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Thread: I Drove All Night (NC-17 complete)

  1. #1
    Fic Tease Senior Member Blaire023's Avatar
    Join Date
    05 Mar 2003
    Chesapeake, Va

    I Drove All Night (NC-17 complete)

    Title: I Drove All Night ~ songfic
    Author: Blaire
    Rating: NC17
    Disclaimer: I Drove All Night is by Celine Dion, and I
    don't own the characters mentioned in here either.
    A/N: Peggy of all people, placed this song in my
    hands and ordered me to use the lyrics for a smutty
    story. This is it, a little fluff, a lotta smut, and
    just to let you know, there's no angst in this story,
    so even when you think it's angsty...it isn't...just
    trust me.
    A/N 2: This is for Peggy most of all, who is someone
    that somehow keeps us content with a Pg13 rating.
    Also a little slice of it goes out to everyone who's
    being so wonderful about my 'prolificness' on the
    board. Without your feedback I'd be poppin excedrins
    like there ain't no tomorrow. So thanks everyone for
    sticking in there.

    I Drove All Night:

    'I had to escape
    The city was sticky and cruel
    Maybe I should have called you first
    But I was dying to get to you
    I was dreaming while I drove
    The long straight road ahead,uh huh yea'

    Chloe let out a deep suffocating breath and cringed as
    she sucked oxygen in through her nostrils. Nearly
    gagging on what was fine city breathing that she had
    gotten so used to living in Metropolis as a kid,
    living in a cowtown could completely render your
    senses off whack. She felt warm hands brush against
    her skin, soft breath trickle on the back of her neck
    and she reached her arm above her to still his head in
    place. When her hand touched nothing but air, the
    small smile that had fixed itself upon her face turned
    suddenly. Her eyes opened clearly and she saw the
    green walk light in front of her, alerting her it was
    now safe to cross the street. She stared up at the
    windows of the penthouse, the better part of the very
    upper floor of the building, and instead turned to the
    garage where she found his car. Taking out the keys
    from her purse she revved the car to life and made her
    way onto the only strip of road seperating them. True
    it was almost midnight when she had finally finished
    her article for the Planet. And no matter how good
    sleep looked to her right now, a warm body up against
    hers was what drove her. She blasted the radio into
    the warm night.

    'Could taste your sweet kisses
    Your arms open wide
    This fever for you is just burning me up inside'

    Chloe pulled up to the mansion and furrowed her brow.
    The light to their bedroom was on. Very rarely did Lex
    ever stay in there when she wasn't home, or atleast
    that's what he'd told her. She climbed the front
    steps with an uneasy feeling in the pit of her

    'I drove all night..... to get to you
    Is that alright
    I drove all night...........
    Crept in your room
    Woke you from your sleep
    To make love to you
    Is that alright
    I drove all night'

    She slid up the stairs with ease, true there were far
    too many steps and had suggested an elevator be put in
    and Lex had just hitched her up over his shoulder like
    a sack of potatoes and carried her up telling her she
    was 'lazy'. She stalled at the top of two flights as
    she heard his laughter coming from their bedroom. Her
    heart shattered into a million peices when she finally
    pushed the door open.

    'What in this world
    Keep us from falling apart
    No matter where I go I hear
    The beating of our one heart
    I think about you
    When the night is cold and dark, uh huh yea
    No one can move me
    The way that you do
    Nothing erases the feeling between me and you'

    Tears slipped past her bottom lids to her cheeks,
    carelessly tracing a path to the corner of her mouth.
    He sat there, in the large leather recliner, the
    television on in front of him, a home video stared
    back at her as she stepped behind his resting place.
    It was the day he told her he loved her for the first
    time. The emotions he showed her that day as they
    made love in the middle of the Torch office, and how
    he had set up a video camera on a filing cabinet. As
    he started stripping her of her shirt, he motioned
    over to it and told her it was recording. She looked
    at herself on the widescreen tv looking over at the
    recorder, smiling at it and licking her lips she then
    turned back to him and told him to leave it. Let it
    catch their magic on film.

