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Thread: My Fragile Heart (Alt scene from Fragile) [PG] - Complete

  1. #1
    Wannabe Superhero Ultra's Avatar
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    My Fragile Heart (Alt scene from Fragile) [PG] - Complete

    A/N : Saturday nights are clearly good for Chlex inspiration, since this is the second week I've felt the need to write and post a little one-shot like this. Rewatching some of the best Chlex scenes on YouTube, I was inspired to re-write a certain scene from Fragile... Please let me know what you think

    Disclaimer: Smallville characters belong to Millar & Gough and DC Comics. Some lines in this story are stolen from the episode 'Fragile', written by Darren Swimmer and Todd Slavkin.

    My Fragile Heart
    (aka How the Chloe and Lex Scene in ‘Fragile’ Should Really Have Played Out)

    “Chloe” Lex greeted her with a smile, but she was in no mood for pleasantries and it showed on her face as she stalked into the room.

    “I know your moral compass has a tendency to veer off course, but taking advantage of Lana when she’s at her most vulnerable?” she said sternly, “It’s despicable” she almost spat, the very picture of anger as she put on her best threatening demeanour.

    Far from being intimidated by Chloe’s attitude, Lex was actually more amused by her outburst than anything else, that and a little turned on if he were honest. It wasn’t just any woman who would stand up to him like this, certainly not the one of which Chloe spoke. To think he was seriously interested in Lana Lang was of course ludicrous and he soon told the blonde just that.

    “I think your reporter’s eye is getting a little cloudy” he said as he walked around the pool table, “You’re starting to see things that aren’t there” he told her, moving to line up his next shot.

    “I don’t have to work for the DWP to know that there was enough electricity in that room to light up the entire state of Kansas” she snapped, only hoping he didn’t see her real emotions as his eyes met hers.

    Behind the threats and anger, which she played as if she were looking out for her friend’s best interest, Chloe hid her true feelings for Lex Luthor. Jealousy is what powered her frustration and fury entirely. First Lana had taken Clark from her when she thought she wanted him, but long since Chloe’s attention had shifted to Lex.

    As unobtainable as he was, she at least had a chance, up until recently when Lana’s sights had set on the bald billionaire. Chloe hated to know she would lose another potential love of her life to the fairy princess who was becoming more and more difficult to be a friend to all the time. She was far too caught up in her own pastel-coloured Lana-world, and Chloe had started to despise her for it. Taking Lex from her life would be the last straw and since challenging her so-called friend would probably only increase the problem, Chloe had hoped to dissuade her potential love interest from seeking a relationship with the raven-haired beauty. If the way Lex was looking at her now was anything to go by, she’d almost think it was working.

    “It’s interesting how perceptive you are about affairs of the heart” he said with a smirk, “considering you’ve never actually been in a serious relationship” he added, words sharp as steel and cutting just as deep to a point where Chloe could no longer hold in the emotions that bubbled inside her.

    “For all your apparent intelligence, Lex, and your ability to second guess almost anyone” she said, as tears formed in her eyes, dulling the anger that ought to be flashing there, “Are you really so blind that you can’t see why I never had a serious relationship?” she asked him as he continued to stare at her, a look like understanding passing over his face just for a moment before it was gone again.

    “And what about you, Chloe?” he challenged her with similar words, “For all of your superior instincts and quick mind, are you really so blind that you can’t see that Lana and I are friends - nothing more” he swore to her.

    Though it seemed insane, Chloe was sure he was trying to reassure her because he knew what she’d meant before, and yet that couldn’t be true. Years had passed since her want for him had begun, and it had grown to such a point now, without him ever seeing it. Why suddenly now would he take notice, unless he’d known all along and just never said a word...

    “I said what I came to say” Chloe said quietly, deciding a hasty retreat would be the best option now.

    She needed time to gather her thoughts before this continued, but Lex didn’t. As Chloe turned to leave, Lex’s hand shot out to catch her arm and spin her back towards him, resulting in the two of them being practically pressed up against each other, hardly room enough between them to even breathe.

    “Chloe” he said so softly she was sure she wouldn’t have heard if she were not so close to him, and then, before she had time to process what was happening, he dipped his head and his lips landed on hers.

    Pushing him away would’ve been sensible, with yells of indignation, and even a slap around the face, but Chloe didn’t do any of those sensible things. Instead, she gave into the feelings she’d harboured in silence for too long and kissed Lex back with equal passion to that he showed for her.

    When they were forced to part for the intake of oxygen, their bodies remained close together.

