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Thread: Remembrances of Valentines Past (PG-13)

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    In Fanfic land

    Remembrances of Valentines Past (PG-13)

    Well, this is a late Valentines day piece but I think in the nick of time, considering what's on tomorrow. : ( Hope this softens the blow, for those who are still watching. Enjoy.

    Title: Valentines Day Fic - "Remembrances of Valentines Past"

    Author: PMD

    e-mail: mary.davidson@sympatico.ca

    Rating: PG-13 (slightly suggestive)

    Category: Friendship, Chlex, Valentines Day Fic, Chloe's POV, AU

    Spoilers: Anything is fair game.

    Summary: Chloe goes to the mansion for a book, on Valentines Day.

    Disclaimer: To whomever owns Smallville, its characters, Valentines Day, Cupid, the BackStreet Boys, and the lyrics to Drowning, I'm just borrowing them, will give them back, not making any money with their use in this piece, so don't sue me.

    Archive: To BAFsFF, BT2, Electricchlex, N.S. Forums and SPP, for the time being. If anybody else wants it, all you have to do is ask.

    Feedback: Yes I would love feedback.

    Authors Notes: I want to thank my friend, Jay, for suggesting this story line for a V-Day fic, since the one I was working on just wasn't---well---working. You always come through for me, my friend. Enjoy, everybody.

    Valentines Day Fic - "Remembrances of Valentines Past" - by PMD

    Prologue: Valentines Day can be hard at times but this year it was much easier, for both Chloe and Lex---for remembrances of past ones, can help heal the hurt and also lead you to something more.


    Outside Luthor Mansion

    I'm standing outside of the resident billionaire’s home. It's cold---they are predicting snow---I heard 5 inches. And it's Valentines Day---the worst day for me---I have no boyfriend and no prospects of it. And my Dad is out of town so we couldn't do our annual looking at all the Valentines Day cards of the past---my favorite---Cupid on the front, dressed as an Irish man. Snort---my Dad---weird sense of humor with the jokes and the cards.

    So, no Daddy, no boyfriend, and I have to do research for a column---okay doing research will help me forget about those two things, right? I hope so.

    I knock on the door, thankful that Lex has the book I desperately need to help with an idea for my Ledger column. Nothing.

    I knock again, hoping the resident billionaire isn't drunk because he doesn't have a girl and thus is out cold. Or that he has a girl and just is too busy to come to the door, if you know what I mean.

    Where the hell is James? Oh, right---forgot, he does have a significant other. Lex gave him the night off. I knock again.

    The door opens and he's standing there, in blue jeans? Okay---this is an alternate reality or I'm dreaming. Wow---Chloe, he looks hot!


    I look back at his face and see a smirk. "Luthor?"

    His smirk grows. "Like what you see?"

    I'm glad it's cold outside---hope the blush looks like I'm well---cold. I give him a smirk.

    "Blue jeans?"

    "Yes, I do actually own casual clothes. And look--no shirt or tie---it's actually a sweat shirt."

    I look at his sweat shirt---purple of course.

    For a few seconds we stare at each other, until a white flake falls down and then another and another.

    His face turns from amused and smirky to concerned and a little angry. He pulls me into the mansion and I yelp.

    "Hey, what's with the rough treatment, Lex? Did I do something to offend you by standing at your doorstep?"

    He walks away from me to shut the door and then comes back, more concerned than angry now.

    "Chloe, what are you doing here?"

    "Ah---I love to be man-handled by you and needed my fix?"


    "I needed a book from you and my reach isn't that long from my home."

    He sighs, rubbing his head---a sign of frustration or whatever. Then he pulls his hand away and looks at me.

    "It couldn't have waited?"

    "No---I need it now."

    "You do know that a snow storm is coming."

    "Five inches."

    "Try 10 inches."


    "The weather changed, Chloe."

    I'm stunned one moment and then scared. "My father---he's out there."

    He walks closer to me, pulling me into his arms and I sigh.

    "He's fine---he called me. Said if a blonde, stubborn woman shows up at my doorstep, I should tell her that and tell her to stay put. Also, try to distract her from worrying about him."

    I back away from him and smile. "Daddy knows me so well."

