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Thread: Game Plan (NC-17) *COMPLETE 7/25/08*

  1. #1

    Game Plan (NC-17) *COMPLETE 7/25/08*

    Title: Game Plan
    Author: BackupLover
    Disclaimer: Not mine. If AlMiles would like to give me Michael Rosenbaum in exchange for fixing their awful cannon pairing of Lexana, it would be much appreciated and coveted. But at the moment, not mine.

    Summary: Thoughts inside of a billionaire's head as he meets up with his borderline obsession at a party. Some references of cannon, but much lighter than what had occurred. Centered mostly around Lex's hidden internal monologue, smut comes later.
    **First time writing smut, so please review with suggestions on how to improve.**

    Part I

    He watched her from across the room, eyes raking up the corset-style back of green ribbon to flawless skin. She was his ideal woman- intelligent, tenacious, gorgeous without knowing the fact. Too many years of being pushed aside for the small town beauty queen had impacted her sense of self-worth.

    But he had always seen her. The woman beneath the shell that was waiting to emerge victorious. Which was why her best friend was the easiest way to confirm his suspicion of Clark’s abilities. Obsession blinded him to the repercussions of that choice. Ones he would take back if he could.

    It was a stroke of luck that she hadn’t asked him what he thought of her that time she commanded the truth. He had been relieved that she only wanted to know about the skewed psyche of her first reclusive billionaire. The second of which was Bruce Wayne, who was tricked into granting an interview when she confronted him one random day in Gotham. Fate had been on his side when Oliver Queen went after her dropout cousin before meeting the family’s prize.

    No, if Chloe Sullivan knew his thoughts, feelings and sheer awe of her; there would be no doubt there would never be a chance to speak to her again. He wouldn’t be able to approach her at a party and make witty small talk while overtly ogling what was never to be his. Throwing back what was left of his drink, Lex Luthor began walking to the bar and towards his Calliope. Who was currently in conversation with some bastard in a six-hundred dollar suit with a bored look on her face.

    “You’re a reporter?” the man asked teasingly. “I guess I should put a filter on what I say, then.”

    “I wouldn’t bother with this one,” he said from behind her. “she’d only break through it.”

    She straightened indignantly and spun around, ready to face off her critiquer. Meeting a set of familiar blue eyes, a smirk spread over her face. “Mr. Luthor.”

    “Ms Sullivan.” He replied, the corners of his mouth twitching upwards. “I thought I plastered those warning posters with your face in all the offices of Metropolis.”

    “Oh you did. Doesn’t mean I can’t import associates from elsewhere.” Chloe turned to Michael and made the introductions. “Michael Snyder, Lex Luthor.”

    As the two shook hands, Lex’s gaze flickered over the man. Too old to be a boyfriend, not her boss. “How do you know Ms Sullivan?”

    “I just met her. She saved me from a tipsy ex-wife.”

    “Saved *you*? That’s a change.” That’s right, mild digs always kept the conversation lively.

    “Well, I got bored with the damsel role.” Chloe said with a roll of her eyes.

    Sensing a past, Michael smiled and made his excuse. “I need to get back to my table now. Thank you for your help Ms Sullivan.”

    Nodding at the man as he left, Lex turned back to the blonde reporter. “So what’s the story? Mermaid in the water tower?”

    “Please.” She scoffed. “Have you seen the tap water of Metropolis? No mermaid would survive living in it.”

    “Alright. Is it another tattooed burglar?”

    “You know, I did write stories that weren’t about meteor freaks.”

    “Yes, but they were all about me. Since I haven’t been pestered in a year, I can only assume all of your bylines are about people with abilities.”

    “I’ve expanded into political corruption as well.”

    “So why haven’t I been called?” he asked, small smile still gracing his lips. “Corruption is a Luthor’s middle name.”

    “Maybe because you haven’t done anything newsworthy? Or possibly, I grew to be neutral as far as LexCorp is concerned.”

    “I’m newsworthy.” I’ll blow up a building if you’ll come accuse me in person.

    “Not to me. No attempts on my life, no kidnappings, no corporate espionage leading to dire situations—as far as I’m concerned, you’ve gotten boring in your advanced age.”

    His eyes narrowed. “I’m not old. Or boring.”

    “Really? Had any sixteen year olds’ thrown out of a window lately?”

    “Be fair, Ms Sullivan. It wasn’t me who threw you out.”

    “Still your place.”

    “Not really. I’m not staying at the manor anymore.”

    “And here I was thinking that Smallville was to blame for your uneventful lifestyle. Where are you now?”

    “At the penthouse.” I followed you to school.

    “In the big city and no scandals? I stand by my claim.”

    “Maybe I have been a little reclusive. You could have come found me.” Why didn’t you?

    “You could have visited me. I’ve been in Metropolis full-time for a while.”

