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Thread: Crawling Back (NC-17) Chapter 20 08/01/2020

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    NS Senior Member Senior Member letia84's Avatar
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    In the lab.

    Crawling Back (NC-17) Chapter 20 08/01/2020

    Title: Crawling Back
    Author: Letia84
    Rating: R For Adult Language, Sexual Content
    Disclaimer: I do not own these characters. Owned by DC and The CW
    Summary: After losing her husband Chloe Sullivan and her daughter Emma leave New York and return to Metropolis to be closer to her family and friends. Chloe attempts to crawl her way back to a normal life for both her and her daughter. Once she returns after being away for tens years Chloe finds that so much has changed but seeing Lex Luthor again proves some things stay the same. After parting with Chloe on bad terms Lex tries to crawl his way back into her life which proves difficult. Chloe wants what’s best for her child and is afraid of getting involved with Lex after the way things ended.

    Notes: This is another future fic that sort of started in lj715’s head then I stole it. There is a past history between Lex and Chloe. I’m using everything up to the start of season 5. There will be alternating POV between Lex and Chloe as well as some flashbacks explaining what has happen over the past 10 years set as memories they have in the present. This won’t be like Water Runs Dry and all that time jumping. That was far too difficult to keep up with and I don’t want to do that to the readers or me again. For now the rating will be R but it will change to NC-17 as we move along. If you haven’t already check out my recently finished fics If Looks Could Kill and Hidden in the Shadows.

    Chapter 1 Welcome Home (Chloe POV)

    Chloe loved her dearly. She would do anything for her. She’d give her life to make sure hers was perfect.

    But at the moment on the plane ride from hell, if her beautiful daughter didn’t calm down Chloe might find a way to disown her. They were less then twenty minutes from landing and the excitement of seeing cousins Lois and Clark; along with grandpa was seeping out in song from the little girl.

    “Kitty Cat, you need to quiet down.” Chloe looked to the six year old from the corner of her eye then glanced to the couple next to her staring at her as if she was a bad mother. She wanted to tell them talk to her in six years when they have a kid but she pushed back their disapproving glare to put her attention on her little song bird.

    “Did you hear me Emma?” Chloe turned this time in her seat looking down to catch her little one’s eye. Not calling her Kitty Cat this time Emma knew Chloe meant it was time to stop.

    After the first year, Chloe thought she would drop the pet name but it stuck and everyone one was calling her Kitty Cat. It was horrible to call her Kitty Cat because Chloe purchased an actual cat then found out she was having Emma so she jokingly called her the name throughout her pregnancy.

    She made grand plans for the cat buying all the things that it would need including a very expensive fountain water dish then, the week before she would pick up her cat, Chloe went to the doctor. Everything she brought the cat had to be taken back since she didn’t want it to interfere with the baby.

    The little girl turned slowly and her long blonde pony tails shifted as she did to face her mother. “This is the song that never ends…” Her tiny voice was cut short when her eyes meet Chloe’s. “Yes, mommy.” She said with a little quiver of her voice.

    Chloe was giving her the look and one that she mastered during the terrible twos, threes and fours. “I know you’re excited but you have to keep it down for the other people on the flight.”

    She didn’t raise her voice or speak to her in a tiny one. Often time’s people thought it was odd she didn’t adapt to baby talk when her baby was born but it never happened. She was a person and there was no reason for Chloe to talk to her in a way that would make her feel anything but.

    “Yes, mommy.” Chloe watched as the little girl turned in her seat to put her attention to the city outside her window. Hopefully the view of Metropolis would keep her enthralled until they landed.

    Chloe learned over herself to take a look at the city and her eyes settled on a place she knew would always be in her heart but never thought she would call home again. “Are you ready to see your new room?” She questioned the little one trying to make peace after ending her song.

    “Yes, will my bed be there?” Without looking back she questioned.

    “Of course, don’t you remember all of our things were taken by the movers? When we get to our new place everything will be there just like it was in New York.” Chloe heard this more then once. It was hard for Emma to understand why they left New York.

    Chloe wasn’t going home because New York hadn’t treated her well. New York gave her the best four years of college anyone could ask for. It also gave her a strong, handsome and intelligent man that loved her more then anything. She was working at a well respected magazine in New York. Then in a hospital in Manhattan little Emma came in to her life and changed her world forever.