    "Yes, he does."

    "So, what's it going to be---play chess or sex?"

    He laughs and my smile widens.

    He doesn't laugh much---especially on this day. He's been hurt so many times by love---never had it with his father; his mother died young.

    Then there was the long line of brunettes that nearly killed his heart. Course the resident brunette and I healed it. He counted on me and Lana to raise his spirits, as much as he counted on Clark to be his friend and save us all---although he did a bit of saving himself.

    He held all our secrets close to his heart: Clark and his alieness; me and my empathic abilities; Lana and her ability to talk to the spirits. And I hold his---love that he wanted but never would have from his father.

    We trusted him---we never wanted to change him. If that's not love, friendship or otherwise, what is.


    I feel his hand on my cheek, rubbing it gently.


    "You don't have to worry---he's in Metro at a hotel. Room service and everything. He'll be fine. But---I could have given you the information over the phone that you needed---why did you come out? I thought you were smarter than that."

    "I didn't know it was 10 inches," I blurt out.

    "Okay---I'll take that. Well, it's all moot. You're here and since you will have plenty of time to read the stuff you need to read---want to do that later and help me with another project."

    "Okay, I'll help. So what will it be? Beat your pants at chess or get you out of your pants to have sex?" I ask, reminding him of my first question.

    He just shakes his head and grins. "No to both---but I think maybe we should take off your coat before we do go up into the attic."


    "You don't remember."

    "Evidently not---what's up in the attic---you do know that if you've killed your father, burying him underground is better than the attic---the smell is a dead giveaway."

    He snorts at that and then goes around me, helping me take off my coat. He backs away and puts it in the nearby closet and then comes back. I give him my purse and he puts it on a nearby table, before rejoining me.

    "Well, you are dressed for it."

    I look down at my jeans and then at my own sweatshirt---a nice dark blue. Then I look up at him.

    "Well, I was just going to read the book, not have a romantic dinner tonight."

    I see the sadness in his eyes and I feel the tears in my eyes.

    "Lex---I'm sorry."

    "No--it's okay. I need a rest this year. Besides, it's not about not having a girlfriend or whatever at the moment---it's the fact I have to go up and face some pretty powerful memories in the attic. But I have someone to help me be stronger this year."

    "A ghost?"

    He chuckles. "No, you idiot. You."

    "Well, glad to help another fellow idiot who doesn't have a date this year."

    His eyebrow rises. "What---Chloe with no date---perish the thought."

    "Oh, you are so not funny at times, Luthor."

    He walks up and takes my hand in his, leading me to the stairs. "So, we'll enjoy each other's company instead and not have to fake it."

    As we walk up, I answer with, "Who said I faked it, Mr. Luthor."

    The laughter from him reverberates up the stairs, down the corridor, and towards the attic.


    The Luthor Attic

    "Oh my God---I can't believe it!" I state, as I get off the ladder that leads to the attic.

    He comes up behind me and closes the trap door. "What? That even rich people have attics?"

    I turn around. "No---that you have such a clean attic---where's the dust?"

    "In your bedroom?"

    I roll my eyes and walk away from him, taking in the---cleanliness of the place. This is just to freaking for words. I know he's a meteor freak but this is just too much.

    Lex is able to heal people and heal himself. Comes in handy at times, with the amount of danger all of us are in---speaking of me, Lex, and Lana. Like Clark doesn't need it---we just have to throw away the meteors, if some villain decides to play dirty.

    I sense his uneasiness being up here and I turn around.

    "Ghosts of the past scaring you, Lex?" I ask him, softly.

    He shakes his head and the sighs. "No---just trying to figure out what I can part with for the charity auction. It's not that easy you know."

    "Well, the charity will be happy with whatever you give, Lex."

    He lets out another sigh and I smile. "Nothing too personal, right?"

    He nods.

    "Well, let's go looking for---what---bronzed baby shoes?"

    "Or a silver spoon," he quips.

    I roll my eyes and then rub my hands together. "Oh boy---today is my lucky day---I get to snoop and not get thrown out a window for it."

    I gulp and then turn to look at him---a frown there and then he turns away.

    "Lex, I'm sorry."