    Yes, but I finished using Lana. No excuse to talk to you in public. No reason for me to know your new address. “It might be weird for me to stop by your apartment, you being friends with my ex. And you insulted my head the last time I stopped by.”

    “Lana was crying! Of course I had to insult you.” Wait, what? “I couldn’t tell you I thought it was right to break things off when we were standing in front of her. Besides, I’m alone in the new apartment now. She ran off to Paris again.”

    “Infallible logic as always. I had no way of deciphering the complexities of a broken hearted girl and the way to deal with it...her.” He drawled, somewhat pleased at her reasoning. “All I did was what you said and left to polish my cranium and pray for a soul.”

    Her eyes were almost amused at the idea she had hurt his feelings. “It’s demeaning that you took that seriously. If I wanted to insult you, I would have hit harder than physical appearance. And I hardly doubt your head was the body part being polished.”

    He knew that. Chloe had the skill and temper to cut him much deeper than that. But still, he had been so taken aback by her seeming veracity that he had taken the words at face value. “It was a pretty demeaning comment. That can be a sore subject with me.”

    Ignoring his reference to her insulting ability, she tilted her head at him. “You know, I don’t think it’s the baldness that depresses you. It’s the fact that you can’t grow a handlebar mustache to complete the costume as you tie pretty girls to train tracks.”

    “Only you, Chloe.” The vision of her bound caused him to shift his posture slightly and he quickly changed topics. “You’re still just as... unconventional as ever.”

    “Admit it, Luthor.” She said sweetly. “You missed our verbal judo.” I missed you.

    “I admit nothing. Simply because you are the closest thing to an intellectual equal at this party does not... shit.” He trailed off and his gaze darkened as he observed someone walking towards them. “Lucas.”

    “Big Brother!” came a jovial statement from behind Chloe. The dark haired man came and stood in front of the pair, and his gaze raked over the blonde slowly. “And you are?”

    “Celibate.” She replied flatly as Lex’s lips twitched in amusement.

    “And feisty.” The other Luthor commented with a grin. “Don’t tell me my brother is allowing you to waste all your time on a conversation with him.”

    “How she spends her time is none of your business, Lucas.” Lex stated, earning inquisitive glances from both parties.

    “No need to get uppity. As I recall, your pleasures tend to run a bit *darker*. Unless...” turning his head, the younger Luthor looked at Chloe again. “Is this the one, Lex?”

    Rolling her eyes, the blonde set down her wineglass. “I’ve been many ‘ones’. Are you going somewhere with this, or will you just keep sneaking glances down my dress?” The expanse of skin being shown was a little distracting, but it wasn’t like Lucas ever said anything worthwhile.

    “Bruce Wayne said that there was only one blonde who could hold my brother’s attention. The fact that you’ve been talking to him for ten minutes and he hasn’t shied away leads me to believe that you’re her.” A smile came over Lucas’ face and he winked at her. “And I will keep doing the other part.”

    “Bruce doesn’t know what he’s talking about.” She commented with a flip of her hand, refusing to pull up the gown in embarrassment. “It isn’t the hair color that intrigues Lex, it’s the high likelihood that she’s going to kill him. I’ve started to hypothesize that he considers marriage to be training for a final showdown with Lionel.”

    “He did say that the blonde in question was difficult to deal with. Can’t say you’re proving me wrong.”

    Snorting, Chloe shook her head. “I don’t care enough about you to prove you wrong. And Bruce is just bitter that I said no to being his escort.”

    Wait, what? Immediately, Lex’s eyes narrowed. “He asked you out?”

    “She turned him down, Lex. And it’s not like she’s yours to claim anyway.”

    She may not rightfully be his to claim, but Chloe Sullivan was someone he considered to be his. And Luthors don’t share well. Realizing his brother had a point, Lex stood there and merely watched as the blonde began to rant.
    “He was being a jackass! I’m starting to wonder if it’s a requirement for being a billionaire under thirty.”

    “And I’m starting to wonder if being a billionaire under thirty is a requirement for you. Wayne *and* Queen, kitten?” Queen--Oliver Queen? Bruce has the whole dark and brooding thing, but Queen is a loser. She couldn’t have dated him. Maybe he should have gone with a full watch on her. The checks he arranged to occur only covered the stories she was working on, in case she got in too deep... again. She would have noticed tails to her apartment. It seems Chloe’s relationship statuses should also have been monitored, mutual respect be damned.

    Ignoring Lex’s soft growl of surprise, Chloe shook her head. “Right family, wrong girl. Oliver dated my cousin Lois. I’m Chloe Sullivan.”

    “No, I’ve got the right girl. You’ve frequented the Queen Industries banquets; I just didn’t fix a name to the body. Tell me, do you consciously choose a rich bachelor, or do you simply open Forbes and find a random page?”

