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Thread: Deserted (NC-17)

  1. #21
    bored and dangerous Senior Member sabby's Avatar
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    19 Feb 2003
    Sittin by the side of the road in the middle of nowhere...
    Here I am back again and getting right into it. You worked the season finale in perfectly. That smile she had in the plane EVIL! Anyway, I already know this is going to be good, so gimme another chap, NOW!


  2. #22
    Just a Guest!
    Lex awoke to a sharp, stabbing pain in his ribs and a dull yet stinging pain in one of his legs, in addition to what seemed to be a general soreness all over his body which was only masked a little by slight numbness for being in the cold water so long. It was daytime, and from the heat and sun’s position in the sky, Lex guessed it was sometime in the afternoon; although Lex couldn’t tell whether only one night had passed or it was the afternoon of a day a couple further along in the week.

    A large wave crashed, knocking the side of his body against some rocks as it swept over them, and it was only then that some of Lex’s memories came flooding back to him.

    Helen seeming off when they got on the plane, waking up after not remembering going to sleep, seeing the inside of the plane torn apart, finding Chloe in a compartment bin…Chloe. He maneuvered his body as much as he could to see if he could find her. He didn’t have to look far. He could see her unconscious body floating next to his, her arm outstretched and her hand slipped under one of the straps on his seat so they wouldn’t be separated.

    He felt a twinge of warmness at the action, but it quickly subsided when he got a better look at her. Chloe appeared to be in worse shape than he was, or at least how he felt he was, and that was damned awful.

    She had several abrasions all over her body, a head wound which was still spilling fresh blood despite however long they had been floating there, and a gaping gash in the arm that held them together. Then there was the light blue hue that her skin had taken on. It was primarily her mouth and her fingers, but it disturbingly reminded him of the heavy makeup they put on people playing corpses on the forensic shows he watched when he had spare time.

    “Chloe?” It came out as little more than a croaked whisper, so Lex tried again after clearing his dry throat. “Chloe?” There was still no response and Lex closed his eyes.

    With his sense of sight temporarily disabled, his other senses took over. The pain in his body started throbbing unbearably, but he wasn’t focused on that. His eyes snapped open when he heard a familiar sound - the sound of waves breaking against a beach.

    He didn’t see anything other than the rocks and a vast expanse of ocean in his immediate field of vision, but having been on enough spoiled holidays when he was younger, he knew that sound, and where it was there was land, and land meant that he and Chloe had a very real possibility of being rescued.

    The next large wave collided with another one and swept him over the short rock that had been keeping them there. It did not, however, push Chloe over. Instead, it moved her halfway over, scraping her injured arm against the rock as the water pulled back into the sea. Lex cringed. Chloe didn’t even make a grimace or any whimper of pain when it happened and the image of her lying on a morgue slab flashed before his eyes.

    Although it was true that he had never been friends with the girl, barely acquaintances really, he still had no wish for her to die – especially when he remembered that she had been the one to get over the shock of seeing the plane diving toward the ocean and get the flotation devices on them just as the water was crashing through the front window.

    ‘She saved my life,’ he thought in astonishment. ‘A slip of a girl who barely knows me and she still brought back something to help me live instead of deserting me and jumping ship when she had a chance.’ His thoughts bitterly flitted to Helen.

    Chloe hadn’t gotten a chance to explain, not that he had given her one, but a part of him already knew what she was going to say. The fact that she said Helen’s name in the same incoherent sentence as his father’s was enough to push him toward the belief that Helen and his father had been working together all along, or at least for a while now.

    The virulent loss he felt for the love he realized he never really had started to build up in his system and with that came rage. Unfortunately, there was nothing to throw nor a wall to throw it at in the middle of the ocean, so he clenched his fists and let out a pained, feral yell.

    It was loud, much louder than he had anticipated, and he glanced over at Chloe to see if it had spurred her from her sleep. It hadn’t.

    Lex clenched his jaw and sucked in a breath, trying to ignore the pain that swept through him with the action. He reached out with the hand closest to her and grabbed hold of her arm. Gripping it as tightly as he could, he tugged on her. Her body moved only a little, the action mostly serving to injure her arm even more than it had been already. Lex frowned, but gripped his hand around her arm again when he saw another large wave heading toward them.

    The wave crashed into them, pushing Chloe the rest of the way over the rock even though the water moved over their heads. Lex couldn’t tell whether she was breathing or not, and only hoped that his minimal training in first aid would be enough to get all the seawater out of her lungs.

    But now there was hope.

    He now saw the land that he had been so sure was there but had been out of his line of sight before. It might take several waves and considerably more effort than he was currently physically capable of putting into it, but the sandy beach was not far off.

    He frowned when he remembered the movie that Helen had forced him to watch. Castaway. She had rented it, telling him that he simply had to see it and that Tom Hanks’s performance was amazing, but now Lex couldn’t help but wonder if she had been trying to foreshadow the actual events of his life.

