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Thread: Accident Prone (R) - Sequel to Accidents Happen

  1. #101
    this side of crazy S.Ann Smith's Avatar
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    28 Apr 2003
    British Columbia, Canada
    *does snoopy dance* yay two awesome updates!!! but i agree with 'peeps' .... don't make Chloe 'clark's baby's momma'

  2. #102
    NS Full Member drina's Avatar
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    02 Mar 2003
    Oh a baby! I can't wait to see if it comes by naturally or implanted by the alien...

  3. #103
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    02 Mar 2003
    Wonderful, beautiful updates. Two! Yay! And, I hope that Lex is allowed in the room with prying examiny guy. Would serve the guy right. And, really, who would, in their right mind, want Clark's DNA?


  4. #104
    see spot snark Senior Member happy bunny's Avatar
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    Originally posted by bluemoongirl23@Aug 31 2003, 02:16 PM
    And, really, who would, in their right mind, want Clark's DNA?
    *snorts* So right.

    But please, please, I'm begging you, don't let the baby be anyone's but Lex's. If it is, I'll, I'll, I'll... cry.

  5. #105
    Members TestingFaith's Avatar
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    this is an awsome story...i loved the first one...i agree with the other people who were saying who would want Clark's DNA...and that I hope it is Lex's kid cause otherwise, that's just gross. ^_^

    Loving it and waiting for more,
    Lily M. :sunny:

  6. #106
    NS Full Member kirt30's Avatar
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    28 Feb 2003
    oh come on add the next part

  7. #107
    PHD in Procrastination Senior Member vardaquareien's Avatar
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    Sydney, Australia.
    Haven't had time to come to the board for over a week and it's great the wonderful things I've found since I've come back - such as multiple updates!!! This story's getting very interesting, I can't wait to see where your gonna take this idea!

  8. #108
    Just a Guest!
    A/N: Many apologies for the lateness of this chapter. My muse has just been lagging on this story, but I think I’ve come up with a twist that will make it fun for me again. For those of you who have commented on how violent my fics have been lately – all I can tell you is that they have the rating for a reason and you’ll probably want to avert your eyes toward the end of this chapter.


    ‘Okay,’ Chloe thought.

    ‘You’re not going to argue with me? Talk me out of doing something morally wrong?’

    ‘Nope. Kill the slime bag.’

    Lex chuckled.

    ‘That’s my girl,’ he thought. ‘So you’re not afraid your fiancé will be sent away for murder?’

    ‘Lex, you’re a *genius*. I have every confidence that you can find a way to kill a man…’

    ‘Alien,’ Lex corrected.

    ‘Whatever. My point is that you should be able to kill him without leaving any evidence behind.’

    ‘Have I mentioned that I love you?’

    ‘Several times,’ Chloe thought. ‘I love you too. So, is Clark going to ---’

    ‘God – please don’t picture it,’ he thought, causing Chloe to burst out in laughter. ‘And he’s doing it right now. I left the apartment the second I could hear his passionate cries for Lana from the other room. I wanted to spare you from the mental image you’d undoubtedly come up with.’

    Chloe snorted.

    ‘More like sparing yourself,’ she thought.

    ‘Two birds, one stone,’ Lex agreed nonchalantly.

    ‘So, when is this big swap supposed to go down?’

    ‘In about an hour. Why? Do you miss me?’

    ‘Don’t flatter yourself. I miss being able to go to the bathroom without a catheter.’

    ‘Too much information.’

    ‘You asked.’

    ‘Technically, I didn’t. I just *jokingly* asked if you missed me.’

    ‘No,’ Chloe corrected. ‘You asked ‘why’ first.’

    ‘So I did. Though, you never really answered my second question.’

    Chloe smiled.

    ‘Of course I miss you,’ she thought.

    ‘Good. Make it up to me when I see you in a little while?’ Lex asked, half-teasing and half-hopeful.

    Chloe laughed.

    ‘We’ll see.’


    “I’m not so sure about this, Lex,” Clark said, earning him a pointed glare from his friend, but he sheepishly continued anyway. “I mean, what if they don’t bring Chloe and take – you know – anyway? Then I’ll have a bunch of kids out there and ---”

    “You will regardless,” Lex interrupted. “And this is the only way to get Chloe back.”

    Clark frowned. He had been struggling with the idea of fathering children he would never know ever since he had read the single demand that Penelope Faust had delivered to him, and to have Lex act so flippantly about it really bothered him.

    Clark stopped in his tracks and narrowed his eyes a little.

    “You don’t even care, do you?”

    Lex gave him a sour half-smirk.

    “You said they wanted you or your DNA, Clark. If you want to go with them and be a loving dad to your new offspring, then by all means, be my guest.”