    He turns back. "It's okay. I'm fine."

    I can feel his remorse--like it happened yesterday. I walk over and put my arms around his waist.

    "I didn't die---and you did give me nice flowers---but---"

    He backs away a bit. "But what?"

    "I know I snicker sometimes but it's not horsey, is it?"

    I lean back into him and feel it---a rumble of laughter and I join him soon after.

    I back away and look up at him, his eyes shining and calm.

    "Wish I could stay here in your arms---I think my ability is helping calm you at this close proximity."

    "It's not that."


    "You make me feel better just for being my friend, Chloe."

    "Awww---Mr. Luthor didn't have many playmates when he was growing up?"

    "No, I didn't. Guess it's because I always wanted to win. Nothing less for a Luthor."

    "Daddy was a big jerk too."

    He snorts and I smile. "Made you snort."



    He shakes his head, backs away from me, and turns around, walking over to a box in the corner. Okay, I'll let that go, I think, as I walk over to what looks like a traveling wardrobe thing.

    I open it up and gasp. "Lex?"

    He walks over to me and I sense his surprise. "What the hell?"

    I look at him. "Your mothers?"

    "Yes---but I thought Dad got rid of all her clothes."

    "Evidently James snuck them away," I state, moving forward to finger the light fabric covering a silky undergarment.


    "Yes?" I ask him.

    "It's my mother’s favorite. She wore it on my last birthday."

    "You had formal birthdays?"

    "My father's idea."

    "Yeah, I kinda thought so. It's beautiful---deep red was her color."

    "She always looked great in it---my birthday; Valentines Day."

    He lets out a sigh and I turn to look at him.

    "I miss my Mom too."

    "She's alive, Chloe---you can go visit her."

    "Yeah but she doesn't know who I am, so why bother."

    "Because you love her."

    I let out a sigh now and look back at the dress. "You know, I remember the first Valentines Day card I got from my Dad, after she left."


    I turn to look at him. "You really don't know my father at all do you, Lex?"

    He raises an eyebrow.

    "Please, my father thinks he has a sense of humor so---he gave me a lame card for V Day. But you know, it's the thought that counts and it made me happy."

    "Because he was showing that nothing would change---he was still as lame as he was when your mother was around?"

    "Basically, yes. Even though it wasn't totally the same, without her there. But you can't fault him for trying."

    "Well, at least you got V Day cards from your dad---mine---no."

    "Didn't believe in love, I take it?"

    "You know him so well---however---"

    He walks away from me, towards a small trunk. He opens it and gestures me over.

    I walk over and look in. "Oh my God---how many girls sent these to you?"

    "One girl---my mother."

    I give him a skeptical look.

    "Okay---most are my mothers---there were a few from some other women. Pamela did give me one or two."


    "This was before her time."

    "Ahhhh---okay, let's go down memory lane and visit remembrances of Valentines past, shall we?"

    "After we find something to give to charity."

    I look around and then smile. "How about the horsey in the corner?"

    "No---I was thinking I would save it for a future child of mine."

    "Okaaaaaay----hmmmmm---let's see. How about something less childish. Do you have a favorite shirt or something?"

    "I do."

    "Well, can you part with it for charity---or are you saving that for a future son too?"

    He gives me his classic smirk. "I believe I can part with a couple of royal purple and royal blue shirts."

    "Okay---problem solved. Now to V Day remembrances in cards given."

    "You first."

    "Oh, that's mature, Luthor!"

    He turns away from me, searching in the box and bringing out a few of them. Then he turns around and looks at me.

    "Well, I don't have them here---but I can remember one of them and I believe my Dad might have put one in my purse---does that count?"

    He nods.

    I look around. "Ooops, my purse is downstairs."

    "Well then, we'll just have to bring the party downstairs, shan't we," he states.

    I nod. He then moves away from me and is at the trap door when:


    He turns around. "What?"

    "You go downstairs with your valentines and I'll be down in a few."

    "What's going on in that mind of yours, Sullivan?' he asks, his eyes curious.

    "Well, if I could have your permission---I would love to try on that gown, to celebrate this day."

    "Isn't that a little weird, Chloe?" he asks me.