    “If you’re so perceptive to levels of electricity and the ways of the heart” Lex said breathlessly, “How exactly is it possible that you’ve failed to notice that I’ve been wanting to do that for more months now than I care to count?” he asked as Chloe swallowed hard and tried to take on what had just happened here.

    Her eyes darted away from his intense gaze as her head spun wildly. In spite of all she felt for Lex, Chloe knew what he was, and she was wary of it. He hadn’t always treated her with kindness and yet the torch she carried for him burned ever more brightly. Sometimes you had to take the bad with the good, and where Lex Luthor was concerned those words were particularly apt. It seemed what all it came down to now was whether or not he was worth the risk.

    “Lex” she said too softly for her own liking as she fought to be resolute in her tone, “I know you’re used to getting whatever you want without even thinking about the consequence, but I promise you, if you screw this up, just once, there will be a consequence... and you’re looking at her” she said firmly, glad she’d now more-or-less stopped shaking, at least on the outside.

    “Chloe” he smirked in spite of the serious nature of their conversation, “I think I’m getting an inkling that life is not going to be simple being your boyfriend”

    -The End-

  2. #2
    NS Senior Member Senior Member
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    Re: My Fragile Heart (Alt scene from Fragile) [PG]

    Great rewrite of that scene. Damn right that scene should have ended with a kiss and moved on to something even greater.

  3. #3
    An Accused Heretic Senior Member Kit Merlot's Avatar
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    Re: My Fragile Heart (Alt scene from Fragile) [PG]

    This is exactly how the scene should have ended!

    And anyone with eyes could see that the real chemistry, the real electricity and the real sexiness happened in the Chlex scene, and not the insipid Lexana one.

    Excellent work

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  4. #4
    NS Full Member SVfan1286's Avatar
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    Re: My Fragile Heart (Alt scene from Fragile) [PG]

    I wish that it played out like that on the show. That scene was full of passion, but of course with AlMiles that passion has to be all about Lana!

    It seems the writers totally forgot about S3 Chlex working together....in S4 they act like they didn't even know each other or to full out hating each other. It mades know sense!

    I loved this rewrite...wonderfully written, so much better than the show!
    Last edited by SVfan1286; 2nd December 2007 at 00:11. Reason: spelling

  5. #5
    NS Full Member dagney's Avatar
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    Re: My Fragile Heart (Alt scene from Fragile) [PG]

    fantastic re write each and every time Mike and Ally are on screen together is hot hot hot. Thanks for helping us fans enjoy what should have been. dagney

  6. #6
    NS Gold Member Linda's Avatar
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    Re: My Fragile Heart (Alt scene from Fragile) [PG]

    Superb re-write, just what was need to relive all the tension and electricity between them.

  7. #7
    storie girl Senior Member starmoon's Avatar
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    Re: My Fragile Heart (Alt scene from Fragile) [PG]

    that was perfect and i wish that was the way it really ended. smallville should have you write the show from now on that way there would be a lot more happier chlex fans out there. i know if you wrote the show i would start to watch it again.

  8. #8
    NS Senior Member Senior Member letia84's Avatar
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    Re: My Fragile Heart (Alt scene from Fragile) [PG]

    HA! Kick butt rewrite. How on earth did I miss this?

    “Lex” she said too softly for her own liking as she fought to be resolute in her tone, “I know you’re used to getting whatever you want without even thinking about the consequence, but I promise you, if you screw this up, just once, there will be a consequence... and you’re looking at her” she said firmly, glad she’d now more-or-less stopped shaking, at least on the outside.

    “Chloe” he smirked in spite of the serious nature of their conversation, “I think I’m getting an inkling that life is not going to be simple being your boyfriend”
    Nice play on there final words to each other.

    Much better then then the crap SV keeps throwing at us. Thanks for the rewrite.

  9. #9
    NS Platinum Member Tanschana's Avatar
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    Re: My Fragile Heart (Alt scene from Fragile) [PG] - Complete

    Awww, cute!
    Like your version way better!
    Come join the dark side. We have cookies.
    Annnnnd Lex Luther!!!
    Double Yummmmmmmm!!

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  10. #10
    Members Kitty Black Cat's Avatar
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    Re: My Fragile Heart (Alt scene from Fragile) [PG] - Complete

    The people who own Smallville should have definitely hired someone like you to write the show. Actually they should have read this story and then hired you. Fanfiction writers write romances that have way more sense the the TV writers out there. You did a really good job with this fic. I really loved it. And I agree with everyone else that said that THIS should have been how it ended. Way to go!

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