    ‘No,’ he thought. ‘If she expected me to have a chance at living, she wouldn’t have gone to so much trouble to make sure I didn’t.’

    He grinned to himself when he caught the outline of a rather large house, most probably a villa or mansion, on a large hill on the island.

    ‘Someone lives there,’ he thought. ‘We’ll be saved.’

    The newfound hope gave him the boost of adrenalin he needed and he started to push his arms against the surf, moving he and Chloe closer to the shore.

    Every stroke made his pain feel that much worse, and by the time he got them to the beach, Lex was ready to collapse from the agony and exhaustion that were wracking his body.

    He slid onto the wet sand and was forced to crawl because of his severely wounded leg. Chloe’s hand slipped from underneath the strap and Lex saw the waves start to try and take her back further into the water. He pivoted to grab her, reaching her floating leg just in time to pull her back over before she got to the point where he wouldn’t be able to reach her without getting back into the water himself.

    After exerting the last of his energy, Lex breathed heavily, his chest heaving as he removed what he had thought was a strange lifejacket. He glanced down to get a better look at it, furrowing his brow when he saw that it was a cushion from one of the seats.

    ‘Of course,’ he thought sourly. ‘Helen would be smart enough to remove the parachutes and lifeboat.’

    He didn’t want to dwell on that though, at least not right now. There would be plenty of time for self-pity and plans for revenge after they got help and were recuperating in a Caribbean hospital somewhere. The thought made his gaze drift back over to Chloe.

    She still looked like she was at death’s door, but the faint beat of her heart was evident when Lex pressed his cold fingers against her neck. He removed the straps from her airplane seat and set it down beside them as he sat next to her. His eyes fixed on her chest to see if she was breathing, but with Chloe’s clothing being water-soaked and clinging to her skin like plaster, a fleeting thought crossed through his mind that Clark must be the biggest idiot in the world to turn down someone who’s natural beauty far outweighed Lana Lang’s and was intelligent as well.

    He grimaced when he saw that she wasn’t breathing; not only because it meant that she might die soon if he didn’t do something, but also because in order to do something, he would need to reposition his body so that it put direct pressure on the two areas of it that were wounded the most.

    ‘Or not…’

    Lex leaned down and maneuvered himself so that he was hovering over her, supported by the strength in his arms instead of crouching and risking aggravating the fracture he was sure was present in his leg. It still hurt his ribs to be in this new position, but no matter what he did, there was no way around that.

    He balanced himself on one arm and opened Chloe’s jaw with the other, wincing when he saw the water already in her mouth. He leaned her head to the side to let the excess water drained out and only hoped that he wasn’t too late, that she didn’t have so much water in her lungs not to be able to save her.

    Slowly he lowered his mouth to hers and began to perform mouth to mouth resuscitation. Lex pulled back when Chloe started to cough and tilted her head to the side so the water could be expelled. After coughing and sputtering, Chloe tried to push herself up to a sitting position, only to have a scream rip through her throat at the pain that shot through her arm.

    “I don’t think it’s broken, but you’ve probably torn a tendon or something.”

    Chloe tried to turn in the direction of the voice, but her head started to swim, and she closed her eyes again, letting her head rest against the sand.

    “You need to stay awake,” the voice came again. “You have a bad head wound, most likely a concussion, and ---”

    “Shut up,” Chloe rasped out. She coughed again and let out a small groan, opening her eyes just a crack to look at him for a second before closing them again. “Just shut up. No offense, because I know you’re like an expert on head wounds - since you seem to get one every month or so - but just shut up until the ringing in my ears stops. Okay?”

    Lex couldn’t help the pleased smirk that slid across his lips.

    “You got all that out in one breath, so I’m going to wager that you’ll be okay,” he said. Chloe groaned again.

    “What part of ‘shut up’ did you not understand, exactly?”

    “Will you stay awake if I stop talking?” he countered.

    “No,” she said flatly. “I plan on slipping into a coma. They’re relaxing.” Lex snickered, immediately regretting it when the shake of his body made him clutch at his side.

    “I suppose you would know,” he retorted, the wince coming through in his voice as he was unable to resist the comeback for her snide comment about his numerous head injuries. “How many have you been in now? Two? Three?”

    Chloe opened her eyes and glared at him, giving him a tight, forced grin when she saw the smug smirk on his lips.

    “At least I don’t marry people who try to kill me,” she said. She knew it was low, especially considering the situation they were in, but honestly – the man *did* have horrible taste in women. Lex’s eyes seemed to cloud over and she frowned as she closed her eyes again. “Sorry,” she mumbled.

    Lex said nothing. He just stared down at her as her words brought up a host of memories and feelings that were better left behind. Desirée and her manipulative scheme to marry him and then have someone kill him so she would inherit his money, Helen and her obvious plotting with his own father to wipe him off the face of the earth.