    "What---oh---because it was your mothers---I never thought about that. I'm sorry, Lex. It would be a little ewwww."

    He smiles at me and gestures me forward. Instead, I walk over to the wardrobe and close it. Then I join him and he opens the door and walks down.

    I start down the ladder and fall into his arms at the last rung, his Valentines falling from his hands to catch me.

    "My hero," I reply. I'm about to add something else when I see something there, in his eyes. I close mine and sense it even stronger.


    My eyes open slowly to, "Yes?"

    "Yes, I'll stay the weekend."

    He pulls away from me. "Because it's snowing---of course," he states.

    He turns around and starts to walk away.


    He stops and slumps. "Okay---I'll find a good horse to get you home then."

    I lean down and pick up the forgotten Valentines. Then I smile, looking at one from his mother.

    It reads:

    To my darling son:

    I wish for you happiness and love
    I wish for you strength and kindness
    I wish for you grace and truth
    I wish for you a girl who can stand up to you
    Who won't take anything from you but love
    And will love you for who you are
    Not for what you own
    That is what I wish for you
    And one more thing
    I wish I could be there to see it
    But unfortunately that's not to be
    But I will be watching you from Heaven
    And if you ever need me
    Just look in your heart
    And I'll be there

    Love, Mom

    I feel the tears on my cheek and I look to Heaven. I sense her---a ghostly spirit, smiling at me.

    'You are the one who can save him, Chloe. Now prove it to him.'

    I nod at the whispered words and then see he has turned around, looking at me.


    He has a little smile on his face. "Yes?"

    "I read---"

    "---the last Valentine she gave me. And?"

    I drop them now, stepping over them and into his waiting arms.

    "She said, I'm the one who can save you," I state, my words muffled.

    "Always knew that," he replies back, equally muffled.

    I back away. "Really? Why didn't you tell me before?"

    "Because you were kind of busy with other things and you had to find out for yourself."

    "That's true. But now, I will always be here to save you---I can read you like a book now, you know."

    He laughs and pulls me back in. "Yes I know. And I'm glad you love me rather than hate me. I wouldn't like to have you as an enemy."

    "What---what did you say?" I ask him.

    He backs away. "I said I wouldn't want you as an enemy."

    "No---the other part."

    "What other part?"


    He smiles a special smile I haven't seen before. I just stare at him and he finally comes forward, leaning into my ear and whispering:

    "I'm glad you love me, as much as I do you."

    He backs away and I lean up, kissing those lips that the sweetest words had just passed through.

    I let out a groan and then a squeak, as he backs away and lifts me into his arms.

    "Gained a few pounds there, Sullivan."

    "Your fault, Luthor," I quip, as he walks towards what I assume is his bedroom.

    "How's it my fault?"

    "Well, you know what girls do when they don't have a boyfriend?"

    "Use a vibrator."

    I snort. "Besides that."

    He stops at a door and tries to open it, but can't with me in his arms. "Could you?"

    He backs away and I lean in, turning the knob and it opens up to a massive bedroom, the light of the bathroom showing it slightly to me.

    "Wow, is everything big in Luthorworld?" I ask.


    "We'll see," I quip, as he walks in and uses his foot to shut the door.

    He walks over to the bed and places me down on it. Then he gets on and places his body over mine.

    "So, why is it my fault you gained weight?"

    "All the chocolate I had to eat to get the feelings I'm hoping I'll be getting all night from you, Lexy."

    He gives me a soft kiss and then backs away, getting off and doing a strip tease for me. Oh for a camera right now---no wait---music---no---heck, Chloe. You want this to be private.

    I sigh and giggle at his strip tease and start to clap, giving into my appreciation. He bows at the end, his boxers the only thing on.

    "Your turn."

    I grin, getting off and gesturing him to the bed. He walks over and sits and then it starts.

    I start to do a shimmy and then a shake. Then I pull off my socks and shoes----and start to take off my top.


    I roll my eyes and do it slower, taking off my undershirt with it. That leaves my bra, which I will get to later, thanks to his slower remark.

    The pants come off and then I'm only in my underwear. I start to shiver but not from the cold.

    "Come here," he growls, a feral sound in it.

