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Thread: In the Absence of a Hero *NC-17* Updated: Feb 28, 2009

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    In the Absence of a Hero *NC-17* Updated: Feb 28, 2009

    Disclaimer: Neither Smallville, nor Metropolis, nor any of its inhabitants belong to us. They're all in the possession of WB, CW and so on and so forth. Please don't sue.

    A/N: Blue: Look at us mixing stuff up! No yelling at us!

    A/N: Sabby: This one is angstier than before and uhm...

    Warnings: Here there be slash, meaning male/male relationships of the not so platonic kind. We'll warn you for individual bigger occurrences too. But remember. This is still Chloe/Lex main pairing.


    The living room was empty, dark and quiet. Too quiet. There wasn't even the sound from a stereo or the TV to make the quiet less disturbing. No reason to risk coming across a newsflash about. Him.

    Just the fire crackling in the fireplace and the clinking of the ice in his glass of scotch. Depressing really. And when had it gotten so cold in Metropolis during mid spring?

    Lex pulled a pillow over his lap and continued to stare into the fire.

    This wasn't normal. He knew it wasn't normal. Especially not for him. He wasn't the type to sit around morosely doing nothing except brooding over the fact that his significant other was somewhere halfway across the world doing his 'duty' and wouldn't be home until god only knew when the next day.

    He spent far too many nights like this, too.

    That's what you got for falling in love with a hero. Stupid of him, really.

    He should have never forgiven the supposed hero after he'd figured it out.

    One moment of perfect clarity and he'd excused every lie, forgotten every insult, and forgiven all the failures.

    Lex reached to his side and picked up the phone.

    He didn't even know what time it was. Only that it was hours past a cold dinner and another one of those messages that he hated to receive from his S.O.

    It rang five times before the other end was finally picked up.

    “He did it again,” Lex said without preamble.

    Chloe wasn’t used to being woken up at such an hour. She’d had some fairly good sex and was in a post orgasm coma so it took her a moment to take in the words, who had spoken them and who he was talking about.

    “Did it again good or did it again bad?” The calls between her and Lex about Clark were becoming more and more frequent.

    She could guess that it was the bad kind of doing it again by now. But Lex didn’t really have anyone else to talk to about it. Chloe was the one who understood. Too well.

    Clark had been her first everything. Boyfriend. Sex. Love. Ex-Boyfriend. Gay ex-boyfriend.

    He and Lex had been dating for years and, somehow, she and Lex had become sort of close.

    Chloe scooted away from the guy who she was sharing her bed with. He was a heavy sleeper so she knew he wouldn’t wake up but it felt a little constricting to have his arm lying uselessly on her chest.

    Lex sighed again. “In the I won’t be home for dinner because I'm rescuing helpless people in Somalia way.” She could hear the pout in his voice. She wondered where the Lex Luthor she’d known in her teenage years had gone to.

    But she sort of knew. He’d been crushed by the work it was dating Clark.

    “And, as you will notice, it’s way past dinner and he’s still not home.” Chloe could imagine him sitting in a dark room and brooding. But before she used the last card of her sleeve she asked a question.

    “Can’t you call him and see what’s up and when he’ll be home?” Logically, she knew that it was impossible to get in touch with Clark when he was doing the whole hero thing. But maybe giving Lex an option would make him feel less helpless.

    Lex stared into his drink and downed it. Call him. Didn't he wish it was that easy.

    “His fucking costume doesn't exactly allow for a cell phone, you know that.”

    And even if it did, Clark wouldn't even think about answering the phone while he was too busy carrying some damsel in distress or another out of a burning building. Cause there weren't any real firemen to do that job, no sir, the world needed a superhero to rescue everyone from everything.

    While the hero's boyfriend was sitting alone at home, waiting up over yet another missed dinner gone cold and hoping to get at least a couple hours worth of quality time in between one rescue mission and another. Never mind that he had a business to run as well and couldn't spend his entire day at home waiting for the AWOL lover to come home.

    Chloe knew how this conversation was going to end so she would just get to it. “Do you want me to come over?” She could leave a note for the guy in her bed. He’d just put his pants on and leave. They’d see each other again when one of them felt a certain itch for company.

    “I don’t want to bother you….” It was Lex’s trademark comeback.

    “It’s not a bother, Lex,” she said, honestly. She liked spending time with him. Talking to him and bitching about Clark was always fun for her. “You know I wouldn’t offer to come over if I didn’t want to.”

    “Besides,” she said, stretching, “I’m not doing anything.” She looked over at the guy and grinned. “Anymore.”

    Lex found a smirk somewhere and shook his head. He knew exactly what that meant.

    Chloe liked to date around, not getting seriously attached to any guy. It was her thing. She had her friends, her job and then she had fun on the side with guys that looked good and fucked reasonably well.

    “The guy still in your bed?”

    He heard a low thumping noise on the other end of the phone and envisioned her picking up a random body part and letting it fall away beside her. “Uhuh,” she said, “but I can get out. No problem.”

    Lex waited for the obligatory comment that was sure to follow. “I'm orgasmed out anyway, as much as I can with him, that is.”

    That actually got a chuckle out of him and he put the pillow aside so he could put his glass on the desk. “You sure you can leave him alone in your apartment?”

    He didn't want to be the reason her apartment got emptied while she was across town.

    “Yeah, he's not a one nighter. I've done it before with him.”


    That was new, but then, he'd been out of the game for a while. Maybe one night stands were out of season.

    “Booty call, Lex. You remember those?”

    Trust Chloe to call him on it, too. But it didn't matter. At least he could always count on her to be there when he needed someone to fend off the moroseness and cold.

    “Yeah, yeah.” He waved off the comment and filled up his glass again. “So you'll be here in twenty?”

    She could hear the eagerness in Lex’s voice and she smiled. Lex was the one person, other than family and they didn’t count, that she knew was always glad to see her. “You got it.” She already had a key to their place so she just needed to throw on something that approximated clothing, write the note and drive.

    “I’ll see you soon, Lex.”

    Chloe placed the phone on the cradle and got moving.


    Lex wasn’t hard to find. He was in the living room, empty glass on the table beside him and pouting at the fire. “Hey,” she said, coming up behind him and laying a kiss on top of his head. That always annoyed him, she heard a mock growl and did it again.

    She toed off her shoes and grabbed a blanket that was on one of the oversized chairs in the room. She used to sit in them but, as the calls from Lex had occurred more often, she’d slowly made her way from one chair, to the next and now to Lex on the couch.

    Being with Clark was weird. You thought he loved you. He said it enough but he was bad at most things. At least with her, he was. The sex, well, she wouldn’t dwell on that. But even just basic, human affection.

    She took off her jacket, which left her only in t-shirt and pajama pants and plopped down next to Lex. She spread the blanket over both of them and leaned against him. She always waited for him to speak first. Never sure if it would be a night where he was more angry, hurt, drunk or needy.