    “Jealous you’ve never been featured?” she asked with a saccharine smile. “I don’t see a reason to explain my contacts to the business world to you, Lucas. You don’t spend enough time there to understand, just show up to the parties and raid the open bar.”

    Having recovered from the mention of former classmates and their possible involvement with Chloe, Lex intervened. “I suggest you walk away.” To stop distracting her from the conversation with me.

    “Rushing to save the day? She must be the blonde in question.”

    “Lucas, it’s not Ms Sullivan I’m trying to save. She’s holding back now. Her revenge on you may impact my stock standings, so I’d like you to go find a desperate society woman to entertain.”

    Holding his hands up in surrender, the young man reached out and took his brother’s scotch from the bar as he left. Lex let out a sigh.

    “It seems you’ve been busy.”

    Glaring at him, Chloe tried to quell her embarrassment over what his brother had insinuated. “Are you trying to tell me you haven’t kept tabs?”

    “No, you’re correct in the assumption that I have. It just wasn’t the personal, only professional aspects.”

    One of her eyebrows raised in surprised amusement over his mock chivalry. “Then you know how I met Bruce. The nanotech story.”

    “I knew that you got an exclusive for that project. Not that he hit on you.”

    “It’s not really your business, but I turned him down.”

    “Why? You could have gotten a better interview.” Cursing his jealousy, he could immediately see that he had crossed a line. She drew back as if stricken, and he rushed to fix the faux pas. “I’m sure you could have lowered that requirement for scintillating conversation in order to get a scoop.”

    Chloe seemed to realize he was offering an olive branch for his comment and smiled, showing he was forgiven. She would always forgive him. “I could have. But he was an ass, so I said no.”

    “You told Clark I was an ass when we first met.” And I looked at your ass when we first met.

    “You still are.” She quipped, grin widening at his eyes glinting back. “But you’re an ass with depth. I don’t care how good the story is if I’m not kept on my toes.”

    Lex chuckled softly. “And the near death experiences with me keep you from boredom?” Among other things I’m willing to do.

    “We haven’t had one of those in years, Luthor. And it’s the obscure literature references between us that help keep me sharp. Bruce spoke down to me and had the audacity to suggest coffee wasn’t a good idea after eleven.”

    Raising an eyebrow, the billionaire looked at her appraisingly. “And he still has both arms? You’re getting soft.”

    Ignoring the jibe, she continued with her story. “I told him it was either that or cocaine, and Alfred was happy to oblige my *legal* request.” Suddenly, her gaze switched from bantering to laser sharp. “Question: what did your half-wit brother mean when he relayed Bruce’s thoughts about one blonde holding your attention?”

    Quick! Distract her! Find something unethical that she can write about! “Better question: how can you call him Bruce when you just recently dropped the ‘Mister’ from my name?” When she didn’t budge, he sighed. Damn her memory. This might get awkward. “He may have overheard a phone call between my father and I, then looked you up when I refused to give details.”

    Chloe blinked twice in confusion. “You and Lionel talk about me? You still talk to Lionel?”

    “once a month, and it was a few years ago. But then he saw me reading your articles regularly and brought the subject up again. I assume that’s how Lucas and he got on the topic of you.”

    “Why didn’t he say anything when he gave me the exclusive?” she mused. “Only said that he knew I would be honest and non-judgmental in my writing.”

    Jackass had the gall to use the same terms Lex had described her as when he first pestered him with questions. He can’t very well call a hit on the Prince of Gotham. People would notice. “I assume he wanted to judge you for himself.”

    “Well, what did he say?”

    “Nothing. But given that I effectively told him to screw himself when he asked which one of the Luthors you rendered services to.”

    “You *what*?” she hissed, glancing around for possible eavesdroppers. “Don’t you get that lashing out like that probably made him think I had?”

    “I was still poised, Chloe. It’s not like I dumped a beer on his shirt and then threw a punch.”

    Ignoring the smirk made by his comment about youth culture, the reporter kept her rant. “But you reacted in a way that somehow made him think we had a relationship. Which surprised him so much that he told your brother. Such an ass.”

    Once again, Lex had to restrain himself from laughing. “Keep calling him ‘ass’ and people will think it’s a pet name.”

    “Speaking of,” she said, voice changing to indignation “Lucas called me kitten. Remind me to flagellate him.”

    “A memo will be sent.” He promised, glad for the shift. “Is there anyone you want added to the list?”

    Waving a hand at him, Chloe smiled. “Not now, but get back to me at the end of the night. I’m sure someone else will have offended me.”
    Last edited by BackupLover; 25th July 2008 at 18:23. Reason: header

  2. #2

    Game Plan (NC-17) 5/11/08

    Part II

    Forty minutes later, Chloe’s posture was much more rigid than it had been during her previous conversation. The man whom she was talking with was leaning into her space, attempting intimidation. Approaching, Lex turned her to face him, leaving his hand on her lower back.