    New York had given Chloe so much but one thing was taken away that made her wish she never left Kansas all those years ago. When her husband died two years ago Chloe couldn’t stand the sight of the city. As time went on she learned to cope with it but she couldn’t stay there any longer.

    “Will all my pictures be there?” Emma questioned taking Chloe’s attention off the view outside.

    “Of course Kitty Cat everything will be there in our new place.” Chloe brushed back her daughter’s hair and tried to think of something to say that would make this easier for her. She was making her leave a place she felt safe and loved in. It was hard for Chloe to make this change but it had to be even harder on Emma.

    When Troy Kaplan came into her life it was such a mess. Chloe was still hooked on a bald billionaire and no matter how hard she tried Lex Luthor always lingered in her mind. The change from Met U to NYU was the best thing Chloe could have done after what happened with Lex during the meteor shower. The meteor shower destroyed so many things.

    Looking at Emma she realized how much Troy had filled her life with something she thought she would never have again. He loved her furiously and would have done anything to keep their family together. When he died, he took so much with him and Chloe was slowly crawling back trying to put her life together.

    Moving back to Metropolis was the biggest step Chloe was making to bring her life and Emma’s back to normal. Troy’s mother didn’t want them to move but Chloe had to and just reassured her Emma would always be in her life.

    As the plane started to make its decent Chloe could hear the faint sound of her daughter starting to hum to herself. Her excitement was starting to bubble over as the plane landed and for awhile Chloe let her have her moment because she was feeling the same way.

    They were going to be closer to her family and back to a place Chloe once felt safe in. Going home to Kansas was the best things Chloe could do to make her little family stronger.


    People in airports sucked.

    People in airports that didn’t respect people with children sucked even more. Chloe had learned this truth the hard way the first time she and Troy traveled with Emma. Things hadn’t changed and some how had gotten worse as Emma got older.

    It was hard enough keeping an eye on her little one that was overly excited about their landing and the chance to see her extend family but the crowded airport was making the job impossible.

    “I don’t see them!” Emma shouted behind to Chloe who was trying keep one eye on Emma and the other on getting their bags.

    “Don’t go so far.” Chloe called back and Emma did as she was told walking back.

    Just as she was heading in her direction a woman breezed by her daughter nearly knocking Emma over; Chloe had enough of the airport. She left the bags and went for her child. She had to calm her nerves and calm Emma.

    “Sullivan!” The loud bellow of Lois’ voice rang in Chloe’s ears once she got a hold of Emma’s hand. As soon as she had a good grip on her the sound of Lois’ voice made her lose it again.

    They both turned to find Lois and her father quickly approaching. Emma’s excitement had hit overload.

    “Cousin Lois! Grandpa!” Emma then took to hopping towards Lois like a rabbit. It was some sort of game they played that Chloe didn’t understand since Lois was bouncing as well.

    “Come here Kitty Cat.” Lois was in a suit and she looked like she ditched the office to come to airport that afternoon. Chloe watched them embrace and let them have their moment.

    While the girls were hugging Gabe moved into greet her. “Let me help you.” Gabe spoke just behind her. Chloe turned to greet him giving him a long hug.

    “Hi dad. You look good.” Over the years Gabe had changed more than Chloe would have liked. His heart attack a few years ago shook her up and since then she treated her father with more care then normal. After Troy died it had only gotten worse.

    As they embraced Gabe returned her greeting. “You look good too. And don’t think I don’t know what you meant just now. I have been feeling fine.” Gabe looked to her and nodded once trying to assure her that he was okay.

    “Okay.” Chloe laughed getting excited herself to see her father. “Let me get the bags.” She spoke then turned towards the luggage.

    “Hey let the man take those.” Lois spoke just behind her now with Emma in her arms. Chloe thought she was getting too big to pick up but she couldn’t complain to Lois about it since she found herself doing the same beyond her better judgment.

    Chloe turned to Lois and started a fight with her. They hadn’t seen each other face to face in months and the first thing they did was have a fight. “I’m not going to make my dad carry these.”