    Clark shook his head.

    “I just don’t think ---” he trailed off with a sigh and ran his fingers through his hair. “There’s got to be another way.”

    Lex pursed his lips.

    Truth be told, Lex didn’t relish the idea of a bunch of miniature Clark Kents running around any more than Clark did, and had devised a second, secret plan to make sure it didn’t happen. He had a strong suspicion that Clark’s ingrained morals and sense of self-preservation would prevent him from carrying through with his intentions, so the less he said the better.

    “Do you have any idea what it’s been like for me since she was taken, Clark?” he asked, trying to avoid the topic of ‘another way’ and put the focus on whatever guilt he could muster from the younger man.

    “You can hear each other’s thoughts – it couldn’t have been that hard,” Clark argued.

    “Yes,” Lex spat. “I can hear her thoughts. Every whimper, every fear, every *scream* comes through loud and clear.”

    “Oh,” Clark said uncomfortably. “I didn’t know. I’m sorry.”

    ‘When did I scream?’ Chloe thought.

    ‘Would you like me to remind you?’ Lex asked suggestively.

    ‘I’m pretty sure that doesn’t count.’

    ‘I didn’t say what *kind* of scream it was,’ Lex pointed out.

    “Hey! Watch it!”

    ‘Okay, calm down. I’ll…apologize to him or something,’ he inwardly grumbled.

    ‘Not you. This guy’s just getting a little pushy.’

    Lex scowled.

    ‘It’ll be over soon,’ he thought, his inner tone cold rather than comforting.

    ‘You found a way to kill him,’ Chloe thought knowingly.

    Lex sighed.

    ‘I know you were just joking around before, but ---’

    ‘It’s okay, Lex.’

    ‘It is?’ he asked in surprise.

    ‘We’ve been in each other’s heads for a year now. I think I understand your need for revenge better than you do.’

    ‘I’m not sure what to say,’ Lex admitted. He didn’t doubt Chloe’s love for him, but to know she accepted every part of him, even his darker side, to hear her think the thoughts – it meant more to him than he could express in words.

    His emotion seemed to radiate to her and the corners of her lips curled upward.

    ‘Don’t go getting all sentimental. You still have to get me away from him, you know.’


    The voice jerked Lex and Clark’s attention over to a corner of the warehouse they had just entered. Even from the distance across the room, they could see that the stranger held Chloe’s arm tight and she wouldn’t be able to squirm away from him on her own.

    “Let her go,” Lex demanded.

    The man ignored him and kept his gaze focused on Clark.

    “Will you be joining us or ---?” he trailed off as Clark frowned and held up the lidded cup he had brought with him. “I see. And the reporter we hired?”

    “At the police station,” Lex answered. “Though I’m sure they’ll be transferring her to a psychiatric facility soon. Stories of alien abductions don’t generally bode well with the local authorities.”

    The man nodded and looked questioningly at Clark.

    “My curiosity has gotten the better of me and I have to ask ---”

    “You know what they say about curiosity,” Lex started. The man looked at him blankly. “Or…maybe you don’t.”

    ‘Maybe you should save the clever villain lines until *after* you’re winning,’ Chloe suggested.

    “What did you want to ask?” Clark asked.

    “It is a conundrum to me. Why settle for loving someone else’s mate from a distance when you could so easily eliminate him and claim her as your own?”

    ‘God, don’t put ideas in his head,’ Chloe thought.

    “You’ve got what you want. Let her go,” Lex said.

    The man motioned to Clark with his head.

    “Not until I get an answer.”

    Clark shuffled his feet uncomfortably.

    “It’s not like that. Chloe and I are just friends.”

    The man shook his head and sighed in disapproval.

    “Give me the cup.”

    “Give me Chloe,” Lex retorted.

    The man tipped his head to the side with a wry expression and Lex motioned for Clark to set the cup down. Clark walked halfway between them and placed the cup on the floor, glaring expectantly at the stranger who shared his true heritage.

    The man shoved Chloe toward Lex and moved to meet Clark where he was standing. Lex kissed Chloe and then searched her eyes for permission to do what he needed to do.

    ‘It’s okay,’ she repeated.

    Lex brushed his lips against her forehead gratefully and then released her from his embrace to stroll purposefully toward Clark and the other alien.

    “I have a question for *you*,” he started, digging his hands into his jacket pockets. The man arched an eyebrow and Lex looked at him coolly. “Did you really think I’d let you get away with this?”

    The man smirked, but it quickly fell as Lex removed a green meteor rock from the pocket he had lined with lead in the fabric to help conceal his intentions. Holding it in his hand to observe it, Lex’s gaze only flit to the floor briefly as he heard both Clark and the man fall to their knees in pain.