    "Ask nicely."

    "Chloe---you are going to kill me with the waiting. Come here!"

    I smile evilly at him and saunter over. "You know," I state, as I stop. "I believe I need to use the facilities."

    "Later," he growls, leaning over and pulling me in.

    We fall into the bed and I look down at him. "Hello, Billionaire Boy. What do you want to do know?"

    He rolls me over. "Guess."

    "Have sex until I scream?"

    "Make love into the wee hours in the morning," he answers, leaning down to kiss me.

    Okay, I'll take that.


    Early Morning

    I awake, and look at the clock---3 AM---why am I awake?

    I look over at the pillow and see, he's not there. I look up at the ceiling---damn, I dreamed it all. But wait, if I did, would I be in his room?

    I then get up slightly and see the note there. I pick it up:

    Couldn't sleep---am downstairs if you want to join me. Oh, present at the end of the bed for you. Not chocolate---believe you can't handle any more orgasmic feelings at the moment.

    Billionaire Boy

    I laugh at this note and then look down at the bottom of the bed.

    The light of the bedside lamp shows the enticing dress at the foot of the bed. I lean over and bring it to me.

    It's not Lillian’s---it's something even more perfect, for me. It's a deep purple---rich and vibrant. It's a silky feel with light sparkles coming from sown in sequins---like stars on the dark bed of night.

    I touch it time and again, making sure it's there and it is. I get out of bed and pick it up, looking at it, studying it, enjoying it.

    It's knee length---not too short and not too long. It's got a scooped neck and no sleeves. It's beautiful---it's incredible---it's me.

    I smile, walking into the bathroom and see that other things are in there for me. Always think of everything, eh, Luthor?

    My smile widens as I quickly take a shower and then get out and get myself ready for the man downstairs.


    Lex's Study

    I've decided not to wear my shoes; I want to surprise him, like he surprised me. I enter the study and watch him, over by the fireplace, staring into the flames. I smile---he is such a patient man.


    I'm startled. "How'd you---?"

    He turns around. "I can sense you a mile away."

    My eyes widen as does his. "Really?"

    He walks away from the fire towards me. "Yes---Chloe, you're so, exquisite."

    I blush, hoping the darkness hides it. "Shoot, Luthor, you certainly know how to turn a girls head."

    He's beside me now, a look of sadness in his eyes. "I don't deserve you."

    Wow, talk about a turn around. "Why?"

    He turns away and sighs. "I'm not a nice man sometimes."

    "Well, I'm not a nice girl sometimes---my claws are as razor sharp as yours are, Lex."

    He turns back around. "Did you kill somebody? Did you not help someone who decided to take their own life? Do you have a father who hates you? Did you use your ex-best friend’s girl to get back at him?"

    I lift a hand to touch his face. "Well, I didn't say you were perfect, Lex. But you are trying to change. Clark's seen it and he's come around. Lana forgave you---and you did give her away to Clark, right? And I love you, despite what you have done in the past. And that is the past."

    His own hand comes to mine, as he leans into the touch. "Thank you."

    He pulls it away and places a soft kiss on it that causes my breath to hitch and then I smile.

    "So, we're okay?" I ask, as I take my hand back.

    "Definitely okay and I have something for you."

    "You hired somebody to kill your father?"


    "What---I'd call that justifiable homicide for all the stuff he's pulled on us."

    "Only if he had a gun on us. More like, if I did it, I could say I had a psychotic break."

    I laugh at his suggestion and he gives me a wiry grin. "You think I'm kidding?"

    I take his arm and put mine through it. "Yes, you are."

    He sighs as he leads me to the couch in front of the fireplace. "You know me so well."

    "I know you better than well now, kind sir. And---" I stop, looking at the repast before me on the table. "And you know me pretty well too, Lex. Strawberries, champagne, whipped cream---and an envelope. Wait---two envelopes. Lex have you been in my purse?"

    "The envelope fell out of it."

    "Ahha---okay, just this once I'll let that invasion of privacy go. But you know a woman's purse is her castle."

    "And a very messy one at that," he quips, gesturing I sit.

    I do and lean in to pick up the envelopes. I watch him sit beside me, waiting patiently.

