading some.

  5. #45
    An Accused Heretic Senior Member Kit Merlot's Avatar
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    Re: Remembering Chloe Sullivan (R) Chapter 4 Part 1 9/30/09

    I'm liking the restraind passion that Lex is showing towards Chloe because he doesn't want to push for too much too soon and scare her away.

    I can't wait to see what happens next

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  6. #46
    NS Full Member Fouzia's Avatar
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    Re: Remembering Chloe Sullivan (R) Chapter 4 Part 1 9/30/09

    Thanks i just read the whole story and really like it.
    I hope you update soon!!!

  7. #47
    NS Senior Member Senior Member autumngold's Avatar
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    Re: Remembering Chloe Sullivan (R) Chapter 4 Part 1 9/30/09

    What an interesting story! I love how Lex is being so careful with Chloe, which is exactly what she needs. Clark, Lana and even Lois are only doing what's best for themselves. While Lex also has an agenda, he is taking care of Chloe at the same time. Thank you so much for the update! I can't wait to see what happens when Chloe remembers her real memories of the cave. Post more soon please!

  8. #48
    NS Senior Member Senior Member letia84's Avatar
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    Remembering Chloe Sullivan (R) Chapter 4 Part 2 2/24/2010

    Notes: Sorry for the delay for those that are still reading but here we go.

    Chapter 4 Chloe Sullivan’s Change Part2

    A few weeks of living like a queen was easy to get use to. Someone to take care of every little detail was allowing Chloe to forget all about making meals or doing laundry. The only thing she had to worry about was remembering who she was.

    After a few hours of convincing Chloe had finally made Lois think that the manor was a safe place for her to stay. In the end she only agreed to it because Chloe promised to check in at least once a week.

    Lex wasn’t taking advantage of anything much to Chloe’s dismay after a few failed attempts to persuade him.

    Now that Lex had been away for the past five days Chloe was sleeping alone in her over-sized bed. At any moment Lex was suppose to arrive and she had herself placed on the second tier of the study. The study seemed to be his go to spot in the manor and today proved no different after his trip.

    After another failed attempt at closing the ARES project Lex was thrilled to be home. Another person was killed and if they didn’t find something soon there was no telling how many more would die. Now as he strode through the halls of the manor he tried to put the thought aside.

    Lex was glad to come home for once and not be the only one there that wasn’t getting paid to do a job. The ghostly creature he was hunting for 33.1 was the least of his worries now.

    Lex moved swiftly into the study to check the security videos to find Chloe. As soon as he got the systems open a voice was calling out to him from the second tier of the study.

    “Looking for me?” Chloe signaled Lex to her presence just as he was bringing up the security feed. He showed her the system a few nights after she moved in. It came in handy and with a place of this size she understood why it was necessary to have.

    Turning in the direction of her voice Lex watched as she descended from the stairs towards him. He wanted to run to her but kept his position firm while she approached. “As a matter of fact I was going to look for you but here you are.”

    “So did your trip go well?” Chloe questioned him with a smile once she was she in front of him.

    “No.” Lex answered honestly. He hadn’t told her what the business trip was for because she wasn’t ready yet. There were so many secrets coming out that Lex wanted to give her time to process some of them.

    Chloe studied him a moment and she could see he was a bit disappointed. “Are you glad to be back in Smallville then?”

    Leaning back slightly Lex let his body rest against his desk while he pondered how to answer. “Oh, yes. I missed so many things about this place.”

    There was a little game starting. Chloe remembered them and was getting use to them. She was ready to play but didn’t understand yet how one could win. It was starting to become clear that the challenge of the conversation was the prize.

    “Like what?” Chloe answered him tilting her head slightly.

    A small grin crossed Lex’s lips as he answered and thought of all the things that he loathed about Smallville. “I missed the cows.” He watched her eyes slant at his first answer. “The corn fields too.” He paused for moment watching her become more confused. “The simple town folk as well.”

    “Is that really all you missed?” Taking a step closer Chloe was hoping he was going to do something soon. She hadn’t seen him in days and it seemed longer. The feeling had to be mutual because his first words to her were about loving her.

