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Thread: Wild At Heart (NC17)

  1. #651
    Just a Guest!
    More now. :biggrin: So what's the 'cure'???? UPDATE SOON!!! (because you know how impatient some of us can get )

  2. #652
    Just a Guest!
    Whoa...what's this "cure" thing about. This remaining ambiguity is leaving me in need of another update.

  3. #653
    NS Full Member kirt30's Avatar
    Join Date
    28 Feb 2003
    oh come on updated

  4. #654
    Just a Guest!
    cure? :unsure:

  5. #655
    Chlex VAMP Writer ruafair's Avatar
    Join Date
    24 Nov 2002
    Dublin, Ireland
    Ok, here it is, the Final Chapter. I want to say thanks to everyone who read and left feedback and stuck with it to the end. A big thanks to Hope for all the encouragement. And huge thanks and hugs to Imp for her invaluable help......Fiona


    Chapter Forty-Seven – Checkmate

    It was the smell of fresh coffee that woke Chloe up. She stretched, yawned and then sat up in bed. “Morning,” grinned Lex as he sat beside her and handed her a cup of coffee. "Or should I say afternoon?"

    She kissed his cheek gently, “morning will do,” she mumbled and took the coffee. “MMM,” she moaned as she took her first sip.

    Lex smiled at her and got more comfortable on the bed.

    “Did your father get off ok?” she asked as she settled herself beside him.

    “Yes,” he replied, pulling the sheet from her chest, “Lucas will be here soon.” He ran his hand gently over her stomach and breasts. Chloe let out a small moan.

    “And what’s the plan for the day?" she asked.

    “I thought that was obvious,” replied Lex with a smirk as he cupped a breast and massaged it gently.

    “Seriously Lex,” she said, trying to sound stern, but it came out in a gasp as he rolled her nipple between his fingers.

    “I am being serious,” he replied as he lowered his mouth to her neck and began kissing his mark.

    Chloe managed, albeit somewhat reluctantly, to pull herself from Lex’s arms. She got out of the bed and wrapped a sheet around her. Lex let out a laugh. “Come back to bed Chloe,” he said, his eyes flashing amber.

    “I’m going to take a shower,” she said, walking towards the bathroom.

    “Chloe,” he said with a low growl.

    “Would you be interested in joining me?” she asked with a laugh as she dropped the sheet. In a flash Lex was off the bed. He lifted a giggling Chloe up in his arms and headed straight for the shower.


    “Oh my God,” exclaimed Martha Kent for about the fiftieth time as Clark explained to his parents the events over the last week. He had left out some things, such as how *close* Lex and Chloe were, and also the full effects of the changes Lex had gone through. Clark also neglected to tell them about what had happened to Lionel. He just said that Lionel and Lex had come to an arrangement and that Lex and Lucas where now the CEO’s of Luthor-Corp.

    Jonathan let out the breath he had been holding. “And everyone and everything is ok now?” he asked.

    ‘Yeah, just great,’ thought Clark, ‘Lionel is a robot, Chloe and Lex are probably going at it like rabbits, and Lex is still all wolf-like.’ “Yes it would seem so,” he told his parents, giving them a grin he hoped didn’t look forced.

    Before any of them could speak again the phone rang and Martha got up to answer it.

    “So how was your trip?” asked Clark.

    “Nowhere near as eventful as your week seems to have been,” replied Jonathan wryly.

    Clark smiled at his father just as Martha made her way back into the kitchen. “That was Lex,” she said. “He wants you drop over to the castle in an hour.”

    “Did he say what it was about?”

    “No,” replied Martha, “just that you were to drop over.”

    “Ok,” said Clark with a shrug of his shoulders. “Well I’d better get my chores finished before I head off then.”

    Martha laid a hand on her husband’s arm before he could say anything and they watched as Clark left the kitchen.


    Lex sat on the couch in his study sipping a drink as he waited for everyone. Lucas was currently upstairs showering and changing his clothes after the long drive and Chloe had popped home for a little while to check phone messages. And Clark would be on his way about now. “In about fifteen minutes the *performance* will begin,” he said with a smirk, his eyes flashing amber.


    “Hey Clark, what are you doing here?” asked Chloe as she got out of her car and met Clark at the front door to the castle.

    “Lex rang and asked me to come over,” he replied.

    “I wonder what’s going on,” she murmured as she pushed open the front door and they entered.

    They were met by Lex. “Ah good you’re both here,” he said with a smile taking Chloe’s hand. “This way.”