    He relaxed into his seat the moment she was settled comfortably. It always felt a little less all bad when she was there. And the fact that she was wearing pajamas or comfy clothes nine out of ten times when she showed up on the doorstep had become another comfort thing. The first time he'd looked at her like she was crazy. But then, that first time he'd been pretty much out of his head with rage while on the phone with her and had calmed down considerably by the time she showed up.

    Lex slung an arm over her hip and started fiddling with the soft flannel at the back of her thigh. Flannel. Same soft fabric that Clark used to wear before he got into the crappy off the rack suits.

    “I can't even remember the last time I saw Clark in one of his stupid flannel shirts.”

    It didn't make much sense to say that, but Chloe would get it. She always got what he was trying to say.

    “These days, it feels like he's only ever wearing the fucking spandex suit. But then, these days I see more of him on TV than in person.”

    Chloe nodded against Lex and moved closer. Some nights he hadn’t wanted to be touched. But, when she thought about it, that had been in the beginning. Now, he usually pulled her closer. But not for any nefarious reasons.

    Lex had never been a person that you could easily touch. However, Clark had probably broken him of that habit. And then neglected Lex.

    She ran her hand over his chest in reassuring circles. “I know, Lex. I’m sorry.” It was all she could usually say. “He’s a jerk,” she added, for good measure. A thought had occurred to her more and more often lately.

    “What if you…” this wasn’t going to be easy for her to say. Or Lex to hear. For a number of reasons. One of them was that, even after everything, she thought that maybe she still considered Clark a friend of hers.

    The Clark he used to be before he dated either of them, that was.

    “Have you ever thought of seeing other people? Lex, tons of people, both men and women, would kill to be with you.” She knew it was true. Some for the fame and money and attention but maybe some for actual reasons.

    Lex shook his head, not because he was denying the idea. He'd had the idea. Multiple times in the last couple of years. But then, he'd always found reasons not to.

    His head fell back onto the rest of the couch and he stared at the ceiling for a change.

    “Considered it, but in the end, it's not worth the trouble, I think.”

    There weren't that many people out there that he was still attracted to. Sure, there were thousands of attractive people out there, but just because it looked gorgeous, he didn't need to have it.

    He was seriously screwed up. And it was surely all Clark's fault. He'd been a hardass, once. He'd fucked and sucked with the best of them, not caring whether they hung around the next day or not. But now he didn't want that anymore. His life was devoid of passion anyway, no reason to make it worse by going out and fucking some random person just because he could.

    And then there was still that inkling of hope that Clark might wake up one day and realize he was being a complete asshole, a neglectful asshole who couldn't even be bothered to come home for dinner one day out of the seven in a week.

    “We used to be so good together, and now it's like I'm just some old toy that he can put aside whenever he wants to, because surely it's still going to be there the next time he feels the urge to pick it up.”

    The defeated tone of Lex’s voice used to freak her out. Because Lex Luthor didn’t talk like that. None of the Luthors did. But now she’d become used to it. Which made her angry and sad at the same time.

    “That’s cause he’s an ass, Lex.” He really needed to get out into the world again. He didn’t have to go and screw a random bevy of people. Just maybe go out and have a little fun. Get a little perspective.

    “Clark is self centered and self righteous, always has been.” It was an unbeatable combination when you added in the whole hero thing. It made it pretty impossible to fight with him if he missed your birthday because he had to save a plane full of people.

    “I think you need to have a life outside of him, you know?” She craned her head up to look at him. Lex didn’t work the long hours he used to. He was part of a consulting firm but was no longer a higher up in his own company. Lionel had gone postal when he’d found out about Lex and Clark. Another sacrifice Lex had made was his career at LuthorCorp.

    An idea was forming in her head. Her friends knew that she was friends with Lex because she’d been photographed with him. They always wanted to meet him and begged her to bring him out with them. They said that they could loosen him up in no time flat. Maybe that’s what Lex needed.

    “Come out with me tomorrow. I’m going to a club with some friends. Nothing crazy, just some light drinking and dancing.” If nothing else, it would get him off the couch.

    Lex smirked tiredly and returned his stare from the ceiling to the flames. Staring at nothing but shadows on the wall made his eyes hurt. “Alcohol hasn't helped before, I doubt it will now.”

    He couldn't even remember the last time he'd been out to dance. Wasn't sure he still knew how to play the game. It had been years. And then there was the fact that he didn't feel the need to socialize. Not with people he didn't know. “I doubt I'd make great company for your friends, either.”

    And the pathetic thing about that was, it wouldn't be because he was Lex Luthor, powerful, dangerous, don't fucking mess with me heir of the Luthor Corporation who could get you disappeared with a single phone call.

    It was because he was Lex Luthor, the guy with the morose airs that could kill any party mood with a handful of comments. If he put effort into it, he was probably able to talk a lottery winner who dated a super model into committing suicide.

    “You don’t have to drink,” she pointed out. She didn’t want to rush Lex into anything that he wasn’t ready for, but she wasn’t above some gentle nudging. She wouldn’t resort to the ‘do it for me’ line. Yet. Or ever, really. She knew that Clark was a pro at that one.

    “And, trust me, my friends don’t have that high a standard when it comes to conversation.” Lex would fit in even if he tried only a little. “I’ll tell them to be on their best behavior. Or their worst. Whichever one you want.”

    “Plus, you don’t have to talk to anyone you don’t want to. And, you don’t have to touch anyone, either. But there’s no harm in looking, right?” It wasn’t as if Lex was going to bring home some random person. It wasn’t in his nature.

    He chuckled at that, but it came out kind of rusty. He didn't see much humor in anything anymore.

    But she was cute, in a way, trying to convince him to do something about the misery that was his day to day life because he'd gone and picked the wrong love interest. Again. As always. “It would have been so much easier if he was homicidal.”

    Lex didn't need to look at Chloe to know that she was giving him the 'have you lost your mind? I think you've lost your mind.' look.

    “No, really, if he had been like the ones before, he would have tried to kill me and then I either would have found a way to kill him, or he would have killed me and I wouldn't have to be...” He waved an all encompassing hand at himself and the situation in general. “This.”

    Lex took a deep breath and exhaled it slowly.

    What could it hurt? The worst that could happen would be that the evening went disastrous, her friends told her never to bring him around again, and he would go home to the same empty apartment, drink endless amounts of scotch and then call his best friend for another round of 'Why me?'.


    Chloe was mauling her lower lip, trying not to call him on the whole not wanting to be alive thing. While Lex became more and more depressed every day because of Clark, it was now difficult for her to try and remember all of the good the man did.

    He could do even more good if he either fully committed to Lex or let him go. The man deserved better. “Thank you,” she said. “I can’t promise that you won’t regret it but I think it will be fun.”

    Her friends didn’t know all that much about Lex, and she had no intention of telling them specifics, but she would let them know to give him space and take it slow with him. He warmed up to people really slowly.

    Hell, it had to get really bad between him and Clark for him to have started calling her. She knew how lonely he must be in this apartment. Sure, it wasn’t the Manor but it was still a very big place. Going to bed and waking up every night to nothing for days on end when you were actually supposed to be in a relationship.