    “Ms Sullivan, I thought I told you not to take interviews. You’ve badgered enough businessmen this evening.” Don’t talk to him. Don’t talk to any man.

    “Mr. Luthor!” she said, feigning surprise and slight fear. “I thought you left already.”

    If I did would you come with me? “I deemed it prudent to stay a bit longer.”

    Eyes darting between the two, the man stuck out his hand. “Owen Turcotte.”

    Lex merely nodded at the man, and continued to gaze at Chloe in a way that anyone else would describe as hostile. Unless they looked in his mind and saw the image of her writhing on top of him.

    “Right.” Turcotte said, then quickly gave an excuse to leave. “It was nice meeting you, Ms Sullivan. Good luck with that article.”

    As the man walked away, their posture shifted to a slightly more relaxed stance and the blonde rolled her eyes. “Thanks for the save, but I can handle being called a slut by drunk businessmen.”

    “He said what?” Where was his phone? He hoped the offer from that guy to do that thing in that place still stood.

    Chloe stopped him with a snort. “Yes. It seems to be a theme this evening.”

    He would need to get a guest list for the event. Cross check names with everyone she talked to on the cameras. Then ruin their lives, one by one. This banquet was proving to be quite disappointing. “What did he say Chloe? Exactly.”

    “It doesn’t matter. I solved the problem by asking just how much the ex-wife was being paid to keep quiet on the fact his bit on the side that broke the pre-nup was a nineteen year old male bartender. That’s what set him off, sort of.”

    Lex’s gaze dropped down, his angry glare at Turcott forgotten. He looked intrigued for a second, then slipped his mask back into place and Chloe shrugged. “He was in the rolodex of a guy I investigated last year. Didn’t turn out to be important, but I remembered his face.”

    He didn’t say anything for a while, then spoke. “If he’s not still on your list of people to flagellate, can I buy his company out from under him for fun?” I’ll give it to you as a birthday present.

    “What would you do with a packing industry?”

    “Make it into a laughingstock by creating embarrassing commercial jingles that are mocked throughout the country on street corners. I can afford the loss.”

    “Could I get tapes of the jingles for prosperity?”

    “Promise.” Laughter greeted his ears, and instead of removing his hand from her back, the billionaire began propelling them towards the doors. When she fixed him with a questioning look, he paused. “Did you bring your own car or can I offer you a ride home?”

    Giving him a half-smile, she nodded. “Just let me grab my things.”

    “Alright.” Changing their direction to the coatroom, he ignored her slight pause. “You didn’t answer my question. Are there anymore people on the list? This is strictly for my secretary’s sake, so she won’t have to send out multiple memos.”

    “Lex, you don’t know your secretary’s name. Don’t try to tell me you want her job to be easier.”

    Frowning, he looked down at her. “I know Kathy’s name.”

    “Kathy was two secretaries ago. You fired her for not screening your calls efficiently.”

    “How do you know that?”

    “One of my coworker’s was on the phone when you did it.” Nudging him slightly, she smiled. “Don’t worry about it. She should have checked the Daily Planet’s number before picking up. It was completely justified.”

    He really should be offended by her mocking tone, but as her breasts had just pressed against his arm, the jibe could be ignored. “I see. What’s my current secretary’s name?”

    “Selene Ramsey. She’s from California and is doing a satisfactory job at keeping the journalists at bay.”

    “Any children?” How much are you keeping up on?

    “Hell if I know. I only check the names, not their family history.”

    Their conversation was paused slightly when the attendant handed her a wrap and purse. Draping the fabric over her arm, Chloe made no move to shake his touch so he pulled her a bit closer and signaled the valet.

    As the car pulled up and his driver stepped out, she looked at him with a lifted eyebrow. “Too old to drive?”

    Stop calling me old. “I had to close a deal on the way over. Hostile takeovers are a hobby of mine.”

    “Here I was thinking marriage was your only hobby. Although... it’s been almost two years. Breaking the pattern?” Her eyes glinted with amusement as she tilted her head with a grin.

    “Are you asking to be next?” Because I’ll drop to one knee right now and buy you an island instead of a ring.

    Brushing his hand away from the car door, Chloe climbed into the town car. “I’m having a little too much fun being respected, thank you.” Chuckling, Lex followed.

    “I assume you got the deal and made a bunch of people mad?”

    Giving her a pointed look, he nodded. “Of course. It may have been a while since we’ve seen each other, but I haven’t lost my business sense.”

    “Just your sex appeal.” She quipped, shooting him an impish grin.

    “I assure you, Ms Sullivan, I am still considered to be attractive. Not every woman has proved to be immune to my charm.”

    “Not every woman has a backbone, tact and a career.”

    He chuckled and placed a friendly hand on her thigh. Don’t squeeze, don’t rub, don’t caress. “Tact is not something you can claim.”

    “But I can claim a backbone.” Chloe said, covering his hand with hers. “Don’t deny me that.”