    Clark and Chloe exchanged matching confused looks but followed Lex into the study where Lucas met them.

    “Hey I’m as much in the dark as the two of you are,” he said with a smile when he saw the confused looks on their faces.

    “Take at seat please,” said Lex, and everyone took a place on the couch. When they were all settled Lex sat on the edge of his desk and faced them all.

    “I asked you all here because of this,” he said, taking the small vial out of his pocket and holding it pout for everyone to see.

    “Lex,” began Chloe, “I would have thought that you of all people would have had enough of small vials with coloured liquids to last you a lifetime.” She narrowed her eyes at the vial, the silver liquid glistening.

    “Well that is true sweetheart,” he replied with a grin, “but *you* will be happy with this one.”

    “That was in the package Hagan sent you,” exclaimed Lucas. Lex nodded and Chloe’s eyes widened.

    Chloe got up and walked over to him, “is that…the cure?”

    “Yes,” he said, looking into her eyes.

    Chloe let out a small shriek and threw her arms around Lex’s neck. He wrapped his around her waist and hugged her back. “Thank you,” she whispered into his ear.

    A small wave of guilt washed over Lex but he pushed it aside and hugged Chloe closer. His feral side purred smugly.

    Lucas and Clark’s faces held very different looks. Clark had a big smile on his face, while Lucas’s face held a slight look of disbelief.

    Chloe pulled back and smiled at him.

    “I’m going to take it now,” said Lex, “it will take a few hours for it run though my system.”

    Chloe pressed her lips to his and kissed him deeply. Clark and Lucas looked on a little embarrassed as the kiss grew, they could both see Lex and Chloe’s tongues writhing against each other’s.

    When they parted, Lex placed a light kiss on his mark and released Chloe. He took a syringe from his other pocket and filled it with the liquid. “Lucas, would you do the honours?” he said, holding the syringe out to his brother.

    Lucas took it and Lex tilted his head to the side. “In here,” he said, placing his fingers over the pulse point in his neck.

    Lucas took a deep breath and injected the liquid into Lex. When the syringe was empty he pulled back and let out the breath he’d been holding.

    Everyone was silent for a minute and then Lex gasped and stumbled forward. “Oh God,” he moaned and fell to his knees, clutching his stomach.

    “Lex,” cried Chloe, kneeling down beside him, resting her hand on his shoulder.

    “Chloe,” he groaned and passed out.


    Lex opened his eyes and then closed them. He rubbed his temples gently and opened his eyes one more. He blinked a couple of times and everything came into focus. He saw that he was in his bed, and Chloe was asleep in a chair beside him.

    He struggled into a sitting position and the pain in his head intensified. ‘I wanted it believable not to actually kill me,’ he thought.

    “Chloe,” he called out, “CHLOE.”

    She woke up immediately, “Lex,” she gasped and scrambled out of the chair. “You’re awake,” pulling him into a hug. “How do you feel? Can I get you anything?”

    “I feel kind of fuzzy,” he said, “and can you get me some water please. How long was I out for?”

    “About 5 hours,” replied Chloe as she slipped off the bed and got him some water. “Here you go,” handing him the glass.

    “Thanks,” he said taking the glass and drinking it all back.

    “So how do you feel?” she asked again.

    Lex closed his eyes and concentrated for a moment. “I feel…normal, completely normal,” he said in a small voice. When he opened his eyes Chloe was smiling at him.

    “Good,” she said, “do you feel up to seeing your brother and Clark, they have been quite worried about you.”

    “Sure,” he said smiling back.

    Chloe left the room and as soon as the door was closed Lex let a smirk grace his face, and his eyes flashed amber.


    Three Weeks Later

    Lex stood looking out the window of his study. Things were going so smoothly. Lionel was *enjoying* himself on his little island retreat. Luthor-Corp’s half-year profits where up 40% on last year. Life was good.

    The only blot on the horizon was keeping up the façade. It was getting harder and harder not to show his feral side. He had done so well the first week and a half. He had managed not to show any out of the ordinary feats of strength or speed and his eyes remained their normal colour. But his feral side wanted out. He could feel his control over that half starting to ebb, especially when he was making love to Chloe. He clenched his hand, crushing the glass he was holding.

    “Damn,” he muttered as he dropped the shards onto the floor. He looked down at his cut hand and watched as it healed instantly.

    He took a couple of deep breaths to calm himself. His head shot up as he sensed Chloe coming towards the study. He moved around to the other side of the desk and pretended to be reading some papers. “Come in,” he said when he heard a knock on the door.