    “Maybe.” Lex answered and took her movements as an invitation to move towards her. The rules for touching Chloe weren’t clear yet. Whenever it had happened in the past few weeks she asked him to. “There is something I really missed.”

    “What would that be?” Chloe stood her ground. She wasn’t going to lunge at him. If Lex really loved her then he would have to start showing it without her asking him too all the time.

    He could see she wasn’t going to initiate things and he had to. “How about I show you?” If this was a test Lex was going to pass it.

    “I like the sound of that.” Nibbling on her lower lip Chloe tried to wait patiently but just as he was moving for her she was moving towards him faster.

    Their bodies collide just as their lips did. The smoothness of his fingers brushed along her right cheek then slid around her neck to pull her closer to him. There was no need to think hard when it came to a moment like this. Chloe's mind knew this had happened many times before but her body knew even better as it made itself a part of Lex’s while his tongue glided into her mouth.

    There were few things in life Clark was certain of. One of those things use to be Chloe but now he didn’t know. At this moment watching her in the arms of a man he had grown to mistrust more than anyone all of his sure feelings about Chloe melted away.

    He was sneaking into the manor to watch over her from time to time. Her refusal to see him forced him to do it. This was the first time he had ever seen them like this. It was plain to see that they were getting closer but Clark had no idea how close until this moment.

    The kiss was lasting so long he assumed because Lex had been gone a few days. Clark had already been though this. He saw Lex kissing Lana but something about this was different. Lana said that she never felt anything when they kissed but the way Lex was holding Chloe was burning into Clark’s brain. He was holding on to her for dear life as if he was afraid to lose her. It was something he didn’t see with Lana.

    They weren’t stopping and Clark tried to get away by super speeding out of the manor before anyone could see him but the image was still in his mind.

    Pulling back Chloe let out a soft sigh. “I missed you too.” She answered looking into his eyes flood with desire. There was no clear answer as to how that desire got there but she enjoyed anyway.

    “Good to know.” Lex replied loosening his grip on her waist just a little but not letting her go. He didn’t realize how tightly he was holding on to her but it was just another sign that he truly did miss her.

    “I did fair better then you did I’m sorry to say when it comes to work.” Chloe now satisfied for the moment had a revelation to reveal.

    “Is that right?” Lex didn’t know what she meant but no matter what she was still here in his home so it couldn’t be all bad.

    “Can we sit and talk?” There was plenty to say and standing didn’t seem to be for the best.

    Taking the hit Lex let her go only to grab her hand to lead them to the leather sofa. “What do you want to tell me?”

    Taking the seat next to him Chloe twined her fingers with his making sure he couldn’t let go but he didn't try. “Well my computer has proven helpful at last.”

    Lex nodded waiting for her to go on.

    “I was dipping into to so many things for the Daily Planet that I’m not sure how I was even passing my classes at Met U.” According to her unofficial transcripts on her computer Chloe was managing a decent GPA. “Looking at it all has given me a real sense of what I was trying to do. I wanted to help people. Finding the truth and getting it out there was my way of trying to help people.”

    “Yes that’s true.” Lex saw the twinkle in her eye and assumed she was ready to get back to work. There was no telling what Luthor Corp project was on her computer but right now it didn’t seem to be a problem for them. “Does that mean you want to get back to work?”

    “No.” Chloe shook her head resolved on this for days now. “I don’t need to be a journalist to help people. I have these powers inside of me now that can do that.”

    “Chloe we have no idea what you can really do. Those powers are dangerous. Your empathy for Lois killed you.” He had no idea what she was suggesting but Lex wasn’t about to let her heal anyone else if that meant he could lose her again.

    “Yes they are dangerous because we don’t understand them.” Chloe swallowed hard as she prepared to say the next part. “That’s why I have decided to figure out how to use them by going into 33.1.”

    Lex released her hand not understanding not sure if this conversation should go any further. “No! I’m not locking you away. I told you I wasn’t going to keep you or your mother there.”

    “Lex I don’t want you to lock me up. You said you help people so I want you to let the scientist figure out what it is I can really do so I can control it.”

    “Then what?” He lowered his eyes not seeing the point of her using her powers that killed her ever again.