    “I can’t deny you anything.” Shit, that was outloud. Gritting his teeth at the faux pas, the billionaire began pulling his hand back, only to be surprised when he found their fingers entwined.

    Showing no discomfort, the blonde smiled. “Really? Want to treat me to a latte?”

    He tells her he can’t deny her anything and she asks for a five dollar cup of coffee.

    Only Chloe. Unbelievable. Squeezing their connection, he smiled. “Of course.” Reaching out with the empty hand, Lex pressed on the intercom and instructed for them to make a stop at the nearest Starbucks.

    “So we haven’t talked since that Northland press conference where you blew me off.” Chloe said, her tone showing no animosity. “What made you approach me tonight?”

    Crap. He didn’t think she would bring up that day. They had spoken briefly before the conference about mundane things, but then his security told him of an issue that had to be taken care of, so he couldn’t go back after and talk more. “I didn’t blow you off, Chloe. I was informed Lucas had gotten arrested for solicitation and attempting to bribe an officer. It needed to be handled and I looked for you later.” But you had left.

    “Okay, Lex- this?” she asked, unclasping their hands and pulling out her cell phone. “This is a nifty device that allows you to talk to people without actually being in their presence. You see, each one is assigned a number and if you push these little buttons-”

    She was mocking him. And he found himself not caring, instead focusing on the way she smiled and her nose crinkled. Wait! Why was he the bad one here? “I know how a phone works.”

    “Do you? Because you seem to just like the way it shines and matches your tie pin.”

    “You could have called me.”

    “I don’t have your phone number, and not only are they unlisted, they’re registered under another name. And don’t tell me to try your office. The desk gestapo you hire are trained never to put a reporter through.”

    But you’re on my always-to-be-admitted list. “You could have found my number.”

    “Because an invasion of privacy is always the best way to get back in touch.” She snorted. “No, you chose not to reach me and instead talked to your billionaire buddy and led him to think we used to fuck.”

    “We already had this argument, if you can even call it that.” Please don’t be mad at me.

    “It’s gotten a little old, people assuming that without any reason.”

    “I’m sorry.” The words he had been trained never to say came out of his mouth.

    “Don’t apologize for that.” She said, meeting his gaze head on. “Apologize for not giving them a reason.”

    Lex froze. The look on Chloe’s face was completely serious, eyes darkened slightly with lust. Blinking once, he felt his hands twitch with want. “Excuse me?”

    “You ignored that feeling, that spark between us through high school, through the whole Lana debacle, even the rest of my college years. I figured you were going to wait a while, then come back to me after giving her a grace period.”

    She felt it too? “You never said anything.”

    “You never made an effort. The last thing I wanted to do was push a Luthor into doing something he didn’t think he was ready for.”

    “What?” Well, that was eloquent. But what was she talking about? He wanted her for years.

    “Like it or not, the two of us going into something facing it like a challenge would have made it end badly. We’re overly competitive and don’t bow back. Plus, once that victory is reached, it tends to be discarded. If you and I were going to get together, I want it to be for the long haul, not to prove a point.”

    He sighed, ready to give her an out. “We’d be playing with fire, the two of us.”

    “I’m not the one scared to get burned.”

    She was right. He was afraid. And it seemed there was not one damn reason to be. Stupid. Surging forward, he tentatively pressed his lips to hers. She met him with ferocity and drive, as intense as everything about her was.

    Wrapping both hands around her chin, Lex pulled her to him. Chloe practically climbed into his lap, legs splayed over his. As she tore his tie off, he removed her necklace, placing it in her purse. He’d have to give her the one from his study. The one he bought on a whim because it reminded him of her smile.

    Moving his lips across her chin and down her neck, the billionaire memorized the scent there. Underneath the layer of jasmine and magnolia he found an almost citrus flavor that was distinctly her.

    “You sure?” he asked, giving her the choice as he pulled back. This was all her. It always had been. “Because this can’t just be a one-off with me, I won’t let you go.”

    “No, I just gave that speech because I missed you.” She said, smirking and unbuttoning his dress shirt before he grabbed her hands and pressed a kiss to both wrists. “You’ve never treated me as a china doll, Luthor. Don’t start now.”

    Lips met once again, a frantic coupling of saliva and souls. He had fantasized about this moment, but even dreams couldn’t get just. how. right. this felt. “God, smell so good--”

    The murmurings were heard from both of them, nonsensical and needy. “Mmmph... want.”

    “My place or yours?” he asked, running hands down her back, playing with the crisscrossing straps.

    “Mine.” She answered, between open mouthed kisses along his neck. Quite distracting.

    Gasping when her fingers brushed lightly on his nipple, Lex tightened his hold on her sides as he soothed a bite with his tongue. “Where--”

    Chloe pulled back and looked him directly in the eye. “Don’t insult me by asking for directions. You’ve kept your tabs, I’ve kept mine which told me you’ve kept tabs.”