    Lois rolled her eyes letting Emma slide down to ground again. “Not Uncle Gabe, Clark.”

    Chloe’s eyes narrowed and she scanned the busy airport for one Mr. Clark Kent. He was nowhere to be seen. “I don’t see Clark.”

    “You know Clark. He’s always almost late but just on time.” Lois and Clark were going strong for about three years now. Three years and Chloe thought Lois would have beaten Clark with a piece of kryptonite but they were married and still in one piece.

    “Right.” Chloe agreed and just as she said the words Clark was running towards them.

    “Hey, I’m here, I’m here.” He announced as he got closer. Chloe could see he was doing his hero thing. His suit was off set and his silly glasses weren’t placed properly on his nose.

    “Cousin Clark your glasses.” Emma pointed to her eyes to direct his attention.

    “Oh right. You’ve got a good eye, just like your mom.” Chloe spoke as he adjusted himself to look like he hadn’t just put his clothes back on over his super suit. “Ready to fly?” He leaned way down directing the question to Emma.

    The little girl nodded holding her hands up for him to take her. He scooped her up with ease and spun her around making her ponytails swing away from her head.

    “I can’t help you unpack tonight.” Lois announced watching the show.

    “What?” Chloe turned to look at Lois and she was shrugging her shoulders.

    “You know how it is when you get a hot tip and you can’t let it wait till tomorrow.” Lois moved to take one of the rolling bags completely dropping subject to boss Clark into taking it along with the rest of luggage.

    Chloe didn’t respond to her reason since she did know how it was. The day to day grind of working at a paper filled her life for years but she stopped two years ago when Troy died. Emma needed more attention and Chloe’s heart just wasn’t in it anymore.

    She was happy to take on a job working for a magazine. Monthly issues meant she didn’t have to work as hard and her stories were expand into long running pieces and even an investigative book that came out last year.

    “I can help out.” Gabe spoke as they finally had everything settled and were walking out.

    “Thanks dad I could use it.” Chloe said letting her dad place his arm around her. She looked ahead and saw Lois holding Emma’s hand and Clark carrying all four of their bags as if they weighed nothing.

    “Are you happy to be home?” Gabe questioned once they reached his car.

    Chloe took a moment before she answered looking at the people she called family. If this didn’t work out Chloe wasn’t sure what to do. Moving home was going to help them. As she drifted off into her thoughts Gabe moved closer to her.

    “I know it’s hard…” He started getting her attention. “…but you have us.”

    Chloe smiled at him and gave him another hug. “Thank you.”


    After two weeks of chaos suddenly Chloe’s new apartment looked livable. Emma’s complaints about her room not being what she use to have were still ongoing but Chloe knew she would stop soon enough.

    Clark had been a great help moving the heavier objects and Lois was helpful in her own way telling everyone what to do. Gabe was over for dinner every night the past few weeks and finally agreed to stop. Chloe knew he wanted to make the transition easier but she reassured him he didn’t have to come over every night. It helped her keep an eye on him but she had to stop doing that as well.

    After some doing Chloe had a babysitter lined up. She started the search a month ago when they were still in New York and interviewed the top five once they arrived. She settled on a woman from Smallville that Emma took to the moment she walked in the room. Gloria was thirty three and had been a nanny for ten years. There was nothing bad on her record and her past positions gave her all excellent recommendations. She wasn’t going to need her often since Emma would be starting kindergarten once the summer was over.

    The apartment was settled and Emma’s care taker was settled on and now it was time for Chloe to see about her new job. When she knew she was moving Chloe put out some feelers to local editors in Metropolis and she stumbled upon a magazine that just started a few months back but its circulation told a different story.

    She was promised free reign over her own pieces that would come out monthly. The first five would be a trial run and if they liked them they would keep her. Chloe had at least twenty stories in her head at the moment that could be worked out with the magazine so there was no worry about the first five.

    The one thing she avoided in all her clever planning for the move back home was her past coming back to haunt her.

    Sitting in the office of Wilmington Walker, Chloe was in for a bit of a shock for her first pieces. She’d been waiting at least fifthteen minutes when Mr. Walker flew threw the door of his office.