    “Do you want me to stay with you tonight?” The question popped out before she could really think about it. She didn’t mind and it would actually make her feel better, too. It wasn’t as if she got in much cuddling time with her fucks.

    “I mean, I’m staying tonight.” Lex would probably try to beg off, thinking she didn’t want to. “So, let me know when you want to go to bed.”

    Lex turned his head to face her, almost tempted to smile. She was getting better with the pre-emptive strikes. Not that she'd ever pushed this far before. Usually, she would listen to him for a few hours and go home when he was ready to turn in. He would never admit it, of course, but it had consistently become a little harder to let her go.

    Even though he loathed himself for it, he missed the contact, the warmth that she created, just by being there. He even missed the ridiculous pawing that she'd started some night or another he couldn't remember. Things had shifted from them on opposite ends of the table, to them adjacent to each other, to her next to him on the couch, to her cuddling up next to him and petting him like some oversized droopy dog.

    And he liked it, for crying out loud!

    And now she'd offered, and then insisted that she would stay. He knew she'd done it because she knew that he would refuse the offer if given a chance.

    “So that's why you always show up in pajamas, huh? Just waiting for your chance, were you?”

    The joke fell flat, but that didn't matter. It was as good a way as any to show his acceptance of her offer.

    “Yeah, you know me,” she said as she started to kick off the blanket, “always wear the pajamas. It gets a man in bed like nobody’s business.” She was glad that he hadn’t said no. The lame joke was his tacit ok.

    She knew that she’d told him to indicate when he was ready, but if he was letting her take charge with deciding to stay, maybe he wouldn’t mind this either.

    “Come on, let’s go to bed.” She got up and held her hands out to him. Not sure if he’d take them.

    Lex shook his head, but got up anyway. Who was he to argue with Chloe when she'd obviously figured it all out? Plus, it didn't make a difference if he was morose and insomniac on the couch or in the bed.

    He took one of her hands and led her towards the bedroom. He couldn't even remember if she'd ever seen it before.

    It was a simple room, much less ostentatious than the master bedroom in the manor. An oversized bed, a small walk in closet in one corner, door to the adjacent bathroom on the other side and a sturdy dresser by the window.

    Lex took off his shirt, pants and socks mechanically and dropped them where he was standing at the end of the bed. No one there to care if things lay around.

    While she and Lex could be quiet with one another, this was a different type of silence. She couldn’t put her finger on what type it was, just different.

    She’d never been in their bedroom. But it was hard to find any traces of Clark. Which said something in and of itself.

    Lex was silently undressing, uncaring as to where his clothes went. Even though he didn’t have any live in servants, they did have a person who came to clean the apartment once a week.

    But her old habits died hard. She took off her own socks and then walked over and picked up Lex’s things.

    After a small search for a hamper which was successful, Chloe returned back to the side of the bed. Lex had already slipped in.

    It was strange thinking that she was taking Clark’s place. Sleeping on his side of the bed. But she was only doing it because he refused to.

    Lex had turned on his side and mumbled a good night. But, what was the point of this if there wasn’t any touching? The man next to her would never admit it, but she knew that he craved affection.

    She scooted over to his side and pressed herself against his back. Chloe threw one arm over his waist, her hand coming to rest against his stomach at an odd angle. She gave his shoulder a gentle kiss and then started to breathe evenly. She was tired, this shouldn’t take too long.

    He involuntarily went rigid the moment she pressed against his back, but allowed himself to relax after a moment. This was Chloe. His friend who was offering him comfort. Comfort that, even though he hated to admit it, he sorely needed.

    The angle was a little awkward like this and she seemed to not quite know where to fit herself. Not surprising considering that she was a good deal smaller than him.

    “Your feet are icy.”

    A flash of a memory ghosted through his mind. Before Clark, there'd been women, mostly. And all of them had icy feet. He'd always complained about it.

    But now, it felt good. Because with the icy feet came a comfortable bundle of warmth pressed against his back. Someone who wouldn't run off at superspeed in a moment and not return until well into the next day.

    He hooked his leg around hers to pull her feet between his own, covered her hand with his to reposition their arms more comfortably around his chest.

    He could spend the night like this, get some rest, maybe even...

    Before the thought was finished, Lex was out like a light.


    Last edited by BlueSabby; 3rd March 2009 at 19:24.

  2. #2
    NS Senior Member Senior Member lj715's Avatar
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    Re: In the Absence of a Hero (Rated: R for now)

    Really interesting start to this fic. Chloe as the friend to start. Can't wait to read more of this one.

  3. #3
    NS Full Member skauble's Avatar
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    Re: In the Absence of a Hero (Rated: R for now)

    Absolutely loved this, ladies!

    What a fascinating premise. There’s all the talk of Clex subtext, but I think that a lot of it glosses over the reality of what a real relationship between them might be like.

    But she sort of knew. He’d been crushed by the work it was dating Clark.

    And that pretty much sums it up. Because it can’t possibly be easy dating Clark. The only reason that Lois probably ever managed to be with him was because they worked together so at least she got some time with him.

    And, as it’s being shown here, Lex needs affection, he needs to be loved. I get that Clark has his duties, and Chloe’s right that it’s a bitch because you can’t even yell at him about it, but even if he and Lex were the two most in love people in the world, their needs are just *so* vastly different I’m not sure they could ever make it work.

    This is interesting the way that you’ve had this relationship really beat Lex down. He’s changed his whole life because of this; it almost seems like he’s lost his identity. I love the idea of him finding that again.

    And the closeness that you’ve built between Chloe and Lex is exquisite because, even though we’ve come into it later in the game, it’s clear that it was built slowly and carefully.

    The defeated tone of Lex’s voice used to freak her out. Because Lex Luthor didn’t talk like that. None of the Luthors did. But now she’d become used to it. Which made her angry and sad at the same time.

    Yeah, me too! Come on, Smallville’s not so far away. Chloe could go and be back with some Kryptonite before morning. Lol

    “I think you need to have a life outside of him, you know?” She craned her head up to look at him. Lex didn’t work the long hours he used to. He was part of a consulting firm but was no longer a higher up in his own company. Lionel had gone postal when he’d found out about Lex and Clark. Another sacrifice Lex had made was his career at LuthorCorp.

    I found this to be fascinating. I’m not sure if this is going to be an area of Lex’s life that’s going to be explored or change in any meaningful way, but it would be interesting to see, as Lex and Chloe grow closer, what Lionel’s reaction is.

    Even though he loathed himself for it, he missed the contact, the warmth that she created, just by being there. He even missed the ridiculous pawing that she'd started some night or another he couldn't remember. Things had shifted from them on opposite ends of the table, to them adjacent to each other, to her next to him on the couch, to her cuddling up next to him and petting him like some oversized droopy dog.

    And he liked it, for crying out loud!

    This part was excellent. Wonderful way to show the craving for genuine closeness that Lex has and how it grows in the face of Clark’s neglect.

    “Your feet are icy.”

    A flash of a memory ghosted through his mind. Before Clark, there'd been women, mostly. And all of them had icy feet. He'd always complained about it.