    He nodded in assent. Of course she did. They were more alike than anyone could have thought, detailed and concealing. Pressing the intercom, he shortly issued orders to be taken to ‘Ms Sullivan’s’ apartment. Then the fun began, voice and mind as one. “I’m not going to take this dress off yet. Not until I get you inside where I can focus.” The words were a whisper-groan as he looked at her with a lidded gaze before lasering in on her face. “But if those panties aren’t in on the floor in eight seconds, I’m ripping them off. I want you naked, completely, under there.”

    Her eyes grew even darker with lust, and Chloe quickly obeyed his command. “Not that I don’t like the idea of you ripping things off of me, but those are part of a set.”

    “You’re not wearing a bra.” He said, looking at her chest and seeing her aroused state clearly.

    “It wouldn’t work with this dress. Maybe next time.” Next time? She’s planning for a next time? Fantastic.

    Thumbing her nipples, Lex pulled her back to him and kissed a line from her collarbone to her left ear, then began mumbling his thoughts outloud. “Do you know how much this dress distracted me tonight? I didn’t even pay attention to what my brother was saying, just had to focus on not getting hard when we started talking about tying you down.”

    Hearing her gasp when he bit down, he continued to speak as his hands slid over her back. “Then, I had to tell myself not to go find you immediately after we parted at the bar. Do you have any idea what ran through my head when you walked away?”

    “God!” Chloe gasped when he grasped her ass and pulled her even closer until she was straddling him. “Tell me!”

    “These ribbons that hold it together? You looked like a present for me to unwrap. With nothing but my teeth. I wanted to grab you and throw you on top of the counter, Chloe. I was going to pour salt on you and lick off every. single. grain.” Between each word, he thrust up slightly and grinned into her neck when she moaned. “Then, I would eat cherries off your naked body. And there wouldn’t even be syrup left from them. I would take care of that too.”

    Not stopping his speech, Lex’s voice got even more throaty when Chloe began to suck on his Adam’s apple. “When I was talking to Bridge’s wife about her charity ball last month, all I could see was me taking you from behind in the kitchen. You, trying to stay standing as we shook the prep station, this dress bunched up at your waist. Can you see it? Can you feel how much I want you?”

    “More. Want more.” She whimpered, fisting his jacket in her hands and thrusting back.

    “I had to go take a break in the associates’ room to keep myself from chasing you down and dragging you to the coat closet.”

    “Oooh, exhibitionist?”

    “Just know what I want.”

    Mouthing a path from his throat before finding a spot under his right ear that somehow hundreds of other women had missed, the reporter giggled. “Still wouldn’t go after it. I had to make the first move, you coward.”

    “How long have you wanted this Chloe?” the question was rasping, and Lex’s eyes black with desire as he held her head in place. “Do you think about me? When you’re all alone in your bed, finding yourself in the dark- whose face is it that you see when you come?”

    Her gaze matched his own, pupils dilated. “Your face made me come when I was with other men.”

    That comment had him shifting them until she sat with opened legs before him as he lowered himself to the floor in front of her with a groan, pushing fabric up around her hips.

    Chloe gave a wicked grin at the picture as she pushed the blazer off his shoulders. “I always wondered what it would take to get you on your knees.”

    “Sex.” He replied, inhaling long breaths. “Sex is always a good way.”

    “Mmmmm...” she murmured. “Headline news: Daily Planet Reporter Achieves Impossible- Lex Luthor at Mercy, story inside.”

    He chuckled, then bit the inside of her left knee lightly. “Not at mercy. Just... occupied.”

    Leg jerking in response, the blonde ran a slow hand over his bald head, caressing the point where skull met neck. “Not as impressive as my idea.”

    “Believe me, Miss Sullivan.” Lex stated, pulling back to meet her flushed gaze. “It will be impressive.” As the car turned a sharp corner, he dug his fingers into her supple thighs and leaned down.

    Placing gentle kisses along each of her legs, Lex pushed the material up around her hips. Shooting her a feral grin, he then ran his tongue along her outer lips, barely grazing. Spreading her legs further apart, one hooked its way around his shoulder and he turned his head to nip at where it connected to curvaceous hips. Returning his attention to the task before him, Lex gave one broad swipe of her slit, savoring the taste while carefully avoiding the nerve center above. At her sigh and momentary muscle clench, he went back, inserting his tongue in a slow rhythm as her vocalizations increased in volume.

    Two fingers were added, and he delighted in the heady moan and thrusting of hips as he lapped up the moisture spread around her center. It was only when he had finished with that task that Lex moved his tongue to her clit; first placing a kiss on the bud before suckling it carefully as he watched her reaction. The unoccupied hand went straight to her pelvic bone, holding it in place as his vigor increased and her hips began pumping involuntarily. Flitting his tongue over the nub at a faster pace, he countered the speed of his lips with steady motion of thrusting fingers. Almost suddenly, the tempo increased, movements becoming quick as he drew her clit between his teeth.

