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Thread: The Promise (PG-13)

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    The Promise (PG-13)

    TITLE: The Promise
    SPOILERS: First and second season I guess
    DISCLAIMER: Did Lana die during the meteor shower? Is Clark permanently under the influence of the red rocks? Are Chloe and Lex together? No? Well... then I guess that means I don't own them! lol
    Futurefic, pairing Lex/Chloe (does any other even exist?)
    A/N : This is my first attempt at a future fic *and* english isn't my first language, so needless to say feedbacks would be GREATLY appreciated! tpretender@caramail.com

    Fighting against the tears that were beginning to form in her eyes, the young woman quickly left the room and slammed the door. Two years of a perfect happiness had just ended up, and she didn’t have the courage to bear it, nor to hide it. So she decided to run away. She knew that story would be in every newspaper by tomorrow, but she didn’t care. Tomorrow, she’d be far away, in another country, she’d start everything again, as cliché as it sounded even at her own hears, and she’d try to forget the pain... assuming it was possible.

    “Kent! Come here right now!”
    Clark winced, which caused his fellow worker to laugh. Like him, she knew Perry only called him by his last name when something was wrong, and the Daily Planet’s editor in chief’s outbursts resulting from a contrariety were usually impressive. Loïs waved her hand to cheer him up, trying to hide an amused smile. Making sure his clothes were still impeccable, he finally stood up and walked to the room where a lecture was probably waiting for him.
    “You wanted to talk to me?”
    “Kent, have you, by any chance, read the newspapers this morning?”
    Clark frowned. Of course he had. Knowing what happened in the world was his job. Not knowing the answer Perry was expecting, he just nodded and waited. Perry’s tone indicated nothing good was to come.
    “Was the Inquisitor one of those?”
    “I’ve never thought of it as a newspaper.”
    “And yet they just stole you this year’s scoop!”
    His boss put a copy of said newspaper in front of him. Clark hardly heard what he was saying: he was to busy reading the article.
    “Now, Kent, I’d like you to explain to me why that story didn’t make *our* frontpage instead of theirs.”
    Too stunned to answer, Clark read the title and the legend under the picture again.
    Lex Luthor managed to stay married for two years before divorcing.”

    “I… I didn’t know.”
    “No one knew! We all learnt it this morning, thanks to that non-newspaper, although the news should have come to us first. God, Kent, what the hell did you do?”
    Alarmed, Clark suddenly straightened up.
    “Why me?”
    “You’re friends with the girl. You should have known.”
    “She didn’t tell me.”
    “And you’re friends with Luthor.”
    “I *used* to.”
    “And that’s where I was heading! If you hadn’t fought with him, you would have been the first to know. Do you know why the Inquisitor got the news first? Because he’s the one who told them. He knows you hate that paper. His goal was to put you in the exact situation you are in right now. That’s why he didn’t inform *us*. Your unexplainable antipathy for Lex Luthor got us to miss that case! I heard the Smallville Ledger’s looking for a journalist... next time your feelings get in the way of that kind of story, send them a CV. They may be willing to let such a scoop go, I’m not.”
    Clark distractly nodded. He had only vaguely heard Perry’s speech, and Perry had probably noticed it, but he knew he wouldn’t say anything. Of course Lex knew he hated the Inquisitor. He hated it since Roger Nixon, in his teenage years, had investigated on him... before being killed by Lex. Coincidence, of course. Sure, he had saved his father’s life that day, but still... mumbling a “excuse me”, Clark left, not paying attention to Jimmy who was asking him, laughing, whether he should call for help. Perry sighed. He would never understand how such a strong friendship between Lex Luthor and Clark Kent could have turned out so bad. Only a few people knew the story, and he wasn’t one of them. A new sigh escaped his lips when he remembered the hurt on the young man’s face as he had accused him of letting the Inquisitor steal them that story. Maybe he had been a bit harsh, he liked Clark. In fact, he was the best reporter he had known since Chloe Sullivan had quitted, three years earlier, having received a proposition from the Washington Post. A sad smile appeared on his lips. He had treated her like she was his own daughter, and she was the best when it came to digging for informations. He still talked to her frequently over the phone, but it just wasn’t the same. Perry shook his head and came back to reality. He had to figure out how to win over the Inquisitor next time.