    I drove all night....... to get to you
    Is that alright
    I drove all night........
    Crept in your room
    Woke you from your sleep
    To make love to you
    Is that alright
    I drove all night (hold)

    Chloe came around the front of the chair and turned
    the tv off, she smiled as his lids fluttered and the
    lack of their voices and groans, pants, and
    eachother's names tumbling from their lips that day,
    woke him up. His eyes met hers and immediately
    brightened. He attempted to sit up straight, fix his
    posture, but instead she pulled her skirt up around
    her waist and climbed on top of him. His hands held
    onto her hip, seering her bare skin. She felt him
    grow hard as he realized she wasn't wearing any

    "Chloe." She began to rock against him. "MMmmmm."
    she smiled down at him and claimed his mouth, his
    teeth hungrily pulling at her lip. It had been almost
    a month since they'd had any time together. His arms
    wound around her and pulled her harder into him, his
    lower body connecting in full force with hers, the
    cold zipper of his slacks rubbed against her clit and
    she arched on top of him.

    'I Could taste your sweet kisses
    Your arms open wide
    This fever for you is just burning me up inside'

    "I missed you." He whispered into her ear as her head
    rested against a nook between his shoulder and neck.
    A little dip that fit her forhead perfectly as if it
    were made for their bodies to maintain contact at all
    costs. Her hands traveled down the front of his shirt
    as she neared the part that he had already pulled out
    she ripped straight up and smiled as she looked into
    his eyes. His shirt lay open, his bare chest yearning
    for her touch. She lay her hands over his pecs and
    her nails breifly touched his skin. His groan caused
    unmentionable things to happen inside her and she
    bucked into him rubbing her clit along his zipper once
    more she let out a cry. "I know." She whispered into
    his ear.

    His full smile brought her back down to earth and she
    got up slowly sliding her hands over her breasts where
    she kneaded them gently, down to her hips where she
    unzipped the side of her skirt and let it fall to her
    feet, revealing nothing but her skin and blonde curls
    that Lex could tell were darkened from the wetness
    that was already gathering. She led him over to the
    bed and pulled her shirt up over her head. She
    unbuttoned his pants and yanked them off, revealing no
    boxers. Which meant only one thing, he had thought of
    her at work today and was too tired to put on a new
    pair when he got home. Flattery didn't even start to
    quell up the emotions inside her. She looked down at
    his cock and arched an eyebrow. "I see someone wants
    to play."

    She licked her lips before kneeling down on the bed
    beside him, his hand came to her leg and pulled it
    over his chest, positioning her wet lips over his
    face. She slowly let him slide into her mouth and
    hummed in appreciation as his tongue dove into her
    opening, he grabbed her hips and impaled her down onto
    his tongue. She cried in ecstacy around his cock as
    he matched the rythym of which he led her hips to the
    thrusting of his cock into her mouth.

    She swallowed him deeper until she felt his solid skin
    and coarse auburn hair meet her lips. With each
    thrust he groaned and the vibrations shook her body
    inside out. Her clit throbbed and she leaned forward
    seeking contact with anything, his tongue ceased
    ramming into her and instead he licked from her core
    to her clit with the underside of his tongue and
    flicked at it before sucking it into his mouth. Her
    legs tightened on both sides of his head, if he could
    be trapped in any position, it would have to be like
    this. Legs attempting to cut off blood flow to his
    brain as Chloe moaned onto the head of his penis
    before sucking it deep and deliberately into her mouth
    grinding into his lips as she did so. He thrust up
    into her mouth and couldn't hold back any longer, with
    a cry of her name he emptied himself into her mouth,
    the vibrations of her name against her clit that his
    lips remained in touch with, but had let go of breifly
    to release himself caused her to shatter into his
    mouth as he leaned his head back and swallowed her
    with every lap of his tongue.