    He briefly wondered whether Helen knew what she had gotten into when she agreed to deal with his father. After all, if the man was evil enough to try and have his own son killed, then certainly he wouldn’t have any qualms about having Helen dealt with as well.

    ‘Good,’ he thought resentfully.

    “You’re quiet,” Chloe observed quietly after a few moments of silence passed by. Lex’s gaze went to her once again, this time catching her open and apologetic eyes. “I *am* sorry. It was out of line for me to say that.” Lex nodded once, but still said nothing, causing Chloe to get frustrated. “What? You’re still not going to talk to me?” She rose up to a sitting position using her good arm, pushing back the feeling of nausea that came with it. “Well, guess what? I’m the only other person here, Lex. You’re going to have to talk to me sometime!”

    She pushed herself up so she was standing, though she was wobbling a little on her feet because of all the blood she had lost. After she shook her head lightly to try and clear it, she decided that it would be a better idea just to sit down again.

    “If you’ll recall correctly, you told me to shut up,” Lex finally said. “I was just doing what you wanted.”

    Chloe let out a small sigh and looked at him apologetically again. The poor guy had been through hell – *again* – and she was acting like a spoiled brat.

    ‘Way to go, Sullivan,’ she thought sarcastically.

    “And technically, you’re not the only other person here.”

    Chloe blinked and looked back at Lex.


    “When I first woke up, I saw a house on the hill,” he explained, motioning to the large hill with his head even though the house wasn’t visible from where they were because of the massive amounts of foliage.

    “Oh,” Chloe said in response. “And we’re still here because…?”

    “They may not have seen us,” Lex offered. Chloe stared at him in disbelief.

    “No, I meant why are *we* still *here*?” she asked. “Why aren’t we going there to ask for help?” Lex gave her a blank look.

    “If you hadn’t noticed, neither one of us is in any condition to move, let alone take a nature hike up that hill to find the owners of the house.”

    It was then that Chloe finally took inventory of all of their combined injuries. Lex had several cuts and scrapes in addition to what was probably a broken leg and a rather large gaping wound down the side of his ribs. And she, well, she already knew she had a head injury and that her arm hurt like hell. She quickly looked over her body, engulfed in her own thoughts when Lex started to speak again.

    “Your arm and your head will need medical assistance,” he said. “I didn’t see anything else that won’t heal on its own.”

    ‘Thank you Dr. Luthor,’ she thought snidely to herself, barely restraining herself from saying the comment out loud. Instead, she opted for a nod of her head and closed her eyes again to fight back a wave of dizziness.


    “I’m still awake,” she murmured. Lex let one corner of his mouth curl upward.

    “I know,” he said. “I was wondering --- I need to know ---” he trailed off, unable to form the words simply because they would solidify the fact that what had happened to him, to *them*, was true.

    “You want to know about your dad and Dr. Bryce,” she said knowingly. She saw Lex swallow and look the other way.


    Chloe nodded.



  3. #23
    NS Full Member
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    02 Mar 2003
    I like that even through the haze of pain and trying to keep the two of them alive, Lex still takes the time to think that Clark is an idiot. And, methinks that the villa, while comfortable will be empty. Which is fine by me. Poor, broken Lex. I'm sure Chloe will be able to make it better.


  4. #24
    bored and dangerous Senior Member sabby's Avatar
    Join Date
    19 Feb 2003
    Sittin by the side of the road in the middle of nowhere...
    Ok thank god you already cleared that up, so we know, but you shouldn't keep Lex waiting, and I still want to know how exactly Chloe found out. Update soon please can't wait to see what comes next


  5. #25
    PHD in Procrastination Senior Member vardaquareien's Avatar
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    Sydney, Australia.
    I was cringing the whole way through this, the poor things! So many injuries, at least they can take care of each other!

    I agree with blue - I luv the fact that even in a life threatening situation, Lex can still observe that Chloe is so much more attractive and intelligent than Lana and that Clark's an idiot not to want her!

    More, more, more!!!

  6. #26
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    02 May 2003
    Please continue......(and soon : ); luving every minute of this.

  7. #27
    NS Full Member
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    25 Nov 2002
    Ah! You had me on the edge of my seat! For a moment there I thought chlex were going to be shark food. Hmmm... house on the hill... interesting. :yay:

  8. #28
    Fic Tease Senior Member Blaire023's Avatar
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    I almost feel like welcoming Lex and Chloe to the club of gimps, as I sit here with my gimpy casted leg.

    *passes them cards for a membership*

    There, all set


  9. #29
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    03 Jul 2003
    ouchies, those injuries sound like they hurt a lot.

    Feel better Blaire, take care of your leg.

    Can we have another chappie please?


  10. #30
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
    Join Date
    23 Nov 2002
    More more please :worship2:

    Hope :
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

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