    "So, I never did tell you about the first Valentines I got from my father, after my mother left."

    He looks at me, letting me share before I look at the others.

    "Well, as I said, it was lame. Well, maybe not so much as lame now that I think of it---it was kinda funny. Anyway, there is this gigantic dog on the front. Underneath it says to my big girl. I opened it and on the inside, it said 'I ruff you.' I lost it right then, because I knew his humor was intact and I knew because of that, we were going to be okay. Well, not as okay with Mom gone---but not that fargone either."

    I see his mouth twitching into a smile and then he gestures to the envelopes in front of me.

    I pick up the one that I brought with me and I open it. I gasp.

    "This is to the both of us."


    He comes closer and stares at it. Then he reads it out loud:

    "To my darling Daughter and her new love"

    I open it to the inside and notice it's in his own hand writing:

    He takes a deep breath and reads:

    "Love Knows No Bounds

    Sometimes you lose sight of what is important
    A meeting for a new company takes precedence
    A story needed to be shared with the readers too
    You lose yourself in the world around you
    And can't find yourself
    Until the right person comes around

    I've watched you two
    Watched you hem and haw
    Watched you spit and rage
    Watched you fight against the inevitable
    Until finally, a father and employee
    Takes things into his own hands

    So this Valentines Day.
    I made sure I was out of town
    Made sure I had to stay out of town
    Even if the weather was good or bad
    And suggested a story that my daughter.
    Would love to do and yet needed a book, we didn't have

    And you thought your old man was blind to you two
    And didn't have a devious bone in his body.
    But evidently I do---since I hope you are both sitting here
    Reading this card
    Knowing how much I love you both.
    As I know, without reservation, you love each other too

    So, I offer this to you two
    Never let go of this love
    It is the one thing you take from this world
    To the next one
    It is more precious than gold and silver
    And lasts through the good and bad

    Happy Valentines Day.

    Love Daddy (who hopes to be a grandfather some day)"

    He stops reading and hears me sniffle. He's not worried---somehow he can sense my moods too.


    "Yes?" he asks, putting the card down.

    "Are you empathic?"

    I know it's a weird question to ask but the weirdness didn't end, when he nods his head.

    "Just like me?"

    "Well, maybe not as strong as you---but it's there now."

    "So, when did it happen to you?" I ask him.

    He moves in further, putting his arm around my shoulder. "I think it was always there---just blossomed when we made love."

    "So, I opened the flood gates with my empathic abilities?"

    He looks down. "I believe so."

    "I'll have to teach you how to use them wisely, eh?"

    "Well, it'll come in handy if you do. After all, I can sense when my father is around."

    "Yeah, but doesn't evil give off a bad odor too," I quip.

    He laughs, pulling me close to him again. "What am I feeling right now?"

    "Oh, that's child's play---you’re impatient for me to open the other card."


    I move away from him slightly and grab at the card. I open it up and something falls out of it, onto my lap. I know it's not diamond earrings---I just know it.

    I place the card down beside me and pick up a locket---gold in color. I open it up and inside is a picture of me and him. I remembered the picture---it was taken during my summer in hiding---a smaller version of it. I look up at him, my eyes glistening with tears.

    "It's beautiful."

    "And it's not finished either. I'm hoping that one day, we'll have another one there."

    "I know," I state, leaning up to kiss him softly on the lips.

    I back away and pick up the card. On the front is a group of people, milling around and another person over at the other side. In the small group, there is a girl looking beyond, towards the other person---a man.

    I open it up and smile, as I watch the girl walk over on one said of the card and on the other said, she's there, offering her hand.

    At the bottom, I read out loud:

    "To my best friend in the world
    Who took the chance to be that
    And will always be that"

    That was embossed on the card---I read what is written below:

    "Even as we take the next big step---towards love

    I love you, Chloe
    You are my world, my conscious, my best friend
    And my love.


    I place it down on the table with my fathers and then look at him.

    "Lex, I---"

    "I don't need a card. I need you."

    "You got me. But--"

    He places a finger over my lips. "Okay, instead of a card, dance with me."

    He takes it away and I nod. "Okay---but I owe you two cards next year. And how the heck did you get a card so fast in this weather?"