    “Then I can help you.” Chloe knew more than Lex had told her about his trip. The caves opened up a lot in her mind. She told Lex she didn’t know anything. It was a lie she was ready to be rid of.

    Taking her hand back Lex was hoping her mind had been jogged about what really happened to them in the Kawatche caves. “Help me with what?”

    “Help you understand more then what’s written on those cave walls you showed me a few weeks ago. I know this trip had something to do with the meteor showers, the strange artifacts you keep losing and with what I saw in the caves that day.”

    “So you do remember what happened?” Lex’s eyes widen. It felt like he was finally going to hear the truth.

    She could see him dying to know what she knew. Chloe still wasn’t sure what she saw it. The memories were mulled together and there was no way to explain it to Lex.

    She wouldn't disappoint. When the truth was clear she would tell him. “I want to be sure first before I tell you.” Chloe saw this wide eyed expression fade away. She had to do something to reassure him. “I just don’t see it clearly yet. I will tell you in time but right now I need you to help me with my problems then I can help you with yours.”

    Lex let the thought of truly knowing what Chloe could do sink in. If her powers extend more to just what she did to Lois then maybe she could help. The ARES project could use some one like her if they were ever going to catch the ghostly creature.

    They were going to be partners again. It was how she fell in love him and it would insure that she would stay with him in her new state awhile longer. “Alright, when do you want to start?”

    “Let's start next week.” Chloe answered overjoyed that he had agreed to her terms without much of a fight.

    He nodded once at her and she flew into his arms. “Thank you.” Pulling back from him Chloe didn’t want to leave but if she was going to start soon there were a few things she had to take care of first.

    “I have to go out for a little while but when I get back we can talk about what’s going to happen to me.”

    “Are you sure you want to do this.” Still holding on to her Lex was afraid to let her go. She could help him but it could also be the death of her.

    “Since waking up I haven’t been sure about anything but I’m sure about this.” If Chloe had survived death there was no telling what she could. She had to know.

    Her mind was made up. Lex knew there was no changing it.


    Chloe called Lois before she left the manor. Walking into the Talon she found her cousin cleaning the counter top. It was the strangest thing she had ever seen. Chloe used her powers to save Lois and now she was serving coffee and cleaning up after people. Muddled memories or not Chloe knew she didn’t save Lois to spend her days in a coffee shop.

    The role of coffee shop worker didn’t seem to fit Lois but from Chloe had learned Lois had made some foolish mistakes. Now she seemed to be paying for them. Chloe had given her life and this time she was going to give Lois something to do with that life.
    “Working hard?” Chloe spoke getting her attention off the coffee shop counter.

    Her eyes widen with joy at the site of her. Lois was relieved every time Chloe called or came to see her. It was proof Lex hadn’t locked her up in his house for good. She looked better than ever wearing a blouse and jeans she had never seen before. Staying in the Luthor manor was doing wonders for her.

    “Hardly working is more like it.” Lois walked around to meet her cousin with a hug.

    “Can you take a break?” Chloe looked around and the Talon wasn’t really brimming with customers.

    “Of course. For you I’d close the place down.” Lois steered them over to a nearby sofa to talk. “So what’s been going on?” Lois eyed the package Chloe was carrying under her arm.

    “Well I have a proposition for you.” Chloe saw her eyeballing the files she was carrying hoping Lois would hear her out.

    “What is it?” Lois had no idea what she could possible want to propose to her.

    “What the hell are you doing in this coffee shop?” Chloe started out with the harsh truth. “You’re wasting away in here.”

    Lois was taken aback by Chloe's bluntness. All this time she was slowly starting to remember her but now it seemed she knew more than Lois had let on. She was wasting away in a coffee shop. The only thrill she had in weeks was looking for the truth about what Lex was doing to soldiers. Now that seemed like ages ago.

    “You know things haven’t really been going well for me.” Lois started to explain herself but was quickly interrupted.

    “No they haven’t.” Chloe eyed her intently. She didn’t come to hear her excuses. “You have given up for some reason. I remember you getting kicked out of school. I understand you feel like that wasn't the place for you.”