    Rolling his eyes up, he looked at Chloe through lowered lashed, moaning when he saw one of her hands tweaking a nipple and her own tongue licking her bottom lip. The blonde’s eyes were shut and she was mouthing whispered words that he couldn’t hear over the pounding of his own heart. Biting down gently, Lex increased the pressure on her hips and curled the digits upwards as an almost silent gasp of pleasure came out before a series of satisfied moans. He continued the motions until her muscles stopped clamping down on his hand, licking at the wetness dripping almost to his wrist.

    Slowly withdrawing his hand, Lex’s eyebrows shot up when Chloe reached down to grab his wrist and brought the fingers to her mouth. Cleaning off the digits, she gave him a very satisfied smirk and placed a soft kiss on his palm when she finished. “Eight and a half.”

    The rating sank into his lust addled brain after a second, and Lex’s eyes narrowed. “Eight and a half?”

    “It’s alright.” She soothed, grin not leaving her face. “I’m sure you would have been a nine had we not been in a moving vehicle.”

    Bitch. He loved her. “Sweetheart, we stopped driving a quarter way into that. The only thing moving in this vehicle at the end was your writhing under my tongue.”

    “Eight point seven?” came the new offer, as she pulled him closer, sealing it with a kiss. “You coming up with me, or just staying here all growly?”

    Lex reached behind him blindly, fumbling to find his blazer and making sure the cell phone was still in his breast pocket. “Get your purse. I have a score to raise.”

  3. #3
    NS Full Member dagney's Avatar
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    11 Feb 2007

    Re: Game Plan (NC-17) 5/11/08

    The banter, the desire, the confident Chloe The image of Lex on his knees in a limo.... MOG this is fab. Great job looking foward to much much more. Dagney

  4. #4
    Demented Detective Senior Member newbatgirl's Avatar
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    West of Gotham

    Re: Game Plan (NC-17) 5/11/08

    That was smokin' hot. Loved the banter, loved the use of Lucas, and the smut was awesome. Please continue!

  5. #5
    No charge for awesomeness
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    Hiding in Michael's closet

    Re: Game Plan (NC-17) 5/11/08

    Now this was just plain fun! Loved it. Great job all the way around. Hope you plan to write more

  6. #6
    NS Senior Member Senior Member
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    Matthew Perry's attic

    Re: Game Plan (NC-17) 5/11/08

    Damn that was hot! I can't wait to see what Lex does to improve his score. I love his thoughts, love their banter, and the fact that Chloe made the first move. This is amazing, want more soon.

  7. #7
    Members Starangel148's Avatar
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    Re: Game Plan (NC-17) 5/11/08

    Great start to a very interesting story. I hope you update soon.

  8. #8
    NS Senior Member Senior Member lj715's Avatar
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    Re: Game Plan (NC-17) 5/11/08

    Holy cow, very hot smut. Please update soon, can;t wait to read more.

  9. #9
    NS Full Member
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    27 Nov 2007

    Re: Game Plan (NC-17) 5/11/08

    Excellent beginning!!
    Lex's thoughts were really great.
    I hope to read more soon.

  10. #10
    looking for updates Senior Member somethingeasy's Avatar
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    27 Apr 2006

    Re: Game Plan (NC-17) 5/11/08

    This was a fantastic new story and I LOVED reading through it. I always love fics that have especially well-written, funny, witty, clever and sharp dialogue in it. The banter (from every character ranging from Lex, Chloe as well as Lucas) was amazing fun to read. I loved the way that Chloe and Lex would keep on sniping and insulting each other, but always maintaining a careful line so as to never cast actual offence at the other person.

    I remember that one part where Lex belatedly realized that he said something actually hurtful and cutting to Chloe (when he suggested that she might be willing to whore herself out to Bruce for the sake of a story), but he IMMEDIATELY back-tracked and apologised for the comment. LOL! It was hilarious how an ‘apology’ came in the form of a back-handed compliment, but it fit in perfectly with the playfully mocking, sardonic conversation going on between the two, LOL!

    I also loved the way that Lex kept a running ‘inner-monologue’ in his head that was completely contrary to the outer mocking tone he was using. Outside his head, his words were semi-hostile and baiting… and on the inside he was in worshipful awe of this woman, and revelling in her presence. ROTFL! Poor Lex was completely gone on her, and I really enjoyed how he was basically acting like a little boy willing to gain ANY kind of attention from the girl he liked. If he couldn’t get positive attention in the form of approval (or a kiss), he was going to pull her hair and laugh to gain her negative attention, LOL!