    “Ms. Sullivan sorry to keep you waiting.” The man sounded behind her and Chloe jumped from her seat. She was used to seeing editor’s dressed in suits but Mr. Walker had other ideas. He was in wrinkled slacks, his dress shirt was unbuttoned and there was no reminisces of a tie being around his collar.

    Chloe extended her hand to him thinking he would take it as she spoke. “No problem. I’m happy to be here and I can’t wait to get started on my first piece.”

    He took her hand and, as they shook, Chloe felt his clammy palm in her own. Once it was over she wanted to take the hand sanitizer from her bag to clean off but it would wait until the meeting was over.

    “I hope your office is to your liking.” He spoke then grunted taking a downward flop into his chair.

    “The office is fine.” Chloe answered with a little more excitement than necessary. Her last job she shared an office and her constant need to post leads all over her wall proved to be problematic with her co-worker.

    “Let’s cut to the chase shall we.” She watched him shuffling about on his messy desk until he found a tan envelope.

    Chloe assumed this was pitch time and went for it. “So if we are talking about stories I have quite a few in mind.” Doing some reaching of her own, Chloe went for her bag at her feet but was stopped short of getting it open.

    “Hold on Ms. Sullivan.” Chloe looked up at him and the envelope he settled on was flying at her. Her reflexes kicked in and Chloe caught the flying paperwork.

    “Nice catch, go ahead and open it.” With her eyes lowered to the item Chloe lifted them to look at Mr. Walker leaning back in his chair looking rather smug.

    “Can I ask what’s in this before I open it?” Chloe shook the envelope in her hand. What was happening wasn’t agreed upon. Chloe knew she was coming into this to write her own stories not hidden ones in an envelope.

    “Well I think we both know you got this job because you are an amazing writer.”

    Chloe couldn’t help but smile, it was always nice to know she was good at what she loved. “Thank you for that.”

    “Your welcome.” He nodded then dug right into her. “You also got this job because of who you know as well. I know you have a long standing history with the Luthor family and in the envelope is the story we have been trying to get for the past few weeks but have had no such luck. You are going to get that story.”

    He stopped talking letting her take in his words and Chloe hadn’t heard past Luthor. She’d been away and keep herself at a distance from anything relating to Luthor for years. It was next to impossible but there were always other billionaires, like Bruce Wayne and Oliver Queen, to write about if she needed to.

    Moving back she knew that she would cross paths with the Luthors but wished it was later rather then sooner. Chloe took a deep breath and tried to make it clear what was going to happen.

    “I’m sorry but I haven’t dealt with the Luthors in years. I think that you can put someone else on the story since I have several that can be started today.” Chloe tossed the envelope back at him hoping to make her point.

    A slight chuckle rose from Mr. Walker as he caught the envelope. “You’ve got a fire about you but I don’t let it consume you.” He leaned forward in his seat placing the envelope down on top of his desk then placing his hands on top of it. “Let’s be honest here. You helped put Lionel Luthor in jail. The man has many enemies and I don’t think any of them have burned him like you did.”

    Before he could go on Chloe cut in. “That may be true but that was years ago. As it stands, Lionel has no dealings with Luthor Corp since his son took it over all those years ago. I doubt there is anything to say about a man that lives out his day’s spending money and dating women half his age.”

    “That’s very true but you interrupted me before I could get to the rest.”

    Chloe fought back a groan and knew what he was about to say next. No matter how well they hid their relationship there was always speculation about her and Lex. “If you’re going to try and tell me that I have some sort of connection to Lex Luthor your wrong.”

    As she spoke she watched him pull a news paper clipping from the envelope then closed it. “There is no denying it. You were involved with Lex Luthor and that relationship is going to get me this story.” He tossed the envelope back at her and stood up from his seat to drop the news clipping in her lap.

    Once Chloe got a good grip on the envelope she lost it to catch the news clipping. She’d seen the clipping before. Remembering the moment in the photo was easy. Chloe had spent time in Metropolis with Lex and one day they were careless. The photo was taken just as they were kissing in the back of the building that held his penthouse. It was hard to plead a case that Chloe wasn’t close to Lex with what she held in her hands.