    “Well it’s not. I was bored to death.” Lois remembered well enough getting so drunk she couldn’t walk straight just too draw out the boredom of college.

    Chloe nodded in agreement. “Lois I know you’re not cut out for the classroom that’s why I think you should go ahead and start your career.”

    “My career?” Raising an eyebrow Lois waited for the punch line. “My career doing what?”

    “Being a journalist.” Chloe handed the files over to her eagerly. “This is all the work I have going on my computer. It will get you started. My job at the Daily Planet hasn’t been filled and you can apply with one of the unfinished stories in these files.”

    Lois paused for a long moment opening the files to look. There was a story about the Metropolis mob ring using dry cleaners as a front for drugs. Some local Smallville framers were involved in an illegal dog fighting ring. Those were just the first of unfinished work Lois skimmed. Included in the papers were a hand full of computer discs.

    “I can’t take this. This has been your dream since you were a kid. You’re the writer not me.” Lois tried to hand the files back but Chloe pushed them back on her.

    “Lois when I disappeared during Lionel’s trial you knew I wasn’t dead and you proved it when no one else could. You even hunted down what Lex was doing without him even knowing. For some reason you have a knack for this. You should be doing that detective work for a living instead of just sticking your nose in where it doesn’t belong.”

    “So you know what Lex was doing to those soldiers and you’re still staying with him.” Lois wasn’t going to let Chloe weasel her way out of another real talk about Lex Luthor.

    “Yes I do. He was trying to help them.” This hate Lex Luthor campaign was starting to drive Chloe insane. It was the reason she hadn’t spoken to Clark in weeks. Everything they had a problem with was a misunderstanding because they wanted to see him as evil.

    Breathing out hard Lois had to make her see Lex for what he was. “That’s what he told you.”

    “No, he didn’t tell me anything. I have the soldier project in my files. The super solider program was supposed to enhance a soldier’s senses, strength and many other attributes they would need in a war. Some of them reacted to the serum poorly and others took to it. They all volunteered for the project and knew the risks. Your friend was suffering from the side effects. Lex could have helped him but he chose to run.”

    “You’re lying!” Lois over did it because the remaining patrons in the Talon were staring at her.

    “Why would I lie to you?” You’re my family, I love you and if Lex was doing something wrong I would tell you.” Chloe reached for her but she shifted away from her. Whatever the solider meant to her she didn’t seem to be letting him go.

    “I don’t believe that.” Something had to change her back to the Chloe who wouldn’t agree with Lex Luthor. “I just can’t shake this feeling that Lex is after something other than helping you.”

    “You have the files look into it yourself.” The lines were drawn and Chloe waited for Lois to cross over. She could see the reluctance in her eyes. “Don’t worry about Lex. I can handle myself with him. If you find something else that puts Lex and Luthor Corp at fault I’ll leave him.”

    Smiling wide Lois liked the sound of this challenge. She could bring down Lex and get her cousin back with one story. “I hope you weren’t looking to hang out longer because I have to go quit and get to work on my career.” Serving one more cup of coffee was going to make Lois insane.

    Returning the smile Chloe knew she would take the bait. Her memories were always sneaking up on her. Lois hated losing. “Can I get some coffee before I go?”

    “Didn’t you hear me say I was quitting.” They both chuckled lightly. Lois sprang from her seat with the files in hand to embrace her cousin following after her. Quitting before she had the job at the Daily Planet seemed premature but her sanity was on the line.

    The embrace lasted a short while then Chloe was off after promising she would come back again soon. With her good deed done for the day Chloe couldn’t’ wait to get back to the manor. Just as she was getting into her car it looked like that would have to wait.

    “You remember how to drive?” Clark spoke just next to Chloe in front of the Talon. There was no telling how much she did or didn’t remember anymore. What he saw today made him think she didn’t know the truth about who Chloe Sullivan really was.

    Looking next to her Chloe saw Clark and he didn’t look to be in the best of moods. “Lex got my car for me and helped me remember how to drive.” Her answer only seemed to make him more upset. His body became ridged with tension at the sound of Lex’s name.