    But now, it felt good. Because with the icy feet came a comfortable bundle of warmth pressed against his back. Someone who wouldn't run off at superspeed in a moment and not return until well into the next day.

    This part was both sad and lovely. It was sad to see that it had been so long since he’d enjoyed real, honest to goodness comfort without any angst that he’d even take it with icy feet. But it was wonderful to see Chloe being there for him when he needed someone so badly.

    Again, my hat’s off to both of you. This is a very interesting take on Chlex and a difficult one to tackle given the inclusion of Clark. I very much look forward to more, not only of the Chlex interaction, but of an exploration of the relationships between Lex and Clark and Chloe and Clark.

    Wonderful story. Lex’s sadness was palpable as was Chloe’s comfort. Beautiful beginning.


  4. #4
    An Accused Heretic Senior Member Kit Merlot's Avatar
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    Re: In the Absence of a Hero (Rated: R for now)

    This is quite an interesting start: Clark and Lex are in a romantic relationship and Chloe's their friend--more like Lex's friend.

    Chloe was mauling her lower lip, trying not to call him on the whole not wanting to be alive thing. While Lex became more and more depressed every day because of Clark, it was now difficult for her to try and remember all of the good the man did.
    This is a great line--Clark maybe a superhero, but he is neglecting a person he is supposed to love, or at least care deeply about. I'm just glad that Lex has Chloe to lean on.

    However, I am stunned that Lionel is a homophobe--or is it that he just doesn't want to see Lex happy in a relationship?

    Please update soon.

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  5. #5
    NS Senior Member Senior Member malugargula's Avatar
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    Re: In the Absence of a Hero (Rated: R for now)

    Wonderful start

    I can`t wait to see where this friendship will go

  6. #6
    NS Full Member kimmie's Avatar
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    Re: In the Absence of a Hero (Rated: R for now)

    really really intrigued by this, it's a different spin on the chlexiness, the clark bashing is good can't wait for the chlex getting it on!!!


  7. #7
    NS Full Member SVfan1286's Avatar
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    Re: In the Absence of a Hero (Rated: R for now)

    Really intresting start, can't wait to see where you go with this.

    Please update again soon!!!

  8. #8
    NS Full Member dagney's Avatar
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    Re: In the Absence of a Hero (Rated: R for now)

    Fab fic, i'm hooked already. Dagney

  9. #9
    looking for updates Senior Member somethingeasy's Avatar
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    Re: In the Absence of a Hero (Rated: R for now)

    Wow! This was.. incredible! I remember saying, some time ago, that I wouldn’t be reading any Clex fic that BlueSabby would be writing. Now I am so glad that they ignored me, and decided to go ahead with this fic anyway. Although, I have to admit that it’s mostly the promise of Chlex that makes up for my uneasiness about the Clex.

    Actually, this fic covers a LOT of the stuff that I always thought was ‘wrong’ with Clex in the long run relationship. I didn’t like the idea of Superman being forced to compromise his ideals for the sake of his beloved or lover, and I didn’t like the idea of Lex Luthor being anything less than what he is fully capable of being. But the truth is that, if both these characters come together, both of them would be forced to ‘diminish’ some aspect of themselves to accommodate the other… Clark would have to turn a blind eye to some of Lex’s ‘grey area’ methods of business, and Lex would be forced to constantly question himself and reconsider whenever he needed to do something unethical, whether it’s something drastic like human experimentation that promised huge scientific rewards and breakthroughs…. OR whether it was something ‘standard’ like leaning heavily on business competitors to gain lower rates or advantages in a hostile takeover.

    In the case of larger than life figures like Superman and Lex Luthor, it just always seemed like such a shame to see the two of them compromising their beliefs and ideal like this, and it never sat well with me.

    OR, if one of them wasn’t willing to negotiate and compromise, the other would be swallowed up in the life and ideals of the other… And THIS seems to be what has happened to Lex. He has sacrificed everything of what he was and everything he could be for Clark, and even after all that sacrifice, he’s still miserable, lonely and unhappy.

    Oooh, the angst. I LOVE IT!!!

    I loved how the chapter began with Lex acting like the clichéd ‘desperate housewife’ waiting for her lover to come home long after the ‘special dinner’ she cooked has gone cold. To imagine LEX reduced to such a pitiful state… it made something inside me twist in anguish.

    At least he has ONE friend to help him through such occurrences. I really enjoyed the ‘implied back-story’ about how these occurrences are regular events in Lex’s life, and how he’s slowly grown closer to Chloe out of as need for, not only comfort, but also simple human interaction and company. He’s a Luthor, so he never had that many friends in the first place, and NOW he can’t even have the company that he despised before, such as dinner with annoying, business colleagues and one-night stand women.

    Is Clark really worth THIS extreme level of loneliness and solitude? It’s truly no wonder that Lex clings to Chloe.

    I really loved how Chloe greeted him with this…

    “He did it again,” Lex said without preamble.

    Chloe wasn’t used to being woken up at such an hour. She’d had some fairly good sex and was in a post orgasm coma so it took her a moment to take in the words, who had spoken them and who he was talking about.

    “Did it again good or did it again bad?” The calls between her and Lex about Clark were becoming more and more frequent.
    LOL! concern disguised as a smart-ass comment. Vintage Chloe comfort, LOL! VERY nice. But I liked the personality that was drawn for her in this fic. It’s obvious that Chloe is (on the surface at least) happy, successful and a highly sought-after bachelorette. And I was ROTFLOL at the visual of Chloe becoming close friends with the man who stole HER ‘I’ve turned gay’ boyfriend away from her. ROTFLMAO! That is delicious irony, and it speaks well of Chloe’s maturity that she harbours NO resentment towards Lex for stealing Clark away from her. On the contrary, it’s deliciously ironic that she sympathises with Lex because she knows what a high maintenance boyfriend Clark is.

    Chloe liked to date around, not getting seriously attached to any guy. It was her thing. She had her friends, her job and then she had fun on the side with guys that looked good and fucked reasonably well.

    “The guy still in your bed?”

    He heard a low thumping noise on the other end of the phone and envisioned her picking up a random body part and letting it fall away beside her. “Uhuh,” she said, “but I can get out. No problem.”

    Lex waited for the obligatory comment that was sure to follow. “I'm orgasmed out anyway, as much as I can with him, that is.”

    That actually got a chuckle out of him and he put the pillow aside so he could put his glass on the desk. “You sure you can leave him alone in your apartment?”

    He didn't want to be the reason her apartment got emptied while she was across town.

    “Yeah, he's not a one nighter. I've done it before with him.”


    That was new, but then, he'd been out of the game for a while. Maybe one night stands were out of season.

    “Booty call, Lex. You remember those?”
    ROTFLMAO! Oh MY! Chloe and Lex not only traded boyfriends, they actually traded sex and relationship lives. Now CHloe is the one flitting from one ‘pretty body’ to another in a strong of fun, meaningless relationships, while Lex is ‘trapped’ waiting home along for his superhero man to come home. Can I say I REALLY love Chloe’s life… I think it’s good for her to be free to enjoy sex with anyone she wants without getting too hung up on any one person.

