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Thread: Accident Prone (R) - Sequel to Accidents Happen

  1. #21
    bored and dangerous Senior Member sabby's Avatar
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    19 Feb 2003
    Sittin by the side of the road in the middle of nowhere...
    Oh wow, that's not a good thing. What kinda reporter is that? Going and abducting a girl just like that! And how could people not see it? Oh Lex is going to be very very displeased when he finds out what happened. Update soon, I've waited anxiously for that sequel


  2. #22
    Fic Tease Senior Member Blaire023's Avatar
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    *cuddles up with sab and her fluffy blanket to await the next chappie*

    oooooooooh, this is gonna be sooooo good.


  3. #23
    NS Full Member
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    01 Jul 2003
    :dance: a sequal, finally a sequal. I loved Accidents Happen and I'm sure the sequal is just as good.

  4. #24
    Just a Guest!
    A sequel! :chlexsign3:

    The last one was so great there is no way this can be bad!!

  5. #25
    Yes, I am that Fabulous Senior Member tigerbaby's Avatar
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    In bed, where it's nice and warm
    I really like your work and I'm so glad you decided to do a sequel. I'm a big fan of chlex but so far you're the only one that has me reading stuff other than chlex.

  6. #26
    Members Sandi's Avatar
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    sitting in a comfy chair
    Yay....sequel!! *throws in cookies and cool drinks for the party*

  7. #27
    NS Full Member
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    08 Jun 2003
    North Carolina
    :biggrin: Yay! A sequel to one of the greatest and most original fics out there! Wonderful start to what is sure to be another wonderful story. I'm absoulutely sure this sequel will be just as fantastic if not more so, than it's predecessor. Waiting for the next chapter, make it fast, please! :worship2:

  8. #28
    Just a Guest!
    yep :yay: :yay: that is what I needed after this crappy day a sequel to one of my favourite stories I love the telepathic thing

    thanks :biggrin:

  9. #29
    Just a Guest!
    Gabe had the smallest hint of a frown as he tried to read the ingredients on the label of cookies he wanted to buy. Unfortunately, the words had all blurred together again. He was beginning to think it was a conspiracy – that, or Chloe had been right about him needing to get glasses. He let out a tiny sigh and held the package further away from him, his frown deepening when he saw that one of the ingredients that his doctor wanted him to cut down on was in it.

    ‘Well, it’s not like he’ll be coming by the house to check,’ the devil’s advocate inside him said. ‘And Chloe’s not due for a visit until this weekend; I can eat all of them by then.’

    “Hey,” Lana chirped as she came up behind him, startling him enough to make him lose his grip on the cookies and send the package falling to the floor. Lana looked down at the brightly colored bag and then back up at him, her eyebrow raised in an accusatory fashion. “You weren’t going to get those, were you?”

    “Uh – no,” Gabe said. “I was just reading the ingredients to see if they were okay.”

    “They’re not,” Lana informed him as she dumped the things she had gotten into the cart. Gabe gave her a tight grin and bent down to pick the package up. When he stood back up, he resorted to trying to mimic Clark’s puppy-dog look.

    ‘How the mighty hath fallen,’ he thought to himself. “Come on, what’s a soap marathon without some snacks?” It was low and he knew it, but Gabe started to grin when Lana looked at the cookies and chewed on her lower lip.

    “Well…your doctor did just say to cut down, not to eliminate it completely,” she said in a hesitant voice. “But I don’t know. Chloe will be ---”

    “Chloe’s not coming home until this weekend,” Gabe reminded her as he interrupted. “And we’re catching up on the shows we’ve recorded today and tomorrow because I have the next couple of days off.” His lips slowly spread into a teasing smile. “Besides, didn’t Nell say she wanted you to put on some weight?” Lana narrowed her eyes at him and pursed her lips, but within a couple of seconds, she reached out to grab another bag of cookies.

    “Fine,” she practically growled. “But if you tell her I let you have these ---” she trailed off, leaving the threat dangling in the air as she pointed her finger at him. Gabe raised his hands in mock self defense, his grin quickly fading when he saw a familiar looking man coming down their aisle.

    “Dr. Robison,” he greeted with a guarded politeness. He knew the man in front of him was smart, what he couldn’t figure out was why he wasn’t smart enough to duplicate the cure for Chloe and Lex’s condition that his team had found a year ago. Granted, all of the research was destroyed in the fire, but he had to retain some of the knowledge, didn’t he?

    “Mr. Sullivan,” Robison replied with a small smile, no touch of unpleasantness to his voice. “I haven’t seen you in a while. How has everything been?”

    “Good,” Gabe answered curtly. “And you?”

    “Good, good,” Robison said with a couple of nods of his head.

    “Anything new on ---?” Gabe trailed off, giving Robison a pointed look in hopes that he would catch on to what he was asking. Robison’s demeanor changed and he shook his head as he looked down at the floor.

    “We’ve done so much testing, but his condition only seems to be getting worse. He slips further and further into ---”

    Lana cleared her throat and flashed the man a sickeningly sweet smile.

    “I think Mr. Sullivan was talking about Chloe,” she said. Gabe gave her a thankful grin and then nodded at Robison, who blinked in surprise.