    Lex didn’t bother to look up from his computer when he felt wind behind him: it was useless, not many people came to his office by the window… on the 54th floor. He had expected this visit. Which didn’t prevent him from asking:
    “What are you doing here?”
    Superman let out an almost imperceptible sigh and turned around the desk in order to face Lex. He sat down on one of the guests’ chairs and, at last, the billionaire gave up his work to concentrate on him. Always the same costume, always the same eyes, always the same haircut, always the same man of steel... with something more, however. A hint of sadness and regret, maybe. Yes, that was it. Just like him, he knew what this divorce meant. Just like him, he knew nothing could be done about it.
    “Did you come in order to talk to me about the mistake I made when I married her or about the one I’m making by leaving her?”
    “None. I came here to thank you.”
    He knew exactly what the alien was talking about, but he asked anyway:
    “For what?”
    “For keeping your promise.”
    “Enemies don’t thank each other, Superman.”
    “It wasn’t the enemy speaking. It was... let’s say the ex-friend.”
    Lex nodded in understanding.
    “The last hint of friendship you had left for me.”
    “It’s been long since I lost my last one for you.”
    “I know.”
    “I’ve never loved her.”
    He didn’t really know where that sentence had came from. He didn’t know why he had said it either. All he knew was that it had been useless: the man of steel didn’t believe him. Proof was of the humourless chuckle he let out.
    “Is that what you told her?”
    The billionaire just shrugged. Superman didn’t need to know what had been said in this very room.

    The day before.
    As usual, she entered her husband’s office without bothering to knock. Here he was, in front of his computer, probably reading a report about that plant he intended to buy next week. As soon as he looked up at her, she understood something was wrong. His stare was cold, kind of like those he usually saved for Superman. The changes Lex had gone through in those two years and a few months were unsettling. He had become a cold man, he had managed to keep his hatred for Superman hidden from the medias thanks to his ever-present mask, he was closed to any other feeling, and he didn’t have anything to do with the young man she had once met before a certain wall. They had been a couple for a year before getting married. In fact, the only thing that hadn’t changed in him was his behaviour toward her, and she knew it was because he loved her. Sure, at the beginning, it had been hard for her to accept who the man she had fallen in love with had become, but that fact had helped her, and she cared about him too much to leave him, despite everything she knew about him, everything everybody else didn’t know. Except for Superman. For two years, she had been living in happiness, married to the man she loved. And she thought he was happy with her too. That’s why when he handed her the papers, she had to read them twice before putting them back on the table and simply asking:
    “Because I don’t love you.”
    “And it took you three years to realize it?”
    “It took me one second to realize it.”
    “So why now?”
    “Because you’re not useful anymore.”
    How dare he using her greatest fear against her? At the beginning of their relationship, she had told him she was afraid of just being another woman, or that he was just using her to get good press. After all, what’s better for that than marry an appreciated woman? Beginning to understand what this meant, she held back a sob.
    “I love you, Lex.”
    “Sad for you.”
    “I’m not going to sign those papers.”
    “They work for you. Look at the monthly fee.”
    “I didn’t marry you for your money.”
    “It’d make things easier for you. Now, if you could sign... I have a meeting in two minutes.”
    Eyes wet with unshed tears, she took the pen he was handing her, but she didn’t sign: instead, she rose from the chair she had sank into after seeing the papers that were going to destroy her life and got closer to him.
    “I won’t sign this without a evidence that everything I’ve lived for three years was only a lie.”
    “And what evidence would you need?”
    “I want to know that you don’t feel anything for me.”
    He just shrugged and held her stare. When she leaned toward him and he understood what she was about to do, he hardly fought the urge to get away. God, he knew this was going to be hard, but not that hard... The lips he loved so much touched his, first gently, then with more passion. Controlling his body in order not to melt into the kiss, controlling is hands in order not to take her by the hips to move her closer to him, he fought to keep his eyes open, knowing if his lids closed she’d take that as a sign of surrender and she’d understand. It was the first time he lied to her since he knew her, he had never hidden anything from her, even his darker actions. She had stayed despite everything, she had put up with everything coming from him. She would have put up with a lie as well, he knew it. That’s why she could never know it was a lie. The only thing that could convince her to leave him was the certainty that he didn’t love her, and if he wanted to protect her from what he was, he had to convince her. He managed not to breathe a sigh of relief when she broke their embrace, renouncing. The eyes in which he usually read so much love were wet with tears and he had to fight with all his strength not to take her in his arms, comfort her, apologize, tell her how much she meant to him, that she had been the sole highlight of his dark life for two years. He’d never understand how he managed to stay impassive while looking directly into her eyes and pronouncing the greatest lie he had ever pronounced:
    “I’ve never loved you.”
    She held back another sob, signed the papers and walked to the door.