    And I was LOL at Lex asking whether it was ‘safe’ leaving this one-night stand alone in her apartment. It’s a good, sensible question, but I have to wonder whether Lex is speaking from bitter experience over here, ROTFLOL!

    He was seriously screwed up. And it was surely all Clark's fault. He'd been a hardass, once. He'd fucked and sucked with the best of them, not caring whether they hung around the next day or not. But now he didn't want that anymore. His life was devoid of passion anyway, no reason to make it worse by going out and fucking some random person just because he could.

    And then there was still that inkling of hope that Clark might wake up one day and realize he was being a complete asshole, a neglectful asshole who couldn't even be bothered to come home for dinner one day out of the seven in a week.

    “We used to be so good together, and now it's like I'm just some old toy that he can put aside whenever he wants to, because surely it's still going to be there the next time he feels the urge to pick it up.”

    The defeated tone of Lex’s voice used to freak her out. Because Lex Luthor didn’t talk like that. None of the Luthors did. But now she’d become used to it. Which made her angry and sad at the same time.
    Oh dear GOD! Where has all of Lex’s passion gone? I noticed the bit where Chloe said how Clark has always been a good friend, but a horrible person to be in a relationship with. That he was a kind, considerate, loving friend, but just not a dependable, affectionate boyfriend. I thought that was a VERY interesting and apt perception of Clark. He loves humanity, but he finds it difficult to focus love on a single person, and who can blame him really for that attitude. You ADMIRE that Superman is so selflessly in love with people, that it’s petty to complain ‘you don’t pay enough attention to ME!’.

    But THIS, a part of me DOES want to hate Superman for what he’s done to his lover. It’s as if Lex has been sucked dry of all his passion, joy, exuberance and enthusiasm… and we just have this shell of a man he used to be. I don’t blame Chloe for being freaked out. It is a horrible incongruous image… something that doesn’t make sense, and something that just shouldn’t… BE! The nasty thought occurred to me that perhaps Clark doesn’t come home because he doesn’t WANT to come home to THIS.

    “I think you need to have a life outside of him, you know?” She craned her head up to look at him. Lex didn’t work the long hours he used to. He was part of a consulting firm but was no longer a higher up in his own company. Lionel had gone postal when he’d found out about Lex and Clark. Another sacrifice Lex had made was his career at LuthorCorp.
    This was the saddest part of this chapter. Lex had been forced to give up his dream of being a multi-billionaire, CEO ruler of the world for Clark??!! Oh dear GOD! This is the ultimate sacrifice for Lex, and in return he got THIS kind of a life?

    And I’m sure it must have also hurt Lex when Lionel rejected him this one final time… for good. Underneath all the hate and animosity, Lex always wanted to impress his father and make his father finally LOVE him, but he lost that too. And I’m quite certain he never admitted to that special kind of hurt to Clark AT ALL!

    Hmmm, I share Skauble’s curiousity about how Lionel would react once Lex dumped Clark and started dating Chloe. It would be interesting to see how the old bastard would send some ‘sign of his approval’.

    And the pathetic thing about that was, it wouldn't be because he was Lex Luthor, powerful, dangerous, don't fucking mess with me heir of the Luthor Corporation who could get you disappeared with a single phone call.

    It was because he was Lex Luthor, the guy with the morose airs that could kill any party mood with a handful of comments. If he put effort into it, he was probably able to talk a lottery winner who dated a super model into committing suicide.
    And here is yet ANOTHER way that Lex has diminished himself for Clark’s sake. Lex the suave charmer, Lex the party reptile, Lex-everyone wants a piece of me-Luthor has completely disappeared, and only this morose, depressing stranger is left behind. I am SO grateful to Chloe for being Lex’s only teeter to sanity. I truly think Lex would have been either on depression medication by now, OR in a suicide–watch psyche ward if it hadn’t been for Chloe’s selfless, compassionate friendship.

    But she was cute, in a way, trying to convince him to do something about the misery that was his day to day life because he'd gone and picked the wrong love interest. Again. As always. “It would have been so much easier if he was homicidal.”

    Lex didn't need to look at Chloe to know that she was giving him the 'have you lost your mind? I think you've lost your mind.' look.

    “No, really, if he had been like the ones before, he would have tried to kill me and then I either would have found a way to kill him, or he would have killed me and I wouldn't have to be...” He waved an all encompassing hand at himself and the situation in general. “This.”
    Yikes! I thought I was exaggerating about the suicide-watch, but it seems like Lex is halfway there already. DAMN you, CLARK!! You MORON! Lex had more passion, survivor sense and the will to live than most other people, and he’s been turned to someone who is now half in love with the idea of ‘death’ being a ‘sweet release’ from pain and loneliness.

    “I mean, I’m staying tonight.” Lex would probably try to beg off, thinking she didn’t want to. “So, let me know when you want to go to bed.”

    Lex turned his head to face her, almost tempted to smile. She was getting better with the pre-emptive strikes. Not that she'd ever pushed this far before. Usually, she would listen to him for a few hours and go home when he was ready to turn in. He would never admit it, of course, but it had consistently become a little harder to let her go.

    Even though he loathed himself for it, he missed the contact, the warmth that she created, just by being there. He even missed the ridiculous pawing that she'd started some night or another he couldn't remember. Things had shifted from them on opposite ends of the table, to them adjacent to each other, to her next to him on the couch, to her cuddling up next to him and petting him like some oversized droopy dog.

    And he liked it, for crying out loud!
    LOL! I enjoyed how Chloe was so bossy about staying to comfort Lex, whether he likes it or not, ROTFL!

    And I also liked the hints about how this ‘friendship’ has been steadily turning into something deeper and closer. That Lex is finding it just a ‘little’ but more difficult to let go of Chloe when it’s time for her to leave. And it’s not just because he’s lonely and desperate for company (although that is a factor too), but because he wants HER to stay.

    Heh, veeery interesting… the note about them ‘pawing each other’ one night. Now how did THAT happen? What started it? What finished it? And how did they look at each other immediately afterwards? Does Clark know? How would he have reacted?

    It was strange thinking that she was taking Clark’s place. Sleeping on his side of the bed. But she was only doing it because he refused to.
    There are several levels of irony in this statement and situation. Not the least of which is how Clark himself is pushing Chloe and Lex together through his neglect… LOL! The relationships between all three of them are so twisted, convoluted and complicated it’s almost like incest. Chlark, Chlex, Clex… so much history between all three of them. I look forward to finding out a little more about the current state of the Chlark relationship.

    He involuntarily went rigid the moment she pressed against his back, but allowed himself to relax after a moment. This was Chloe. His friend who was offering him comfort. Comfort that, even though he hated to admit it, he sorely needed.

    The angle was a little awkward like this and she seemed to not quite know where to fit herself. Not surprising considering that she was a good deal smaller than him.

    “Your feet are icy.”

    A flash of a memory ghosted through his mind. Before Clark, there'd been women, mostly. And all of them had icy feet. He'd always complained about it.