    He gets up and offers his hand, talking as we walk towards the CD player:

    "Well, I've been holding onto it for a long time."

    We stop and he leaves me, to turn on the CD player and place a disc in it. I smile as the familiar sounds of the BackStreet Boy's song start to flow into the room. He takes my hand and we dance:

    "Don't pretend you're sorry
    I know you're not
    You know you've got the power
    To make me weak inside
    And girl you leave me breathless
    But it's okay
    'Cos you are my survival
    Now hear me say

    I can't imagine
    A life without your love
    And even forever
    Don't seem like long enough

    'Cos every time I breathe I take you in
    And my heart beats again
    Baby I can't help it
    You keep me drowning in your love
    And every time I try to rise above
    I'm swept away by love
    Baby I can't help it
    You keep me drowning in your love

    Maybe I'm a drifter
    Maybe not
    'Cos I have known the safety
    Of floating freely in your arms
    I don't need another lifeline
    It's not for me
    'Cos only you can save me
    Oh can't you see

    I can't imagine
    A life without your love
    And even forever
    Don't seem like long enough

    'Cos every time I breathe I take you in
    And my heart beats again
    Baby I can't help it
    You keep me drowning in your love
    And every time I try to rise above
    I'm swept away by love
    Baby I can't help it
    You keep me drowning in your love

    Go on and pull me under
    Cover me with dreams (yeah)
    Love me mouth to mouth now
    You know I can't resist
    'Cos you're the air that I breathe

    'Cos every time I breathe I take you in
    And my heart beats again
    Baby I can't help it
    You keep me drowning in your love
    And every time I try to rise above
    I'm swept away by love
    Baby I can't help it
    You keep me drowning in your love

    'Cos every time I breathe I take you in
    And my heart beats again
    Baby I can't help it
    You keep me drowning in your love
    And every time I try to rise above
    I'm swept away by love
    Baby I can't help it
    You keep me drowning in your love"

    The song ends and we find ourselves by the player again. He turns it off and leads me over to the couch.

    I would have thought he would have carried me upstairs but we are hungry and thirsty, after our workout.

    As we sit, I lean over and pick up a strawberry, dipping it into the whipped cream. I hear the cork pop and the fizzle of the champagne as it hits the glasses.

    I turn to him and he takes a bite out of the strawberry and then I taste the rest.

    I take the flute from him and we clink it together, me saying:

    "To Valentines Day and love."

    "To remembrances of Valentines Past to be followed by present and future for us two," he adds, leaning in to give me a kiss.

    Yes, remembrances of Valentines past are sweet, sometimes bitter sweet. But from now on, all remembrances created and yet to be created will be sweet as the champagne and strawberries to be devoured here, by two people in love.

    The End.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    27 Feb 2006
    Wyoming, and no I don't own a horse

    Re: Remembrances of Valentines Past (PG-13)

    :sigh: Sweet, I needed that. Too much angst flying around here lately, even in the romance section. Thank you.

  3. #3
    NS Full Member Nonhalema's Avatar
    Join Date
    05 May 2007
    Austria, Vienna

    Re: Remembrances of Valentines Past (PG-13)

    It's simple and I like that...it's a good story!

  4. #4
    storie girl Senior Member starmoon's Avatar
    Join Date
    16 Jan 2004
    A, A

    Re: Remembrances of Valentines Past (PG-13)

    i just love this story.

  5. #5
    NS Senior Member Senior Member malugargula's Avatar
    Join Date
    25 Feb 2003

    Re: Remembrances of Valentines Past (PG-13)

    Amazing fic

    I loved how sweet they are together
    And I loved the empathy thing
    Gabe is the best

  6. #6
    NS Senior Member Senior Member Ami Rose's Avatar
    Join Date
    24 Sep 2004
    San Luis Obispo, California

    Re: Remembrances of Valentines Past (PG-13)

    Very sweet, loved it!
    *Coffee Break 9:00 to 5:00 Daily.
    *Heaven doesn't want me and hell is afraid I'll take over.
    *Are you crazy?
    *From zero to insane in 1.5 seconds!
    *If I agree with you, then we'd both be wrong!

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