    Lucas was adorable. I wonder whether he was consciously playing matchmaker between his brother and the supreme object of his affections, LOL! It was certainly very convenient ( as well as hilarious) how he kept teasing Chloe about the besotted billionaire admirers she keeps picking up. I can’t imagine anything would rile up Lex more than the notion that his most intensely hated rivals, Oliver Queen and Bruce Wayne might become interesting in wooing and winning over Chloe. LOL! Lucas knew which button to press to REALLY irritate and enrage Lex, ROTFL!

    “Lucas, it’s not Ms Sullivan I’m trying to save. She’s holding back now. Her revenge on you may impact my stock standings, so I’d like you to go find a desperate society woman to entertain.”
    LOL! I loved the way Lex told Lucas to ‘bugger off’. By telling him that he was ‘protecting’ him from Chloe, LOL! I loved the implication about how Chloe is a dangerous lady whose wrath is to be feared, even by Luthors, ROTFL! But then again, Lex would know better than most about how SCARY Chloe can be.

    I loved how the second chapter began with Lex ‘saving’ Chloe from a nasty, lecherous bastard. AND how Lex became so furious on her behalf when he found out that the man had called ‘his’ Chloe a slut. I LOVE seeing Lex over-reacting with bristling protectiveness when anyone bothers His Precious.

    ROTFL! I loved the inner thought in his head about how he wanted to buy out this nasty sleaze’s company and present it to Chloe as a wrapped up birthday gift. Although he knew she probably wouldn’t accept it, so he had to ‘settle’ for destroying the company for her honour, LOL! Turcotte is going to rue the day he decided to go to this party and hit on THIS particular lady.

    I also loved the very cute bit about Lex making plans to get the guest list of this party and cross reference every person who has talked to Chloe to determine WHICH others ALSO need to be destroyed for ‘bothering’ her that evening. ROTFLMAO! He reacts like this when they’re not really together, how much worse is this behaviour going to get when he and Chloe actually become involved? Chloe is probably going to have to make sure he doesn’t start killing random pizza boys who delivered the food too late for her liking.

    “Are you asking to be next?” Because I’ll drop to one knee right now and buy you an island instead of a ring.
    ROTFL! I LOVED this little line over here. He is SUCH a besotted fool for Chloe. It was also such great fun seeing his equal parts frustration and admiration as Chloe asked him to buy her a cup of coffee after he admitted that he couldn’t ‘deny her anything’. He LOVES the way that she doesn’t want him for his money, but he HATES that he can’t ‘win her over’ and make her ‘need him’ through extravagant, expensive presents.

    She was mocking him. And he found himself not caring, instead focusing on the way she smiled and her nose crinkled. Wait! Why was he the bad one here? “I know how a phone works.”

    “Do you? Because you seem to just like the way it shines and matches your tie pin.”

    “You could have called me.”

    “I don’t have your phone number, and not only are they unlisted, they’re registered under another name. And don’t tell me to try your office. The desk gestapo you hire are trained never to put a reporter through.”

    But you’re on my always-to-be-admitted list. “You could have found my number.”
    ROTFLMAO! I loved the way that Chloe was teasing and making fun of Lex for being too lazy, cowardly or careless to CALL her on the phone. And I LOVED the idea that Chloe was completely unaware of the level of her power over Lex so she had no idea that she’s been given the ‘full clearance access’ to Lex in any way she wanted. Damn, I wonder how she’s going to react if she knew she could have been EASILY breaking into his office and hacking into his computer files YEARS ago if she had only tried, LOL!

    I loved, LOVED the twist of CHLOE making the first move. All this time, we’ve been seeing Lex wishing, longing and barely restraining himself in her intoxicating presence… and then we discover the shocking news that Chloe actually returns a little of the same feelings!!! I really enjoyed Lex’s sense of flabbergasted and bewildered shock when he realized his world had turned upside down with Chloe’s admission.

    LOL! The coward has been waiting so long. He could probably have had her a long time ago, if only he had given it a shot! Good thing Chloe is a heck of a lot more braver and nervy than him.

    The smut was amazing! I always have a special place in my heart (and other parts of my body) for car-smut, ROTFL! It was fantastic seeing Lex pleasuring Chloe in such a loving, generous and intense fashion. I know that you seemed a little nervous about your smut-writing, but no need to worry. It was a job well-done and well-written

    And I LOVED that their banter had not gotten any ‘softer’ because of this, ROTFL! It was SO much fun seeing Chloe giving Lex a less than perfect score… and Lex smugly telling her that she didn’t even notice that the car stopped moving early into the smut, ROTFL! And even THEN, Chloe only raised her points by a 0.2 mark-up, ROTFL! She’s not going to take it easy on Lex, JUST because they’re involved now, and I’m sure he’s going to adore every sniping, mocking remark she makes.

    This was a great fic! You’re a wonderful writer, and I look forward to seeing more dialogue and plots from you in the future. Good luck and best regards!

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