    But now, it felt good. Because with the icy feet came a comfortable bundle of warmth pressed against his back. Someone who wouldn't run off at superspeed in a moment and not return until well into the next day.
    Poor, POOR Lex. I feel such intense pity for this man. He’s so desperate to be touched, cuddled and feel LOVED. He would give anything… he HAS given everything for his beloved’s sake, but he asks for so little in return… and even that little bit of affection and attention… he’s just not getting it.

    In fact, I feel like Lex does not consider himself WORTHY of such attentive, selfless and devoted love anymore. Which is why he keeps letting Clark do this to him without complaining or searching anywhere else for love. DAMN you, Clark! What have you done to this passionate, generous man?!

    This was an EXELLENT start to a new story, BlueSabby. I weas deeply impressed by your unique and original take on the old Clark/Chloe/Lex triangle story. I can’t wait to see how this goes, but I can already tell it’s going to be one hell of a ride.

    Hmmm, any chance of a threesome coupling happening in this fic

    LOL! I HAD to ask. It was practically compulsory
    Good luck with future chapters, please update soon.

  10. #10
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    20 Apr 2003

    Re: In the Absence of a Hero (Rated: R for now)

    A/N: Blue: Ready to hate Clark more? Than this is the chapter for you!
    A/N: Sabby: What she said. Plus, some drunk Lex and Chloe, too.

    Chloe couldn’t ever remember being so nervous when introducing friends. She’d sat down with all of them, except Lex, before they’d gone out. She’d told them that he was weird but nice. And that they weren’t to blatantly hit on him. Her male or female friends. They were to let him take the lead.

    Thankfully, they’d all listened and Beth, who was possibly the nicest person on Earth without being dull, seemed to be having an ok conversation with him at the bar.

    When she’d woken up this morning it had felt….odd.

    She and Lex had been a tangle of limbs. She’d expected to wake up alone knowing that Lex usually got up with the sun. But he’d still been there. They’d laughed nervously and Lex had gone to take a shower after she’d told him when and where to meet her and her friends.

    “Stop staring.” A voice in her ear and hands on her hips. “You’re really with me tonight. At least pretend to pay me more attention than him.”

    Chloe smiled and spun around. While she and Ian were technically together tonight, it wasn’t a major transgression on her part. It wasn’t like they were dating. And she’d explained that if Lex looked uncomfortable she’d be leaving with him.

    She linked her arms around his neck and started to pick up the rhythm of the song in her hips. “Sorry, I didn’t realize you needed my full attention.”

    “Didn’t think I’d have to fight so hard for it. Maybe I should try a new tactic.” He grinned down at his friend who he sometimes screwed, he was hoping tonight would be one of those nights, and moved his hand to her ass.

    “Well, what kind of girl do you think I am to stand for that?”

    He leaned down. “You forget I know exactly what type of girl you are.” She was the type of girl that liked to have fun in the same way he did. They’d known each other for over a year before they’d ever hooked up. But, when they both had no one, they would sometimes fall into bed with each other. He started to kiss her. Hard. She didn’t take much to get worked up, either, which he loved.

    Beth smiled at Lex and set her drink down, a bright fruity affair with a little umbrella. She internally gave herself a pat on the shoulder that she'd managed to make Chloe's friend try one. He was a nice guy. Maybe a little stiff around the edges and he did have a serious brood going on, but he was nice. And good looking. And off limits unless he made the first step. It was grossly unfair.

    And the drink was evil because she really needed to pee now. It was a curse that the drinks that tasted best made you have to run to the bathroom with the hideous long lines.

    “Hey, uhm, I gotta go to the bathroom, so if I'm not back in less than an hour...”

    Lex chuckled and put his own drink aside. “I'll send a search and rescue team.”

    “That's exactly what I was gonna say!” Her grin widened. The guy had a sense of humor, too. Life really was grossly unfair. “Okay, I'll be back as soon as womanly possible.”

    She hurried off through the crowd and hoped that the line wasn't that long, but with her luck, it probably was.

    Lex turned around in his seat to have a look around. They'd arrived a couple hours ago and so far, he had to admit, it wasn't bad. Chloe's friends seemed to be nice. Especially Beth. He could see that the young woman had taken a shine to him, for whatever reason, and the conversation with her had been interesting without being strenuous.

    His eyes wandered around to see how Chloe was doing. He knew she was here with one of her friends who liked to fuck.

    It took him a moment to find her in the crowd of dancing people, mostly because most of her was hidden from view by said friend.

    They were kissing.

    This was the first time he was confronted with the visual of Chloe 'having fun'.

    The couple made a half turn and he could see both of them more clearly. The guy, Ian, was tall and not bad looking. Nice ass, handsome face, okay build, but nothing to write home about. Chloe didn't even try to get her arms around his neck, she was plain groping his butt while they were 'dancing'.

    Lex watched as they continued to grind against each other, completely absorbed in the kiss.

    He popped the buttons on his sleeves and rolled them up.

    He had to admit they looked hot together. Both blonds, both attractive, and both obviously two steps away from doing it in the middle of the dance floor.

    A flash of heat took him by surprise as he imagined what they would look like, naked and wrapped up in each other, sharing kisses and touches, inevitably leading to ravenous sex.

    Lex shook his head and reached behind him for his drink. Entirely too fruity for his taste, but at least it was cool enough to fend of the inexplicable heat flash and get some wetness back into his dry mouth.

    He licked his lips and put the glass back on the counter, eyes still not leaving the couple on the dance floor.

    Chloe was pressed up against Ian so tightly that you couldn't fit a sheet of paper between the two.

    He remembered how warm it felt to have her pressed against him like that. Heat soaking into him from the back through his entire body. What would it have felt like if they'd both been naked?

    Lex shook his head again.

    This was nuts. He couldn't think of her that way. She was his friend. Just his friend.

    And he was starting to get wrong ideas because the person who should be pressed against him like that, kissing him like that, wasn't. Said person wasn't even in the same state at the moment. Too busy saving people or doing his 'job' as an investigative reporter.

    Lex clenched his teeth as he felt anger welling up inside him.

    Ian was a very skilled kisser. It was one of the reasons that they’d started sleeping together. They’d started making out and Chloe hadn’t wanted to stop. After they’d both laid down their ground rules they’d, well, started laying each other, so to speak.

    And she wasn’t opposed to the idea tonight. Her body was already heating up in a very specific way. As long as Lex didn’t mind. She wasn’t going to be the type of friend who ditched Lex just because she could get lucky.

    When Ian had let up a little and turned his attention to her neck, Chloe had opened her eyes to see if Lex was still talking to Beth.

    She blinked a few times before she was able to single him out. Beth was nowhere to be seen.

    He was watching her with Ian.

    Their eyes locked and she saw something in them that she’d never seen from Lex. It took her so much by surprise, as did her reaction, that she gasped a little. Ian took it as a good sign and bit her a little harder.

    Then someone passed in front of her and when they had cleared her vision, Lex was already turning around.

    She took her hand away from Ian’s body and he eased up on her a little. “I’m not done dancing,” she said. What kind of friend would she be if she didn’t invite Lex to dance?