    'I drove all night to get to you
    Is that alright
    I drove all night
    Crept in your room
    Is that alright
    I drove all night'

    Their bodies repostioned and Chloe lay her head down
    on his chest, "This isn't a dream is it?" Lex slowly
    ran his hand through her hair and his smile grew even
    wider when she pinched his nipple. "Feel that, did
    ya?" She looked up at him and placed a kiss on the
    tip of his nose.

    "I missed you." Chloe whispered onto his skin.

    Lex nodded. "Just for the night?"

    "How did I go all those years without you?"

    Lex furrowed his brow at her. "Chloe?"

    She laid her head down on his chest and licked a small
    circle around the nipple she had pinched. "Hmmm?"

    "If I bought you the Daily Planet would you work from
    the castle?"

    Chloe snorted into his chest and his grip on her hair
    tightened slightly, directing her face to look at his.

    "You didn't." She gasped.

    He winced, he knew she'd be mad. "You did!" She
    screamed and slammed her lips onto his. "Oh, god,
    lex, this is so great. Know what I'm gonna do first?"

    Lex arched an eyebrow at her newfound energy. "What?"
    But he did love her that much more when she got this

    "Fire Lois and Clark." She grinned widely and then
    shook her head. "Kidding, but still, it would make an
    awesome April Fool's joke for next year."

    "Yeah, considering we got them pretty good this year
    with the whole pregnancy one."

    Chloe copied Lex's action from earlier and winced.
    "That wasn't exactly a joke." Lex's eyes darkened and
    she just knew he'd be mad.

    "What?" his voice boomed and echoed off the walls and
    he pulled her face down to his stopping inches away
    their noses almost grazed eachothers. "We're...we're

    Chloe grinned and kissed his lips eagerly. "I just
    found out today on my lunch hour. Appears that I'm
    already 8 weeks."

    Lex's eyes darted bewteen her left one and her right
    one. "We're pregnant!" He yelled up to the ceiling
    and pulled her lips to his sharply, she felt the
    passion and towards the end she felt him smile against
    her lips. "God, I love you, Chloe."

    She smiled back against his, sensing his eyes were
    still closed, she didn't move to open her own. "I
    love you too, Lex."

    The End

  2. #2
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    26 Feb 2003
    awwwwwwwwwwwww that was so great. i loved the ending... i loved IT!! :worship2: :yay: :worship2:

  3. #3
    Just a Guest!

    please more...Please...PLease...PLEase...PLEAse...PLEASe. ..PLEASE!!!

    Kiss lynx

  4. #4
    Just a Guest!
    awwwwwwwwwwwww! (for the ending)

    WOAH! (for the rest heehee)

    Oh wow Blaire that was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good.

    Write a sequel heehee, turn it into a series! Anything! Just write more!

  5. #5
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    02 Mar 2003
    Smut and then cuteness. Good combo.


  6. #6
    Fic Tease Senior Member Blaire023's Avatar
    Join Date
    05 Mar 2003
    Chesapeake, Va
    I'm bumping this up because someone said they hadn't read a 69 on the board until teen spirit and then sab had to go and mention this, so here it is....bumpity bump bump.

    Oh, and thanks everyone for the feedback you all left.


  7. #7
    bored and dangerous Senior Member sabby's Avatar
    Join Date
    19 Feb 2003
    Sittin by the side of the road in the middle of nowhere...
    Well of course I had to mention it cause we were just kina hommaging (or what ever you call it) your piece in Teen Spirit so I couldn't leave that unmentioned and take credit I don't deserve! I may be evil, B, but I am not a liar! Plus this is one of the damn best smut pieces out here so there


  8. #8
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    02 Sep 2003
    Usually, I don't like the songfics, but this is really hot

  9. #9
    NS Senior Member Senior Member autumngold's Avatar
    Join Date
    06 Oct 2003
    I love the thought of Lex and Chloe having a baby together! How sweet! :chlexsign1: I really enjoyed your story!! :biggrin:

  10. #10
    Join Date
    25 Aug 2003
    awwwwww.. that was soooo sweet. write more please

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