    An eternity ago, according to his tired muscles, his sleepless mind, his now inexistent soul and what was left of his heart... broken.
    “We both know the truth, Lex.”
    “We’re the only one who know it, and it’ll stay this way.”
    No need to threaten: he knew Superman had understood how harmful what he’d had to go through would be if he ever betrayed his enemy’s secret. The blue and red dressed man rose to his feet and went to the window he had arrived by. In a last breath, he threw:
    “You know Lex… of all the promises you made, this one must be the only one I wish you had not kept.”

    Two years earlier.
    “Are you sure of what you’re doing, Lex?”
    “More than ever.”
    “That’s what you told me with Désirée.”
    Lex let a small smile grace his lips, but his friend was unable to decide whether it was sincere or not. He didn’t know the billionaire that well anymore, and he had came to that realization a few months ago. The only person who seemed to really know him was the young woman who would come through the doors anytime now.
    “Clark, I know you’re not really for this wedding, but please, be happy for me.”
    “I am. It’s just kind of strange…”
    “Not as much as Lana and Pete’s one!”
    Clark laughed at the memory of his ex girlfriend and his best friend’s wedding three months earlier. The strangest thing was that he hadn’t even been jealous.
    His friend’s tone was enough for Clark to understand that he was now serious and that whatever was going to be said in the next minutes was going to be very important.
    “I have something to tell you. I... I don’t really know where to start...”
    “Who would have thought that the day would come when Lex Luthor wouldn’t find the words? I should make it my next article!”
    His attempt at a joke didn’t work and even the usual smirk didn’t appear on the billionaire’s lips.
    “I’m all hears.”
    “I know since my father’s death, I seem far away to you. Don’t deny it, I know it. Because it’s true. I discovered... while directing the whole corporation, why my father was what he was. You have no idea how much power we hold as Luthors. I didn’t either, until I realized that this power sometimes controlled me, and erased everything else. Until now, I was able to control it, mostly because of her. But it won’t last, I know it.”
    “Let me finish. I’m going to become my father, Clark. I can’t avoid it. Some people will hate me, others will see me as nothing else than another businessman, but most of them won’t realize that I’ve changed, because they don’t know me. You’ll be among those who’ll hate me, Clark, because you’ll know what I’ve become, and you will have tried to prevent me from becoming it. And I’ll hate you too. For the last few months, some of my thoughts felt like they were Lionel’s ones, and it’s happening more and more often. I don’t know when or how it’ll happen, but one day, I’ll be him. Nothing can change that. Nothing, nobody.
    “Not even her?”
    “Not even her. And here’s what I wanted to say. Until the last second, I’m gonna enjoy her presence. Until the last second, I’m gonna worship every moment spent with her. Until the last second, I’m gonna do everything to make her happy. Because I love her. But when it’ll be too late, when there’ll be no more hope, when I’ll really be about to become him... then the last thing I’m going to do as myself is going to prevent her from sinking with me. It’s a promise, Clark. I swear it... on her life.”

    Two years later, his words sounded like a prophecy. His stare glued to the sky long after the alien’s exit, his memories surrounding him, Lex whispered:
    “Goodbye, Clark.”

