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Thread: I'll Always Be There For You (NC-17)

  1. #1
    Just a Guest!

    I'll Always Be There For You (NC-17)

    Title: I’ll Always Be There For You
    Rating: NC 17
    Disclaimer: Don’t own them, as much as I wish. If I did do you honestly think I’d write these when I could get the Chlexy goodness we all want into the show? But would anybody object if I claimed Lex? Oh come on! Like I’m the only person to try that!
    Feedback: Yes please! Send it to serenitys_new_child@yahoo.co.uk. I love feedback, but hardly ever get any, hint, hint!!
    Archive: Sure, just let me know where!
    Summary: Lex is upset and Chloe decides to make him feel better.

    Authors Note: Sorry! It’s not my fault that my muse wants me to write smut! I don’t encourage it; I just do as it says.


    ‘What am I doing?’ Chloe thought as she walked up the doors of the Luthor castle. ‘Like he’s just going to talk to me. This is Lex Luthor we’re talking about here! What was I thinking?’ she knocked on the door and waited. ‘Oh, wait! I wasn’t thinking. Too late now,’ she thought as the door was opened.

    “May I help you?” the butler said in the most condescending voice Chloe had ever heard.

    Smiling brightly at him she replied, “I’m here to see Mr Luthor.”

    “Is he expecting you?”

    “Well, no, but I was hoping I could…”

    “I’m sorry, but if you’re not expected, I’ll have to ask you to leave,” he cut her off.

    “If you could just tell him that Chloe…”

    “I’m sorry, Ma’am, but if you’re not expected you will have to leave,” the butler said, not sounding the least bit sorry.

    “Who is it?” came a voice from inside.

    “Just a girl without an appointment, Sir. I was asking her to leave now.”

    “It’s alright, Williams. Let her in.”

    “Yes, Sir,” the butler said, and moved to one side, opening the door wider to reveal the figure of Lex Luthor.

    “Miss Sullivan, to what do I owe this pleasure?” he asked as she entered the hall.

    “Oh, well, em.” Chloe was having trouble speaking. Now she was here, face to face with the person she’d been seeking she was starting to think it was a bad idea.

    Lex raised an eyebrow. “Why, Miss Sullivan, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you speechless before.”

    Chloe frowned. “If you’re going to be like that, I’ll just leave,” she said, hands on hips. The man in front of her smirked. ‘God, I hate that smirk,’ she thought. “And then you’ll never find out why I came, will you?” ‘That’ll wipe that expression off his face!’ It did.

    “I’m sure I’d never forgive myself if you wasted your journey here,” he said. “But you still have to tell me *why* you are here.”

    ‘Oh, right!’ “Well, actually, I came by to see how you were. You, um, seemed pretty upset earlier at the Talon,” the blonde said, blushing and glancing at the floor. Glancing up she noticed the surprised expression on Lex’s face. “It was silly, I know. I mean, its not like we even know each other very well, or at all, really, but I just thought that maybe you’d want to talk to someone, “ she rambled. “I…I’ll go now, if you want,” she said, turning to leave.

    Feeling a hand on her arm, Chloe turned to face the bald man before her. He was smiling. “Thank you,” he whispered, and leaned forwards. Their lips met in a delicate kiss, and it was over before Chloe even knew what was happening.

    Stepping back out of his reach, Chloe stared at Lex. “What the hell was that?” she demanded.

    “That was a kiss, Chloe,” he said, smirking.

    “That wasn’t a kiss, this is a kiss,” she said, reaching up and pulling his lips down to her own. She quickly deepened the kiss, and soon they were lost in the passionate embrace.

    Finally pulling apart to breathe, Lex rested his forehead against hers. “I stand corrected.”

    “Wow, Lex Luthor, admitting he was wrong! Can I have that on the record?” Chloe teased.

    “Never. A Luther’s never wrong,” he replied. “At least, not on the record,” he added, seeing the smirk on the blonde girls face.

    “Damn! There goes my next headline for the Torch. Oh well, I guess I’ll just have to stick to ‘Lex Luthor, Bested At Kissing’, she smirked.

    Lex’s expression changed instantly, to what Chloe could only describe as ‘predatory’. “Oh, really?” he asked, moving his body flush against hers. “I guess we’ll have to do something about that.” And with that he lowered his lips to hers again, delicately at first, but he soon encouraged her to open her mouth to him, and deepen the kiss.

    As their tongues danced against each other, Chloe felt her knees going weak. Standing on tiptoe, she wrapped her arms around his neck for support. Lex’s arms snaked around her waist, and he began to move her backwards towards the stairs.

    Finally, when breathing became and issue, they pulled apart, and Chloe realised they were halfway up the stairs. “Lex…” she began, uncertainly.

    “Sshhh,” he whispered against her lips, before crushing his against hers again.

    Chloe’s head was reeling. What was she doing? Granted, she had come here with every intention of comforting the young billionaire, but this wasn’t really what she had had in mind. Well, actually, she had hoped, wished and dreamt of this since their first meeting, but never imagined it would actually happen.