    Ian blinked down at her and then nodded. She started dancing her way over to Lex, one hand still holding on to Ian’s so he trailed after her.

    He got himself back under control. Thankfully, Chloe was in front of him. Otherwise, it might be a little embarrassing.

    Lex was still a few feet away with his back turned. There was this thing she did. This whistle she let loose when she couldn’t find Lex in his apartment. She used it now.

    Instinctively, she thought, he turned around. Chloe crooked her finger at him, grinned and then started to swing her hips again. She felt Ian take a step away from her. Good, she didn’t want to grind with Lex and Ian. Just dance.

    The familiar whistle had jerked Lex right out of his thoughts. His brows rose in surprise when he saw Chloe was using it to ask him for a dance.

    He looked from her to her fuckbuddy and back to her, mouthing, “You're sure?”

    When she nodded and continued to sway her hips to the rhythm of the music, he got up from his chair and stepped closer.

    He could do that, let her have a dance. After what she'd done for him the night before, he'd promised himself he would try his best not to spoil the mood while they were out. That did include dancing when he was asked to.

    Ian took the place behind her and Lex looked up at the blond to make sure he was okay with this. The last thing he wanted was some kind of unnecessary pissing contest.

    Ian shrugged and smiled. Chloe was in one of her mood swing moods. The only thing you could do was hang on for the ride. It was usually fun. If you didn’t count that one time she almost got them both arrested.

    Once Lex saw it was ok, he saw him step a little closer to Chloe. Nice guy, not wanting to step on anyone’s toes.

    Chloe rolled her eyes at the male posturing that she was stuck between. Sometimes, she really hated being short. Even with heels.

    She smiled up at Lex and then pulled him closer by his belt loops. He was clearly surprised by the move and Chloe started to laugh.

    Ian shook his head at her antics. The girl was lucky that all of her friends didn’t mind being manhandled all of the time.

    Chloe started to dance and spin between Lex and Ian. She didn’t want to neglect either of them. Though she faced Lex more often than not. And looked at him more. She’d have to stop soon. It was pretty hot in the club and she needed a drink.

    She saw Beth approach the bar, stop, look around and then shake her finger at Chloe. The young woman approached them and, taking a page out of Chloe’s book, grabbed Ian by the hips and dragged him away to dance with him.

    Laughing, Chloe linked her hands around Lex’s neck and danced a little closer. She eased her body up so she could get close to his ear. It was hard to be heard a lot of the time in this place. “Having fun?”

    Lex gave a little wave at Beth behind Chloe's back, receiving a wide smile and a cute little finger twiddle in return that let him know she didn't feel deserted.

    Then he got a little distracted by the fact that Chloe pressed up against him to speak in his ear. The sensation of heat was immediate and a little confusing.

    “Uhm.” Right, she'd asked him if he was having fun. “Your friends are nice.” He tightened his arm around her waist to keep her steady. He could get used to the warmth. “It was a good idea.”

    Even if it didn't change anything. He would still go back home alone tonight, sit in his living room for hours until he was tired enough to pass out for a few hours and then get up to go to work. Same shit, different day. Clark wouldn't show up until late afternoon the next day at the earliest.

    Lex swallowed and tried to push the thought away. It would only make it harder for him to keep up the good mood.

    She saw the look on his face and knew he wasn’t really there with her. He was thinking about Clark. And that wouldn’t do at all.

    “Can’t be too good if you’re distracted by him,” she said. She edged even closer to him, which was almost impossible to do what with his arm wrapped around her. She was now speaking directly into his ear. How could she possibly get him to forget about Clark, even if it was for a few minutes?

    She would just have to change topics. “I haven’t told you how good you look tonight.” Chloe let her eyes drift over his body. “Very good.” She leaned forward a little more. “I think Beth has a tiny crush already.”

    A soft chuckle from him. It made her smile. “What? Like that’s so unbelievable. You are rather charming, you know?” Her movement was hampered a little by Lex’s arm around her body but she didn’t mind. She just moved her hips in small circles instead of flailing around while gyrating.

    There was something she’d never told him. Or Clark, either. But it might just do the trick. “I had a huge crush on you when I was in high school.” She looked up at him and nodded when his eyes went wide.


    Lex didn't quite believe it, but he could tell when she was lying, because she always chewed on her bottom lip and talked faster when she did. But now, she didn't. Still.

    “You're kidding. I never noticed anything.”

    They hadn't even been close back then. Their friendship had ironically started around the time he and Clark got together. After Clark had broken up with her because he realized he was gay. Hard to believe, in a way, but instead of blaming Lex and turning into a sworn enemy, as he'd expected to happen, she had supported their relationship.

    It made no sense. That she'd have had a crush on him in high school. She and Clark had gotten together their first year of college. And she'd always been in love with Clark, until they broke up.

    For a moment, he wondered. Wondered what if. What if he'd noticed? What if she'd said something? What if…

    But that was absurd. Things were the way they were, and there was no going back into the past and changing things. Still.

    “I kinda wish I had known.”

    “What?” She spoke the word softly but she thought that Lex had heard it. Why did he wish he’d known? Would he have actually done something?

    This was wrong. Very wrong. She shouldn’t have said anything. She was pressed up against Lex’s body, and by the way, when had his knee gotten between her legs?, and they were treading on some very dangerous ground.

    She hadn’t expected his reaction. The disbelief, yes. But not that other statement. Chloe shook her head. “It probably wouldn’t have mattered,” she said, honestly. “What with my self esteem and other issues, it probably wouldn’t have worked out.”

    The strong words that were supposed to come out didn’t. Instead her last statement was more of a question. “But I’m glad you never noticed. Would have been a little embarrassing if you’d told me you knew and found it cute or something.”

    The beat of the music was picking up and they both moved to it. When Lex’s thigh angled up in just the right way, Chloe knew it was time to stop. She hoped that he hadn’t caught the minute shudder that her body gave. A reaction to the stimulus.

    She was far too hot, thirsty, horny and confused to keep doing this. Besides, Lex had a boyfriend. Her friend Clark. “I need a drink,” she said, looking up at him. “A real one. You in?”

    Lex didn't care to explore the subject any further, so he left it at Chloe's assumption of what would have happened. He didn't know. Couldn't guess at his reaction had he known. A drink sounded good. Maybe five, or ten.

    “Sure, let's get something without umbrella for a change.”

    He pulled back, rubbing a hand down his chest to smooth it out. It felt weird, like he almost noticed a difference in temperature now that they were standing apart again.

    Lex really could use a drink.
    “Lex, no, you can’t. You’ll regret it.” Chloe was putting up as much of a fight as she could in her current state. She was drunk. As hell. So was Lex.

    They were in the hall by his bedroom. She couldn’t remember why, exactly, they were on the floor but there had to be some reason. Lex was trying to operate his cell phone. To call Clark.

    He was about two feet away. Seemed really far.

    After their dance session, they’d gone shot for shot. She remembered Ian coming over to her. She’d politely told him it wasn’t going to happen. He’d been nice about the whole thing. Even drove her and Lex here, he hadn’t drank, drunk, drank, imbibed that night so it had been fine.