    “Chloe I really need to talk to you.” This matter couldn’t wait. Chloe had been avoiding him for weeks. She would sneak around and see Lois but no one else. It was becoming clear that Lex was doing something to change her.

    “Clark I can’t really talk right now. I just came to see Lois.” Chloe tried to use her keys on the door but Clark placed his hand on hers.

    He couldn’t just let her leave and run back into Lex’s arms. He had to force down the image from that morning again just hearing her say his name. “Please. It’s very important.”

    Pulling her hand away Chloe breathed out long and hard. “What is it?”

    “Why are you avoiding me?” His eyes were pleading for an answer.

    It was something Chloe had been avoiding since going to the Kawatche caves. All of her memories of Clark were cloaked in confusion. At one moment he was her best friend and the next he was doing things no one could ever do. After seeing herself heal Lois it was proof that the things she remembered about Clark were possible but there was another truth keeping her from him.

    “I’m not sure I want to remember anymore about you.” Answering as honestly as she could Chloe tried to explain. “Whenever I see you it just hurts me.”

    “Remembering me hurts you?” Lowering his eyes Clark knew this was possible. Chloe hiding from him meant she knew who he really was and it was only hurting her.

    Nodding gently Chloe didn’t want to saw it aloud but now was a good time as any. “You’re not human? Are you?” Her reasons for asking were all unlocked on her computer. The files were telling her Clark was meteor infected just like she was but deep down hidden in her thoughts there was something more.

    Frozen in place Clark could let this be the moment he freed Chloe from secrets. Selfishly he wanted her to know. Lana’s paranoia proved she could never understand. Lex would only abuse what he knew just like he was doing with 33.1. Chloe was the only person outside of his parents to take him for what he was.

    If she really thought memories of him only hurt her Clark would let the memories stay buried. “No. I’m as human as you.”

    The only clear memory of Clark came to Chloe once she was in the caves. Anyone stranded in the freezing cold of the Arctic would never forget. Freezing cold to the bones would always be with her. She remembered Clark standing unaffected by the cold listening to a voice not in room with them.

    He was lying to her and the faint memories Chloe had were of Clark lying all the time. It was hard to be there for Clark when he didn’t trust her. “That answer is why I don’t talk to you. It’s what hurts me when I think of you?” Chloe went for her car door again. “You don’t trust me.”

    It was like going in circles. Of course Clark trusted her but he could free her from his secret it was the right thing to do. Reaching for her again Clark had to stop her from leaving. “You don’t trust me either.” For now this couldn’t be about him. There was no telling what she remembered but she had to know Lex couldn’t be trusted.

    Straining her eyes at him confused Chloe tried to reply. “Why should I trust you?”

    Breathing out Clark weighed telling her what he saw. “Because I could tell you getting involved with Lex will only hurt you more than I ever could.”

    “I don’t know what you’re talking about. Lex has been nothing but honest. What are you referring to?” The only other person being brutally honest was Lois and Clark wasn’t trying to single her out. There was something about Lex he wasn’t telling or just couldn’t get over.

    “I saw you with him.” Clark answered her looking into the eyes of his friend that didn’t know him at all.

    Chloe almost dropped her keys at the shock of what he was saying. “You saw me? How? I have been held up in the manor for weeks so you have to be more specific.”

    If she wanted honest Clark had to start somewhere. “I have been looking in on you from time to time.”

    “No you have been spying on me?” Chloe nudged him as hard as she could but got nowhere.

    “It wasn’t spying it was concern for my best friend that won’t talk to me.” Clark replied to her trying to hold back his anger.

    “How did you get in? What did you see?” There was no telling what Clark saw. When the time was right Chloe was going to explain it all to Lois but now he was going to ruin it.

    “You were kissing him today.” Swallowing over the words Clark tried not to look pained but he was. Lana had run to Lex and now Chloe was doing it to.

    Chloe had no idea she was being watched but it was disgusting to think about. Her confusion about Clark was just thrust in to full blown anger. “Clark unlike you I’m going to trust you with some information. Lex hasn’t brain washed me. We were kissing because I have missed him for years. Do you understand that?”

    “This didn’t just start?” Letting his mind go back to then Clark knew when it started. “You were together when you were in hiding.”