    Three years earlier
    “I heard about the Washington Post. Congratulations.”
    “I heard about the divorce. Congratulations.”
    She watched his face closely, searching for any sign of emotion, but all she could find was a small smile. Not a smirk, but a real smile.
    “So, what was it, this time? Wait, let me guess... Désirée Atkins wanted to kill you for your money, Helen Bryce for revenge, Wendy Corrins because she had been paid to do so. So, Fran Dyrano, I assume it was... I don’t know... because she didn’t think you were good enough in bed?”
    The smile grew slightly larger and in his eyes appeared a spark she couldn’t quite place.
    “Wanna try?”
    She burst out laughing and he simply shrugged. No need for now to tell her he was serious: she’d understand it soon enough. First, he wanted to know where this conversation was heading to. Glancing around him, he nearly groaned when he noticed the Talon’s decoration was the same as it had been the week before... and the week before... and the week before... and the week before... in fact, it hadn’t changed since the inauguration day. He’d have to talk to Lana about it. Turning his attention back to the 25 year old woman before him, he suddenly wondered what she was doing here: didn’t she have to be at the Washington Post office? Answering his unspoken question, she explained:
    “I start next month. I'm taking a break after the Daily Planet. I haven’t have a day off since my last year in high school, I decided a break was in order. So, if it’s not too nosy, why did you decide to divorce this time?”
    This time, Lex held the smile back. He had divorced from Fran a month ago, after a three weeks wedding, and the only things he had heard were “sorry”, apologies, and speeches about how one day he’d find his soulmate. To be honest, his heart had been far from being broken, and he was fed up with all that compassion, most of the time faked. To find someone who wryly congraluted him, who saw the situation with humour and who didn’t pity him felt good. And... he had always loved bantering with her.
    “You’re a reporter. You’re paid to be nosy.”
    “Whatever. So, why?”
    “Actually, she’s the one who decided to divorce.”
    “Really? And why did she give up on Kansas’ most eligible ex-new-bachelor?”
    Hidding the smile that was threatening to show on his face, the billionaire got closer to her over the table and looked deeply into her eyes. Little did she know that she had just given him the opportunity he had been waiting for since the beginning of this conversation. Using the same voice he would have used to announce his coffee’s mug was empty, he simply stated:
    “I called her Chloe.”
    The effect was instantly there: her lips parted slightly to form a stunned “oh!” that didn’t come out, her eyes grew wide with surprise, and she choked on her coffee. He let out a small chuckle while she coughed and tried to regain her senses. Then she was able to form coherent words, emphasizing every single syllabe:
    “Excuse me?”
    His lips still curled up in a smile, he leaned back into his chair and took a sip of the near-burning liquid.
    “Not really at the most appropriate time, if you know what I mean… I think it slightly pissed her off.”
    “You’re kidding me.”
    “What if it wasn’t the case?”
    “If it wasn’t the case, then I’d immediately take you to the hospital to see if they find meteors in your blood.”
    He instantly quitted the light tone he had been using and asked:
    “You want a list?”
    “I’m serious, Chloe.”
    “No, you’re not.”
    “Why do you find it so unbelievable that I could think about you like that?”
    “Hello? It’s me, Lex! Chloe Sullivan, the little sister, remember? Everyone’s best friend. Whether I’m 16 or 25 doesn’t change anything : men don’t think about me like that.”
    “And if I told you that even when you were 16, I used to think about you like that?”
    “Then I’d answer you really should go do those analysis.”

    A single tear rolled on his cheek as he thought about what he had lost the day before, and the last trace of humanity that remained in him flew away with it.

    The end

    So, what do you think about it? I didn't really know where to place it, because I'm not familiar with the categories in english, but I figured romance was as good as any

  2. #2
    Just a Guest!
    hmy: :crygreen:

    Really nicely written, but it definitely belongs in the Angst category instead of Romance.

  3. #3
    NS Full Member
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    04 Nov 2003
    Thanks, I'll know it for next time! :chlexsign4:

  4. #4
    Spunky Chick Senior Member hfce's Avatar
    Join Date
    23 Nov 2002
    Wow that was :crygreen: man.

    "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them. "

  5. #5
    Fic Tease Senior Member Blaire023's Avatar
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    Chesapeake, Va
    *sniffles* That's just sad.

    I mean, you wrote incredibly, great story and all that nonsense, but that was sooooo sad. Definitely angst category.

    Sad, sad, sad.

    And sad.

    Did I mention sad? I think I did, but let me reiterate. Sad.


    Up there, that's me. Just a big frowny face.

    But I loved it none-the-less.

    And please, continue adding to the board.


  6. #6
    Hopelessly Addicted georgee5's Avatar
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    Hudson Bay, SK, CANADA!!!
    So I know in the Marvel unoverse there's no Chloe and Lex, but you make it so sad with her heart getting broken. Generally I can deal with Chloe dying because I know she died loving Lex. But this, I'm bawling my eyes out. Can somebody hand me a tissue please?

  7. #7
    NS Full Member Pieper's Avatar
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    Sad but a great fic.

  8. #8
    Administrator Senior Member Julie's Avatar
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    Please add in a rating in the topic title or description.

    Be sure to follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook for latest updates and news!

  9. #9
    NS Full Member
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    Chicago, Illinois, USA
    Wow. This was a really, really good read moultipass. The reasoning behind Lex’s promise was so tragic. He was just so convinced that he wouldn’t be able to resist the lure of corruption and that nothing and no one could prevent it. He was without hope even before his marriage to Chloe and was already expecting for the relationship to end in doom. I imagine that would have been quite a burden. Such a sad story and wonderfully written. Hope to see more from you.

  10. #10
    NS Full Member Lulucifer's Avatar
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    :crygreen: :crygreen: :crygreen: that was so sad.....but i somehow don't think Lex has lost all his humanity, since he was able to let go of Chloe keep her away from going down with him. If he truly did become like his father, then he'll be selfish and keep Chloe.
    *sob* such a sad story, but great none the less.

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