    “There are a few things you should know about me,” Lex said, nearing the man and fixing a hard glare to meet his eyes. This man had dared to take his fiancée away from him, to touch her. He deserved no mercy. “I’m…possessive and…vengeful,” he said with a lopsided smirk. He stopped as the man collapsed completely to the floor, curling his body up in pain. “And I always keep my promises.” The man let out a whimpering grown and Lex crouched down beside him.

    He set the rock down next to the man and the alien looked at him in utter surprise. Not only had this simple human managed to bring him a considerable amount of pain, but he most likely would bring him death as well.

    Clark looked at Lex pleadingly.

    “Lex…you can’t…”

    Lex outstretched his hand to help his friend up, but Clark pulled away from him. If Lex was cruel enough to carry through with killing someone from his home planet with no regard to his feelings, then he wasn’t sure he wanted anything to do with him.

    “You said you wanted another way, Clark,” Lex reminded him.

    Clark shook his head weakly.

    “Hey! What are you doing?!” Chloe yelled, running over to where Lex stood, but speaking to the man who had held her hostage.

    Struggling to reach inside his pocket, the man gasped for air as he found the device that he believed would save him. Lex narrowed his eyes and placed his hand on the small of Chloe’s back as he moved to kick the device out of the man’s hand.

    It was too late.

    The man pushed the button and the second Lex’s foot connected with the man’s hand, the room filled with a blinding white light.

    “Sorry sweetheart,” Gabe said.

    Chloe and Lex both blinked in confusion, their surroundings now completely different from where they had just been.

    “What the hell just happened?” Chloe asked.

    Lex shook his head.

    “I have no idea.”

    “What are you two talking about?” Gabe asked, looking back and forth between them like they had both grown a third eye.

    “Oh, my God,” Chloe said weakly, the scene around her striking an eerily familiar chord.

    “You don’t think ---?” Lex trailed off, swallowing his panic as he realized that he could no longer hear any of Chloe’s thoughts.

    Frightened tears welled up in Chloe’s eyes and she ran a shaky hand through her hair.

    “Are you okay, sweetheart?” Gabe asked worriedly.

    “I ---” Chloe’s words caught in her throat and she let out the beginning of a choked cry. Whatever the alien had done, it had sent them back in time to just before they had developed their abilities. That, or the chemical spill had caused one very long hallucination for the both of them. Needing time to clear her head and think about what was really going on, Chloe shook her head. “I should go. I have to go.”

    “Chloe?” Gabe asked.

    “Chloe – wait. We can talk about this,” Lex said.

    Forgetting about the vat’s leak puddling at her feet, Chloe fell to the ground, much like the first time she had a year ago. The meteor rocks spilled from her purse and she looked up at Lex from where she now sat. Their intense stare seemed to last forever and then Lex took a chance, grinning at her and extending his hand to help her up.

    “You could have reminded me about the spill,” Chloe said, a smile twitching on her mouth.

    Lex nodded once in agreement.

    “I could have, but…” he trailed off, his grin turning into a smirk.

    Chloe rolled her eyes.

    “Yeah, well, you’d just better hope you remember the formula that actually worked to save my life,” she mumbled.


    Lex hadn’t thought about that.

    “So, your ill-fated attempt to run away wasn’t from me?” he asked.

    “Well, you’ll never know now, will you?” she quipped, rubbing her hands on the sides of her jeans and then looking over at the sinks.

    Lex shrugged, the smirk reappearing on his lips.

    “Give me a half hour.”

    Chloe closed her eyes and lightly shook her head.

    “Have you even thought --- maybe we weren’t the only ones brought back?” she suggested, glancing down at her stomach.

    “I thought you said you thought he was lying,” Lex said.

    “Well, yeah – but what if he wasn’t?” Chloe asked. “If he really did send us back in time, then I haven’t graduated yet. I can’t go having an alien baby in high school!”

    “Or any time,” Lex said pointedly. “But we don’t know that it’s not mine.”

    “Excuse me?” Gabe asked, standing there in complete confusion before running a weary hand over his face. He wasn’t following much of his daughter and boss’s conversation and the parts that he did understand made them sound like they were crazy.

    “I think you two need to get over to health services,” he said.

    Lex placed a hand on Chloe’s abdomen.

    “Good idea. We can have a test run there.”


  9. #109
    Escapeism Artist Senior Member asharnanae's Avatar
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    :huh: :worship2: Whaaaaaa??? You with the twist and turns again!!!!!! brilliant update!! loved it!

  10. #110
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    03 Jul 2003
    United Kingdom
    Hmm, interesting

    *Loved* this line:

    ‘Maybe you should save the clever villain lines until *after* you’re winning,’ Chloe suggested.
    Aww.. So cute

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