    “A little before that but yes.” There was no need to hide it anymore; Clark had ruined that plan.

    “You stopped seeing him for a reason.” The Chloe he knew wouldn’t be saying this. It was all part of Lex’s lie. She wasn’t remembering Lex that way.

    “Yes a reason that I see was wrong and can take back.” Chloe tried to make her point but Clark wasn’t hearing her.

    “He’s going to hurt you.” Clark grabbed her arm trying to force her to see the truth.

    Shaking her head in disbelief Chloe wasn’t being hurt by Lex. The only thing hurting her was Clark holding onto her. “No, Clark that’s your job.”

    “He did it to Lana and he’ll do it you.” It was something Clark was sure she didn’t know. Lex had hurt Lana. There was no telling what Lex would do to Chloe.

    Chloe knew well enough now what happen with Lana. “Lana is obsessed with the meteor showers because of her parents. She is lying to you more than Lex ever has to me.”

    His eyes widened and Chloe could see he didn’t want to hear the truth so she didn’t go on. Lex told her enough to help her remember. Lana had done everything she could to ruin herself. Taking drugs to induce death, stealing, and lying was all part of Lana’s life style that Chloe would rather stay away from.

    There were enough people around that he couldn’t hold on to her but he tried anyway. His hand seemed like a vise clamped down on her. “Let me go.” She spoke through clenched teeth trying not to make a scene.

    “No, Lex used Lana.” Clark didn’t want to hurt her but he couldn’t let her go back to the manor.

    “The meteor showers have affected all of us. Lana and Lex had the same goal in mind and mistook that for feelings for one another. They were just using each other.” She struggled to get her arm away but her words made him squeeze harder.

    Chloe’s physical strength wasn’t going to get Clark away from her. A tiny light was forming just wear Clark was holding her. The source of it was coming from her but Chloe had no idea she was doing it.

    It was part of her powers Chloe didn’t understand.

    Something started to pull at Clark through Chloe’s skin. At first it was nothing but in seconds he felt the life being drained out of him. He gasped for air he normally didn’t need and pulled away falling to ground in pain.

    Neither of them knew what just happened but it was just the beginning to Chloe Sullivan’s change.


    Chapter 5 Chloe Sullivan’s New Life
    Last edited by letia84; 25th February 2010 at 07:05.

  9. #49
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    Re: Remembering Chloe Sullivan (R) Chapter 4 Part 2 2/24/2010

    Oh that was so good. Clark needs to get the F out. I can't stand him. I am so glad her powers got him to let go. He so deserves it. I am loving Chloe and Lex working as partners. I can't wait to see what happens next. Welcome back.
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  10. #50
    Happy-ending addict Senior Member lexie's Avatar
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    In RL:Argentina. In my dreams: Lexland

    Re: Remembering Chloe Sullivan (R) Chapter 4 Part 2 2/24/2010

    Seeing an update was a wonderful surprise. I saw it the minute you posted it but couldn't leave you feedback till now because I felt the need to re-read the whole thing. And, by the time I reached the penultimate chapter, it was past three in the morning and I had to wake up at eight!

    I love what you're doing with this premise- if only they had stuck with Steven De Knight's idea of an amnesiac Chloe living with Lex at the beginning of Season 7! Why, oh why did KK have to renew her contract at the last minute and ruin everything? But, it doesn't matter now because we have you to fix it and- I'm sure- you won't end up messing things the way they would have.

    Clark's attitude is exactly the way I thought it would be- damn obnoxious, always worried about his secret and believing he's the centre of the universe. It's true Lex wants to learn the truth about him and now he knows Chloe's the key, but she's more to Lex than a tool to be used. I'm glad they're being as honest with each other as their circumstances allow and that they're handling the most difficult moments of their past relationship with such maturity.

    By the way, I love what you did with Lex's welcome at the manor- turning the Lexana "I missed the cows"'s scene around was awesome.

    Now I'm really intrigued about this new development regarding Chloe's power.

    Say you've started writing the follow-up, girl. Don't leave us hanging for too long.
    Last edited by lexie; 25th February 2010 at 18:12.
    Thxs to beeej for the avi



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