    “Chloe?” Robison asked and then shook his head. “Has she relapsed?”

    “No-ooo,” Gabe strung out slowly. “I meant, how far along are you in finding a cure for her and Lex?” Robison blinked again in confusion and his mouth dropped open and closed a couple of times before he finally spoke.

    “Mr. Sullivan, I’m not sure what you’ve been told, but we’re no longer looking into that.”

    “Excuse me?”

    “Mr. Luthor – Lex – after Chloe’s last treatment worked and her life was no longer in any danger, he called off the project.”

    Lana cringed, expecting Gabe to go into hysterics, though in hindsight she realized that she should have known better.

    “I see,” Gabe said through gritted teeth. Robison gave him a placating smile.

    “Well, I’d better be going. Good seeing you again.”

    Lana had to give it to the man; at least he was smart enough to see past Gabe’s barely cool veneer to know that he was in imminent danger of being physically injured if he stayed there.

    “O-kay, then,” she said, trying to put a chipper note into her voice. She reached for another bag of cookies and shot him a nervous smile. “You want popcorn too?”


    Clark walked toward the bench where he and Chloe were supposed to meet, not at all surprised to not see her there yet. Grinning to himself, he thought nothing of it when the cell phone in his bag started to ring. He sloughed the backpack off of his shoulder and dug into it to retrieve his phone.

    “Hello?” he answered, taking the opportunity to scan the area for Chloe.


    “Lex,” Clark said in surprise.

    “You were supposed to be meeting Chloe, right?”

    Clark grimaced.

    “I can explain,” he said quickly. “Lana wanted me to ---”

    “Are you there now?”

    “Ye-ah, why?”

    “Something’s wrong,” Lex said. Clark’s gut twisted when he heard his friend’s words. It would have to be something really bad for Lex to call *him* about it.

    “What do you mean?”

    “I can’t hear her.”

    ‘Shit,’ Clark thought and immediately started looking around for her more frantically. “Do you think she relapsed?”

    “No,” Lex said. “She --- right before it stopped, she said something about needing help.”


    “Something along the lines of ‘Oh, God. Help me, help me, help me’. To be honest, I thought it was just another one of those reporters that’s been hounding her, but right after she confirmed who she was, I couldn’t hear her anymore.”

    “You think whoever it was took her,” Clark said observantly.

    “That’s my first guess,” Lex answered. “I’m on my way to the campus now; she had just left the newsroom when it happened.”

    “I’ll meet you there.”

    “I’m going to be at least ten minutes; there’s been some sort of accident and traffic is backed up. Think you can look around for any clues until I get there?”

    “Clues? Are you sure you don’t still have Chloe in your head?” Clark joked, already on his way to where Lex said he had heard her last. Lex clenched his jaw and hung up on him, causing Clark to wince. ‘Okay, so it probably wasn’t the right time to kid around, but it’s probably nothing. He’s just overreacting like ---” Clark trailed off when he reached a section of sidewalk and recognized Chloe’s bag on the ground. “Damn.”

    He bent down to pick up the oversized bag, and even reached out to grab the can of hairspray that looked like it had rolled out of it. His fingers clasped around the can and the veins in his skin jumped up with a turquoise blue tinge to them. Clark’s eyes grew wide and he dropped the can and backed away from it.

    “What the ---”

    The only thing that ever affected Clark that way was kryptonite, and he had never seen a blue form of the crystal, let alone in liquid form in a spray-can. He only hoped that he hadn’t been exposed to it long enough to cause any lasting effects since he didn’t know what the effects might be.

    Unfortunately, it only took a little of the substance that had dripped down onto the outside of the can to set off a chain reaction in Clark’s body. His vision started to blur and he lost his balance as the world around him seemed to start spinning, slowly at first and then faster and faster.


    Clark blinked and tried to focus on the image that the voice seemed to be coming from. Gradually, the effects started to wear off and Clark sat down on the grass to regain his bearings.

    “Clark? Are you okay?”

    Clark shook his head and blinked a couple of times until his vision began to return to normal.

    “The hairspray…not hairspray,” he said cryptically. Lex looked at him questioningly.


    “The can of hairspray that was lying next to her bag,” Clark started again, trying to push himself up, but still feeling a little too tired to do so. “I picked it up and I – I almost passed out, Lex.” Lex walked over to the items that Clark had stumbled away from and frowned down at the harmless looking hairspray can.

    “That’s not her brand,” he said knowingly and then stole a glance at Clark, who still seemed a little out of it. “The kidnappers must have used it to knock her out, which is why I can’t hear her.” He took a handkerchief out of his jacket pocket and squatted down to pick up the can. One corner of his mouth lifted into a half-smirk when he saw Clark grabbing at his head. It served him right for making light of the situation earlier. “Good job, Clark.”


  10. #30
    NS Full Member Czech Angel's Avatar
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    When he stood back up, he resorted to trying to mimic Clark’s puppy-dog look.How the mighty hath fallen,’ he thought to himself.
    Gabe is hilarious here
    I LOVE YOU!!! :love:
    I just know it's gonna be as great as the first one.
    :worship2: :worship2: :worship2:

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