    She started to crawl over to him when she heard the tiny ring on the other end of the line. “Lex, no. Drunk dial never good.”

    “Don't care,” Lex grumbled back at her, waiting for his stupid S.O. to finally pick up the fucking phone.

    He had a piece of mind to share with the stupid alien about his tendency to be a crap ass lover and boyfriend and other.

    Finally, there was that little click noise that meant the other person had picked up and he could start talking.

    “You're an asshole.”

    “Lex?” Clark sounded confused. Like anyone else would call him in the night to tell him he's an asshole.

    “You remember my name,” Lex drawled, “I'm impressed. Do you by any chance also remember where we live?”

    “Lex, what are you talking about.” More confusion.

    “King of obliviousness is what you are. High priest of ignorance. A completely, oblivious, ignorant and …” He needed another word, a good word to describe the shitty habit of Clark to not notice anything going on with other people.

    He turned to Chloe. “Gimme another word.”

    Instead of being helpful in any way, shape or form, Chloe started to giggle. She imagined Clark having that dumb look on his face. “Dumb as a doornail.” No, wait, that wasn’t right. She could see that Lex knew that too. He smirked over at her.

    “Not fair. Had the same but I’m tinier.” Her shoes had already been kicked off and her pantyhose were somewhere else so it was easier to crawl over to Lex. And reach for the phone. Lex fought her a little but she bit him and he quickly let go of the phone.

    “Clark,” she said, very importantly, “you need to come home and do your man. Do you understand? He’s a cuddlebug and needs some manly attention. He could be doing anyone and he wants you. So, bring that big dick of yours that we all three know you have home now.”

    Clark glared at the phone. Chloe was clearly drunk. Which meant that Lex was, too. They’d discussed this. He didn’t think that Lex should be drinking so much. It had seemed to get worse lately. And his boyfriend actually had the gall to blame him.

    “Chloe, I expected better than this from you.” He couldn’t believe that she had said what she did. It wasn’t proper.

    “So did I when you popped my cherry so I suppose we’re both going to have to get used to disappointment.”

    “Chloe!” He was sitting up now.

    “He’s yelling now. It’s for you,” she said as she handed Lex the phone.

    “Insensitive dick!” That's the word he had been looking for. Insensitive. That's what Clark was.

    “And don't yell at Chloe, she's right. At least with the first part.” He didn't know much about the cherry popping part. This was the first he'd heard of it. But she'd worn her honest face, so he believed her on that account. “And probably with the second. And when's the last time you've been home for more than two hours hrm?”

    He could feel himself working up to a good rant. One of those spectacular ones that he hadn't had in a while. “Let's face it, Clark, you suck! Actually, no you don't. Haven't in over a month, at least not my dick. Hell knows what you get up to while you're supposedly out there saving the world.”

    Clark's jaw dropped as he stared at the phone. He couldn't believe what was coming out of Lex's mouth. His boyfriend was cussing him out because he wasn't getting enough blowjobs, when Clark had to worry about thousands of people in trouble, screaming for help, needing him.

    “Lex, how can you say that? We've talked about this. You knew what I am when we got into this…”

    Lex didn't care for a repeat of that song and dance. He switched the phone to the other ear and leaned his head back against the wall.

    Chloe lay back down and thought about her first time with Clark. Should have let Lex pop her cherry. At least she would have gotten an orgasm probably. ‘stead of like flannel burn on Clark’s shirt.

    It was hot. She wanted out of the constricting dress. Like that snake. Needed something else to wear. Was able to flip over and then crawl into Lex’s bedroom. Took off dress, bra, panties. In the hamper. Had to teach Lex that. Realized that she was naked. Should have gotten clothing first. Rifled through closet. Black t-shirt. Got it on over head. Then walked back out into hallway. Lex still on the phone, thumped down next to him.

    “Blah blah blah, you know what? I don't give a fuck. I don't give a fuck. Fact is, you spend more time out there, saving kittens from trees and doggies from fires than you do with me. You go off on your flights of fancy, saving the world, yaddah, yaddah and expect me to sit here and just wait until you're done for a few minutes and feel like coming to a place where you can get your booboos fixed and get a little support from the convenient boyfriend.”

    “S’right. You tell him.” She yelled a little so Clark could hear her. “Man’s got needs Clark. Should go down on him more to make up with never doing it for me!”

    Chloe was pawing at his arm again, which was why he missed the first half of Clark's protests, not that it mattered much anyway.

    “You're an asshole and you don't even care,” he spoke over the indignant waffling of his so called lover. “You don't even bother to notice when I'm feeling like shit because some stupid person halfway around the world needs saving.” But it wasn't just the spandex and the flying thing that got between them “And when it's not one suit, it's the other. Report here, investigation there.”

    He hated it. Plain and simple. As if a fucking 'sacred duty' wasn't enough, Clark had to insist on the ridiculous cover of being an investigative reporter of all things. “Expect me to be home, expect me to make time, expect me to turn everything upside down and inside out and fix your messes, never mind that I'm wearing a suit too. Have a job, too. Used to have a life...”

    Chloe nodded along with everything that Lex was saying. He needed some support for once. “He tries and tries and you just flies and flies to other countries. Can’t the fucking Batdude and his troupe do something for once? Isn’t there some fish dude too?”

    Now, if any superhero was gay, it had to be him.

    Chloe was yelling at him for this, too? Where they hell did she get the right? And where were she and Lex, anyway? “Listen, it’s not as if I can just ignore the people that need my help. My gifts are bigger than both of us, Lex. I thought you understood that.”

    “We’ve been over this before. I think that you’re drunk. Both of you and have just wound each other up.” He looked at the clock and did some time zone math. “I’m sure you’ll feel better once you get some sleep and we can discuss this, if you still feel the need to, when I get home tomorrow.”

    God, was Clark still talking about how he was right and they were wrong. Chloe bumped Lex on the thigh with her foot. “I’m tired. Let’s go to bed.”

    Lex snorted into the phone. That was so like Clark. So incredibly, obliviously, ignorantly, insensitively like Clark. “Fuck you.”

    He pressed the end button and hurled the tiny little cell across the hall where it landed with a crash and dissolved into even tinier pieces.

    “He's such an asshole,” he commented as he leaned back again, bringing his hands up to cradle his head. “Such an incredibly oblivious asshole.”

    And yet...

    And yet, Lex couldn't bring himself to do what he should do. Because there were reasons. Reasonable reasons that he couldn't think of right now. And that stupid feeling that maybe one morning Clark would wake up and realize his assholishness and change for the better.

    Chloe nodded. “I know. And he doesn’t even look all that good in that suit. I mean, it’s all tight. Like, dude, what are you overcompensating for? Cause, yeah, he’s got a big dick but he had no idea what to do with it.”

    She stood up and swayed for a moment. “Come to bed. I’m cold.” She held out her hands and opened and closed them a few times. “I’m better than Clark in bed without even doing anything cause I’m here.”

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