    They had made it to the top of the stairs when Lex began to kiss his way down her neck. Chloe’s breath caught in her throat at the sensations that were coursing through her body. “Which way?” she asked.

    “Left,” Lex replied before nipping at her collarbone. She nodded before taking his hand and headed down the corridor to the left. Lex lifted her into his arms before she had moved two paces.

    “Lex, what are you doing?” she asked, a little nervously. “Put me down.” Her only response was the young man kicking open the door to his bedroom, giving her a delicate kiss in the process.

    Kicking the door closed again, he walked over to his bed, and placed her gently in its centre. Stepping back, he gazed down her body, taking in every curve, every line.

    Chloe felt like squirming under his attention, but resisted. Lex smiled, and crawled onto the bed next to her. It was then that the blonde realised just how big the bed was. It was *huge*!

    “Are you sure you want to do this, Chloe?” he asked her.

    She nodded. “I’m sure. I want you, Lex.”

    He smiled again. “Good,” he said, moving his hands to the buttons on her shirt. Slowly unfastening them, he revealed her pale purple bra. Lex smiled in appreciation. “Purple. My favourite colour,” he said.

    “I know,” she breathed.

    “Why, Miss Sullivan,” he smirked. “Anyone would think you planned on me seeing you in your underwear."”

    “Maybe I just like the colour myself. Not every thought in my head is about you seeing me in my underwear.”

    He last comment made Lex’s smirk grow. “So you’ve thought about me seeing you in your underwear?” he asked.

    Chloe blushed. “I don’t…I mean, I didn’t…I, er, I…”

    Lex’s lips sealing over hers cut off Chloe’s rambling with another passionate kiss. “If it makes you feel any better, I’ve thought about you seeing me in my underwear too.”

    “Oh, really?” she replied, a mischievous gleam in her eyes. “Its about time I did then, isn’t it?” she asked, hands wandering to his belt.

    Soon he was knelt before her in just his boxers. Deep purple silk boxers.

    “Now I feel underdressed,” Chloe said.

    “Well, lets take care of that right now,” he said removing her skirt. It wasn’t long before the rest of their clothes joined the pile on the floor.

    “God, Chloe, you are beautiful,” Lex said, leaning down to kiss her. As his tongue explored her mouth his hands explored her body.

    “Oh God, Lex!” Chloe moaned as his hands caressed her breasts. His lips wandered down her neck to her chest. Taking one of her nipples into his mouth, he began to gently lick and nip, while his hand gave the other attention. “Lex, please,” she whispered. She couldn’t take this much longer. She had fantasised about this, but now the moment was here, all she wanted was to feel him inside her.

    As if sensing her need, Lex settled himself between her legs. “Are you sure you want this, Chloe?” he asked again.

    “God, Lex! I’m sure. I told you, I want you.”

    Satisfied with her answer, he plunged into her. Chloe gasped at the feel of him hard inside her. Slowly, they built up a rhythm, the pleasure inside them growing. Chloe was moaning his name, over and over, and Lex realised he was doing the same.

    Chloe screamed his name as her orgasm hit, and writhed underneither Lex. As her walls clamped around him, Lex felt the last of his control slip, and soon followed her to his own climax.

    As the pleasure subsided Lex collapsed next to her on the bed. Reaching out a hand, he moved a few stray strands of blonde hair for Chloe’s face and smiled.

    “Feeling better?” the blonde asked when her breathing had returned to normal.

    Lex leaned into her and kissed her gently. “Much,” he said. He was feeling a lot better than that. He had never felt the same as he had with the girl in his arms. “Thank you,” he whispered, placing a delicate kiss on her forehead.

    Chloe smiled. “It was my pleasure, Lex. I will always be there for you.”


    Hope you enjoyed that. I can’t help the smut thing. It just seems right when you put these two together! Lol!

  2. #2
    Chlex VAMP Writer ruafair's Avatar
    Join Date
    24 Nov 2002
    Dublin, Ireland
    Oh wow that was excellant....... :yay:

    And never, EVER apologise for writing smut, we are Chlexers, we love smut..... :biggrin:


  3. #3
    Just a Guest!
    Ah, such a nice little smut ficlet.

  4. #4
    NS Full Member Sunny's Avatar
    Join Date
    03 May 2003
    Really good fic! Congratulations I loved it

  5. #5
    Join Date
    05 Mar 2003
    Very good! Great smut and also so sweet!


  6. #6
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    02 Mar 2003
    I'm with Fi, no apologies needed for writing smut. Just keep writing it.


  7. #7
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
    Join Date
    23 Nov 2002
    That was very good

    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  8. #8
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    02 May 2003
    That was very sweet :chlexsign2: ! And the smut , it was romantic : !


  9. #9
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    02 Sep 2003
    “It was my pleasure, Lex. I will always be there for you.”
    Me too It would be a dream that becomes true

  10. #10
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    01 Feb 2005
    So sweet - so sweet!

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