    “You’re right there in color Ms. Sullivan. Please don’t try to deny it again.” She could hear Mr. Walker standing next to her until he moved away for the door.

    Chloe wanted to the rip the paper to shreds. This wasn’t how she wanted to work. Rising from her seat she saw Mr. Walker gripping the door knob. “Whatever you think happened based on this picture won’t get you any closer to an interview with Lex Luthor.”

    “I wouldn’t be so sure about that. We dropped your name and he was more then happy to do the interview.” His eyes slanted at her and the smug look from before had returned.

    Chloe had to force herself to keep her mouth from dropping open. The last time she’d spoken to Lex was in her dorm after a mistake she still regretted. That was nine years ago and all of it before she fell in love with Tory and had her daughter. Since then she only heard about Lex in passing from Lois or in the papers. If she saw him now there was no telling what would be said.

    The fact that he took the interview just because her name was dropped made her think he wanted to see her.

    While she thought it over Mr. Walker spoke. “You can think about it all you want but if you want to talk about all those stories you have in the works you will do this one first.”

    “What if I refuse?” Chloe already knew the answer but asked any way.

    “Then we well have to reevaluate your contract.” He turned the knob and opened the door signaling her to leave. “I’m not trying to use you. I just want my writers to use all their assets and this is one of yours.”

    Chloe took the hit once the door was open to pick up her bag with one had and holding the envelope in the other. There was no questioning what had to be done. She needed this job.

    She had to admit to herself if Lex wanted see her she was curious to see why.

    As she passed through the doors Mr. Walker said his last words. “Welcome to the Metropolis Monthly.” He chimed and closed the door behind her.

    She turned and looked out on the busy office floor then sighed. “Welcome home Chloe.” Then she headed for office to see what was hiding in the envelope and what story was so important that she could only get.


    Chapter 2 The Shell (Lex POV
    Last edited by letia84; 3rd August 2020 at 00:10. Reason: Completed

  2. #2
    NS Senior Member Senior Member lj715's Avatar
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    Re: Crawling Back (R) Chapter 1 4/10/07

    I love that you have decided to write this fic. Excellent start. Can't wait for Chloe's interview with Lex. That should be an interesting meeting after not seeing each other for so long. More please.

  3. #3
    NS Senior Member Senior Member
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    Re: Crawling Back (R) Chapter 1 4/10/07

    Very interesting start. I'm eager to learn all about Chloe's past and her past relationship with Lex. I'm looking forward to the meeting and of course how Lex feels about Chloe's life in New York, whether he knew about it already and what not.

  4. #4
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
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    Re: Crawling Back (R) Chapter 1 4/10/07

    Interesting start. I can't wait to see what comes next.
    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  5. #5
    NS Junior Member liz_antoinette's Avatar
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    Re: Crawling Back (R) Chapter 1 4/10/07

    Great start! Can't wait to see where this goes.

  6. #6
    NS Full Member jem's Avatar
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    i alternate from nc17 fanfiction forum to la la land...

    Re: Crawling Back (R) Chapter 1 4/10/07

    oooooh interesting story... i cant wait to hear lexs pov... please update soon!
    i do so like green eggs and ham
    i do so like them...sam i am
    –Dr Seuss “Green Eggs And Ham”--

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Re: Crawling Back (R) Chapter 1 4/10/07

    This is great and it's only going to get better. Even though you've only just started I can already feel the tension and I can't wait for Chloe and Lex to come face to face

    Mr Walker sounds like a real S.O.B, I mean the nerve of saying they'll have to "reevaluate her contract". Please, the mans lucky to have her

  8. #8
    NS Full Member
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    Re: Crawling Back (R) Chapter 1 4/10/07

    Interesting start I can't wait to see what happens when Chloe interviews Lex. Please update soon.

  9. #9
    NS Full Member lkedino's Avatar
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    Cool Re: Crawling Back (R) Chapter 1 4/10/07

    i love this and can not wait for Chole and Lex see each other

  10. #10
    NS Full Member Gaia's Avatar
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    Re: Crawling Back (R) Chapter 1 4/10/07

    uuuuh....I would have hit him across the head with that envelope. Really. But seeing as this story needs to continue....I'll control my anger.
    More please- a Lex side perhaps?

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