    “Hey Lex,” said Chloe entering the room, “I hope I’m not interrupting.”

    “Not at all, come on in sweetheart,” he said with a smile, placing the papers on his desk. He watched as she made her way over to him, there was something…off…about her. Pushing his feral side deeper he smiled at her. “So what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?” he said, placing his hands around her waist and pulling her against him.

    “I want to talk,” she said, extracting herself from his arms and moving back a little.

    “What’s wrong Chloe?”

    “Did that vial really contain a cure, or have you been lying the whole time,” she asked point blank.

    “What? What are you talking about?”

    “Please Lex, give me some credit,” she said, a small smile appearing on her face. “Just tell me the truth.”

    ‘Only our mate would have guessed,’ said his feral side and Lex had to agree.

    “What Hagan sent was never a cure,” he admitted, “he is still working on one, well along with other projects and the cure isn’t his or my priority. But you Chloe, you really wanted me to take one. And I thought you would want nothing to do with me till I found one, so I told Hagan to come up with something. How did you guess?”

    “I didn’t at the start,” she said, “you really put on a good act. But then I began noticing that you seemed to be, well struggling for control. Like if someone did something wrong, or you got a phone call you didn’t want you seemed to be fighting the urge to explode. So I started putting two and tow together. But the clinching came when we made love, and the look on your face as you strived to be gentle and not to give in and bite my neck.”

    “Smart girl.” Lex closed his eyes for a moment and when he opened them they were flecked with amber. “So what happens now?” he asked.

    “Well when everything fell into place all I wanted to do was tell you I never wanted to see you again,” she said, “and there is still a part of me that wants to do that. But you did go through all this for me, because you didn’t want to lose me.” She took a deep breath and let it out slowly before continuing. “And despite everything Lex I still care about you so, so much and I don’t know what I’d do if you weren’t in my life. And I think always knew that deep down you never wanted a cure, you like what ‘Red Moon’ has made you. I *like* what ‘Red Moon’ has made, well most of the time.”

    A smile formed on Lex’s face and grew wider the more she spoke. He crossed the short distance to her and took her in his arms, covering her mouth with his.

    “But,” said Chloe pulling back, “that doesn’t mean you are forgiven for lying to me,” a smirk on her face.

    “Oh, and how pray tell may I earn this forgiveness,” he said.

    “MMM, well it could take a while, but I think lots and lots of very hot and sweaty sex would be a good place to start,” she grinned, “and then of course showering me with gifts etc. And of course there is always my own paper, and then there’s…” she trailed off as Lex lifted her up in his arms and began walking to the door.

    “Sorry sweetheart,” he said with a grin his eyes becoming more and more amber, “you lost me at the lots and lots of very hot and sweaty sex part.”

    Chloe’s shrieks and giggles could be heard through the castle as Lex hurried out of the room and up the stairs to his room.

    “Our love, our mate,” he said, smiling down at the Chloe as he laid her on his bed.

    Chloe smiled at him; she’d find a way to punish him for lying to her, but at the moment that didn’t matter. When she had figured out that the whole *cure* business had been a ruse she finally admitted to herself that her feelings for Lex extended to his feral side just as deeply.

    “I love you,” she said, blushing shyly.

    “I love you too my sweet,” he replied, “all of me loves you,” and he kissed her deeply.


  6. #656
    NS Full Member
    Join Date
    26 Mar 2003
    ooooh new chapter *bounces and dashes off to read update*.....hehe....*slowly walks back into view, obviously daydreaming* hehehe that was really good, shame it was the end *pouts* oh well great story :clap: :biggrin:

  7. #657
    Wow. I can't believe it's over. Loved it though - every bit of it. Good job!

  8. #658
    Ummm.. .Chlex jaded-swan's Avatar
    Join Date
    13 Jun 2003
    aww... perfect ending just perfect! Can't imagine Lex without his feral side... won't be right...

  9. #659
    NS Senior Member Senior Member autumngold's Avatar
    Join Date
    06 Oct 2003
    I'm so sad this story is over!! :crygreen: Please, please, please write a sequel!! Your the greatest!! I can't get enough of your Chlex stories!! More please!! :biggrin: :yay2: :biggrin:

  10. #660
    NS Senior Member Senior Member Béatrice's Avatar
    Join Date
    26 Jul 2003
    Paris, FRANCE
    This was a great story!! :worship2: :worship2:

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